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Alipay Hangzhou, China

Ashraz Rashid AshrazRashid
Experienced Senior Software Engineer | 7+ Years of Mastery in React Native, JavaScript, Node.js, C#, .NET & More!


Nho Luong nholuongut
💁Vietnam DevOps Engineer Lead🇻🇳🇻🇳🇻🇳 🇻🇳🇻🇳🇻🇳🇻🇳🇻🇳Vietnam Timeless Charm 🥰Enjoy Every Moment 🇻🇳🇻🇳🇻🇳🇻🇳🇻🇳🇻🇳🇻🇳😜Good Vibes Only

DevOps and Platform Services Lead From Ho Chi Minh City, Viet Nam

ChunFuWu wuchunfu
Open Source Enthusiast; Committer of @apache SeaTunnel; Contributor of @apache DolphinScheduler, and etc. BigData, CloudNative, DevOps


Shabbir Hasan ShabbirHasan1
Electrical Engineer


Hans Molenaar niobion
Independent Software Consultant, Engineer and Architect

Niobion Amsterdam

Nazzari n4zz4r1
keywords: hacking, coding, gaming, beer

São Paulo, Brasil

Shashank Priyadarshi shashank-priyadarshi
Engineering grad 2021. Web Dev.

Nasdaq Pune

Shane Mendez sshmendez
Freelance Software Developer and lover of automation
TzuYi Chao tzuyichao
Apprentice Software Developer


ringsaturn ringsaturn

@caiyunapp Beijing

Kiran kirancse507

Hyderabad, India

Andrei Silviu Dragnea andreisilviudragnea
🦀 Senior Rust Software Engineer • Contractor • Freelancer | Using Rust to build highly scalable web apps

Bucharest, Romania

dani danthelion
I make useful and useless stuff.


Zhongqiu Zhao belltoy
Software Engineer

Hangzhou, China

Tim t-smirnov
Senior Engineering Manager | Interested in search, backend & .NET.

Holland and Barrett Valencia

bloc13k bloc13k
blockchain developer
James C. McPherson jmcp
Software engineer, systems programmer, cyclist. Python and C. Unix (mostly Solaris) for aeons. I'm in Brisbane, Australia and work remotely.

Brisbane, Australia

T Kumagai friendbear
💧Love☕️/Gadget/Programming Rust, Scala, Java, C++, C, Basic, etc... Second account: @github-friendbear

@cruise-group @cruise-group-org Japan