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Guillaume Claret clarus
Security researcher at @formal-land 🌲 for Web3 applications Applying the 🐓 proof system to find all the vulnerabilities.

Formal Land Paris

dunxen dunxen
PGP: 9484 44FC E03B 05BA 5AB0 591E C37B 1C1D 44C7 86EE ₿

@nexedworks South Africa

Meow LinuxJS
I code in Python. Will work in @vivasoft-ltd


Andres Moreno Vasquez andriusmv
GIS weirdo | architecture & urban planning | ArcGIS Pro monkey | global development person | drone pilot | JavaScript & Python for ArcGIS

@EL-BID Washington, DC

Peter DB2OS db2os
member of @amsat-dl

@amsat-dl Germany

Kutluhan Azaflı kutluhanazafli
He never screams. Even after the dog has its fill and his guts are hanging out, he never screams.


Sourav Ghosh Souravius1234
Aerospace Engineer | Dynamics and Control | Space Flight Mechanics | Aerodynamics

The University of Tokyo 2024-26 Tokyo, Japan

Jian Wang apkpai
student of Chang'an University,@jian Wang

Chang'an University zhengzhou

Andrew Bathurst bathursa
I am an Engineering Graduate Student at UCCS focusing on astrodynamics, spacecraft attitude control, and satellite mission design.
yuanhong naonaoyh Guangzhou, China

Tokoro tokoro10g
Robotics Software Engineer / Control Engineer

GITAI USA Inc. Los Angeles

ringsaturn ringsaturn

@caiyunapp Beijing

HorrorPills HorrorPills
Rafal Mioduszewski |

Gdansk, Poland

Dr. Hunter Thompson Lockwood HunterLockwood
Nonnative linguist working for Native people (Myaamia Center, Miami University)

Myaamia Center at Miami University Cincinnati, OH

Alessandro G. Magnasco amagnasco
Data Scientist for hire :)

Ask me localhost

Ishan Marikar ishan-marikar
I like making things, building infrastructure, reverse engineering and protocol design. Autodidact and Mad Scientist


Philip Linden philiplinden
Do good, be collaborative, dream big, strive for openness, and take pride in every task.

@openlunar, @planetlabs, @Official-MoonDao, @Brickworks Earth

Ethan Johnston rocketstrong600
I like to experiment with embedded electronics
Jorge Martínez jorgepiloto
Aerospace engineer interested in computational astrodynamics. Linux aficionado.

@ansys @poliastro Gaia, Sayshell Sector

Ryan Tse rytse
Research Eng @MaticianInc // Former Radar Eng @ Nuro // ECE Grad Student

Matic Robots Mountain View, CA

Moritz mclrc
Learning all I can.

Funemployed Berlin, Germany

Soc Virnyl S. Estela uncomfyhalomacro
I just want to code and code and build stuff in @rust-lang and @JuliaLang 🫂

TRIBE Philippines

Henry Merrilees hmerrilees

Chicago, IL + Claremont, CA