Releases: oroinc/crm-application
Releases · oroinc/crm-application
Release Notes
List of new features and improvements
Platform and OroCRM:
- Office 365 Tasks Integration (CRM-9255)
- Grid filters accessible by the keyboard (BB-18755)
- Symfony console command to sanitize WYSIWYG style fields (BB-20807)
- Improved performance of Oro\Component\PhpUtils\ClassLoader (BAP-19855)
- Locked symfony/yaml package to version 4.4.26 (BAP-20741)
- Code style cleanup. Removed @param and @return PHPDoc tags if they don't provide any extra information (BAP-20688)
List of fixed issues
- Impossible to turn off twig cache (BAP-20794)
- UI controls disappeared with browser update (BAP-20740)
- Initializing doctrine Inflector as new object performance problem (BAP-20732)
- Tag are not displayed and cannot be edited in My Emails grid (BAP-20724)
- Installer can't find installed Libraries jpegoptim and pngquant (BAP-20715)
- Installation fails on "Check system requirements" step when using Redis cluster (BAP-20699)
- Root job status calculator may produce duplicated dependent jobs (BAP-20686)
- Excessive data hydrations in navigation menu rendering (BAP-20535)
- Email template plain text editor removes some diacritic characters (BAP-20469)
- File entity "filename" column is nullable (BAP-20206)
- Office 365 Calendar Integration (fixed Re-process failed events, Process 410 response code, added custom headers to iterators, added transformer for HTML body content) (CRM-9242)
- Imap Email Sync setup is out of order (CRM-9313)
- LDAP Orphan Users Removal doesn't work with MySQL (CRM-9308)
- Double invitations to all the attendees during Microsoft 365 sync (CRM-9307)
- Mass delete action do not trigger integration actions (CRM-9301)
- Initial Microsoft Integration configuration saving erases its checkboxes values (CRM-9299)
- LDAP integration doesn't disable removed users (CRM-9254)
- New entity added to existing channel is not visible in channel menu without rebuilding cache (CRM-9244)
- Zendesk sync fails (BAP-19662)
- Associated account name cannot be used in opportunity email template (BAP-15117)
Release Notes
List of fixed issues and improvements
New features and improvements
- Implemented Office 365 Calendar Integration
- Upgraded Symfony to 4.4.24+
- Added a check of the required system components at the beginning of the Oro installation
- Added stylelint configuration to 4.2 version
- Allowed disabling the babel with the yaml configuration
- Implemented check definition of file managers services for import files
List of fixed issues
- Fixed possible out of memory exception in SendImportNotificationMessageProcessor
- Fixed some Redis cache eviction configurations may corrupt workflow transitions and process triggers cache
- Fixed Office365 integration cannot process OAuth tokens longer than 2048 bytes
- Fixed non-unique enum value translations prevent showing some product variants
- Fixed incorrect output encoding from WYSIWYGValidator/ErrorCollector
Release Notes
List of fixed issues and improvements
New features and improvements
- Added PHP 8 Support
- Added RTL support for the Management Console
- Import performance optimizations
- Implemented CLI command for 4.1 LTS files migration to 4.2 LTS file storage
- Implemented CLI command for multi-host operation execution
- Updated documentation for sessions lock and files storage
- Upgraded composer/composer to 2.0.13
- Upgraded Javascript dependencies
- Upgraded phpseclib/phpseclib
- Upgraded TinyMCE editor to the latest version
List of fixed issues
- Fixed date picker in datagrid filters slipped to top in narrow browser window
- Fixed filters are not applied to grouped columns in reports
- Fixed email template plain text editor removes some diacritic characters
- Fixed incorrect tags visibility across organizations
- Fixed export of report only repeats the first batch of records multiple times
- Fixed incorrect API request JSON data validation message
- Fixed duplicated processing of changed field for DataAudit
- Fixed provide way to execute datagrid navigation actions with opening URL in new tab
- Fixed incorrect translation key for OperationAlreadyExistsException
- Fixed temporary files are stored forever when using gaufrette adapter
- Fixed impossible to enable API for entity disabled in Resources/config/oro/entity.yml
- Fixed the meta properties are ignored in POST and PATCH API requests
- Fixed wrong breadcrumbs path in RTL mode
- Fixed unhighlight validation error leads to JS error in dev console
- Fixed doubled icons of maximize main menu
- Fixed empty blocks in layout caches when cache expires in the same web request
- Fixed dotmailer export status update stucks
- Fixed incorrect calendar event visibility across organizations
Release Notes
List of fixed issues and improvements
New features and improvements
- Allowed managing SameSite cookie value
List of fixed issues
- Fixed not found pages should not produce errors in logs
- Fixed use batches for Data Audit inverse relation processing
- Fixed Oauth application is not created after upgrade from 4.1.x to 4.2.x
Release Notes
List of fixed issues and improvements
New features and improvements
- Extended error handling in ApiBundle
- Implemented not fractional percent data type in API
- Added possibility to replace titles of API errors
- Upgraded PhpUnit to 9.5
- Upgraded laminas-mime to 2.8.0
- Upgraded theofidry/alice-data-fixtures to 1.4.0
