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Aman Shrivastava aman4433
Cloud Engineer

Red Hat India

N-Tranced n-tranced Canada

ERCAN CANLIER ercancanlier
Cloud Architect@IBM

IBM İstanbul

Paul Bastide prb112
IBMer and Red Hat Partner Engineer @IBM

Red Hat Massachusetts

Craig Robinson cragr

Red Hat NC - Remote

Luca luca-af
Someone somewhere, doing something


Atanas Yourdanov yourdanov
IBM Power Systems Product Engineer

IBM Sofia

Anup Kodlekere anup-kodlekere
Linux on Power Ecosystem Development for IBM

Persistent Systems Goa

TilahunMengistu tilez8
a system administrator, with expertise in middleware applications and various Redhat products(IIB, IBM MQ, IBM WAS, RedHat Linux OS, RedHat OpenShift).

CBE Ethiopia, Addis Ababa

Jose Leonardo Alvarez nanox
Technical Account Manager, DevOps, SRE, Cloud Engineer, Red Hat Delivery Specialist, Linux Expert

SmartQubit S.A.S. Cali, Colombia

Andre Lucas Falco alfalco

Curitiba - Parana - Brazil