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Bazel JVM Porting Guide

This document explains how to port an existing JVM project (Java or Scala) to Bazel.

If you are not intending to port a project to Bazel but rather use Bazel on an already ported project, then please refer to the Bazel User Guide.

This guide assumes familiarity with Bazel's core concepts and a functioning Bazel setup. If you are not yet familiar with Bazel, need a refresher, or need to setup Bazel, please refer to the Bazel User Guide.

This guide is based on the experience of porting an SBT project to Bazel. If you are not porting an SBT project but a Maven project instead, then you should also have a look at the Maven porting guide in the official Bazel documentation. However, in order to arrive at a homogenous build system and project structure you shuold follow the suggestions in this guide where possible.

The structure of this guide is as follows: First, we describe how to define external dependencies to your project in Bazel. This includes additional Bazel rules that you may need to import from external workspaces, Maven JAR dependencies, or other artifacts that need to be fetched from Artifactory. Then, we describe how to build a JVM project with Bazel. This covers the project structure, in particular when coming from SBT, and the details of defining Java and Scala targets in Bazel. In the very end we talk about the Java runtime and toolchain that Bazel uses and provide links to Bazel API documentation.

External Dependencies

External dependencies are targets that your project depends on, but that are not built, or otherwise generated, within the local workspace. Such external dependencies are defined in the WORKSPACE file or in Bazel macros that are called from the WORKSPACE file.

Bazel Dependencies

Bazel can be extended with custom rules, for example to support languages for which Bazel provides no builtin rules. Extensions that are defined outside the current workspace can be included from an external workspace. Bazel provides the workspace rules http_archive, get_repository, or local_repository in order to define an external workspace. Refer to the official documentation for details. An example is presented in the Scala section below.


Bazel has builtin support for Java. No external workspaces need to be imported to support Java projects at the time of writing.


Bazel does not have builtin Scala support. In this repository we use rules_scala, which defines Bazel rules to build Scala projects. First, we need to import the external workspace:

  name = 'io_bazel_rules_scala',
  url = '',

This will make rules_scala available under the label @io_bazel_rules_scala//. Next, we define the exact version of the Scala compiler and core libraries to use:

load('@io_bazel_rules_scala//scala:scala.bzl', 'scala_repositories')
        "scala_compiler": "9dfa682ad7c2859cdcf6a31b9734c8f1ee38e7e391aeafaef91967b6ce819b6b",
        "scala_library": "1673ffe8792021f704caddfe92067ed1ec75229907f84380ad68fe621358c925",
        "scala_reflect": "3c502791757c0c8208f00033d8c4d778ed446efa6f49a6f89b59c6f92b347774",
load('@io_bazel_rules_scala//scala:toolchains.bzl', 'scala_register_toolchains')

If you need to update the Scala version, make sure to also update the corresponding SHA-256 hashes in hexadecimal encoding. If you don't know the hash, set it to 64 zeroes and Bazel will correct you.

See the rules_scala setup guide for further details.

Maven JAR Dependencies

Next, we consider the most common case of Maven JARs which are distributed on Artifactory. We distinguish direct and transitive dependencies. Direct dependencies are explicitly defined on targets in the local workspace. Transitive dependencies are introduced implicitly as dependencies of direct dependencies. It is preferable to only have to define direct dependencies and let a dependency resolver determine all transitive dependencies.

The rules_jvm_external rules set can read a list of direct JAR dependencies and then use Coursier to perform dependency resolution and generate the whole transitive closure of dependencies.

Direct dependencies are manually defined in the file bazel-java-deps.bzl at the repository root. This file also defines Bazel macros that must be called in the WORKSPACE file in order to import the external JAR dependencies.

load("//:bazel-java-deps.bzl", "install_java_deps")
load("@maven//:defs.bzl", "pinned_maven_install")

The macro install_java_deps defines the direct dependencies and the tools to load and update pinned versions. The macro pinned_maven_install loads the pinned artifacts into Bazel. Within bazel-java-deps.bzl we call maven_install where we define all direct Maven dependencies.

    artifacts = [

Dependencies are defined using their Maven coordinates. Note that Scala packages have the Scala version appended to their artifact id.

In some cases we need to override the automatic dependency resolution performed by Coursier. E.g. the org.lang-scala:* packages need to exactly match the version of the Scala compiler registered with rules_scala. To that end we use the override_targets attribute:

override_targets = {
    "org.scala-lang:scala-compiler": "@io_bazel_rules_scala_scala_compiler//:io_bazel_rules_scala_scala_compiler",

This maps Maven artifacts to Bazel targets which should be used instead.

Finally, pinned_maven_install generates Bazel targets for the imported JARs. The naming scheme is as follows @maven//:group_id_artifact_id, where all symbols are replaced by _ characters. E.g. the artifact org.scalaz:scalaz-core_2.12:7.2.24 is available as @maven//:org_scalaz_scalaz_core_2_12.

