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Syed Jawad Bin Azam abid365
CS undergrad and Passionate About Autonomous Drone Delivery.

BrownBrickIo Bangladesh

Rodrigo Isaias Calix schemetastic
When i was a kid i got interested in programming, at some point i fell in love of web design. currently I'm a passionate front-end dev.


Frederik Lefevre fslefevre78

SoftwareONE The Netherlands

LukeZ The-LukeZ
I'm a 20 yo drummer and student from Germany.


Jose Luis Maturana matrs
Biotecnology ⥂ Bioinformatics ⥂ Informatics
Eduardo Mosko eduardomosko

EmpreendeLab Curitiba

Jason eatsleepdeploy
Web Developer

Manchester, UK

Artin karimi Thecode764
Front end developer. @vercel fan, I love @nextjs , linux fan, i use @pnpm , i use @tailwindlabs, i use @primer

Thecode764 /Home/Earth/Iran/Gilan/Rasht


abawo Germany

Ironcg20 ironcg20
Full-Stack | Blockchain | AI
Niag Alves niagalves

@SoftdesignBrasil Brazil

Ismail Zouaoui ZSmain
Software Developer

Advanced Smart Tech Blida, Algeria

Marco Mauricio msmauric
lanky man child

Opensense San Francisco, CA

Ryan Legler ryanlegler

sprinklr portland OR

Yi Zhe Ang yizhe-ang
@scmp-graphics AI, Interfaces, Data Visualization, Visual Storytelling 🖲️

South China Morning Post Singapore

Kieran Boyle dysfunc
Maintainer of @sveltestrap. Creator of @svelte-plugins. Contributor to many. Engineerd for life.

Opensense San Francisco