From e4087bdc98d54b3d9a95a9ea51527ea696d2fd60 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: William Hicklin <>
Date: Wed, 31 Jul 2024 17:04:11 +0100
Subject: [PATCH 01/28] Updated the golabl data type's XMLs, removing the
 cluster entries.

 .../zcl/data-model/chip/global-structs.xml         | 10 ----------
 .../chip/semantic-tag-namespace-enums.xml          | 14 --------------
 2 files changed, 24 deletions(-)

diff --git a/src/app/zap-templates/zcl/data-model/chip/global-structs.xml b/src/app/zap-templates/zcl/data-model/chip/global-structs.xml
index 04f477a6094f5e..4e1ce5f3827298 100644
--- a/src/app/zap-templates/zcl/data-model/chip/global-structs.xml
+++ b/src/app/zap-templates/zcl/data-model/chip/global-structs.xml
@@ -15,19 +15,9 @@ See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 limitations under the License.
-TODO: Make these structures global rather than defining them for each cluster.
- This depends on the ability to define global structs via XML tags.
- see:
   <domain name="CHIP"/>
   <struct name="LocationDescriptorStruct">
-    <cluster code="0x0150"/> <!-- Service Area Cluster -->
-    <cluster code="0x0750"/> <!-- Ecosystem Information Cluster -->
-    <!-- TODO: add Basic Information Cluster code="0x0028" -->
     <item fieldId="0" name="LocationName"    type="char_string" length="128" isNullable="false" optional="false"/>
     <item fieldId="1" name="FloorNumber"     type="int16s"                   isNullable="true"  optional="false"/>
     <item fieldId="2" name="AreaType"        type="AreaTypeTag"              isNullable="true"  optional="false"/>
diff --git a/src/app/zap-templates/zcl/data-model/chip/semantic-tag-namespace-enums.xml b/src/app/zap-templates/zcl/data-model/chip/semantic-tag-namespace-enums.xml
index 8e6d9237e29d90..b79a5398d78bdb 100644
--- a/src/app/zap-templates/zcl/data-model/chip/semantic-tag-namespace-enums.xml
+++ b/src/app/zap-templates/zcl/data-model/chip/semantic-tag-namespace-enums.xml
@@ -16,16 +16,8 @@ limitations under the License.
-TODO: Make these namespace enums global rather than defining them for each cluster.
- This depends on the ability to define global enums via XML tags.
- See issue [#29818](
   <enum name="PositionTag" type="enum8">
-    <cluster code="0x0150"/>
     <item value="0x00" name="Left"/>
     <item value="0x01" name="Right"/>
     <item value="0x02" name="Top"/>
@@ -43,10 +35,6 @@ TODO: Make these namespace enums global rather than defining them for each clust
   <enum name="AreaTypeTag" type="enum8">
-    <cluster code="0x0150"/> <!-- Service Area Cluster -->
-    <cluster code="0x0750"/> <!-- Ecosystem Information Cluster -->
-    <!-- TODO: add Basic Information Cluster code="0x0028" -->
     <item value="0x00" name="Aisle"/>
     <item value="0x01" name="Attic"/>
     <item value="0x02" name="Back Door"/>
@@ -150,7 +138,6 @@ TODO: Make these namespace enums global rather than defining them for each clust
   <enum name="LandmarkTag" type="enum8">
-    <cluster code="0x0150"/>
     <item value="0x00" name="Air Conditioner"/>
     <item value="0x01" name="Air Purifier"/>
     <item value="0x02" name="Back Door"/>
@@ -208,7 +195,6 @@ TODO: Make these namespace enums global rather than defining them for each clust
   <enum name="FloorSurfaceTag" type="enum8">
-    <cluster code="0x0150"/>
     <item value="0x00" name="Carpet"/>
     <item value="0x01" name="Ceramic"/>
     <item value="0x02" name="Concrete"/>

From 7342db3e4795fd083cf78cf130beb8a804a6bea1 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: William Hicklin <>
Date: Wed, 31 Jul 2024 17:10:20 +0100
Subject: [PATCH 02/28] Zap generated after XML update.

 .../air-purifier-app.matter                   | 202 ++++++
 .../air-quality-sensor-app.matter             | 202 ++++++
 .../all-clusters-app.matter                   | 202 ++++++
 .../all-clusters-minimal-app.matter           | 202 ++++++
 .../bridge-common/bridge-app.matter           | 202 ++++++
 ...p_rootnode_dimmablelight_bCwGYSDpoe.matter | 202 ++++++
 .../rootnode_airpurifier_73a6fe2651.matter    | 202 ++++++
 ...umiditysensor_thermostat_56de3d5f45.matter | 202 ++++++
 ...ootnode_airqualitysensor_e63187f6c9.matter | 202 ++++++
 ...ootnode_basicvideoplayer_0ff86e943b.matter | 202 ++++++
 ...de_colortemperaturelight_hbUnzYVeyn.matter | 202 ++++++
 .../rootnode_contactsensor_27f76aeaf5.matter  | 202 ++++++
 .../rootnode_contactsensor_lFAGG1bfRO.matter  | 202 ++++++
 .../rootnode_dimmablelight_bCwGYSDpoe.matter  | 202 ++++++
 ...tnode_dimmablepluginunit_f8a9a0b9d4.matter | 202 ++++++
 .../rootnode_dishwasher_cc105034fe.matter     | 202 ++++++
 .../rootnode_doorlock_aNKYAreMXE.matter       | 202 ++++++
 ...tnode_extendedcolorlight_8lcaaYJVAa.matter | 202 ++++++
 .../devices/rootnode_fan_7N2TobIlOX.matter    | 202 ++++++
 .../rootnode_flowsensor_1zVxHedlaV.matter     | 202 ++++++
 .../rootnode_genericswitch_2dfff6e516.matter  | 202 ++++++
 .../rootnode_genericswitch_9866e35d0b.matter  | 202 ++++++
 ...tnode_heatingcoolingunit_ncdGai1E5a.matter | 202 ++++++
 .../rootnode_humiditysensor_Xyj4gda6Hb.matter | 202 ++++++
 .../rootnode_laundrywasher_fb10d238c8.matter  | 202 ++++++
 .../rootnode_lightsensor_lZQycTFcJK.matter    | 202 ++++++
 ...rootnode_occupancysensor_iHyVgifZuo.matter | 202 ++++++
 .../rootnode_onofflight_bbs1b7IaOV.matter     | 202 ++++++
 .../rootnode_onofflight_samplemei.matter      | 202 ++++++
 ...ootnode_onofflightswitch_FsPlMr090Q.matter | 202 ++++++
 ...rootnode_onoffpluginunit_Wtf8ss5EBY.matter | 202 ++++++
 .../rootnode_pressuresensor_s0qC9wLH4k.matter | 202 ++++++
 .../devices/rootnode_pump_5f904818cc.matter   | 202 ++++++
 .../devices/rootnode_pump_a811bb33a0.matter   | 202 ++++++
 ...eraturecontrolledcabinet_ffdb696680.matter | 202 ++++++
 ...ode_roboticvacuumcleaner_1807ff0c49.matter | 202 ++++++
 ...tnode_roomairconditioner_9cf3607804.matter | 202 ++++++
 .../rootnode_smokecoalarm_686fe0dcb8.matter   | 202 ++++++
 .../rootnode_speaker_RpzeXdimqA.matter        | 202 ++++++
 ...otnode_temperaturesensor_Qy1zkNW7c3.matter | 202 ++++++
 .../rootnode_thermostat_bm3fb8dhYi.matter     | 202 ++++++
 .../rootnode_windowcovering_RLCxaGi9Yx.matter | 202 ++++++
 .../contact-sensor-app.matter                 | 202 ++++++
 .../nxp/zap-lit/contact-sensor-app.matter     | 202 ++++++
 .../nxp/zap-sit/contact-sensor-app.matter     | 202 ++++++
 .../dishwasher-common/dishwasher-app.matter   | 202 ++++++
 .../energy-management-app.matter              | 202 ++++++
 .../fabric-bridge-app.matter                  | 202 ++++++
 .../nxp/zap/laundry-washer-app.matter         | 202 ++++++
 .../light-switch-app.matter                   | 202 ++++++
 .../light-switch-app/qpg/zap/switch.matter    | 202 ++++++
 .../data_model/lighting-app-ethernet.matter   | 202 ++++++
 .../data_model/lighting-app-thread.matter     | 202 ++++++
 .../data_model/lighting-app-wifi.matter       | 202 ++++++
 .../lighting-common/lighting-app.matter       | 202 ++++++
 .../nxp/zap/lighting-on-off.matter            | 202 ++++++
 examples/lighting-app/qpg/zap/light.matter    | 202 ++++++
 .../data_model/lighting-thread-app.matter     | 202 ++++++
 .../data_model/lighting-wifi-app.matter       | 202 ++++++
 .../lit-icd-common/lit-icd-server-app.matter  | 202 ++++++
 examples/lock-app/lock-common/lock-app.matter | 202 ++++++
 examples/lock-app/nxp/zap/lock-app.matter     | 202 ++++++
 examples/lock-app/qpg/zap/lock.matter         | 202 ++++++
 .../log-source-common/log-source-app.matter   | 202 ++++++
 .../microwave-oven-app.matter                 | 202 ++++++
 .../network-manager-app.matter                | 202 ++++++
 .../ota-provider-app.matter                   | 202 ++++++
 .../ota-requestor-app.matter                  | 202 ++++++
 .../placeholder/linux/apps/app1/config.matter | 202 ++++++
 .../placeholder/linux/apps/app2/config.matter | 202 ++++++
 examples/pump-app/pump-common/pump-app.matter | 202 ++++++
 .../silabs/data_model/pump-thread-app.matter  | 202 ++++++
 .../silabs/data_model/pump-wifi-app.matter    | 202 ++++++
 .../pump-controller-app.matter                | 202 ++++++
 .../refrigerator-app.matter                   | 202 ++++++
 examples/rvc-app/rvc-common/rvc-app.matter    | 404 ++++++------
 .../smoke-co-alarm-app.matter                 | 202 ++++++
 .../temperature-measurement.matter            | 202 ++++++
 .../nxp/zap/thermostat_matter_thread.matter   | 202 ++++++
 .../nxp/zap/thermostat_matter_wifi.matter     | 202 ++++++
 .../qpg/zap/thermostaticRadiatorValve.matter  | 202 ++++++
 .../thermostat-common/thermostat.matter       | 202 ++++++
 examples/tv-app/tv-common/tv-app.matter       | 202 ++++++
 .../tv-casting-common/tv-casting-app.matter   | 202 ++++++
 .../virtual-device-app.matter                 | 202 ++++++
 examples/window-app/common/window-app.matter  | 202 ++++++
 .../data_model/controller-clusters.matter     | 522 ++++++---------
 .../chip/devicecontroller/    | 486 +++++++-------
 .../python/chip/clusters/           | 622 +++++++-----------
 .../            |   4 +-
 .../CHIP/zap-generated/MTRBaseClusters.h      | 490 ++++++--------
 .../CHIP/zap-generated/MTRStructsObjc.h       |  39 +-
 .../CHIP/zap-generated/      | 169 ++---
 .../zap-generated/cluster-enums-check.h       | 246 +++----
 .../app-common/zap-generated/cluster-enums.h  | 455 +++++++------
 .../zap-generated/cluster-objects.cpp         | 200 +++---
 .../zap-generated/cluster-objects.h           | 131 ++--
 .../cluster/ComplexArgumentParser.cpp         | 102 +--
 .../cluster/ComplexArgumentParser.h           |  12 +-
 .../cluster/logging/DataModelLogger.cpp       |  68 +-
 .../cluster/logging/DataModelLogger.h         |   8 +-
 101 files changed, 18968 insertions(+), 2160 deletions(-)

