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House of Cybersecurity houseofcybersecurity
Never let anyone tell you that your story isn't worth sharing.

Reverse Engineer - Vulnerability Researcher Eastern South America, bordering the Atlantic Ocean

Meow LinuxJS
I code in Python. Will work in @vivasoft-ltd


Isaac Fernandes Eyezuhk
Eternal learner.

Fortaleza, Ceará, Brasil

Firzan Irfandi Firman irfandey
Information Security Analyst | Keep smiling, and be kind!

Planet Earth

Han O'Connor hanoconnor
Cybersecurity professional with an unhealthy love of Batman, @CodeFirstGirls Lead Instructor | Python | SQL | JavaScript


Stewart R Sykes srsykes00

CFC Response / Solis Security

Maximiliano Alvarez Oulki
Im IT Professional who is passionate about tech.
Yosvany Hernandez Hernandez yhernandezh93
Data Processing Science Master's Student at Universidad Autonoma de Zacatecas
Sami Kivelä logossami
I study and learn stuff.


Madeleine Rabitoy RabbitAtHope
🐉 Systems manager for servers and resident cybersecurity fanatic at Hope College CIT. Python enthusiast. Whitehat. General mischief maker.

Hope College Holland, MI

Mauro Risonho de Paula Assumpção firebitsbr
Pencil/Paper, Algorithm, Telex, Sharp ELSI MATE IEL-8016R(my mother's calculator), AppleII, MSX2, Pentium 75Mhz ... IBM Quantum. Transcending Digitally...

Universe Universe

James R T jamestiotio
"Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic." - Sir Arthur Charles Clarke

@facebook The edge of knowing

Alejandra Valdes Pizarro avpizarro
Junior Full Stack Developer

Melbourne, VIC

antoine cletqui
cybersec engineer, web dev enthusiast

cybersecurity consulting ::1/128