use std::{ borrow::Cow, ffi::OsStr, fs, path::{Path, PathBuf}, rc::Rc, sync::Arc, }; use rayon::{ iter::{IntoParallelRefIterator, ParallelBridge}, prelude::ParallelIterator, }; use rustc_hash::FxHashSet; use oxc_allocator::Allocator; use oxc_diagnostics::{DiagnosticSender, DiagnosticService, Error, OxcDiagnostic}; use oxc_parser::{ParseOptions, Parser}; use oxc_resolver::Resolver; use oxc_semantic::SemanticBuilder; use oxc_span::{SourceType, VALID_EXTENSIONS}; use crate::{ Fixer, Linter, Message, loader::{JavaScriptSource, LINT_PARTIAL_LOADER_EXT, PartialLoader}, module_record::ModuleRecord, utils::read_to_string, }; use super::{ LintServiceOptions, module_cache::{ModuleCache, ModuleState}, }; pub struct Runtime { cwd: Box<Path>, /// All paths to lint paths: FxHashSet<Box<Path>>, pub(super) linter: Linter, resolver: Option<Resolver>, modules: ModuleCache, } impl Runtime { pub(super) fn new(linter: Linter, options: LintServiceOptions) -> Self { let resolver = options.cross_module.then(|| { Self::get_resolver(options.tsconfig.or_else(|| Some(options.cwd.join("tsconfig.json")))) }); Self { cwd: options.cwd, paths: options.paths.iter().cloned().collect(), linter, resolver, modules: ModuleCache::default(), } } fn get_resolver(tsconfig_path: Option<PathBuf>) -> Resolver { use oxc_resolver::{ResolveOptions, TsconfigOptions, TsconfigReferences}; let tsconfig = tsconfig_path.and_then(|path| { path.is_file().then_some(TsconfigOptions { config_file: path, references: TsconfigReferences::Auto, }) }); let extension_alias = tsconfig.as_ref().map_or_else(Vec::new, |_| { vec![ (".js".into(), vec![".js".into(), ".ts".into()]), (".mjs".into(), vec![".mjs".into(), ".mts".into()]), (".cjs".into(), vec![".cjs".into(), ".cts".into()]), ] }); Resolver::new(ResolveOptions { extensions: VALID_EXTENSIONS.iter().map(|ext| format!(".{ext}")).collect(), main_fields: vec!["module".into(), "main".into()], condition_names: vec!["module".into(), "import".into()], extension_alias, tsconfig, ..ResolveOptions::default() }) } fn get_source_type_and_text( path: &Path, ext: &str, ) -> Option<Result<(SourceType, String), Error>> { let source_type = SourceType::from_path(path); let not_supported_yet = source_type.as_ref().is_err_and(|_| !LINT_PARTIAL_LOADER_EXT.contains(&ext)); if not_supported_yet { return None; } let source_type = source_type.unwrap_or_default(); let file_result = read_to_string(path).map_err(|e| { Error::new(OxcDiagnostic::error(format!( "Failed to open file {path:?} with error \"{e}\"" ))) }); Some(match file_result { Ok(source_text) => Ok((source_type, source_text)), Err(e) => Err(e), }) } // clippy: the source field is checked and assumed to be less than 4GB, and // we assume that the fix offset will not exceed 2GB in either direction #[expect(clippy::cast_possible_truncation, clippy::cast_possible_wrap)] pub(super) fn process_path(&self, path: &Path, tx_error: &DiagnosticSender) { if self.init_cache_state(path) { return; } let Some(ext) = path.extension().and_then(OsStr::to_str) else { self.ignore_path(path); return; }; let Some(source_type_and_text) = Self::get_source_type_and_text(path, ext) else { self.ignore_path(path); return; }; let (source_type, source_text) = match source_type_and_text { Ok(source_text) => source_text, Err(e) => { self.ignore_path(path); tx_error.send(Some((path.to_path_buf(), vec![e]))).unwrap(); return; } }; let sources = PartialLoader::parse(ext, &source_text) .unwrap_or_else(|| vec![JavaScriptSource::partial(&source_text, source_type, 0)]); if sources.is_empty() { self.ignore_path(path); return; } // If there are fixes, we will accumulate all of them and write to the file at the end. // This means we do not write multiple times to the same file if there are multiple sources // in the same file (for example, multiple scripts in an `.astro` file). let mut new_source_text = Cow::from(&source_text); // This is used to keep track of the cumulative offset from applying fixes. // Otherwise, spans for fixes will be incorrect due to varying size of the // source