diff --git a/examples/air-purifier-app/air-purifier-common/air-purifier-app.matter b/examples/air-purifier-app/air-purifier-common/air-purifier-app.matter
index 993ad36232572f..6afbc96ec4e430 100644
--- a/examples/air-purifier-app/air-purifier-common/air-purifier-app.matter
+++ b/examples/air-purifier-app/air-purifier-common/air-purifier-app.matter
@@ -1,6 +1,202 @@
 // This IDL was generated automatically by ZAP.
 // It is for view/code review purposes only.
+enum AreaTypeTag : enum8 {
+  kAisle = 0;
+  kAttic = 1;
+  kBackDoor = 2;
+  kBackYard = 3;
+  kBalcony = 4;
+  kBallroom = 5;
+  kBathroom = 6;
+  kBedroom = 7;
+  kBorder = 8;
+  kBoxroom = 9;
+  kBreakfastRoom = 10;
+  kCarport = 11;
+  kCellar = 12;
+  kCloakroom = 13;
+  kCloset = 14;
+  kConservatory = 15;
+  kCorridor = 16;
+  kCraftRoom = 17;
+  kCupboard = 18;
+  kDeck = 19;
+  kDen = 20;
+  kDining = 21;
+  kDrawingRoom = 22;
+  kDressingRoom = 23;
+  kDriveway = 24;
+  kElevator = 25;
+  kEnsuite = 26;
+  kEntrance = 27;
+  kEntryway = 28;
+  kFamilyRoom = 29;
+  kFoyer = 30;
+  kFrontDoor = 31;
+  kFrontYard = 32;
+  kGameRoom = 33;
+  kGarage = 34;
+  kGarageDoor = 35;
+  kGarden = 36;
+  kGardenDoor = 37;
+  kGuestBathroom = 38;
+  kGuestBedroom = 39;
+  kGuestRestroom = 40;
+  kGuestRoom = 41;
+  kGym = 42;
+  kHallway = 43;
+  kHearthRoom = 44;
+  kKidsRoom = 45;
+  kKidsBedroom = 46;
+  kKitchen = 47;
+  kLarder = 48;
+  kLaundryRoom = 49;
+  kLawn = 50;
+  kLibrary = 51;
+  kLivingRoom = 52;
+  kLounge = 53;
+  kMediaTVRoom = 54;
+  kMudRoom = 55;
+  kMusicRoom = 56;
+  kNursery = 57;
+  kOffice = 58;
+  kOutdoorKitchen = 59;
+  kOutside = 60;
+  kPantry = 61;
+  kParkingLot = 62;
+  kParlor = 63;
+  kPatio = 64;
+  kPlayRoom = 65;
+  kPoolRoom = 66;
+  kPorch = 67;
+  kPrimaryBathroom = 68;
+  kPrimaryBedroom = 69;
+  kRamp = 70;
+  kReceptionRoom = 71;
+  kRecreationRoom = 72;
+  kRestroom = 73;
+  kRoof = 74;
+  kSauna = 75;
+  kScullery = 76;
+  kSewingRoom = 77;
+  kShed = 78;
+  kSideDoor = 79;
+  kSideYard = 80;
+  kSittingRoom = 81;
+  kSnug = 82;
+  kSpa = 83;
+  kStaircase = 84;
+  kSteamRoom = 85;
+  kStorageRoom = 86;
+  kStudio = 87;
+  kStudy = 88;
+  kSunRoom = 89;
+  kSwimmingPool = 90;
+  kTerrace = 91;
+  kUtilityRoom = 92;
+  kWard = 93;
+  kWorkshop = 94;
+enum FloorSurfaceTag : enum8 {
+  kCarpet = 0;
+  kCeramic = 1;
+  kConcrete = 2;
+  kCork = 3;
+  kDeepCarpet = 4;
+  kDirt = 5;
+  kEngineeredWood = 6;
+  kGlass = 7;
+  kGrass = 8;
+  kHardwood = 9;
+  kLaminate = 10;
+  kLinoleum = 11;
+  kMat = 12;
+  kMetal = 13;
+  kPlastic = 14;
+  kPolishedConcrete = 15;
+  kRubber = 16;
+  kRug = 17;
+  kSand = 18;
+  kStone = 19;
+  kTatami = 20;
+  kTerrazzo = 21;
+  kTile = 22;
+  kVinyl = 23;
+enum LandmarkTag : enum8 {
+  kAirConditioner = 0;
+  kAirPurifier = 1;
+  kBackDoor = 2;
+  kBarStool = 3;
+  kBathMat = 4;
+  kBathtub = 5;
+  kBed = 6;
+  kBookshelf = 7;
+  kChair = 8;
+  kChristmasTree = 9;
+  kCoatRack = 10;
+  kCoffeeTable = 11;
+  kCookingRange = 12;
+  kCouch = 13;
+  kCountertop = 14;
+  kCradle = 15;
+  kCrib = 16;
+  kDesk = 17;
+  kDiningTable = 18;
+  kDishwasher = 19;
+  kDoor = 20;
+  kDresser = 21;
+  kLaundryDryer = 22;
+  kFan = 23;
+  kFireplace = 24;
+  kFreezer = 25;
+  kFrontDoor = 26;
+  kHighChair = 27;
+  kKitchenIsland = 28;
+  kLamp = 29;
+  kLitterBox = 30;
+  kMirror = 31;
+  kNightstand = 32;
+  kOven = 33;
+  kPetBed = 34;
+  kPetBowl = 35;
+  kPetCrate = 36;
+  kRefrigerator = 37;
+  kScratchingPost = 38;
+  kShoeRack = 39;
+  kShower = 40;
+  kSideDoor = 41;
+  kSink = 42;
+  kSofa = 43;
+  kStove = 44;
+  kTable = 45;
+  kToilet = 46;
+  kTrashCan = 47;
+  kLaundryWasher = 48;
+  kWindow = 49;
+  kWineCooler = 50;
+enum PositionTag : enum8 {
+  kLeft = 0;
+  kRight = 1;
+  kTop = 2;
+  kBottom = 3;
+  kMiddle = 4;
+  kRow = 5;
+  kColumn = 6;
+  kUnder = 7;
+  kNextTo = 8;
+  kAround = 9;
+  kOn = 10;
+  kAbove = 11;
+  kFrontOf = 12;
+  kBehind = 13;
 enum TestGlobalEnum : enum8 {
   kSomeValue = 0;
   kSomeOtherValue = 1;
@@ -12,6 +208,12 @@ bitmap TestGlobalBitmap : bitmap32 {
   kSecondBit = 0x2;
+struct LocationDescriptorStruct {
+  char_string<128> locationName = 0;
+  nullable int16s floorNumber = 1;
+  nullable AreaTypeTag areaType = 2;
 struct TestGlobalStruct {
   char_string<128> name = 0;
   nullable TestGlobalBitmap myBitmap = 1;
diff --git a/examples/air-quality-sensor-app/air-quality-sensor-common/air-quality-sensor-app.matter b/examples/air-quality-sensor-app/air-quality-sensor-common/air-quality-sensor-app.matter
index 391b5450b00993..80a93e41155b95 100644
--- a/examples/air-quality-sensor-app/air-quality-sensor-common/air-quality-sensor-app.matter
+++ b/examples/air-quality-sensor-app/air-quality-sensor-common/air-quality-sensor-app.matter
@@ -1,6 +1,202 @@
 // This IDL was generated automatically by ZAP.
 // It is for view/code review purposes only.
+enum AreaTypeTag : enum8 {
+  kAisle = 0;
+  kAttic = 1;
+  kBackDoor = 2;
+  kBackYard = 3;
+  kBalcony = 4;
+  kBallroom = 5;
+  kBathroom = 6;
+  kBedroom = 7;
+  kBorder = 8;
+  kBoxroom = 9;
+  kBreakfastRoom = 10;
+  kCarport = 11;
+  kCellar = 12;
+  kCloakroom = 13;
+  kCloset = 14;
+  kConservatory = 15;
+  kCorridor = 16;
+  kCraftRoom = 17;
+  kCupboard = 18;
+  kDeck = 19;
+  kDen = 20;
+  kDining = 21;
+  kDrawingRoom = 22;
+  kDressingRoom = 23;
+  kDriveway = 24;
+  kElevator = 25;
+  kEnsuite = 26;
+  kEntrance = 27;
+  kEntryway = 28;
+  kFamilyRoom = 29;
+  kFoyer = 30;
+  kFrontDoor = 31;
+  kFrontYard = 32;
+  kGameRoom = 33;
+  kGarage = 34;
+  kGarageDoor = 35;
+  kGarden = 36;
+  kGardenDoor = 37;
+  kGuestBathroom = 38;
+  kGuestBedroom = 39;
+  kGuestRestroom = 40;
+  kGuestRoom = 41;
+  kGym = 42;
+  kHallway = 43;
+  kHearthRoom = 44;
+  kKidsRoom = 45;
+  kKidsBedroom = 46;
+  kKitchen = 47;
+  kLarder = 48;
+  kLaundryRoom = 49;
+  kLawn = 50;
+  kLibrary = 51;
+  kLivingRoom = 52;
+  kLounge = 53;
+  kMediaTVRoom = 54;
+  kMudRoom = 55;
+  kMusicRoom = 56;
+  kNursery = 57;
+  kOffice = 58;
+  kOutdoorKitchen = 59;
+  kOutside = 60;
+  kPantry = 61;
+  kParkingLot = 62;
+  kParlor = 63;
+  kPatio = 64;
+  kPlayRoom = 65;
+  kPoolRoom = 66;
+  kPorch = 67;
+  kPrimaryBathroom = 68;
+  kPrimaryBedroom = 69;
+  kRamp = 70;
+  kReceptionRoom = 71;
+  kRecreationRoom = 72;
+  kRestroom = 73;
+  kRoof = 74;
+  kSauna = 75;
+  kScullery = 76;
+  kSewingRoom = 77;
+  kShed = 78;
+  kSideDoor = 79;
+  kSideYard = 80;
+  kSittingRoom = 81;
+  kSnug = 82;
+  kSpa = 83;
+  kStaircase = 84;
+  kSteamRoom = 85;
+  kStorageRoom = 86;
+  kStudio = 87;
+  kStudy = 88;
+  kSunRoom = 89;
+  kSwimmingPool = 90;
+  kTerrace = 91;
+  kUtilityRoom = 92;
+  kWard = 93;
+  kWorkshop = 94;
+enum FloorSurfaceTag : enum8 {
+  kCarpet = 0;
+  kCeramic = 1;
+  kConcrete = 2;
+  kCork = 3;
+  kDeepCarpet = 4;
+  kDirt = 5;
+  kEngineeredWood = 6;
+  kGlass = 7;
+  kGrass = 8;
+  kHardwood = 9;
+  kLaminate = 10;
+  kLinoleum = 11;
+  kMat = 12;
+  kMetal = 13;
+  kPlastic = 14;
+  kPolishedConcrete = 15;
+  kRubber = 16;
+  kRug = 17;
+  kSand = 18;
+  kStone = 19;
+  kTatami = 20;
+  kTerrazzo = 21;
+  kTile = 22;
+  kVinyl = 23;
+enum LandmarkTag : enum8 {
+  kAirConditioner = 0;
+  kAirPurifier = 1;
+  kBackDoor = 2;
+  kBarStool = 3;
+  kBathMat = 4;
+  kBathtub = 5;
+  kBed = 6;
+  kBookshelf = 7;
+  kChair = 8;
+  kChristmasTree = 9;
+  kCoatRack = 10;
+  kCoffeeTable = 11;
+  kCookingRange = 12;
+  kCouch = 13;
+  kCountertop = 14;
+  kCradle = 15;
+  kCrib = 16;
+  kDesk = 17;
+  kDiningTable = 18;
+  kDishwasher = 19;
+  kDoor = 20;
+  kDresser = 21;
+  kLaundryDryer = 22;
+  kFan = 23;
+  kFireplace = 24;
+  kFreezer = 25;
+  kFrontDoor = 26;
+  kHighChair = 27;
+  kKitchenIsland = 28;
+  kLamp = 29;
+  kLitterBox = 30;
+  kMirror = 31;
+  kNightstand = 32;
+  kOven = 33;
+  kPetBed = 34;
+  kPetBowl = 35;
+  kPetCrate = 36;
+  kRefrigerator = 37;
+  kScratchingPost = 38;
+  kShoeRack = 39;
+  kShower = 40;
+  kSideDoor = 41;
+  kSink = 42;
+  kSofa = 43;
+  kStove = 44;
+  kTable = 45;
+  kToilet = 46;
+  kTrashCan = 47;
+  kLaundryWasher = 48;
+  kWindow = 49;
+  kWineCooler = 50;
+enum PositionTag : enum8 {
+  kLeft = 0;
+  kRight = 1;
+  kTop = 2;
+  kBottom = 3;
+  kMiddle = 4;
+  kRow = 5;
+  kColumn = 6;
+  kUnder = 7;
+  kNextTo = 8;
+  kAround = 9;
+  kOn = 10;
+  kAbove = 11;
+  kFrontOf = 12;
+  kBehind = 13;
 enum TestGlobalEnum : enum8 {
   kSomeValue = 0;
   kSomeOtherValue = 1;
@@ -12,6 +208,12 @@ bitmap TestGlobalBitmap : bitmap32 {
   kSecondBit = 0x2;
+struct LocationDescriptorStruct {
+  char_string<128> locationName = 0;
+  nullable int16s floorNumber = 1;
+  nullable AreaTypeTag areaType = 2;
 struct TestGlobalStruct {
   char_string<128> name = 0;
   nullable TestGlobalBitmap myBitmap = 1;
diff --git a/examples/all-clusters-app/all-clusters-common/all-clusters-app.matter b/examples/all-clusters-app/all-clusters-common/all-clusters-app.matter
index 3dd2b0f99fb439..46b4ab7d1eaae1 100644
--- a/examples/all-clusters-app/all-clusters-common/all-clusters-app.matter
+++ b/examples/all-clusters-app/all-clusters-common/all-clusters-app.matter
@@ -1,6 +1,202 @@
 // This IDL was generated automatically by ZAP.
 // It is for view/code review purposes only.
+enum AreaTypeTag : enum8 {
+  kAisle = 0;
+  kAttic = 1;
+  kBackDoor = 2;
+  kBackYard = 3;
+  kBalcony = 4;
+  kBallroom = 5;
+  kBathroom = 6;
+  kBedroom = 7;
+  kBorder = 8;
+  kBoxroom = 9;
+  kBreakfastRoom = 10;
+  kCarport = 11;
+  kCellar = 12;
+  kCloakroom = 13;
+  kCloset = 14;
+  kConservatory = 15;
+  kCorridor = 16;
+  kCraftRoom = 17;
+  kCupboard = 18;
+  kDeck = 19;
+  kDen = 20;
+  kDining = 21;
+  kDrawingRoom = 22;
+  kDressingRoom = 23;
+  kDriveway = 24;
+  kElevator = 25;
+  kEnsuite = 26;
+  kEntrance = 27;
+  kEntryway = 28;
+  kFamilyRoom = 29;
+  kFoyer = 30;
+  kFrontDoor = 31;
+  kFrontYard = 32;
+  kGameRoom = 33;
+  kGarage = 34;
+  kGarageDoor = 35;
+  kGarden = 36;
+  kGardenDoor = 37;
+  kGuestBathroom = 38;
+  kGuestBedroom = 39;
+  kGuestRestroom = 40;
+  kGuestRoom = 41;
+  kGym = 42;
+  kHallway = 43;
+  kHearthRoom = 44;
+  kKidsRoom = 45;
+  kKidsBedroom = 46;
+  kKitchen = 47;
+  kLarder = 48;
+  kLaundryRoom = 49;
+  kLawn = 50;
+  kLibrary = 51;
+  kLivingRoom = 52;
+  kLounge = 53;
+  kMediaTVRoom = 54;
+  kMudRoom = 55;
+  kMusicRoom = 56;
+  kNursery = 57;
+  kOffice = 58;
+  kOutdoorKitchen = 59;
+  kOutside = 60;
+  kPantry = 61;
+  kParkingLot = 62;
+  kParlor = 63;
+  kPatio = 64;
+  kPlayRoom = 65;
+  kPoolRoom = 66;
+  kPorch = 67;
+  kPrimaryBathroom = 68;
+  kPrimaryBedroom = 69;
+  kRamp = 70;
+  kReceptionRoom = 71;
+  kRecreationRoom = 72;
+  kRestroom = 73;
+  kRoof = 74;
+  kSauna = 75;
+  kScullery = 76;
+  kSewingRoom = 77;
+  kShed = 78;
+  kSideDoor = 79;
+  kSideYard = 80;
+  kSittingRoom = 81;
+  kSnug = 82;
+  kSpa = 83;
+  kStaircase = 84;
+  kSteamRoom = 85;
+  kStorageRoom = 86;
+  kStudio = 87;
+  kStudy = 88;
+  kSunRoom = 89;
+  kSwimmingPool = 90;
+  kTerrace = 91;
+  kUtilityRoom = 92;
+  kWard = 93;
+  kWorkshop = 94;
+enum FloorSurfaceTag : enum8 {
+  kCarpet = 0;
+  kCeramic = 1;
+  kConcrete = 2;
+  kCork = 3;
+  kDeepCarpet = 4;
+  kDirt = 5;
+  kEngineeredWood = 6;
+  kGlass = 7;
+  kGrass = 8;
+  kHardwood = 9;
+  kLaminate = 10;
+  kLinoleum = 11;
+  kMat = 12;
+  kMetal = 13;
+  kPlastic = 14;
+  kPolishedConcrete = 15;
+  kRubber = 16;
+  kRug = 17;
+  kSand = 18;
+  kStone = 19;
+  kTatami = 20;
+  kTerrazzo = 21;
+  kTile = 22;
+  kVinyl = 23;
+enum LandmarkTag : enum8 {
+  kAirConditioner = 0;
+  kAirPurifier = 1;
+  kBackDoor = 2;
+  kBarStool = 3;
+  kBathMat = 4;
+  kBathtub = 5;
+  kBed = 6;
+  kBookshelf = 7;
+  kChair = 8;
+  kChristmasTree = 9;
+  kCoatRack = 10;
+  kCoffeeTable = 11;
+  kCookingRange = 12;
+  kCouch = 13;
+  kCountertop = 14;
+  kCradle = 15;
+  kCrib = 16;
+  kDesk = 17;
+  kDiningTable = 18;
+  kDishwasher = 19;
+  kDoor = 20;
+  kDresser = 21;
+  kLaundryDryer = 22;
+  kFan = 23;
+  kFireplace = 24;
+  kFreezer = 25;
+  kFrontDoor = 26;
+  kHighChair = 27;
+  kKitchenIsland = 28;
+  kLamp = 29;
+  kLitterBox = 30;
+  kMirror = 31;
+  kNightstand = 32;
+  kOven = 33;
+  kPetBed = 34;
+  kPetBowl = 35;
+  kPetCrate = 36;
+  kRefrigerator = 37;
+  kScratchingPost = 38;
+  kShoeRack = 39;
+  kShower = 40;
+  kSideDoor = 41;
+  kSink = 42;
+  kSofa = 43;
+  kStove = 44;
+  kTable = 45;
+  kToilet = 46;
+  kTrashCan = 47;
+  kLaundryWasher = 48;
+  kWindow = 49;
+  kWineCooler = 50;
+enum PositionTag : enum8 {
+  kLeft = 0;
+  kRight = 1;
+  kTop = 2;
+  kBottom = 3;
+  kMiddle = 4;
+  kRow = 5;
+  kColumn = 6;
+  kUnder = 7;
+  kNextTo = 8;
+  kAround = 9;
+  kOn = 10;
+  kAbove = 11;
+  kFrontOf = 12;
+  kBehind = 13;
 enum TestGlobalEnum : enum8 {
   kSomeValue = 0;
   kSomeOtherValue = 1;
@@ -12,6 +208,12 @@ bitmap TestGlobalBitmap : bitmap32 {
   kSecondBit = 0x2;
+struct LocationDescriptorStruct {
+  char_string<128> locationName = 0;
+  nullable int16s floorNumber = 1;
+  nullable AreaTypeTag areaType = 2;
 struct TestGlobalStruct {
   char_string<128> name = 0;
   nullable TestGlobalBitmap myBitmap = 1;
diff --git a/examples/all-clusters-minimal-app/all-clusters-common/all-clusters-minimal-app.matter b/examples/all-clusters-minimal-app/all-clusters-common/all-clusters-minimal-app.matter
index 4bf0d15e54f799..1ad1d71f2791ad 100644
--- a/examples/all-clusters-minimal-app/all-clusters-common/all-clusters-minimal-app.matter
+++ b/examples/all-clusters-minimal-app/all-clusters-common/all-clusters-minimal-app.matter
@@ -1,6 +1,202 @@
 // This IDL was generated automatically by ZAP.
 // It is for view/code review purposes only.
+enum AreaTypeTag : enum8 {
+  kAisle = 0;
+  kAttic = 1;
+  kBackDoor = 2;
+  kBackYard = 3;
+  kBalcony = 4;
+  kBallroom = 5;
+  kBathroom = 6;
+  kBedroom = 7;
+  kBorder = 8;
+  kBoxroom = 9;
+  kBreakfastRoom = 10;
+  kCarport = 11;
+  kCellar = 12;
+  kCloakroom = 13;
+  kCloset = 14;
+  kConservatory = 15;
+  kCorridor = 16;
+  kCraftRoom = 17;
+  kCupboard = 18;
+  kDeck = 19;
+  kDen = 20;
+  kDining = 21;
+  kDrawingRoom = 22;
+  kDressingRoom = 23;
+  kDriveway = 24;
+  kElevator = 25;
+  kEnsuite = 26;
+  kEntrance = 27;
+  kEntryway = 28;
+  kFamilyRoom = 29;
+  kFoyer = 30;
+  kFrontDoor = 31;
+  kFrontYard = 32;
+  kGameRoom = 33;
+  kGarage = 34;
+  kGarageDoor = 35;
+  kGarden = 36;
+  kGardenDoor = 37;
+  kGuestBathroom = 38;
+  kGuestBedroom = 39;
+  kGuestRestroom = 40;
+  kGuestRoom = 41;
+  kGym = 42;
+  kHallway = 43;
+  kHearthRoom = 44;
+  kKidsRoom = 45;
+  kKidsBedroom = 46;
+  kKitchen = 47;
+  kLarder = 48;
+  kLaundryRoom = 49;
+  kLawn = 50;
+  kLibrary = 51;
+  kLivingRoom = 52;
+  kLounge = 53;
+  kMediaTVRoom = 54;
+  kMudRoom = 55;
+  kMusicRoom = 56;
+  kNursery = 57;
+  kOffice = 58;
+  kOutdoorKitchen = 59;
+  kOutside = 60;
+  kPantry = 61;
+  kParkingLot = 62;
+  kParlor = 63;
+  kPatio = 64;
+  kPlayRoom = 65;
+  kPoolRoom = 66;
+  kPorch = 67;
+  kPrimaryBathroom = 68;
+  kPrimaryBedroom = 69;
+  kRamp = 70;
+  kReceptionRoom = 71;
+  kRecreationRoom = 72;
+  kRestroom = 73;
+  kRoof = 74;
+  kSauna = 75;
+  kScullery = 76;
+  kSewingRoom = 77;
+  kShed = 78;
+  kSideDoor = 79;
+  kSideYard = 80;
+  kSittingRoom = 81;
+  kSnug = 82;
+  kSpa = 83;
+  kStaircase = 84;
+  kSteamRoom = 85;
+  kStorageRoom = 86;
+  kStudio = 87;
+  kStudy = 88;
+  kSunRoom = 89;
+  kSwimmingPool = 90;
+  kTerrace = 91;
+  kUtilityRoom = 92;
+  kWard = 93;
+  kWorkshop = 94;
+enum FloorSurfaceTag : enum8 {
+  kCarpet = 0;
+  kCeramic = 1;
+  kConcrete = 2;
+  kCork = 3;
+  kDeepCarpet = 4;
+  kDirt = 5;
+  kEngineeredWood = 6;
+  kGlass = 7;
+  kGrass = 8;
+  kHardwood = 9;
+  kLaminate = 10;
+  kLinoleum = 11;
+  kMat = 12;
+  kMetal = 13;
+  kPlastic = 14;
+  kPolishedConcrete = 15;
+  kRubber = 16;
+  kRug = 17;
+  kSand = 18;
+  kStone = 19;
+  kTatami = 20;
+  kTerrazzo = 21;
+  kTile = 22;
+  kVinyl = 23;
+enum LandmarkTag : enum8 {
+  kAirConditioner = 0;
+  kAirPurifier = 1;
+  kBackDoor = 2;
+  kBarStool = 3;
+  kBathMat = 4;
+  kBathtub = 5;
+  kBed = 6;
+  kBookshelf = 7;
+  kChair = 8;
+  kChristmasTree = 9;
+  kCoatRack = 10;
+  kCoffeeTable = 11;
+  kCookingRange = 12;
+  kCouch = 13;
+  kCountertop = 14;
+  kCradle = 15;
+  kCrib = 16;
+  kDesk = 17;
+  kDiningTable = 18;
+  kDishwasher = 19;
+  kDoor = 20;
+  kDresser = 21;
+  kLaundryDryer = 22;
+  kFan = 23;
+  kFireplace = 24;
+  kFreezer = 25;
+  kFrontDoor = 26;
+  kHighChair = 27;
+  kKitchenIsland = 28;
+  kLamp = 29;
+  kLitterBox = 30;
+  kMirror = 31;
+  kNightstand = 32;
+  kOven = 33;
+  kPetBed = 34;
+  kPetBowl = 35;
+  kPetCrate = 36;
+  kRefrigerator = 37;
+  kScratchingPost = 38;
+  kShoeRack = 39;
+  kShower = 40;
+  kSideDoor = 41;
+  kSink = 42;
+  kSofa = 43;
+  kStove = 44;
+  kTable = 45;
+  kToilet = 46;
+  kTrashCan = 47;
+  kLaundryWasher = 48;
+  kWindow = 49;
+  kWineCooler = 50;
+enum PositionTag : enum8 {
+  kLeft = 0;
+  kRight = 1;
+  kTop = 2;
+  kBottom = 3;
+  kMiddle = 4;
+  kRow = 5;
+  kColumn = 6;
+  kUnder = 7;
+  kNextTo = 8;
+  kAround = 9;
+  kOn = 10;
+  kAbove = 11;
+  kFrontOf = 12;
+  kBehind = 13;
 enum TestGlobalEnum : enum8 {
   kSomeValue = 0;
   kSomeOtherValue = 1;
@@ -12,6 +208,12 @@ bitmap TestGlobalBitmap : bitmap32 {
   kSecondBit = 0x2;
+struct LocationDescriptorStruct {
+  char_string<128> locationName = 0;
+  nullable int16s floorNumber = 1;
+  nullable AreaTypeTag areaType = 2;
 struct TestGlobalStruct {
   char_string<128> name = 0;
   nullable TestGlobalBitmap myBitmap = 1;
diff --git a/examples/bridge-app/bridge-common/bridge-app.matter b/examples/bridge-app/bridge-common/bridge-app.matter
index c403ecd9d40ff6..62fa99efa49f6f 100644
--- a/examples/bridge-app/bridge-common/bridge-app.matter
+++ b/examples/bridge-app/bridge-common/bridge-app.matter
@@ -1,6 +1,202 @@
 // This IDL was generated automatically by ZAP.
 // It is for view/code review purposes only.
+enum AreaTypeTag : enum8 {
+  kAisle = 0;
+  kAttic = 1;
+  kBackDoor = 2;
+  kBackYard = 3;
+  kBalcony = 4;
+  kBallroom = 5;
+  kBathroom = 6;
+  kBedroom = 7;
+  kBorder = 8;
+  kBoxroom = 9;
+  kBreakfastRoom = 10;
+  kCarport = 11;
+  kCellar = 12;
+  kCloakroom = 13;
+  kCloset = 14;
+  kConservatory = 15;
+  kCorridor = 16;
+  kCraftRoom = 17;
+  kCupboard = 18;
+  kDeck = 19;
+  kDen = 20;
+  kDining = 21;
+  kDrawingRoom = 22;
+  kDressingRoom = 23;
+  kDriveway = 24;
+  kElevator = 25;
+  kEnsuite = 26;
+  kEntrance = 27;
+  kEntryway = 28;
+  kFamilyRoom = 29;
+  kFoyer = 30;
+  kFrontDoor = 31;
+  kFrontYard = 32;
+  kGameRoom = 33;
+  kGarage = 34;
+  kGarageDoor = 35;
+  kGarden = 36;
+  kGardenDoor = 37;
+  kGuestBathroom = 38;
+  kGuestBedroom = 39;
+  kGuestRestroom = 40;
+  kGuestRoom = 41;
+  kGym = 42;
+  kHallway = 43;
+  kHearthRoom = 44;
+  kKidsRoom = 45;
+  kKidsBedroom = 46;
+  kKitchen = 47;
+  kLarder = 48;
+  kLaundryRoom = 49;
+  kLawn = 50;
+  kLibrary = 51;
+  kLivingRoom = 52;
+  kLounge = 53;
+  kMediaTVRoom = 54;
+  kMudRoom = 55;
+  kMusicRoom = 56;
+  kNursery = 57;
+  kOffice = 58;
+  kOutdoorKitchen = 59;
+  kOutside = 60;
+  kPantry = 61;
+  kParkingLot = 62;
+  kParlor = 63;
+  kPatio = 64;
+  kPlayRoom = 65;
+  kPoolRoom = 66;
+  kPorch = 67;
+  kPrimaryBathroom = 68;
+  kPrimaryBedroom = 69;
+  kRamp = 70;
+  kReceptionRoom = 71;
+  kRecreationRoom = 72;
+  kRestroom = 73;
+  kRoof = 74;
+  kSauna = 75;
+  kScullery = 76;
+  kSewingRoom = 77;
+  kShed = 78;
+  kSideDoor = 79;
+  kSideYard = 80;
+  kSittingRoom = 81;
+  kSnug = 82;
+  kSpa = 83;
+  kStaircase = 84;
+  kSteamRoom = 85;
+  kStorageRoom = 86;
+  kStudio = 87;
+  kStudy = 88;
+  kSunRoom = 89;
+  kSwimmingPool = 90;
+  kTerrace = 91;
+  kUtilityRoom = 92;
+  kWard = 93;
+  kWorkshop = 94;
+enum FloorSurfaceTag : enum8 {
+  kCarpet = 0;
+  kCeramic = 1;
+  kConcrete = 2;
+  kCork = 3;
+  kDeepCarpet = 4;
+  kDirt = 5;
+  kEngineeredWood = 6;
+  kGlass = 7;
+  kGrass = 8;
+  kHardwood = 9;
+  kLaminate = 10;
+  kLinoleum = 11;
+  kMat = 12;
+  kMetal = 13;
+  kPlastic = 14;
+  kPolishedConcrete = 15;
+  kRubber = 16;
+  kRug = 17;
+  kSand = 18;
+  kStone = 19;
+  kTatami = 20;
+  kTerrazzo = 21;
+  kTile = 22;
+  kVinyl = 23;
+enum LandmarkTag : enum8 {
+  kAirConditioner = 0;
+  kAirPurifier = 1;
+  kBackDoor = 2;
+  kBarStool = 3;
+  kBathMat = 4;
+  kBathtub = 5;
+  kBed = 6;
+  kBookshelf = 7;
+  kChair = 8;
+  kChristmasTree = 9;
+  kCoatRack = 10;
+  kCoffeeTable = 11;
+  kCookingRange = 12;
+  kCouch = 13;
+  kCountertop = 14;
+  kCradle = 15;
+  kCrib = 16;
+  kDesk = 17;
+  kDiningTable = 18;
+  kDishwasher = 19;
+  kDoor = 20;
+  kDresser = 21;
+  kLaundryDryer = 22;
+  kFan = 23;
+  kFireplace = 24;
+  kFreezer = 25;
+  kFrontDoor = 26;
+  kHighChair = 27;
+  kKitchenIsland = 28;
+  kLamp = 29;
+  kLitterBox = 30;
+  kMirror = 31;
+  kNightstand = 32;
+  kOven = 33;
+  kPetBed = 34;
+  kPetBowl = 35;
+  kPetCrate = 36;
+  kRefrigerator = 37;
+  kScratchingPost = 38;
+  kShoeRack = 39;
+  kShower = 40;
+  kSideDoor = 41;
+  kSink = 42;
+  kSofa = 43;
+  kStove = 44;
+  kTable = 45;
+  kToilet = 46;
+  kTrashCan = 47;
+  kLaundryWasher = 48;
+  kWindow = 49;
+  kWineCooler = 50;
+enum PositionTag : enum8 {
+  kLeft = 0;
+  kRight = 1;
+  kTop = 2;
+  kBottom = 3;
+  kMiddle = 4;
+  kRow = 5;
+  kColumn = 6;
+  kUnder = 7;
+  kNextTo = 8;
+  kAround = 9;
+  kOn = 10;
+  kAbove = 11;
+  kFrontOf = 12;
+  kBehind = 13;
 enum TestGlobalEnum : enum8 {
   kSomeValue = 0;
   kSomeOtherValue = 1;
@@ -12,6 +208,12 @@ bitmap TestGlobalBitmap : bitmap32 {
   kSecondBit = 0x2;
+struct LocationDescriptorStruct {
+  char_string<128> locationName = 0;
+  nullable int16s floorNumber = 1;
+  nullable AreaTypeTag areaType = 2;
 struct TestGlobalStruct {
   char_string<128> name = 0;
   nullable TestGlobalBitmap myBitmap = 1;
diff --git a/examples/chef/devices/noip_rootnode_dimmablelight_bCwGYSDpoe.matter b/examples/chef/devices/noip_rootnode_dimmablelight_bCwGYSDpoe.matter
index 2557a01f257fff..c2fdc613ff9eee 100644
--- a/examples/chef/devices/noip_rootnode_dimmablelight_bCwGYSDpoe.matter
+++ b/examples/chef/devices/noip_rootnode_dimmablelight_bCwGYSDpoe.matter
@@ -1,6 +1,202 @@
 // This IDL was generated automatically by ZAP.
 // It is for view/code review purposes only.
+enum AreaTypeTag : enum8 {
+  kAisle = 0;
+  kAttic = 1;
+  kBackDoor = 2;
+  kBackYard = 3;
+  kBalcony = 4;
+  kBallroom = 5;
+  kBathroom = 6;
+  kBedroom = 7;
+  kBorder = 8;
+  kBoxroom = 9;
+  kBreakfastRoom = 10;
+  kCarport = 11;
+  kCellar = 12;
+  kCloakroom = 13;
+  kCloset = 14;
+  kConservatory = 15;
+  kCorridor = 16;
+  kCraftRoom = 17;
+  kCupboard = 18;
+  kDeck = 19;
+  kDen = 20;
+  kDining = 21;
+  kDrawingRoom = 22;
+  kDressingRoom = 23;
+  kDriveway = 24;
+  kElevator = 25;
+  kEnsuite = 26;
+  kEntrance = 27;
+  kEntryway = 28;
+  kFamilyRoom = 29;
+  kFoyer = 30;
+  kFrontDoor = 31;
+  kFrontYard = 32;
+  kGameRoom = 33;
+  kGarage = 34;
+  kGarageDoor = 35;
+  kGarden = 36;
+  kGardenDoor = 37;
+  kGuestBathroom = 38;
+  kGuestBedroom = 39;
+  kGuestRestroom = 40;
+  kGuestRoom = 41;
+  kGym = 42;
+  kHallway = 43;
+  kHearthRoom = 44;
+  kKidsRoom = 45;
+  kKidsBedroom = 46;
+  kKitchen = 47;
+  kLarder = 48;
+  kLaundryRoom = 49;
+  kLawn = 50;
+  kLibrary = 51;
+  kLivingRoom = 52;
+  kLounge = 53;
+  kMediaTVRoom = 54;
+  kMudRoom = 55;
+  kMusicRoom = 56;
+  kNursery = 57;
+  kOffice = 58;
+  kOutdoorKitchen = 59;
+  kOutside = 60;
+  kPantry = 61;
+  kParkingLot = 62;
+  kParlor = 63;
+  kPatio = 64;
+  kPlayRoom = 65;
+  kPoolRoom = 66;
+  kPorch = 67;
+  kPrimaryBathroom = 68;
+  kPrimaryBedroom = 69;
+  kRamp = 70;
+  kReceptionRoom = 71;
+  kRecreationRoom = 72;
+  kRestroom = 73;
+  kRoof = 74;
+  kSauna = 75;
+  kScullery = 76;
+  kSewingRoom = 77;
+  kShed = 78;
+  kSideDoor = 79;
+  kSideYard = 80;
+  kSittingRoom = 81;
+  kSnug = 82;
+  kSpa = 83;
+  kStaircase = 84;
+  kSteamRoom = 85;
+  kStorageRoom = 86;
+  kStudio = 87;
+  kStudy = 88;
+  kSunRoom = 89;
+  kSwimmingPool = 90;
+  kTerrace = 91;
+  kUtilityRoom = 92;
+  kWard = 93;
+  kWorkshop = 94;
+enum FloorSurfaceTag : enum8 {
+  kCarpet = 0;
+  kCeramic = 1;
+  kConcrete = 2;
+  kCork = 3;
+  kDeepCarpet = 4;
+  kDirt = 5;
+  kEngineeredWood = 6;
+  kGlass = 7;
+  kGrass = 8;
+  kHardwood = 9;
+  kLaminate = 10;
+  kLinoleum = 11;
+  kMat = 12;
+  kMetal = 13;
+  kPlastic = 14;
+  kPolishedConcrete = 15;
+  kRubber = 16;
+  kRug = 17;
+  kSand = 18;
+  kStone = 19;
+  kTatami = 20;
+  kTerrazzo = 21;
+  kTile = 22;
+  kVinyl = 23;
+enum LandmarkTag : enum8 {
+  kAirConditioner = 0;
+  kAirPurifier = 1;
+  kBackDoor = 2;
+  kBarStool = 3;
+  kBathMat = 4;
+  kBathtub = 5;
+  kBed = 6;
+  kBookshelf = 7;
+  kChair = 8;
+  kChristmasTree = 9;
+  kCoatRack = 10;
+  kCoffeeTable = 11;
+  kCookingRange = 12;
+  kCouch = 13;
+  kCountertop = 14;
+  kCradle = 15;
+  kCrib = 16;
+  kDesk = 17;
+  kDiningTable = 18;
+  kDishwasher = 19;
+  kDoor = 20;
+  kDresser = 21;
+  kLaundryDryer = 22;
+  kFan = 23;
+  kFireplace = 24;
+  kFreezer = 25;
+  kFrontDoor = 26;
+  kHighChair = 27;
+  kKitchenIsland = 28;
+  kLamp = 29;
+  kLitterBox = 30;
+  kMirror = 31;
+  kNightstand = 32;
+  kOven = 33;
+  kPetBed = 34;
+  kPetBowl = 35;
+  kPetCrate = 36;
+  kRefrigerator = 37;
+  kScratchingPost = 38;
+  kShoeRack = 39;
+  kShower = 40;
+  kSideDoor = 41;
+  kSink = 42;
+  kSofa = 43;
+  kStove = 44;
+  kTable = 45;
+  kToilet = 46;
+  kTrashCan = 47;
+  kLaundryWasher = 48;
+  kWindow = 49;
+  kWineCooler = 50;
+enum PositionTag : enum8 {
+  kLeft = 0;
+  kRight = 1;
+  kTop = 2;
+  kBottom = 3;
+  kMiddle = 4;
+  kRow = 5;
+  kColumn = 6;
+  kUnder = 7;
+  kNextTo = 8;
+  kAround = 9;
+  kOn = 10;
+  kAbove = 11;
+  kFrontOf = 12;
+  kBehind = 13;
 enum TestGlobalEnum : enum8 {
   kSomeValue = 0;
   kSomeOtherValue = 1;
@@ -12,6 +208,12 @@ bitmap TestGlobalBitmap : bitmap32 {
   kSecondBit = 0x2;
+struct LocationDescriptorStruct {
+  char_string<128> locationName = 0;
+  nullable int16s floorNumber = 1;
+  nullable AreaTypeTag areaType = 2;
 struct TestGlobalStruct {
   char_string<128> name = 0;
   nullable TestGlobalBitmap myBitmap = 1;
diff --git a/examples/chef/devices/rootnode_airpurifier_73a6fe2651.matter b/examples/chef/devices/rootnode_airpurifier_73a6fe2651.matter
index 5cc3baccb0aa62..6b6d2a9133839e 100644
--- a/examples/chef/devices/rootnode_airpurifier_73a6fe2651.matter
+++ b/examples/chef/devices/rootnode_airpurifier_73a6fe2651.matter
@@ -1,6 +1,202 @@
 // This IDL was generated automatically by ZAP.
 // It is for view/code review purposes only.
+enum AreaTypeTag : enum8 {
+  kAisle = 0;
+  kAttic = 1;
+  kBackDoor = 2;
+  kBackYard = 3;
+  kBalcony = 4;
+  kBallroom = 5;
+  kBathroom = 6;
+  kBedroom = 7;
+  kBorder = 8;
+  kBoxroom = 9;
+  kBreakfastRoom = 10;
+  kCarport = 11;
+  kCellar = 12;
+  kCloakroom = 13;
+  kCloset = 14;
+  kConservatory = 15;
+  kCorridor = 16;
+  kCraftRoom = 17;
+  kCupboard = 18;
+  kDeck = 19;
+  kDen = 20;
+  kDining = 21;
+  kDrawingRoom = 22;
+  kDressingRoom = 23;
+  kDriveway = 24;
+  kElevator = 25;
+  kEnsuite = 26;
+  kEntrance = 27;
+  kEntryway = 28;
+  kFamilyRoom = 29;
+  kFoyer = 30;
+  kFrontDoor = 31;
+  kFrontYard = 32;
+  kGameRoom = 33;
+  kGarage = 34;
+  kGarageDoor = 35;
+  kGarden = 36;
+  kGardenDoor = 37;
+  kGuestBathroom = 38;
+  kGuestBedroom = 39;
+  kGuestRestroom = 40;
+  kGuestRoom = 41;
+  kGym = 42;
+  kHallway = 43;
+  kHearthRoom = 44;
+  kKidsRoom = 45;
+  kKidsBedroom = 46;
+  kKitchen = 47;
+  kLarder = 48;
+  kLaundryRoom = 49;
+  kLawn = 50;
+  kLibrary = 51;
+  kLivingRoom = 52;
+  kLounge = 53;
+  kMediaTVRoom = 54;
+  kMudRoom = 55;
+  kMusicRoom = 56;
+  kNursery = 57;
+  kOffice = 58;
+  kOutdoorKitchen = 59;
+  kOutside = 60;
+  kPantry = 61;
+  kParkingLot = 62;
+  kParlor = 63;
+  kPatio = 64;
+  kPlayRoom = 65;
+  kPoolRoom = 66;
+  kPorch = 67;
+  kPrimaryBathroom = 68;
+  kPrimaryBedroom = 69;
+  kRamp = 70;
+  kReceptionRoom = 71;
+  kRecreationRoom = 72;
+  kRestroom = 73;
+  kRoof = 74;
+  kSauna = 75;
+  kScullery = 76;
+  kSewingRoom = 77;
+  kShed = 78;
+  kSideDoor = 79;
+  kSideYard = 80;
+  kSittingRoom = 81;
+  kSnug = 82;
+  kSpa = 83;
+  kStaircase = 84;
+  kSteamRoom = 85;
+  kStorageRoom = 86;
+  kStudio = 87;
+  kStudy = 88;
+  kSunRoom = 89;
+  kSwimmingPool = 90;
+  kTerrace = 91;
+  kUtilityRoom = 92;
+  kWard = 93;
+  kWorkshop = 94;
+enum FloorSurfaceTag : enum8 {
+  kCarpet = 0;
+  kCeramic = 1;
+  kConcrete = 2;
+  kCork = 3;
+  kDeepCarpet = 4;
+  kDirt = 5;
+  kEngineeredWood = 6;
+  kGlass = 7;
+  kGrass = 8;
+  kHardwood = 9;
+  kLaminate = 10;
+  kLinoleum = 11;
+  kMat = 12;
+  kMetal = 13;
+  kPlastic = 14;
+  kPolishedConcrete = 15;
+  kRubber = 16;
+  kRug = 17;
+  kSand = 18;
+  kStone = 19;
+  kTatami = 20;
+  kTerrazzo = 21;
+  kTile = 22;
+  kVinyl = 23;
+enum LandmarkTag : enum8 {
+  kAirConditioner = 0;
+  kAirPurifier = 1;
+  kBackDoor = 2;
+  kBarStool = 3;
+  kBathMat = 4;
+  kBathtub = 5;
+  kBed = 6;
+  kBookshelf = 7;
+  kChair = 8;
+  kChristmasTree = 9;
+  kCoatRack = 10;
+  kCoffeeTable = 11;
+  kCookingRange = 12;
+  kCouch = 13;
+  kCountertop = 14;
+  kCradle = 15;
+  kCrib = 16;
+  kDesk = 17;
+  kDiningTable = 18;
+  kDishwasher = 19;
+  kDoor = 20;
+  kDresser = 21;
+  kLaundryDryer = 22;
+  kFan = 23;
+  kFireplace = 24;
+  kFreezer = 25;
+  kFrontDoor = 26;
+  kHighChair = 27;
+  kKitchenIsland = 28;
+  kLamp = 29;
+  kLitterBox = 30;
+  kMirror = 31;
+  kNightstand = 32;
+  kOven = 33;
+  kPetBed = 34;
+  kPetBowl = 35;
+  kPetCrate = 36;
+  kRefrigerator = 37;
+  kScratchingPost = 38;
+  kShoeRack = 39;
+  kShower = 40;
+  kSideDoor = 41;
+  kSink = 42;
+  kSofa = 43;
+  kStove = 44;
+  kTable = 45;
+  kToilet = 46;
+  kTrashCan = 47;
+  kLaundryWasher = 48;
+  kWindow = 49;
+  kWineCooler = 50;
+enum PositionTag : enum8 {
+  kLeft = 0;
+  kRight = 1;
+  kTop = 2;
+  kBottom = 3;
+  kMiddle = 4;
+  kRow = 5;
+  kColumn = 6;
+  kUnder = 7;
+  kNextTo = 8;
+  kAround = 9;
+  kOn = 10;
+  kAbove = 11;
+  kFrontOf = 12;
+  kBehind = 13;
 enum TestGlobalEnum : enum8 {
   kSomeValue = 0;
   kSomeOtherValue = 1;
@@ -12,6 +208,12 @@ bitmap TestGlobalBitmap : bitmap32 {
   kSecondBit = 0x2;
+struct LocationDescriptorStruct {
+  char_string<128> locationName = 0;
+  nullable int16s floorNumber = 1;
+  nullable AreaTypeTag areaType = 2;
 struct TestGlobalStruct {
   char_string<128> name = 0;
   nullable TestGlobalBitmap myBitmap = 1;
diff --git a/examples/chef/devices/rootnode_airpurifier_airqualitysensor_temperaturesensor_humiditysensor_thermostat_56de3d5f45.matter b/examples/chef/devices/rootnode_airpurifier_airqualitysensor_temperaturesensor_humiditysensor_thermostat_56de3d5f45.matter
index 9e1548b7dd36c5..4e21ce7185ece0 100644
--- a/examples/chef/devices/rootnode_airpurifier_airqualitysensor_temperaturesensor_humiditysensor_thermostat_56de3d5f45.matter
+++ b/examples/chef/devices/rootnode_airpurifier_airqualitysensor_temperaturesensor_humiditysensor_thermostat_56de3d5f45.matter
@@ -1,6 +1,202 @@
 // This IDL was generated automatically by ZAP.
 // It is for view/code review purposes only.
+enum AreaTypeTag : enum8 {
+  kAisle = 0;
+  kAttic = 1;
+  kBackDoor = 2;
+  kBackYard = 3;
+  kBalcony = 4;
+  kBallroom = 5;
+  kBathroom = 6;
+  kBedroom = 7;
+  kBorder = 8;
+  kBoxroom = 9;
+  kBreakfastRoom = 10;
+  kCarport = 11;
+  kCellar = 12;
+  kCloakroom = 13;
+  kCloset = 14;
+  kConservatory = 15;
+  kCorridor = 16;
+  kCraftRoom = 17;
+  kCupboard = 18;
+  kDeck = 19;
+  kDen = 20;
+  kDining = 21;
+  kDrawingRoom = 22;
+  kDressingRoom = 23;
+  kDriveway = 24;
+  kElevator = 25;
+  kEnsuite = 26;
+  kEntrance = 27;
+  kEntryway = 28;
+  kFamilyRoom = 29;
+  kFoyer = 30;
+  kFrontDoor = 31;
+  kFrontYard = 32;
+  kGameRoom = 33;
+  kGarage = 34;
+  kGarageDoor = 35;
+  kGarden = 36;
+  kGardenDoor = 37;
+  kGuestBathroom = 38;
+  kGuestBedroom = 39;
+  kGuestRestroom = 40;
+  kGuestRoom = 41;
+  kGym = 42;
+  kHallway = 43;
+  kHearthRoom = 44;
+  kKidsRoom = 45;
+  kKidsBedroom = 46;
+  kKitchen = 47;
+  kLarder = 48;
+  kLaundryRoom = 49;
+  kLawn = 50;
+  kLibrary = 51;
+  kLivingRoom = 52;
+  kLounge = 53;
+  kMediaTVRoom = 54;
+  kMudRoom = 55;
+  kMusicRoom = 56;
+  kNursery = 57;
+  kOffice = 58;
+  kOutdoorKitchen = 59;
+  kOutside = 60;
+  kPantry = 61;
+  kParkingLot = 62;
+  kParlor = 63;
+  kPatio = 64;
+  kPlayRoom = 65;
+  kPoolRoom = 66;
+  kPorch = 67;
+  kPrimaryBathroom = 68;
+  kPrimaryBedroom = 69;
+  kRamp = 70;
+  kReceptionRoom = 71;
+  kRecreationRoom = 72;
+  kRestroom = 73;
+  kRoof = 74;
+  kSauna = 75;
+  kScullery = 76;
+  kSewingRoom = 77;
+  kShed = 78;
+  kSideDoor = 79;
+  kSideYard = 80;
+  kSittingRoom = 81;
+  kSnug = 82;
+  kSpa = 83;
+  kStaircase = 84;
+  kSteamRoom = 85;
+  kStorageRoom = 86;
+  kStudio = 87;
+  kStudy = 88;
+  kSunRoom = 89;
+  kSwimmingPool = 90;
+  kTerrace = 91;
+  kUtilityRoom = 92;
+  kWard = 93;
+  kWorkshop = 94;
+enum FloorSurfaceTag : enum8 {
+  kCarpet = 0;
+  kCeramic = 1;
+  kConcrete = 2;
+  kCork = 3;
+  kDeepCarpet = 4;
+  kDirt = 5;
+  kEngineeredWood = 6;
+  kGlass = 7;
+  kGrass = 8;
+  kHardwood = 9;
+  kLaminate = 10;
+  kLinoleum = 11;
+  kMat = 12;
+  kMetal = 13;
+  kPlastic = 14;
+  kPolishedConcrete = 15;
+  kRubber = 16;
+  kRug = 17;
+  kSand = 18;
+  kStone = 19;
+  kTatami = 20;
+  kTerrazzo = 21;
+  kTile = 22;
+  kVinyl = 23;
+enum LandmarkTag : enum8 {
+  kAirConditioner = 0;
+  kAirPurifier = 1;
+  kBackDoor = 2;
+  kBarStool = 3;
+  kBathMat = 4;
+  kBathtub = 5;
+  kBed = 6;
+  kBookshelf = 7;
+  kChair = 8;
+  kChristmasTree = 9;
+  kCoatRack = 10;
+  kCoffeeTable = 11;
+  kCookingRange = 12;
+  kCouch = 13;
+  kCountertop = 14;
+  kCradle = 15;
+  kCrib = 16;
+  kDesk = 17;
+  kDiningTable = 18;
+  kDishwasher = 19;
+  kDoor = 20;
+  kDresser = 21;
+  kLaundryDryer = 22;
+  kFan = 23;
+  kFireplace = 24;
+  kFreezer = 25;
+  kFrontDoor = 26;
+  kHighChair = 27;
+  kKitchenIsland = 28;
+  kLamp = 29;
+  kLitterBox = 30;
+  kMirror = 31;
+  kNightstand = 32;
+  kOven = 33;
+  kPetBed = 34;
+  kPetBowl = 35;
+  kPetCrate = 36;
+  kRefrigerator = 37;
+  kScratchingPost = 38;
+  kShoeRack = 39;
+  kShower = 40;
+  kSideDoor = 41;
+  kSink = 42;
+  kSofa = 43;
+  kStove = 44;
+  kTable = 45;
+  kToilet = 46;
+  kTrashCan = 47;
+  kLaundryWasher = 48;
+  kWindow = 49;
+  kWineCooler = 50;
+enum PositionTag : enum8 {
+  kLeft = 0;
+  kRight = 1;
+  kTop = 2;
+  kBottom = 3;
+  kMiddle = 4;
+  kRow = 5;
+  kColumn = 6;
+  kUnder = 7;
+  kNextTo = 8;
+  kAround = 9;
+  kOn = 10;
+  kAbove = 11;
+  kFrontOf = 12;
+  kBehind = 13;
 enum TestGlobalEnum : enum8 {
   kSomeValue = 0;
   kSomeOtherValue = 1;
@@ -12,6 +208,12 @@ bitmap TestGlobalBitmap : bitmap32 {
   kSecondBit = 0x2;
+struct LocationDescriptorStruct {
+  char_string<128> locationName = 0;
+  nullable int16s floorNumber = 1;
+  nullable AreaTypeTag areaType = 2;
 struct TestGlobalStruct {
   char_string<128> name = 0;
   nullable TestGlobalBitmap myBitmap = 1;
diff --git a/examples/chef/devices/rootnode_airqualitysensor_e63187f6c9.matter b/examples/chef/devices/rootnode_airqualitysensor_e63187f6c9.matter
index 22282b4b3a8ffe..fb5fd600d280a5 100644
--- a/examples/chef/devices/rootnode_airqualitysensor_e63187f6c9.matter
+++ b/examples/chef/devices/rootnode_airqualitysensor_e63187f6c9.matter
@@ -1,6 +1,202 @@
 // This IDL was generated automatically by ZAP.
 // It is for view/code review purposes only.
+enum AreaTypeTag : enum8 {
+  kAisle = 0;
+  kAttic = 1;
+  kBackDoor = 2;
+  kBackYard = 3;
+  kBalcony = 4;
+  kBallroom = 5;
+  kBathroom = 6;
+  kBedroom = 7;
+  kBorder = 8;
+  kBoxroom = 9;
+  kBreakfastRoom = 10;
+  kCarport = 11;
+  kCellar = 12;
+  kCloakroom = 13;
+  kCloset = 14;
+  kConservatory = 15;
+  kCorridor = 16;
+  kCraftRoom = 17;
+  kCupboard = 18;
+  kDeck = 19;
+  kDen = 20;
+  kDining = 21;
+  kDrawingRoom = 22;
+  kDressingRoom = 23;
+  kDriveway = 24;
+  kElevator = 25;
+  kEnsuite = 26;
+  kEntrance = 27;
+  kEntryway = 28;
+  kFamilyRoom = 29;
+  kFoyer = 30;
+  kFrontDoor = 31;
+  kFrontYard = 32;
+  kGameRoom = 33;
+  kGarage = 34;
+  kGarageDoor = 35;
+  kGarden = 36;
+  kGardenDoor = 37;
+  kGuestBathroom = 38;
+  kGuestBedroom = 39;
+  kGuestRestroom = 40;
+  kGuestRoom = 41;
+  kGym = 42;
+  kHallway = 43;
+  kHearthRoom = 44;
+  kKidsRoom = 45;
+  kKidsBedroom = 46;
+  kKitchen = 47;
+  kLarder = 48;
+  kLaundryRoom = 49;
+  kLawn = 50;
+  kLibrary = 51;
+  kLivingRoom = 52;
+  kLounge = 53;
+  kMediaTVRoom = 54;
+  kMudRoom = 55;
+  kMusicRoom = 56;
+  kNursery = 57;
+  kOffice = 58;
+  kOutdoorKitchen = 59;
+  kOutside = 60;
+  kPantry = 61;
+  kParkingLot = 62;
+  kParlor = 63;
+  kPatio = 64;
+  kPlayRoom = 65;
+  kPoolRoom = 66;
+  kPorch = 67;
+  kPrimaryBathroom = 68;
+  kPrimaryBedroom = 69;
+  kRamp = 70;
+  kReceptionRoom = 71;
+  kRecreationRoom = 72;
+  kRestroom = 73;
+  kRoof = 74;
+  kSauna = 75;
+  kScullery = 76;
+  kSewingRoom = 77;
+  kShed = 78;
+  kSideDoor = 79;
+  kSideYard = 80;
+  kSittingRoom = 81;
+  kSnug = 82;
+  kSpa = 83;
+  kStaircase = 84;
+  kSteamRoom = 85;
+  kStorageRoom = 86;
+  kStudio = 87;
+  kStudy = 88;
+  kSunRoom = 89;
+  kSwimmingPool = 90;
+  kTerrace = 91;
+  kUtilityRoom = 92;
+  kWard = 93;
+  kWorkshop = 94;
+enum FloorSurfaceTag : enum8 {
+  kCarpet = 0;
+  kCeramic = 1;
+  kConcrete = 2;
+  kCork = 3;
+  kDeepCarpet = 4;
+  kDirt = 5;
+  kEngineeredWood = 6;
+  kGlass = 7;
+  kGrass = 8;
+  kHardwood = 9;
+  kLaminate = 10;
+  kLinoleum = 11;
+  kMat = 12;
+  kMetal = 13;
+  kPlastic = 14;
+  kPolishedConcrete = 15;
+  kRubber = 16;
+  kRug = 17;
+  kSand = 18;
+  kStone = 19;
+  kTatami = 20;
+  kTerrazzo = 21;
+  kTile = 22;
+  kVinyl = 23;
+enum LandmarkTag : enum8 {
+  kAirConditioner = 0;
+  kAirPurifier = 1;
+  kBackDoor = 2;
+  kBarStool = 3;
+  kBathMat = 4;
+  kBathtub = 5;
+  kBed = 6;
+  kBookshelf = 7;
+  kChair = 8;
+  kChristmasTree = 9;
+  kCoatRack = 10;
+  kCoffeeTable = 11;
+  kCookingRange = 12;
+  kCouch = 13;
+  kCountertop = 14;
+  kCradle = 15;
+  kCrib = 16;
+  kDesk = 17;
+  kDiningTable = 18;
+  kDishwasher = 19;
+  kDoor = 20;
+  kDresser = 21;
+  kLaundryDryer = 22;
+  kFan = 23;
+  kFireplace = 24;
+  kFreezer = 25;
+  kFrontDoor = 26;
+  kHighChair = 27;
+  kKitchenIsland = 28;
+  kLamp = 29;
+  kLitterBox = 30;
+  kMirror = 31;
+  kNightstand = 32;
+  kOven = 33;
+  kPetBed = 34;
+  kPetBowl = 35;
+  kPetCrate = 36;
+  kRefrigerator = 37;
+  kScratchingPost = 38;
+  kShoeRack = 39;
+  kShower = 40;
+  kSideDoor = 41;
+  kSink = 42;
+  kSofa = 43;
+  kStove = 44;
+  kTable = 45;
+  kToilet = 46;
+  kTrashCan = 47;
+  kLaundryWasher = 48;
+  kWindow = 49;
+  kWineCooler = 50;
+enum PositionTag : enum8 {
+  kLeft = 0;
+  kRight = 1;
+  kTop = 2;
+  kBottom = 3;
+  kMiddle = 4;
+  kRow = 5;
+  kColumn = 6;
+  kUnder = 7;
+  kNextTo = 8;
+  kAround = 9;
+  kOn = 10;
+  kAbove = 11;
+  kFrontOf = 12;
+  kBehind = 13;
 enum TestGlobalEnum : enum8 {
   kSomeValue = 0;
   kSomeOtherValue = 1;
@@ -12,6 +208,12 @@ bitmap TestGlobalBitmap : bitmap32 {
   kSecondBit = 0x2;
+struct LocationDescriptorStruct {
+  char_string<128> locationName = 0;
+  nullable int16s floorNumber = 1;
+  nullable AreaTypeTag areaType = 2;
 struct TestGlobalStruct {
   char_string<128> name = 0;
   nullable TestGlobalBitmap myBitmap = 1;
diff --git a/examples/chef/devices/rootnode_basicvideoplayer_0ff86e943b.matter b/examples/chef/devices/rootnode_basicvideoplayer_0ff86e943b.matter
index 4fb0ed83478012..e93e6a668dbd62 100644
--- a/examples/chef/devices/rootnode_basicvideoplayer_0ff86e943b.matter
+++ b/examples/chef/devices/rootnode_basicvideoplayer_0ff86e943b.matter
@@ -1,6 +1,202 @@
 // This IDL was generated automatically by ZAP.
 // It is for view/code review purposes only.
+enum AreaTypeTag : enum8 {
+  kAisle = 0;
+  kAttic = 1;
+  kBackDoor = 2;
+  kBackYard = 3;
+  kBalcony = 4;
+  kBallroom = 5;
+  kBathroom = 6;
+  kBedroom = 7;
+  kBorder = 8;
+  kBoxroom = 9;
+  kBreakfastRoom = 10;
+  kCarport = 11;
+  kCellar = 12;
+  kCloakroom = 13;
+  kCloset = 14;
+  kConservatory = 15;
+  kCorridor = 16;
+  kCraftRoom = 17;
+  kCupboard = 18;
+  kDeck = 19;
+  kDen = 20;
+  kDining = 21;
+  kDrawingRoom = 22;
+  kDressingRoom = 23;
+  kDriveway = 24;
+  kElevator = 25;
+  kEnsuite = 26;
+  kEntrance = 27;
+  kEntryway = 28;
+  kFamilyRoom = 29;
+  kFoyer = 30;
+  kFrontDoor = 31;
+  kFrontYard = 32;
+  kGameRoom = 33;
+  kGarage = 34;
+  kGarageDoor = 35;
+  kGarden = 36;
+  kGardenDoor = 37;
+  kGuestBathroom = 38;
+  kGuestBedroom = 39;
+  kGuestRestroom = 40;
+  kGuestRoom = 41;
+  kGym = 42;
+  kHallway = 43;
+  kHearthRoom = 44;
+  kKidsRoom = 45;
+  kKidsBedroom = 46;
+  kKitchen = 47;
+  kLarder = 48;
+  kLaundryRoom = 49;
+  kLawn = 50;
+  kLibrary = 51;
+  kLivingRoom = 52;
+  kLounge = 53;
+  kMediaTVRoom = 54;
+  kMudRoom = 55;
+  kMusicRoom = 56;
+  kNursery = 57;
+  kOffice = 58;
+  kOutdoorKitchen = 59;
+  kOutside = 60;
+  kPantry = 61;
+  kParkingLot = 62;
+  kParlor = 63;
+  kPatio = 64;
+  kPlayRoom = 65;
+  kPoolRoom = 66;
+  kPorch = 67;
+  kPrimaryBathroom = 68;
+  kPrimaryBedroom = 69;
+  kRamp = 70;
+  kReceptionRoom = 71;
+  kRecreationRoom = 72;
+  kRestroom = 73;
+  kRoof = 74;
+  kSauna = 75;
+  kScullery = 76;
+  kSewingRoom = 77;
+  kShed = 78;
+  kSideDoor = 79;
+  kSideYard = 80;
+  kSittingRoom = 81;
+  kSnug = 82;
+  kSpa = 83;
+  kStaircase = 84;
+  kSteamRoom = 85;
+  kStorageRoom = 86;
+  kStudio = 87;
+  kStudy = 88;
+  kSunRoom = 89;
+  kSwimmingPool = 90;
+  kTerrace = 91;
+  kUtilityRoom = 92;
+  kWard = 93;
+  kWorkshop = 94;
+enum FloorSurfaceTag : enum8 {
+  kCarpet = 0;
+  kCeramic = 1;
+  kConcrete = 2;
+  kCork = 3;
+  kDeepCarpet = 4;
+  kDirt = 5;
+  kEngineeredWood = 6;
+  kGlass = 7;
+  kGrass = 8;
+  kHardwood = 9;
+  kLaminate = 10;
+  kLinoleum = 11;
+  kMat = 12;
+  kMetal = 13;
+  kPlastic = 14;
+  kPolishedConcrete = 15;
+  kRubber = 16;
+  kRug = 17;
+  kSand = 18;
+  kStone = 19;
+  kTatami = 20;
+  kTerrazzo = 21;
+  kTile = 22;
+  kVinyl = 23;
+enum LandmarkTag : enum8 {
+  kAirConditioner = 0;
+  kAirPurifier = 1;
+  kBackDoor = 2;
+  kBarStool = 3;
+  kBathMat = 4;
+  kBathtub = 5;
+  kBed = 6;
+  kBookshelf = 7;
+  kChair = 8;
+  kChristmasTree = 9;
+  kCoatRack = 10;
+  kCoffeeTable = 11;
+  kCookingRange = 12;
+  kCouch = 13;
+  kCountertop = 14;
+  kCradle = 15;
+  kCrib = 16;
+  kDesk = 17;
+  kDiningTable = 18;
+  kDishwasher = 19;
+  kDoor = 20;
+  kDresser = 21;
+  kLaundryDryer = 22;
+  kFan = 23;
+  kFireplace = 24;
+  kFreezer = 25;
+  kFrontDoor = 26;
+  kHighChair = 27;
+  kKitchenIsland = 28;
+  kLamp = 29;
+  kLitterBox = 30;
+  kMirror = 31;
+  kNightstand = 32;
+  kOven = 33;
+  kPetBed = 34;
+  kPetBowl = 35;
+  kPetCrate = 36;
+  kRefrigerator = 37;
+  kScratchingPost = 38;
+  kShoeRack = 39;
+  kShower = 40;
+  kSideDoor = 41;
+  kSink = 42;
+  kSofa = 43;
+  kStove = 44;
+  kTable = 45;
+  kToilet = 46;
+  kTrashCan = 47;
+  kLaundryWasher = 48;
+  kWindow = 49;
+  kWineCooler = 50;
+enum PositionTag : enum8 {
+  kLeft = 0;
+  kRight = 1;
+  kTop = 2;
+  kBottom = 3;
+  kMiddle = 4;
+  kRow = 5;
+  kColumn = 6;
+  kUnder = 7;
+  kNextTo = 8;
+  kAround = 9;
+  kOn = 10;
+  kAbove = 11;
+  kFrontOf = 12;
+  kBehind = 13;
 enum TestGlobalEnum : enum8 {
   kSomeValue = 0;
   kSomeOtherValue = 1;
@@ -12,6 +208,12 @@ bitmap TestGlobalBitmap : bitmap32 {
   kSecondBit = 0x2;
+struct LocationDescriptorStruct {
+  char_string<128> locationName = 0;
+  nullable int16s floorNumber = 1;
+  nullable AreaTypeTag areaType = 2;
 struct TestGlobalStruct {
   char_string<128> name = 0;
   nullable TestGlobalBitmap myBitmap = 1;
diff --git a/examples/chef/devices/rootnode_colortemperaturelight_hbUnzYVeyn.matter b/examples/chef/devices/rootnode_colortemperaturelight_hbUnzYVeyn.matter
index 31241e3a4ab637..8da8f1d4472762 100644
--- a/examples/chef/devices/rootnode_colortemperaturelight_hbUnzYVeyn.matter
+++ b/examples/chef/devices/rootnode_colortemperaturelight_hbUnzYVeyn.matter
@@ -1,6 +1,202 @@
 // This IDL was generated automatically by ZAP.
 // It is for view/code review purposes only.
+enum AreaTypeTag : enum8 {
+  kAisle = 0;
+  kAttic = 1;
+  kBackDoor = 2;
+  kBackYard = 3;
+  kBalcony = 4;
+  kBallroom = 5;
+  kBathroom = 6;
+  kBedroom = 7;
+  kBorder = 8;
+  kBoxroom = 9;
+  kBreakfastRoom = 10;
+  kCarport = 11;
+  kCellar = 12;
+  kCloakroom = 13;
+  kCloset = 14;
+  kConservatory = 15;
+  kCorridor = 16;
+  kCraftRoom = 17;
+  kCupboard = 18;
+  kDeck = 19;
+  kDen = 20;
+  kDining = 21;
+  kDrawingRoom = 22;
+  kDressingRoom = 23;
+  kDriveway = 24;
+  kElevator = 25;
+  kEnsuite = 26;
+  kEntrance = 27;
+  kEntryway = 28;
+  kFamilyRoom = 29;
+  kFoyer = 30;
+  kFrontDoor = 31;
+  kFrontYard = 32;
+  kGameRoom = 33;
+  kGarage = 34;
+  kGarageDoor = 35;
+  kGarden = 36;
+  kGardenDoor = 37;
+  kGuestBathroom = 38;
+  kGuestBedroom = 39;
+  kGuestRestroom = 40;
+  kGuestRoom = 41;
+  kGym = 42;
+  kHallway = 43;
+  kHearthRoom = 44;
+  kKidsRoom = 45;
+  kKidsBedroom = 46;
+  kKitchen = 47;
+  kLarder = 48;
+  kLaundryRoom = 49;
+  kLawn = 50;
+  kLibrary = 51;
+  kLivingRoom = 52;
+  kLounge = 53;
+  kMediaTVRoom = 54;
+  kMudRoom = 55;
+  kMusicRoom = 56;
+  kNursery = 57;
+  kOffice = 58;
+  kOutdoorKitchen = 59;
+  kOutside = 60;
+  kPantry = 61;
+  kParkingLot = 62;
+  kParlor = 63;
+  kPatio = 64;
+  kPlayRoom = 65;
+  kPoolRoom = 66;
+  kPorch = 67;
+  kPrimaryBathroom = 68;
+  kPrimaryBedroom = 69;
+  kRamp = 70;
+  kReceptionRoom = 71;
+  kRecreationRoom = 72;
+  kRestroom = 73;
+  kRoof = 74;
+  kSauna = 75;
+  kScullery = 76;
+  kSewingRoom = 77;
+  kShed = 78;
+  kSideDoor = 79;
+  kSideYard = 80;
+  kSittingRoom = 81;
+  kSnug = 82;
+  kSpa = 83;
+  kStaircase = 84;
+  kSteamRoom = 85;
+  kStorageRoom = 86;
+  kStudio = 87;
+  kStudy = 88;
+  kSunRoom = 89;
+  kSwimmingPool = 90;
+  kTerrace = 91;
+  kUtilityRoom = 92;
+  kWard = 93;
+  kWorkshop = 94;
+enum FloorSurfaceTag : enum8 {
+  kCarpet = 0;
+  kCeramic = 1;
+  kConcrete = 2;
+  kCork = 3;
+  kDeepCarpet = 4;
+  kDirt = 5;
+  kEngineeredWood = 6;
+  kGlass = 7;
+  kGrass = 8;
+  kHardwood = 9;
+  kLaminate = 10;
+  kLinoleum = 11;
+  kMat = 12;
+  kMetal = 13;
+  kPlastic = 14;
+  kPolishedConcrete = 15;
+  kRubber = 16;
+  kRug = 17;
+  kSand = 18;
+  kStone = 19;
+  kTatami = 20;
+  kTerrazzo = 21;
+  kTile = 22;
+  kVinyl = 23;
+enum LandmarkTag : enum8 {
+  kAirConditioner = 0;
+  kAirPurifier = 1;
+  kBackDoor = 2;
+  kBarStool = 3;
+  kBathMat = 4;
+  kBathtub = 5;
+  kBed = 6;
+  kBookshelf = 7;
+  kChair = 8;
+  kChristmasTree = 9;
+  kCoatRack = 10;
+  kCoffeeTable = 11;
+  kCookingRange = 12;
+  kCouch = 13;
+  kCountertop = 14;
+  kCradle = 15;
+  kCrib = 16;
+  kDesk = 17;
+  kDiningTable = 18;
+  kDishwasher = 19;
+  kDoor = 20;
+  kDresser = 21;
+  kLaundryDryer = 22;
+  kFan = 23;
+  kFireplace = 24;
+  kFreezer = 25;
+  kFrontDoor = 26;
+  kHighChair = 27;
+  kKitchenIsland = 28;
+  kLamp = 29;
+  kLitterBox = 30;
+  kMirror = 31;
+  kNightstand = 32;
+  kOven = 33;
+  kPetBed = 34;
+  kPetBowl = 35;
+  kPetCrate = 36;
+  kRefrigerator = 37;
+  kScratchingPost = 38;
+  kShoeRack = 39;
+  kShower = 40;
+  kSideDoor = 41;
+  kSink = 42;
+  kSofa = 43;
+  kStove = 44;
+  kTable = 45;
+  kToilet = 46;
+  kTrashCan = 47;
+  kLaundryWasher = 48;
+  kWindow = 49;
+  kWineCooler = 50;
+enum PositionTag : enum8 {
+  kLeft = 0;
+  kRight = 1;
+  kTop = 2;
+  kBottom = 3;
+  kMiddle = 4;
+  kRow = 5;
+  kColumn = 6;
+  kUnder = 7;
+  kNextTo = 8;
+  kAround = 9;
+  kOn = 10;
+  kAbove = 11;
+  kFrontOf = 12;
+  kBehind = 13;
 enum TestGlobalEnum : enum8 {
   kSomeValue = 0;
   kSomeOtherValue = 1;
@@ -12,6 +208,12 @@ bitmap TestGlobalBitmap : bitmap32 {
   kSecondBit = 0x2;
+struct LocationDescriptorStruct {
+  char_string<128> locationName = 0;
+  nullable int16s floorNumber = 1;
+  nullable AreaTypeTag areaType = 2;
 struct TestGlobalStruct {
   char_string<128> name = 0;
   nullable TestGlobalBitmap myBitmap = 1;
diff --git a/examples/chef/devices/rootnode_contactsensor_27f76aeaf5.matter b/examples/chef/devices/rootnode_contactsensor_27f76aeaf5.matter
index 5735b2cf936ff4..b32e274bde40c1 100644
--- a/examples/chef/devices/rootnode_contactsensor_27f76aeaf5.matter
+++ b/examples/chef/devices/rootnode_contactsensor_27f76aeaf5.matter
@@ -1,6 +1,202 @@
 // This IDL was generated automatically by ZAP.
 // It is for view/code review purposes only.
+enum AreaTypeTag : enum8 {
+  kAisle = 0;
+  kAttic = 1;
+  kBackDoor = 2;
+  kBackYard = 3;
+  kBalcony = 4;
+  kBallroom = 5;
+  kBathroom = 6;
+  kBedroom = 7;
+  kBorder = 8;
+  kBoxroom = 9;
+  kBreakfastRoom = 10;
+  kCarport = 11;
+  kCellar = 12;
+  kCloakroom = 13;
+  kCloset = 14;
+  kConservatory = 15;
+  kCorridor = 16;
+  kCraftRoom = 17;
+  kCupboard = 18;
+  kDeck = 19;
+  kDen = 20;
+  kDining = 21;
+  kDrawingRoom = 22;
+  kDressingRoom = 23;
+  kDriveway = 24;
+  kElevator = 25;
+  kEnsuite = 26;
+  kEntrance = 27;
+  kEntryway = 28;
+  kFamilyRoom = 29;
+  kFoyer = 30;
+  kFrontDoor = 31;
+  kFrontYard = 32;
+  kGameRoom = 33;
+  kGarage = 34;
+  kGarageDoor = 35;
+  kGarden = 36;
+  kGardenDoor = 37;
+  kGuestBathroom = 38;
+  kGuestBedroom = 39;
+  kGuestRestroom = 40;
+  kGuestRoom = 41;
+  kGym = 42;
+  kHallway = 43;
+  kHearthRoom = 44;
+  kKidsRoom = 45;
+  kKidsBedroom = 46;
+  kKitchen = 47;
+  kLarder = 48;
+  kLaundryRoom = 49;
+  kLawn = 50;
+  kLibrary = 51;
+  kLivingRoom = 52;
+  kLounge = 53;
+  kMediaTVRoom = 54;
+  kMudRoom = 55;
+  kMusicRoom = 56;
+  kNursery = 57;
+  kOffice = 58;
+  kOutdoorKitchen = 59;
+  kOutside = 60;
+  kPantry = 61;
+  kParkingLot = 62;
+  kParlor = 63;
+  kPatio = 64;
+  kPlayRoom = 65;
+  kPoolRoom = 66;
+  kPorch = 67;
+  kPrimaryBathroom = 68;
+  kPrimaryBedroom = 69;
+  kRamp = 70;
+  kReceptionRoom = 71;
+  kRecreationRoom = 72;
+  kRestroom = 73;
+  kRoof = 74;
+  kSauna = 75;
+  kScullery = 76;
+  kSewingRoom = 77;
+  kShed = 78;
+  kSideDoor = 79;
+  kSideYard = 80;
+  kSittingRoom = 81;
+  kSnug = 82;
+  kSpa = 83;
+  kStaircase = 84;
+  kSteamRoom = 85;
+  kStorageRoom = 86;
+  kStudio = 87;
+  kStudy = 88;
+  kSunRoom = 89;
+  kSwimmingPool = 90;
+  kTerrace = 91;
+  kUtilityRoom = 92;
+  kWard = 93;
+  kWorkshop = 94;
+enum FloorSurfaceTag : enum8 {
+  kCarpet = 0;
+  kCeramic = 1;
+  kConcrete = 2;
+  kCork = 3;
+  kDeepCarpet = 4;
+  kDirt = 5;
+  kEngineeredWood = 6;
+  kGlass = 7;
+  kGrass = 8;
+  kHardwood = 9;
+  kLaminate = 10;
+  kLinoleum = 11;
+  kMat = 12;
+  kMetal = 13;
+  kPlastic = 14;
+  kPolishedConcrete = 15;
+  kRubber = 16;
+  kRug = 17;
+  kSand = 18;
+  kStone = 19;
+  kTatami = 20;
+  kTerrazzo = 21;
+  kTile = 22;
+  kVinyl = 23;
+enum LandmarkTag : enum8 {
+  kAirConditioner = 0;
+  kAirPurifier = 1;
+  kBackDoor = 2;
+  kBarStool = 3;
+  kBathMat = 4;
+  kBathtub = 5;
+  kBed = 6;
+  kBookshelf = 7;
+  kChair = 8;
+  kChristmasTree = 9;
+  kCoatRack = 10;
+  kCoffeeTable = 11;
+  kCookingRange = 12;
+  kCouch = 13;
+  kCountertop = 14;
+  kCradle = 15;
+  kCrib = 16;
+  kDesk = 17;
+  kDiningTable = 18;
+  kDishwasher = 19;
+  kDoor = 20;
+  kDresser = 21;
+  kLaundryDryer = 22;
+  kFan = 23;
+  kFireplace = 24;
+  kFreezer = 25;
+  kFrontDoor = 26;
+  kHighChair = 27;
+  kKitchenIsland = 28;
+  kLamp = 29;
+  kLitterBox = 30;
+  kMirror = 31;
+  kNightstand = 32;
+  kOven = 33;
+  kPetBed = 34;
+  kPetBowl = 35;
+  kPetCrate = 36;
+  kRefrigerator = 37;
+  kScratchingPost = 38;
+  kShoeRack = 39;
+  kShower = 40;
+  kSideDoor = 41;
+  kSink = 42;
+  kSofa = 43;
+  kStove = 44;
+  kTable = 45;
+  kToilet = 46;
+  kTrashCan = 47;
+  kLaundryWasher = 48;
+  kWindow = 49;
+  kWineCooler = 50;
+enum PositionTag : enum8 {
+  kLeft = 0;
+  kRight = 1;
+  kTop = 2;
+  kBottom = 3;
+  kMiddle = 4;
+  kRow = 5;
+  kColumn = 6;
+  kUnder = 7;
+  kNextTo = 8;
+  kAround = 9;
+  kOn = 10;
+  kAbove = 11;
+  kFrontOf = 12;
+  kBehind = 13;
 enum TestGlobalEnum : enum8 {
   kSomeValue = 0;
   kSomeOtherValue = 1;
@@ -12,6 +208,12 @@ bitmap TestGlobalBitmap : bitmap32 {
   kSecondBit = 0x2;
+struct LocationDescriptorStruct {
+  char_string<128> locationName = 0;
+  nullable int16s floorNumber = 1;
+  nullable AreaTypeTag areaType = 2;
 struct TestGlobalStruct {
   char_string<128> name = 0;
   nullable TestGlobalBitmap myBitmap = 1;
diff --git a/examples/chef/devices/rootnode_contactsensor_lFAGG1bfRO.matter b/examples/chef/devices/rootnode_contactsensor_lFAGG1bfRO.matter
index 657ce0dd5fe520..23672407e7c886 100644
--- a/examples/chef/devices/rootnode_contactsensor_lFAGG1bfRO.matter
+++ b/examples/chef/devices/rootnode_contactsensor_lFAGG1bfRO.matter
@@ -1,6 +1,202 @@
 // This IDL was generated automatically by ZAP.
 // It is for view/code review purposes only.
+enum AreaTypeTag : enum8 {
+  kAisle = 0;
+  kAttic = 1;
+  kBackDoor = 2;
+  kBackYard = 3;
+  kBalcony = 4;
+  kBallroom = 5;
+  kBathroom = 6;
+  kBedroom = 7;
+  kBorder = 8;
+  kBoxroom = 9;
+  kBreakfastRoom = 10;
+  kCarport = 11;
+  kCellar = 12;
+  kCloakroom = 13;
+  kCloset = 14;
+  kConservatory = 15;
+  kCorridor = 16;
+  kCraftRoom = 17;
+  kCupboard = 18;
+  kDeck = 19;
+  kDen = 20;
+  kDining = 21;
+  kDrawingRoom = 22;
+  kDressingRoom = 23;
+  kDriveway = 24;
+  kElevator = 25;
+  kEnsuite = 26;
+  kEntrance = 27;
+  kEntryway = 28;
+  kFamilyRoom = 29;
+  kFoyer = 30;
+  kFrontDoor = 31;
+  kFrontYard = 32;
+  kGameRoom = 33;
+  kGarage = 34;
+  kGarageDoor = 35;
+  kGarden = 36;
+  kGardenDoor = 37;
+  kGuestBathroom = 38;
+  kGuestBedroom = 39;
+  kGuestRestroom = 40;
+  kGuestRoom = 41;
+  kGym = 42;
+  kHallway = 43;
+  kHearthRoom = 44;
+  kKidsRoom = 45;
+  kKidsBedroom = 46;
+  kKitchen = 47;
+  kLarder = 48;
+  kLaundryRoom = 49;
+  kLawn = 50;
+  kLibrary = 51;
+  kLivingRoom = 52;
+  kLounge = 53;
+  kMediaTVRoom = 54;
+  kMudRoom = 55;
+  kMusicRoom = 56;
+  kNursery = 57;
+  kOffice = 58;
+  kOutdoorKitchen = 59;
+  kOutside = 60;
+  kPantry = 61;
+  kParkingLot = 62;
+  kParlor = 63;
+  kPatio = 64;
+  kPlayRoom = 65;
+  kPoolRoom = 66;
+  kPorch = 67;
+  kPrimaryBathroom = 68;
+  kPrimaryBedroom = 69;
+  kRamp = 70;
+  kReceptionRoom = 71;
+  kRecreationRoom = 72;
+  kRestroom = 73;
+  kRoof = 74;
+  kSauna = 75;
+  kScullery = 76;
+  kSewingRoom = 77;
+  kShed = 78;
+  kSideDoor = 79;
+  kSideYard = 80;
+  kSittingRoom = 81;
+  kSnug = 82;
+  kSpa = 83;
+  kStaircase = 84;
+  kSteamRoom = 85;
+  kStorageRoom = 86;
+  kStudio = 87;
+  kStudy = 88;
+  kSunRoom = 89;
+  kSwimmingPool = 90;
+  kTerrace = 91;
+  kUtilityRoom = 92;
+  kWard = 93;
+  kWorkshop = 94;
+enum FloorSurfaceTag : enum8 {
+  kCarpet = 0;
+  kCeramic = 1;
+  kConcrete = 2;
+  kCork = 3;
+  kDeepCarpet = 4;
+  kDirt = 5;
+  kEngineeredWood = 6;
+  kGlass = 7;
+  kGrass = 8;
+  kHardwood = 9;
+  kLaminate = 10;
+  kLinoleum = 11;
+  kMat = 12;
+  kMetal = 13;
+  kPlastic = 14;
+  kPolishedConcrete = 15;
+  kRubber = 16;
+  kRug = 17;
+  kSand = 18;
+  kStone = 19;
+  kTatami = 20;
+  kTerrazzo = 21;
+  kTile = 22;
+  kVinyl = 23;
+enum LandmarkTag : enum8 {
+  kAirConditioner = 0;
+  kAirPurifier = 1;
+  kBackDoor = 2;
+  kBarStool = 3;
+  kBathMat = 4;
+  kBathtub = 5;
+  kBed = 6;
+  kBookshelf = 7;
+  kChair = 8;
+  kChristmasTree = 9;
+  kCoatRack = 10;
+  kCoffeeTable = 11;
+  kCookingRange = 12;
+  kCouch = 13;
+  kCountertop = 14;
+  kCradle = 15;
+  kCrib = 16;
+  kDesk = 17;
+  kDiningTable = 18;
+  kDishwasher = 19;
+  kDoor = 20;
+  kDresser = 21;
+  kLaundryDryer = 22;
+  kFan = 23;
+  kFireplace = 24;
+  kFreezer = 25;
+  kFrontDoor = 26;
+  kHighChair = 27;
+  kKitchenIsland = 28;
+  kLamp = 29;
+  kLitterBox = 30;
+  kMirror = 31;
+  kNightstand = 32;
+  kOven = 33;
+  kPetBed = 34;
+  kPetBowl = 35;
+  kPetCrate = 36;
+  kRefrigerator = 37;
+  kScratchingPost = 38;
+  kShoeRack = 39;
+  kShower = 40;
+  kSideDoor = 41;
+  kSink = 42;
+  kSofa = 43;
+  kStove = 44;
+  kTable = 45;
+  kToilet = 46;
+  kTrashCan = 47;
+  kLaundryWasher = 48;
+  kWindow = 49;
+  kWineCooler = 50;
+enum PositionTag : enum8 {
+  kLeft = 0;
+  kRight = 1;
+  kTop = 2;
+  kBottom = 3;
+  kMiddle = 4;
+  kRow = 5;
+  kColumn = 6;
+  kUnder = 7;
+  kNextTo = 8;
+  kAround = 9;
+  kOn = 10;
+  kAbove = 11;
+  kFrontOf = 12;
+  kBehind = 13;
 enum TestGlobalEnum : enum8 {
   kSomeValue = 0;
   kSomeOtherValue = 1;
@@ -12,6 +208,12 @@ bitmap TestGlobalBitmap : bitmap32 {
   kSecondBit = 0x2;
+struct LocationDescriptorStruct {
+  char_string<128> locationName = 0;
+  nullable int16s floorNumber = 1;
+  nullable AreaTypeTag areaType = 2;
 struct TestGlobalStruct {
   char_string<128> name = 0;
   nullable TestGlobalBitmap myBitmap = 1;
diff --git a/examples/chef/devices/rootnode_dimmablelight_bCwGYSDpoe.matter b/examples/chef/devices/rootnode_dimmablelight_bCwGYSDpoe.matter
index 9495bcd7e6b61e..a32b134d6383c0 100644
--- a/examples/chef/devices/rootnode_dimmablelight_bCwGYSDpoe.matter
+++ b/examples/chef/devices/rootnode_dimmablelight_bCwGYSDpoe.matter
@@ -1,6 +1,202 @@
 // This IDL was generated automatically by ZAP.
 // It is for view/code review purposes only.
+enum AreaTypeTag : enum8 {
+  kAisle = 0;
+  kAttic = 1;
+  kBackDoor = 2;
+  kBackYard = 3;
+  kBalcony = 4;
+  kBallroom = 5;
+  kBathroom = 6;
+  kBedroom = 7;
+  kBorder = 8;
+  kBoxroom = 9;
+  kBreakfastRoom = 10;
+  kCarport = 11;
+  kCellar = 12;
+  kCloakroom = 13;
+  kCloset = 14;
+  kConservatory = 15;
+  kCorridor = 16;
+  kCraftRoom = 17;
+  kCupboard = 18;
+  kDeck = 19;
+  kDen = 20;
+  kDining = 21;
+  kDrawingRoom = 22;
+  kDressingRoom = 23;
+  kDriveway = 24;
+  kElevator = 25;
+  kEnsuite = 26;
+  kEntrance = 27;
+  kEntryway = 28;
+  kFamilyRoom = 29;
+  kFoyer = 30;
+  kFrontDoor = 31;
+  kFrontYard = 32;
+  kGameRoom = 33;
+  kGarage = 34;
+  kGarageDoor = 35;
+  kGarden = 36;
+  kGardenDoor = 37;
+  kGuestBathroom = 38;
+  kGuestBedroom = 39;
+  kGuestRestroom = 40;
+  kGuestRoom = 41;
+  kGym = 42;
+  kHallway = 43;
+  kHearthRoom = 44;
+  kKidsRoom = 45;
+  kKidsBedroom = 46;
+  kKitchen = 47;
+  kLarder = 48;
+  kLaundryRoom = 49;
+  kLawn = 50;
+  kLibrary = 51;
+  kLivingRoom = 52;
+  kLounge = 53;
+  kMediaTVRoom = 54;
+  kMudRoom = 55;
+  kMusicRoom = 56;
+  kNursery = 57;
+  kOffice = 58;
+  kOutdoorKitchen = 59;
+  kOutside = 60;
+  kPantry = 61;
+  kParkingLot = 62;
+  kParlor = 63;
+  kPatio = 64;
+  kPlayRoom = 65;
+  kPoolRoom = 66;
+  kPorch = 67;
+  kPrimaryBathroom = 68;
+  kPrimaryBedroom = 69;
+  kRamp = 70;
+  kReceptionRoom = 71;
+  kRecreationRoom = 72;
+  kRestroom = 73;
+  kRoof = 74;
+  kSauna = 75;
+  kScullery = 76;
+  kSewingRoom = 77;
+  kShed = 78;
+  kSideDoor = 79;
+  kSideYard = 80;
+  kSittingRoom = 81;
+  kSnug = 82;
+  kSpa = 83;
+  kStaircase = 84;
+  kSteamRoom = 85;
+  kStorageRoom = 86;
+  kStudio = 87;
+  kStudy = 88;
+  kSunRoom = 89;
+  kSwimmingPool = 90;
+  kTerrace = 91;
+  kUtilityRoom = 92;
+  kWard = 93;
+  kWorkshop = 94;
+enum FloorSurfaceTag : enum8 {
+  kCarpet = 0;
+  kCeramic = 1;
+  kConcrete = 2;
+  kCork = 3;
+  kDeepCarpet = 4;
+  kDirt = 5;
+  kEngineeredWood = 6;
+  kGlass = 7;
+  kGrass = 8;
+  kHardwood = 9;
+  kLaminate = 10;
+  kLinoleum = 11;
+  kMat = 12;
+  kMetal = 13;
+  kPlastic = 14;
+  kPolishedConcrete = 15;
+  kRubber = 16;
+  kRug = 17;
+  kSand = 18;
+  kStone = 19;
+  kTatami = 20;
+  kTerrazzo = 21;
+  kTile = 22;
+  kVinyl = 23;
+enum LandmarkTag : enum8 {
+  kAirConditioner = 0;
+  kAirPurifier = 1;
+  kBackDoor = 2;
+  kBarStool = 3;
+  kBathMat = 4;
+  kBathtub = 5;
+  kBed = 6;
+  kBookshelf = 7;
+  kChair = 8;
+  kChristmasTree = 9;
+  kCoatRack = 10;
+  kCoffeeTable = 11;
+  kCookingRange = 12;
+  kCouch = 13;
+  kCountertop = 14;
+  kCradle = 15;
+  kCrib = 16;
+  kDesk = 17;
+  kDiningTable = 18;
+  kDishwasher = 19;
+  kDoor = 20;
+  kDresser = 21;
+  kLaundryDryer = 22;
+  kFan = 23;
+  kFireplace = 24;
+  kFreezer = 25;
+  kFrontDoor = 26;
+  kHighChair = 27;
+  kKitchenIsland = 28;
+  kLamp = 29;
+  kLitterBox = 30;
+  kMirror = 31;
+  kNightstand = 32;
+  kOven = 33;
+  kPetBed = 34;
+  kPetBowl = 35;
+  kPetCrate = 36;
+  kRefrigerator = 37;
+  kScratchingPost = 38;
+  kShoeRack = 39;
+  kShower = 40;
+  kSideDoor = 41;
+  kSink = 42;
+  kSofa = 43;
+  kStove = 44;
+  kTable = 45;
+  kToilet = 46;
+  kTrashCan = 47;
+  kLaundryWasher = 48;
+  kWindow = 49;
+  kWineCooler = 50;
+enum PositionTag : enum8 {
+  kLeft = 0;
+  kRight = 1;
+  kTop = 2;
+  kBottom = 3;
+  kMiddle = 4;
+  kRow = 5;
+  kColumn = 6;
+  kUnder = 7;
+  kNextTo = 8;
+  kAround = 9;
+  kOn = 10;
+  kAbove = 11;
+  kFrontOf = 12;
+  kBehind = 13;
 enum TestGlobalEnum : enum8 {
   kSomeValue = 0;
   kSomeOtherValue = 1;
@@ -12,6 +208,12 @@ bitmap TestGlobalBitmap : bitmap32 {
   kSecondBit = 0x2;
+struct LocationDescriptorStruct {
+  char_string<128> locationName = 0;
+  nullable int16s floorNumber = 1;
+  nullable AreaTypeTag areaType = 2;
 struct TestGlobalStruct {
   char_string<128> name = 0;
   nullable TestGlobalBitmap myBitmap = 1;
diff --git a/examples/chef/devices/rootnode_dimmablepluginunit_f8a9a0b9d4.matter b/examples/chef/devices/rootnode_dimmablepluginunit_f8a9a0b9d4.matter
index e3a97805d6c5e8..64dd2192d29af0 100644
--- a/examples/chef/devices/rootnode_dimmablepluginunit_f8a9a0b9d4.matter
+++ b/examples/chef/devices/rootnode_dimmablepluginunit_f8a9a0b9d4.matter
@@ -1,6 +1,202 @@
 // This IDL was generated automatically by ZAP.
 // It is for view/code review purposes only.
+enum AreaTypeTag : enum8 {
+  kAisle = 0;
+  kAttic = 1;
+  kBackDoor = 2;
+  kBackYard = 3;
+  kBalcony = 4;
+  kBallroom = 5;
+  kBathroom = 6;
+  kBedroom = 7;
+  kBorder = 8;
+  kBoxroom = 9;
+  kBreakfastRoom = 10;
+  kCarport = 11;
+  kCellar = 12;
+  kCloakroom = 13;
+  kCloset = 14;
+  kConservatory = 15;
+  kCorridor = 16;
+  kCraftRoom = 17;
+  kCupboard = 18;
+  kDeck = 19;
+  kDen = 20;
+  kDining = 21;
+  kDrawingRoom = 22;
+  kDressingRoom = 23;
+  kDriveway = 24;
+  kElevator = 25;
+  kEnsuite = 26;
+  kEntrance = 27;
+  kEntryway = 28;
+  kFamilyRoom = 29;
+  kFoyer = 30;
+  kFrontDoor = 31;
+  kFrontYard = 32;
+  kGameRoom = 33;
+  kGarage = 34;
+  kGarageDoor = 35;
+  kGarden = 36;
+  kGardenDoor = 37;
+  kGuestBathroom = 38;
+  kGuestBedroom = 39;
+  kGuestRestroom = 40;
+  kGuestRoom = 41;
+  kGym = 42;
+  kHallway = 43;
+  kHearthRoom = 44;
+  kKidsRoom = 45;
+  kKidsBedroom = 46;
+  kKitchen = 47;
+  kLarder = 48;
+  kLaundryRoom = 49;
+  kLawn = 50;
+  kLibrary = 51;
+  kLivingRoom = 52;
+  kLounge = 53;
+  kMediaTVRoom = 54;
+  kMudRoom = 55;
+  kMusicRoom = 56;
+  kNursery = 57;
+  kOffice = 58;
+  kOutdoorKitchen = 59;
+  kOutside = 60;
+  kPantry = 61;
+  kParkingLot = 62;
+  kParlor = 63;
+  kPatio = 64;
+  kPlayRoom = 65;
+  kPoolRoom = 66;
+  kPorch = 67;
+  kPrimaryBathroom = 68;
+  kPrimaryBedroom = 69;
+  kRamp = 70;
+  kReceptionRoom = 71;
+  kRecreationRoom = 72;
+  kRestroom = 73;
+  kRoof = 74;
+  kSauna = 75;
+  kScullery = 76;
+  kSewingRoom = 77;
+  kShed = 78;
+  kSideDoor = 79;
+  kSideYard = 80;
+  kSittingRoom = 81;
+  kSnug = 82;
+  kSpa = 83;
+  kStaircase = 84;
+  kSteamRoom = 85;
+  kStorageRoom = 86;
+  kStudio = 87;
+  kStudy = 88;
+  kSunRoom = 89;
+  kSwimmingPool = 90;
+  kTerrace = 91;
+  kUtilityRoom = 92;
+  kWard = 93;
+  kWorkshop = 94;
+enum FloorSurfaceTag : enum8 {
+  kCarpet = 0;
+  kCeramic = 1;
+  kConcrete = 2;
+  kCork = 3;
+  kDeepCarpet = 4;
+  kDirt = 5;
+  kEngineeredWood = 6;
+  kGlass = 7;
+  kGrass = 8;
+  kHardwood = 9;
+  kLaminate = 10;
+  kLinoleum = 11;
+  kMat = 12;
+  kMetal = 13;
+  kPlastic = 14;
+  kPolishedConcrete = 15;
+  kRubber = 16;
+  kRug = 17;
+  kSand = 18;
+  kStone = 19;
+  kTatami = 20;
+  kTerrazzo = 21;
+  kTile = 22;
+  kVinyl = 23;
+enum LandmarkTag : enum8 {
+  kAirConditioner = 0;
+  kAirPurifier = 1;
+  kBackDoor = 2;
+  kBarStool = 3;
+  kBathMat = 4;
+  kBathtub = 5;
+  kBed = 6;
+  kBookshelf = 7;
+  kChair = 8;
+  kChristmasTree = 9;
+  kCoatRack = 10;
+  kCoffeeTable = 11;
+  kCookingRange = 12;
+  kCouch = 13;
+  kCountertop = 14;
+  kCradle = 15;
+  kCrib = 16;
+  kDesk = 17;
+  kDiningTable = 18;
+  kDishwasher = 19;
+  kDoor = 20;
+  kDresser = 21;
+  kLaundryDryer = 22;
+  kFan = 23;
+  kFireplace = 24;
+  kFreezer = 25;
+  kFrontDoor = 26;
+  kHighChair = 27;
+  kKitchenIsland = 28;
+  kLamp = 29;
+  kLitterBox = 30;
+  kMirror = 31;
+  kNightstand = 32;
+  kOven = 33;
+  kPetBed = 34;
+  kPetBowl = 35;
+  kPetCrate = 36;
+  kRefrigerator = 37;
+  kScratchingPost = 38;
+  kShoeRack = 39;
+  kShower = 40;
+  kSideDoor = 41;
+  kSink = 42;
+  kSofa = 43;
+  kStove = 44;
+  kTable = 45;
+  kToilet = 46;
+  kTrashCan = 47;
+  kLaundryWasher = 48;
+  kWindow = 49;
+  kWineCooler = 50;
+enum PositionTag : enum8 {
+  kLeft = 0;
+  kRight = 1;
+  kTop = 2;
+  kBottom = 3;
+  kMiddle = 4;
+  kRow = 5;
+  kColumn = 6;
+  kUnder = 7;
+  kNextTo = 8;
+  kAround = 9;
+  kOn = 10;
+  kAbove = 11;
+  kFrontOf = 12;
+  kBehind = 13;
 enum TestGlobalEnum : enum8 {
   kSomeValue = 0;
   kSomeOtherValue = 1;
@@ -12,6 +208,12 @@ bitmap TestGlobalBitmap : bitmap32 {
   kSecondBit = 0x2;
+struct LocationDescriptorStruct {
+  char_string<128> locationName = 0;
+  nullable int16s floorNumber = 1;
+  nullable AreaTypeTag areaType = 2;
 struct TestGlobalStruct {
   char_string<128> name = 0;
   nullable TestGlobalBitmap myBitmap = 1;
diff --git a/examples/chef/devices/rootnode_dishwasher_cc105034fe.matter b/examples/chef/devices/rootnode_dishwasher_cc105034fe.matter
index ceaeeecc4a7ef2..95af5647dd9d27 100644
--- a/examples/chef/devices/rootnode_dishwasher_cc105034fe.matter
+++ b/examples/chef/devices/rootnode_dishwasher_cc105034fe.matter
@@ -1,6 +1,202 @@
 // This IDL was generated automatically by ZAP.
 // It is for view/code review purposes only.
+enum AreaTypeTag : enum8 {
+  kAisle = 0;
+  kAttic = 1;
+  kBackDoor = 2;
+  kBackYard = 3;
+  kBalcony = 4;
+  kBallroom = 5;
+  kBathroom = 6;
+  kBedroom = 7;
+  kBorder = 8;
+  kBoxroom = 9;
+  kBreakfastRoom = 10;
+  kCarport = 11;
+  kCellar = 12;
+  kCloakroom = 13;
+  kCloset = 14;
+  kConservatory = 15;
+  kCorridor = 16;
+  kCraftRoom = 17;
+  kCupboard = 18;
+  kDeck = 19;
+  kDen = 20;
+  kDining = 21;
+  kDrawingRoom = 22;
+  kDressingRoom = 23;
+  kDriveway = 24;
+  kElevator = 25;
+  kEnsuite = 26;
+  kEntrance = 27;
+  kEntryway = 28;
+  kFamilyRoom = 29;
+  kFoyer = 30;
+  kFrontDoor = 31;
+  kFrontYard = 32;
+  kGameRoom = 33;
+  kGarage = 34;
+  kGarageDoor = 35;
+  kGarden = 36;
+  kGardenDoor = 37;
+  kGuestBathroom = 38;
+  kGuestBedroom = 39;
+  kGuestRestroom = 40;
+  kGuestRoom = 41;
+  kGym = 42;
+  kHallway = 43;
+  kHearthRoom = 44;
+  kKidsRoom = 45;
+  kKidsBedroom = 46;
+  kKitchen = 47;
+  kLarder = 48;
+  kLaundryRoom = 49;
+  kLawn = 50;
+  kLibrary = 51;
+  kLivingRoom = 52;
+  kLounge = 53;
+  kMediaTVRoom = 54;
+  kMudRoom = 55;
+  kMusicRoom = 56;
+  kNursery = 57;
+  kOffice = 58;
+  kOutdoorKitchen = 59;
+  kOutside = 60;
+  kPantry = 61;
+  kParkingLot = 62;
+  kParlor = 63;
+  kPatio = 64;
+  kPlayRoom = 65;
+  kPoolRoom = 66;
+  kPorch = 67;
+  kPrimaryBathroom = 68;
+  kPrimaryBedroom = 69;
+  kRamp = 70;
+  kReceptionRoom = 71;
+  kRecreationRoom = 72;
+  kRestroom = 73;
+  kRoof = 74;
+  kSauna = 75;
+  kScullery = 76;
+  kSewingRoom = 77;
+  kShed = 78;
+  kSideDoor = 79;
+  kSideYard = 80;
+  kSittingRoom = 81;
+  kSnug = 82;
+  kSpa = 83;
+  kStaircase = 84;
+  kSteamRoom = 85;
+  kStorageRoom = 86;
+  kStudio = 87;
+  kStudy = 88;
+  kSunRoom = 89;
+  kSwimmingPool = 90;
+  kTerrace = 91;
+  kUtilityRoom = 92;
+  kWard = 93;
+  kWorkshop = 94;
+enum FloorSurfaceTag : enum8 {
+  kCarpet = 0;
+  kCeramic = 1;
+  kConcrete = 2;
+  kCork = 3;
+  kDeepCarpet = 4;
+  kDirt = 5;
+  kEngineeredWood = 6;
+  kGlass = 7;
+  kGrass = 8;
+  kHardwood = 9;
+  kLaminate = 10;
+  kLinoleum = 11;
+  kMat = 12;
+  kMetal = 13;
+  kPlastic = 14;
+  kPolishedConcrete = 15;
+  kRubber = 16;
+  kRug = 17;
+  kSand = 18;
+  kStone = 19;
+  kTatami = 20;
+  kTerrazzo = 21;
+  kTile = 22;
+  kVinyl = 23;
+enum LandmarkTag : enum8 {
+  kAirConditioner = 0;
+  kAirPurifier = 1;
+  kBackDoor = 2;
+  kBarStool = 3;
+  kBathMat = 4;
+  kBathtub = 5;
+  kBed = 6;
+  kBookshelf = 7;
+  kChair = 8;
+  kChristmasTree = 9;
+  kCoatRack = 10;
+  kCoffeeTable = 11;
+  kCookingRange = 12;
+  kCouch = 13;
+  kCountertop = 14;
+  kCradle = 15;
+  kCrib = 16;
+  kDesk = 17;
+  kDiningTable = 18;
+  kDishwasher = 19;
+  kDoor = 20;
+  kDresser = 21;
+  kLaundryDryer = 22;
+  kFan = 23;
+  kFireplace = 24;
+  kFreezer = 25;
+  kFrontDoor = 26;
+  kHighChair = 27;
+  kKitchenIsland = 28;
+  kLamp = 29;
+  kLitterBox = 30;
+  kMirror = 31;
+  kNightstand = 32;
+  kOven = 33;
+  kPetBed = 34;
+  kPetBowl = 35;
+  kPetCrate = 36;
+  kRefrigerator = 37;
+  kScratchingPost = 38;
+  kShoeRack = 39;
+  kShower = 40;
+  kSideDoor = 41;
+  kSink = 42;
+  kSofa = 43;
+  kStove = 44;
+  kTable = 45;
+  kToilet = 46;
+  kTrashCan = 47;
+  kLaundryWasher = 48;
+  kWindow = 49;
+  kWineCooler = 50;
+enum PositionTag : enum8 {
+  kLeft = 0;
+  kRight = 1;
+  kTop = 2;
+  kBottom = 3;
+  kMiddle = 4;
+  kRow = 5;
+  kColumn = 6;
+  kUnder = 7;
+  kNextTo = 8;
+  kAround = 9;
+  kOn = 10;
+  kAbove = 11;
+  kFrontOf = 12;
+  kBehind = 13;
 enum TestGlobalEnum : enum8 {
   kSomeValue = 0;
   kSomeOtherValue = 1;
@@ -12,6 +208,12 @@ bitmap TestGlobalBitmap : bitmap32 {
   kSecondBit = 0x2;
+struct LocationDescriptorStruct {
+  char_string<128> locationName = 0;
+  nullable int16s floorNumber = 1;
+  nullable AreaTypeTag areaType = 2;
 struct TestGlobalStruct {
   char_string<128> name = 0;
   nullable TestGlobalBitmap myBitmap = 1;
diff --git a/examples/chef/devices/rootnode_doorlock_aNKYAreMXE.matter b/examples/chef/devices/rootnode_doorlock_aNKYAreMXE.matter
index d07df97b8f173a..219f899194ff5b 100644
--- a/examples/chef/devices/rootnode_doorlock_aNKYAreMXE.matter
+++ b/examples/chef/devices/rootnode_doorlock_aNKYAreMXE.matter
@@ -1,6 +1,202 @@
 // This IDL was generated automatically by ZAP.
 // It is for view/code review purposes only.
+enum AreaTypeTag : enum8 {
+  kAisle = 0;
+  kAttic = 1;
+  kBackDoor = 2;
+  kBackYard = 3;
+  kBalcony = 4;
+  kBallroom = 5;
+  kBathroom = 6;
+  kBedroom = 7;
+  kBorder = 8;
+  kBoxroom = 9;
+  kBreakfastRoom = 10;
+  kCarport = 11;
+  kCellar = 12;
+  kCloakroom = 13;
+  kCloset = 14;
+  kConservatory = 15;
+  kCorridor = 16;
+  kCraftRoom = 17;
+  kCupboard = 18;
+  kDeck = 19;
+  kDen = 20;
+  kDining = 21;
+  kDrawingRoom = 22;
+  kDressingRoom = 23;
+  kDriveway = 24;
+  kElevator = 25;
+  kEnsuite = 26;
+  kEntrance = 27;
+  kEntryway = 28;
+  kFamilyRoom = 29;
+  kFoyer = 30;
+  kFrontDoor = 31;
+  kFrontYard = 32;
+  kGameRoom = 33;
+  kGarage = 34;
+  kGarageDoor = 35;
+  kGarden = 36;
+  kGardenDoor = 37;
+  kGuestBathroom = 38;
+  kGuestBedroom = 39;
+  kGuestRestroom = 40;
+  kGuestRoom = 41;
+  kGym = 42;
+  kHallway = 43;
+  kHearthRoom = 44;
+  kKidsRoom = 45;
+  kKidsBedroom = 46;
+  kKitchen = 47;
+  kLarder = 48;
+  kLaundryRoom = 49;
+  kLawn = 50;
+  kLibrary = 51;
+  kLivingRoom = 52;
+  kLounge = 53;
+  kMediaTVRoom = 54;
+  kMudRoom = 55;
+  kMusicRoom = 56;
+  kNursery = 57;
+  kOffice = 58;
+  kOutdoorKitchen = 59;
+  kOutside = 60;
+  kPantry = 61;
+  kParkingLot = 62;
+  kParlor = 63;
+  kPatio = 64;
+  kPlayRoom = 65;
+  kPoolRoom = 66;
+  kPorch = 67;
+  kPrimaryBathroom = 68;
+  kPrimaryBedroom = 69;
+  kRamp = 70;
+  kReceptionRoom = 71;
+  kRecreationRoom = 72;
+  kRestroom = 73;
+  kRoof = 74;
+  kSauna = 75;
+  kScullery = 76;
+  kSewingRoom = 77;
+  kShed = 78;
+  kSideDoor = 79;
+  kSideYard = 80;
+  kSittingRoom = 81;
+  kSnug = 82;
+  kSpa = 83;
+  kStaircase = 84;
+  kSteamRoom = 85;
+  kStorageRoom = 86;
+  kStudio = 87;
+  kStudy = 88;
+  kSunRoom = 89;
+  kSwimmingPool = 90;
+  kTerrace = 91;
+  kUtilityRoom = 92;
+  kWard = 93;
+  kWorkshop = 94;
+enum FloorSurfaceTag : enum8 {
+  kCarpet = 0;
+  kCeramic = 1;
+  kConcrete = 2;
+  kCork = 3;
+  kDeepCarpet = 4;
+  kDirt = 5;
+  kEngineeredWood = 6;
+  kGlass = 7;
+  kGrass = 8;
+  kHardwood = 9;
+  kLaminate = 10;
+  kLinoleum = 11;
+  kMat = 12;
+  kMetal = 13;
+  kPlastic = 14;
+  kPolishedConcrete = 15;
+  kRubber = 16;
+  kRug = 17;
+  kSand = 18;
+  kStone = 19;
+  kTatami = 20;
+  kTerrazzo = 21;
+  kTile = 22;
+  kVinyl = 23;
+enum LandmarkTag : enum8 {
+  kAirConditioner = 0;
+  kAirPurifier = 1;
+  kBackDoor = 2;
+  kBarStool = 3;
+  kBathMat = 4;
+  kBathtub = 5;
+  kBed = 6;
+  kBookshelf = 7;
+  kChair = 8;
+  kChristmasTree = 9;
+  kCoatRack = 10;
+  kCoffeeTable = 11;
+  kCookingRange = 12;
+  kCouch = 13;
+  kCountertop = 14;
+  kCradle = 15;
+  kCrib = 16;
+  kDesk = 17;
+  kDiningTable = 18;
+  kDishwasher = 19;
+  kDoor = 20;
+  kDresser = 21;
+  kLaundryDryer = 22;
+  kFan = 23;
+  kFireplace = 24;
+  kFreezer = 25;
+  kFrontDoor = 26;
+  kHighChair = 27;
+  kKitchenIsland = 28;
+  kLamp = 29;
+  kLitterBox = 30;
+  kMirror = 31;
+  kNightstand = 32;
+  kOven = 33;
+  kPetBed = 34;
+  kPetBowl = 35;
+  kPetCrate = 36;
+  kRefrigerator = 37;
+  kScratchingPost = 38;
+  kShoeRack = 39;
+  kShower = 40;
+  kSideDoor = 41;
+  kSink = 42;
+  kSofa = 43;
+  kStove = 44;
+  kTable = 45;
+  kToilet = 46;
+  kTrashCan = 47;
+  kLaundryWasher = 48;
+  kWindow = 49;
+  kWineCooler = 50;
+enum PositionTag : enum8 {
+  kLeft = 0;
+  kRight = 1;
+  kTop = 2;
+  kBottom = 3;
+  kMiddle = 4;
+  kRow = 5;
+  kColumn = 6;
+  kUnder = 7;
+  kNextTo = 8;
+  kAround = 9;
+  kOn = 10;
+  kAbove = 11;
+  kFrontOf = 12;
+  kBehind = 13;
 enum TestGlobalEnum : enum8 {
   kSomeValue = 0;
   kSomeOtherValue = 1;
@@ -12,6 +208,12 @@ bitmap TestGlobalBitmap : bitmap32 {
   kSecondBit = 0x2;
+struct LocationDescriptorStruct {
+  char_string<128> locationName = 0;
+  nullable int16s floorNumber = 1;
+  nullable AreaTypeTag areaType = 2;
 struct TestGlobalStruct {
   char_string<128> name = 0;
   nullable TestGlobalBitmap myBitmap = 1;
diff --git a/examples/chef/devices/rootnode_extendedcolorlight_8lcaaYJVAa.matter b/examples/chef/devices/rootnode_extendedcolorlight_8lcaaYJVAa.matter
index 06cefc49a5ce84..d846e358a907f9 100644
--- a/examples/chef/devices/rootnode_extendedcolorlight_8lcaaYJVAa.matter
+++ b/examples/chef/devices/rootnode_extendedcolorlight_8lcaaYJVAa.matter
@@ -1,6 +1,202 @@
 // This IDL was generated automatically by ZAP.
 // It is for view/code review purposes only.
+enum AreaTypeTag : enum8 {
+  kAisle = 0;
+  kAttic = 1;
+  kBackDoor = 2;
+  kBackYard = 3;
+  kBalcony = 4;
+  kBallroom = 5;
+  kBathroom = 6;
+  kBedroom = 7;
+  kBorder = 8;
+  kBoxroom = 9;
+  kBreakfastRoom = 10;
+  kCarport = 11;
+  kCellar = 12;
+  kCloakroom = 13;
+  kCloset = 14;
+  kConservatory = 15;
+  kCorridor = 16;
+  kCraftRoom = 17;
+  kCupboard = 18;
+  kDeck = 19;
+  kDen = 20;
+  kDining = 21;
+  kDrawingRoom = 22;
+  kDressingRoom = 23;
+  kDriveway = 24;
+  kElevator = 25;
+  kEnsuite = 26;
+  kEntrance = 27;
+  kEntryway = 28;
+  kFamilyRoom = 29;
+  kFoyer = 30;
+  kFrontDoor = 31;
+  kFrontYard = 32;
+  kGameRoom = 33;
+  kGarage = 34;
+  kGarageDoor = 35;
+  kGarden = 36;
+  kGardenDoor = 37;
+  kGuestBathroom = 38;
+  kGuestBedroom = 39;
+  kGuestRestroom = 40;
+  kGuestRoom = 41;
+  kGym = 42;
+  kHallway = 43;
+  kHearthRoom = 44;
+  kKidsRoom = 45;
+  kKidsBedroom = 46;
+  kKitchen = 47;
+  kLarder = 48;
+  kLaundryRoom = 49;
+  kLawn = 50;
+  kLibrary = 51;
+  kLivingRoom = 52;
+  kLounge = 53;
+  kMediaTVRoom = 54;
+  kMudRoom = 55;
+  kMusicRoom = 56;
+  kNursery = 57;
+  kOffice = 58;
+  kOutdoorKitchen = 59;
+  kOutside = 60;
+  kPantry = 61;
+  kParkingLot = 62;
+  kParlor = 63;
+  kPatio = 64;
+  kPlayRoom = 65;
+  kPoolRoom = 66;
+  kPorch = 67;
+  kPrimaryBathroom = 68;
+  kPrimaryBedroom = 69;
+  kRamp = 70;
+  kReceptionRoom = 71;
+  kRecreationRoom = 72;
+  kRestroom = 73;
+  kRoof = 74;
+  kSauna = 75;
+  kScullery = 76;
+  kSewingRoom = 77;
+  kShed = 78;
+  kSideDoor = 79;
+  kSideYard = 80;
+  kSittingRoom = 81;
+  kSnug = 82;
+  kSpa = 83;
+  kStaircase = 84;
+  kSteamRoom = 85;
+  kStorageRoom = 86;
+  kStudio = 87;
+  kStudy = 88;
+  kSunRoom = 89;
+  kSwimmingPool = 90;
+  kTerrace = 91;
+  kUtilityRoom = 92;
+  kWard = 93;
+  kWorkshop = 94;
+enum FloorSurfaceTag : enum8 {
+  kCarpet = 0;
+  kCeramic = 1;
+  kConcrete = 2;
+  kCork = 3;
+  kDeepCarpet = 4;
+  kDirt = 5;
+  kEngineeredWood = 6;
+  kGlass = 7;
+  kGrass = 8;
+  kHardwood = 9;
+  kLaminate = 10;
+  kLinoleum = 11;
+  kMat = 12;
+  kMetal = 13;
+  kPlastic = 14;
+  kPolishedConcrete = 15;
+  kRubber = 16;
+  kRug = 17;
+  kSand = 18;
+  kStone = 19;
+  kTatami = 20;
+  kTerrazzo = 21;
+  kTile = 22;
+  kVinyl = 23;
+enum LandmarkTag : enum8 {
+  kAirConditioner = 0;
+  kAirPurifier = 1;
+  kBackDoor = 2;
+  kBarStool = 3;
+  kBathMat = 4;
+  kBathtub = 5;
+  kBed = 6;
+  kBookshelf = 7;
+  kChair = 8;
+  kChristmasTree = 9;
+  kCoatRack = 10;
+  kCoffeeTable = 11;
+  kCookingRange = 12;
+  kCouch = 13;
+  kCountertop = 14;
+  kCradle = 15;
+  kCrib = 16;
+  kDesk = 17;
+  kDiningTable = 18;
+  kDishwasher = 19;
+  kDoor = 20;
+  kDresser = 21;
+  kLaundryDryer = 22;
+  kFan = 23;
+  kFireplace = 24;
+  kFreezer = 25;
+  kFrontDoor = 26;
+  kHighChair = 27;
+  kKitchenIsland = 28;
+  kLamp = 29;
+  kLitterBox = 30;
+  kMirror = 31;
+  kNightstand = 32;
+  kOven = 33;
+  kPetBed = 34;
+  kPetBowl = 35;
+  kPetCrate = 36;
+  kRefrigerator = 37;
+  kScratchingPost = 38;
+  kShoeRack = 39;
+  kShower = 40;
+  kSideDoor = 41;
+  kSink = 42;
+  kSofa = 43;
+  kStove = 44;
+  kTable = 45;
+  kToilet = 46;
+  kTrashCan = 47;
+  kLaundryWasher = 48;
+  kWindow = 49;
+  kWineCooler = 50;
+enum PositionTag : enum8 {
+  kLeft = 0;
+  kRight = 1;
+  kTop = 2;
+  kBottom = 3;
+  kMiddle = 4;
+  kRow = 5;
+  kColumn = 6;
+  kUnder = 7;
+  kNextTo = 8;
+  kAround = 9;
+  kOn = 10;
+  kAbove = 11;
+  kFrontOf = 12;
+  kBehind = 13;
 enum TestGlobalEnum : enum8 {
   kSomeValue = 0;
   kSomeOtherValue = 1;
@@ -12,6 +208,12 @@ bitmap TestGlobalBitmap : bitmap32 {
   kSecondBit = 0x2;
+struct LocationDescriptorStruct {
+  char_string<128> locationName = 0;
+  nullable int16s floorNumber = 1;
+  nullable AreaTypeTag areaType = 2;
 struct TestGlobalStruct {
   char_string<128> name = 0;
   nullable TestGlobalBitmap myBitmap = 1;
diff --git a/examples/chef/devices/rootnode_fan_7N2TobIlOX.matter b/examples/chef/devices/rootnode_fan_7N2TobIlOX.matter
index 2eb6abd966f095..493b69632f19ec 100644
--- a/examples/chef/devices/rootnode_fan_7N2TobIlOX.matter
+++ b/examples/chef/devices/rootnode_fan_7N2TobIlOX.matter
@@ -1,6 +1,202 @@
 // This IDL was generated automatically by ZAP.
 // It is for view/code review purposes only.
+enum AreaTypeTag : enum8 {
+  kAisle = 0;
+  kAttic = 1;
+  kBackDoor = 2;
+  kBackYard = 3;
+  kBalcony = 4;
+  kBallroom = 5;
+  kBathroom = 6;
+  kBedroom = 7;
+  kBorder = 8;
+  kBoxroom = 9;
+  kBreakfastRoom = 10;
+  kCarport = 11;
+  kCellar = 12;
+  kCloakroom = 13;
+  kCloset = 14;
+  kConservatory = 15;
+  kCorridor = 16;
+  kCraftRoom = 17;
+  kCupboard = 18;
+  kDeck = 19;
+  kDen = 20;
+  kDining = 21;
+  kDrawingRoom = 22;
+  kDressingRoom = 23;
+  kDriveway = 24;
+  kElevator = 25;
+  kEnsuite = 26;
+  kEntrance = 27;
+  kEntryway = 28;
+  kFamilyRoom = 29;
+  kFoyer = 30;
+  kFrontDoor = 31;
+  kFrontYard = 32;
+  kGameRoom = 33;
+  kGarage = 34;
+  kGarageDoor = 35;
+  kGarden = 36;
+  kGardenDoor = 37;
+  kGuestBathroom = 38;
+  kGuestBedroom = 39;
+  kGuestRestroom = 40;
+  kGuestRoom = 41;
+  kGym = 42;
+  kHallway = 43;
+  kHearthRoom = 44;
+  kKidsRoom = 45;
+  kKidsBedroom = 46;
+  kKitchen = 47;
+  kLarder = 48;
+  kLaundryRoom = 49;
+  kLawn = 50;
+  kLibrary = 51;
+  kLivingRoom = 52;
+  kLounge = 53;
+  kMediaTVRoom = 54;
+  kMudRoom = 55;
+  kMusicRoom = 56;
+  kNursery = 57;
+  kOffice = 58;
+  kOutdoorKitchen = 59;
+  kOutside = 60;
+  kPantry = 61;
+  kParkingLot = 62;
+  kParlor = 63;
+  kPatio = 64;
+  kPlayRoom = 65;
+  kPoolRoom = 66;
+  kPorch = 67;
+  kPrimaryBathroom = 68;
+  kPrimaryBedroom = 69;
+  kRamp = 70;
+  kReceptionRoom = 71;
+  kRecreationRoom = 72;
+  kRestroom = 73;
+  kRoof = 74;
+  kSauna = 75;
+  kScullery = 76;
+  kSewingRoom = 77;
+  kShed = 78;
+  kSideDoor = 79;
+  kSideYard = 80;
+  kSittingRoom = 81;
+  kSnug = 82;
+  kSpa = 83;
+  kStaircase = 84;
+  kSteamRoom = 85;
+  kStorageRoom = 86;
+  kStudio = 87;
+  kStudy = 88;
+  kSunRoom = 89;
+  kSwimmingPool = 90;
+  kTerrace = 91;
+  kUtilityRoom = 92;
+  kWard = 93;
+  kWorkshop = 94;
+enum FloorSurfaceTag : enum8 {
+  kCarpet = 0;
+  kCeramic = 1;
+  kConcrete = 2;
+  kCork = 3;
+  kDeepCarpet = 4;
+  kDirt = 5;
+  kEngineeredWood = 6;
+  kGlass = 7;
+  kGrass = 8;
+  kHardwood = 9;
+  kLaminate = 10;
+  kLinoleum = 11;
+  kMat = 12;
+  kMetal = 13;
+  kPlastic = 14;
+  kPolishedConcrete = 15;
+  kRubber = 16;
+  kRug = 17;
+  kSand = 18;
+  kStone = 19;
+  kTatami = 20;
+  kTerrazzo = 21;
+  kTile = 22;
+  kVinyl = 23;
+enum LandmarkTag : enum8 {
+  kAirConditioner = 0;
+  kAirPurifier = 1;
+  kBackDoor = 2;
+  kBarStool = 3;
+  kBathMat = 4;
+  kBathtub = 5;
+  kBed = 6;
+  kBookshelf = 7;
+  kChair = 8;
+  kChristmasTree = 9;
+  kCoatRack = 10;
+  kCoffeeTable = 11;
+  kCookingRange = 12;
+  kCouch = 13;
+  kCountertop = 14;
+  kCradle = 15;
+  kCrib = 16;
+  kDesk = 17;
+  kDiningTable = 18;
+  kDishwasher = 19;
+  kDoor = 20;
+  kDresser = 21;
+  kLaundryDryer = 22;
+  kFan = 23;
+  kFireplace = 24;
+  kFreezer = 25;
+  kFrontDoor = 26;
+  kHighChair = 27;
+  kKitchenIsland = 28;
+  kLamp = 29;
+  kLitterBox = 30;
+  kMirror = 31;
+  kNightstand = 32;
+  kOven = 33;
+  kPetBed = 34;
+  kPetBowl = 35;
+  kPetCrate = 36;
+  kRefrigerator = 37;
+  kScratchingPost = 38;
+  kShoeRack = 39;
+  kShower = 40;
+  kSideDoor = 41;
+  kSink = 42;
+  kSofa = 43;
+  kStove = 44;
+  kTable = 45;
+  kToilet = 46;
+  kTrashCan = 47;
+  kLaundryWasher = 48;
+  kWindow = 49;
+  kWineCooler = 50;
+enum PositionTag : enum8 {
+  kLeft = 0;
+  kRight = 1;
+  kTop = 2;
+  kBottom = 3;
+  kMiddle = 4;
+  kRow = 5;
+  kColumn = 6;
+  kUnder = 7;
+  kNextTo = 8;
+  kAround = 9;
+  kOn = 10;
+  kAbove = 11;
+  kFrontOf = 12;
+  kBehind = 13;
 enum TestGlobalEnum : enum8 {
   kSomeValue = 0;
   kSomeOtherValue = 1;
@@ -12,6 +208,12 @@ bitmap TestGlobalBitmap : bitmap32 {
   kSecondBit = 0x2;
+struct LocationDescriptorStruct {
+  char_string<128> locationName = 0;
+  nullable int16s floorNumber = 1;
+  nullable AreaTypeTag areaType = 2;
 struct TestGlobalStruct {
   char_string<128> name = 0;
   nullable TestGlobalBitmap myBitmap = 1;
diff --git a/examples/chef/devices/rootnode_flowsensor_1zVxHedlaV.matter b/examples/chef/devices/rootnode_flowsensor_1zVxHedlaV.matter
index 5c4452aabd8986..3df145b311d69a 100644
--- a/examples/chef/devices/rootnode_flowsensor_1zVxHedlaV.matter
+++ b/examples/chef/devices/rootnode_flowsensor_1zVxHedlaV.matter
@@ -1,6 +1,202 @@
 // This IDL was generated automatically by ZAP.
 // It is for view/code review purposes only.
+enum AreaTypeTag : enum8 {
+  kAisle = 0;
+  kAttic = 1;
+  kBackDoor = 2;
+  kBackYard = 3;
+  kBalcony = 4;
+  kBallroom = 5;
+  kBathroom = 6;
+  kBedroom = 7;
+  kBorder = 8;
+  kBoxroom = 9;
+  kBreakfastRoom = 10;
+  kCarport = 11;
+  kCellar = 12;
+  kCloakroom = 13;
+  kCloset = 14;
+  kConservatory = 15;
+  kCorridor = 16;
+  kCraftRoom = 17;
+  kCupboard = 18;
+  kDeck = 19;
+  kDen = 20;
+  kDining = 21;
+  kDrawingRoom = 22;
+  kDressingRoom = 23;
+  kDriveway = 24;
+  kElevator = 25;
+  kEnsuite = 26;
+  kEntrance = 27;
+  kEntryway = 28;
+  kFamilyRoom = 29;
+  kFoyer = 30;
+  kFrontDoor = 31;
+  kFrontYard = 32;
+  kGameRoom = 33;
+  kGarage = 34;
+  kGarageDoor = 35;
+  kGarden = 36;
+  kGardenDoor = 37;
+  kGuestBathroom = 38;
+  kGuestBedroom = 39;
+  kGuestRestroom = 40;
+  kGuestRoom = 41;
+  kGym = 42;
+  kHallway = 43;
+  kHearthRoom = 44;
+  kKidsRoom = 45;
+  kKidsBedroom = 46;
+  kKitchen = 47;
+  kLarder = 48;
+  kLaundryRoom = 49;
+  kLawn = 50;
+  kLibrary = 51;
+  kLivingRoom = 52;
+  kLounge = 53;
+  kMediaTVRoom = 54;
+  kMudRoom = 55;
+  kMusicRoom = 56;
+  kNursery = 57;
+  kOffice = 58;
+  kOutdoorKitchen = 59;
+  kOutside = 60;
+  kPantry = 61;
+  kParkingLot = 62;
+  kParlor = 63;
+  kPatio = 64;
+  kPlayRoom = 65;
+  kPoolRoom = 66;
+  kPorch = 67;
+  kPrimaryBathroom = 68;
+  kPrimaryBedroom = 69;
+  kRamp = 70;
+  kReceptionRoom = 71;
+  kRecreationRoom = 72;
+  kRestroom = 73;
+  kRoof = 74;
+  kSauna = 75;
+  kScullery = 76;
+  kSewingRoom = 77;
+  kShed = 78;
+  kSideDoor = 79;
+  kSideYard = 80;
+  kSittingRoom = 81;
+  kSnug = 82;
+  kSpa = 83;
+  kStaircase = 84;
+  kSteamRoom = 85;
+  kStorageRoom = 86;
+  kStudio = 87;
+  kStudy = 88;
+  kSunRoom = 89;
+  kSwimmingPool = 90;
+  kTerrace = 91;
+  kUtilityRoom = 92;
+  kWard = 93;
+  kWorkshop = 94;
+enum FloorSurfaceTag : enum8 {
+  kCarpet = 0;
+  kCeramic = 1;
+  kConcrete = 2;
+  kCork = 3;
+  kDeepCarpet = 4;
+  kDirt = 5;
+  kEngineeredWood = 6;
+  kGlass = 7;
+  kGrass = 8;
+  kHardwood = 9;
+  kLaminate = 10;
+  kLinoleum = 11;
+  kMat = 12;
+  kMetal = 13;
+  kPlastic = 14;
+  kPolishedConcrete = 15;
+  kRubber = 16;
+  kRug = 17;
+  kSand = 18;
+  kStone = 19;
+  kTatami = 20;
+  kTerrazzo = 21;
+  kTile = 22;
+  kVinyl = 23;
+enum LandmarkTag : enum8 {
+  kAirConditioner = 0;
+  kAirPurifier = 1;
+  kBackDoor = 2;
+  kBarStool = 3;
+  kBathMat = 4;
+  kBathtub = 5;
+  kBed = 6;
+  kBookshelf = 7;
+  kChair = 8;
+  kChristmasTree = 9;
+  kCoatRack = 10;
+  kCoffeeTable = 11;
+  kCookingRange = 12;
+  kCouch = 13;
+  kCountertop = 14;
+  kCradle = 15;
+  kCrib = 16;
+  kDesk = 17;
+  kDiningTable = 18;
+  kDishwasher = 19;
+  kDoor = 20;
+  kDresser = 21;
+  kLaundryDryer = 22;
+  kFan = 23;
+  kFireplace = 24;
+  kFreezer = 25;
+  kFrontDoor = 26;
+  kHighChair = 27;
+  kKitchenIsland = 28;
+  kLamp = 29;
+  kLitterBox = 30;
+  kMirror = 31;
+  kNightstand = 32;
+  kOven = 33;
+  kPetBed = 34;
+  kPetBowl = 35;
+  kPetCrate = 36;
+  kRefrigerator = 37;
+  kScratchingPost = 38;
+  kShoeRack = 39;
+  kShower = 40;
+  kSideDoor = 41;
+  kSink = 42;
+  kSofa = 43;
+  kStove = 44;
+  kTable = 45;
+  kToilet = 46;
+  kTrashCan = 47;
+  kLaundryWasher = 48;
+  kWindow = 49;
+  kWineCooler = 50;
+enum PositionTag : enum8 {
+  kLeft = 0;
+  kRight = 1;
+  kTop = 2;
+  kBottom = 3;
+  kMiddle = 4;
+  kRow = 5;
+  kColumn = 6;
+  kUnder = 7;
+  kNextTo = 8;
+  kAround = 9;
+  kOn = 10;
+  kAbove = 11;
+  kFrontOf = 12;
+  kBehind = 13;
 enum TestGlobalEnum : enum8 {
   kSomeValue = 0;
   kSomeOtherValue = 1;
@@ -12,6 +208,12 @@ bitmap TestGlobalBitmap : bitmap32 {
   kSecondBit = 0x2;
+struct LocationDescriptorStruct {
+  char_string<128> locationName = 0;
+  nullable int16s floorNumber = 1;
+  nullable AreaTypeTag areaType = 2;
 struct TestGlobalStruct {
   char_string<128> name = 0;
   nullable TestGlobalBitmap myBitmap = 1;
diff --git a/examples/chef/devices/rootnode_genericswitch_2dfff6e516.matter b/examples/chef/devices/rootnode_genericswitch_2dfff6e516.matter
index 76d90d2ad12398..7f7fecc0fad4fc 100644
--- a/examples/chef/devices/rootnode_genericswitch_2dfff6e516.matter
+++ b/examples/chef/devices/rootnode_genericswitch_2dfff6e516.matter
@@ -1,6 +1,202 @@
 // This IDL was generated automatically by ZAP.
 // It is for view/code review purposes only.
+enum AreaTypeTag : enum8 {
+  kAisle = 0;
+  kAttic = 1;
+  kBackDoor = 2;
+  kBackYard = 3;
+  kBalcony = 4;
+  kBallroom = 5;
+  kBathroom = 6;
+  kBedroom = 7;
+  kBorder = 8;
+  kBoxroom = 9;
+  kBreakfastRoom = 10;
+  kCarport = 11;
+  kCellar = 12;
+  kCloakroom = 13;
+  kCloset = 14;
+  kConservatory = 15;
+  kCorridor = 16;
+  kCraftRoom = 17;
+  kCupboard = 18;
+  kDeck = 19;
+  kDen = 20;
+  kDining = 21;
+  kDrawingRoom = 22;
+  kDressingRoom = 23;
+  kDriveway = 24;
+  kElevator = 25;
+  kEnsuite = 26;
+  kEntrance = 27;
+  kEntryway = 28;
+  kFamilyRoom = 29;
+  kFoyer = 30;
+  kFrontDoor = 31;
+  kFrontYard = 32;
+  kGameRoom = 33;
+  kGarage = 34;
+  kGarageDoor = 35;
+  kGarden = 36;
+  kGardenDoor = 37;
+  kGuestBathroom = 38;
+  kGuestBedroom = 39;
+  kGuestRestroom = 40;
+  kGuestRoom = 41;
+  kGym = 42;
+  kHallway = 43;
+  kHearthRoom = 44;
+  kKidsRoom = 45;
+  kKidsBedroom = 46;
+  kKitchen = 47;
+  kLarder = 48;
+  kLaundryRoom = 49;
+  kLawn = 50;
+  kLibrary = 51;
+  kLivingRoom = 52;
+  kLounge = 53;
+  kMediaTVRoom = 54;
+  kMudRoom = 55;
+  kMusicRoom = 56;
+  kNursery = 57;
+  kOffice = 58;
+  kOutdoorKitchen = 59;
+  kOutside = 60;
+  kPantry = 61;
+  kParkingLot = 62;
+  kParlor = 63;
+  kPatio = 64;
+  kPlayRoom = 65;
+  kPoolRoom = 66;
+  kPorch = 67;
+  kPrimaryBathroom = 68;
+  kPrimaryBedroom = 69;
+  kRamp = 70;
+  kReceptionRoom = 71;
+  kRecreationRoom = 72;
+  kRestroom = 73;
+  kRoof = 74;
+  kSauna = 75;
+  kScullery = 76;
+  kSewingRoom = 77;
+  kShed = 78;
+  kSideDoor = 79;
+  kSideYard = 80;
+  kSittingRoom = 81;
+  kSnug = 82;
+  kSpa = 83;
+  kStaircase = 84;
+  kSteamRoom = 85;
+  kStorageRoom = 86;
+  kStudio = 87;
+  kStudy = 88;
+  kSunRoom = 89;
+  kSwimmingPool = 90;
+  kTerrace = 91;
+  kUtilityRoom = 92;
+  kWard = 93;
+  kWorkshop = 94;
+enum FloorSurfaceTag : enum8 {
+  kCarpet = 0;
+  kCeramic = 1;
+  kConcrete = 2;
+  kCork = 3;
+  kDeepCarpet = 4;
+  kDirt = 5;
+  kEngineeredWood = 6;
+  kGlass = 7;
+  kGrass = 8;
+  kHardwood = 9;
+  kLaminate = 10;
+  kLinoleum = 11;
+  kMat = 12;
+  kMetal = 13;
+  kPlastic = 14;
+  kPolishedConcrete = 15;
+  kRubber = 16;
+  kRug = 17;
+  kSand = 18;
+  kStone = 19;
+  kTatami = 20;
+  kTerrazzo = 21;
+  kTile = 22;
+  kVinyl = 23;
+enum LandmarkTag : enum8 {
+  kAirConditioner = 0;
+  kAirPurifier = 1;
+  kBackDoor = 2;
+  kBarStool = 3;
+  kBathMat = 4;
+  kBathtub = 5;
+  kBed = 6;
+  kBookshelf = 7;
+  kChair = 8;
+  kChristmasTree = 9;
+  kCoatRack = 10;
+  kCoffeeTable = 11;
+  kCookingRange = 12;
+  kCouch = 13;
+  kCountertop = 14;
+  kCradle = 15;
+  kCrib = 16;
+  kDesk = 17;
+  kDiningTable = 18;
+  kDishwasher = 19;
+  kDoor = 20;
+  kDresser = 21;
+  kLaundryDryer = 22;
+  kFan = 23;
+  kFireplace = 24;
+  kFreezer = 25;
+  kFrontDoor = 26;
+  kHighChair = 27;
+  kKitchenIsland = 28;
+  kLamp = 29;
+  kLitterBox = 30;
+  kMirror = 31;
+  kNightstand = 32;
+  kOven = 33;
+  kPetBed = 34;
+  kPetBowl = 35;
+  kPetCrate = 36;
+  kRefrigerator = 37;
+  kScratchingPost = 38;
+  kShoeRack = 39;
+  kShower = 40;
+  kSideDoor = 41;
+  kSink = 42;
+  kSofa = 43;
+  kStove = 44;
+  kTable = 45;
+  kToilet = 46;
+  kTrashCan = 47;
+  kLaundryWasher = 48;
+  kWindow = 49;
+  kWineCooler = 50;
+enum PositionTag : enum8 {
+  kLeft = 0;
+  kRight = 1;
+  kTop = 2;
+  kBottom = 3;
+  kMiddle = 4;
+  kRow = 5;
+  kColumn = 6;
+  kUnder = 7;
+  kNextTo = 8;
+  kAround = 9;
+  kOn = 10;
+  kAbove = 11;
+  kFrontOf = 12;
+  kBehind = 13;
 enum TestGlobalEnum : enum8 {
   kSomeValue = 0;
   kSomeOtherValue = 1;
@@ -12,6 +208,12 @@ bitmap TestGlobalBitmap : bitmap32 {
   kSecondBit = 0x2;
+struct LocationDescriptorStruct {
+  char_string<128> locationName = 0;
+  nullable int16s floorNumber = 1;
+  nullable AreaTypeTag areaType = 2;
 struct TestGlobalStruct {
   char_string<128> name = 0;
   nullable TestGlobalBitmap myBitmap = 1;
diff --git a/examples/chef/devices/rootnode_genericswitch_9866e35d0b.matter b/examples/chef/devices/rootnode_genericswitch_9866e35d0b.matter
index 5216ad0a5a3829..25c5cb83071c67 100644
--- a/examples/chef/devices/rootnode_genericswitch_9866e35d0b.matter
+++ b/examples/chef/devices/rootnode_genericswitch_9866e35d0b.matter
@@ -1,6 +1,202 @@
 // This IDL was generated automatically by ZAP.
 // It is for view/code review purposes only.
+enum AreaTypeTag : enum8 {
+  kAisle = 0;
+  kAttic = 1;
+  kBackDoor = 2;
+  kBackYard = 3;
+  kBalcony = 4;
+  kBallroom = 5;
+  kBathroom = 6;
+  kBedroom = 7;
+  kBorder = 8;
+  kBoxroom = 9;
+  kBreakfastRoom = 10;
+  kCarport = 11;
+  kCellar = 12;
+  kCloakroom = 13;
+  kCloset = 14;
+  kConservatory = 15;
+  kCorridor = 16;
+  kCraftRoom = 17;
+  kCupboard = 18;
+  kDeck = 19;
+  kDen = 20;
+  kDining = 21;
+  kDrawingRoom = 22;
+  kDressingRoom = 23;
+  kDriveway = 24;
+  kElevator = 25;
+  kEnsuite = 26;
+  kEntrance = 27;
+  kEntryway = 28;
+  kFamilyRoom = 29;
+  kFoyer = 30;
+  kFrontDoor = 31;
+  kFrontYard = 32;
+  kGameRoom = 33;
+  kGarage = 34;
+  kGarageDoor = 35;
+  kGarden = 36;
+  kGardenDoor = 37;
+  kGuestBathroom = 38;
+  kGuestBedroom = 39;
+  kGuestRestroom = 40;
+  kGuestRoom = 41;
+  kGym = 42;
+  kHallway = 43;
+  kHearthRoom = 44;
+  kKidsRoom = 45;
+  kKidsBedroom = 46;
+  kKitchen = 47;
+  kLarder = 48;
+  kLaundryRoom = 49;
+  kLawn = 50;
+  kLibrary = 51;
+  kLivingRoom = 52;
+  kLounge = 53;
+  kMediaTVRoom = 54;
+  kMudRoom = 55;
+  kMusicRoom = 56;
+  kNursery = 57;
+  kOffice = 58;
+  kOutdoorKitchen = 59;
+  kOutside = 60;
+  kPantry = 61;
+  kParkingLot = 62;
+  kParlor = 63;
+  kPatio = 64;
+  kPlayRoom = 65;
+  kPoolRoom = 66;
+  kPorch = 67;
+  kPrimaryBathroom = 68;
+  kPrimaryBedroom = 69;
+  kRamp = 70;
+  kReceptionRoom = 71;
+  kRecreationRoom = 72;
+  kRestroom = 73;
+  kRoof = 74;
+  kSauna = 75;
+  kScullery = 76;
+  kSewingRoom = 77;
+  kShed = 78;
+  kSideDoor = 79;
+  kSideYard = 80;
+  kSittingRoom = 81;
+  kSnug = 82;
+  kSpa = 83;
+  kStaircase = 84;
+  kSteamRoom = 85;
+  kStorageRoom = 86;
+  kStudio = 87;
+  kStudy = 88;
+  kSunRoom = 89;
+  kSwimmingPool = 90;
+  kTerrace = 91;
+  kUtilityRoom = 92;
+  kWard = 93;
+  kWorkshop = 94;
+enum FloorSurfaceTag : enum8 {
+  kCarpet = 0;
+  kCeramic = 1;
+  kConcrete = 2;
+  kCork = 3;
+  kDeepCarpet = 4;
+  kDirt = 5;
+  kEngineeredWood = 6;
+  kGlass = 7;
+  kGrass = 8;
+  kHardwood = 9;
+  kLaminate = 10;
+  kLinoleum = 11;
+  kMat = 12;
+  kMetal = 13;
+  kPlastic = 14;
+  kPolishedConcrete = 15;
+  kRubber = 16;
+  kRug = 17;
+  kSand = 18;
+  kStone = 19;
+  kTatami = 20;
+  kTerrazzo = 21;
+  kTile = 22;
+  kVinyl = 23;
+enum LandmarkTag : enum8 {
+  kAirConditioner = 0;
+  kAirPurifier = 1;
+  kBackDoor = 2;
+  kBarStool = 3;
+  kBathMat = 4;
+  kBathtub = 5;
+  kBed = 6;
+  kBookshelf = 7;
+  kChair = 8;
+  kChristmasTree = 9;
+  kCoatRack = 10;
+  kCoffeeTable = 11;
+  kCookingRange = 12;
+  kCouch = 13;
+  kCountertop = 14;
+  kCradle = 15;
+  kCrib = 16;
+  kDesk = 17;
+  kDiningTable = 18;
+  kDishwasher = 19;
+  kDoor = 20;
+  kDresser = 21;
+  kLaundryDryer = 22;
+  kFan = 23;
+  kFireplace = 24;
+  kFreezer = 25;
+  kFrontDoor = 26;
+  kHighChair = 27;
+  kKitchenIsland = 28;
+  kLamp = 29;
+  kLitterBox = 30;
+  kMirror = 31;
+  kNightstand = 32;
+  kOven = 33;
+  kPetBed = 34;
+  kPetBowl = 35;
+  kPetCrate = 36;
+  kRefrigerator = 37;
+  kScratchingPost = 38;
+  kShoeRack = 39;
+  kShower = 40;
+  kSideDoor = 41;
+  kSink = 42;
+  kSofa = 43;
+  kStove = 44;
+  kTable = 45;
+  kToilet = 46;
+  kTrashCan = 47;
+  kLaundryWasher = 48;
+  kWindow = 49;
+  kWineCooler = 50;
+enum PositionTag : enum8 {
+  kLeft = 0;
+  kRight = 1;
+  kTop = 2;
+  kBottom = 3;
+  kMiddle = 4;
+  kRow = 5;
+  kColumn = 6;
+  kUnder = 7;
+  kNextTo = 8;
+  kAround = 9;
+  kOn = 10;
+  kAbove = 11;
+  kFrontOf = 12;
+  kBehind = 13;
 enum TestGlobalEnum : enum8 {
   kSomeValue = 0;
   kSomeOtherValue = 1;
@@ -12,6 +208,12 @@ bitmap TestGlobalBitmap : bitmap32 {
   kSecondBit = 0x2;
+struct LocationDescriptorStruct {
+  char_string<128> locationName = 0;
+  nullable int16s floorNumber = 1;
+  nullable AreaTypeTag areaType = 2;
 struct TestGlobalStruct {
   char_string<128> name = 0;
   nullable TestGlobalBitmap myBitmap = 1;
diff --git a/examples/chef/devices/rootnode_heatingcoolingunit_ncdGai1E5a.matter b/examples/chef/devices/rootnode_heatingcoolingunit_ncdGai1E5a.matter
index cbbedfa6080098..5bff3298a54008 100644
--- a/examples/chef/devices/rootnode_heatingcoolingunit_ncdGai1E5a.matter
+++ b/examples/chef/devices/rootnode_heatingcoolingunit_ncdGai1E5a.matter
@@ -1,6 +1,202 @@
 // This IDL was generated automatically by ZAP.
 // It is for view/code review purposes only.
+enum AreaTypeTag : enum8 {
+  kAisle = 0;
+  kAttic = 1;
+  kBackDoor = 2;
+  kBackYard = 3;
+  kBalcony = 4;
+  kBallroom = 5;
+  kBathroom = 6;
+  kBedroom = 7;
+  kBorder = 8;
+  kBoxroom = 9;
+  kBreakfastRoom = 10;
+  kCarport = 11;
+  kCellar = 12;
+  kCloakroom = 13;
+  kCloset = 14;
+  kConservatory = 15;
+  kCorridor = 16;
+  kCraftRoom = 17;
+  kCupboard = 18;
+  kDeck = 19;
+  kDen = 20;
+  kDining = 21;
+  kDrawingRoom = 22;
+  kDressingRoom = 23;
+  kDriveway = 24;
+  kElevator = 25;
+  kEnsuite = 26;
+  kEntrance = 27;
+  kEntryway = 28;
+  kFamilyRoom = 29;
+  kFoyer = 30;
+  kFrontDoor = 31;
+  kFrontYard = 32;
+  kGameRoom = 33;
+  kGarage = 34;
+  kGarageDoor = 35;
+  kGarden = 36;
+  kGardenDoor = 37;
+  kGuestBathroom = 38;
+  kGuestBedroom = 39;
+  kGuestRestroom = 40;
+  kGuestRoom = 41;
+  kGym = 42;
+  kHallway = 43;
+  kHearthRoom = 44;
+  kKidsRoom = 45;
+  kKidsBedroom = 46;
+  kKitchen = 47;
+  kLarder = 48;
+  kLaundryRoom = 49;
+  kLawn = 50;
+  kLibrary = 51;
+  kLivingRoom = 52;
+  kLounge = 53;
+  kMediaTVRoom = 54;
+  kMudRoom = 55;
+  kMusicRoom = 56;
+  kNursery = 57;
+  kOffice = 58;
+  kOutdoorKitchen = 59;
+  kOutside = 60;
+  kPantry = 61;
+  kParkingLot = 62;
+  kParlor = 63;
+  kPatio = 64;
+  kPlayRoom = 65;
+  kPoolRoom = 66;
+  kPorch = 67;
+  kPrimaryBathroom = 68;
+  kPrimaryBedroom = 69;
+  kRamp = 70;
+  kReceptionRoom = 71;
+  kRecreationRoom = 72;
+  kRestroom = 73;
+  kRoof = 74;
+  kSauna = 75;
+  kScullery = 76;
+  kSewingRoom = 77;
+  kShed = 78;
+  kSideDoor = 79;
+  kSideYard = 80;
+  kSittingRoom = 81;
+  kSnug = 82;
+  kSpa = 83;
+  kStaircase = 84;
+  kSteamRoom = 85;
+  kStorageRoom = 86;
+  kStudio = 87;
+  kStudy = 88;
+  kSunRoom = 89;
+  kSwimmingPool = 90;
+  kTerrace = 91;
+  kUtilityRoom = 92;
+  kWard = 93;
+  kWorkshop = 94;
+enum FloorSurfaceTag : enum8 {
+  kCarpet = 0;
+  kCeramic = 1;
+  kConcrete = 2;
+  kCork = 3;
+  kDeepCarpet = 4;
+  kDirt = 5;
+  kEngineeredWood = 6;
+  kGlass = 7;
+  kGrass = 8;
+  kHardwood = 9;
+  kLaminate = 10;
+  kLinoleum = 11;
+  kMat = 12;
+  kMetal = 13;
+  kPlastic = 14;
+  kPolishedConcrete = 15;
+  kRubber = 16;
+  kRug = 17;
+  kSand = 18;
+  kStone = 19;
+  kTatami = 20;
+  kTerrazzo = 21;
+  kTile = 22;
+  kVinyl = 23;
+enum LandmarkTag : enum8 {
+  kAirConditioner = 0;
+  kAirPurifier = 1;
+  kBackDoor = 2;
+  kBarStool = 3;
+  kBathMat = 4;
+  kBathtub = 5;
+  kBed = 6;
+  kBookshelf = 7;
+  kChair = 8;
+  kChristmasTree = 9;
+  kCoatRack = 10;
+  kCoffeeTable = 11;
+  kCookingRange = 12;
+  kCouch = 13;
+  kCountertop = 14;
+  kCradle = 15;
+  kCrib = 16;
+  kDesk = 17;
+  kDiningTable = 18;
+  kDishwasher = 19;
+  kDoor = 20;
+  kDresser = 21;
+  kLaundryDryer = 22;
+  kFan = 23;
+  kFireplace = 24;
+  kFreezer = 25;
+  kFrontDoor = 26;
+  kHighChair = 27;
+  kKitchenIsland = 28;
+  kLamp = 29;
+  kLitterBox = 30;
+  kMirror = 31;
+  kNightstand = 32;
+  kOven = 33;
+  kPetBed = 34;
+  kPetBowl = 35;
+  kPetCrate = 36;
+  kRefrigerator = 37;
+  kScratchingPost = 38;
+  kShoeRack = 39;
+  kShower = 40;
+  kSideDoor = 41;
+  kSink = 42;
+  kSofa = 43;
+  kStove = 44;
+  kTable = 45;
+  kToilet = 46;
+  kTrashCan = 47;
+  kLaundryWasher = 48;
+  kWindow = 49;
+  kWineCooler = 50;
+enum PositionTag : enum8 {
+  kLeft = 0;
+  kRight = 1;
+  kTop = 2;
+  kBottom = 3;
+  kMiddle = 4;
+  kRow = 5;
+  kColumn = 6;
+  kUnder = 7;
+  kNextTo = 8;
+  kAround = 9;
+  kOn = 10;
+  kAbove = 11;
+  kFrontOf = 12;
+  kBehind = 13;
 enum TestGlobalEnum : enum8 {
   kSomeValue = 0;
   kSomeOtherValue = 1;
@@ -12,6 +208,12 @@ bitmap TestGlobalBitmap : bitmap32 {
   kSecondBit = 0x2;
+struct LocationDescriptorStruct {
+  char_string<128> locationName = 0;
+  nullable int16s floorNumber = 1;
+  nullable AreaTypeTag areaType = 2;
 struct TestGlobalStruct {
   char_string<128> name = 0;
   nullable TestGlobalBitmap myBitmap = 1;
diff --git a/examples/chef/devices/rootnode_humiditysensor_Xyj4gda6Hb.matter b/examples/chef/devices/rootnode_humiditysensor_Xyj4gda6Hb.matter
index 05fd620ffd7518..3a533a80b03adc 100644
--- a/examples/chef/devices/rootnode_humiditysensor_Xyj4gda6Hb.matter
+++ b/examples/chef/devices/rootnode_humiditysensor_Xyj4gda6Hb.matter
@@ -1,6 +1,202 @@
 // This IDL was generated automatically by ZAP.
 // It is for view/code review purposes only.
+enum AreaTypeTag : enum8 {
+  kAisle = 0;
+  kAttic = 1;
+  kBackDoor = 2;
+  kBackYard = 3;
+  kBalcony = 4;
+  kBallroom = 5;
+  kBathroom = 6;
+  kBedroom = 7;
+  kBorder = 8;
+  kBoxroom = 9;
+  kBreakfastRoom = 10;
+  kCarport = 11;
+  kCellar = 12;
+  kCloakroom = 13;
+  kCloset = 14;
+  kConservatory = 15;
+  kCorridor = 16;
+  kCraftRoom = 17;
+  kCupboard = 18;
+  kDeck = 19;
+  kDen = 20;
+  kDining = 21;
+  kDrawingRoom = 22;
+  kDressingRoom = 23;
+  kDriveway = 24;
+  kElevator = 25;
+  kEnsuite = 26;
+  kEntrance = 27;
+  kEntryway = 28;
+  kFamilyRoom = 29;
+  kFoyer = 30;
+  kFrontDoor = 31;
+  kFrontYard = 32;
+  kGameRoom = 33;
+  kGarage = 34;
+  kGarageDoor = 35;
+  kGarden = 36;
+  kGardenDoor = 37;
+  kGuestBathroom = 38;
+  kGuestBedroom = 39;
+  kGuestRestroom = 40;
+  kGuestRoom = 41;
+  kGym = 42;
+  kHallway = 43;
+  kHearthRoom = 44;
+  kKidsRoom = 45;
+  kKidsBedroom = 46;
+  kKitchen = 47;
+  kLarder = 48;
+  kLaundryRoom = 49;
+  kLawn = 50;
+  kLibrary = 51;
+  kLivingRoom = 52;
+  kLounge = 53;
+  kMediaTVRoom = 54;
+  kMudRoom = 55;
+  kMusicRoom = 56;
+  kNursery = 57;
+  kOffice = 58;
+  kOutdoorKitchen = 59;
+  kOutside = 60;
+  kPantry = 61;
+  kParkingLot = 62;
+  kParlor = 63;
+  kPatio = 64;
+  kPlayRoom = 65;
+  kPoolRoom = 66;
+  kPorch = 67;
+  kPrimaryBathroom = 68;
+  kPrimaryBedroom = 69;
+  kRamp = 70;
+  kReceptionRoom = 71;
+  kRecreationRoom = 72;
+  kRestroom = 73;
+  kRoof = 74;
+  kSauna = 75;
+  kScullery = 76;
+  kSewingRoom = 77;
+  kShed = 78;
+  kSideDoor = 79;
+  kSideYard = 80;
+  kSittingRoom = 81;
+  kSnug = 82;
+  kSpa = 83;
+  kStaircase = 84;
+  kSteamRoom = 85;
+  kStorageRoom = 86;
+  kStudio = 87;
+  kStudy = 88;
+  kSunRoom = 89;
+  kSwimmingPool = 90;
+  kTerrace = 91;
+  kUtilityRoom = 92;
+  kWard = 93;
+  kWorkshop = 94;
+enum FloorSurfaceTag : enum8 {
+  kCarpet = 0;
+  kCeramic = 1;
+  kConcrete = 2;
+  kCork = 3;
+  kDeepCarpet = 4;
+  kDirt = 5;
+  kEngineeredWood = 6;
+  kGlass = 7;
+  kGrass = 8;
+  kHardwood = 9;
+  kLaminate = 10;
+  kLinoleum = 11;
+  kMat = 12;
+  kMetal = 13;
+  kPlastic = 14;
+  kPolishedConcrete = 15;
+  kRubber = 16;
+  kRug = 17;
+  kSand = 18;
+  kStone = 19;
+  kTatami = 20;
+  kTerrazzo = 21;
+  kTile = 22;
+  kVinyl = 23;
+enum LandmarkTag : enum8 {
+  kAirConditioner = 0;
+  kAirPurifier = 1;
+  kBackDoor = 2;
+  kBarStool = 3;
+  kBathMat = 4;
+  kBathtub = 5;
+  kBed = 6;
+  kBookshelf = 7;
+  kChair = 8;
+  kChristmasTree = 9;
+  kCoatRack = 10;
+  kCoffeeTable = 11;
+  kCookingRange = 12;
+  kCouch = 13;
+  kCountertop = 14;
+  kCradle = 15;
+  kCrib = 16;
+  kDesk = 17;
+  kDiningTable = 18;
+  kDishwasher = 19;
+  kDoor = 20;
+  kDresser = 21;
+  kLaundryDryer = 22;
+  kFan = 23;
+  kFireplace = 24;
+  kFreezer = 25;
+  kFrontDoor = 26;
+  kHighChair = 27;
+  kKitchenIsland = 28;
+  kLamp = 29;
+  kLitterBox = 30;
+  kMirror = 31;
+  kNightstand = 32;
+  kOven = 33;
+  kPetBed = 34;
+  kPetBowl = 35;
+  kPetCrate = 36;
+  kRefrigerator = 37;
+  kScratchingPost = 38;
+  kShoeRack = 39;
+  kShower = 40;
+  kSideDoor = 41;
+  kSink = 42;
+  kSofa = 43;
+  kStove = 44;
+  kTable = 45;
+  kToilet = 46;
+  kTrashCan = 47;
+  kLaundryWasher = 48;
+  kWindow = 49;
+  kWineCooler = 50;
+enum PositionTag : enum8 {
+  kLeft = 0;
+  kRight = 1;
+  kTop = 2;
+  kBottom = 3;
+  kMiddle = 4;
+  kRow = 5;
+  kColumn = 6;
+  kUnder = 7;
+  kNextTo = 8;
+  kAround = 9;
+  kOn = 10;
+  kAbove = 11;
+  kFrontOf = 12;
+  kBehind = 13;
 enum TestGlobalEnum : enum8 {
   kSomeValue = 0;
   kSomeOtherValue = 1;
@@ -12,6 +208,12 @@ bitmap TestGlobalBitmap : bitmap32 {
   kSecondBit = 0x2;
+struct LocationDescriptorStruct {
+  char_string<128> locationName = 0;
+  nullable int16s floorNumber = 1;
+  nullable AreaTypeTag areaType = 2;
 struct TestGlobalStruct {
   char_string<128> name = 0;
   nullable TestGlobalBitmap myBitmap = 1;
diff --git a/examples/chef/devices/rootnode_laundrywasher_fb10d238c8.matter b/examples/chef/devices/rootnode_laundrywasher_fb10d238c8.matter
index 7d10d932eefd39..85e0b196fdda71 100644
--- a/examples/chef/devices/rootnode_laundrywasher_fb10d238c8.matter
+++ b/examples/chef/devices/rootnode_laundrywasher_fb10d238c8.matter
@@ -1,6 +1,202 @@
 // This IDL was generated automatically by ZAP.
 // It is for view/code review purposes only.
+enum AreaTypeTag : enum8 {
+  kAisle = 0;
+  kAttic = 1;
+  kBackDoor = 2;
+  kBackYard = 3;
+  kBalcony = 4;
+  kBallroom = 5;
+  kBathroom = 6;
+  kBedroom = 7;
+  kBorder = 8;
+  kBoxroom = 9;
+  kBreakfastRoom = 10;
+  kCarport = 11;
+  kCellar = 12;
+  kCloakroom = 13;
+  kCloset = 14;
+  kConservatory = 15;
+  kCorridor = 16;
+  kCraftRoom = 17;
+  kCupboard = 18;
+  kDeck = 19;
+  kDen = 20;
+  kDining = 21;
+  kDrawingRoom = 22;
+  kDressingRoom = 23;
+  kDriveway = 24;
+  kElevator = 25;
+  kEnsuite = 26;
+  kEntrance = 27;
+  kEntryway = 28;
+  kFamilyRoom = 29;
+  kFoyer = 30;
+  kFrontDoor = 31;
+  kFrontYard = 32;
+  kGameRoom = 33;
+  kGarage = 34;
+  kGarageDoor = 35;
+  kGarden = 36;
+  kGardenDoor = 37;
+  kGuestBathroom = 38;
+  kGuestBedroom = 39;
+  kGuestRestroom = 40;
+  kGuestRoom = 41;
+  kGym = 42;
+  kHallway = 43;
+  kHearthRoom = 44;
+  kKidsRoom = 45;
+  kKidsBedroom = 46;
+  kKitchen = 47;
+  kLarder = 48;
+  kLaundryRoom = 49;
+  kLawn = 50;
+  kLibrary = 51;
+  kLivingRoom = 52;
+  kLounge = 53;
+  kMediaTVRoom = 54;
+  kMudRoom = 55;
+  kMusicRoom = 56;
+  kNursery = 57;
+  kOffice = 58;
+  kOutdoorKitchen = 59;
+  kOutside = 60;
+  kPantry = 61;
+  kParkingLot = 62;
+  kParlor = 63;
+  kPatio = 64;
+  kPlayRoom = 65;
+  kPoolRoom = 66;
+  kPorch = 67;
+  kPrimaryBathroom = 68;
+  kPrimaryBedroom = 69;
+  kRamp = 70;
+  kReceptionRoom = 71;
+  kRecreationRoom = 72;
+  kRestroom = 73;
+  kRoof = 74;
+  kSauna = 75;
+  kScullery = 76;
+  kSewingRoom = 77;
+  kShed = 78;
+  kSideDoor = 79;
+  kSideYard = 80;
+  kSittingRoom = 81;
+  kSnug = 82;
+  kSpa = 83;
+  kStaircase = 84;
+  kSteamRoom = 85;
+  kStorageRoom = 86;
+  kStudio = 87;
+  kStudy = 88;
+  kSunRoom = 89;
+  kSwimmingPool = 90;
+  kTerrace = 91;
+  kUtilityRoom = 92;
+  kWard = 93;
+  kWorkshop = 94;
+enum FloorSurfaceTag : enum8 {
+  kCarpet = 0;
+  kCeramic = 1;
+  kConcrete = 2;
+  kCork = 3;
+  kDeepCarpet = 4;
+  kDirt = 5;
+  kEngineeredWood = 6;
+  kGlass = 7;
+  kGrass = 8;
+  kHardwood = 9;
+  kLaminate = 10;
+  kLinoleum = 11;
+  kMat = 12;
+  kMetal = 13;
+  kPlastic = 14;
+  kPolishedConcrete = 15;
+  kRubber = 16;
+  kRug = 17;
+  kSand = 18;
+  kStone = 19;
+  kTatami = 20;
+  kTerrazzo = 21;
+  kTile = 22;
+  kVinyl = 23;
+enum LandmarkTag : enum8 {
+  kAirConditioner = 0;
+  kAirPurifier = 1;
+  kBackDoor = 2;
+  kBarStool = 3;
+  kBathMat = 4;
+  kBathtub = 5;
+  kBed = 6;
+  kBookshelf = 7;
+  kChair = 8;
+  kChristmasTree = 9;
+  kCoatRack = 10;
+  kCoffeeTable = 11;
+  kCookingRange = 12;
+  kCouch = 13;
+  kCountertop = 14;
+  kCradle = 15;
+  kCrib = 16;
+  kDesk = 17;
+  kDiningTable = 18;
+  kDishwasher = 19;
+  kDoor = 20;
+  kDresser = 21;
+  kLaundryDryer = 22;
+  kFan = 23;
+  kFireplace = 24;
+  kFreezer = 25;
+  kFrontDoor = 26;
+  kHighChair = 27;
+  kKitchenIsland = 28;
+  kLamp = 29;
+  kLitterBox = 30;
+  kMirror = 31;
+  kNightstand = 32;
+  kOven = 33;
+  kPetBed = 34;
+  kPetBowl = 35;
+  kPetCrate = 36;
+  kRefrigerator = 37;
+  kScratchingPost = 38;
+  kShoeRack = 39;
+  kShower = 40;
+  kSideDoor = 41;
+  kSink = 42;
+  kSofa = 43;
+  kStove = 44;
+  kTable = 45;
+  kToilet = 46;
+  kTrashCan = 47;
+  kLaundryWasher = 48;
+  kWindow = 49;
+  kWineCooler = 50;
+enum PositionTag : enum8 {
+  kLeft = 0;
+  kRight = 1;
+  kTop = 2;
+  kBottom = 3;
+  kMiddle = 4;
+  kRow = 5;
+  kColumn = 6;
+  kUnder = 7;
+  kNextTo = 8;
+  kAround = 9;
+  kOn = 10;
+  kAbove = 11;
+  kFrontOf = 12;
+  kBehind = 13;
 enum TestGlobalEnum : enum8 {
   kSomeValue = 0;
   kSomeOtherValue = 1;
@@ -12,6 +208,12 @@ bitmap TestGlobalBitmap : bitmap32 {
   kSecondBit = 0x2;
+struct LocationDescriptorStruct {
+  char_string<128> locationName = 0;
+  nullable int16s floorNumber = 1;
+  nullable AreaTypeTag areaType = 2;
 struct TestGlobalStruct {
   char_string<128> name = 0;
   nullable TestGlobalBitmap myBitmap = 1;
diff --git a/examples/chef/devices/rootnode_lightsensor_lZQycTFcJK.matter b/examples/chef/devices/rootnode_lightsensor_lZQycTFcJK.matter
index c7334375df90b2..02be0be6f65ad5 100644
--- a/examples/chef/devices/rootnode_lightsensor_lZQycTFcJK.matter
+++ b/examples/chef/devices/rootnode_lightsensor_lZQycTFcJK.matter
@@ -1,6 +1,202 @@
 // This IDL was generated automatically by ZAP.
 // It is for view/code review purposes only.
+enum AreaTypeTag : enum8 {
+  kAisle = 0;
+  kAttic = 1;
+  kBackDoor = 2;
+  kBackYard = 3;
+  kBalcony = 4;
+  kBallroom = 5;
+  kBathroom = 6;
+  kBedroom = 7;
+  kBorder = 8;
+  kBoxroom = 9;
+  kBreakfastRoom = 10;
+  kCarport = 11;
+  kCellar = 12;
+  kCloakroom = 13;
+  kCloset = 14;
+  kConservatory = 15;
+  kCorridor = 16;
+  kCraftRoom = 17;
+  kCupboard = 18;
+  kDeck = 19;
+  kDen = 20;
+  kDining = 21;
+  kDrawingRoom = 22;
+  kDressingRoom = 23;
+  kDriveway = 24;
+  kElevator = 25;
+  kEnsuite = 26;
+  kEntrance = 27;
+  kEntryway = 28;
+  kFamilyRoom = 29;
+  kFoyer = 30;
+  kFrontDoor = 31;
+  kFrontYard = 32;
+  kGameRoom = 33;
+  kGarage = 34;
+  kGarageDoor = 35;
+  kGarden = 36;
+  kGardenDoor = 37;
+  kGuestBathroom = 38;
+  kGuestBedroom = 39;
+  kGuestRestroom = 40;
+  kGuestRoom = 41;
+  kGym = 42;
+  kHallway = 43;
+  kHearthRoom = 44;
+  kKidsRoom = 45;
+  kKidsBedroom = 46;
+  kKitchen = 47;
+  kLarder = 48;
+  kLaundryRoom = 49;
+  kLawn = 50;
+  kLibrary = 51;
+  kLivingRoom = 52;
+  kLounge = 53;
+  kMediaTVRoom = 54;
+  kMudRoom = 55;
+  kMusicRoom = 56;
+  kNursery = 57;
+  kOffice = 58;
+  kOutdoorKitchen = 59;
+  kOutside = 60;
+  kPantry = 61;
+  kParkingLot = 62;
+  kParlor = 63;
+  kPatio = 64;
+  kPlayRoom = 65;
+  kPoolRoom = 66;
+  kPorch = 67;
+  kPrimaryBathroom = 68;
+  kPrimaryBedroom = 69;
+  kRamp = 70;
+  kReceptionRoom = 71;
+  kRecreationRoom = 72;
+  kRestroom = 73;
+  kRoof = 74;
+  kSauna = 75;
+  kScullery = 76;
+  kSewingRoom = 77;
+  kShed = 78;
+  kSideDoor = 79;
+  kSideYard = 80;
+  kSittingRoom = 81;
+  kSnug = 82;
+  kSpa = 83;
+  kStaircase = 84;
+  kSteamRoom = 85;
+  kStorageRoom = 86;
+  kStudio = 87;
+  kStudy = 88;
+  kSunRoom = 89;
+  kSwimmingPool = 90;
+  kTerrace = 91;
+  kUtilityRoom = 92;
+  kWard = 93;
+  kWorkshop = 94;
+enum FloorSurfaceTag : enum8 {
+  kCarpet = 0;
+  kCeramic = 1;
+  kConcrete = 2;
+  kCork = 3;
+  kDeepCarpet = 4;
+  kDirt = 5;
+  kEngineeredWood = 6;
+  kGlass = 7;
+  kGrass = 8;
+  kHardwood = 9;
+  kLaminate = 10;
+  kLinoleum = 11;
+  kMat = 12;
+  kMetal = 13;
+  kPlastic = 14;
+  kPolishedConcrete = 15;
+  kRubber = 16;
+  kRug = 17;
+  kSand = 18;
+  kStone = 19;
+  kTatami = 20;
+  kTerrazzo = 21;
+  kTile = 22;
+  kVinyl = 23;
+enum LandmarkTag : enum8 {
+  kAirConditioner = 0;
+  kAirPurifier = 1;
+  kBackDoor = 2;
+  kBarStool = 3;
+  kBathMat = 4;
+  kBathtub = 5;
+  kBed = 6;
+  kBookshelf = 7;
+  kChair = 8;
+  kChristmasTree = 9;
+  kCoatRack = 10;
+  kCoffeeTable = 11;
+  kCookingRange = 12;
+  kCouch = 13;
+  kCountertop = 14;
+  kCradle = 15;
+  kCrib = 16;
+  kDesk = 17;
+  kDiningTable = 18;
+  kDishwasher = 19;
+  kDoor = 20;
+  kDresser = 21;
+  kLaundryDryer = 22;
+  kFan = 23;
+  kFireplace = 24;
+  kFreezer = 25;
+  kFrontDoor = 26;
+  kHighChair = 27;
+  kKitchenIsland = 28;
+  kLamp = 29;
+  kLitterBox = 30;
+  kMirror = 31;
+  kNightstand = 32;
+  kOven = 33;
+  kPetBed = 34;
+  kPetBowl = 35;
+  kPetCrate = 36;
+  kRefrigerator = 37;
+  kScratchingPost = 38;
+  kShoeRack = 39;
+  kShower = 40;
+  kSideDoor = 41;
+  kSink = 42;
+  kSofa = 43;
+  kStove = 44;
+  kTable = 45;
+  kToilet = 46;
+  kTrashCan = 47;
+  kLaundryWasher = 48;
+  kWindow = 49;
+  kWineCooler = 50;
+enum PositionTag : enum8 {
+  kLeft = 0;
+  kRight = 1;
+  kTop = 2;
+  kBottom = 3;
+  kMiddle = 4;
+  kRow = 5;
+  kColumn = 6;
+  kUnder = 7;
+  kNextTo = 8;
+  kAround = 9;
+  kOn = 10;
+  kAbove = 11;
+  kFrontOf = 12;
+  kBehind = 13;
 enum TestGlobalEnum : enum8 {
   kSomeValue = 0;
   kSomeOtherValue = 1;
@@ -12,6 +208,12 @@ bitmap TestGlobalBitmap : bitmap32 {
   kSecondBit = 0x2;
+struct LocationDescriptorStruct {
+  char_string<128> locationName = 0;
+  nullable int16s floorNumber = 1;
+  nullable AreaTypeTag areaType = 2;
 struct TestGlobalStruct {
   char_string<128> name = 0;
   nullable TestGlobalBitmap myBitmap = 1;
diff --git a/examples/chef/devices/rootnode_occupancysensor_iHyVgifZuo.matter b/examples/chef/devices/rootnode_occupancysensor_iHyVgifZuo.matter
index c3e38b16d96ad4..40a115b86c3be8 100644
--- a/examples/chef/devices/rootnode_occupancysensor_iHyVgifZuo.matter
+++ b/examples/chef/devices/rootnode_occupancysensor_iHyVgifZuo.matter
@@ -1,6 +1,202 @@
 // This IDL was generated automatically by ZAP.
 // It is for view/code review purposes only.
+enum AreaTypeTag : enum8 {
+  kAisle = 0;
+  kAttic = 1;
+  kBackDoor = 2;
+  kBackYard = 3;
+  kBalcony = 4;
+  kBallroom = 5;
+  kBathroom = 6;
+  kBedroom = 7;
+  kBorder = 8;
+  kBoxroom = 9;
+  kBreakfastRoom = 10;
+  kCarport = 11;
+  kCellar = 12;
+  kCloakroom = 13;
+  kCloset = 14;
+  kConservatory = 15;
+  kCorridor = 16;
+  kCraftRoom = 17;
+  kCupboard = 18;
+  kDeck = 19;
+  kDen = 20;
+  kDining = 21;
+  kDrawingRoom = 22;
+  kDressingRoom = 23;
+  kDriveway = 24;
+  kElevator = 25;
+  kEnsuite = 26;
+  kEntrance = 27;
+  kEntryway = 28;
+  kFamilyRoom = 29;
+  kFoyer = 30;
+  kFrontDoor = 31;
+  kFrontYard = 32;
+  kGameRoom = 33;
+  kGarage = 34;
+  kGarageDoor = 35;
+  kGarden = 36;
+  kGardenDoor = 37;
+  kGuestBathroom = 38;
+  kGuestBedroom = 39;
+  kGuestRestroom = 40;
+  kGuestRoom = 41;
+  kGym = 42;
+  kHallway = 43;
+  kHearthRoom = 44;
+  kKidsRoom = 45;
+  kKidsBedroom = 46;
+  kKitchen = 47;
+  kLarder = 48;
+  kLaundryRoom = 49;
+  kLawn = 50;
+  kLibrary = 51;
+  kLivingRoom = 52;
+  kLounge = 53;
+  kMediaTVRoom = 54;
+  kMudRoom = 55;
+  kMusicRoom = 56;
+  kNursery = 57;
+  kOffice = 58;
+  kOutdoorKitchen = 59;
+  kOutside = 60;
+  kPantry = 61;
+  kParkingLot = 62;
+  kParlor = 63;
+  kPatio = 64;
+  kPlayRoom = 65;
+  kPoolRoom = 66;
+  kPorch = 67;
+  kPrimaryBathroom = 68;
+  kPrimaryBedroom = 69;
+  kRamp = 70;
+  kReceptionRoom = 71;
+  kRecreationRoom = 72;
+  kRestroom = 73;
+  kRoof = 74;
+  kSauna = 75;
+  kScullery = 76;
+  kSewingRoom = 77;
+  kShed = 78;
+  kSideDoor = 79;
+  kSideYard = 80;
+  kSittingRoom = 81;
+  kSnug = 82;
+  kSpa = 83;
+  kStaircase = 84;
+  kSteamRoom = 85;
+  kStorageRoom = 86;
+  kStudio = 87;
+  kStudy = 88;
+  kSunRoom = 89;
+  kSwimmingPool = 90;
+  kTerrace = 91;
+  kUtilityRoom = 92;
+  kWard = 93;
+  kWorkshop = 94;
+enum FloorSurfaceTag : enum8 {
+  kCarpet = 0;
+  kCeramic = 1;
+  kConcrete = 2;
+  kCork = 3;
+  kDeepCarpet = 4;
+  kDirt = 5;
+  kEngineeredWood = 6;
+  kGlass = 7;
+  kGrass = 8;
+  kHardwood = 9;
+  kLaminate = 10;
+  kLinoleum = 11;
+  kMat = 12;
+  kMetal = 13;
+  kPlastic = 14;
+  kPolishedConcrete = 15;
+  kRubber = 16;
+  kRug = 17;
+  kSand = 18;
+  kStone = 19;
+  kTatami = 20;
+  kTerrazzo = 21;
+  kTile = 22;
+  kVinyl = 23;
+enum LandmarkTag : enum8 {
+  kAirConditioner = 0;
+  kAirPurifier = 1;
+  kBackDoor = 2;
+  kBarStool = 3;
+  kBathMat = 4;
+  kBathtub = 5;
+  kBed = 6;
+  kBookshelf = 7;
+  kChair = 8;
+  kChristmasTree = 9;
+  kCoatRack = 10;
+  kCoffeeTable = 11;
+  kCookingRange = 12;
+  kCouch = 13;
+  kCountertop = 14;
+  kCradle = 15;
+  kCrib = 16;
+  kDesk = 17;
+  kDiningTable = 18;
+  kDishwasher = 19;
+  kDoor = 20;
+  kDresser = 21;
+  kLaundryDryer = 22;
+  kFan = 23;
+  kFireplace = 24;
+  kFreezer = 25;
+  kFrontDoor = 26;
+  kHighChair = 27;
+  kKitchenIsland = 28;
+  kLamp = 29;
+  kLitterBox = 30;
+  kMirror = 31;
+  kNightstand = 32;
+  kOven = 33;
+  kPetBed = 34;
+  kPetBowl = 35;
+  kPetCrate = 36;
+  kRefrigerator = 37;
+  kScratchingPost = 38;
+  kShoeRack = 39;
+  kShower = 40;
+  kSideDoor = 41;
+  kSink = 42;
+  kSofa = 43;
+  kStove = 44;
+  kTable = 45;
+  kToilet = 46;
+  kTrashCan = 47;
+  kLaundryWasher = 48;
+  kWindow = 49;
+  kWineCooler = 50;
+enum PositionTag : enum8 {
+  kLeft = 0;
+  kRight = 1;
+  kTop = 2;
+  kBottom = 3;
+  kMiddle = 4;
+  kRow = 5;
+  kColumn = 6;
+  kUnder = 7;
+  kNextTo = 8;
+  kAround = 9;
+  kOn = 10;
+  kAbove = 11;
+  kFrontOf = 12;
+  kBehind = 13;
 enum TestGlobalEnum : enum8 {
   kSomeValue = 0;
   kSomeOtherValue = 1;
@@ -12,6 +208,12 @@ bitmap TestGlobalBitmap : bitmap32 {
   kSecondBit = 0x2;
+struct LocationDescriptorStruct {
+  char_string<128> locationName = 0;
+  nullable int16s floorNumber = 1;
+  nullable AreaTypeTag areaType = 2;
 struct TestGlobalStruct {
   char_string<128> name = 0;
   nullable TestGlobalBitmap myBitmap = 1;
diff --git a/examples/chef/devices/rootnode_onofflight_bbs1b7IaOV.matter b/examples/chef/devices/rootnode_onofflight_bbs1b7IaOV.matter
index 17b66ebe5303ba..6906c4f30ebbae 100644
--- a/examples/chef/devices/rootnode_onofflight_bbs1b7IaOV.matter
+++ b/examples/chef/devices/rootnode_onofflight_bbs1b7IaOV.matter
@@ -1,6 +1,202 @@
 // This IDL was generated automatically by ZAP.
 // It is for view/code review purposes only.
+enum AreaTypeTag : enum8 {
+  kAisle = 0;
+  kAttic = 1;
+  kBackDoor = 2;
+  kBackYard = 3;
+  kBalcony = 4;
+  kBallroom = 5;
+  kBathroom = 6;
+  kBedroom = 7;
+  kBorder = 8;
+  kBoxroom = 9;
+  kBreakfastRoom = 10;
+  kCarport = 11;
+  kCellar = 12;
+  kCloakroom = 13;
+  kCloset = 14;
+  kConservatory = 15;
+  kCorridor = 16;
+  kCraftRoom = 17;
+  kCupboard = 18;
+  kDeck = 19;
+  kDen = 20;
+  kDining = 21;
+  kDrawingRoom = 22;
+  kDressingRoom = 23;
+  kDriveway = 24;
+  kElevator = 25;
+  kEnsuite = 26;
+  kEntrance = 27;
+  kEntryway = 28;
+  kFamilyRoom = 29;
+  kFoyer = 30;
+  kFrontDoor = 31;
+  kFrontYard = 32;
+  kGameRoom = 33;
+  kGarage = 34;
+  kGarageDoor = 35;
+  kGarden = 36;
+  kGardenDoor = 37;
+  kGuestBathroom = 38;
+  kGuestBedroom = 39;
+  kGuestRestroom = 40;
+  kGuestRoom = 41;
+  kGym = 42;
+  kHallway = 43;
+  kHearthRoom = 44;
+  kKidsRoom = 45;
+  kKidsBedroom = 46;
+  kKitchen = 47;
+  kLarder = 48;
+  kLaundryRoom = 49;
+  kLawn = 50;
+  kLibrary = 51;
+  kLivingRoom = 52;
+  kLounge = 53;
+  kMediaTVRoom = 54;
+  kMudRoom = 55;
+  kMusicRoom = 56;
+  kNursery = 57;
+  kOffice = 58;
+  kOutdoorKitchen = 59;
+  kOutside = 60;
+  kPantry = 61;
+  kParkingLot = 62;
+  kParlor = 63;
+  kPatio = 64;
+  kPlayRoom = 65;
+  kPoolRoom = 66;
+  kPorch = 67;
+  kPrimaryBathroom = 68;
+  kPrimaryBedroom = 69;
+  kRamp = 70;
+  kReceptionRoom = 71;
+  kRecreationRoom = 72;
+  kRestroom = 73;
+  kRoof = 74;
+  kSauna = 75;
+  kScullery = 76;
+  kSewingRoom = 77;
+  kShed = 78;
+  kSideDoor = 79;
+  kSideYard = 80;
+  kSittingRoom = 81;
+  kSnug = 82;
+  kSpa = 83;
+  kStaircase = 84;
+  kSteamRoom = 85;
+  kStorageRoom = 86;
+  kStudio = 87;
+  kStudy = 88;
+  kSunRoom = 89;
+  kSwimmingPool = 90;
+  kTerrace = 91;
+  kUtilityRoom = 92;
+  kWard = 93;
+  kWorkshop = 94;
+enum FloorSurfaceTag : enum8 {
+  kCarpet = 0;
+  kCeramic = 1;
+  kConcrete = 2;
+  kCork = 3;
+  kDeepCarpet = 4;
+  kDirt = 5;
+  kEngineeredWood = 6;
+  kGlass = 7;
+  kGrass = 8;
+  kHardwood = 9;
+  kLaminate = 10;
+  kLinoleum = 11;
+  kMat = 12;
+  kMetal = 13;
+  kPlastic = 14;
+  kPolishedConcrete = 15;
+  kRubber = 16;
+  kRug = 17;
+  kSand = 18;
+  kStone = 19;
+  kTatami = 20;
+  kTerrazzo = 21;
+  kTile = 22;
+  kVinyl = 23;
+enum LandmarkTag : enum8 {
+  kAirConditioner = 0;
+  kAirPurifier = 1;
+  kBackDoor = 2;
+  kBarStool = 3;
+  kBathMat = 4;
+  kBathtub = 5;
+  kBed = 6;
+  kBookshelf = 7;
+  kChair = 8;
+  kChristmasTree = 9;
+  kCoatRack = 10;
+  kCoffeeTable = 11;
+  kCookingRange = 12;
+  kCouch = 13;
+  kCountertop = 14;
+  kCradle = 15;
+  kCrib = 16;
+  kDesk = 17;
+  kDiningTable = 18;
+  kDishwasher = 19;
+  kDoor = 20;
+  kDresser = 21;
+  kLaundryDryer = 22;
+  kFan = 23;
+  kFireplace = 24;
+  kFreezer = 25;
+  kFrontDoor = 26;
+  kHighChair = 27;
+  kKitchenIsland = 28;
+  kLamp = 29;
+  kLitterBox = 30;
+  kMirror = 31;
+  kNightstand = 32;
+  kOven = 33;
+  kPetBed = 34;
+  kPetBowl = 35;
+  kPetCrate = 36;
+  kRefrigerator = 37;
+  kScratchingPost = 38;
+  kShoeRack = 39;
+  kShower = 40;
+  kSideDoor = 41;
+  kSink = 42;
+  kSofa = 43;
+  kStove = 44;
+  kTable = 45;
+  kToilet = 46;
+  kTrashCan = 47;
+  kLaundryWasher = 48;
+  kWindow = 49;
+  kWineCooler = 50;
+enum PositionTag : enum8 {
+  kLeft = 0;
+  kRight = 1;
+  kTop = 2;
+  kBottom = 3;
+  kMiddle = 4;
+  kRow = 5;
+  kColumn = 6;
+  kUnder = 7;
+  kNextTo = 8;
+  kAround = 9;
+  kOn = 10;
+  kAbove = 11;
+  kFrontOf = 12;
+  kBehind = 13;
 enum TestGlobalEnum : enum8 {
   kSomeValue = 0;
   kSomeOtherValue = 1;
@@ -12,6 +208,12 @@ bitmap TestGlobalBitmap : bitmap32 {
   kSecondBit = 0x2;
+struct LocationDescriptorStruct {
+  char_string<128> locationName = 0;
+  nullable int16s floorNumber = 1;
+  nullable AreaTypeTag areaType = 2;
 struct TestGlobalStruct {
   char_string<128> name = 0;
   nullable TestGlobalBitmap myBitmap = 1;
diff --git a/examples/chef/devices/rootnode_onofflight_samplemei.matter b/examples/chef/devices/rootnode_onofflight_samplemei.matter
index 9492a186a67c3e..e374d50abab6e9 100644
--- a/examples/chef/devices/rootnode_onofflight_samplemei.matter
+++ b/examples/chef/devices/rootnode_onofflight_samplemei.matter
@@ -1,6 +1,202 @@
 // This IDL was generated automatically by ZAP.
 // It is for view/code review purposes only.
+enum AreaTypeTag : enum8 {
+  kAisle = 0;
+  kAttic = 1;
+  kBackDoor = 2;
+  kBackYard = 3;
+  kBalcony = 4;
+  kBallroom = 5;
+  kBathroom = 6;
+  kBedroom = 7;
+  kBorder = 8;
+  kBoxroom = 9;
+  kBreakfastRoom = 10;
+  kCarport = 11;
+  kCellar = 12;
+  kCloakroom = 13;
+  kCloset = 14;
+  kConservatory = 15;
+  kCorridor = 16;
+  kCraftRoom = 17;
+  kCupboard = 18;
+  kDeck = 19;
+  kDen = 20;
+  kDining = 21;
+  kDrawingRoom = 22;
+  kDressingRoom = 23;
+  kDriveway = 24;
+  kElevator = 25;
+  kEnsuite = 26;
+  kEntrance = 27;
+  kEntryway = 28;
+  kFamilyRoom = 29;
+  kFoyer = 30;
+  kFrontDoor = 31;
+  kFrontYard = 32;
+  kGameRoom = 33;
+  kGarage = 34;
+  kGarageDoor = 35;
+  kGarden = 36;
+  kGardenDoor = 37;
+  kGuestBathroom = 38;
+  kGuestBedroom = 39;
+  kGuestRestroom = 40;
+  kGuestRoom = 41;
+  kGym = 42;
+  kHallway = 43;
+  kHearthRoom = 44;
+  kKidsRoom = 45;
+  kKidsBedroom = 46;
+  kKitchen = 47;
+  kLarder = 48;
+  kLaundryRoom = 49;
+  kLawn = 50;
+  kLibrary = 51;
+  kLivingRoom = 52;
+  kLounge = 53;
+  kMediaTVRoom = 54;
+  kMudRoom = 55;
+  kMusicRoom = 56;
+  kNursery = 57;
+  kOffice = 58;
+  kOutdoorKitchen = 59;
+  kOutside = 60;
+  kPantry = 61;
+  kParkingLot = 62;
+  kParlor = 63;
+  kPatio = 64;
+  kPlayRoom = 65;
+  kPoolRoom = 66;
+  kPorch = 67;
+  kPrimaryBathroom = 68;
+  kPrimaryBedroom = 69;
+  kRamp = 70;
+  kReceptionRoom = 71;
+  kRecreationRoom = 72;
+  kRestroom = 73;
+  kRoof = 74;
+  kSauna = 75;
+  kScullery = 76;
+  kSewingRoom = 77;
+  kShed = 78;
+  kSideDoor = 79;
+  kSideYard = 80;
+  kSittingRoom = 81;
+  kSnug = 82;
+  kSpa = 83;
+  kStaircase = 84;
+  kSteamRoom = 85;
+  kStorageRoom = 86;
+  kStudio = 87;
+  kStudy = 88;
+  kSunRoom = 89;
+  kSwimmingPool = 90;
+  kTerrace = 91;
+  kUtilityRoom = 92;
+  kWard = 93;
+  kWorkshop = 94;
+enum FloorSurfaceTag : enum8 {
+  kCarpet = 0;
+  kCeramic = 1;
+  kConcrete = 2;
+  kCork = 3;
+  kDeepCarpet = 4;
+  kDirt = 5;
+  kEngineeredWood = 6;
+  kGlass = 7;
+  kGrass = 8;
+  kHardwood = 9;
+  kLaminate = 10;
+  kLinoleum = 11;
+  kMat = 12;
+  kMetal = 13;
+  kPlastic = 14;
+  kPolishedConcrete = 15;
+  kRubber = 16;
+  kRug = 17;
+  kSand = 18;
+  kStone = 19;
+  kTatami = 20;
+  kTerrazzo = 21;
+  kTile = 22;
+  kVinyl = 23;
+enum LandmarkTag : enum8 {
+  kAirConditioner = 0;
+  kAirPurifier = 1;
+  kBackDoor = 2;
+  kBarStool = 3;
+  kBathMat = 4;
+  kBathtub = 5;
+  kBed = 6;
+  kBookshelf = 7;
+  kChair = 8;
+  kChristmasTree = 9;
+  kCoatRack = 10;
+  kCoffeeTable = 11;
+  kCookingRange = 12;
+  kCouch = 13;
+  kCountertop = 14;
+  kCradle = 15;
+  kCrib = 16;
+  kDesk = 17;
+  kDiningTable = 18;
+  kDishwasher = 19;
+  kDoor = 20;
+  kDresser = 21;
+  kLaundryDryer = 22;
+  kFan = 23;
+  kFireplace = 24;
+  kFreezer = 25;
+  kFrontDoor = 26;
+  kHighChair = 27;
+  kKitchenIsland = 28;
+  kLamp = 29;
+  kLitterBox = 30;
+  kMirror = 31;
+  kNightstand = 32;
+  kOven = 33;
+  kPetBed = 34;
+  kPetBowl = 35;
+  kPetCrate = 36;
+  kRefrigerator = 37;
+  kScratchingPost = 38;
+  kShoeRack = 39;
+  kShower = 40;
+  kSideDoor = 41;
+  kSink = 42;
+  kSofa = 43;
+  kStove = 44;
+  kTable = 45;
+  kToilet = 46;
+  kTrashCan = 47;
+  kLaundryWasher = 48;
+  kWindow = 49;
+  kWineCooler = 50;
+enum PositionTag : enum8 {
+  kLeft = 0;
+  kRight = 1;
+  kTop = 2;
+  kBottom = 3;
+  kMiddle = 4;
+  kRow = 5;
+  kColumn = 6;
+  kUnder = 7;
+  kNextTo = 8;
+  kAround = 9;
+  kOn = 10;
+  kAbove = 11;
+  kFrontOf = 12;
+  kBehind = 13;
 enum TestGlobalEnum : enum8 {
   kSomeValue = 0;
   kSomeOtherValue = 1;
@@ -12,6 +208,12 @@ bitmap TestGlobalBitmap : bitmap32 {
   kSecondBit = 0x2;
+struct LocationDescriptorStruct {
+  char_string<128> locationName = 0;
+  nullable int16s floorNumber = 1;
+  nullable AreaTypeTag areaType = 2;
 struct TestGlobalStruct {
   char_string<128> name = 0;
   nullable TestGlobalBitmap myBitmap = 1;
diff --git a/examples/chef/devices/rootnode_onofflightswitch_FsPlMr090Q.matter b/examples/chef/devices/rootnode_onofflightswitch_FsPlMr090Q.matter
index 03046a45af8ac8..4ece174e50db4c 100644
--- a/examples/chef/devices/rootnode_onofflightswitch_FsPlMr090Q.matter
+++ b/examples/chef/devices/rootnode_onofflightswitch_FsPlMr090Q.matter
@@ -1,6 +1,202 @@
 // This IDL was generated automatically by ZAP.
 // It is for view/code review purposes only.
+enum AreaTypeTag : enum8 {
+  kAisle = 0;
+  kAttic = 1;
+  kBackDoor = 2;
+  kBackYard = 3;
+  kBalcony = 4;
+  kBallroom = 5;
+  kBathroom = 6;
+  kBedroom = 7;
+  kBorder = 8;
+  kBoxroom = 9;
+  kBreakfastRoom = 10;
+  kCarport = 11;
+  kCellar = 12;
+  kCloakroom = 13;
+  kCloset = 14;
+  kConservatory = 15;
+  kCorridor = 16;
+  kCraftRoom = 17;
+  kCupboard = 18;
+  kDeck = 19;
+  kDen = 20;
+  kDining = 21;
+  kDrawingRoom = 22;
+  kDressingRoom = 23;
+  kDriveway = 24;
+  kElevator = 25;
+  kEnsuite = 26;
+  kEntrance = 27;
+  kEntryway = 28;
+  kFamilyRoom = 29;
+  kFoyer = 30;
+  kFrontDoor = 31;
+  kFrontYard = 32;
+  kGameRoom = 33;
+  kGarage = 34;
+  kGarageDoor = 35;
+  kGarden = 36;
+  kGardenDoor = 37;
+  kGuestBathroom = 38;
+  kGuestBedroom = 39;
+  kGuestRestroom = 40;
+  kGuestRoom = 41;
+  kGym = 42;
+  kHallway = 43;
+  kHearthRoom = 44;
+  kKidsRoom = 45;
+  kKidsBedroom = 46;
+  kKitchen = 47;
+  kLarder = 48;
+  kLaundryRoom = 49;
+  kLawn = 50;
+  kLibrary = 51;
+  kLivingRoom = 52;
+  kLounge = 53;
+  kMediaTVRoom = 54;
+  kMudRoom = 55;
+  kMusicRoom = 56;
+  kNursery = 57;
+  kOffice = 58;
+  kOutdoorKitchen = 59;
+  kOutside = 60;
+  kPantry = 61;
+  kParkingLot = 62;
+  kParlor = 63;
+  kPatio = 64;
+  kPlayRoom = 65;
+  kPoolRoom = 66;
+  kPorch = 67;
+  kPrimaryBathroom = 68;
+  kPrimaryBedroom = 69;
+  kRamp = 70;
+  kReceptionRoom = 71;
+  kRecreationRoom = 72;
+  kRestroom = 73;
+  kRoof = 74;
+  kSauna = 75;
+  kScullery = 76;
+  kSewingRoom = 77;
+  kShed = 78;
+  kSideDoor = 79;
+  kSideYard = 80;
+  kSittingRoom = 81;
+  kSnug = 82;
+  kSpa = 83;
+  kStaircase = 84;
+  kSteamRoom = 85;
+  kStorageRoom = 86;
+  kStudio = 87;
+  kStudy = 88;
+  kSunRoom = 89;
+  kSwimmingPool = 90;
+  kTerrace = 91;
+  kUtilityRoom = 92;
+  kWard = 93;
+  kWorkshop = 94;
+enum FloorSurfaceTag : enum8 {
+  kCarpet = 0;
+  kCeramic = 1;
+  kConcrete = 2;
+  kCork = 3;
+  kDeepCarpet = 4;
+  kDirt = 5;
+  kEngineeredWood = 6;
+  kGlass = 7;
+  kGrass = 8;
+  kHardwood = 9;
+  kLaminate = 10;
+  kLinoleum = 11;
+  kMat = 12;
+  kMetal = 13;
+  kPlastic = 14;
+  kPolishedConcrete = 15;
+  kRubber = 16;
+  kRug = 17;
+  kSand = 18;
+  kStone = 19;
+  kTatami = 20;
+  kTerrazzo = 21;
+  kTile = 22;
+  kVinyl = 23;
+enum LandmarkTag : enum8 {
+  kAirConditioner = 0;
+  kAirPurifier = 1;
+  kBackDoor = 2;
+  kBarStool = 3;
+  kBathMat = 4;
+  kBathtub = 5;
+  kBed = 6;
+  kBookshelf = 7;
+  kChair = 8;
+  kChristmasTree = 9;
+  kCoatRack = 10;
+  kCoffeeTable = 11;
+  kCookingRange = 12;
+  kCouch = 13;
+  kCountertop = 14;
+  kCradle = 15;
+  kCrib = 16;
+  kDesk = 17;
+  kDiningTable = 18;
+  kDishwasher = 19;
+  kDoor = 20;
+  kDresser = 21;
+  kLaundryDryer = 22;
+  kFan = 23;
+  kFireplace = 24;
+  kFreezer = 25;
+  kFrontDoor = 26;
+  kHighChair = 27;
+  kKitchenIsland = 28;
+  kLamp = 29;
+  kLitterBox = 30;
+  kMirror = 31;
+  kNightstand = 32;
+  kOven = 33;
+  kPetBed = 34;
+  kPetBowl = 35;
+  kPetCrate = 36;
+  kRefrigerator = 37;
+  kScratchingPost = 38;
+  kShoeRack = 39;
+  kShower = 40;
+  kSideDoor = 41;
+  kSink = 42;
+  kSofa = 43;
+  kStove = 44;
+  kTable = 45;
+  kToilet = 46;
+  kTrashCan = 47;
+  kLaundryWasher = 48;
+  kWindow = 49;
+  kWineCooler = 50;
+enum PositionTag : enum8 {
+  kLeft = 0;
+  kRight = 1;
+  kTop = 2;
+  kBottom = 3;
+  kMiddle = 4;
+  kRow = 5;
+  kColumn = 6;
+  kUnder = 7;
+  kNextTo = 8;
+  kAround = 9;
+  kOn = 10;
+  kAbove = 11;
+  kFrontOf = 12;
+  kBehind = 13;
 enum TestGlobalEnum : enum8 {
   kSomeValue = 0;
   kSomeOtherValue = 1;
@@ -12,6 +208,12 @@ bitmap TestGlobalBitmap : bitmap32 {
   kSecondBit = 0x2;
+struct LocationDescriptorStruct {
+  char_string<128> locationName = 0;
+  nullable int16s floorNumber = 1;
+  nullable AreaTypeTag areaType = 2;
 struct TestGlobalStruct {
   char_string<128> name = 0;
   nullable TestGlobalBitmap myBitmap = 1;
diff --git a/examples/chef/devices/rootnode_onoffpluginunit_Wtf8ss5EBY.matter b/examples/chef/devices/rootnode_onoffpluginunit_Wtf8ss5EBY.matter
index a25ba3dafb35ac..a5e61ac7fe7406 100644
--- a/examples/chef/devices/rootnode_onoffpluginunit_Wtf8ss5EBY.matter
+++ b/examples/chef/devices/rootnode_onoffpluginunit_Wtf8ss5EBY.matter
@@ -1,6 +1,202 @@
 // This IDL was generated automatically by ZAP.
 // It is for view/code review purposes only.
+enum AreaTypeTag : enum8 {
+  kAisle = 0;
+  kAttic = 1;
+  kBackDoor = 2;
+  kBackYard = 3;
+  kBalcony = 4;
+  kBallroom = 5;
+  kBathroom = 6;
+  kBedroom = 7;
+  kBorder = 8;
+  kBoxroom = 9;
+  kBreakfastRoom = 10;
+  kCarport = 11;
+  kCellar = 12;
+  kCloakroom = 13;
+  kCloset = 14;
+  kConservatory = 15;
+  kCorridor = 16;
+  kCraftRoom = 17;
+  kCupboard = 18;
+  kDeck = 19;
+  kDen = 20;
+  kDining = 21;
+  kDrawingRoom = 22;
+  kDressingRoom = 23;
+  kDriveway = 24;
+  kElevator = 25;
+  kEnsuite = 26;
+  kEntrance = 27;
+  kEntryway = 28;
+  kFamilyRoom = 29;
+  kFoyer = 30;
+  kFrontDoor = 31;
+  kFrontYard = 32;
+  kGameRoom = 33;
+  kGarage = 34;
+  kGarageDoor = 35;
+  kGarden = 36;
+  kGardenDoor = 37;
+  kGuestBathroom = 38;
+  kGuestBedroom = 39;
+  kGuestRestroom = 40;
+  kGuestRoom = 41;
+  kGym = 42;
+  kHallway = 43;
+  kHearthRoom = 44;
+  kKidsRoom = 45;
+  kKidsBedroom = 46;
+  kKitchen = 47;
+  kLarder = 48;
+  kLaundryRoom = 49;
+  kLawn = 50;
+  kLibrary = 51;
+  kLivingRoom = 52;
+  kLounge = 53;
+  kMediaTVRoom = 54;
+  kMudRoom = 55;
+  kMusicRoom = 56;
+  kNursery = 57;
+  kOffice = 58;
+  kOutdoorKitchen = 59;
+  kOutside = 60;
+  kPantry = 61;
+  kParkingLot = 62;
+  kParlor = 63;
+  kPatio = 64;
+  kPlayRoom = 65;
+  kPoolRoom = 66;
+  kPorch = 67;
+  kPrimaryBathroom = 68;
+  kPrimaryBedroom = 69;
+  kRamp = 70;
+  kReceptionRoom = 71;
+  kRecreationRoom = 72;
+  kRestroom = 73;
+  kRoof = 74;
+  kSauna = 75;
+  kScullery = 76;
+  kSewingRoom = 77;
+  kShed = 78;
+  kSideDoor = 79;
+  kSideYard = 80;
+  kSittingRoom = 81;
+  kSnug = 82;
+  kSpa = 83;
+  kStaircase = 84;
+  kSteamRoom = 85;
+  kStorageRoom = 86;
+  kStudio = 87;
+  kStudy = 88;
+  kSunRoom = 89;
+  kSwimmingPool = 90;
+  kTerrace = 91;
+  kUtilityRoom = 92;
+  kWard = 93;
+  kWorkshop = 94;
+enum FloorSurfaceTag : enum8 {
+  kCarpet = 0;
+  kCeramic = 1;
+  kConcrete = 2;
+  kCork = 3;
+  kDeepCarpet = 4;
+  kDirt = 5;
+  kEngineeredWood = 6;
+  kGlass = 7;
+  kGrass = 8;
+  kHardwood = 9;
+  kLaminate = 10;
+  kLinoleum = 11;
+  kMat = 12;
+  kMetal = 13;
+  kPlastic = 14;
+  kPolishedConcrete = 15;
+  kRubber = 16;
+  kRug = 17;
+  kSand = 18;
+  kStone = 19;
+  kTatami = 20;
+  kTerrazzo = 21;
+  kTile = 22;
+  kVinyl = 23;
+enum LandmarkTag : enum8 {
+  kAirConditioner = 0;
+  kAirPurifier = 1;
+  kBackDoor = 2;
+  kBarStool = 3;
+  kBathMat = 4;
+  kBathtub = 5;
+  kBed = 6;
+  kBookshelf = 7;
+  kChair = 8;
+  kChristmasTree = 9;
+  kCoatRack = 10;
+  kCoffeeTable = 11;
+  kCookingRange = 12;
+  kCouch = 13;
+  kCountertop = 14;
+  kCradle = 15;
+  kCrib = 16;
+  kDesk = 17;
+  kDiningTable = 18;
+  kDishwasher = 19;
+  kDoor = 20;
+  kDresser = 21;
+  kLaundryDryer = 22;
+  kFan = 23;
+  kFireplace = 24;
+  kFreezer = 25;
+  kFrontDoor = 26;
+  kHighChair = 27;
+  kKitchenIsland = 28;
+  kLamp = 29;
+  kLitterBox = 30;
+  kMirror = 31;
+  kNightstand = 32;
+  kOven = 33;
+  kPetBed = 34;
+  kPetBowl = 35;
+  kPetCrate = 36;
+  kRefrigerator = 37;
+  kScratchingPost = 38;
+  kShoeRack = 39;
+  kShower = 40;
+  kSideDoor = 41;
+  kSink = 42;
+  kSofa = 43;
+  kStove = 44;
+  kTable = 45;
+  kToilet = 46;
+  kTrashCan = 47;
+  kLaundryWasher = 48;
+  kWindow = 49;
+  kWineCooler = 50;
+enum PositionTag : enum8 {
+  kLeft = 0;
+  kRight = 1;
+  kTop = 2;
+  kBottom = 3;
+  kMiddle = 4;
+  kRow = 5;
+  kColumn = 6;
+  kUnder = 7;
+  kNextTo = 8;
+  kAround = 9;
+  kOn = 10;
+  kAbove = 11;
+  kFrontOf = 12;
+  kBehind = 13;
 enum TestGlobalEnum : enum8 {
   kSomeValue = 0;
   kSomeOtherValue = 1;
@@ -12,6 +208,12 @@ bitmap TestGlobalBitmap : bitmap32 {
   kSecondBit = 0x2;
+struct LocationDescriptorStruct {
+  char_string<128> locationName = 0;
+  nullable int16s floorNumber = 1;
+  nullable AreaTypeTag areaType = 2;
 struct TestGlobalStruct {
   char_string<128> name = 0;
   nullable TestGlobalBitmap myBitmap = 1;
diff --git a/examples/chef/devices/rootnode_pressuresensor_s0qC9wLH4k.matter b/examples/chef/devices/rootnode_pressuresensor_s0qC9wLH4k.matter
index 4c45232b369f02..327132ea97cf51 100644
--- a/examples/chef/devices/rootnode_pressuresensor_s0qC9wLH4k.matter
+++ b/examples/chef/devices/rootnode_pressuresensor_s0qC9wLH4k.matter
@@ -1,6 +1,202 @@
 // This IDL was generated automatically by ZAP.
 // It is for view/code review purposes only.
+enum AreaTypeTag : enum8 {
+  kAisle = 0;
+  kAttic = 1;
+  kBackDoor = 2;
+  kBackYard = 3;
+  kBalcony = 4;
+  kBallroom = 5;
+  kBathroom = 6;
+  kBedroom = 7;
+  kBorder = 8;
+  kBoxroom = 9;
+  kBreakfastRoom = 10;
+  kCarport = 11;
+  kCellar = 12;
+  kCloakroom = 13;
+  kCloset = 14;
+  kConservatory = 15;
+  kCorridor = 16;
+  kCraftRoom = 17;
+  kCupboard = 18;
+  kDeck = 19;
+  kDen = 20;
+  kDining = 21;
+  kDrawingRoom = 22;
+  kDressingRoom = 23;
+  kDriveway = 24;
+  kElevator = 25;
+  kEnsuite = 26;
+  kEntrance = 27;
+  kEntryway = 28;
+  kFamilyRoom = 29;
+  kFoyer = 30;
+  kFrontDoor = 31;
+  kFrontYard = 32;
+  kGameRoom = 33;
+  kGarage = 34;
+  kGarageDoor = 35;
+  kGarden = 36;
+  kGardenDoor = 37;
+  kGuestBathroom = 38;
+  kGuestBedroom = 39;
+  kGuestRestroom = 40;
+  kGuestRoom = 41;
+  kGym = 42;
+  kHallway = 43;
+  kHearthRoom = 44;
+  kKidsRoom = 45;
+  kKidsBedroom = 46;
+  kKitchen = 47;
+  kLarder = 48;
+  kLaundryRoom = 49;
+  kLawn = 50;
+  kLibrary = 51;
+  kLivingRoom = 52;
+  kLounge = 53;
+  kMediaTVRoom = 54;
+  kMudRoom = 55;
+  kMusicRoom = 56;
+  kNursery = 57;
+  kOffice = 58;
+  kOutdoorKitchen = 59;
+  kOutside = 60;
+  kPantry = 61;
+  kParkingLot = 62;
+  kParlor = 63;
+  kPatio = 64;
+  kPlayRoom = 65;
+  kPoolRoom = 66;
+  kPorch = 67;
+  kPrimaryBathroom = 68;
+  kPrimaryBedroom = 69;
+  kRamp = 70;
+  kReceptionRoom = 71;
+  kRecreationRoom = 72;
+  kRestroom = 73;
+  kRoof = 74;
+  kSauna = 75;
+  kScullery = 76;
+  kSewingRoom = 77;