- Upgraded nelmio/security-bundle to 2.10.2
- Upgraded nette/php-generator 3.5.3
- Upgrade stof/doctrine-extensions-bundle to 1.6.0
- Updated Google Maps loader
- Created a range validator for percentage values
- Created documentation for X-Localization-ID and X-Currency headers for Storefront API
- Minor upgrades of PHP dependencies to simplify feature PHP 8 support
List of fixed issues
- Fixed storage type unexpectedly changes from "table column" to "serialized field" when editing entity fields
- Fixed doctrine:schema:validate returns error
- Fixed Boolean fields cannot be added to search index
- Fixed incorrect root job status calculation
- Fixed 500 Internal server error at attempt to generate an OAuth access token for Password grant application type with incorrect client_id
- Fixed Schema Update fails after reducing column size for custom fields
- Fixed New Attribute data audit log shows wrong attribute state
- Fixed using a command oro:entity-extend:update-config out of schema update context
- Fixed impossible to create a report using filter with multiple condition groups applied to related entities
- Fixed locale column size is too short in oro_address_type_translation table
- Fixed JS error on email expanding in entity activity section
- Fixed serialized fields do not work with multi-host operations
- Fixed Datagrid Date Filter unnecessarily applies timezone
- Fixed lcobucci/jwt package requires ext-sodium php extension
- Fixed mistakes in documentation of API resources
- Fixed inline editing validation stop working after page reload
- Fixed PhpDoc mismatch and syntax errors
- Removed Oro\Bundle\TranslationBundle\Extractor\PhpCodeExtractor in favor of Symfony\Component\Translation\Extractor\PhpExtractor
Release Notes
List of fixed issues and improvements
New features and improvements
- Implemented not fractional percent data type in API
- Added Multihost operations support for translations cache
- Added possibility to replace titles of API errors
- Created a range validator for percentage values
- Drop dependency to the file-system npm package
- Published fork of jquery.uniform package with updated jquery version in requirements
- Upgraded TinyMCE text editor to the latest version
- Updated jquery-validation library from 1.16.0 to 1.19.3
- Refactored query designer and segmentation functionality to make it independent from single entity choice control
- Decoupled Query Designer Filters from Forms
List of fixed issues
- Fixed JSON API "include" works wrong for entities with "exclusion_policy: all"
- Fixed product attribute statuses are incorrectly after import
- Fixed Nested entities breadcrumbs are missed on reports creation form's "Column" dropdown
- Fixed Zendesk sync fails
- Fixed storage type unexpectedly changes from "table column" to "serialized field" when editing entity fields
- Fixed incorrect label for "Money" attribute type
- Fixed doctrine:schema:validate returns error
- Fixed Grid filter by EntityFieldFallback relation field contains all values in a drop-down
- Fixed boolean fields cannot be added to search index
- Fixed storefront landing page API exposes non-rendered Twig instructions and internal fields
- Fixed incorrect root job status calculation
- Fixed replace logical exception to log error message in localization fallback trait
- Fixed customer user cannot update own profile via storefront API
- Fixed use "Accept" header instead of "Content-Type" in API GET requests
- Fixed Forgot Password Message Format
- Fixed breadcrumbs not visible in report designer when entity relations used
- Fixed excessive tags are added to code in WYSIWYG editor
- Fixed Text block in WYSIWYG editor is not editable after file adding
- Fixed wrong logging level used by default
- Fixed deprecation messages in API response
- Fixed Webpack builder should utilize system version parameter for links to external files
- Fixed 500 Internal server error at attempt to generate an OAuth access token for Password grant application type with incorrect client_id
- Fixed header and footer paginators stick together in resized window
- Fixed Incorrect user avatar source is used on the profile page in back-office
- Fixed Symfony toolbar styles and ajax tab are broken after page reload
- Fixed "oro:api:doc:cache:clear" command is very slow and consume a lot of memory
- Fixed system caches are not warmed up by "cache:clear" command
- Fixed two-factor authentication form can be submitted multiple times
- Fixed websocket periodic timer is broken when all subscribers closed connections
- Fixed not possible to use several aggregation column filters in reports
- Fixed not possible to use Year, Month, Day and Day of year column functions in reports
- Fixed New attribute data audit log shows wrong attribute state
- Fixed using a command oro:entity-extend:update-config out of schema update context
- Fixed impossible to create a report using filter with multiple condition groups applied to related entities
- Fixed locale column size is too short in oro_address_type_translation table
- Updated Google Maps loader
- Fixed LDAP integration doesn't remove user roles
OroCRM 4.2 LTS version is now available
Please check the full release announcement in Oro blog.
Below are some selected (and more technical) highlights out of 500+ features, improvements and fixes included in this release. The BB- and BAP- references in parenthesis can be used to look for the related changes in the commit history (e.g.
