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Currently at @lightbug-io Also @wikimedia volunteer developer @wbstack creator la la la. code code code

@lightbug-io UK

Shubham Nandi ShubhamNandi

@rigbetellabs Pune India

杨李俊 Sophos-Yang
PPP/RTK/INS for Lowcost Device ,Deep Learning for atmosphere

中森通信 长沙

James R T jamestiotio
"Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic." - Sir Arthur Charles Clarke

@facebook The edge of knowing

Sebastian Müller sbmueller
Software Architect (C++) for precise automotive GNSS positioning 🛰️

@swift-nav Germany

Mahmoud Ali mahmoud-a-ali
PhD student at Intelligent Systems Engineering Dept., Indiana University

@iu-vail Bloomington, IN - USA

Potadar , Vinayak Vinayak911dj
I am currently studying at Hochschule Bremerhaven, I have work experience of 3 years at IIT Bombay as a research assistant at system and control dept.


Lucas Le lucasle-sn
Embedded Software Engineer

Swift Navigation Melbourne, Australia

Ziyang Qu MoonIllusion
GNSS Algorithm Engineer

Wuhan University Wuhan, China

Han chen chenhan-sz

SwiftNavi Suzhou

Adnan Ahmed adnahmed
Computer Scientist

Islamabad, Pakistan

Xavier Groleau xgroleau
Firmware engineer @GoChromatic. Embedded⚡, Rust 🦀, Nix ❄️ and keyboard ⌨️ enthusiast.

GoChromatic Quebec, Canada



Antoine Grenier agrenier-gnss
Doctoral research in GNSS positioning and low power consumption.

Tampere University Finland

CodingNinja prashish14
I am a Full stack developer. I have developed projects in Java, SpringBoot, Angular JS, Angular 1.x, React JS , Node JS , Javascript. Rest Services , JSON,

JP Morgan Chase USA

DA WANG dadawang
GNSS/INS indoor/outdoor positioning and navigation

Calgary, Canada