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PowJ2 jsqu4re
making robots

Magazino GmbH

Vishal austinvishal
Formerly at RTECH-IIT working on Rehabilitation robots | Kinematics | Motion Planning | Manipulation | Geometry | Trajectory Optimization | Robotics Educator


Robotics Software Engineer
M.Sc. Thesis Student Fraunhofer IPA @ipa320 | MS. Automation & Robotics @tu-dortmund

Stuttgart, Germany

Omair Khalid omair-khalid
Graduate - Masters in Vision and Robotics (VIBOT)
Gautam Dobariya gauti1311


Kenta Kato KentaKato

@VariousRobotics Tokyo, Japan

Abdallah Nomeer nomeera
Robotics Software Engineer

Higher Technological Institute (HTI) Egypt

Mostafa Metwaly Othman mostafa-metwaly
Robotics Engineer

Rapyuta Robotics Tokyo

Chen Yao crankler
There is a rapture on the lonely shore

HIT / HITSZ / SUSTech Shenzhen

perception | autonomous driving | mobile robotics
Dhivin Davis Dhivin
Senior Robotics Engineer at Lionsbot International

Lionsbot International Singapore

Mohamed Hassan mohamedsayed18
Robotics software engineer