+  kShed = 78;
+  kSideDoor = 79;
+  kSideYard = 80;
+  kSittingRoom = 81;
+  kSnug = 82;
+  kSpa = 83;
+  kStaircase = 84;
+  kSteamRoom = 85;
+  kStorageRoom = 86;
+  kStudio = 87;
+  kStudy = 88;
+  kSunRoom = 89;
+  kSwimmingPool = 90;
+  kTerrace = 91;
+  kUtilityRoom = 92;
+  kWard = 93;
+  kWorkshop = 94;
+enum FloorSurfaceTag : enum8 {
+  kCarpet = 0;
+  kCeramic = 1;
+  kConcrete = 2;
+  kCork = 3;
+  kDeepCarpet = 4;
+  kDirt = 5;
+  kEngineeredWood = 6;
+  kGlass = 7;
+  kGrass = 8;
+  kHardwood = 9;
+  kLaminate = 10;
+  kLinoleum = 11;
+  kMat = 12;
+  kMetal = 13;
+  kPlastic = 14;
+  kPolishedConcrete = 15;
+  kRubber = 16;
+  kRug = 17;
+  kSand = 18;
+  kStone = 19;
+  kTatami = 20;
+  kTerrazzo = 21;
+  kTile = 22;
+  kVinyl = 23;
+enum LandmarkTag : enum8 {
+  kAirConditioner = 0;
+  kAirPurifier = 1;
+  kBackDoor = 2;
+  kBarStool = 3;
+  kBathMat = 4;
+  kBathtub = 5;
+  kBed = 6;
+  kBookshelf = 7;
+  kChair = 8;
+  kChristmasTree = 9;
+  kCoatRack = 10;
+  kCoffeeTable = 11;
+  kCookingRange = 12;
+  kCouch = 13;
+  kCountertop = 14;
+  kCradle = 15;
+  kCrib = 16;
+  kDesk = 17;
+  kDiningTable = 18;
+  kDishwasher = 19;
+  kDoor = 20;
+  kDresser = 21;
+  kLaundryDryer = 22;
+  kFan = 23;
+  kFireplace = 24;
+  kFreezer = 25;
+  kFrontDoor = 26;
+  kHighChair = 27;
+  kKitchenIsland = 28;
+  kLamp = 29;
+  kLitterBox = 30;
+  kMirror = 31;
+  kNightstand = 32;
+  kOven = 33;
+  kPetBed = 34;
+  kPetBowl = 35;
+  kPetCrate = 36;
+  kRefrigerator = 37;
+  kScratchingPost = 38;
+  kShoeRack = 39;
+  kShower = 40;
+  kSideDoor = 41;
+  kSink = 42;
+  kSofa = 43;
+  kStove = 44;
+  kTable = 45;
+  kToilet = 46;
+  kTrashCan = 47;
+  kLaundryWasher = 48;
+  kWindow = 49;
+  kWineCooler = 50;
+enum PositionTag : enum8 {
+  kLeft = 0;
+  kRight = 1;
+  kTop = 2;
+  kBottom = 3;
+  kMiddle = 4;
+  kRow = 5;
+  kColumn = 6;
+  kUnder = 7;
+  kNextTo = 8;
+  kAround = 9;
+  kOn = 10;
+  kAbove = 11;
+  kFrontOf = 12;
+  kBehind = 13;
 enum TestGlobalEnum : enum8 {
   kSomeValue = 0;
   kSomeOtherValue = 1;
@@ -12,6 +208,12 @@ bitmap TestGlobalBitmap : bitmap32 {
   kSecondBit = 0x2;
+struct LocationDescriptorStruct {
+  char_string<128> locationName = 0;
+  nullable int16s floorNumber = 1;
+  nullable AreaTypeTag areaType = 2;
 struct TestGlobalStruct {
   char_string<128> name = 0;
   nullable TestGlobalBitmap myBitmap = 1;
diff --git a/examples/chef/devices/rootnode_pump_5f904818cc.matter b/examples/chef/devices/rootnode_pump_5f904818cc.matter
index ed9e7c58a90e11..6c7e8d6ad9f128 100644
--- a/examples/chef/devices/rootnode_pump_5f904818cc.matter
+++ b/examples/chef/devices/rootnode_pump_5f904818cc.matter
@@ -1,6 +1,202 @@
 // This IDL was generated automatically by ZAP.
 // It is for view/code review purposes only.
+enum AreaTypeTag : enum8 {
+  kAisle = 0;
+  kAttic = 1;
+  kBackDoor = 2;
+  kBackYard = 3;
+  kBalcony = 4;
+  kBallroom = 5;
+  kBathroom = 6;
+  kBedroom = 7;
+  kBorder = 8;
+  kBoxroom = 9;
+  kBreakfastRoom = 10;
+  kCarport = 11;
+  kCellar = 12;
+  kCloakroom = 13;
+  kCloset = 14;
+  kConservatory = 15;
+  kCorridor = 16;
+  kCraftRoom = 17;
+  kCupboard = 18;
+  kDeck = 19;
+  kDen = 20;
+  kDining = 21;
+  kDrawingRoom = 22;
+  kDressingRoom = 23;
+  kDriveway = 24;
+  kElevator = 25;
+  kEnsuite = 26;
+  kEntrance = 27;
+  kEntryway = 28;
+  kFamilyRoom = 29;
+  kFoyer = 30;
+  kFrontDoor = 31;
+  kFrontYard = 32;
+  kGameRoom = 33;
+  kGarage = 34;
+  kGarageDoor = 35;
+  kGarden = 36;
+  kGardenDoor = 37;
+  kGuestBathroom = 38;
+  kGuestBedroom = 39;
+  kGuestRestroom = 40;
+  kGuestRoom = 41;
+  kGym = 42;
+  kHallway = 43;
+  kHearthRoom = 44;
+  kKidsRoom = 45;
+  kKidsBedroom = 46;
+  kKitchen = 47;
+  kLarder = 48;
+  kLaundryRoom = 49;
+  kLawn = 50;
+  kLibrary = 51;
+  kLivingRoom = 52;
+  kLounge = 53;
+  kMediaTVRoom = 54;
+  kMudRoom = 55;
+  kMusicRoom = 56;
+  kNursery = 57;
+  kOffice = 58;
+  kOutdoorKitchen = 59;
+  kOutside = 60;
+  kPantry = 61;
+  kParkingLot = 62;
+  kParlor = 63;
+  kPatio = 64;
+  kPlayRoom = 65;
+  kPoolRoom = 66;
+  kPorch = 67;
+  kPrimaryBathroom = 68;
+  kPrimaryBedroom = 69;
+  kRamp = 70;
+  kReceptionRoom = 71;
+  kRecreationRoom = 72;
+  kRestroom = 73;
+  kRoof = 74;
+  kSauna = 75;
+  kScullery = 76;
+  kSewingRoom = 77;
+  kShed = 78;
+  kSideDoor = 79;
+  kSideYard = 80;
+  kSittingRoom = 81;
+  kSnug = 82;
+  kSpa = 83;
+  kStaircase = 84;
+  kSteamRoom = 85;
+  kStorageRoom = 86;
+  kStudio = 87;
+  kStudy = 88;
+  kSunRoom = 89;
+  kSwimmingPool = 90;
+  kTerrace = 91;
+  kUtilityRoom = 92;
+  kWard = 93;
+  kWorkshop = 94;
+enum FloorSurfaceTag : enum8 {
+  kCarpet = 0;
+  kCeramic = 1;
+  kConcrete = 2;
+  kCork = 3;
+  kDeepCarpet = 4;
+  kDirt = 5;
+  kEngineeredWood = 6;
+  kGlass = 7;
+  kGrass = 8;
+  kHardwood = 9;
+  kLaminate = 10;
+  kLinoleum = 11;
+  kMat = 12;
+  kMetal = 13;
+  kPlastic = 14;
+  kPolishedConcrete = 15;
+  kRubber = 16;
+  kRug = 17;
+  kSand = 18;
+  kStone = 19;
+  kTatami = 20;
+  kTerrazzo = 21;
+  kTile = 22;
+  kVinyl = 23;
+enum LandmarkTag : enum8 {
+  kAirConditioner = 0;
+  kAirPurifier = 1;
+  kBackDoor = 2;
+  kBarStool = 3;
+  kBathMat = 4;
+  kBathtub = 5;
+  kBed = 6;
+  kBookshelf = 7;
+  kChair = 8;
+  kChristmasTree = 9;
+  kCoatRack = 10;
+  kCoffeeTable = 11;
+  kCookingRange = 12;
+  kCouch = 13;
+  kCountertop = 14;
+  kCradle = 15;
+  kCrib = 16;
+  kDesk = 17;
+  kDiningTable = 18;
+  kDishwasher = 19;
+  kDoor = 20;
+  kDresser = 21;
+  kLaundryDryer = 22;
+  kFan = 23;
+  kFireplace = 24;
+  kFreezer = 25;
+  kFrontDoor = 26;
+  kHighChair = 27;
+  kKitchenIsland = 28;
+  kLamp = 29;
+  kLitterBox = 30;
+  kMirror = 31;
+  kNightstand = 32;
+  kOven = 33;
+  kPetBed = 34;
+  kPetBowl = 35;
+  kPetCrate = 36;
+  kRefrigerator = 37;
+  kScratchingPost = 38;
+  kShoeRack = 39;
+  kShower = 40;
+  kSideDoor = 41;
+  kSink = 42;
+  kSofa = 43;
+  kStove = 44;
+  kTable = 45;
+  kToilet = 46;
+  kTrashCan = 47;
+  kLaundryWasher = 48;
+  kWindow = 49;
+  kWineCooler = 50;
+enum PositionTag : enum8 {
+  kLeft = 0;
+  kRight = 1;
+  kTop = 2;
+  kBottom = 3;
+  kMiddle = 4;
+  kRow = 5;
+  kColumn = 6;
+  kUnder = 7;
+  kNextTo = 8;
+  kAround = 9;
+  kOn = 10;
+  kAbove = 11;
+  kFrontOf = 12;
+  kBehind = 13;
 enum TestGlobalEnum : enum8 {
   kSomeValue = 0;
   kSomeOtherValue = 1;
@@ -12,6 +208,12 @@ bitmap TestGlobalBitmap : bitmap32 {
   kSecondBit = 0x2;
+struct LocationDescriptorStruct {
+  char_string<128> locationName = 0;
+  nullable int16s floorNumber = 1;
+  nullable AreaTypeTag areaType = 2;
 struct TestGlobalStruct {
   char_string<128> name = 0;
   nullable TestGlobalBitmap myBitmap = 1;
diff --git a/examples/chef/devices/rootnode_pump_a811bb33a0.matter b/examples/chef/devices/rootnode_pump_a811bb33a0.matter
index d11ba11cc816be..9fb13cb006fd90 100644
--- a/examples/chef/devices/rootnode_pump_a811bb33a0.matter
+++ b/examples/chef/devices/rootnode_pump_a811bb33a0.matter
@@ -1,6 +1,202 @@
 // This IDL was generated automatically by ZAP.
 // It is for view/code review purposes only.
+enum AreaTypeTag : enum8 {
+  kAisle = 0;
+  kAttic = 1;
+  kBackDoor = 2;
+  kBackYard = 3;
+  kBalcony = 4;
+  kBallroom = 5;
+  kBathroom = 6;
+  kBedroom = 7;
+  kBorder = 8;
+  kBoxroom = 9;
+  kBreakfastRoom = 10;
+  kCarport = 11;
+  kCellar = 12;
+  kCloakroom = 13;
+  kCloset = 14;
+  kConservatory = 15;
+  kCorridor = 16;
+  kCraftRoom = 17;
+  kCupboard = 18;
+  kDeck = 19;
+  kDen = 20;
+  kDining = 21;
+  kDrawingRoom = 22;
+  kDressingRoom = 23;
+  kDriveway = 24;
+  kElevator = 25;
+  kEnsuite = 26;
+  kEntrance = 27;
+  kEntryway = 28;
+  kFamilyRoom = 29;
+  kFoyer = 30;
+  kFrontDoor = 31;
+  kFrontYard = 32;
+  kGameRoom = 33;
+  kGarage = 34;
+  kGarageDoor = 35;
+  kGarden = 36;
+  kGardenDoor = 37;
+  kGuestBathroom = 38;
+  kGuestBedroom = 39;
+  kGuestRestroom = 40;
+  kGuestRoom = 41;
+  kGym = 42;
+  kHallway = 43;
+  kHearthRoom = 44;
+  kKidsRoom = 45;
+  kKidsBedroom = 46;
+  kKitchen = 47;
+  kLarder = 48;
+  kLaundryRoom = 49;
+  kLawn = 50;
+  kLibrary = 51;
+  kLivingRoom = 52;
+  kLounge = 53;
+  kMediaTVRoom = 54;
+  kMudRoom = 55;
+  kMusicRoom = 56;
+  kNursery = 57;
+  kOffice = 58;
+  kOutdoorKitchen = 59;
+  kOutside = 60;
+  kPantry = 61;
+  kParkingLot = 62;
+  kParlor = 63;
+  kPatio = 64;
+  kPlayRoom = 65;
+  kPoolRoom = 66;
+  kPorch = 67;
+  kPrimaryBathroom = 68;
+  kPrimaryBedroom = 69;
+  kRamp = 70;
+  kReceptionRoom = 71;
+  kRecreationRoom = 72;
+  kRestroom = 73;
+  kRoof = 74;
+  kSauna = 75;
+  kScullery = 76;
+  kSewingRoom = 77;
+  kShed = 78;
+  kSideDoor = 79;
+  kSideYard = 80;
+  kSittingRoom = 81;
+  kSnug = 82;
+  kSpa = 83;
+  kStaircase = 84;
+  kSteamRoom = 85;
+  kStorageRoom = 86;
+  kStudio = 87;
+  kStudy = 88;
+  kSunRoom = 89;
+  kSwimmingPool = 90;
+  kTerrace = 91;
+  kUtilityRoom = 92;
+  kWard = 93;
+  kWorkshop = 94;
+enum FloorSurfaceTag : enum8 {
+  kCarpet = 0;
+  kCeramic = 1;
+  kConcrete = 2;
+  kCork = 3;
+  kDeepCarpet = 4;
+  kDirt = 5;
+  kEngineeredWood = 6;
+  kGlass = 7;
+  kGrass = 8;
+  kHardwood = 9;
+  kLaminate = 10;
+  kLinoleum = 11;
+  kMat = 12;
+  kMetal = 13;
+  kPlastic = 14;
+  kPolishedConcrete = 15;
+  kRubber = 16;
+  kRug = 17;
+  kSand = 18;
+  kStone = 19;
+  kTatami = 20;
+  kTerrazzo = 21;
+  kTile = 22;
+  kVinyl = 23;
+enum LandmarkTag : enum8 {
+  kAirConditioner = 0;
+  kAirPurifier = 1;
+  kBackDoor = 2;
+  kBarStool = 3;
+  kBathMat = 4;
+  kBathtub = 5;
+  kBed = 6;
+  kBookshelf = 7;
+  kChair = 8;
+  kChristmasTree = 9;
+  kCoatRack = 10;
+  kCoffeeTable = 11;
+  kCookingRange = 12;
+  kCouch = 13;
+  kCountertop = 14;
+  kCradle = 15;
+  kCrib = 16;
+  kDesk = 17;
+  kDiningTable = 18;
+  kDishwasher = 19;
+  kDoor = 20;
+  kDresser = 21;
+  kLaundryDryer = 22;
+  kFan = 23;
+  kFireplace = 24;
+  kFreezer = 25;
+  kFrontDoor = 26;
+  kHighChair = 27;
+  kKitchenIsland = 28;
+  kLamp = 29;
+  kLitterBox = 30;
+  kMirror = 31;
+  kNightstand = 32;
+  kOven = 33;
+  kPetBed = 34;
+  kPetBowl = 35;
+  kPetCrate = 36;
+  kRefrigerator = 37;
+  kScratchingPost = 38;
+  kShoeRack = 39;
+  kShower = 40;
+  kSideDoor = 41;
+  kSink = 42;
+  kSofa = 43;
+  kStove = 44;
+  kTable = 45;
+  kToilet = 46;
+  kTrashCan = 47;
+  kLaundryWasher = 48;
+  kWindow = 49;
+  kWineCooler = 50;
+enum PositionTag : enum8 {
+  kLeft = 0;
+  kRight = 1;
+  kTop = 2;
+  kBottom = 3;
+  kMiddle = 4;
+  kRow = 5;
+  kColumn = 6;
+  kUnder = 7;
+  kNextTo = 8;
+  kAround = 9;
+  kOn = 10;
+  kAbove = 11;
+  kFrontOf = 12;
+  kBehind = 13;
 enum TestGlobalEnum : enum8 {
   kSomeValue = 0;
   kSomeOtherValue = 1;
@@ -12,6 +208,12 @@ bitmap TestGlobalBitmap : bitmap32 {
   kSecondBit = 0x2;
+struct LocationDescriptorStruct {
+  char_string<128> locationName = 0;
+  nullable int16s floorNumber = 1;
+  nullable AreaTypeTag areaType = 2;
 struct TestGlobalStruct {
   char_string<128> name = 0;
   nullable TestGlobalBitmap myBitmap = 1;
diff --git a/examples/chef/devices/rootnode_refrigerator_temperaturecontrolledcabinet_temperaturecontrolledcabinet_ffdb696680.matter b/examples/chef/devices/rootnode_refrigerator_temperaturecontrolledcabinet_temperaturecontrolledcabinet_ffdb696680.matter
index 026a69ae346280..5743a39e49847a 100644
--- a/examples/chef/devices/rootnode_refrigerator_temperaturecontrolledcabinet_temperaturecontrolledcabinet_ffdb696680.matter
+++ b/examples/chef/devices/rootnode_refrigerator_temperaturecontrolledcabinet_temperaturecontrolledcabinet_ffdb696680.matter
@@ -1,6 +1,202 @@
 // This IDL was generated automatically by ZAP.
 // It is for view/code review purposes only.
+enum AreaTypeTag : enum8 {
+  kAisle = 0;
+  kAttic = 1;
+  kBackDoor = 2;
+  kBackYard = 3;
+  kBalcony = 4;
+  kBallroom = 5;
+  kBathroom = 6;
+  kBedroom = 7;
+  kBorder = 8;
+  kBoxroom = 9;
+  kBreakfastRoom = 10;
+  kCarport = 11;
+  kCellar = 12;
+  kCloakroom = 13;
+  kCloset = 14;
+  kConservatory = 15;
+  kCorridor = 16;
+  kCraftRoom = 17;
+  kCupboard = 18;
+  kDeck = 19;
+  kDen = 20;
+  kDining = 21;
+  kDrawingRoom = 22;
+  kDressingRoom = 23;
+  kDriveway = 24;
+  kElevator = 25;
+  kEnsuite = 26;
+  kEntrance = 27;
+  kEntryway = 28;
+  kFamilyRoom = 29;
+  kFoyer = 30;
+  kFrontDoor = 31;
+  kFrontYard = 32;
+  kGameRoom = 33;
+  kGarage = 34;
+  kGarageDoor = 35;
+  kGarden = 36;
+  kGardenDoor = 37;
+  kGuestBathroom = 38;
+  kGuestBedroom = 39;
+  kGuestRestroom = 40;
+  kGuestRoom = 41;
+  kGym = 42;
+  kHallway = 43;
+  kHearthRoom = 44;
+  kKidsRoom = 45;
+  kKidsBedroom = 46;
+  kKitchen = 47;
+  kLarder = 48;
+  kLaundryRoom = 49;
+  kLawn = 50;
+  kLibrary = 51;
+  kLivingRoom = 52;
+  kLounge = 53;
+  kMediaTVRoom = 54;
+  kMudRoom = 55;
+  kMusicRoom = 56;
+  kNursery = 57;
+  kOffice = 58;
+  kOutdoorKitchen = 59;
+  kOutside = 60;
+  kPantry = 61;
+  kParkingLot = 62;
+  kParlor = 63;
+  kPatio = 64;
+  kPlayRoom = 65;
+  kPoolRoom = 66;
+  kPorch = 67;
+  kPrimaryBathroom = 68;
+  kPrimaryBedroom = 69;
+  kRamp = 70;
+  kReceptionRoom = 71;
+  kRecreationRoom = 72;
+  kRestroom = 73;
+  kRoof = 74;
+  kSauna = 75;
+  kScullery = 76;
+  kSewingRoom = 77;
+  kShed = 78;
+  kSideDoor = 79;
+  kSideYard = 80;
+  kSittingRoom = 81;
+  kSnug = 82;
+  kSpa = 83;
+  kStaircase = 84;
+  kSteamRoom = 85;
+  kStorageRoom = 86;
+  kStudio = 87;
+  kStudy = 88;
+  kSunRoom = 89;
+  kSwimmingPool = 90;
+  kTerrace = 91;
+  kUtilityRoom = 92;
+  kWard = 93;
+  kWorkshop = 94;
+enum FloorSurfaceTag : enum8 {
+  kCarpet = 0;
+  kCeramic = 1;
+  kConcrete = 2;
+  kCork = 3;
+  kDeepCarpet = 4;
+  kDirt = 5;
+  kEngineeredWood = 6;
+  kGlass = 7;
+  kGrass = 8;
+  kHardwood = 9;
+  kLaminate = 10;
+  kLinoleum = 11;
+  kMat = 12;
+  kMetal = 13;
+  kPlastic = 14;
+  kPolishedConcrete = 15;
+  kRubber = 16;
+  kRug = 17;
+  kSand = 18;
+  kStone = 19;
+  kTatami = 20;
+  kTerrazzo = 21;
+  kTile = 22;
+  kVinyl = 23;
+enum LandmarkTag : enum8 {
+  kAirConditioner = 0;
+  kAirPurifier = 1;
+  kBackDoor = 2;
+  kBarStool = 3;
+  kBathMat = 4;
+  kBathtub = 5;
+  kBed = 6;
+  kBookshelf = 7;
+  kChair = 8;
+  kChristmasTree = 9;
+  kCoatRack = 10;
+  kCoffeeTable = 11;
+  kCookingRange = 12;
+  kCouch = 13;
+  kCountertop = 14;
+  kCradle = 15;
+  kCrib = 16;
+  kDesk = 17;
+  kDiningTable = 18;
+  kDishwasher = 19;
+  kDoor = 20;
+  kDresser = 21;
+  kLaundryDryer = 22;
+  kFan = 23;
+  kFireplace = 24;
+  kFreezer = 25;
+  kFrontDoor = 26;
+  kHighChair = 27;
+  kKitchenIsland = 28;
+  kLamp = 29;
+  kLitterBox = 30;
+  kMirror = 31;
+  kNightstand = 32;
+  kOven = 33;
+  kPetBed = 34;
+  kPetBowl = 35;
+  kPetCrate = 36;
+  kRefrigerator = 37;
+  kScratchingPost = 38;
+  kShoeRack = 39;
+  kShower = 40;
+  kSideDoor = 41;
+  kSink = 42;
+  kSofa = 43;
+  kStove = 44;
+  kTable = 45;
+  kToilet = 46;
+  kTrashCan = 47;
+  kLaundryWasher = 48;
+  kWindow = 49;
+  kWineCooler = 50;
+enum PositionTag : enum8 {
+  kLeft = 0;
+  kRight = 1;
+  kTop = 2;
+  kBottom = 3;
+  kMiddle = 4;
+  kRow = 5;
+  kColumn = 6;
+  kUnder = 7;
+  kNextTo = 8;
+  kAround = 9;
+  kOn = 10;
+  kAbove = 11;
+  kFrontOf = 12;
+  kBehind = 13;
 enum TestGlobalEnum : enum8 {
   kSomeValue = 0;
   kSomeOtherValue = 1;
@@ -12,6 +208,12 @@ bitmap TestGlobalBitmap : bitmap32 {
   kSecondBit = 0x2;
+struct LocationDescriptorStruct {
+  char_string<128> locationName = 0;
+  nullable int16s floorNumber = 1;
+  nullable AreaTypeTag areaType = 2;
 struct TestGlobalStruct {
   char_string<128> name = 0;
   nullable TestGlobalBitmap myBitmap = 1;
diff --git a/examples/chef/devices/rootnode_roboticvacuumcleaner_1807ff0c49.matter b/examples/chef/devices/rootnode_roboticvacuumcleaner_1807ff0c49.matter
index a116ea0892b644..dd9fe887bef6a4 100644
--- a/examples/chef/devices/rootnode_roboticvacuumcleaner_1807ff0c49.matter
+++ b/examples/chef/devices/rootnode_roboticvacuumcleaner_1807ff0c49.matter
@@ -1,6 +1,202 @@
 // This IDL was generated automatically by ZAP.
 // It is for view/code review purposes only.
+enum AreaTypeTag : enum8 {
+  kAisle = 0;
+  kAttic = 1;
+  kBackDoor = 2;
+  kBackYard = 3;
+  kBalcony = 4;
+  kBallroom = 5;
+  kBathroom = 6;
+  kBedroom = 7;
+  kBorder = 8;
+  kBoxroom = 9;
+  kBreakfastRoom = 10;
+  kCarport = 11;
+  kCellar = 12;
+  kCloakroom = 13;
+  kCloset = 14;
+  kConservatory = 15;
+  kCorridor = 16;
+  kCraftRoom = 17;
+  kCupboard = 18;
+  kDeck = 19;
+  kDen = 20;
+  kDining = 21;
+  kDrawingRoom = 22;
+  kDressingRoom = 23;
+  kDriveway = 24;
+  kElevator = 25;
+  kEnsuite = 26;
+  kEntrance = 27;
+  kEntryway = 28;
+  kFamilyRoom = 29;
+  kFoyer = 30;
+  kFrontDoor = 31;
+  kFrontYard = 32;
+  kGameRoom = 33;
+  kGarage = 34;
+  kGarageDoor = 35;
+  kGarden = 36;
+  kGardenDoor = 37;
+  kGuestBathroom = 38;
+  kGuestBedroom = 39;
+  kGuestRestroom = 40;
+  kGuestRoom = 41;
+  kGym = 42;
+  kHallway = 43;
+  kHearthRoom = 44;
+  kKidsRoom = 45;
+  kKidsBedroom = 46;
+  kKitchen = 47;
+  kLarder = 48;
+  kLaundryRoom = 49;
+  kLawn = 50;
+  kLibrary = 51;
+  kLivingRoom = 52;
+  kLounge = 53;
+  kMediaTVRoom = 54;
+  kMudRoom = 55;
+  kMusicRoom = 56;
+  kNursery = 57;
+  kOffice = 58;
+  kOutdoorKitchen = 59;
+  kOutside = 60;
+  kPantry = 61;
+  kParkingLot = 62;
+  kParlor = 63;
+  kPatio = 64;
+  kPlayRoom = 65;
+  kPoolRoom = 66;
+  kPorch = 67;
+  kPrimaryBathroom = 68;
+  kPrimaryBedroom = 69;
+  kRamp = 70;
+  kReceptionRoom = 71;
+  kRecreationRoom = 72;
+  kRestroom = 73;
+  kRoof = 74;
+  kSauna = 75;
+  kScullery = 76;
+  kSewingRoom = 77;
+  kShed = 78;
+  kSideDoor = 79;
+  kSideYard = 80;
+  kSittingRoom = 81;
+  kSnug = 82;
+  kSpa = 83;
+  kStaircase = 84;
+  kSteamRoom = 85;
+  kStorageRoom = 86;
+  kStudio = 87;
+  kStudy = 88;
+  kSunRoom = 89;
+  kSwimmingPool = 90;
+  kTerrace = 91;
+  kUtilityRoom = 92;
+  kWard = 93;
+  kWorkshop = 94;
+enum FloorSurfaceTag : enum8 {
+  kCarpet = 0;
+  kCeramic = 1;
+  kConcrete = 2;
+  kCork = 3;
+  kDeepCarpet = 4;
+  kDirt = 5;
+  kEngineeredWood = 6;
+  kGlass = 7;
+  kGrass = 8;
+  kHardwood = 9;
+  kLaminate = 10;
+  kLinoleum = 11;
+  kMat = 12;
+  kMetal = 13;
+  kPlastic = 14;
+  kPolishedConcrete = 15;
+  kRubber = 16;
+  kRug = 17;
+  kSand = 18;
+  kStone = 19;
+  kTatami = 20;
+  kTerrazzo = 21;
+  kTile = 22;
+  kVinyl = 23;
+enum LandmarkTag : enum8 {
+  kAirConditioner = 0;
+  kAirPurifier = 1;
+  kBackDoor = 2;
+  kBarStool = 3;
+  kBathMat = 4;
+  kBathtub = 5;
+  kBed = 6;
+  kBookshelf = 7;
+  kChair = 8;
+  kChristmasTree = 9;
+  kCoatRack = 10;
+  kCoffeeTable = 11;
+  kCookingRange = 12;
+  kCouch = 13;
+  kCountertop = 14;
+  kCradle = 15;
+  kCrib = 16;
+  kDesk = 17;
+  kDiningTable = 18;
+  kDishwasher = 19;
+  kDoor = 20;
+  kDresser = 21;
+  kLaundryDryer = 22;
+  kFan = 23;
+  kFireplace = 24;
+  kFreezer = 25;
+  kFrontDoor = 26;
+  kHighChair = 27;
+  kKitchenIsland = 28;
+  kLamp = 29;
+  kLitterBox = 30;
+  kMirror = 31;
+  kNightstand = 32;
+  kOven = 33;
+  kPetBed = 34;
+  kPetBowl = 35;
+  kPetCrate = 36;
+  kRefrigerator = 37;
+  kScratchingPost = 38;
+  kShoeRack = 39;
+  kShower = 40;
+  kSideDoor = 41;
+  kSink = 42;
+  kSofa = 43;
+  kStove = 44;
+  kTable = 45;
+  kToilet = 46;
+  kTrashCan = 47;
+  kLaundryWasher = 48;
+  kWindow = 49;
+  kWineCooler = 50;
+enum PositionTag : enum8 {
+  kLeft = 0;
+  kRight = 1;
+  kTop = 2;
+  kBottom = 3;
+  kMiddle = 4;
+  kRow = 5;
+  kColumn = 6;
+  kUnder = 7;
+  kNextTo = 8;
+  kAround = 9;
+  kOn = 10;
+  kAbove = 11;
+  kFrontOf = 12;
+  kBehind = 13;
 enum TestGlobalEnum : enum8 {
   kSomeValue = 0;
   kSomeOtherValue = 1;
@@ -12,6 +208,12 @@ bitmap TestGlobalBitmap : bitmap32 {
   kSecondBit = 0x2;
+struct LocationDescriptorStruct {
+  char_string<128> locationName = 0;
+  nullable int16s floorNumber = 1;
+  nullable AreaTypeTag areaType = 2;
 struct TestGlobalStruct {
   char_string<128> name = 0;
   nullable TestGlobalBitmap myBitmap = 1;
diff --git a/examples/chef/devices/rootnode_roomairconditioner_9cf3607804.matter b/examples/chef/devices/rootnode_roomairconditioner_9cf3607804.matter
index 7603eca8a44a52..c3ef68e5e97da5 100644
--- a/examples/chef/devices/rootnode_roomairconditioner_9cf3607804.matter
+++ b/examples/chef/devices/rootnode_roomairconditioner_9cf3607804.matter
@@ -1,6 +1,202 @@
 // This IDL was generated automatically by ZAP.
 // It is for view/code review purposes only.
+enum AreaTypeTag : enum8 {
+  kAisle = 0;
+  kAttic = 1;
+  kBackDoor = 2;
+  kBackYard = 3;
+  kBalcony = 4;
+  kBallroom = 5;
+  kBathroom = 6;
+  kBedroom = 7;
+  kBorder = 8;
+  kBoxroom = 9;
+  kBreakfastRoom = 10;
+  kCarport = 11;
+  kCellar = 12;
+  kCloakroom = 13;
+  kCloset = 14;
+  kConservatory = 15;
+  kCorridor = 16;
+  kCraftRoom = 17;
+  kCupboard = 18;
+  kDeck = 19;
+  kDen = 20;
+  kDining = 21;
+  kDrawingRoom = 22;
+  kDressingRoom = 23;
+  kDriveway = 24;
+  kElevator = 25;
+  kEnsuite = 26;
+  kEntrance = 27;
+  kEntryway = 28;
+  kFamilyRoom = 29;
+  kFoyer = 30;
+  kFrontDoor = 31;
+  kFrontYard = 32;
+  kGameRoom = 33;
+  kGarage = 34;
+  kGarageDoor = 35;
+  kGarden = 36;
+  kGardenDoor = 37;
+  kGuestBathroom = 38;
+  kGuestBedroom = 39;
+  kGuestRestroom = 40;
+  kGuestRoom = 41;
+  kGym = 42;
+  kHallway = 43;
+  kHearthRoom = 44;
+  kKidsRoom = 45;
+  kKidsBedroom = 46;
+  kKitchen = 47;
+  kLarder = 48;
+  kLaundryRoom = 49;
+  kLawn = 50;
+  kLibrary = 51;
+  kLivingRoom = 52;
+  kLounge = 53;
+  kMediaTVRoom = 54;
+  kMudRoom = 55;
+  kMusicRoom = 56;
+  kNursery = 57;
+  kOffice = 58;
+  kOutdoorKitchen = 59;
+  kOutside = 60;
+  kPantry = 61;
+  kParkingLot = 62;
+  kParlor = 63;
+  kPatio = 64;
+  kPlayRoom = 65;
+  kPoolRoom = 66;
+  kPorch = 67;
+  kPrimaryBathroom = 68;
+  kPrimaryBedroom = 69;
+  kRamp = 70;
+  kReceptionRoom = 71;
+  kRecreationRoom = 72;
+  kRestroom = 73;
+  kRoof = 74;
+  kSauna = 75;
+  kScullery = 76;
+  kSewingRoom = 77;
+  kShed = 78;
+  kSideDoor = 79;
+  kSideYard = 80;
+  kSittingRoom = 81;
+  kSnug = 82;
+  kSpa = 83;
+  kStaircase = 84;
+  kSteamRoom = 85;
+  kStorageRoom = 86;
+  kStudio = 87;
+  kStudy = 88;
+  kSunRoom = 89;
+  kSwimmingPool = 90;
+  kTerrace = 91;
+  kUtilityRoom = 92;
+  kWard = 93;
+  kWorkshop = 94;
+enum FloorSurfaceTag : enum8 {
+  kCarpet = 0;
+  kCeramic = 1;
+  kConcrete = 2;
+  kCork = 3;
+  kDeepCarpet = 4;
+  kDirt = 5;
+  kEngineeredWood = 6;
+  kGlass = 7;
+  kGrass = 8;
+  kHardwood = 9;
+  kLaminate = 10;
+  kLinoleum = 11;
+  kMat = 12;
+  kMetal = 13;
+  kPlastic = 14;
+  kPolishedConcrete = 15;
+  kRubber = 16;
+  kRug = 17;
+  kSand = 18;
+  kStone = 19;
+  kTatami = 20;
+  kTerrazzo = 21;
+  kTile = 22;
+  kVinyl = 23;
+enum LandmarkTag : enum8 {
+  kAirConditioner = 0;
+  kAirPurifier = 1;
+  kBackDoor = 2;
+  kBarStool = 3;
+  kBathMat = 4;
+  kBathtub = 5;
+  kBed = 6;
+  kBookshelf = 7;
+  kChair = 8;
+  kChristmasTree = 9;
+  kCoatRack = 10;
+  kCoffeeTable = 11;
+  kCookingRange = 12;
+  kCouch = 13;
+  kCountertop = 14;
+  kCradle = 15;
+  kCrib = 16;
+  kDesk = 17;
+  kDiningTable = 18;
+  kDishwasher = 19;
+  kDoor = 20;
+  kDresser = 21;
+  kLaundryDryer = 22;
+  kFan = 23;
+  kFireplace = 24;
+  kFreezer = 25;
+  kFrontDoor = 26;
+  kHighChair = 27;
+  kKitchenIsland = 28;
+  kLamp = 29;
+  kLitterBox = 30;
+  kMirror = 31;
+  kNightstand = 32;
+  kOven = 33;
+  kPetBed = 34;
+  kPetBowl = 35;
+  kPetCrate = 36;
+  kRefrigerator = 37;
+  kScratchingPost = 38;
+  kShoeRack = 39;
+  kShower = 40;
+  kSideDoor = 41;
+  kSink = 42;
+  kSofa = 43;
+  kStove = 44;
+  kTable = 45;
+  kToilet = 46;
+  kTrashCan = 47;
+  kLaundryWasher = 48;
+  kWindow = 49;
+  kWineCooler = 50;
+enum PositionTag : enum8 {
+  kLeft = 0;
+  kRight = 1;
+  kTop = 2;
+  kBottom = 3;
+  kMiddle = 4;
+  kRow = 5;
+  kColumn = 6;
+  kUnder = 7;
+  kNextTo = 8;
+  kAround = 9;
+  kOn = 10;
+  kAbove = 11;
+  kFrontOf = 12;
+  kBehind = 13;
 enum TestGlobalEnum : enum8 {
   kSomeValue = 0;
   kSomeOtherValue = 1;
@@ -12,6 +208,12 @@ bitmap TestGlobalBitmap : bitmap32 {
   kSecondBit = 0x2;
+struct LocationDescriptorStruct {
+  char_string<128> locationName = 0;
+  nullable int16s floorNumber = 1;
+  nullable AreaTypeTag areaType = 2;
 struct TestGlobalStruct {
   char_string<128> name = 0;
   nullable TestGlobalBitmap myBitmap = 1;
diff --git a/examples/chef/devices/rootnode_smokecoalarm_686fe0dcb8.matter b/examples/chef/devices/rootnode_smokecoalarm_686fe0dcb8.matter
index eab95df39549b2..671339d987c1a0 100644
--- a/examples/chef/devices/rootnode_smokecoalarm_686fe0dcb8.matter
+++ b/examples/chef/devices/rootnode_smokecoalarm_686fe0dcb8.matter
@@ -1,6 +1,202 @@
 // This IDL was generated automatically by ZAP.
 // It is for view/code review purposes only.
+enum AreaTypeTag : enum8 {
+  kAisle = 0;
+  kAttic = 1;
+  kBackDoor = 2;
+  kBackYard = 3;
+  kBalcony = 4;
+  kBallroom = 5;
+  kBathroom = 6;
+  kBedroom = 7;
+  kBorder = 8;
+  kBoxroom = 9;
+  kBreakfastRoom = 10;
+  kCarport = 11;
+  kCellar = 12;
+  kCloakroom = 13;
+  kCloset = 14;
+  kConservatory = 15;
+  kCorridor = 16;
+  kCraftRoom = 17;
+  kCupboard = 18;
+  kDeck = 19;
+  kDen = 20;
+  kDining = 21;
+  kDrawingRoom = 22;
+  kDressingRoom = 23;
+  kDriveway = 24;
+  kElevator = 25;
+  kEnsuite = 26;
+  kEntrance = 27;
+  kEntryway = 28;
+  kFamilyRoom = 29;
+  kFoyer = 30;
+  kFrontDoor = 31;
+  kFrontYard = 32;
+  kGameRoom = 33;
+  kGarage = 34;
+  kGarageDoor = 35;
+  kGarden = 36;
+  kGardenDoor = 37;
+  kGuestBathroom = 38;
+  kGuestBedroom = 39;
+  kGuestRestroom = 40;
+  kGuestRoom = 41;
+  kGym = 42;
+  kHallway = 43;
+  kHearthRoom = 44;
+  kKidsRoom = 45;
+  kKidsBedroom = 46;
+  kKitchen = 47;
+  kLarder = 48;
+  kLaundryRoom = 49;
+  kLawn = 50;
+  kLibrary = 51;
+  kLivingRoom = 52;
+  kLounge = 53;
+  kMediaTVRoom = 54;
+  kMudRoom = 55;
+  kMusicRoom = 56;
+  kNursery = 57;
+  kOffice = 58;
+  kOutdoorKitchen = 59;
+  kOutside = 60;
+  kPantry = 61;
+  kParkingLot = 62;
+  kParlor = 63;
+  kPatio = 64;
+  kPlayRoom = 65;
+  kPoolRoom = 66;
+  kPorch = 67;
+  kPrimaryBathroom = 68;
+  kPrimaryBedroom = 69;
+  kRamp = 70;
+  kReceptionRoom = 71;
+  kRecreationRoom = 72;
+  kRestroom = 73;
+  kRoof = 74;
+  kSauna = 75;
+  kScullery = 76;
+  kSewingRoom = 77;
+  kShed = 78;
+  kSideDoor = 79;
+  kSideYard = 80;
+  kSittingRoom = 81;
+  kSnug = 82;
+  kSpa = 83;
+  kStaircase = 84;
+  kSteamRoom = 85;
+  kStorageRoom = 86;
+  kStudio = 87;
+  kStudy = 88;
+  kSunRoom = 89;
+  kSwimmingPool = 90;
+  kTerrace = 91;
+  kUtilityRoom = 92;
+  kWard = 93;
+  kWorkshop = 94;
+enum FloorSurfaceTag : enum8 {
+  kCarpet = 0;
+  kCeramic = 1;
+  kConcrete = 2;
+  kCork = 3;
+  kDeepCarpet = 4;
+  kDirt = 5;
+  kEngineeredWood = 6;
+  kGlass = 7;
+  kGrass = 8;
+  kHardwood = 9;
+  kLaminate = 10;
+  kLinoleum = 11;
+  kMat = 12;
+  kMetal = 13;
+  kPlastic = 14;
+  kPolishedConcrete = 15;
+  kRubber = 16;
+  kRug = 17;
+  kSand = 18;
+  kStone = 19;
+  kTatami = 20;
+  kTerrazzo = 21;
+  kTile = 22;
+  kVinyl = 23;
+enum LandmarkTag : enum8 {
+  kAirConditioner = 0;
+  kAirPurifier = 1;
+  kBackDoor = 2;
+  kBarStool = 3;
+  kBathMat = 4;
+  kBathtub = 5;
+  kBed = 6;
+  kBookshelf = 7;
+  kChair = 8;
+  kChristmasTree = 9;
+  kCoatRack = 10;
+  kCoffeeTable = 11;
+  kCookingRange = 12;
+  kCouch = 13;
+  kCountertop = 14;
+  kCradle = 15;
+  kCrib = 16;
+  kDesk = 17;
+  kDiningTable = 18;
+  kDishwasher = 19;
+  kDoor = 20;
+  kDresser = 21;
+  kLaundryDryer = 22;
+  kFan = 23;
+  kFireplace = 24;
+  kFreezer = 25;
+  kFrontDoor = 26;
+  kHighChair = 27;
+  kKitchenIsland = 28;
+  kLamp = 29;
+  kLitterBox = 30;
+  kMirror = 31;
+  kNightstand = 32;
+  kOven = 33;
+  kPetBed = 34;
+  kPetBowl = 35;
+  kPetCrate = 36;
+  kRefrigerator = 37;
+  kScratchingPost = 38;
+  kShoeRack = 39;
+  kShower = 40;
+  kSideDoor = 41;
+  kSink = 42;
+  kSofa = 43;
+  kStove = 44;
+  kTable = 45;
+  kToilet = 46;
+  kTrashCan = 47;
+  kLaundryWasher = 48;
+  kWindow = 49;
+  kWineCooler = 50;
+enum PositionTag : enum8 {
+  kLeft = 0;
+  kRight = 1;
+  kTop = 2;
+  kBottom = 3;
+  kMiddle = 4;
+  kRow = 5;
+  kColumn = 6;
+  kUnder = 7;
+  kNextTo = 8;
+  kAround = 9;
+  kOn = 10;
+  kAbove = 11;
+  kFrontOf = 12;
+  kBehind = 13;
 enum TestGlobalEnum : enum8 {
   kSomeValue = 0;
   kSomeOtherValue = 1;
@@ -12,6 +208,12 @@ bitmap TestGlobalBitmap : bitmap32 {
   kSecondBit = 0x2;
+struct LocationDescriptorStruct {
+  char_string<128> locationName = 0;
+  nullable int16s floorNumber = 1;
+  nullable AreaTypeTag areaType = 2;
 struct TestGlobalStruct {
   char_string<128> name = 0;
   nullable TestGlobalBitmap myBitmap = 1;
diff --git a/examples/chef/devices/rootnode_speaker_RpzeXdimqA.matter b/examples/chef/devices/rootnode_speaker_RpzeXdimqA.matter
index 52446c519d4ec5..148afd99364923 100644
--- a/examples/chef/devices/rootnode_speaker_RpzeXdimqA.matter
+++ b/examples/chef/devices/rootnode_speaker_RpzeXdimqA.matter
@@ -1,6 +1,202 @@
 // This IDL was generated automatically by ZAP.
 // It is for view/code review purposes only.
+enum AreaTypeTag : enum8 {
+  kAisle = 0;
+  kAttic = 1;
+  kBackDoor = 2;
+  kBackYard = 3;
+  kBalcony = 4;
+  kBallroom = 5;
+  kBathroom = 6;
+  kBedroom = 7;
+  kBorder = 8;
+  kBoxroom = 9;
+  kBreakfastRoom = 10;
+  kCarport = 11;
+  kCellar = 12;
+  kCloakroom = 13;
+  kCloset = 14;
+  kConservatory = 15;
+  kCorridor = 16;
+  kCraftRoom = 17;
+  kCupboard = 18;
+  kDeck = 19;
+  kDen = 20;
+  kDining = 21;
+  kDrawingRoom = 22;
+  kDressingRoom = 23;
+  kDriveway = 24;
+  kElevator = 25;
+  kEnsuite = 26;
+  kEntrance = 27;
+  kEntryway = 28;
+  kFamilyRoom = 29;
+  kFoyer = 30;
+  kFrontDoor = 31;
+  kFrontYard = 32;
+  kGameRoom = 33;
+  kGarage = 34;
+  kGarageDoor = 35;
+  kGarden = 36;
+  kGardenDoor = 37;
+  kGuestBathroom = 38;
+  kGuestBedroom = 39;
+  kGuestRestroom = 40;
+  kGuestRoom = 41;
+  kGym = 42;
+  kHallway = 43;
+  kHearthRoom = 44;
+  kKidsRoom = 45;
+  kKidsBedroom = 46;
+  kKitchen = 47;
+  kLarder = 48;
+  kLaundryRoom = 49;
+  kLawn = 50;
+  kLibrary = 51;
+  kLivingRoom = 52;
+  kLounge = 53;
+  kMediaTVRoom = 54;
+  kMudRoom = 55;
+  kMusicRoom = 56;
+  kNursery = 57;
+  kOffice = 58;
+  kOutdoorKitchen = 59;
+  kOutside = 60;
+  kPantry = 61;
+  kParkingLot = 62;
+  kParlor = 63;
+  kPatio = 64;
+  kPlayRoom = 65;
+  kPoolRoom = 66;
+  kPorch = 67;
+  kPrimaryBathroom = 68;
+  kPrimaryBedroom = 69;
+  kRamp = 70;
+  kReceptionRoom = 71;
+  kRecreationRoom = 72;
+  kRestroom = 73;
+  kRoof = 74;
+  kSauna = 75;
+  kScullery = 76;
+  kSewingRoom = 77;
+  kShed = 78;
+  kSideDoor = 79;
+  kSideYard = 80;
+  kSittingRoom = 81;
+  kSnug = 82;
+  kSpa = 83;
+  kStaircase = 84;
+  kSteamRoom = 85;
+  kStorageRoom = 86;
+  kStudio = 87;
+  kStudy = 88;
+  kSunRoom = 89;
+  kSwimmingPool = 90;
+  kTerrace = 91;
+  kUtilityRoom = 92;
+  kWard = 93;
+  kWorkshop = 94;
+enum FloorSurfaceTag : enum8 {
+  kCarpet = 0;
+  kCeramic = 1;
+  kConcrete = 2;
+  kCork = 3;
+  kDeepCarpet = 4;
+  kDirt = 5;
+  kEngineeredWood = 6;
+  kGlass = 7;
+  kGrass = 8;
+  kHardwood = 9;
+  kLaminate = 10;
+  kLinoleum = 11;
+  kMat = 12;
+  kMetal = 13;
+  kPlastic = 14;
+  kPolishedConcrete = 15;
+  kRubber = 16;
+  kRug = 17;
+  kSand = 18;
+  kStone = 19;
+  kTatami = 20;
+  kTerrazzo = 21;
+  kTile = 22;
+  kVinyl = 23;
+enum LandmarkTag : enum8 {
+  kAirConditioner = 0;
+  kAirPurifier = 1;
+  kBackDoor = 2;
+  kBarStool = 3;
+  kBathMat = 4;
+  kBathtub = 5;
+  kBed = 6;
+  kBookshelf = 7;
+  kChair = 8;
+  kChristmasTree = 9;
+  kCoatRack = 10;
+  kCoffeeTable = 11;
+  kCookingRange = 12;
+  kCouch = 13;
+  kCountertop = 14;
+  kCradle = 15;
+  kCrib = 16;
+  kDesk = 17;
+  kDiningTable = 18;
+  kDishwasher = 19;
+  kDoor = 20;
+  kDresser = 21;
+  kLaundryDryer = 22;
+  kFan = 23;
+  kFireplace = 24;
+  kFreezer = 25;
+  kFrontDoor = 26;
+  kHighChair = 27;
+  kKitchenIsland = 28;
+  kLamp = 29;
+  kLitterBox = 30;
+  kMirror = 31;
+  kNightstand = 32;
+  kOven = 33;
+  kPetBed = 34;
+  kPetBowl = 35;
+  kPetCrate = 36;
+  kRefrigerator = 37;
+  kScratchingPost = 38;
+  kShoeRack = 39;
+  kShower = 40;
+  kSideDoor = 41;
+  kSink = 42;
+  kSofa = 43;
+  kStove = 44;
+  kTable = 45;
+  kToilet = 46;
+  kTrashCan = 47;
+  kLaundryWasher = 48;
+  kWindow = 49;
+  kWineCooler = 50;
+enum PositionTag : enum8 {
+  kLeft = 0;
+  kRight = 1;
+  kTop = 2;
+  kBottom = 3;
+  kMiddle = 4;
+  kRow = 5;
+  kColumn = 6;
+  kUnder = 7;
+  kNextTo = 8;
+  kAround = 9;
+  kOn = 10;
+  kAbove = 11;
+  kFrontOf = 12;
+  kBehind = 13;
 enum TestGlobalEnum : enum8 {
   kSomeValue = 0;
   kSomeOtherValue = 1;
@@ -12,6 +208,12 @@ bitmap TestGlobalBitmap : bitmap32 {
   kSecondBit = 0x2;
+struct LocationDescriptorStruct {
+  char_string<128> locationName = 0;
+  nullable int16s floorNumber = 1;
+  nullable AreaTypeTag areaType = 2;
 struct TestGlobalStruct {
   char_string<128> name = 0;
   nullable TestGlobalBitmap myBitmap = 1;
diff --git a/examples/chef/devices/rootnode_temperaturesensor_Qy1zkNW7c3.matter b/examples/chef/devices/rootnode_temperaturesensor_Qy1zkNW7c3.matter
index 3bafec9ed48427..bcb7f16079e3e2 100644
--- a/examples/chef/devices/rootnode_temperaturesensor_Qy1zkNW7c3.matter
+++ b/examples/chef/devices/rootnode_temperaturesensor_Qy1zkNW7c3.matter
@@ -1,6 +1,202 @@
 // This IDL was generated automatically by ZAP.
 // It is for view/code review purposes only.
+enum AreaTypeTag : enum8 {
+  kAisle = 0;
+  kAttic = 1;
+  kBackDoor = 2;
+  kBackYard = 3;
+  kBalcony = 4;
+  kBallroom = 5;
+  kBathroom = 6;
+  kBedroom = 7;
+  kBorder = 8;
+  kBoxroom = 9;
+  kBreakfastRoom = 10;
+  kCarport = 11;
+  kCellar = 12;
+  kCloakroom = 13;
+  kCloset = 14;
+  kConservatory = 15;
+  kCorridor = 16;
+  kCraftRoom = 17;
+  kCupboard = 18;
+  kDeck = 19;
+  kDen = 20;
+  kDining = 21;
+  kDrawingRoom = 22;
+  kDressingRoom = 23;
+  kDriveway = 24;
+  kElevator = 25;
+  kEnsuite = 26;
+  kEntrance = 27;
+  kEntryway = 28;
+  kFamilyRoom = 29;
+  kFoyer = 30;
+  kFrontDoor = 31;
+  kFrontYard = 32;
+  kGameRoom = 33;
+  kGarage = 34;
+  kGarageDoor = 35;
+  kGarden = 36;
+  kGardenDoor = 37;
+  kGuestBathroom = 38;
+  kGuestBedroom = 39;
+  kGuestRestroom = 40;
+  kGuestRoom = 41;
+  kGym = 42;
+  kHallway = 43;
+  kHearthRoom = 44;
+  kKidsRoom = 45;
+  kKidsBedroom = 46;
+  kKitchen = 47;
+  kLarder = 48;
+  kLaundryRoom = 49;
+  kLawn = 50;
+  kLibrary = 51;
+  kLivingRoom = 52;
+  kLounge = 53;
+  kMediaTVRoom = 54;
+  kMudRoom = 55;
+  kMusicRoom = 56;
+  kNursery = 57;
+  kOffice = 58;
+  kOutdoorKitchen = 59;
+  kOutside = 60;
+  kPantry = 61;
+  kParkingLot = 62;
+  kParlor = 63;
+  kPatio = 64;
+  kPlayRoom = 65;
+  kPoolRoom = 66;
+  kPorch = 67;
+  kPrimaryBathroom = 68;
+  kPrimaryBedroom = 69;
+  kRamp = 70;
+  kReceptionRoom = 71;
+  kRecreationRoom = 72;
+  kRestroom = 73;
+  kRoof = 74;
+  kSauna = 75;
+  kScullery = 76;
+  kSewingRoom = 77;
+  kShed = 78;
+  kSideDoor = 79;
+  kSideYard = 80;
+  kSittingRoom = 81;
+  kSnug = 82;
+  kSpa = 83;
+  kStaircase = 84;
+  kSteamRoom = 85;
+  kStorageRoom = 86;
+  kStudio = 87;
+  kStudy = 88;
+  kSunRoom = 89;
+  kSwimmingPool = 90;
+  kTerrace = 91;
+  kUtilityRoom = 92;
+  kWard = 93;
+  kWorkshop = 94;
+enum FloorSurfaceTag : enum8 {
+  kCarpet = 0;
+  kCeramic = 1;
+  kConcrete = 2;
+  kCork = 3;
+  kDeepCarpet = 4;
+  kDirt = 5;
+  kEngineeredWood = 6;
+  kGlass = 7;
+  kGrass = 8;
+  kHardwood = 9;
+  kLaminate = 10;
+  kLinoleum = 11;
+  kMat = 12;
+  kMetal = 13;
+  kPlastic = 14;
+  kPolishedConcrete = 15;
+  kRubber = 16;
+  kRug = 17;
+  kSand = 18;
+  kStone = 19;
+  kTatami = 20;
+  kTerrazzo = 21;
+  kTile = 22;
+  kVinyl = 23;
+enum LandmarkTag : enum8 {
+  kAirConditioner = 0;
+  kAirPurifier = 1;
+  kBackDoor = 2;
+  kBarStool = 3;
+  kBathMat = 4;
+  kBathtub = 5;
+  kBed = 6;
+  kBookshelf = 7;
+  kChair = 8;
+  kChristmasTree = 9;
+  kCoatRack = 10;
+  kCoffeeTable = 11;
+  kCookingRange = 12;
+  kCouch = 13;
+  kCountertop = 14;
+  kCradle = 15;
+  kCrib = 16;
+  kDesk = 17;
+  kDiningTable = 18;
+  kDishwasher = 19;
+  kDoor = 20;
+  kDresser = 21;
+  kLaundryDryer = 22;
+  kFan = 23;
+  kFireplace = 24;
+  kFreezer = 25;
+  kFrontDoor = 26;
+  kHighChair = 27;
+  kKitchenIsland = 28;
+  kLamp = 29;
+  kLitterBox = 30;
+  kMirror = 31;
+  kNightstand = 32;
+  kOven = 33;
+  kPetBed = 34;
+  kPetBowl = 35;
+  kPetCrate = 36;
+  kRefrigerator = 37;
+  kScratchingPost = 38;
+  kShoeRack = 39;
+  kShower = 40;
+  kSideDoor = 41;
+  kSink = 42;
+  kSofa = 43;
+  kStove = 44;
+  kTable = 45;
+  kToilet = 46;
+  kTrashCan = 47;
+  kLaundryWasher = 48;
+  kWindow = 49;
+  kWineCooler = 50;
+enum PositionTag : enum8 {
+  kLeft = 0;
+  kRight = 1;
+  kTop = 2;
+  kBottom = 3;
+  kMiddle = 4;
+  kRow = 5;
+  kColumn = 6;
+  kUnder = 7;
+  kNextTo = 8;
+  kAround = 9;
+  kOn = 10;
+  kAbove = 11;
+  kFrontOf = 12;
+  kBehind = 13;
 enum TestGlobalEnum : enum8 {
   kSomeValue = 0;
   kSomeOtherValue = 1;
@@ -12,6 +208,12 @@ bitmap TestGlobalBitmap : bitmap32 {
   kSecondBit = 0x2;
+struct LocationDescriptorStruct {
+  char_string<128> locationName = 0;
+  nullable int16s floorNumber = 1;
+  nullable AreaTypeTag areaType = 2;
 struct TestGlobalStruct {
   char_string<128> name = 0;
   nullable TestGlobalBitmap myBitmap = 1;
diff --git a/examples/chef/devices/rootnode_thermostat_bm3fb8dhYi.matter b/examples/chef/devices/rootnode_thermostat_bm3fb8dhYi.matter
index c2b1ed117c6ff3..43f4bc7dace6bd 100644
--- a/examples/chef/devices/rootnode_thermostat_bm3fb8dhYi.matter
+++ b/examples/chef/devices/rootnode_thermostat_bm3fb8dhYi.matter
@@ -1,6 +1,202 @@
 // This IDL was generated automatically by ZAP.
 // It is for view/code review purposes only.
+enum AreaTypeTag : enum8 {
+  kAisle = 0;
+  kAttic = 1;
+  kBackDoor = 2;
+  kBackYard = 3;
+  kBalcony = 4;
+  kBallroom = 5;
+  kBathroom = 6;
+  kBedroom = 7;
+  kBorder = 8;
+  kBoxroom = 9;
+  kBreakfastRoom = 10;
+  kCarport = 11;
+  kCellar = 12;
+  kCloakroom = 13;
+  kCloset = 14;
+  kConservatory = 15;
+  kCorridor = 16;
+  kCraftRoom = 17;
+  kCupboard = 18;
+  kDeck = 19;
+  kDen = 20;
+  kDining = 21;
+  kDrawingRoom = 22;
+  kDressingRoom = 23;
+  kDriveway = 24;
+  kElevator = 25;
+  kEnsuite = 26;
+  kEntrance = 27;
+  kEntryway = 28;
+  kFamilyRoom = 29;
+  kFoyer = 30;
+  kFrontDoor = 31;
+  kFrontYard = 32;
+  kGameRoom = 33;
+  kGarage = 34;
+  kGarageDoor = 35;
+  kGarden = 36;
+  kGardenDoor = 37;
+  kGuestBathroom = 38;
+  kGuestBedroom = 39;
+  kGuestRestroom = 40;
+  kGuestRoom = 41;
+  kGym = 42;
+  kHallway = 43;
+  kHearthRoom = 44;
+  kKidsRoom = 45;
+  kKidsBedroom = 46;
+  kKitchen = 47;
+  kLarder = 48;
+  kLaundryRoom = 49;
+  kLawn = 50;
+  kLibrary = 51;
+  kLivingRoom = 52;
+  kLounge = 53;
+  kMediaTVRoom = 54;
+  kMudRoom = 55;
+  kMusicRoom = 56;
+  kNursery = 57;
+  kOffice = 58;
+  kOutdoorKitchen = 59;
+  kOutside = 60;
+  kPantry = 61;
+  kParkingLot = 62;
+  kParlor = 63;
+  kPatio = 64;
+  kPlayRoom = 65;
+  kPoolRoom = 66;
+  kPorch = 67;
+  kPrimaryBathroom = 68;
+  kPrimaryBedroom = 69;
+  kRamp = 70;
+  kReceptionRoom = 71;
+  kRecreationRoom = 72;
+  kRestroom = 73;
+  kRoof = 74;
+  kSauna = 75;
+  kScullery = 76;
+  kSewingRoom = 77;
+  kShed = 78;
+  kSideDoor = 79;
+  kSideYard = 80;
+  kSittingRoom = 81;
+  kSnug = 82;
+  kSpa = 83;
+  kStaircase = 84;
+  kSteamRoom = 85;
+  kStorageRoom = 86;
+  kStudio = 87;
+  kStudy = 88;
+  kSunRoom = 89;
+  kSwimmingPool = 90;
+  kTerrace = 91;
+  kUtilityRoom = 92;
+  kWard = 93;
+  kWorkshop = 94;
+enum FloorSurfaceTag : enum8 {
+  kCarpet = 0;
+  kCeramic = 1;
+  kConcrete = 2;
+  kCork = 3;
+  kDeepCarpet = 4;
+  kDirt = 5;
+  kEngineeredWood = 6;
+  kGlass = 7;
+  kGrass = 8;
+  kHardwood = 9;
+  kLaminate = 10;
+  kLinoleum = 11;
+  kMat = 12;
+  kMetal = 13;
+  kPlastic = 14;
+  kPolishedConcrete = 15;
+  kRubber = 16;
+  kRug = 17;
+  kSand = 18;
+  kStone = 19;
+  kTatami = 20;
+  kTerrazzo = 21;
+  kTile = 22;
+  kVinyl = 23;
+enum LandmarkTag : enum8 {
+  kAirConditioner = 0;
+  kAirPurifier = 1;
+  kBackDoor = 2;
+  kBarStool = 3;
+  kBathMat = 4;
+  kBathtub = 5;
+  kBed = 6;
+  kBookshelf = 7;
+  kChair = 8;
+  kChristmasTree = 9;
+  kCoatRack = 10;
+  kCoffeeTable = 11;
+  kCookingRange = 12;
+  kCouch = 13;
+  kCountertop = 14;
+  kCradle = 15;
+  kCrib = 16;
+  kDesk = 17;
+  kDiningTable = 18;
+  kDishwasher = 19;
+  kDoor = 20;
+  kDresser = 21;
+  kLaundryDryer = 22;
+  kFan = 23;
+  kFireplace = 24;
+  kFreezer = 25;
+  kFrontDoor = 26;
+  kHighChair = 27;
+  kKitchenIsland = 28;
+  kLamp = 29;
+  kLitterBox = 30;
+  kMirror = 31;
+  kNightstand = 32;
+  kOven = 33;
+  kPetBed = 34;
+  kPetBowl = 35;
+  kPetCrate = 36;
+  kRefrigerator = 37;
+  kScratchingPost = 38;
+  kShoeRack = 39;
+  kShower = 40;
+  kSideDoor = 41;
+  kSink = 42;
+  kSofa = 43;
+  kStove = 44;
+  kTable = 45;
+  kToilet = 46;
+  kTrashCan = 47;
+  kLaundryWasher = 48;
+  kWindow = 49;
+  kWineCooler = 50;
+enum PositionTag : enum8 {
+  kLeft = 0;
+  kRight = 1;
+  kTop = 2;
+  kBottom = 3;
+  kMiddle = 4;
+  kRow = 5;
+  kColumn = 6;
+  kUnder = 7;
+  kNextTo = 8;
+  kAround = 9;
+  kOn = 10;
+  kAbove = 11;
+  kFrontOf = 12;
+  kBehind = 13;
 enum TestGlobalEnum : enum8 {
   kSomeValue = 0;
   kSomeOtherValue = 1;
@@ -12,6 +208,12 @@ bitmap TestGlobalBitmap : bitmap32 {
   kSecondBit = 0x2;
+struct LocationDescriptorStruct {
+  char_string<128> locationName = 0;
+  nullable int16s floorNumber = 1;
+  nullable AreaTypeTag areaType = 2;
 struct TestGlobalStruct {
   char_string<128> name = 0;
   nullable TestGlobalBitmap myBitmap = 1;
diff --git a/examples/chef/devices/rootnode_windowcovering_RLCxaGi9Yx.matter b/examples/chef/devices/rootnode_windowcovering_RLCxaGi9Yx.matter
index b318c7b3ed80b7..4dfbfbc41b8d9f 100644
--- a/examples/chef/devices/rootnode_windowcovering_RLCxaGi9Yx.matter
+++ b/examples/chef/devices/rootnode_windowcovering_RLCxaGi9Yx.matter
@@ -1,6 +1,202 @@
 // This IDL was generated automatically by ZAP.
 // It is for view/code review purposes only.
+enum AreaTypeTag : enum8 {
+  kAisle = 0;
+  kAttic = 1;
+  kBackDoor = 2;
+  kBackYard = 3;
+  kBalcony = 4;
+  kBallroom = 5;
+  kBathroom = 6;
+  kBedroom = 7;
+  kBorder = 8;
+  kBoxroom = 9;
+  kBreakfastRoom = 10;
+  kCarport = 11;
+  kCellar = 12;
+  kCloakroom = 13;
+  kCloset = 14;
+  kConservatory = 15;
+  kCorridor = 16;
+  kCraftRoom = 17;
+  kCupboard = 18;
+  kDeck = 19;
+  kDen = 20;
+  kDining = 21;
+  kDrawingRoom = 22;
+  kDressingRoom = 23;
+  kDriveway = 24;
+  kElevator = 25;
+  kEnsuite = 26;
+  kEntrance = 27;
+  kEntryway = 28;
+  kFamilyRoom = 29;
+  kFoyer = 30;
+  kFrontDoor = 31;
+  kFrontYard = 32;
+  kGameRoom = 33;
+  kGarage = 34;
+  kGarageDoor = 35;
+  kGarden = 36;
+  kGardenDoor = 37;
+  kGuestBathroom = 38;
+  kGuestBedroom = 39;
+  kGuestRestroom = 40;
+  kGuestRoom = 41;
+  kGym = 42;
+  kHallway = 43;
+  kHearthRoom = 44;
+  kKidsRoom = 45;
+  kKidsBedroom = 46;
+  kKitchen = 47;
+  kLarder = 48;
+  kLaundryRoom = 49;
+  kLawn = 50;
+  kLibrary = 51;
+  kLivingRoom = 52;
+  kLounge = 53;
+  kMediaTVRoom = 54;
+  kMudRoom = 55;
+  kMusicRoom = 56;
+  kNursery = 57;
+  kOffice = 58;
+  kOutdoorKitchen = 59;
+  kOutside = 60;
+  kPantry = 61;
+  kParkingLot = 62;
+  kParlor = 63;
+  kPatio = 64;
+  kPlayRoom = 65;
+  kPoolRoom = 66;
+  kPorch = 67;
+  kPrimaryBathroom = 68;
+  kPrimaryBedroom = 69;
+  kRamp = 70;
+  kReceptionRoom = 71;
+  kRecreationRoom = 72;
+  kRestroom = 73;
+  kRoof = 74;
+  kSauna = 75;
+  kScullery = 76;
+  kSewingRoom = 77;
+  kShed = 78;
+  kSideDoor = 79;
+  kSideYard = 80;
+  kSittingRoom = 81;
+  kSnug = 82;
+  kSpa = 83;
+  kStaircase = 84;
+  kSteamRoom = 85;
+  kStorageRoom = 86;
+  kStudio = 87;
+  kStudy = 88;
+  kSunRoom = 89;
+  kSwimmingPool = 90;
+  kTerrace = 91;
+  kUtilityRoom = 92;
+  kWard = 93;
+  kWorkshop = 94;
+enum FloorSurfaceTag : enum8 {
+  kCarpet = 0;
+  kCeramic = 1;
+  kConcrete = 2;
+  kCork = 3;
+  kDeepCarpet = 4;
+  kDirt = 5;
+  kEngineeredWood = 6;
+  kGlass = 7;
+  kGrass = 8;
+  kHardwood = 9;
+  kLaminate = 10;
+  kLinoleum = 11;
+  kMat = 12;
+  kMetal = 13;
+  kPlastic = 14;
+  kPolishedConcrete = 15;
+  kRubber = 16;
+  kRug = 17;
+  kSand = 18;
+  kStone = 19;
+  kTatami = 20;
+  kTerrazzo = 21;
+  kTile = 22;
+  kVinyl = 23;
+enum LandmarkTag : enum8 {
+  kAirConditioner = 0;
+  kAirPurifier = 1;
+  kBackDoor = 2;
+  kBarStool = 3;
+  kBathMat = 4;
+  kBathtub = 5;
+  kBed = 6;
+  kBookshelf = 7;
+  kChair = 8;
+  kChristmasTree = 9;
+  kCoatRack = 10;
+  kCoffeeTable = 11;
+  kCookingRange = 12;
+  kCouch = 13;
+  kCountertop = 14;
+  kCradle = 15;
+  kCrib = 16;
+  kDesk = 17;
+  kDiningTable = 18;
+  kDishwasher = 19;
+  kDoor = 20;
+  kDresser = 21;
+  kLaundryDryer = 22;
+  kFan = 23;
+  kFireplace = 24;
+  kFreezer = 25;
+  kFrontDoor = 26;
+  kHighChair = 27;
+  kKitchenIsland = 28;
+  kLamp = 29;
+  kLitterBox = 30;
+  kMirror = 31;
+  kNightstand = 32;
+  kOven = 33;
+  kPetBed = 34;
+  kPetBowl = 35;
+  kPetCrate = 36;
+  kRefrigerator = 37;
+  kScratchingPost = 38;
+  kShoeRack = 39;
+  kShower = 40;
+  kSideDoor = 41;
+  kSink = 42;
+  kSofa = 43;
+  kStove = 44;
+  kTable = 45;
+  kToilet = 46;
+  kTrashCan = 47;
+  kLaundryWasher = 48;
+  kWindow = 49;
+  kWineCooler = 50;
+enum PositionTag : enum8 {
+  kLeft = 0;
+  kRight = 1;
+  kTop = 2;
+  kBottom = 3;
+  kMiddle = 4;
+  kRow = 5;
+  kColumn = 6;
+  kUnder = 7;
+  kNextTo = 8;
+  kAround = 9;
+  kOn = 10;
+  kAbove = 11;
+  kFrontOf = 12;
+  kBehind = 13;
 enum TestGlobalEnum : enum8 {
   kSomeValue = 0;
   kSomeOtherValue = 1;
@@ -12,6 +208,12 @@ bitmap TestGlobalBitmap : bitmap32 {
   kSecondBit = 0x2;
+struct LocationDescriptorStruct {
+  char_string<128> locationName = 0;
+  nullable int16s floorNumber = 1;
+  nullable AreaTypeTag areaType = 2;
 struct TestGlobalStruct {
   char_string<128> name = 0;
   nullable TestGlobalBitmap myBitmap = 1;
diff --git a/examples/contact-sensor-app/contact-sensor-common/contact-sensor-app.matter b/examples/contact-sensor-app/contact-sensor-common/contact-sensor-app.matter
index e1c580c030bc5a..c25e9c9f5b8757 100644
--- a/examples/contact-sensor-app/contact-sensor-common/contact-sensor-app.matter
+++ b/examples/contact-sensor-app/contact-sensor-common/contact-sensor-app.matter
@@ -1,6 +1,202 @@
 // This IDL was generated automatically by ZAP.
 // It is for view/code review purposes only.
+enum AreaTypeTag : enum8 {
+  kAisle = 0;
+  kAttic = 1;
+  kBackDoor = 2;
+  kBackYard = 3;
+  kBalcony = 4;
+  kBallroom = 5;
+  kBathroom = 6;
+  kBedroom = 7;
+  kBorder = 8;
+  kBoxroom = 9;
+  kBreakfastRoom = 10;
+  kCarport = 11;
+  kCellar = 12;
+  kCloakroom = 13;
+  kCloset = 14;
+  kConservatory = 15;
+  kCorridor = 16;
+  kCraftRoom = 17;
+  kCupboard = 18;
+  kDeck = 19;
+  kDen = 20;
+  kDining = 21;
+  kDrawingRoom = 22;
+  kDressingRoom = 23;
+  kDriveway = 24;
+  kElevator = 25;
+  kEnsuite = 26;
+  kEntrance = 27;
+  kEntryway = 28;
+  kFamilyRoom = 29;
+  kFoyer = 30;
+  kFrontDoor = 31;
+  kFrontYard = 32;
+  kGameRoom = 33;
+  kGarage = 34;
+  kGarageDoor = 35;
+  kGarden = 36;
+  kGardenDoor = 37;
+  kGuestBathroom = 38;
+  kGuestBedroom = 39;
+  kGuestRestroom = 40;
+  kGuestRoom = 41;
+  kGym = 42;
+  kHallway = 43;
+  kHearthRoom = 44;
+  kKidsRoom = 45;
+  kKidsBedroom = 46;
+  kKitchen = 47;
+  kLarder = 48;
+  kLaundryRoom = 49;
+  kLawn = 50;
+  kLibrary = 51;
+  kLivingRoom = 52;
+  kLounge = 53;
+  kMediaTVRoom = 54;
+  kMudRoom = 55;
+  kMusicRoom = 56;
+  kNursery = 57;
+  kOffice = 58;
+  kOutdoorKitchen = 59;
+  kOutside = 60;
+  kPantry = 61;
+  kParkingLot = 62;
+  kParlor = 63;
+  kPatio = 64;
+  kPlayRoom = 65;
+  kPoolRoom = 66;
+  kPorch = 67;
+  kPrimaryBathroom = 68;
+  kPrimaryBedroom = 69;
+  kRamp = 70;
+  kReceptionRoom = 71;
+  kRecreationRoom = 72;
+  kRestroom = 73;
+  kRoof = 74;
+  kSauna = 75;
+  kScullery = 76;
+  kSewingRoom = 77;
+  kShed = 78;
+  kSideDoor = 79;
+  kSideYard = 80;
+  kSittingRoom = 81;
+  kSnug = 82;
+  kSpa = 83;
+  kStaircase = 84;
+  kSteamRoom = 85;
+  kStorageRoom = 86;
+  kStudio = 87;
+  kStudy = 88;
+  kSunRoom = 89;
+  kSwimmingPool = 90;
+  kTerrace = 91;
+  kUtilityRoom = 92;
+  kWard = 93;
+  kWorkshop = 94;
+enum FloorSurfaceTag : enum8 {
+  kCarpet = 0;
+  kCeramic = 1;
+  kConcrete = 2;
+  kCork = 3;
+  kDeepCarpet = 4;
+  kDirt = 5;
+  kEngineeredWood = 6;
+  kGlass = 7;
+  kGrass = 8;
+  kHardwood = 9;
+  kLaminate = 10;
+  kLinoleum = 11;
+  kMat = 12;
+  kMetal = 13;
+  kPlastic = 14;
+  kPolishedConcrete = 15;
+  kRubber = 16;
+  kRug = 17;
+  kSand = 18;
+  kStone = 19;
+  kTatami = 20;
+  kTerrazzo = 21;
+  kTile = 22;
+  kVinyl = 23;
+enum LandmarkTag : enum8 {
+  kAirConditioner = 0;
+  kAirPurifier = 1;
+  kBackDoor = 2;
+  kBarStool = 3;
+  kBathMat = 4;
+  kBathtub = 5;
+  kBed = 6;
+  kBookshelf = 7;
+  kChair = 8;
+  kChristmasTree = 9;
+  kCoatRack = 10;
+  kCoffeeTable = 11;
+  kCookingRange = 12;
+  kCouch = 13;
+  kCountertop = 14;
+  kCradle = 15;
+  kCrib = 16;
+  kDesk = 17;
+  kDiningTable = 18;
+  kDishwasher = 19;
+  kDoor = 20;
+  kDresser = 21;
+  kLaundryDryer = 22;
+  kFan = 23;
+  kFireplace = 24;
+  kFreezer = 25;
+  kFrontDoor = 26;
+  kHighChair = 27;
+  kKitchenIsland = 28;
+  kLamp = 29;
+  kLitterBox = 30;
+  kMirror = 31;
+  kNightstand = 32;
+  kOven = 33;
+  kPetBed = 34;
+  kPetBowl = 35;
+  kPetCrate = 36;
+  kRefrigerator = 37;
+  kScratchingPost = 38;
+  kShoeRack = 39;
+  kShower = 40;
+  kSideDoor = 41;
+  kSink = 42;
+  kSofa = 43;
+  kStove = 44;
+  kTable = 45;
+  kToilet = 46;
+  kTrashCan = 47;
+  kLaundryWasher = 48;
+  kWindow = 49;
+  kWineCooler = 50;
+enum PositionTag : enum8 {
+  kLeft = 0;
+  kRight = 1;
+  kTop = 2;
+  kBottom = 3;
+  kMiddle = 4;
+  kRow = 5;
+  kColumn = 6;
+  kUnder = 7;
+  kNextTo = 8;
+  kAround = 9;
+  kOn = 10;
+  kAbove = 11;
+  kFrontOf = 12;
+  kBehind = 13;
 enum TestGlobalEnum : enum8 {
   kSomeValue = 0;
   kSomeOtherValue = 1;
@@ -12,6 +208,12 @@ bitmap TestGlobalBitmap : bitmap32 {
   kSecondBit = 0x2;
+struct LocationDescriptorStruct {
+  char_string<128> locationName = 0;
+  nullable int16s floorNumber = 1;
+  nullable AreaTypeTag areaType = 2;
 struct TestGlobalStruct {
   char_string<128> name = 0;
   nullable TestGlobalBitmap myBitmap = 1;
diff --git a/examples/contact-sensor-app/nxp/zap-lit/contact-sensor-app.matter b/examples/contact-sensor-app/nxp/zap-lit/contact-sensor-app.matter
index b48d6984bafd07..efad0754f083a8 100644
--- a/examples/contact-sensor-app/nxp/zap-lit/contact-sensor-app.matter
+++ b/examples/contact-sensor-app/nxp/zap-lit/contact-sensor-app.matter
@@ -1,6 +1,202 @@
 // This IDL was generated automatically by ZAP.
 // It is for view/code review purposes only.
+enum AreaTypeTag : enum8 {
+  kAisle = 0;
+  kAttic = 1;
+  kBackDoor = 2;
+  kBackYard = 3;
+  kBalcony = 4;
+  kBallroom = 5;
+  kBathroom = 6;
+  kBedroom = 7;
+  kBorder = 8;
+  kBoxroom = 9;
+  kBreakfastRoom = 10;
+  kCarport = 11;
+  kCellar = 12;
+  kCloakroom = 13;
+  kCloset = 14;
+  kConservatory = 15;
+  kCorridor = 16;
+  kCraftRoom = 17;
+  kCupboard = 18;
+  kDeck = 19;
+  kDen = 20;
+  kDining = 21;
+  kDrawingRoom = 22;
+  kDressingRoom = 23;
+  kDriveway = 24;
+  kElevator = 25;
+  kEnsuite = 26;
+  kEntrance = 27;
+  kEntryway = 28;
+  kFamilyRoom = 29;
+  kFoyer = 30;
+  kFrontDoor = 31;
+  kFrontYard = 32;
+  kGameRoom = 33;
+  kGarage = 34;
+  kGarageDoor = 35;
+  kGarden = 36;
+  kGardenDoor = 37;
+  kGuestBathroom = 38;
+  kGuestBedroom = 39;
+  kGuestRestroom = 40;
+  kGuestRoom = 41;
+  kGym = 42;
+  kHallway = 43;
+  kHearthRoom = 44;
+  kKidsRoom = 45;
+  kKidsBedroom = 46;
+  kKitchen = 47;
+  kLarder = 48;
+  kLaundryRoom = 49;
+  kLawn = 50;
+  kLibrary = 51;
+  kLivingRoom = 52;
+  kLounge = 53;
+  kMediaTVRoom = 54;
+  kMudRoom = 55;
+  kMusicRoom = 56;
+  kNursery = 57;
+  kOffice = 58;
+  kOutdoorKitchen = 59;
+  kOutside = 60;
+  kPantry = 61;
+  kParkingLot = 62;
+  kParlor = 63;
+  kPatio = 64;
+  kPlayRoom = 65;
+  kPoolRoom = 66;
+  kPorch = 67;
+  kPrimaryBathroom = 68;
+  kPrimaryBedroom = 69;
+  kRamp = 70;
+  kReceptionRoom = 71;
+  kRecreationRoom = 72;
+  kRestroom = 73;
+  kRoof = 74;
+  kSauna = 75;
+  kScullery = 76;
+  kSewingRoom = 77;
+  kShed = 78;
+  kSideDoor = 79;
+  kSideYard = 80;
+  kSittingRoom = 81;
+  kSnug = 82;
+  kSpa = 83;
+  kStaircase = 84;
+  kSteamRoom = 85;
+  kStorageRoom = 86;
+  kStudio = 87;
+  kStudy = 88;
+  kSunRoom = 89;
+  kSwimmingPool = 90;
+  kTerrace = 91;
+  kUtilityRoom = 92;
+  kWard = 93;
+  kWorkshop = 94;
+enum FloorSurfaceTag : enum8 {
+  kCarpet = 0;
+  kCeramic = 1;
+  kConcrete = 2;
+  kCork = 3;
+  kDeepCarpet = 4;
+  kDirt = 5;
+  kEngineeredWood = 6;
+  kGlass = 7;
+  kGrass = 8;
+  kHardwood = 9;
+  kLaminate = 10;
+  kLinoleum = 11;
+  kMat = 12;
+  kMetal = 13;
+  kPlastic = 14;
+  kPolishedConcrete = 15;
+  kRubber = 16;
+  kRug = 17;
+  kSand = 18;
+  kStone = 19;
+  kTatami = 20;
+  kTerrazzo = 21;
+  kTile = 22;
+  kVinyl = 23;
+enum LandmarkTag : enum8 {
+  kAirConditioner = 0;
+  kAirPurifier = 1;
+  kBackDoor = 2;
+  kBarStool = 3;
+  kBathMat = 4;
+  kBathtub = 5;
+  kBed = 6;
+  kBookshelf = 7;
+  kChair = 8;
+  kChristmasTree = 9;
+  kCoatRack = 10;
+  kCoffeeTable = 11;
+  kCookingRange = 12;
+  kCouch = 13;
+  kCountertop = 14;
+  kCradle = 15;
+  kCrib = 16;
+  kDesk = 17;
+  kDiningTable = 18;
+  kDishwasher = 19;
+  kDoor = 20;
+  kDresser = 21;
+  kLaundryDryer = 22;
+  kFan = 23;
+  kFireplace = 24;
+  kFreezer = 25;
+  kFrontDoor = 26;
+  kHighChair = 27;
+  kKitchenIsland = 28;
+  kLamp = 29;
+  kLitterBox = 30;
+  kMirror = 31;
+  kNightstand = 32;
+  kOven = 33;
+  kPetBed = 34;
+  kPetBowl = 35;
+  kPetCrate = 36;
+  kRefrigerator = 37;
+  kScratchingPost = 38;
+  kShoeRack = 39;
+  kShower = 40;
+  kSideDoor = 41;
+  kSink = 42;
+  kSofa = 43;
+  kStove = 44;
+  kTable = 45;
+  kToilet = 46;
+  kTrashCan = 47;
+  kLaundryWasher = 48;
+  kWindow = 49;
+  kWineCooler = 50;
+enum PositionTag : enum8 {
+  kLeft = 0;
+  kRight = 1;
+  kTop = 2;
+  kBottom = 3;
+  kMiddle = 4;
+  kRow = 5;
+  kColumn = 6;
+  kUnder = 7;
+  kNextTo = 8;
+  kAround = 9;
+  kOn = 10;
+  kAbove = 11;
+  kFrontOf = 12;
+  kBehind = 13;
 enum TestGlobalEnum : enum8 {
   kSomeValue = 0;
   kSomeOtherValue = 1;
@@ -12,6 +208,12 @@ bitmap TestGlobalBitmap : bitmap32 {
   kSecondBit = 0x2;
+struct LocationDescriptorStruct {
+  char_string<128> locationName = 0;
+  nullable int16s floorNumber = 1;
+  nullable AreaTypeTag areaType = 2;
 struct TestGlobalStruct {
   char_string<128> name = 0;
   nullable TestGlobalBitmap myBitmap = 1;
diff --git a/examples/contact-sensor-app/nxp/zap-sit/contact-sensor-app.matter b/examples/contact-sensor-app/nxp/zap-sit/contact-sensor-app.matter
index 6c033b5dfbac0d..9afa33bd3ea3d8 100644
--- a/examples/contact-sensor-app/nxp/zap-sit/contact-sensor-app.matter
+++ b/examples/contact-sensor-app/nxp/zap-sit/contact-sensor-app.matter
@@ -1,6 +1,202 @@
 // This IDL was generated automatically by ZAP.
 // It is for view/code review purposes only.
+enum AreaTypeTag : enum8 {
+  kAisle = 0;
+  kAttic = 1;
+  kBackDoor = 2;
+  kBackYard = 3;
+  kBalcony = 4;
+  kBallroom = 5;
+  kBathroom = 6;
+  kBedroom = 7;
+  kBorder = 8;
+  kBoxroom = 9;
+  kBreakfastRoom = 10;
+  kCarport = 11;
+  kCellar = 12;
+  kCloakroom = 13;
+  kCloset = 14;
+  kConservatory = 15;
+  kCorridor = 16;
+  kCraftRoom = 17;
+  kCupboard = 18;
+  kDeck = 19;
+  kDen = 20;
+  kDining = 21;
+  kDrawingRoom = 22;
+  kDressingRoom = 23;
+  kDriveway = 24;
+  kElevator = 25;
+  kEnsuite = 26;
+  kEntrance = 27;
+  kEntryway = 28;
+  kFamilyRoom = 29;
+  kFoyer = 30;
+  kFrontDoor = 31;
+  kFrontYard = 32;
+  kGameRoom = 33;
+  kGarage = 34;
+  kGarageDoor = 35;
+  kGarden = 36;
+  kGardenDoor = 37;
+  kGuestBathroom = 38;
+  kGuestBedroom = 39;
+  kGuestRestroom = 40;
+  kGuestRoom = 41;
+  kGym = 42;
+  kHallway = 43;
+  kHearthRoom = 44;
+  kKidsRoom = 45;
+  kKidsBedroom = 46;
+  kKitchen = 47;
+  kLarder = 48;
+  kLaundryRoom = 49;
+  kLawn = 50;
+  kLibrary = 51;
+  kLivingRoom = 52;
+  kLounge = 53;
+  kMediaTVRoom = 54;
+  kMudRoom = 55;
+  kMusicRoom = 56;
+  kNursery = 57;
+  kOffice = 58;
+  kOutdoorKitchen = 59;
+  kOutside = 60;
+  kPantry = 61;
+  kParkingLot = 62;
+  kParlor = 63;
+  kPatio = 64;
+  kPlayRoom = 65;
+  kPoolRoom = 66;
+  kPorch = 67;
+  kPrimaryBathroom = 68;
+  kPrimaryBedroom = 69;
+  kRamp = 70;
+  kReceptionRoom = 71;
+  kRecreationRoom = 72;
+  kRestroom = 73;
+  kRoof = 74;
+  kSauna = 75;
+  kScullery = 76;
+  kSewingRoom = 77;
+  kShed = 78;
+  kSideDoor = 79;
+  kSideYard = 80;
+  kSittingRoom = 81;
+  kSnug = 82;
+  kSpa = 83;
+  kStaircase = 84;
+  kSteamRoom = 85;
+  kStorageRoom = 86;
+  kStudio = 87;
+  kStudy = 88;
+  kSunRoom = 89;
+  kSwimmingPool = 90;
+  kTerrace = 91;
+  kUtilityRoom = 92;
+  kWard = 93;
+  kWorkshop = 94;
+enum FloorSurfaceTag : enum8 {
+  kCarpet = 0;
+  kCeramic = 1;
+  kConcrete = 2;
+  kCork = 3;
+  kDeepCarpet = 4;
+  kDirt = 5;
+  kEngineeredWood = 6;
+  kGlass = 7;
+  kGrass = 8;
+  kHardwood = 9;
+  kLaminate = 10;
+  kLinoleum = 11;
+  kMat = 12;
+  kMetal = 13;
+  kPlastic = 14;
+  kPolishedConcrete = 15;
+  kRubber = 16;
+  kRug = 17;
+  kSand = 18;
+  kStone = 19;
+  kTatami = 20;
+  kTerrazzo = 21;
+  kTile = 22;
+  kVinyl = 23;
+enum LandmarkTag : enum8 {
+  kAirConditioner = 0;
+  kAirPurifier = 1;
+  kBackDoor = 2;
+  kBarStool = 3;
+  kBathMat = 4;
+  kBathtub = 5;
+  kBed = 6;
+  kBookshelf = 7;
+  kChair = 8;
+  kChristmasTree = 9;
+  kCoatRack = 10;
+  kCoffeeTable = 11;
+  kCookingRange = 12;
+  kCouch = 13;
+  kCountertop = 14;
+  kCradle = 15;
+  kCrib = 16;
+  kDesk = 17;
+  kDiningTable = 18;
+  kDishwasher = 19;
+  kDoor = 20;
+  kDresser = 21;
+  kLaundryDryer = 22;
+  kFan = 23;
+  kFireplace = 24;
+  kFreezer = 25;
+  kFrontDoor = 26;
+  kHighChair = 27;
+  kKitchenIsland = 28;
+  kLamp = 29;
+  kLitterBox = 30;
+  kMirror = 31;
+  kNightstand = 32;
+  kOven = 33;
+  kPetBed = 34;
+  kPetBowl = 35;
+  kPetCrate = 36;
+  kRefrigerator = 37;
+  kScratchingPost = 38;
+  kShoeRack = 39;
+  kShower = 40;
+  kSideDoor = 41;
+  kSink = 42;
+  kSofa = 43;
+  kStove = 44;
+  kTable = 45;
+  kToilet = 46;
+  kTrashCan = 47;
+  kLaundryWasher = 48;
+  kWindow = 49;
+  kWineCooler = 50;
+enum PositionTag : enum8 {
+  kLeft = 0;
+  kRight = 1;
+  kTop = 2;
+  kBottom = 3;
+  kMiddle = 4;
+  kRow = 5;
+  kColumn = 6;
+  kUnder = 7;
+  kNextTo = 8;
+  kAround = 9;
+  kOn = 10;
+  kAbove = 11;
+  kFrontOf = 12;
+  kBehind = 13;
 enum TestGlobalEnum : enum8 {
   kSomeValue = 0;
   kSomeOtherValue = 1;
@@ -12,6 +208,12 @@ bitmap TestGlobalBitmap : bitmap32 {
   kSecondBit = 0x2;
+struct LocationDescriptorStruct {
+  char_string<128> locationName = 0;
+  nullable int16s floorNumber = 1;
+  nullable AreaTypeTag areaType = 2;
 struct TestGlobalStruct {
   char_string<128> name = 0;
   nullable TestGlobalBitmap myBitmap = 1;
diff --git a/examples/dishwasher-app/dishwasher-common/dishwasher-app.matter b/examples/dishwasher-app/dishwasher-common/dishwasher-app.matter
index 7c27d4cfb63185..cb9872e9e66045 100644
--- a/examples/dishwasher-app/dishwasher-common/dishwasher-app.matter
+++ b/examples/dishwasher-app/dishwasher-common/dishwasher-app.matter
@@ -1,6 +1,202 @@
 // This IDL was generated automatically by ZAP.
 // It is for view/code review purposes only.
+enum AreaTypeTag : enum8 {
+  kAisle = 0;
+  kAttic = 1;
+  kBackDoor = 2;
+  kBackYard = 3;
+  kBalcony = 4;
+  kBallroom = 5;
+  kBathroom = 6;
+  kBedroom = 7;
+  kBorder = 8;
+  kBoxroom = 9;
+  kBreakfastRoom = 10;
+  kCarport = 11;
+  kCellar = 12;
+  kCloakroom = 13;
+  kCloset = 14;
+  kConservatory = 15;
+  kCorridor = 16;
+  kCraftRoom = 17;
+  kCupboard = 18;
+  kDeck = 19;
+  kDen = 20;
+  kDining = 21;
+  kDrawingRoom = 22;
+  kDressingRoom = 23;
+  kDriveway = 24;
+  kElevator = 25;
+  kEnsuite = 26;
+  kEntrance = 27;
+  kEntryway = 28;
+  kFamilyRoom = 29;
+  kFoyer = 30;
+  kFrontDoor = 31;
+  kFrontYard = 32;
+  kGameRoom = 33;
+  kGarage = 34;
+  kGarageDoor = 35;
+  kGarden = 36;
+  kGardenDoor = 37;
+  kGuestBathroom = 38;
+  kGuestBedroom = 39;
+  kGuestRestroom = 40;
+  kGuestRoom = 41;
+  kGym = 42;
+  kHallway = 43;
+  kHearthRoom = 44;
+  kKidsRoom = 45;
+  kKidsBedroom = 46;
+  kKitchen = 47;
+  kLarder = 48;
+  kLaundryRoom = 49;
+  kLawn = 50;
+  kLibrary = 51;
+  kLivingRoom = 52;
+  kLounge = 53;
+  kMediaTVRoom = 54;
+  kMudRoom = 55;
+  kMusicRoom = 56;
+  kNursery = 57;
+  kOffice = 58;
+  kOutdoorKitchen = 59;
+  kOutside = 60;
+  kPantry = 61;
+  kParkingLot = 62;
+  kParlor = 63;
+  kPatio = 64;
+  kPlayRoom = 65;
+  kPoolRoom = 66;
+  kPorch = 67;
+  kPrimaryBathroom = 68;
+  kPrimaryBedroom = 69;
+  kRamp = 70;
+  kReceptionRoom = 71;
+  kRecreationRoom = 72;
+  kRestroom = 73;
+  kRoof = 74;
+  kSauna = 75;
+  kScullery = 76;
+  kSewingRoom = 77;
+  kShed = 78;
+  kSideDoor = 79;
+  kSideYard = 80;
+  kSittingRoom = 81;
+  kSnug = 82;
+  kSpa = 83;
+  kStaircase = 84;
+  kSteamRoom = 85;
+  kStorageRoom = 86;
+  kStudio = 87;
+  kStudy = 88;
+  kSunRoom = 89;
+  kSwimmingPool = 90;
+  kTerrace = 91;
+  kUtilityRoom = 92;
+  kWard = 93;
+  kWorkshop = 94;
+enum FloorSurfaceTag : enum8 {
+  kCarpet = 0;
+  kCeramic = 1;
+  kConcrete = 2;
+  kCork = 3;
+  kDeepCarpet = 4;
+  kDirt = 5;
+  kEngineeredWood = 6;
+  kGlass = 7;
+  kGrass = 8;
+  kHardwood = 9;
+  kLaminate = 10;
+  kLinoleum = 11;
+  kMat = 12;
+  kMetal = 13;
+  kPlastic = 14;
+  kPolishedConcrete = 15;
+  kRubber = 16;
+  kRug = 17;
+  kSand = 18;
+  kStone = 19;
+  kTatami = 20;
+  kTerrazzo = 21;
+  kTile = 22;
+  kVinyl = 23;
+enum LandmarkTag : enum8 {
+  kAirConditioner = 0;
+  kAirPurifier = 1;
+  kBackDoor = 2;
+  kBarStool = 3;
+  kBathMat = 4;
+  kBathtub = 5;
+  kBed = 6;
+  kBookshelf = 7;
+  kChair = 8;
+  kChristmasTree = 9;
+  kCoatRack = 10;
+  kCoffeeTable = 11;
+  kCookingRange = 12;
+  kCouch = 13;
+  kCountertop = 14;
+  kCradle = 15;
+  kCrib = 16;
+  kDesk = 17;
+  kDiningTable = 18;
+  kDishwasher = 19;
+  kDoor = 20;
+  kDresser = 21;
+  kLaundryDryer = 22;
+  kFan = 23;
+  kFireplace = 24;
+  kFreezer = 25;
+  kFrontDoor = 26;
+  kHighChair = 27;
+  kKitchenIsland = 28;
+  kLamp = 29;
+  kLitterBox = 30;
+  kMirror = 31;
+  kNightstand = 32;
+  kOven = 33;
+  kPetBed = 34;
+  kPetBowl = 35;
+  kPetCrate = 36;
+  kRefrigerator = 37;
+  kScratchingPost = 38;
+  kShoeRack = 39;
+  kShower = 40;
+  kSideDoor = 41;
+  kSink = 42;
+  kSofa = 43;
+  kStove = 44;
+  kTable = 45;
+  kToilet = 46;
+  kTrashCan = 47;
+  kLaundryWasher = 48;
+  kWindow = 49;
+  kWineCooler = 50;
+enum PositionTag : enum8 {
+  kLeft = 0;
+  kRight = 1;
+  kTop = 2;
+  kBottom = 3;
+  kMiddle = 4;
+  kRow = 5;
+  kColumn = 6;
+  kUnder = 7;
+  kNextTo = 8;
+  kAround = 9;
+  kOn = 10;
+  kAbove = 11;
+  kFrontOf = 12;
+  kBehind = 13;
 enum TestGlobalEnum : enum8 {
   kSomeValue = 0;
   kSomeOtherValue = 1;
@@ -12,6 +208,12 @@ bitmap TestGlobalBitmap : bitmap32 {
   kSecondBit = 0x2;
+struct LocationDescriptorStruct {
+  char_string<128> locationName = 0;
+  nullable int16s floorNumber = 1;
+  nullable AreaTypeTag areaType = 2;
 struct TestGlobalStruct {
   char_string<128> name = 0;
   nullable TestGlobalBitmap myBitmap = 1;
diff --git a/examples/energy-management-app/energy-management-common/energy-management-app.matter b/examples/energy-management-app/energy-management-common/energy-management-app.matter
index af5c74ef27da4a..e9b0971aff8299 100644
--- a/examples/energy-management-app/energy-management-common/energy-management-app.matter
+++ b/examples/energy-management-app/energy-management-common/energy-management-app.matter
@@ -1,6 +1,202 @@
 // This IDL was generated automatically by ZAP.
 // It is for view/code review purposes only.
+enum AreaTypeTag : enum8 {
+  kAisle = 0;
+  kAttic = 1;
+  kBackDoor = 2;
+  kBackYard = 3;
+  kBalcony = 4;
+  kBallroom = 5;
+  kBathroom = 6;
+  kBedroom = 7;
+  kBorder = 8;
+  kBoxroom = 9;
+  kBreakfastRoom = 10;
+  kCarport = 11;
+  kCellar = 12;
+  kCloakroom = 13;
+  kCloset = 14;
+  kConservatory = 15;
+  kCorridor = 16;
+  kCraftRoom = 17;
+  kCupboard = 18;
+  kDeck = 19;
+  kDen = 20;
+  kDining = 21;
+  kDrawingRoom = 22;
+  kDressingRoom = 23;
+  kDriveway = 24;
+  kElevator = 25;
+  kEnsuite = 26;
+  kEntrance = 27;
+  kEntryway = 28;
+  kFamilyRoom = 29;
+  kFoyer = 30;
+  kFrontDoor = 31;
+  kFrontYard = 32;
+  kGameRoom = 33;
+  kGarage = 34;
+  kGarageDoor = 35;
+  kGarden = 36;
+  kGardenDoor = 37;
+  kGuestBathroom = 38;
+  kGuestBedroom = 39;
+  kGuestRestroom = 40;
+  kGuestRoom = 41;
+  kGym = 42;
+  kHallway = 43;
+  kHearthRoom = 44;
+  kKidsRoom = 45;
+  kKidsBedroom = 46;
+  kKitchen = 47;
+  kLarder = 48;
+  kLaundryRoom = 49;
+  kLawn = 50;
+  kLibrary = 51;
+  kLivingRoom = 52;
+  kLounge = 53;
+  kMediaTVRoom = 54;
+  kMudRoom = 55;
+  kMusicRoom = 56;
+  kNursery = 57;
+  kOffice = 58;
+  kOutdoorKitchen = 59;
+  kOutside = 60;
+  kPantry = 61;
+  kParkingLot = 62;
+  kParlor = 63;
+  kPatio = 64;
+  kPlayRoom = 65;
+  kPoolRoom = 66;
+  kPorch = 67;
+  kPrimaryBathroom = 68;
+  kPrimaryBedroom = 69;
+  kRamp = 70;
+  kReceptionRoom = 71;
+  kRecreationRoom = 72;
+  kRestroom = 73;
+  kRoof = 74;
+  kSauna = 75;
+  kScullery = 76;
+  kSewingRoom = 77;
+  kShed = 78;
+  kSideDoor = 79;
+  kSideYard = 80;
+  kSittingRoom = 81;
+  kSnug = 82;
+  kSpa = 83;
+  kStaircase = 84;
+  kSteamRoom = 85;
+  kStorageRoom = 86;
+  kStudio = 87;
+  kStudy = 88;
+  kSunRoom = 89;
+  kSwimmingPool = 90;
+  kTerrace = 91;
+  kUtilityRoom = 92;
+  kWard = 93;
+  kWorkshop = 94;
+enum FloorSurfaceTag : enum8 {
+  kCarpet = 0;
+  kCeramic = 1;
+  kConcrete = 2;
+  kCork = 3;
+  kDeepCarpet = 4;
+  kDirt = 5;
+  kEngineeredWood = 6;
+  kGlass = 7;
+  kGrass = 8;
+  kHardwood = 9;
+  kLaminate = 10;
+  kLinoleum = 11;
+  kMat = 12;
+  kMetal = 13;
+  kPlastic = 14;
+  kPolishedConcrete = 15;
+  kRubber = 16;
+  kRug = 17;
+  kSand = 18;
+  kStone = 19;
+  kTatami = 20;
+  kTerrazzo = 21;
+  kTile = 22;
+  kVinyl = 23;
+enum LandmarkTag : enum8 {
+  kAirConditioner = 0;
+  kAirPurifier = 1;
+  kBackDoor = 2;
+  kBarStool = 3;
+  kBathMat = 4;
+  kBathtub = 5;
+  kBed = 6;
+  kBookshelf = 7;
+  kChair = 8;
+  kChristmasTree = 9;
+  kCoatRack = 10;
+  kCoffeeTable = 11;
+  kCookingRange = 12;
+  kCouch = 13;
+  kCountertop = 14;
+  kCradle = 15;
+  kCrib = 16;
+  kDesk = 17;
+  kDiningTable = 18;
+  kDishwasher = 19;
+  kDoor = 20;
+  kDresser = 21;
+  kLaundryDryer = 22;
+  kFan = 23;
+  kFireplace = 24;
+  kFreezer = 25;
+  kFrontDoor = 26;
+  kHighChair = 27;
+  kKitchenIsland = 28;
+  kLamp = 29;
+  kLitterBox = 30;
+  kMirror = 31;
+  kNightstand = 32;
+  kOven = 33;
+  kPetBed = 34;
+  kPetBowl = 35;
+  kPetCrate = 36;
+  kRefrigerator = 37;
+  kScratchingPost = 38;
+  kShoeRack = 39;
+  kShower = 40;
+  kSideDoor = 41;
+  kSink = 42;
+  kSofa = 43;
+  kStove = 44;
+  kTable = 45;
+  kToilet = 46;
+  kTrashCan = 47;
+  kLaundryWasher = 48;
+  kWindow = 49;
+  kWineCooler = 50;
+enum PositionTag : enum8 {
+  kLeft = 0;
+  kRight = 1;
+  kTop = 2;
+  kBottom = 3;
+  kMiddle = 4;
+  kRow = 5;
+  kColumn = 6;
+  kUnder = 7;
+  kNextTo = 8;
+  kAround = 9;
+  kOn = 10;
+  kAbove = 11;
+  kFrontOf = 12;
+  kBehind = 13;
 enum TestGlobalEnum : enum8 {
   kSomeValue = 0;
   kSomeOtherValue = 1;
@@ -12,6 +208,12 @@ bitmap TestGlobalBitmap : bitmap32 {
   kSecondBit = 0x2;
+struct LocationDescriptorStruct {
+  char_string<128> locationName = 0;
+  nullable int16s floorNumber = 1;
+  nullable AreaTypeTag areaType = 2;
 struct TestGlobalStruct {
   char_string<128> name = 0;
   nullable TestGlobalBitmap myBitmap = 1;
diff --git a/examples/fabric-bridge-app/fabric-bridge-common/fabric-bridge-app.matter b/examples/fabric-bridge-app/fabric-bridge-common/fabric-bridge-app.matter
index 19cd327c7394ea..db107fcf5bac43 100644
--- a/examples/fabric-bridge-app/fabric-bridge-common/fabric-bridge-app.matter
+++ b/examples/fabric-bridge-app/fabric-bridge-common/fabric-bridge-app.matter
@@ -1,6 +1,202 @@
 // This IDL was generated automatically by ZAP.
 // It is for view/code review purposes only.
+enum AreaTypeTag : enum8 {
+  kAisle = 0;
+  kAttic = 1;
+  kBackDoor = 2;
+  kBackYard = 3;
+  kBalcony = 4;
+  kBallroom = 5;
+  kBathroom = 6;
+  kBedroom = 7;
+  kBorder = 8;
+  kBoxroom = 9;
+  kBreakfastRoom = 10;
+  kCarport = 11;
+  kCellar = 12;
+  kCloakroom = 13;
+  kCloset = 14;
+  kConservatory = 15;
+  kCorridor = 16;
+  kCraftRoom = 17;
+  kCupboard = 18;
+  kDeck = 19;
+  kDen = 20;
+  kDining = 21;
+  kDrawingRoom = 22;
+  kDressingRoom = 23;
+  kDriveway = 24;
+  kElevator = 25;
+  kEnsuite = 26;
+  kEntrance = 27;
+  kEntryway = 28;
+  kFamilyRoom = 29;
+  kFoyer = 30;
+  kFrontDoor = 31;
+  kFrontYard = 32;
+  kGameRoom = 33;
+  kGarage = 34;
+  kGarageDoor = 35;
+  kGarden = 36;
+  kGardenDoor = 37;
+  kGuestBathroom = 38;
+  kGuestBedroom = 39;
+  kGuestRestroom = 40;
+  kGuestRoom = 41;
+  kGym = 42;
+  kHallway = 43;
+  kHearthRoom = 44;
+  kKidsRoom = 45;
+  kKidsBedroom = 46;
+  kKitchen = 47;
+  kLarder = 48;
+  kLaundryRoom = 49;
+  kLawn = 50;
+  kLibrary = 51;
+  kLivingRoom = 52;
+  kLounge = 53;
+  kMediaTVRoom = 54;
+  kMudRoom = 55;
+  kMusicRoom = 56;
+  kNursery = 57;
+  kOffice = 58;
+  kOutdoorKitchen = 59;
+  kOutside = 60;
+  kPantry = 61;
+  kParkingLot = 62;
+  kParlor = 63;
+  kPatio = 64;
+  kPlayRoom = 65;
+  kPoolRoom = 66;
+  kPorch = 67;
+  kPrimaryBathroom = 68;
+  kPrimaryBedroom = 69;
+  kRamp = 70;
+  kReceptionRoom = 71;
+  kRecreationRoom = 72;
+  kRestroom = 73;
+  kRoof = 74;
+  kSauna = 75;
+  kScullery = 76;
+  kSewingRoom = 77;
+  kShed = 78;
+  kSideDoor = 79;
+  kSideYard = 80;
+  kSittingRoom = 81;
+  kSnug = 82;
+  kSpa = 83;
+  kStaircase = 84;
+  kSteamRoom = 85;
+  kStorageRoom = 86;
+  kStudio = 87;
+  kStudy = 88;
+  kSunRoom = 89;
+  kSwimmingPool = 90;
+  kTerrace = 91;
+  kUtilityRoom = 92;
+  kWard = 93;
+  kWorkshop = 94;
+enum FloorSurfaceTag : enum8 {
+  kCarpet = 0;
+  kCeramic = 1;
+  kConcrete = 2;
+  kCork = 3;
+  kDeepCarpet = 4;
+  kDirt = 5;
+  kEngineeredWood = 6;
+  kGlass = 7;
+  kGrass = 8;
+  kHardwood = 9;
+  kLaminate = 10;
+  kLinoleum = 11;
+  kMat = 12;
+  kMetal = 13;
+  kPlastic = 14;
+  kPolishedConcrete = 15;
+  kRubber = 16;
+  kRug = 17;
+  kSand = 18;
+  kStone = 19;
+  kTatami = 20;
+  kTerrazzo = 21;
+  kTile = 22;
+  kVinyl = 23;
+enum LandmarkTag : enum8 {
+  kAirConditioner = 0;
+  kAirPurifier = 1;
+  kBackDoor = 2;
+  kBarStool = 3;
+  kBathMat = 4;
+  kBathtub = 5;
+  kBed = 6;
+  kBookshelf = 7;
+  kChair = 8;
+  kChristmasTree = 9;
+  kCoatRack = 10;
+  kCoffeeTable = 11;
+  kCookingRange = 12;
+  kCouch = 13;
+  kCountertop = 14;
+  kCradle = 15;
+  kCrib = 16;
+  kDesk = 17;
+  kDiningTable = 18;
+  kDishwasher = 19;
+  kDoor = 20;
+  kDresser = 21;
+  kLaundryDryer = 22;
+  kFan = 23;
+  kFireplace = 24;
+  kFreezer = 25;
+  kFrontDoor = 26;
+  kHighChair = 27;
+  kKitchenIsland = 28;
+  kLamp = 29;
+  kLitterBox = 30;
+  kMirror = 31;
+  kNightstand = 32;
+  kOven = 33;
+  kPetBed = 34;
+  kPetBowl = 35;
+  kPetCrate = 36;
+  kRefrigerator = 37;
+  kScratchingPost = 38;
+  kShoeRack = 39;
+  kShower = 40;
+  kSideDoor = 41;
+  kSink = 42;
+  kSofa = 43;
+  kStove = 44;
+  kTable = 45;
+  kToilet = 46;
+  kTrashCan = 47;
+  kLaundryWasher = 48;
+  kWindow = 49;
+  kWineCooler = 50;
+enum PositionTag : enum8 {
+  kLeft = 0;
+  kRight = 1;
+  kTop = 2;
+  kBottom = 3;
+  kMiddle = 4;
+  kRow = 5;
+  kColumn = 6;
+  kUnder = 7;
+  kNextTo = 8;
+  kAround = 9;
+  kOn = 10;
+  kAbove = 11;
+  kFrontOf = 12;
+  kBehind = 13;
 enum TestGlobalEnum : enum8 {
   kSomeValue = 0;
   kSomeOtherValue = 1;
@@ -12,6 +208,12 @@ bitmap TestGlobalBitmap : bitmap32 {
   kSecondBit = 0x2;
+struct LocationDescriptorStruct {
+  char_string<128> locationName = 0;
+  nullable int16s floorNumber = 1;
+  nullable AreaTypeTag areaType = 2;
 struct TestGlobalStruct {
   char_string<128> name = 0;
   nullable TestGlobalBitmap myBitmap = 1;
diff --git a/examples/laundry-washer-app/nxp/zap/laundry-washer-app.matter b/examples/laundry-washer-app/nxp/zap/laundry-washer-app.matter
index f0bffe95080d01..fd62482a477bcc 100644
--- a/examples/laundry-washer-app/nxp/zap/laundry-washer-app.matter
+++ b/examples/laundry-washer-app/nxp/zap/laundry-washer-app.matter
@@ -1,6 +1,202 @@
 // This IDL was generated automatically by ZAP.
 // It is for view/code review purposes only.
+enum AreaTypeTag : enum8 {
+  kAisle = 0;
+  kAttic = 1;
+  kBackDoor = 2;
+  kBackYard = 3;
+  kBalcony = 4;
+  kBallroom = 5;
+  kBathroom = 6;
+  kBedroom = 7;
+  kBorder = 8;
+  kBoxroom = 9;
+  kBreakfastRoom = 10;
+  kCarport = 11;
+  kCellar = 12;
+  kCloakroom = 13;
+  kCloset = 14;
+  kConservatory = 15;
+  kCorridor = 16;
+  kCraftRoom = 17;
+  kCupboard = 18;
+  kDeck = 19;
+  kDen = 20;
+  kDining = 21;
+  kDrawingRoom = 22;
+  kDressingRoom = 23;
+  kDriveway = 24;
+  kElevator = 25;
+  kEnsuite = 26;
+  kEntrance = 27;
+  kEntryway = 28;
+  kFamilyRoom = 29;
+  kFoyer = 30;
+  kFrontDoor = 31;
+  kFrontYard = 32;
+  kGameRoom = 33;
+  kGarage = 34;
+  kGarageDoor = 35;
+  kGarden = 36;
+  kGardenDoor = 37;
+  kGuestBathroom = 38;
+  kGuestBedroom = 39;
+  kGuestRestroom = 40;
+  kGuestRoom = 41;
+  kGym = 42;
+  kHallway = 43;
+  kHearthRoom = 44;
+  kKidsRoom = 45;
+  kKidsBedroom = 46;
+  kKitchen = 47;
+  kLarder = 48;
+  kLaundryRoom = 49;
+  kLawn = 50;
+  kLibrary = 51;
+  kLivingRoom = 52;
+  kLounge = 53;
+  kMediaTVRoom = 54;
+  kMudRoom = 55;
+  kMusicRoom = 56;
+  kNursery = 57;
+  kOffice = 58;
+  kOutdoorKitchen = 59;
+  kOutside = 60;
+  kPantry = 61;
+  kParkingLot = 62;
+  kParlor = 63;
+  kPatio = 64;
+  kPlayRoom = 65;
+  kPoolRoom = 66;
+  kPorch = 67;
+  kPrimaryBathroom = 68;
+  kPrimaryBedroom = 69;
+  kRamp = 70;
+  kReceptionRoom = 71;
+  kRecreationRoom = 72;
+  kRestroom = 73;
+  kRoof = 74;
+  kSauna = 75;
+  kScullery = 76;
+  kSewingRoom = 77;
+  kShed = 78;
+  kSideDoor = 79;
+  kSideYard = 80;
+  kSittingRoom = 81;
+  kSnug = 82;
+  kSpa = 83;
+  kStaircase = 84;
+  kSteamRoom = 85;
+  kStorageRoom = 86;
+  kStudio = 87;
+  kStudy = 88;
+  kSunRoom = 89;
+  kSwimmingPool = 90;
+  kTerrace = 91;
+  kUtilityRoom = 92;
+  kWard = 93;
+  kWorkshop = 94;
+enum FloorSurfaceTag : enum8 {
+  kCarpet = 0;
+  kCeramic = 1;
+  kConcrete = 2;
+  kCork = 3;
+  kDeepCarpet = 4;
+  kDirt = 5;
+  kEngineeredWood = 6;
+  kGlass = 7;
+  kGrass = 8;
+  kHardwood = 9;
+  kLaminate = 10;
+  kLinoleum = 11;
+  kMat = 12;
+  kMetal = 13;
+  kPlastic = 14;
+  kPolishedConcrete = 15;
+  kRubber = 16;
+  kRug = 17;
+  kSand = 18;
+  kStone = 19;
+  kTatami = 20;
+  kTerrazzo = 21;
+  kTile = 22;
+  kVinyl = 23;
+enum LandmarkTag : enum8 {
+  kAirConditioner = 0;
+  kAirPurifier = 1;
+  kBackDoor = 2;
+  kBarStool = 3;
+  kBathMat = 4;
+  kBathtub = 5;
+  kBed = 6;
+  kBookshelf = 7;
+  kChair = 8;
+  kChristmasTree = 9;
+  kCoatRack = 10;
+  kCoffeeTable = 11;
+  kCookingRange = 12;
+  kCouch = 13;
+  kCountertop = 14;
+  kCradle = 15;
+  kCrib = 16;
+  kDesk = 17;
+  kDiningTable = 18;
+  kDishwasher = 19;
+  kDoor = 20;
+  kDresser = 21;
+  kLaundryDryer = 22;
+  kFan = 23;
+  kFireplace = 24;
+  kFreezer = 25;
+  kFrontDoor = 26;
+  kHighChair = 27;
+  kKitchenIsland = 28;
+  kLamp = 29;
+  kLitterBox = 30;
+  kMirror = 31;
+  kNightstand = 32;
+  kOven = 33;
+  kPetBed = 34;
+  kPetBowl = 35;
+  kPetCrate = 36;
+  kRefrigerator = 37;
+  kScratchingPost = 38;
+  kShoeRack = 39;
+  kShower = 40;
+  kSideDoor = 41;
+  kSink = 42;
+  kSofa = 43;
+  kStove = 44;
+  kTable = 45;
+  kToilet = 46;
+  kTrashCan = 47;
+  kLaundryWasher = 48;
+  kWindow = 49;
+  kWineCooler = 50;
+enum PositionTag : enum8 {
+  kLeft = 0;
+  kRight = 1;
+  kTop = 2;
+  kBottom = 3;
+  kMiddle = 4;
+  kRow = 5;
+  kColumn = 6;
+  kUnder = 7;
+  kNextTo = 8;
+  kAround = 9;
+  kOn = 10;
+  kAbove = 11;
+  kFrontOf = 12;
+  kBehind = 13;
 enum TestGlobalEnum : enum8 {
   kSomeValue = 0;
   kSomeOtherValue = 1;
@@ -12,6 +208,12 @@ bitmap TestGlobalBitmap : bitmap32 {
   kSecondBit = 0x2;
+struct LocationDescriptorStruct {
+  char_string<128> locationName = 0;
+  nullable int16s floorNumber = 1;
+  nullable AreaTypeTag areaType = 2;
 struct TestGlobalStruct {
   char_string<128> name = 0;
   nullable TestGlobalBitmap myBitmap = 1;
diff --git a/examples/light-switch-app/light-switch-common/light-switch-app.matter b/examples/light-switch-app/light-switch-common/light-switch-app.matter
index ea78ebf1d2fa5b..3dbb78723e7e09 100644
--- a/examples/light-switch-app/light-switch-common/light-switch-app.matter
+++ b/examples/light-switch-app/light-switch-common/light-switch-app.matter
@@ -1,6 +1,202 @@
 // This IDL was generated automatically by ZAP.
 // It is for view/code review purposes only.
+enum AreaTypeTag : enum8 {
+  kAisle = 0;
+  kAttic = 1;
+  kBackDoor = 2;
+  kBackYard = 3;
+  kBalcony = 4;
+  kBallroom = 5;
+  kBathroom = 6;
+  kBedroom = 7;
+  kBorder = 8;
+  kBoxroom = 9;
+  kBreakfastRoom = 10;
+  kCarport = 11;
+  kCellar = 12;
+  kCloakroom = 13;
+  kCloset = 14;
+  kConservatory = 15;
+  kCorridor = 16;
+  kCraftRoom = 17;
+  kCupboard = 18;
+  kDeck = 19;
+  kDen = 20;
+  kDining = 21;
+  kDrawingRoom = 22;
+  kDressingRoom = 23;
+  kDriveway = 24;
+  kElevator = 25;
+  kEnsuite = 26;
+  kEntrance = 27;
+  kEntryway = 28;
+  kFamilyRoom = 29;
+  kFoyer = 30;
+  kFrontDoor = 31;
+  kFrontYard = 32;
+  kGameRoom = 33;
+  kGarage = 34;
+  kGarageDoor = 35;
+  kGarden = 36;
+  kGardenDoor = 37;
+  kGuestBathroom = 38;
+  kGuestBedroom = 39;
+  kGuestRestroom = 40;
+  kGuestRoom = 41;
+  kGym = 42;
+  kHallway = 43;
+  kHearthRoom = 44;
+  kKidsRoom = 45;
+  kKidsBedroom = 46;
+  kKitchen = 47;
+  kLarder = 48;
+  kLaundryRoom = 49;
+  kLawn = 50;
+  kLibrary = 51;
+  kLivingRoom = 52;
+  kLounge = 53;
+  kMediaTVRoom = 54;
+  kMudRoom = 55;
+  kMusicRoom = 56;
+  kNursery = 57;
+  kOffice = 58;
+  kOutdoorKitchen = 59;
+  kOutside = 60;
+  kPantry = 61;
+  kParkingLot = 62;
+  kParlor = 63;
+  kPatio = 64;
+  kPlayRoom = 65;
+  kPoolRoom = 66;
+  kPorch = 67;
+  kPrimaryBathroom = 68;
+  kPrimaryBedroom = 69;
+  kRamp = 70;
+  kReceptionRoom = 71;
+  kRecreationRoom = 72;
+  kRestroom = 73;
+  kRoof = 74;
+  kSauna = 75;
+  kScullery = 76;
+  kSewingRoom = 77;
+  kShed = 78;
+  kSideDoor = 79;
+  kSideYard = 80;
+  kSittingRoom = 81;
+  kSnug = 82;
+  kSpa = 83;
+  kStaircase = 84;
+  kSteamRoom = 85;
+  kStorageRoom = 86;
+  kStudio = 87;
+  kStudy = 88;
+  kSunRoom = 89;
+  kSwimmingPool = 90;
+  kTerrace = 91;
+  kUtilityRoom = 92;
+  kWard = 93;
+  kWorkshop = 94;
+enum FloorSurfaceTag : enum8 {
+  kCarpet = 0;
+  kCeramic = 1;
+  kConcrete = 2;
+  kCork = 3;
+  kDeepCarpet = 4;
+  kDirt = 5;
+  kEngineeredWood = 6;
+  kGlass = 7;
+  kGrass = 8;
+  kHardwood = 9;
+  kLaminate = 10;
+  kLinoleum = 11;
+  kMat = 12;
+  kMetal = 13;
+  kPlastic = 14;
+  kPolishedConcrete = 15;
+  kRubber = 16;
+  kRug = 17;
+  kSand = 18;
+  kStone = 19;
+  kTatami = 20;
+  kTerrazzo = 21;
+  kTile = 22;
+  kVinyl = 23;
+enum LandmarkTag : enum8 {
+  kAirConditioner = 0;
+  kAirPurifier = 1;
+  kBackDoor = 2;
+  kBarStool = 3;
+  kBathMat = 4;
+  kBathtub = 5;
+  kBed = 6;
+  kBookshelf = 7;
+  kChair = 8;
+  kChristmasTree = 9;
+  kCoatRack = 10;
+  kCoffeeTable = 11;
+  kCookingRange = 12;
+  kCouch = 13;
+  kCountertop = 14;
+  kCradle = 15;
+  kCrib = 16;
+  kDesk = 17;
+  kDiningTable = 18;
+  kDishwasher = 19;
+  kDoor = 20;
+  kDresser = 21;
+  kLaundryDryer = 22;
+  kFan = 23;
+  kFireplace = 24;
+  kFreezer = 25;
+  kFrontDoor = 26;
+  kHighChair = 27;
+  kKitchenIsland = 28;
+  kLamp = 29;
+  kLitterBox = 30;
+  kMirror = 31;
+  kNightstand = 32;
+  kOven = 33;
+  kPetBed = 34;
+  kPetBowl = 35;
+  kPetCrate = 36;
+  kRefrigerator = 37;
+  kScratchingPost = 38;
+  kShoeRack = 39;
+  kShower = 40;
+  kSideDoor = 41;
+  kSink = 42;
+  kSofa = 43;
+  kStove = 44;
+  kTable = 45;
+  kToilet = 46;
+  kTrashCan = 47;
+  kLaundryWasher = 48;
+  kWindow = 49;
+  kWineCooler = 50;
+enum PositionTag : enum8 {
+  kLeft = 0;
+  kRight = 1;
+  kTop = 2;
+  kBottom = 3;
+  kMiddle = 4;
+  kRow = 5;
+  kColumn = 6;
+  kUnder = 7;
+  kNextTo = 8;
+  kAround = 9;
+  kOn = 10;
+  kAbove = 11;
+  kFrontOf = 12;
+  kBehind = 13;
 enum TestGlobalEnum : enum8 {
   kSomeValue = 0;
   kSomeOtherValue = 1;
@@ -12,6 +208,12 @@ bitmap TestGlobalBitmap : bitmap32 {
   kSecondBit = 0x2;
+struct LocationDescriptorStruct {
+  char_string<128> locationName = 0;
+  nullable int16s floorNumber = 1;
+  nullable AreaTypeTag areaType = 2;
 struct TestGlobalStruct {
   char_string<128> name = 0;
   nullable TestGlobalBitmap myBitmap = 1;
diff --git a/examples/light-switch-app/qpg/zap/switch.matter b/examples/light-switch-app/qpg/zap/switch.matter
index 95d6ae8194cc56..3b4bce66e4e99d 100644
--- a/examples/light-switch-app/qpg/zap/switch.matter
+++ b/examples/light-switch-app/qpg/zap/switch.matter
@@ -1,6 +1,202 @@
 // This IDL was generated automatically by ZAP.
 // It is for view/code review purposes only.
+enum AreaTypeTag : enum8 {
+  kAisle = 0;
+  kAttic = 1;
+  kBackDoor = 2;
+  kBackYard = 3;
+  kBalcony = 4;
+  kBallroom = 5;
+  kBathroom = 6;
+  kBedroom = 7;
+  kBorder = 8;
+  kBoxroom = 9;
+  kBreakfastRoom = 10;
+  kCarport = 11;
+  kCellar = 12;
+  kCloakroom = 13;
+  kCloset = 14;
+  kConservatory = 15;
+  kCorridor = 16;
+  kCraftRoom = 17;
+  kCupboard = 18;
+  kDeck = 19;
+  kDen = 20;
+  kDining = 21;
+  kDrawingRoom = 22;
+  kDressingRoom = 23;
+  kDriveway = 24;
+  kElevator = 25;
+  kEnsuite = 26;
+  kEntrance = 27;
+  kEntryway = 28;
+  kFamilyRoom = 29;
+  kFoyer = 30;
+  kFrontDoor = 31;
+  kFrontYard = 32;
+  kGameRoom = 33;
+  kGarage = 34;
+  kGarageDoor = 35;
+  kGarden = 36;
+  kGardenDoor = 37;
+  kGuestBathroom = 38;
+  kGuestBedroom = 39;
+  kGuestRestroom = 40;
+  kGuestRoom = 41;
+  kGym = 42;
+  kHallway = 43;
+  kHearthRoom = 44;
+  kKidsRoom = 45;
+  kKidsBedroom = 46;
+  kKitchen = 47;
+  kLarder = 48;
+  kLaundryRoom = 49;
+  kLawn = 50;
+  kLibrary = 51;
+  kLivingRoom = 52;
+  kLounge = 53;
+  kMediaTVRoom = 54;
+  kMudRoom = 55;
+  kMusicRoom = 56;
+  kNursery = 57;
+  kOffice = 58;
+  kOutdoorKitchen = 59;
+  kOutside = 60;
+  kPantry = 61;
+  kParkingLot = 62;
+  kParlor = 63;
+  kPatio = 64;
+  kPlayRoom = 65;
+  kPoolRoom = 66;
+  kPorch = 67;
+  kPrimaryBathroom = 68;
+  kPrimaryBedroom = 69;
+  kRamp = 70;
+  kReceptionRoom = 71;
+  kRecreationRoom = 72;
+  kRestroom = 73;
+  kRoof = 74;
+  kSauna = 75;
+  kScullery = 76;
+  kSewingRoom = 77;
+  kShed = 78;
+  kSideDoor = 79;
+  kSideYard = 80;
+  kSittingRoom = 81;
+  kSnug = 82;
+  kSpa = 83;
+  kStaircase = 84;
+  kSteamRoom = 85;
+  kStorageRoom = 86;
+  kStudio = 87;
+  kStudy = 88;
+  kSunRoom = 89;
+  kSwimmingPool = 90;
+  kTerrace = 91;
+  kUtilityRoom = 92;
+  kWard = 93;
+  kWorkshop = 94;
+enum FloorSurfaceTag : enum8 {
+  kCarpet = 0;
+  kCeramic = 1;
+  kConcrete = 2;
+  kCork = 3;
+  kDeepCarpet = 4;
+  kDirt = 5;
+  kEngineeredWood = 6;
+  kGlass = 7;
+  kGrass = 8;
+  kHardwood = 9;
+  kLaminate = 10;
+  kLinoleum = 11;
+  kMat = 12;
+  kMetal = 13;
+  kPlastic = 14;
+  kPolishedConcrete = 15;
+  kRubber = 16;
+  kRug = 17;
+  kSand = 18;
+  kStone = 19;
+  kTatami = 20;
+  kTerrazzo = 21;
+  kTile = 22;
+  kVinyl = 23;
+enum LandmarkTag : enum8 {
+  kAirConditioner = 0;
+  kAirPurifier = 1;
+  kBackDoor = 2;
+  kBarStool = 3;
+  kBathMat = 4;
+  kBathtub = 5;
+  kBed = 6;
+  kBookshelf = 7;
+  kChair = 8;
+  kChristmasTree = 9;
+  kCoatRack = 10;
+  kCoffeeTable = 11;
+  kCookingRange = 12;
+  kCouch = 13;
+  kCountertop = 14;
+  kCradle = 15;
+  kCrib = 16;
+  kDesk = 17;
+  kDiningTable = 18;
+  kDishwasher = 19;
+  kDoor = 20;
+  kDresser = 21;
+  kLaundryDryer = 22;
+  kFan = 23;
+  kFireplace = 24;
+  kFreezer = 25;
+  kFrontDoor = 26;
+  kHighChair = 27;
+  kKitchenIsland = 28;
+  kLamp = 29;
+  kLitterBox = 30;
+  kMirror = 31;
+  kNightstand = 32;
+  kOven = 33;
+  kPetBed = 34;
+  kPetBowl = 35;
+  kPetCrate = 36;
+  kRefrigerator = 37;
+  kScratchingPost = 38;
+  kShoeRack = 39;
+  kShower = 40;
+  kSideDoor = 41;
+  kSink = 42;
+  kSofa = 43;
+  kStove = 44;
+  kTable = 45;
+  kToilet = 46;
+  kTrashCan = 47;
+  kLaundryWasher = 48;
+  kWindow = 49;
+  kWineCooler = 50;
+enum PositionTag : enum8 {
+  kLeft = 0;
+  kRight = 1;
+  kTop = 2;
+  kBottom = 3;
+  kMiddle = 4;
+  kRow = 5;
+  kColumn = 6;
+  kUnder = 7;
+  kNextTo = 8;
+  kAround = 9;
+  kOn = 10;
+  kAbove = 11;
+  kFrontOf = 12;
+  kBehind = 13;
 enum TestGlobalEnum : enum8 {
   kSomeValue = 0;
   kSomeOtherValue = 1;
@@ -12,6 +208,12 @@ bitmap TestGlobalBitmap : bitmap32 {
   kSecondBit = 0x2;
+struct LocationDescriptorStruct {
+  char_string<128> locationName = 0;
+  nullable int16s floorNumber = 1;
+  nullable AreaTypeTag areaType = 2;
 struct TestGlobalStruct {
   char_string<128> name = 0;
   nullable TestGlobalBitmap myBitmap = 1;
diff --git a/examples/lighting-app/bouffalolab/data_model/lighting-app-ethernet.matter b/examples/lighting-app/bouffalolab/data_model/lighting-app-ethernet.matter
index 55f7f290e1f474..95ec4192b1d0eb 100644
--- a/examples/lighting-app/bouffalolab/data_model/lighting-app-ethernet.matter
+++ b/examples/lighting-app/bouffalolab/data_model/lighting-app-ethernet.matter
@@ -1,6 +1,202 @@
 // This IDL was generated automatically by ZAP.
 // It is for view/code review purposes only.
+enum AreaTypeTag : enum8 {
+  kAisle = 0;
+  kAttic = 1;
+  kBackDoor = 2;
+  kBackYard = 3;
+  kBalcony = 4;
+  kBallroom = 5;
+  kBathroom = 6;
+  kBedroom = 7;
+  kBorder = 8;
+  kBoxroom = 9;
+  kBreakfastRoom = 10;
+  kCarport = 11;
+  kCellar = 12;
+  kCloakroom = 13;
+  kCloset = 14;
+  kConservatory = 15;
+  kCorridor = 16;
+  kCraftRoom = 17;
+  kCupboard = 18;
+  kDeck = 19;
+  kDen = 20;
+  kDining = 21;
+  kDrawingRoom = 22;
+  kDressingRoom = 23;
+  kDriveway = 24;
+  kElevator = 25;
+  kEnsuite = 26;
+  kEntrance = 27;
+  kEntryway = 28;
+  kFamilyRoom = 29;
+  kFoyer = 30;
+  kFrontDoor = 31;
+  kFrontYard = 32;
+  kGameRoom = 33;
+  kGarage = 34;
+  kGarageDoor = 35;
+  kGarden = 36;
+  kGardenDoor = 37;
+  kGuestBathroom = 38;
+  kGuestBedroom = 39;
+  kGuestRestroom = 40;
+  kGuestRoom = 41;
+  kGym = 42;
+  kHallway = 43;
+  kHearthRoom = 44;
+  kKidsRoom = 45;
+  kKidsBedroom = 46;
+  kKitchen = 47;
+  kLarder = 48;
+  kLaundryRoom = 49;
+  kLawn = 50;
+  kLibrary = 51;
+  kLivingRoom = 52;
+  kLounge = 53;
+  kMediaTVRoom = 54;
+  kMudRoom = 55;
+  kMusicRoom = 56;
+  kNursery = 57;
+  kOffice = 58;
+  kOutdoorKitchen = 59;
+  kOutside = 60;
+  kPantry = 61;
+  kParkingLot = 62;
+  kParlor = 63;
+  kPatio = 64;
+  kPlayRoom = 65;
+  kPoolRoom = 66;
+  kPorch = 67;
+  kPrimaryBathroom = 68;
+  kPrimaryBedroom = 69;
+  kRamp = 70;
+  kReceptionRoom = 71;
+  kRecreationRoom = 72;
+  kRestroom = 73;
+  kRoof = 74;
+  kSauna = 75;
+  kScullery = 76;
+  kSewingRoom = 77;
+  kShed = 78;
+  kSideDoor = 79;
+  kSideYard = 80;
+  kSittingRoom = 81;
+  kSnug = 82;
+  kSpa = 83;
+  kStaircase = 84;
+  kSteamRoom = 85;
+  kStorageRoom = 86;
+  kStudio = 87;
+  kStudy = 88;
+  kSunRoom = 89;
+  kSwimmingPool = 90;
+  kTerrace = 91;
+  kUtilityRoom = 92;
+  kWard = 93;
+  kWorkshop = 94;
+enum FloorSurfaceTag : enum8 {
+  kCarpet = 0;
+  kCeramic = 1;
+  kConcrete = 2;
+  kCork = 3;
+  kDeepCarpet = 4;
+  kDirt = 5;
+  kEngineeredWood = 6;
+  kGlass = 7;
+  kGrass = 8;
+  kHardwood = 9;
+  kLaminate = 10;
+  kLinoleum = 11;
+  kMat = 12;
+  kMetal = 13;
+  kPlastic = 14;
+  kPolishedConcrete = 15;
+  kRubber = 16;
+  kRug = 17;
+  kSand = 18;
+  kStone = 19;
+  kTatami = 20;
+  kTerrazzo = 21;
+  kTile = 22;
+  kVinyl = 23;
+enum LandmarkTag : enum8 {
+  kAirConditioner = 0;
+  kAirPurifier = 1;
+  kBackDoor = 2;
+  kBarStool = 3;
+  kBathMat = 4;
+  kBathtub = 5;
+  kBed = 6;
+  kBookshelf = 7;
+  kChair = 8;
+  kChristmasTree = 9;
+  kCoatRack = 10;
+  kCoffeeTable = 11;
+  kCookingRange = 12;
+  kCouch = 13;
+  kCountertop = 14;
+  kCradle = 15;
+  kCrib = 16;
+  kDesk = 17;
+  kDiningTable = 18;
+  kDishwasher = 19;
+  kDoor = 20;
+  kDresser = 21;
+  kLaundryDryer = 22;
+  kFan = 23;
+  kFireplace = 24;
+  kFreezer = 25;
+  kFrontDoor = 26;
+  kHighChair = 27;
+  kKitchenIsland = 28;
+  kLamp = 29;
+  kLitterBox = 30;
+  kMirror = 31;
+  kNightstand = 32;
+  kOven = 33;
+  kPetBed = 34;
+  kPetBowl = 35;
+  kPetCrate = 36;
+  kRefrigerator = 37;
+  kScratchingPost = 38;
+  kShoeRack = 39;
+  kShower = 40;
+  kSideDoor = 41;
+  kSink = 42;
+  kSofa = 43;
+  kStove = 44;
+  kTable = 45;
+  kToilet = 46;
+  kTrashCan = 47;
+  kLaundryWasher = 48;
+  kWindow = 49;
+  kWineCooler = 50;
+enum PositionTag : enum8 {
+  kLeft = 0;
+  kRight = 1;
+  kTop = 2;
+  kBottom = 3;
+  kMiddle = 4;
+  kRow = 5;
+  kColumn = 6;
+  kUnder = 7;
+  kNextTo = 8;
+  kAround = 9;
+  kOn = 10;
+  kAbove = 11;
+  kFrontOf = 12;
+  kBehind = 13;
 enum TestGlobalEnum : enum8 {
   kSomeValue = 0;
   kSomeOtherValue = 1;
@@ -12,6 +208,12 @@ bitmap TestGlobalBitmap : bitmap32 {
   kSecondBit = 0x2;
+struct LocationDescriptorStruct {
+  char_string<128> locationName = 0;
+  nullable int16s floorNumber = 1;
+  nullable AreaTypeTag areaType = 2;
 struct TestGlobalStruct {
   char_string<128> name = 0;
   nullable TestGlobalBitmap myBitmap = 1;
diff --git a/examples/lighting-app/bouffalolab/data_model/lighting-app-thread.matter b/examples/lighting-app/bouffalolab/data_model/lighting-app-thread.matter
index 1b12b77e99a9fb..aaf03062417f4e 100644
--- a/examples/lighting-app/bouffalolab/data_model/lighting-app-thread.matter
+++ b/examples/lighting-app/bouffalolab/data_model/lighting-app-thread.matter
@@ -1,6 +1,202 @@
 // This IDL was generated automatically by ZAP.
 // It is for view/code review purposes only.
+enum AreaTypeTag : enum8 {
+  kAisle = 0;
+  kAttic = 1;
+  kBackDoor = 2;
+  kBackYard = 3;
+  kBalcony = 4;
+  kBallroom = 5;
+  kBathroom = 6;
+  kBedroom = 7;
+  kBorder = 8;
+  kBoxroom = 9;
+  kBreakfastRoom = 10;
+  kCarport = 11;
+  kCellar = 12;
+  kCloakroom = 13;
+  kCloset = 14;
+  kConservatory = 15;
+  kCorridor = 16;
+  kCraftRoom = 17;
+  kCupboard = 18;
+  kDeck = 19;
+  kDen = 20;
+  kDining = 21;
+  kDrawingRoom = 22;
+  kDressingRoom = 23;
+  kDriveway = 24;
+  kElevator = 25;
+  kEnsuite = 26;
+  kEntrance = 27;
+  kEntryway = 28;
+  kFamilyRoom = 29;
+  kFoyer = 30;
+  kFrontDoor = 31;
+  kFrontYard = 32;
+  kGameRoom = 33;
+  kGarage = 34;
+  kGarageDoor = 35;
+  kGarden = 36;
+  kGardenDoor = 37;
+  kGuestBathroom = 38;
+  kGuestBedroom = 39;
+  kGuestRestroom = 40;
+  kGuestRoom = 41;
+  kGym = 42;
+  kHallway = 43;
+  kHearthRoom = 44;
+  kKidsRoom = 45;
+  kKidsBedroom = 46;
+  kKitchen = 47;
+  kLarder = 48;
+  kLaundryRoom = 49;
+  kLawn = 50;
+  kLibrary = 51;
+  kLivingRoom = 52;
+  kLounge = 53;
+  kMediaTVRoom = 54;
+  kMudRoom = 55;
+  kMusicRoom = 56;
+  kNursery = 57;
+  kOffice = 58;
+  kOutdoorKitchen = 59;
+  kOutside = 60;
+  kPantry = 61;
+  kParkingLot = 62;
+  kParlor = 63;
+  kPatio = 64;
+  kPlayRoom = 65;
+  kPoolRoom = 66;
+  kPorch = 67;
+  kPrimaryBathroom = 68;
+  kPrimaryBedroom = 69;
+  kRamp = 70;
+  kReceptionRoom = 71;
+  kRecreationRoom = 72;
+  kRestroom = 73;
+  kRoof = 74;
+  kSauna = 75;
+  kScullery = 76;
+  kSewingRoom = 77;
+  kShed = 78;
+  kSideDoor = 79;
+  kSideYard = 80;
+  kSittingRoom = 81;
+  kSnug = 82;
+  kSpa = 83;
+  kStaircase = 84;
+  kSteamRoom = 85;
+  kStorageRoom = 86;
+  kStudio = 87;
+  kStudy = 88;
+  kSunRoom = 89;
+  kSwimmingPool = 90;
+  kTerrace = 91;
+  kUtilityRoom = 92;
+  kWard = 93;
+  kWorkshop = 94;
+enum FloorSurfaceTag : enum8 {
+  kCarpet = 0;
+  kCeramic = 1;
+  kConcrete = 2;
+  kCork = 3;
+  kDeepCarpet = 4;
+  kDirt = 5;
+  kEngineeredWood = 6;
+  kGlass = 7;
+  kGrass = 8;
+  kHardwood = 9;
+  kLaminate = 10;
+  kLinoleum = 11;
+  kMat = 12;
+  kMetal = 13;
+  kPlastic = 14;
+  kPolishedConcrete = 15;
+  kRubber = 16;
+  kRug = 17;
+  kSand = 18;
+  kStone = 19;
+  kTatami = 20;
+  kTerrazzo = 21;
+  kTile = 22;
+  kVinyl = 23;
+enum LandmarkTag : enum8 {
+  kAirConditioner = 0;
+  kAirPurifier = 1;
+  kBackDoor = 2;
+  kBarStool = 3;
+  kBathMat = 4;
+  kBathtub = 5;
+  kBed = 6;
+  kBookshelf = 7;
+  kChair = 8;
+  kChristmasTree = 9;
+  kCoatRack = 10;
+  kCoffeeTable = 11;
+  kCookingRange = 12;
+  kCouch = 13;
+  kCountertop = 14;
+  kCradle = 15;
+  kCrib = 16;
+  kDesk = 17;
+  kDiningTable = 18;
+  kDishwasher = 19;
+  kDoor = 20;
+  kDresser = 21;
+  kLaundryDryer = 22;
+  kFan = 23;
+  kFireplace = 24;
+  kFreezer = 25;
+  kFrontDoor = 26;
+  kHighChair = 27;
+  kKitchenIsland = 28;
+  kLamp = 29;
+  kLitterBox = 30;
+  kMirror = 31;
+  kNightstand = 32;
+  kOven = 33;
+  kPetBed = 34;
+  kPetBowl = 35;
+  kPetCrate = 36;
+  kRefrigerator = 37;
+  kScratchingPost = 38;
+  kShoeRack = 39;
+  kShower = 40;
+  kSideDoor = 41;
+  kSink = 42;
+  kSofa = 43;
+  kStove = 44;
+  kTable = 45;
+  kToilet = 46;
+  kTrashCan = 47;
+  kLaundryWasher = 48;
+  kWindow = 49;
+  kWineCooler = 50;
+enum PositionTag : enum8 {
+  kLeft = 0;
+  kRight = 1;
+  kTop = 2;
+  kBottom = 3;
+  kMiddle = 4;
+  kRow = 5;
+  kColumn = 6;
+  kUnder = 7;
+  kNextTo = 8;
+  kAround = 9;
+  kOn = 10;
+  kAbove = 11;
+  kFrontOf = 12;
+  kBehind = 13;
 enum TestGlobalEnum : enum8 {
   kSomeValue = 0;
   kSomeOtherValue = 1;
@@ -12,6 +208,12 @@ bitmap TestGlobalBitmap : bitmap32 {
   kSecondBit = 0x2;
+struct LocationDescriptorStruct {
+  char_string<128> locationName = 0;
+  nullable int16s floorNumber = 1;
+  nullable AreaTypeTag areaType = 2;
 struct TestGlobalStruct {
   char_string<128> name = 0;
   nullable TestGlobalBitmap myBitmap = 1;
diff --git a/examples/lighting-app/bouffalolab/data_model/lighting-app-wifi.matter b/examples/lighting-app/bouffalolab/data_model/lighting-app-wifi.matter
index 91d870bf308d5a..c2e58783befefb 100644
--- a/examples/lighting-app/bouffalolab/data_model/lighting-app-wifi.matter
+++ b/examples/lighting-app/bouffalolab/data_model/lighting-app-wifi.matter
@@ -1,6 +1,202 @@
 // This IDL was generated automatically by ZAP.
 // It is for view/code review purposes only.
+enum AreaTypeTag : enum8 {
+  kAisle = 0;
+  kAttic = 1;
+  kBackDoor = 2;
+  kBackYard = 3;
+  kBalcony = 4;
+  kBallroom = 5;
+  kBathroom = 6;
+  kBedroom = 7;
+  kBorder = 8;
+  kBoxroom = 9;
+  kBreakfastRoom = 10;
+  kCarport = 11;
+  kCellar = 12;
+  kCloakroom = 13;
+  kCloset = 14;
+  kConservatory = 15;
+  kCorridor = 16;
+  kCraftRoom = 17;
+  kCupboard = 18;
+  kDeck = 19;
+  kDen = 20;
+  kDining = 21;
+  kDrawingRoom = 22;
+  kDressingRoom = 23;
+  kDriveway = 24;
+  kElevator = 25;
+  kEnsuite = 26;
+  kEntrance = 27;
+  kEntryway = 28;
+  kFamilyRoom = 29;
+  kFoyer = 30;
+  kFrontDoor = 31;
+  kFrontYard = 32;
+  kGameRoom = 33;
+  kGarage = 34;
+  kGarageDoor = 35;
+  kGarden = 36;
+  kGardenDoor = 37;
+  kGuestBathroom = 38;
+  kGuestBedroom = 39;
+  kGuestRestroom = 40;
+  kGuestRoom = 41;
+  kGym = 42;
+  kHallway = 43;
+  kHearthRoom = 44;
+  kKidsRoom = 45;
+  kKidsBedroom = 46;
+  kKitchen = 47;
+  kLarder = 48;
+  kLaundryRoom = 49;
+  kLawn = 50;
+  kLibrary = 51;
+  kLivingRoom = 52;
+  kLounge = 53;
+  kMediaTVRoom = 54;
+  kMudRoom = 55;
+  kMusicRoom = 56;
+  kNursery = 57;
+  kOffice = 58;
+  kOutdoorKitchen = 59;
+  kOutside = 60;
+  kPantry = 61;
+  kParkingLot = 62;
+  kParlor = 63;
+  kPatio = 64;
+  kPlayRoom = 65;
+  kPoolRoom = 66;
+  kPorch = 67;
+  kPrimaryBathroom = 68;
+  kPrimaryBedroom = 69;
+  kRamp = 70;
+  kReceptionRoom = 71;
+  kRecreationRoom = 72;
+  kRestroom = 73;
+  kRoof = 74;
+  kSauna = 75;
+  kScullery = 76;
+  kSewingRoom = 77;
+  kShed = 78;
+  kSideDoor = 79;
+  kSideYard = 80;
+  kSittingRoom = 81;
+  kSnug = 82;
+  kSpa = 83;
+  kStaircase = 84;
+  kSteamRoom = 85;
+  kStorageRoom = 86;
+  kStudio = 87;
+  kStudy = 88;
+  kSunRoom = 89;
+  kSwimmingPool = 90;
+  kTerrace = 91;
+  kUtilityRoom = 92;
+  kWard = 93;
+  kWorkshop = 94;
+enum FloorSurfaceTag : enum8 {
+  kCarpet = 0;
+  kCeramic = 1;
+  kConcrete = 2;
+  kCork = 3;
+  kDeepCarpet = 4;
+  kDirt = 5;
+  kEngineeredWood = 6;
+  kGlass = 7;
+  kGrass = 8;
+  kHardwood = 9;
+  kLaminate = 10;
+  kLinoleum = 11;
+  kMat = 12;
+  kMetal = 13;
+  kPlastic = 14;
+  kPolishedConcrete = 15;
+  kRubber = 16;
+  kRug = 17;
+  kSand = 18;
+  kStone = 19;
+  kTatami = 20;
+  kTerrazzo = 21;
+  kTile = 22;
+  kVinyl = 23;
+enum LandmarkTag : enum8 {
+  kAirConditioner = 0;
+  kAirPurifier = 1;
+  kBackDoor = 2;
+  kBarStool = 3;
+  kBathMat = 4;
+  kBathtub = 5;
+  kBed = 6;
+  kBookshelf = 7;
+  kChair = 8;
+  kChristmasTree = 9;
+  kCoatRack = 10;
+  kCoffeeTable = 11;
+  kCookingRange = 12;
+  kCouch = 13;
+  kCountertop = 14;
+  kCradle = 15;
+  kCrib = 16;
+  kDesk = 17;
+  kDiningTable = 18;
+  kDishwasher = 19;
+  kDoor = 20;
+  kDresser = 21;
+  kLaundryDryer = 22;
+  kFan = 23;
+  kFireplace = 24;
+  kFreezer = 25;
+  kFrontDoor = 26;
+  kHighChair = 27;
+  kKitchenIsland = 28;
+  kLamp = 29;
+  kLitterBox = 30;
+  kMirror = 31;
+  kNightstand = 32;
+  kOven = 33;
+  kPetBed = 34;
+  kPetBowl = 35;
+  kPetCrate = 36;
+  kRefrigerator = 37;
+  kScratchingPost = 38;
+  kShoeRack = 39;
+  kShower = 40;
+  kSideDoor = 41;
+  kSink = 42;
+  kSofa = 43;
+  kStove = 44;
+  kTable = 45;
+  kToilet = 46;
+  kTrashCan = 47;
+  kLaundryWasher = 48;
+  kWindow = 49;
+  kWineCooler = 50;
+enum PositionTag : enum8 {
+  kLeft = 0;
+  kRight = 1;
+  kTop = 2;
+  kBottom = 3;
+  kMiddle = 4;
+  kRow = 5;
+  kColumn = 6;
+  kUnder = 7;
+  kNextTo = 8;
+  kAround = 9;
+  kOn = 10;
+  kAbove = 11;
+  kFrontOf = 12;
+  kBehind = 13;
 enum TestGlobalEnum : enum8 {
   kSomeValue = 0;
   kSomeOtherValue = 1;
@@ -12,6 +208,12 @@ bitmap TestGlobalBitmap : bitmap32 {
   kSecondBit = 0x2;
+struct LocationDescriptorStruct {
+  char_string<128> locationName = 0;
+  nullable int16s floorNumber = 1;
+  nullable AreaTypeTag areaType = 2;
 struct TestGlobalStruct {
   char_string<128> name = 0;
   nullable TestGlobalBitmap myBitmap = 1;
diff --git a/examples/lighting-app/lighting-common/lighting-app.matter b/examples/lighting-app/lighting-common/lighting-app.matter
index 923357f63d2d12..9f1ed514fcd5ca 100644
--- a/examples/lighting-app/lighting-common/lighting-app.matter
+++ b/examples/lighting-app/lighting-common/lighting-app.matter
@@ -1,6 +1,202 @@
 // This IDL was generated automatically by ZAP.
 // It is for view/code review purposes only.
+enum AreaTypeTag : enum8 {
+  kAisle = 0;
+  kAttic = 1;
+  kBackDoor = 2;
+  kBackYard = 3;
+  kBalcony = 4;
+  kBallroom = 5;
+  kBathroom = 6;
+  kBedroom = 7;
+  kBorder = 8;
+  kBoxroom = 9;
+  kBreakfastRoom = 10;
+  kCarport = 11;
+  kCellar = 12;
+  kCloakroom = 13;
+  kCloset = 14;
+  kConservatory = 15;
+  kCorridor = 16;
+  kCraftRoom = 17;
+  kCupboard = 18;
+  kDeck = 19;
+  kDen = 20;
+  kDining = 21;
+  kDrawingRoom = 22;
+  kDressingRoom = 23;
+  kDriveway = 24;
+  kElevator = 25;
+  kEnsuite = 26;
+  kEntrance = 27;
+  kEntryway = 28;
+  kFamilyRoom = 29;
+  kFoyer = 30;
+  kFrontDoor = 31;
+  kFrontYard = 32;
+  kGameRoom = 33;
+  kGarage = 34;
+  kGarageDoor = 35;
+  kGarden = 36;
+  kGardenDoor = 37;
+  kGuestBathroom = 38;
+  kGuestBedroom = 39;
+  kGuestRestroom = 40;
+  kGuestRoom = 41;
+  kGym = 42;
+  kHallway = 43;
+  kHearthRoom = 44;
+  kKidsRoom = 45;
+  kKidsBedroom = 46;
+  kKitchen = 47;
+  kLarder = 48;
+  kLaundryRoom = 49;
+  kLawn = 50;
+  kLibrary = 51;
+  kLivingRoom = 52;
+  kLounge = 53;
+  kMediaTVRoom = 54;
+  kMudRoom = 55;
+  kMusicRoom = 56;
+  kNursery = 57;
+  kOffice = 58;
+  kOutdoorKitchen = 59;
+  kOutside = 60;
+  kPantry = 61;
+  kParkingLot = 62;
+  kParlor = 63;
+  kPatio = 64;
+  kPlayRoom = 65;
+  kPoolRoom = 66;
+  kPorch = 67;
+  kPrimaryBathroom = 68;
+  kPrimaryBedroom = 69;
+  kRamp = 70;
+  kReceptionRoom = 71;
+  kRecreationRoom = 72;
+  kRestroom = 73;
+  kRoof = 74;
+  kSauna = 75;
+  kScullery = 76;
+  kSewingRoom = 77;
+  kShed = 78;
+  kSideDoor = 79;
+  kSideYard = 80;
+  kSittingRoom = 81;
+  kSnug = 82;
+  kSpa = 83;
+  kStaircase = 84;
+  kSteamRoom = 85;
+  kStorageRoom = 86;
+  kStudio = 87;
+  kStudy = 88;
+  kSunRoom = 89;
+  kSwimmingPool = 90;
+  kTerrace = 91;
+  kUtilityRoom = 92;
+  kWard = 93;
+  kWorkshop = 94;
+enum FloorSurfaceTag : enum8 {
+  kCarpet = 0;
+  kCeramic = 1;
+  kConcrete = 2;
+  kCork = 3;
+  kDeepCarpet = 4;
+  kDirt = 5;
+  kEngineeredWood = 6;
+  kGlass = 7;
+  kGrass = 8;
+  kHardwood = 9;
+  kLaminate = 10;
+  kLinoleum = 11;
+  kMat = 12;
+  kMetal = 13;
+  kPlastic = 14;
+  kPolishedConcrete = 15;
+  kRubber = 16;
+  kRug = 17;
+  kSand = 18;
+  kStone = 19;
+  kTatami = 20;
+  kTerrazzo = 21;
+  kTile = 22;
+  kVinyl = 23;
+enum LandmarkTag : enum8 {
+  kAirConditioner = 0;
+  kAirPurifier = 1;
+  kBackDoor = 2;
+  kBarStool = 3;
+  kBathMat = 4;
+  kBathtub = 5;
+  kBed = 6;
+  kBookshelf = 7;
+  kChair = 8;
+  kChristmasTree = 9;
+  kCoatRack = 10;
+  kCoffeeTable = 11;
+  kCookingRange = 12;
+  kCouch = 13;
+  kCountertop = 14;
+  kCradle = 15;
+  kCrib = 16;
+  kDesk = 17;
+  kDiningTable = 18;
+  kDishwasher = 19;
+  kDoor = 20;
+  kDresser = 21;
+  kLaundryDryer = 22;
+  kFan = 23;
+  kFireplace = 24;
+  kFreezer = 25;
+  kFrontDoor = 26;
+  kHighChair = 27;
+  kKitchenIsland = 28;
+  kLamp = 29;
+  kLitterBox = 30;
+  kMirror = 31;
+  kNightstand = 32;
+  kOven = 33;
+  kPetBed = 34;
+  kPetBowl = 35;
+  kPetCrate = 36;
+  kRefrigerator = 37;
+  kScratchingPost = 38;
+  kShoeRack = 39;
+  kShower = 40;
+  kSideDoor = 41;
+  kSink = 42;
+  kSofa = 43;
+  kStove = 44;
+  kTable = 45;
+  kToilet = 46;
+  kTrashCan = 47;
+  kLaundryWasher = 48;
+  kWindow = 49;
+  kWineCooler = 50;
+enum PositionTag : enum8 {
+  kLeft = 0;
+  kRight = 1;
+  kTop = 2;
+  kBottom = 3;
+  kMiddle = 4;
+  kRow = 5;
+  kColumn = 6;
+  kUnder = 7;
+  kNextTo = 8;
+  kAround = 9;
+  kOn = 10;
+  kAbove = 11;
+  kFrontOf = 12;
+  kBehind = 13;
 enum TestGlobalEnum : enum8 {
   kSomeValue = 0;
   kSomeOtherValue = 1;
@@ -12,6 +208,12 @@ bitmap TestGlobalBitmap : bitmap32 {
   kSecondBit = 0x2;
+struct LocationDescriptorStruct {
+  char_string<128> locationName = 0;
+  nullable int16s floorNumber = 1;
+  nullable AreaTypeTag areaType = 2;
 struct TestGlobalStruct {
   char_string<128> name = 0;
   nullable TestGlobalBitmap myBitmap = 1;
diff --git a/examples/lighting-app/nxp/zap/lighting-on-off.matter b/examples/lighting-app/nxp/zap/lighting-on-off.matter
index f3f3aa85fa80a7..4fb8cc0cb2effc 100644
--- a/examples/lighting-app/nxp/zap/lighting-on-off.matter
+++ b/examples/lighting-app/nxp/zap/lighting-on-off.matter
@@ -1,6 +1,202 @@
 // This IDL was generated automatically by ZAP.
 // It is for view/code review purposes only.
+enum AreaTypeTag : enum8 {
+  kAisle = 0;
+  kAttic = 1;
+  kBackDoor = 2;
+  kBackYard = 3;
+  kBalcony = 4;
+  kBallroom = 5;
+  kBathroom = 6;
+  kBedroom = 7;
+  kBorder = 8;
+  kBoxroom = 9;
+  kBreakfastRoom = 10;
+  kCarport = 11;
+  kCellar = 12;
+  kCloakroom = 13;
+  kCloset = 14;
+  kConservatory = 15;
+  kCorridor = 16;
+  kCraftRoom = 17;
+  kCupboard = 18;
+  kDeck = 19;
+  kDen = 20;
+  kDining = 21;
+  kDrawingRoom = 22;
+  kDressingRoom = 23;
+  kDriveway = 24;
+  kElevator = 25;
+  kEnsuite = 26;
+  kEntrance = 27;
+  kEntryway = 28;
+  kFamilyRoom = 29;
+  kFoyer = 30;
+  kFrontDoor = 31;
+  kFrontYard = 32;
+  kGameRoom = 33;
+  kGarage = 34;
+  kGarageDoor = 35;
+  kGarden = 36;
+  kGardenDoor = 37;
+  kGuestBathroom = 38;
+  kGuestBedroom = 39;
+  kGuestRestroom = 40;
+  kGuestRoom = 41;
+  kGym = 42;
+  kHallway = 43;
+  kHearthRoom = 44;
+  kKidsRoom = 45;
+  kKidsBedroom = 46;
+  kKitchen = 47;
+  kLarder = 48;
+  kLaundryRoom = 49;
+  kLawn = 50;
+  kLibrary = 51;
+  kLivingRoom = 52;
+  kLounge = 53;
+  kMediaTVRoom = 54;
+  kMudRoom = 55;
+  kMusicRoom = 56;
+  kNursery = 57;
+  kOffice = 58;
+  kOutdoorKitchen = 59;
+  kOutside = 60;
+  kPantry = 61;
+  kParkingLot = 62;
+  kParlor = 63;
+  kPatio = 64;
+  kPlayRoom = 65;
+  kPoolRoom = 66;
+  kPorch = 67;
+  kPrimaryBathroom = 68;
+  kPrimaryBedroom = 69;
+  kRamp = 70;
+  kReceptionRoom = 71;
+  kRecreationRoom = 72;
+  kRestroom = 73;
+  kRoof = 74;
+  kSauna = 75;
+  kScullery = 76;
+  kSewingRoom = 77;
+  kShed = 78;
+  kSideDoor = 79;
+  kSideYard = 80;
+  kSittingRoom = 81;
+  kSnug = 82;
+  kSpa = 83;
+  kStaircase = 84;
+  kSteamRoom = 85;
+  kStorageRoom = 86;
+  kStudio = 87;
+  kStudy = 88;
+  kSunRoom = 89;
+  kSwimmingPool = 90;
+  kTerrace = 91;
+  kUtilityRoom = 92;
+  kWard = 93;
+  kWorkshop = 94;
+enum FloorSurfaceTag : enum8 {
+  kCarpet = 0;
+  kCeramic = 1;
+  kConcrete = 2;
+  kCork = 3;
+  kDeepCarpet = 4;
+  kDirt = 5;
+  kEngineeredWood = 6;
+  kGlass = 7;
+  kGrass = 8;
+  kHardwood = 9;
+  kLaminate = 10;
+  kLinoleum = 11;
+  kMat = 12;
+  kMetal = 13;
+  kPlastic = 14;
+  kPolishedConcrete = 15;
+  kRubber = 16;
+  kRug = 17;
+  kSand = 18;
+  kStone = 19;
+  kTatami = 20;
+  kTerrazzo = 21;
+  kTile = 22;
+  kVinyl = 23;
+enum LandmarkTag : enum8 {
+  kAirConditioner = 0;
+  kAirPurifier = 1;
+  kBackDoor = 2;
+  kBarStool = 3;
+  kBathMat = 4;
+  kBathtub = 5;
+  kBed = 6;
+  kBookshelf = 7;
+  kChair = 8;
+  kChristmasTree = 9;
+  kCoatRack = 10;
+  kCoffeeTable = 11;
+  kCookingRange = 12;
+  kCouch = 13;
+  kCountertop = 14;
+  kCradle = 15;
+  kCrib = 16;
+  kDesk = 17;
+  kDiningTable = 18;
+  kDishwasher = 19;
+  kDoor = 20;
+  kDresser = 21;
+  kLaundryDryer = 22;
+  kFan = 23;
+  kFireplace = 24;
+  kFreezer = 25;
+  kFrontDoor = 26;
+  kHighChair = 27;
+  kKitchenIsland = 28;
+  kLamp = 29;
+  kLitterBox = 30;
+  kMirror = 31;
+  kNightstand = 32;
+  kOven = 33;
+  kPetBed = 34;
+  kPetBowl = 35;
+  kPetCrate = 36;
+  kRefrigerator = 37;
+  kScratchingPost = 38;
+  kShoeRack = 39;
+  kShower = 40;
+  kSideDoor = 41;
+  kSink = 42;
+  kSofa = 43;
+  kStove = 44;
+  kTable = 45;
+  kToilet = 46;
+  kTrashCan = 47;
+  kLaundryWasher = 48;
+  kWindow = 49;
+  kWineCooler = 50;
+enum PositionTag : enum8 {
+  kLeft = 0;
+  kRight = 1;
+  kTop = 2;
+  kBottom = 3;
+  kMiddle = 4;
+  kRow = 5;
+  kColumn = 6;
+  kUnder = 7;
+  kNextTo = 8;
+  kAround = 9;
+  kOn = 10;
+  kAbove = 11;
+  kFrontOf = 12;
+  kBehind = 13;
 enum TestGlobalEnum : enum8 {
   kSomeValue = 0;
   kSomeOtherValue = 1;
@@ -12,6 +208,12 @@ bitmap TestGlobalBitmap : bitmap32 {
   kSecondBit = 0x2;
+struct LocationDescriptorStruct {
+  char_string<128> locationName = 0;
+  nullable int16s floorNumber = 1;
+  nullable AreaTypeTag areaType = 2;
 struct TestGlobalStruct {
   char_string<128> name = 0;
   nullable TestGlobalBitmap myBitmap = 1;
diff --git a/examples/lighting-app/qpg/zap/light.matter b/examples/lighting-app/qpg/zap/light.matter
index fbc6127e636ab5..9897f1b594cf81 100644
--- a/examples/lighting-app/qpg/zap/light.matter
+++ b/examples/lighting-app/qpg/zap/light.matter
@@ -1,6 +1,202 @@
 // This IDL was generated automatically by ZAP.
 // It is for view/code review purposes only.
+enum AreaTypeTag : enum8 {
+  kAisle = 0;
+  kAttic = 1;
+  kBackDoor = 2;
+  kBackYard = 3;
+  kBalcony = 4;
+  kBallroom = 5;
+  kBathroom = 6;
+  kBedroom = 7;
+  kBorder = 8;
+  kBoxroom = 9;
+  kBreakfastRoom = 10;
+  kCarport = 11;
+  kCellar = 12;
+  kCloakroom = 13;
+  kCloset = 14;
+  kConservatory = 15;
+  kCorridor = 16;
+  kCraftRoom = 17;
+  kCupboard = 18;
+  kDeck = 19;
+  kDen = 20;
+  kDining = 21;
+  kDrawingRoom = 22;
+  kDressingRoom = 23;
+  kDriveway = 24;
+  kElevator = 25;
+  kEnsuite = 26;
+  kEntrance = 27;
+  kEntryway = 28;
+  kFamilyRoom = 29;
+  kFoyer = 30;
+  kFrontDoor = 31;
+  kFrontYard = 32;
+  kGameRoom = 33;
+  kGarage = 34;
+  kGarageDoor = 35;
+  kGarden = 36;
+  kGardenDoor = 37;
+  kGuestBathroom = 38;
+  kGuestBedroom = 39;
+  kGuestRestroom = 40;
+  kGuestRoom = 41;
+  kGym = 42;
+  kHallway = 43;
+  kHearthRoom = 44;
+  kKidsRoom = 45;
+  kKidsBedroom = 46;
+  kKitchen = 47;
+  kLarder = 48;
+  kLaundryRoom = 49;
+  kLawn = 50;
+  kLibrary = 51;
+  kLivingRoom = 52;
+  kLounge = 53;
+  kMediaTVRoom = 54;
+  kMudRoom = 55;
+  kMusicRoom = 56;
+  kNursery = 57;
+  kOffice = 58;
+  kOutdoorKitchen = 59;
+  kOutside = 60;
+  kPantry = 61;
+  kParkingLot = 62;
+  kParlor = 63;
+  kPatio = 64;
+  kPlayRoom = 65;
+  kPoolRoom = 66;
+  kPorch = 67;
+  kPrimaryBathroom = 68;
+  kPrimaryBedroom = 69;
+  kRamp = 70;
+  kReceptionRoom = 71;
+  kRecreationRoom = 72;
+  kRestroom = 73;
+  kRoof = 74;
+  kSauna = 75;
+  kScullery = 76;
+  kSewingRoom = 77;
+  kShed = 78;
+  kSideDoor = 79;
+  kSideYard = 80;
+  kSittingRoom = 81;
+  kSnug = 82;
+  kSpa = 83;
+  kStaircase = 84;
+  kSteamRoom = 85;
+  kStorageRoom = 86;
+  kStudio = 87;
+  kStudy = 88;
+  kSunRoom = 89;
+  kSwimmingPool = 90;
+  kTerrace = 91;
+  kUtilityRoom = 92;
+  kWard = 93;
+  kWorkshop = 94;
+enum FloorSurfaceTag : enum8 {
+  kCarpet = 0;
+  kCeramic = 1;
+  kConcrete = 2;
+  kCork = 3;
+  kDeepCarpet = 4;
+  kDirt = 5;
+  kEngineeredWood = 6;
+  kGlass = 7;
+  kGrass = 8;
+  kHardwood = 9;
+  kLaminate = 10;
+  kLinoleum = 11;
+  kMat = 12;
+  kMetal = 13;
+  kPlastic = 14;
+  kPolishedConcrete = 15;
+  kRubber = 16;
+  kRug = 17;
+  kSand = 18;
+  kStone = 19;
+  kTatami = 20;
+  kTerrazzo = 21;
+  kTile = 22;
+  kVinyl = 23;
+enum LandmarkTag : enum8 {
+  kAirConditioner = 0;
+  kAirPurifier = 1;
+  kBackDoor = 2;
+  kBarStool = 3;
+  kBathMat = 4;
+  kBathtub = 5;
+  kBed = 6;
+  kBookshelf = 7;
+  kChair = 8;
+  kChristmasTree = 9;
+  kCoatRack = 10;
+  kCoffeeTable = 11;
+  kCookingRange = 12;
+  kCouch = 13;
+  kCountertop = 14;
+  kCradle = 15;
+  kCrib = 16;
+  kDesk = 17;
+  kDiningTable = 18;
+  kDishwasher = 19;
+  kDoor = 20;
+  kDresser = 21;
+  kLaundryDryer = 22;
+  kFan = 23;
+  kFireplace = 24;
+  kFreezer = 25;
+  kFrontDoor = 26;
+  kHighChair = 27;
+  kKitchenIsland = 28;
+  kLamp = 29;
+  kLitterBox = 30;
+  kMirror = 31;
+  kNightstand = 32;
+  kOven = 33;
+  kPetBed = 34;
+  kPetBowl = 35;
+  kPetCrate = 36;
+  kRefrigerator = 37;
+  kScratchingPost = 38;
+  kShoeRack = 39;
+  kShower = 40;
+  kSideDoor = 41;
+  kSink = 42;
+  kSofa = 43;
+  kStove = 44;
+  kTable = 45;
+  kToilet = 46;
+  kTrashCan = 47;
+  kLaundryWasher = 48;
+  kWindow = 49;
+  kWineCooler = 50;
+enum PositionTag : enum8 {
+  kLeft = 0;
+  kRight = 1;
+  kTop = 2;
+  kBottom = 3;
+  kMiddle = 4;
+  kRow = 5;
+  kColumn = 6;
+  kUnder = 7;
+  kNextTo = 8;
+  kAround = 9;
+  kOn = 10;
+  kAbove = 11;
+  kFrontOf = 12;
+  kBehind = 13;
 enum TestGlobalEnum : enum8 {
   kSomeValue = 0;
   kSomeOtherValue = 1;
@@ -12,6 +208,12 @@ bitmap TestGlobalBitmap : bitmap32 {
   kSecondBit = 0x2;
+struct LocationDescriptorStruct {
+  char_string<128> locationName = 0;
+  nullable int16s floorNumber = 1;
+  nullable AreaTypeTag areaType = 2;
 struct TestGlobalStruct {
   char_string<128> name = 0;
   nullable TestGlobalBitmap myBitmap = 1;
diff --git a/examples/lighting-app/silabs/data_model/lighting-thread-app.matter b/examples/lighting-app/silabs/data_model/lighting-thread-app.matter
index 246770a4b57bd2..2fcf8a6f8c714d 100644
--- a/examples/lighting-app/silabs/data_model/lighting-thread-app.matter
+++ b/examples/lighting-app/silabs/data_model/lighting-thread-app.matter
@@ -1,6 +1,202 @@
 // This IDL was generated automatically by ZAP.
 // It is for view/code review purposes only.
+enum AreaTypeTag : enum8 {
+  kAisle = 0;
+  kAttic = 1;
+  kBackDoor = 2;
+  kBackYard = 3;
+  kBalcony = 4;
+  kBallroom = 5;
+  kBathroom = 6;
+  kBedroom = 7;
+  kBorder = 8;
+  kBoxroom = 9;
+  kBreakfastRoom = 10;
+  kCarport = 11;
+  kCellar = 12;
+  kCloakroom = 13;
+  kCloset = 14;
+  kConservatory = 15;
+  kCorridor = 16;
+  kCraftRoom = 17;
+  kCupboard = 18;
+  kDeck = 19;
+  kDen = 20;
+  kDining = 21;
+  kDrawingRoom = 22;
+  kDressingRoom = 23;
+  kDriveway = 24;
+  kElevator = 25;
+  kEnsuite = 26;
+  kEntrance = 27;
+  kEntryway = 28;
+  kFamilyRoom = 29;
+  kFoyer = 30;
+  kFrontDoor = 31;
+  kFrontYard = 32;
+  kGameRoom = 33;
+  kGarage = 34;
+  kGarageDoor = 35;
+  kGarden = 36;
+  kGardenDoor = 37;
+  kGuestBathroom = 38;
+  kGuestBedroom = 39;
+  kGuestRestroom = 40;
+  kGuestRoom = 41;
+  kGym = 42;
+  kHallway = 43;
+  kHearthRoom = 44;
+  kKidsRoom = 45;
+  kKidsBedroom = 46;
+  kKitchen = 47;
+  kLarder = 48;
+  kLaundryRoom = 49;
+  kLawn = 50;
+  kLibrary = 51;
+  kLivingRoom = 52;
+  kLounge = 53;
+  kMediaTVRoom = 54;
+  kMudRoom = 55;
+  kMusicRoom = 56;
+  kNursery = 57;
+  kOffice = 58;
+  kOutdoorKitchen = 59;
+  kOutside = 60;
+  kPantry = 61;
+  kParkingLot = 62;
+  kParlor = 63;
+  kPatio = 64;
+  kPlayRoom = 65;
+  kPoolRoom = 66;
+  kPorch = 67;
+  kPrimaryBathroom = 68;
+  kPrimaryBedroom = 69;
+  kRamp = 70;
+  kReceptionRoom = 71;
+  kRecreationRoom = 72;
+  kRestroom = 73;
+  kRoof = 74;
+  kSauna = 75;
+  kScullery = 76;
+  kSewingRoom = 77;
+  kShed = 78;
+  kSideDoor = 79;
+  kSideYard = 80;
+  kSittingRoom = 81;
+  kSnug = 82;
+  kSpa = 83;
+  kStaircase = 84;
+  kSteamRoom = 85;
+  kStorageRoom = 86;
+  kStudio = 87;
+  kStudy = 88;
+  kSunRoom = 89;
+  kSwimmingPool = 90;
+  kTerrace = 91;
+  kUtilityRoom = 92;
+  kWard = 93;
+  kWorkshop = 94;
+enum FloorSurfaceTag : enum8 {
+  kCarpet = 0;
+  kCeramic = 1;
+  kConcrete = 2;
+  kCork = 3;
+  kDeepCarpet = 4;
+  kDirt = 5;
+  kEngineeredWood = 6;
+  kGlass = 7;
+  kGrass = 8;
+  kHardwood = 9;
+  kLaminate = 10;
+  kLinoleum = 11;
+  kMat = 12;
+  kMetal = 13;
+  kPlastic = 14;
+  kPolishedConcrete = 15;
+  kRubber = 16;
+  kRug = 17;
+  kSand = 18;
+  kStone = 19;
+  kTatami = 20;
+  kTerrazzo = 21;
+  kTile = 22;
+  kVinyl = 23;
+enum LandmarkTag : enum8 {
+  kAirConditioner = 0;
+  kAirPurifier = 1;
+  kBackDoor = 2;
+  kBarStool = 3;
+  kBathMat = 4;
+  kBathtub = 5;
+  kBed = 6;
+  kBookshelf = 7;
+  kChair = 8;
+  kChristmasTree = 9;
+  kCoatRack = 10;
+  kCoffeeTable = 11;
+  kCookingRange = 12;
+  kCouch = 13;
+  kCountertop = 14;
+  kCradle = 15;
+  kCrib = 16;
+  kDesk = 17;
+  kDiningTable = 18;
+  kDishwasher = 19;
+  kDoor = 20;
+  kDresser = 21;
+  kLaundryDryer = 22;
+  kFan = 23;
+  kFireplace = 24;
+  kFreezer = 25;
+  kFrontDoor = 26;
+  kHighChair = 27;
+  kKitchenIsland = 28;
+  kLamp = 29;
+  kLitterBox = 30;
+  kMirror = 31;
+  kNightstand = 32;
+  kOven = 33;
+  kPetBed = 34;
+  kPetBowl = 35;
+  kPetCrate = 36;
+  kRefrigerator = 37;
+  kScratchingPost = 38;
+  kShoeRack = 39;
+  kShower = 40;
+  kSideDoor = 41;
+  kSink = 42;
+  kSofa = 43;
+  kStove = 44;
+  kTable = 45;
+  kToilet = 46;
+  kTrashCan = 47;
+  kLaundryWasher = 48;
+  kWindow = 49;
+  kWineCooler = 50;
+enum PositionTag : enum8 {
+  kLeft = 0;
+  kRight = 1;
+  kTop = 2;
+  kBottom = 3;
+  kMiddle = 4;
+  kRow = 5;
+  kColumn = 6;
+  kUnder = 7;
+  kNextTo = 8;
+  kAround = 9;
+  kOn = 10;
+  kAbove = 11;
+  kFrontOf = 12;
+  kBehind = 13;
 enum TestGlobalEnum : enum8 {
   kSomeValue = 0;
   kSomeOtherValue = 1;
@@ -12,6 +208,12 @@ bitmap TestGlobalBitmap : bitmap32 {
   kSecondBit = 0x2;
+struct LocationDescriptorStruct {
+  char_string<128> locationName = 0;
+  nullable int16s floorNumber = 1;
+  nullable AreaTypeTag areaType = 2;
 struct TestGlobalStruct {
   char_string<128> name = 0;
   nullable TestGlobalBitmap myBitmap = 1;
diff --git a/examples/lighting-app/silabs/data_model/lighting-wifi-app.matter b/examples/lighting-app/silabs/data_model/lighting-wifi-app.matter
index 179a3832a5e732..0b6601b5fdb135 100644
--- a/examples/lighting-app/silabs/data_model/lighting-wifi-app.matter
+++ b/examples/lighting-app/silabs/data_model/lighting-wifi-app.matter
@@ -1,6 +1,202 @@
 // This IDL was generated automatically by ZAP.
 // It is for view/code review purposes only.
+enum AreaTypeTag : enum8 {
+  kAisle = 0;
+  kAttic = 1;
+  kBackDoor = 2;
+  kBackYard = 3;
+  kBalcony = 4;
+  kBallroom = 5;
+  kBathroom = 6;
+  kBedroom = 7;
+  kBorder = 8;
+  kBoxroom = 9;
+  kBreakfastRoom = 10;
+  kCarport = 11;
+  kCellar = 12;
+  kCloakroom = 13;
+  kCloset = 14;
+  kConservatory = 15;
+  kCorridor = 16;
+  kCraftRoom = 17;
+  kCupboard = 18;
+  kDeck = 19;
+  kDen = 20;
+  kDining = 21;
+  kDrawingRoom = 22;
+  kDressingRoom = 23;
+  kDriveway = 24;
+  kElevator = 25;
+  kEnsuite = 26;
+  kEntrance = 27;
+  kEntryway = 28;
+  kFamilyRoom = 29;
+  kFoyer = 30;
+  kFrontDoor = 31;
+  kFrontYard = 32;
+  kGameRoom = 33;
+  kGarage = 34;
+  kGarageDoor = 35;
+  kGarden = 36;
+  kGardenDoor = 37;
+  kGuestBathroom = 38;
+  kGuestBedroom = 39;
+  kGuestRestroom = 40;
+  kGuestRoom = 41;
+  kGym = 42;
+  kHallway = 43;
+  kHearthRoom = 44;
+  kKidsRoom = 45;
+  kKidsBedroom = 46;
+  kKitchen = 47;
+  kLarder = 48;
+  kLaundryRoom = 49;
+  kLawn = 50;
+  kLibrary = 51;
+  kLivingRoom = 52;
+  kLounge = 53;
+  kMediaTVRoom = 54;
+  kMudRoom = 55;
+  kMusicRoom = 56;
+  kNursery = 57;
+  kOffice = 58;
+  kOutdoorKitchen = 59;
+  kOutside = 60;
+  kPantry = 61;
+  kParkingLot = 62;
+  kParlor = 63;
+  kPatio = 64;
+  kPlayRoom = 65;
+  kPoolRoom = 66;
+  kPorch = 67;
+  kPrimaryBathroom = 68;
+  kPrimaryBedroom = 69;
+  kRamp = 70;
+  kReceptionRoom = 71;
+  kRecreationRoom = 72;
+  kRestroom = 73;
+  kRoof = 74;
+  kSauna = 75;
+  kScullery = 76;
+  kSewingRoom = 77;
+  kShed = 78;
+  kSideDoor = 79;
+  kSideYard = 80;
+  kSittingRoom = 81;
+  kSnug = 82;
+  kSpa = 83;
+  kStaircase = 84;
+  kSteamRoom = 85;
+  kStorageRoom = 86;
+  kStudio = 87;
+  kStudy = 88;
+  kSunRoom = 89;
+  kSwimmingPool = 90;
+  kTerrace = 91;
+  kUtilityRoom = 92;
+  kWard = 93;
+  kWorkshop = 94;
+enum FloorSurfaceTag : enum8 {
+  kCarpet = 0;
+  kCeramic = 1;
+  kConcrete = 2;
+  kCork = 3;
+  kDeepCarpet = 4;
+  kDirt = 5;
+  kEngineeredWood = 6;
+  kGlass = 7;
+  kGrass = 8;
+  kHardwood = 9;
+  kLaminate = 10;
+  kLinoleum = 11;
+  kMat = 12;
+  kMetal = 13;
+  kPlastic = 14;
+  kPolishedConcrete = 15;
+  kRubber = 16;
+  kRug = 17;
+  kSand = 18;
+  kStone = 19;
+  kTatami = 20;
+  kTerrazzo = 21;
+  kTile = 22;
+  kVinyl = 23;
+enum LandmarkTag : enum8 {
+  kAirConditioner = 0;
+  kAirPurifier = 1;
+  kBackDoor = 2;
+  kBarStool = 3;
+  kBathMat = 4;
+  kBathtub = 5;
+  kBed = 6;
+  kBookshelf = 7;
+  kChair = 8;
+  kChristmasTree = 9;
+  kCoatRack = 10;
+  kCoffeeTable = 11;
+  kCookingRange = 12;
+  kCouch = 13;
+  kCountertop = 14;
+  kCradle = 15;
+  kCrib = 16;
+  kDesk = 17;
+  kDiningTable = 18;
+  kDishwasher = 19;
+  kDoor = 20;
+  kDresser = 21;
+  kLaundryDryer = 22;
+  kFan = 23;
+  kFireplace = 24;
+  kFreezer = 25;
+  kFrontDoor = 26;
+  kHighChair = 27;
+  kKitchenIsland = 28;
+  kLamp = 29;
+  kLitterBox = 30;
+  kMirror = 31;
+  kNightstand = 32;
+  kOven = 33;
+  kPetBed = 34;
+  kPetBowl = 35;
+  kPetCrate = 36;
+  kRefrigerator = 37;
+  kScratchingPost = 38;
+  kShoeRack = 39;
+  kShower = 40;
+  kSideDoor = 41;
+  kSink = 42;
+  kSofa = 43;
+  kStove = 44;
+  kTable = 45;
+  kToilet = 46;
+  kTrashCan = 47;
+  kLaundryWasher = 48;
+  kWindow = 49;
+  kWineCooler = 50;
+enum PositionTag : enum8 {
+  kLeft = 0;
+  kRight = 1;
+  kTop = 2;
+  kBottom = 3;
+  kMiddle = 4;
+  kRow = 5;
+  kColumn = 6;
+  kUnder = 7;
+  kNextTo = 8;
+  kAround = 9;
+  kOn = 10;
+  kAbove = 11;
+  kFrontOf = 12;
+  kBehind = 13;
 enum TestGlobalEnum : enum8 {
   kSomeValue = 0;
   kSomeOtherValue = 1;
@@ -12,6 +208,12 @@ bitmap TestGlobalBitmap : bitmap32 {
   kSecondBit = 0x2;
+struct LocationDescriptorStruct {
+  char_string<128> locationName = 0;
+  nullable int16s floorNumber = 1;
+  nullable AreaTypeTag areaType = 2;
 struct TestGlobalStruct {
   char_string<128> name = 0;
   nullable TestGlobalBitmap myBitmap = 1;
diff --git a/examples/lit-icd-app/lit-icd-common/lit-icd-server-app.matter b/examples/lit-icd-app/lit-icd-common/lit-icd-server-app.matter
index f8db39db377c91..a2f535b3a30a8f 100644
--- a/examples/lit-icd-app/lit-icd-common/lit-icd-server-app.matter
+++ b/examples/lit-icd-app/lit-icd-common/lit-icd-server-app.matter
@@ -1,6 +1,202 @@
 // This IDL was generated automatically by ZAP.
 // It is for view/code review purposes only.
+enum AreaTypeTag : enum8 {
+  kAisle = 0;
+  kAttic = 1;
+  kBackDoor = 2;
+  kBackYard = 3;
+  kBalcony = 4;
+  kBallroom = 5;
+  kBathroom = 6;
+  kBedroom = 7;
+  kBorder = 8;
+  kBoxroom = 9;
+  kBreakfastRoom = 10;
+  kCarport = 11;
+  kCellar = 12;
+  kCloakroom = 13;
+  kCloset = 14;
+  kConservatory = 15;
+  kCorridor = 16;
+  kCraftRoom = 17;
+  kCupboard = 18;
+  kDeck = 19;
+  kDen = 20;
+  kDining = 21;
+  kDrawingRoom = 22;
+  kDressingRoom = 23;
+  kDriveway = 24;
+  kElevator = 25;
+  kEnsuite = 26;
+  kEntrance = 27;
+  kEntryway = 28;
+  kFamilyRoom = 29;
+  kFoyer = 30;
+  kFrontDoor = 31;
+  kFrontYard = 32;
+  kGameRoom = 33;
+  kGarage = 34;
+  kGarageDoor = 35;
+  kGarden = 36;
+  kGardenDoor = 37;
+  kGuestBathroom = 38;
+  kGuestBedroom = 39;
+  kGuestRestroom = 40;
+  kGuestRoom = 41;
+  kGym = 42;
+  kHallway = 43;
+  kHearthRoom = 44;
+  kKidsRoom = 45;
+  kKidsBedroom = 46;
+  kKitchen = 47;
+  kLarder = 48;
+  kLaundryRoom = 49;
+  kLawn = 50;
+  kLibrary = 51;
+  kLivingRoom = 52;
+  kLounge = 53;
+  kMediaTVRoom = 54;
+  kMudRoom = 55;
+  kMusicRoom = 56;
+  kNursery = 57;
+  kOffice = 58;
+  kOutdoorKitchen = 59;
+  kOutside = 60;
+  kPantry = 61;
+  kParkingLot = 62;
+  kParlor = 63;
+  kPatio = 64;
+  kPlayRoom = 65;
+  kPoolRoom = 66;
+  kPorch = 67;
+  kPrimaryBathroom = 68;
+  kPrimaryBedroom = 69;
+  kRamp = 70;
+  kReceptionRoom = 71;
+  kRecreationRoom = 72;
+  kRestroom = 73;
+  kRoof = 74;
+  kSauna = 75;
+  kScullery = 76;
+  kSewingRoom = 77;
+  kShed = 78;
+  kSideDoor = 79;
+  kSideYard = 80;
+  kSittingRoom = 81;
+  kSnug = 82;
+  kSpa = 83;
+  kStaircase = 84;
+  kSteamRoom = 85;
+  kStorageRoom = 86;
+  kStudio = 87;
+  kStudy = 88;
+  kSunRoom = 89;
+  kSwimmingPool = 90;
+  kTerrace = 91;
+  kUtilityRoom = 92;
+  kWard = 93;
+  kWorkshop = 94;
+enum FloorSurfaceTag : enum8 {
+  kCarpet = 0;
+  kCeramic = 1;
+  kConcrete = 2;
+  kCork = 3;
+  kDeepCarpet = 4;
+  kDirt = 5;
+  kEngineeredWood = 6;
+  kGlass = 7;
+  kGrass = 8;
+  kHardwood = 9;
+  kLaminate = 10;
+  kLinoleum = 11;
+  kMat = 12;
+  kMetal = 13;
+  kPlastic = 14;
+  kPolishedConcrete = 15;
+  kRubber = 16;
+  kRug = 17;
+  kSand = 18;
+  kStone = 19;
+  kTatami = 20;
+  kTerrazzo = 21;
+  kTile = 22;
+  kVinyl = 23;
+enum LandmarkTag : enum8 {
+  kAirConditioner = 0;
+  kAirPurifier = 1;
+  kBackDoor = 2;
+  kBarStool = 3;
+  kBathMat = 4;
+  kBathtub = 5;
+  kBed = 6;
+  kBookshelf = 7;
+  kChair = 8;
+  kChristmasTree = 9;
+  kCoatRack = 10;
+  kCoffeeTable = 11;
+  kCookingRange = 12;
+  kCouch = 13;
+  kCountertop = 14;
+  kCradle = 15;
+  kCrib = 16;
+  kDesk = 17;
+  kDiningTable = 18;
+  kDishwasher = 19;
+  kDoor = 20;
+  kDresser = 21;
+  kLaundryDryer = 22;
+  kFan = 23;
+  kFireplace = 24;
+  kFreezer = 25;
+  kFrontDoor = 26;
+  kHighChair = 27;
+  kKitchenIsland = 28;
+  kLamp = 29;
+  kLitterBox = 30;
+  kMirror = 31;
+  kNightstand = 32;
+  kOven = 33;
+  kPetBed = 34;
+  kPetBowl = 35;
+  kPetCrate = 36;
+  kRefrigerator = 37;
+  kScratchingPost = 38;
+  kShoeRack = 39;
+  kShower = 40;
+  kSideDoor = 41;
+  kSink = 42;
+  kSofa = 43;
+  kStove = 44;
+  kTable = 45;
+  kToilet = 46;
+  kTrashCan = 47;
+  kLaundryWasher = 48;
+  kWindow = 49;
+  kWineCooler = 50;
+enum PositionTag : enum8 {
+  kLeft = 0;
+  kRight = 1;
+  kTop = 2;
+  kBottom = 3;
+  kMiddle = 4;
+  kRow = 5;
+  kColumn = 6;
+  kUnder = 7;
+  kNextTo = 8;
+  kAround = 9;
+  kOn = 10;
+  kAbove = 11;
+  kFrontOf = 12;
+  kBehind = 13;
 enum TestGlobalEnum : enum8 {
   kSomeValue = 0;
   kSomeOtherValue = 1;
@@ -12,6 +208,12 @@ bitmap TestGlobalBitmap : bitmap32 {
   kSecondBit = 0x2;
+struct LocationDescriptorStruct {
+  char_string<128> locationName = 0;
+  nullable int16s floorNumber = 1;
+  nullable AreaTypeTag areaType = 2;
 struct TestGlobalStruct {
   char_string<128> name = 0;
   nullable TestGlobalBitmap myBitmap = 1;
diff --git a/examples/lock-app/lock-common/lock-app.matter b/examples/lock-app/lock-common/lock-app.matter
index 5ee4744f901fde..55ecfb07a5c42e 100644
--- a/examples/lock-app/lock-common/lock-app.matter
+++ b/examples/lock-app/lock-common/lock-app.matter
@@ -1,6 +1,202 @@
 // This IDL was generated automatically by ZAP.
 // It is for view/code review purposes only.
+enum AreaTypeTag : enum8 {
+  kAisle = 0;
+  kAttic = 1;
+  kBackDoor = 2;
+  kBackYard = 3;
+  kBalcony = 4;
+  kBallroom = 5;
+  kBathroom = 6;
+  kBedroom = 7;
+  kBorder = 8;
+  kBoxroom = 9;
+  kBreakfastRoom = 10;
+  kCarport = 11;
+  kCellar = 12;
+  kCloakroom = 13;
+  kCloset = 14;
+  kConservatory = 15;
+  kCorridor = 16;
+  kCraftRoom = 17;
+  kCupboard = 18;
+  kDeck = 19;
+  kDen = 20;
+  kDining = 21;
+  kDrawingRoom = 22;
+  kDressingRoom = 23;
+  kDriveway = 24;
+  kElevator = 25;
+  kEnsuite = 26;
+  kEntrance = 27;
+  kEntryway = 28;
+  kFamilyRoom = 29;
+  kFoyer = 30;
+  kFrontDoor = 31;
+  kFrontYard = 32;
+  kGameRoom = 33;
+  kGarage = 34;
+  kGarageDoor = 35;
+  kGarden = 36;
+  kGardenDoor = 37;
+  kGuestBathroom = 38;
+  kGuestBedroom = 39;
+  kGuestRestroom = 40;
+  kGuestRoom = 41;
+  kGym = 42;
+  kHallway = 43;
+  kHearthRoom = 44;
+  kKidsRoom = 45;
+  kKidsBedroom = 46;
+  kKitchen = 47;
+  kLarder = 48;
+  kLaundryRoom = 49;
+  kLawn = 50;
+  kLibrary = 51;
+  kLivingRoom = 52;
+  kLounge = 53;
+  kMediaTVRoom = 54;
+  kMudRoom = 55;
+  kMusicRoom = 56;
+  kNursery = 57;
+  kOffice = 58;
+  kOutdoorKitchen = 59;
+  kOutside = 60;
+  kPantry = 61;
+  kParkingLot = 62;
+  kParlor = 63;
+  kPatio = 64;
+  kPlayRoom = 65;
+  kPoolRoom = 66;
+  kPorch = 67;
+  kPrimaryBathroom = 68;
+  kPrimaryBedroom = 69;
+  kRamp = 70;
+  kReceptionRoom = 71;
+  kRecreationRoom = 72;
+  kRestroom = 73;
+  kRoof = 74;
+  kSauna = 75;
+  kScullery = 76;
+  kSewingRoom = 77;
+  kShed = 78;
+  kSideDoor = 79;
+  kSideYard = 80;
+  kSittingRoom = 81;
+  kSnug = 82;
+  kSpa = 83;
+  kStaircase = 84;
+  kSteamRoom = 85;
+  kStorageRoom = 86;
+  kStudio = 87;
+  kStudy = 88;
+  kSunRoom = 89;
+  kSwimmingPool = 90;
+  kTerrace = 91;
+  kUtilityRoom = 92;
+  kWard = 93;
+  kWorkshop = 94;
+enum FloorSurfaceTag : enum8 {
+  kCarpet = 0;
+  kCeramic = 1;
+  kConcrete = 2;
+  kCork = 3;
+  kDeepCarpet = 4;
+  kDirt = 5;
+  kEngineeredWood = 6;
+  kGlass = 7;
+  kGrass = 8;
+  kHardwood = 9;
+  kLaminate = 10;
+  kLinoleum = 11;
+  kMat = 12;
+  kMetal = 13;
+  kPlastic = 14;
+  kPolishedConcrete = 15;
+  kRubber = 16;
+  kRug = 17;
+  kSand = 18;
+  kStone = 19;
+  kTatami = 20;
+  kTerrazzo = 21;
+  kTile = 22;
+  kVinyl = 23;
+enum LandmarkTag : enum8 {
+  kAirConditioner = 0;
+  kAirPurifier = 1;
+  kBackDoor = 2;
+  kBarStool = 3;
+  kBathMat = 4;
+  kBathtub = 5;
+  kBed = 6;
+  kBookshelf = 7;
+  kChair = 8;
+  kChristmasTree = 9;
+  kCoatRack = 10;
+  kCoffeeTable = 11;
+  kCookingRange = 12;
+  kCouch = 13;
+  kCountertop = 14;
+  kCradle = 15;
+  kCrib = 16;
+  kDesk = 17;
+  kDiningTable = 18;
+  kDishwasher = 19;
+  kDoor = 20;
+  kDresser = 21;
+  kLaundryDryer = 22;
+  kFan = 23;
+  kFireplace = 24;
+  kFreezer = 25;
+  kFrontDoor = 26;
+  kHighChair = 27;
+  kKitchenIsland = 28;
+  kLamp = 29;
+  kLitterBox = 30;
+  kMirror = 31;
+  kNightstand = 32;
+  kOven = 33;
+  kPetBed = 34;
+  kPetBowl = 35;
+  kPetCrate = 36;
+  kRefrigerator = 37;
+  kScratchingPost = 38;
+  kShoeRack = 39;
+  kShower = 40;
+  kSideDoor = 41;
+  kSink = 42;
+  kSofa = 43;
+  kStove = 44;
+  kTable = 45;
+  kToilet = 46;
+  kTrashCan = 47;
+  kLaundryWasher = 48;
+  kWindow = 49;
+  kWineCooler = 50;
+enum PositionTag : enum8 {
+  kLeft = 0;
+  kRight = 1;
+  kTop = 2;
+  kBottom = 3;
+  kMiddle = 4;
+  kRow = 5;
+  kColumn = 6;
+  kUnder = 7;
+  kNextTo = 8;
+  kAround = 9;
+  kOn = 10;
+  kAbove = 11;
+  kFrontOf = 12;
+  kBehind = 13;
 enum TestGlobalEnum : enum8 {
   kSomeValue = 0;
   kSomeOtherValue = 1;
@@ -12,6 +208,12 @@ bitmap TestGlobalBitmap : bitmap32 {
   kSecondBit = 0x2;
+struct LocationDescriptorStruct {
+  char_string<128> locationName = 0;
+  nullable int16s floorNumber = 1;
+  nullable AreaTypeTag areaType = 2;
 struct TestGlobalStruct {
   char_string<128> name = 0;
   nullable TestGlobalBitmap myBitmap = 1;
diff --git a/examples/lock-app/nxp/zap/lock-app.matter b/examples/lock-app/nxp/zap/lock-app.matter
index f44c1531169ae0..97d6e3ae443c38 100644
--- a/examples/lock-app/nxp/zap/lock-app.matter
+++ b/examples/lock-app/nxp/zap/lock-app.matter
@@ -1,6 +1,202 @@
 // This IDL was generated automatically by ZAP.
 // It is for view/code review purposes only.
+enum AreaTypeTag : enum8 {
+  kAisle = 0;
+  kAttic = 1;
+  kBackDoor = 2;
+  kBackYard = 3;
+  kBalcony = 4;
+  kBallroom = 5;
+  kBathroom = 6;
+  kBedroom = 7;
+  kBorder = 8;
+  kBoxroom = 9;
+  kBreakfastRoom = 10;
+  kCarport = 11;
+  kCellar = 12;
+  kCloakroom = 13;
+  kCloset = 14;
+  kConservatory = 15;
+  kCorridor = 16;
+  kCraftRoom = 17;
+  kCupboard = 18;
+  kDeck = 19;
+  kDen = 20;
+  kDining = 21;
+  kDrawingRoom = 22;
+  kDressingRoom = 23;
+  kDriveway = 24;
+  kElevator = 25;
+  kEnsuite = 26;
+  kEntrance = 27;
+  kEntryway = 28;
+  kFamilyRoom = 29;
+  kFoyer = 30;
+  kFrontDoor = 31;
+  kFrontYard = 32;
+  kGameRoom = 33;
+  kGarage = 34;
+  kGarageDoor = 35;
+  kGarden = 36;
+  kGardenDoor = 37;
+  kGuestBathroom = 38;
+  kGuestBedroom = 39;
+  kGuestRestroom = 40;
+  kGuestRoom = 41;
+  kGym = 42;
+  kHallway = 43;
+  kHearthRoom = 44;
+  kKidsRoom = 45;
+  kKidsBedroom = 46;
+  kKitchen = 47;
+  kLarder = 48;
+  kLaundryRoom = 49;
+  kLawn = 50;
+  kLibrary = 51;
+  kLivingRoom = 52;
+  kLounge = 53;
+  kMediaTVRoom = 54;
+  kMudRoom = 55;
+  kMusicRoom = 56;
+  kNursery = 57;
+  kOffice = 58;
+  kOutdoorKitchen = 59;
+  kOutside = 60;
+  kPantry = 61;
+  kParkingLot = 62;
+  kParlor = 63;
+  kPatio = 64;
+  kPlayRoom = 65;
+  kPoolRoom = 66;
+  kPorch = 67;
+  kPrimaryBathroom = 68;
+  kPrimaryBedroom = 69;
+  kRamp = 70;
+  kReceptionRoom = 71;
+  kRecreationRoom = 72;
+  kRestroom = 73;
+  kRoof = 74;
+  kSauna = 75;
+  kScullery = 76;
+  kSewingRoom = 77;
+  kShed = 78;
+  kSideDoor = 79;
+  kSideYard = 80;
+  kSittingRoom = 81;
+  kSnug = 82;
+  kSpa = 83;
+  kStaircase = 84;
+  kSteamRoom = 85;
+  kStorageRoom = 86;
+  kStudio = 87;
+  kStudy = 88;
+  kSunRoom = 89;
+  kSwimmingPool = 90;
+  kTerrace = 91;
+  kUtilityRoom = 92;
+  kWard = 93;
+  kWorkshop = 94;
+enum FloorSurfaceTag : enum8 {
+  kCarpet = 0;
+  kCeramic = 1;
+  kConcrete = 2;
+  kCork = 3;
+  kDeepCarpet = 4;
+  kDirt = 5;
+  kEngineeredWood = 6;
+  kGlass = 7;
+  kGrass = 8;
+  kHardwood = 9;
+  kLaminate = 10;
+  kLinoleum = 11;
+  kMat = 12;
+  kMetal = 13;
+  kPlastic = 14;
+  kPolishedConcrete = 15;
+  kRubber = 16;
+  kRug = 17;
+  kSand = 18;
+  kStone = 19;
+  kTatami = 20;
+  kTerrazzo = 21;
+  kTile = 22;
+  kVinyl = 23;
+enum LandmarkTag : enum8 {
+  kAirConditioner = 0;
+  kAirPurifier = 1;
+  kBackDoor = 2;
+  kBarStool = 3;
+  kBathMat = 4;
+  kBathtub = 5;
+  kBed = 6;
+  kBookshelf = 7;
+  kChair = 8;
+  kChristmasTree = 9;
+  kCoatRack = 10;
+  kCoffeeTable = 11;
+  kCookingRange = 12;
+  kCouch = 13;
+  kCountertop = 14;
+  kCradle = 15;
+  kCrib = 16;
+  kDesk = 17;
+  kDiningTable = 18;
+  kDishwasher = 19;
+  kDoor = 20;
+  kDresser = 21;
+  kLaundryDryer = 22;
+  kFan = 23;
+  kFireplace = 24;
+  kFreezer = 25;
+  kFrontDoor = 26;
+  kHighChair = 27;
+  kKitchenIsland = 28;
+  kLamp = 29;
+  kLitterBox = 30;
+  kMirror = 31;
+  kNightstand = 32;
+  kOven = 33;
+  kPetBed = 34;
+  kPetBowl = 35;
+  kPetCrate = 36;
+  kRefrigerator = 37;
+  kScratchingPost = 38;
+  kShoeRack = 39;
+  kShower = 40;
+  kSideDoor = 41;
+  kSink = 42;
+  kSofa = 43;
+  kStove = 44;
+  kTable = 45;
+  kToilet = 46;
+  kTrashCan = 47;
+  kLaundryWasher = 48;
+  kWindow = 49;
+  kWineCooler = 50;
+enum PositionTag : enum8 {
+  kLeft = 0;
+  kRight = 1;
+  kTop = 2;
+  kBottom = 3;
+  kMiddle = 4;
+  kRow = 5;
+  kColumn = 6;
+  kUnder = 7;
+  kNextTo = 8;
+  kAround = 9;
+  kOn = 10;
+  kAbove = 11;
+  kFrontOf = 12;
+  kBehind = 13;
 enum TestGlobalEnum : enum8 {
   kSomeValue = 0;
   kSomeOtherValue = 1;
@@ -12,6 +208,12 @@ bitmap TestGlobalBitmap : bitmap32 {
   kSecondBit = 0x2;
+struct LocationDescriptorStruct {
+  char_string<128> locationName = 0;
+  nullable int16s floorNumber = 1;
+  nullable AreaTypeTag areaType = 2;
 struct TestGlobalStruct {
   char_string<128> name = 0;
   nullable TestGlobalBitmap myBitmap = 1;
diff --git a/examples/lock-app/qpg/zap/lock.matter b/examples/lock-app/qpg/zap/lock.matter
index 18ef74944ebc63..4bc5c6657d6574 100644
--- a/examples/lock-app/qpg/zap/lock.matter
+++ b/examples/lock-app/qpg/zap/lock.matter
@@ -1,6 +1,202 @@
 // This IDL was generated automatically by ZAP.
 // It is for view/code review purposes only.
+enum AreaTypeTag : enum8 {
+  kAisle = 0;
+  kAttic = 1;
+  kBackDoor = 2;
+  kBackYard = 3;
+  kBalcony = 4;
+  kBallroom = 5;
+  kBathroom = 6;
+  kBedroom = 7;
+  kBorder = 8;
+  kBoxroom = 9;
+  kBreakfastRoom = 10;
+  kCarport = 11;
+  kCellar = 12;
+  kCloakroom = 13;
+  kCloset = 14;
+  kConservatory = 15;
+  kCorridor = 16;
+  kCraftRoom = 17;
+  kCupboard = 18;
+  kDeck = 19;
+  kDen = 20;
+  kDining = 21;
+  kDrawingRoom = 22;
+  kDressingRoom = 23;
+  kDriveway = 24;
+  kElevator = 25;
+  kEnsuite = 26;
+  kEntrance = 27;
+  kEntryway = 28;
+  kFamilyRoom = 29;
+  kFoyer = 30;
+  kFrontDoor = 31;
+  kFrontYard = 32;
+  kGameRoom = 33;
+  kGarage = 34;
+  kGarageDoor = 35;
+  kGarden = 36;
+  kGardenDoor = 37;
+  kGuestBathroom = 38;
+  kGuestBedroom = 39;
+  kGuestRestroom = 40;
+  kGuestRoom = 41;
+  kGym = 42;
+  kHallway = 43;
+  kHearthRoom = 44;
+  kKidsRoom = 45;
+  kKidsBedroom = 46;
+  kKitchen = 47;
+  kLarder = 48;
+  kLaundryRoom = 49;
+  kLawn = 50;
+  kLibrary = 51;
+  kLivingRoom = 52;
+  kLounge = 53;
+  kMediaTVRoom = 54;
+  kMudRoom = 55;
+  kMusicRoom = 56;
+  kNursery = 57;
+  kOffice = 58;
+  kOutdoorKitchen = 59;
+  kOutside = 60;
+  kPantry = 61;
+  kParkingLot = 62;
+  kParlor = 63;
+  kPatio = 64;
+  kPlayRoom = 65;
+  kPoolRoom = 66;
+  kPorch = 67;
+  kPrimaryBathroom = 68;
+  kPrimaryBedroom = 69;
+  kRamp = 70;
+  kReceptionRoom = 71;
+  kRecreationRoom = 72;
+  kRestroom = 73;
+  kRoof = 74;
+  kSauna = 75;
+  kScullery = 76;
+  kSewingRoom = 77;
+  kShed = 78;
+  kSideDoor = 79;
+  kSideYard = 80;
+  kSittingRoom = 81;
+  kSnug = 82;
+  kSpa = 83;
+  kStaircase = 84;
+  kSteamRoom = 85;
+  kStorageRoom = 86;
+  kStudio = 87;
+  kStudy = 88;
+  kSunRoom = 89;
+  kSwimmingPool = 90;
+  kTerrace = 91;
+  kUtilityRoom = 92;
+  kWard = 93;
+  kWorkshop = 94;
+enum FloorSurfaceTag : enum8 {
+  kCarpet = 0;
+  kCeramic = 1;
+  kConcrete = 2;
+  kCork = 3;
+  kDeepCarpet = 4;
+  kDirt = 5;
+  kEngineeredWood = 6;
+  kGlass = 7;
+  kGrass = 8;
+  kHardwood = 9;
+  kLaminate = 10;
+  kLinoleum = 11;
+  kMat = 12;
+  kMetal = 13;
+  kPlastic = 14;
+  kPolishedConcrete = 15;
+  kRubber = 16;
+  kRug = 17;
+  kSand = 18;
+  kStone = 19;
+  kTatami = 20;
+  kTerrazzo = 21;
+  kTile = 22;
+  kVinyl = 23;
+enum LandmarkTag : enum8 {
+  kAirConditioner = 0;
+  kAirPurifier = 1;
+  kBackDoor = 2;
+  kBarStool = 3;
+  kBathMat = 4;
+  kBathtub = 5;
+  kBed = 6;
+  kBookshelf = 7;
+  kChair = 8;
+  kChristmasTree = 9;
+  kCoatRack = 10;
+  kCoffeeTable = 11;
+  kCookingRange = 12;
+  kCouch = 13;
+  kCountertop = 14;
+  kCradle = 15;
+  kCrib = 16;
+  kDesk = 17;
+  kDiningTable = 18;
+  kDishwasher = 19;
+  kDoor = 20;
+  kDresser = 21;
+  kLaundryDryer = 22;
+  kFan = 23;
+  kFireplace = 24;
+  kFreezer = 25;
+  kFrontDoor = 26;
+  kHighChair = 27;
+  kKitchenIsland = 28;
+  kLamp = 29;
+  kLitterBox = 30;
+  kMirror = 31;
+  kNightstand = 32;
+  kOven = 33;
+  kPetBed = 34;
+  kPetBowl = 35;
+  kPetCrate = 36;
+  kRefrigerator = 37;
+  kScratchingPost = 38;
+  kShoeRack = 39;
+  kShower = 40;
+  kSideDoor = 41;
+  kSink = 42;
+  kSofa = 43;
+  kStove = 44;
+  kTable = 45;
+  kToilet = 46;
+  kTrashCan = 47;
+  kLaundryWasher = 48;
+  kWindow = 49;
+  kWineCooler = 50;
+enum PositionTag : enum8 {
+  kLeft = 0;
+  kRight = 1;
+  kTop = 2;
+  kBottom = 3;
+  kMiddle = 4;
+  kRow = 5;
+  kColumn = 6;
+  kUnder = 7;
+  kNextTo = 8;
+  kAround = 9;
+  kOn = 10;
+  kAbove = 11;
+  kFrontOf = 12;
+  kBehind = 13;
 enum TestGlobalEnum : enum8 {
   kSomeValue = 0;
   kSomeOtherValue = 1;
@@ -12,6 +208,12 @@ bitmap TestGlobalBitmap : bitmap32 {
   kSecondBit = 0x2;
+struct LocationDescriptorStruct {
+  char_string<128> locationName = 0;
+  nullable int16s floorNumber = 1;
+  nullable AreaTypeTag areaType = 2;
 struct TestGlobalStruct {
   char_string<128> name = 0;