- Minimum required PHP version for 4.2 LTS is PHP 7.4 (7.4.14 is the latest security release)
- Composer 2 is required for installation
- MySQL 8.0 is the minimum supported version
- Increased the maximum allowed field name length to 55 (BAP-19575)
- Configurable collection and display of security voter decisions in Symfony web debug toolbar (BAP-19516)
- All console commands now have full description and usage examples (BB-20228)
- More details are logged on workflow send email errors (BAP-19782)
- Dashboard entity is extendable (BAP-20031)
- Website configuration values are now resolved taking into account organization inheritance (BAP-20009)
- Permission categories for user roles are now configured via configuration files (BAP-20318)
- Javascript dependencies are not directly managed by Composer anymore, "node_modules" is now located in the application root (instead of vendor/oro/platform/build)
- symfony/symfony dependency was replaced with individual Symfony component dependencies only on the components that are actually used (BAP-20161)
- ZendFramework packages were replaced with Laminas alternatives (BAP-19880)
- Optimized performance of background jobs (removed ORM where not needed), made them less susceptible to interruptions (BAP-19826)
- Message queue messages can be filtered by feature toggle configuration (BAP-20181)
- Preloading entities through relations to reduce number of DB queries (BAP-20137) (see examples in BAP-20137, documentation on how to use will be available later)
- Sync jobs (oro_integration:sync_integration:*) are skipped for integrations without connectors (BAP-19792)
- Added support for libicu-65 (BAP-20088)
- Grid row action labels can be configured to use custom translations (BAP-19867)
- All "main" back-office grids now respect "Display in Grid" setting of extended fields (BAP-18091)
- Email attachment max file size is configurable through System Configuration (BAP-19671)
- In email compose customer user with matching email is automatically selected as context (BB-19206)
- Improved performance of back-office datagrids (6x-10x in some scenarios) (BB-19859)
- Default application configuration allows upload of Microsoft Office files and text (BAP-20114)
- Package manager and web-installer have been finally decommissioned
- GrapesJS and TinyMCE editors were updated to the latest versions
- HTML import validation in WYSIWYG was improved to provide more detailed error descriptions to the user
Release Notes
List of fixed issues and improvements
New features and improvements
- Added more MIME types to the configuration files
- Added additional checks and logs to get entity class functions
List of fixed issues
- Fixed user name stored in Remember Me cookie
- Fixed Secure and http-only flags configuration for cookies
- Fixed WYSIWYG formatting panel allows to create invalid HTML markup
- Fixed oro:assets:install failed during oro:install
- Fixed file entity "filename" column is nullable
- Fixed "oauth-token" post request does not support CORS
- Fixed session locking on media and AJAX requests
- Fixed not correct config provider for search and website search mapping caches
- Fixed "max_results" option doesn't work for API requests
- Fixed maintenance notifications functionality is out of order
- Fixed user can't add system mailbox with "other" account type
- Fixed Email sending doesn't work if From address linked with EmailOrigin and imap/smtp is enabled for this origin
- Fixed Add Embedded Forms to Your Site do not work
Release Notes
List of fixed issues and improvements
- Fixed problem with cache
- Fixed numbered list is incorrect shown on the Calendar view page.
- Implemented MQ topic filtering by FeatureToggle bundle
- Fixed Grid views drop-down is not visible when it doesn't fit to the screen
- Fixed unexpected error in Image Remove processor
- Fixed WYSIWYG editor does not save second column with default text content
- Fixed query builder outcome depends on the order of applying segment and field conditions
- Fixed calling TagManager::deleteTagging() then TagManager::addTag() re-add deleted tags
- Fixed can't login by the user created from CLI
- Fixed broken links to on API Sandbox
- Fixed 401 Unauthorized response on Storefront API Sandbox
- Fixed the session can be loaded for REST API requests due to FlashBag service
- Fixed extra "Log in with office365" button on login form with "Google Single Sign-On" enabled
Release Notes
List of fixed issues and improvements
- Fixed filtering by Failed connector status not working on Integration view page
- Fixed export of grid with aggregated column contains only repeated data from the first batch
- Fixed image resizing has no quality limit and can lead to excessively large output file size
- Fixed incorrect state for new created entity fields after schema migration
- Fixed Redis bundle doesn't work correct with persistent connection and 0 index database
- Updated developer documentation to remove inline JS code samples
- Added support of the libicu65-65.1
- Fixed AbstractMapper does not pass 0 values throughout if statement
- Updated TinyMCE to >=4.9.11|>=5.4.1 version
- Fixed Application reads cache_metadata.yml files in runtime
- Updated Symfony to 4.4.13
- Updated PrismJS to ~> 1.21.0 version
- Fixed "Families" column rendering on the Product Attributes grid may be very slow
- Improved performance: Preloading manager
- Fixed GRANTS check in DbPrivilegesProvider breaks installation
- Implemented Office365 OAuth Authentication