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Gabriel Borges devgabrielsborges
Full-Stack Developer | Angular | Typescript | FastAPI | Flask | SQLite3 | Web Scraping | Task Automation | RPA | CS50's Certificate | Computer Engineering

Escola Politécnica de Pernambuco (UPE) Recife, Brazil

Nicholas Saraiva Agiliis
Computer Engineering student at POLI/UPE || Competitive Programmer || Future researcher (and drummer)

Escola Politécnica de Pernambuco - UPE Recife, Brasil

Luis Carlos Alves de Oliveira luiscarlos-ao
Brazilian, from Brasilia-DF, i work with IT (CyberSecurity), Ethical Hacking, passionate about electronic games, video games and e-sports.

Alltech Technology Solutions Brasil, Brasília-DF

Tiago Rôxo roxootiago
👨🏻‍💻Dev Web in training

Recife - Pe

Matheus dejardim

Recife, Pernambuco

tandera entr0pie
20yo / Cybersecurity Enthusiast
Letícia Helena Candido lettymoon
Software Engineer

@IBM Brazil

Thais Porcíuncula Mesquita metsumesquita
crystal children


Álef Silva Rodrigues AlefSRGS
Estudante de Ciência da computação na UNICAP
Walter Alves Walt009
My name is Walter Alves, I live in Recife - PE, I'm a Telecommunications Engineering student - UPE, I'm a Front-End Developer and Computer Network Technician.
Malditos hackers ...
Computer Science Bachelor Student at UFPE

Recife, PE - Brasil

Nathalia Barbosa nathaliafab
Graduanda em Engenharia da Computação no @cin-ufpe

Pernambuco, Brazil

Antonio aplneto
Cyber Security Analyst, RPG Enthusiast, CTF Developer


Domingos Savio Domingos-Savio-Jr
Reno Costa Alencar renoalencar
Residente em Virtualização de Redes na UPE - Fitec/Nokia

Pernambuco, Brasil

Luiz França Luiz-Soft
Computer engineering student and front-end web developer.

Universidade de Coimbra - D.E.I. Recife

Matheus Phelipe matheusphalves
Software Engineer


Rodrigo Lira rodrigoclira
Professor @ifpe-paulista

@ifpe-paulista Olinda, Brazil

William Alves Sevlak
Computer engineer, pretending to code and studying all kinds of stuff.

Recife, Brazil

Lucas Henrique LucasHenrique-dev

Universidade de Pernambuco (UPE) Recife/PE- Brazil

Pedro Gabriel Lima pedrogabrielLima
Computer Engineering student. As a security measure, the majority repositories of this profile are private, if you want more information, send me a message.