   nullable TestGlobalBitmap myBitmap = 1;
diff --git a/examples/log-source-app/log-source-common/log-source-app.matter b/examples/log-source-app/log-source-common/log-source-app.matter
index 829e40f870c1a3..7633792300c4dd 100644
--- a/examples/log-source-app/log-source-common/log-source-app.matter
+++ b/examples/log-source-app/log-source-common/log-source-app.matter
@@ -1,6 +1,202 @@
 // This IDL was generated automatically by ZAP.
 // It is for view/code review purposes only.
+enum AreaTypeTag : enum8 {
+  kAisle = 0;
+  kAttic = 1;
+  kBackDoor = 2;
+  kBackYard = 3;
+  kBalcony = 4;
+  kBallroom = 5;
+  kBathroom = 6;
+  kBedroom = 7;
+  kBorder = 8;
+  kBoxroom = 9;
+  kBreakfastRoom = 10;
+  kCarport = 11;
+  kCellar = 12;
+  kCloakroom = 13;
+  kCloset = 14;
+  kConservatory = 15;
+  kCorridor = 16;
+  kCraftRoom = 17;
+  kCupboard = 18;
+  kDeck = 19;
+  kDen = 20;
+  kDining = 21;
+  kDrawingRoom = 22;
+  kDressingRoom = 23;
+  kDriveway = 24;
+  kElevator = 25;
+  kEnsuite = 26;
+  kEntrance = 27;
+  kEntryway = 28;
+  kFamilyRoom = 29;
+  kFoyer = 30;
+  kFrontDoor = 31;
+  kFrontYard = 32;
+  kGameRoom = 33;
+  kGarage = 34;
+  kGarageDoor = 35;
+  kGarden = 36;
+  kGardenDoor = 37;
+  kGuestBathroom = 38;
+  kGuestBedroom = 39;
+  kGuestRestroom = 40;
+  kGuestRoom = 41;
+  kGym = 42;
+  kHallway = 43;
+  kHearthRoom = 44;
+  kKidsRoom = 45;
+  kKidsBedroom = 46;
+  kKitchen = 47;
+  kLarder = 48;
+  kLaundryRoom = 49;
+  kLawn = 50;
+  kLibrary = 51;
+  kLivingRoom = 52;
+  kLounge = 53;
+  kMediaTVRoom = 54;
+  kMudRoom = 55;
+  kMusicRoom = 56;
+  kNursery = 57;
+  kOffice = 58;
+  kOutdoorKitchen = 59;
+  kOutside = 60;
+  kPantry = 61;
+  kParkingLot = 62;
+  kParlor = 63;
+  kPatio = 64;
+  kPlayRoom = 65;
+  kPoolRoom = 66;
+  kPorch = 67;
+  kPrimaryBathroom = 68;
+  kPrimaryBedroom = 69;
+  kRamp = 70;
+  kReceptionRoom = 71;
+  kRecreationRoom = 72;
+  kRestroom = 73;
+  kRoof = 74;
+  kSauna = 75;
+  kScullery = 76;
+  kSewingRoom = 77;
+  kShed = 78;
+  kSideDoor = 79;
+  kSideYard = 80;
+  kSittingRoom = 81;
+  kSnug = 82;
+  kSpa = 83;
+  kStaircase = 84;
+  kSteamRoom = 85;
+  kStorageRoom = 86;
+  kStudio = 87;
+  kStudy = 88;
+  kSunRoom = 89;
+  kSwimmingPool = 90;
+  kTerrace = 91;
+  kUtilityRoom = 92;
+  kWard = 93;
+  kWorkshop = 94;
+enum FloorSurfaceTag : enum8 {
+  kCarpet = 0;
+  kCeramic = 1;
+  kConcrete = 2;
+  kCork = 3;
+  kDeepCarpet = 4;
+  kDirt = 5;
+  kEngineeredWood = 6;
+  kGlass = 7;
+  kGrass = 8;
+  kHardwood = 9;
+  kLaminate = 10;
+  kLinoleum = 11;
+  kMat = 12;
+  kMetal = 13;
+  kPlastic = 14;
+  kPolishedConcrete = 15;
+  kRubber = 16;
+  kRug = 17;
+  kSand = 18;
+  kStone = 19;
+  kTatami = 20;
+  kTerrazzo = 21;
+  kTile = 22;
+  kVinyl = 23;
+enum LandmarkTag : enum8 {
+  kAirConditioner = 0;
+  kAirPurifier = 1;
+  kBackDoor = 2;
+  kBarStool = 3;
+  kBathMat = 4;
+  kBathtub = 5;
+  kBed = 6;
+  kBookshelf = 7;
+  kChair = 8;
+  kChristmasTree = 9;
+  kCoatRack = 10;
+  kCoffeeTable = 11;
+  kCookingRange = 12;
+  kCouch = 13;
+  kCountertop = 14;
+  kCradle = 15;
+  kCrib = 16;
+  kDesk = 17;
+  kDiningTable = 18;
+  kDishwasher = 19;
+  kDoor = 20;
+  kDresser = 21;
+  kLaundryDryer = 22;
+  kFan = 23;
+  kFireplace = 24;
+  kFreezer = 25;
+  kFrontDoor = 26;
+  kHighChair = 27;
+  kKitchenIsland = 28;
+  kLamp = 29;
+  kLitterBox = 30;
+  kMirror = 31;
+  kNightstand = 32;
+  kOven = 33;
+  kPetBed = 34;
+  kPetBowl = 35;
+  kPetCrate = 36;
+  kRefrigerator = 37;
+  kScratchingPost = 38;
+  kShoeRack = 39;
+  kShower = 40;
+  kSideDoor = 41;
+  kSink = 42;
+  kSofa = 43;
+  kStove = 44;
+  kTable = 45;
+  kToilet = 46;
+  kTrashCan = 47;
+  kLaundryWasher = 48;
+  kWindow = 49;
+  kWineCooler = 50;
+enum PositionTag : enum8 {
+  kLeft = 0;
+  kRight = 1;
+  kTop = 2;
+  kBottom = 3;
+  kMiddle = 4;
+  kRow = 5;
+  kColumn = 6;
+  kUnder = 7;
+  kNextTo = 8;
+  kAround = 9;
+  kOn = 10;
+  kAbove = 11;
+  kFrontOf = 12;
+  kBehind = 13;
 enum TestGlobalEnum : enum8 {
   kSomeValue = 0;
   kSomeOtherValue = 1;
@@ -12,6 +208,12 @@ bitmap TestGlobalBitmap : bitmap32 {
   kSecondBit = 0x2;
+struct LocationDescriptorStruct {
+  char_string<128> locationName = 0;
+  nullable int16s floorNumber = 1;
+  nullable AreaTypeTag areaType = 2;
 struct TestGlobalStruct {
   char_string<128> name = 0;
   nullable TestGlobalBitmap myBitmap = 1;
diff --git a/examples/microwave-oven-app/microwave-oven-common/microwave-oven-app.matter b/examples/microwave-oven-app/microwave-oven-common/microwave-oven-app.matter
index bdfe6910c5cffd..10eec889dee3bd 100644
--- a/examples/microwave-oven-app/microwave-oven-common/microwave-oven-app.matter
+++ b/examples/microwave-oven-app/microwave-oven-common/microwave-oven-app.matter
@@ -1,6 +1,202 @@
 // This IDL was generated automatically by ZAP.
 // It is for view/code review purposes only.
+enum AreaTypeTag : enum8 {
+  kAisle = 0;
+  kAttic = 1;
+  kBackDoor = 2;
+  kBackYard = 3;
+  kBalcony = 4;
+  kBallroom = 5;
+  kBathroom = 6;
+  kBedroom = 7;
+  kBorder = 8;
+  kBoxroom = 9;
+  kBreakfastRoom = 10;
+  kCarport = 11;
+  kCellar = 12;
+  kCloakroom = 13;
+  kCloset = 14;
+  kConservatory = 15;
+  kCorridor = 16;
+  kCraftRoom = 17;
+  kCupboard = 18;
+  kDeck = 19;
+  kDen = 20;
+  kDining = 21;
+  kDrawingRoom = 22;
+  kDressingRoom = 23;
+  kDriveway = 24;
+  kElevator = 25;
+  kEnsuite = 26;
+  kEntrance = 27;
+  kEntryway = 28;
+  kFamilyRoom = 29;
+  kFoyer = 30;
+  kFrontDoor = 31;
+  kFrontYard = 32;
+  kGameRoom = 33;
+  kGarage = 34;
+  kGarageDoor = 35;
+  kGarden = 36;
+  kGardenDoor = 37;
+  kGuestBathroom = 38;
+  kGuestBedroom = 39;
+  kGuestRestroom = 40;
+  kGuestRoom = 41;
+  kGym = 42;
+  kHallway = 43;
+  kHearthRoom = 44;
+  kKidsRoom = 45;
+  kKidsBedroom = 46;
+  kKitchen = 47;
+  kLarder = 48;
+  kLaundryRoom = 49;
+  kLawn = 50;
+  kLibrary = 51;
+  kLivingRoom = 52;
+  kLounge = 53;
+  kMediaTVRoom = 54;
+  kMudRoom = 55;
+  kMusicRoom = 56;
+  kNursery = 57;
+  kOffice = 58;
+  kOutdoorKitchen = 59;
+  kOutside = 60;
+  kPantry = 61;
+  kParkingLot = 62;
+  kParlor = 63;
+  kPatio = 64;
+  kPlayRoom = 65;
+  kPoolRoom = 66;
+  kPorch = 67;
+  kPrimaryBathroom = 68;
+  kPrimaryBedroom = 69;
+  kRamp = 70;
+  kReceptionRoom = 71;
+  kRecreationRoom = 72;
+  kRestroom = 73;
+  kRoof = 74;
+  kSauna = 75;
+  kScullery = 76;
+  kSewingRoom = 77;
+  kShed = 78;
+  kSideDoor = 79;
+  kSideYard = 80;
+  kSittingRoom = 81;
+  kSnug = 82;
+  kSpa = 83;
+  kStaircase = 84;
+  kSteamRoom = 85;
+  kStorageRoom = 86;
+  kStudio = 87;
+  kStudy = 88;
+  kSunRoom = 89;
+  kSwimmingPool = 90;
+  kTerrace = 91;
+  kUtilityRoom = 92;
+  kWard = 93;
+  kWorkshop = 94;
+enum FloorSurfaceTag : enum8 {
+  kCarpet = 0;
+  kCeramic = 1;
+  kConcrete = 2;
+  kCork = 3;
+  kDeepCarpet = 4;
+  kDirt = 5;
+  kEngineeredWood = 6;
+  kGlass = 7;
+  kGrass = 8;
+  kHardwood = 9;
+  kLaminate = 10;
+  kLinoleum = 11;
+  kMat = 12;
+  kMetal = 13;
+  kPlastic = 14;
+  kPolishedConcrete = 15;
+  kRubber = 16;
+  kRug = 17;
+  kSand = 18;
+  kStone = 19;
+  kTatami = 20;
+  kTerrazzo = 21;
+  kTile = 22;
+  kVinyl = 23;
+enum LandmarkTag : enum8 {
+  kAirConditioner = 0;
+  kAirPurifier = 1;
+  kBackDoor = 2;
+  kBarStool = 3;
+  kBathMat = 4;
+  kBathtub = 5;
+  kBed = 6;
+  kBookshelf = 7;
+  kChair = 8;
+  kChristmasTree = 9;
+  kCoatRack = 10;
+  kCoffeeTable = 11;
+  kCookingRange = 12;
+  kCouch = 13;
+  kCountertop = 14;
+  kCradle = 15;
+  kCrib = 16;
+  kDesk = 17;
+  kDiningTable = 18;
+  kDishwasher = 19;
+  kDoor = 20;
+  kDresser = 21;
+  kLaundryDryer = 22;
+  kFan = 23;
+  kFireplace = 24;
+  kFreezer = 25;
+  kFrontDoor = 26;
+  kHighChair = 27;
+  kKitchenIsland = 28;
+  kLamp = 29;
+  kLitterBox = 30;
+  kMirror = 31;
+  kNightstand = 32;
+  kOven = 33;
+  kPetBed = 34;
+  kPetBowl = 35;
+  kPetCrate = 36;
+  kRefrigerator = 37;
+  kScratchingPost = 38;
+  kShoeRack = 39;
+  kShower = 40;
+  kSideDoor = 41;
+  kSink = 42;
+  kSofa = 43;
+  kStove = 44;
+  kTable = 45;
+  kToilet = 46;
+  kTrashCan = 47;
+  kLaundryWasher = 48;
+  kWindow = 49;
+  kWineCooler = 50;
+enum PositionTag : enum8 {
+  kLeft = 0;
+  kRight = 1;
+  kTop = 2;
+  kBottom = 3;
+  kMiddle = 4;
+  kRow = 5;
+  kColumn = 6;
+  kUnder = 7;
+  kNextTo = 8;
+  kAround = 9;
+  kOn = 10;
+  kAbove = 11;
+  kFrontOf = 12;
+  kBehind = 13;
 enum TestGlobalEnum : enum8 {
   kSomeValue = 0;
   kSomeOtherValue = 1;
@@ -12,6 +208,12 @@ bitmap TestGlobalBitmap : bitmap32 {
   kSecondBit = 0x2;
+struct LocationDescriptorStruct {
+  char_string<128> locationName = 0;
+  nullable int16s floorNumber = 1;
+  nullable AreaTypeTag areaType = 2;
 struct TestGlobalStruct {
   char_string<128> name = 0;
   nullable TestGlobalBitmap myBitmap = 1;
diff --git a/examples/network-manager-app/network-manager-common/network-manager-app.matter b/examples/network-manager-app/network-manager-common/network-manager-app.matter
index f8600afd71dc8c..152f81961ba5f6 100644
--- a/examples/network-manager-app/network-manager-common/network-manager-app.matter
+++ b/examples/network-manager-app/network-manager-common/network-manager-app.matter
@@ -1,6 +1,202 @@
 // This IDL was generated automatically by ZAP.
 // It is for view/code review purposes only.
+enum AreaTypeTag : enum8 {
+  kAisle = 0;
+  kAttic = 1;
+  kBackDoor = 2;
+  kBackYard = 3;
+  kBalcony = 4;
+  kBallroom = 5;
+  kBathroom = 6;
+  kBedroom = 7;
+  kBorder = 8;
+  kBoxroom = 9;
+  kBreakfastRoom = 10;
+  kCarport = 11;
+  kCellar = 12;
+  kCloakroom = 13;
+  kCloset = 14;
+  kConservatory = 15;
+  kCorridor = 16;
+  kCraftRoom = 17;
+  kCupboard = 18;
+  kDeck = 19;
+  kDen = 20;
+  kDining = 21;
+  kDrawingRoom = 22;
+  kDressingRoom = 23;
+  kDriveway = 24;
+  kElevator = 25;
+  kEnsuite = 26;
+  kEntrance = 27;
+  kEntryway = 28;
+  kFamilyRoom = 29;
+  kFoyer = 30;
+  kFrontDoor = 31;
+  kFrontYard = 32;
+  kGameRoom = 33;
+  kGarage = 34;
+  kGarageDoor = 35;
+  kGarden = 36;
+  kGardenDoor = 37;
+  kGuestBathroom = 38;
+  kGuestBedroom = 39;
+  kGuestRestroom = 40;
+  kGuestRoom = 41;
+  kGym = 42;
+  kHallway = 43;
+  kHearthRoom = 44;
+  kKidsRoom = 45;
+  kKidsBedroom = 46;
+  kKitchen = 47;
+  kLarder = 48;
+  kLaundryRoom = 49;
+  kLawn = 50;
+  kLibrary = 51;
+  kLivingRoom = 52;
+  kLounge = 53;
+  kMediaTVRoom = 54;
+  kMudRoom = 55;
+  kMusicRoom = 56;
+  kNursery = 57;
+  kOffice = 58;
+  kOutdoorKitchen = 59;
+  kOutside = 60;
+  kPantry = 61;
+  kParkingLot = 62;
+  kParlor = 63;
+  kPatio = 64;
+  kPlayRoom = 65;
+  kPoolRoom = 66;
+  kPorch = 67;
+  kPrimaryBathroom = 68;
+  kPrimaryBedroom = 69;
+  kRamp = 70;
+  kReceptionRoom = 71;
+  kRecreationRoom = 72;
+  kRestroom = 73;
+  kRoof = 74;
+  kSauna = 75;
+  kScullery = 76;
+  kSewingRoom = 77;
+  kShed = 78;
+  kSideDoor = 79;
+  kSideYard = 80;
+  kSittingRoom = 81;
+  kSnug = 82;
+  kSpa = 83;
+  kStaircase = 84;
+  kSteamRoom = 85;
+  kStorageRoom = 86;
+  kStudio = 87;
+  kStudy = 88;
+  kSunRoom = 89;
+  kSwimmingPool = 90;
+  kTerrace = 91;
+  kUtilityRoom = 92;
+  kWard = 93;
+  kWorkshop = 94;
+enum FloorSurfaceTag : enum8 {
+  kCarpet = 0;
+  kCeramic = 1;
+  kConcrete = 2;
+  kCork = 3;
+  kDeepCarpet = 4;
+  kDirt = 5;
+  kEngineeredWood = 6;
+  kGlass = 7;
+  kGrass = 8;
+  kHardwood = 9;
+  kLaminate = 10;
+  kLinoleum = 11;
+  kMat = 12;
+  kMetal = 13;
+  kPlastic = 14;
+  kPolishedConcrete = 15;
+  kRubber = 16;
+  kRug = 17;
+  kSand = 18;
+  kStone = 19;
+  kTatami = 20;
+  kTerrazzo = 21;
+  kTile = 22;
+  kVinyl = 23;
+enum LandmarkTag : enum8 {
+  kAirConditioner = 0;
+  kAirPurifier = 1;
+  kBackDoor = 2;
+  kBarStool = 3;
+  kBathMat = 4;
+  kBathtub = 5;
+  kBed = 6;
+  kBookshelf = 7;
+  kChair = 8;
+  kChristmasTree = 9;
+  kCoatRack = 10;
+  kCoffeeTable = 11;
+  kCookingRange = 12;
+  kCouch = 13;
+  kCountertop = 14;
+  kCradle = 15;
+  kCrib = 16;
+  kDesk = 17;
+  kDiningTable = 18;
+  kDishwasher = 19;
+  kDoor = 20;
+  kDresser = 21;
+  kLaundryDryer = 22;
+  kFan = 23;
+  kFireplace = 24;
+  kFreezer = 25;
+  kFrontDoor = 26;
+  kHighChair = 27;
+  kKitchenIsland = 28;
+  kLamp = 29;
+  kLitterBox = 30;
+  kMirror = 31;
+  kNightstand = 32;
+  kOven = 33;
+  kPetBed = 34;
+  kPetBowl = 35;
+  kPetCrate = 36;
+  kRefrigerator = 37;
+  kScratchingPost = 38;
+  kShoeRack = 39;
+  kShower = 40;
+  kSideDoor = 41;
+  kSink = 42;
+  kSofa = 43;
+  kStove = 44;
+  kTable = 45;
+  kToilet = 46;
+  kTrashCan = 47;
+  kLaundryWasher = 48;
+  kWindow = 49;
+  kWineCooler = 50;
+enum PositionTag : enum8 {
+  kLeft = 0;
+  kRight = 1;
+  kTop = 2;
+  kBottom = 3;
+  kMiddle = 4;
+  kRow = 5;
+  kColumn = 6;
+  kUnder = 7;
+  kNextTo = 8;
+  kAround = 9;
+  kOn = 10;
+  kAbove = 11;
+  kFrontOf = 12;
+  kBehind = 13;
 enum TestGlobalEnum : enum8 {
   kSomeValue = 0;
   kSomeOtherValue = 1;
@@ -12,6 +208,12 @@ bitmap TestGlobalBitmap : bitmap32 {
   kSecondBit = 0x2;
+struct LocationDescriptorStruct {
+  char_string<128> locationName = 0;
+  nullable int16s floorNumber = 1;
+  nullable AreaTypeTag areaType = 2;
 struct TestGlobalStruct {
   char_string<128> name = 0;
   nullable TestGlobalBitmap myBitmap = 1;
diff --git a/examples/ota-provider-app/ota-provider-common/ota-provider-app.matter b/examples/ota-provider-app/ota-provider-common/ota-provider-app.matter
index 4385f8b6d252df..e030d276cf954c 100644
--- a/examples/ota-provider-app/ota-provider-common/ota-provider-app.matter
+++ b/examples/ota-provider-app/ota-provider-common/ota-provider-app.matter
@@ -1,6 +1,202 @@
 // This IDL was generated automatically by ZAP.
 // It is for view/code review purposes only.
+enum AreaTypeTag : enum8 {
+  kAisle = 0;
+  kAttic = 1;
+  kBackDoor = 2;
+  kBackYard = 3;
+  kBalcony = 4;
+  kBallroom = 5;
+  kBathroom = 6;
+  kBedroom = 7;
+  kBorder = 8;
+  kBoxroom = 9;
+  kBreakfastRoom = 10;
+  kCarport = 11;
+  kCellar = 12;
+  kCloakroom = 13;
+  kCloset = 14;
+  kConservatory = 15;
+  kCorridor = 16;
+  kCraftRoom = 17;
+  kCupboard = 18;
+  kDeck = 19;
+  kDen = 20;
+  kDining = 21;
+  kDrawingRoom = 22;
+  kDressingRoom = 23;
+  kDriveway = 24;
+  kElevator = 25;
+  kEnsuite = 26;
+  kEntrance = 27;
+  kEntryway = 28;
+  kFamilyRoom = 29;
+  kFoyer = 30;
+  kFrontDoor = 31;
+  kFrontYard = 32;
+  kGameRoom = 33;
+  kGarage = 34;
+  kGarageDoor = 35;
+  kGarden = 36;
+  kGardenDoor = 37;
+  kGuestBathroom = 38;
+  kGuestBedroom = 39;
+  kGuestRestroom = 40;
+  kGuestRoom = 41;
+  kGym = 42;
+  kHallway = 43;
+  kHearthRoom = 44;
+  kKidsRoom = 45;
+  kKidsBedroom = 46;
+  kKitchen = 47;
+  kLarder = 48;
+  kLaundryRoom = 49;
+  kLawn = 50;
+  kLibrary = 51;
+  kLivingRoom = 52;
+  kLounge = 53;
+  kMediaTVRoom = 54;
+  kMudRoom = 55;
+  kMusicRoom = 56;
+  kNursery = 57;
+  kOffice = 58;
+  kOutdoorKitchen = 59;
+  kOutside = 60;
+  kPantry = 61;
+  kParkingLot = 62;
+  kParlor = 63;
+  kPatio = 64;
+  kPlayRoom = 65;
+  kPoolRoom = 66;
+  kPorch = 67;
+  kPrimaryBathroom = 68;
+  kPrimaryBedroom = 69;
+  kRamp = 70;
+  kReceptionRoom = 71;
+  kRecreationRoom = 72;
+  kRestroom = 73;
+  kRoof = 74;
+  kSauna = 75;
+  kScullery = 76;
+  kSewingRoom = 77;
+  kShed = 78;
+  kSideDoor = 79;
+  kSideYard = 80;
+  kSittingRoom = 81;
+  kSnug = 82;
+  kSpa = 83;
+  kStaircase = 84;
+  kSteamRoom = 85;
+  kStorageRoom = 86;
+  kStudio = 87;
+  kStudy = 88;
+  kSunRoom = 89;
+  kSwimmingPool = 90;
+  kTerrace = 91;
+  kUtilityRoom = 92;
+  kWard = 93;
+  kWorkshop = 94;
+enum FloorSurfaceTag : enum8 {
+  kCarpet = 0;
+  kCeramic = 1;
+  kConcrete = 2;
+  kCork = 3;
+  kDeepCarpet = 4;
+  kDirt = 5;
+  kEngineeredWood = 6;
+  kGlass = 7;
+  kGrass = 8;
+  kHardwood = 9;
+  kLaminate = 10;
+  kLinoleum = 11;
+  kMat = 12;
+  kMetal = 13;
+  kPlastic = 14;
+  kPolishedConcrete = 15;
+  kRubber = 16;
+  kRug = 17;
+  kSand = 18;
+  kStone = 19;
+  kTatami = 20;
+  kTerrazzo = 21;
+  kTile = 22;
+  kVinyl = 23;
+enum LandmarkTag : enum8 {
+  kAirConditioner = 0;
+  kAirPurifier = 1;
+  kBackDoor = 2;
+  kBarStool = 3;
+  kBathMat = 4;
+  kBathtub = 5;
+  kBed = 6;
+  kBookshelf = 7;
+  kChair = 8;
+  kChristmasTree = 9;
+  kCoatRack = 10;
+  kCoffeeTable = 11;
+  kCookingRange = 12;
+  kCouch = 13;
+  kCountertop = 14;
+  kCradle = 15;
+  kCrib = 16;
+  kDesk = 17;
+  kDiningTable = 18;
+  kDishwasher = 19;
+  kDoor = 20;
+  kDresser = 21;
+  kLaundryDryer = 22;
+  kFan = 23;
+  kFireplace = 24;
+  kFreezer = 25;
+  kFrontDoor = 26;
+  kHighChair = 27;
+  kKitchenIsland = 28;
+  kLamp = 29;
+  kLitterBox = 30;
+  kMirror = 31;
+  kNightstand = 32;
+  kOven = 33;
+  kPetBed = 34;
+  kPetBowl = 35;
+  kPetCrate = 36;
+  kRefrigerator = 37;
+  kScratchingPost = 38;
+  kShoeRack = 39;
+  kShower = 40;
+  kSideDoor = 41;
+  kSink = 42;
+  kSofa = 43;
+  kStove = 44;
+  kTable = 45;
+  kToilet = 46;
+  kTrashCan = 47;
+  kLaundryWasher = 48;
+  kWindow = 49;
+  kWineCooler = 50;
+enum PositionTag : enum8 {
+  kLeft = 0;
+  kRight = 1;
+  kTop = 2;
+  kBottom = 3;
+  kMiddle = 4;
+  kRow = 5;
+  kColumn = 6;
+  kUnder = 7;
+  kNextTo = 8;
+  kAround = 9;
+  kOn = 10;
+  kAbove = 11;
+  kFrontOf = 12;
+  kBehind = 13;
 enum TestGlobalEnum : enum8 {
   kSomeValue = 0;
   kSomeOtherValue = 1;
@@ -12,6 +208,12 @@ bitmap TestGlobalBitmap : bitmap32 {
   kSecondBit = 0x2;
+struct LocationDescriptorStruct {
+  char_string<128> locationName = 0;
+  nullable int16s floorNumber = 1;
+  nullable AreaTypeTag areaType = 2;
 struct TestGlobalStruct {
   char_string<128> name = 0;
   nullable TestGlobalBitmap myBitmap = 1;
diff --git a/examples/ota-requestor-app/ota-requestor-common/ota-requestor-app.matter b/examples/ota-requestor-app/ota-requestor-common/ota-requestor-app.matter
index 4afe132a484702..4d46808ccc9756 100644
--- a/examples/ota-requestor-app/ota-requestor-common/ota-requestor-app.matter
+++ b/examples/ota-requestor-app/ota-requestor-common/ota-requestor-app.matter
@@ -1,6 +1,202 @@
 // This IDL was generated automatically by ZAP.
 // It is for view/code review purposes only.
+enum AreaTypeTag : enum8 {
+  kAisle = 0;
+  kAttic = 1;
+  kBackDoor = 2;
+  kBackYard = 3;
+  kBalcony = 4;
+  kBallroom = 5;
+  kBathroom = 6;
+  kBedroom = 7;
+  kBorder = 8;
+  kBoxroom = 9;
+  kBreakfastRoom = 10;
+  kCarport = 11;
+  kCellar = 12;
+  kCloakroom = 13;
+  kCloset = 14;
+  kConservatory = 15;
+  kCorridor = 16;
+  kCraftRoom = 17;
+  kCupboard = 18;
+  kDeck = 19;
+  kDen = 20;
+  kDining = 21;
+  kDrawingRoom = 22;
+  kDressingRoom = 23;
+  kDriveway = 24;
+  kElevator = 25;
+  kEnsuite = 26;
+  kEntrance = 27;
+  kEntryway = 28;
+  kFamilyRoom = 29;
+  kFoyer = 30;
+  kFrontDoor = 31;
+  kFrontYard = 32;
+  kGameRoom = 33;
+  kGarage = 34;
+  kGarageDoor = 35;
+  kGarden = 36;
+  kGardenDoor = 37;
+  kGuestBathroom = 38;
+  kGuestBedroom = 39;
+  kGuestRestroom = 40;
+  kGuestRoom = 41;
+  kGym = 42;
+  kHallway = 43;
+  kHearthRoom = 44;
+  kKidsRoom = 45;
+  kKidsBedroom = 46;
+  kKitchen = 47;
+  kLarder = 48;
+  kLaundryRoom = 49;
+  kLawn = 50;
+  kLibrary = 51;
+  kLivingRoom = 52;
+  kLounge = 53;
+  kMediaTVRoom = 54;
+  kMudRoom = 55;
+  kMusicRoom = 56;
+  kNursery = 57;
+  kOffice = 58;
+  kOutdoorKitchen = 59;
+  kOutside = 60;
+  kPantry = 61;
+  kParkingLot = 62;
+  kParlor = 63;
+  kPatio = 64;
+  kPlayRoom = 65;
+  kPoolRoom = 66;
+  kPorch = 67;
+  kPrimaryBathroom = 68;
+  kPrimaryBedroom = 69;
+  kRamp = 70;
+  kReceptionRoom = 71;
+  kRecreationRoom = 72;
+  kRestroom = 73;
+  kRoof = 74;
+  kSauna = 75;
+  kScullery = 76;
+  kSewingRoom = 77;
+  kShed = 78;
+  kSideDoor = 79;
+  kSideYard = 80;
+  kSittingRoom = 81;
+  kSnug = 82;
+  kSpa = 83;
+  kStaircase = 84;
+  kSteamRoom = 85;
+  kStorageRoom = 86;
+  kStudio = 87;
+  kStudy = 88;
+  kSunRoom = 89;
+  kSwimmingPool = 90;
+  kTerrace = 91;
+  kUtilityRoom = 92;
+  kWard = 93;
+  kWorkshop = 94;
+enum FloorSurfaceTag : enum8 {
+  kCarpet = 0;
+  kCeramic = 1;
+  kConcrete = 2;
+  kCork = 3;
+  kDeepCarpet = 4;
+  kDirt = 5;
+  kEngineeredWood = 6;
+  kGlass = 7;
+  kGrass = 8;
+  kHardwood = 9;
+  kLaminate = 10;
+  kLinoleum = 11;
+  kMat = 12;
+  kMetal = 13;
+  kPlastic = 14;
+  kPolishedConcrete = 15;
+  kRubber = 16;
+  kRug = 17;
+  kSand = 18;
+  kStone = 19;
+  kTatami = 20;
+  kTerrazzo = 21;
+  kTile = 22;
+  kVinyl = 23;
+enum LandmarkTag : enum8 {
+  kAirConditioner = 0;
+  kAirPurifier = 1;
+  kBackDoor = 2;
+  kBarStool = 3;
+  kBathMat = 4;
+  kBathtub = 5;
+  kBed = 6;
+  kBookshelf = 7;
+  kChair = 8;
+  kChristmasTree = 9;
+  kCoatRack = 10;
+  kCoffeeTable = 11;
+  kCookingRange = 12;
+  kCouch = 13;
+  kCountertop = 14;
+  kCradle = 15;
+  kCrib = 16;
+  kDesk = 17;
+  kDiningTable = 18;
+  kDishwasher = 19;
+  kDoor = 20;
+  kDresser = 21;
+  kLaundryDryer = 22;
+  kFan = 23;
+  kFireplace = 24;
+  kFreezer = 25;
+  kFrontDoor = 26;
+  kHighChair = 27;
+  kKitchenIsland = 28;
+  kLamp = 29;
+  kLitterBox = 30;
+  kMirror = 31;
+  kNightstand = 32;
+  kOven = 33;
+  kPetBed = 34;
+  kPetBowl = 35;
+  kPetCrate = 36;
+  kRefrigerator = 37;
+  kScratchingPost = 38;
+  kShoeRack = 39;
+  kShower = 40;
+  kSideDoor = 41;
+  kSink = 42;
+  kSofa = 43;
+  kStove = 44;
+  kTable = 45;
+  kToilet = 46;
+  kTrashCan = 47;
+  kLaundryWasher = 48;
+  kWindow = 49;
+  kWineCooler = 50;
+enum PositionTag : enum8 {
+  kLeft = 0;
+  kRight = 1;
+  kTop = 2;
+  kBottom = 3;
+  kMiddle = 4;
+  kRow = 5;
+  kColumn = 6;
+  kUnder = 7;
+  kNextTo = 8;
+  kAround = 9;
+  kOn = 10;
+  kAbove = 11;
+  kFrontOf = 12;
+  kBehind = 13;
 enum TestGlobalEnum : enum8 {
   kSomeValue = 0;
   kSomeOtherValue = 1;
@@ -12,6 +208,12 @@ bitmap TestGlobalBitmap : bitmap32 {
   kSecondBit = 0x2;
+struct LocationDescriptorStruct {
+  char_string<128> locationName = 0;
+  nullable int16s floorNumber = 1;
+  nullable AreaTypeTag areaType = 2;
 struct TestGlobalStruct {
   char_string<128> name = 0;
   nullable TestGlobalBitmap myBitmap = 1;
diff --git a/examples/placeholder/linux/apps/app1/config.matter b/examples/placeholder/linux/apps/app1/config.matter
index 665714e076ed91..691abcd85ce0da 100644
--- a/examples/placeholder/linux/apps/app1/config.matter
+++ b/examples/placeholder/linux/apps/app1/config.matter
@@ -1,6 +1,202 @@
 // This IDL was generated automatically by ZAP.
 // It is for view/code review purposes only.
+enum AreaTypeTag : enum8 {
+  kAisle = 0;
+  kAttic = 1;
+  kBackDoor = 2;
+  kBackYard = 3;
+  kBalcony = 4;
+  kBallroom = 5;
+  kBathroom = 6;
+  kBedroom = 7;
+  kBorder = 8;
+  kBoxroom = 9;
+  kBreakfastRoom = 10;
+  kCarport = 11;
+  kCellar = 12;
+  kCloakroom = 13;
+  kCloset = 14;
+  kConservatory = 15;
+  kCorridor = 16;
+  kCraftRoom = 17;
+  kCupboard = 18;
+  kDeck = 19;
+  kDen = 20;
+  kDining = 21;
+  kDrawingRoom = 22;
+  kDressingRoom = 23;
+  kDriveway = 24;
+  kElevator = 25;
+  kEnsuite = 26;
+  kEntrance = 27;
+  kEntryway = 28;
+  kFamilyRoom = 29;
+  kFoyer = 30;
+  kFrontDoor = 31;
+  kFrontYard = 32;
+  kGameRoom = 33;
+  kGarage = 34;
+  kGarageDoor = 35;
+  kGarden = 36;
+  kGardenDoor = 37;
+  kGuestBathroom = 38;
+  kGuestBedroom = 39;
+  kGuestRestroom = 40;
+  kGuestRoom = 41;
+  kGym = 42;
+  kHallway = 43;
+  kHearthRoom = 44;
+  kKidsRoom = 45;
+  kKidsBedroom = 46;
+  kKitchen = 47;
+  kLarder = 48;
+  kLaundryRoom = 49;
+  kLawn = 50;
+  kLibrary = 51;
+  kLivingRoom = 52;
+  kLounge = 53;
+  kMediaTVRoom = 54;
+  kMudRoom = 55;
+  kMusicRoom = 56;
+  kNursery = 57;
+  kOffice = 58;
+  kOutdoorKitchen = 59;
+  kOutside = 60;
+  kPantry = 61;
+  kParkingLot = 62;
+  kParlor = 63;
+  kPatio = 64;
+  kPlayRoom = 65;
+  kPoolRoom = 66;
+  kPorch = 67;
+  kPrimaryBathroom = 68;
+  kPrimaryBedroom = 69;
+  kRamp = 70;
+  kReceptionRoom = 71;
+  kRecreationRoom = 72;
+  kRestroom = 73;
+  kRoof = 74;
+  kSauna = 75;
+  kScullery = 76;
+  kSewingRoom = 77;
+  kShed = 78;
+  kSideDoor = 79;
+  kSideYard = 80;
+  kSittingRoom = 81;
+  kSnug = 82;
+  kSpa = 83;
+  kStaircase = 84;
+  kSteamRoom = 85;
+  kStorageRoom = 86;
+  kStudio = 87;
+  kStudy = 88;
+  kSunRoom = 89;
+  kSwimmingPool = 90;
+  kTerrace = 91;
+  kUtilityRoom = 92;
+  kWard = 93;
+  kWorkshop = 94;
+enum FloorSurfaceTag : enum8 {
+  kCarpet = 0;
+  kCeramic = 1;
+  kConcrete = 2;
+  kCork = 3;
+  kDeepCarpet = 4;
+  kDirt = 5;
+  kEngineeredWood = 6;
+  kGlass = 7;
+  kGrass = 8;
+  kHardwood = 9;
+  kLaminate = 10;
+  kLinoleum = 11;
+  kMat = 12;
+  kMetal = 13;
+  kPlastic = 14;
+  kPolishedConcrete = 15;
+  kRubber = 16;
+  kRug = 17;
+  kSand = 18;
+  kStone = 19;
+  kTatami = 20;
+  kTerrazzo = 21;
+  kTile = 22;
+  kVinyl = 23;
+enum LandmarkTag : enum8 {
+  kAirConditioner = 0;
+  kAirPurifier = 1;
+  kBackDoor = 2;
+  kBarStool = 3;
+  kBathMat = 4;
+  kBathtub = 5;
+  kBed = 6;
+  kBookshelf = 7;
+  kChair = 8;
+  kChristmasTree = 9;
+  kCoatRack = 10;
+  kCoffeeTable = 11;
+  kCookingRange = 12;
+  kCouch = 13;
+  kCountertop = 14;
+  kCradle = 15;
+  kCrib = 16;
+  kDesk = 17;
+  kDiningTable = 18;
+  kDishwasher = 19;
+  kDoor = 20;
+  kDresser = 21;
+  kLaundryDryer = 22;
+  kFan = 23;
+  kFireplace = 24;
+  kFreezer = 25;
+  kFrontDoor = 26;
+  kHighChair = 27;
+  kKitchenIsland = 28;
+  kLamp = 29;
+  kLitterBox = 30;
+  kMirror = 31;
+  kNightstand = 32;
+  kOven = 33;
+  kPetBed = 34;
+  kPetBowl = 35;
+  kPetCrate = 36;
+  kRefrigerator = 37;
+  kScratchingPost = 38;
+  kShoeRack = 39;
+  kShower = 40;
+  kSideDoor = 41;
+  kSink = 42;
+  kSofa = 43;
+  kStove = 44;
+  kTable = 45;
+  kToilet = 46;
+  kTrashCan = 47;
+  kLaundryWasher = 48;
+  kWindow = 49;
+  kWineCooler = 50;
+enum PositionTag : enum8 {
+  kLeft = 0;
+  kRight = 1;
+  kTop = 2;
+  kBottom = 3;
+  kMiddle = 4;
+  kRow = 5;
+  kColumn = 6;
+  kUnder = 7;
+  kNextTo = 8;
+  kAround = 9;
+  kOn = 10;
+  kAbove = 11;
+  kFrontOf = 12;
+  kBehind = 13;
 enum TestGlobalEnum : enum8 {
   kSomeValue = 0;
   kSomeOtherValue = 1;
@@ -12,6 +208,12 @@ bitmap TestGlobalBitmap : bitmap32 {
   kSecondBit = 0x2;
+struct LocationDescriptorStruct {
+  char_string<128> locationName = 0;
+  nullable int16s floorNumber = 1;
+  nullable AreaTypeTag areaType = 2;
 struct TestGlobalStruct {
   char_string<128> name = 0;
   nullable TestGlobalBitmap myBitmap = 1;
diff --git a/examples/placeholder/linux/apps/app2/config.matter b/examples/placeholder/linux/apps/app2/config.matter
index d1fd025cef5bff..9a2f9bf4b2145b 100644
--- a/examples/placeholder/linux/apps/app2/config.matter
+++ b/examples/placeholder/linux/apps/app2/config.matter
@@ -1,6 +1,202 @@
 // This IDL was generated automatically by ZAP.
 // It is for view/code review purposes only.
+enum AreaTypeTag : enum8 {
+  kAisle = 0;
+  kAttic = 1;
+  kBackDoor = 2;
+  kBackYard = 3;
+  kBalcony = 4;
+  kBallroom = 5;
+  kBathroom = 6;
+  kBedroom = 7;
+  kBorder = 8;
+  kBoxroom = 9;
+  kBreakfastRoom = 10;
+  kCarport = 11;
+  kCellar = 12;
+  kCloakroom = 13;
+  kCloset = 14;
+  kConservatory = 15;
+  kCorridor = 16;
+  kCraftRoom = 17;
+  kCupboard = 18;
+  kDeck = 19;
+  kDen = 20;
+  kDining = 21;
+  kDrawingRoom = 22;
+  kDressingRoom = 23;
+  kDriveway = 24;
+  kElevator = 25;
+  kEnsuite = 26;
+  kEntrance = 27;
+  kEntryway = 28;
+  kFamilyRoom = 29;
+  kFoyer = 30;
+  kFrontDoor = 31;
+  kFrontYard = 32;
+  kGameRoom = 33;
+  kGarage = 34;
+  kGarageDoor = 35;
+  kGarden = 36;
+  kGardenDoor = 37;
+  kGuestBathroom = 38;
+  kGuestBedroom = 39;
+  kGuestRestroom = 40;
+  kGuestRoom = 41;
+  kGym = 42;
+  kHallway = 43;
+  kHearthRoom = 44;
+  kKidsRoom = 45;
+  kKidsBedroom = 46;
+  kKitchen = 47;
+  kLarder = 48;
+  kLaundryRoom = 49;
+  kLawn = 50;
+  kLibrary = 51;
+  kLivingRoom = 52;
+  kLounge = 53;
+  kMediaTVRoom = 54;
+  kMudRoom = 55;
+  kMusicRoom = 56;
+  kNursery = 57;
+  kOffice = 58;
+  kOutdoorKitchen = 59;
+  kOutside = 60;
+  kPantry = 61;
+  kParkingLot = 62;
+  kParlor = 63;
+  kPatio = 64;
+  kPlayRoom = 65;
+  kPoolRoom = 66;
+  kPorch = 67;
+  kPrimaryBathroom = 68;
+  kPrimaryBedroom = 69;
+  kRamp = 70;
+  kReceptionRoom = 71;
+  kRecreationRoom = 72;
+  kRestroom = 73;
+  kRoof = 74;
+  kSauna = 75;
+  kScullery = 76;
+  kSewingRoom = 77;
+  kShed = 78;
+  kSideDoor = 79;
+  kSideYard = 80;
+  kSittingRoom = 81;
+  kSnug = 82;
+  kSpa = 83;
+  kStaircase = 84;
+  kSteamRoom = 85;
+  kStorageRoom = 86;
+  kStudio = 87;
+  kStudy = 88;
+  kSunRoom = 89;
+  kSwimmingPool = 90;
+  kTerrace = 91;
+  kUtilityRoom = 92;
+  kWard = 93;
+  kWorkshop = 94;
+enum FloorSurfaceTag : enum8 {
+  kCarpet = 0;
+  kCeramic = 1;
+  kConcrete = 2;
+  kCork = 3;
+  kDeepCarpet = 4;
+  kDirt = 5;
+  kEngineeredWood = 6;
+  kGlass = 7;
+  kGrass = 8;
+  kHardwood = 9;
+  kLaminate = 10;
+  kLinoleum = 11;
+  kMat = 12;
+  kMetal = 13;
+  kPlastic = 14;
+  kPolishedConcrete = 15;
+  kRubber = 16;
+  kRug = 17;
+  kSand = 18;
+  kStone = 19;
+  kTatami = 20;
+  kTerrazzo = 21;
+  kTile = 22;
+  kVinyl = 23;
+enum LandmarkTag : enum8 {
+  kAirConditioner = 0;
+  kAirPurifier = 1;
+  kBackDoor = 2;
+  kBarStool = 3;
+  kBathMat = 4;
+  kBathtub = 5;
+  kBed = 6;
+  kBookshelf = 7;
+  kChair = 8;
+  kChristmasTree = 9;
+  kCoatRack = 10;
+  kCoffeeTable = 11;
+  kCookingRange = 12;
+  kCouch = 13;
+  kCountertop = 14;
+  kCradle = 15;
+  kCrib = 16;
+  kDesk = 17;
+  kDiningTable = 18;
+  kDishwasher = 19;
+  kDoor = 20;
+  kDresser = 21;
+  kLaundryDryer = 22;
+  kFan = 23;
+  kFireplace = 24;
+  kFreezer = 25;
+  kFrontDoor = 26;
+  kHighChair = 27;
+  kKitchenIsland = 28;
+  kLamp = 29;
+  kLitterBox = 30;
+  kMirror = 31;
+  kNightstand = 32;
+  kOven = 33;
+  kPetBed = 34;
+  kPetBowl = 35;
+  kPetCrate = 36;
+  kRefrigerator = 37;
+  kScratchingPost = 38;
+  kShoeRack = 39;
+  kShower = 40;
+  kSideDoor = 41;
+  kSink = 42;
+  kSofa = 43;
+  kStove = 44;
+  kTable = 45;
+  kToilet = 46;
+  kTrashCan = 47;
+  kLaundryWasher = 48;
+  kWindow = 49;
+  kWineCooler = 50;
+enum PositionTag : enum8 {
+  kLeft = 0;
+  kRight = 1;
+  kTop = 2;
+  kBottom = 3;
+  kMiddle = 4;
+  kRow = 5;
+  kColumn = 6;
+  kUnder = 7;
+  kNextTo = 8;
+  kAround = 9;
+  kOn = 10;
+  kAbove = 11;
+  kFrontOf = 12;
+  kBehind = 13;
 enum TestGlobalEnum : enum8 {
   kSomeValue = 0;
   kSomeOtherValue = 1;
@@ -12,6 +208,12 @@ bitmap TestGlobalBitmap : bitmap32 {
   kSecondBit = 0x2;
+struct LocationDescriptorStruct {
+  char_string<128> locationName = 0;
+  nullable int16s floorNumber = 1;
+  nullable AreaTypeTag areaType = 2;
 struct TestGlobalStruct {
   char_string<128> name = 0;
   nullable TestGlobalBitmap myBitmap = 1;
diff --git a/examples/pump-app/pump-common/pump-app.matter b/examples/pump-app/pump-common/pump-app.matter
index d766b7d9c61ff1..d6a3bd98a27dcb 100644
--- a/examples/pump-app/pump-common/pump-app.matter
+++ b/examples/pump-app/pump-common/pump-app.matter
@@ -1,6 +1,202 @@
 // This IDL was generated automatically by ZAP.
 // It is for view/code review purposes only.
+enum AreaTypeTag : enum8 {
+  kAisle = 0;
+  kAttic = 1;
+  kBackDoor = 2;
+  kBackYard = 3;
+  kBalcony = 4;
+  kBallroom = 5;
+  kBathroom = 6;
+  kBedroom = 7;
+  kBorder = 8;
+  kBoxroom = 9;
+  kBreakfastRoom = 10;
+  kCarport = 11;
+  kCellar = 12;
+  kCloakroom = 13;
+  kCloset = 14;
+  kConservatory = 15;
+  kCorridor = 16;
+  kCraftRoom = 17;
+  kCupboard = 18;
+  kDeck = 19;
+  kDen = 20;
+  kDining = 21;
+  kDrawingRoom = 22;
+  kDressingRoom = 23;
+  kDriveway = 24;
+  kElevator = 25;
+  kEnsuite = 26;
+  kEntrance = 27;
+  kEntryway = 28;
+  kFamilyRoom = 29;
+  kFoyer = 30;
+  kFrontDoor = 31;
+  kFrontYard = 32;
+  kGameRoom = 33;
+  kGarage = 34;
+  kGarageDoor = 35;
+  kGarden = 36;
+  kGardenDoor = 37;
+  kGuestBathroom = 38;
+  kGuestBedroom = 39;
+  kGuestRestroom = 40;
+  kGuestRoom = 41;
+  kGym = 42;
+  kHallway = 43;
+  kHearthRoom = 44;
+  kKidsRoom = 45;
+  kKidsBedroom = 46;
+  kKitchen = 47;
+  kLarder = 48;
+  kLaundryRoom = 49;
+  kLawn = 50;
+  kLibrary = 51;
+  kLivingRoom = 52;
+  kLounge = 53;
+  kMediaTVRoom = 54;
+  kMudRoom = 55;
+  kMusicRoom = 56;
+  kNursery = 57;
+  kOffice = 58;
+  kOutdoorKitchen = 59;
+  kOutside = 60;
+  kPantry = 61;
+  kParkingLot = 62;
+  kParlor = 63;
+  kPatio = 64;
+  kPlayRoom = 65;
+  kPoolRoom = 66;
+  kPorch = 67;
+  kPrimaryBathroom = 68;
+  kPrimaryBedroom = 69;
+  kRamp = 70;
+  kReceptionRoom = 71;
+  kRecreationRoom = 72;
+  kRestroom = 73;
+  kRoof = 74;
+  kSauna = 75;
+  kScullery = 76;
+  kSewingRoom = 77;
+  kShed = 78;
+  kSideDoor = 79;
+  kSideYard = 80;
+  kSittingRoom = 81;
+  kSnug = 82;
+  kSpa = 83;
+  kStaircase = 84;
+  kSteamRoom = 85;
+  kStorageRoom = 86;
+  kStudio = 87;
+  kStudy = 88;
+  kSunRoom = 89;
+  kSwimmingPool = 90;
+  kTerrace = 91;
+  kUtilityRoom = 92;
+  kWard = 93;
+  kWorkshop = 94;
+enum FloorSurfaceTag : enum8 {
+  kCarpet = 0;
+  kCeramic = 1;
+  kConcrete = 2;
+  kCork = 3;
+  kDeepCarpet = 4;
+  kDirt = 5;
+  kEngineeredWood = 6;
+  kGlass = 7;
+  kGrass = 8;
+  kHardwood = 9;
+  kLaminate = 10;
+  kLinoleum = 11;
+  kMat = 12;
+  kMetal = 13;
+  kPlastic = 14;
+  kPolishedConcrete = 15;
+  kRubber = 16;
+  kRug = 17;
+  kSand = 18;
+  kStone = 19;
+  kTatami = 20;
+  kTerrazzo = 21;
+  kTile = 22;
+  kVinyl = 23;
+enum LandmarkTag : enum8 {
+  kAirConditioner = 0;
+  kAirPurifier = 1;
+  kBackDoor = 2;
+  kBarStool = 3;
+  kBathMat = 4;
+  kBathtub = 5;
+  kBed = 6;
+  kBookshelf = 7;
+  kChair = 8;
+  kChristmasTree = 9;
+  kCoatRack = 10;
+  kCoffeeTable = 11;
+  kCookingRange = 12;
+  kCouch = 13;
+  kCountertop = 14;
+  kCradle = 15;
+  kCrib = 16;
+  kDesk = 17;
+  kDiningTable = 18;
+  kDishwasher = 19;
+  kDoor = 20;
+  kDresser = 21;
+  kLaundryDryer = 22;
+  kFan = 23;
+  kFireplace = 24;
+  kFreezer = 25;
+  kFrontDoor = 26;
+  kHighChair = 27;
+  kKitchenIsland = 28;
+  kLamp = 29;
+  kLitterBox = 30;
+  kMirror = 31;
+  kNightstand = 32;
+  kOven = 33;
+  kPetBed = 34;
+  kPetBowl = 35;
+  kPetCrate = 36;
+  kRefrigerator = 37;
+  kScratchingPost = 38;
+  kShoeRack = 39;
+  kShower = 40;
+  kSideDoor = 41;
+  kSink = 42;
+  kSofa = 43;
+  kStove = 44;
+  kTable = 45;
+  kToilet = 46;
+  kTrashCan = 47;
+  kLaundryWasher = 48;
+  kWindow = 49;
+  kWineCooler = 50;
+enum PositionTag : enum8 {
+  kLeft = 0;
+  kRight = 1;
+  kTop = 2;
+  kBottom = 3;
+  kMiddle = 4;
+  kRow = 5;
+  kColumn = 6;
+  kUnder = 7;
+  kNextTo = 8;
+  kAround = 9;
+  kOn = 10;
+  kAbove = 11;
+  kFrontOf = 12;
+  kBehind = 13;
 enum TestGlobalEnum : enum8 {
   kSomeValue = 0;
   kSomeOtherValue = 1;
@@ -12,6 +208,12 @@ bitmap TestGlobalBitmap : bitmap32 {
   kSecondBit = 0x2;
+struct LocationDescriptorStruct {
+  char_string<128> locationName = 0;
+  nullable int16s floorNumber = 1;
+  nullable AreaTypeTag areaType = 2;
 struct TestGlobalStruct {
   char_string<128> name = 0;
   nullable TestGlobalBitmap myBitmap = 1;
diff --git a/examples/pump-app/silabs/data_model/pump-thread-app.matter b/examples/pump-app/silabs/data_model/pump-thread-app.matter
index cbc0ea3c2d65fc..d933e5fed1bca3 100644
--- a/examples/pump-app/silabs/data_model/pump-thread-app.matter
+++ b/examples/pump-app/silabs/data_model/pump-thread-app.matter
@@ -1,6 +1,202 @@
 // This IDL was generated automatically by ZAP.
 // It is for view/code review purposes only.
+enum AreaTypeTag : enum8 {
+  kAisle = 0;
+  kAttic = 1;
+  kBackDoor = 2;
+  kBackYard = 3;
+  kBalcony = 4;
+  kBallroom = 5;
+  kBathroom = 6;
+  kBedroom = 7;
+  kBorder = 8;
+  kBoxroom = 9;
+  kBreakfastRoom = 10;
+  kCarport = 11;
+  kCellar = 12;
+  kCloakroom = 13;
+  kCloset = 14;
+  kConservatory = 15;
+  kCorridor = 16;
+  kCraftRoom = 17;
+  kCupboard = 18;
+  kDeck = 19;
+  kDen = 20;
+  kDining = 21;
+  kDrawingRoom = 22;
+  kDressingRoom = 23;
+  kDriveway = 24;
+  kElevator = 25;
+  kEnsuite = 26;
+  kEntrance = 27;
+  kEntryway = 28;
+  kFamilyRoom = 29;
+  kFoyer = 30;
+  kFrontDoor = 31;
+  kFrontYard = 32;
+  kGameRoom = 33;
+  kGarage = 34;
+  kGarageDoor = 35;
+  kGarden = 36;
+  kGardenDoor = 37;
+  kGuestBathroom = 38;
+  kGuestBedroom = 39;
+  kGuestRestroom = 40;
+  kGuestRoom = 41;
+  kGym = 42;
+  kHallway = 43;
+  kHearthRoom = 44;
+  kKidsRoom = 45;
+  kKidsBedroom = 46;
+  kKitchen = 47;
+  kLarder = 48;
+  kLaundryRoom = 49;
+  kLawn = 50;
+  kLibrary = 51;
+  kLivingRoom = 52;
+  kLounge = 53;
+  kMediaTVRoom = 54;
+  kMudRoom = 55;
+  kMusicRoom = 56;
+  kNursery = 57;
+  kOffice = 58;
+  kOutdoorKitchen = 59;
+  kOutside = 60;
+  kPantry = 61;
+  kParkingLot = 62;
+  kParlor = 63;
+  kPatio = 64;
+  kPlayRoom = 65;
+  kPoolRoom = 66;
+  kPorch = 67;
+  kPrimaryBathroom = 68;
+  kPrimaryBedroom = 69;
+  kRamp = 70;
+  kReceptionRoom = 71;
+  kRecreationRoom = 72;
+  kRestroom = 73;
+  kRoof = 74;
+  kSauna = 75;
+  kScullery = 76;
+  kSewingRoom = 77;
+  kShed = 78;
+  kSideDoor = 79;
+  kSideYard = 80;
+  kSittingRoom = 81;
+  kSnug = 82;
+  kSpa = 83;
+  kStaircase = 84;
+  kSteamRoom = 85;
+  kStorageRoom = 86;
+  kStudio = 87;
+  kStudy = 88;
+  kSunRoom = 89;
+  kSwimmingPool = 90;
+  kTerrace = 91;
+  kUtilityRoom = 92;
+  kWard = 93;
+  kWorkshop = 94;
+enum FloorSurfaceTag : enum8 {
+  kCarpet = 0;
+  kCeramic = 1;
+  kConcrete = 2;
+  kCork = 3;
+  kDeepCarpet = 4;
+  kDirt = 5;
+  kEngineeredWood = 6;
+  kGlass = 7;
+  kGrass = 8;
+  kHardwood = 9;
+  kLaminate = 10;
+  kLinoleum = 11;
+  kMat = 12;
+  kMetal = 13;
+  kPlastic = 14;
+  kPolishedConcrete = 15;
+  kRubber = 16;
+  kRug = 17;
+  kSand = 18;
+  kStone = 19;
+  kTatami = 20;
+  kTerrazzo = 21;
+  kTile = 22;
+  kVinyl = 23;
+enum LandmarkTag : enum8 {
+  kAirConditioner = 0;
+  kAirPurifier = 1;
+  kBackDoor = 2;
+  kBarStool = 3;
+  kBathMat = 4;
+  kBathtub = 5;
+  kBed = 6;
+  kBookshelf = 7;
+  kChair = 8;
+  kChristmasTree = 9;
+  kCoatRack = 10;
+  kCoffeeTable = 11;
+  kCookingRange = 12;
+  kCouch = 13;
+  kCountertop = 14;
+  kCradle = 15;
+  kCrib = 16;
+  kDesk = 17;
+  kDiningTable = 18;
+  kDishwasher = 19;
+  kDoor = 20;
+  kDresser = 21;
+  kLaundryDryer = 22;
+  kFan = 23;
+  kFireplace = 24;
+  kFreezer = 25;
+  kFrontDoor = 26;
+  kHighChair = 27;
+  kKitchenIsland = 28;
+  kLamp = 29;
+  kLitterBox = 30;
+  kMirror = 31;
+  kNightstand = 32;
+  kOven = 33;
+  kPetBed = 34;
+  kPetBowl = 35;
+  kPetCrate = 36;
+  kRefrigerator = 37;
+  kScratchingPost = 38;
+  kShoeRack = 39;
+  kShower = 40;
+  kSideDoor = 41;
+  kSink = 42;
+  kSofa = 43;
+  kStove = 44;
+  kTable = 45;
+  kToilet = 46;
+  kTrashCan = 47;
+  kLaundryWasher = 48;
+  kWindow = 49;
+  kWineCooler = 50;
+enum PositionTag : enum8 {
+  kLeft = 0;
+  kRight = 1;
+  kTop = 2;
+  kBottom = 3;
+  kMiddle = 4;
+  kRow = 5;
+  kColumn = 6;
+  kUnder = 7;
+  kNextTo = 8;
+  kAround = 9;
+  kOn = 10;
+  kAbove = 11;
+  kFrontOf = 12;
+  kBehind = 13;
 enum TestGlobalEnum : enum8 {
   kSomeValue = 0;
   kSomeOtherValue = 1;
@@ -12,6 +208,12 @@ bitmap TestGlobalBitmap : bitmap32 {
   kSecondBit = 0x2;
+struct LocationDescriptorStruct {
+  char_string<128> locationName = 0;
+  nullable int16s floorNumber = 1;
+  nullable AreaTypeTag areaType = 2;
 struct TestGlobalStruct {
   char_string<128> name = 0;
   nullable TestGlobalBitmap myBitmap = 1;
diff --git a/examples/pump-app/silabs/data_model/pump-wifi-app.matter b/examples/pump-app/silabs/data_model/pump-wifi-app.matter
index cbc0ea3c2d65fc..d933e5fed1bca3 100644
--- a/examples/pump-app/silabs/data_model/pump-wifi-app.matter
+++ b/examples/pump-app/silabs/data_model/pump-wifi-app.matter
@@ -1,6 +1,202 @@
 // This IDL was generated automatically by ZAP.
 // It is for view/code review purposes only.
+enum AreaTypeTag : enum8 {
+  kAisle = 0;
+  kAttic = 1;
+  kBackDoor = 2;
+  kBackYard = 3;
+  kBalcony = 4;
+  kBallroom = 5;
+  kBathroom = 6;
+  kBedroom = 7;
+  kBorder = 8;
+  kBoxroom = 9;
+  kBreakfastRoom = 10;
+  kCarport = 11;
+  kCellar = 12;
+  kCloakroom = 13;
+  kCloset = 14;
+  kConservatory = 15;
+  kCorridor = 16;
+  kCraftRoom = 17;
+  kCupboard = 18;
+  kDeck = 19;
+  kDen = 20;
+  kDining = 21;
+  kDrawingRoom = 22;
+  kDressingRoom = 23;
+  kDriveway = 24;
+  kElevator = 25;
+  kEnsuite = 26;
+  kEntrance = 27;
+  kEntryway = 28;
+  kFamilyRoom = 29;
+  kFoyer = 30;
+  kFrontDoor = 31;
+  kFrontYard = 32;
+  kGameRoom = 33;
+  kGarage = 34;
+  kGarageDoor = 35;
+  kGarden = 36;
+  kGardenDoor = 37;
+  kGuestBathroom = 38;
+  kGuestBedroom = 39;
+  kGuestRestroom = 40;
+  kGuestRoom = 41;
+  kGym = 42;
+  kHallway = 43;
+  kHearthRoom = 44;
+  kKidsRoom = 45;
+  kKidsBedroom = 46;
+  kKitchen = 47;
+  kLarder = 48;
+  kLaundryRoom = 49;
+  kLawn = 50;
+  kLibrary = 51;
+  kLivingRoom = 52;
+  kLounge = 53;
+  kMediaTVRoom = 54;
+  kMudRoom = 55;
+  kMusicRoom = 56;
+  kNursery = 57;
+  kOffice = 58;
+  kOutdoorKitchen = 59;
+  kOutside = 60;
+  kPantry = 61;
+  kParkingLot = 62;
+  kParlor = 63;
+  kPatio = 64;
+  kPlayRoom = 65;
+  kPoolRoom = 66;
+  kPorch = 67;
+  kPrimaryBathroom = 68;
+  kPrimaryBedroom = 69;
+  kRamp = 70;
+  kReceptionRoom = 71;
+  kRecreationRoom = 72;
+  kRestroom = 73;
+  kRoof = 74;
+  kSauna = 75;
+  kScullery = 76;
+  kSewingRoom = 77;
+  kShed = 78;
+  kSideDoor = 79;
+  kSideYard = 80;
+  kSittingRoom = 81;
+  kSnug = 82;
+  kSpa = 83;
+  kStaircase = 84;
+  kSteamRoom = 85;
+  kStorageRoom = 86;
+  kStudio = 87;
+  kStudy = 88;
+  kSunRoom = 89;
+  kSwimmingPool = 90;
+  kTerrace = 91;
+  kUtilityRoom = 92;
+  kWard = 93;
+  kWorkshop = 94;
+enum FloorSurfaceTag : enum8 {
+  kCarpet = 0;
+  kCeramic = 1;
+  kConcrete = 2;
+  kCork = 3;
+  kDeepCarpet = 4;
+  kDirt = 5;
+  kEngineeredWood = 6;
+  kGlass = 7;
+  kGrass = 8;
+  kHardwood = 9;
+  kLaminate = 10;
+  kLinoleum = 11;
+  kMat = 12;
+  kMetal = 13;
+  kPlastic = 14;
+  kPolishedConcrete = 15;
+  kRubber = 16;
+  kRug = 17;
+  kSand = 18;
+  kStone = 19;
+  kTatami = 20;
+  kTerrazzo = 21;
+  kTile = 22;
+  kVinyl = 23;
+enum LandmarkTag : enum8 {
+  kAirConditioner = 0;
+  kAirPurifier = 1;
+  kBackDoor = 2;
+  kBarStool = 3;
+  kBathMat = 4;
+  kBathtub = 5;
+  kBed = 6;
+  kBookshelf = 7;
+  kChair = 8;
+  kChristmasTree = 9;
+  kCoatRack = 10;
+  kCoffeeTable = 11;
+  kCookingRange = 12;
+  kCouch = 13;
+  kCountertop = 14;
+  kCradle = 15;
+  kCrib = 16;
+  kDesk = 17;
+  kDiningTable = 18;
+  kDishwasher = 19;
+  kDoor = 20;
+  kDresser = 21;
+  kLaundryDryer = 22;
+  kFan = 23;
+  kFireplace = 24;
+  kFreezer = 25;
+  kFrontDoor = 26;
+  kHighChair = 27;
+  kKitchenIsland = 28;
+  kLamp = 29;
+  kLitterBox = 30;
+  kMirror = 31;
+  kNightstand = 32;
+  kOven = 33;
+  kPetBed = 34;
+  kPetBowl = 35;
+  kPetCrate = 36;
+  kRefrigerator = 37;
+  kScratchingPost = 38;
+  kShoeRack = 39;
+  kShower = 40;
+  kSideDoor = 41;
+  kSink = 42;
+  kSofa = 43;
+  kStove = 44;
+  kTable = 45;
+  kToilet = 46;
+  kTrashCan = 47;
+  kLaundryWasher = 48;
+  kWindow = 49;
+  kWineCooler = 50;
+enum PositionTag : enum8 {
+  kLeft = 0;
+  kRight = 1;
+  kTop = 2;
+  kBottom = 3;
+  kMiddle = 4;
+  kRow = 5;
+  kColumn = 6;
+  kUnder = 7;
+  kNextTo = 8;
+  kAround = 9;
+  kOn = 10;
+  kAbove = 11;
+  kFrontOf = 12;
+  kBehind = 13;
 enum TestGlobalEnum : enum8 {
   kSomeValue = 0;
   kSomeOtherValue = 1;
@@ -12,6 +208,12 @@ bitmap TestGlobalBitmap : bitmap32 {
   kSecondBit = 0x2;
+struct LocationDescriptorStruct {
+  char_string<128> locationName = 0;
+  nullable int16s floorNumber = 1;
+  nullable AreaTypeTag areaType = 2;
 struct TestGlobalStruct {
   char_string<128> name = 0;
   nullable TestGlobalBitmap myBitmap = 1;
diff --git a/examples/pump-controller-app/pump-controller-common/pump-controller-app.matter b/examples/pump-controller-app/pump-controller-common/pump-controller-app.matter
index be131b84c3a933..b65fb7a3151a26 100644
--- a/examples/pump-controller-app/pump-controller-common/pump-controller-app.matter
+++ b/examples/pump-controller-app/pump-controller-common/pump-controller-app.matter
@@ -1,6 +1,202 @@
 // This IDL was generated automatically by ZAP.
 // It is for view/code review purposes only.
+enum AreaTypeTag : enum8 {
+  kAisle = 0;
+  kAttic = 1;
+  kBackDoor = 2;
+  kBackYard = 3;
+  kBalcony = 4;
+  kBallroom = 5;
+  kBathroom = 6;
+  kBedroom = 7;
+  kBorder = 8;
+  kBoxroom = 9;
+  kBreakfastRoom = 10;
+  kCarport = 11;
+  kCellar = 12;
+  kCloakroom = 13;
+  kCloset = 14;
+  kConservatory = 15;
+  kCorridor = 16;
+  kCraftRoom = 17;
+  kCupboard = 18;
+  kDeck = 19;
+  kDen = 20;
+  kDining = 21;
+  kDrawingRoom = 22;
+  kDressingRoom = 23;
+  kDriveway = 24;
+  kElevator = 25;
+  kEnsuite = 26;
+  kEntrance = 27;
+  kEntryway = 28;
+  kFamilyRoom = 29;
+  kFoyer = 30;
+  kFrontDoor = 31;
+  kFrontYard = 32;
+  kGameRoom = 33;
+  kGarage = 34;
+  kGarageDoor = 35;
+  kGarden = 36;
+  kGardenDoor = 37;
+  kGuestBathroom = 38;
+  kGuestBedroom = 39;
+  kGuestRestroom = 40;
+  kGuestRoom = 41;
+  kGym = 42;
+  kHallway = 43;
+  kHearthRoom = 44;
+  kKidsRoom = 45;
+  kKidsBedroom = 46;
+  kKitchen = 47;
+  kLarder = 48;
+  kLaundryRoom = 49;
+  kLawn = 50;
+  kLibrary = 51;
+  kLivingRoom = 52;
+  kLounge = 53;
+  kMediaTVRoom = 54;
+  kMudRoom = 55;
+  kMusicRoom = 56;
+  kNursery = 57;
+  kOffice = 58;
+  kOutdoorKitchen = 59;
+  kOutside = 60;
+  kPantry = 61;
+  kParkingLot = 62;
+  kParlor = 63;
+  kPatio = 64;
+  kPlayRoom = 65;
+  kPoolRoom = 66;
+  kPorch = 67;
+  kPrimaryBathroom = 68;
+  kPrimaryBedroom = 69;
+  kRamp = 70;
+  kReceptionRoom = 71;
+  kRecreationRoom = 72;
+  kRestroom = 73;
+  kRoof = 74;
+  kSauna = 75;
+  kScullery = 76;
+  kSewingRoom = 77;
+  kShed = 78;
+  kSideDoor = 79;
+  kSideYard = 80;
+  kSittingRoom = 81;
+  kSnug = 82;
+  kSpa = 83;
+  kStaircase = 84;
+  kSteamRoom = 85;
+  kStorageRoom = 86;
+  kStudio = 87;
+  kStudy = 88;
+  kSunRoom = 89;
+  kSwimmingPool = 90;
+  kTerrace = 91;
+  kUtilityRoom = 92;
+  kWard = 93;
+  kWorkshop = 94;
+enum FloorSurfaceTag : enum8 {
+  kCarpet = 0;
+  kCeramic = 1;
+  kConcrete = 2;
+  kCork = 3;
+  kDeepCarpet = 4;
+  kDirt = 5;
+  kEngineeredWood = 6;
+  kGlass = 7;
+  kGrass = 8;
+  kHardwood = 9;
+  kLaminate = 10;
+  kLinoleum = 11;
+  kMat = 12;
+  kMetal = 13;
+  kPlastic = 14;
+  kPolishedConcrete = 15;
+  kRubber = 16;
+  kRug = 17;
+  kSand = 18;
+  kStone = 19;
+  kTatami = 20;
+  kTerrazzo = 21;
+  kTile = 22;
+  kVinyl = 23;
+enum LandmarkTag : enum8 {
+  kAirConditioner = 0;
+  kAirPurifier = 1;
+  kBackDoor = 2;
+  kBarStool = 3;
+  kBathMat = 4;
+  kBathtub = 5;
+  kBed = 6;
+  kBookshelf = 7;
+  kChair = 8;
+  kChristmasTree = 9;
+  kCoatRack = 10;
+  kCoffeeTable = 11;
+  kCookingRange = 12;
+  kCouch = 13;
+  kCountertop = 14;
+  kCradle = 15;
+  kCrib = 16;
+  kDesk = 17;
+  kDiningTable = 18;
+  kDishwasher = 19;
+  kDoor = 20;
+  kDresser = 21;
+  kLaundryDryer = 22;
+  kFan = 23;
+  kFireplace = 24;
+  kFreezer = 25;
+  kFrontDoor = 26;
+  kHighChair = 27;
+  kKitchenIsland = 28;
+  kLamp = 29;
+  kLitterBox = 30;
+  kMirror = 31;
+  kNightstand = 32;
+  kOven = 33;
+  kPetBed = 34;
+  kPetBowl = 35;
+  kPetCrate = 36;
+  kRefrigerator = 37;
+  kScratchingPost = 38;
+  kShoeRack = 39;
+  kShower = 40;
+  kSideDoor = 41;
+  kSink = 42;
+  kSofa = 43;
+  kStove = 44;
+  kTable = 45;
+  kToilet = 46;
+  kTrashCan = 47;
+  kLaundryWasher = 48;
+  kWindow = 49;
+  kWineCooler = 50;
+enum PositionTag : enum8 {
+  kLeft = 0;
+  kRight = 1;
+  kTop = 2;
+  kBottom = 3;
+  kMiddle = 4;
+  kRow = 5;
+  kColumn = 6;
+  kUnder = 7;
+  kNextTo = 8;
+  kAround = 9;
+  kOn = 10;
+  kAbove = 11;
+  kFrontOf = 12;
+  kBehind = 13;
 enum TestGlobalEnum : enum8 {
   kSomeValue = 0;
   kSomeOtherValue = 1;
@@ -12,6 +208,12 @@ bitmap TestGlobalBitmap : bitmap32 {
   kSecondBit = 0x2;
+struct LocationDescriptorStruct {
+  char_string<128> locationName = 0;
+  nullable int16s floorNumber = 1;
+  nullable AreaTypeTag areaType = 2;
 struct TestGlobalStruct {
   char_string<128> name = 0;
   nullable TestGlobalBitmap myBitmap = 1;
diff --git a/examples/refrigerator-app/refrigerator-common/refrigerator-app.matter b/examples/refrigerator-app/refrigerator-common/refrigerator-app.matter
index eea5506b1c60db..3b6ed201671901 100644
--- a/examples/refrigerator-app/refrigerator-common/refrigerator-app.matter
+++ b/examples/refrigerator-app/refrigerator-common/refrigerator-app.matter
@@ -1,6 +1,202 @@
 // This IDL was generated automatically by ZAP.
 // It is for view/code review purposes only.
+enum AreaTypeTag : enum8 {
+  kAisle = 0;
+  kAttic = 1;
+  kBackDoor = 2;
+  kBackYard = 3;
+  kBalcony = 4;
+  kBallroom = 5;
+  kBathroom = 6;
+  kBedroom = 7;
+  kBorder = 8;
+  kBoxroom = 9;
+  kBreakfastRoom = 10;
+  kCarport = 11;
+  kCellar = 12;
+  kCloakroom = 13;
+  kCloset = 14;
+  kConservatory = 15;
+  kCorridor = 16;
+  kCraftRoom = 17;
+  kCupboard = 18;
+  kDeck = 19;
+  kDen = 20;
+  kDining = 21;
+  kDrawingRoom = 22;
+  kDressingRoom = 23;
+  kDriveway = 24;
+  kElevator = 25;
+  kEnsuite = 26;
+  kEntrance = 27;
+  kEntryway = 28;
+  kFamilyRoom = 29;
+  kFoyer = 30;
+  kFrontDoor = 31;
+  kFrontYard = 32;
+  kGameRoom = 33;
+  kGarage = 34;
+  kGarageDoor = 35;
+  kGarden = 36;
+  kGardenDoor = 37;
+  kGuestBathroom = 38;
+  kGuestBedroom = 39;
+  kGuestRestroom = 40;
+  kGuestRoom = 41;
+  kGym = 42;
+  kHallway = 43;
+  kHearthRoom = 44;
+  kKidsRoom = 45;
+  kKidsBedroom = 46;
+  kKitchen = 47;
+  kLarder = 48;
+  kLaundryRoom = 49;
+  kLawn = 50;
+  kLibrary = 51;
+  kLivingRoom = 52;
+  kLounge = 53;
+  kMediaTVRoom = 54;
+  kMudRoom = 55;
+  kMusicRoom = 56;
+  kNursery = 57;
+  kOffice = 58;
+  kOutdoorKitchen = 59;
+  kOutside = 60;
+  kPantry = 61;
+  kParkingLot = 62;
+  kParlor = 63;
+  kPatio = 64;
+  kPlayRoom = 65;
+  kPoolRoom = 66;
+  kPorch = 67;
+  kPrimaryBathroom = 68;
+  kPrimaryBedroom = 69;
+  kRamp = 70;
+  kReceptionRoom = 71;
+  kRecreationRoom = 72;
+  kRestroom = 73;
+  kRoof = 74;
+  kSauna = 75;
+  kScullery = 76;
+  kSewingRoom = 77;
+  kShed = 78;
+  kSideDoor = 79;
+  kSideYard = 80;
+  kSittingRoom = 81;
+  kSnug = 82;
+  kSpa = 83;
+  kStaircase = 84;
+  kSteamRoom = 85;
+  kStorageRoom = 86;
+  kStudio = 87;
+  kStudy = 88;
+  kSunRoom = 89;
+  kSwimmingPool = 90;
+  kTerrace = 91;
+  kUtilityRoom = 92;
+  kWard = 93;
+  kWorkshop = 94;
+enum FloorSurfaceTag : enum8 {
+  kCarpet = 0;
+  kCeramic = 1;
+  kConcrete = 2;
+  kCork = 3;
+  kDeepCarpet = 4;
+  kDirt = 5;
+  kEngineeredWood = 6;
+  kGlass = 7;
+  kGrass = 8;
+  kHardwood = 9;
+  kLaminate = 10;
+  kLinoleum = 11;
+  kMat = 12;
+  kMetal = 13;
+  kPlastic = 14;
+  kPolishedConcrete = 15;
+  kRubber = 16;
+  kRug = 17;
+  kSand = 18;
+  kStone = 19;
+  kTatami = 20;
+  kTerrazzo = 21;
+  kTile = 22;
+  kVinyl = 23;
+enum LandmarkTag : enum8 {
+  kAirConditioner = 0;
+  kAirPurifier = 1;
+  kBackDoor = 2;
+  kBarStool = 3;
+  kBathMat = 4;
+  kBathtub = 5;
+  kBed = 6;
+  kBookshelf = 7;
+  kChair = 8;
+  kChristmasTree = 9;
+  kCoatRack = 10;
+  kCoffeeTable = 11;
+  kCookingRange = 12;
+  kCouch = 13;
+  kCountertop = 14;
+  kCradle = 15;
+  kCrib = 16;
+  kDesk = 17;
+  kDiningTable = 18;
+  kDishwasher = 19;
+  kDoor = 20;
+  kDresser = 21;
+  kLaundryDryer = 22;
+  kFan = 23;
+  kFireplace = 24;
+  kFreezer = 25;
+  kFrontDoor = 26;
+  kHighChair = 27;
+  kKitchenIsland = 28;
+  kLamp = 29;
+  kLitterBox = 30;
+  kMirror = 31;
+  kNightstand = 32;
+  kOven = 33;
+  kPetBed = 34;
+  kPetBowl = 35;
+  kPetCrate = 36;
+  kRefrigerator = 37;
+  kScratchingPost = 38;
+  kShoeRack = 39;
+  kShower = 40;
+  kSideDoor = 41;
+  kSink = 42;
+  kSofa = 43;
+  kStove = 44;
+  kTable = 45;
+  kToilet = 46;
+  kTrashCan = 47;
+  kLaundryWasher = 48;
+  kWindow = 49;
+  kWineCooler = 50;
+enum PositionTag : enum8 {
+  kLeft = 0;
+  kRight = 1;
+  kTop = 2;
+  kBottom = 3;
+  kMiddle = 4;
+  kRow = 5;
+  kColumn = 6;
+  kUnder = 7;
+  kNextTo = 8;
+  kAround = 9;
+  kOn = 10;
+  kAbove = 11;
+  kFrontOf = 12;
+  kBehind = 13;
 enum TestGlobalEnum : enum8 {
   kSomeValue = 0;
   kSomeOtherValue = 1;
@@ -12,6 +208,12 @@ bitmap TestGlobalBitmap : bitmap32 {
   kSecondBit = 0x2;
+struct LocationDescriptorStruct {
+  char_string<128> locationName = 0;
+  nullable int16s floorNumber = 1;
+  nullable AreaTypeTag areaType = 2;
 struct TestGlobalStruct {
   char_string<128> name = 0;
   nullable TestGlobalBitmap myBitmap = 1;
diff --git a/examples/rvc-app/rvc-common/rvc-app.matter b/examples/rvc-app/rvc-common/rvc-app.matter
index 53f280721d84de..e619edae8f0b29 100644
--- a/examples/rvc-app/rvc-common/rvc-app.matter
+++ b/examples/rvc-app/rvc-common/rvc-app.matter
@@ -1,6 +1,202 @@
 // This IDL was generated automatically by ZAP.
 // It is for view/code review purposes only.
+enum AreaTypeTag : enum8 {
+  kAisle = 0;
+  kAttic = 1;
+  kBackDoor = 2;
+  kBackYard = 3;
+  kBalcony = 4;
+  kBallroom = 5;
+  kBathroom = 6;
+  kBedroom = 7;
+  kBorder = 8;
+  kBoxroom = 9;
+  kBreakfastRoom = 10;
+  kCarport = 11;
+  kCellar = 12;
+  kCloakroom = 13;
+  kCloset = 14;
+  kConservatory = 15;
+  kCorridor = 16;
+  kCraftRoom = 17;
+  kCupboard = 18;
+  kDeck = 19;
+  kDen = 20;
+  kDining = 21;
+  kDrawingRoom = 22;
+  kDressingRoom = 23;
+  kDriveway = 24;
+  kElevator = 25;
+  kEnsuite = 26;
+  kEntrance = 27;
+  kEntryway = 28;
+  kFamilyRoom = 29;
+  kFoyer = 30;
+  kFrontDoor = 31;
+  kFrontYard = 32;
+  kGameRoom = 33;
+  kGarage = 34;
+  kGarageDoor = 35;
+  kGarden = 36;
+  kGardenDoor = 37;
+  kGuestBathroom = 38;
+  kGuestBedroom = 39;
+  kGuestRestroom = 40;
+  kGuestRoom = 41;
+  kGym = 42;
+  kHallway = 43;
+  kHearthRoom = 44;
+  kKidsRoom = 45;
+  kKidsBedroom = 46;
+  kKitchen = 47;
+  kLarder = 48;
+  kLaundryRoom = 49;
+  kLawn = 50;
+  kLibrary = 51;
+  kLivingRoom = 52;
+  kLounge = 53;
+  kMediaTVRoom = 54;
+  kMudRoom = 55;
+  kMusicRoom = 56;
+  kNursery = 57;
+  kOffice = 58;
+  kOutdoorKitchen = 59;
+  kOutside = 60;
+  kPantry = 61;
+  kParkingLot = 62;
+  kParlor = 63;
+  kPatio = 64;
+  kPlayRoom = 65;
+  kPoolRoom = 66;
+  kPorch = 67;
+  kPrimaryBathroom = 68;
+  kPrimaryBedroom = 69;
+  kRamp = 70;
+  kReceptionRoom = 71;
+  kRecreationRoom = 72;
+  kRestroom = 73;
+  kRoof = 74;
+  kSauna = 75;
+  kScullery = 76;
+  kSewingRoom = 77;
+  kShed = 78;
+  kSideDoor = 79;
+  kSideYard = 80;
+  kSittingRoom = 81;
+  kSnug = 82;
+  kSpa = 83;
+  kStaircase = 84;
+  kSteamRoom = 85;
+  kStorageRoom = 86;
+  kStudio = 87;
+  kStudy = 88;
+  kSunRoom = 89;
+  kSwimmingPool = 90;
+  kTerrace = 91;
+  kUtilityRoom = 92;
+  kWard = 93;
+  kWorkshop = 94;
+enum FloorSurfaceTag : enum8 {
+  kCarpet = 0;
+  kCeramic = 1;
+  kConcrete = 2;
+  kCork = 3;
+  kDeepCarpet = 4;
+  kDirt = 5;
+  kEngineeredWood = 6;
+  kGlass = 7;
+  kGrass = 8;
+  kHardwood = 9;
+  kLaminate = 10;
+  kLinoleum = 11;
+  kMat = 12;
+  kMetal = 13;
+  kPlastic = 14;
+  kPolishedConcrete = 15;
+  kRubber = 16;
+  kRug = 17;
+  kSand = 18;
+  kStone = 19;
+  kTatami = 20;
+  kTerrazzo = 21;
+  kTile = 22;
+  kVinyl = 23;
+enum LandmarkTag : enum8 {
+  kAirConditioner = 0;
+  kAirPurifier = 1;
+  kBackDoor = 2;
+  kBarStool = 3;
+  kBathMat = 4;
+  kBathtub = 5;
+  kBed = 6;
+  kBookshelf = 7;
+  kChair = 8;
+  kChristmasTree = 9;
+  kCoatRack = 10;
+  kCoffeeTable = 11;
+  kCookingRange = 12;
+  kCouch = 13;
+  kCountertop = 14;
+  kCradle = 15;
+  kCrib = 16;
+  kDesk = 17;
+  kDiningTable = 18;
+  kDishwasher = 19;
+  kDoor = 20;
+  kDresser = 21;
+  kLaundryDryer = 22;
+  kFan = 23;
+  kFireplace = 24;
+  kFreezer = 25;
+  kFrontDoor = 26;
+  kHighChair = 27;
+  kKitchenIsland = 28;
+  kLamp = 29;
+  kLitterBox = 30;
+  kMirror = 31;
+  kNightstand = 32;
+  kOven = 33;
+  kPetBed = 34;
+  kPetBowl = 35;
+  kPetCrate = 36;
+  kRefrigerator = 37;
+  kScratchingPost = 38;
+  kShoeRack = 39;
+  kShower = 40;
+  kSideDoor = 41;
+  kSink = 42;
+  kSofa = 43;
+  kStove = 44;
+  kTable = 45;
+  kToilet = 46;
+  kTrashCan = 47;
+  kLaundryWasher = 48;
+  kWindow = 49;
+  kWineCooler = 50;
+enum PositionTag : enum8 {
+  kLeft = 0;
+  kRight = 1;
+  kTop = 2;
+  kBottom = 3;
+  kMiddle = 4;
+  kRow = 5;
+  kColumn = 6;
+  kUnder = 7;
+  kNextTo = 8;
+  kAround = 9;
+  kOn = 10;
+  kAbove = 11;
+  kFrontOf = 12;
+  kBehind = 13;
 enum TestGlobalEnum : enum8 {
   kSomeValue = 0;
   kSomeOtherValue = 1;
@@ -12,6 +208,12 @@ bitmap TestGlobalBitmap : bitmap32 {
   kSecondBit = 0x2;
+struct LocationDescriptorStruct {
+  char_string<128> locationName = 0;
+  nullable int16s floorNumber = 1;
+  nullable AreaTypeTag areaType = 2;
 struct TestGlobalStruct {
   char_string<128> name = 0;
   nullable TestGlobalBitmap myBitmap = 1;
@@ -1212,185 +1414,6 @@ cluster RvcOperationalState = 97 {
 provisional cluster ServiceArea = 336 {
   revision 1; // NOTE: Default/not specifically set
-  enum AreaTypeTag : enum8 {
-    kAisle = 0;
-    kAttic = 1;
-    kBackDoor = 2;
-    kBackYard = 3;
-    kBalcony = 4;
-    kBallroom = 5;
-    kBathroom = 6;
-    kBedroom = 7;
-    kBorder = 8;
-    kBoxroom = 9;
-    kBreakfastRoom = 10;
-    kCarport = 11;
-    kCellar = 12;
-    kCloakroom = 13;
-    kCloset = 14;
-    kConservatory = 15;
-    kCorridor = 16;
-    kCraftRoom = 17;
-    kCupboard = 18;
-    kDeck = 19;
-    kDen = 20;
-    kDining = 21;
-    kDrawingRoom = 22;
-    kDressingRoom = 23;
-    kDriveway = 24;
-    kElevator = 25;
-    kEnsuite = 26;
-    kEntrance = 27;
-    kEntryway = 28;
-    kFamilyRoom = 29;
-    kFoyer = 30;
-    kFrontDoor = 31;
-    kFrontYard = 32;
-    kGameRoom = 33;
-    kGarage = 34;
-    kGarageDoor = 35;
-    kGarden = 36;
-    kGardenDoor = 37;
-    kGuestBathroom = 38;
-    kGuestBedroom = 39;
-    kGuestRestroom = 40;
-    kGuestRoom = 41;
-    kGym = 42;
-    kHallway = 43;
-    kHearthRoom = 44;
-    kKidsRoom = 45;
-    kKidsBedroom = 46;
-    kKitchen = 47;
-    kLarder = 48;
-    kLaundryRoom = 49;
-    kLawn = 50;
-    kLibrary = 51;
-    kLivingRoom = 52;
-    kLounge = 53;
-    kMediaTVRoom = 54;
-    kMudRoom = 55;
-    kMusicRoom = 56;
-    kNursery = 57;
-    kOffice = 58;
-    kOutdoorKitchen = 59;
-    kOutside = 60;
-    kPantry = 61;
-    kParkingLot = 62;
-    kParlor = 63;
-    kPatio = 64;
-    kPlayRoom = 65;
-    kPoolRoom = 66;
-    kPorch = 67;
-    kPrimaryBathroom = 68;
-    kPrimaryBedroom = 69;
-    kRamp = 70;
-    kReceptionRoom = 71;
-    kRecreationRoom = 72;
-    kRestroom = 73;
-    kRoof = 74;
-    kSauna = 75;
-    kScullery = 76;
-    kSewingRoom = 77;
-    kShed = 78;
-    kSideDoor = 79;
-    kSideYard = 80;
-    kSittingRoom = 81;
-    kSnug = 82;
-    kSpa = 83;
-    kStaircase = 84;
-    kSteamRoom = 85;
-    kStorageRoom = 86;
-    kStudio = 87;
-    kStudy = 88;
-    kSunRoom = 89;
-    kSwimmingPool = 90;
-    kTerrace = 91;
-    kUtilityRoom = 92;
-    kWard = 93;
-    kWorkshop = 94;
-  }
-  enum FloorSurfaceTag : enum8 {
-    kCarpet = 0;
-    kCeramic = 1;
-    kConcrete = 2;
-    kCork = 3;
-    kDeepCarpet = 4;
-    kDirt = 5;
-    kEngineeredWood = 6;
-    kGlass = 7;
-    kGrass = 8;
-    kHardwood = 9;
-    kLaminate = 10;
-    kLinoleum = 11;
-    kMat = 12;
-    kMetal = 13;
-    kPlastic = 14;
-    kPolishedConcrete = 15;
-    kRubber = 16;
-    kRug = 17;
-    kSand = 18;
-    kStone = 19;
-    kTatami = 20;
-    kTerrazzo = 21;
-    kTile = 22;
-    kVinyl = 23;
-  }
-  enum LandmarkTag : enum8 {
-    kAirConditioner = 0;
-    kAirPurifier = 1;
-    kBackDoor = 2;
-    kBarStool = 3;
-    kBathMat = 4;
-    kBathtub = 5;
-    kBed = 6;
-    kBookshelf = 7;
-    kChair = 8;
-    kChristmasTree = 9;
-    kCoatRack = 10;
-    kCoffeeTable = 11;
-    kCookingRange = 12;
-    kCouch = 13;
-    kCountertop = 14;
-    kCradle = 15;
-    kCrib = 16;
-    kDesk = 17;
-    kDiningTable = 18;
-    kDishwasher = 19;
-    kDoor = 20;
-    kDresser = 21;
-    kLaundryDryer = 22;
-    kFan = 23;
-    kFireplace = 24;
-    kFreezer = 25;
-    kFrontDoor = 26;
-    kHighChair = 27;
-    kKitchenIsland = 28;
-    kLamp = 29;
-    kLitterBox = 30;
-    kMirror = 31;
-    kNightstand = 32;
-    kOven = 33;
-    kPetBed = 34;
-    kPetBowl = 35;
-    kPetCrate = 36;
-    kRefrigerator = 37;
-    kScratchingPost = 38;
-    kShoeRack = 39;
-    kShower = 40;
-    kSideDoor = 41;
-    kSink = 42;
-    kSofa = 43;
-    kStove = 44;
-    kTable = 45;
-    kToilet = 46;
-    kTrashCan = 47;
-    kLaundryWasher = 48;
-    kWindow = 49;
-    kWineCooler = 50;
-  }
   enum OperationalStatusEnum : enum8 {
     kPending = 0;
     kOperating = 1;
@@ -1398,23 +1421,6 @@ provisional cluster ServiceArea = 336 {
     kCompleted = 3;
-  enum PositionTag : enum8 {
-    kLeft = 0;
-    kRight = 1;
-    kTop = 2;
-    kBottom = 3;
-    kMiddle = 4;
-    kRow = 5;
-    kColumn = 6;
-    kUnder = 7;
-    kNextTo = 8;
-    kAround = 9;
-    kOn = 10;
-    kAbove = 11;
-    kFrontOf = 12;
-    kBehind = 13;
-  }
   enum SelectLocationsStatus : enum8 {
     kSuccess = 0;
     kUnsupportedLocation = 1;
@@ -1434,12 +1440,6 @@ provisional cluster ServiceArea = 336 {
     kSelectWhileRunning = 0x2;
-  struct LocationDescriptorStruct {
-    char_string<128> locationName = 0;
-    nullable int16s floorNumber = 1;
-    nullable AreaTypeTag areaType = 2;
-  }
   struct LocationInfoStruct {
     nullable LocationDescriptorStruct locationInfo = 0;
     nullable LandmarkTag landmarkTag = 1;
diff --git a/examples/smoke-co-alarm-app/smoke-co-alarm-common/smoke-co-alarm-app.matter b/examples/smoke-co-alarm-app/smoke-co-alarm-common/smoke-co-alarm-app.matter
index ab4f6f7b2e6ee8..cc9ddb1cce00cb 100644
--- a/examples/smoke-co-alarm-app/smoke-co-alarm-common/smoke-co-alarm-app.matter
+++ b/examples/smoke-co-alarm-app/smoke-co-alarm-common/smoke-co-alarm-app.matter
@@ -1,6 +1,202 @@
 // This IDL was generated automatically by ZAP.
 // It is for view/code review purposes only.
+enum AreaTypeTag : enum8 {
+  kAisle = 0;
+  kAttic = 1;
+  kBackDoor = 2;
+  kBackYard = 3;
+  kBalcony = 4;
+  kBallroom = 5;
+  kBathroom = 6;
+  kBedroom = 7;
+  kBorder = 8;
+  kBoxroom = 9;
+  kBreakfastRoom = 10;
+  kCarport = 11;
+  kCellar = 12;
+  kCloakroom = 13;
+  kCloset = 14;
+  kConservatory = 15;
+  kCorridor = 16;
+  kCraftRoom = 17;
+  kCupboard = 18;
+  kDeck = 19;
+  kDen = 20;
+  kDining = 21;
+  kDrawingRoom = 22;
+  kDressingRoom = 23;
+  kDriveway = 24;
+  kElevator = 25;
+  kEnsuite = 26;
+  kEntrance = 27;
+  kEntryway = 28;
+  kFamilyRoom = 29;
+  kFoyer = 30;
+  kFrontDoor = 31;
+  kFrontYard = 32;
+  kGameRoom = 33;
+  kGarage = 34;
+  kGarageDoor = 35;
+  kGarden = 36;
+  kGardenDoor = 37;
+  kGuestBathroom = 38;
+  kGuestBedroom = 39;
+  kGuestRestroom = 40;
+  kGuestRoom = 41;
+  kGym = 42;
+  kHallway = 43;
+  kHearthRoom = 44;
+  kKidsRoom = 45;
+  kKidsBedroom = 46;
+  kKitchen = 47;
+  kLarder = 48;
+  kLaundryRoom = 49;
+  kLawn = 50;
+  kLibrary = 51;
+  kLivingRoom = 52;
+  kLounge = 53;
+  kMediaTVRoom = 54;
+  kMudRoom = 55;
+  kMusicRoom = 56;
+  kNursery = 57;
+  kOffice = 58;
+  kOutdoorKitchen = 59;
+  kOutside = 60;
+  kPantry = 61;
+  kParkingLot = 62;
+  kParlor = 63;
+  kPatio = 64;
+  kPlayRoom = 65;
+  kPoolRoom = 66;
+  kPorch = 67;
+  kPrimaryBathroom = 68;
+  kPrimaryBedroom = 69;
+  kRamp = 70;
+  kReceptionRoom = 71;
+  kRecreationRoom = 72;
+  kRestroom = 73;
+  kRoof = 74;
+  kSauna = 75;
+  kScullery = 76;
+  kSewingRoom = 77;
+  kShed = 78;
+  kSideDoor = 79;
+  kSideYard = 80;
+  kSittingRoom = 81;
+  kSnug = 82;
+  kSpa = 83;
+  kStaircase = 84;
+  kSteamRoom = 85;
+  kStorageRoom = 86;
+  kStudio = 87;
+  kStudy = 88;
+  kSunRoom = 89;
+  kSwimmingPool = 90;
+  kTerrace = 91;
+  kUtilityRoom = 92;
+  kWard = 93;
+  kWorkshop = 94;
+enum FloorSurfaceTag : enum8 {
+  kCarpet = 0;
+  kCeramic = 1;
+  kConcrete = 2;
+  kCork = 3;
+  kDeepCarpet = 4;
+  kDirt = 5;
+  kEngineeredWood = 6;
+  kGlass = 7;
+  kGrass = 8;
+  kHardwood = 9;
+  kLaminate = 10;
+  kLinoleum = 11;
+  kMat = 12;
+  kMetal = 13;
+  kPlastic = 14;
+  kPolishedConcrete = 15;
+  kRubber = 16;
+  kRug = 17;
+  kSand = 18;
+  kStone = 19;
+  kTatami = 20;
+  kTerrazzo = 21;
+  kTile = 22;
+  kVinyl = 23;
+enum LandmarkTag : enum8 {
+  kAirConditioner = 0;
+  kAirPurifier = 1;
+  kBackDoor = 2;
+  kBarStool = 3;
+  kBathMat = 4;
+  kBathtub = 5;
+  kBed = 6;
+  kBookshelf = 7;
+  kChair = 8;
+  kChristmasTree = 9;
+  kCoatRack = 10;
+  kCoffeeTable = 11;
+  kCookingRange = 12;
+  kCouch = 13;
+  kCountertop = 14;
+  kCradle = 15;
+  kCrib = 16;
+  kDesk = 17;
+  kDiningTable = 18;
+  kDishwasher = 19;
+  kDoor = 20;
+  kDresser = 21;
+  kLaundryDryer = 22;
+  kFan = 23;
+  kFireplace = 24;
+  kFreezer = 25;
+  kFrontDoor = 26;
+  kHighChair = 27;
+  kKitchenIsland = 28;
+  kLamp = 29;
+  kLitterBox = 30;
+  kMirror = 31;
+  kNightstand = 32;
+  kOven = 33;
+  kPetBed = 34;
+  kPetBowl = 35;
+  kPetCrate = 36;
+  kRefrigerator = 37;
+  kScratchingPost = 38;
+  kShoeRack = 39;
+  kShower = 40;
+  kSideDoor = 41;
+  kSink = 42;
+  kSofa = 43;
+  kStove = 44;
+  kTable = 45;
+  kToilet = 46;
+  kTrashCan = 47;
+  kLaundryWasher = 48;
+  kWindow = 49;
+  kWineCooler = 50;
+enum PositionTag : enum8 {
+  kLeft = 0;
+  kRight = 1;
+  kTop = 2;
+  kBottom = 3;
+  kMiddle = 4;
+  kRow = 5;
+  kColumn = 6;
+  kUnder = 7;
+  kNextTo = 8;
+  kAround = 9;
+  kOn = 10;
+  kAbove = 11;
+  kFrontOf = 12;
+  kBehind = 13;
 enum TestGlobalEnum : enum8 {
   kSomeValue = 0;
   kSomeOtherValue = 1;
@@ -12,6 +208,12 @@ bitmap TestGlobalBitmap : bitmap32 {
   kSecondBit = 0x2;
+struct LocationDescriptorStruct {
+  char_string<128> locationName = 0;
+  nullable int16s floorNumber = 1;
+  nullable AreaTypeTag areaType = 2;
 struct TestGlobalStruct {
   char_string<128> name = 0;
   nullable TestGlobalBitmap myBitmap = 1;
diff --git a/examples/temperature-measurement-app/temperature-measurement-common/temperature-measurement.matter b/examples/temperature-measurement-app/temperature-measurement-common/temperature-measurement.matter
index 7b0f7ee75df290..409b11d68bcd9c 100644
--- a/examples/temperature-measurement-app/temperature-measurement-common/temperature-measurement.matter
+++ b/examples/temperature-measurement-app/temperature-measurement-common/temperature-measurement.matter
@@ -1,6 +1,202 @@
 // This IDL was generated automatically by ZAP.
 // It is for view/code review purposes only.
+enum AreaTypeTag : enum8 {
+  kAisle = 0;
+  kAttic = 1;
+  kBackDoor = 2;
+  kBackYard = 3;
+  kBalcony = 4;
+  kBallroom = 5;
+  kBathroom = 6;
+  kBedroom = 7;
+  kBorder = 8;
+  kBoxroom = 9;
+  kBreakfastRoom = 10;
+  kCarport = 11;
+  kCellar = 12;
+  kCloakroom = 13;
+  kCloset = 14;
+  kConservatory = 15;
+  kCorridor = 16;
+  kCraftRoom = 17;
+  kCupboard = 18;
+  kDeck = 19;
+  kDen = 20;
+  kDining = 21;
+  kDrawingRoom = 22;
+  kDressingRoom = 23;
+  kDriveway = 24;
+  kElevator = 25;
+  kEnsuite = 26;
+  kEntrance = 27;
+  kEntryway = 28;
+  kFamilyRoom = 29;
+  kFoyer = 30;
+  kFrontDoor = 31;
+  kFrontYard = 32;
+  kGameRoom = 33;
+  kGarage = 34;
+  kGarageDoor = 35;
+  kGarden = 36;
+  kGardenDoor = 37;
+  kGuestBathroom = 38;
+  kGuestBedroom = 39;
+  kGuestRestroom = 40;
+  kGuestRoom = 41;
+  kGym = 42;
+  kHallway = 43;
+  kHearthRoom = 44;
+  kKidsRoom = 45;
+  kKidsBedroom = 46;
+  kKitchen = 47;
+  kLarder = 48;
+  kLaundryRoom = 49;
+  kLawn = 50;
+  kLibrary = 51;
+  kLivingRoom = 52;
+  kLounge = 53;
+  kMediaTVRoom = 54;
+  kMudRoom = 55;
+  kMusicRoom = 56;
+  kNursery = 57;
+  kOffice = 58;
+  kOutdoorKitchen = 59;
+  kOutside = 60;
+  kPantry = 61;
+  kParkingLot = 62;
+  kParlor = 63;
+  kPatio = 64;
+  kPlayRoom = 65;
+  kPoolRoom = 66;
+  kPorch = 67;
+  kPrimaryBathroom = 68;
+  kPrimaryBedroom = 69;
+  kRamp = 70;
+  kReceptionRoom = 71;
+  kRecreationRoom = 72;
+  kRestroom = 73;
+  kRoof = 74;
+  kSauna = 75;
+  kScullery = 76;
+  kSewingRoom = 77;
+  kShed = 78;
+  kSideDoor = 79;
+  kSideYard = 80;
+  kSittingRoom = 81;
+  kSnug = 82;
+  kSpa = 83;
+  kStaircase = 84;
+  kSteamRoom = 85;
+  kStorageRoom = 86;
+  kStudio = 87;
+  kStudy = 88;
+  kSunRoom = 89;
+  kSwimmingPool = 90;
+  kTerrace = 91;
+  kUtilityRoom = 92;
+  kWard = 93;
+  kWorkshop = 94;
+enum FloorSurfaceTag : enum8 {
+  kCarpet = 0;
+  kCeramic = 1;
+  kConcrete = 2;
+  kCork = 3;
+  kDeepCarpet = 4;
+  kDirt = 5;
+  kEngineeredWood = 6;
+  kGlass = 7;
+  kGrass = 8;
+  kHardwood = 9;
+  kLaminate = 10;
+  kLinoleum = 11;
+  kMat = 12;
+  kMetal = 13;
+  kPlastic = 14;
+  kPolishedConcrete = 15;
+  kRubber = 16;
+  kRug = 17;
+  kSand = 18;
+  kStone = 19;
+  kTatami = 20;
+  kTerrazzo = 21;
+  kTile = 22;
+  kVinyl = 23;
+enum LandmarkTag : enum8 {
+  kAirConditioner = 0;
+  kAirPurifier = 1;
+  kBackDoor = 2;
+  kBarStool = 3;
+  kBathMat = 4;
+  kBathtub = 5;
+  kBed = 6;
+  kBookshelf = 7;
+  kChair = 8;
+  kChristmasTree = 9;
+  kCoatRack = 10;
+  kCoffeeTable = 11;
+  kCookingRange = 12;
+  kCouch = 13;
+  kCountertop = 14;
+  kCradle = 15;
+  kCrib = 16;
+  kDesk = 17;
+  kDiningTable = 18;
+  kDishwasher = 19;
+  kDoor = 20;
+  kDresser = 21;
+  kLaundryDryer = 22;
+  kFan = 23;
+  kFireplace = 24;
+  kFreezer = 25;
+  kFrontDoor = 26;
+  kHighChair = 27;
+  kKitchenIsland = 28;
+  kLamp = 29;
+  kLitterBox = 30;
+  kMirror = 31;
+  kNightstand = 32;
+  kOven = 33;
+  kPetBed = 34;
+  kPetBowl = 35;
+  kPetCrate = 36;
+  kRefrigerator = 37;
+  kScratchingPost = 38;
+  kShoeRack = 39;
+  kShower = 40;
+  kSideDoor = 41;
+  kSink = 42;
+  kSofa = 43;
+  kStove = 44;
+  kTable = 45;
+  kToilet = 46;
+  kTrashCan = 47;
+  kLaundryWasher = 48;
+  kWindow = 49;
+  kWineCooler = 50;
+enum PositionTag : enum8 {
+  kLeft = 0;
+  kRight = 1;
+  kTop = 2;
+  kBottom = 3;
+  kMiddle = 4;
+  kRow = 5;
+  kColumn = 6;
+  kUnder = 7;
+  kNextTo = 8;
+  kAround = 9;
+  kOn = 10;
+  kAbove = 11;
+  kFrontOf = 12;
+  kBehind = 13;
 enum TestGlobalEnum : enum8 {
   kSomeValue = 0;
   kSomeOtherValue = 1;
@@ -12,6 +208,12 @@ bitmap TestGlobalBitmap : bitmap32 {
   kSecondBit = 0x2;
+struct LocationDescriptorStruct {
+  char_string<128> locationName = 0;
+  nullable int16s floorNumber = 1;
+  nullable AreaTypeTag areaType = 2;
 struct TestGlobalStruct {
   char_string<128> name = 0;
   nullable TestGlobalBitmap myBitmap = 1;
diff --git a/examples/thermostat/nxp/zap/thermostat_matter_thread.matter b/examples/thermostat/nxp/zap/thermostat_matter_thread.matter
index 94696ef33210a7..1a3c1a76fa99ee 100644
--- a/examples/thermostat/nxp/zap/thermostat_matter_thread.matter
+++ b/examples/thermostat/nxp/zap/thermostat_matter_thread.matter
@@ -1,6 +1,202 @@
 // This IDL was generated automatically by ZAP.
 // It is for view/code review purposes only.
+enum AreaTypeTag : enum8 {
+  kAisle = 0;
+  kAttic = 1;
+  kBackDoor = 2;
+  kBackYard = 3;
+  kBalcony = 4;
+  kBallroom = 5;
+  kBathroom = 6;
+  kBedroom = 7;
+  kBorder = 8;
+  kBoxroom = 9;
+  kBreakfastRoom = 10;
+  kCarport = 11;
+  kCellar = 12;
+  kCloakroom = 13;
+  kCloset = 14;
+  kConservatory = 15;
+  kCorridor = 16;
+  kCraftRoom = 17;
+  kCupboard = 18;
+  kDeck = 19;
+  kDen = 20;
+  kDining = 21;
+  kDrawingRoom = 22;
+  kDressingRoom = 23;
+  kDriveway = 24;
+  kElevator = 25;
+  kEnsuite = 26;
+  kEntrance = 27;
+  kEntryway = 28;
+  kFamilyRoom = 29;
+  kFoyer = 30;
+  kFrontDoor = 31;
+  kFrontYard = 32;
+  kGameRoom = 33;
+  kGarage = 34;
+  kGarageDoor = 35;
+  kGarden = 36;
+  kGardenDoor = 37;
+  kGuestBathroom = 38;
+  kGuestBedroom = 39;
+  kGuestRestroom = 40;
+  kGuestRoom = 41;
+  kGym = 42;
+  kHallway = 43;
+  kHearthRoom = 44;
+  kKidsRoom = 45;
+  kKidsBedroom = 46;
+  kKitchen = 47;
+  kLarder = 48;
+  kLaundryRoom = 49;
+  kLawn = 50;
+  kLibrary = 51;
+  kLivingRoom = 52;
+  kLounge = 53;
+  kMediaTVRoom = 54;
+  kMudRoom = 55;
+  kMusicRoom = 56;
+  kNursery = 57;
+  kOffice = 58;
+  kOutdoorKitchen = 59;
+  kOutside = 60;
+  kPantry = 61;
+  kParkingLot = 62;
+  kParlor = 63;
+  kPatio = 64;
+  kPlayRoom = 65;
+  kPoolRoom = 66;
+  kPorch = 67;
+  kPrimaryBathroom = 68;
+  kPrimaryBedroom = 69;
+  kRamp = 70;
+  kReceptionRoom = 71;
+  kRecreationRoom = 72;
+  kRestroom = 73;
+  kRoof = 74;
+  kSauna = 75;
+  kScullery = 76;
+  kSewingRoom = 77;
+  kShed = 78;
+  kSideDoor = 79;
+  kSideYard = 80;
+  kSittingRoom = 81;
+  kSnug = 82;
+  kSpa = 83;
+  kStaircase = 84;
+  kSteamRoom = 85;
+  kStorageRoom = 86;
+  kStudio = 87;
+  kStudy = 88;
+  kSunRoom = 89;
+  kSwimmingPool = 90;
+  kTerrace = 91;
+  kUtilityRoom = 92;
+  kWard = 93;
+  kWorkshop = 94;
+enum FloorSurfaceTag : enum8 {
+  kCarpet = 0;
+  kCeramic = 1;
+  kConcrete = 2;
+  kCork = 3;
+  kDeepCarpet = 4;
+  kDirt = 5;
+  kEngineeredWood = 6;
+  kGlass = 7;
+  kGrass = 8;
+  kHardwood = 9;
+  kLaminate = 10;
+  kLinoleum = 11;
+  kMat = 12;
+  kMetal = 13;
+  kPlastic = 14;
+  kPolishedConcrete = 15;
+  kRubber = 16;
+  kRug = 17;
+  kSand = 18;
+  kStone = 19;
+  kTatami = 20;
+  kTerrazzo = 21;
+  kTile = 22;
+  kVinyl = 23;
+enum LandmarkTag : enum8 {
+  kAirConditioner = 0;
+  kAirPurifier = 1;
+  kBackDoor = 2;
+  kBarStool = 3;
+  kBathMat = 4;
+  kBathtub = 5;
+  kBed = 6;
+  kBookshelf = 7;
+  kChair = 8;
+  kChristmasTree = 9;
+  kCoatRack = 10;
+  kCoffeeTable = 11;
+  kCookingRange = 12;
+  kCouch = 13;
+  kCountertop = 14;
+  kCradle = 15;
+  kCrib = 16;
+  kDesk = 17;
+  kDiningTable = 18;
+  kDishwasher = 19;
+  kDoor = 20;
+  kDresser = 21;
+  kLaundryDryer = 22;
+  kFan = 23;
+  kFireplace = 24;
+  kFreezer = 25;
+  kFrontDoor = 26;
+  kHighChair = 27;
+  kKitchenIsland = 28;
+  kLamp = 29;
+  kLitterBox = 30;
+  kMirror = 31;
+  kNightstand = 32;
+  kOven = 33;
+  kPetBed = 34;
+  kPetBowl = 35;
+  kPetCrate = 36;
+  kRefrigerator = 37;
+  kScratchingPost = 38;
+  kShoeRack = 39;
+  kShower = 40;
+  kSideDoor = 41;
+  kSink = 42;
+  kSofa = 43;
+  kStove = 44;
+  kTable = 45;
+  kToilet = 46;
+  kTrashCan = 47;
+  kLaundryWasher = 48;
+  kWindow = 49;
+  kWineCooler = 50;
+enum PositionTag : enum8 {
+  kLeft = 0;
+  kRight = 1;
+  kTop = 2;
+  kBottom = 3;
+  kMiddle = 4;
+  kRow = 5;
+  kColumn = 6;
+  kUnder = 7;
+  kNextTo = 8;
+  kAround = 9;
+  kOn = 10;
+  kAbove = 11;
+  kFrontOf = 12;
+  kBehind = 13;
 enum TestGlobalEnum : enum8 {
   kSomeValue = 0;
   kSomeOtherValue = 1;
@@ -12,6 +208,12 @@ bitmap TestGlobalBitmap : bitmap32 {
   kSecondBit = 0x2;
+struct LocationDescriptorStruct {
+  char_string<128> locationName = 0;
+  nullable int16s floorNumber = 1;
+  nullable AreaTypeTag areaType = 2;
 struct TestGlobalStruct {
   char_string<128> name = 0;
   nullable TestGlobalBitmap myBitmap = 1;
diff --git a/examples/thermostat/nxp/zap/thermostat_matter_wifi.matter b/examples/thermostat/nxp/zap/thermostat_matter_wifi.matter
index 1be09ca8f753c9..1c787b7cc99803 100644
--- a/examples/thermostat/nxp/zap/thermostat_matter_wifi.matter
+++ b/examples/thermostat/nxp/zap/thermostat_matter_wifi.matter
@@ -1,6 +1,202 @@
 // This IDL was generated automatically by ZAP.
 // It is for view/code review purposes only.
+enum AreaTypeTag : enum8 {
+  kAisle = 0;
+  kAttic = 1;
+  kBackDoor = 2;
+  kBackYard = 3;
+  kBalcony = 4;
+  kBallroom = 5;
+  kBathroom = 6;
+  kBedroom = 7;
+  kBorder = 8;
+  kBoxroom = 9;
+  kBreakfastRoom = 10;
+  kCarport = 11;
+  kCellar = 12;
+  kCloakroom = 13;
+  kCloset = 14;
+  kConservatory = 15;
+  kCorridor = 16;
+  kCraftRoom = 17;
+  kCupboard = 18;
+  kDeck = 19;
+  kDen = 20;
+  kDining = 21;
+  kDrawingRoom = 22;
+  kDressingRoom = 23;
+  kDriveway = 24;
+  kElevator = 25;
+  kEnsuite = 26;
+  kEntrance = 27;
+  kEntryway = 28;
+  kFamilyRoom = 29;
+  kFoyer = 30;
+  kFrontDoor = 31;
+  kFrontYard = 32;
+  kGameRoom = 33;
+  kGarage = 34;
+  kGarageDoor = 35;
+  kGarden = 36;
+  kGardenDoor = 37;
+  kGuestBathroom = 38;
+  kGuestBedroom = 39;
+  kGuestRestroom = 40;
+  kGuestRoom = 41;
+  kGym = 42;
+  kHallway = 43;
+  kHearthRoom = 44;
+  kKidsRoom = 45;
+  kKidsBedroom = 46;
+  kKitchen = 47;
+  kLarder = 48;
+  kLaundryRoom = 49;
+  kLawn = 50;
+  kLibrary = 51;
+  kLivingRoom = 52;
+  kLounge = 53;
+  kMediaTVRoom = 54;
+  kMudRoom = 55;
+  kMusicRoom = 56;
+  kNursery = 57;
+  kOffice = 58;
+  kOutdoorKitchen = 59;
+  kOutside = 60;
+  kPantry = 61;
+  kParkingLot = 62;
+  kParlor = 63;
+  kPatio = 64;
+  kPlayRoom = 65;
+  kPoolRoom = 66;
+  kPorch = 67;
+  kPrimaryBathroom = 68;
+  kPrimaryBedroom = 69;
+  kRamp = 70;
+  kReceptionRoom = 71;
+  kRecreationRoom = 72;
+  kRestroom = 73;
+  kRoof = 74;
+  kSauna = 75;
+  kScullery = 76;
+  kSewingRoom = 77;
+  kShed = 78;
+  kSideDoor = 79;
+  kSideYard = 80;
+  kSittingRoom = 81;
+  kSnug = 82;
+  kSpa = 83;
+  kStaircase = 84;
+  kSteamRoom = 85;
+  kStorageRoom = 86;
+  kStudio = 87;
+  kStudy = 88;
+  kSunRoom = 89;
+  kSwimmingPool = 90;
+  kTerrace = 91;
+  kUtilityRoom = 92;
+  kWard = 93;
+  kWorkshop = 94;
+enum FloorSurfaceTag : enum8 {
+  kCarpet = 0;
+  kCeramic = 1;
+  kConcrete = 2;
+  kCork = 3;
+  kDeepCarpet = 4;
+  kDirt = 5;
+  kEngineeredWood = 6;
+  kGlass = 7;
+  kGrass = 8;
+  kHardwood = 9;
+  kLaminate = 10;
+  kLinoleum = 11;
+  kMat = 12;
+  kMetal = 13;
+  kPlastic = 14;
+  kPolishedConcrete = 15;
+  kRubber = 16;
+  kRug = 17;
+  kSand = 18;
+  kStone = 19;
+  kTatami = 20;
+  kTerrazzo = 21;
+  kTile = 22;
+  kVinyl = 23;
+enum LandmarkTag : enum8 {
+  kAirConditioner = 0;
+  kAirPurifier = 1;
+  kBackDoor = 2;
+  kBarStool = 3;
+  kBathMat = 4;
+  kBathtub = 5;
+  kBed = 6;
+  kBookshelf = 7;
+  kChair = 8;
+  kChristmasTree = 9;
+  kCoatRack = 10;
+  kCoffeeTable = 11;
+  kCookingRange = 12;
+  kCouch = 13;
+  kCountertop = 14;
+  kCradle = 15;
+  kCrib = 16;
+  kDesk = 17;
+  kDiningTable = 18;
+  kDishwasher = 19;
+  kDoor = 20;
+  kDresser = 21;
+  kLaundryDryer = 22;
+  kFan = 23;
+  kFireplace = 24;
+  kFreezer = 25;
+  kFrontDoor = 26;
+  kHighChair = 27;
+  kKitchenIsland = 28;
+  kLamp = 29;
+  kLitterBox = 30;
+  kMirror = 31;
+  kNightstand = 32;
+  kOven = 33;
+  kPetBed = 34;
+  kPetBowl = 35;
+  kPetCrate = 36;
+  kRefrigerator = 37;
+  kScratchingPost = 38;
+  kShoeRack = 39;
+  kShower = 40;
+  kSideDoor = 41;
+  kSink = 42;
+  kSofa = 43;
+  kStove = 44;
+  kTable = 45;
+  kToilet = 46;
+  kTrashCan = 47;
+  kLaundryWasher = 48;
+  kWindow = 49;
+  kWineCooler = 50;
+enum PositionTag : enum8 {
+  kLeft = 0;
+  kRight = 1;
+  kTop = 2;
+  kBottom = 3;
+  kMiddle = 4;
+  kRow = 5;
+  kColumn = 6;
+  kUnder = 7;
+  kNextTo = 8;
+  kAround = 9;
+  kOn = 10;
+  kAbove = 11;
+  kFrontOf = 12;
+  kBehind = 13;
 enum TestGlobalEnum : enum8 {
   kSomeValue = 0;
   kSomeOtherValue = 1;
@@ -12,6 +208,12 @@ bitmap TestGlobalBitmap : bitmap32 {
   kSecondBit = 0x2;
+struct LocationDescriptorStruct {
+  char_string<128> locationName = 0;
+  nullable int16s floorNumber = 1;
+  nullable AreaTypeTag areaType = 2;
 struct TestGlobalStruct {
   char_string<128> name = 0;
   nullable TestGlobalBitmap myBitmap = 1;
diff --git a/examples/thermostat/qpg/zap/thermostaticRadiatorValve.matter b/examples/thermostat/qpg/zap/thermostaticRadiatorValve.matter
index 8de2bcd4126529..ad0b9a109cad4f 100644
--- a/examples/thermostat/qpg/zap/thermostaticRadiatorValve.matter
+++ b/examples/thermostat/qpg/zap/thermostaticRadiatorValve.matter
@@ -1,6 +1,202 @@
 // This IDL was generated automatically by ZAP.
 // It is for view/code review purposes only.
+enum AreaTypeTag : enum8 {
+  kAisle = 0;
+  kAttic = 1;
+  kBackDoor = 2;
+  kBackYard = 3;
+  kBalcony = 4;
+  kBallroom = 5;
+  kBathroom = 6;
+  kBedroom = 7;
+  kBorder = 8;
+  kBoxroom = 9;
+  kBreakfastRoom = 10;
+  kCarport = 11;
+  kCellar = 12;
+  kCloakroom = 13;
+  kCloset = 14;
+  kConservatory = 15;
+  kCorridor = 16;
+  kCraftRoom = 17;
+  kCupboard = 18;
+  kDeck = 19;
+  kDen = 20;
+  kDining = 21;
+  kDrawingRoom = 22;
+  kDressingRoom = 23;
+  kDriveway = 24;
+  kElevator = 25;
+  kEnsuite = 26;
+  kEntrance = 27;
+  kEntryway = 28;
+  kFamilyRoom = 29;
+  kFoyer = 30;
+  kFrontDoor = 31;
+  kFrontYard = 32;
+  kGameRoom = 33;
+  kGarage = 34;
+  kGarageDoor = 35;
+  kGarden = 36;
+  kGardenDoor = 37;
+  kGuestBathroom = 38;
+  kGuestBedroom = 39;
+  kGuestRestroom = 40;
+  kGuestRoom = 41;
+  kGym = 42;
+  kHallway = 43;
+  kHearthRoom = 44;
+  kKidsRoom = 45;
+  kKidsBedroom = 46;
+  kKitchen = 47;
+  kLarder = 48;
+  kLaundryRoom = 49;
+  kLawn = 50;
+  kLibrary = 51;
+  kLivingRoom = 52;
+  kLounge = 53;
+  kMediaTVRoom = 54;
+  kMudRoom = 55;
+  kMusicRoom = 56;
+  kNursery = 57;
+  kOffice = 58;
+  kOutdoorKitchen = 59;
+  kOutside = 60;
+  kPantry = 61;
+  kParkingLot = 62;
+  kParlor = 63;
+  kPatio = 64;
+  kPlayRoom = 65;
+  kPoolRoom = 66;
+  kPorch = 67;
+  kPrimaryBathroom = 68;
+  kPrimaryBedroom = 69;
+  kRamp = 70;
+  kReceptionRoom = 71;
+  kRecreationRoom = 72;
+  kRestroom = 73;
+  kRoof = 74;
+  kSauna = 75;
+  kScullery = 76;
+  kSewingRoom = 77;
+  kShed = 78;
+  kSideDoor = 79;
+  kSideYard = 80;
+  kSittingRoom = 81;
+  kSnug = 82;
+  kSpa = 83;
+  kStaircase = 84;
+  kSteamRoom = 85;
+  kStorageRoom = 86;
+  kStudio = 87;
+  kStudy = 88;
+  kSunRoom = 89;
+  kSwimmingPool = 90;
+  kTerrace = 91;
+  kUtilityRoom = 92;
+  kWard = 93;
+  kWorkshop = 94;
+enum FloorSurfaceTag : enum8 {
+  kCarpet = 0;
+  kCeramic = 1;
+  kConcrete = 2;
+  kCork = 3;
+  kDeepCarpet = 4;
+  kDirt = 5;
+  kEngineeredWood = 6;
+  kGlass = 7;
+  kGrass = 8;
+  kHardwood = 9;
+  kLaminate = 10;
+  kLinoleum = 11;
+  kMat = 12;
+  kMetal = 13;
+  kPlastic = 14;
+  kPolishedConcrete = 15;
+  kRubber = 16;
+  kRug = 17;
+  kSand = 18;
+  kStone = 19;
+  kTatami = 20;
+  kTerrazzo = 21;
+  kTile = 22;
+  kVinyl = 23;
+enum LandmarkTag : enum8 {
+  kAirConditioner = 0;
+  kAirPurifier = 1;
+  kBackDoor = 2;
+  kBarStool = 3;
+  kBathMat = 4;
+  kBathtub = 5;
+  kBed = 6;
+  kBookshelf = 7;
+  kChair = 8;
+  kChristmasTree = 9;
+  kCoatRack = 10;
+  kCoffeeTable = 11;
+  kCookingRange = 12;
+  kCouch = 13;
+  kCountertop = 14;
+  kCradle = 15;
+  kCrib = 16;
+  kDesk = 17;
+  kDiningTable = 18;
+  kDishwasher = 19;
+  kDoor = 20;
+  kDresser = 21;
+  kLaundryDryer = 22;
+  kFan = 23;
+  kFireplace = 24;
+  kFreezer = 25;
+  kFrontDoor = 26;
+  kHighChair = 27;
+  kKitchenIsland = 28;
+  kLamp = 29;
+  kLitterBox = 30;
+  kMirror = 31;
+  kNightstand = 32;
+  kOven = 33;
+  kPetBed = 34;
+  kPetBowl = 35;
+  kPetCrate = 36;
+  kRefrigerator = 37;
+  kScratchingPost = 38;
+  kShoeRack = 39;
+  kShower = 40;
+  kSideDoor = 41;
+  kSink = 42;
+  kSofa = 43;
+  kStove = 44;
+  kTable = 45;
+  kToilet = 46;
+  kTrashCan = 47;
+  kLaundryWasher = 48;
+  kWindow = 49;
+  kWineCooler = 50;
+enum PositionTag : enum8 {
+  kLeft = 0;
+  kRight = 1;
+  kTop = 2;
+  kBottom = 3;
+  kMiddle = 4;
+  kRow = 5;
+  kColumn = 6;
+  kUnder = 7;
+  kNextTo = 8;
+  kAround = 9;
+  kOn = 10;
+  kAbove = 11;
+  kFrontOf = 12;
+  kBehind = 13;
 enum TestGlobalEnum : enum8 {
   kSomeValue = 0;
   kSomeOtherValue = 1;
@@ -12,6 +208,12 @@ bitmap TestGlobalBitmap : bitmap32 {
   kSecondBit = 0x2;
+struct LocationDescriptorStruct {
+  char_string<128> locationName = 0;
+  nullable int16s floorNumber = 1;
+  nullable AreaTypeTag areaType = 2;
 struct TestGlobalStruct {
   char_string<128> name = 0;
   nullable TestGlobalBitmap myBitmap = 1;
diff --git a/examples/thermostat/thermostat-common/thermostat.matter b/examples/thermostat/thermostat-common/thermostat.matter
index dc26361d6dd600..abf0b4419ec713 100644
--- a/examples/thermostat/thermostat-common/thermostat.matter
+++ b/examples/thermostat/thermostat-common/thermostat.matter
@@ -1,6 +1,202 @@
 // This IDL was generated automatically by ZAP.
 // It is for view/code review purposes only.
+enum AreaTypeTag : enum8 {
+  kAisle = 0;
+  kAttic = 1;
+  kBackDoor = 2;
+  kBackYard = 3;
+  kBalcony = 4;
+  kBallroom = 5;
+  kBathroom = 6;
+  kBedroom = 7;
+  kBorder = 8;
+  kBoxroom = 9;
+  kBreakfastRoom = 10;
+  kCarport = 11;
+  kCellar = 12;
+  kCloakroom = 13;
+  kCloset = 14;
+  kConservatory = 15;
+  kCorridor = 16;
+  kCraftRoom = 17;
+  kCupboard = 18;
+  kDeck = 19;
+  kDen = 20;
+  kDining = 21;
+  kDrawingRoom = 22;
+  kDressingRoom = 23;
+  kDriveway = 24;
+  kElevator = 25;
+  kEnsuite = 26;
+  kEntrance = 27;
+  kEntryway = 28;
+  kFamilyRoom = 29;
+  kFoyer = 30;
+  kFrontDoor = 31;
+  kFrontYard = 32;
+  kGameRoom = 33;
+  kGarage = 34;
+  kGarageDoor = 35;
+  kGarden = 36;
+  kGardenDoor = 37;
+  kGuestBathroom = 38;
+  kGuestBedroom = 39;
+  kGuestRestroom = 40;
+  kGuestRoom = 41;
+  kGym = 42;
+  kHallway = 43;
+  kHearthRoom = 44;
+  kKidsRoom = 45;
+  kKidsBedroom = 46;
+  kKitchen = 47;
+  kLarder = 48;
+  kLaundryRoom = 49;
+  kLawn = 50;
+  kLibrary = 51;
+  kLivingRoom = 52;
+  kLounge = 53;
+  kMediaTVRoom = 54;
+  kMudRoom = 55;
+  kMusicRoom = 56;
+  kNursery = 57;
+  kOffice = 58;
+  kOutdoorKitchen = 59;
+  kOutside = 60;
+  kPantry = 61;
+  kParkingLot = 62;
+  kParlor = 63;
+  kPatio = 64;
+  kPlayRoom = 65;
+  kPoolRoom = 66;
+  kPorch = 67;
+  kPrimaryBathroom = 68;
+  kPrimaryBedroom = 69;
+  kRamp = 70;
+  kReceptionRoom = 71;
+  kRecreationRoom = 72;
+  kRestroom = 73;
+  kRoof = 74;
+  kSauna = 75;
+  kScullery = 76;
+  kSewingRoom = 77;
+  kShed = 78;
+  kSideDoor = 79;
+  kSideYard = 80;
+  kSittingRoom = 81;
+  kSnug = 82;
+  kSpa = 83;
+  kStaircase = 84;
+  kSteamRoom = 85;
+  kStorageRoom = 86;
+  kStudio = 87;
+  kStudy = 88;
+  kSunRoom = 89;
+  kSwimmingPool = 90;
+  kTerrace = 91;
+  kUtilityRoom = 92;
+  kWard = 93;
+  kWorkshop = 94;
+enum FloorSurfaceTag : enum8 {
+  kCarpet = 0;
+  kCeramic = 1;
+  kConcrete = 2;
+  kCork = 3;
+  kDeepCarpet = 4;
+  kDirt = 5;
+  kEngineeredWood = 6;
+  kGlass = 7;
+  kGrass = 8;
+  kHardwood = 9;
+  kLaminate = 10;
+  kLinoleum = 11;
+  kMat = 12;
+  kMetal = 13;
+  kPlastic = 14;
+  kPolishedConcrete = 15;
+  kRubber = 16;
+  kRug = 17;
+  kSand = 18;
+  kStone = 19;
+  kTatami = 20;
+  kTerrazzo = 21;
+  kTile = 22;
+  kVinyl = 23;
+enum LandmarkTag : enum8 {
+  kAirConditioner = 0;
+  kAirPurifier = 1;
+  kBackDoor = 2;
+  kBarStool = 3;
+  kBathMat = 4;
+  kBathtub = 5;
+  kBed = 6;
+  kBookshelf = 7;
+  kChair = 8;
+  kChristmasTree = 9;
+  kCoatRack = 10;
+  kCoffeeTable = 11;
+  kCookingRange = 12;
+  kCouch = 13;
+  kCountertop = 14;
+  kCradle = 15;
+  kCrib = 16;
+  kDesk = 17;
+  kDiningTable = 18;
+  kDishwasher = 19;
+  kDoor = 20;
+  kDresser = 21;
+  kLaundryDryer = 22;
+  kFan = 23;
+  kFireplace = 24;
+  kFreezer = 25;
+  kFrontDoor = 26;
+  kHighChair = 27;
+  kKitchenIsland = 28;
+  kLamp = 29;
+  kLitterBox = 30;
+  kMirror = 31;
+  kNightstand = 32;
+  kOven = 33;
+  kPetBed = 34;
+  kPetBowl = 35;
+  kPetCrate = 36;
+  kRefrigerator = 37;
+  kScratchingPost = 38;
+  kShoeRack = 39;
+  kShower = 40;
+  kSideDoor = 41;
+  kSink = 42;
+  kSofa = 43;
+  kStove = 44;
+  kTable = 45;
+  kToilet = 46;
+  kTrashCan = 47;
+  kLaundryWasher = 48;
+  kWindow = 49;
+  kWineCooler = 50;
+enum PositionTag : enum8 {
+  kLeft = 0;
+  kRight = 1;
+  kTop = 2;
+  kBottom = 3;
+  kMiddle = 4;
+  kRow = 5;
+  kColumn = 6;
+  kUnder = 7;
+  kNextTo = 8;
+  kAround = 9;
+  kOn = 10;
+  kAbove = 11;
+  kFrontOf = 12;
+  kBehind = 13;
 enum TestGlobalEnum : enum8 {
   kSomeValue = 0;
   kSomeOtherValue = 1;
@@ -12,6 +208,12 @@ bitmap TestGlobalBitmap : bitmap32 {
   kSecondBit = 0x2;
+struct LocationDescriptorStruct {
+  char_string<128> locationName = 0;
+  nullable int16s floorNumber = 1;
+  nullable AreaTypeTag areaType = 2;
 struct TestGlobalStruct {
   char_string<128> name = 0;
   nullable TestGlobalBitmap myBitmap = 1;
diff --git a/examples/tv-app/tv-common/tv-app.matter b/examples/tv-app/tv-common/tv-app.matter
index 8f4f6a1b37b697..71f8dd019590ad 100644
--- a/examples/tv-app/tv-common/tv-app.matter
+++ b/examples/tv-app/tv-common/tv-app.matter
@@ -1,6 +1,202 @@
 // This IDL was generated automatically by ZAP.
 // It is for view/code review purposes only.
+enum AreaTypeTag : enum8 {
+  kAisle = 0;
+  kAttic = 1;
+  kBackDoor = 2;
+  kBackYard = 3;
+  kBalcony = 4;
+  kBallroom = 5;
+  kBathroom = 6;
+  kBedroom = 7;
+  kBorder = 8;
+  kBoxroom = 9;
+  kBreakfastRoom = 10;
+  kCarport = 11;
+  kCellar = 12;
+  kCloakroom = 13;
+  kCloset = 14;
+  kConservatory = 15;
+  kCorridor = 16;
+  kCraftRoom = 17;
+  kCupboard = 18;
+  kDeck = 19;
+  kDen = 20;
+  kDining = 21;
+  kDrawingRoom = 22;
+  kDressingRoom = 23;
+  kDriveway = 24;
+  kElevator = 25;
+  kEnsuite = 26;
+  kEntrance = 27;
+  kEntryway = 28;
+  kFamilyRoom = 29;
+  kFoyer = 30;
+  kFrontDoor = 31;
+  kFrontYard = 32;
+  kGameRoom = 33;
+  kGarage = 34;
+  kGarageDoor = 35;
+  kGarden = 36;
+  kGardenDoor = 37;
+  kGuestBathroom = 38;
+  kGuestBedroom = 39;
+  kGuestRestroom = 40;
+  kGuestRoom = 41;
+  kGym = 42;
+  kHallway = 43;
+  kHearthRoom = 44;
+  kKidsRoom = 45;
+  kKidsBedroom = 46;
+  kKitchen = 47;
+  kLarder = 48;
+  kLaundryRoom = 49;
+  kLawn = 50;
+  kLibrary = 51;
+  kLivingRoom = 52;
+  kLounge = 53;
+  kMediaTVRoom = 54;
+  kMudRoom = 55;
+  kMusicRoom = 56;
+  kNursery = 57;
+  kOffice = 58;
+  kOutdoorKitchen = 59;
+  kOutside = 60;
+  kPantry = 61;
+  kParkingLot = 62;
+  kParlor = 63;
+  kPatio = 64;
+  kPlayRoom = 65;
+  kPoolRoom = 66;
+  kPorch = 67;
+  kPrimaryBathroom = 68;
+  kPrimaryBedroom = 69;
+  kRamp = 70;
+  kReceptionRoom = 71;
+  kRecreationRoom = 72;
+  kRestroom = 73;
+  kRoof = 74;
+  kSauna = 75;
+  kScullery = 76;
+  kSewingRoom = 77;
+  kShed = 78;
+  kSideDoor = 79;
+  kSideYard = 80;
+  kSittingRoom = 81;
+  kSnug = 82;
+  kSpa = 83;
+  kStaircase = 84;
+  kSteamRoom = 85;
+  kStorageRoom = 86;
+  kStudio = 87;
+  kStudy = 88;
+  kSunRoom = 89;
+  kSwimmingPool = 90;
+  kTerrace = 91;
+  kUtilityRoom = 92;
+  kWard = 93;
+  kWorkshop = 94;
+enum FloorSurfaceTag : enum8 {
+  kCarpet = 0;
+  kCeramic = 1;
+  kConcrete = 2;
+  kCork = 3;
+  kDeepCarpet = 4;
+  kDirt = 5;
+  kEngineeredWood = 6;
+  kGlass = 7;
+  kGrass = 8;
+  kHardwood = 9;
+  kLaminate = 10;
+  kLinoleum = 11;
+  kMat = 12;
+  kMetal = 13;
+  kPlastic = 14;
+  kPolishedConcrete = 15;
+  kRubber = 16;
+  kRug = 17;
+  kSand = 18;
+  kStone = 19;
+  kTatami = 20;
+  kTerrazzo = 21;
+  kTile = 22;
+  kVinyl = 23;
+enum LandmarkTag : enum8 {
+  kAirConditioner = 0;
+  kAirPurifier = 1;
+  kBackDoor = 2;
+  kBarStool = 3;
+  kBathMat = 4;
+  kBathtub = 5;
+  kBed = 6;
+  kBookshelf = 7;
+  kChair = 8;
+  kChristmasTree = 9;
+  kCoatRack = 10;
+  kCoffeeTable = 11;
+  kCookingRange = 12;
+  kCouch = 13;
+  kCountertop = 14;
+  kCradle = 15;
+  kCrib = 16;
+  kDesk = 17;
+  kDiningTable = 18;
+  kDishwasher = 19;
+  kDoor = 20;
+  kDresser = 21;
+  kLaundryDryer = 22;
+  kFan = 23;
+  kFireplace = 24;
+  kFreezer = 25;
+  kFrontDoor = 26;
+  kHighChair = 27;
+  kKitchenIsland = 28;
+  kLamp = 29;
+  kLitterBox = 30;
+  kMirror = 31;
+  kNightstand = 32;
+  kOven = 33;
+  kPetBed = 34;
+  kPetBowl = 35;
+  kPetCrate = 36;
+  kRefrigerator = 37;
+  kScratchingPost = 38;
+  kShoeRack = 39;
+  kShower = 40;
+  kSideDoor = 41;
+  kSink = 42;
+  kSofa = 43;
+  kStove = 44;
+  kTable = 45;
+  kToilet = 46;
+  kTrashCan = 47;
+  kLaundryWasher = 48;
+  kWindow = 49;
+  kWineCooler = 50;
+enum PositionTag : enum8 {
+  kLeft = 0;
+  kRight = 1;
+  kTop = 2;
+  kBottom = 3;
+  kMiddle = 4;
+  kRow = 5;
+  kColumn = 6;
+  kUnder = 7;
+  kNextTo = 8;
+  kAround = 9;
+  kOn = 10;
+  kAbove = 11;
+  kFrontOf = 12;
+  kBehind = 13;
 enum TestGlobalEnum : enum8 {
   kSomeValue = 0;
   kSomeOtherValue = 1;
@@ -12,6 +208,12 @@ bitmap TestGlobalBitmap : bitmap32 {
   kSecondBit = 0x2;
+struct LocationDescriptorStruct {
+  char_string<128> locationName = 0;
+  nullable int16s floorNumber = 1;
+  nullable AreaTypeTag areaType = 2;
 struct TestGlobalStruct {
   char_string<128> name = 0;
   nullable TestGlobalBitmap myBitmap = 1;
diff --git a/examples/tv-casting-app/tv-casting-common/tv-casting-app.matter b/examples/tv-casting-app/tv-casting-common/tv-casting-app.matter
index ec75977eba422d..bae4ecfd37ea49 100644
--- a/examples/tv-casting-app/tv-casting-common/tv-casting-app.matter
+++ b/examples/tv-casting-app/tv-casting-common/tv-casting-app.matter
@@ -1,6 +1,202 @@
 // This IDL was generated automatically by ZAP.
 // It is for view/code review purposes only.
+enum AreaTypeTag : enum8 {
+  kAisle = 0;
+  kAttic = 1;
+  kBackDoor = 2;
+  kBackYard = 3;
+  kBalcony = 4;
+  kBallroom = 5;
+  kBathroom = 6;
+  kBedroom = 7;
+  kBorder = 8;
+  kBoxroom = 9;
+  kBreakfastRoom = 10;
+  kCarport = 11;
+  kCellar = 12;
+  kCloakroom = 13;
+  kCloset = 14;
+  kConservatory = 15;
+  kCorridor = 16;
+  kCraftRoom = 17;
+  kCupboard = 18;
+  kDeck = 19;
+  kDen = 20;
+  kDining = 21;
+  kDrawingRoom = 22;
+  kDressingRoom = 23;
+  kDriveway = 24;
+  kElevator = 25;
+  kEnsuite = 26;
+  kEntrance = 27;
+  kEntryway = 28;
+  kFamilyRoom = 29;
+  kFoyer = 30;
+  kFrontDoor = 31;
+  kFrontYard = 32;
+  kGameRoom = 33;
+  kGarage = 34;
+  kGarageDoor = 35;
+  kGarden = 36;
+  kGardenDoor = 37;
+  kGuestBathroom = 38;
+  kGuestBedroom = 39;
+  kGuestRestroom = 40;
+  kGuestRoom = 41;
+  kGym = 42;
+  kHallway = 43;
+  kHearthRoom = 44;
+  kKidsRoom = 45;
+  kKidsBedroom = 46;
+  kKitchen = 47;
+  kLarder = 48;
+  kLaundryRoom = 49;
+  kLawn = 50;
+  kLibrary = 51;
+  kLivingRoom = 52;
+  kLounge = 53;
+  kMediaTVRoom = 54;
+  kMudRoom = 55;
+  kMusicRoom = 56;
+  kNursery = 57;
+  kOffice = 58;
+  kOutdoorKitchen = 59;
+  kOutside = 60;
+  kPantry = 61;
+  kParkingLot = 62;
+  kParlor = 63;
+  kPatio = 64;
+  kPlayRoom = 65;
+  kPoolRoom = 66;
+  kPorch = 67;
+  kPrimaryBathroom = 68;
+  kPrimaryBedroom = 69;
+  kRamp = 70;
+  kReceptionRoom = 71;
+  kRecreationRoom = 72;
+  kRestroom = 73;
+  kRoof = 74;
+  kSauna = 75;
+  kScullery = 76;
+  kSewingRoom = 77;
+  kShed = 78;
+  kSideDoor = 79;
+  kSideYard = 80;
+  kSittingRoom = 81;
+  kSnug = 82;
+  kSpa = 83;
+  kStaircase = 84;
+  kSteamRoom = 85;
+  kStorageRoom = 86;
+  kStudio = 87;
+  kStudy = 88;
+  kSunRoom = 89;
+  kSwimmingPool = 90;
+  kTerrace = 91;
+  kUtilityRoom = 92;
+  kWard = 93;
+  kWorkshop = 94;
+enum FloorSurfaceTag : enum8 {
+  kCarpet = 0;
+  kCeramic = 1;
+  kConcrete = 2;
+  kCork = 3;
+  kDeepCarpet = 4;
+  kDirt = 5;
+  kEngineeredWood = 6;
+  kGlass = 7;
+  kGrass = 8;
+  kHardwood = 9;
+  kLaminate = 10;
+  kLinoleum = 11;
+  kMat = 12;
+  kMetal = 13;
+  kPlastic = 14;
+  kPolishedConcrete = 15;
+  kRubber = 16;
+  kRug = 17;
+  kSand = 18;
+  kStone = 19;
+  kTatami = 20;
+  kTerrazzo = 21;
+  kTile = 22;
+  kVinyl = 23;
+enum LandmarkTag : enum8 {
+  kAirConditioner = 0;
+  kAirPurifier = 1;
+  kBackDoor = 2;
+  kBarStool = 3;
+  kBathMat = 4;
+  kBathtub = 5;
+  kBed = 6;
+  kBookshelf = 7;
+  kChair = 8;
+  kChristmasTree = 9;
+  kCoatRack = 10;
+  kCoffeeTable = 11;
+  kCookingRange = 12;
+  kCouch = 13;
+  kCountertop = 14;
+  kCradle = 15;
+  kCrib = 16;
+  kDesk = 17;
+  kDiningTable = 18;
+  kDishwasher = 19;
+  kDoor = 20;
+  kDresser = 21;
+  kLaundryDryer = 22;
+  kFan = 23;
+  kFireplace = 24;
+  kFreezer = 25;
+  kFrontDoor = 26;
+  kHighChair = 27;
+  kKitchenIsland = 28;
+  kLamp = 29;
+  kLitterBox = 30;
+  kMirror = 31;
+  kNightstand = 32;
+  kOven = 33;
+  kPetBed = 34;
+  kPetBowl = 35;
+  kPetCrate = 36;
+  kRefrigerator = 37;
+  kScratchingPost = 38;
+  kShoeRack = 39;
+  kShower = 40;
+  kSideDoor = 41;
+  kSink = 42;
+  kSofa = 43;
+  kStove = 44;
+  kTable = 45;
+  kToilet = 46;
+  kTrashCan = 47;
+  kLaundryWasher = 48;
+  kWindow = 49;
+  kWineCooler = 50;
+enum PositionTag : enum8 {
+  kLeft = 0;
+  kRight = 1;
+  kTop = 2;
+  kBottom = 3;
+  kMiddle = 4;
+  kRow = 5;
+  kColumn = 6;
+  kUnder = 7;
+  kNextTo = 8;
+  kAround = 9;
+  kOn = 10;
+  kAbove = 11;
+  kFrontOf = 12;
+  kBehind = 13;
 enum TestGlobalEnum : enum8 {
   kSomeValue = 0;
   kSomeOtherValue = 1;
@@ -12,6 +208,12 @@ bitmap TestGlobalBitmap : bitmap32 {
   kSecondBit = 0x2;
+struct LocationDescriptorStruct {
+  char_string<128> locationName = 0;
+  nullable int16s floorNumber = 1;
+  nullable AreaTypeTag areaType = 2;
 struct TestGlobalStruct {
   char_string<128> name = 0;
   nullable TestGlobalBitmap myBitmap = 1;
diff --git a/examples/virtual-device-app/virtual-device-common/virtual-device-app.matter b/examples/virtual-device-app/virtual-device-common/virtual-device-app.matter
index 64f2e1ef40660a..fc651825cce654 100644
--- a/examples/virtual-device-app/virtual-device-common/virtual-device-app.matter
+++ b/examples/virtual-device-app/virtual-device-common/virtual-device-app.matter
@@ -1,6 +1,202 @@
 // This IDL was generated automatically by ZAP.
 // It is for view/code review purposes only.
+enum AreaTypeTag : enum8 {
+  kAisle = 0;
+  kAttic = 1;
+  kBackDoor = 2;
+  kBackYard = 3;
+  kBalcony = 4;
+  kBallroom = 5;
+  kBathroom = 6;
+  kBedroom = 7;
+  kBorder = 8;
+  kBoxroom = 9;
+  kBreakfastRoom = 10;
+  kCarport = 11;
+  kCellar = 12;
+  kCloakroom = 13;
+  kCloset = 14;
+  kConservatory = 15;
+  kCorridor = 16;
+  kCraftRoom = 17;
+  kCupboard = 18;
+  kDeck = 19;
+  kDen = 20;
+  kDining = 21;
+  kDrawingRoom = 22;
+  kDressingRoom = 23;
+  kDriveway = 24;
+  kElevator = 25;
+  kEnsuite = 26;
+  kEntrance = 27;
+  kEntryway = 28;
+  kFamilyRoom = 29;
+  kFoyer = 30;
+  kFrontDoor = 31;
+  kFrontYard = 32;
+  kGameRoom = 33;
+  kGarage = 34;
+  kGarageDoor = 35;
+  kGarden = 36;
+  kGardenDoor = 37;
+  kGuestBathroom = 38;
+  kGuestBedroom = 39;
+  kGuestRestroom = 40;
+  kGuestRoom = 41;
+  kGym = 42;
+  kHallway = 43;
+  kHearthRoom = 44;
+  kKidsRoom = 45;
+  kKidsBedroom = 46;
+  kKitchen = 47;
+  kLarder = 48;
+  kLaundryRoom = 49;
+  kLawn = 50;
+  kLibrary = 51;
+  kLivingRoom = 52;
+  kLounge = 53;
+  kMediaTVRoom = 54;
+  kMudRoom = 55;
+  kMusicRoom = 56;
+  kNursery = 57;
+  kOffice = 58;
+  kOutdoorKitchen = 59;
+  kOutside = 60;
+  kPantry = 61;
+  kParkingLot = 62;
+  kParlor = 63;
+  kPatio = 64;
+  kPlayRoom = 65;
+  kPoolRoom = 66;
+  kPorch = 67;
+  kPrimaryBathroom = 68;
+  kPrimaryBedroom = 69;
+  kRamp = 70;
+  kReceptionRoom = 71;
+  kRecreationRoom = 72;
+  kRestroom = 73;
+  kRoof = 74;
+  kSauna = 75;
+  kScullery = 76;
+  kSewingRoom = 77;
+  kShed = 78;
+  kSideDoor = 79;
+  kSideYard = 80;
+  kSittingRoom = 81;
+  kSnug = 82;
+  kSpa = 83;
+  kStaircase = 84;
+  kSteamRoom = 85;
+  kStorageRoom = 86;
+  kStudio = 87;
+  kStudy = 88;
+  kSunRoom = 89;
+  kSwimmingPool = 90;
+  kTerrace = 91;
+  kUtilityRoom = 92;
+  kWard = 93;
+  kWorkshop = 94;
+enum FloorSurfaceTag : enum8 {
+  kCarpet = 0;
+  kCeramic = 1;
+  kConcrete = 2;
+  kCork = 3;
+  kDeepCarpet = 4;
+  kDirt = 5;
+  kEngineeredWood = 6;
+  kGlass = 7;
+  kGrass = 8;
+  kHardwood = 9;
+  kLaminate = 10;
+  kLinoleum = 11;
+  kMat = 12;
+  kMetal = 13;
+  kPlastic = 14;
+  kPolishedConcrete = 15;
+  kRubber = 16;
+  kRug = 17;
+  kSand = 18;
+  kStone = 19;
+  kTatami = 20;
+  kTerrazzo = 21;
+  kTile = 22;
+  kVinyl = 23;
+enum LandmarkTag : enum8 {
+  kAirConditioner = 0;
+  kAirPurifier = 1;
+  kBackDoor = 2;
+  kBarStool = 3;
+  kBathMat = 4;
+  kBathtub = 5;
+  kBed = 6;
+  kBookshelf = 7;
+  kChair = 8;
+  kChristmasTree = 9;
+  kCoatRack = 10;
+  kCoffeeTable = 11;
+  kCookingRange = 12;
+  kCouch = 13;
+  kCountertop = 14;
+  kCradle = 15;
+  kCrib = 16;
+  kDesk = 17;
+  kDiningTable = 18;
+  kDishwasher = 19;
+  kDoor = 20;
+  kDresser = 21;
+  kLaundryDryer = 22;
+  kFan = 23;
+  kFireplace = 24;
+  kFreezer = 25;
+  kFrontDoor = 26;
+  kHighChair = 27;
+  kKitchenIsland = 28;
+  kLamp = 29;
+  kLitterBox = 30;
+  kMirror = 31;
+  kNightstand = 32;
+  kOven = 33;
+  kPetBed = 34;
+  kPetBowl = 35;
+  kPetCrate = 36;
+  kRefrigerator = 37;
+  kScratchingPost = 38;
+  kShoeRack = 39;
+  kShower = 40;
+  kSideDoor = 41;
+  kSink = 42;
+  kSofa = 43;
+  kStove = 44;
+  kTable = 45;
+  kToilet = 46;
+  kTrashCan = 47;
+  kLaundryWasher = 48;
+  kWindow = 49;
+  kWineCooler = 50;
+enum PositionTag : enum8 {
+  kLeft = 0;
+  kRight = 1;
+  kTop = 2;
+  kBottom = 3;
+  kMiddle = 4;
+  kRow = 5;
+  kColumn = 6;
+  kUnder = 7;
+  kNextTo = 8;
+  kAround = 9;
+  kOn = 10;
+  kAbove = 11;
+  kFrontOf = 12;
+  kBehind = 13;
 enum TestGlobalEnum : enum8 {
   kSomeValue = 0;
   kSomeOtherValue = 1;
@@ -12,6 +208,12 @@ bitmap TestGlobalBitmap : bitmap32 {
   kSecondBit = 0x2;
+struct LocationDescriptorStruct {
+  char_string<128> locationName = 0;
+  nullable int16s floorNumber = 1;
+  nullable AreaTypeTag areaType = 2;
 struct TestGlobalStruct {
   char_string<128> name = 0;
   nullable TestGlobalBitmap myBitmap = 1;
diff --git a/examples/window-app/common/window-app.matter b/examples/window-app/common/window-app.matter
index 7e86a64c7fa2d3..7037e2ed4540e8 100644
--- a/examples/window-app/common/window-app.matter
+++ b/examples/window-app/common/window-app.matter
@@ -1,6 +1,202 @@
 // This IDL was generated automatically by ZAP.
 // It is for view/code review purposes only.
+enum AreaTypeTag : enum8 {
+  kAisle = 0;
+  kAttic = 1;
+  kBackDoor = 2;
+  kBackYard = 3;
+  kBalcony = 4;
+  kBallroom = 5;
+  kBathroom = 6;
+  kBedroom = 7;
+  kBorder = 8;
+  kBoxroom = 9;
+  kBreakfastRoom = 10;
+  kCarport = 11;
+  kCellar = 12;
+  kCloakroom = 13;
+  kCloset = 14;
+  kConservatory = 15;
+  kCorridor = 16;
+  kCraftRoom = 17;
+  kCupboard = 18;
+  kDeck = 19;
+  kDen = 20;
+  kDining = 21;
+  kDrawingRoom = 22;
+  kDressingRoom = 23;
+  kDriveway = 24;
+  kElevator = 25;
+  kEnsuite = 26;
+  kEntrance = 27;
+  kEntryway = 28;
+  kFamilyRoom = 29;
+  kFoyer = 30;
+  kFrontDoor = 31;
+  kFrontYard = 32;
+  kGameRoom = 33;
+  kGarage = 34;
+  kGarageDoor = 35;
+  kGarden = 36;
+  kGardenDoor = 37;
+  kGuestBathroom = 38;
+  kGuestBedroom = 39;
+  kGuestRestroom = 40;
+  kGuestRoom = 41;
+  kGym = 42;
+  kHallway = 43;
+  kHearthRoom = 44;
+  kKidsRoom = 45;
+  kKidsBedroom = 46;
+  kKitchen = 47;
+  kLarder = 48;
+  kLaundryRoom = 49;
+  kLawn = 50;
+  kLibrary = 51;
+  kLivingRoom = 52;
+  kLounge = 53;
+  kMediaTVRoom = 54;
+  kMudRoom = 55;
+  kMusicRoom = 56;
+  kNursery = 57;
+  kOffice = 58;
+  kOutdoorKitchen = 59;
+  kOutside = 60;
+  kPantry = 61;
+  kParkingLot = 62;
+  kParlor = 63;
+  kPatio = 64;
+  kPlayRoom = 65;
+  kPoolRoom = 66;
+  kPorch = 67;
+  kPrimaryBathroom = 68;
+  kPrimaryBedroom = 69;
+  kRamp = 70;
+  kReceptionRoom = 71;
+  kRecreationRoom = 72;
+  kRestroom = 73;
+  kRoof = 74;
+  kSauna = 75;
+  kScullery = 76;
+  kSewingRoom = 77;
+  kShed = 78;
+  kSideDoor = 79;
+  kSideYard = 80;
+  kSittingRoom = 81;
+  kSnug = 82;
+  kSpa = 83;
+  kStaircase = 84;
+  kSteamRoom = 85;
+  kStorageRoom = 86;
+  kStudio = 87;
+  kStudy = 88;
+  kSunRoom = 89;
+  kSwimmingPool = 90;
+  kTerrace = 91;
+  kUtilityRoom = 92;
+  kWard = 93;
+  kWorkshop = 94;
+enum FloorSurfaceTag : enum8 {
+  kCarpet = 0;
+  kCeramic = 1;
+  kConcrete = 2;
+  kCork = 3;
+  kDeepCarpet = 4;
+  kDirt = 5;
+  kEngineeredWood = 6;
+  kGlass = 7;
+  kGrass = 8;
+  kHardwood = 9;
+  kLaminate = 10;
+  kLinoleum = 11;
+  kMat = 12;
+  kMetal = 13;
+  kPlastic = 14;
+  kPolishedConcrete = 15;
+  kRubber = 16;
+  kRug = 17;
+  kSand = 18;
+  kStone = 19;
+  kTatami = 20;
+  kTerrazzo = 21;
+  kTile = 22;
+  kVinyl = 23;
+enum LandmarkTag : enum8 {
+  kAirConditioner = 0;
+  kAirPurifier = 1;
+  kBackDoor = 2;
+  kBarStool = 3;
+  kBathMat = 4;
+  kBathtub = 5;
+  kBed = 6;
+  kBookshelf = 7;
+  kChair = 8;
+  kChristmasTree = 9;
+  kCoatRack = 10;
+  kCoffeeTable = 11;
+  kCookingRange = 12;
+  kCouch = 13;
+  kCountertop = 14;
+  kCradle = 15;
+  kCrib = 16;
+  kDesk = 17;
+  kDiningTable = 18;
+  kDishwasher = 19;
+  kDoor = 20;
+  kDresser = 21;
+  kLaundryDryer = 22;
+  kFan = 23;
+  kFireplace = 24;
+  kFreezer = 25;
+  kFrontDoor = 26;
+  kHighChair = 27;
+  kKitchenIsland = 28;
+  kLamp = 29;
+  kLitterBox = 30;
+  kMirror = 31;
+  kNightstand = 32;
+  kOven = 33;
+  kPetBed = 34;
+  kPetBowl = 35;
+  kPetCrate = 36;
+  kRefrigerator = 37;
+  kScratchingPost = 38;
+  kShoeRack = 39;
+  kShower = 40;
+  kSideDoor = 41;
+  kSink = 42;
+  kSofa = 43;
+  kStove = 44;
+  kTable = 45;
+  kToilet = 46;
+  kTrashCan = 47;
+  kLaundryWasher = 48;
+  kWindow = 49;
+  kWineCooler = 50;
+enum PositionTag : enum8 {
+  kLeft = 0;
+  kRight = 1;
+  kTop = 2;
+  kBottom = 3;
+  kMiddle = 4;
+  kRow = 5;
+  kColumn = 6;
+  kUnder = 7;
+  kNextTo = 8;
+  kAround = 9;
+  kOn = 10;
+  kAbove = 11;
+  kFrontOf = 12;
+  kBehind = 13;
 enum TestGlobalEnum : enum8 {
   kSomeValue = 0;
   kSomeOtherValue = 1;
@@ -12,6 +208,12 @@ bitmap TestGlobalBitmap : bitmap32 {
   kSecondBit = 0x2;
+struct LocationDescriptorStruct {
+  char_string<128> locationName = 0;
+  nullable int16s floorNumber = 1;
+  nullable AreaTypeTag areaType = 2;
 struct TestGlobalStruct {
   char_string<128> name = 0;
   nullable TestGlobalBitmap myBitmap = 1;
diff --git a/src/controller/data_model/controller-clusters.matter b/src/controller/data_model/controller-clusters.matter
index eb9999da242c69..fc5d582445fa11 100644
--- a/src/controller/data_model/controller-clusters.matter
+++ b/src/controller/data_model/controller-clusters.matter
@@ -1,6 +1,202 @@
 // This IDL was generated automatically by ZAP.
 // It is for view/code review purposes only.
+enum AreaTypeTag : enum8 {
+  kAisle = 0;
+  kAttic = 1;
+  kBackDoor = 2;
+  kBackYard = 3;
+  kBalcony = 4;
+  kBallroom = 5;
+  kBathroom = 6;
+  kBedroom = 7;
+  kBorder = 8;
+  kBoxroom = 9;
+  kBreakfastRoom = 10;
+  kCarport = 11;
+  kCellar = 12;
+  kCloakroom = 13;
+  kCloset = 14;
+  kConservatory = 15;
+  kCorridor = 16;
+  kCraftRoom = 17;
+  kCupboard = 18;
+  kDeck = 19;
+  kDen = 20;
+  kDining = 21;
+  kDrawingRoom = 22;
+  kDressingRoom = 23;
+  kDriveway = 24;
+  kElevator = 25;
+  kEnsuite = 26;
+  kEntrance = 27;
+  kEntryway = 28;
+  kFamilyRoom = 29;
+  kFoyer = 30;
+  kFrontDoor = 31;
+  kFrontYard = 32;
+  kGameRoom = 33;
+  kGarage = 34;
+  kGarageDoor = 35;
+  kGarden = 36;
+  kGardenDoor = 37;
+  kGuestBathroom = 38;
+  kGuestBedroom = 39;
+  kGuestRestroom = 40;
+  kGuestRoom = 41;
+  kGym = 42;
+  kHallway = 43;
+  kHearthRoom = 44;
+  kKidsRoom = 45;
+  kKidsBedroom = 46;
+  kKitchen = 47;
+  kLarder = 48;
+  kLaundryRoom = 49;
+  kLawn = 50;
+  kLibrary = 51;
+  kLivingRoom = 52;
+  kLounge = 53;
+  kMediaTVRoom = 54;
+  kMudRoom = 55;
+  kMusicRoom = 56;
+  kNursery = 57;
+  kOffice = 58;
+  kOutdoorKitchen = 59;
+  kOutside = 60;
+  kPantry = 61;
+  kParkingLot = 62;
+  kParlor = 63;
+  kPatio = 64;
+  kPlayRoom = 65;
+  kPoolRoom = 66;
+  kPorch = 67;
+  kPrimaryBathroom = 68;
+  kPrimaryBedroom = 69;
+  kRamp = 70;
+  kReceptionRoom = 71;
+  kRecreationRoom = 72;
+  kRestroom = 73;
+  kRoof = 74;
+  kSauna = 75;
+  kScullery = 76;
+  kSewingRoom = 77;
+  kShed = 78;
+  kSideDoor = 79;
+  kSideYard = 80;
+  kSittingRoom = 81;
+  kSnug = 82;
+  kSpa = 83;
+  kStaircase = 84;
+  kSteamRoom = 85;
+  kStorageRoom = 86;
+  kStudio = 87;
+  kStudy = 88;
+  kSunRoom = 89;
+  kSwimmingPool = 90;
+  kTerrace = 91;
+  kUtilityRoom = 92;
+  kWard = 93;
+  kWorkshop = 94;
+enum FloorSurfaceTag : enum8 {
+  kCarpet = 0;
+  kCeramic = 1;
+  kConcrete = 2;
+  kCork = 3;
+  kDeepCarpet = 4;
+  kDirt = 5;
+  kEngineeredWood = 6;
+  kGlass = 7;
+  kGrass = 8;
+  kHardwood = 9;
+  kLaminate = 10;
+  kLinoleum = 11;
+  kMat = 12;
+  kMetal = 13;
+  kPlastic = 14;
+  kPolishedConcrete = 15;
+  kRubber = 16;
+  kRug = 17;
+  kSand = 18;
+  kStone = 19;
+  kTatami = 20;
+  kTerrazzo = 21;
+  kTile = 22;
+  kVinyl = 23;
+enum LandmarkTag : enum8 {
+  kAirConditioner = 0;
+  kAirPurifier = 1;
+  kBackDoor = 2;
+  kBarStool = 3;
+  kBathMat = 4;
+  kBathtub = 5;
+  kBed = 6;
+  kBookshelf = 7;
+  kChair = 8;
+  kChristmasTree = 9;
+  kCoatRack = 10;
+  kCoffeeTable = 11;
+  kCookingRange = 12;
+  kCouch = 13;
+  kCountertop = 14;
+  kCradle = 15;
+  kCrib = 16;
+  kDesk = 17;
+  kDiningTable = 18;
+  kDishwasher = 19;
+  kDoor = 20;
+  kDresser = 21;
+  kLaundryDryer = 22;
+  kFan = 23;
+  kFireplace = 24;
+  kFreezer = 25;
+  kFrontDoor = 26;
+  kHighChair = 27;
+  kKitchenIsland = 28;
+  kLamp = 29;
+  kLitterBox = 30;
+  kMirror = 31;
+  kNightstand = 32;
+  kOven = 33;
+  kPetBed = 34;
+  kPetBowl = 35;
+  kPetCrate = 36;
+  kRefrigerator = 37;
+  kScratchingPost = 38;
+  kShoeRack = 39;
+  kShower = 40;
+  kSideDoor = 41;
+  kSink = 42;
+  kSofa = 43;
+  kStove = 44;
+  kTable = 45;
+  kToilet = 46;
+  kTrashCan = 47;
+  kLaundryWasher = 48;
+  kWindow = 49;
+  kWineCooler = 50;
+enum PositionTag : enum8 {
+  kLeft = 0;
+  kRight = 1;
+  kTop = 2;
+  kBottom = 3;
+  kMiddle = 4;
+  kRow = 5;
+  kColumn = 6;
+  kUnder = 7;
+  kNextTo = 8;
+  kAround = 9;
+  kOn = 10;
+  kAbove = 11;
+  kFrontOf = 12;
+  kBehind = 13;
 enum TestGlobalEnum : enum8 {
   kSomeValue = 0;
   kSomeOtherValue = 1;
@@ -12,6 +208,12 @@ bitmap TestGlobalBitmap : bitmap32 {
   kSecondBit = 0x2;
+struct LocationDescriptorStruct {
+  char_string<128> locationName = 0;
+  nullable int16s floorNumber = 1;
+  nullable AreaTypeTag areaType = 2;
 struct TestGlobalStruct {
   char_string<128> name = 0;
   nullable TestGlobalBitmap myBitmap = 1;
@@ -6233,185 +6435,6 @@ deprecated cluster BarrierControl = 259 {
 provisional cluster ServiceArea = 336 {
   revision 1; // NOTE: Default/not specifically set
-  enum AreaTypeTag : enum8 {
-    kAisle = 0;
-    kAttic = 1;
-    kBackDoor = 2;
-    kBackYard = 3;
-    kBalcony = 4;
-    kBallroom = 5;
-    kBathroom = 6;
-    kBedroom = 7;
-    kBorder = 8;
-    kBoxroom = 9;
-    kBreakfastRoom = 10;
-    kCarport = 11;
-    kCellar = 12;
-    kCloakroom = 13;
-    kCloset = 14;
-    kConservatory = 15;
-    kCorridor = 16;
-    kCraftRoom = 17;
-    kCupboard = 18;
-    kDeck = 19;
-    kDen = 20;
-    kDining = 21;
-    kDrawingRoom = 22;
-    kDressingRoom = 23;
-    kDriveway = 24;
-    kElevator = 25;
-    kEnsuite = 26;
-    kEntrance = 27;
-    kEntryway = 28;
-    kFamilyRoom = 29;
-    kFoyer = 30;
-    kFrontDoor = 31;
-    kFrontYard = 32;
-    kGameRoom = 33;
-    kGarage = 34;
-    kGarageDoor = 35;
-    kGarden = 36;
-    kGardenDoor = 37;
-    kGuestBathroom = 38;
-    kGuestBedroom = 39;
-    kGuestRestroom = 40;
-    kGuestRoom = 41;
-    kGym = 42;
-    kHallway = 43;
-    kHearthRoom = 44;
-    kKidsRoom = 45;
-    kKidsBedroom = 46;
-    kKitchen = 47;
-    kLarder = 48;
-    kLaundryRoom = 49;
-    kLawn = 50;
-    kLibrary = 51;
-    kLivingRoom = 52;
-    kLounge = 53;
-    kMediaTVRoom = 54;
-    kMudRoom = 55;
-    kMusicRoom = 56;
-    kNursery = 57;
-    kOffice = 58;
-    kOutdoorKitchen = 59;
-    kOutside = 60;
-    kPantry = 61;
-    kParkingLot = 62;
-    kParlor = 63;
-    kPatio = 64;
-    kPlayRoom = 65;
-    kPoolRoom = 66;
-    kPorch = 67;
-    kPrimaryBathroom = 68;
-    kPrimaryBedroom = 69;
-    kRamp = 70;
-    kReceptionRoom = 71;
-    kRecreationRoom = 72;
-    kRestroom = 73;
-    kRoof = 74;
-    kSauna = 75;
-    kScullery = 76;
-    kSewingRoom = 77;
-    kShed = 78;
-    kSideDoor = 79;
-    kSideYard = 80;
-    kSittingRoom = 81;
-    kSnug = 82;
-    kSpa = 83;
-    kStaircase = 84;
-    kSteamRoom = 85;
-    kStorageRoom = 86;
-    kStudio = 87;
-    kStudy = 88;
-    kSunRoom = 89;
-    kSwimmingPool = 90;
-    kTerrace = 91;
-    kUtilityRoom = 92;
-    kWard = 93;
-    kWorkshop = 94;
-  }
-  enum FloorSurfaceTag : enum8 {
-    kCarpet = 0;
-    kCeramic = 1;
-    kConcrete = 2;
-    kCork = 3;
-    kDeepCarpet = 4;
-    kDirt = 5;
-    kEngineeredWood = 6;
-    kGlass = 7;
-    kGrass = 8;
-    kHardwood = 9;
-    kLaminate = 10;
-    kLinoleum = 11;
-    kMat = 12;
-    kMetal = 13;
-    kPlastic = 14;
-    kPolishedConcrete = 15;
-    kRubber = 16;
-    kRug = 17;
-    kSand = 18;
-    kStone = 19;
-    kTatami = 20;
-    kTerrazzo = 21;
-    kTile = 22;
-    kVinyl = 23;
-  }
-  enum LandmarkTag : enum8 {
-    kAirConditioner = 0;
-    kAirPurifier = 1;
-    kBackDoor = 2;
-    kBarStool = 3;
-    kBathMat = 4;
-    kBathtub = 5;
-    kBed = 6;
-    kBookshelf = 7;
-    kChair = 8;
-    kChristmasTree = 9;
-    kCoatRack = 10;
-    kCoffeeTable = 11;
-    kCookingRange = 12;
-    kCouch = 13;
-    kCountertop = 14;
-    kCradle = 15;
-    kCrib = 16;
-    kDesk = 17;
-    kDiningTable = 18;
-    kDishwasher = 19;
-    kDoor = 20;
-    kDresser = 21;
-    kLaundryDryer = 22;
-    kFan = 23;
-    kFireplace = 24;
-    kFreezer = 25;
-    kFrontDoor = 26;
-    kHighChair = 27;
-    kKitchenIsland = 28;
-    kLamp = 29;
-    kLitterBox = 30;
-    kMirror = 31;
-    kNightstand = 32;
-    kOven = 33;
-    kPetBed = 34;
-    kPetBowl = 35;
-    kPetCrate = 36;
-    kRefrigerator = 37;
-    kScratchingPost = 38;
-    kShoeRack = 39;
-    kShower = 40;
-    kSideDoor = 41;
-    kSink = 42;
-    kSofa = 43;
-    kStove = 44;
-    kTable = 45;
-    kToilet = 46;
-    kTrashCan = 47;
-    kLaundryWasher = 48;
-    kWindow = 49;
-    kWineCooler = 50;
-  }
   enum OperationalStatusEnum : enum8 {
     kPending = 0;
     kOperating = 1;
@@ -6419,23 +6442,6 @@ provisional cluster ServiceArea = 336 {
     kCompleted = 3;
-  enum PositionTag : enum8 {
-    kLeft = 0;
-    kRight = 1;
-    kTop = 2;
-    kBottom = 3;
-    kMiddle = 4;
-    kRow = 5;
-    kColumn = 6;
-    kUnder = 7;
-    kNextTo = 8;
-    kAround = 9;
-    kOn = 10;
-    kAbove = 11;
-    kFrontOf = 12;
-    kBehind = 13;
-  }
   enum SelectLocationsStatus : enum8 {
     kSuccess = 0;
     kUnsupportedLocation = 1;
@@ -6455,12 +6461,6 @@ provisional cluster ServiceArea = 336 {
     kSelectWhileRunning = 0x2;
-  struct LocationDescriptorStruct {
-    char_string<128> locationName = 0;
-    nullable int16s floorNumber = 1;
-    nullable AreaTypeTag areaType = 2;
-  }
   struct LocationInfoStruct {
     nullable LocationDescriptorStruct locationInfo = 0;
     nullable LandmarkTag landmarkTag = 1;
@@ -9336,117 +9336,6 @@ provisional cluster ContentAppObserver = 1296 {
 provisional cluster EcosystemInformation = 1872 {
   revision 1;
-  enum AreaTypeTag : enum8 {
-    kAisle = 0;
-    kAttic = 1;
-    kBackDoor = 2;
-    kBackYard = 3;
-    kBalcony = 4;
-    kBallroom = 5;
-    kBathroom = 6;
-    kBedroom = 7;
-    kBorder = 8;
-    kBoxroom = 9;
-    kBreakfastRoom = 10;
-    kCarport = 11;
-    kCellar = 12;
-    kCloakroom = 13;
-    kCloset = 14;
-    kConservatory = 15;
-    kCorridor = 16;
-    kCraftRoom = 17;
-    kCupboard = 18;
-    kDeck = 19;
-    kDen = 20;
-    kDining = 21;
-    kDrawingRoom = 22;
-    kDressingRoom = 23;
-    kDriveway = 24;
-    kElevator = 25;
-    kEnsuite = 26;
-    kEntrance = 27;
-    kEntryway = 28;
-    kFamilyRoom = 29;
-    kFoyer = 30;
-    kFrontDoor = 31;
-    kFrontYard = 32;
-    kGameRoom = 33;
-    kGarage = 34;
-    kGarageDoor = 35;
-    kGarden = 36;
-    kGardenDoor = 37;
-    kGuestBathroom = 38;
-    kGuestBedroom = 39;
-    kGuestRestroom = 40;
-    kGuestRoom = 41;
-    kGym = 42;
-    kHallway = 43;
-    kHearthRoom = 44;
-    kKidsRoom = 45;
-    kKidsBedroom = 46;
-    kKitchen = 47;
-    kLarder = 48;
-    kLaundryRoom = 49;
-    kLawn = 50;
-    kLibrary = 51;
-    kLivingRoom = 52;
-    kLounge = 53;
-    kMediaTVRoom = 54;
-    kMudRoom = 55;
-    kMusicRoom = 56;
-    kNursery = 57;
-    kOffice = 58;
-    kOutdoorKitchen = 59;
-    kOutside = 60;
-    kPantry = 61;
-    kParkingLot = 62;
-    kParlor = 63;
-    kPatio = 64;
-    kPlayRoom = 65;
-    kPoolRoom = 66;
-    kPorch = 67;
-    kPrimaryBathroom = 68;
-    kPrimaryBedroom = 69;
-    kRamp = 70;
-    kReceptionRoom = 71;
-    kRecreationRoom = 72;
-    kRestroom = 73;
-    kRoof = 74;
-    kSauna = 75;
-    kScullery = 76;
-    kSewingRoom = 77;
-    kShed = 78;
-    kSideDoor = 79;
-    kSideYard = 80;
-    kSittingRoom = 81;
-    kSnug = 82;
-    kSpa = 83;
-    kStaircase = 84;
-    kSteamRoom = 85;
-    kStorageRoom = 86;
-    kStudio = 87;
-    kStudy = 88;
-    kSunRoom = 89;
-    kSwimmingPool = 90;
-    kTerrace = 91;
-    kUtilityRoom = 92;
-    kWard = 93;
-    kWorkshop = 94;
-  }
-  struct LocationDescriptorStruct {
-    char_string<128> locationName = 0;
-    nullable int16s floorNumber = 1;
-    nullable AreaTypeTag areaType = 2;
-  }
-  fabric_scoped struct EcosystemLocationStruct {
-    fabric_sensitive char_string<64> uniqueLocationID = 0;
-    fabric_sensitive LocationDescriptorStruct locationDescriptor = 1;
-    fabric_sensitive epoch_us locationDescriptorLastEdit = 2;
-    fabric_idx fabricIndex = 254;
-  }
   struct DeviceTypeStruct {
     devtype_id deviceType = 0;
     int16u revision = 1;
@@ -9463,6 +9352,13 @@ provisional cluster EcosystemInformation = 1872 {
     fabric_idx fabricIndex = 254;
+  fabric_scoped struct EcosystemLocationStruct {
+    fabric_sensitive char_string<64> uniqueLocationID = 0;
+    fabric_sensitive LocationDescriptorStruct locationDescriptor = 1;
+    fabric_sensitive epoch_us locationDescriptorLastEdit = 2;
+    fabric_idx fabricIndex = 254;
+  }
   readonly attribute access(read: manage) optional nullable epoch_us removedOn = 0;
   readonly attribute access(read: manage) EcosystemDeviceStruct deviceDirectory[] = 1;
   readonly attribute access(read: manage) EcosystemLocationStruct locationDirectory[] = 2;
diff --git a/src/controller/java/generated/java/chip/devicecontroller/ b/src/controller/java/generated/java/chip/devicecontroller/
index df78372f96c945..6bbad15010c3c0 100644
--- a/src/controller/java/generated/java/chip/devicecontroller/
+++ b/src/controller/java/generated/java/chip/devicecontroller/
@@ -9171,82 +9171,6 @@ public String toString() {
     return output.toString();
-public static class ServiceAreaClusterLocationDescriptorStruct {
-  public String locationName;
-  public @Nullable Integer floorNumber;
-  public @Nullable Integer areaType;
-  private static final long LOCATION_NAME_ID = 0L;
-  private static final long FLOOR_NUMBER_ID = 1L;
-  private static final long AREA_TYPE_ID = 2L;
-  public ServiceAreaClusterLocationDescriptorStruct(
-    String locationName,
-    @Nullable Integer floorNumber,
-    @Nullable Integer areaType
-  ) {
-    this.locationName = locationName;
-    this.floorNumber = floorNumber;
-    this.areaType = areaType;
-  }
-  public StructType encodeTlv() {
-    ArrayList<StructElement> values = new ArrayList<>();
-    values.add(new StructElement(LOCATION_NAME_ID, new StringType(locationName)));
-    values.add(new StructElement(FLOOR_NUMBER_ID, floorNumber != null ? new IntType(floorNumber) : new NullType()));
-    values.add(new StructElement(AREA_TYPE_ID, areaType != null ? new UIntType(areaType) : new NullType()));
-    return new StructType(values);
-  }
-  public static ServiceAreaClusterLocationDescriptorStruct decodeTlv(BaseTLVType tlvValue) {
-    if (tlvValue == null || tlvValue.type() != TLVType.Struct) {
-      return null;
-    }
-    String locationName = null;
-    @Nullable Integer floorNumber = null;
-    @Nullable Integer areaType = null;
-    for (StructElement element: ((StructType)tlvValue).value()) {
-      if (element.contextTagNum() == LOCATION_NAME_ID) {
-        if (element.value(BaseTLVType.class).type() == TLVType.String) {
-          StringType castingValue = element.value(StringType.class);
-          locationName = castingValue.value(String.class);
-        }
-      } else if (element.contextTagNum() == FLOOR_NUMBER_ID) {
-        if (element.value(BaseTLVType.class).type() == TLVType.Int) {
-          IntType castingValue = element.value(IntType.class);
-          floorNumber = castingValue.value(Integer.class);
-        }
-      } else if (element.contextTagNum() == AREA_TYPE_ID) {
-        if (element.value(BaseTLVType.class).type() == TLVType.UInt) {
-          UIntType castingValue = element.value(UIntType.class);
-          areaType = castingValue.value(Integer.class);
-        }
-      }
-    }
-    return new ServiceAreaClusterLocationDescriptorStruct(
-      locationName,
-      floorNumber,
-      areaType
-    );
-  }
-  @Override
-  public String toString() {
-    StringBuilder output = new StringBuilder();
-    output.append("ServiceAreaClusterLocationDescriptorStruct {\n");
-    output.append("\tlocationName: ");
-    output.append(locationName);
-    output.append("\n");
-    output.append("\tfloorNumber: ");
-    output.append(floorNumber);
-    output.append("\n");
-    output.append("\tareaType: ");
-    output.append(areaType);
-    output.append("\n");
-    output.append("}\n");
-    return output.toString();
-  }
 public static class ServiceAreaClusterLocationInfoStruct {
   public @Nullable ChipStructs.ServiceAreaClusterLocationDescriptorStruct locationInfo;
   public @Nullable Integer landmarkTag;
@@ -9566,6 +9490,82 @@ public String toString() {
     return output.toString();
+public static class ServiceAreaClusterLocationDescriptorStruct {
+  public String locationName;
+  public @Nullable Integer floorNumber;
+  public @Nullable Integer areaType;
+  private static final long LOCATION_NAME_ID = 0L;
+  private static final long FLOOR_NUMBER_ID = 1L;
+  private static final long AREA_TYPE_ID = 2L;
+  public ServiceAreaClusterLocationDescriptorStruct(
+    String locationName,
+    @Nullable Integer floorNumber,
+    @Nullable Integer areaType
+  ) {
+    this.locationName = locationName;
+    this.floorNumber = floorNumber;
+    this.areaType = areaType;
+  }
+  public StructType encodeTlv() {
+    ArrayList<StructElement> values = new ArrayList<>();
+    values.add(new StructElement(LOCATION_NAME_ID, new StringType(locationName)));
+    values.add(new StructElement(FLOOR_NUMBER_ID, floorNumber != null ? new IntType(floorNumber) : new NullType()));
+    values.add(new StructElement(AREA_TYPE_ID, areaType != null ? new UIntType(areaType) : new NullType()));
+    return new StructType(values);
+  }
+  public static ServiceAreaClusterLocationDescriptorStruct decodeTlv(BaseTLVType tlvValue) {
+    if (tlvValue == null || tlvValue.type() != TLVType.Struct) {
+      return null;
+    }
+    String locationName = null;
+    @Nullable Integer floorNumber = null;
+    @Nullable Integer areaType = null;
+    for (StructElement element: ((StructType)tlvValue).value()) {
+      if (element.contextTagNum() == LOCATION_NAME_ID) {
+        if (element.value(BaseTLVType.class).type() == TLVType.String) {
+          StringType castingValue = element.value(StringType.class);
+          locationName = castingValue.value(String.class);
+        }
+      } else if (element.contextTagNum() == FLOOR_NUMBER_ID) {
+        if (element.value(BaseTLVType.class).type() == TLVType.Int) {
+          IntType castingValue = element.value(IntType.class);
+          floorNumber = castingValue.value(Integer.class);
+        }
+      } else if (element.contextTagNum() == AREA_TYPE_ID) {
+        if (element.value(BaseTLVType.class).type() == TLVType.UInt) {
+          UIntType castingValue = element.value(UIntType.class);
+          areaType = castingValue.value(Integer.class);
+        }
+      }
+    }
+    return new ServiceAreaClusterLocationDescriptorStruct(
+      locationName,
+      floorNumber,
+      areaType
+    );
+  }
+  @Override
+  public String toString() {
+    StringBuilder output = new StringBuilder();
+    output.append("ServiceAreaClusterLocationDescriptorStruct {\n");
+    output.append("\tlocationName: ");
+    output.append(locationName);
+    output.append("\n");
+    output.append("\tfloorNumber: ");
+    output.append(floorNumber);
+    output.append("\n");
+    output.append("\tareaType: ");
+    output.append(areaType);
+    output.append("\n");
+    output.append("}\n");
+    return output.toString();
+  }
 public static class ThermostatClusterScheduleTransitionStruct {
   public Integer dayOfWeek;
   public Integer transitionTime;
@@ -12511,173 +12511,6 @@ public String toString() {
     return output.toString();
-public static class EcosystemInformationClusterLocationDescriptorStruct {
-  public String locationName;
-  public @Nullable Integer floorNumber;
-  public @Nullable Integer areaType;
-  private static final long LOCATION_NAME_ID = 0L;
-  private static final long FLOOR_NUMBER_ID = 1L;
-  private static final long AREA_TYPE_ID = 2L;
-  public EcosystemInformationClusterLocationDescriptorStruct(
-    String locationName,
-    @Nullable Integer floorNumber,
-    @Nullable Integer areaType
-  ) {
-    this.locationName = locationName;
-    this.floorNumber = floorNumber;
-    this.areaType = areaType;
-  }
-  public StructType encodeTlv() {
-    ArrayList<StructElement> values = new ArrayList<>();
-    values.add(new StructElement(LOCATION_NAME_ID, new StringType(locationName)));
-    values.add(new StructElement(FLOOR_NUMBER_ID, floorNumber != null ? new IntType(floorNumber) : new NullType()));
-    values.add(new StructElement(AREA_TYPE_ID, areaType != null ? new UIntType(areaType) : new NullType()));
-    return new StructType(values);
-  }
-  public static EcosystemInformationClusterLocationDescriptorStruct decodeTlv(BaseTLVType tlvValue) {
-    if (tlvValue == null || tlvValue.type() != TLVType.Struct) {
-      return null;
-    }
-    String locationName = null;
-    @Nullable Integer floorNumber = null;
-    @Nullable Integer areaType = null;
-    for (StructElement element: ((StructType)tlvValue).value()) {
-      if (element.contextTagNum() == LOCATION_NAME_ID) {
-        if (element.value(BaseTLVType.class).type() == TLVType.String) {
-          StringType castingValue = element.value(StringType.class);
-          locationName = castingValue.value(String.class);
-        }
-      } else if (element.contextTagNum() == FLOOR_NUMBER_ID) {
-        if (element.value(BaseTLVType.class).type() == TLVType.Int) {
-          IntType castingValue = element.value(IntType.class);
-          floorNumber = castingValue.value(Integer.class);
-        }
-      } else if (element.contextTagNum() == AREA_TYPE_ID) {
-        if (element.value(BaseTLVType.class).type() == TLVType.UInt) {
-          UIntType castingValue = element.value(UIntType.class);
-          areaType = castingValue.value(Integer.class);
-        }
-      }
-    }
-    return new EcosystemInformationClusterLocationDescriptorStruct(
-      locationName,
-      floorNumber,
-      areaType
-    );
-  }
-  @Override
-  public String toString() {
-    StringBuilder output = new StringBuilder();
-    output.append("EcosystemInformationClusterLocationDescriptorStruct {\n");
-    output.append("\tlocationName: ");
-    output.append(locationName);
-    output.append("\n");
-    output.append("\tfloorNumber: ");
-    output.append(floorNumber);
-    output.append("\n");
-    output.append("\tareaType: ");
-    output.append(areaType);
-    output.append("\n");
-    output.append("}\n");
-    return output.toString();
-  }
-public static class EcosystemInformationClusterEcosystemLocationStruct {
-  public String uniqueLocationID;
-  public ChipStructs.EcosystemInformationClusterLocationDescriptorStruct locationDescriptor;
-  public Long locationDescriptorLastEdit;
-  public Integer fabricIndex;
-  private static final long UNIQUE_LOCATION_I_D_ID = 0L;
-  private static final long LOCATION_DESCRIPTOR_ID = 1L;
-  private static final long LOCATION_DESCRIPTOR_LAST_EDIT_ID = 2L;
-  private static final long FABRIC_INDEX_ID = 254L;
-  public EcosystemInformationClusterEcosystemLocationStruct(
-    String uniqueLocationID,
-    ChipStructs.EcosystemInformationClusterLocationDescriptorStruct locationDescriptor,
-    Long locationDescriptorLastEdit,
-    Integer fabricIndex
-  ) {
-    this.uniqueLocationID = uniqueLocationID;
-    this.locationDescriptor = locationDescriptor;
-    this.locationDescriptorLastEdit = locationDescriptorLastEdit;
-    this.fabricIndex = fabricIndex;
-  }
-  public StructType encodeTlv() {
-    ArrayList<StructElement> values = new ArrayList<>();
-    values.add(new StructElement(UNIQUE_LOCATION_I_D_ID, new StringType(uniqueLocationID)));
-    values.add(new StructElement(LOCATION_DESCRIPTOR_ID, locationDescriptor.encodeTlv()));
-    values.add(new StructElement(LOCATION_DESCRIPTOR_LAST_EDIT_ID, new UIntType(locationDescriptorLastEdit)));
-    values.add(new StructElement(FABRIC_INDEX_ID, new UIntType(fabricIndex)));
-    return new StructType(values);
-  }
-  public static EcosystemInformationClusterEcosystemLocationStruct decodeTlv(BaseTLVType tlvValue) {
-    if (tlvValue == null || tlvValue.type() != TLVType.Struct) {
-      return null;
-    }
-    String uniqueLocationID = null;
-    ChipStructs.EcosystemInformationClusterLocationDescriptorStruct locationDescriptor = null;
-    Long locationDescriptorLastEdit = null;
-    Integer fabricIndex = null;
-    for (StructElement element: ((StructType)tlvValue).value()) {
-      if (element.contextTagNum() == UNIQUE_LOCATION_I_D_ID) {
-        if (element.value(BaseTLVType.class).type() == TLVType.String) {
-          StringType castingValue = element.value(StringType.class);
-          uniqueLocationID = castingValue.value(String.class);
-        }
-      } else if (element.contextTagNum() == LOCATION_DESCRIPTOR_ID) {
-        if (element.value(BaseTLVType.class).type() == TLVType.Struct) {
-          StructType castingValue = element.value(StructType.class);
-          locationDescriptor = ChipStructs.EcosystemInformationClusterLocationDescriptorStruct.decodeTlv(castingValue);
-        }
-      } else if (element.contextTagNum() == LOCATION_DESCRIPTOR_LAST_EDIT_ID) {
-        if (element.value(BaseTLVType.class).type() == TLVType.UInt) {
-          UIntType castingValue = element.value(UIntType.class);
-          locationDescriptorLastEdit = castingValue.value(Long.class);
-        }
-      } else if (element.contextTagNum() == FABRIC_INDEX_ID) {
-        if (element.value(BaseTLVType.class).type() == TLVType.UInt) {
-          UIntType castingValue = element.value(UIntType.class);
-          fabricIndex = castingValue.value(Integer.class);
-        }
-      }
-    }
-    return new EcosystemInformationClusterEcosystemLocationStruct(
-      uniqueLocationID,
-      locationDescriptor,
-      locationDescriptorLastEdit,
-      fabricIndex
-    );
-  }
-  @Override
-  public String toString() {
-    StringBuilder output = new StringBuilder();
-    output.append("EcosystemInformationClusterEcosystemLocationStruct {\n");
-    output.append("\tuniqueLocationID: ");
-    output.append(uniqueLocationID);
-    output.append("\n");
-    output.append("\tlocationDescriptor: ");
-    output.append(locationDescriptor);
-    output.append("\n");
-    output.append("\tlocationDescriptorLastEdit: ");
-    output.append(locationDescriptorLastEdit);
-    output.append("\n");
-    output.append("\tfabricIndex: ");
-    output.append(fabricIndex);
-    output.append("\n");
-    output.append("}\n");
-    return output.toString();
-  }
 public static class EcosystemInformationClusterDeviceTypeStruct {
   public Long deviceType;
   public Integer revision;
@@ -12890,6 +12723,173 @@ public String toString() {
     return output.toString();
+public static class EcosystemInformationClusterEcosystemLocationStruct {
+  public String uniqueLocationID;
+  public ChipStructs.EcosystemInformationClusterLocationDescriptorStruct locationDescriptor;
+  public Long locationDescriptorLastEdit;
+  public Integer fabricIndex;
+  private static final long UNIQUE_LOCATION_I_D_ID = 0L;
+  private static final long LOCATION_DESCRIPTOR_ID = 1L;
+  private static final long LOCATION_DESCRIPTOR_LAST_EDIT_ID = 2L;
+  private static final long FABRIC_INDEX_ID = 254L;
+  public EcosystemInformationClusterEcosystemLocationStruct(
+    String uniqueLocationID,
+    ChipStructs.EcosystemInformationClusterLocationDescriptorStruct locationDescriptor,
+    Long locationDescriptorLastEdit,
+    Integer fabricIndex
+  ) {
+    this.uniqueLocationID = uniqueLocationID;
+    this.locationDescriptor = locationDescriptor;
+    this.locationDescriptorLastEdit = locationDescriptorLastEdit;
+    this.fabricIndex = fabricIndex;
+  }
+  public StructType encodeTlv() {
+    ArrayList<StructElement> values = new ArrayList<>();
+    values.add(new StructElement(UNIQUE_LOCATION_I_D_ID, new StringType(uniqueLocationID)));
+    values.add(new StructElement(LOCATION_DESCRIPTOR_ID, locationDescriptor.encodeTlv()));
+    values.add(new StructElement(LOCATION_DESCRIPTOR_LAST_EDIT_ID, new UIntType(locationDescriptorLastEdit)));
+    values.add(new StructElement(FABRIC_INDEX_ID, new UIntType(fabricIndex)));
+    return new StructType(values);
+  }
+  public static EcosystemInformationClusterEcosystemLocationStruct decodeTlv(BaseTLVType tlvValue) {
+    if (tlvValue == null || tlvValue.type() != TLVType.Struct) {
+      return null;
+    }
+    String uniqueLocationID = null;
+    ChipStructs.EcosystemInformationClusterLocationDescriptorStruct locationDescriptor = null;
+    Long locationDescriptorLastEdit = null;
+    Integer fabricIndex = null;
+    for (StructElement element: ((StructType)tlvValue).value()) {
+      if (element.contextTagNum() == UNIQUE_LOCATION_I_D_ID) {
+        if (element.value(BaseTLVType.class).type() == TLVType.String) {
+          StringType castingValue = element.value(StringType.class);
+          uniqueLocationID = castingValue.value(String.class);
+        }
+      } else if (element.contextTagNum() == LOCATION_DESCRIPTOR_ID) {
+        if (element.value(BaseTLVType.class).type() == TLVType.Struct) {
+          StructType castingValue = element.value(StructType.class);
+          locationDescriptor = ChipStructs.EcosystemInformationClusterLocationDescriptorStruct.decodeTlv(castingValue);
+        }
+      } else if (element.contextTagNum() == LOCATION_DESCRIPTOR_LAST_EDIT_ID) {
+        if (element.value(BaseTLVType.class).type() == TLVType.UInt) {
+          UIntType castingValue = element.value(UIntType.class);
+          locationDescriptorLastEdit = castingValue.value(Long.class);
+        }
+      } else if (element.contextTagNum() == FABRIC_INDEX_ID) {
+        if (element.value(BaseTLVType.class).type() == TLVType.UInt) {
+          UIntType castingValue = element.value(UIntType.class);
+          fabricIndex = castingValue.value(Integer.class);
+        }
+      }
+    }
+    return new EcosystemInformationClusterEcosystemLocationStruct(
+      uniqueLocationID,
+      locationDescriptor,
+      locationDescriptorLastEdit,
+      fabricIndex
+    );
+  }
+  @Override
+  public String toString() {
+    StringBuilder output = new StringBuilder();
+    output.append("EcosystemInformationClusterEcosystemLocationStruct {\n");
+    output.append("\tuniqueLocationID: ");
+    output.append(uniqueLocationID);
+    output.append("\n");
+    output.append("\tlocationDescriptor: ");
+    output.append(locationDescriptor);
+    output.append("\n");
+    output.append("\tlocationDescriptorLastEdit: ");
+    output.append(locationDescriptorLastEdit);
+    output.append("\n");
+    output.append("\tfabricIndex: ");
+    output.append(fabricIndex);
+    output.append("\n");
+    output.append("}\n");
+    return output.toString();
+  }
+public static class EcosystemInformationClusterLocationDescriptorStruct {
+  public String locationName;
+  public @Nullable Integer floorNumber;
+  public @Nullable Integer areaType;
+  private static final long LOCATION_NAME_ID = 0L;
+  private static final long FLOOR_NUMBER_ID = 1L;
+  private static final long AREA_TYPE_ID = 2L;
+  public EcosystemInformationClusterLocationDescriptorStruct(
+    String locationName,
+    @Nullable Integer floorNumber,
+    @Nullable Integer areaType
+  ) {
+    this.locationName = locationName;
+    this.floorNumber = floorNumber;
+    this.areaType = areaType;
+  }
+  public StructType encodeTlv() {
+    ArrayList<StructElement> values = new ArrayList<>();
+    values.add(new StructElement(LOCATION_NAME_ID, new StringType(locationName)));
+    values.add(new StructElement(FLOOR_NUMBER_ID, floorNumber != null ? new IntType(floorNumber) : new NullType()));
+    values.add(new StructElement(AREA_TYPE_ID, areaType != null ? new UIntType(areaType) : new NullType()));
+    return new StructType(values);
+  }
+  public static EcosystemInformationClusterLocationDescriptorStruct decodeTlv(BaseTLVType tlvValue) {
+    if (tlvValue == null || tlvValue.type() != TLVType.Struct) {
+      return null;
+    }
+    String locationName = null;
+    @Nullable Integer floorNumber = null;
+    @Nullable Integer areaType = null;
+    for (StructElement element: ((StructType)tlvValue).value()) {
+      if (element.contextTagNum() == LOCATION_NAME_ID) {
+        if (element.value(BaseTLVType.class).type() == TLVType.String) {
+          StringType castingValue = element.value(StringType.class);
+          locationName = castingValue.value(String.class);
+        }
+      } else if (element.contextTagNum() == FLOOR_NUMBER_ID) {
+        if (element.value(BaseTLVType.class).type() == TLVType.Int) {
+          IntType castingValue = element.value(IntType.class);
+          floorNumber = castingValue.value(Integer.class);
+        }
+      } else if (element.contextTagNum() == AREA_TYPE_ID) {
+        if (element.value(BaseTLVType.class).type() == TLVType.UInt) {
+          UIntType castingValue = element.value(UIntType.class);