code after each fix. let mut fix_offset: i32 = 0; let mut allocator = Allocator::default(); for (i, source) in sources.into_iter().enumerate() { if i >= 1 { allocator.reset(); } let mut messages = self.process_source( path, &allocator, source.source_text, source.source_type, true, tx_error, ); if self.linter.options().fix.is_some() { let fix_result = Fixer::new(source.source_text, messages).fix(); if fix_result.fixed { // write to file, replacing only the changed part let start = source.start.saturating_add_signed(fix_offset) as usize; let end = start + source.source_text.len(); new_source_text.to_mut().replace_range(start..end, &fix_result.fixed_code); let old_code_len = source.source_text.len() as u32; let new_code_len = fix_result.fixed_code.len() as u32; fix_offset += new_code_len as i32; fix_offset -= old_code_len as i32; } messages = fix_result.messages; } if !messages.is_empty() { self.ignore_path(path); let errors = messages.into_iter().map(Into::into).collect(); let path = path.strip_prefix(&self.cwd).unwrap_or(path); let diagnostics = DiagnosticService::wrap_diagnostics(path, &source_text, source.start, errors); tx_error.send(Some(diagnostics)).unwrap(); } } // If the new source text is owned, that means it was modified, // so we write the new source text to the file. if let Cow::Owned(new_source_text) = new_source_text { fs::write(path, new_source_text).unwrap(); } } pub(super) fn process_source<'a>( &self, path: &Path, allocator: &'a Allocator, source_text: &'a str, source_type: SourceType, check_syntax_errors: bool, tx_error: &DiagnosticSender, ) -> Vec<Message<'a>> { let ret = Parser::new(allocator, source_text, source_type) .with_options(ParseOptions { parse_regular_expression: true, allow_return_outside_function: true, ..ParseOptions::default() }) .parse(); if !ret.errors.is_empty() { if self.resolver.is_some() { self.modules.add_resolved_module(path, Arc::new(ModuleRecord::default())); } return if ret.is_flow_language { vec![] } else { ret.errors.into_iter().map(|err| Message::new(err, None)).collect() }; }; let semantic_ret = SemanticBuilder::new() .with_cfg(true) .with_scope_tree_child_ids(true) .with_build_jsdoc(true) .with_check_syntax_error(check_syntax_errors) .build(allocator.alloc(ret.program)); if !semantic_ret.errors.is_empty() { return semantic_ret.errors.into_iter().map(|err| Message::new(err, None)).collect(); }; let mut semantic = semantic_ret.semantic; semantic.set_irregular_whitespaces(ret.irregular_whitespaces); let module_record = Arc::new(ModuleRecord::new(path, &ret.module_record, &semantic)); // If import plugin is enabled. if self.resolver.is_some() { self.modules.add_resolved_module(path, Arc::clone(&module_record)); // Retrieve all dependent modules from this module. let dir = path.parent().unwrap(); module_record .requested_modules .keys() .par_bridge() .map_with(self.resolver.as_ref().unwrap(), |resolver, specifier| { resolver.resolve(dir, specifier).ok().map(|r| (specifier, r)) }) .flatten() .for_each_with(tx_error, |tx_error, (specifier, resolution)| { let path = resolution.path(); self.process_path(path, tx_error); // Append target_module to loaded_modules if let Some(ModuleState::Resolved(target_module_record)) = self.modules.get(path) { module_record .loaded_modules .write() .unwrap() .insert(specifier.clone(), Arc::clone(&target_module_record)); }; }); // The thread is blocked here until all dependent modules are resolved. // Stop if the current module is not marked for lint. if !self.paths.contains(path) { return vec![]; } }, Rc::new(semantic), Arc::clone(&module_record)) } pub(super) fn init_cache_state(&self, path: &Path) -> bool { if self.resolver.is_none() { return false; } self.modules.init_cache_state(path) } fn ignore_path(&self, path: &Path) { self.resolver.is_some().then(|| self.modules.ignore_path(path)); } pub(super) fn number_of_dependencies(&self) -> usize { self.modules.len() - self.paths.len() } pub(super) fn par_iter_paths(&self) -> impl ParallelIterator<Item = &Box<Path>> { self.paths.par_iter() } }