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Peichao Li Peichao

Zhejiang University Hangzhou, China

Meow LinuxJS
I code in Python. Will work in @vivasoft-ltd


Simone Poggesi spoggesi
Research officer at Food Experience and Sensory Tasting Laboratory (FEAST) - Massey university - NZ

Massey university Palmerston North

Sandeep jindal sandeepjindal
Out of Curiosity. e^(pi * i) = 1

Hellofresh Berlin

wei cheng ElegantGod

Infinova ShenZheng

Avi Mehrotra aviator1505
Psychology & Kinesiology Graduate Student studying gaze behaviour, eye-head-body coordination and working memory use.

Brain, Attention, and Reality Lab Dept of Psychology, University of British Columbia

Josh Woller syntheticdinosaur
Neuroscientist. Neurostimulation, EEG, fMRI, Intraoperative Electrophysiology.

Karl Eberhards University Tübingen

Julian Chu juliantcchu
Full Stack Web / Mobile development || Machine Learning || Currently studying CS & CogSci at Stanford
Rocco Versace versacerocco

Alma Mater Studiorum Università di Bologna Bologna, Italy

Nick Xiang nickxiang0306
learner of mobile robotics, SLAM

Chengdu, China

Nathakit Sae-Tan nathakits
Digital artist / UI/UX / Front End Dev Product designer @ Pupil Labs

@pupil-labs Bangkok

Miguel Xochicale, PhD mxochicale
Sr Research Engineer @UCL-ARC, previously postdoc @KCL-BMEIS. Passion for real-time AI, Medical Imaging Synthesis, MedTech, MedRobotics & Clinical Translation

University College London London/Oxford, UK

Elizabeth Hall ehhall
grad @ uc davis center for mind & brain. researching visual perception of 3D space.
psbiomech psbiomech
Computational biomechanist. Part-time stay-at-home dad. Trail and ultra running.

Melbourne, Australia

Valerio Villani PHJT003
PhD Student at Royal Holloway University of London investigating the relationship between interoception and social cognition. Member of Lab of Action and Body.

@RHULPsychology United Kingdom

// TODO: Add a bio # TODO: Add a bio
jiazhuang jzsherlock4869

Tsinghua university Haidian District, Beijing, PRC

Vishwesh vishwesh-vishwesh
I try to explain artificial intelligence

Webapt Solutions Karnataka


University of Hannover, Qualisys

大地小神 qrsforever
Try try ... never say die.

Edge AI BeiJing

Pho Hale CommanderPho
Check out my website at
Gustavo Adolpho Bonesso gbonesso

Singleton Sistemas Jacareí

Tobias Wagner wgnrto
PhD student in HCI @ Ulm University
Deznyc Walton Deznyc1222

Dallas TX

Luis Baute lbaute
Experienced LabVIEW and TestStand developer. Python enthusiast learning Image Processing

Konrad Technologies Farmington Hills, MI

Daniele Lozzi danielelozzi
Graduate in Neuro/Cognitive Psychology - PhD student Information and Communication Technology @UnivAQ

University of L'Aquila L'Aquila