+          areaType = castingValue.value(Integer.class);
+        }
+      }
+    }
+    return new EcosystemInformationClusterLocationDescriptorStruct(
+      locationName,
+      floorNumber,
+      areaType
+    );
+  }
+  @Override
+  public String toString() {
+    StringBuilder output = new StringBuilder();
+    output.append("EcosystemInformationClusterLocationDescriptorStruct {\n");
+    output.append("\tlocationName: ");
+    output.append(locationName);
+    output.append("\n");
+    output.append("\tfloorNumber: ");
+    output.append(floorNumber);
+    output.append("\n");
+    output.append("\tareaType: ");
+    output.append(areaType);
+    output.append("\n");
+    output.append("}\n");
+    return output.toString();
+  }
 public static class UnitTestingClusterSimpleStruct {
   public Integer a;
   public Boolean b;
diff --git a/src/controller/python/chip/clusters/ b/src/controller/python/chip/clusters/
index 9ef896538fb595..4aaa406d6d6914 100644
--- a/src/controller/python/chip/clusters/
+++ b/src/controller/python/chip/clusters/
@@ -38,6 +38,218 @@
 class Globals:
     class Enums:
+        class AreaTypeTag(MatterIntEnum):
+            kAisle = 0x00
+            kAttic = 0x01
+            kBackDoor = 0x02
+            kBackYard = 0x03
+            kBalcony = 0x04
+            kBallroom = 0x05
+            kBathroom = 0x06
+            kBedroom = 0x07
+            kBorder = 0x08
+            kBoxroom = 0x09
+            kBreakfastRoom = 0x0A
+            kCarport = 0x0B
+            kCellar = 0x0C
+            kCloakroom = 0x0D
+            kCloset = 0x0E
+            kConservatory = 0x0F
+            kCorridor = 0x10
+            kCraftRoom = 0x11
+            kCupboard = 0x12
+            kDeck = 0x13
+            kDen = 0x14
+            kDining = 0x15
+            kDrawingRoom = 0x16
+            kDressingRoom = 0x17
+            kDriveway = 0x18
+            kElevator = 0x19
+            kEnsuite = 0x1A
+            kEntrance = 0x1B
+            kEntryway = 0x1C
+            kFamilyRoom = 0x1D
+            kFoyer = 0x1E
+            kFrontDoor = 0x1F
+            kFrontYard = 0x20
+            kGameRoom = 0x21
+            kGarage = 0x22
+            kGarageDoor = 0x23
+            kGarden = 0x24
+            kGardenDoor = 0x25
+            kGuestBathroom = 0x26
+            kGuestBedroom = 0x27
+            kGuestRestroom = 0x28
+            kGuestRoom = 0x29
+            kGym = 0x2A
+            kHallway = 0x2B
+            kHearthRoom = 0x2C
+            kKidsRoom = 0x2D
+            kKidsBedroom = 0x2E
+            kKitchen = 0x2F
+            kLarder = 0x30
+            kLaundryRoom = 0x31
+            kLawn = 0x32
+            kLibrary = 0x33
+            kLivingRoom = 0x34
+            kLounge = 0x35
+            kMediaTvRoom = 0x36
+            kMudRoom = 0x37
+            kMusicRoom = 0x38
+            kNursery = 0x39
+            kOffice = 0x3A
+            kOutdoorKitchen = 0x3B
+            kOutside = 0x3C
+            kPantry = 0x3D
+            kParkingLot = 0x3E
+            kParlor = 0x3F
+            kPatio = 0x40
+            kPlayRoom = 0x41
+            kPoolRoom = 0x42
+            kPorch = 0x43
+            kPrimaryBathroom = 0x44
+            kPrimaryBedroom = 0x45
+            kRamp = 0x46
+            kReceptionRoom = 0x47
+            kRecreationRoom = 0x48
+            kRestroom = 0x49
+            kRoof = 0x4A
+            kSauna = 0x4B
+            kScullery = 0x4C
+            kSewingRoom = 0x4D
+            kShed = 0x4E
+            kSideDoor = 0x4F
+            kSideYard = 0x50
+            kSittingRoom = 0x51
+            kSnug = 0x52
+            kSpa = 0x53
+            kStaircase = 0x54
+            kSteamRoom = 0x55
+            kStorageRoom = 0x56
+            kStudio = 0x57
+            kStudy = 0x58
+            kSunRoom = 0x59
+            kSwimmingPool = 0x5A
+            kTerrace = 0x5B
+            kUtilityRoom = 0x5C
+            kWard = 0x5D
+            kWorkshop = 0x5E
+            # All received enum values that are not listed above will be mapped
+            # to kUnknownEnumValue. This is a helper enum value that should only
+            # be used by code to process how it handles receiving an unknown
+            # enum value. This specific value should never be transmitted.
+            kUnknownEnumValue = 95,
+        class FloorSurfaceTag(MatterIntEnum):
+            kCarpet = 0x00
+            kCeramic = 0x01
+            kConcrete = 0x02
+            kCork = 0x03
+            kDeepCarpet = 0x04
+            kDirt = 0x05
+            kEngineeredWood = 0x06
+            kGlass = 0x07
+            kGrass = 0x08
+            kHardwood = 0x09
+            kLaminate = 0x0A
+            kLinoleum = 0x0B
+            kMat = 0x0C
+            kMetal = 0x0D
+            kPlastic = 0x0E
+            kPolishedConcrete = 0x0F
+            kRubber = 0x10
+            kRug = 0x11
+            kSand = 0x12
+            kStone = 0x13
+            kTatami = 0x14
+            kTerrazzo = 0x15
+            kTile = 0x16
+            kVinyl = 0x17
+            # All received enum values that are not listed above will be mapped
+            # to kUnknownEnumValue. This is a helper enum value that should only
+            # be used by code to process how it handles receiving an unknown
+            # enum value. This specific value should never be transmitted.
+            kUnknownEnumValue = 24,
+        class LandmarkTag(MatterIntEnum):
+            kAirConditioner = 0x00
+            kAirPurifier = 0x01
+            kBackDoor = 0x02
+            kBarStool = 0x03
+            kBathMat = 0x04
+            kBathtub = 0x05
+            kBed = 0x06
+            kBookshelf = 0x07
+            kChair = 0x08
+            kChristmasTree = 0x09
+            kCoatRack = 0x0A
+            kCoffeeTable = 0x0B
+            kCookingRange = 0x0C
+            kCouch = 0x0D
+            kCountertop = 0x0E
+            kCradle = 0x0F
+            kCrib = 0x10
+            kDesk = 0x11
+            kDiningTable = 0x12
+            kDishwasher = 0x13
+            kDoor = 0x14
+            kDresser = 0x15
+            kLaundryDryer = 0x16
+            kFan = 0x17
+            kFireplace = 0x18
+            kFreezer = 0x19
+            kFrontDoor = 0x1A
+            kHighChair = 0x1B
+            kKitchenIsland = 0x1C
+            kLamp = 0x1D
+            kLitterBox = 0x1E
+            kMirror = 0x1F
+            kNightstand = 0x20
+            kOven = 0x21
+            kPetBed = 0x22
+            kPetBowl = 0x23
+            kPetCrate = 0x24
+            kRefrigerator = 0x25
+            kScratchingPost = 0x26
+            kShoeRack = 0x27
+            kShower = 0x28
+            kSideDoor = 0x29
+            kSink = 0x2A
+            kSofa = 0x2B
+            kStove = 0x2C
+            kTable = 0x2D
+            kToilet = 0x2E
+            kTrashCan = 0x2F
+            kLaundryWasher = 0x30
+            kWindow = 0x31
+            kWineCooler = 0x32
+            # All received enum values that are not listed above will be mapped
+            # to kUnknownEnumValue. This is a helper enum value that should only
+            # be used by code to process how it handles receiving an unknown
+            # enum value. This specific value should never be transmitted.
+            kUnknownEnumValue = 51,
+        class PositionTag(MatterIntEnum):
+            kLeft = 0x00
+            kRight = 0x01
+            kTop = 0x02
+            kBottom = 0x03
+            kMiddle = 0x04
+            kRow = 0x05
+            kColumn = 0x06
+            kUnder = 0x07
+            kNextTo = 0x08
+            kAround = 0x09
+            kOn = 0x0A
+            kAbove = 0x0B
+            kFrontOf = 0x0C
+            kBehind = 0x0D
+            # All received enum values that are not listed above will be mapped
+            # to kUnknownEnumValue. This is a helper enum value that should only
+            # be used by code to process how it handles receiving an unknown
+            # enum value. This specific value should never be transmitted.
+            kUnknownEnumValue = 14,
         class TestGlobalEnum(MatterIntEnum):
             kSomeValue = 0x00
             kSomeOtherValue = 0x01
@@ -54,6 +266,21 @@ class TestGlobalBitmap(IntFlag):
             kSecondBit = 0x2
     class Structs:
+        @dataclass
+        class LocationDescriptorStruct(ClusterObject):
+            @ChipUtility.classproperty
+            def descriptor(cls) -> ClusterObjectDescriptor:
+                return ClusterObjectDescriptor(
+                    Fields=[
+                        ClusterObjectFieldDescriptor(Label="locationName", Tag=0, Type=str),
+                        ClusterObjectFieldDescriptor(Label="floorNumber", Tag=1, Type=typing.Union[Nullable, int]),
+                        ClusterObjectFieldDescriptor(Label="areaType", Tag=2, Type=typing.Union[Nullable, Globals.Enums.AreaTypeTag]),
+                    ])
+            locationName: 'str' = ""
+            floorNumber: 'typing.Union[Nullable, int]' = NullValue
+            areaType: 'typing.Union[Nullable, Globals.Enums.AreaTypeTag]' = NullValue
         class TestGlobalStruct(ClusterObject):
@@ -30896,197 +31123,6 @@ def descriptor(cls) -> ClusterObjectDescriptor:
     clusterRevision: 'uint' = None
     class Enums:
-        class AreaTypeTag(MatterIntEnum):
-            kAisle = 0x00
-            kAttic = 0x01
-            kBackDoor = 0x02
-            kBackYard = 0x03
-            kBalcony = 0x04
-            kBallroom = 0x05
-            kBathroom = 0x06
-            kBedroom = 0x07
-            kBorder = 0x08
-            kBoxroom = 0x09
-            kBreakfastRoom = 0x0A
-            kCarport = 0x0B
-            kCellar = 0x0C
-            kCloakroom = 0x0D
-            kCloset = 0x0E
-            kConservatory = 0x0F
-            kCorridor = 0x10
-            kCraftRoom = 0x11
-            kCupboard = 0x12
-            kDeck = 0x13
-            kDen = 0x14
-            kDining = 0x15
-            kDrawingRoom = 0x16
-            kDressingRoom = 0x17
-            kDriveway = 0x18
-            kElevator = 0x19
-            kEnsuite = 0x1A
-            kEntrance = 0x1B
-            kEntryway = 0x1C
-            kFamilyRoom = 0x1D
-            kFoyer = 0x1E
-            kFrontDoor = 0x1F
-            kFrontYard = 0x20
-            kGameRoom = 0x21
-            kGarage = 0x22
-            kGarageDoor = 0x23
-            kGarden = 0x24
-            kGardenDoor = 0x25
-            kGuestBathroom = 0x26
-            kGuestBedroom = 0x27
-            kGuestRestroom = 0x28
-            kGuestRoom = 0x29
-            kGym = 0x2A
-            kHallway = 0x2B
-            kHearthRoom = 0x2C
-            kKidsRoom = 0x2D
-            kKidsBedroom = 0x2E
-            kKitchen = 0x2F
-            kLarder = 0x30
-            kLaundryRoom = 0x31
-            kLawn = 0x32
-            kLibrary = 0x33
-            kLivingRoom = 0x34
-            kLounge = 0x35
-            kMediaTvRoom = 0x36
-            kMudRoom = 0x37
-            kMusicRoom = 0x38
-            kNursery = 0x39
-            kOffice = 0x3A
-            kOutdoorKitchen = 0x3B
-            kOutside = 0x3C
-            kPantry = 0x3D
-            kParkingLot = 0x3E
-            kParlor = 0x3F
-            kPatio = 0x40
-            kPlayRoom = 0x41
-            kPoolRoom = 0x42
-            kPorch = 0x43
-            kPrimaryBathroom = 0x44
-            kPrimaryBedroom = 0x45
-            kRamp = 0x46
-            kReceptionRoom = 0x47
-            kRecreationRoom = 0x48
-            kRestroom = 0x49
-            kRoof = 0x4A
-            kSauna = 0x4B
-            kScullery = 0x4C
-            kSewingRoom = 0x4D
-            kShed = 0x4E
-            kSideDoor = 0x4F
-            kSideYard = 0x50
-            kSittingRoom = 0x51
-            kSnug = 0x52
-            kSpa = 0x53
-            kStaircase = 0x54
-            kSteamRoom = 0x55
-            kStorageRoom = 0x56
-            kStudio = 0x57
-            kStudy = 0x58
-            kSunRoom = 0x59
-            kSwimmingPool = 0x5A
-            kTerrace = 0x5B
-            kUtilityRoom = 0x5C
-            kWard = 0x5D
-            kWorkshop = 0x5E
-            # All received enum values that are not listed above will be mapped
-            # to kUnknownEnumValue. This is a helper enum value that should only
-            # be used by code to process how it handles receiving an unknown
-            # enum value. This specific value should never be transmitted.
-            kUnknownEnumValue = 95,
-        class FloorSurfaceTag(MatterIntEnum):
-            kCarpet = 0x00
-            kCeramic = 0x01
-            kConcrete = 0x02
-            kCork = 0x03
-            kDeepCarpet = 0x04
-            kDirt = 0x05
-            kEngineeredWood = 0x06
-            kGlass = 0x07
-            kGrass = 0x08
-            kHardwood = 0x09
-            kLaminate = 0x0A
-            kLinoleum = 0x0B
-            kMat = 0x0C
-            kMetal = 0x0D
-            kPlastic = 0x0E
-            kPolishedConcrete = 0x0F
-            kRubber = 0x10
-            kRug = 0x11
-            kSand = 0x12
-            kStone = 0x13
-            kTatami = 0x14
-            kTerrazzo = 0x15
-            kTile = 0x16
-            kVinyl = 0x17
-            # All received enum values that are not listed above will be mapped
-            # to kUnknownEnumValue. This is a helper enum value that should only
-            # be used by code to process how it handles receiving an unknown
-            # enum value. This specific value should never be transmitted.
-            kUnknownEnumValue = 24,
-        class LandmarkTag(MatterIntEnum):
-            kAirConditioner = 0x00
-            kAirPurifier = 0x01
-            kBackDoor = 0x02
-            kBarStool = 0x03
-            kBathMat = 0x04
-            kBathtub = 0x05
-            kBed = 0x06
-            kBookshelf = 0x07
-            kChair = 0x08
-            kChristmasTree = 0x09
-            kCoatRack = 0x0A
-            kCoffeeTable = 0x0B
-            kCookingRange = 0x0C
-            kCouch = 0x0D
-            kCountertop = 0x0E
-            kCradle = 0x0F
-            kCrib = 0x10
-            kDesk = 0x11
-            kDiningTable = 0x12
-            kDishwasher = 0x13
-            kDoor = 0x14
-            kDresser = 0x15
-            kLaundryDryer = 0x16
-            kFan = 0x17
-            kFireplace = 0x18
-            kFreezer = 0x19
-            kFrontDoor = 0x1A
-            kHighChair = 0x1B
-            kKitchenIsland = 0x1C
-            kLamp = 0x1D
-            kLitterBox = 0x1E
-            kMirror = 0x1F
-            kNightstand = 0x20
-            kOven = 0x21
-            kPetBed = 0x22
-            kPetBowl = 0x23
-            kPetCrate = 0x24
-            kRefrigerator = 0x25
-            kScratchingPost = 0x26
-            kShoeRack = 0x27
-            kShower = 0x28
-            kSideDoor = 0x29
-            kSink = 0x2A
-            kSofa = 0x2B
-            kStove = 0x2C
-            kTable = 0x2D
-            kToilet = 0x2E
-            kTrashCan = 0x2F
-            kLaundryWasher = 0x30
-            kWindow = 0x31
-            kWineCooler = 0x32
-            # All received enum values that are not listed above will be mapped
-            # to kUnknownEnumValue. This is a helper enum value that should only
-            # be used by code to process how it handles receiving an unknown
-            # enum value. This specific value should never be transmitted.
-            kUnknownEnumValue = 51,
         class OperationalStatusEnum(MatterIntEnum):
             kPending = 0x00
             kOperating = 0x01
@@ -31098,27 +31134,6 @@ class OperationalStatusEnum(MatterIntEnum):
             # enum value. This specific value should never be transmitted.
             kUnknownEnumValue = 4,
-        class PositionTag(MatterIntEnum):
-            kLeft = 0x00
-            kRight = 0x01
-            kTop = 0x02
-            kBottom = 0x03
-            kMiddle = 0x04
-            kRow = 0x05
-            kColumn = 0x06
-            kUnder = 0x07
-            kNextTo = 0x08
-            kAround = 0x09
-            kOn = 0x0A
-            kAbove = 0x0B
-            kFrontOf = 0x0C
-            kBehind = 0x0D
-            # All received enum values that are not listed above will be mapped
-            # to kUnknownEnumValue. This is a helper enum value that should only
-            # be used by code to process how it handles receiving an unknown
-            # enum value. This specific value should never be transmitted.
-            kUnknownEnumValue = 14,
         class SelectLocationsStatus(MatterIntEnum):
             kSuccess = 0x00
             kUnsupportedLocation = 0x01
@@ -31147,37 +31162,22 @@ class Feature(IntFlag):
             kSelectWhileRunning = 0x2
     class Structs:
-        @dataclass
-        class LocationDescriptorStruct(ClusterObject):
-            @ChipUtility.classproperty
-            def descriptor(cls) -> ClusterObjectDescriptor:
-                return ClusterObjectDescriptor(
-                    Fields=[
-                        ClusterObjectFieldDescriptor(Label="locationName", Tag=0, Type=str),
-                        ClusterObjectFieldDescriptor(Label="floorNumber", Tag=1, Type=typing.Union[Nullable, int]),
-                        ClusterObjectFieldDescriptor(Label="areaType", Tag=2, Type=typing.Union[Nullable, ServiceArea.Enums.AreaTypeTag]),
-                    ])
-            locationName: 'str' = ""
-            floorNumber: 'typing.Union[Nullable, int]' = NullValue
-            areaType: 'typing.Union[Nullable, ServiceArea.Enums.AreaTypeTag]' = NullValue
         class LocationInfoStruct(ClusterObject):
             def descriptor(cls) -> ClusterObjectDescriptor:
                 return ClusterObjectDescriptor(
-                        ClusterObjectFieldDescriptor(Label="locationInfo", Tag=0, Type=typing.Union[Nullable, ServiceArea.Structs.LocationDescriptorStruct]),
-                        ClusterObjectFieldDescriptor(Label="landmarkTag", Tag=1, Type=typing.Union[Nullable, ServiceArea.Enums.LandmarkTag]),
-                        ClusterObjectFieldDescriptor(Label="positionTag", Tag=2, Type=typing.Union[Nullable, ServiceArea.Enums.PositionTag]),
-                        ClusterObjectFieldDescriptor(Label="surfaceTag", Tag=3, Type=typing.Union[Nullable, ServiceArea.Enums.FloorSurfaceTag]),
+                        ClusterObjectFieldDescriptor(Label="locationInfo", Tag=0, Type=typing.Union[Nullable, Globals.Structs.LocationDescriptorStruct]),
+                        ClusterObjectFieldDescriptor(Label="landmarkTag", Tag=1, Type=typing.Union[Nullable, Globals.Enums.LandmarkTag]),
+                        ClusterObjectFieldDescriptor(Label="positionTag", Tag=2, Type=typing.Union[Nullable, Globals.Enums.PositionTag]),
+                        ClusterObjectFieldDescriptor(Label="surfaceTag", Tag=3, Type=typing.Union[Nullable, Globals.Enums.FloorSurfaceTag]),
-            locationInfo: 'typing.Union[Nullable, ServiceArea.Structs.LocationDescriptorStruct]' = NullValue
-            landmarkTag: 'typing.Union[Nullable, ServiceArea.Enums.LandmarkTag]' = NullValue
-            positionTag: 'typing.Union[Nullable, ServiceArea.Enums.PositionTag]' = NullValue
-            surfaceTag: 'typing.Union[Nullable, ServiceArea.Enums.FloorSurfaceTag]' = NullValue
+            locationInfo: 'typing.Union[Nullable, Globals.Structs.LocationDescriptorStruct]' = NullValue
+            landmarkTag: 'typing.Union[Nullable, Globals.Enums.LandmarkTag]' = NullValue
+            positionTag: 'typing.Union[Nullable, Globals.Enums.PositionTag]' = NullValue
+            surfaceTag: 'typing.Union[Nullable, Globals.Enums.FloorSurfaceTag]' = NullValue
         class LocationStruct(ClusterObject):
@@ -46963,142 +46963,7 @@ def descriptor(cls) -> ClusterObjectDescriptor:
     featureMap: 'uint' = None
     clusterRevision: 'uint' = None
-    class Enums:
-        class AreaTypeTag(MatterIntEnum):
-            kAisle = 0x00
-            kAttic = 0x01
-            kBackDoor = 0x02
-            kBackYard = 0x03
-            kBalcony = 0x04
-            kBallroom = 0x05
-            kBathroom = 0x06
-            kBedroom = 0x07
-            kBorder = 0x08
-            kBoxroom = 0x09
-            kBreakfastRoom = 0x0A
-            kCarport = 0x0B
-            kCellar = 0x0C
-            kCloakroom = 0x0D
-            kCloset = 0x0E
-            kConservatory = 0x0F
-            kCorridor = 0x10
-            kCraftRoom = 0x11
-            kCupboard = 0x12
-            kDeck = 0x13
-            kDen = 0x14
-            kDining = 0x15
-            kDrawingRoom = 0x16
-            kDressingRoom = 0x17
-            kDriveway = 0x18
-            kElevator = 0x19
-            kEnsuite = 0x1A
-            kEntrance = 0x1B
-            kEntryway = 0x1C
-            kFamilyRoom = 0x1D
-            kFoyer = 0x1E
-            kFrontDoor = 0x1F
-            kFrontYard = 0x20
-            kGameRoom = 0x21
-            kGarage = 0x22
-            kGarageDoor = 0x23
-            kGarden = 0x24
-            kGardenDoor = 0x25
-            kGuestBathroom = 0x26
-            kGuestBedroom = 0x27
-            kGuestRestroom = 0x28
-            kGuestRoom = 0x29
-            kGym = 0x2A
-            kHallway = 0x2B
-            kHearthRoom = 0x2C
-            kKidsRoom = 0x2D
-            kKidsBedroom = 0x2E
-            kKitchen = 0x2F
-            kLarder = 0x30
-            kLaundryRoom = 0x31
-            kLawn = 0x32
-            kLibrary = 0x33
-            kLivingRoom = 0x34
-            kLounge = 0x35
-            kMediaTvRoom = 0x36
-            kMudRoom = 0x37
-            kMusicRoom = 0x38
-            kNursery = 0x39
-            kOffice = 0x3A
-            kOutdoorKitchen = 0x3B
-            kOutside = 0x3C
-            kPantry = 0x3D
-            kParkingLot = 0x3E
-            kParlor = 0x3F
-            kPatio = 0x40
-            kPlayRoom = 0x41
-            kPoolRoom = 0x42
-            kPorch = 0x43
-            kPrimaryBathroom = 0x44
-            kPrimaryBedroom = 0x45
-            kRamp = 0x46
-            kReceptionRoom = 0x47
-            kRecreationRoom = 0x48
-            kRestroom = 0x49
-            kRoof = 0x4A
-            kSauna = 0x4B
-            kScullery = 0x4C
-            kSewingRoom = 0x4D
-            kShed = 0x4E
-            kSideDoor = 0x4F
-            kSideYard = 0x50
-            kSittingRoom = 0x51
-            kSnug = 0x52
-            kSpa = 0x53
-            kStaircase = 0x54
-            kSteamRoom = 0x55
-            kStorageRoom = 0x56
-            kStudio = 0x57
-            kStudy = 0x58
-            kSunRoom = 0x59
-            kSwimmingPool = 0x5A
-            kTerrace = 0x5B
-            kUtilityRoom = 0x5C
-            kWard = 0x5D
-            kWorkshop = 0x5E
-            # All received enum values that are not listed above will be mapped
-            # to kUnknownEnumValue. This is a helper enum value that should only
-            # be used by code to process how it handles receiving an unknown
-            # enum value. This specific value should never be transmitted.
-            kUnknownEnumValue = 95,
     class Structs:
-        @dataclass
-        class LocationDescriptorStruct(ClusterObject):
-            @ChipUtility.classproperty
-            def descriptor(cls) -> ClusterObjectDescriptor:
-                return ClusterObjectDescriptor(
-                    Fields=[
-                        ClusterObjectFieldDescriptor(Label="locationName", Tag=0, Type=str),
-                        ClusterObjectFieldDescriptor(Label="floorNumber", Tag=1, Type=typing.Union[Nullable, int]),
-                        ClusterObjectFieldDescriptor(Label="areaType", Tag=2, Type=typing.Union[Nullable, EcosystemInformation.Enums.AreaTypeTag]),
-                    ])
-            locationName: 'str' = ""
-            floorNumber: 'typing.Union[Nullable, int]' = NullValue
-            areaType: 'typing.Union[Nullable, EcosystemInformation.Enums.AreaTypeTag]' = NullValue
-        @dataclass
-        class EcosystemLocationStruct(ClusterObject):
-            @ChipUtility.classproperty
-            def descriptor(cls) -> ClusterObjectDescriptor:
-                return ClusterObjectDescriptor(
-                    Fields=[
-                        ClusterObjectFieldDescriptor(Label="uniqueLocationID", Tag=0, Type=str),
-                        ClusterObjectFieldDescriptor(Label="locationDescriptor", Tag=1, Type=EcosystemInformation.Structs.LocationDescriptorStruct),
-                        ClusterObjectFieldDescriptor(Label="locationDescriptorLastEdit", Tag=2, Type=uint),
-                        ClusterObjectFieldDescriptor(Label="fabricIndex", Tag=254, Type=uint),
-                    ])
-            uniqueLocationID: 'str' = ""
-            locationDescriptor: 'EcosystemInformation.Structs.LocationDescriptorStruct' = field(default_factory=lambda: EcosystemInformation.Structs.LocationDescriptorStruct())
-            locationDescriptorLastEdit: 'uint' = 0
-            fabricIndex: 'uint' = 0
         class DeviceTypeStruct(ClusterObject):
@@ -47137,6 +47002,23 @@ def descriptor(cls) -> ClusterObjectDescriptor:
             uniqueLocationIDsLastEdit: 'uint' = 0
             fabricIndex: 'uint' = 0
+        @dataclass
+        class EcosystemLocationStruct(ClusterObject):
+            @ChipUtility.classproperty
+            def descriptor(cls) -> ClusterObjectDescriptor:
+                return ClusterObjectDescriptor(
+                    Fields=[
+                        ClusterObjectFieldDescriptor(Label="uniqueLocationID", Tag=0, Type=str),
+                        ClusterObjectFieldDescriptor(Label="locationDescriptor", Tag=1, Type=Globals.Structs.LocationDescriptorStruct),
+                        ClusterObjectFieldDescriptor(Label="locationDescriptorLastEdit", Tag=2, Type=uint),
+                        ClusterObjectFieldDescriptor(Label="fabricIndex", Tag=254, Type=uint),
+                    ])
+            uniqueLocationID: 'str' = ""
+            locationDescriptor: 'Globals.Structs.LocationDescriptorStruct' = field(default_factory=lambda: EcosystemInformation.Structs.LocationDescriptorStruct())
+            locationDescriptorLastEdit: 'uint' = 0
+            fabricIndex: 'uint' = 0
     class Attributes:
         class RemovedOn(ClusterAttributeDescriptor):
diff --git a/src/darwin/Framework/CHIP/zap-generated/ b/src/darwin/Framework/CHIP/zap-generated/
index a13bd2f3f40433..70082ee79c86d3 100644
--- a/src/darwin/Framework/CHIP/zap-generated/
+++ b/src/darwin/Framework/CHIP/zap-generated/
@@ -11190,7 +11190,7 @@ static id _Nullable DecodeAttributeValueForServiceAreaCluster(AttributeId aAttri
                 if (entry_0.locationInfo.locationInfo.IsNull()) {
                     newElement_0.locationInfo.locationInfo = nil;
                 } else {
-                    newElement_0.locationInfo.locationInfo = [MTRServiceAreaClusterLocationDescriptorStruct new];
+                    newElement_0.locationInfo.locationInfo = [MTRDataTypeLocationDescriptorStruct new];
                     newElement_0.locationInfo.locationInfo.locationName = AsString(entry_0.locationInfo.locationInfo.Value().locationName);
                     if (newElement_0.locationInfo.locationInfo.locationName == nil) {
                         CHIP_ERROR err = CHIP_ERROR_INVALID_ARGUMENT;
@@ -17310,7 +17310,7 @@ static id _Nullable DecodeAttributeValueForEcosystemInformationCluster(Attribute
                     *aError = err;
                     return nil;
-                newElement_0.locationDescriptor = [MTREcosystemInformationClusterLocationDescriptorStruct new];
+                newElement_0.locationDescriptor = [MTRDataTypeLocationDescriptorStruct new];
                 newElement_0.locationDescriptor.locationName = AsString(entry_0.locationDescriptor.locationName);
                 if (newElement_0.locationDescriptor.locationName == nil) {
                     CHIP_ERROR err = CHIP_ERROR_INVALID_ARGUMENT;
diff --git a/src/darwin/Framework/CHIP/zap-generated/MTRBaseClusters.h b/src/darwin/Framework/CHIP/zap-generated/MTRBaseClusters.h
index 615dbceadcdf57..71bf51ee6cef6d 100644
--- a/src/darwin/Framework/CHIP/zap-generated/MTRBaseClusters.h
+++ b/src/darwin/Framework/CHIP/zap-generated/MTRBaseClusters.h
@@ -17165,6 +17165,202 @@ MTR_DEPRECATED("Please use MTRBaseClusterUnitTesting", ios(16.1, 16.4), macos(13
 @interface MTRBaseClusterTestCluster : MTRBaseClusterUnitTesting
+typedef NS_ENUM(uint8_t, MTRDataTypeAreaTypeTag) {
+    MTRDataTypeAreaTypeTagAisle MTR_PROVISIONALLY_AVAILABLE = 0x00,
+    MTRDataTypeAreaTypeTagAttic MTR_PROVISIONALLY_AVAILABLE = 0x01,
+    MTRDataTypeAreaTypeTagBackDoor MTR_PROVISIONALLY_AVAILABLE = 0x02,
+    MTRDataTypeAreaTypeTagBackYard MTR_PROVISIONALLY_AVAILABLE = 0x03,
+    MTRDataTypeAreaTypeTagBalcony MTR_PROVISIONALLY_AVAILABLE = 0x04,
+    MTRDataTypeAreaTypeTagBallroom MTR_PROVISIONALLY_AVAILABLE = 0x05,
+    MTRDataTypeAreaTypeTagBathroom MTR_PROVISIONALLY_AVAILABLE = 0x06,
+    MTRDataTypeAreaTypeTagBedroom MTR_PROVISIONALLY_AVAILABLE = 0x07,
+    MTRDataTypeAreaTypeTagBorder MTR_PROVISIONALLY_AVAILABLE = 0x08,
+    MTRDataTypeAreaTypeTagBoxroom MTR_PROVISIONALLY_AVAILABLE = 0x09,
+    MTRDataTypeAreaTypeTagBreakfastRoom MTR_PROVISIONALLY_AVAILABLE = 0x0A,
+    MTRDataTypeAreaTypeTagCarport MTR_PROVISIONALLY_AVAILABLE = 0x0B,
+    MTRDataTypeAreaTypeTagCloakroom MTR_PROVISIONALLY_AVAILABLE = 0x0D,
+    MTRDataTypeAreaTypeTagConservatory MTR_PROVISIONALLY_AVAILABLE = 0x0F,
+    MTRDataTypeAreaTypeTagCorridor MTR_PROVISIONALLY_AVAILABLE = 0x10,
+    MTRDataTypeAreaTypeTagCraftRoom MTR_PROVISIONALLY_AVAILABLE = 0x11,
+    MTRDataTypeAreaTypeTagCupboard MTR_PROVISIONALLY_AVAILABLE = 0x12,
+    MTRDataTypeAreaTypeTagDining MTR_PROVISIONALLY_AVAILABLE = 0x15,
+    MTRDataTypeAreaTypeTagDrawingRoom MTR_PROVISIONALLY_AVAILABLE = 0x16,
+    MTRDataTypeAreaTypeTagDressingRoom MTR_PROVISIONALLY_AVAILABLE = 0x17,
+    MTRDataTypeAreaTypeTagDriveway MTR_PROVISIONALLY_AVAILABLE = 0x18,
+    MTRDataTypeAreaTypeTagElevator MTR_PROVISIONALLY_AVAILABLE = 0x19,
+    MTRDataTypeAreaTypeTagEnsuite MTR_PROVISIONALLY_AVAILABLE = 0x1A,
+    MTRDataTypeAreaTypeTagEntrance MTR_PROVISIONALLY_AVAILABLE = 0x1B,
+    MTRDataTypeAreaTypeTagEntryway MTR_PROVISIONALLY_AVAILABLE = 0x1C,
+    MTRDataTypeAreaTypeTagFamilyRoom MTR_PROVISIONALLY_AVAILABLE = 0x1D,
+    MTRDataTypeAreaTypeTagFrontDoor MTR_PROVISIONALLY_AVAILABLE = 0x1F,
+    MTRDataTypeAreaTypeTagFrontYard MTR_PROVISIONALLY_AVAILABLE = 0x20,
+    MTRDataTypeAreaTypeTagGameRoom MTR_PROVISIONALLY_AVAILABLE = 0x21,
+    MTRDataTypeAreaTypeTagGarage MTR_PROVISIONALLY_AVAILABLE = 0x22,
+    MTRDataTypeAreaTypeTagGarageDoor MTR_PROVISIONALLY_AVAILABLE = 0x23,
+    MTRDataTypeAreaTypeTagGarden MTR_PROVISIONALLY_AVAILABLE = 0x24,
+    MTRDataTypeAreaTypeTagGardenDoor MTR_PROVISIONALLY_AVAILABLE = 0x25,
+    MTRDataTypeAreaTypeTagGuestBathroom MTR_PROVISIONALLY_AVAILABLE = 0x26,
+    MTRDataTypeAreaTypeTagGuestBedroom MTR_PROVISIONALLY_AVAILABLE = 0x27,
+    MTRDataTypeAreaTypeTagGuestRestroom MTR_PROVISIONALLY_AVAILABLE = 0x28,
+    MTRDataTypeAreaTypeTagGuestRoom MTR_PROVISIONALLY_AVAILABLE = 0x29,
+    MTRDataTypeAreaTypeTagHallway MTR_PROVISIONALLY_AVAILABLE = 0x2B,
+    MTRDataTypeAreaTypeTagHearthRoom MTR_PROVISIONALLY_AVAILABLE = 0x2C,
+    MTRDataTypeAreaTypeTagKidsBedroom MTR_PROVISIONALLY_AVAILABLE = 0x2E,
+    MTRDataTypeAreaTypeTagKitchen MTR_PROVISIONALLY_AVAILABLE = 0x2F,
+    MTRDataTypeAreaTypeTagLarder MTR_PROVISIONALLY_AVAILABLE = 0x30,
+    MTRDataTypeAreaTypeTagLaundryRoom MTR_PROVISIONALLY_AVAILABLE = 0x31,
+    MTRDataTypeAreaTypeTagLibrary MTR_PROVISIONALLY_AVAILABLE = 0x33,
+    MTRDataTypeAreaTypeTagLivingRoom MTR_PROVISIONALLY_AVAILABLE = 0x34,
+    MTRDataTypeAreaTypeTagLounge MTR_PROVISIONALLY_AVAILABLE = 0x35,
+    MTRDataTypeAreaTypeTagMediaTVRoom MTR_PROVISIONALLY_AVAILABLE = 0x36,
+    MTRDataTypeAreaTypeTagMudRoom MTR_PROVISIONALLY_AVAILABLE = 0x37,
+    MTRDataTypeAreaTypeTagMusicRoom MTR_PROVISIONALLY_AVAILABLE = 0x38,
+    MTRDataTypeAreaTypeTagNursery MTR_PROVISIONALLY_AVAILABLE = 0x39,
+    MTRDataTypeAreaTypeTagOutdoorKitchen MTR_PROVISIONALLY_AVAILABLE = 0x3B,
+    MTRDataTypeAreaTypeTagOutside MTR_PROVISIONALLY_AVAILABLE = 0x3C,
+    MTRDataTypeAreaTypeTagParkingLot MTR_PROVISIONALLY_AVAILABLE = 0x3E,
+    MTRDataTypeAreaTypeTagPatio MTR_PROVISIONALLY_AVAILABLE = 0x40,
+    MTRDataTypeAreaTypeTagPlayRoom MTR_PROVISIONALLY_AVAILABLE = 0x41,
+    MTRDataTypeAreaTypeTagPoolRoom MTR_PROVISIONALLY_AVAILABLE = 0x42,
+    MTRDataTypeAreaTypeTagPorch MTR_PROVISIONALLY_AVAILABLE = 0x43,
+    MTRDataTypeAreaTypeTagPrimaryBathroom MTR_PROVISIONALLY_AVAILABLE = 0x44,
+    MTRDataTypeAreaTypeTagPrimaryBedroom MTR_PROVISIONALLY_AVAILABLE = 0x45,
+    MTRDataTypeAreaTypeTagReceptionRoom MTR_PROVISIONALLY_AVAILABLE = 0x47,
+    MTRDataTypeAreaTypeTagRecreationRoom MTR_PROVISIONALLY_AVAILABLE = 0x48,
+    MTRDataTypeAreaTypeTagRestroom MTR_PROVISIONALLY_AVAILABLE = 0x49,
+    MTRDataTypeAreaTypeTagScullery MTR_PROVISIONALLY_AVAILABLE = 0x4C,
+    MTRDataTypeAreaTypeTagSewingRoom MTR_PROVISIONALLY_AVAILABLE = 0x4D,
+    MTRDataTypeAreaTypeTagSideYard MTR_PROVISIONALLY_AVAILABLE = 0x50,
+    MTRDataTypeAreaTypeTagSittingRoom MTR_PROVISIONALLY_AVAILABLE = 0x51,
+    MTRDataTypeAreaTypeTagStaircase MTR_PROVISIONALLY_AVAILABLE = 0x54,
+    MTRDataTypeAreaTypeTagSteamRoom MTR_PROVISIONALLY_AVAILABLE = 0x55,
+    MTRDataTypeAreaTypeTagStorageRoom MTR_PROVISIONALLY_AVAILABLE = 0x56,
+    MTRDataTypeAreaTypeTagStudio MTR_PROVISIONALLY_AVAILABLE = 0x57,
+    MTRDataTypeAreaTypeTagStudy MTR_PROVISIONALLY_AVAILABLE = 0x58,
+    MTRDataTypeAreaTypeTagSunRoom MTR_PROVISIONALLY_AVAILABLE = 0x59,
+    MTRDataTypeAreaTypeTagSwimmingPool MTR_PROVISIONALLY_AVAILABLE = 0x5A,
+    MTRDataTypeAreaTypeTagTerrace MTR_PROVISIONALLY_AVAILABLE = 0x5B,
+    MTRDataTypeAreaTypeTagUtilityRoom MTR_PROVISIONALLY_AVAILABLE = 0x5C,
+    MTRDataTypeAreaTypeTagWorkshop MTR_PROVISIONALLY_AVAILABLE = 0x5E,
+typedef NS_ENUM(uint8_t, MTRDataTypeFloorSurfaceTag) {
+    MTRDataTypeFloorSurfaceTagCarpet MTR_PROVISIONALLY_AVAILABLE = 0x00,
+    MTRDataTypeFloorSurfaceTagCeramic MTR_PROVISIONALLY_AVAILABLE = 0x01,
+    MTRDataTypeFloorSurfaceTagConcrete MTR_PROVISIONALLY_AVAILABLE = 0x02,
+    MTRDataTypeFloorSurfaceTagCork MTR_PROVISIONALLY_AVAILABLE = 0x03,
+    MTRDataTypeFloorSurfaceTagDeepCarpet MTR_PROVISIONALLY_AVAILABLE = 0x04,
+    MTRDataTypeFloorSurfaceTagDirt MTR_PROVISIONALLY_AVAILABLE = 0x05,
+    MTRDataTypeFloorSurfaceTagEngineeredWood MTR_PROVISIONALLY_AVAILABLE = 0x06,
+    MTRDataTypeFloorSurfaceTagGlass MTR_PROVISIONALLY_AVAILABLE = 0x07,
+    MTRDataTypeFloorSurfaceTagGrass MTR_PROVISIONALLY_AVAILABLE = 0x08,
+    MTRDataTypeFloorSurfaceTagHardwood MTR_PROVISIONALLY_AVAILABLE = 0x09,
+    MTRDataTypeFloorSurfaceTagLaminate MTR_PROVISIONALLY_AVAILABLE = 0x0A,
+    MTRDataTypeFloorSurfaceTagLinoleum MTR_PROVISIONALLY_AVAILABLE = 0x0B,
+    MTRDataTypeFloorSurfaceTagMat MTR_PROVISIONALLY_AVAILABLE = 0x0C,
+    MTRDataTypeFloorSurfaceTagMetal MTR_PROVISIONALLY_AVAILABLE = 0x0D,
+    MTRDataTypeFloorSurfaceTagPlastic MTR_PROVISIONALLY_AVAILABLE = 0x0E,
+    MTRDataTypeFloorSurfaceTagPolishedConcrete MTR_PROVISIONALLY_AVAILABLE = 0x0F,
+    MTRDataTypeFloorSurfaceTagRubber MTR_PROVISIONALLY_AVAILABLE = 0x10,
+    MTRDataTypeFloorSurfaceTagRug MTR_PROVISIONALLY_AVAILABLE = 0x11,
+    MTRDataTypeFloorSurfaceTagSand MTR_PROVISIONALLY_AVAILABLE = 0x12,
+    MTRDataTypeFloorSurfaceTagStone MTR_PROVISIONALLY_AVAILABLE = 0x13,
+    MTRDataTypeFloorSurfaceTagTatami MTR_PROVISIONALLY_AVAILABLE = 0x14,
+    MTRDataTypeFloorSurfaceTagTerrazzo MTR_PROVISIONALLY_AVAILABLE = 0x15,
+    MTRDataTypeFloorSurfaceTagTile MTR_PROVISIONALLY_AVAILABLE = 0x16,
+    MTRDataTypeFloorSurfaceTagVinyl MTR_PROVISIONALLY_AVAILABLE = 0x17,
+typedef NS_ENUM(uint8_t, MTRDataTypeLandmarkTag) {
+    MTRDataTypeLandmarkTagAirConditioner MTR_PROVISIONALLY_AVAILABLE = 0x00,
+    MTRDataTypeLandmarkTagAirPurifier MTR_PROVISIONALLY_AVAILABLE = 0x01,
+    MTRDataTypeLandmarkTagBackDoor MTR_PROVISIONALLY_AVAILABLE = 0x02,
+    MTRDataTypeLandmarkTagBarStool MTR_PROVISIONALLY_AVAILABLE = 0x03,
+    MTRDataTypeLandmarkTagBathMat MTR_PROVISIONALLY_AVAILABLE = 0x04,
+    MTRDataTypeLandmarkTagBathtub MTR_PROVISIONALLY_AVAILABLE = 0x05,
+    MTRDataTypeLandmarkTagBed MTR_PROVISIONALLY_AVAILABLE = 0x06,
+    MTRDataTypeLandmarkTagBookshelf MTR_PROVISIONALLY_AVAILABLE = 0x07,
+    MTRDataTypeLandmarkTagChair MTR_PROVISIONALLY_AVAILABLE = 0x08,
+    MTRDataTypeLandmarkTagChristmasTree MTR_PROVISIONALLY_AVAILABLE = 0x09,
+    MTRDataTypeLandmarkTagCoatRack MTR_PROVISIONALLY_AVAILABLE = 0x0A,
+    MTRDataTypeLandmarkTagCoffeeTable MTR_PROVISIONALLY_AVAILABLE = 0x0B,
+    MTRDataTypeLandmarkTagCookingRange MTR_PROVISIONALLY_AVAILABLE = 0x0C,
+    MTRDataTypeLandmarkTagCouch MTR_PROVISIONALLY_AVAILABLE = 0x0D,
+    MTRDataTypeLandmarkTagCountertop MTR_PROVISIONALLY_AVAILABLE = 0x0E,
+    MTRDataTypeLandmarkTagCradle MTR_PROVISIONALLY_AVAILABLE = 0x0F,
+    MTRDataTypeLandmarkTagCrib MTR_PROVISIONALLY_AVAILABLE = 0x10,
+    MTRDataTypeLandmarkTagDesk MTR_PROVISIONALLY_AVAILABLE = 0x11,
+    MTRDataTypeLandmarkTagDiningTable MTR_PROVISIONALLY_AVAILABLE = 0x12,
+    MTRDataTypeLandmarkTagDishwasher MTR_PROVISIONALLY_AVAILABLE = 0x13,
+    MTRDataTypeLandmarkTagDoor MTR_PROVISIONALLY_AVAILABLE = 0x14,
+    MTRDataTypeLandmarkTagDresser MTR_PROVISIONALLY_AVAILABLE = 0x15,
+    MTRDataTypeLandmarkTagLaundryDryer MTR_PROVISIONALLY_AVAILABLE = 0x16,
+    MTRDataTypeLandmarkTagFan MTR_PROVISIONALLY_AVAILABLE = 0x17,
+    MTRDataTypeLandmarkTagFireplace MTR_PROVISIONALLY_AVAILABLE = 0x18,
+    MTRDataTypeLandmarkTagFreezer MTR_PROVISIONALLY_AVAILABLE = 0x19,
+    MTRDataTypeLandmarkTagFrontDoor MTR_PROVISIONALLY_AVAILABLE = 0x1A,
+    MTRDataTypeLandmarkTagHighChair MTR_PROVISIONALLY_AVAILABLE = 0x1B,
+    MTRDataTypeLandmarkTagKitchenIsland MTR_PROVISIONALLY_AVAILABLE = 0x1C,
+    MTRDataTypeLandmarkTagLitterBox MTR_PROVISIONALLY_AVAILABLE = 0x1E,
+    MTRDataTypeLandmarkTagMirror MTR_PROVISIONALLY_AVAILABLE = 0x1F,
+    MTRDataTypeLandmarkTagNightstand MTR_PROVISIONALLY_AVAILABLE = 0x20,
+    MTRDataTypeLandmarkTagOven MTR_PROVISIONALLY_AVAILABLE = 0x21,
+    MTRDataTypeLandmarkTagPetBed MTR_PROVISIONALLY_AVAILABLE = 0x22,
+    MTRDataTypeLandmarkTagPetBowl MTR_PROVISIONALLY_AVAILABLE = 0x23,
+    MTRDataTypeLandmarkTagPetCrate MTR_PROVISIONALLY_AVAILABLE = 0x24,
+    MTRDataTypeLandmarkTagRefrigerator MTR_PROVISIONALLY_AVAILABLE = 0x25,
+    MTRDataTypeLandmarkTagScratchingPost MTR_PROVISIONALLY_AVAILABLE = 0x26,
+    MTRDataTypeLandmarkTagShoeRack MTR_PROVISIONALLY_AVAILABLE = 0x27,
+    MTRDataTypeLandmarkTagShower MTR_PROVISIONALLY_AVAILABLE = 0x28,
+    MTRDataTypeLandmarkTagSideDoor MTR_PROVISIONALLY_AVAILABLE = 0x29,
+    MTRDataTypeLandmarkTagStove MTR_PROVISIONALLY_AVAILABLE = 0x2C,
+    MTRDataTypeLandmarkTagTable MTR_PROVISIONALLY_AVAILABLE = 0x2D,
+    MTRDataTypeLandmarkTagToilet MTR_PROVISIONALLY_AVAILABLE = 0x2E,
+    MTRDataTypeLandmarkTagTrashCan MTR_PROVISIONALLY_AVAILABLE = 0x2F,
+    MTRDataTypeLandmarkTagLaundryWasher MTR_PROVISIONALLY_AVAILABLE = 0x30,
+    MTRDataTypeLandmarkTagWindow MTR_PROVISIONALLY_AVAILABLE = 0x31,
+    MTRDataTypeLandmarkTagWineCooler MTR_PROVISIONALLY_AVAILABLE = 0x32,
+typedef NS_ENUM(uint8_t, MTRDataTypePositionTag) {
+    MTRDataTypePositionTagLeft MTR_PROVISIONALLY_AVAILABLE = 0x00,
+    MTRDataTypePositionTagRight MTR_PROVISIONALLY_AVAILABLE = 0x01,
+    MTRDataTypePositionTagTop MTR_PROVISIONALLY_AVAILABLE = 0x02,
+    MTRDataTypePositionTagBottom MTR_PROVISIONALLY_AVAILABLE = 0x03,
+    MTRDataTypePositionTagMiddle MTR_PROVISIONALLY_AVAILABLE = 0x04,
+    MTRDataTypePositionTagRow MTR_PROVISIONALLY_AVAILABLE = 0x05,
+    MTRDataTypePositionTagColumn MTR_PROVISIONALLY_AVAILABLE = 0x06,
+    MTRDataTypePositionTagUnder MTR_PROVISIONALLY_AVAILABLE = 0x07,
+    MTRDataTypePositionTagNextTo MTR_PROVISIONALLY_AVAILABLE = 0x08,
+    MTRDataTypePositionTagAround MTR_PROVISIONALLY_AVAILABLE = 0x09,
+    MTRDataTypePositionTagAbove MTR_PROVISIONALLY_AVAILABLE = 0x0B,
+    MTRDataTypePositionTagFrontOf MTR_PROVISIONALLY_AVAILABLE = 0x0C,
+    MTRDataTypePositionTagBehind MTR_PROVISIONALLY_AVAILABLE = 0x0D,
 typedef NS_ENUM(uint8_t, MTRDataTypeTestGlobalEnum) {
     MTRDataTypeTestGlobalEnumSomeValue MTR_PROVISIONALLY_AVAILABLE = 0x00,
     MTRDataTypeTestGlobalEnumSomeOtherValue MTR_PROVISIONALLY_AVAILABLE = 0x01,
@@ -19553,185 +19749,6 @@ typedef NS_OPTIONS(uint16_t, MTRBarrierControlSafetyStatus) {
     MTRBarrierControlSafetyStatusPositionFailure MTR_PROVISIONALLY_AVAILABLE = 0x8,
-typedef NS_ENUM(uint8_t, MTRServiceAreaAreaTypeTag) {
-    MTRServiceAreaAreaTypeTagAisle MTR_PROVISIONALLY_AVAILABLE = 0x00,
-    MTRServiceAreaAreaTypeTagAttic MTR_PROVISIONALLY_AVAILABLE = 0x01,
-    MTRServiceAreaAreaTypeTagBackDoor MTR_PROVISIONALLY_AVAILABLE = 0x02,
-    MTRServiceAreaAreaTypeTagBackYard MTR_PROVISIONALLY_AVAILABLE = 0x03,
-    MTRServiceAreaAreaTypeTagBalcony MTR_PROVISIONALLY_AVAILABLE = 0x04,
-    MTRServiceAreaAreaTypeTagBallroom MTR_PROVISIONALLY_AVAILABLE = 0x05,
-    MTRServiceAreaAreaTypeTagBathroom MTR_PROVISIONALLY_AVAILABLE = 0x06,
-    MTRServiceAreaAreaTypeTagBedroom MTR_PROVISIONALLY_AVAILABLE = 0x07,
-    MTRServiceAreaAreaTypeTagBorder MTR_PROVISIONALLY_AVAILABLE = 0x08,
-    MTRServiceAreaAreaTypeTagBoxroom MTR_PROVISIONALLY_AVAILABLE = 0x09,
-    MTRServiceAreaAreaTypeTagBreakfastRoom MTR_PROVISIONALLY_AVAILABLE = 0x0A,
-    MTRServiceAreaAreaTypeTagCarport MTR_PROVISIONALLY_AVAILABLE = 0x0B,
-    MTRServiceAreaAreaTypeTagCellar MTR_PROVISIONALLY_AVAILABLE = 0x0C,
-    MTRServiceAreaAreaTypeTagCloakroom MTR_PROVISIONALLY_AVAILABLE = 0x0D,
-    MTRServiceAreaAreaTypeTagCloset MTR_PROVISIONALLY_AVAILABLE = 0x0E,
-    MTRServiceAreaAreaTypeTagConservatory MTR_PROVISIONALLY_AVAILABLE = 0x0F,
-    MTRServiceAreaAreaTypeTagCorridor MTR_PROVISIONALLY_AVAILABLE = 0x10,
-    MTRServiceAreaAreaTypeTagCraftRoom MTR_PROVISIONALLY_AVAILABLE = 0x11,
-    MTRServiceAreaAreaTypeTagCupboard MTR_PROVISIONALLY_AVAILABLE = 0x12,
-    MTRServiceAreaAreaTypeTagDeck MTR_PROVISIONALLY_AVAILABLE = 0x13,
-    MTRServiceAreaAreaTypeTagDen MTR_PROVISIONALLY_AVAILABLE = 0x14,
-    MTRServiceAreaAreaTypeTagDining MTR_PROVISIONALLY_AVAILABLE = 0x15,
-    MTRServiceAreaAreaTypeTagDrawingRoom MTR_PROVISIONALLY_AVAILABLE = 0x16,
-    MTRServiceAreaAreaTypeTagDressingRoom MTR_PROVISIONALLY_AVAILABLE = 0x17,
-    MTRServiceAreaAreaTypeTagDriveway MTR_PROVISIONALLY_AVAILABLE = 0x18,
-    MTRServiceAreaAreaTypeTagElevator MTR_PROVISIONALLY_AVAILABLE = 0x19,
-    MTRServiceAreaAreaTypeTagEnsuite MTR_PROVISIONALLY_AVAILABLE = 0x1A,
-    MTRServiceAreaAreaTypeTagEntrance MTR_PROVISIONALLY_AVAILABLE = 0x1B,
-    MTRServiceAreaAreaTypeTagEntryway MTR_PROVISIONALLY_AVAILABLE = 0x1C,
-    MTRServiceAreaAreaTypeTagFamilyRoom MTR_PROVISIONALLY_AVAILABLE = 0x1D,
-    MTRServiceAreaAreaTypeTagFoyer MTR_PROVISIONALLY_AVAILABLE = 0x1E,
-    MTRServiceAreaAreaTypeTagFrontDoor MTR_PROVISIONALLY_AVAILABLE = 0x1F,
-    MTRServiceAreaAreaTypeTagFrontYard MTR_PROVISIONALLY_AVAILABLE = 0x20,
-    MTRServiceAreaAreaTypeTagGameRoom MTR_PROVISIONALLY_AVAILABLE = 0x21,
-    MTRServiceAreaAreaTypeTagGarage MTR_PROVISIONALLY_AVAILABLE = 0x22,
-    MTRServiceAreaAreaTypeTagGarageDoor MTR_PROVISIONALLY_AVAILABLE = 0x23,
-    MTRServiceAreaAreaTypeTagGarden MTR_PROVISIONALLY_AVAILABLE = 0x24,
-    MTRServiceAreaAreaTypeTagGardenDoor MTR_PROVISIONALLY_AVAILABLE = 0x25,
-    MTRServiceAreaAreaTypeTagGuestBathroom MTR_PROVISIONALLY_AVAILABLE = 0x26,
-    MTRServiceAreaAreaTypeTagGuestBedroom MTR_PROVISIONALLY_AVAILABLE = 0x27,
-    MTRServiceAreaAreaTypeTagGuestRestroom MTR_PROVISIONALLY_AVAILABLE = 0x28,
-    MTRServiceAreaAreaTypeTagGuestRoom MTR_PROVISIONALLY_AVAILABLE = 0x29,
-    MTRServiceAreaAreaTypeTagHallway MTR_PROVISIONALLY_AVAILABLE = 0x2B,
-    MTRServiceAreaAreaTypeTagHearthRoom MTR_PROVISIONALLY_AVAILABLE = 0x2C,
-    MTRServiceAreaAreaTypeTagKidsRoom MTR_PROVISIONALLY_AVAILABLE = 0x2D,
-    MTRServiceAreaAreaTypeTagKidsBedroom MTR_PROVISIONALLY_AVAILABLE = 0x2E,
-    MTRServiceAreaAreaTypeTagKitchen MTR_PROVISIONALLY_AVAILABLE = 0x2F,
-    MTRServiceAreaAreaTypeTagLarder MTR_PROVISIONALLY_AVAILABLE = 0x30,
-    MTRServiceAreaAreaTypeTagLaundryRoom MTR_PROVISIONALLY_AVAILABLE = 0x31,
-    MTRServiceAreaAreaTypeTagLawn MTR_PROVISIONALLY_AVAILABLE = 0x32,
-    MTRServiceAreaAreaTypeTagLibrary MTR_PROVISIONALLY_AVAILABLE = 0x33,
-    MTRServiceAreaAreaTypeTagLivingRoom MTR_PROVISIONALLY_AVAILABLE = 0x34,
-    MTRServiceAreaAreaTypeTagLounge MTR_PROVISIONALLY_AVAILABLE = 0x35,
-    MTRServiceAreaAreaTypeTagMediaTVRoom MTR_PROVISIONALLY_AVAILABLE = 0x36,
-    MTRServiceAreaAreaTypeTagMudRoom MTR_PROVISIONALLY_AVAILABLE = 0x37,
-    MTRServiceAreaAreaTypeTagMusicRoom MTR_PROVISIONALLY_AVAILABLE = 0x38,
-    MTRServiceAreaAreaTypeTagNursery MTR_PROVISIONALLY_AVAILABLE = 0x39,
-    MTRServiceAreaAreaTypeTagOffice MTR_PROVISIONALLY_AVAILABLE = 0x3A,
-    MTRServiceAreaAreaTypeTagOutdoorKitchen MTR_PROVISIONALLY_AVAILABLE = 0x3B,
-    MTRServiceAreaAreaTypeTagOutside MTR_PROVISIONALLY_AVAILABLE = 0x3C,
-    MTRServiceAreaAreaTypeTagPantry MTR_PROVISIONALLY_AVAILABLE = 0x3D,
-    MTRServiceAreaAreaTypeTagParkingLot MTR_PROVISIONALLY_AVAILABLE = 0x3E,
-    MTRServiceAreaAreaTypeTagParlor MTR_PROVISIONALLY_AVAILABLE = 0x3F,
-    MTRServiceAreaAreaTypeTagPatio MTR_PROVISIONALLY_AVAILABLE = 0x40,
-    MTRServiceAreaAreaTypeTagPlayRoom MTR_PROVISIONALLY_AVAILABLE = 0x41,
-    MTRServiceAreaAreaTypeTagPoolRoom MTR_PROVISIONALLY_AVAILABLE = 0x42,
-    MTRServiceAreaAreaTypeTagPorch MTR_PROVISIONALLY_AVAILABLE = 0x43,
-    MTRServiceAreaAreaTypeTagPrimaryBathroom MTR_PROVISIONALLY_AVAILABLE = 0x44,
-    MTRServiceAreaAreaTypeTagPrimaryBedroom MTR_PROVISIONALLY_AVAILABLE = 0x45,
-    MTRServiceAreaAreaTypeTagRamp MTR_PROVISIONALLY_AVAILABLE = 0x46,
-    MTRServiceAreaAreaTypeTagReceptionRoom MTR_PROVISIONALLY_AVAILABLE = 0x47,
-    MTRServiceAreaAreaTypeTagRecreationRoom MTR_PROVISIONALLY_AVAILABLE = 0x48,
-    MTRServiceAreaAreaTypeTagRestroom MTR_PROVISIONALLY_AVAILABLE = 0x49,
-    MTRServiceAreaAreaTypeTagRoof MTR_PROVISIONALLY_AVAILABLE = 0x4A,
-    MTRServiceAreaAreaTypeTagSauna MTR_PROVISIONALLY_AVAILABLE = 0x4B,
-    MTRServiceAreaAreaTypeTagScullery MTR_PROVISIONALLY_AVAILABLE = 0x4C,
-    MTRServiceAreaAreaTypeTagSewingRoom MTR_PROVISIONALLY_AVAILABLE = 0x4D,
-    MTRServiceAreaAreaTypeTagShed MTR_PROVISIONALLY_AVAILABLE = 0x4E,
-    MTRServiceAreaAreaTypeTagSideDoor MTR_PROVISIONALLY_AVAILABLE = 0x4F,
-    MTRServiceAreaAreaTypeTagSideYard MTR_PROVISIONALLY_AVAILABLE = 0x50,
-    MTRServiceAreaAreaTypeTagSittingRoom MTR_PROVISIONALLY_AVAILABLE = 0x51,
-    MTRServiceAreaAreaTypeTagSnug MTR_PROVISIONALLY_AVAILABLE = 0x52,
-    MTRServiceAreaAreaTypeTagSpa MTR_PROVISIONALLY_AVAILABLE = 0x53,
-    MTRServiceAreaAreaTypeTagStaircase MTR_PROVISIONALLY_AVAILABLE = 0x54,
-    MTRServiceAreaAreaTypeTagSteamRoom MTR_PROVISIONALLY_AVAILABLE = 0x55,
-    MTRServiceAreaAreaTypeTagStorageRoom MTR_PROVISIONALLY_AVAILABLE = 0x56,
-    MTRServiceAreaAreaTypeTagStudio MTR_PROVISIONALLY_AVAILABLE = 0x57,
-    MTRServiceAreaAreaTypeTagStudy MTR_PROVISIONALLY_AVAILABLE = 0x58,
-    MTRServiceAreaAreaTypeTagSunRoom MTR_PROVISIONALLY_AVAILABLE = 0x59,
-    MTRServiceAreaAreaTypeTagSwimmingPool MTR_PROVISIONALLY_AVAILABLE = 0x5A,
-    MTRServiceAreaAreaTypeTagTerrace MTR_PROVISIONALLY_AVAILABLE = 0x5B,
-    MTRServiceAreaAreaTypeTagUtilityRoom MTR_PROVISIONALLY_AVAILABLE = 0x5C,
-    MTRServiceAreaAreaTypeTagWard MTR_PROVISIONALLY_AVAILABLE = 0x5D,
-    MTRServiceAreaAreaTypeTagWorkshop MTR_PROVISIONALLY_AVAILABLE = 0x5E,
-typedef NS_ENUM(uint8_t, MTRServiceAreaFloorSurfaceTag) {
-    MTRServiceAreaFloorSurfaceTagCarpet MTR_PROVISIONALLY_AVAILABLE = 0x00,
-    MTRServiceAreaFloorSurfaceTagCeramic MTR_PROVISIONALLY_AVAILABLE = 0x01,
-    MTRServiceAreaFloorSurfaceTagConcrete MTR_PROVISIONALLY_AVAILABLE = 0x02,
-    MTRServiceAreaFloorSurfaceTagCork MTR_PROVISIONALLY_AVAILABLE = 0x03,
-    MTRServiceAreaFloorSurfaceTagDeepCarpet MTR_PROVISIONALLY_AVAILABLE = 0x04,
-    MTRServiceAreaFloorSurfaceTagDirt MTR_PROVISIONALLY_AVAILABLE = 0x05,
-    MTRServiceAreaFloorSurfaceTagEngineeredWood MTR_PROVISIONALLY_AVAILABLE = 0x06,
-    MTRServiceAreaFloorSurfaceTagGlass MTR_PROVISIONALLY_AVAILABLE = 0x07,
-    MTRServiceAreaFloorSurfaceTagGrass MTR_PROVISIONALLY_AVAILABLE = 0x08,
-    MTRServiceAreaFloorSurfaceTagHardwood MTR_PROVISIONALLY_AVAILABLE = 0x09,
-    MTRServiceAreaFloorSurfaceTagLaminate MTR_PROVISIONALLY_AVAILABLE = 0x0A,
-    MTRServiceAreaFloorSurfaceTagLinoleum MTR_PROVISIONALLY_AVAILABLE = 0x0B,
-    MTRServiceAreaFloorSurfaceTagMat MTR_PROVISIONALLY_AVAILABLE = 0x0C,
-    MTRServiceAreaFloorSurfaceTagMetal MTR_PROVISIONALLY_AVAILABLE = 0x0D,
-    MTRServiceAreaFloorSurfaceTagPlastic MTR_PROVISIONALLY_AVAILABLE = 0x0E,
-    MTRServiceAreaFloorSurfaceTagPolishedConcrete MTR_PROVISIONALLY_AVAILABLE = 0x0F,
-    MTRServiceAreaFloorSurfaceTagRubber MTR_PROVISIONALLY_AVAILABLE = 0x10,
-    MTRServiceAreaFloorSurfaceTagRug MTR_PROVISIONALLY_AVAILABLE = 0x11,
-    MTRServiceAreaFloorSurfaceTagSand MTR_PROVISIONALLY_AVAILABLE = 0x12,
-    MTRServiceAreaFloorSurfaceTagStone MTR_PROVISIONALLY_AVAILABLE = 0x13,
-    MTRServiceAreaFloorSurfaceTagTatami MTR_PROVISIONALLY_AVAILABLE = 0x14,
-    MTRServiceAreaFloorSurfaceTagTerrazzo MTR_PROVISIONALLY_AVAILABLE = 0x15,
-    MTRServiceAreaFloorSurfaceTagTile MTR_PROVISIONALLY_AVAILABLE = 0x16,
-    MTRServiceAreaFloorSurfaceTagVinyl MTR_PROVISIONALLY_AVAILABLE = 0x17,
-typedef NS_ENUM(uint8_t, MTRServiceAreaLandmarkTag) {
-    MTRServiceAreaLandmarkTagAirConditioner MTR_PROVISIONALLY_AVAILABLE = 0x00,
-    MTRServiceAreaLandmarkTagAirPurifier MTR_PROVISIONALLY_AVAILABLE = 0x01,
-    MTRServiceAreaLandmarkTagBackDoor MTR_PROVISIONALLY_AVAILABLE = 0x02,
-    MTRServiceAreaLandmarkTagBarStool MTR_PROVISIONALLY_AVAILABLE = 0x03,
-    MTRServiceAreaLandmarkTagBathMat MTR_PROVISIONALLY_AVAILABLE = 0x04,
-    MTRServiceAreaLandmarkTagBathtub MTR_PROVISIONALLY_AVAILABLE = 0x05,
-    MTRServiceAreaLandmarkTagBed MTR_PROVISIONALLY_AVAILABLE = 0x06,
-    MTRServiceAreaLandmarkTagBookshelf MTR_PROVISIONALLY_AVAILABLE = 0x07,
-    MTRServiceAreaLandmarkTagChair MTR_PROVISIONALLY_AVAILABLE = 0x08,
-    MTRServiceAreaLandmarkTagChristmasTree MTR_PROVISIONALLY_AVAILABLE = 0x09,
-    MTRServiceAreaLandmarkTagCoatRack MTR_PROVISIONALLY_AVAILABLE = 0x0A,
-    MTRServiceAreaLandmarkTagCoffeeTable MTR_PROVISIONALLY_AVAILABLE = 0x0B,
-    MTRServiceAreaLandmarkTagCookingRange MTR_PROVISIONALLY_AVAILABLE = 0x0C,
-    MTRServiceAreaLandmarkTagCouch MTR_PROVISIONALLY_AVAILABLE = 0x0D,
-    MTRServiceAreaLandmarkTagCountertop MTR_PROVISIONALLY_AVAILABLE = 0x0E,
-    MTRServiceAreaLandmarkTagCradle MTR_PROVISIONALLY_AVAILABLE = 0x0F,
-    MTRServiceAreaLandmarkTagCrib MTR_PROVISIONALLY_AVAILABLE = 0x10,
-    MTRServiceAreaLandmarkTagDesk MTR_PROVISIONALLY_AVAILABLE = 0x11,
-    MTRServiceAreaLandmarkTagDiningTable MTR_PROVISIONALLY_AVAILABLE = 0x12,
-    MTRServiceAreaLandmarkTagDishwasher MTR_PROVISIONALLY_AVAILABLE = 0x13,
-    MTRServiceAreaLandmarkTagDoor MTR_PROVISIONALLY_AVAILABLE = 0x14,
-    MTRServiceAreaLandmarkTagDresser MTR_PROVISIONALLY_AVAILABLE = 0x15,
-    MTRServiceAreaLandmarkTagLaundryDryer MTR_PROVISIONALLY_AVAILABLE = 0x16,
-    MTRServiceAreaLandmarkTagFan MTR_PROVISIONALLY_AVAILABLE = 0x17,
-    MTRServiceAreaLandmarkTagFireplace MTR_PROVISIONALLY_AVAILABLE = 0x18,
-    MTRServiceAreaLandmarkTagFreezer MTR_PROVISIONALLY_AVAILABLE = 0x19,
-    MTRServiceAreaLandmarkTagFrontDoor MTR_PROVISIONALLY_AVAILABLE = 0x1A,
-    MTRServiceAreaLandmarkTagHighChair MTR_PROVISIONALLY_AVAILABLE = 0x1B,
-    MTRServiceAreaLandmarkTagKitchenIsland MTR_PROVISIONALLY_AVAILABLE = 0x1C,
-    MTRServiceAreaLandmarkTagLamp MTR_PROVISIONALLY_AVAILABLE = 0x1D,
-    MTRServiceAreaLandmarkTagLitterBox MTR_PROVISIONALLY_AVAILABLE = 0x1E,
-    MTRServiceAreaLandmarkTagMirror MTR_PROVISIONALLY_AVAILABLE = 0x1F,
-    MTRServiceAreaLandmarkTagNightstand MTR_PROVISIONALLY_AVAILABLE = 0x20,
-    MTRServiceAreaLandmarkTagOven MTR_PROVISIONALLY_AVAILABLE = 0x21,
-    MTRServiceAreaLandmarkTagPetBed MTR_PROVISIONALLY_AVAILABLE = 0x22,
-    MTRServiceAreaLandmarkTagPetBowl MTR_PROVISIONALLY_AVAILABLE = 0x23,
-    MTRServiceAreaLandmarkTagPetCrate MTR_PROVISIONALLY_AVAILABLE = 0x24,
-    MTRServiceAreaLandmarkTagRefrigerator MTR_PROVISIONALLY_AVAILABLE = 0x25,
-    MTRServiceAreaLandmarkTagScratchingPost MTR_PROVISIONALLY_AVAILABLE = 0x26,
-    MTRServiceAreaLandmarkTagShoeRack MTR_PROVISIONALLY_AVAILABLE = 0x27,
-    MTRServiceAreaLandmarkTagShower MTR_PROVISIONALLY_AVAILABLE = 0x28,
-    MTRServiceAreaLandmarkTagSideDoor MTR_PROVISIONALLY_AVAILABLE = 0x29,
-    MTRServiceAreaLandmarkTagSink MTR_PROVISIONALLY_AVAILABLE = 0x2A,
-    MTRServiceAreaLandmarkTagSofa MTR_PROVISIONALLY_AVAILABLE = 0x2B,
-    MTRServiceAreaLandmarkTagStove MTR_PROVISIONALLY_AVAILABLE = 0x2C,
-    MTRServiceAreaLandmarkTagTable MTR_PROVISIONALLY_AVAILABLE = 0x2D,
-    MTRServiceAreaLandmarkTagToilet MTR_PROVISIONALLY_AVAILABLE = 0x2E,
-    MTRServiceAreaLandmarkTagTrashCan MTR_PROVISIONALLY_AVAILABLE = 0x2F,
-    MTRServiceAreaLandmarkTagLaundryWasher MTR_PROVISIONALLY_AVAILABLE = 0x30,
-    MTRServiceAreaLandmarkTagWindow MTR_PROVISIONALLY_AVAILABLE = 0x31,
-    MTRServiceAreaLandmarkTagWineCooler MTR_PROVISIONALLY_AVAILABLE = 0x32,
 typedef NS_ENUM(uint8_t, MTRServiceAreaOperationalStatus) {
     MTRServiceAreaOperationalStatusPending MTR_PROVISIONALLY_AVAILABLE = 0x00,
     MTRServiceAreaOperationalStatusOperating MTR_PROVISIONALLY_AVAILABLE = 0x01,
@@ -19739,23 +19756,6 @@ typedef NS_ENUM(uint8_t, MTRServiceAreaOperationalStatus) {
     MTRServiceAreaOperationalStatusCompleted MTR_PROVISIONALLY_AVAILABLE = 0x03,
-typedef NS_ENUM(uint8_t, MTRServiceAreaPositionTag) {
-    MTRServiceAreaPositionTagLeft MTR_PROVISIONALLY_AVAILABLE = 0x00,
-    MTRServiceAreaPositionTagRight MTR_PROVISIONALLY_AVAILABLE = 0x01,
-    MTRServiceAreaPositionTagTop MTR_PROVISIONALLY_AVAILABLE = 0x02,
-    MTRServiceAreaPositionTagBottom MTR_PROVISIONALLY_AVAILABLE = 0x03,
-    MTRServiceAreaPositionTagMiddle MTR_PROVISIONALLY_AVAILABLE = 0x04,
-    MTRServiceAreaPositionTagRow MTR_PROVISIONALLY_AVAILABLE = 0x05,
-    MTRServiceAreaPositionTagColumn MTR_PROVISIONALLY_AVAILABLE = 0x06,
-    MTRServiceAreaPositionTagUnder MTR_PROVISIONALLY_AVAILABLE = 0x07,
-    MTRServiceAreaPositionTagNextTo MTR_PROVISIONALLY_AVAILABLE = 0x08,
-    MTRServiceAreaPositionTagAround MTR_PROVISIONALLY_AVAILABLE = 0x09,
-    MTRServiceAreaPositionTagOn MTR_PROVISIONALLY_AVAILABLE = 0x0A,
-    MTRServiceAreaPositionTagAbove MTR_PROVISIONALLY_AVAILABLE = 0x0B,
-    MTRServiceAreaPositionTagFrontOf MTR_PROVISIONALLY_AVAILABLE = 0x0C,
-    MTRServiceAreaPositionTagBehind MTR_PROVISIONALLY_AVAILABLE = 0x0D,
 typedef NS_ENUM(uint8_t, MTRServiceAreaSelectLocationsStatus) {
     MTRServiceAreaSelectLocationsStatusSuccess MTR_PROVISIONALLY_AVAILABLE = 0x00,
     MTRServiceAreaSelectLocationsStatusUnsupportedLocation MTR_PROVISIONALLY_AVAILABLE = 0x01,
@@ -21053,104 +21053,6 @@ typedef NS_ENUM(uint8_t, MTRContentAppObserverStatus) {
     MTRContentAppObserverStatusUnexpectedData MTR_PROVISIONALLY_AVAILABLE = 0x01,
-typedef NS_ENUM(uint8_t, MTREcosystemInformationAreaTypeTag) {
-    MTREcosystemInformationAreaTypeTagAisle MTR_PROVISIONALLY_AVAILABLE = 0x00,
-    MTREcosystemInformationAreaTypeTagAttic MTR_PROVISIONALLY_AVAILABLE = 0x01,
-    MTREcosystemInformationAreaTypeTagBackDoor MTR_PROVISIONALLY_AVAILABLE = 0x02,
-    MTREcosystemInformationAreaTypeTagBackYard MTR_PROVISIONALLY_AVAILABLE = 0x03,
-    MTREcosystemInformationAreaTypeTagBalcony MTR_PROVISIONALLY_AVAILABLE = 0x04,
-    MTREcosystemInformationAreaTypeTagBallroom MTR_PROVISIONALLY_AVAILABLE = 0x05,
-    MTREcosystemInformationAreaTypeTagBathroom MTR_PROVISIONALLY_AVAILABLE = 0x06,
-    MTREcosystemInformationAreaTypeTagBedroom MTR_PROVISIONALLY_AVAILABLE = 0x07,
-    MTREcosystemInformationAreaTypeTagBorder MTR_PROVISIONALLY_AVAILABLE = 0x08,
-    MTREcosystemInformationAreaTypeTagBoxroom MTR_PROVISIONALLY_AVAILABLE = 0x09,
-    MTREcosystemInformationAreaTypeTagBreakfastRoom MTR_PROVISIONALLY_AVAILABLE = 0x0A,
-    MTREcosystemInformationAreaTypeTagCarport MTR_PROVISIONALLY_AVAILABLE = 0x0B,
-    MTREcosystemInformationAreaTypeTagCellar MTR_PROVISIONALLY_AVAILABLE = 0x0C,
-    MTREcosystemInformationAreaTypeTagCloakroom MTR_PROVISIONALLY_AVAILABLE = 0x0D,
-    MTREcosystemInformationAreaTypeTagCloset MTR_PROVISIONALLY_AVAILABLE = 0x0E,
-    MTREcosystemInformationAreaTypeTagConservatory MTR_PROVISIONALLY_AVAILABLE = 0x0F,
-    MTREcosystemInformationAreaTypeTagCorridor MTR_PROVISIONALLY_AVAILABLE = 0x10,
-    MTREcosystemInformationAreaTypeTagCraftRoom MTR_PROVISIONALLY_AVAILABLE = 0x11,
-    MTREcosystemInformationAreaTypeTagCupboard MTR_PROVISIONALLY_AVAILABLE = 0x12,
-    MTREcosystemInformationAreaTypeTagDeck MTR_PROVISIONALLY_AVAILABLE = 0x13,
-    MTREcosystemInformationAreaTypeTagDen MTR_PROVISIONALLY_AVAILABLE = 0x14,
-    MTREcosystemInformationAreaTypeTagDining MTR_PROVISIONALLY_AVAILABLE = 0x15,
-    MTREcosystemInformationAreaTypeTagDrawingRoom MTR_PROVISIONALLY_AVAILABLE = 0x16,
-    MTREcosystemInformationAreaTypeTagDressingRoom MTR_PROVISIONALLY_AVAILABLE = 0x17,
-    MTREcosystemInformationAreaTypeTagDriveway MTR_PROVISIONALLY_AVAILABLE = 0x18,
-    MTREcosystemInformationAreaTypeTagElevator MTR_PROVISIONALLY_AVAILABLE = 0x19,
-    MTREcosystemInformationAreaTypeTagEnsuite MTR_PROVISIONALLY_AVAILABLE = 0x1A,
-    MTREcosystemInformationAreaTypeTagEntrance MTR_PROVISIONALLY_AVAILABLE = 0x1B,
-    MTREcosystemInformationAreaTypeTagEntryway MTR_PROVISIONALLY_AVAILABLE = 0x1C,
-    MTREcosystemInformationAreaTypeTagFamilyRoom MTR_PROVISIONALLY_AVAILABLE = 0x1D,
-    MTREcosystemInformationAreaTypeTagFoyer MTR_PROVISIONALLY_AVAILABLE = 0x1E,
-    MTREcosystemInformationAreaTypeTagFrontDoor MTR_PROVISIONALLY_AVAILABLE = 0x1F,
-    MTREcosystemInformationAreaTypeTagFrontYard MTR_PROVISIONALLY_AVAILABLE = 0x20,
-    MTREcosystemInformationAreaTypeTagGameRoom MTR_PROVISIONALLY_AVAILABLE = 0x21,
-    MTREcosystemInformationAreaTypeTagGarage MTR_PROVISIONALLY_AVAILABLE = 0x22,
-    MTREcosystemInformationAreaTypeTagGarageDoor MTR_PROVISIONALLY_AVAILABLE = 0x23,
-    MTREcosystemInformationAreaTypeTagGarden MTR_PROVISIONALLY_AVAILABLE = 0x24,
-    MTREcosystemInformationAreaTypeTagGardenDoor MTR_PROVISIONALLY_AVAILABLE = 0x25,
-    MTREcosystemInformationAreaTypeTagGuestBathroom MTR_PROVISIONALLY_AVAILABLE = 0x26,
-    MTREcosystemInformationAreaTypeTagGuestBedroom MTR_PROVISIONALLY_AVAILABLE = 0x27,
-    MTREcosystemInformationAreaTypeTagGuestRestroom MTR_PROVISIONALLY_AVAILABLE = 0x28,
-    MTREcosystemInformationAreaTypeTagGuestRoom MTR_PROVISIONALLY_AVAILABLE = 0x29,
-    MTREcosystemInformationAreaTypeTagGym MTR_PROVISIONALLY_AVAILABLE = 0x2A,
-    MTREcosystemInformationAreaTypeTagHallway MTR_PROVISIONALLY_AVAILABLE = 0x2B,
-    MTREcosystemInformationAreaTypeTagHearthRoom MTR_PROVISIONALLY_AVAILABLE = 0x2C,
-    MTREcosystemInformationAreaTypeTagKidsRoom MTR_PROVISIONALLY_AVAILABLE = 0x2D,
-    MTREcosystemInformationAreaTypeTagKidsBedroom MTR_PROVISIONALLY_AVAILABLE = 0x2E,
-    MTREcosystemInformationAreaTypeTagKitchen MTR_PROVISIONALLY_AVAILABLE = 0x2F,
-    MTREcosystemInformationAreaTypeTagLarder MTR_PROVISIONALLY_AVAILABLE = 0x30,
-    MTREcosystemInformationAreaTypeTagLaundryRoom MTR_PROVISIONALLY_AVAILABLE = 0x31,
-    MTREcosystemInformationAreaTypeTagLawn MTR_PROVISIONALLY_AVAILABLE = 0x32,
-    MTREcosystemInformationAreaTypeTagLibrary MTR_PROVISIONALLY_AVAILABLE = 0x33,
-    MTREcosystemInformationAreaTypeTagLivingRoom MTR_PROVISIONALLY_AVAILABLE = 0x34,
-    MTREcosystemInformationAreaTypeTagLounge MTR_PROVISIONALLY_AVAILABLE = 0x35,
-    MTREcosystemInformationAreaTypeTagMediaTVRoom MTR_PROVISIONALLY_AVAILABLE = 0x36,
-    MTREcosystemInformationAreaTypeTagMudRoom MTR_PROVISIONALLY_AVAILABLE = 0x37,
-    MTREcosystemInformationAreaTypeTagMusicRoom MTR_PROVISIONALLY_AVAILABLE = 0x38,
-    MTREcosystemInformationAreaTypeTagNursery MTR_PROVISIONALLY_AVAILABLE = 0x39,
-    MTREcosystemInformationAreaTypeTagOffice MTR_PROVISIONALLY_AVAILABLE = 0x3A,
-    MTREcosystemInformationAreaTypeTagOutdoorKitchen MTR_PROVISIONALLY_AVAILABLE = 0x3B,
-    MTREcosystemInformationAreaTypeTagOutside MTR_PROVISIONALLY_AVAILABLE = 0x3C,
-    MTREcosystemInformationAreaTypeTagPantry MTR_PROVISIONALLY_AVAILABLE = 0x3D,
-    MTREcosystemInformationAreaTypeTagParkingLot MTR_PROVISIONALLY_AVAILABLE = 0x3E,
-    MTREcosystemInformationAreaTypeTagParlor MTR_PROVISIONALLY_AVAILABLE = 0x3F,
-    MTREcosystemInformationAreaTypeTagPatio MTR_PROVISIONALLY_AVAILABLE = 0x40,
-    MTREcosystemInformationAreaTypeTagPlayRoom MTR_PROVISIONALLY_AVAILABLE = 0x41,
-    MTREcosystemInformationAreaTypeTagPoolRoom MTR_PROVISIONALLY_AVAILABLE = 0x42,
-    MTREcosystemInformationAreaTypeTagPorch MTR_PROVISIONALLY_AVAILABLE = 0x43,
-    MTREcosystemInformationAreaTypeTagPrimaryBathroom MTR_PROVISIONALLY_AVAILABLE = 0x44,
-    MTREcosystemInformationAreaTypeTagPrimaryBedroom MTR_PROVISIONALLY_AVAILABLE = 0x45,
-    MTREcosystemInformationAreaTypeTagRamp MTR_PROVISIONALLY_AVAILABLE = 0x46,
-    MTREcosystemInformationAreaTypeTagReceptionRoom MTR_PROVISIONALLY_AVAILABLE = 0x47,
-    MTREcosystemInformationAreaTypeTagRecreationRoom MTR_PROVISIONALLY_AVAILABLE = 0x48,
-    MTREcosystemInformationAreaTypeTagRestroom MTR_PROVISIONALLY_AVAILABLE = 0x49,
-    MTREcosystemInformationAreaTypeTagRoof MTR_PROVISIONALLY_AVAILABLE = 0x4A,
-    MTREcosystemInformationAreaTypeTagSauna MTR_PROVISIONALLY_AVAILABLE = 0x4B,
-    MTREcosystemInformationAreaTypeTagScullery MTR_PROVISIONALLY_AVAILABLE = 0x4C,
-    MTREcosystemInformationAreaTypeTagSewingRoom MTR_PROVISIONALLY_AVAILABLE = 0x4D,
-    MTREcosystemInformationAreaTypeTagShed MTR_PROVISIONALLY_AVAILABLE = 0x4E,
-    MTREcosystemInformationAreaTypeTagSideDoor MTR_PROVISIONALLY_AVAILABLE = 0x4F,
-    MTREcosystemInformationAreaTypeTagSideYard MTR_PROVISIONALLY_AVAILABLE = 0x50,
-    MTREcosystemInformationAreaTypeTagSittingRoom MTR_PROVISIONALLY_AVAILABLE = 0x51,
-    MTREcosystemInformationAreaTypeTagSnug MTR_PROVISIONALLY_AVAILABLE = 0x52,
-    MTREcosystemInformationAreaTypeTagSpa MTR_PROVISIONALLY_AVAILABLE = 0x53,
-    MTREcosystemInformationAreaTypeTagStaircase MTR_PROVISIONALLY_AVAILABLE = 0x54,
-    MTREcosystemInformationAreaTypeTagSteamRoom MTR_PROVISIONALLY_AVAILABLE = 0x55,
-    MTREcosystemInformationAreaTypeTagStorageRoom MTR_PROVISIONALLY_AVAILABLE = 0x56,
-    MTREcosystemInformationAreaTypeTagStudio MTR_PROVISIONALLY_AVAILABLE = 0x57,
-    MTREcosystemInformationAreaTypeTagStudy MTR_PROVISIONALLY_AVAILABLE = 0x58,
-    MTREcosystemInformationAreaTypeTagSunRoom MTR_PROVISIONALLY_AVAILABLE = 0x59,
-    MTREcosystemInformationAreaTypeTagSwimmingPool MTR_PROVISIONALLY_AVAILABLE = 0x5A,
-    MTREcosystemInformationAreaTypeTagTerrace MTR_PROVISIONALLY_AVAILABLE = 0x5B,
-    MTREcosystemInformationAreaTypeTagUtilityRoom MTR_PROVISIONALLY_AVAILABLE = 0x5C,
-    MTREcosystemInformationAreaTypeTagWard MTR_PROVISIONALLY_AVAILABLE = 0x5D,
-    MTREcosystemInformationAreaTypeTagWorkshop MTR_PROVISIONALLY_AVAILABLE = 0x5E,
 typedef NS_OPTIONS(uint32_t, MTRCommissionerControlSupportedDeviceCategoryBitmap) {
     MTRCommissionerControlSupportedDeviceCategoryBitmapFabricSynchronization MTR_PROVISIONALLY_AVAILABLE = 0x1,
diff --git a/src/darwin/Framework/CHIP/zap-generated/MTRStructsObjc.h b/src/darwin/Framework/CHIP/zap-generated/MTRStructsObjc.h
index 3a11fc91e44536..cf1dd2bca55a29 100644
--- a/src/darwin/Framework/CHIP/zap-generated/MTRStructsObjc.h
+++ b/src/darwin/Framework/CHIP/zap-generated/MTRStructsObjc.h
@@ -19,6 +19,13 @@
+@interface MTRDataTypeLocationDescriptorStruct : NSObject <NSCopying>
+@property (nonatomic, copy) NSString * _Nonnull locationName MTR_PROVISIONALLY_AVAILABLE;
+@property (nonatomic, copy) NSNumber * _Nullable floorNumber MTR_PROVISIONALLY_AVAILABLE;
+@property (nonatomic, copy) NSNumber * _Nullable areaType MTR_PROVISIONALLY_AVAILABLE;
 @interface MTRDataTypeTestGlobalStruct : NSObject <NSCopying>
 @property (nonatomic, copy) NSString * _Nonnull name MTR_PROVISIONALLY_AVAILABLE;
@@ -1580,16 +1587,9 @@ MTR_AVAILABLE(ios(16.1), macos(13.0), watchos(9.1), tvos(16.1))
 @property (nonatomic, copy) NSNumber * _Nullable dataIndex MTR_AVAILABLE(ios(16.1), macos(13.0), watchos(9.1), tvos(16.1));
-@interface MTRServiceAreaClusterLocationDescriptorStruct : NSObject <NSCopying>
-@property (nonatomic, copy) NSString * _Nonnull locationName MTR_PROVISIONALLY_AVAILABLE;
-@property (nonatomic, copy) NSNumber * _Nullable floorNumber MTR_PROVISIONALLY_AVAILABLE;
-@property (nonatomic, copy) NSNumber * _Nullable areaType MTR_PROVISIONALLY_AVAILABLE;
 @interface MTRServiceAreaClusterLocationInfoStruct : NSObject <NSCopying>
-@property (nonatomic, copy) MTRServiceAreaClusterLocationDescriptorStruct * _Nullable locationInfo MTR_PROVISIONALLY_AVAILABLE;
+@property (nonatomic, copy) MTRDataTypeLocationDescriptorStruct * _Nullable locationInfo MTR_PROVISIONALLY_AVAILABLE;
 @property (nonatomic, copy) NSNumber * _Nullable landmarkTag MTR_PROVISIONALLY_AVAILABLE;
 @property (nonatomic, copy) NSNumber * _Nullable positionTag MTR_PROVISIONALLY_AVAILABLE;
 @property (nonatomic, copy) NSNumber * _Nullable surfaceTag MTR_PROVISIONALLY_AVAILABLE;
@@ -2088,21 +2088,6 @@ MTR_PROVISIONALLY_AVAILABLE
 @interface MTRContentControlClusterRemainingScreenTimeExpiredEvent : NSObject <NSCopying>
-@interface MTREcosystemInformationClusterLocationDescriptorStruct : NSObject <NSCopying>
-@property (nonatomic, copy) NSString * _Nonnull locationName MTR_PROVISIONALLY_AVAILABLE;
-@property (nonatomic, copy) NSNumber * _Nullable floorNumber MTR_PROVISIONALLY_AVAILABLE;
-@property (nonatomic, copy) NSNumber * _Nullable areaType MTR_PROVISIONALLY_AVAILABLE;
-@interface MTREcosystemInformationClusterEcosystemLocationStruct : NSObject <NSCopying>
-@property (nonatomic, copy) NSString * _Nonnull uniqueLocationID MTR_PROVISIONALLY_AVAILABLE;
-@property (nonatomic, copy) MTREcosystemInformationClusterLocationDescriptorStruct * _Nonnull locationDescriptor MTR_PROVISIONALLY_AVAILABLE;
-@property (nonatomic, copy) NSNumber * _Nonnull locationDescriptorLastEdit MTR_PROVISIONALLY_AVAILABLE;
-@property (nonatomic, copy) NSNumber * _Nonnull fabricIndex MTR_PROVISIONALLY_AVAILABLE;
 @interface MTREcosystemInformationClusterDeviceTypeStruct : NSObject <NSCopying>
 @property (nonatomic, copy) NSNumber * _Nonnull deviceType MTR_PROVISIONALLY_AVAILABLE;
@@ -2121,6 +2106,14 @@ MTR_PROVISIONALLY_AVAILABLE
 @property (nonatomic, copy) NSNumber * _Nonnull fabricIndex MTR_PROVISIONALLY_AVAILABLE;
+@interface MTREcosystemInformationClusterEcosystemLocationStruct : NSObject <NSCopying>
+@property (nonatomic, copy) NSString * _Nonnull uniqueLocationID MTR_PROVISIONALLY_AVAILABLE;
+@property (nonatomic, copy) MTRDataTypeLocationDescriptorStruct * _Nonnull locationDescriptor MTR_PROVISIONALLY_AVAILABLE;
+@property (nonatomic, copy) NSNumber * _Nonnull locationDescriptorLastEdit MTR_PROVISIONALLY_AVAILABLE;
+@property (nonatomic, copy) NSNumber * _Nonnull fabricIndex MTR_PROVISIONALLY_AVAILABLE;
 @interface MTRCommissionerControlClusterCommissioningRequestResultEvent : NSObject <NSCopying>
 @property (nonatomic, copy) NSNumber * _Nonnull requestId MTR_PROVISIONALLY_AVAILABLE;
diff --git a/src/darwin/Framework/CHIP/zap-generated/ b/src/darwin/Framework/CHIP/zap-generated/
index 94a6b90dfeac88..886512bea12617 100644
--- a/src/darwin/Framework/CHIP/zap-generated/
+++ b/src/darwin/Framework/CHIP/zap-generated/
@@ -19,6 +19,39 @@
+@implementation MTRDataTypeLocationDescriptorStruct
+- (instancetype)init
+    if (self = [super init]) {
+        _locationName = @"";
+        _floorNumber = nil;
+        _areaType = nil;
+    }
+    return self;
+- (id)copyWithZone:(NSZone * _Nullable)zone
+    auto other = [[MTRDataTypeLocationDescriptorStruct alloc] init];
+    other.locationName = self.locationName;
+    other.floorNumber = self.floorNumber;
+    other.areaType = self.areaType;
+    return other;
+- (NSString *)description
+    NSString * descriptionString = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"<%@: locationName:%@; floorNumber:%@; areaType:%@; >", NSStringFromClass([self class]), _locationName, _floorNumber, _areaType];
+    return descriptionString;
 @implementation MTRDataTypeTestGlobalStruct
 - (instancetype)init
@@ -6577,39 +6610,6 @@ - (NSString *)description
-@implementation MTRServiceAreaClusterLocationDescriptorStruct
-- (instancetype)init
-    if (self = [super init]) {
-        _locationName = @"";
-        _floorNumber = nil;
-        _areaType = nil;
-    }
-    return self;
-- (id)copyWithZone:(NSZone * _Nullable)zone
-    auto other = [[MTRServiceAreaClusterLocationDescriptorStruct alloc] init];
-    other.locationName = self.locationName;
-    other.floorNumber = self.floorNumber;
-    other.areaType = self.areaType;
-    return other;
-- (NSString *)description
-    NSString * descriptionString = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"<%@: locationName:%@; floorNumber:%@; areaType:%@; >", NSStringFromClass([self class]), _locationName, _floorNumber, _areaType];
-    return descriptionString;
 @implementation MTRServiceAreaClusterLocationInfoStruct
 - (instancetype)init
@@ -8622,123 +8622,94 @@ - (NSString *)description
-@implementation MTREcosystemInformationClusterLocationDescriptorStruct
+@implementation MTREcosystemInformationClusterDeviceTypeStruct
 - (instancetype)init
     if (self = [super init]) {
-        _locationName = @"";
-        _floorNumber = nil;
+        _deviceType = @(0);
-        _areaType = nil;
+        _revision = @(0);
     return self;
 - (id)copyWithZone:(NSZone * _Nullable)zone
-    auto other = [[MTREcosystemInformationClusterLocationDescriptorStruct alloc] init];
+    auto other = [[MTREcosystemInformationClusterDeviceTypeStruct alloc] init];
-    other.locationName = self.locationName;
-    other.floorNumber = self.floorNumber;
-    other.areaType = self.areaType;
+    other.deviceType = self.deviceType;
+    other.revision = self.revision;
     return other;
 - (NSString *)description
-    NSString * descriptionString = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"<%@: locationName:%@; floorNumber:%@; areaType:%@; >", NSStringFromClass([self class]), _locationName, _floorNumber, _areaType];
+    NSString * descriptionString = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"<%@: deviceType:%@; revision:%@; >", NSStringFromClass([self class]), _deviceType, _revision];
     return descriptionString;
-@implementation MTREcosystemInformationClusterEcosystemLocationStruct
+@implementation MTREcosystemInformationClusterEcosystemDeviceStruct
 - (instancetype)init
     if (self = [super init]) {
-        _uniqueLocationID = @"";
-        _locationDescriptor = [MTREcosystemInformationClusterLocationDescriptorStruct new];
-        _locationDescriptorLastEdit = @(0);
-        _fabricIndex = @(0);
-    }
-    return self;
-- (id)copyWithZone:(NSZone * _Nullable)zone
-    auto other = [[MTREcosystemInformationClusterEcosystemLocationStruct alloc] init];
+        _deviceName = nil;
-    other.uniqueLocationID = self.uniqueLocationID;
-    other.locationDescriptor = self.locationDescriptor;
-    other.locationDescriptorLastEdit = self.locationDescriptorLastEdit;
-    other.fabricIndex = self.fabricIndex;
+        _deviceNameLastEdit = nil;
-    return other;
+        _bridgedEndpoint = @(0);
-- (NSString *)description
-    NSString * descriptionString = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"<%@: uniqueLocationID:%@; locationDescriptor:%@; locationDescriptorLastEdit:%@; fabricIndex:%@; >", NSStringFromClass([self class]), _uniqueLocationID, _locationDescriptor, _locationDescriptorLastEdit, _fabricIndex];
-    return descriptionString;
+        _originalEndpoint = @(0);
+        _deviceTypes = [NSArray array];
-@implementation MTREcosystemInformationClusterDeviceTypeStruct
-- (instancetype)init
-    if (self = [super init]) {
+        _uniqueLocationIDs = [NSArray array];
-        _deviceType = @(0);
+        _uniqueLocationIDsLastEdit = @(0);
-        _revision = @(0);
+        _fabricIndex = @(0);
     return self;
 - (id)copyWithZone:(NSZone * _Nullable)zone
-    auto other = [[MTREcosystemInformationClusterDeviceTypeStruct alloc] init];
+    auto other = [[MTREcosystemInformationClusterEcosystemDeviceStruct alloc] init];
-    other.deviceType = self.deviceType;
-    other.revision = self.revision;
+    other.deviceName = self.deviceName;
+    other.deviceNameLastEdit = self.deviceNameLastEdit;
+    other.bridgedEndpoint = self.bridgedEndpoint;
+    other.originalEndpoint = self.originalEndpoint;
+    other.deviceTypes = self.deviceTypes;
+    other.uniqueLocationIDs = self.uniqueLocationIDs;
+    other.uniqueLocationIDsLastEdit = self.uniqueLocationIDsLastEdit;
+    other.fabricIndex = self.fabricIndex;
     return other;
 - (NSString *)description
-    NSString * descriptionString = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"<%@: deviceType:%@; revision:%@; >", NSStringFromClass([self class]), _deviceType, _revision];
+    NSString * descriptionString = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"<%@: deviceName:%@; deviceNameLastEdit:%@; bridgedEndpoint:%@; originalEndpoint:%@; deviceTypes:%@; uniqueLocationIDs:%@; uniqueLocationIDsLastEdit:%@; fabricIndex:%@; >", NSStringFromClass([self class]), _deviceName, _deviceNameLastEdit, _bridgedEndpoint, _originalEndpoint, _deviceTypes, _uniqueLocationIDs, _uniqueLocationIDsLastEdit, _fabricIndex];
     return descriptionString;
-@implementation MTREcosystemInformationClusterEcosystemDeviceStruct
+@implementation MTREcosystemInformationClusterEcosystemLocationStruct
 - (instancetype)init
     if (self = [super init]) {
-        _deviceName = nil;
-        _deviceNameLastEdit = nil;
-        _bridgedEndpoint = @(0);
-        _originalEndpoint = @(0);
-        _deviceTypes = [NSArray array];
+        _uniqueLocationID = @"";
-        _uniqueLocationIDs = [NSArray array];
+        _locationDescriptor = [MTRDataTypeLocationDescriptorStruct new];
-        _uniqueLocationIDsLastEdit = @(0);
+        _locationDescriptorLastEdit = @(0);
         _fabricIndex = @(0);
@@ -8747,15 +8718,11 @@ - (instancetype)init
 - (id)copyWithZone:(NSZone * _Nullable)zone
-    auto other = [[MTREcosystemInformationClusterEcosystemDeviceStruct alloc] init];
+    auto other = [[MTREcosystemInformationClusterEcosystemLocationStruct alloc] init];
-    other.deviceName = self.deviceName;
-    other.deviceNameLastEdit = self.deviceNameLastEdit;
-    other.bridgedEndpoint = self.bridgedEndpoint;
-    other.originalEndpoint = self.originalEndpoint;
-    other.deviceTypes = self.deviceTypes;
-    other.uniqueLocationIDs = self.uniqueLocationIDs;
-    other.uniqueLocationIDsLastEdit = self.uniqueLocationIDsLastEdit;
+    other.uniqueLocationID = self.uniqueLocationID;
+    other.locationDescriptor = self.locationDescriptor;
+    other.locationDescriptorLastEdit = self.locationDescriptorLastEdit;
     other.fabricIndex = self.fabricIndex;
     return other;
@@ -8763,7 +8730,7 @@ - (id)copyWithZone:(NSZone * _Nullable)zone
 - (NSString *)description
-    NSString * descriptionString = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"<%@: deviceName:%@; deviceNameLastEdit:%@; bridgedEndpoint:%@; originalEndpoint:%@; deviceTypes:%@; uniqueLocationIDs:%@; uniqueLocationIDsLastEdit:%@; fabricIndex:%@; >", NSStringFromClass([self class]), _deviceName, _deviceNameLastEdit, _bridgedEndpoint, _originalEndpoint, _deviceTypes, _uniqueLocationIDs, _uniqueLocationIDsLastEdit, _fabricIndex];
+    NSString * descriptionString = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"<%@: uniqueLocationID:%@; locationDescriptor:%@; locationDescriptorLastEdit:%@; fabricIndex:%@; >", NSStringFromClass([self class]), _uniqueLocationID, _locationDescriptor, _locationDescriptorLastEdit, _fabricIndex];
     return descriptionString;
diff --git a/zzz_generated/app-common/app-common/zap-generated/cluster-enums-check.h b/zzz_generated/app-common/app-common/zap-generated/cluster-enums-check.h
index 40ca9c4ab84f60..8a55a7680596c8 100644
--- a/zzz_generated/app-common/app-common/zap-generated/cluster-enums-check.h
+++ b/zzz_generated/app-common/app-common/zap-generated/cluster-enums-check.h
@@ -24,9 +24,9 @@
 namespace chip {
 namespace app {
 namespace Clusters {
-static auto __attribute__((unused)) EnsureKnownEnumValue(detail::AreaTypeTag val)
+static auto __attribute__((unused)) EnsureKnownEnumValue(Globals::AreaTypeTag val)
-    using EnumType = detail::AreaTypeTag;
+    using EnumType = Globals::AreaTypeTag;
     switch (val)
     case EnumType::kAisle:
@@ -129,6 +129,7 @@ static auto __attribute__((unused)) EnsureKnownEnumValue(detail::AreaTypeTag val
         return EnumType::kUnknownEnumValue;
 static auto __attribute__((unused)) EnsureKnownEnumValue(detail::ChangeIndicationEnum val)
     using EnumType = detail::ChangeIndicationEnum;
@@ -168,6 +169,103 @@ static auto __attribute__((unused)) EnsureKnownEnumValue(detail::ErrorStateEnum
         return EnumType::kUnknownEnumValue;
+static auto __attribute__((unused)) EnsureKnownEnumValue(Globals::FloorSurfaceTag val)
+    using EnumType = Globals::FloorSurfaceTag;
+    switch (val)
+    {
+    case EnumType::kCarpet:
+    case EnumType::kCeramic:
+    case EnumType::kConcrete:
+    case EnumType::kCork:
+    case EnumType::kDeepCarpet:
+    case EnumType::kDirt:
+    case EnumType::kEngineeredWood:
+    case EnumType::kGlass:
+    case EnumType::kGrass:
+    case EnumType::kHardwood:
+    case EnumType::kLaminate:
+    case EnumType::kLinoleum:
+    case EnumType::kMat:
+    case EnumType::kMetal:
+    case EnumType::kPlastic:
+    case EnumType::kPolishedConcrete:
+    case EnumType::kRubber:
+    case EnumType::kRug:
+    case EnumType::kSand:
+    case EnumType::kStone:
+    case EnumType::kTatami:
+    case EnumType::kTerrazzo:
+    case EnumType::kTile:
+    case EnumType::kVinyl:
+        return val;
+    default:
+        return EnumType::kUnknownEnumValue;
+    }
+static auto __attribute__((unused)) EnsureKnownEnumValue(Globals::LandmarkTag val)
+    using EnumType = Globals::LandmarkTag;
+    switch (val)
+    {
+    case EnumType::kAirConditioner:
+    case EnumType::kAirPurifier:
+    case EnumType::kBackDoor:
+    case EnumType::kBarStool:
+    case EnumType::kBathMat:
+    case EnumType::kBathtub:
+    case EnumType::kBed:
+    case EnumType::kBookshelf:
+    case EnumType::kChair:
+    case EnumType::kChristmasTree:
+    case EnumType::kCoatRack:
+    case EnumType::kCoffeeTable:
+    case EnumType::kCookingRange:
+    case EnumType::kCouch:
+    case EnumType::kCountertop:
+    case EnumType::kCradle:
+    case EnumType::kCrib:
+    case EnumType::kDesk:
+    case EnumType::kDiningTable:
+    case EnumType::kDishwasher:
+    case EnumType::kDoor:
+    case EnumType::kDresser:
+    case EnumType::kLaundryDryer:
+    case EnumType::kFan:
+    case EnumType::kFireplace:
+    case EnumType::kFreezer:
+    case EnumType::kFrontDoor:
+    case EnumType::kHighChair:
+    case EnumType::kKitchenIsland:
+    case EnumType::kLamp:
+    case EnumType::kLitterBox:
+    case EnumType::kMirror:
+    case EnumType::kNightstand:
+    case EnumType::kOven:
+    case EnumType::kPetBed:
+    case EnumType::kPetBowl:
+    case EnumType::kPetCrate:
+    case EnumType::kRefrigerator:
+    case EnumType::kScratchingPost:
+    case EnumType::kShoeRack:
+    case EnumType::kShower:
+    case EnumType::kSideDoor:
+    case EnumType::kSink:
+    case EnumType::kSofa:
+    case EnumType::kStove:
+    case EnumType::kTable:
+    case EnumType::kToilet:
+    case EnumType::kTrashCan:
+    case EnumType::kLaundryWasher:
+    case EnumType::kWindow:
+    case EnumType::kWineCooler:
+        return val;
+    default:
+        return EnumType::kUnknownEnumValue;
+    }
 static auto __attribute__((unused)) EnsureKnownEnumValue(detail::LevelValueEnum val)
     using EnumType = detail::LevelValueEnum;
@@ -253,6 +351,31 @@ static auto __attribute__((unused)) EnsureKnownEnumValue(detail::OperationalStat
         return EnumType::kUnknownEnumValue;
+static auto __attribute__((unused)) EnsureKnownEnumValue(Globals::PositionTag val)
+    using EnumType = Globals::PositionTag;
+    switch (val)
+    {
+    case EnumType::kLeft:
+    case EnumType::kRight:
+    case EnumType::kTop:
+    case EnumType::kBottom:
+    case EnumType::kMiddle:
+    case EnumType::kRow:
+    case EnumType::kColumn:
+    case EnumType::kUnder:
+    case EnumType::kNextTo:
+    case EnumType::kAround:
+    case EnumType::kOn:
+    case EnumType::kAbove:
+    case EnumType::kFrontOf:
+    case EnumType::kBehind:
+        return val;
+    default:
+        return EnumType::kUnknownEnumValue;
+    }
 static auto __attribute__((unused)) EnsureKnownEnumValue(detail::ProductIdentifierTypeEnum val)
     using EnumType = detail::ProductIdentifierTypeEnum;
@@ -2429,101 +2552,6 @@ static auto __attribute__((unused)) EnsureKnownEnumValue(WindowCovering::Type va
-static auto __attribute__((unused)) EnsureKnownEnumValue(ServiceArea::FloorSurfaceTag val)
-    using EnumType = ServiceArea::FloorSurfaceTag;
-    switch (val)
-    {
-    case EnumType::kCarpet:
-    case EnumType::kCeramic:
-    case EnumType::kConcrete:
-    case EnumType::kCork:
-    case EnumType::kDeepCarpet:
-    case EnumType::kDirt:
-    case EnumType::kEngineeredWood:
-    case EnumType::kGlass:
-    case EnumType::kGrass:
-    case EnumType::kHardwood:
-    case EnumType::kLaminate:
-    case EnumType::kLinoleum:
-    case EnumType::kMat:
-    case EnumType::kMetal:
-    case EnumType::kPlastic:
-    case EnumType::kPolishedConcrete:
-    case EnumType::kRubber:
-    case EnumType::kRug:
-    case EnumType::kSand:
-    case EnumType::kStone:
-    case EnumType::kTatami:
-    case EnumType::kTerrazzo:
-    case EnumType::kTile:
-    case EnumType::kVinyl:
-        return val;
-    default:
-        return EnumType::kUnknownEnumValue;
-    }
-static auto __attribute__((unused)) EnsureKnownEnumValue(ServiceArea::LandmarkTag val)
-    using EnumType = ServiceArea::LandmarkTag;
-    switch (val)
-    {
-    case EnumType::kAirConditioner:
-    case EnumType::kAirPurifier:
-    case EnumType::kBackDoor:
-    case EnumType::kBarStool:
-    case EnumType::kBathMat:
-    case EnumType::kBathtub:
-    case EnumType::kBed:
-    case EnumType::kBookshelf:
-    case EnumType::kChair:
-    case EnumType::kChristmasTree:
-    case EnumType::kCoatRack:
-    case EnumType::kCoffeeTable:
-    case EnumType::kCookingRange:
-    case EnumType::kCouch:
-    case EnumType::kCountertop:
-    case EnumType::kCradle:
-    case EnumType::kCrib:
-    case EnumType::kDesk:
-    case EnumType::kDiningTable:
-    case EnumType::kDishwasher:
-    case EnumType::kDoor:
-    case EnumType::kDresser:
-    case EnumType::kLaundryDryer:
-    case EnumType::kFan:
-    case EnumType::kFireplace:
-    case EnumType::kFreezer:
-    case EnumType::kFrontDoor:
-    case EnumType::kHighChair:
-    case EnumType::kKitchenIsland:
-    case EnumType::kLamp:
-    case EnumType::kLitterBox:
-    case EnumType::kMirror:
-    case EnumType::kNightstand:
-    case EnumType::kOven:
-    case EnumType::kPetBed:
-    case EnumType::kPetBowl:
-    case EnumType::kPetCrate:
-    case EnumType::kRefrigerator:
-    case EnumType::kScratchingPost:
-    case EnumType::kShoeRack:
-    case EnumType::kShower:
-    case EnumType::kSideDoor:
-    case EnumType::kSink:
-    case EnumType::kSofa:
-    case EnumType::kStove:
-    case EnumType::kTable:
-    case EnumType::kToilet:
-    case EnumType::kTrashCan:
-    case EnumType::kLaundryWasher:
-    case EnumType::kWindow:
-    case EnumType::kWineCooler:
-        return val;
-    default:
-        return EnumType::kUnknownEnumValue;
-    }
 static auto __attribute__((unused)) EnsureKnownEnumValue(ServiceArea::OperationalStatusEnum val)
     using EnumType = ServiceArea::OperationalStatusEnum;
@@ -2538,30 +2566,6 @@ static auto __attribute__((unused)) EnsureKnownEnumValue(ServiceArea::Operationa
         return EnumType::kUnknownEnumValue;
-static auto __attribute__((unused)) EnsureKnownEnumValue(ServiceArea::PositionTag val)
-    using EnumType = ServiceArea::PositionTag;
-    switch (val)
-    {
-    case EnumType::kLeft:
-    case EnumType::kRight:
-    case EnumType::kTop:
-    case EnumType::kBottom:
-    case EnumType::kMiddle:
-    case EnumType::kRow:
-    case EnumType::kColumn:
-    case EnumType::kUnder:
-    case EnumType::kNextTo:
-    case EnumType::kAround:
-    case EnumType::kOn:
-    case EnumType::kAbove:
-    case EnumType::kFrontOf:
-    case EnumType::kBehind:
-        return val;
-    default:
-        return EnumType::kUnknownEnumValue;
-    }
 static auto __attribute__((unused)) EnsureKnownEnumValue(ServiceArea::SelectLocationsStatus val)
     using EnumType = ServiceArea::SelectLocationsStatus;
diff --git a/zzz_generated/app-common/app-common/zap-generated/cluster-enums.h b/zzz_generated/app-common/app-common/zap-generated/cluster-enums.h
index 78d0a0085a9079..e375b394871e69 100644
--- a/zzz_generated/app-common/app-common/zap-generated/cluster-enums.h
+++ b/zzz_generated/app-common/app-common/zap-generated/cluster-enums.h
@@ -28,111 +28,6 @@ namespace Clusters {
 namespace detail {
 // Enums shared across multiple clusters.
-// Enum for AreaTypeTag
-enum class AreaTypeTag : uint8_t
-    kAisle           = 0x00,
-    kAttic           = 0x01,
-    kBackDoor        = 0x02,
-    kBackYard        = 0x03,
-    kBalcony         = 0x04,
-    kBallroom        = 0x05,
-    kBathroom        = 0x06,
-    kBedroom         = 0x07,
-    kBorder          = 0x08,
-    kBoxroom         = 0x09,
-    kBreakfastRoom   = 0x0A,
-    kCarport         = 0x0B,
-    kCellar          = 0x0C,
-    kCloakroom       = 0x0D,
-    kCloset          = 0x0E,
-    kConservatory    = 0x0F,
-    kCorridor        = 0x10,
-    kCraftRoom       = 0x11,
-    kCupboard        = 0x12,
-    kDeck            = 0x13,
-    kDen             = 0x14,
-    kDining          = 0x15,
-    kDrawingRoom     = 0x16,
-    kDressingRoom    = 0x17,
-    kDriveway        = 0x18,
-    kElevator        = 0x19,
-    kEnsuite         = 0x1A,
-    kEntrance        = 0x1B,
-    kEntryway        = 0x1C,
-    kFamilyRoom      = 0x1D,
-    kFoyer           = 0x1E,
-    kFrontDoor       = 0x1F,
-    kFrontYard       = 0x20,
-    kGameRoom        = 0x21,
-    kGarage          = 0x22,
-    kGarageDoor      = 0x23,
-    kGarden          = 0x24,
-    kGardenDoor      = 0x25,
-    kGuestBathroom   = 0x26,
-    kGuestBedroom    = 0x27,
-    kGuestRestroom   = 0x28,
-    kGuestRoom       = 0x29,
-    kGym             = 0x2A,
-    kHallway         = 0x2B,
-    kHearthRoom      = 0x2C,
-    kKidsRoom        = 0x2D,
-    kKidsBedroom     = 0x2E,
-    kKitchen         = 0x2F,
-    kLarder          = 0x30,
-    kLaundryRoom     = 0x31,
-    kLawn            = 0x32,
-    kLibrary         = 0x33,
-    kLivingRoom      = 0x34,
-    kLounge          = 0x35,
-    kMediaTvRoom     = 0x36,
-    kMudRoom         = 0x37,
-    kMusicRoom       = 0x38,
-    kNursery         = 0x39,
-    kOffice          = 0x3A,
-    kOutdoorKitchen  = 0x3B,
-    kOutside         = 0x3C,
-    kPantry          = 0x3D,
-    kParkingLot      = 0x3E,
-    kParlor          = 0x3F,
-    kPatio           = 0x40,
-    kPlayRoom        = 0x41,
-    kPoolRoom        = 0x42,
-    kPorch           = 0x43,
-    kPrimaryBathroom = 0x44,
-    kPrimaryBedroom  = 0x45,
-    kRamp            = 0x46,
-    kReceptionRoom   = 0x47,
-    kRecreationRoom  = 0x48,
-    kRestroom        = 0x49,
-    kRoof            = 0x4A,
-    kSauna           = 0x4B,
-    kScullery        = 0x4C,
-    kSewingRoom      = 0x4D,
-    kShed            = 0x4E,
-    kSideDoor        = 0x4F,
-    kSideYard        = 0x50,
-    kSittingRoom     = 0x51,
-    kSnug            = 0x52,
-    kSpa             = 0x53,
-    kStaircase       = 0x54,
-    kSteamRoom       = 0x55,
-    kStorageRoom     = 0x56,
-    kStudio          = 0x57,
-    kStudy           = 0x58,
-    kSunRoom         = 0x59,
-    kSwimmingPool    = 0x5A,
-    kTerrace         = 0x5B,
-    kUtilityRoom     = 0x5C,
-    kWard            = 0x5D,
-    kWorkshop        = 0x5E,
-    // All received enum values that are not listed above will be mapped
-    // to kUnknownEnumValue. This is a helper enum value that should only
-    // be used by code to process how it handles receiving and unknown
-    // enum value. This specific should never be transmitted.
-    kUnknownEnumValue = 95,
 // Enum for ChangeIndicationEnum
 enum class ChangeIndicationEnum : uint8_t
@@ -279,6 +174,230 @@ enum class ProductIdentifierTypeEnum : uint8_t
 namespace Globals {
 // Global enums.
+// Enum for AreaTypeTag
+enum class AreaTypeTag : uint8_t
+    kAisle           = 0x00,
+    kAttic           = 0x01,
+    kBackDoor        = 0x02,
+    kBackYard        = 0x03,
+    kBalcony         = 0x04,
+    kBallroom        = 0x05,
+    kBathroom        = 0x06,
+    kBedroom         = 0x07,
+    kBorder          = 0x08,
+    kBoxroom         = 0x09,
+    kBreakfastRoom   = 0x0A,
+    kCarport         = 0x0B,
+    kCellar          = 0x0C,
+    kCloakroom       = 0x0D,
+    kCloset          = 0x0E,
+    kConservatory    = 0x0F,
+    kCorridor        = 0x10,
+    kCraftRoom       = 0x11,
+    kCupboard        = 0x12,
+    kDeck            = 0x13,
+    kDen             = 0x14,
+    kDining          = 0x15,
+    kDrawingRoom     = 0x16,
+    kDressingRoom    = 0x17,
+    kDriveway        = 0x18,
+    kElevator        = 0x19,
+    kEnsuite         = 0x1A,
+    kEntrance        = 0x1B,
+    kEntryway        = 0x1C,
+    kFamilyRoom      = 0x1D,
+    kFoyer           = 0x1E,
+    kFrontDoor       = 0x1F,
+    kFrontYard       = 0x20,
+    kGameRoom        = 0x21,
+    kGarage          = 0x22,
+    kGarageDoor      = 0x23,
+    kGarden          = 0x24,
+    kGardenDoor      = 0x25,
+    kGuestBathroom   = 0x26,
+    kGuestBedroom    = 0x27,
+    kGuestRestroom   = 0x28,
+    kGuestRoom       = 0x29,
+    kGym             = 0x2A,
+    kHallway         = 0x2B,
+    kHearthRoom      = 0x2C,
+    kKidsRoom        = 0x2D,
+    kKidsBedroom     = 0x2E,
+    kKitchen         = 0x2F,
+    kLarder          = 0x30,
+    kLaundryRoom     = 0x31,
+    kLawn            = 0x32,
+    kLibrary         = 0x33,
+    kLivingRoom      = 0x34,
+    kLounge          = 0x35,
+    kMediaTvRoom     = 0x36,
+    kMudRoom         = 0x37,
+    kMusicRoom       = 0x38,
+    kNursery         = 0x39,
+    kOffice          = 0x3A,
+    kOutdoorKitchen  = 0x3B,
+    kOutside         = 0x3C,
+    kPantry          = 0x3D,
+    kParkingLot      = 0x3E,
+    kParlor          = 0x3F,
+    kPatio           = 0x40,
+    kPlayRoom        = 0x41,
+    kPoolRoom        = 0x42,
+    kPorch           = 0x43,
+    kPrimaryBathroom = 0x44,
+    kPrimaryBedroom  = 0x45,
+    kRamp            = 0x46,
+    kReceptionRoom   = 0x47,
+    kRecreationRoom  = 0x48,
+    kRestroom        = 0x49,
+    kRoof            = 0x4A,
+    kSauna           = 0x4B,
+    kScullery        = 0x4C,
+    kSewingRoom      = 0x4D,
+    kShed            = 0x4E,
+    kSideDoor        = 0x4F,
+    kSideYard        = 0x50,
+    kSittingRoom     = 0x51,
+    kSnug            = 0x52,
+    kSpa             = 0x53,
+    kStaircase       = 0x54,
+    kSteamRoom       = 0x55,
+    kStorageRoom     = 0x56,
+    kStudio          = 0x57,
+    kStudy           = 0x58,
+    kSunRoom         = 0x59,
+    kSwimmingPool    = 0x5A,
+    kTerrace         = 0x5B,
+    kUtilityRoom     = 0x5C,
+    kWard            = 0x5D,
+    kWorkshop        = 0x5E,
+    // All received enum values that are not listed above will be mapped
+    // to kUnknownEnumValue. This is a helper enum value that should only
+    // be used by code to process how it handles receiving and unknown
+    // enum value. This specific should never be transmitted.
+    kUnknownEnumValue = 95,
+// Enum for FloorSurfaceTag
+enum class FloorSurfaceTag : uint8_t
+    kCarpet           = 0x00,
+    kCeramic          = 0x01,
+    kConcrete         = 0x02,
+    kCork             = 0x03,
+    kDeepCarpet       = 0x04,
+    kDirt             = 0x05,
+    kEngineeredWood   = 0x06,
+    kGlass            = 0x07,
+    kGrass            = 0x08,
+    kHardwood         = 0x09,
+    kLaminate         = 0x0A,
+    kLinoleum         = 0x0B,
+    kMat              = 0x0C,
+    kMetal            = 0x0D,
+    kPlastic          = 0x0E,
+    kPolishedConcrete = 0x0F,
+    kRubber           = 0x10,
+    kRug              = 0x11,
+    kSand             = 0x12,
+    kStone            = 0x13,
+    kTatami           = 0x14,
+    kTerrazzo         = 0x15,
+    kTile             = 0x16,
+    kVinyl            = 0x17,
+    // All received enum values that are not listed above will be mapped
+    // to kUnknownEnumValue. This is a helper enum value that should only
+    // be used by code to process how it handles receiving and unknown
+    // enum value. This specific should never be transmitted.
+    kUnknownEnumValue = 24,
+// Enum for LandmarkTag
+enum class LandmarkTag : uint8_t
+    kAirConditioner = 0x00,
+    kAirPurifier    = 0x01,
+    kBackDoor       = 0x02,
+    kBarStool       = 0x03,
+    kBathMat        = 0x04,
+    kBathtub        = 0x05,
+    kBed            = 0x06,
+    kBookshelf      = 0x07,
+    kChair          = 0x08,
+    kChristmasTree  = 0x09,
+    kCoatRack       = 0x0A,
+    kCoffeeTable    = 0x0B,
+    kCookingRange   = 0x0C,
+    kCouch          = 0x0D,
+    kCountertop     = 0x0E,
+    kCradle         = 0x0F,
+    kCrib           = 0x10,
+    kDesk           = 0x11,
+    kDiningTable    = 0x12,
+    kDishwasher     = 0x13,
+    kDoor           = 0x14,
+    kDresser        = 0x15,
+    kLaundryDryer   = 0x16,
+    kFan            = 0x17,
+    kFireplace      = 0x18,
+    kFreezer        = 0x19,
+    kFrontDoor      = 0x1A,
+    kHighChair      = 0x1B,
+    kKitchenIsland  = 0x1C,
+    kLamp           = 0x1D,
+    kLitterBox      = 0x1E,
+    kMirror         = 0x1F,
+    kNightstand     = 0x20,
+    kOven           = 0x21,
+    kPetBed         = 0x22,
+    kPetBowl        = 0x23,
+    kPetCrate       = 0x24,
+    kRefrigerator   = 0x25,
+    kScratchingPost = 0x26,
+    kShoeRack       = 0x27,
+    kShower         = 0x28,
+    kSideDoor       = 0x29,
+    kSink           = 0x2A,
+    kSofa           = 0x2B,
+    kStove          = 0x2C,
+    kTable          = 0x2D,
+    kToilet         = 0x2E,
+    kTrashCan       = 0x2F,
+    kLaundryWasher  = 0x30,
+    kWindow         = 0x31,
+    kWineCooler     = 0x32,
+    // All received enum values that are not listed above will be mapped
+    // to kUnknownEnumValue. This is a helper enum value that should only
+    // be used by code to process how it handles receiving and unknown
+    // enum value. This specific should never be transmitted.
+    kUnknownEnumValue = 51,
+// Enum for PositionTag
+enum class PositionTag : uint8_t
+    kLeft    = 0x00,
+    kRight   = 0x01,
+    kTop     = 0x02,
+    kBottom  = 0x03,
+    kMiddle  = 0x04,
+    kRow     = 0x05,
+    kColumn  = 0x06,
+    kUnder   = 0x07,
+    kNextTo  = 0x08,
+    kAround  = 0x09,
+    kOn      = 0x0A,
+    kAbove   = 0x0B,
+    kFrontOf = 0x0C,
+    kBehind  = 0x0D,
+    // All received enum values that are not listed above will be mapped
+    // to kUnknownEnumValue. This is a helper enum value that should only
+    // be used by code to process how it handles receiving and unknown
+    // enum value. This specific should never be transmitted.
+    kUnknownEnumValue = 14,
 // Enum for TestGlobalEnum
 enum class TestGlobalEnum : uint8_t
@@ -3674,103 +3793,6 @@ enum class BarrierControlSafetyStatus : uint16_t
 namespace ServiceArea {
-using AreaTypeTag = Clusters::detail::AreaTypeTag;
-// Enum for FloorSurfaceTag
-enum class FloorSurfaceTag : uint8_t
-    kCarpet           = 0x00,
-    kCeramic          = 0x01,
-    kConcrete         = 0x02,
-    kCork             = 0x03,
-    kDeepCarpet       = 0x04,
-    kDirt             = 0x05,
-    kEngineeredWood   = 0x06,
-    kGlass            = 0x07,
-    kGrass            = 0x08,
-    kHardwood         = 0x09,
-    kLaminate         = 0x0A,
-    kLinoleum         = 0x0B,
-    kMat              = 0x0C,
-    kMetal            = 0x0D,
-    kPlastic          = 0x0E,
-    kPolishedConcrete = 0x0F,
-    kRubber           = 0x10,
-    kRug              = 0x11,
-    kSand             = 0x12,
-    kStone            = 0x13,
-    kTatami           = 0x14,
-    kTerrazzo         = 0x15,
-    kTile             = 0x16,
-    kVinyl            = 0x17,
-    // All received enum values that are not listed above will be mapped
-    // to kUnknownEnumValue. This is a helper enum value that should only
-    // be used by code to process how it handles receiving and unknown
-    // enum value. This specific should never be transmitted.
-    kUnknownEnumValue = 24,
-// Enum for LandmarkTag
-enum class LandmarkTag : uint8_t
-    kAirConditioner = 0x00,
-    kAirPurifier    = 0x01,
-    kBackDoor       = 0x02,
-    kBarStool       = 0x03,
-    kBathMat        = 0x04,
-    kBathtub        = 0x05,
-    kBed            = 0x06,
-    kBookshelf      = 0x07,
-    kChair          = 0x08,
-    kChristmasTree  = 0x09,
-    kCoatRack       = 0x0A,
-    kCoffeeTable    = 0x0B,
-    kCookingRange   = 0x0C,
-    kCouch          = 0x0D,
-    kCountertop     = 0x0E,
-    kCradle         = 0x0F,
-    kCrib           = 0x10,
-    kDesk           = 0x11,
-    kDiningTable    = 0x12,
-    kDishwasher     = 0x13,
-    kDoor           = 0x14,
-    kDresser        = 0x15,
-    kLaundryDryer   = 0x16,
-    kFan            = 0x17,
-    kFireplace      = 0x18,
-    kFreezer        = 0x19,
-    kFrontDoor      = 0x1A,
-    kHighChair      = 0x1B,
-    kKitchenIsland  = 0x1C,
-    kLamp           = 0x1D,
-    kLitterBox      = 0x1E,
-    kMirror         = 0x1F,
-    kNightstand     = 0x20,
-    kOven           = 0x21,
-    kPetBed         = 0x22,
-    kPetBowl        = 0x23,
-    kPetCrate       = 0x24,
-    kRefrigerator   = 0x25,
-    kScratchingPost = 0x26,
-    kShoeRack       = 0x27,
-    kShower         = 0x28,
-    kSideDoor       = 0x29,
-    kSink           = 0x2A,
-    kSofa           = 0x2B,
-    kStove          = 0x2C,
-    kTable          = 0x2D,
-    kToilet         = 0x2E,
-    kTrashCan       = 0x2F,
-    kLaundryWasher  = 0x30,
-    kWindow         = 0x31,
-    kWineCooler     = 0x32,
-    // All received enum values that are not listed above will be mapped
-    // to kUnknownEnumValue. This is a helper enum value that should only
-    // be used by code to process how it handles receiving and unknown
-    // enum value. This specific should never be transmitted.
-    kUnknownEnumValue = 51,
 // Enum for OperationalStatusEnum
 enum class OperationalStatusEnum : uint8_t
@@ -3785,30 +3807,6 @@ enum class OperationalStatusEnum : uint8_t
     kUnknownEnumValue = 4,
-// Enum for PositionTag
-enum class PositionTag : uint8_t
-    kLeft    = 0x00,
-    kRight   = 0x01,
-    kTop     = 0x02,
-    kBottom  = 0x03,
-    kMiddle  = 0x04,
-    kRow     = 0x05,
-    kColumn  = 0x06,
-    kUnder   = 0x07,
-    kNextTo  = 0x08,
-    kAround  = 0x09,
-    kOn      = 0x0A,
-    kAbove   = 0x0B,
-    kFrontOf = 0x0C,
-    kBehind  = 0x0D,
-    // All received enum values that are not listed above will be mapped
-    // to kUnknownEnumValue. This is a helper enum value that should only
-    // be used by code to process how it handles receiving and unknown
-    // enum value. This specific should never be transmitted.
-    kUnknownEnumValue = 14,
 // Enum for SelectLocationsStatus
 enum class SelectLocationsStatus : uint8_t
@@ -5257,10 +5255,7 @@ enum class StatusEnum : uint8_t
 } // namespace ContentAppObserver
-namespace EcosystemInformation {
-using AreaTypeTag = Clusters::detail::AreaTypeTag;
-} // namespace EcosystemInformation
+namespace EcosystemInformation {} // namespace EcosystemInformation
 namespace CommissionerControl {
diff --git a/zzz_generated/app-common/app-common/zap-generated/cluster-objects.cpp b/zzz_generated/app-common/app-common/zap-generated/cluster-objects.cpp
index 881ec25faa191d..a4cc761304d9d6 100644
--- a/zzz_generated/app-common/app-common/zap-generated/cluster-objects.cpp
+++ b/zzz_generated/app-common/app-common/zap-generated/cluster-objects.cpp
@@ -294,52 +294,6 @@ CHIP_ERROR DecodableType::Decode(TLV::TLVReader & reader)
 } // namespace MeasurementAccuracyStruct
-namespace LocationDescriptorStruct {
-CHIP_ERROR Type::Encode(TLV::TLVWriter & aWriter, TLV::Tag aTag) const
-    DataModel::WrappedStructEncoder encoder{ aWriter, aTag };
-    encoder.Encode(to_underlying(Fields::kLocationName), locationName);
-    encoder.Encode(to_underlying(Fields::kFloorNumber), floorNumber);
-    encoder.Encode(to_underlying(Fields::kAreaType), areaType);
-    return encoder.Finalize();
-CHIP_ERROR DecodableType::Decode(TLV::TLVReader & reader)
-    detail::StructDecodeIterator __iterator(reader);
-    while (true)
-    {
-        auto __element = __iterator.Next();
-        if (std::holds_alternative<CHIP_ERROR>(__element))
-        {
-            return std::get<CHIP_ERROR>(__element);
-        }
-        CHIP_ERROR err              = CHIP_NO_ERROR;
-        const uint8_t __context_tag = std::get<uint8_t>(__element);
-        if (__context_tag == to_underlying(Fields::kLocationName))
-        {
-            err = DataModel::Decode(reader, locationName);
-        }
-        else if (__context_tag == to_underlying(Fields::kFloorNumber))
-        {
-            err = DataModel::Decode(reader, floorNumber);
-        }
-        else if (__context_tag == to_underlying(Fields::kAreaType))
-        {
-            err = DataModel::Decode(reader, areaType);
-        }
-        else
-        {
-        }
-        ReturnErrorOnFailure(err);
-    }
-} // namespace LocationDescriptorStruct
 namespace DeviceTypeStruct {
 CHIP_ERROR Type::Encode(TLV::TLVWriter & aWriter, TLV::Tag aTag) const
@@ -556,6 +510,52 @@ namespace Globals {
 // Global structs
 namespace Structs {
+namespace LocationDescriptorStruct {
+CHIP_ERROR Type::Encode(TLV::TLVWriter & aWriter, TLV::Tag aTag) const
+    DataModel::WrappedStructEncoder encoder{ aWriter, aTag };
+    encoder.Encode(to_underlying(Fields::kLocationName), locationName);
+    encoder.Encode(to_underlying(Fields::kFloorNumber), floorNumber);
+    encoder.Encode(to_underlying(Fields::kAreaType), areaType);
+    return encoder.Finalize();
+CHIP_ERROR DecodableType::Decode(TLV::TLVReader & reader)
+    detail::StructDecodeIterator __iterator(reader);
+    while (true)
+    {
+        auto __element = __iterator.Next();
+        if (std::holds_alternative<CHIP_ERROR>(__element))
+        {
+            return std::get<CHIP_ERROR>(__element);
+        }
+        CHIP_ERROR err              = CHIP_NO_ERROR;
+        const uint8_t __context_tag = std::get<uint8_t>(__element);
+        if (__context_tag == to_underlying(Fields::kLocationName))
+        {
+            err = DataModel::Decode(reader, locationName);
+        }
+        else if (__context_tag == to_underlying(Fields::kFloorNumber))
+        {
+            err = DataModel::Decode(reader, floorNumber);
+        }
+        else if (__context_tag == to_underlying(Fields::kAreaType))
+        {
+            err = DataModel::Decode(reader, areaType);
+        }
+        else
+        {
+        }
+        ReturnErrorOnFailure(err);
+    }
+} // namespace LocationDescriptorStruct
 namespace TestGlobalStruct {
 CHIP_ERROR Type::Encode(TLV::TLVWriter & aWriter, TLV::Tag aTag) const
@@ -28458,7 +28458,7 @@ namespace Events {} // namespace Events
 namespace EcosystemInformation {
 namespace Structs {
-namespace EcosystemLocationStruct {
+namespace EcosystemDeviceStruct {
 CHIP_ERROR Type::EncodeForWrite(TLV::TLVWriter & aWriter, TLV::Tag aTag) const
     return DoEncode(aWriter, aTag, NullOptional);
@@ -28477,15 +28477,31 @@ CHIP_ERROR Type::DoEncode(TLV::TLVWriter & aWriter, TLV::Tag aTag, const Optiona
     if (includeSensitive)
-        encoder.Encode(to_underlying(Fields::kUniqueLocationID), uniqueLocationID);
+        encoder.Encode(to_underlying(Fields::kDeviceName), deviceName);
     if (includeSensitive)
-        encoder.Encode(to_underlying(Fields::kLocationDescriptor), locationDescriptor);
+        encoder.Encode(to_underlying(Fields::kDeviceNameLastEdit), deviceNameLastEdit);
     if (includeSensitive)
-        encoder.Encode(to_underlying(Fields::kLocationDescriptorLastEdit), locationDescriptorLastEdit);
+        encoder.Encode(to_underlying(Fields::kBridgedEndpoint), bridgedEndpoint);
+    }
+    if (includeSensitive)
+    {
+        encoder.Encode(to_underlying(Fields::kOriginalEndpoint), originalEndpoint);
+    }
+    if (includeSensitive)
+    {
+        encoder.Encode(to_underlying(Fields::kDeviceTypes), deviceTypes);
+    }
+    if (includeSensitive)
+    {
+        encoder.Encode(to_underlying(Fields::kUniqueLocationIDs), uniqueLocationIDs);
+    }
+    if (includeSensitive)
+    {
+        encoder.Encode(to_underlying(Fields::kUniqueLocationIDsLastEdit), uniqueLocationIDsLastEdit);
     if (aAccessingFabricIndex.HasValue())
@@ -28509,17 +28525,33 @@ CHIP_ERROR DecodableType::Decode(TLV::TLVReader & reader)
         CHIP_ERROR err              = CHIP_NO_ERROR;
         const uint8_t __context_tag = std::get<uint8_t>(__element);
-        if (__context_tag == to_underlying(Fields::kUniqueLocationID))
+        if (__context_tag == to_underlying(Fields::kDeviceName))
-            err = DataModel::Decode(reader, uniqueLocationID);
+            err = DataModel::Decode(reader, deviceName);
-        else if (__context_tag == to_underlying(Fields::kLocationDescriptor))
+        else if (__context_tag == to_underlying(Fields::kDeviceNameLastEdit))
-            err = DataModel::Decode(reader, locationDescriptor);
+            err = DataModel::Decode(reader, deviceNameLastEdit);
-        else if (__context_tag == to_underlying(Fields::kLocationDescriptorLastEdit))
+        else if (__context_tag == to_underlying(Fields::kBridgedEndpoint))
-            err = DataModel::Decode(reader, locationDescriptorLastEdit);
+            err = DataModel::Decode(reader, bridgedEndpoint);
+        }
+        else if (__context_tag == to_underlying(Fields::kOriginalEndpoint))
+        {
+            err = DataModel::Decode(reader, originalEndpoint);
+        }
+        else if (__context_tag == to_underlying(Fields::kDeviceTypes))
+        {
+            err = DataModel::Decode(reader, deviceTypes);
+        }
+        else if (__context_tag == to_underlying(Fields::kUniqueLocationIDs))
+        {
+            err = DataModel::Decode(reader, uniqueLocationIDs);
+        }
+        else if (__context_tag == to_underlying(Fields::kUniqueLocationIDsLastEdit))
+        {
+            err = DataModel::Decode(reader, uniqueLocationIDsLastEdit);
         else if (__context_tag == to_underlying(Fields::kFabricIndex))
@@ -28533,9 +28565,9 @@ CHIP_ERROR DecodableType::Decode(TLV::TLVReader & reader)
-} // namespace EcosystemLocationStruct
+} // namespace EcosystemDeviceStruct
-namespace EcosystemDeviceStruct {
+namespace EcosystemLocationStruct {
 CHIP_ERROR Type::EncodeForWrite(TLV::TLVWriter & aWriter, TLV::Tag aTag) const
     return DoEncode(aWriter, aTag, NullOptional);
@@ -28554,31 +28586,15 @@ CHIP_ERROR Type::DoEncode(TLV::TLVWriter & aWriter, TLV::Tag aTag, const Optiona
     if (includeSensitive)
-        encoder.Encode(to_underlying(Fields::kDeviceName), deviceName);
-    }
-    if (includeSensitive)
-    {
-        encoder.Encode(to_underlying(Fields::kDeviceNameLastEdit), deviceNameLastEdit);
-    }
-    if (includeSensitive)
-    {
-        encoder.Encode(to_underlying(Fields::kBridgedEndpoint), bridgedEndpoint);
-    }
-    if (includeSensitive)
-    {
-        encoder.Encode(to_underlying(Fields::kOriginalEndpoint), originalEndpoint);
-    }
-    if (includeSensitive)
-    {
-        encoder.Encode(to_underlying(Fields::kDeviceTypes), deviceTypes);
+        encoder.Encode(to_underlying(Fields::kUniqueLocationID), uniqueLocationID);
     if (includeSensitive)
-        encoder.Encode(to_underlying(Fields::kUniqueLocationIDs), uniqueLocationIDs);
+        encoder.Encode(to_underlying(Fields::kLocationDescriptor), locationDescriptor);
     if (includeSensitive)
-        encoder.Encode(to_underlying(Fields::kUniqueLocationIDsLastEdit), uniqueLocationIDsLastEdit);
+        encoder.Encode(to_underlying(Fields::kLocationDescriptorLastEdit), locationDescriptorLastEdit);
     if (aAccessingFabricIndex.HasValue())
@@ -28602,33 +28618,17 @@ CHIP_ERROR DecodableType::Decode(TLV::TLVReader & reader)
         CHIP_ERROR err              = CHIP_NO_ERROR;
         const uint8_t __context_tag = std::get<uint8_t>(__element);
-        if (__context_tag == to_underlying(Fields::kDeviceName))
-        {
-            err = DataModel::Decode(reader, deviceName);
-        }
-        else if (__context_tag == to_underlying(Fields::kDeviceNameLastEdit))
-        {
-            err = DataModel::Decode(reader, deviceNameLastEdit);
-        }
-        else if (__context_tag == to_underlying(Fields::kBridgedEndpoint))
-        {
-            err = DataModel::Decode(reader, bridgedEndpoint);
-        }
-        else if (__context_tag == to_underlying(Fields::kOriginalEndpoint))
-        {
-            err = DataModel::Decode(reader, originalEndpoint);
-        }
-        else if (__context_tag == to_underlying(Fields::kDeviceTypes))
+        if (__context_tag == to_underlying(Fields::kUniqueLocationID))
-            err = DataModel::Decode(reader, deviceTypes);
+            err = DataModel::Decode(reader, uniqueLocationID);
-        else if (__context_tag == to_underlying(Fields::kUniqueLocationIDs))
+        else if (__context_tag == to_underlying(Fields::kLocationDescriptor))
-            err = DataModel::Decode(reader, uniqueLocationIDs);
+            err = DataModel::Decode(reader, locationDescriptor);
-        else if (__context_tag == to_underlying(Fields::kUniqueLocationIDsLastEdit))
+        else if (__context_tag == to_underlying(Fields::kLocationDescriptorLastEdit))
-            err = DataModel::Decode(reader, uniqueLocationIDsLastEdit);
+            err = DataModel::Decode(reader, locationDescriptorLastEdit);
         else if (__context_tag == to_underlying(Fields::kFabricIndex))
@@ -28642,7 +28642,7 @@ CHIP_ERROR DecodableType::Decode(TLV::TLVReader & reader)
-} // namespace EcosystemDeviceStruct
+} // namespace EcosystemLocationStruct
 } // namespace Structs
 namespace Commands {} // namespace Commands
diff --git a/zzz_generated/app-common/app-common/zap-generated/cluster-objects.h b/zzz_generated/app-common/app-common/zap-generated/cluster-objects.h
index c52692f1ad4591..4a77cccab467d9 100644
--- a/zzz_generated/app-common/app-common/zap-generated/cluster-objects.h
+++ b/zzz_generated/app-common/app-common/zap-generated/cluster-objects.h
@@ -173,31 +173,6 @@ struct DecodableType
 } // namespace MeasurementAccuracyStruct
-namespace LocationDescriptorStruct {
-enum class Fields : uint8_t
-    kLocationName = 0,
-    kFloorNumber  = 1,
-    kAreaType     = 2,
-struct Type
-    chip::CharSpan locationName;
-    DataModel::Nullable<int16_t> floorNumber;
-    DataModel::Nullable<AreaTypeTag> areaType;
-    CHIP_ERROR Decode(TLV::TLVReader & reader);
-    static constexpr bool kIsFabricScoped = false;
-    CHIP_ERROR Encode(TLV::TLVWriter & aWriter, TLV::Tag aTag) const;
-using DecodableType = Type;
-} // namespace LocationDescriptorStruct
 namespace DeviceTypeStruct {
 enum class Fields : uint8_t
@@ -323,6 +298,32 @@ namespace Globals {
 // Global structs.
 namespace Structs {
+namespace LocationDescriptorStruct {
+enum class Fields : uint8_t
+    kLocationName = 0,
+    kFloorNumber  = 1,
+    kAreaType     = 2,
+struct Type
+    chip::CharSpan locationName;
+    DataModel::Nullable<int16_t> floorNumber;
+    DataModel::Nullable<Globals::AreaTypeTag> areaType;
+    CHIP_ERROR Decode(TLV::TLVReader & reader);
+    static constexpr bool kIsFabricScoped = false;
+    CHIP_ERROR Encode(TLV::TLVWriter & aWriter, TLV::Tag aTag) const;
+using DecodableType = Type;
+} // namespace LocationDescriptorStruct
 namespace TestGlobalStruct {
 enum class Fields : uint8_t
@@ -28306,7 +28307,6 @@ struct TypeInfo
 } // namespace BarrierControl
 namespace ServiceArea {
 namespace Structs {
-namespace LocationDescriptorStruct = Clusters::detail::Structs::LocationDescriptorStruct;
 namespace LocationInfoStruct {
 enum class Fields : uint8_t
@@ -28319,10 +28319,10 @@ enum class Fields : uint8_t
 struct Type
-    DataModel::Nullable<Structs::LocationDescriptorStruct::Type> locationInfo;
-    DataModel::Nullable<LandmarkTag> landmarkTag;
-    DataModel::Nullable<PositionTag> positionTag;
-    DataModel::Nullable<FloorSurfaceTag> surfaceTag;
+    DataModel::Nullable<Globals::Structs::LocationDescriptorStruct::Type> locationInfo;
+    DataModel::Nullable<Globals::LandmarkTag> landmarkTag;
+    DataModel::Nullable<Globals::PositionTag> positionTag;
+    DataModel::Nullable<Globals::FloorSurfaceTag> surfaceTag;
     CHIP_ERROR Decode(TLV::TLVReader & reader);
@@ -41597,42 +41597,6 @@ struct TypeInfo
 } // namespace ContentAppObserver
 namespace EcosystemInformation {
 namespace Structs {
-namespace LocationDescriptorStruct = Clusters::detail::Structs::LocationDescriptorStruct;
-namespace EcosystemLocationStruct {
-enum class Fields : uint8_t
-    kUniqueLocationID           = 0,
-    kLocationDescriptor         = 1,
-    kLocationDescriptorLastEdit = 2,
-    kFabricIndex                = 254,
-struct Type
-    chip::CharSpan uniqueLocationID;
-    Structs::LocationDescriptorStruct::Type locationDescriptor;
-    uint64_t locationDescriptorLastEdit = static_cast<uint64_t>(0);
-    chip::FabricIndex fabricIndex       = static_cast<chip::FabricIndex>(0);
-    CHIP_ERROR Decode(TLV::TLVReader & reader);
-    static constexpr bool kIsFabricScoped = true;
-    auto GetFabricIndex() const { return fabricIndex; }
-    void SetFabricIndex(chip::FabricIndex fabricIndex_) { fabricIndex = fabricIndex_; }
-    CHIP_ERROR EncodeForWrite(TLV::TLVWriter & aWriter, TLV::Tag aTag) const;
-    CHIP_ERROR EncodeForRead(TLV::TLVWriter & aWriter, TLV::Tag aTag, FabricIndex aAccessingFabricIndex) const;
-    CHIP_ERROR DoEncode(TLV::TLVWriter & aWriter, TLV::Tag aTag, const Optional<FabricIndex> & aAccessingFabricIndex) const;
-using DecodableType = Type;
-} // namespace EcosystemLocationStruct
 namespace DeviceTypeStruct = Clusters::detail::Structs::DeviceTypeStruct;
 namespace EcosystemDeviceStruct {
 enum class Fields : uint8_t
@@ -41694,6 +41658,41 @@ struct DecodableType
 } // namespace EcosystemDeviceStruct
+namespace EcosystemLocationStruct {
+enum class Fields : uint8_t
+    kUniqueLocationID           = 0,
+    kLocationDescriptor         = 1,
+    kLocationDescriptorLastEdit = 2,
+    kFabricIndex                = 254,
+struct Type
+    chip::CharSpan uniqueLocationID;
+    Globals::Structs::LocationDescriptorStruct::Type locationDescriptor;
+    uint64_t locationDescriptorLastEdit = static_cast<uint64_t>(0);
+    chip::FabricIndex fabricIndex       = static_cast<chip::FabricIndex>(0);
+    CHIP_ERROR Decode(TLV::TLVReader & reader);
+    static constexpr bool kIsFabricScoped = true;
+    auto GetFabricIndex() const { return fabricIndex; }
+    void SetFabricIndex(chip::FabricIndex fabricIndex_) { fabricIndex = fabricIndex_; }
+    CHIP_ERROR EncodeForWrite(TLV::TLVWriter & aWriter, TLV::Tag aTag) const;
+    CHIP_ERROR EncodeForRead(TLV::TLVWriter & aWriter, TLV::Tag aTag, FabricIndex aAccessingFabricIndex) const;
+    CHIP_ERROR DoEncode(TLV::TLVWriter & aWriter, TLV::Tag aTag, const Optional<FabricIndex> & aAccessingFabricIndex) const;
+using DecodableType = Type;
+} // namespace EcosystemLocationStruct
 } // namespace Structs
 namespace Attributes {
diff --git a/zzz_generated/chip-tool/zap-generated/cluster/ComplexArgumentParser.cpp b/zzz_generated/chip-tool/zap-generated/cluster/ComplexArgumentParser.cpp
index 3b958cf45af7ff..0acdabaeffd5ef 100644
--- a/zzz_generated/chip-tool/zap-generated/cluster/ComplexArgumentParser.cpp
+++ b/zzz_generated/chip-tool/zap-generated/cluster/ComplexArgumentParser.cpp
@@ -220,7 +220,7 @@ void ComplexArgumentParser::Finalize(chip::app::Clusters::detail::Structs::Measu
 CHIP_ERROR ComplexArgumentParser::Setup(const char * label,
-                                        chip::app::Clusters::detail::Structs::LocationDescriptorStruct::Type & request,
+                                        chip::app::Clusters::Globals::Structs::LocationDescriptorStruct::Type & request,
                                         Json::Value & value)
     VerifyOrReturnError(value.isObject(), CHIP_ERROR_INVALID_ARGUMENT);
@@ -251,7 +251,7 @@ CHIP_ERROR ComplexArgumentParser::Setup(const char * label,
     return ComplexArgumentParser::EnsureNoMembersRemaining(label, valueCopy);
-void ComplexArgumentParser::Finalize(chip::app::Clusters::detail::Structs::LocationDescriptorStruct::Type & request)
+void ComplexArgumentParser::Finalize(chip::app::Clusters::Globals::Structs::LocationDescriptorStruct::Type & request)
@@ -5560,55 +5560,6 @@ void ComplexArgumentParser::Finalize(chip::app::Clusters::ContentControl::Struct
-CHIP_ERROR ComplexArgumentParser::Setup(const char * label,
-                                        chip::app::Clusters::EcosystemInformation::Structs::EcosystemLocationStruct::Type & request,
-                                        Json::Value & value)
-    VerifyOrReturnError(value.isObject(), CHIP_ERROR_INVALID_ARGUMENT);
-    // Copy to track which members we already processed.
-    Json::Value valueCopy(value);
-    ReturnErrorOnFailure(ComplexArgumentParser::EnsureMemberExist("EcosystemLocationStruct.uniqueLocationID", "uniqueLocationID",
-                                                                  value.isMember("uniqueLocationID")));
-    ReturnErrorOnFailure(ComplexArgumentParser::EnsureMemberExist("EcosystemLocationStruct.locationDescriptor",
-                                                                  "locationDescriptor", value.isMember("locationDescriptor")));
-    ReturnErrorOnFailure(ComplexArgumentParser::EnsureMemberExist("EcosystemLocationStruct.locationDescriptorLastEdit",
-                                                                  "locationDescriptorLastEdit",
-                                                                  value.isMember("locationDescriptorLastEdit")));
-    char labelWithMember[kMaxLabelLength];
-    snprintf(labelWithMember, sizeof(labelWithMember), "%s.%s", label, "uniqueLocationID");
-    ReturnErrorOnFailure(ComplexArgumentParser::Setup(labelWithMember, request.uniqueLocationID, value["uniqueLocationID"]));
-    valueCopy.removeMember("uniqueLocationID");
-    snprintf(labelWithMember, sizeof(labelWithMember), "%s.%s", label, "locationDescriptor");
-    ReturnErrorOnFailure(ComplexArgumentParser::Setup(labelWithMember, request.locationDescriptor, value["locationDescriptor"]));
-    valueCopy.removeMember("locationDescriptor");
-    snprintf(labelWithMember, sizeof(labelWithMember), "%s.%s", label, "locationDescriptorLastEdit");
-    ReturnErrorOnFailure(
-        ComplexArgumentParser::Setup(labelWithMember, request.locationDescriptorLastEdit, value["locationDescriptorLastEdit"]));
-    valueCopy.removeMember("locationDescriptorLastEdit");
-    if (value.isMember("fabricIndex"))
-    {
-        snprintf(labelWithMember, sizeof(labelWithMember), "%s.%s", label, "fabricIndex");
-        ReturnErrorOnFailure(ComplexArgumentParser::Setup(labelWithMember, request.fabricIndex, value["fabricIndex"]));
-    }
-    valueCopy.removeMember("fabricIndex");
-    return ComplexArgumentParser::EnsureNoMembersRemaining(label, valueCopy);
-void ComplexArgumentParser::Finalize(chip::app::Clusters::EcosystemInformation::Structs::EcosystemLocationStruct::Type & request)
-    ComplexArgumentParser::Finalize(request.uniqueLocationID);
-    ComplexArgumentParser::Finalize(request.locationDescriptor);
-    ComplexArgumentParser::Finalize(request.locationDescriptorLastEdit);
-    ComplexArgumentParser::Finalize(request.fabricIndex);
 CHIP_ERROR ComplexArgumentParser::Setup(const char * label,
                                         chip::app::Clusters::EcosystemInformation::Structs::EcosystemDeviceStruct::Type & request,
                                         Json::Value & value)
@@ -5689,6 +5640,55 @@ void ComplexArgumentParser::Finalize(chip::app::Clusters::EcosystemInformation::
+CHIP_ERROR ComplexArgumentParser::Setup(const char * label,
+                                        chip::app::Clusters::EcosystemInformation::Structs::EcosystemLocationStruct::Type & request,
+                                        Json::Value & value)
+    VerifyOrReturnError(value.isObject(), CHIP_ERROR_INVALID_ARGUMENT);
+    // Copy to track which members we already processed.
+    Json::Value valueCopy(value);
+    ReturnErrorOnFailure(ComplexArgumentParser::EnsureMemberExist("EcosystemLocationStruct.uniqueLocationID", "uniqueLocationID",
+                                                                  value.isMember("uniqueLocationID")));
+    ReturnErrorOnFailure(ComplexArgumentParser::EnsureMemberExist("EcosystemLocationStruct.locationDescriptor",
+                                                                  "locationDescriptor", value.isMember("locationDescriptor")));
+    ReturnErrorOnFailure(ComplexArgumentParser::EnsureMemberExist("EcosystemLocationStruct.locationDescriptorLastEdit",
+                                                                  "locationDescriptorLastEdit",
+                                                                  value.isMember("locationDescriptorLastEdit")));
+    char labelWithMember[kMaxLabelLength];
+    snprintf(labelWithMember, sizeof(labelWithMember), "%s.%s", label, "uniqueLocationID");
+    ReturnErrorOnFailure(ComplexArgumentParser::Setup(labelWithMember, request.uniqueLocationID, value["uniqueLocationID"]));
+    valueCopy.removeMember("uniqueLocationID");
+    snprintf(labelWithMember, sizeof(labelWithMember), "%s.%s", label, "locationDescriptor");
+    ReturnErrorOnFailure(ComplexArgumentParser::Setup(labelWithMember, request.locationDescriptor, value["locationDescriptor"]));
+    valueCopy.removeMember("locationDescriptor");
+    snprintf(labelWithMember, sizeof(labelWithMember), "%s.%s", label, "locationDescriptorLastEdit");
+    ReturnErrorOnFailure(
+        ComplexArgumentParser::Setup(labelWithMember, request.locationDescriptorLastEdit, value["locationDescriptorLastEdit"]));
+    valueCopy.removeMember("locationDescriptorLastEdit");
+    if (value.isMember("fabricIndex"))
+    {
+        snprintf(labelWithMember, sizeof(labelWithMember), "%s.%s", label, "fabricIndex");
+        ReturnErrorOnFailure(ComplexArgumentParser::Setup(labelWithMember, request.fabricIndex, value["fabricIndex"]));
+    }
+    valueCopy.removeMember("fabricIndex");
+    return ComplexArgumentParser::EnsureNoMembersRemaining(label, valueCopy);
+void ComplexArgumentParser::Finalize(chip::app::Clusters::EcosystemInformation::Structs::EcosystemLocationStruct::Type & request)
+    ComplexArgumentParser::Finalize(request.uniqueLocationID);
+    ComplexArgumentParser::Finalize(request.locationDescriptor);
+    ComplexArgumentParser::Finalize(request.locationDescriptorLastEdit);
+    ComplexArgumentParser::Finalize(request.fabricIndex);
 CHIP_ERROR ComplexArgumentParser::Setup(const char * label, chip::app::Clusters::UnitTesting::Structs::SimpleStruct::Type & request,
                                         Json::Value & value)
diff --git a/zzz_generated/chip-tool/zap-generated/cluster/ComplexArgumentParser.h b/zzz_generated/chip-tool/zap-generated/cluster/ComplexArgumentParser.h
index 47683b1ab87888..ba869adab126a2 100644
--- a/zzz_generated/chip-tool/zap-generated/cluster/ComplexArgumentParser.h
+++ b/zzz_generated/chip-tool/zap-generated/cluster/ComplexArgumentParser.h
@@ -42,10 +42,10 @@ static CHIP_ERROR Setup(const char * label, chip::app::Clusters::detail::Structs
 static void Finalize(chip::app::Clusters::detail::Structs::MeasurementAccuracyStruct::Type & request);
-static CHIP_ERROR Setup(const char * label, chip::app::Clusters::detail::Structs::LocationDescriptorStruct::Type & request,
+static CHIP_ERROR Setup(const char * label, chip::app::Clusters::Globals::Structs::LocationDescriptorStruct::Type & request,
                         Json::Value & value);
-static void Finalize(chip::app::Clusters::detail::Structs::LocationDescriptorStruct::Type & request);
+static void Finalize(chip::app::Clusters::Globals::Structs::LocationDescriptorStruct::Type & request);
 static CHIP_ERROR Setup(const char * label, chip::app::Clusters::detail::Structs::DeviceTypeStruct::Type & request,
                         Json::Value & value);
@@ -643,16 +643,16 @@ static CHIP_ERROR Setup(const char * label, chip::app::Clusters::ContentControl:
 static void Finalize(chip::app::Clusters::ContentControl::Structs::RatingNameStruct::Type & request);
 static CHIP_ERROR Setup(const char * label,
-                        chip::app::Clusters::EcosystemInformation::Structs::EcosystemLocationStruct::Type & request,
+                        chip::app::Clusters::EcosystemInformation::Structs::EcosystemDeviceStruct::Type & request,
                         Json::Value & value);
-static void Finalize(chip::app::Clusters::EcosystemInformation::Structs::EcosystemLocationStruct::Type & request);
+static void Finalize(chip::app::Clusters::EcosystemInformation::Structs::EcosystemDeviceStruct::Type & request);
 static CHIP_ERROR Setup(const char * label,
-                        chip::app::Clusters::EcosystemInformation::Structs::EcosystemDeviceStruct::Type & request,
+                        chip::app::Clusters::EcosystemInformation::Structs::EcosystemLocationStruct::Type & request,
                         Json::Value & value);
-static void Finalize(chip::app::Clusters::EcosystemInformation::Structs::EcosystemDeviceStruct::Type & request);
+static void Finalize(chip::app::Clusters::EcosystemInformation::Structs::EcosystemLocationStruct::Type & request);
 static CHIP_ERROR Setup(const char * label, chip::app::Clusters::UnitTesting::Structs::SimpleStruct::Type & request,
                         Json::Value & value);
diff --git a/zzz_generated/chip-tool/zap-generated/cluster/logging/DataModelLogger.cpp b/zzz_generated/chip-tool/zap-generated/cluster/logging/DataModelLogger.cpp
index d34bbe31914c4a..8cc6368f9c9883 100644
--- a/zzz_generated/chip-tool/zap-generated/cluster/logging/DataModelLogger.cpp
+++ b/zzz_generated/chip-tool/zap-generated/cluster/logging/DataModelLogger.cpp
@@ -203,7 +203,7 @@ CHIP_ERROR DataModelLogger::LogValue(const char * label, size_t indent,
 CHIP_ERROR DataModelLogger::LogValue(const char * label, size_t indent,
-                                     const chip::app::Clusters::detail::Structs::LocationDescriptorStruct::DecodableType & value)
+                                     const chip::app::Clusters::Globals::Structs::LocationDescriptorStruct::DecodableType & value)
     DataModelLogger::LogString(label, indent, "{");
@@ -4901,104 +4901,104 @@ CHIP_ERROR DataModelLogger::LogValue(const char * label, size_t indent,
 DataModelLogger::LogValue(const char * label, size_t indent,
-                          const chip::app::Clusters::EcosystemInformation::Structs::EcosystemLocationStruct::DecodableType & value)
+                          const chip::app::Clusters::EcosystemInformation::Structs::EcosystemDeviceStruct::DecodableType & value)
     DataModelLogger::LogString(label, indent, "{");
-        CHIP_ERROR err = LogValue("UniqueLocationID", indent + 1, value.uniqueLocationID);
+        CHIP_ERROR err = LogValue("DeviceName", indent + 1, value.deviceName);
         if (err != CHIP_NO_ERROR)
-            DataModelLogger::LogString(indent + 1, "Struct truncated due to invalid value for 'UniqueLocationID'");
+            DataModelLogger::LogString(indent + 1, "Struct truncated due to invalid value for 'DeviceName'");
             return err;
-        CHIP_ERROR err = LogValue("LocationDescriptor", indent + 1, value.locationDescriptor);
+        CHIP_ERROR err = LogValue("DeviceNameLastEdit", indent + 1, value.deviceNameLastEdit);
         if (err != CHIP_NO_ERROR)
-            DataModelLogger::LogString(indent + 1, "Struct truncated due to invalid value for 'LocationDescriptor'");
+            DataModelLogger::LogString(indent + 1, "Struct truncated due to invalid value for 'DeviceNameLastEdit'");
             return err;
-        CHIP_ERROR err = LogValue("LocationDescriptorLastEdit", indent + 1, value.locationDescriptorLastEdit);
+        CHIP_ERROR err = LogValue("BridgedEndpoint", indent + 1, value.bridgedEndpoint);
         if (err != CHIP_NO_ERROR)
-            DataModelLogger::LogString(indent + 1, "Struct truncated due to invalid value for 'LocationDescriptorLastEdit'");
+            DataModelLogger::LogString(indent + 1, "Struct truncated due to invalid value for 'BridgedEndpoint'");
             return err;
-        CHIP_ERROR err = LogValue("FabricIndex", indent + 1, value.fabricIndex);
+        CHIP_ERROR err = LogValue("OriginalEndpoint", indent + 1, value.originalEndpoint);
         if (err != CHIP_NO_ERROR)
-            DataModelLogger::LogString(indent + 1, "Struct truncated due to invalid value for 'FabricIndex'");
+            DataModelLogger::LogString(indent + 1, "Struct truncated due to invalid value for 'OriginalEndpoint'");
             return err;
-    DataModelLogger::LogString(indent, "}");
-    return CHIP_NO_ERROR;
-DataModelLogger::LogValue(const char * label, size_t indent,
-                          const chip::app::Clusters::EcosystemInformation::Structs::EcosystemDeviceStruct::DecodableType & value)
-    DataModelLogger::LogString(label, indent, "{");
-        CHIP_ERROR err = LogValue("DeviceName", indent + 1, value.deviceName);
+        CHIP_ERROR err = LogValue("DeviceTypes", indent + 1, value.deviceTypes);
         if (err != CHIP_NO_ERROR)
-            DataModelLogger::LogString(indent + 1, "Struct truncated due to invalid value for 'DeviceName'");
+            DataModelLogger::LogString(indent + 1, "Struct truncated due to invalid value for 'DeviceTypes'");
             return err;
-        CHIP_ERROR err = LogValue("DeviceNameLastEdit", indent + 1, value.deviceNameLastEdit);
+        CHIP_ERROR err = LogValue("UniqueLocationIDs", indent + 1, value.uniqueLocationIDs);
         if (err != CHIP_NO_ERROR)
-            DataModelLogger::LogString(indent + 1, "Struct truncated due to invalid value for 'DeviceNameLastEdit'");
+            DataModelLogger::LogString(indent + 1, "Struct truncated due to invalid value for 'UniqueLocationIDs'");
             return err;
-        CHIP_ERROR err = LogValue("BridgedEndpoint", indent + 1, value.bridgedEndpoint);
+        CHIP_ERROR err = LogValue("UniqueLocationIDsLastEdit", indent + 1, value.uniqueLocationIDsLastEdit);
         if (err != CHIP_NO_ERROR)
-            DataModelLogger::LogString(indent + 1, "Struct truncated due to invalid value for 'BridgedEndpoint'");
+            DataModelLogger::LogString(indent + 1, "Struct truncated due to invalid value for 'UniqueLocationIDsLastEdit'");
             return err;
-        CHIP_ERROR err = LogValue("OriginalEndpoint", indent + 1, value.originalEndpoint);
+        CHIP_ERROR err = LogValue("FabricIndex", indent + 1, value.fabricIndex);
         if (err != CHIP_NO_ERROR)
-            DataModelLogger::LogString(indent + 1, "Struct truncated due to invalid value for 'OriginalEndpoint'");
+            DataModelLogger::LogString(indent + 1, "Struct truncated due to invalid value for 'FabricIndex'");
             return err;
+    DataModelLogger::LogString(indent, "}");
+    return CHIP_NO_ERROR;
+DataModelLogger::LogValue(const char * label, size_t indent,
+                          const chip::app::Clusters::EcosystemInformation::Structs::EcosystemLocationStruct::DecodableType & value)
+    DataModelLogger::LogString(label, indent, "{");
-        CHIP_ERROR err = LogValue("DeviceTypes", indent + 1, value.deviceTypes);
+        CHIP_ERROR err = LogValue("UniqueLocationID", indent + 1, value.uniqueLocationID);
         if (err != CHIP_NO_ERROR)
-            DataModelLogger::LogString(indent + 1, "Struct truncated due to invalid value for 'DeviceTypes'");
+            DataModelLogger::LogString(indent + 1, "Struct truncated due to invalid value for 'UniqueLocationID'");
             return err;
-        CHIP_ERROR err = LogValue("UniqueLocationIDs", indent + 1, value.uniqueLocationIDs);
+        CHIP_ERROR err = LogValue("LocationDescriptor", indent + 1, value.locationDescriptor);
         if (err != CHIP_NO_ERROR)
-            DataModelLogger::LogString(indent + 1, "Struct truncated due to invalid value for 'UniqueLocationIDs'");
+            DataModelLogger::LogString(indent + 1, "Struct truncated due to invalid value for 'LocationDescriptor'");
             return err;
-        CHIP_ERROR err = LogValue("UniqueLocationIDsLastEdit", indent + 1, value.uniqueLocationIDsLastEdit);
+        CHIP_ERROR err = LogValue("LocationDescriptorLastEdit", indent + 1, value.locationDescriptorLastEdit);
         if (err != CHIP_NO_ERROR)
-            DataModelLogger::LogString(indent + 1, "Struct truncated due to invalid value for 'UniqueLocationIDsLastEdit'");
+            DataModelLogger::LogString(indent + 1, "Struct truncated due to invalid value for 'LocationDescriptorLastEdit'");
             return err;
diff --git a/zzz_generated/chip-tool/zap-generated/cluster/logging/DataModelLogger.h b/zzz_generated/chip-tool/zap-generated/cluster/logging/DataModelLogger.h
index 165d44db24002f..d869d6e0ed30ca 100644
--- a/zzz_generated/chip-tool/zap-generated/cluster/logging/DataModelLogger.h
+++ b/zzz_generated/chip-tool/zap-generated/cluster/logging/DataModelLogger.h
@@ -33,7 +33,7 @@ static CHIP_ERROR LogValue(const char * label, size_t indent,
                            const chip::app::Clusters::detail::Structs::MeasurementAccuracyStruct::DecodableType & value);
 static CHIP_ERROR LogValue(const char * label, size_t indent,
-                           const chip::app::Clusters::detail::Structs::LocationDescriptorStruct::DecodableType & value);
+                           const chip::app::Clusters::Globals::Structs::LocationDescriptorStruct::DecodableType & value);
 static CHIP_ERROR LogValue(const char * label, size_t indent,
                            const chip::app::Clusters::detail::Structs::DeviceTypeStruct::DecodableType & value);
@@ -394,13 +394,13 @@ static CHIP_ERROR LogValue(const char * label, size_t indent,
 static CHIP_ERROR LogValue(const char * label, size_t indent,
                            const chip::app::Clusters::ContentControl::Structs::RatingNameStruct::DecodableType & value);
+static CHIP_ERROR LogValue(const char * label, size_t indent,
+                           const chip::app::Clusters::EcosystemInformation::Structs::EcosystemDeviceStruct::DecodableType & value);
 static CHIP_ERROR
 LogValue(const char * label, size_t indent,
          const chip::app::Clusters::EcosystemInformation::Structs::EcosystemLocationStruct::DecodableType & value);
-static CHIP_ERROR LogValue(const char * label, size_t indent,
-                           const chip::app::Clusters::EcosystemInformation::Structs::EcosystemDeviceStruct::DecodableType & value);
 static CHIP_ERROR LogValue(const char * label, size_t indent,
                            const chip::app::Clusters::UnitTesting::Structs::SimpleStruct::DecodableType & value);

