#define PLR_ENABLED_DEFAULT true // Power Loss Recovery enabled by default. (Set with 'M413 Sn' & M500)
#define BACKUP_POWER_SUPPLY // Backup power / UPS to move the steppers on power loss
#define POWER_LOSS_ZRAISE 2 // (mm) Z axis raise on resume (on power loss with UPS)
#define POWER_LOSS_PIN PB1 // Pin to detect power loss. Set to -1 to disable default pin on boards without module.
#define POWER_LOSS_STATE HIGH // State of pin indicating power loss
//#define POWER_LOSS_PULLUP // Set pullup / pulldown as appropriate for your sensor
#define POWER_LOSS_PURGE_LEN 20 // (mm) Length of filament to purge on resume
#define POWER_LOSS_RETRACT_LEN 10 // (mm) Length of filament to retract on fail. Requires backup power.
// Without a POWER_LOSS_PIN the following option helps reduce wear on the SD card,
// especially with "vase mode" printing. Set too high and vases cannot be continued.
#define POWER_LOSS_MIN_Z_CHANGE 0.05 // (mm) Minimum Z change before saving power-loss data
// Enable if Z homing is needed for proper recovery. 99.9% of the time this should be disabled!
//#define POWER_LOSS_ZHOME_POS { 0, 0 } // Safe XY position to home Z while avoiding objects on the bed