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Jake Kronika gridlined

Gridline Design & Development Lakewood, WA

Vishal vishim

London, UK

pzdrk id-2

@yolorollo @ton-bot @pizdarikihq @hummingcraft @webmindapp @jetrover @christofari human in the loop

Andres Riofrio ariofrio

@ColdRiverStudio Boston, MA

Cedric douyixuan
A slow walker. Dream to make a big difference one day.


Anima C13L animaone
Hamilton Mendes: Researcher, OpenSourcerer, ProGrammer, HardwareHacker
David Blue extratone
Self-described Software Historian (and lapsed auto journalist,) writing in public via GitHub and here to help. If I've screwed up, tell me! (Please)

@softwarehistorysociety Columbia, Missouri

Jeff Dlouhy jeffd

Tamper LLC Paris, France

Bret yobretyo
learning Code
Tanvir Raj tanvirraj
Product Engineer

@buttondown Dhaka

Deepak bhardwaj iamdeepak199
C++ | Datastructures & Algorithm | Python | JavaScript | Css | Html | Dbms

vivekananda institute of professional studies New Delhi

Siwat Kaolueng perjerz
Bet on web technology


phh95 phh95

好个科技有限公司 Shenzhen,China

Matías Agustín Méndez matagus
#django #python #rust

Chicago, IL

Casey Gollan caseyg

UX Research Insights + Engagement at @IBM Brooklyn, NY

Taylor Hodge jthodge
Bricoleur, Gardener

Los Angeles, CA

pursuing opportunities! always learning! I like the reasonable "in your pocket" solution for managing, WITHIN REASON.
