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Elías Coll EliasColl
Nickname: El Auténtico 😎 | Level: Trainee ⚙️🔧 (Studing in IES Clara del Rey, Madrid)


Hacker. Rustacean. Sleepy.

Paraíba, Brazil

Mr. Giancarlo Colfer giancarlocolfer
Experienced full-stack developer adept at delivering innovative, high-quality solutions that drive business growth and enhance user experiences.

Affinity Media & Publishing Group, LLC The United States of America

linq kapilavashtu
sex with computer


Carolina Savian CarolSavian
Full Stack Python developer in training at EBAC. I'm master in Biochemical Engineering.

Montes Claros - MG

Jesús Ayús jesusAG28
👨‍💻 Digitalizador de Negocios | Creador de soluciones que transforman empresas y crean valor en la era digital.

@conwork Alicante, Alicante, Spain

42 LeXwDeX
42 42 42

Haleigh Lamoreux HALEUX
Software Engineer | Web Designer | Digital Nomad 3+ years | Exploring creativity, tech & location freedom

Athens, Greece

LagMaker Lagmaker
Go kitty, go kitty Go kitty, go, and just Ride kitty, ride kitty Ride kitty, roll


Damien DamienLee2017
My name is Damien, I am a college student and most of the time I have to study. I enjoy rap and dancing, as well as playing basketball.
Nicolas Kennedy ChaosHard08
20y, frontend developer, beginner.
007 sqwu
iOS Engineer, founder, China WeChat: menghang007
Gilles bgwilf

Fort Washington

João Casimiro joaocasimirodev
Game Developer, mostly work with Unity and the Unreal engine.


Cem B cmbgcc
Interaction Designer | Cinematic Designer

Illusion Lab

Vladyslav Shevchenko astrochemx
Science & Technology

Hobbyist Universe

usr/local usrloca1
stop watching me from my computer
José Arnulfo R. H. yosef7
Data Love | Code or Die

JARH Panamá

Hadiza Muhammed Thedeezat
Code enthusiast 💻


Oğulcan Bayram bayramog

@microsoft Istanbul, Turkey