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adreson adreson


Thiago Morais thiagomorais87

@saldaterrago Goiânia - GO

Fabiano Weimar xiru
Spare time NP-hard problem solver.

Florianópolis, Santa Catarina, Brasil

Waldeyr Mendes Cordeiro da Silva waldeyr
Computer Science; Data analysis; Ph.D. Biological Sciences (Bioinformatics) ; MS.c. Informatics; Software development at

Presidência da República Brasília-Bra

Hellyson Ferreira Hellyson-Ferreira
Computer science student and Backend developer

@puzzlsoftwarehouse and @unhideschool Caxias, Maranhão, Brazil


São Paulo

Fellipão Castro fellipaocastro
Explicit is better than implicit. Simple is better than complex. Complex is better than complicated.
Lucas Matheus lucasmatheus001
🎓 Ciência da Computação - 7º período 👨🏻‍💻 Desenvolvedor Front-End (Web Developer - Javascript,React.Js, Next.Js)

Teresina - Piaui

André Rocha rochamatcomp
Bachelor in computational mathematics specialized in geoprocessing. Systems developer with spatial statistics, data science, risk modeling to climate changes

Belo Horizonte

Felipe Soares Barbosa Silveira Felipebros Tabnews:

Iturama/MG - Brasil

Peterson Passos PetersonJFP

Gravataí - Rio Grande do Sul - Brasil

Doutor em Cognição e Linguagem (Novas Tecnologias da Informação)-UENF. Bacharel em Ciência da Computação.


Tácio Souza taciosouzaoliveira
SysAdmin | Linux | Kubernetes | Cloud

Aracaju - Se | Brasil

Mauro Amico mamico
CTO @RedTurtle Computer program composer, producer, arranger and director. Area of specialty is www (although I also worked in a variety of genres).


Emerson Delatorre fazedordecodigo
Senior Software Engineer

@luizalabs Maricá, RJ, BR

Lucas Souza lsouza32
Desenvolvedor Fullstack | Engenharia de Computação | ReactJS | JavaScript | TypeScript | NodeJS | NextJS | Tailwind CSS | ReactNative | Git

Apucarana - PR

Carlos Frederico Silva de Oliveira fredericovsk
I am passionate about language, art, and communication - in that exact order. Language has transformed my life, unraveling the mystery behind the areas I admire

Rio Branco - AC, Brazil

Leonardo J. Caballero G. macagua
Venezuelan Engineer, @plone Developer, Python, Zope, Flask, @odoo, @django, Linux, Free Software, Open source. @plone-ve community Co-founder

Plone Venezuela Libertador, Mérida, Venezuela

Ramiro Batista da Luz ramiroluz

Câmara Municipal de Curitiba Câmara Municipal de Curitiba

Antonio Carlos Peron Junior acpj21

Câmara Municipal de Curitiba Curitiba, PR, Brazil

Érico Andrei ericof
Python Software Foundation Fellow, former Plone Foundation President, cookiecutter contributor.

@plone São Paulo, Brazil

Felipe Lustosa flustosa
Starting a devops journey
Joao Henrique Gouveia jhgouveia

Senado Federal Brasilia, DF, Brazil