From 63edf2ecd6b92872b3d951ecf3549e5ecf04e3b9 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: William Hicklin <>
Date: Wed, 31 Jul 2024 17:28:40 +0100
Subject: [PATCH 03/28] Fixed namespaces used of global structs.

 .../src/rvc-service-area-delegate.cpp         | 28 +++++++++----------
 .../service-area-cluster-objects.h            | 20 ++++++-------
 .../service-area-server.cpp                   | 16 +++++------
 .../service-area-server/service-area-server.h | 16 +++++------
 4 files changed, 40 insertions(+), 40 deletions(-)

diff --git a/examples/rvc-app/rvc-common/src/rvc-service-area-delegate.cpp b/examples/rvc-app/rvc-common/src/rvc-service-area-delegate.cpp
index 4c66b35b43fe60..2ab3400a4c13d4 100644
--- a/examples/rvc-app/rvc-common/src/rvc-service-area-delegate.cpp
+++ b/examples/rvc-app/rvc-common/src/rvc-service-area-delegate.cpp
@@ -40,32 +40,32 @@ CHIP_ERROR RvcServiceAreaDelegate::Init()
     // Location A has name, floor number, uses map XX
         supportedLocationId_A, DataModel::Nullable<uint_fast8_t>(supportedMapId_XX), "My Location A"_span,
-        DataModel::Nullable<int16_t>(4), DataModel::Nullable<ServiceArea::AreaTypeTag>(),
-        DataModel::Nullable<ServiceArea::LandmarkTag>(), DataModel::Nullable<ServiceArea::PositionTag>(),
-        DataModel::Nullable<ServiceArea::FloorSurfaceTag>());
+        DataModel::Nullable<int16_t>(4), DataModel::Nullable<Globals::AreaTypeTag>(),
+        DataModel::Nullable<Globals::LandmarkTag>(), DataModel::Nullable<Globals::PositionTag>(),
+        DataModel::Nullable<Globals::FloorSurfaceTag>());
     // Location B has name, uses map XX
         supportedLocationId_B, DataModel::Nullable<uint_fast8_t>(supportedMapId_XX), "My Location B"_span,
-        DataModel::Nullable<int16_t>(), DataModel::Nullable<ServiceArea::AreaTypeTag>(),
-        DataModel::Nullable<ServiceArea::LandmarkTag>(), DataModel::Nullable<ServiceArea::PositionTag>(),
-        DataModel::Nullable<ServiceArea::FloorSurfaceTag>());
+        DataModel::Nullable<int16_t>(), DataModel::Nullable<Globals::AreaTypeTag>(),
+        DataModel::Nullable<Globals::LandmarkTag>(), DataModel::Nullable<Globals::PositionTag>(),
+        DataModel::Nullable<Globals::FloorSurfaceTag>());
     // Location C has full SemData, no name, Map YY
     GetInstance()->AddSupportedLocation(supportedLocationId_C, DataModel::Nullable<uint_fast8_t>(supportedMapId_YY), CharSpan(),
-                                        DataModel::Nullable<ServiceArea::AreaTypeTag>(ServiceArea::AreaTypeTag::kPlayRoom),
-                                        DataModel::Nullable<ServiceArea::LandmarkTag>(ServiceArea::LandmarkTag::kBackDoor),
-                                        DataModel::Nullable<ServiceArea::PositionTag>(ServiceArea::PositionTag::kNextTo),
-                                        DataModel::Nullable<ServiceArea::FloorSurfaceTag>(ServiceArea::FloorSurfaceTag::kConcrete));
+                                        DataModel::Nullable<Globals::AreaTypeTag>(Globals::AreaTypeTag::kPlayRoom),
+                                        DataModel::Nullable<Globals::LandmarkTag>(Globals::LandmarkTag::kBackDoor),
+                                        DataModel::Nullable<Globals::PositionTag>(Globals::PositionTag::kNextTo),
+                                        DataModel::Nullable<Globals::FloorSurfaceTag>(Globals::FloorSurfaceTag::kConcrete));
     // Location D has null values for all HomeLocationStruct fields, Map YY
     GetInstance()->AddSupportedLocation(supportedLocationId_D, DataModel::Nullable<uint_fast8_t>(supportedMapId_YY),
                                         "My Location D"_span, DataModel::Nullable<int16_t>(),
-                                        DataModel::Nullable<ServiceArea::AreaTypeTag>(),
-                                        DataModel::Nullable<ServiceArea::LandmarkTag>(ServiceArea::LandmarkTag::kCouch),
-                                        DataModel::Nullable<ServiceArea::PositionTag>(ServiceArea::PositionTag::kNextTo),
-                                        DataModel::Nullable<ServiceArea::FloorSurfaceTag>(ServiceArea::FloorSurfaceTag::kHardwood));
+                                        DataModel::Nullable<Globals::AreaTypeTag>(),
+                                        DataModel::Nullable<Globals::LandmarkTag>(Globals::LandmarkTag::kCouch),
+                                        DataModel::Nullable<Globals::PositionTag>(Globals::PositionTag::kNextTo),
+                                        DataModel::Nullable<Globals::FloorSurfaceTag>(Globals::FloorSurfaceTag::kHardwood));
diff --git a/src/app/clusters/service-area-server/service-area-cluster-objects.h b/src/app/clusters/service-area-server/service-area-cluster-objects.h
index e46704796f74c3..67f7d0958365f6 100644
--- a/src/app/clusters/service-area-server/service-area-cluster-objects.h
+++ b/src/app/clusters/service-area-server/service-area-cluster-objects.h
@@ -38,8 +38,8 @@ struct LocationStructureWrapper : public chip::app::Clusters::ServiceArea::Struc
-        Set(0, 0, CharSpan(), DataModel::Nullable<int16_t>(), DataModel::Nullable<AreaTypeTag>(),
-            DataModel::Nullable<LandmarkTag>(), DataModel::Nullable<PositionTag>(), DataModel::Nullable<FloorSurfaceTag>());
+        Set(0, 0, CharSpan(), DataModel::Nullable<int16_t>(), DataModel::Nullable<Globals::AreaTypeTag>(),
+            DataModel::Nullable<Globals::LandmarkTag>(), DataModel::Nullable<Globals::PositionTag>(), DataModel::Nullable<Globals::FloorSurfaceTag>());
@@ -61,10 +61,10 @@ struct LocationStructureWrapper : public chip::app::Clusters::ServiceArea::Struc
     LocationStructureWrapper(uint32_t aLocationId, const DataModel::Nullable<uint8_t> & aMapId, const CharSpan & aLocationName,
                              const DataModel::Nullable<int16_t> & aFloorNumber,
-                             const DataModel::Nullable<AreaTypeTag> & aAreaTypeTag,
-                             const DataModel::Nullable<LandmarkTag> & aLandmarkTag,
-                             const DataModel::Nullable<PositionTag> & aPositionTag,
-                             const DataModel::Nullable<FloorSurfaceTag> & aSurfaceTag)
+                             const DataModel::Nullable<Globals::AreaTypeTag> & aAreaTypeTag,
+                             const DataModel::Nullable<Globals::LandmarkTag> & aLandmarkTag,
+                             const DataModel::Nullable<Globals::PositionTag> & aPositionTag,
+                             const DataModel::Nullable<Globals::FloorSurfaceTag> & aSurfaceTag)
         Set(aLocationId, aMapId, aLocationName, aFloorNumber, aAreaTypeTag, aLandmarkTag, aPositionTag, aSurfaceTag);
@@ -120,9 +120,9 @@ struct LocationStructureWrapper : public chip::app::Clusters::ServiceArea::Struc
      * @note If aLocationName is an empty string and aFloorNumber and aAreaTypeTag are null, locationInfo will be set to null.
     void Set(uint32_t aLocationId, const DataModel::Nullable<uint8_t> & aMapId, const CharSpan & aLocationName,
-             const DataModel::Nullable<int16_t> & aFloorNumber, const DataModel::Nullable<AreaTypeTag> & aAreaType,
-             const DataModel::Nullable<LandmarkTag> & aLandmarkTag, const DataModel::Nullable<PositionTag> & aPositionTag,
-             const DataModel::Nullable<FloorSurfaceTag> & aSurfaceTag)
+             const DataModel::Nullable<int16_t> & aFloorNumber, const DataModel::Nullable<Globals::AreaTypeTag> & aAreaType,
+             const DataModel::Nullable<Globals::LandmarkTag> & aLandmarkTag, const DataModel::Nullable<Globals::PositionTag> & aPositionTag,
+             const DataModel::Nullable<Globals::FloorSurfaceTag> & aSurfaceTag)
         locationID = aLocationId;
         mapID      = aMapId;
@@ -131,7 +131,7 @@ struct LocationStructureWrapper : public chip::app::Clusters::ServiceArea::Struc
         if ((!aLocationName.empty()) || (!aFloorNumber.IsNull()) || (!aAreaType.IsNull()))
             // Create a home location info structure and fill it in except for the location name. This is done below.
-            locationInfo.locationInfo.SetNonNull(Structs::LocationDescriptorStruct::Type());
+            locationInfo.locationInfo.SetNonNull(Globals::Structs::LocationDescriptorStruct::Type());
             locationInfo.locationInfo.Value().floorNumber = aFloorNumber;
             locationInfo.locationInfo.Value().areaType    = aAreaType;
diff --git a/src/app/clusters/service-area-server/service-area-server.cpp b/src/app/clusters/service-area-server/service-area-server.cpp
index 97775fb24f67c0..79837ff0bf216c 100644
--- a/src/app/clusters/service-area-server/service-area-server.cpp
+++ b/src/app/clusters/service-area-server/service-area-server.cpp
@@ -573,10 +573,10 @@ bool Instance::ReportEstimatedEndTimeChange(const DataModel::Nullable<uint32_t>
 bool Instance::AddSupportedLocation(uint32_t aLocationId, const DataModel::Nullable<uint8_t> & aMapId,
                                     const CharSpan & aLocationName, const DataModel::Nullable<int16_t> & aFloorNumber,
-                                    const DataModel::Nullable<AreaTypeTag> & aAreaType,
-                                    const DataModel::Nullable<LandmarkTag> & aLandmarkTag,
-                                    const DataModel::Nullable<PositionTag> & aPositionTag,
-                                    const DataModel::Nullable<FloorSurfaceTag> & aSurfaceTag)
+                                    const DataModel::Nullable<Globals::AreaTypeTag> & aAreaType,
+                                    const DataModel::Nullable<Globals::LandmarkTag> & aLandmarkTag,
+                                    const DataModel::Nullable<Globals::PositionTag> & aPositionTag,
+                                    const DataModel::Nullable<Globals::FloorSurfaceTag> & aSurfaceTag)
     // Create location object for validation.
     LocationStructureWrapper aNewLocation(aLocationId, aMapId, aLocationName, aFloorNumber, aAreaType, aLandmarkTag, aPositionTag,
@@ -625,10 +625,10 @@ bool Instance::AddSupportedLocation(uint32_t aLocationId, const DataModel::Nulla
 bool Instance::ModifySupportedLocation(uint32_t aLocationId, const DataModel::Nullable<uint8_t> & aMapId,
                                        const CharSpan & aLocationName, const DataModel::Nullable<int16_t> & aFloorNumber,
-                                       const DataModel::Nullable<AreaTypeTag> & aAreaType,
-                                       const DataModel::Nullable<LandmarkTag> & aLandmarkTag,
-                                       const DataModel::Nullable<PositionTag> & aPositionTag,
-                                       const DataModel::Nullable<FloorSurfaceTag> & aSurfaceTag)
+                                       const DataModel::Nullable<Globals::AreaTypeTag> & aAreaType,
+                                       const DataModel::Nullable<Globals::LandmarkTag> & aLandmarkTag,
+                                       const DataModel::Nullable<Globals::PositionTag> & aPositionTag,
+                                       const DataModel::Nullable<Globals::FloorSurfaceTag> & aSurfaceTag)
     bool mapIDChanged = false;
     uint32_t listIndex;
diff --git a/src/app/clusters/service-area-server/service-area-server.h b/src/app/clusters/service-area-server/service-area-server.h
index f43ea07337406f..43b5afd95b7c12 100644
--- a/src/app/clusters/service-area-server/service-area-server.h
+++ b/src/app/clusters/service-area-server/service-area-server.h
@@ -183,10 +183,10 @@ class Instance : public AttributeAccessInterface, public CommandHandlerInterface
      * @note if aLocationName is larger than kLocationNameMaxSize, it will be truncated.
     bool AddSupportedLocation(uint32_t aLocationId, const DataModel::Nullable<uint8_t> & aMapId, const CharSpan & aLocationName,
-                              const DataModel::Nullable<int16_t> & aFloorNumber, const DataModel::Nullable<AreaTypeTag> & aAreaType,
-                              const DataModel::Nullable<LandmarkTag> & aLandmarkTag,
-                              const DataModel::Nullable<PositionTag> & aPositionTag,
-                              const DataModel::Nullable<FloorSurfaceTag> & aSurfaceTag);
+                              const DataModel::Nullable<int16_t> & aFloorNumber, const DataModel::Nullable<Globals::AreaTypeTag> & aAreaType,
+                              const DataModel::Nullable<Globals::LandmarkTag> & aLandmarkTag,
+                              const DataModel::Nullable<Globals::PositionTag> & aPositionTag,
+                              const DataModel::Nullable<Globals::FloorSurfaceTag> & aSurfaceTag);
      * @brief Modify/replace an existing location in the supported locations list.
@@ -207,10 +207,10 @@ class Instance : public AttributeAccessInterface, public CommandHandlerInterface
     bool ModifySupportedLocation(uint32_t aLocationId, const DataModel::Nullable<uint8_t> & aMapId, const CharSpan & aLocationName,
                                  const DataModel::Nullable<int16_t> & aFloorNumber,
-                                 const DataModel::Nullable<AreaTypeTag> & aAreaType,
-                                 const DataModel::Nullable<LandmarkTag> & aLandmarkTag,
-                                 const DataModel::Nullable<PositionTag> & aPositionTag,
-                                 const DataModel::Nullable<FloorSurfaceTag> & aSurfaceTag);
+                                 const DataModel::Nullable<Globals::AreaTypeTag> & aAreaType,
+                                 const DataModel::Nullable<Globals::LandmarkTag> & aLandmarkTag,
+                                 const DataModel::Nullable<Globals::PositionTag> & aPositionTag,
+                                 const DataModel::Nullable<Globals::FloorSurfaceTag> & aSurfaceTag);
      * @return true if the SupportedLocations attribute was not already null.

