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Brex Alloneway30
A lone programmer bent on learning how to navigate and accept mentorship.

productive builds Topeka, KS

Netnimit Sonchin netnimit1998 @whale52bi

netnimit1998 กรุงเทพ

Barry Myburgh bright-spark
innovative thinkers making digital creations at global scale crafting and other artefacts #!/bin/bash/smash ひ signed #notsilent ➰ !endlessloop /dev

@inventinred Johannesburg, South Africa

Wanwisa srimuang* Accuweaty24

Ask, bloomberg, Google 🇪🇺

Shashank Gulati shshnkg
Follows topics in economics, python and natural language processing.
Bart van der Braak bartvdbraak
DevOps and Platform engineering enthusiast that enjoys the realm of free and open source software and helping others. Currently at Blender.

@blender The Netherlands

Ahmadreza Ahmadrezalbs
Front-end developer

Iran, Tehran

chris fung chris-fung
Study to be what you wish to seem.


pzdrk id-2

@yolorollo @ton-bot @pizdarikihq @hummingcraft @webmindapp @jetrover @christofari human in the loop

SeeMee1488 SeemeGo1488
Student currently trying to just see where I fall into place in this world

Mountain City, TN

Ahmed Elsokary Elsokary22

@تراند اخبار وهزار

Tarek El-Eter teleter
Security Engineer - Incident Response @mozilla

@mozilla London, UK

Tao Lumither


Jake Nesom jakeNesom
Full Stack Dev

Sacramento, CA

Marcel Raschke MarcelRaschke
@aaronsw @devcode1981 @⚜️{.:*M3•0N*:.}⚜️ @@®† @CY8ER @47-studio-org @matrix-org @c0wc0d3

{.:*M3•0N*:.} @meonBot @devcode1981 @cy8er @47-studio-org @®† 8600 Dübendorf, Zürich, Switzerland

Hope Hoppeful
Teaching Assistant at the Department of Computer Science and Computer Engineering

University of Ghana Accra Ghana

Cyrus Bond cyrusbond
Buy the ticket, take the ride.

Arkansas, United States of America

WeitingChen WeiTing1991
Software developer | Researcher

ETH Zurich; MESH AG Zurich

Alexandre Nicastro AlexxNica
Platforms • Ecosystems • Communities


LACROIX jonathanLacroixx

L@cNet Lyaud, France

Ajmal Muhammed ajmalmohammedn
Python Enthusiast

Wisetalkies Kochi,Kerala,India

mistertest mistertest
Hi guys. I'm a professional french Developer passionate about Tech and Cloud Gaming of course. I love challenge and I'm ready for awesome projects and level up.

Freelancer France

Calcody-Lee Mcneill PinkDiamond1

Polybest Holding B.V. helm repo add twingate