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Meow LinuxJS
I code in Python. Will work in @vivasoft-ltd


Aykut Çayır aykutcayir34
I am a deep learning researcher in the cybersecurity domain. My PhD. thesis focuses on imbalanced malware type classification with Capsule Nets.

T.C. Kadir Has Üniversitesi Istanbul

HAMZA GÜNDÜZ hgunduztech
🚀 Data Scientist | AI & Data Science Enthusiast 💻 Junior Flutter Developer ANKARA ÜNİVERSİTESİ


QSLee-Net QSLee-Net
There is light at the end of the tunnel.

CASIC Harbin

Leyla TÜLÜ leylatulu
Data Scientist | AI & Data Science


Ömer Geysoğlu OmerGeysoglu
Computer Vision Engineer, studying at Marmara University


Adam Erickson admercs
Founder of @nervosys; Early co-founder of Wingcopter; Pioneer of AI for Earth science, hybrid AI land models. Where Software <> Hardware.

@nervosys Earth

Data Scientist at Beymen Group

Beymen Group Turkey

Ebru ASLAN ebruaslan

Hedef Grup İstanbul

Maksym champion10874
Full Stack Developer | AI Engineer
Emre Ozan Memis EmreOzanMemis
Microsoft MVP awards for 5 consecutive years | Microsoft Certified Trainer for 4 consecutive years | Solution Manager @obss | @Azure MVP

Solution Manager at OBSS Turkey

Trần Quốc Khánh

Posts and Telecommunications Institute of Technology Hà Nội, Việt Nam

Eyüp Gevenim eyupgevenim
Software Developer

OBSS Istanbul, Turkey

Qianqian Zhang Laulen
PhD in Applied Computer Technology in progress ·Multimodal ·Small Target Detection ·Model Lightweighting ·Video Compression ·Model Efficient Deployment

中国科学院大学 北京

Muhammed Fatih Yıldırım fatihyldrmm
Computer Engineering Student

Sakarya University

Fatih HAŞLAK Fatih-Haslak
Artificial Intelligence and Computer Vision Engineer İstanbul

Nisa Neretva nisaneretva
My last year in Computer Engineering. I am interested in artificial intelligence and Web-based projects and I do research on these fields.


Zhao JIe Jerrisk
Computer vision, Recommendation System, NLP

Tongji University Hangzhou, China

sc0v0ne sc0v0ne
AI/ML Engineer and Tech Writer

Clippers_fxy fxyfengxiaoyi

WHU 武汉

Kemal MANDACI kmlmndc

Çerkezköy OSB Tekirdağ

mustafa can uslu pathintegral
data meister & gnu/linux enthusiast

TurkNet Istanbul

Jovine Mutelani jovyinny
Python dev | Electronics Enthusiastic

Dar es salaam,Tanzania

Rudger Rud5G
Enthusiastic Cloud Engineer. Automate everything!

@TripleNetworks Rotterdam, NL

Frank Huang Explorerhpx

University of Michigan Ann Arbor, MI

Süleyman Sevimli suleymansevimli

@Codeart-ist Ankara / Turkey