From 1cab7528f3c9effa253f19e23e8d8635c117f4f4 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: "" <>
Date: Wed, 31 Jul 2024 16:35:13 +0000
Subject: [PATCH 04/28] Restyled by clang-format

 .../rvc-common/src/rvc-service-area-delegate.cpp       | 10 ++++------
 .../service-area-server/service-area-cluster-objects.h |  6 ++++--
 .../clusters/service-area-server/service-area-server.h |  3 ++-
 3 files changed, 10 insertions(+), 9 deletions(-)

diff --git a/examples/rvc-app/rvc-common/src/rvc-service-area-delegate.cpp b/examples/rvc-app/rvc-common/src/rvc-service-area-delegate.cpp
index 2ab3400a4c13d4..d913f53d83e940 100644
--- a/examples/rvc-app/rvc-common/src/rvc-service-area-delegate.cpp
+++ b/examples/rvc-app/rvc-common/src/rvc-service-area-delegate.cpp
@@ -40,16 +40,14 @@ CHIP_ERROR RvcServiceAreaDelegate::Init()
     // Location A has name, floor number, uses map XX
         supportedLocationId_A, DataModel::Nullable<uint_fast8_t>(supportedMapId_XX), "My Location A"_span,
-        DataModel::Nullable<int16_t>(4), DataModel::Nullable<Globals::AreaTypeTag>(),
-        DataModel::Nullable<Globals::LandmarkTag>(), DataModel::Nullable<Globals::PositionTag>(),
-        DataModel::Nullable<Globals::FloorSurfaceTag>());
+        DataModel::Nullable<int16_t>(4), DataModel::Nullable<Globals::AreaTypeTag>(), DataModel::Nullable<Globals::LandmarkTag>(),
+        DataModel::Nullable<Globals::PositionTag>(), DataModel::Nullable<Globals::FloorSurfaceTag>());
     // Location B has name, uses map XX
         supportedLocationId_B, DataModel::Nullable<uint_fast8_t>(supportedMapId_XX), "My Location B"_span,
-        DataModel::Nullable<int16_t>(), DataModel::Nullable<Globals::AreaTypeTag>(),
-        DataModel::Nullable<Globals::LandmarkTag>(), DataModel::Nullable<Globals::PositionTag>(),
-        DataModel::Nullable<Globals::FloorSurfaceTag>());
+        DataModel::Nullable<int16_t>(), DataModel::Nullable<Globals::AreaTypeTag>(), DataModel::Nullable<Globals::LandmarkTag>(),
+        DataModel::Nullable<Globals::PositionTag>(), DataModel::Nullable<Globals::FloorSurfaceTag>());
     // Location C has full SemData, no name, Map YY
     GetInstance()->AddSupportedLocation(supportedLocationId_C, DataModel::Nullable<uint_fast8_t>(supportedMapId_YY), CharSpan(),
diff --git a/src/app/clusters/service-area-server/service-area-cluster-objects.h b/src/app/clusters/service-area-server/service-area-cluster-objects.h
index 67f7d0958365f6..1be2918795a1f0 100644
--- a/src/app/clusters/service-area-server/service-area-cluster-objects.h
+++ b/src/app/clusters/service-area-server/service-area-cluster-objects.h
@@ -39,7 +39,8 @@ struct LocationStructureWrapper : public chip::app::Clusters::ServiceArea::Struc
         Set(0, 0, CharSpan(), DataModel::Nullable<int16_t>(), DataModel::Nullable<Globals::AreaTypeTag>(),
-            DataModel::Nullable<Globals::LandmarkTag>(), DataModel::Nullable<Globals::PositionTag>(), DataModel::Nullable<Globals::FloorSurfaceTag>());
+            DataModel::Nullable<Globals::LandmarkTag>(), DataModel::Nullable<Globals::PositionTag>(),
+            DataModel::Nullable<Globals::FloorSurfaceTag>());
@@ -121,7 +122,8 @@ struct LocationStructureWrapper : public chip::app::Clusters::ServiceArea::Struc
     void Set(uint32_t aLocationId, const DataModel::Nullable<uint8_t> & aMapId, const CharSpan & aLocationName,
              const DataModel::Nullable<int16_t> & aFloorNumber, const DataModel::Nullable<Globals::AreaTypeTag> & aAreaType,
-             const DataModel::Nullable<Globals::LandmarkTag> & aLandmarkTag, const DataModel::Nullable<Globals::PositionTag> & aPositionTag,
+             const DataModel::Nullable<Globals::LandmarkTag> & aLandmarkTag,
+             const DataModel::Nullable<Globals::PositionTag> & aPositionTag,
              const DataModel::Nullable<Globals::FloorSurfaceTag> & aSurfaceTag)
         locationID = aLocationId;
diff --git a/src/app/clusters/service-area-server/service-area-server.h b/src/app/clusters/service-area-server/service-area-server.h
index 43b5afd95b7c12..d781987c8d26dd 100644
--- a/src/app/clusters/service-area-server/service-area-server.h
+++ b/src/app/clusters/service-area-server/service-area-server.h
@@ -183,7 +183,8 @@ class Instance : public AttributeAccessInterface, public CommandHandlerInterface
      * @note if aLocationName is larger than kLocationNameMaxSize, it will be truncated.
     bool AddSupportedLocation(uint32_t aLocationId, const DataModel::Nullable<uint8_t> & aMapId, const CharSpan & aLocationName,
-                              const DataModel::Nullable<int16_t> & aFloorNumber, const DataModel::Nullable<Globals::AreaTypeTag> & aAreaType,
+                              const DataModel::Nullable<int16_t> & aFloorNumber,
+                              const DataModel::Nullable<Globals::AreaTypeTag> & aAreaType,
                               const DataModel::Nullable<Globals::LandmarkTag> & aLandmarkTag,
                               const DataModel::Nullable<Globals::PositionTag> & aPositionTag,
                               const DataModel::Nullable<Globals::FloorSurfaceTag> & aSurfaceTag);

From 72de6c5a6477bd3572d1be24c5bc175d87f8d18e Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: William Hicklin <>
Date: Thu, 1 Aug 2024 12:52:45 +0100
Subject: [PATCH 05/28] Renamed LocationInfoStruct to AreaInfoStruct.

 .../zcl/data-model/chip/service-area-cluster.xml              | 4 ++--
 1 file changed, 2 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-)

diff --git a/src/app/zap-templates/zcl/data-model/chip/service-area-cluster.xml b/src/app/zap-templates/zcl/data-model/chip/service-area-cluster.xml
index 3332172500e451..86ddc8a1590589 100644
--- a/src/app/zap-templates/zcl/data-model/chip/service-area-cluster.xml
+++ b/src/app/zap-templates/zcl/data-model/chip/service-area-cluster.xml
@@ -18,7 +18,7 @@ limitations under the License.
   <domain name="CHIP"/>
   Data types
-  <struct name="LocationInfoStruct" apiMaturity="provisional">
+  <struct name="AreaInfoStruct" apiMaturity="provisional">
     <cluster code="0x0150"/>
     <item name="LocationInfo"  type="LocationDescriptorStruct" optional="false" isNullable="true"/>
     <item name="LandmarkTag"   type="LandmarkTag"              optional="false" isNullable="true"/>
@@ -36,7 +36,7 @@ limitations under the License.
     <cluster code="0x0150"/>
     <item name="LocationID"   type="int32u"                  optional="false" isNullable="false"/>
     <item name="MapID"        type="int8u"                   optional="false" isNullable="true"/>
-    <item name="LocationInfo" type="LocationInfoStruct"      optional="false" isNullable="false"/>
+    <item name="LocationInfo" type="AreaInfoStruct"      optional="false" isNullable="false"/>
   <enum name="OperationalStatusEnum" type="enum8">

From f2add10c75d97a3231ebc45b90ea271fbf237843 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: William Hicklin <>
Date: Thu, 1 Aug 2024 13:03:42 +0100
Subject: [PATCH 06/28] Zap generated after XML update.

 examples/rvc-app/rvc-common/rvc-app.matter    |  4 +--
 .../data_model/controller-clusters.matter     |  4 +--
 .../chip/devicecontroller/    | 18 +++++------
 .../chip/devicecontroller/cluster/files.gni   |  2 +-
 ...kt => ServiceAreaClusterAreaInfoStruct.kt} | 13 +++-----
 .../ServiceAreaClusterLocationStruct.kt       |  7 ++---
 .../java/matter/controller/cluster/files.gni  |  2 +-
 ...kt => ServiceAreaClusterAreaInfoStruct.kt} | 13 +++-----
 .../ServiceAreaClusterLocationStruct.kt       |  7 ++---
 .../CHIPAttributeTLVValueDecoder.cpp          | 30 +++++++++----------
 .../python/chip/clusters/           |  6 ++--
 .../            |  2 +-
 .../CHIP/zap-generated/MTRStructsObjc.h       |  4 +--
 .../CHIP/zap-generated/      |  6 ++--
 .../zap-generated/cluster-objects.cpp         |  4 +--
 .../zap-generated/cluster-objects.h           |  6 ++--
 .../cluster/ComplexArgumentParser.cpp         | 14 ++++-----
 .../cluster/ComplexArgumentParser.h           |  4 +--
 .../cluster/logging/DataModelLogger.cpp       |  2 +-
 .../cluster/logging/DataModelLogger.h         |  2 +-
 20 files changed, 67 insertions(+), 83 deletions(-)
 rename src/controller/java/generated/java/chip/devicecontroller/cluster/structs/{ServiceAreaClusterLocationInfoStruct.kt => ServiceAreaClusterAreaInfoStruct.kt} (92%)
 rename src/controller/java/generated/java/matter/controller/cluster/structs/{ServiceAreaClusterLocationInfoStruct.kt => ServiceAreaClusterAreaInfoStruct.kt} (92%)

diff --git a/examples/rvc-app/rvc-common/rvc-app.matter b/examples/rvc-app/rvc-common/rvc-app.matter
index e619edae8f0b29..724399854e61a7 100644
--- a/examples/rvc-app/rvc-common/rvc-app.matter
+++ b/examples/rvc-app/rvc-common/rvc-app.matter
@@ -1440,7 +1440,7 @@ provisional cluster ServiceArea = 336 {
     kSelectWhileRunning = 0x2;
-  struct LocationInfoStruct {
+  struct AreaInfoStruct {
     nullable LocationDescriptorStruct locationInfo = 0;
     nullable LandmarkTag landmarkTag = 1;
     nullable PositionTag positionTag = 2;
@@ -1450,7 +1450,7 @@ provisional cluster ServiceArea = 336 {
   struct LocationStruct {
     int32u locationID = 0;
     nullable int8u mapID = 1;
-    LocationInfoStruct locationInfo = 2;
+    AreaInfoStruct locationInfo = 2;
   struct MapStruct {
diff --git a/src/controller/data_model/controller-clusters.matter b/src/controller/data_model/controller-clusters.matter
index fc5d582445fa11..8fbdcd6ad9947c 100644
--- a/src/controller/data_model/controller-clusters.matter
+++ b/src/controller/data_model/controller-clusters.matter
@@ -6461,7 +6461,7 @@ provisional cluster ServiceArea = 336 {
     kSelectWhileRunning = 0x2;
-  struct LocationInfoStruct {
+  struct AreaInfoStruct {
     nullable LocationDescriptorStruct locationInfo = 0;
     nullable LandmarkTag landmarkTag = 1;
     nullable PositionTag positionTag = 2;
@@ -6471,7 +6471,7 @@ provisional cluster ServiceArea = 336 {
   struct LocationStruct {
     int32u locationID = 0;
     nullable int8u mapID = 1;
-    LocationInfoStruct locationInfo = 2;
+    AreaInfoStruct locationInfo = 2;
   struct MapStruct {
diff --git a/src/controller/java/generated/java/chip/devicecontroller/ b/src/controller/java/generated/java/chip/devicecontroller/
index 6bbad15010c3c0..5773d74716ef6a 100644
--- a/src/controller/java/generated/java/chip/devicecontroller/
+++ b/src/controller/java/generated/java/chip/devicecontroller/
@@ -9171,7 +9171,7 @@ public String toString() {
     return output.toString();
-public static class ServiceAreaClusterLocationInfoStruct {
+public static class ServiceAreaClusterAreaInfoStruct {
   public @Nullable ChipStructs.ServiceAreaClusterLocationDescriptorStruct locationInfo;
   public @Nullable Integer landmarkTag;
   public @Nullable Integer positionTag;
@@ -9181,7 +9181,7 @@ public static class ServiceAreaClusterLocationInfoStruct {
   private static final long POSITION_TAG_ID = 2L;
   private static final long SURFACE_TAG_ID = 3L;
-  public ServiceAreaClusterLocationInfoStruct(
+  public ServiceAreaClusterAreaInfoStruct(
     @Nullable ChipStructs.ServiceAreaClusterLocationDescriptorStruct locationInfo,
     @Nullable Integer landmarkTag,
     @Nullable Integer positionTag,
@@ -9203,7 +9203,7 @@ public StructType encodeTlv() {
     return new StructType(values);
-  public static ServiceAreaClusterLocationInfoStruct decodeTlv(BaseTLVType tlvValue) {
+  public static ServiceAreaClusterAreaInfoStruct decodeTlv(BaseTLVType tlvValue) {
     if (tlvValue == null || tlvValue.type() != TLVType.Struct) {
       return null;
@@ -9234,7 +9234,7 @@ public static ServiceAreaClusterLocationInfoStruct decodeTlv(BaseTLVType tlvValu
-    return new ServiceAreaClusterLocationInfoStruct(
+    return new ServiceAreaClusterAreaInfoStruct(
@@ -9245,7 +9245,7 @@ public static ServiceAreaClusterLocationInfoStruct decodeTlv(BaseTLVType tlvValu
   public String toString() {
     StringBuilder output = new StringBuilder();
-    output.append("ServiceAreaClusterLocationInfoStruct {\n");
+    output.append("ServiceAreaClusterAreaInfoStruct {\n");
     output.append("\tlocationInfo: ");
@@ -9265,7 +9265,7 @@ public String toString() {
 public static class ServiceAreaClusterLocationStruct {
   public Long locationID;
   public @Nullable Integer mapID;
-  public ChipStructs.ServiceAreaClusterLocationInfoStruct locationInfo;
+  public ChipStructs.ServiceAreaClusterAreaInfoStruct locationInfo;
   private static final long LOCATION_I_D_ID = 0L;
   private static final long MAP_I_D_ID = 1L;
   private static final long LOCATION_INFO_ID = 2L;
@@ -9273,7 +9273,7 @@ public static class ServiceAreaClusterLocationStruct {
   public ServiceAreaClusterLocationStruct(
     Long locationID,
     @Nullable Integer mapID,
-    ChipStructs.ServiceAreaClusterLocationInfoStruct locationInfo
+    ChipStructs.ServiceAreaClusterAreaInfoStruct locationInfo
   ) {
     this.locationID = locationID;
     this.mapID = mapID;
@@ -9295,7 +9295,7 @@ public static ServiceAreaClusterLocationStruct decodeTlv(BaseTLVType tlvValue) {
     Long locationID = null;
     @Nullable Integer mapID = null;
-    ChipStructs.ServiceAreaClusterLocationInfoStruct locationInfo = null;
+    ChipStructs.ServiceAreaClusterAreaInfoStruct locationInfo = null;
     for (StructElement element: ((StructType)tlvValue).value()) {
       if (element.contextTagNum() == LOCATION_I_D_ID) {
         if (element.value(BaseTLVType.class).type() == TLVType.UInt) {
@@ -9310,7 +9310,7 @@ public static ServiceAreaClusterLocationStruct decodeTlv(BaseTLVType tlvValue) {
       } else if (element.contextTagNum() == LOCATION_INFO_ID) {
         if (element.value(BaseTLVType.class).type() == TLVType.Struct) {
           StructType castingValue = element.value(StructType.class);
-          locationInfo = ChipStructs.ServiceAreaClusterLocationInfoStruct.decodeTlv(castingValue);
+          locationInfo = ChipStructs.ServiceAreaClusterAreaInfoStruct.decodeTlv(castingValue);
diff --git a/src/controller/java/generated/java/chip/devicecontroller/cluster/files.gni b/src/controller/java/generated/java/chip/devicecontroller/cluster/files.gni
index e101562093412c..eef63acab9b89e 100644
--- a/src/controller/java/generated/java/chip/devicecontroller/cluster/files.gni
+++ b/src/controller/java/generated/java/chip/devicecontroller/cluster/files.gni
@@ -123,8 +123,8 @@ structs_sources = [
+  "${chip_root}/src/controller/java/generated/java/chip/devicecontroller/cluster/structs/ServiceAreaClusterAreaInfoStruct.kt",
-  "${chip_root}/src/controller/java/generated/java/chip/devicecontroller/cluster/structs/ServiceAreaClusterLocationInfoStruct.kt",
diff --git a/src/controller/java/generated/java/chip/devicecontroller/cluster/structs/ServiceAreaClusterLocationInfoStruct.kt b/src/controller/java/generated/java/chip/devicecontroller/cluster/structs/ServiceAreaClusterAreaInfoStruct.kt
similarity index 92%
rename from src/controller/java/generated/java/chip/devicecontroller/cluster/structs/ServiceAreaClusterLocationInfoStruct.kt
rename to src/controller/java/generated/java/chip/devicecontroller/cluster/structs/ServiceAreaClusterAreaInfoStruct.kt
index 3d3938fdbedf2b..e11d56110d37cf 100644
--- a/src/controller/java/generated/java/chip/devicecontroller/cluster/structs/ServiceAreaClusterLocationInfoStruct.kt
+++ b/src/controller/java/generated/java/chip/devicecontroller/cluster/structs/ServiceAreaClusterAreaInfoStruct.kt
@@ -22,14 +22,14 @@ import matter.tlv.Tag
 import matter.tlv.TlvReader
 import matter.tlv.TlvWriter
-class ServiceAreaClusterLocationInfoStruct(
+class ServiceAreaClusterAreaInfoStruct(
   val locationInfo: ServiceAreaClusterLocationDescriptorStruct?,
   val landmarkTag: UInt?,
   val positionTag: UInt?,
   val surfaceTag: UInt?,
 ) {
   override fun toString(): String = buildString {
-    append("ServiceAreaClusterLocationInfoStruct {\n")
+    append("ServiceAreaClusterAreaInfoStruct {\n")
     append("\tlocationInfo : $locationInfo\n")
     append("\tlandmarkTag : $landmarkTag\n")
     append("\tpositionTag : $positionTag\n")
@@ -70,7 +70,7 @@ class ServiceAreaClusterLocationInfoStruct(
     private const val TAG_POSITION_TAG = 2
     private const val TAG_SURFACE_TAG = 3
-    fun fromTlv(tlvTag: Tag, tlvReader: TlvReader): ServiceAreaClusterLocationInfoStruct {
+    fun fromTlv(tlvTag: Tag, tlvReader: TlvReader): ServiceAreaClusterAreaInfoStruct {
       val locationInfo =
         if (!tlvReader.isNull()) {
@@ -106,12 +106,7 @@ class ServiceAreaClusterLocationInfoStruct(
-      return ServiceAreaClusterLocationInfoStruct(
-        locationInfo,
-        landmarkTag,
-        positionTag,
-        surfaceTag,
-      )
+      return ServiceAreaClusterAreaInfoStruct(locationInfo, landmarkTag, positionTag, surfaceTag)
diff --git a/src/controller/java/generated/java/chip/devicecontroller/cluster/structs/ServiceAreaClusterLocationStruct.kt b/src/controller/java/generated/java/chip/devicecontroller/cluster/structs/ServiceAreaClusterLocationStruct.kt
index f77ae437cad74c..c126ec45cc114a 100644
--- a/src/controller/java/generated/java/chip/devicecontroller/cluster/structs/ServiceAreaClusterLocationStruct.kt
+++ b/src/controller/java/generated/java/chip/devicecontroller/cluster/structs/ServiceAreaClusterLocationStruct.kt
@@ -25,7 +25,7 @@ import matter.tlv.TlvWriter
 class ServiceAreaClusterLocationStruct(
   val locationID: ULong,
   val mapID: UInt?,
-  val locationInfo: ServiceAreaClusterLocationInfoStruct,
+  val locationInfo: ServiceAreaClusterAreaInfoStruct,
 ) {
   override fun toString(): String = buildString {
     append("ServiceAreaClusterLocationStruct {\n")
@@ -65,10 +65,7 @@ class ServiceAreaClusterLocationStruct(
       val locationInfo =
-        ServiceAreaClusterLocationInfoStruct.fromTlv(
-          ContextSpecificTag(TAG_LOCATION_INFO),
-          tlvReader,
-        )
+        ServiceAreaClusterAreaInfoStruct.fromTlv(ContextSpecificTag(TAG_LOCATION_INFO), tlvReader)
diff --git a/src/controller/java/generated/java/matter/controller/cluster/files.gni b/src/controller/java/generated/java/matter/controller/cluster/files.gni
index dc0b4b09ec96f6..7a34b37efebd1c 100644
--- a/src/controller/java/generated/java/matter/controller/cluster/files.gni
+++ b/src/controller/java/generated/java/matter/controller/cluster/files.gni
@@ -123,8 +123,8 @@ matter_structs_sources = [
+  "${chip_root}/src/controller/java/generated/java/matter/controller/cluster/structs/ServiceAreaClusterAreaInfoStruct.kt",
-  "${chip_root}/src/controller/java/generated/java/matter/controller/cluster/structs/ServiceAreaClusterLocationInfoStruct.kt",
diff --git a/src/controller/java/generated/java/matter/controller/cluster/structs/ServiceAreaClusterLocationInfoStruct.kt b/src/controller/java/generated/java/matter/controller/cluster/structs/ServiceAreaClusterAreaInfoStruct.kt
similarity index 92%
rename from src/controller/java/generated/java/matter/controller/cluster/structs/ServiceAreaClusterLocationInfoStruct.kt
rename to src/controller/java/generated/java/matter/controller/cluster/structs/ServiceAreaClusterAreaInfoStruct.kt
index d61927fb7ec852..a440d0b2ec4116 100644
--- a/src/controller/java/generated/java/matter/controller/cluster/structs/ServiceAreaClusterLocationInfoStruct.kt
+++ b/src/controller/java/generated/java/matter/controller/cluster/structs/ServiceAreaClusterAreaInfoStruct.kt
@@ -22,14 +22,14 @@ import matter.tlv.Tag
 import matter.tlv.TlvReader
 import matter.tlv.TlvWriter
-class ServiceAreaClusterLocationInfoStruct(
+class ServiceAreaClusterAreaInfoStruct(
   val locationInfo: ServiceAreaClusterLocationDescriptorStruct?,
   val landmarkTag: UByte?,
   val positionTag: UByte?,
   val surfaceTag: UByte?,
 ) {
   override fun toString(): String = buildString {
-    append("ServiceAreaClusterLocationInfoStruct {\n")
+    append("ServiceAreaClusterAreaInfoStruct {\n")
     append("\tlocationInfo : $locationInfo\n")
     append("\tlandmarkTag : $landmarkTag\n")
     append("\tpositionTag : $positionTag\n")
@@ -70,7 +70,7 @@ class ServiceAreaClusterLocationInfoStruct(
     private const val TAG_POSITION_TAG = 2
     private const val TAG_SURFACE_TAG = 3
-    fun fromTlv(tlvTag: Tag, tlvReader: TlvReader): ServiceAreaClusterLocationInfoStruct {
+    fun fromTlv(tlvTag: Tag, tlvReader: TlvReader): ServiceAreaClusterAreaInfoStruct {
       val locationInfo =
         if (!tlvReader.isNull()) {
@@ -106,12 +106,7 @@ class ServiceAreaClusterLocationInfoStruct(
-      return ServiceAreaClusterLocationInfoStruct(
-        locationInfo,
-        landmarkTag,
-        positionTag,
-        surfaceTag,
-      )
+      return ServiceAreaClusterAreaInfoStruct(locationInfo, landmarkTag, positionTag, surfaceTag)
diff --git a/src/controller/java/generated/java/matter/controller/cluster/structs/ServiceAreaClusterLocationStruct.kt b/src/controller/java/generated/java/matter/controller/cluster/structs/ServiceAreaClusterLocationStruct.kt
index 42dc672d5c51fe..9ea104f0e24f15 100644
--- a/src/controller/java/generated/java/matter/controller/cluster/structs/ServiceAreaClusterLocationStruct.kt
+++ b/src/controller/java/generated/java/matter/controller/cluster/structs/ServiceAreaClusterLocationStruct.kt
@@ -25,7 +25,7 @@ import matter.tlv.TlvWriter
 class ServiceAreaClusterLocationStruct(
   val locationID: UInt,
   val mapID: UByte?,
-  val locationInfo: ServiceAreaClusterLocationInfoStruct,
+  val locationInfo: ServiceAreaClusterAreaInfoStruct,
 ) {
   override fun toString(): String = buildString {
     append("ServiceAreaClusterLocationStruct {\n")
@@ -65,10 +65,7 @@ class ServiceAreaClusterLocationStruct(
       val locationInfo =
-        ServiceAreaClusterLocationInfoStruct.fromTlv(
-          ContextSpecificTag(TAG_LOCATION_INFO),
-          tlvReader,
-        )
+        ServiceAreaClusterAreaInfoStruct.fromTlv(ContextSpecificTag(TAG_LOCATION_INFO), tlvReader)
diff --git a/src/controller/java/zap-generated/CHIPAttributeTLVValueDecoder.cpp b/src/controller/java/zap-generated/CHIPAttributeTLVValueDecoder.cpp
index 49af03e873c702..7afaddcc4a514e 100644
--- a/src/controller/java/zap-generated/CHIPAttributeTLVValueDecoder.cpp
+++ b/src/controller/java/zap-generated/CHIPAttributeTLVValueDecoder.cpp
@@ -28748,31 +28748,31 @@ jobject DecodeAttributeValue(const app::ConcreteAttributePath & aPath, TLV::TLVR
-                jclass locationInfoStructStructClass_2;
+                jclass areaInfoStructStructClass_2;
                 err = chip::JniReferences::GetInstance().GetLocalClassRef(
-                    env, "chip/devicecontroller/ChipStructs$ServiceAreaClusterLocationInfoStruct", locationInfoStructStructClass_2);
+                    env, "chip/devicecontroller/ChipStructs$ServiceAreaClusterAreaInfoStruct", areaInfoStructStructClass_2);
                 if (err != CHIP_NO_ERROR)
-                    ChipLogError(Zcl, "Could not find class ChipStructs$ServiceAreaClusterLocationInfoStruct");
+                    ChipLogError(Zcl, "Could not find class ChipStructs$ServiceAreaClusterAreaInfoStruct");
                     return nullptr;
-                jmethodID locationInfoStructStructCtor_2;
+                jmethodID areaInfoStructStructCtor_2;
                 err = chip::JniReferences::GetInstance().FindMethod(
-                    env, locationInfoStructStructClass_2, "<init>",
+                    env, areaInfoStructStructClass_2, "<init>",
-                    &locationInfoStructStructCtor_2);
-                if (err != CHIP_NO_ERROR || locationInfoStructStructCtor_2 == nullptr)
+                    &areaInfoStructStructCtor_2);
+                if (err != CHIP_NO_ERROR || areaInfoStructStructCtor_2 == nullptr)
-                    ChipLogError(Zcl, "Could not find ChipStructs$ServiceAreaClusterLocationInfoStruct constructor");
+                    ChipLogError(Zcl, "Could not find ChipStructs$ServiceAreaClusterAreaInfoStruct constructor");
                     return nullptr;
                 newElement_0_locationInfo =
-                    env->NewObject(locationInfoStructStructClass_2, locationInfoStructStructCtor_2,
-                                   newElement_0_locationInfo_locationInfo, newElement_0_locationInfo_landmarkTag,
-                                   newElement_0_locationInfo_positionTag, newElement_0_locationInfo_surfaceTag);
+                    env->NewObject(areaInfoStructStructClass_2, areaInfoStructStructCtor_2, newElement_0_locationInfo_locationInfo,
+                                   newElement_0_locationInfo_landmarkTag, newElement_0_locationInfo_positionTag,
+                                   newElement_0_locationInfo_surfaceTag);
                 jclass locationStructStructClass_1;
                 err = chip::JniReferences::GetInstance().GetLocalClassRef(
@@ -28784,10 +28784,10 @@ jobject DecodeAttributeValue(const app::ConcreteAttributePath & aPath, TLV::TLVR
                 jmethodID locationStructStructCtor_1;
-                err = chip::JniReferences::GetInstance().FindMethod(env, locationStructStructClass_1, "<init>",
-                                                                    "(Ljava/lang/Long;Ljava/lang/Integer;Lchip/devicecontroller/"
-                                                                    "ChipStructs$ServiceAreaClusterLocationInfoStruct;)V",
-                                                                    &locationStructStructCtor_1);
+                err = chip::JniReferences::GetInstance().FindMethod(
+                    env, locationStructStructClass_1, "<init>",
+                    "(Ljava/lang/Long;Ljava/lang/Integer;Lchip/devicecontroller/ChipStructs$ServiceAreaClusterAreaInfoStruct;)V",
+                    &locationStructStructCtor_1);
                 if (err != CHIP_NO_ERROR || locationStructStructCtor_1 == nullptr)
                     ChipLogError(Zcl, "Could not find ChipStructs$ServiceAreaClusterLocationStruct constructor");
diff --git a/src/controller/python/chip/clusters/ b/src/controller/python/chip/clusters/
index 4aaa406d6d6914..5d177da3f501fb 100644
--- a/src/controller/python/chip/clusters/
+++ b/src/controller/python/chip/clusters/
@@ -31163,7 +31163,7 @@ class Feature(IntFlag):
     class Structs:
-        class LocationInfoStruct(ClusterObject):
+        class AreaInfoStruct(ClusterObject):
             def descriptor(cls) -> ClusterObjectDescriptor:
                 return ClusterObjectDescriptor(
@@ -31187,12 +31187,12 @@ def descriptor(cls) -> ClusterObjectDescriptor:
                         ClusterObjectFieldDescriptor(Label="locationID", Tag=0, Type=uint),
                         ClusterObjectFieldDescriptor(Label="mapID", Tag=1, Type=typing.Union[Nullable, uint]),
-                        ClusterObjectFieldDescriptor(Label="locationInfo", Tag=2, Type=ServiceArea.Structs.LocationInfoStruct),
+                        ClusterObjectFieldDescriptor(Label="locationInfo", Tag=2, Type=ServiceArea.Structs.AreaInfoStruct),
             locationID: 'uint' = 0
             mapID: 'typing.Union[Nullable, uint]' = NullValue
-            locationInfo: 'ServiceArea.Structs.LocationInfoStruct' = field(default_factory=lambda: ServiceArea.Structs.LocationInfoStruct())
+            locationInfo: 'ServiceArea.Structs.AreaInfoStruct' = field(default_factory=lambda: ServiceArea.Structs.AreaInfoStruct())
         class MapStruct(ClusterObject):
diff --git a/src/darwin/Framework/CHIP/zap-generated/ b/src/darwin/Framework/CHIP/zap-generated/
index 70082ee79c86d3..f9659667328bcc 100644
--- a/src/darwin/Framework/CHIP/zap-generated/
+++ b/src/darwin/Framework/CHIP/zap-generated/
@@ -11186,7 +11186,7 @@ static id _Nullable DecodeAttributeValueForServiceAreaCluster(AttributeId aAttri
                 } else {
                     newElement_0.mapID = [NSNumber numberWithUnsignedChar:entry_0.mapID.Value()];
-                newElement_0.locationInfo = [MTRServiceAreaClusterLocationInfoStruct new];
+                newElement_0.locationInfo = [MTRServiceAreaClusterAreaInfoStruct new];
                 if (entry_0.locationInfo.locationInfo.IsNull()) {
                     newElement_0.locationInfo.locationInfo = nil;
                 } else {
diff --git a/src/darwin/Framework/CHIP/zap-generated/MTRStructsObjc.h b/src/darwin/Framework/CHIP/zap-generated/MTRStructsObjc.h
index cf1dd2bca55a29..12e0e97ac22952 100644
--- a/src/darwin/Framework/CHIP/zap-generated/MTRStructsObjc.h
+++ b/src/darwin/Framework/CHIP/zap-generated/MTRStructsObjc.h
@@ -1588,7 +1588,7 @@ MTR_AVAILABLE(ios(16.1), macos(13.0), watchos(9.1), tvos(16.1))
-@interface MTRServiceAreaClusterLocationInfoStruct : NSObject <NSCopying>
+@interface MTRServiceAreaClusterAreaInfoStruct : NSObject <NSCopying>
 @property (nonatomic, copy) MTRDataTypeLocationDescriptorStruct * _Nullable locationInfo MTR_PROVISIONALLY_AVAILABLE;
 @property (nonatomic, copy) NSNumber * _Nullable landmarkTag MTR_PROVISIONALLY_AVAILABLE;
 @property (nonatomic, copy) NSNumber * _Nullable positionTag MTR_PROVISIONALLY_AVAILABLE;
 @interface MTRServiceAreaClusterLocationStruct : NSObject <NSCopying>
 @property (nonatomic, copy) NSNumber * _Nonnull locationID MTR_PROVISIONALLY_AVAILABLE;
 @property (nonatomic, copy) NSNumber * _Nullable mapID MTR_PROVISIONALLY_AVAILABLE;
-@property (nonatomic, copy) MTRServiceAreaClusterLocationInfoStruct * _Nonnull locationInfo MTR_PROVISIONALLY_AVAILABLE;
+@property (nonatomic, copy) MTRServiceAreaClusterAreaInfoStruct * _Nonnull locationInfo MTR_PROVISIONALLY_AVAILABLE;
diff --git a/src/darwin/Framework/CHIP/zap-generated/ b/src/darwin/Framework/CHIP/zap-generated/
index 886512bea12617..84c0506c41a48c 100644
--- a/src/darwin/Framework/CHIP/zap-generated/
+++ b/src/darwin/Framework/CHIP/zap-generated/
@@ -6610,7 +6610,7 @@ - (NSString *)description
-@implementation MTRServiceAreaClusterLocationInfoStruct
+@implementation MTRServiceAreaClusterAreaInfoStruct
 - (instancetype)init
     if (self = [super init]) {
@@ -6628,7 +6628,7 @@ - (instancetype)init
 - (id)copyWithZone:(NSZone * _Nullable)zone
-    auto other = [[MTRServiceAreaClusterLocationInfoStruct alloc] init];
+    auto other = [[MTRServiceAreaClusterAreaInfoStruct alloc] init];
     other.locationInfo = self.locationInfo;
     other.landmarkTag = self.landmarkTag;
@@ -6655,7 +6655,7 @@ - (instancetype)init
         _mapID = nil;
-        _locationInfo = [MTRServiceAreaClusterLocationInfoStruct new];
+        _locationInfo = [MTRServiceAreaClusterAreaInfoStruct new];
     return self;
diff --git a/zzz_generated/app-common/app-common/zap-generated/cluster-objects.cpp b/zzz_generated/app-common/app-common/zap-generated/cluster-objects.cpp
index a4cc761304d9d6..e9568f987759aa 100644
--- a/zzz_generated/app-common/app-common/zap-generated/cluster-objects.cpp
+++ b/zzz_generated/app-common/app-common/zap-generated/cluster-objects.cpp
@@ -20314,7 +20314,7 @@ namespace Events {} // namespace Events
 namespace ServiceArea {
 namespace Structs {
-namespace LocationInfoStruct {
+namespace AreaInfoStruct {
 CHIP_ERROR Type::Encode(TLV::TLVWriter & aWriter, TLV::Tag aTag) const
     DataModel::WrappedStructEncoder encoder{ aWriter, aTag };
@@ -20363,7 +20363,7 @@ CHIP_ERROR DecodableType::Decode(TLV::TLVReader & reader)
-} // namespace LocationInfoStruct
+} // namespace AreaInfoStruct
 namespace LocationStruct {
 CHIP_ERROR Type::Encode(TLV::TLVWriter & aWriter, TLV::Tag aTag) const
diff --git a/zzz_generated/app-common/app-common/zap-generated/cluster-objects.h b/zzz_generated/app-common/app-common/zap-generated/cluster-objects.h
index 4a77cccab467d9..d0f00edc9a0c27 100644
--- a/zzz_generated/app-common/app-common/zap-generated/cluster-objects.h
+++ b/zzz_generated/app-common/app-common/zap-generated/cluster-objects.h
@@ -28307,7 +28307,7 @@ struct TypeInfo
 } // namespace BarrierControl
 namespace ServiceArea {
 namespace Structs {
-namespace LocationInfoStruct {
+namespace AreaInfoStruct {
 enum class Fields : uint8_t
     kLocationInfo = 0,
@@ -28333,7 +28333,7 @@ struct Type
 using DecodableType = Type;
-} // namespace LocationInfoStruct
+} // namespace AreaInfoStruct
 namespace LocationStruct {
 enum class Fields : uint8_t
@@ -28347,7 +28347,7 @@ struct Type
     uint32_t locationID = static_cast<uint32_t>(0);
     DataModel::Nullable<uint8_t> mapID;
-    Structs::LocationInfoStruct::Type locationInfo;
+    Structs::AreaInfoStruct::Type locationInfo;
     CHIP_ERROR Decode(TLV::TLVReader & reader);
diff --git a/zzz_generated/chip-tool/zap-generated/cluster/ComplexArgumentParser.cpp b/zzz_generated/chip-tool/zap-generated/cluster/ComplexArgumentParser.cpp
index 0acdabaeffd5ef..eb91941092f4da 100644
--- a/zzz_generated/chip-tool/zap-generated/cluster/ComplexArgumentParser.cpp
+++ b/zzz_generated/chip-tool/zap-generated/cluster/ComplexArgumentParser.cpp
@@ -3943,7 +3943,7 @@ void ComplexArgumentParser::Finalize(chip::app::Clusters::DoorLock::Structs::Cre
 CHIP_ERROR ComplexArgumentParser::Setup(const char * label,
-                                        chip::app::Clusters::ServiceArea::Structs::LocationInfoStruct::Type & request,
+                                        chip::app::Clusters::ServiceArea::Structs::AreaInfoStruct::Type & request,
                                         Json::Value & value)
     VerifyOrReturnError(value.isObject(), CHIP_ERROR_INVALID_ARGUMENT);
@@ -3951,14 +3951,14 @@ CHIP_ERROR ComplexArgumentParser::Setup(const char * label,
     // Copy to track which members we already processed.
     Json::Value valueCopy(value);
-    ReturnErrorOnFailure(ComplexArgumentParser::EnsureMemberExist("LocationInfoStruct.locationInfo", "locationInfo",
-                                                                  value.isMember("locationInfo")));
-        ComplexArgumentParser::EnsureMemberExist("LocationInfoStruct.landmarkTag", "landmarkTag", value.isMember("landmarkTag")));
+        ComplexArgumentParser::EnsureMemberExist("AreaInfoStruct.locationInfo", "locationInfo", value.isMember("locationInfo")));
-        ComplexArgumentParser::EnsureMemberExist("LocationInfoStruct.positionTag", "positionTag", value.isMember("positionTag")));
+        ComplexArgumentParser::EnsureMemberExist("AreaInfoStruct.landmarkTag", "landmarkTag", value.isMember("landmarkTag")));
-        ComplexArgumentParser::EnsureMemberExist("LocationInfoStruct.surfaceTag", "surfaceTag", value.isMember("surfaceTag")));
+        ComplexArgumentParser::EnsureMemberExist("AreaInfoStruct.positionTag", "positionTag", value.isMember("positionTag")));
+    ReturnErrorOnFailure(
+        ComplexArgumentParser::EnsureMemberExist("AreaInfoStruct.surfaceTag", "surfaceTag", value.isMember("surfaceTag")));
     char labelWithMember[kMaxLabelLength];
     snprintf(labelWithMember, sizeof(labelWithMember), "%s.%s", label, "locationInfo");
@@ -3980,7 +3980,7 @@ CHIP_ERROR ComplexArgumentParser::Setup(const char * label,
     return ComplexArgumentParser::EnsureNoMembersRemaining(label, valueCopy);
-void ComplexArgumentParser::Finalize(chip::app::Clusters::ServiceArea::Structs::LocationInfoStruct::Type & request)
+void ComplexArgumentParser::Finalize(chip::app::Clusters::ServiceArea::Structs::AreaInfoStruct::Type & request)
diff --git a/zzz_generated/chip-tool/zap-generated/cluster/ComplexArgumentParser.h b/zzz_generated/chip-tool/zap-generated/cluster/ComplexArgumentParser.h
index ba869adab126a2..7f76a2dbe60496 100644
--- a/zzz_generated/chip-tool/zap-generated/cluster/ComplexArgumentParser.h
+++ b/zzz_generated/chip-tool/zap-generated/cluster/ComplexArgumentParser.h
@@ -453,10 +453,10 @@ static CHIP_ERROR Setup(const char * label, chip::app::Clusters::DoorLock::Struc
 static void Finalize(chip::app::Clusters::DoorLock::Structs::CredentialStruct::Type & request);
-static CHIP_ERROR Setup(const char * label, chip::app::Clusters::ServiceArea::Structs::LocationInfoStruct::Type & request,
+static CHIP_ERROR Setup(const char * label, chip::app::Clusters::ServiceArea::Structs::AreaInfoStruct::Type & request,
                         Json::Value & value);
-static void Finalize(chip::app::Clusters::ServiceArea::Structs::LocationInfoStruct::Type & request);
+static void Finalize(chip::app::Clusters::ServiceArea::Structs::AreaInfoStruct::Type & request);
 static CHIP_ERROR Setup(const char * label, chip::app::Clusters::ServiceArea::Structs::LocationStruct::Type & request,
                         Json::Value & value);
diff --git a/zzz_generated/chip-tool/zap-generated/cluster/logging/DataModelLogger.cpp b/zzz_generated/chip-tool/zap-generated/cluster/logging/DataModelLogger.cpp
index 8cc6368f9c9883..d4cafa9a5bcf39 100644
--- a/zzz_generated/chip-tool/zap-generated/cluster/logging/DataModelLogger.cpp
+++ b/zzz_generated/chip-tool/zap-generated/cluster/logging/DataModelLogger.cpp
@@ -3490,7 +3490,7 @@ CHIP_ERROR DataModelLogger::LogValue(const char * label, size_t indent,
 CHIP_ERROR DataModelLogger::LogValue(const char * label, size_t indent,
-                                     const chip::app::Clusters::ServiceArea::Structs::LocationInfoStruct::DecodableType & value)
+                                     const chip::app::Clusters::ServiceArea::Structs::AreaInfoStruct::DecodableType & value)
     DataModelLogger::LogString(label, indent, "{");
diff --git a/zzz_generated/chip-tool/zap-generated/cluster/logging/DataModelLogger.h b/zzz_generated/chip-tool/zap-generated/cluster/logging/DataModelLogger.h
index d869d6e0ed30ca..f5d468fea9264c 100644
--- a/zzz_generated/chip-tool/zap-generated/cluster/logging/DataModelLogger.h
+++ b/zzz_generated/chip-tool/zap-generated/cluster/logging/DataModelLogger.h
@@ -284,7 +284,7 @@ static CHIP_ERROR LogValue(const char * label, size_t indent,
                            const chip::app::Clusters::DoorLock::Structs::CredentialStruct::DecodableType & value);
 static CHIP_ERROR LogValue(const char * label, size_t indent,
-                           const chip::app::Clusters::ServiceArea::Structs::LocationInfoStruct::DecodableType & value);
+                           const chip::app::Clusters::ServiceArea::Structs::AreaInfoStruct::DecodableType & value);
 static CHIP_ERROR LogValue(const char * label, size_t indent,
                            const chip::app::Clusters::ServiceArea::Structs::LocationStruct::DecodableType & value);

From c6134a6df99b8a8ee7d8eecfbeaeca2fc482be2b Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: William Hicklin <>
Date: Thu, 1 Aug 2024 13:15:04 +0100
Subject: [PATCH 07/28] Renamed LocationStruct to AreaStruct and its LocationID
 and LocationDesc fields.

 .../zcl/data-model/chip/service-area-cluster.xml       | 10 +++++-----
 1 file changed, 5 insertions(+), 5 deletions(-)

diff --git a/src/app/zap-templates/zcl/data-model/chip/service-area-cluster.xml b/src/app/zap-templates/zcl/data-model/chip/service-area-cluster.xml
index 86ddc8a1590589..f81f00bd04ada2 100644
--- a/src/app/zap-templates/zcl/data-model/chip/service-area-cluster.xml
+++ b/src/app/zap-templates/zcl/data-model/chip/service-area-cluster.xml
@@ -32,11 +32,11 @@ limitations under the License.
     <item name="Name"    type="char_string" length="64" optional="false"/>
-  <struct name="LocationStruct">
+  <struct name="AreaStruct">
     <cluster code="0x0150"/>
-    <item name="LocationID"   type="int32u"                  optional="false" isNullable="false"/>
-    <item name="MapID"        type="int8u"                   optional="false" isNullable="true"/>
-    <item name="LocationInfo" type="AreaInfoStruct"      optional="false" isNullable="false"/>
+    <item name="AreaID"   type="int32u"              optional="false" isNullable="false"/>
+    <item name="MapID"    type="int8u"               optional="false" isNullable="true"/>
+    <item name="AreaDesc" type="AreaInfoStruct"      optional="false" isNullable="false"/>
   <enum name="OperationalStatusEnum" type="enum8">
@@ -88,7 +88,7 @@ limitations under the License.
     <!-- Attributes -->
-    <attribute side="server" code="0x0000" define="SupportedLocations"  type="array"     entryType="LocationStruct"  writable="false" isNullable="false" optional="false">SupportedLocations</attribute>
+    <attribute side="server" code="0x0000" define="SupportedLocations"  type="array"     entryType="AreaStruct"      writable="false" isNullable="false" optional="false">SupportedLocations</attribute>
     <attribute side="server" code="0x0001" define="SupportedMaps"       type="array"     entryType="MapStruct"       writable="false" isNullable="true"  optional="false">SupportedMaps</attribute>
     <attribute side="server" code="0x0002" define="SelectedLocations"   type="array"     entryType="int32u"          writable="false" isNullable="true"  optional="false">SelectedLocations</attribute>
     <attribute side="server" code="0x0003" define="CurrentLocation"     type="int32u"                                writable="false" isNullable="true"  optional="true">CurrentLocation</attribute>

From af8b02c02afc623024532c551bf703bec2799f21 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: William Hicklin <>
Date: Thu, 1 Aug 2024 13:30:23 +0100
Subject: [PATCH 08/28] Zap generated after XML update.

 examples/rvc-app/rvc-common/rvc-app.matter    |   8 +-
 .../data_model/controller-clusters.matter     |   8 +-
 .../chip/devicecontroller/   |   6 +-
 .../chip/devicecontroller/    |  54 +++---
 .../devicecontroller/  |   4 +-
 .../chip/devicecontroller/cluster/files.gni   |   2 +-
 ...uct.kt => ServiceAreaClusterAreaStruct.kt} |  30 ++--
 .../cluster/clusters/ServiceAreaCluster.kt    |  16 +-
 .../java/matter/controller/cluster/files.gni  |   2 +-
 .../structs/ServiceAreaClusterAreaStruct.kt   |  75 +++++++++
 .../CHIPAttributeTLVValueDecoder.cpp          | 156 +++++++++---------
 .../python/chip/clusters/           |  18 +-
 .../            |  48 +++---
 .../CHIP/zap-generated/MTRStructsObjc.h       |   6 +-
 .../CHIP/zap-generated/      |  14 +-
 .../zap-generated/cluster-objects.cpp         |  16 +-
 .../zap-generated/cluster-objects.h           |  21 ++-
 .../zap-generated/cluster/Commands.h          |   4 +-
 .../cluster/ComplexArgumentParser.cpp         |  29 ++--
 .../cluster/ComplexArgumentParser.h           |   4 +-
 .../cluster/logging/DataModelLogger.cpp       |  12 +-
 .../cluster/logging/DataModelLogger.h         |   2 +-
 22 files changed, 300 insertions(+), 235 deletions(-)
 rename src/controller/java/generated/java/chip/devicecontroller/cluster/structs/{ServiceAreaClusterLocationStruct.kt => ServiceAreaClusterAreaStruct.kt} (70%)
 create mode 100644 src/controller/java/generated/java/matter/controller/cluster/structs/ServiceAreaClusterAreaStruct.kt

diff --git a/examples/rvc-app/rvc-common/rvc-app.matter b/examples/rvc-app/rvc-common/rvc-app.matter
index 724399854e61a7..85795cdf494feb 100644
--- a/examples/rvc-app/rvc-common/rvc-app.matter
+++ b/examples/rvc-app/rvc-common/rvc-app.matter
@@ -1447,10 +1447,10 @@ provisional cluster ServiceArea = 336 {
     nullable FloorSurfaceTag surfaceTag = 3;
-  struct LocationStruct {
-    int32u locationID = 0;
+  struct AreaStruct {
+    int32u areaID = 0;
     nullable int8u mapID = 1;
-    AreaInfoStruct locationInfo = 2;
+    AreaInfoStruct areaDesc = 2;
   struct MapStruct {
@@ -1465,7 +1465,7 @@ provisional cluster ServiceArea = 336 {
     optional nullable elapsed_s estimatedTime = 3;
-  readonly attribute LocationStruct supportedLocations[] = 0;
+  readonly attribute AreaStruct supportedLocations[] = 0;
   readonly attribute nullable MapStruct supportedMaps[] = 1;
   readonly attribute nullable int32u selectedLocations[] = 2;
   readonly attribute optional nullable int32u currentLocation = 3;
diff --git a/src/controller/data_model/controller-clusters.matter b/src/controller/data_model/controller-clusters.matter
index 8fbdcd6ad9947c..61652bd904833c 100644
--- a/src/controller/data_model/controller-clusters.matter
+++ b/src/controller/data_model/controller-clusters.matter
@@ -6468,10 +6468,10 @@ provisional cluster ServiceArea = 336 {
     nullable FloorSurfaceTag surfaceTag = 3;
-  struct LocationStruct {
-    int32u locationID = 0;
+  struct AreaStruct {
+    int32u areaID = 0;
     nullable int8u mapID = 1;
-    AreaInfoStruct locationInfo = 2;
+    AreaInfoStruct areaDesc = 2;
   struct MapStruct {
@@ -6486,7 +6486,7 @@ provisional cluster ServiceArea = 336 {
     optional nullable elapsed_s estimatedTime = 3;
-  readonly attribute LocationStruct supportedLocations[] = 0;
+  readonly attribute AreaStruct supportedLocations[] = 0;
   readonly attribute nullable MapStruct supportedMaps[] = 1;
   readonly attribute nullable int32u selectedLocations[] = 2;
   readonly attribute optional nullable int32u currentLocation = 3;
diff --git a/src/controller/java/generated/java/chip/devicecontroller/ b/src/controller/java/generated/java/chip/devicecontroller/
index 950e7f818d0db3..d5e981492cf262 100644
--- a/src/controller/java/generated/java/chip/devicecontroller/
+++ b/src/controller/java/generated/java/chip/devicecontroller/
@@ -39125,7 +39125,7 @@ public interface SkipCurrentLocationResponseCallback extends BaseClusterCallback
     public interface SupportedLocationsAttributeCallback extends BaseAttributeCallback {
-      void onSuccess(List<ChipStructs.ServiceAreaClusterLocationStruct> value);
+      void onSuccess(List<ChipStructs.ServiceAreaClusterAreaStruct> value);
     public interface SupportedMapsAttributeCallback extends BaseAttributeCallback {
@@ -39171,7 +39171,7 @@ public void readSupportedLocationsAttribute(
       readAttribute(new ReportCallbackImpl(callback, path) {
           public void onSuccess(byte[] tlv) {
-            List<ChipStructs.ServiceAreaClusterLocationStruct> value = ChipTLVValueDecoder.decodeAttributeValue(path, tlv);
+            List<ChipStructs.ServiceAreaClusterAreaStruct> value = ChipTLVValueDecoder.decodeAttributeValue(path, tlv);
@@ -39184,7 +39184,7 @@ public void subscribeSupportedLocationsAttribute(
       subscribeAttribute(new ReportCallbackImpl(callback, path) {
           public void onSuccess(byte[] tlv) {
-            List<ChipStructs.ServiceAreaClusterLocationStruct> value = ChipTLVValueDecoder.decodeAttributeValue(path, tlv);
+            List<ChipStructs.ServiceAreaClusterAreaStruct> value = ChipTLVValueDecoder.decodeAttributeValue(path, tlv);
         }, SUPPORTED_LOCATIONS_ATTRIBUTE_ID, minInterval, maxInterval);
diff --git a/src/controller/java/generated/java/chip/devicecontroller/ b/src/controller/java/generated/java/chip/devicecontroller/
index 5773d74716ef6a..cb1416444e3dbc 100644
--- a/src/controller/java/generated/java/chip/devicecontroller/
+++ b/src/controller/java/generated/java/chip/devicecontroller/
@@ -9262,77 +9262,77 @@ public String toString() {
     return output.toString();
-public static class ServiceAreaClusterLocationStruct {
-  public Long locationID;
+public static class ServiceAreaClusterAreaStruct {
+  public Long areaID;
   public @Nullable Integer mapID;
-  public ChipStructs.ServiceAreaClusterAreaInfoStruct locationInfo;
-  private static final long LOCATION_I_D_ID = 0L;
+  public ChipStructs.ServiceAreaClusterAreaInfoStruct areaDesc;
+  private static final long AREA_I_D_ID = 0L;
   private static final long MAP_I_D_ID = 1L;
-  private static final long LOCATION_INFO_ID = 2L;
+  private static final long AREA_DESC_ID = 2L;
-  public ServiceAreaClusterLocationStruct(
-    Long locationID,
+  public ServiceAreaClusterAreaStruct(
+    Long areaID,
     @Nullable Integer mapID,
-    ChipStructs.ServiceAreaClusterAreaInfoStruct locationInfo
+    ChipStructs.ServiceAreaClusterAreaInfoStruct areaDesc
   ) {
-    this.locationID = locationID;
+    this.areaID = areaID;
     this.mapID = mapID;
-    this.locationInfo = locationInfo;
+    this.areaDesc = areaDesc;
   public StructType encodeTlv() {
     ArrayList<StructElement> values = new ArrayList<>();
-    values.add(new StructElement(LOCATION_I_D_ID, new UIntType(locationID)));
+    values.add(new StructElement(AREA_I_D_ID, new UIntType(areaID)));
     values.add(new StructElement(MAP_I_D_ID, mapID != null ? new UIntType(mapID) : new NullType()));
-    values.add(new StructElement(LOCATION_INFO_ID, locationInfo.encodeTlv()));
+    values.add(new StructElement(AREA_DESC_ID, areaDesc.encodeTlv()));
     return new StructType(values);
-  public static ServiceAreaClusterLocationStruct decodeTlv(BaseTLVType tlvValue) {
+  public static ServiceAreaClusterAreaStruct decodeTlv(BaseTLVType tlvValue) {
     if (tlvValue == null || tlvValue.type() != TLVType.Struct) {
       return null;
-    Long locationID = null;
+    Long areaID = null;
     @Nullable Integer mapID = null;
-    ChipStructs.ServiceAreaClusterAreaInfoStruct locationInfo = null;
+    ChipStructs.ServiceAreaClusterAreaInfoStruct areaDesc = null;
     for (StructElement element: ((StructType)tlvValue).value()) {
-      if (element.contextTagNum() == LOCATION_I_D_ID) {
+      if (element.contextTagNum() == AREA_I_D_ID) {
         if (element.value(BaseTLVType.class).type() == TLVType.UInt) {
           UIntType castingValue = element.value(UIntType.class);
-          locationID = castingValue.value(Long.class);
+          areaID = castingValue.value(Long.class);
       } else if (element.contextTagNum() == MAP_I_D_ID) {
         if (element.value(BaseTLVType.class).type() == TLVType.UInt) {
           UIntType castingValue = element.value(UIntType.class);
           mapID = castingValue.value(Integer.class);
-      } else if (element.contextTagNum() == LOCATION_INFO_ID) {
+      } else if (element.contextTagNum() == AREA_DESC_ID) {
         if (element.value(BaseTLVType.class).type() == TLVType.Struct) {
           StructType castingValue = element.value(StructType.class);
-          locationInfo = ChipStructs.ServiceAreaClusterAreaInfoStruct.decodeTlv(castingValue);
+          areaDesc = ChipStructs.ServiceAreaClusterAreaInfoStruct.decodeTlv(castingValue);
-    return new ServiceAreaClusterLocationStruct(
-      locationID,
+    return new ServiceAreaClusterAreaStruct(
+      areaID,
-      locationInfo
+      areaDesc
   public String toString() {
     StringBuilder output = new StringBuilder();
-    output.append("ServiceAreaClusterLocationStruct {\n");
-    output.append("\tlocationID: ");
-    output.append(locationID);
+    output.append("ServiceAreaClusterAreaStruct {\n");
+    output.append("\tareaID: ");
+    output.append(areaID);
     output.append("\tmapID: ");
-    output.append("\tlocationInfo: ");
-    output.append(locationInfo);
+    output.append("\tareaDesc: ");
+    output.append(areaDesc);
     return output.toString();
diff --git a/src/controller/java/generated/java/chip/devicecontroller/ b/src/controller/java/generated/java/chip/devicecontroller/
index 2ba2e50bb11ee8..049c7b77ee55db 100644
--- a/src/controller/java/generated/java/chip/devicecontroller/
+++ b/src/controller/java/generated/java/chip/devicecontroller/
@@ -13172,9 +13172,9 @@ public void setCallbackDelegate(ClusterCommandCallback callback) {
-    public void onSuccess(List<ChipStructs.ServiceAreaClusterLocationStruct> valueList) {
+    public void onSuccess(List<ChipStructs.ServiceAreaClusterAreaStruct> valueList) {
       Map<CommandResponseInfo, Object> responseValues = new LinkedHashMap<>();
-      CommandResponseInfo commandResponseInfo = new CommandResponseInfo("valueList", "List<ChipStructs.ServiceAreaClusterLocationStruct>");
+      CommandResponseInfo commandResponseInfo = new CommandResponseInfo("valueList", "List<ChipStructs.ServiceAreaClusterAreaStruct>");
       responseValues.put(commandResponseInfo, valueList);
diff --git a/src/controller/java/generated/java/chip/devicecontroller/cluster/files.gni b/src/controller/java/generated/java/chip/devicecontroller/cluster/files.gni
index eef63acab9b89e..db642f749d2415 100644
--- a/src/controller/java/generated/java/chip/devicecontroller/cluster/files.gni
+++ b/src/controller/java/generated/java/chip/devicecontroller/cluster/files.gni
@@ -124,8 +124,8 @@ structs_sources = [
+  "${chip_root}/src/controller/java/generated/java/chip/devicecontroller/cluster/structs/ServiceAreaClusterAreaStruct.kt",
-  "${chip_root}/src/controller/java/generated/java/chip/devicecontroller/cluster/structs/ServiceAreaClusterLocationStruct.kt",
diff --git a/src/controller/java/generated/java/chip/devicecontroller/cluster/structs/ServiceAreaClusterLocationStruct.kt b/src/controller/java/generated/java/chip/devicecontroller/cluster/structs/ServiceAreaClusterAreaStruct.kt
similarity index 70%
rename from src/controller/java/generated/java/chip/devicecontroller/cluster/structs/ServiceAreaClusterLocationStruct.kt
rename to src/controller/java/generated/java/chip/devicecontroller/cluster/structs/ServiceAreaClusterAreaStruct.kt
index c126ec45cc114a..74be0531c61dc5 100644
--- a/src/controller/java/generated/java/chip/devicecontroller/cluster/structs/ServiceAreaClusterLocationStruct.kt
+++ b/src/controller/java/generated/java/chip/devicecontroller/cluster/structs/ServiceAreaClusterAreaStruct.kt
@@ -22,41 +22,41 @@ import matter.tlv.Tag
 import matter.tlv.TlvReader
 import matter.tlv.TlvWriter
-class ServiceAreaClusterLocationStruct(
-  val locationID: ULong,
+class ServiceAreaClusterAreaStruct(
+  val areaID: ULong,
   val mapID: UInt?,
-  val locationInfo: ServiceAreaClusterAreaInfoStruct,
+  val areaDesc: ServiceAreaClusterAreaInfoStruct,
 ) {
   override fun toString(): String = buildString {
-    append("ServiceAreaClusterLocationStruct {\n")
-    append("\tlocationID : $locationID\n")
+    append("ServiceAreaClusterAreaStruct {\n")
+    append("\tareaID : $areaID\n")
     append("\tmapID : $mapID\n")
-    append("\tlocationInfo : $locationInfo\n")
+    append("\tareaDesc : $areaDesc\n")
   fun toTlv(tlvTag: Tag, tlvWriter: TlvWriter) {
     tlvWriter.apply {
-      put(ContextSpecificTag(TAG_LOCATION_I_D), locationID)
+      put(ContextSpecificTag(TAG_AREA_I_D), areaID)
       if (mapID != null) {
         put(ContextSpecificTag(TAG_MAP_I_D), mapID)
       } else {
-      locationInfo.toTlv(ContextSpecificTag(TAG_LOCATION_INFO), this)
+      areaDesc.toTlv(ContextSpecificTag(TAG_AREA_DESC), this)
   companion object {
-    private const val TAG_LOCATION_I_D = 0
+    private const val TAG_AREA_I_D = 0
     private const val TAG_MAP_I_D = 1
-    private const val TAG_LOCATION_INFO = 2
+    private const val TAG_AREA_DESC = 2
-    fun fromTlv(tlvTag: Tag, tlvReader: TlvReader): ServiceAreaClusterLocationStruct {
+    fun fromTlv(tlvTag: Tag, tlvReader: TlvReader): ServiceAreaClusterAreaStruct {
-      val locationID = tlvReader.getULong(ContextSpecificTag(TAG_LOCATION_I_D))
+      val areaID = tlvReader.getULong(ContextSpecificTag(TAG_AREA_I_D))
       val mapID =
         if (!tlvReader.isNull()) {
@@ -64,12 +64,12 @@ class ServiceAreaClusterLocationStruct(
-      val locationInfo =
-        ServiceAreaClusterAreaInfoStruct.fromTlv(ContextSpecificTag(TAG_LOCATION_INFO), tlvReader)
+      val areaDesc =
+        ServiceAreaClusterAreaInfoStruct.fromTlv(ContextSpecificTag(TAG_AREA_DESC), tlvReader)
-      return ServiceAreaClusterLocationStruct(locationID, mapID, locationInfo)
+      return ServiceAreaClusterAreaStruct(areaID, mapID, areaDesc)
diff --git a/src/controller/java/generated/java/matter/controller/cluster/clusters/ServiceAreaCluster.kt b/src/controller/java/generated/java/matter/controller/cluster/clusters/ServiceAreaCluster.kt
index 75e608837b40f0..cbf704a9a24a1d 100644
--- a/src/controller/java/generated/java/matter/controller/cluster/clusters/ServiceAreaCluster.kt
+++ b/src/controller/java/generated/java/matter/controller/cluster/clusters/ServiceAreaCluster.kt
@@ -44,10 +44,10 @@ class ServiceAreaCluster(private val controller: MatterController, private val e
   class SkipCurrentLocationResponse(val status: UByte, val statusText: String?)
-  class SupportedLocationsAttribute(val value: List<ServiceAreaClusterLocationStruct>)
+  class SupportedLocationsAttribute(val value: List<ServiceAreaClusterAreaStruct>)
   sealed class SupportedLocationsAttributeSubscriptionState {
-    data class Success(val value: List<ServiceAreaClusterLocationStruct>) :
+    data class Success(val value: List<ServiceAreaClusterAreaStruct>) :
     data class Error(val exception: Exception) : SupportedLocationsAttributeSubscriptionState()
@@ -303,11 +303,11 @@ class ServiceAreaCluster(private val controller: MatterController, private val e
     // Decode the TLV data into the appropriate type
     val tlvReader = TlvReader(
-    val decodedValue: List<ServiceAreaClusterLocationStruct> =
-      buildList<ServiceAreaClusterLocationStruct> {
+    val decodedValue: List<ServiceAreaClusterAreaStruct> =
+      buildList<ServiceAreaClusterAreaStruct> {
         while (!tlvReader.isEndOfContainer()) {
-          add(ServiceAreaClusterLocationStruct.fromTlv(AnonymousTag, tlvReader))
+          add(ServiceAreaClusterAreaStruct.fromTlv(AnonymousTag, tlvReader))
@@ -356,11 +356,11 @@ class ServiceAreaCluster(private val controller: MatterController, private val e
           // Decode the TLV data into the appropriate type
           val tlvReader = TlvReader(
-          val decodedValue: List<ServiceAreaClusterLocationStruct> =
-            buildList<ServiceAreaClusterLocationStruct> {
+          val decodedValue: List<ServiceAreaClusterAreaStruct> =
+            buildList<ServiceAreaClusterAreaStruct> {
               while (!tlvReader.isEndOfContainer()) {
-                add(ServiceAreaClusterLocationStruct.fromTlv(AnonymousTag, tlvReader))
+                add(ServiceAreaClusterAreaStruct.fromTlv(AnonymousTag, tlvReader))
diff --git a/src/controller/java/generated/java/matter/controller/cluster/files.gni b/src/controller/java/generated/java/matter/controller/cluster/files.gni
index 7a34b37efebd1c..a1c8374de12f37 100644
--- a/src/controller/java/generated/java/matter/controller/cluster/files.gni
+++ b/src/controller/java/generated/java/matter/controller/cluster/files.gni
@@ -124,8 +124,8 @@ matter_structs_sources = [
+  "${chip_root}/src/controller/java/generated/java/matter/controller/cluster/structs/ServiceAreaClusterAreaStruct.kt",
-  "${chip_root}/src/controller/java/generated/java/matter/controller/cluster/structs/ServiceAreaClusterLocationStruct.kt",
diff --git a/src/controller/java/generated/java/matter/controller/cluster/structs/ServiceAreaClusterAreaStruct.kt b/src/controller/java/generated/java/matter/controller/cluster/structs/ServiceAreaClusterAreaStruct.kt
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000000..0ffdb8c9416d01
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/controller/java/generated/java/matter/controller/cluster/structs/ServiceAreaClusterAreaStruct.kt
@@ -0,0 +1,75 @@
+ *
+ *    Copyright (c) 2023 Project CHIP Authors
+ *
+ *    Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+ *    you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+ *    You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ *    Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ *    distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ *    WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+ *    See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ *    limitations under the License.
+ */
+package matter.controller.cluster.structs
+import matter.controller.cluster.*
+import matter.tlv.ContextSpecificTag
+import matter.tlv.Tag
+import matter.tlv.TlvReader
+import matter.tlv.TlvWriter
+class ServiceAreaClusterAreaStruct(
+  val areaID: UInt,
+  val mapID: UByte?,
+  val areaDesc: ServiceAreaClusterAreaInfoStruct,
+) {
+  override fun toString(): String = buildString {
+    append("ServiceAreaClusterAreaStruct {\n")
+    append("\tareaID : $areaID\n")
+    append("\tmapID : $mapID\n")
+    append("\tareaDesc : $areaDesc\n")
+    append("}\n")
+  }
+  fun toTlv(tlvTag: Tag, tlvWriter: TlvWriter) {
+    tlvWriter.apply {
+      startStructure(tlvTag)
+      put(ContextSpecificTag(TAG_AREA_I_D), areaID)
+      if (mapID != null) {
+        put(ContextSpecificTag(TAG_MAP_I_D), mapID)
+      } else {
+        putNull(ContextSpecificTag(TAG_MAP_I_D))
+      }
+      areaDesc.toTlv(ContextSpecificTag(TAG_AREA_DESC), this)
+      endStructure()
+    }
+  }
+  companion object {
+    private const val TAG_AREA_I_D = 0
+    private const val TAG_MAP_I_D = 1
+    private const val TAG_AREA_DESC = 2
+    fun fromTlv(tlvTag: Tag, tlvReader: TlvReader): ServiceAreaClusterAreaStruct {
+      tlvReader.enterStructure(tlvTag)
+      val areaID = tlvReader.getUInt(ContextSpecificTag(TAG_AREA_I_D))
+      val mapID =
+        if (!tlvReader.isNull()) {
+          tlvReader.getUByte(ContextSpecificTag(TAG_MAP_I_D))
+        } else {
+          tlvReader.getNull(ContextSpecificTag(TAG_MAP_I_D))
+          null
+        }
+      val areaDesc =
+        ServiceAreaClusterAreaInfoStruct.fromTlv(ContextSpecificTag(TAG_AREA_DESC), tlvReader)
+      tlvReader.exitContainer()
+      return ServiceAreaClusterAreaStruct(areaID, mapID, areaDesc)
+    }
+  }
diff --git a/src/controller/java/zap-generated/CHIPAttributeTLVValueDecoder.cpp b/src/controller/java/zap-generated/CHIPAttributeTLVValueDecoder.cpp
index 7afaddcc4a514e..d9826bfee246c7 100644
--- a/src/controller/java/zap-generated/CHIPAttributeTLVValueDecoder.cpp
+++ b/src/controller/java/zap-generated/CHIPAttributeTLVValueDecoder.cpp
@@ -28610,13 +28610,13 @@ jobject DecodeAttributeValue(const app::ConcreteAttributePath & aPath, TLV::TLVR
                 auto & entry_0 = iter_value_0.GetValue();
                 jobject newElement_0;
-                jobject newElement_0_locationID;
-                std::string newElement_0_locationIDClassName     = "java/lang/Long";
-                std::string newElement_0_locationIDCtorSignature = "(J)V";
-                jlong jninewElement_0_locationID                 = static_cast<jlong>(entry_0.locationID);
-                chip::JniReferences::GetInstance().CreateBoxedObject<jlong>(newElement_0_locationIDClassName.c_str(),
-                                                                            newElement_0_locationIDCtorSignature.c_str(),
-                                                                            jninewElement_0_locationID, newElement_0_locationID);
+                jobject newElement_0_areaID;
+                std::string newElement_0_areaIDClassName     = "java/lang/Long";
+                std::string newElement_0_areaIDCtorSignature = "(J)V";
+                jlong jninewElement_0_areaID                 = static_cast<jlong>(entry_0.areaID);
+                chip::JniReferences::GetInstance().CreateBoxedObject<jlong>(newElement_0_areaIDClassName.c_str(),
+                                                                            newElement_0_areaIDCtorSignature.c_str(),
+                                                                            jninewElement_0_areaID, newElement_0_areaID);
                 jobject newElement_0_mapID;
                 if (entry_0.mapID.IsNull())
@@ -28631,50 +28631,48 @@ jobject DecodeAttributeValue(const app::ConcreteAttributePath & aPath, TLV::TLVR
                                                                                jninewElement_0_mapID, newElement_0_mapID);
-                jobject newElement_0_locationInfo;
-                jobject newElement_0_locationInfo_locationInfo;
-                if (entry_0.locationInfo.locationInfo.IsNull())
+                jobject newElement_0_areaDesc;
+                jobject newElement_0_areaDesc_locationInfo;
+                if (entry_0.areaDesc.locationInfo.IsNull())
-                    newElement_0_locationInfo_locationInfo = nullptr;
+                    newElement_0_areaDesc_locationInfo = nullptr;
-                    jobject newElement_0_locationInfo_locationInfo_locationName;
-                    LogErrorOnFailure(
-                        chip::JniReferences::GetInstance().CharToStringUTF(entry_0.locationInfo.locationInfo.Value().locationName,
-                                                                           newElement_0_locationInfo_locationInfo_locationName));
-                    jobject newElement_0_locationInfo_locationInfo_floorNumber;
-                    if (entry_0.locationInfo.locationInfo.Value().floorNumber.IsNull())
+                    jobject newElement_0_areaDesc_locationInfo_locationName;
+                    LogErrorOnFailure(chip::JniReferences::GetInstance().CharToStringUTF(
+                        entry_0.areaDesc.locationInfo.Value().locationName, newElement_0_areaDesc_locationInfo_locationName));
+                    jobject newElement_0_areaDesc_locationInfo_floorNumber;
+                    if (entry_0.areaDesc.locationInfo.Value().floorNumber.IsNull())
-                        newElement_0_locationInfo_locationInfo_floorNumber = nullptr;
+                        newElement_0_areaDesc_locationInfo_floorNumber = nullptr;
-                        std::string newElement_0_locationInfo_locationInfo_floorNumberClassName     = "java/lang/Integer";
-                        std::string newElement_0_locationInfo_locationInfo_floorNumberCtorSignature = "(I)V";
-                        jint jninewElement_0_locationInfo_locationInfo_floorNumber =
-                            static_cast<jint>(entry_0.locationInfo.locationInfo.Value().floorNumber.Value());
+                        std::string newElement_0_areaDesc_locationInfo_floorNumberClassName     = "java/lang/Integer";
+                        std::string newElement_0_areaDesc_locationInfo_floorNumberCtorSignature = "(I)V";
+                        jint jninewElement_0_areaDesc_locationInfo_floorNumber =
+                            static_cast<jint>(entry_0.areaDesc.locationInfo.Value().floorNumber.Value());
-                            newElement_0_locationInfo_locationInfo_floorNumberClassName.c_str(),
-                            newElement_0_locationInfo_locationInfo_floorNumberCtorSignature.c_str(),
-                            jninewElement_0_locationInfo_locationInfo_floorNumber,
-                            newElement_0_locationInfo_locationInfo_floorNumber);
+                            newElement_0_areaDesc_locationInfo_floorNumberClassName.c_str(),
+                            newElement_0_areaDesc_locationInfo_floorNumberCtorSignature.c_str(),
+                            jninewElement_0_areaDesc_locationInfo_floorNumber, newElement_0_areaDesc_locationInfo_floorNumber);
-                    jobject newElement_0_locationInfo_locationInfo_areaType;
-                    if (entry_0.locationInfo.locationInfo.Value().areaType.IsNull())
+                    jobject newElement_0_areaDesc_locationInfo_areaType;
+                    if (entry_0.areaDesc.locationInfo.Value().areaType.IsNull())
-                        newElement_0_locationInfo_locationInfo_areaType = nullptr;
+                        newElement_0_areaDesc_locationInfo_areaType = nullptr;
-                        std::string newElement_0_locationInfo_locationInfo_areaTypeClassName     = "java/lang/Integer";
-                        std::string newElement_0_locationInfo_locationInfo_areaTypeCtorSignature = "(I)V";
-                        jint jninewElement_0_locationInfo_locationInfo_areaType =
-                            static_cast<jint>(entry_0.locationInfo.locationInfo.Value().areaType.Value());
+                        std::string newElement_0_areaDesc_locationInfo_areaTypeClassName     = "java/lang/Integer";
+                        std::string newElement_0_areaDesc_locationInfo_areaTypeCtorSignature = "(I)V";
+                        jint jninewElement_0_areaDesc_locationInfo_areaType =
+                            static_cast<jint>(entry_0.areaDesc.locationInfo.Value().areaType.Value());
-                            newElement_0_locationInfo_locationInfo_areaTypeClassName.c_str(),
-                            newElement_0_locationInfo_locationInfo_areaTypeCtorSignature.c_str(),
-                            jninewElement_0_locationInfo_locationInfo_areaType, newElement_0_locationInfo_locationInfo_areaType);
+                            newElement_0_areaDesc_locationInfo_areaTypeClassName.c_str(),
+                            newElement_0_areaDesc_locationInfo_areaTypeCtorSignature.c_str(),
+                            jninewElement_0_areaDesc_locationInfo_areaType, newElement_0_areaDesc_locationInfo_areaType);
                     jclass locationDescriptorStructStructClass_4;
@@ -28697,55 +28695,52 @@ jobject DecodeAttributeValue(const app::ConcreteAttributePath & aPath, TLV::TLVR
                         return nullptr;
-                    newElement_0_locationInfo_locationInfo = env->NewObject(
-                        locationDescriptorStructStructClass_4, locationDescriptorStructStructCtor_4,
-                        newElement_0_locationInfo_locationInfo_locationName, newElement_0_locationInfo_locationInfo_floorNumber,
-                        newElement_0_locationInfo_locationInfo_areaType);
+                    newElement_0_areaDesc_locationInfo =
+                        env->NewObject(locationDescriptorStructStructClass_4, locationDescriptorStructStructCtor_4,
+                                       newElement_0_areaDesc_locationInfo_locationName,
+                                       newElement_0_areaDesc_locationInfo_floorNumber, newElement_0_areaDesc_locationInfo_areaType);
-                jobject newElement_0_locationInfo_landmarkTag;
-                if (entry_0.locationInfo.landmarkTag.IsNull())
+                jobject newElement_0_areaDesc_landmarkTag;
+                if (entry_0.areaDesc.landmarkTag.IsNull())
-                    newElement_0_locationInfo_landmarkTag = nullptr;
+                    newElement_0_areaDesc_landmarkTag = nullptr;
-                    std::string newElement_0_locationInfo_landmarkTagClassName     = "java/lang/Integer";
-                    std::string newElement_0_locationInfo_landmarkTagCtorSignature = "(I)V";
-                    jint jninewElement_0_locationInfo_landmarkTag = static_cast<jint>(entry_0.locationInfo.landmarkTag.Value());
+                    std::string newElement_0_areaDesc_landmarkTagClassName     = "java/lang/Integer";
+                    std::string newElement_0_areaDesc_landmarkTagCtorSignature = "(I)V";
+                    jint jninewElement_0_areaDesc_landmarkTag = static_cast<jint>(entry_0.areaDesc.landmarkTag.Value());
-                        newElement_0_locationInfo_landmarkTagClassName.c_str(),
-                        newElement_0_locationInfo_landmarkTagCtorSignature.c_str(), jninewElement_0_locationInfo_landmarkTag,
-                        newElement_0_locationInfo_landmarkTag);
+                        newElement_0_areaDesc_landmarkTagClassName.c_str(), newElement_0_areaDesc_landmarkTagCtorSignature.c_str(),
+                        jninewElement_0_areaDesc_landmarkTag, newElement_0_areaDesc_landmarkTag);
-                jobject newElement_0_locationInfo_positionTag;
-                if (entry_0.locationInfo.positionTag.IsNull())
+                jobject newElement_0_areaDesc_positionTag;
+                if (entry_0.areaDesc.positionTag.IsNull())
-                    newElement_0_locationInfo_positionTag = nullptr;
+                    newElement_0_areaDesc_positionTag = nullptr;
-                    std::string newElement_0_locationInfo_positionTagClassName     = "java/lang/Integer";
-                    std::string newElement_0_locationInfo_positionTagCtorSignature = "(I)V";
-                    jint jninewElement_0_locationInfo_positionTag = static_cast<jint>(entry_0.locationInfo.positionTag.Value());
+                    std::string newElement_0_areaDesc_positionTagClassName     = "java/lang/Integer";
+                    std::string newElement_0_areaDesc_positionTagCtorSignature = "(I)V";
+                    jint jninewElement_0_areaDesc_positionTag = static_cast<jint>(entry_0.areaDesc.positionTag.Value());
-                        newElement_0_locationInfo_positionTagClassName.c_str(),
-                        newElement_0_locationInfo_positionTagCtorSignature.c_str(), jninewElement_0_locationInfo_positionTag,
-                        newElement_0_locationInfo_positionTag);
+                        newElement_0_areaDesc_positionTagClassName.c_str(), newElement_0_areaDesc_positionTagCtorSignature.c_str(),
+                        jninewElement_0_areaDesc_positionTag, newElement_0_areaDesc_positionTag);
-                jobject newElement_0_locationInfo_surfaceTag;
-                if (entry_0.locationInfo.surfaceTag.IsNull())
+                jobject newElement_0_areaDesc_surfaceTag;
+                if (entry_0.areaDesc.surfaceTag.IsNull())
-                    newElement_0_locationInfo_surfaceTag = nullptr;
+                    newElement_0_areaDesc_surfaceTag = nullptr;
-                    std::string newElement_0_locationInfo_surfaceTagClassName     = "java/lang/Integer";
-                    std::string newElement_0_locationInfo_surfaceTagCtorSignature = "(I)V";
-                    jint jninewElement_0_locationInfo_surfaceTag = static_cast<jint>(entry_0.locationInfo.surfaceTag.Value());
+                    std::string newElement_0_areaDesc_surfaceTagClassName     = "java/lang/Integer";
+                    std::string newElement_0_areaDesc_surfaceTagCtorSignature = "(I)V";
+                    jint jninewElement_0_areaDesc_surfaceTag = static_cast<jint>(entry_0.areaDesc.surfaceTag.Value());
-                        newElement_0_locationInfo_surfaceTagClassName.c_str(),
-                        newElement_0_locationInfo_surfaceTagCtorSignature.c_str(), jninewElement_0_locationInfo_surfaceTag,
-                        newElement_0_locationInfo_surfaceTag);
+                        newElement_0_areaDesc_surfaceTagClassName.c_str(), newElement_0_areaDesc_surfaceTagCtorSignature.c_str(),
+                        jninewElement_0_areaDesc_surfaceTag, newElement_0_areaDesc_surfaceTag);
                 jclass areaInfoStructStructClass_2;
@@ -28769,33 +28764,32 @@ jobject DecodeAttributeValue(const app::ConcreteAttributePath & aPath, TLV::TLVR
                     return nullptr;
-                newElement_0_locationInfo =
-                    env->NewObject(areaInfoStructStructClass_2, areaInfoStructStructCtor_2, newElement_0_locationInfo_locationInfo,
-                                   newElement_0_locationInfo_landmarkTag, newElement_0_locationInfo_positionTag,
-                                   newElement_0_locationInfo_surfaceTag);
+                newElement_0_areaDesc = env->NewObject(areaInfoStructStructClass_2, areaInfoStructStructCtor_2,
+                                                       newElement_0_areaDesc_locationInfo, newElement_0_areaDesc_landmarkTag,
+                                                       newElement_0_areaDesc_positionTag, newElement_0_areaDesc_surfaceTag);
-                jclass locationStructStructClass_1;
+                jclass areaStructStructClass_1;
                 err = chip::JniReferences::GetInstance().GetLocalClassRef(
-                    env, "chip/devicecontroller/ChipStructs$ServiceAreaClusterLocationStruct", locationStructStructClass_1);
+                    env, "chip/devicecontroller/ChipStructs$ServiceAreaClusterAreaStruct", areaStructStructClass_1);
                 if (err != CHIP_NO_ERROR)
-                    ChipLogError(Zcl, "Could not find class ChipStructs$ServiceAreaClusterLocationStruct");
+                    ChipLogError(Zcl, "Could not find class ChipStructs$ServiceAreaClusterAreaStruct");
                     return nullptr;
-                jmethodID locationStructStructCtor_1;
+                jmethodID areaStructStructCtor_1;
                 err = chip::JniReferences::GetInstance().FindMethod(
-                    env, locationStructStructClass_1, "<init>",
+                    env, areaStructStructClass_1, "<init>",
-                    &locationStructStructCtor_1);
-                if (err != CHIP_NO_ERROR || locationStructStructCtor_1 == nullptr)
+                    &areaStructStructCtor_1);
+                if (err != CHIP_NO_ERROR || areaStructStructCtor_1 == nullptr)
-                    ChipLogError(Zcl, "Could not find ChipStructs$ServiceAreaClusterLocationStruct constructor");
+                    ChipLogError(Zcl, "Could not find ChipStructs$ServiceAreaClusterAreaStruct constructor");
                     return nullptr;
-                newElement_0 = env->NewObject(locationStructStructClass_1, locationStructStructCtor_1, newElement_0_locationID,
-                                              newElement_0_mapID, newElement_0_locationInfo);
+                newElement_0 = env->NewObject(areaStructStructClass_1, areaStructStructCtor_1, newElement_0_areaID,
+                                              newElement_0_mapID, newElement_0_areaDesc);
                 chip::JniReferences::GetInstance().AddToList(value, newElement_0);
             return value;
diff --git a/src/controller/python/chip/clusters/ b/src/controller/python/chip/clusters/
index 5d177da3f501fb..083e3e5321aee8 100644
--- a/src/controller/python/chip/clusters/
+++ b/src/controller/python/chip/clusters/
@@ -31095,7 +31095,7 @@ class ServiceArea(Cluster):
     def descriptor(cls) -> ClusterObjectDescriptor:
         return ClusterObjectDescriptor(
-                ClusterObjectFieldDescriptor(Label="supportedLocations", Tag=0x00000000, Type=typing.List[ServiceArea.Structs.LocationStruct]),
+                ClusterObjectFieldDescriptor(Label="supportedLocations", Tag=0x00000000, Type=typing.List[ServiceArea.Structs.AreaStruct]),
                 ClusterObjectFieldDescriptor(Label="supportedMaps", Tag=0x00000001, Type=typing.Union[Nullable, typing.List[ServiceArea.Structs.MapStruct]]),
                 ClusterObjectFieldDescriptor(Label="selectedLocations", Tag=0x00000002, Type=typing.Union[Nullable, typing.List[uint]]),
                 ClusterObjectFieldDescriptor(Label="currentLocation", Tag=0x00000003, Type=typing.Union[None, Nullable, uint]),
@@ -31109,7 +31109,7 @@ def descriptor(cls) -> ClusterObjectDescriptor:
                 ClusterObjectFieldDescriptor(Label="clusterRevision", Tag=0x0000FFFD, Type=uint),
-    supportedLocations: 'typing.List[ServiceArea.Structs.LocationStruct]' = None
+    supportedLocations: 'typing.List[ServiceArea.Structs.AreaStruct]' = None
     supportedMaps: 'typing.Union[Nullable, typing.List[ServiceArea.Structs.MapStruct]]' = None
     selectedLocations: 'typing.Union[Nullable, typing.List[uint]]' = None
     currentLocation: 'typing.Union[None, Nullable, uint]' = None
@@ -31180,19 +31180,19 @@ def descriptor(cls) -> ClusterObjectDescriptor:
             surfaceTag: 'typing.Union[Nullable, Globals.Enums.FloorSurfaceTag]' = NullValue
-        class LocationStruct(ClusterObject):
+        class AreaStruct(ClusterObject):
             def descriptor(cls) -> ClusterObjectDescriptor:
                 return ClusterObjectDescriptor(
-                        ClusterObjectFieldDescriptor(Label="locationID", Tag=0, Type=uint),
+                        ClusterObjectFieldDescriptor(Label="areaID", Tag=0, Type=uint),
                         ClusterObjectFieldDescriptor(Label="mapID", Tag=1, Type=typing.Union[Nullable, uint]),
-                        ClusterObjectFieldDescriptor(Label="locationInfo", Tag=2, Type=ServiceArea.Structs.AreaInfoStruct),
+                        ClusterObjectFieldDescriptor(Label="areaDesc", Tag=2, Type=ServiceArea.Structs.AreaInfoStruct),
-            locationID: 'uint' = 0
+            areaID: 'uint' = 0
             mapID: 'typing.Union[Nullable, uint]' = NullValue
-            locationInfo: 'ServiceArea.Structs.AreaInfoStruct' = field(default_factory=lambda: ServiceArea.Structs.AreaInfoStruct())
+            areaDesc: 'ServiceArea.Structs.AreaInfoStruct' = field(default_factory=lambda: ServiceArea.Structs.AreaInfoStruct())
         class MapStruct(ClusterObject):
@@ -31303,9 +31303,9 @@ def attribute_id(cls) -> int:
             def attribute_type(cls) -> ClusterObjectFieldDescriptor:
-                return ClusterObjectFieldDescriptor(Type=typing.List[ServiceArea.Structs.LocationStruct])
+                return ClusterObjectFieldDescriptor(Type=typing.List[ServiceArea.Structs.AreaStruct])
-            value: 'typing.List[ServiceArea.Structs.LocationStruct]' = field(default_factory=lambda: [])
+            value: 'typing.List[ServiceArea.Structs.AreaStruct]' = field(default_factory=lambda: [])
         class SupportedMaps(ClusterAttributeDescriptor):
diff --git a/src/darwin/Framework/CHIP/zap-generated/ b/src/darwin/Framework/CHIP/zap-generated/
index f9659667328bcc..359731c583721b 100644
--- a/src/darwin/Framework/CHIP/zap-generated/
+++ b/src/darwin/Framework/CHIP/zap-generated/
@@ -11178,50 +11178,50 @@ static id _Nullable DecodeAttributeValueForServiceAreaCluster(AttributeId aAttri
             auto iter_0 = cppValue.begin();
             while (iter_0.Next()) {
                 auto & entry_0 = iter_0.GetValue();
-                MTRServiceAreaClusterLocationStruct * newElement_0;
-                newElement_0 = [MTRServiceAreaClusterLocationStruct new];
-                newElement_0.locationID = [NSNumber numberWithUnsignedInt:entry_0.locationID];
+                MTRServiceAreaClusterAreaStruct * newElement_0;
+                newElement_0 = [MTRServiceAreaClusterAreaStruct new];
+                newElement_0.areaID = [NSNumber numberWithUnsignedInt:entry_0.areaID];
                 if (entry_0.mapID.IsNull()) {
                     newElement_0.mapID = nil;
                 } else {
                     newElement_0.mapID = [NSNumber numberWithUnsignedChar:entry_0.mapID.Value()];
-                newElement_0.locationInfo = [MTRServiceAreaClusterAreaInfoStruct new];
-                if (entry_0.locationInfo.locationInfo.IsNull()) {
-                    newElement_0.locationInfo.locationInfo = nil;
+                newElement_0.areaDesc = [MTRServiceAreaClusterAreaInfoStruct new];
+                if (entry_0.areaDesc.locationInfo.IsNull()) {
+                    newElement_0.areaDesc.locationInfo = nil;
                 } else {
-                    newElement_0.locationInfo.locationInfo = [MTRDataTypeLocationDescriptorStruct new];
-                    newElement_0.locationInfo.locationInfo.locationName = AsString(entry_0.locationInfo.locationInfo.Value().locationName);
-                    if (newElement_0.locationInfo.locationInfo.locationName == nil) {
+                    newElement_0.areaDesc.locationInfo = [MTRDataTypeLocationDescriptorStruct new];
+                    newElement_0.areaDesc.locationInfo.locationName = AsString(entry_0.areaDesc.locationInfo.Value().locationName);
+                    if (newElement_0.areaDesc.locationInfo.locationName == nil) {
                         CHIP_ERROR err = CHIP_ERROR_INVALID_ARGUMENT;
                         *aError = err;
                         return nil;
-                    if (entry_0.locationInfo.locationInfo.Value().floorNumber.IsNull()) {
-                        newElement_0.locationInfo.locationInfo.floorNumber = nil;
+                    if (entry_0.areaDesc.locationInfo.Value().floorNumber.IsNull()) {
+                        newElement_0.areaDesc.locationInfo.floorNumber = nil;
                     } else {
-                        newElement_0.locationInfo.locationInfo.floorNumber = [NSNumber numberWithShort:entry_0.locationInfo.locationInfo.Value().floorNumber.Value()];
+                        newElement_0.areaDesc.locationInfo.floorNumber = [NSNumber numberWithShort:entry_0.areaDesc.locationInfo.Value().floorNumber.Value()];
-                    if (entry_0.locationInfo.locationInfo.Value().areaType.IsNull()) {
-                        newElement_0.locationInfo.locationInfo.areaType = nil;
+                    if (entry_0.areaDesc.locationInfo.Value().areaType.IsNull()) {
+                        newElement_0.areaDesc.locationInfo.areaType = nil;
                     } else {
-                        newElement_0.locationInfo.locationInfo.areaType = [NSNumber numberWithUnsignedChar:chip::to_underlying(entry_0.locationInfo.locationInfo.Value().areaType.Value())];
+                        newElement_0.areaDesc.locationInfo.areaType = [NSNumber numberWithUnsignedChar:chip::to_underlying(entry_0.areaDesc.locationInfo.Value().areaType.Value())];
-                if (entry_0.locationInfo.landmarkTag.IsNull()) {
-                    newElement_0.locationInfo.landmarkTag = nil;
+                if (entry_0.areaDesc.landmarkTag.IsNull()) {
+                    newElement_0.areaDesc.landmarkTag = nil;
                 } else {
-                    newElement_0.locationInfo.landmarkTag = [NSNumber numberWithUnsignedChar:chip::to_underlying(entry_0.locationInfo.landmarkTag.Value())];
+                    newElement_0.areaDesc.landmarkTag = [NSNumber numberWithUnsignedChar:chip::to_underlying(entry_0.areaDesc.landmarkTag.Value())];
-                if (entry_0.locationInfo.positionTag.IsNull()) {
-                    newElement_0.locationInfo.positionTag = nil;
+                if (entry_0.areaDesc.positionTag.IsNull()) {
+                    newElement_0.areaDesc.positionTag = nil;
                 } else {
-                    newElement_0.locationInfo.positionTag = [NSNumber numberWithUnsignedChar:chip::to_underlying(entry_0.locationInfo.positionTag.Value())];
+                    newElement_0.areaDesc.positionTag = [NSNumber numberWithUnsignedChar:chip::to_underlying(entry_0.areaDesc.positionTag.Value())];
-                if (entry_0.locationInfo.surfaceTag.IsNull()) {
-                    newElement_0.locationInfo.surfaceTag = nil;
+                if (entry_0.areaDesc.surfaceTag.IsNull()) {
+                    newElement_0.areaDesc.surfaceTag = nil;
                 } else {
-                    newElement_0.locationInfo.surfaceTag = [NSNumber numberWithUnsignedChar:chip::to_underlying(entry_0.locationInfo.surfaceTag.Value())];
+                    newElement_0.areaDesc.surfaceTag = [NSNumber numberWithUnsignedChar:chip::to_underlying(entry_0.areaDesc.surfaceTag.Value())];
                 [array_0 addObject:newElement_0];
diff --git a/src/darwin/Framework/CHIP/zap-generated/MTRStructsObjc.h b/src/darwin/Framework/CHIP/zap-generated/MTRStructsObjc.h
index 12e0e97ac22952..62a763867b9cc4 100644
--- a/src/darwin/Framework/CHIP/zap-generated/MTRStructsObjc.h
+++ b/src/darwin/Framework/CHIP/zap-generated/MTRStructsObjc.h
@@ -1596,10 +1596,10 @@ MTR_PROVISIONALLY_AVAILABLE
-@interface MTRServiceAreaClusterLocationStruct : NSObject <NSCopying>
-@property (nonatomic, copy) NSNumber * _Nonnull locationID MTR_PROVISIONALLY_AVAILABLE;
+@interface MTRServiceAreaClusterAreaStruct : NSObject <NSCopying>
+@property (nonatomic, copy) NSNumber * _Nonnull areaID MTR_PROVISIONALLY_AVAILABLE;
 @property (nonatomic, copy) NSNumber * _Nullable mapID MTR_PROVISIONALLY_AVAILABLE;
-@property (nonatomic, copy) MTRServiceAreaClusterAreaInfoStruct * _Nonnull locationInfo MTR_PROVISIONALLY_AVAILABLE;
+@property (nonatomic, copy) MTRServiceAreaClusterAreaInfoStruct * _Nonnull areaDesc MTR_PROVISIONALLY_AVAILABLE;
diff --git a/src/darwin/Framework/CHIP/zap-generated/ b/src/darwin/Framework/CHIP/zap-generated/
index 84c0506c41a48c..8c86b85abe6265 100644
--- a/src/darwin/Framework/CHIP/zap-generated/
+++ b/src/darwin/Framework/CHIP/zap-generated/
@@ -6646,34 +6646,34 @@ - (NSString *)description
-@implementation MTRServiceAreaClusterLocationStruct
+@implementation MTRServiceAreaClusterAreaStruct
 - (instancetype)init
     if (self = [super init]) {
-        _locationID = @(0);
+        _areaID = @(0);
         _mapID = nil;
-        _locationInfo = [MTRServiceAreaClusterAreaInfoStruct new];
+        _areaDesc = [MTRServiceAreaClusterAreaInfoStruct new];
     return self;
 - (id)copyWithZone:(NSZone * _Nullable)zone
-    auto other = [[MTRServiceAreaClusterLocationStruct alloc] init];
+    auto other = [[MTRServiceAreaClusterAreaStruct alloc] init];
-    other.locationID = self.locationID;
+    other.areaID = self.areaID;
     other.mapID = self.mapID;
-    other.locationInfo = self.locationInfo;
+    other.areaDesc = self.areaDesc;
     return other;
 - (NSString *)description
-    NSString * descriptionString = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"<%@: locationID:%@; mapID:%@; locationInfo:%@; >", NSStringFromClass([self class]), _locationID, _mapID, _locationInfo];
+    NSString * descriptionString = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"<%@: areaID:%@; mapID:%@; areaDesc:%@; >", NSStringFromClass([self class]), _areaID, _mapID, _areaDesc];
     return descriptionString;
diff --git a/zzz_generated/app-common/app-common/zap-generated/cluster-objects.cpp b/zzz_generated/app-common/app-common/zap-generated/cluster-objects.cpp
index e9568f987759aa..f7d6063fa1de9e 100644
--- a/zzz_generated/app-common/app-common/zap-generated/cluster-objects.cpp
+++ b/zzz_generated/app-common/app-common/zap-generated/cluster-objects.cpp
@@ -20365,13 +20365,13 @@ CHIP_ERROR DecodableType::Decode(TLV::TLVReader & reader)
 } // namespace AreaInfoStruct
-namespace LocationStruct {
+namespace AreaStruct {
 CHIP_ERROR Type::Encode(TLV::TLVWriter & aWriter, TLV::Tag aTag) const
     DataModel::WrappedStructEncoder encoder{ aWriter, aTag };
-    encoder.Encode(to_underlying(Fields::kLocationID), locationID);
+    encoder.Encode(to_underlying(Fields::kAreaID), areaID);
     encoder.Encode(to_underlying(Fields::kMapID), mapID);
-    encoder.Encode(to_underlying(Fields::kLocationInfo), locationInfo);
+    encoder.Encode(to_underlying(Fields::kAreaDesc), areaDesc);
     return encoder.Finalize();
@@ -20389,17 +20389,17 @@ CHIP_ERROR DecodableType::Decode(TLV::TLVReader & reader)
         CHIP_ERROR err              = CHIP_NO_ERROR;
         const uint8_t __context_tag = std::get<uint8_t>(__element);
-        if (__context_tag == to_underlying(Fields::kLocationID))
+        if (__context_tag == to_underlying(Fields::kAreaID))
-            err = DataModel::Decode(reader, locationID);
+            err = DataModel::Decode(reader, areaID);
         else if (__context_tag == to_underlying(Fields::kMapID))
             err = DataModel::Decode(reader, mapID);
-        else if (__context_tag == to_underlying(Fields::kLocationInfo))
+        else if (__context_tag == to_underlying(Fields::kAreaDesc))
-            err = DataModel::Decode(reader, locationInfo);
+            err = DataModel::Decode(reader, areaDesc);
@@ -20409,7 +20409,7 @@ CHIP_ERROR DecodableType::Decode(TLV::TLVReader & reader)
-} // namespace LocationStruct
+} // namespace AreaStruct
 namespace MapStruct {
 CHIP_ERROR Type::Encode(TLV::TLVWriter & aWriter, TLV::Tag aTag) const
diff --git a/zzz_generated/app-common/app-common/zap-generated/cluster-objects.h b/zzz_generated/app-common/app-common/zap-generated/cluster-objects.h
index d0f00edc9a0c27..e0dd4a484d678f 100644
--- a/zzz_generated/app-common/app-common/zap-generated/cluster-objects.h
+++ b/zzz_generated/app-common/app-common/zap-generated/cluster-objects.h
@@ -28334,20 +28334,20 @@ struct Type
 using DecodableType = Type;
 } // namespace AreaInfoStruct
-namespace LocationStruct {
+namespace AreaStruct {
 enum class Fields : uint8_t
-    kLocationID   = 0,
-    kMapID        = 1,
-    kLocationInfo = 2,
+    kAreaID   = 0,
+    kMapID    = 1,
+    kAreaDesc = 2,
 struct Type
-    uint32_t locationID = static_cast<uint32_t>(0);
+    uint32_t areaID = static_cast<uint32_t>(0);
     DataModel::Nullable<uint8_t> mapID;
-    Structs::AreaInfoStruct::Type locationInfo;
+    Structs::AreaInfoStruct::Type areaDesc;
     CHIP_ERROR Decode(TLV::TLVReader & reader);
@@ -28358,7 +28358,7 @@ struct Type
 using DecodableType = Type;
-} // namespace LocationStruct
+} // namespace AreaStruct
 namespace MapStruct {
 enum class Fields : uint8_t
@@ -28574,11 +28574,10 @@ namespace Attributes {
 namespace SupportedLocations {
 struct TypeInfo
-    using Type = chip::app::DataModel::List<const chip::app::Clusters::ServiceArea::Structs::LocationStruct::Type>;
-    using DecodableType =
-        chip::app::DataModel::DecodableList<chip::app::Clusters::ServiceArea::Structs::LocationStruct::DecodableType>;
+    using Type          = chip::app::DataModel::List<const chip::app::Clusters::ServiceArea::Structs::AreaStruct::Type>;
+    using DecodableType = chip::app::DataModel::DecodableList<chip::app::Clusters::ServiceArea::Structs::AreaStruct::DecodableType>;
     using DecodableArgType =
-        const chip::app::DataModel::DecodableList<chip::app::Clusters::ServiceArea::Structs::LocationStruct::DecodableType> &;
+        const chip::app::DataModel::DecodableList<chip::app::Clusters::ServiceArea::Structs::AreaStruct::DecodableType> &;
     static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::ServiceArea::Id; }
     static constexpr AttributeId GetAttributeId() { return Attributes::SupportedLocations::Id; }
diff --git a/zzz_generated/chip-tool/zap-generated/cluster/Commands.h b/zzz_generated/chip-tool/zap-generated/cluster/Commands.h
index 01d9f7edc46758..0d1bef48fe2428 100644
--- a/zzz_generated/chip-tool/zap-generated/cluster/Commands.h
+++ b/zzz_generated/chip-tool/zap-generated/cluster/Commands.h
@@ -22816,8 +22816,8 @@ void registerClusterServiceArea(Commands & commands, CredentialIssuerCommands *
         make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "feature-map", Attributes::FeatureMap::Id, credsIssuerConfig),                      //
         make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "cluster-revision", Attributes::ClusterRevision::Id, credsIssuerConfig),            //
         make_unique<WriteAttribute<>>(Id, credsIssuerConfig),                                                              //
-        make_unique<WriteAttributeAsComplex<
-            chip::app::DataModel::List<const chip::app::Clusters::ServiceArea::Structs::LocationStruct::Type>>>(
+        make_unique<
+            WriteAttributeAsComplex<chip::app::DataModel::List<const chip::app::Clusters::ServiceArea::Structs::AreaStruct::Type>>>(
             Id, "supported-locations", Attributes::SupportedLocations::Id, WriteCommandType::kForceWrite, credsIssuerConfig), //
             chip::app::DataModel::List<const chip::app::Clusters::ServiceArea::Structs::MapStruct::Type>>>>(
diff --git a/zzz_generated/chip-tool/zap-generated/cluster/ComplexArgumentParser.cpp b/zzz_generated/chip-tool/zap-generated/cluster/ComplexArgumentParser.cpp
index eb91941092f4da..46f5a52c2cb15e 100644
--- a/zzz_generated/chip-tool/zap-generated/cluster/ComplexArgumentParser.cpp
+++ b/zzz_generated/chip-tool/zap-generated/cluster/ComplexArgumentParser.cpp
@@ -3988,8 +3988,7 @@ void ComplexArgumentParser::Finalize(chip::app::Clusters::ServiceArea::Structs::
-CHIP_ERROR ComplexArgumentParser::Setup(const char * label,
-                                        chip::app::Clusters::ServiceArea::Structs::LocationStruct::Type & request,
+CHIP_ERROR ComplexArgumentParser::Setup(const char * label, chip::app::Clusters::ServiceArea::Structs::AreaStruct::Type & request,
                                         Json::Value & value)
     VerifyOrReturnError(value.isObject(), CHIP_ERROR_INVALID_ARGUMENT);
@@ -3997,33 +3996,31 @@ CHIP_ERROR ComplexArgumentParser::Setup(const char * label,
     // Copy to track which members we already processed.
     Json::Value valueCopy(value);
-    ReturnErrorOnFailure(
-        ComplexArgumentParser::EnsureMemberExist("LocationStruct.locationID", "locationID", value.isMember("locationID")));
-    ReturnErrorOnFailure(ComplexArgumentParser::EnsureMemberExist("LocationStruct.mapID", "mapID", value.isMember("mapID")));
-    ReturnErrorOnFailure(
-        ComplexArgumentParser::EnsureMemberExist("LocationStruct.locationInfo", "locationInfo", value.isMember("locationInfo")));
+    ReturnErrorOnFailure(ComplexArgumentParser::EnsureMemberExist("AreaStruct.areaID", "areaID", value.isMember("areaID")));
+    ReturnErrorOnFailure(ComplexArgumentParser::EnsureMemberExist("AreaStruct.mapID", "mapID", value.isMember("mapID")));
+    ReturnErrorOnFailure(ComplexArgumentParser::EnsureMemberExist("AreaStruct.areaDesc", "areaDesc", value.isMember("areaDesc")));
     char labelWithMember[kMaxLabelLength];
-    snprintf(labelWithMember, sizeof(labelWithMember), "%s.%s", label, "locationID");
-    ReturnErrorOnFailure(ComplexArgumentParser::Setup(labelWithMember, request.locationID, value["locationID"]));
-    valueCopy.removeMember("locationID");
+    snprintf(labelWithMember, sizeof(labelWithMember), "%s.%s", label, "areaID");
+    ReturnErrorOnFailure(ComplexArgumentParser::Setup(labelWithMember, request.areaID, value["areaID"]));
+    valueCopy.removeMember("areaID");
     snprintf(labelWithMember, sizeof(labelWithMember), "%s.%s", label, "mapID");
     ReturnErrorOnFailure(ComplexArgumentParser::Setup(labelWithMember, request.mapID, value["mapID"]));
-    snprintf(labelWithMember, sizeof(labelWithMember), "%s.%s", label, "locationInfo");
-    ReturnErrorOnFailure(ComplexArgumentParser::Setup(labelWithMember, request.locationInfo, value["locationInfo"]));
-    valueCopy.removeMember("locationInfo");
+    snprintf(labelWithMember, sizeof(labelWithMember), "%s.%s", label, "areaDesc");
+    ReturnErrorOnFailure(ComplexArgumentParser::Setup(labelWithMember, request.areaDesc, value["areaDesc"]));
+    valueCopy.removeMember("areaDesc");
     return ComplexArgumentParser::EnsureNoMembersRemaining(label, valueCopy);
-void ComplexArgumentParser::Finalize(chip::app::Clusters::ServiceArea::Structs::LocationStruct::Type & request)
+void ComplexArgumentParser::Finalize(chip::app::Clusters::ServiceArea::Structs::AreaStruct::Type & request)
-    ComplexArgumentParser::Finalize(request.locationID);
+    ComplexArgumentParser::Finalize(request.areaID);
-    ComplexArgumentParser::Finalize(request.locationInfo);
+    ComplexArgumentParser::Finalize(request.areaDesc);
 CHIP_ERROR ComplexArgumentParser::Setup(const char * label, chip::app::Clusters::ServiceArea::Structs::MapStruct::Type & request,
diff --git a/zzz_generated/chip-tool/zap-generated/cluster/ComplexArgumentParser.h b/zzz_generated/chip-tool/zap-generated/cluster/ComplexArgumentParser.h
index 7f76a2dbe60496..4084660f593879 100644
--- a/zzz_generated/chip-tool/zap-generated/cluster/ComplexArgumentParser.h
+++ b/zzz_generated/chip-tool/zap-generated/cluster/ComplexArgumentParser.h
@@ -458,10 +458,10 @@ static CHIP_ERROR Setup(const char * label, chip::app::Clusters::ServiceArea::St
 static void Finalize(chip::app::Clusters::ServiceArea::Structs::AreaInfoStruct::Type & request);
-static CHIP_ERROR Setup(const char * label, chip::app::Clusters::ServiceArea::Structs::LocationStruct::Type & request,
+static CHIP_ERROR Setup(const char * label, chip::app::Clusters::ServiceArea::Structs::AreaStruct::Type & request,
                         Json::Value & value);
-static void Finalize(chip::app::Clusters::ServiceArea::Structs::LocationStruct::Type & request);
+static void Finalize(chip::app::Clusters::ServiceArea::Structs::AreaStruct::Type & request);
 static CHIP_ERROR Setup(const char * label, chip::app::Clusters::ServiceArea::Structs::MapStruct::Type & request,
                         Json::Value & value);
diff --git a/zzz_generated/chip-tool/zap-generated/cluster/logging/DataModelLogger.cpp b/zzz_generated/chip-tool/zap-generated/cluster/logging/DataModelLogger.cpp
index d4cafa9a5bcf39..b39f6a4bb41652 100644
--- a/zzz_generated/chip-tool/zap-generated/cluster/logging/DataModelLogger.cpp
+++ b/zzz_generated/chip-tool/zap-generated/cluster/logging/DataModelLogger.cpp
@@ -3531,14 +3531,14 @@ CHIP_ERROR DataModelLogger::LogValue(const char * label, size_t indent,
 CHIP_ERROR DataModelLogger::LogValue(const char * label, size_t indent,
-                                     const chip::app::Clusters::ServiceArea::Structs::LocationStruct::DecodableType & value)
+                                     const chip::app::Clusters::ServiceArea::Structs::AreaStruct::DecodableType & value)
     DataModelLogger::LogString(label, indent, "{");
-        CHIP_ERROR err = LogValue("LocationID", indent + 1, value.locationID);
+        CHIP_ERROR err = LogValue("AreaID", indent + 1, value.areaID);
         if (err != CHIP_NO_ERROR)
-            DataModelLogger::LogString(indent + 1, "Struct truncated due to invalid value for 'LocationID'");
+            DataModelLogger::LogString(indent + 1, "Struct truncated due to invalid value for 'AreaID'");
             return err;
@@ -3551,10 +3551,10 @@ CHIP_ERROR DataModelLogger::LogValue(const char * label, size_t indent,
-        CHIP_ERROR err = LogValue("LocationInfo", indent + 1, value.locationInfo);
+        CHIP_ERROR err = LogValue("AreaDesc", indent + 1, value.areaDesc);
         if (err != CHIP_NO_ERROR)
-            DataModelLogger::LogString(indent + 1, "Struct truncated due to invalid value for 'LocationInfo'");
+            DataModelLogger::LogString(indent + 1, "Struct truncated due to invalid value for 'AreaDesc'");
             return err;
@@ -14668,7 +14668,7 @@ CHIP_ERROR DataModelLogger::LogAttribute(const chip::app::ConcreteDataAttributeP
         switch (path.mAttributeId)
         case ServiceArea::Attributes::SupportedLocations::Id: {
-            chip::app::DataModel::DecodableList<chip::app::Clusters::ServiceArea::Structs::LocationStruct::DecodableType> value;
+            chip::app::DataModel::DecodableList<chip::app::Clusters::ServiceArea::Structs::AreaStruct::DecodableType> value;
             ReturnErrorOnFailure(chip::app::DataModel::Decode(*data, value));
             return DataModelLogger::LogValue("SupportedLocations", 1, value);
diff --git a/zzz_generated/chip-tool/zap-generated/cluster/logging/DataModelLogger.h b/zzz_generated/chip-tool/zap-generated/cluster/logging/DataModelLogger.h
index f5d468fea9264c..a358712023e6f7 100644
--- a/zzz_generated/chip-tool/zap-generated/cluster/logging/DataModelLogger.h
+++ b/zzz_generated/chip-tool/zap-generated/cluster/logging/DataModelLogger.h
@@ -287,7 +287,7 @@ static CHIP_ERROR LogValue(const char * label, size_t indent,
                            const chip::app::Clusters::ServiceArea::Structs::AreaInfoStruct::DecodableType & value);
 static CHIP_ERROR LogValue(const char * label, size_t indent,
-                           const chip::app::Clusters::ServiceArea::Structs::LocationStruct::DecodableType & value);
+                           const chip::app::Clusters::ServiceArea::Structs::AreaStruct::DecodableType & value);
 static CHIP_ERROR LogValue(const char * label, size_t indent,
                            const chip::app::Clusters::ServiceArea::Structs::MapStruct::DecodableType & value);

From a20d8038aa06886889b21aced8bdd6c2914edb20 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: William Hicklin <>
Date: Thu, 1 Aug 2024 14:01:26 +0100
Subject: [PATCH 09/28] Updated SDK and example code to match the new naming.

