Request object for creating a feed. Please, be aware that "default_country" and "default_locale" are not required in the spec for forward compatibility but for now the API will not accept requests without those fields.
Name | Type | Description | Notes |
name | str | A human-friendly name associated to a given feed. | |
format | CatalogsFormat | ||
location | str | The URL where a feed is available for download. This URL is what Pinterest will use to download a feed for processing. | |
default_currency | NullableCurrency | [optional] | |
default_locale | bool, date, datetime, dict, float, int, list, str, none_type | The locale used within a feed for product descriptions. | [optional] |
credentials | CatalogsFeedCredentials | [optional] | |
preferred_processing_schedule | CatalogsFeedProcessingSchedule | [optional] | |
default_country | Country | [optional] | |
default_availability | ProductAvailabilityType | [optional] | |
status | str | [optional] |