Adding, changing, or removing a Maven dependency requires two steps: First, you need to modify the artifacts attribute to maven_install, second, you need to execute bazel run @unpinned_maven//:pin to update maven_install.json. You should also run @unpinned_maven//:pin if you change other attributes to maven_install. You need to run this once per Scala version with the default being 2.13 so run it again for 2.12: DAML_SCALA_VERSION=2.12.13 bazel run @unpinned_maven//:pin.

Refer to the rules_jvm_external documentation for further information.

Conflicting Dependencies

Following the goal of HEAD based development all projects should strive to share common dependencies in one place, such as bazel-java-deps.bzl for JAR dependencies. If different projects have conflicting dependencies, then these conflicts should be fixed so that both projects can share the same common dependencies.

A valid exception to this rule are external tools that are defined in Bazel and used for build or development. These may have conflicting dependencies with the projects in this repository and changing their code to rectify these conflicts may be out of scope or infeasible.

In such cases multiple calls to maven_install are supported, see the rules_jvm_external documentation.

Building a Project with Bazel

Recall, that a Bazel workspace consists of packages and targets. A package is a directory that contains a BUILD.bazel file. A BUILD.bazel file can define rule targets. Additionally, regular files underneath a package are targets as well.

Project Structure

When structuring a Bazel project you should strive for small targets and small packages. Bazel's incremental builds will work best when targets are as small as possible. Additionally, you should make target visibility as tight as possible in favour of a clean dependency graph.

If you are porting a JVM component in the da repository it is likely that you will be coming from an SBT project structure similar to the following.

└── my_component
    ├── build.sbt
    ├── module1
    │   ├── build.sbt
    │   └── src
    │       ├── main
    │       │   └── scala
    │       │       └── com/daml/module
    │       │           ├── Main.scala
    │       │           ⋮
    │       └── test
    │           └── scala
    │               └── com/daml/module
    │                   ├── SomeSpec.scala
    │                   ⋮
    ├── module2
    │   ├── build.sbt
    ⋮   ⋮
    └── project

In this case da/my_component/build.sbt defines properties of the whole component and the interdependencies between the modules (subprojects in SBT). The files da/my_component/moduleX/build.sbt define properties of a particular module, and its external dependencies. Finally, the folder da/my_component/project contains additional files defining further properties of the component, SBT plugins, etc.

SBT associates tasks with a project, such as compile or test. It is then possible to specify dependencies only for certain tasks. E.g. test-only dependencies. Furthermore, if module2 depends on module1, then module2's tests can depend on test classes defined in module1.

In Bazel things are structured differently. A library, a test-only library, or a test-suite are all separate Bazel targets. Dependencies are defined at each individual target. Repetition can be reduced by transitive dependencies or by giving a name to a list of targets and assigning that list as a dependency

Bazel is not extended by a plugin mechanism like SBT plugins. Instead Bazel is extended by user defined rules or macros. It is not often the case that one has to define custom rules or macros. In most cases existing ones can be reused.

Fine Grained Bazel Project Structure

As mentioned before one should strive for as small Bazel targets as possible. Translated to Bazel the above project might take the following form:

└── my_component
    ├── BUILD.bazel
    ├── module1
    │   ├── BUILD.bazel
    │   └── src
    │       ├── main
    │       │   └── scala
    │       │       └── com/daml/module
    │       │           ├── BUILD.bazel
    │       │           ├── Main.scala
    │       │           ⋮
    │       └── test
    │           └── scala
    │               └── com/daml/module
    │                   ├── BUILD.bazel
    │                   ├── SomeSpec.scala
    │                   ⋮
    └── module2
        ├── BUILD.bazel

Here da/my_component/moduleX/src/.../BUILD.bazel would define small library, test, and executable targets. da/my_component/moduleX/BUILD.bazel would bundle these small targets into larger ones to make module interdependencies easier to manage. Finally, da/my_component/BUILD.bazel would bundle the module targets to ease management of component interdependencies or component release.

Coarse Grained Intermediate Bazel Project Structure

However, coming from SBT such a fine grained structure may not immediately be possible without change in the corresponding Java or Scala code. For example due to cyclic dependencies between larger sets of source files. In this case the following structure can be used as an intermediate step:

└── my_component
    ├── BUILD.bazel
    ├── module1
    │   ├── BUILD.bazel
    │   └── src
    │       ├── main
    │       │   └── scala
    │       │       └── com/daml/module
    │       │           ├── Main.scala
    │       │           ⋮
    │       └── test
    │           └── scala
    │               └── com/daml/module
    │                   ├── SomeSpec.scala
    │                   ⋮
    └── module2
        ├── BUILD.bazel

Here, da/my_component/moduleX/BUILD.bazel defines targets for what was previously an SBT subproject. Note, that a single SBT project will already separate into multiple Bazel targets at this step. Notably, regular library targets and test-only library targets will be separate. Test-cases should be made as small targets as possible at this stage already. Bazel test-suite macros (see below) should be used to reduce boilerplate.

