Releases: prb28/vscode-amiga-assembly
Releases · prb28/vscode-amiga-assembly
Amiga Assembly
New in 1.8
- grahambates new FS-UAE / WINUAE versions
- grahambates BLTCON Helper
- binaries are embedded in the extension
- Bug fixes
Amiga Assembly
1.6.0 chore(readme): update to 1.6 for release
Amiga Assembly
1.4.0 chore(changelog): release date
Amiga Assembly
Release 1.2.0
Amiga Assembly
Breaking change 1.0!
The build system has been reviewed :
- 3 commands have been replaced by tasks:
amigaassembly: build
: to build the workspaceamigaassembly: build current file
: to build the current file as an executableamigaassembly: compile current file
: to compile the current file (creates a .o file)amigaassembly: create ADF
: to create an ADF file
- Builds are triggered in a terminal to show the output
- There is no more the "Build" button in the bottom of the window
- The launch.json parameter
"buildWorkspace": true,
is replaced by"preLaunchTask": "amigaassembly: build"
New in 1.0
- Build sequence review with output displayed
- Selection of display format for variables
- Add a "Run current file" launch configuration
- Able to change the filename from GENCOP
- Add command to download the example project workspace
- Automatically download binaries
- Right click to add a memory dump in the watch window
- Include files reference/autocomplete
- Provide standard vscode tasks
- Bug fixes
Amiga Assembly
- Bug fix : breakpoints not hit if they are at the beginning of the program.
See release 0.21 for more information.
Amiga Assembly
Amiga Assembly
Amiga Assembly
- Integration WinUAE (custom build)
- Show CCR codes (Status register)
- Bug fixes
- Added WinUAE on the windows binaries
- FS-UAE fix to have the status register (CCR)
- vasm, vlink, vbcc updated
Amiga Assembly
- Better instruction's documentation
- Bug fixes
- Bug fixes in 0.19-1 release