Make an issue in the papercast-community repo and tag it with the "plugin" label.
... Follow these steps:
Clone/fork this template
Write your plugin
Publish your plugin to a github repo
Fork the papercast-community repo at
Add an entry to the
file with your plugin specs.
- Your plugin can contribue multiple classes, as well as custom types.
Here's an example from the ZoteroSubscriber plugin:
"id": "papercast-zotero-subscriber", // plugin identifier, not currently used but may be used in docs
"name": "Zotero", // Name for the plugin, not currently used but may be used in docs
"author": "papercast-dev", // Your name
"description": "Trigger pipelines when new papers are added to Zotero", // Description for the overall plugin
"type": "collector", // DEPRECATED
"repo": "papercast-dev/papercast-zotero-subscriber", // the github repo where your plugin is published
"contributes": {
"papercast.types.ZoteroOutput": {}, // custom types that your plugin contributes
"papercast.subscribers.ZoteroSubscriber": { // custom classes (subscribers, processors, publishers) that your plugin contributes
"icon": "", // link to an icon for your plugin
"short_description": "Trigger pipelines when new papers are added to Zotero", // Description for the class, appears in the docs
"output_types": {
"zotero_output": "papercast.types.ZoteroOutput" // input and output types
- Submit a pull request to the papercast-community repo with the modified