Java Targets

This section will outline how to define common Java targets. Please refer to the Bazel API documentation for further details.


Java libraries can be defined using the builtin java_library rule. It will generate a JAR file containing the compiled Java classes and a source JAR containing the input Java sources. For example:

    name = "example",
    # JAR dependencies for compiletime and runtime classpath
    deps = [
    # JAR dependencies for runtime class path only
    runtime_deps = [ ... ],
    # JAR dependencies that should be forwarded to anything that depends on this target.
    exports = [ ... ],
    # Java source files
    srcs = glob(["src/main/java/.../my_component/**/*.java"]),
    # Resource files
    resources = glob(["src/.../resources/**"]),
    # Keep target visibility tight.
    visibility = ["//current_component:__pkg__"],


Java tests can be defined using the builtin java_test rule. It will generate an executable wrapper around the given test code that executes the test runner's main method. Test targets can be executed using the bazel test command.

Bazel can cache test results, which can greatly reduce test-suite execution time. For maximum benefit test targets should be made as small as possible, ideally a single Java source file.

Use the java_test_suite macro to automatically define one test target for every given source file and bundle them in one test-suite target. If test-cases depend on utility classes defined in other Java sources, then you should define a Java library target for these utility classes and let the test targets depend on this library.

For example:

load('//bazel_tools/java_testing:java_test_suite.bzl', 'java_test_suite')

test_utils = glob(["src/test/java/.../utils/**/*.java"])

    name = "test-utils",
    srcs = test_utils,

    name = "tests",
    srcs = glob(
        exclude = test_utils,
    # Expected runtime and resource requirements.
    size = "small",

The size attribute is used to determine the default timeout and resource requirements. Refer to the official documentation for details about test size and other common test attributes.


Java executables can be defined using the builtin java_binary rule. It will generate a JAR and executable wrapper script that defines the classpath and executes the Java runtime. Executable targets can be executed using the bazel run command.

For example:

    name = "example",
    # The srcs attribute is optional.
    srcs = [ ... ],
    # The deps attribute is only allowed if srcs are specified.
    deps = [ ... ],
    # Name of the class that contains the entrypoint `main()`.
    # The main class can originate from srcs, deps, or runtime_deps.
    # A missing main class causes runtime failure.
    main_class = ...,
    # A list of flags to pass to the Java runtime.
    jvm_flags = [ ... ],
    # A list of files that should be present in the runtime path at runtime.
    data = [ ... ],

Scala Targets

This section will outline how to define common Scala targets. Please refer to the Bazel API documentation for further details.

This repository uses rules_scala to build Scala code in Bazel, which provides rules such as scala_library, or scala_test_suite. Additionally, wrapper macros are provided in bazel_tools/scala.bzl, such as da_scala_library, or da_scala_test_suite. These apply common compiler flags, plugins, and linter configuration. Please prefer the wrapper macros over the underlying rules_scala rules.

If the project you are porting uses a different set of default flags, plugins, etc., then see if these could be merged with the common defaults. The goal is to converge on one shared set of common compiler flags.


Scala libraries can be defined using the da_scala_library rule. It will generate a JAR file containing the compiled Scala classes and a source JAR containing the input Scala sources. For example:

load("//bazel_tools:scala.bzl", "da_scala_library")

    name = "example",
    # JAR dependencies for compiletime and runtime classpath
    deps = [
    # JAR dependencies for runtime class path only
    runtime_deps = [ ... ],
    # JAR dependencies that should be forwarded to anything that depends on this target.
    exports = [ ... ],
    # Scala source files
    srcs = glob(["src/main/java/.../my_component/**/*.scala"]),
    # Resource files
    resources = glob(["src/.../resources/**"]),
    # Keep target visibility tight.
    visibility = ["//current_component:__pkg__"],
    # Unused dependencies cause an error at build time.
    unused_dependency_checker_mode = "error",

    # If the library uses Scala macros you need to add the following attributes.
    scalacopts = ['-Xplugin-require:macroparadise'],
    plugins = [
        # Plugins have to be specified as JAR targets.

Strive to make library targets as small as possible. In a situation where multiple Scala sources have no interdependencies you can use the da_scala_library_suite macro to automatically generate one library target per Scala source file, and bundle them in one target. This rule takes the same attributes as da_scala_library with the exception of unused_dependency_checker_mode which will always be disabled.


Scala tests can be defined using the da_scala_test rule. It will generate an executable wrapper around the given test code that executes the test runner's main method. Test targets can be executed using the bazel test command.

Bazel can cache test results, which can greatly reduce test-suite execution time. For maximum benefit test targets should be made as small as possible, ideally a single Scala source file.

Use the da_scala_test_suite macro to automatically define one test target for every given source file and bundle them in one test-suite target. If test-cases depend on utility classes defined in other Scala sources, then you should define a Scala library target for these utility classes and let the test targets depend on this library.

For example:

load("//bazel_tools:scala.bzl", "da_scala_library", "da_scala_test_suite")

test_utils = glob(["src/test/scala/.../utils/**/*.scala"])

    name = "test-utils",
    srcs = test_utils,

    name = "tests",
    srcs = glob(
        exclude = test_utils,
    # Expected runtime and resource requirements.
    size = "small",

    # You can adjust the heap size as follows:
    initial_heap_size = "512m",
    max_heap_size = "2g",

The size attribute is used to determine the default timeout and resource requirements. Refer to the official documentation for details about test size and other common test attributes.

A couple of arguments have been added:

  • initial_heap_size is translated to -Xms, and defaults to 512m, and
  • max_heap_size is translated to -Xmx, and defaults to 2g.


Scala executables can be defined using the da_scala_binary rule. It will generate a JAR and executable wrapper script that defines the classpath and executes the Java runtime. Executable targets can be executed using the bazel run command.

For example:

load("//bazel_tools:scala.bzl", "da_scala_binary")

    name = "example",
    # The srcs attribute is optional.
    srcs = [ ... ],
    # The deps attribute is only allowed if srcs are specified.
    deps = [ ... ],
    # Name of the class that contains the entrypoint `main()`.
    # The main class can originate from srcs, deps, or runtime_deps.
    # A missing main class causes runtime failure.
    main_class = ...,
    # A list of flags to pass to the Java runtime.
    jvm_flags = [ ... ],
    # A list of files that should be present in the runtime path at runtime.
    data = [ ... ],

    # You can adjust the heap size as follows:
    initial_heap_size = "512m",
    max_heap_size = "2g",

SBT Plugins

If you are porting an SBT project to Bazel then you may encounter SBT plugins that the project's build depends on, or that are important for developer workflow, or project release. SBT's plugin mechanism is very flexible, and it is not possible to describe a general procedure on how to port dependence on any SBT plugin to Bazel.

In the following we list examples of SBT plugins that have been encountered and ported to Bazel so far. If the SBT plugin you require has already been ported to Bazel then you should be able to use the ported version in your project as well. Otherwise, you should check if the plugin is similar to one of the previously encountered plugins and port it in an analogous way.

Built-In Bazel Features

It is worth checking whether the functionality provided by an SBT plugin is already built into Bazel or a particular Bazel rule set. For instance, Bazel has built-in support for generating dependency graphs, and rules_scala has built-in support for generating deplyment JARs. Refer to the user guide for details.

Compiler Plugins

Various SBT plugins make use of compiler plugins, or of components that can be used as compiler plugins. rules_scala allows to define compiler plugins on Scala targets. Therefore, such SBT plugins can be ported to Bazel by activating the corresponding compiler plugin.

One example is the wartremover plugin, which provides linting for Scala code. In the Bazel build the wartremover compiler plugin is activated on all Scala targets by default. It is configured in the Scala rule wrappers used in the daml repository.

Command-Line Tools

If an SBT plugin relies on a tool that can be called as a standalone command-line application, then it can be ported to Bazel by defining a custom rule that calls that command-line application.

For example, the scalafmt Scala formatting checker can be invoked as a command-line tool. A custom Bazel rule scala_format_test is defined in the daml repository, that generates a test-case that will run scalafmt on the specified Scala source files.


The SBT build of the ledger-client component defines a custom SBT plugin for handling Daml code. It covers compilation to LF, packaging to DAR, Scala code generation, and executing the Daml sandbox. This plugin was ported to Bazel as a set of custom Bazel rules defined in rules_daml. Refer to the user guide or the API docs for details.

Java Runtime and Toolchain

Bazel is itself written in Java. By default Bazel will use its own Java runtime and toolchain to build and execute JVM targets. At the time of writing the Bazel executable provided in the dev-env uses the same Oracle JDK version 8 as the rest of the dev-env.

Bazel supports specifying a different Java runtime and toolchain for JVM targets via the rules java_runtime and java_toolchain. Refer to the official documentation for further information. Note, at the time of writing the documentation does not display these rules, see issue 6619. They can be viewed on the web archive instead.

Bazel API Documentation

  • The Bazel API documentation to Bazel rules defined in this repository can be viewed by executing the following command:
    $ bazel-api-docs
    And browsing to http://localhost:8000. See bazel-api-docs -h for further instructions.
  • External Bazel rules API documentation is listed in the official Bazel documentation.