 .../include/rvc-service-area-delegate.h       |  6 +-
 .../src/rvc-service-area-delegate.cpp         | 54 +++++-----
 .../service-area-cluster-objects.h            | 88 ++++++++---------
 .../service-area-delegate.cpp                 | 20 ++--
 .../service-area-delegate.h                   | 32 +++---
 .../service-area-server.cpp                   | 98 +++++++++----------
 .../service-area-server/service-area-server.h | 42 ++++----
 7 files changed, 170 insertions(+), 170 deletions(-)

diff --git a/examples/rvc-app/rvc-common/include/rvc-service-area-delegate.h b/examples/rvc-app/rvc-common/include/rvc-service-area-delegate.h
index e170d2ffeb35ce..eb263d0596aaa6 100644
--- a/examples/rvc-app/rvc-common/include/rvc-service-area-delegate.h
+++ b/examples/rvc-app/rvc-common/include/rvc-service-area-delegate.h
@@ -60,7 +60,7 @@ class RvcServiceAreaDelegate : public Delegate
     bool GetSupportedLocationByIndex(uint32_t listIndex, ServiceArea::LocationStructureWrapper & supportedLocation) override;
-    bool GetSupportedLocationById(uint32_t aLocationId, uint32_t & listIndex,
+    bool GetSupportedLocationById(uint32_t aAreaId, uint32_t & listIndex,
                                   ServiceArea::LocationStructureWrapper & supportedLocation) override;
     bool AddSupportedLocation(const ServiceArea::LocationStructureWrapper & newLocation, uint32_t & listIndex) override;
@@ -95,7 +95,7 @@ class RvcServiceAreaDelegate : public Delegate
     // IsSelectedLocation() no override
-    bool AddSelectedLocation(uint32_t aLocationId, uint32_t & listIndex) override;
+    bool AddSelectedLocation(uint32_t aAreaId, uint32_t & listIndex) override;
     bool ClearSelectedLocations() override;
@@ -106,7 +106,7 @@ class RvcServiceAreaDelegate : public Delegate
     bool GetProgressElementByIndex(uint32_t listIndex, ServiceArea::Structs::ProgressStruct::Type & aProgressElement) override;
-    bool GetProgressElementById(uint32_t aLocationId, uint32_t & listIndex,
+    bool GetProgressElementById(uint32_t aAreaId, uint32_t & listIndex,
                                 ServiceArea::Structs::ProgressStruct::Type & aProgressElement) override;
     bool AddProgressElement(const ServiceArea::Structs::ProgressStruct::Type & newProgressElement, uint32_t & listIndex) override;
diff --git a/examples/rvc-app/rvc-common/src/rvc-service-area-delegate.cpp b/examples/rvc-app/rvc-common/src/rvc-service-area-delegate.cpp
index d913f53d83e940..445f91f3477f3d 100644
--- a/examples/rvc-app/rvc-common/src/rvc-service-area-delegate.cpp
+++ b/examples/rvc-app/rvc-common/src/rvc-service-area-delegate.cpp
@@ -32,25 +32,25 @@ CHIP_ERROR RvcServiceAreaDelegate::Init()
     GetInstance()->AddSupportedMap(supportedMapId_YY, "My Map YY"_span);
     // hardcoded fill of SUPPORTED LOCATIONS for prototyping
-    uint32_t supportedLocationId_A = 7;
-    uint32_t supportedLocationId_B = 1234567;
-    uint32_t supportedLocationId_C = 10050;
-    uint32_t supportedLocationId_D = 0x88888888;
+    uint32_t supportedAreaID_A = 7;
+    uint32_t supportedAreaID_B = 1234567;
+    uint32_t supportedAreaID_C = 10050;
+    uint32_t supportedAreaID_D = 0x88888888;
     // Location A has name, floor number, uses map XX
-        supportedLocationId_A, DataModel::Nullable<uint_fast8_t>(supportedMapId_XX), "My Location A"_span,
+        supportedAreaID_A, DataModel::Nullable<uint_fast8_t>(supportedMapId_XX), "My Location A"_span,
         DataModel::Nullable<int16_t>(4), DataModel::Nullable<Globals::AreaTypeTag>(), DataModel::Nullable<Globals::LandmarkTag>(),
         DataModel::Nullable<Globals::PositionTag>(), DataModel::Nullable<Globals::FloorSurfaceTag>());
     // Location B has name, uses map XX
-        supportedLocationId_B, DataModel::Nullable<uint_fast8_t>(supportedMapId_XX), "My Location B"_span,
+        supportedAreaID_B, DataModel::Nullable<uint_fast8_t>(supportedMapId_XX), "My Location B"_span,
         DataModel::Nullable<int16_t>(), DataModel::Nullable<Globals::AreaTypeTag>(), DataModel::Nullable<Globals::LandmarkTag>(),
         DataModel::Nullable<Globals::PositionTag>(), DataModel::Nullable<Globals::FloorSurfaceTag>());
     // Location C has full SemData, no name, Map YY
-    GetInstance()->AddSupportedLocation(supportedLocationId_C, DataModel::Nullable<uint_fast8_t>(supportedMapId_YY), CharSpan(),
+    GetInstance()->AddSupportedLocation(supportedAreaID_C, DataModel::Nullable<uint_fast8_t>(supportedMapId_YY), CharSpan(),
@@ -58,14 +58,14 @@ CHIP_ERROR RvcServiceAreaDelegate::Init()
     // Location D has null values for all HomeLocationStruct fields, Map YY
-    GetInstance()->AddSupportedLocation(supportedLocationId_D, DataModel::Nullable<uint_fast8_t>(supportedMapId_YY),
+    GetInstance()->AddSupportedLocation(supportedAreaID_D, DataModel::Nullable<uint_fast8_t>(supportedMapId_YY),
                                         "My Location D"_span, DataModel::Nullable<int16_t>(),
-    GetInstance()->SetCurrentLocation(supportedLocationId_C);
+    GetInstance()->SetCurrentLocation(supportedAreaID_C);
     return CHIP_NO_ERROR;
@@ -117,7 +117,7 @@ bool RvcServiceAreaDelegate::GetSupportedLocationByIndex(uint32_t listIndex, Loc
     return false;
-bool RvcServiceAreaDelegate::GetSupportedLocationById(uint32_t aLocationId, uint32_t & listIndex,
+bool RvcServiceAreaDelegate::GetSupportedLocationById(uint32_t aAreaID, uint32_t & listIndex,
                                                       LocationStructureWrapper & aSupportedLocation)
     // We do not need to reimplement this method as it's already done by the SDK.
@@ -127,7 +127,7 @@ bool RvcServiceAreaDelegate::GetSupportedLocationById(uint32_t aLocationId, uint
     while (listIndex < mSupportedLocations.size())
-        if (mSupportedLocations[listIndex].locationID == aLocationId)
+        if (mSupportedLocations[listIndex].areaID == aAreaID)
             aSupportedLocation = mSupportedLocations[listIndex];
             return true;
@@ -141,7 +141,7 @@ bool RvcServiceAreaDelegate::GetSupportedLocationById(uint32_t aLocationId, uint
 bool RvcServiceAreaDelegate::AddSupportedLocation(const LocationStructureWrapper & newLocation, uint32_t & listIndex)
-    // The server instance (caller) is responsible for ensuring that there are no duplicate location IDs, list size not exceeded,
+    // The server instance (caller) is responsible for ensuring that there are no duplicate area IDs, list size not exceeded,
     // etc.
     // Double-check list size to ensure there no memory issues.
@@ -153,7 +153,7 @@ bool RvcServiceAreaDelegate::AddSupportedLocation(const LocationStructureWrapper
         return true;
-    ChipLogError(Zcl, "AddSupportedLocation %u - supported locations list is already at maximum size %u", newLocation.locationID,
+    ChipLogError(Zcl, "AddSupportedLocation %u - supported locations list is already at maximum size %u", newLocation.areaID,
     return false;
@@ -161,14 +161,14 @@ bool RvcServiceAreaDelegate::AddSupportedLocation(const LocationStructureWrapper
 bool RvcServiceAreaDelegate::ModifySupportedLocation(uint32_t listIndex, const LocationStructureWrapper & modifiedLocation)
-    // The server instance (caller) is responsible for ensuring that there are no duplicate location IDs, list size not exceeded,
+    // The server instance (caller) is responsible for ensuring that there are no duplicate area IDs, list size not exceeded,
     // etc.
-    // Double-check that locationID's match.
-    if (modifiedLocation.locationID != mSupportedLocations[listIndex].locationID)
+    // Double-check that areaID's match.
+    if (modifiedLocation.areaID != mSupportedLocations[listIndex].areaID)
-        ChipLogError(Zcl, "ModifySupportedLocation - locationID's do not match, new locationID %u, existing locationID %u",
-                     modifiedLocation.locationID, mSupportedLocations[listIndex].locationID);
+        ChipLogError(Zcl, "ModifySupportedLocation - areaID's do not match, new areaID %u, existing areaID %u",
+                     modifiedLocation.areaID, mSupportedLocations[listIndex].areaID);
         return false;
@@ -236,7 +236,7 @@ bool RvcServiceAreaDelegate::GetSupportedMapById(uint8_t aMapId, uint32_t & list
 bool RvcServiceAreaDelegate::AddSupportedMap(const MapStructureWrapper & newMap, uint32_t & listIndex)
-    // The server instance (caller) is responsible for ensuring that there are no duplicate location IDs, list size not exceeded,
+    // The server instance (caller) is responsible for ensuring that there are no duplicate area IDs, list size not exceeded,
     // etc.
     // Double-check list size to ensure there no memory issues.
@@ -255,7 +255,7 @@ bool RvcServiceAreaDelegate::AddSupportedMap(const MapStructureWrapper & newMap,
 bool RvcServiceAreaDelegate::ModifySupportedMap(uint32_t listIndex, const MapStructureWrapper & modifiedMap)
-    // The server instance (caller) is responsible for ensuring that there are no duplicate location IDs, list size not exceeded,
+    // The server instance (caller) is responsible for ensuring that there are no duplicate area IDs, list size not exceeded,
     // etc.
     // Double-check that mapID's match.
@@ -301,20 +301,20 @@ bool RvcServiceAreaDelegate::GetSelectedLocationByIndex(uint32_t listIndex, uint
     return false;
-bool RvcServiceAreaDelegate::AddSelectedLocation(uint32_t aLocationId, uint32_t & listIndex)
+bool RvcServiceAreaDelegate::AddSelectedLocation(uint32_t aAreaID, uint32_t & listIndex)
-    // The server instance (caller) is responsible for ensuring that there are no duplicate location IDs, list size not exceeded,
+    // The server instance (caller) is responsible for ensuring that there are no duplicate area IDs, list size not exceeded,
     // etc.
     // Double-check list size to ensure there no memory issues.
     if (mSelectedLocations.size() < kMaxNumSelectedLocations)
         // not sorting list, number of locations normally expected to be small, max 255
-        mSelectedLocations.push_back(aLocationId);
+        mSelectedLocations.push_back(aAreaID);
         listIndex = static_cast<uint32_t>(mSelectedLocations.size()) - 1; // new element is last in list
         return true;
-    ChipLogError(Zcl, "AddSelectedLocation %u - selected locations list is already at maximum size %u", aLocationId,
+    ChipLogError(Zcl, "AddSelectedLocation %u - selected locations list is already at maximum size %u", aAreaID,
     return false;
@@ -350,7 +350,7 @@ bool RvcServiceAreaDelegate::GetProgressElementByIndex(uint32_t listIndex, Struc
     return false;
-bool RvcServiceAreaDelegate::GetProgressElementById(uint32_t aLocationId, uint32_t & listIndex,
+bool RvcServiceAreaDelegate::GetProgressElementById(uint32_t aAreaID, uint32_t & listIndex,
                                                     Structs::ProgressStruct::Type & aProgressElement)
     // We do not need to reimplement this method as it's already done by the SDK.
@@ -360,7 +360,7 @@ bool RvcServiceAreaDelegate::GetProgressElementById(uint32_t aLocationId, uint32
     while (listIndex < mProgressList.size())
-        if (mProgressList[listIndex].locationID == aLocationId)
+        if (mProgressList[listIndex].locationID == aAreaID)
             aProgressElement = mProgressList[listIndex];
             return true;
@@ -374,7 +374,7 @@ bool RvcServiceAreaDelegate::GetProgressElementById(uint32_t aLocationId, uint32
 bool RvcServiceAreaDelegate::AddProgressElement(const Structs::ProgressStruct::Type & newProgressElement, uint32_t & listIndex)
-    // The server instance (caller) is responsible for ensuring that there are no duplicate location IDs, list size not exceeded,
+    // The server instance (caller) is responsible for ensuring that there are no duplicate area IDs, list size not exceeded,
     // etc.
     // Double-check list size to ensure there no memory issues.
diff --git a/src/app/clusters/service-area-server/service-area-cluster-objects.h b/src/app/clusters/service-area-server/service-area-cluster-objects.h
index 1be2918795a1f0..55c3e6b963c4b4 100644
--- a/src/app/clusters/service-area-server/service-area-cluster-objects.h
+++ b/src/app/clusters/service-area-server/service-area-cluster-objects.h
@@ -31,10 +31,10 @@ inline constexpr size_t kLocationNameMaxSize = 128u;
 inline constexpr size_t kMapNameMaxSize      = 64u;
- * This class is used to wrap the LocationStruct object and provide a more user-friendly interface for the data.
+ * This class is used to wrap the AreaStruct object and provide a more user-friendly interface for the data.
  * It provides a way to store the location name in a buffer, and provides a way to compare the location name with a given string.
-struct LocationStructureWrapper : public chip::app::Clusters::ServiceArea::Structs::LocationStruct::Type
+struct LocationStructureWrapper : public chip::app::Clusters::ServiceArea::Structs::AreaStruct::Type
@@ -45,7 +45,7 @@ struct LocationStructureWrapper : public chip::app::Clusters::ServiceArea::Struc
      * @brief This is a full constructor that initializes the location object with the given values. All values are deep copied.
-     * @param[in] aLocationId The unique identifier of this location.
+     * @param[in] aAreaID The unique identifier of this location.
      * @param[in] aMapId The identifier of the supported map associated with this location.
      * @param[in] aLocationName A human readable name for this location (empty string if not used).
      * @param[in] aFloorNumber The floor level of this location - use negative values for below ground.
@@ -60,14 +60,14 @@ struct LocationStructureWrapper : public chip::app::Clusters::ServiceArea::Struc
      * @note If aLocationName is larger than kLocationNameMaxSize, it will be truncated.
      * @note If aLocationName is an empty string and aFloorNumber and aAreaTypeTag are null, locationInfo will be set to null.
-    LocationStructureWrapper(uint32_t aLocationId, const DataModel::Nullable<uint8_t> & aMapId, const CharSpan & aLocationName,
+    LocationStructureWrapper(uint32_t aAreaID, const DataModel::Nullable<uint8_t> & aMapId, const CharSpan & aLocationName,
                              const DataModel::Nullable<int16_t> & aFloorNumber,
                              const DataModel::Nullable<Globals::AreaTypeTag> & aAreaTypeTag,
                              const DataModel::Nullable<Globals::LandmarkTag> & aLandmarkTag,
                              const DataModel::Nullable<Globals::PositionTag> & aPositionTag,
                              const DataModel::Nullable<Globals::FloorSurfaceTag> & aSurfaceTag)
-        Set(aLocationId, aMapId, aLocationName, aFloorNumber, aAreaTypeTag, aLandmarkTag, aPositionTag, aSurfaceTag);
+        Set(aAreaID, aMapId, aLocationName, aFloorNumber, aAreaTypeTag, aLandmarkTag, aPositionTag, aSurfaceTag);
@@ -88,16 +88,16 @@ struct LocationStructureWrapper : public chip::app::Clusters::ServiceArea::Struc
     LocationStructureWrapper & operator=(const LocationStructureWrapper & aOther)
-        if (aOther.locationInfo.locationInfo.IsNull())
+        if (aOther.areaDesc.locationInfo.IsNull())
-            Set(aOther.locationID, aOther.mapID, CharSpan(), NullOptional, NullOptional, aOther.locationInfo.landmarkTag,
-                aOther.locationInfo.positionTag, aOther.locationInfo.surfaceTag);
+            Set(aOther.areaID, aOther.mapID, CharSpan(), NullOptional, NullOptional, aOther.areaDesc.landmarkTag,
+                aOther.areaDesc.positionTag, aOther.areaDesc.surfaceTag);
-            Set(aOther.locationID, aOther.mapID, aOther.locationInfo.locationInfo.Value().locationName,
-                aOther.locationInfo.locationInfo.Value().floorNumber, aOther.locationInfo.locationInfo.Value().areaType,
-                aOther.locationInfo.landmarkTag, aOther.locationInfo.positionTag, aOther.locationInfo.surfaceTag);
+            Set(aOther.areaID, aOther.mapID, aOther.areaDesc.locationInfo.Value().locationName,
+                aOther.areaDesc.locationInfo.Value().floorNumber, aOther.areaDesc.locationInfo.Value().areaType,
+                aOther.areaDesc.landmarkTag, aOther.areaDesc.positionTag, aOther.areaDesc.surfaceTag);
         return *this;
@@ -105,7 +105,7 @@ struct LocationStructureWrapper : public chip::app::Clusters::ServiceArea::Struc
      * @brief Set all fields of the location object. All values are deep copied.
-     * @param[in] aLocationId The unique identifier of this location.
+     * @param[in] aAreaID The unique identifier of this location.
      * @param[in] aMapId The identifier of the supported map associated with this location.
      * @param[in] aLocationName A human readable name for this location (empty string if not used).
      * @param[in] aFloorNumber The floor level of this location - use negative values for below ground.
@@ -120,51 +120,51 @@ struct LocationStructureWrapper : public chip::app::Clusters::ServiceArea::Struc
      * @note If aLocationName is larger than kLocationNameMaxSize, it will be truncated.
      * @note If aLocationName is an empty string and aFloorNumber and aAreaTypeTag are null, locationInfo will be set to null.
-    void Set(uint32_t aLocationId, const DataModel::Nullable<uint8_t> & aMapId, const CharSpan & aLocationName,
+    void Set(uint32_t aAreaID, const DataModel::Nullable<uint8_t> & aMapId, const CharSpan & aLocationName,
              const DataModel::Nullable<int16_t> & aFloorNumber, const DataModel::Nullable<Globals::AreaTypeTag> & aAreaType,
              const DataModel::Nullable<Globals::LandmarkTag> & aLandmarkTag,
              const DataModel::Nullable<Globals::PositionTag> & aPositionTag,
              const DataModel::Nullable<Globals::FloorSurfaceTag> & aSurfaceTag)
-        locationID = aLocationId;
-        mapID      = aMapId;
+        areaID = aAreaID;
+        mapID  = aMapId;
         // If there is at least one non-null value for locationInfo, add it to the location structure.
         if ((!aLocationName.empty()) || (!aFloorNumber.IsNull()) || (!aAreaType.IsNull()))
-            // Create a home location info structure and fill it in except for the location name. This is done below.
-            locationInfo.locationInfo.SetNonNull(Globals::Structs::LocationDescriptorStruct::Type());
+            // Create a home location desc structure and fill it in except for the location name. This is done below.
+            areaDesc.locationInfo.SetNonNull(Globals::Structs::LocationDescriptorStruct::Type());
-            locationInfo.locationInfo.Value().floorNumber = aFloorNumber;
-            locationInfo.locationInfo.Value().areaType    = aAreaType;
+            areaDesc.locationInfo.Value().floorNumber = aFloorNumber;
+            areaDesc.locationInfo.Value().areaType    = aAreaType;
-            locationInfo.locationInfo.SetNull();
+            areaDesc.locationInfo.SetNull();
-        locationInfo.landmarkTag = aLandmarkTag;
-        locationInfo.positionTag = aPositionTag;
-        locationInfo.surfaceTag  = aSurfaceTag;
+        areaDesc.landmarkTag = aLandmarkTag;
+        areaDesc.positionTag = aPositionTag;
+        areaDesc.surfaceTag  = aSurfaceTag;
-        // this assumes locationInfo structure was created above, if appropriate
-        if (!locationInfo.locationInfo.IsNull())
+        // this assumes areaDesc structure was created above, if appropriate
+        if (!areaDesc.locationInfo.IsNull())
             if (aLocationName.empty())
-                locationInfo.locationInfo.Value().locationName = CharSpan(mLocationNameBuffer, 0);
+                areaDesc.locationInfo.Value().locationName = CharSpan(mLocationNameBuffer, 0);
             else if (aLocationName.size() > sizeof(mLocationNameBuffer))
                 // Save the truncated name that fits into available size.
                 memcpy(mLocationNameBuffer,, sizeof(mLocationNameBuffer));
-                locationInfo.locationInfo.Value().locationName = CharSpan(mLocationNameBuffer, sizeof(mLocationNameBuffer));
+                areaDesc.locationInfo.Value().locationName = CharSpan(mLocationNameBuffer, sizeof(mLocationNameBuffer));
                 // Save full name.
                 memcpy(mLocationNameBuffer,, aLocationName.size());
-                locationInfo.locationInfo.Value().locationName = CharSpan(mLocationNameBuffer, aLocationName.size());
+                areaDesc.locationInfo.Value().locationName = CharSpan(mLocationNameBuffer, aLocationName.size());
@@ -177,9 +177,9 @@ struct LocationStructureWrapper : public chip::app::Clusters::ServiceArea::Struc
     bool IsNameEqual(const CharSpan & aLocationName) const
-        if (!locationInfo.locationInfo.IsNull())
+        if (!areaDesc.locationInfo.IsNull())
-            return locationInfo.locationInfo.Value().locationName.data_equal(aLocationName);
+            return areaDesc.locationInfo.Value().locationName.data_equal(aLocationName);
         return false;
@@ -187,24 +187,24 @@ struct LocationStructureWrapper : public chip::app::Clusters::ServiceArea::Struc
      * This is used for configuring the IsEqual method.
-     * If kIgnoreLocationId is set, the location IDs are ignored when checking for equality.
+     * If kIgnoreAreaID is set, the area IDs are ignored when checking for equality.
      * If kIgnoreMapId is set, the map IDs are ignored when checking for equality.
     enum class IsEqualConfig : uint8_t
-        kIgnoreLocationId = 0x1,
+        kIgnoreAreaID = 0x1,
         kIgnoreMapId      = 0x2,
      * @brief Checks if the given LocationStructureWrapper is equal to this one.
      * @param aOther The location to compare with.
-     * @param aConfig Set if the location IDs and/or the map IDs should be ignored when checking for equality.
+     * @param aConfig Set if the area IDs and/or the map IDs should be ignored when checking for equality.
      * @return True if both locations are equal. False otherwise.
     bool IsEqual(const LocationStructureWrapper & aOther, BitMask<IsEqualConfig> aConfig) const
-        if (!aConfig.Has(IsEqualConfig::kIgnoreLocationId) && (locationID != aOther.locationID))
+        if (!aConfig.Has(IsEqualConfig::kIgnoreAreaID) && (areaID != aOther.areaID))
             return false;
@@ -214,41 +214,41 @@ struct LocationStructureWrapper : public chip::app::Clusters::ServiceArea::Struc
             return false;
-        if (locationInfo.locationInfo.IsNull() != aOther.locationInfo.locationInfo.IsNull())
+        if (areaDesc.locationInfo.IsNull() != aOther.areaDesc.locationInfo.IsNull())
             return false;
-        if (!locationInfo.locationInfo.IsNull())
+        if (!areaDesc.locationInfo.IsNull())
-            if (!IsNameEqual(aOther.locationInfo.locationInfo.Value().locationName))
+            if (!IsNameEqual(aOther.areaDesc.locationInfo.Value().locationName))
                 return false;
-            if (locationInfo.locationInfo.Value().floorNumber != aOther.locationInfo.locationInfo.Value().floorNumber)
+            if (areaDesc.locationInfo.Value().floorNumber != aOther.areaDesc.locationInfo.Value().floorNumber)
                 return false;
-            if (locationInfo.locationInfo.Value().areaType != aOther.locationInfo.locationInfo.Value().areaType)
+            if (areaDesc.locationInfo.Value().areaType != aOther.areaDesc.locationInfo.Value().areaType)
                 return false;
-        if (locationInfo.landmarkTag != aOther.locationInfo.landmarkTag)
+        if (areaDesc.landmarkTag != aOther.areaDesc.landmarkTag)
             return false;
-        if (locationInfo.positionTag != aOther.locationInfo.positionTag)
+        if (areaDesc.positionTag != aOther.areaDesc.positionTag)
             return false;
-        if (locationInfo.surfaceTag != aOther.locationInfo.surfaceTag)
+        if (areaDesc.surfaceTag != aOther.areaDesc.surfaceTag)
             return false;
@@ -261,12 +261,12 @@ struct LocationStructureWrapper : public chip::app::Clusters::ServiceArea::Struc
     CharSpan GetName()
-        if (locationInfo.locationInfo.IsNull())
+        if (areaDesc.locationInfo.IsNull())
             return { mLocationNameBuffer, 0 };
-        return locationInfo.locationInfo.Value().locationName;
+        return areaDesc.locationInfo.Value().locationName;
diff --git a/src/app/clusters/service-area-server/service-area-delegate.cpp b/src/app/clusters/service-area-server/service-area-delegate.cpp
index 1be7d257336c94..f8505d7377e799 100644
--- a/src/app/clusters/service-area-server/service-area-delegate.cpp
+++ b/src/app/clusters/service-area-server/service-area-delegate.cpp
@@ -3,14 +3,14 @@
 using namespace chip::app::Clusters::ServiceArea;
-bool Delegate::GetSupportedLocationById(uint32_t aLocationId, uint32_t & listIndex, LocationStructureWrapper & aSupportedLocation)
+bool Delegate::GetSupportedLocationById(uint32_t aAreaId, uint32_t & listIndex, LocationStructureWrapper & aSupportedLocation)
     listIndex = 0;
-    // simple linear iteration to find the location with the desired locationID.
+    // simple linear iteration to find the location with the desired areaId.
     while (GetSupportedLocationByIndex(listIndex, aSupportedLocation))
-        if (aSupportedLocation.locationID == aLocationId)
+        if (aSupportedLocation.areaID == aAreaId)
             return true;
@@ -45,14 +45,14 @@ bool Delegate::GetSupportedMapById(uint8_t aMapId, uint32_t & listIndex, MapStru
     return false;
-bool Delegate::IsSelectedLocation(uint32_t aLocationId)
+bool Delegate::IsSelectedLocation(uint32_t aAreaId)
     uint32_t listIndex = 0;
     uint32_t selectedLocation;
     while (GetSelectedLocationByIndex(listIndex, selectedLocation))
-        if (selectedLocation == aLocationId)
+        if (selectedLocation == aAreaId)
             return true;
@@ -63,14 +63,14 @@ bool Delegate::IsSelectedLocation(uint32_t aLocationId)
     return false;
-bool Delegate::GetProgressElementById(uint32_t aLocationId, uint32_t & listIndex, Structs::ProgressStruct::Type & aProgressElement)
+bool Delegate::GetProgressElementById(uint32_t aAreaId, uint32_t & listIndex, Structs::ProgressStruct::Type & aProgressElement)
     listIndex = 0;
-    // simple linear iteration to find the progress element with the desired locationID.
+    // simple linear iteration to find the progress element with the desired areaID.
     while (GetProgressElementByIndex(listIndex, aProgressElement))
-        if (aProgressElement.locationID == aLocationId)
+        if (aProgressElement.locationID == aAreaId)
             return true;
@@ -81,10 +81,10 @@ bool Delegate::GetProgressElementById(uint32_t aLocationId, uint32_t & listIndex
     return false;
-bool Delegate::IsProgressElement(uint32_t aLocationId)
+bool Delegate::IsProgressElement(uint32_t aAreaId)
     uint32_t index;
     Structs::ProgressStruct::Type progressElement;
-    return GetProgressElementById(aLocationId, index, progressElement);
+    return GetProgressElementById(aAreaId, index, progressElement);
diff --git a/src/app/clusters/service-area-server/service-area-delegate.h b/src/app/clusters/service-area-server/service-area-delegate.h
index baf50d071b3404..0c3f266cbf108e 100644
--- a/src/app/clusters/service-area-server/service-area-delegate.h
+++ b/src/app/clusters/service-area-server/service-area-delegate.h
@@ -133,7 +133,7 @@ class Delegate
      * @return true if the current device state allows the SupportedLocations attribute to be updated.
      * @note The SupportedLocations attribute list changes (adding or deleting entries,
-     *       changing their MapID fields, changing the LocationID fields, or nulling the entire list)
+     *       changing their MapID fields, changing the AreaID fields, or nulling the entire list)
      *       SHOULD NOT be allowed while the device is operating, to reduce the impact on the clients,
      *       and the potential confusion for the users.
@@ -154,15 +154,15 @@ class Delegate
     virtual bool GetSupportedLocationByIndex(uint32_t listIndex, LocationStructureWrapper & aSupportedLocation) = 0;
-     * @brief Get a supported location that matches a locationID.
-     * @param[in] aLocationId the locationID to search for.
+     * @brief Get a supported location that matches a areaID.
+     * @param[in] aAreaId the areaID to search for.
      * @param[out] listIndex the location's index in the list, if found.
      * @param[out] aSupportedLocation  copy of the location contents, if found.
      * @return true if location found, false otherwise.
      * @note may be overloaded in device implementation for optimization, if desired.
-    virtual bool GetSupportedLocationById(uint32_t aLocationId, uint32_t & listIndex,
+    virtual bool GetSupportedLocationById(uint32_t aAreaId, uint32_t & listIndex,
                                           LocationStructureWrapper & aSupportedLocation);
@@ -183,7 +183,7 @@ class Delegate
      * @param[in] modifiedLocation A location with the modified contents.
      * @return true if successful, false otherwise.
-     * @note this function SHOULD double check that newLocation's locationID matches the object at listIndex.
+     * @note this function SHOULD double check that newLocation's areaID matches the object at listIndex.
     virtual bool ModifySupportedLocation(uint32_t listIndex, const LocationStructureWrapper & modifiedLocation) = 0;
@@ -288,23 +288,23 @@ class Delegate
     virtual bool GetSelectedLocationByIndex(uint32_t listIndex, uint32_t & selectedLocation) = 0;
-     * @return true if the aLocationId locationID is found in the SelectedLocations list, false otherwise.
+     * @return true if the aAreaId areaID is found in the SelectedLocations list, false otherwise.
      * @note may be overloaded in device implementation for optimization, if desired.
-    virtual bool IsSelectedLocation(uint32_t aLocationId);
+    virtual bool IsSelectedLocation(uint32_t aAreaId);
      * This method is called by the server instance to add a new selected location to the list.
-     * The server instance will ensure that the aLocationId references a SUPPORTED location, and is unique within selected
+     * The server instance will ensure that the aAreaId references a SUPPORTED location, and is unique within selected
      * locations.
-     * @param[in] aLocationId The new locationID to add.
+     * @param[in] aAreaId The new areaID to add.
      * @param[out] listIndex filled with the list index of the new location, if successful.
      * @return true if successful, false otherwise.
      * @note this function SHOULD double check that the added location won't exceed the maximum list size.
-    virtual bool AddSelectedLocation(uint32_t aLocationId, uint32_t & listIndex) = 0;
+    virtual bool AddSelectedLocation(uint32_t aAreaId, uint32_t & listIndex) = 0;
      * @return true if selected locations was not already null, false otherwise.
@@ -325,23 +325,23 @@ class Delegate
     virtual bool GetProgressElementByIndex(uint32_t listIndex, Structs::ProgressStruct::Type & aProgressElement) = 0;
-     * @brief Get a progress element that matches a locationID.
-     * @param[in] aLocationId the locationID to search for.
+     * @brief Get a progress element that matches a areaID.
+     * @param[in] aAreaId the areaID to search for.
      * @param[out] listIndex the location's index in the list, if found.
      * @param[out] aProgressElement  copy of the progress element contents, if found.
      * @return true if a progress element is found, false otherwise.
      * @note may be overloaded in device implementation for optimization, if desired.
-    virtual bool GetProgressElementById(uint32_t aLocationId, uint32_t & listIndex,
+    virtual bool GetProgressElementById(uint32_t aAreaId, uint32_t & listIndex,
                                         Structs::ProgressStruct::Type & aProgressElement);
      * @brief Is the progress element in the progress list?
-     * @param[in] aLocationId location id of the progress element.
+     * @param[in] aAreaId location id of the progress element.
      * @return true if the progress element identified by Id is in the progress list.
-    virtual bool IsProgressElement(uint32_t aLocationId);
+    virtual bool IsProgressElement(uint32_t aAreaId);
      * This method is called by the server instance to add a new progress element to the list.
@@ -361,7 +361,7 @@ class Delegate
      * @param[in] modifiedProgressElement modified element's contents.
      * @return true if successful, false otherwise.
-     * @note this function SHOULD double check that modifiedProgressElement's locationID matches the object at listIndex
+     * @note this function SHOULD double check that modifiedProgressElement's areaID matches the object at listIndex
     virtual bool ModifyProgressElement(uint32_t listIndex, const Structs::ProgressStruct::Type & modifiedProgressElement) = 0;
diff --git a/src/app/clusters/service-area-server/service-area-server.cpp b/src/app/clusters/service-area-server/service-area-server.cpp
index 79837ff0bf216c..9cb9facae1d799 100644
--- a/src/app/clusters/service-area-server/service-area-server.cpp
+++ b/src/app/clusters/service-area-server/service-area-server.cpp
@@ -256,7 +256,7 @@ void Instance::HandleSelectLocationsCmd(HandlerContext & ctx, const Commands::Se
                 uint32_t aSelectedLocation = iLocationIter.GetValue();
-                // each item in this list SHALL match the LocationID field of an entry on the SupportedLocations attribute's list
+                // each item in this list SHALL match the AreaID field of an entry on the SupportedLocations attribute's list
                 // If the Status field is set to UnsupportedLocation, the StatusText field SHALL be an empty string.
                 if (!IsSupportedLocation(aSelectedLocation))
@@ -440,43 +440,43 @@ void Instance::NotifyProgressChanged()
 // ****************************************************************************
 //  Supported Locations manipulators
-bool Instance::IsSupportedLocation(uint32_t aLocationId)
+bool Instance::IsSupportedLocation(uint32_t aAreaId)
     uint32_t ignoredIndex;
     LocationStructureWrapper ignoredLocation;
-    return mDelegate->GetSupportedLocationById(aLocationId, ignoredIndex, ignoredLocation);
+    return mDelegate->GetSupportedLocationById(aAreaId, ignoredIndex, ignoredLocation);
 bool Instance::IsValidSupportedLocation(const LocationStructureWrapper & aLocation)
     // If the HomeLocationInfo field is null, the LandmarkTag field SHALL NOT be null.
     // If the LandmarkTag field is null, the HomeLocationInfo field SHALL NOT be null.
-    if (aLocation.locationInfo.locationInfo.IsNull() && aLocation.locationInfo.landmarkTag.IsNull())
+    if (aLocation.areaDesc.locationInfo.IsNull() && aLocation.areaDesc.landmarkTag.IsNull())
-        ChipLogDetail(Zcl, "IsValidAsSupportedLocation %u - must have locationInfo and/or LandmarkTag", aLocation.locationID);
+        ChipLogDetail(Zcl, "IsValidAsSupportedLocation %u - must have locationInfo and/or LandmarkTag", aLocation.areaID);
         return false;
     // If HomeLocationInfo is not null, and its LocationName field is an empty string, at least one of the following SHALL NOT
     // be null: HomeLocationInfo's FloorNumber field, HomeLocationInfo's AreaType field, the LandmarkTag field
-    if (!aLocation.locationInfo.locationInfo.IsNull())
+    if (!aLocation.areaDesc.locationInfo.IsNull())
-        if (aLocation.locationInfo.locationInfo.Value().locationName.empty() &&
-            aLocation.locationInfo.locationInfo.Value().floorNumber.IsNull() &&
-            aLocation.locationInfo.locationInfo.Value().areaType.IsNull() && aLocation.locationInfo.landmarkTag.IsNull())
+        if (aLocation.areaDesc.locationInfo.Value().locationName.empty() &&
+            aLocation.areaDesc.locationInfo.Value().floorNumber.IsNull() &&
+            aLocation.areaDesc.locationInfo.Value().areaType.IsNull() && aLocation.areaDesc.landmarkTag.IsNull())
                 Zcl, "IsValidAsSupportedLocation %u - LocationName is empty string, FloorNumber, AreaType, LandmarkTag are null",
-                aLocation.locationID);
+                aLocation.areaID);
             return false;
     // If the LandmarkTag field is null, the PositionTag field SHALL be null.
-    if (aLocation.locationInfo.landmarkTag.IsNull() && !aLocation.locationInfo.positionTag.IsNull())
+    if (aLocation.areaDesc.landmarkTag.IsNull() && !aLocation.areaDesc.positionTag.IsNull())
-        ChipLogDetail(Zcl, "IsValidAsSupportedLocation %u - PositionTag with no LandmarkTag", aLocation.locationID);
+        ChipLogDetail(Zcl, "IsValidAsSupportedLocation %u - PositionTag with no LandmarkTag", aLocation.areaID);
         return false;
@@ -485,7 +485,7 @@ bool Instance::IsValidSupportedLocation(const LocationStructureWrapper & aLocati
         // If the SupportedMaps attribute is null, mapid SHALL be null.
         if (!aLocation.mapID.IsNull())
-            ChipLogDetail(Zcl, "IsValidSupportedLocation %u - map Id %u is not in empty supported map list", aLocation.locationID,
+            ChipLogDetail(Zcl, "IsValidSupportedLocation %u - map Id %u is not in empty supported map list", aLocation.areaID,
             return false;
@@ -495,7 +495,7 @@ bool Instance::IsValidSupportedLocation(const LocationStructureWrapper & aLocati
         // If the SupportedMaps attribute is not null, mapID SHALL be the ID of an entry from the SupportedMaps attribute.
         if (!IsSupportedMap(aLocation.mapID.Value()))
-            ChipLogError(Zcl, "IsValidSupportedLocation %u - map Id %u is not in supported map list", aLocation.locationID,
+            ChipLogError(Zcl, "IsValidSupportedLocation %u - map Id %u is not in supported map list", aLocation.areaID,
             return false;
@@ -504,13 +504,13 @@ bool Instance::IsValidSupportedLocation(const LocationStructureWrapper & aLocati
     return true;
-bool Instance::IsUniqueSupportedLocation(const LocationStructureWrapper & aLocation, bool ignoreLocationId)
+bool Instance::IsUniqueSupportedLocation(const LocationStructureWrapper & aLocation, bool ignoreAreaId)
     BitMask<LocationStructureWrapper::IsEqualConfig> config;
-    if (ignoreLocationId)
+    if (ignoreAreaId)
-        config.Set(LocationStructureWrapper::IsEqualConfig::kIgnoreLocationId);
+        config.Set(LocationStructureWrapper::IsEqualConfig::kIgnoreAreaID);
     // If the SupportedMaps attribute is not null, each entry in this list SHALL have a unique value for the combination of the
@@ -571,7 +571,7 @@ bool Instance::ReportEstimatedEndTimeChange(const DataModel::Nullable<uint32_t>
     return (aEstimatedEndTime.Value() < mEstimatedEndTime.Value());
-bool Instance::AddSupportedLocation(uint32_t aLocationId, const DataModel::Nullable<uint8_t> & aMapId,
+bool Instance::AddSupportedLocation(uint32_t aAreaId, const DataModel::Nullable<uint8_t> & aMapId,
                                     const CharSpan & aLocationName, const DataModel::Nullable<int16_t> & aFloorNumber,
                                     const DataModel::Nullable<Globals::AreaTypeTag> & aAreaType,
                                     const DataModel::Nullable<Globals::LandmarkTag> & aLandmarkTag,
@@ -579,7 +579,7 @@ bool Instance::AddSupportedLocation(uint32_t aLocationId, const DataModel::Nulla
                                     const DataModel::Nullable<Globals::FloorSurfaceTag> & aSurfaceTag)
     // Create location object for validation.
-    LocationStructureWrapper aNewLocation(aLocationId, aMapId, aLocationName, aFloorNumber, aAreaType, aLandmarkTag, aPositionTag,
+    LocationStructureWrapper aNewLocation(aAreaId, aMapId, aLocationName, aFloorNumber, aAreaType, aLandmarkTag, aPositionTag,
     // Does device mode allow this attribute to be updated?
@@ -591,14 +591,14 @@ bool Instance::AddSupportedLocation(uint32_t aLocationId, const DataModel::Nulla
     // Check there is space for the entry.
     if (mDelegate->GetNumberOfSupportedLocations() >= kMaxNumSupportedLocations)
-        ChipLogError(Zcl, "AddSupportedLocation %u - too many entries", aLocationId);
+        ChipLogError(Zcl, "AddSupportedLocation %u - too many entries", aAreaId);
         return false;
     // Verify cluster requirements concerning valid fields and field relationships.
     if (!IsValidSupportedLocation(aNewLocation))
-        ChipLogError(Zcl, "AddSupportedLocation %u - not a valid location object", aNewLocation.locationID);
+        ChipLogError(Zcl, "AddSupportedLocation %u - not a valid location object", aNewLocation.areaID);
         return false;
@@ -608,7 +608,7 @@ bool Instance::AddSupportedLocation(uint32_t aLocationId, const DataModel::Nulla
     // the LocationInfo field.
     if (!IsUniqueSupportedLocation(aNewLocation, false))
-        ChipLogError(Zcl, "AddSupportedLocation %u - not a unique location object", aNewLocation.locationID);
+        ChipLogError(Zcl, "AddSupportedLocation %u - not a unique location object", aNewLocation.areaID);
         return false;
@@ -623,7 +623,7 @@ bool Instance::AddSupportedLocation(uint32_t aLocationId, const DataModel::Nulla
     return true;
-bool Instance::ModifySupportedLocation(uint32_t aLocationId, const DataModel::Nullable<uint8_t> & aMapId,
+bool Instance::ModifySupportedLocation(uint32_t aAreaId, const DataModel::Nullable<uint8_t> & aMapId,
                                        const CharSpan & aLocationName, const DataModel::Nullable<int16_t> & aFloorNumber,
                                        const DataModel::Nullable<Globals::AreaTypeTag> & aAreaType,
                                        const DataModel::Nullable<Globals::LandmarkTag> & aLandmarkTag,
@@ -635,9 +635,9 @@ bool Instance::ModifySupportedLocation(uint32_t aLocationId, const DataModel::Nu
     // get existing supported location to modify
     LocationStructureWrapper supportedLocation;
-    if (!mDelegate->GetSupportedLocationById(aLocationId, listIndex, supportedLocation))
+    if (!mDelegate->GetSupportedLocationById(aAreaId, listIndex, supportedLocation))
-        ChipLogError(Zcl, "ModifySupportedLocation %u - not a supported locationID", aLocationId);
+        ChipLogError(Zcl, "ModifySupportedLocation %u - not a supported areaID", aAreaId);
         return false;
@@ -655,21 +655,21 @@ bool Instance::ModifySupportedLocation(uint32_t aLocationId, const DataModel::Nu
         // create new location object for validation
-        LocationStructureWrapper aNewLocation(aLocationId, aMapId, aLocationName, aFloorNumber, aAreaType, aLandmarkTag,
+        LocationStructureWrapper aNewLocation(aAreaId, aMapId, aLocationName, aFloorNumber, aAreaType, aLandmarkTag,
                                               aPositionTag, aSurfaceTag);
         // verify cluster requirements concerning valid fields and field relationships
         if (!IsValidSupportedLocation(aNewLocation))
-            ChipLogError(Zcl, "ModifySupportedLocation %u - not a valid location object", aNewLocation.locationID);
+            ChipLogError(Zcl, "ModifySupportedLocation %u - not a valid location object", aNewLocation.areaID);
             return false;
         // Updated location description must not match another existing location description.
-        // We ignore comparing the location ID as one of the locations will match this one.
+        // We ignore comparing the area ID as one of the locations will match this one.
         if (!IsUniqueSupportedLocation(aNewLocation, true))
-            ChipLogError(Zcl, "ModifySupportedLocation %u - not a unique location object", aNewLocation.locationID);
+            ChipLogError(Zcl, "ModifySupportedLocation %u - not a unique location object", aNewLocation.areaID);
             return false;
@@ -854,7 +854,7 @@ bool Instance::AddSelectedLocation(uint32_t & aSelectedLocation)
         return false;
-    // each item in this list SHALL match the LocationID field of an entry on the SupportedLocations attribute's list
+    // each item in this list SHALL match the AreaID field of an entry on the SupportedLocations attribute's list
     if (!IsSupportedLocation(aSelectedLocation))
         ChipLogError(Zcl, "AddSelectedLocation %u - not a supported location", aSelectedLocation);
@@ -904,7 +904,7 @@ DataModel::Nullable<uint32_t> Instance::GetCurrentLocation()
 bool Instance::SetCurrentLocation(const DataModel::Nullable<uint32_t> & aCurrentLocation)
-    // If not null, the value of this attribute SHALL match the LocationID field of an entry on the SupportedLocations attribute's
+    // If not null, the value of this attribute SHALL match the AreaID field of an entry on the SupportedLocations attribute's
     // list.
     if ((!aCurrentLocation.IsNull()) && (!IsSupportedLocation(aCurrentLocation.Value())))
@@ -962,10 +962,10 @@ bool Instance::SetEstimatedEndTime(const DataModel::Nullable<uint32_t> & aEstima
 // Progress list manipulators
-bool Instance::AddPendingProgressElement(uint32_t aLocationId)
+bool Instance::AddPendingProgressElement(uint32_t aAreaId)
     // create progress element
-    Structs::ProgressStruct::Type inactiveProgress = { aLocationId, OperationalStatusEnum::kPending };
+    Structs::ProgressStruct::Type inactiveProgress = { aAreaId, OperationalStatusEnum::kPending };
     // check max# of list entries
     if (mDelegate->GetNumberOfProgressElements() >= kMaxNumProgressElements)
@@ -974,17 +974,17 @@ bool Instance::AddPendingProgressElement(uint32_t aLocationId)
         return false;
-    // For each entry in this list, the LocationID field SHALL match an entry on the SupportedLocations attribute's list.
-    if (!IsSupportedLocation(aLocationId))
+    // For each entry in this list, the AreaID field SHALL match an entry on the SupportedLocations attribute's list.
+    if (!IsSupportedLocation(aAreaId))
-        ChipLogError(Zcl, "AddPendingProgressElement - not a supported location %u", aLocationId);
+        ChipLogError(Zcl, "AddPendingProgressElement - not a supported location %u", aAreaId);
         return false;
-    // Each entry in this list SHALL have a unique value for the LocationID field.
-    if (mDelegate->IsProgressElement(aLocationId))
+    // Each entry in this list SHALL have a unique value for the AreaID field.
+    if (mDelegate->IsProgressElement(aAreaId))
-        ChipLogError(Zcl, "AddPendingProgressElement - progress element already exists for location %u", aLocationId);
+        ChipLogError(Zcl, "AddPendingProgressElement - progress element already exists for location %u", aAreaId);
         return false;
@@ -999,14 +999,14 @@ bool Instance::AddPendingProgressElement(uint32_t aLocationId)
     return true;
-bool Instance::SetProgressStatus(uint32_t aLocationId, OperationalStatusEnum opStatus)
+bool Instance::SetProgressStatus(uint32_t aAreaId, OperationalStatusEnum opStatus)
     uint32_t listIndex;
     Structs::ProgressStruct::Type progressElement;
-    if (!mDelegate->GetProgressElementById(aLocationId, listIndex, progressElement))
+    if (!mDelegate->GetProgressElementById(aAreaId, listIndex, progressElement))
-        ChipLogError(Zcl, "SetProgressStatus - progress element does not exist for location %u", aLocationId);
+        ChipLogError(Zcl, "SetProgressStatus - progress element does not exist for location %u", aAreaId);
         return false;
@@ -1035,14 +1035,14 @@ bool Instance::SetProgressStatus(uint32_t aLocationId, OperationalStatusEnum opS
     return true;
-bool Instance::SetProgressTotalOperationalTime(uint32_t aLocationId, const DataModel::Nullable<uint32_t> & aTotalOperationalTime)
+bool Instance::SetProgressTotalOperationalTime(uint32_t aAreaId, const DataModel::Nullable<uint32_t> & aTotalOperationalTime)
     uint32_t listIndex;
     Structs::ProgressStruct::Type progressElement;
-    if (!mDelegate->GetProgressElementById(aLocationId, listIndex, progressElement))
+    if (!mDelegate->GetProgressElementById(aAreaId, listIndex, progressElement))
-        ChipLogError(Zcl, "SetProgressTotalOperationalTime - progress element does not exist for location %u", aLocationId);
+        ChipLogError(Zcl, "SetProgressTotalOperationalTime - progress element does not exist for location %u", aAreaId);
         return false;
@@ -1060,7 +1060,7 @@ bool Instance::SetProgressTotalOperationalTime(uint32_t aLocationId, const DataM
                      "SetProgressTotalOperationalTime - location %u opStatus value %u - can be non-null only if opStatus is "
                      "Completed or Skipped",
-                     aLocationId, to_underlying(progressElement.status));
+                     aAreaId, to_underlying(progressElement.status));
         return false;
@@ -1077,14 +1077,14 @@ bool Instance::SetProgressTotalOperationalTime(uint32_t aLocationId, const DataM
     return true;
-bool Instance::SetProgressEstimatedTime(uint32_t aLocationId, const DataModel::Nullable<uint32_t> & aEstimatedTime)
+bool Instance::SetProgressEstimatedTime(uint32_t aAreaId, const DataModel::Nullable<uint32_t> & aEstimatedTime)
     uint32_t listIndex;
     Structs::ProgressStruct::Type progressElement;
-    if (!mDelegate->GetProgressElementById(aLocationId, listIndex, progressElement))
+    if (!mDelegate->GetProgressElementById(aAreaId, listIndex, progressElement))
-        ChipLogError(Zcl, "SetProgressEstimatedTime - progress element does not exist for location %u", aLocationId);
+        ChipLogError(Zcl, "SetProgressEstimatedTime - progress element does not exist for location %u", aAreaId);
         return false;
diff --git a/src/app/clusters/service-area-server/service-area-server.h b/src/app/clusters/service-area-server/service-area-server.h
index d781987c8d26dd..b01198aa5b04be 100644
--- a/src/app/clusters/service-area-server/service-area-server.h
+++ b/src/app/clusters/service-area-server/service-area-server.h
@@ -139,9 +139,9 @@ class Instance : public AttributeAccessInterface, public CommandHandlerInterface
     // Supported Locations manipulators
-     * @return true if a location with the aLocationId ID exists in the supported locations attribute. False otherwise.
+     * @return true if a location with the aAreaId ID exists in the supported locations attribute. False otherwise.
-    bool IsSupportedLocation(uint32_t aLocationId);
+    bool IsSupportedLocation(uint32_t aAreaId);
      * @brief Check if the given location adheres to the restrictions required by the supported locations attribute.
@@ -152,12 +152,12 @@ class Instance : public AttributeAccessInterface, public CommandHandlerInterface
      * @brief check if aLocation is unique with regard to supported locations.
      * @param[in] aLocation the location to check.
-     * @param[out] ignoreLocationId if true, we do not check if the location ID is unique.
+     * @param[out] ignoreAreaId if true, we do not check if the area ID is unique.
      * @return true if there isn't a location in supported locations that matches aLocation.
      * @note This method may ignore checking the MapId uniqueness. This depends on whether the SupportedMaps attribute is null.
-    bool IsUniqueSupportedLocation(const LocationStructureWrapper & aLocation, bool ignoreLocationId);
+    bool IsUniqueSupportedLocation(const LocationStructureWrapper & aLocation, bool ignoreAreaId);
      * @brief Check if changing the estimated end time attribute to aEstimatedEndTime requires the change to be reported.
@@ -169,7 +169,7 @@ class Instance : public AttributeAccessInterface, public CommandHandlerInterface
      * @brief Add new location to the supported locations list.
-     * @param[in] aLocationId unique identifier of this location.
+     * @param[in] aAreaId unique identifier of this location.
      * @param[in] aMapId identifier of supported map.
      * @param[in] aLocationName human readable name for this location (empty string if not used).
      * @param[in] aFloorNumber represents floor level - negative values for below ground.
@@ -182,7 +182,7 @@ class Instance : public AttributeAccessInterface, public CommandHandlerInterface
      * @note if aLocationName is larger than kLocationNameMaxSize, it will be truncated.
-    bool AddSupportedLocation(uint32_t aLocationId, const DataModel::Nullable<uint8_t> & aMapId, const CharSpan & aLocationName,
+    bool AddSupportedLocation(uint32_t aAreaId, const DataModel::Nullable<uint8_t> & aMapId, const CharSpan & aLocationName,
                               const DataModel::Nullable<int16_t> & aFloorNumber,
                               const DataModel::Nullable<Globals::AreaTypeTag> & aAreaType,
                               const DataModel::Nullable<Globals::LandmarkTag> & aLandmarkTag,
@@ -191,7 +191,7 @@ class Instance : public AttributeAccessInterface, public CommandHandlerInterface
      * @brief Modify/replace an existing location in the supported locations list.
-     * @param[in] aLocationId unique identifier of this location.
+     * @param[in] aAreaId unique identifier of this location.
      * @param[in] aMapId identifier of supported map (will not be modified).
      * @param[in] aLocationName human readable name for this location (empty string if not used).
      * @param[in] aFloorNumber represents floor level - negative values for below ground.
@@ -206,7 +206,7 @@ class Instance : public AttributeAccessInterface, public CommandHandlerInterface
      * @note if aLocationName is larger than kLocationNameMaxSize, it will be truncated.
      * @note if mapID is changed, the delegate's HandleSupportedLocationsUpdated method is called.
-    bool ModifySupportedLocation(uint32_t aLocationId, const DataModel::Nullable<uint8_t> & aMapId, const CharSpan & aLocationName,
+    bool ModifySupportedLocation(uint32_t aAreaId, const DataModel::Nullable<uint8_t> & aMapId, const CharSpan & aLocationName,
                                  const DataModel::Nullable<int16_t> & aFloorNumber,
                                  const DataModel::Nullable<Globals::AreaTypeTag> & aAreaType,
                                  const DataModel::Nullable<Globals::LandmarkTag> & aLandmarkTag,
@@ -258,7 +258,7 @@ class Instance : public AttributeAccessInterface, public CommandHandlerInterface
      * @brief Add a selected location.
-     * @param[in] aSelectedLocation The locationID to add.
+     * @param[in] aSelectedLocation The areaID to add.
      * @bool true if successfully added.
     bool AddSelectedLocation(uint32_t & aSelectedLocation);
@@ -274,7 +274,7 @@ class Instance : public AttributeAccessInterface, public CommandHandlerInterface
     DataModel::Nullable<uint32_t> GetCurrentLocation();
-     * @param[in] aCurrentLocation The location ID that the CurrentLocation attribute should be set to. Must be a supported location
+     * @param[in] aCurrentLocation The area ID that the CurrentLocation attribute should be set to. Must be a supported location
      * or NULL.
      * @return true if the current location is set, false otherwise.
@@ -303,36 +303,36 @@ class Instance : public AttributeAccessInterface, public CommandHandlerInterface
      * @brief Add a progress element in a pending status to the progress list.
-     * @param[in] aLocationId location id of the progress element.
+     * @param[in] aAreaId location id of the progress element.
      * @return true if the new progress element passed validation checks and was successfully added to the list, false otherwise.
-    bool AddPendingProgressElement(uint32_t aLocationId);
+    bool AddPendingProgressElement(uint32_t aAreaId);
-     * @brief Set the status of progress element identified by locationID.
-     * @param[in] aLocationId The locationID of the progress element to update.
+     * @brief Set the status of progress element identified by areaID.
+     * @param[in] aAreaId The areaID of the progress element to update.
      * @param[in] status The location cluster operation status for this location.
      * @return true if progress element is found and status is set, false otherwise.
      * @note TotalOperationalTime is set to null if resulting opStatus is not equal to Completed or Skipped.
-    bool SetProgressStatus(uint32_t aLocationId, OperationalStatusEnum opStatus);
+    bool SetProgressStatus(uint32_t aAreaId, OperationalStatusEnum opStatus);
-     * @brief Set the total operational time for the progress element identified by locationID.
-     * @param[in] aLocationId The locationID of the progress element to update.
+     * @brief Set the total operational time for the progress element identified by areaID.
+     * @param[in] aAreaId The areaID of the progress element to update.
      * @param[in] aTotalOperationalTime The total operational time for this location.
      * @return true if progress element is found and operational time is set, false otherwise.
-    bool SetProgressTotalOperationalTime(uint32_t aLocationId, const DataModel::Nullable<uint32_t> & aTotalOperationalTime);
+    bool SetProgressTotalOperationalTime(uint32_t aAreaId, const DataModel::Nullable<uint32_t> & aTotalOperationalTime);
-     * @brief Set the estimated time for the  progress element identified by locationID.
-     * @param[in] aLocationId The locationID of the progress element to update.
+     * @brief Set the estimated time for the  progress element identified by areaID.
+     * @param[in] aAreaId The areaID of the progress element to update.
      * @param[in] aEstimatedTime The estimated time for this location.
      * @return true if progress element is found and estimated time is set, false otherwise.
-    bool SetProgressEstimatedTime(uint32_t aLocationId, const DataModel::Nullable<uint32_t> & aEstimatedTime);
+    bool SetProgressEstimatedTime(uint32_t aAreaId, const DataModel::Nullable<uint32_t> & aEstimatedTime);
      * @return true if the progress list was not already null, false otherwise.

From 8bb0d347a9efc2091708031f99029a4018f38e33 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: William Hicklin <>
Date: Thu, 1 Aug 2024 14:13:58 +0100
Subject: [PATCH 10/28] Updated the ProgressStruct's LocationID name to AreaID.

 .../zap-templates/zcl/data-model/chip/service-area-cluster.xml  | 2 +-
 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-)

diff --git a/src/app/zap-templates/zcl/data-model/chip/service-area-cluster.xml b/src/app/zap-templates/zcl/data-model/chip/service-area-cluster.xml
index f81f00bd04ada2..f60691f3a8f3df 100644
--- a/src/app/zap-templates/zcl/data-model/chip/service-area-cluster.xml
+++ b/src/app/zap-templates/zcl/data-model/chip/service-area-cluster.xml
@@ -49,7 +49,7 @@ limitations under the License.
   <struct name="ProgressStruct">
     <cluster code="0x0150"/>
-    <item name="LocationID"             type="int32u"                 optional="false"/>
+    <item name="AreaID"                 type="int32u"                 optional="false"/>
     <item name="Status"                 type="OperationalStatusEnum"  optional="false"/>
     <item name="TotalOperationalTime"   type="elapsed_s"              optional="true" isNullable="true"/>
     <item name="EstimatedTime"          type="elapsed_s"              optional="true" isNullable="true"/>

From 5bd0285ec03bf3c27229d37daa3b2c6b6693d783 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: William Hicklin <>
Date: Thu, 1 Aug 2024 14:15:01 +0100
Subject: [PATCH 11/28] Zap generated after XML update.

 examples/rvc-app/rvc-common/rvc-app.matter    |  2 +-
 .../data_model/controller-clusters.matter     |  2 +-
 .../chip/devicecontroller/    | 22 +++++++++----------
 .../ServiceAreaClusterProgressStruct.kt       | 17 +++++---------
 .../ServiceAreaClusterProgressStruct.kt       | 17 +++++---------
 .../CHIPAttributeTLVValueDecoder.cpp          | 16 +++++++-------
 .../python/chip/clusters/           |  4 ++--
 .../            |  2 +-
 .../CHIP/zap-generated/MTRStructsObjc.h       |  2 +-
 .../CHIP/zap-generated/      |  6 ++---
 .../zap-generated/cluster-objects.cpp         |  6 ++---
 .../zap-generated/cluster-objects.h           |  4 ++--
 .../cluster/ComplexArgumentParser.cpp         | 11 +++++-----
 .../cluster/logging/DataModelLogger.cpp       |  4 ++--
 14 files changed, 52 insertions(+), 63 deletions(-)

diff --git a/examples/rvc-app/rvc-common/rvc-app.matter b/examples/rvc-app/rvc-common/rvc-app.matter
index 85795cdf494feb..48f0d5619ca960 100644
--- a/examples/rvc-app/rvc-common/rvc-app.matter
+++ b/examples/rvc-app/rvc-common/rvc-app.matter
@@ -1459,7 +1459,7 @@ provisional cluster ServiceArea = 336 {
   struct ProgressStruct {
-    int32u locationID = 0;
+    int32u areaID = 0;
     OperationalStatusEnum status = 1;
     optional nullable elapsed_s totalOperationalTime = 2;
     optional nullable elapsed_s estimatedTime = 3;
diff --git a/src/controller/data_model/controller-clusters.matter b/src/controller/data_model/controller-clusters.matter
index 61652bd904833c..ad702dcf2ee887 100644
--- a/src/controller/data_model/controller-clusters.matter
+++ b/src/controller/data_model/controller-clusters.matter
@@ -6480,7 +6480,7 @@ provisional cluster ServiceArea = 336 {
   struct ProgressStruct {
-    int32u locationID = 0;
+    int32u areaID = 0;
     OperationalStatusEnum status = 1;
     optional nullable elapsed_s totalOperationalTime = 2;
     optional nullable elapsed_s estimatedTime = 3;
diff --git a/src/controller/java/generated/java/chip/devicecontroller/ b/src/controller/java/generated/java/chip/devicecontroller/
index cb1416444e3dbc..b063572242fed4 100644
--- a/src/controller/java/generated/java/chip/devicecontroller/
+++ b/src/controller/java/generated/java/chip/devicecontroller/
@@ -9400,22 +9400,22 @@ public String toString() {
 public static class ServiceAreaClusterProgressStruct {
-  public Long locationID;
+  public Long areaID;
   public Integer status;
   public @Nullable Optional<Long> totalOperationalTime;
   public @Nullable Optional<Long> estimatedTime;
-  private static final long LOCATION_I_D_ID = 0L;
+  private static final long AREA_I_D_ID = 0L;
   private static final long STATUS_ID = 1L;
   private static final long TOTAL_OPERATIONAL_TIME_ID = 2L;
   private static final long ESTIMATED_TIME_ID = 3L;
   public ServiceAreaClusterProgressStruct(
-    Long locationID,
+    Long areaID,
     Integer status,
     @Nullable Optional<Long> totalOperationalTime,
     @Nullable Optional<Long> estimatedTime
   ) {
-    this.locationID = locationID;
+    this.areaID = areaID;
     this.status = status;
     this.totalOperationalTime = totalOperationalTime;
     this.estimatedTime = estimatedTime;
@@ -9423,7 +9423,7 @@ public ServiceAreaClusterProgressStruct(
   public StructType encodeTlv() {
     ArrayList<StructElement> values = new ArrayList<>();
-    values.add(new StructElement(LOCATION_I_D_ID, new UIntType(locationID)));
+    values.add(new StructElement(AREA_I_D_ID, new UIntType(areaID)));
     values.add(new StructElement(STATUS_ID, new UIntType(status)));
     values.add(new StructElement(TOTAL_OPERATIONAL_TIME_ID, totalOperationalTime != null ? totalOperationalTime.<BaseTLVType>map((nonOptionaltotalOperationalTime) -> new UIntType(nonOptionaltotalOperationalTime)).orElse(new EmptyType()) : new NullType()));
     values.add(new StructElement(ESTIMATED_TIME_ID, estimatedTime != null ? estimatedTime.<BaseTLVType>map((nonOptionalestimatedTime) -> new UIntType(nonOptionalestimatedTime)).orElse(new EmptyType()) : new NullType()));
@@ -9435,15 +9435,15 @@ public static ServiceAreaClusterProgressStruct decodeTlv(BaseTLVType tlvValue) {
     if (tlvValue == null || tlvValue.type() != TLVType.Struct) {
       return null;
-    Long locationID = null;
+    Long areaID = null;
     Integer status = null;
     @Nullable Optional<Long> totalOperationalTime = null;
     @Nullable Optional<Long> estimatedTime = null;
     for (StructElement element: ((StructType)tlvValue).value()) {
-      if (element.contextTagNum() == LOCATION_I_D_ID) {
+      if (element.contextTagNum() == AREA_I_D_ID) {
         if (element.value(BaseTLVType.class).type() == TLVType.UInt) {
           UIntType castingValue = element.value(UIntType.class);
-          locationID = castingValue.value(Long.class);
+          areaID = castingValue.value(Long.class);
       } else if (element.contextTagNum() == STATUS_ID) {
         if (element.value(BaseTLVType.class).type() == TLVType.UInt) {
@@ -9463,7 +9463,7 @@ public static ServiceAreaClusterProgressStruct decodeTlv(BaseTLVType tlvValue) {
     return new ServiceAreaClusterProgressStruct(
-      locationID,
+      areaID,
@@ -9474,8 +9474,8 @@ public static ServiceAreaClusterProgressStruct decodeTlv(BaseTLVType tlvValue) {
   public String toString() {
     StringBuilder output = new StringBuilder();
     output.append("ServiceAreaClusterProgressStruct {\n");
-    output.append("\tlocationID: ");
-    output.append(locationID);
+    output.append("\tareaID: ");
+    output.append(areaID);
     output.append("\tstatus: ");
diff --git a/src/controller/java/generated/java/chip/devicecontroller/cluster/structs/ServiceAreaClusterProgressStruct.kt b/src/controller/java/generated/java/chip/devicecontroller/cluster/structs/ServiceAreaClusterProgressStruct.kt
index b601af531e103d..ddc8238168981d 100644
--- a/src/controller/java/generated/java/chip/devicecontroller/cluster/structs/ServiceAreaClusterProgressStruct.kt
+++ b/src/controller/java/generated/java/chip/devicecontroller/cluster/structs/ServiceAreaClusterProgressStruct.kt
@@ -24,14 +24,14 @@ import matter.tlv.TlvReader
 import matter.tlv.TlvWriter
 class ServiceAreaClusterProgressStruct(
-  val locationID: ULong,
+  val areaID: ULong,
   val status: UInt,
   val totalOperationalTime: Optional<ULong>?,
   val estimatedTime: Optional<ULong>?,
 ) {
   override fun toString(): String = buildString {
     append("ServiceAreaClusterProgressStruct {\n")
-    append("\tlocationID : $locationID\n")
+    append("\tareaID : $areaID\n")
     append("\tstatus : $status\n")
     append("\ttotalOperationalTime : $totalOperationalTime\n")
     append("\testimatedTime : $estimatedTime\n")
@@ -41,7 +41,7 @@ class ServiceAreaClusterProgressStruct(
   fun toTlv(tlvTag: Tag, tlvWriter: TlvWriter) {
     tlvWriter.apply {
-      put(ContextSpecificTag(TAG_LOCATION_I_D), locationID)
+      put(ContextSpecificTag(TAG_AREA_I_D), areaID)
       put(ContextSpecificTag(TAG_STATUS), status)
       if (totalOperationalTime != null) {
         if (totalOperationalTime.isPresent) {
@@ -64,14 +64,14 @@ class ServiceAreaClusterProgressStruct(
   companion object {
-    private const val TAG_LOCATION_I_D = 0
+    private const val TAG_AREA_I_D = 0
     private const val TAG_STATUS = 1
     private const val TAG_TOTAL_OPERATIONAL_TIME = 2
     private const val TAG_ESTIMATED_TIME = 3
     fun fromTlv(tlvTag: Tag, tlvReader: TlvReader): ServiceAreaClusterProgressStruct {
-      val locationID = tlvReader.getULong(ContextSpecificTag(TAG_LOCATION_I_D))
+      val areaID = tlvReader.getULong(ContextSpecificTag(TAG_AREA_I_D))
       val status = tlvReader.getUInt(ContextSpecificTag(TAG_STATUS))
       val totalOperationalTime =
         if (!tlvReader.isNull()) {
@@ -98,12 +98,7 @@ class ServiceAreaClusterProgressStruct(
-      return ServiceAreaClusterProgressStruct(
-        locationID,
-        status,
-        totalOperationalTime,
-        estimatedTime,
-      )
+      return ServiceAreaClusterProgressStruct(areaID, status, totalOperationalTime, estimatedTime)
diff --git a/src/controller/java/generated/java/matter/controller/cluster/structs/ServiceAreaClusterProgressStruct.kt b/src/controller/java/generated/java/matter/controller/cluster/structs/ServiceAreaClusterProgressStruct.kt
index 3dd3eb1e412260..4421bb606a7466 100644
--- a/src/controller/java/generated/java/matter/controller/cluster/structs/ServiceAreaClusterProgressStruct.kt
+++ b/src/controller/java/generated/java/matter/controller/cluster/structs/ServiceAreaClusterProgressStruct.kt
@@ -24,14 +24,14 @@ import matter.tlv.TlvReader
 import matter.tlv.TlvWriter
 class ServiceAreaClusterProgressStruct(
-  val locationID: UInt,
+  val areaID: UInt,
   val status: UByte,
   val totalOperationalTime: Optional<UInt>?,
   val estimatedTime: Optional<UInt>?,
 ) {
   override fun toString(): String = buildString {
     append("ServiceAreaClusterProgressStruct {\n")
-    append("\tlocationID : $locationID\n")
+    append("\tareaID : $areaID\n")
     append("\tstatus : $status\n")
     append("\ttotalOperationalTime : $totalOperationalTime\n")
     append("\testimatedTime : $estimatedTime\n")
@@ -41,7 +41,7 @@ class ServiceAreaClusterProgressStruct(
   fun toTlv(tlvTag: Tag, tlvWriter: TlvWriter) {
     tlvWriter.apply {
-      put(ContextSpecificTag(TAG_LOCATION_I_D), locationID)
+      put(ContextSpecificTag(TAG_AREA_I_D), areaID)
       put(ContextSpecificTag(TAG_STATUS), status)
       if (totalOperationalTime != null) {
         if (totalOperationalTime.isPresent) {
@@ -64,14 +64,14 @@ class ServiceAreaClusterProgressStruct(
   companion object {
-    private const val TAG_LOCATION_I_D = 0
+    private const val TAG_AREA_I_D = 0
     private const val TAG_STATUS = 1
     private const val TAG_TOTAL_OPERATIONAL_TIME = 2
     private const val TAG_ESTIMATED_TIME = 3
     fun fromTlv(tlvTag: Tag, tlvReader: TlvReader): ServiceAreaClusterProgressStruct {
-      val locationID = tlvReader.getUInt(ContextSpecificTag(TAG_LOCATION_I_D))
+      val areaID = tlvReader.getUInt(ContextSpecificTag(TAG_AREA_I_D))
       val status = tlvReader.getUByte(ContextSpecificTag(TAG_STATUS))
       val totalOperationalTime =
         if (!tlvReader.isNull()) {
@@ -98,12 +98,7 @@ class ServiceAreaClusterProgressStruct(
-      return ServiceAreaClusterProgressStruct(
-        locationID,
-        status,
-        totalOperationalTime,
-        estimatedTime,
-      )
+      return ServiceAreaClusterProgressStruct(areaID, status, totalOperationalTime, estimatedTime)
diff --git a/src/controller/java/zap-generated/CHIPAttributeTLVValueDecoder.cpp b/src/controller/java/zap-generated/CHIPAttributeTLVValueDecoder.cpp
index d9826bfee246c7..95279c8f929035 100644
--- a/src/controller/java/zap-generated/CHIPAttributeTLVValueDecoder.cpp
+++ b/src/controller/java/zap-generated/CHIPAttributeTLVValueDecoder.cpp
@@ -28951,13 +28951,13 @@ jobject DecodeAttributeValue(const app::ConcreteAttributePath & aPath, TLV::TLVR
                     auto & entry_1 = iter_value_1.GetValue();
                     jobject newElement_1;
-                    jobject newElement_1_locationID;
-                    std::string newElement_1_locationIDClassName     = "java/lang/Long";
-                    std::string newElement_1_locationIDCtorSignature = "(J)V";
-                    jlong jninewElement_1_locationID                 = static_cast<jlong>(entry_1.locationID);
-                    chip::JniReferences::GetInstance().CreateBoxedObject<jlong>(
-                        newElement_1_locationIDClassName.c_str(), newElement_1_locationIDCtorSignature.c_str(),
-                        jninewElement_1_locationID, newElement_1_locationID);
+                    jobject newElement_1_areaID;
+                    std::string newElement_1_areaIDClassName     = "java/lang/Long";
+                    std::string newElement_1_areaIDCtorSignature = "(J)V";
+                    jlong jninewElement_1_areaID                 = static_cast<jlong>(entry_1.areaID);
+                    chip::JniReferences::GetInstance().CreateBoxedObject<jlong>(newElement_1_areaIDClassName.c_str(),
+                                                                                newElement_1_areaIDCtorSignature.c_str(),
+                                                                                jninewElement_1_areaID, newElement_1_areaID);
                     jobject newElement_1_status;
                     std::string newElement_1_statusClassName     = "java/lang/Integer";
                     std::string newElement_1_statusCtorSignature = "(I)V";
@@ -29040,7 +29040,7 @@ jobject DecodeAttributeValue(const app::ConcreteAttributePath & aPath, TLV::TLVR
                     newElement_1 =
-                        env->NewObject(progressStructStructClass_2, progressStructStructCtor_2, newElement_1_locationID,
+                        env->NewObject(progressStructStructClass_2, progressStructStructCtor_2, newElement_1_areaID,
                                        newElement_1_status, newElement_1_totalOperationalTime, newElement_1_estimatedTime);
                     chip::JniReferences::GetInstance().AddToList(value, newElement_1);
diff --git a/src/controller/python/chip/clusters/ b/src/controller/python/chip/clusters/
index 083e3e5321aee8..e1cbddbfa42e11 100644
--- a/src/controller/python/chip/clusters/
+++ b/src/controller/python/chip/clusters/
@@ -31213,13 +31213,13 @@ class ProgressStruct(ClusterObject):
             def descriptor(cls) -> ClusterObjectDescriptor:
                 return ClusterObjectDescriptor(
-                        ClusterObjectFieldDescriptor(Label="locationID", Tag=0, Type=uint),
+                        ClusterObjectFieldDescriptor(Label="areaID", Tag=0, Type=uint),
                         ClusterObjectFieldDescriptor(Label="status", Tag=1, Type=ServiceArea.Enums.OperationalStatusEnum),
                         ClusterObjectFieldDescriptor(Label="totalOperationalTime", Tag=2, Type=typing.Union[None, Nullable, uint]),
                         ClusterObjectFieldDescriptor(Label="estimatedTime", Tag=3, Type=typing.Union[None, Nullable, uint]),
-            locationID: 'uint' = 0
+            areaID: 'uint' = 0
             status: 'ServiceArea.Enums.OperationalStatusEnum' = 0
             totalOperationalTime: 'typing.Union[None, Nullable, uint]' = None
             estimatedTime: 'typing.Union[None, Nullable, uint]' = None
diff --git a/src/darwin/Framework/CHIP/zap-generated/ b/src/darwin/Framework/CHIP/zap-generated/
index 359731c583721b..5ed9c5ffb5db13 100644
--- a/src/darwin/Framework/CHIP/zap-generated/
+++ b/src/darwin/Framework/CHIP/zap-generated/
@@ -11349,7 +11349,7 @@ static id _Nullable DecodeAttributeValueForServiceAreaCluster(AttributeId aAttri
                     auto & entry_1 = iter_1.GetValue();
                     MTRServiceAreaClusterProgressStruct * newElement_1;
                     newElement_1 = [MTRServiceAreaClusterProgressStruct new];
-                    newElement_1.locationID = [NSNumber numberWithUnsignedInt:entry_1.locationID];
+                    newElement_1.areaID = [NSNumber numberWithUnsignedInt:entry_1.areaID];
                     newElement_1.status = [NSNumber numberWithUnsignedChar:chip::to_underlying(entry_1.status)];
                     if (entry_1.totalOperationalTime.HasValue()) {
                         if (entry_1.totalOperationalTime.Value().IsNull()) {
diff --git a/src/darwin/Framework/CHIP/zap-generated/MTRStructsObjc.h b/src/darwin/Framework/CHIP/zap-generated/MTRStructsObjc.h
index 62a763867b9cc4..d325ab52c605dc 100644
--- a/src/darwin/Framework/CHIP/zap-generated/MTRStructsObjc.h
+++ b/src/darwin/Framework/CHIP/zap-generated/MTRStructsObjc.h
 @interface MTRServiceAreaClusterProgressStruct : NSObject <NSCopying>
-@property (nonatomic, copy) NSNumber * _Nonnull locationID MTR_PROVISIONALLY_AVAILABLE;
+@property (nonatomic, copy) NSNumber * _Nonnull areaID MTR_PROVISIONALLY_AVAILABLE;
 @property (nonatomic, copy) NSNumber * _Nonnull status MTR_PROVISIONALLY_AVAILABLE;
 @property (nonatomic, copy) NSNumber * _Nullable totalOperationalTime MTR_PROVISIONALLY_AVAILABLE;
 @property (nonatomic, copy) NSNumber * _Nullable estimatedTime MTR_PROVISIONALLY_AVAILABLE;
diff --git a/src/darwin/Framework/CHIP/zap-generated/ b/src/darwin/Framework/CHIP/zap-generated/
index 8c86b85abe6265..23a57bae680b64 100644
--- a/src/darwin/Framework/CHIP/zap-generated/
+++ b/src/darwin/Framework/CHIP/zap-generated/
@@ -6714,7 +6714,7 @@ - (instancetype)init
     if (self = [super init]) {
-        _locationID = @(0);
+        _areaID = @(0);
         _status = @(0);
@@ -6729,7 +6729,7 @@ - (id)copyWithZone:(NSZone * _Nullable)zone
     auto other = [[MTRServiceAreaClusterProgressStruct alloc] init];
-    other.locationID = self.locationID;
+    other.areaID = self.areaID;
     other.status = self.status;
     other.totalOperationalTime = self.totalOperationalTime;
     other.estimatedTime = self.estimatedTime;
@@ -6739,7 +6739,7 @@ - (id)copyWithZone:(NSZone * _Nullable)zone
 - (NSString *)description
-    NSString * descriptionString = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"<%@: locationID:%@; status:%@; totalOperationalTime:%@; estimatedTime:%@; >", NSStringFromClass([self class]), _locationID, _status, _totalOperationalTime, _estimatedTime];
+    NSString * descriptionString = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"<%@: areaID:%@; status:%@; totalOperationalTime:%@; estimatedTime:%@; >", NSStringFromClass([self class]), _areaID, _status, _totalOperationalTime, _estimatedTime];
     return descriptionString;
diff --git a/zzz_generated/app-common/app-common/zap-generated/cluster-objects.cpp b/zzz_generated/app-common/app-common/zap-generated/cluster-objects.cpp
index f7d6063fa1de9e..e202ae5e50a5eb 100644
--- a/zzz_generated/app-common/app-common/zap-generated/cluster-objects.cpp
+++ b/zzz_generated/app-common/app-common/zap-generated/cluster-objects.cpp
@@ -20456,7 +20456,7 @@ namespace ProgressStruct {
 CHIP_ERROR Type::Encode(TLV::TLVWriter & aWriter, TLV::Tag aTag) const
     DataModel::WrappedStructEncoder encoder{ aWriter, aTag };
-    encoder.Encode(to_underlying(Fields::kLocationID), locationID);
+    encoder.Encode(to_underlying(Fields::kAreaID), areaID);
     encoder.Encode(to_underlying(Fields::kStatus), status);
     encoder.Encode(to_underlying(Fields::kTotalOperationalTime), totalOperationalTime);
     encoder.Encode(to_underlying(Fields::kEstimatedTime), estimatedTime);
@@ -20477,9 +20477,9 @@ CHIP_ERROR DecodableType::Decode(TLV::TLVReader & reader)
         CHIP_ERROR err              = CHIP_NO_ERROR;
         const uint8_t __context_tag = std::get<uint8_t>(__element);
-        if (__context_tag == to_underlying(Fields::kLocationID))
+        if (__context_tag == to_underlying(Fields::kAreaID))
-            err = DataModel::Decode(reader, locationID);
+            err = DataModel::Decode(reader, areaID);
         else if (__context_tag == to_underlying(Fields::kStatus))
diff --git a/zzz_generated/app-common/app-common/zap-generated/cluster-objects.h b/zzz_generated/app-common/app-common/zap-generated/cluster-objects.h
index e0dd4a484d678f..adddb4c916cf8e 100644
--- a/zzz_generated/app-common/app-common/zap-generated/cluster-objects.h
+++ b/zzz_generated/app-common/app-common/zap-generated/cluster-objects.h
@@ -28385,7 +28385,7 @@ using DecodableType = Type;
 namespace ProgressStruct {
 enum class Fields : uint8_t
-    kLocationID           = 0,
+    kAreaID               = 0,
     kStatus               = 1,
     kTotalOperationalTime = 2,
     kEstimatedTime        = 3,
@@ -28394,7 +28394,7 @@ enum class Fields : uint8_t
 struct Type
-    uint32_t locationID          = static_cast<uint32_t>(0);
+    uint32_t areaID              = static_cast<uint32_t>(0);
     OperationalStatusEnum status = static_cast<OperationalStatusEnum>(0);
     Optional<DataModel::Nullable<uint32_t>> totalOperationalTime;
     Optional<DataModel::Nullable<uint32_t>> estimatedTime;
diff --git a/zzz_generated/chip-tool/zap-generated/cluster/ComplexArgumentParser.cpp b/zzz_generated/chip-tool/zap-generated/cluster/ComplexArgumentParser.cpp
index 46f5a52c2cb15e..77f382a8864902 100644
--- a/zzz_generated/chip-tool/zap-generated/cluster/ComplexArgumentParser.cpp
+++ b/zzz_generated/chip-tool/zap-generated/cluster/ComplexArgumentParser.cpp
@@ -4061,14 +4061,13 @@ CHIP_ERROR ComplexArgumentParser::Setup(const char * label,
     // Copy to track which members we already processed.
     Json::Value valueCopy(value);
-    ReturnErrorOnFailure(
-        ComplexArgumentParser::EnsureMemberExist("ProgressStruct.locationID", "locationID", value.isMember("locationID")));
+    ReturnErrorOnFailure(ComplexArgumentParser::EnsureMemberExist("ProgressStruct.areaID", "areaID", value.isMember("areaID")));
     ReturnErrorOnFailure(ComplexArgumentParser::EnsureMemberExist("ProgressStruct.status", "status", value.isMember("status")));
     char labelWithMember[kMaxLabelLength];
-    snprintf(labelWithMember, sizeof(labelWithMember), "%s.%s", label, "locationID");
-    ReturnErrorOnFailure(ComplexArgumentParser::Setup(labelWithMember, request.locationID, value["locationID"]));
-    valueCopy.removeMember("locationID");
+    snprintf(labelWithMember, sizeof(labelWithMember), "%s.%s", label, "areaID");
+    ReturnErrorOnFailure(ComplexArgumentParser::Setup(labelWithMember, request.areaID, value["areaID"]));
+    valueCopy.removeMember("areaID");
     snprintf(labelWithMember, sizeof(labelWithMember), "%s.%s", label, "status");
     ReturnErrorOnFailure(ComplexArgumentParser::Setup(labelWithMember, request.status, value["status"]));
@@ -4094,7 +4093,7 @@ CHIP_ERROR ComplexArgumentParser::Setup(const char * label,
 void ComplexArgumentParser::Finalize(chip::app::Clusters::ServiceArea::Structs::ProgressStruct::Type & request)
-    ComplexArgumentParser::Finalize(request.locationID);
+    ComplexArgumentParser::Finalize(request.areaID);
diff --git a/zzz_generated/chip-tool/zap-generated/cluster/logging/DataModelLogger.cpp b/zzz_generated/chip-tool/zap-generated/cluster/logging/DataModelLogger.cpp
index b39f6a4bb41652..0a91299ba87f18 100644
--- a/zzz_generated/chip-tool/zap-generated/cluster/logging/DataModelLogger.cpp
+++ b/zzz_generated/chip-tool/zap-generated/cluster/logging/DataModelLogger.cpp
@@ -3593,10 +3593,10 @@ CHIP_ERROR DataModelLogger::LogValue(const char * label, size_t indent,
     DataModelLogger::LogString(label, indent, "{");
-        CHIP_ERROR err = LogValue("LocationID", indent + 1, value.locationID);
+        CHIP_ERROR err = LogValue("AreaID", indent + 1, value.areaID);
         if (err != CHIP_NO_ERROR)
-            DataModelLogger::LogString(indent + 1, "Struct truncated due to invalid value for 'LocationID'");
+            DataModelLogger::LogString(indent + 1, "Struct truncated due to invalid value for 'AreaID'");
             return err;

From 5dc5eb0abe8331b78b71767b4934e65516625ea1 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: William Hicklin <>
Date: Thu, 1 Aug 2024 14:15:34 +0100
Subject: [PATCH 12/28] Updated the SDK code following name changes.

 examples/rvc-app/rvc-common/src/rvc-service-area-delegate.cpp | 4 ++--
 .../clusters/service-area-server/service-area-delegate.cpp    | 2 +-
 2 files changed, 3 insertions(+), 3 deletions(-)

diff --git a/examples/rvc-app/rvc-common/src/rvc-service-area-delegate.cpp b/examples/rvc-app/rvc-common/src/rvc-service-area-delegate.cpp
index 445f91f3477f3d..3eedc043053438 100644
--- a/examples/rvc-app/rvc-common/src/rvc-service-area-delegate.cpp
+++ b/examples/rvc-app/rvc-common/src/rvc-service-area-delegate.cpp
@@ -360,7 +360,7 @@ bool RvcServiceAreaDelegate::GetProgressElementById(uint32_t aAreaID, uint32_t &
     while (listIndex < mProgressList.size())
-        if (mProgressList[listIndex].locationID == aAreaID)
+        if (mProgressList[listIndex].areaID == aAreaID)
             aProgressElement = mProgressList[listIndex];
             return true;
@@ -385,7 +385,7 @@ bool RvcServiceAreaDelegate::AddProgressElement(const Structs::ProgressStruct::T
         listIndex = static_cast<uint32_t>(mProgressList.size()) - 1; // new element is last in list
         return true;
-    ChipLogError(Zcl, "AddProgressElement %u -progress list is already at maximum size %u", newProgressElement.locationID,
+    ChipLogError(Zcl, "AddProgressElement %u -progress list is already at maximum size %u", newProgressElement.areaID,
     return false;
diff --git a/src/app/clusters/service-area-server/service-area-delegate.cpp b/src/app/clusters/service-area-server/service-area-delegate.cpp
index f8505d7377e799..472a9c1f2fb412 100644
--- a/src/app/clusters/service-area-server/service-area-delegate.cpp
+++ b/src/app/clusters/service-area-server/service-area-delegate.cpp
@@ -70,7 +70,7 @@ bool Delegate::GetProgressElementById(uint32_t aAreaId, uint32_t & listIndex, St
     // simple linear iteration to find the progress element with the desired areaID.
     while (GetProgressElementByIndex(listIndex, aProgressElement))
-        if (aProgressElement.locationID == aAreaId)
+        if (aProgressElement.areaID == aAreaId)
             return true;

From 5429771d36a6b68667374261468c3e447a8bbfa2 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: William Hicklin <>
Date: Thu, 1 Aug 2024 14:22:17 +0100
Subject: [PATCH 13/28] Updated the SelectLocationsStatus and
 SkipLocationStatus enum names and some of their enums.

 .../zcl/data-model/chip/service-area-cluster.xml | 16 ++++++++--------
 1 file changed, 8 insertions(+), 8 deletions(-)

diff --git a/src/app/zap-templates/zcl/data-model/chip/service-area-cluster.xml b/src/app/zap-templates/zcl/data-model/chip/service-area-cluster.xml
index f60691f3a8f3df..d3a162bbd88331 100644
--- a/src/app/zap-templates/zcl/data-model/chip/service-area-cluster.xml
+++ b/src/app/zap-templates/zcl/data-model/chip/service-area-cluster.xml
@@ -55,19 +55,19 @@ limitations under the License.
     <item name="EstimatedTime"          type="elapsed_s"              optional="true" isNullable="true"/>
-  <enum name="SelectLocationsStatus" type="enum8">
+  <enum name="SelectAreasStatus" type="enum8">
     <cluster code="0x0150"/>
     <item value="0x00" name="Success"/>
-    <item value="0x01" name="UnsupportedLocation"/>
-    <item value="0x02" name="DuplicatedLocations"/>
+    <item value="0x01" name="UnsupportedArea"/>
+    <item value="0x02" name="DuplicatedAreas"/>
     <item value="0x03" name="InvalidInMode"/>
     <item value="0x04" name="InvalidSet"/>
-  <enum name="SkipCurrentLocationStatus" type="enum8">
+  <enum name="SkipAreaStatus" type="enum8">
     <cluster code="0x0150"/>
     <item value="0x00" name="Success"/>
-    <item value="0x01" name="InvalidLocationList"/>
+    <item value="0x01" name="InvalidAreaList"/>
     <item value="0x02" name="InvalidInMode"/>
@@ -107,7 +107,7 @@ limitations under the License.
         This command is sent by the device on receipt of the SelectLocations command.
-      <arg name="Status"     type="SelectLocationsStatus"     optional="false"/>
+      <arg name="Status"     type="SelectAreasStatus"         optional="false"/>
       <arg name="StatusText" type="char_string"  length="256" optional="true"/>
@@ -121,8 +121,8 @@ limitations under the License.
         This command is sent by the device on receipt of the SelectLocations command.
-      <arg name="Status"     type="SkipCurrentLocationStatus"  optional="false"/>
-      <arg name="StatusText" type="char_string"                length="256" optional="true"/>
+      <arg name="Status"     type="SkipAreaStatus"  optional="false"/>
+      <arg name="StatusText" type="char_string"     length="256" optional="true"/>

From 04e87b6a0343d1f1154e430cfb1ed5be48331c1d Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: William Hicklin <>
Date: Thu, 1 Aug 2024 14:48:54 +0100
Subject: [PATCH 14/28] Zap generated after XML update.

 examples/rvc-app/rvc-common/rvc-app.matter    | 14 +++++------
 .../data_model/controller-clusters.matter     | 14 +++++------
 .../python/chip/clusters/           | 18 +++++++-------
 .../CHIP/zap-generated/MTRBaseClusters.h      | 20 ++++++++--------
 .../zap-generated/cluster-enums-check.h       | 14 +++++------
 .../app-common/zap-generated/cluster-enums.h  | 24 +++++++++----------
 .../zap-generated/cluster-objects.h           |  8 +++----
 7 files changed, 56 insertions(+), 56 deletions(-)

diff --git a/examples/rvc-app/rvc-common/rvc-app.matter b/examples/rvc-app/rvc-common/rvc-app.matter
index 48f0d5619ca960..afc6b0bf86987d 100644
--- a/examples/rvc-app/rvc-common/rvc-app.matter
+++ b/examples/rvc-app/rvc-common/rvc-app.matter
@@ -1421,17 +1421,17 @@ provisional cluster ServiceArea = 336 {
     kCompleted = 3;
-  enum SelectLocationsStatus : enum8 {
+  enum SelectAreasStatus : enum8 {
     kSuccess = 0;
-    kUnsupportedLocation = 1;
-    kDuplicatedLocations = 2;
+    kUnsupportedArea = 1;
+    kDuplicatedAreas = 2;
     kInvalidInMode = 3;
     kInvalidSet = 4;
-  enum SkipCurrentLocationStatus : enum8 {
+  enum SkipAreaStatus : enum8 {
     kSuccess = 0;
-    kInvalidLocationList = 1;
+    kInvalidAreaList = 1;
     kInvalidInMode = 2;
@@ -1483,12 +1483,12 @@ provisional cluster ServiceArea = 336 {
   response struct SelectLocationsResponse = 1 {
-    SelectLocationsStatus status = 0;
+    SelectAreasStatus status = 0;
     optional char_string<256> statusText = 1;
   response struct SkipCurrentLocationResponse = 3 {
-    SkipCurrentLocationStatus status = 0;
+    SkipAreaStatus status = 0;
     optional char_string<256> statusText = 1;
diff --git a/src/controller/data_model/controller-clusters.matter b/src/controller/data_model/controller-clusters.matter
index ad702dcf2ee887..dc4de689bd8404 100644
--- a/src/controller/data_model/controller-clusters.matter
+++ b/src/controller/data_model/controller-clusters.matter
@@ -6442,17 +6442,17 @@ provisional cluster ServiceArea = 336 {
     kCompleted = 3;
-  enum SelectLocationsStatus : enum8 {
+  enum SelectAreasStatus : enum8 {
     kSuccess = 0;
-    kUnsupportedLocation = 1;
-    kDuplicatedLocations = 2;
+    kUnsupportedArea = 1;
+    kDuplicatedAreas = 2;
     kInvalidInMode = 3;
     kInvalidSet = 4;
-  enum SkipCurrentLocationStatus : enum8 {
+  enum SkipAreaStatus : enum8 {
     kSuccess = 0;
-    kInvalidLocationList = 1;
+    kInvalidAreaList = 1;
     kInvalidInMode = 2;
@@ -6504,12 +6504,12 @@ provisional cluster ServiceArea = 336 {
   response struct SelectLocationsResponse = 1 {
-    SelectLocationsStatus status = 0;
+    SelectAreasStatus status = 0;
     optional char_string<256> statusText = 1;
   response struct SkipCurrentLocationResponse = 3 {
-    SkipCurrentLocationStatus status = 0;
+    SkipAreaStatus status = 0;
     optional char_string<256> statusText = 1;
diff --git a/src/controller/python/chip/clusters/ b/src/controller/python/chip/clusters/
index e1cbddbfa42e11..05a8ea9dd29df9 100644
--- a/src/controller/python/chip/clusters/
+++ b/src/controller/python/chip/clusters/
@@ -31134,10 +31134,10 @@ class OperationalStatusEnum(MatterIntEnum):
             # enum value. This specific value should never be transmitted.
             kUnknownEnumValue = 4,
-        class SelectLocationsStatus(MatterIntEnum):
+        class SelectAreasStatus(MatterIntEnum):
             kSuccess = 0x00
-            kUnsupportedLocation = 0x01
-            kDuplicatedLocations = 0x02
+            kUnsupportedArea = 0x01
+            kDuplicatedAreas = 0x02
             kInvalidInMode = 0x03
             kInvalidSet = 0x04
             # All received enum values that are not listed above will be mapped
@@ -31146,9 +31146,9 @@ class SelectLocationsStatus(MatterIntEnum):
             # enum value. This specific value should never be transmitted.
             kUnknownEnumValue = 5,
-        class SkipCurrentLocationStatus(MatterIntEnum):
+        class SkipAreaStatus(MatterIntEnum):
             kSuccess = 0x00
-            kInvalidLocationList = 0x01
+            kInvalidAreaList = 0x01
             kInvalidInMode = 0x02
             # All received enum values that are not listed above will be mapped
             # to kUnknownEnumValue. This is a helper enum value that should only
@@ -31252,11 +31252,11 @@ class SelectLocationsResponse(ClusterCommand):
             def descriptor(cls) -> ClusterObjectDescriptor:
                 return ClusterObjectDescriptor(
-                        ClusterObjectFieldDescriptor(Label="status", Tag=0, Type=ServiceArea.Enums.SelectLocationsStatus),
+                        ClusterObjectFieldDescriptor(Label="status", Tag=0, Type=ServiceArea.Enums.SelectAreasStatus),
                         ClusterObjectFieldDescriptor(Label="statusText", Tag=1, Type=typing.Optional[str]),
-            status: 'ServiceArea.Enums.SelectLocationsStatus' = 0
+            status: 'ServiceArea.Enums.SelectAreasStatus' = 0
             statusText: 'typing.Optional[str]' = None
@@ -31283,11 +31283,11 @@ class SkipCurrentLocationResponse(ClusterCommand):
             def descriptor(cls) -> ClusterObjectDescriptor:
                 return ClusterObjectDescriptor(
-                        ClusterObjectFieldDescriptor(Label="status", Tag=0, Type=ServiceArea.Enums.SkipCurrentLocationStatus),
+                        ClusterObjectFieldDescriptor(Label="status", Tag=0, Type=ServiceArea.Enums.SkipAreaStatus),
                         ClusterObjectFieldDescriptor(Label="statusText", Tag=1, Type=typing.Optional[str]),
-            status: 'ServiceArea.Enums.SkipCurrentLocationStatus' = 0
+            status: 'ServiceArea.Enums.SkipAreaStatus' = 0
             statusText: 'typing.Optional[str]' = None
     class Attributes:
diff --git a/src/darwin/Framework/CHIP/zap-generated/MTRBaseClusters.h b/src/darwin/Framework/CHIP/zap-generated/MTRBaseClusters.h
index 71bf51ee6cef6d..af115925dfd79f 100644
--- a/src/darwin/Framework/CHIP/zap-generated/MTRBaseClusters.h
+++ b/src/darwin/Framework/CHIP/zap-generated/MTRBaseClusters.h
@@ -19756,18 +19756,18 @@ typedef NS_ENUM(uint8_t, MTRServiceAreaOperationalStatus) {
     MTRServiceAreaOperationalStatusCompleted MTR_PROVISIONALLY_AVAILABLE = 0x03,
-typedef NS_ENUM(uint8_t, MTRServiceAreaSelectLocationsStatus) {
-    MTRServiceAreaSelectLocationsStatusSuccess MTR_PROVISIONALLY_AVAILABLE = 0x00,
-    MTRServiceAreaSelectLocationsStatusUnsupportedLocation MTR_PROVISIONALLY_AVAILABLE = 0x01,
-    MTRServiceAreaSelectLocationsStatusDuplicatedLocations MTR_PROVISIONALLY_AVAILABLE = 0x02,
-    MTRServiceAreaSelectLocationsStatusInvalidInMode MTR_PROVISIONALLY_AVAILABLE = 0x03,
-    MTRServiceAreaSelectLocationsStatusInvalidSet MTR_PROVISIONALLY_AVAILABLE = 0x04,
+typedef NS_ENUM(uint8_t, MTRServiceAreaSelectAreasStatus) {
+    MTRServiceAreaSelectAreasStatusSuccess MTR_PROVISIONALLY_AVAILABLE = 0x00,
+    MTRServiceAreaSelectAreasStatusUnsupportedArea MTR_PROVISIONALLY_AVAILABLE = 0x01,
+    MTRServiceAreaSelectAreasStatusDuplicatedAreas MTR_PROVISIONALLY_AVAILABLE = 0x02,
+    MTRServiceAreaSelectAreasStatusInvalidInMode MTR_PROVISIONALLY_AVAILABLE = 0x03,
+    MTRServiceAreaSelectAreasStatusInvalidSet MTR_PROVISIONALLY_AVAILABLE = 0x04,
-typedef NS_ENUM(uint8_t, MTRServiceAreaSkipCurrentLocationStatus) {
-    MTRServiceAreaSkipCurrentLocationStatusSuccess MTR_PROVISIONALLY_AVAILABLE = 0x00,
-    MTRServiceAreaSkipCurrentLocationStatusInvalidLocationList MTR_PROVISIONALLY_AVAILABLE = 0x01,
-    MTRServiceAreaSkipCurrentLocationStatusInvalidInMode MTR_PROVISIONALLY_AVAILABLE = 0x02,
+typedef NS_ENUM(uint8_t, MTRServiceAreaSkipAreaStatus) {
+    MTRServiceAreaSkipAreaStatusSuccess MTR_PROVISIONALLY_AVAILABLE = 0x00,
+    MTRServiceAreaSkipAreaStatusInvalidAreaList MTR_PROVISIONALLY_AVAILABLE = 0x01,
+    MTRServiceAreaSkipAreaStatusInvalidInMode MTR_PROVISIONALLY_AVAILABLE = 0x02,
 typedef NS_OPTIONS(uint32_t, MTRServiceAreaFeature) {
diff --git a/zzz_generated/app-common/app-common/zap-generated/cluster-enums-check.h b/zzz_generated/app-common/app-common/zap-generated/cluster-enums-check.h
index 8a55a7680596c8..811352a6d38f7e 100644
--- a/zzz_generated/app-common/app-common/zap-generated/cluster-enums-check.h
+++ b/zzz_generated/app-common/app-common/zap-generated/cluster-enums-check.h
@@ -2566,14 +2566,14 @@ static auto __attribute__((unused)) EnsureKnownEnumValue(ServiceArea::Operationa
         return EnumType::kUnknownEnumValue;
-static auto __attribute__((unused)) EnsureKnownEnumValue(ServiceArea::SelectLocationsStatus val)
+static auto __attribute__((unused)) EnsureKnownEnumValue(ServiceArea::SelectAreasStatus val)
-    using EnumType = ServiceArea::SelectLocationsStatus;
+    using EnumType = ServiceArea::SelectAreasStatus;
     switch (val)
     case EnumType::kSuccess:
-    case EnumType::kUnsupportedLocation:
-    case EnumType::kDuplicatedLocations:
+    case EnumType::kUnsupportedArea:
+    case EnumType::kDuplicatedAreas:
     case EnumType::kInvalidInMode:
     case EnumType::kInvalidSet:
         return val;
@@ -2581,13 +2581,13 @@ static auto __attribute__((unused)) EnsureKnownEnumValue(ServiceArea::SelectLoca
         return EnumType::kUnknownEnumValue;
-static auto __attribute__((unused)) EnsureKnownEnumValue(ServiceArea::SkipCurrentLocationStatus val)
+static auto __attribute__((unused)) EnsureKnownEnumValue(ServiceArea::SkipAreaStatus val)
-    using EnumType = ServiceArea::SkipCurrentLocationStatus;
+    using EnumType = ServiceArea::SkipAreaStatus;
     switch (val)
     case EnumType::kSuccess:
-    case EnumType::kInvalidLocationList:
+    case EnumType::kInvalidAreaList:
     case EnumType::kInvalidInMode:
         return val;
diff --git a/zzz_generated/app-common/app-common/zap-generated/cluster-enums.h b/zzz_generated/app-common/app-common/zap-generated/cluster-enums.h
index e375b394871e69..3c8d52d0bed54d 100644
--- a/zzz_generated/app-common/app-common/zap-generated/cluster-enums.h
+++ b/zzz_generated/app-common/app-common/zap-generated/cluster-enums.h
@@ -3807,14 +3807,14 @@ enum class OperationalStatusEnum : uint8_t
     kUnknownEnumValue = 4,
-// Enum for SelectLocationsStatus
-enum class SelectLocationsStatus : uint8_t
+// Enum for SelectAreasStatus
+enum class SelectAreasStatus : uint8_t
-    kSuccess             = 0x00,
-    kUnsupportedLocation = 0x01,
-    kDuplicatedLocations = 0x02,
-    kInvalidInMode       = 0x03,
-    kInvalidSet          = 0x04,
+    kSuccess         = 0x00,
+    kUnsupportedArea = 0x01,
+    kDuplicatedAreas = 0x02,
+    kInvalidInMode   = 0x03,
+    kInvalidSet      = 0x04,
     // All received enum values that are not listed above will be mapped
     // to kUnknownEnumValue. This is a helper enum value that should only
     // be used by code to process how it handles receiving and unknown
@@ -3822,12 +3822,12 @@ enum class SelectLocationsStatus : uint8_t
     kUnknownEnumValue = 5,
-// Enum for SkipCurrentLocationStatus
-enum class SkipCurrentLocationStatus : uint8_t
+// Enum for SkipAreaStatus
+enum class SkipAreaStatus : uint8_t
-    kSuccess             = 0x00,
-    kInvalidLocationList = 0x01,
-    kInvalidInMode       = 0x02,
+    kSuccess         = 0x00,
+    kInvalidAreaList = 0x01,
+    kInvalidInMode   = 0x02,
     // All received enum values that are not listed above will be mapped
     // to kUnknownEnumValue. This is a helper enum value that should only
     // be used by code to process how it handles receiving and unknown
diff --git a/zzz_generated/app-common/app-common/zap-generated/cluster-objects.h b/zzz_generated/app-common/app-common/zap-generated/cluster-objects.h
index adddb4c916cf8e..0be37b967831c7 100644
--- a/zzz_generated/app-common/app-common/zap-generated/cluster-objects.h
+++ b/zzz_generated/app-common/app-common/zap-generated/cluster-objects.h
@@ -28483,7 +28483,7 @@ struct Type
     static constexpr CommandId GetCommandId() { return Commands::SelectLocationsResponse::Id; }
     static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::ServiceArea::Id; }
-    SelectLocationsStatus status = static_cast<SelectLocationsStatus>(0);
+    SelectAreasStatus status = static_cast<SelectAreasStatus>(0);
     Optional<chip::CharSpan> statusText;
     CHIP_ERROR Encode(TLV::TLVWriter & aWriter, TLV::Tag aTag) const;
@@ -28499,7 +28499,7 @@ struct DecodableType
     static constexpr CommandId GetCommandId() { return Commands::SelectLocationsResponse::Id; }
     static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::ServiceArea::Id; }
-    SelectLocationsStatus status = static_cast<SelectLocationsStatus>(0);
+    SelectAreasStatus status = static_cast<SelectAreasStatus>(0);
     Optional<chip::CharSpan> statusText;
     CHIP_ERROR Decode(TLV::TLVReader & reader);
@@ -28546,7 +28546,7 @@ struct Type
     static constexpr CommandId GetCommandId() { return Commands::SkipCurrentLocationResponse::Id; }
     static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::ServiceArea::Id; }
-    SkipCurrentLocationStatus status = static_cast<SkipCurrentLocationStatus>(0);
+    SkipAreaStatus status = static_cast<SkipAreaStatus>(0);
     Optional<chip::CharSpan> statusText;
     CHIP_ERROR Encode(TLV::TLVWriter & aWriter, TLV::Tag aTag) const;
@@ -28562,7 +28562,7 @@ struct DecodableType
     static constexpr CommandId GetCommandId() { return Commands::SkipCurrentLocationResponse::Id; }
     static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::ServiceArea::Id; }
-    SkipCurrentLocationStatus status = static_cast<SkipCurrentLocationStatus>(0);
+    SkipAreaStatus status = static_cast<SkipAreaStatus>(0);
     Optional<chip::CharSpan> statusText;
     CHIP_ERROR Decode(TLV::TLVReader & reader);

From 91f44464e751593654d69dccb6b7c0e9d7fc68b4 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: William Hicklin <>
Date: Thu, 1 Aug 2024 14:56:22 +0100
Subject: [PATCH 15/28] Updated the SelectLocationsStatus and
 SkipCurrentLocationStatus names and their enum names.

 .../include/rvc-service-area-delegate.h       |  2 +-
 .../src/rvc-service-area-delegate.cpp         |  2 +-
 .../service-area-delegate.h                   |  2 +-
 .../service-area-server.cpp                   | 24 +++++++++----------
 4 files changed, 15 insertions(+), 15 deletions(-)

diff --git a/examples/rvc-app/rvc-common/include/rvc-service-area-delegate.h b/examples/rvc-app/rvc-common/include/rvc-service-area-delegate.h
index eb263d0596aaa6..b4e80a62cbdaea 100644
--- a/examples/rvc-app/rvc-common/include/rvc-service-area-delegate.h
+++ b/examples/rvc-app/rvc-common/include/rvc-service-area-delegate.h
@@ -47,7 +47,7 @@ class RvcServiceAreaDelegate : public Delegate
     bool IsSetSelectedLocationsAllowed(MutableCharSpan statusText) override;
     bool IsValidSelectLocationsSet(const ServiceArea::Commands::SelectLocations::DecodableType & req,
-                                   ServiceArea::SelectLocationsStatus & locationStatus, MutableCharSpan statusText) override;
+                                   ServiceArea::SelectAreasStatus & locationStatus, MutableCharSpan statusText) override;
     bool HandleSkipCurrentLocation(MutableCharSpan skipStatusText) override;
diff --git a/examples/rvc-app/rvc-common/src/rvc-service-area-delegate.cpp b/examples/rvc-app/rvc-common/src/rvc-service-area-delegate.cpp
index 3eedc043053438..3820e97b07e74d 100644
--- a/examples/rvc-app/rvc-common/src/rvc-service-area-delegate.cpp
+++ b/examples/rvc-app/rvc-common/src/rvc-service-area-delegate.cpp
@@ -80,7 +80,7 @@ bool RvcServiceAreaDelegate::IsSetSelectedLocationsAllowed(MutableCharSpan statu
 bool RvcServiceAreaDelegate::IsValidSelectLocationsSet(const Commands::SelectLocations::DecodableType & req,
-                                                       SelectLocationsStatus & locationStatus, MutableCharSpan statusText)
+                                                       SelectAreasStatus & locationStatus, MutableCharSpan statusText)
     return true;
diff --git a/src/app/clusters/service-area-server/service-area-delegate.h b/src/app/clusters/service-area-server/service-area-delegate.h
index 0c3f266cbf108e..66ef91740449b9 100644
--- a/src/app/clusters/service-area-server/service-area-delegate.h
+++ b/src/app/clusters/service-area-server/service-area-delegate.h
@@ -91,7 +91,7 @@ class Delegate
      * device must stop.
     virtual bool IsValidSelectLocationsSet(const Commands::SelectLocations::DecodableType & req,
-                                           SelectLocationsStatus & locationStatus, MutableCharSpan statusText) = 0;
+                                           SelectAreasStatus & locationStatus, MutableCharSpan statusText) = 0;
      * @brief The server instance ensures that the SelectedLocations and CurrentLocation attributes are not null before
diff --git a/src/app/clusters/service-area-server/service-area-server.cpp b/src/app/clusters/service-area-server/service-area-server.cpp
index 9cb9facae1d799..07c1289fa0401e 100644
--- a/src/app/clusters/service-area-server/service-area-server.cpp
+++ b/src/app/clusters/service-area-server/service-area-server.cpp
@@ -214,7 +214,7 @@ void Instance::HandleSelectLocationsCmd(HandlerContext & ctx, const Commands::Se
     ChipLogDetail(Zcl, "Service Area: HandleSelectLocationsCmd");
     // On receipt of this command the device SHALL respond with a SelectLocationsResponse command.
-    auto exitResponse = [ctx](SelectLocationsStatus status, CharSpan statusText) {
+    auto exitResponse = [ctx](SelectAreasStatus status, CharSpan statusText) {
         Commands::SelectLocationsResponse::Type response{
             .status     = status,
             .statusText = Optional(statusText),
@@ -236,7 +236,7 @@ void Instance::HandleSelectLocationsCmd(HandlerContext & ctx, const Commands::Se
         // the SelectLocationsResponse command's Status field SHALL indicate InvalidSet.
         if (numberOfLocations > kMaxNumSelectedLocations)
-            exitResponse(SelectLocationsStatus::kInvalidSet, "invalid number of locations"_span);
+            exitResponse(SelectAreasStatus::kInvalidSet, "invalid number of locations"_span);
@@ -260,7 +260,7 @@ void Instance::HandleSelectLocationsCmd(HandlerContext & ctx, const Commands::Se
                 // If the Status field is set to UnsupportedLocation, the StatusText field SHALL be an empty string.
                 if (!IsSupportedLocation(aSelectedLocation))
-                    exitResponse(SelectLocationsStatus::kUnsupportedLocation, ""_span);
+                    exitResponse(SelectAreasStatus::kUnsupportedArea, ""_span);
@@ -273,7 +273,7 @@ void Instance::HandleSelectLocationsCmd(HandlerContext & ctx, const Commands::Se
                         .Next(); // Since j < i and i is valid, we can safely call Next() without checking the return value.
                     if (jLocationIter.GetValue() == aSelectedLocation)
-                        exitResponse(SelectLocationsStatus::kDuplicatedLocations, ""_span);
+                        exitResponse(SelectAreasStatus::kDuplicatedAreas, ""_span);
                     j += 1;
@@ -306,7 +306,7 @@ void Instance::HandleSelectLocationsCmd(HandlerContext & ctx, const Commands::Se
     // the StatusText field MAY be supplied with a human-readable string or include an empty string.
     if (matchesCurrentSelectedLocations)
-        exitResponse(SelectLocationsStatus::kSuccess, ""_span);
+        exitResponse(SelectAreasStatus::kSuccess, ""_span);
@@ -320,7 +320,7 @@ void Instance::HandleSelectLocationsCmd(HandlerContext & ctx, const Commands::Se
     // (note - locationStatusText to be filled out by delegated function for if return value is false)
     if (!mDelegate->IsSetSelectedLocationsAllowed(delegateStatusText))
-        exitResponse(SelectLocationsStatus::kInvalidInMode, delegateStatusText);
+        exitResponse(SelectAreasStatus::kInvalidInMode, delegateStatusText);
@@ -329,7 +329,7 @@ void Instance::HandleSelectLocationsCmd(HandlerContext & ctx, const Commands::Se
     // ask the device to handle SelectLocations Command
     // (note - locationStatusText to be filled out by delegated function for kInvalidInMode and InvalidSet)
-    auto locationStatus = SelectLocationsStatus::kSuccess;
+    auto locationStatus = SelectAreasStatus::kSuccess;
     if (!mDelegate->IsValidSelectLocationsSet(req, locationStatus, delegateStatusText))
         exitResponse(locationStatus, delegateStatusText);
@@ -356,7 +356,7 @@ void Instance::HandleSelectLocationsCmd(HandlerContext & ctx, const Commands::Se
-    exitResponse(SelectLocationsStatus::kSuccess, ""_span);
+    exitResponse(SelectAreasStatus::kSuccess, ""_span);
 void Instance::HandleSkipCurrentLocationCmd(HandlerContext & ctx)
@@ -364,7 +364,7 @@ void Instance::HandleSkipCurrentLocationCmd(HandlerContext & ctx)
     ChipLogDetail(Zcl, "Service Area: HandleSkipCurrentLocation");
     // On receipt of this command the device SHALL respond with a SkipCurrentLocationResponse command.
-    auto exitResponse = [ctx](SkipCurrentLocationStatus status, CharSpan statusText) {
+    auto exitResponse = [ctx](SkipAreaStatus status, CharSpan statusText) {
         Commands::SkipCurrentLocationResponse::Type response{
             .status     = status,
             .statusText = Optional(statusText),
@@ -377,7 +377,7 @@ void Instance::HandleSkipCurrentLocationCmd(HandlerContext & ctx)
     if (mDelegate->GetNumberOfSelectedLocations() == 0)
         ChipLogError(Zcl, "Selected Locations attribute is null");
-        exitResponse(SkipCurrentLocationStatus::kInvalidLocationList, ""_span);
+        exitResponse(SkipAreaStatus::kInvalidAreaList, ""_span);
@@ -386,7 +386,7 @@ void Instance::HandleSkipCurrentLocationCmd(HandlerContext & ctx)
     // description.
     if (mCurrentLocation.IsNull())
-        exitResponse(SkipCurrentLocationStatus::kInvalidInMode, "Current Location attribute is null"_span);
+        exitResponse(SkipAreaStatus::kInvalidInMode, "Current Location attribute is null"_span);
@@ -399,7 +399,7 @@ void Instance::HandleSkipCurrentLocationCmd(HandlerContext & ctx)
     if (!mDelegate->HandleSkipCurrentLocation(skipStatusText))
-        exitResponse(SkipCurrentLocationStatus::kInvalidInMode, skipStatusText);
+        exitResponse(SkipAreaStatus::kInvalidInMode, skipStatusText);

From 31a3c1a56e01ae1fb603a86ac712ffd70c840cbb Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: William Hicklin <>
Date: Thu, 1 Aug 2024 15:31:05 +0100
Subject: [PATCH 16/28] Updated the names of the SupportedLocations,
 SelectedLocations and CurrentLocation attributes.

 .../zcl/data-model/chip/service-area-cluster.xml          | 8 ++++----
 1 file changed, 4 insertions(+), 4 deletions(-)

diff --git a/src/app/zap-templates/zcl/data-model/chip/service-area-cluster.xml b/src/app/zap-templates/zcl/data-model/chip/service-area-cluster.xml
index d3a162bbd88331..248156f4f67d7e 100644
--- a/src/app/zap-templates/zcl/data-model/chip/service-area-cluster.xml
+++ b/src/app/zap-templates/zcl/data-model/chip/service-area-cluster.xml
@@ -88,12 +88,12 @@ limitations under the License.
     <!-- Attributes -->
-    <attribute side="server" code="0x0000" define="SupportedLocations"  type="array"     entryType="AreaStruct"      writable="false" isNullable="false" optional="false">SupportedLocations</attribute>
+    <attribute side="server" code="0x0000" define="SupportedAreas"      type="array"     entryType="AreaStruct"      writable="false" isNullable="false" optional="false">SupportedAreas</attribute>
     <attribute side="server" code="0x0001" define="SupportedMaps"       type="array"     entryType="MapStruct"       writable="false" isNullable="true"  optional="false">SupportedMaps</attribute>
-    <attribute side="server" code="0x0002" define="SelectedLocations"   type="array"     entryType="int32u"          writable="false" isNullable="true"  optional="false">SelectedLocations</attribute>
-    <attribute side="server" code="0x0003" define="CurrentLocation"     type="int32u"                                writable="false" isNullable="true"  optional="true">CurrentLocation</attribute>
+    <attribute side="server" code="0x0002" define="SelectedAreas"       type="array"     entryType="int32u"          writable="false" isNullable="true"  optional="false">SelectedAreas</attribute>
+    <attribute side="server" code="0x0003" define="CurrentArea"         type="int32u"                                writable="false" isNullable="true"  optional="true" >CurrentArea</attribute>
     <attribute side="server" code="0x0004" define="EstimatedEndTime"    type="epoch_s"                               writable="false" isNullable="true"  optional="true" >EstimatedEndTime</attribute>
-    <attribute side="server" code="0x0005" define="Progress"            type="array"     entryType="ProgressStruct"  writable="false" isNullable="true"  optional="true">Progress</attribute>
+    <attribute side="server" code="0x0005" define="Progress"            type="array"     entryType="ProgressStruct"  writable="false" isNullable="true"  optional="true" >Progress</attribute>
     <!-- Commands -->
     <command source="client" code="0x00" name="SelectLocations" response="SelectLocationsResponse" optional="false">

From f7d6a5459e9560cc69a3b13eada20db6703f0770 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: William Hicklin <>
Date: Thu, 1 Aug 2024 15:45:31 +0100
Subject: [PATCH 17/28] Zap generated after XML update.

 examples/rvc-app/rvc-common/rvc-app.matter    |  12 +-
 .../service-area-delegate.h                   |   2 +-
 .../zcl/zcl-with-test-extensions.json         |   2 +-
 src/app/zap-templates/zcl/zcl.json            |   2 +-
 .../data_model/controller-clusters.matter     |   6 +-
 .../chip/devicecontroller/   |  60 ++++-----
 .../devicecontroller/    |   6 +-
 .../devicecontroller/  |   6 +-
 .../devicecontroller/  |  42 +++----
 .../cluster/clusters/ServiceAreaCluster.kt    |  88 +++++++-------
 .../CHIPAttributeTLVValueDecoder.cpp          |  12 +-
 .../python/chip/clusters/      |   6 +-
 .../python/chip/clusters/           |  18 +--
 .../             |   6 +-
 .../            |  12 +-
 .../CHIP/zap-generated/MTRBaseClusters.h      |  30 ++---
 .../CHIP/zap-generated/     |  48 ++++----
 .../CHIP/zap-generated/MTRClusterConstants.h  |   6 +-
 .../CHIP/zap-generated/     |  12 +-
 .../CHIP/zap-generated/MTRClusters.h          |   6 +-
 .../CHIP/zap-generated/         |  12 +-
 .../zap-generated/cluster-objects.cpp         |  12 +-
 .../zap-generated/cluster-objects.h           |  24 ++--
 .../app-common/zap-generated/ids/Attributes.h |  12 +-
 .../zap-generated/cluster/Commands.h          |  27 ++---
 .../cluster/logging/DataModelLogger.cpp       |  12 +-
 .../zap-generated/cluster/Commands.h          | 114 +++++++++---------
 27 files changed, 295 insertions(+), 300 deletions(-)

diff --git a/examples/rvc-app/rvc-common/rvc-app.matter b/examples/rvc-app/rvc-common/rvc-app.matter
index afc6b0bf86987d..45502cdf61a1f1 100644
--- a/examples/rvc-app/rvc-common/rvc-app.matter
+++ b/examples/rvc-app/rvc-common/rvc-app.matter
@@ -1465,10 +1465,10 @@ provisional cluster ServiceArea = 336 {
     optional nullable elapsed_s estimatedTime = 3;
-  readonly attribute AreaStruct supportedLocations[] = 0;
+  readonly attribute AreaStruct supportedAreas[] = 0;
   readonly attribute nullable MapStruct supportedMaps[] = 1;
-  readonly attribute nullable int32u selectedLocations[] = 2;
-  readonly attribute optional nullable int32u currentLocation = 3;
+  readonly attribute nullable int32u selectedAreas[] = 2;
+  readonly attribute optional nullable int32u currentArea = 3;
   readonly attribute optional nullable epoch_s estimatedEndTime = 4;
   readonly attribute optional nullable ProgressStruct progress[] = 5;
   readonly attribute command_id generatedCommandList[] = 65528;
@@ -1755,10 +1755,10 @@ endpoint 1 {
   server cluster ServiceArea {
-    callback attribute supportedLocations;
+    callback attribute supportedAreas;
     callback attribute supportedMaps;
-    callback attribute selectedLocations;
-    callback attribute currentLocation;
+    callback attribute selectedAreas;
+    callback attribute currentArea;
     callback attribute estimatedEndTime;
     callback attribute progress;
     callback attribute generatedCommandList;
diff --git a/src/app/clusters/service-area-server/service-area-delegate.h b/src/app/clusters/service-area-server/service-area-delegate.h
index 66ef91740449b9..3e62f92c7424cc 100644
--- a/src/app/clusters/service-area-server/service-area-delegate.h
+++ b/src/app/clusters/service-area-server/service-area-delegate.h
@@ -127,7 +127,7 @@ class Delegate
-    // Supported Locations accessors
+    // Supported Areas accessors
      * @return true if the current device state allows the SupportedLocations attribute to be updated.
diff --git a/src/app/zap-templates/zcl/zcl-with-test-extensions.json b/src/app/zap-templates/zcl/zcl-with-test-extensions.json
index 4c5a59200e7d49..e1f65c6fddc7df 100644
--- a/src/app/zap-templates/zcl/zcl-with-test-extensions.json
+++ b/src/app/zap-templates/zcl/zcl-with-test-extensions.json
@@ -670,7 +670,7 @@
-        "Service Area": ["CurrentLocation", "EstimatedEndTime", "FeatureMap"]
+        "Service Area": ["CurrentArea", "EstimatedEndTime", "FeatureMap"]
     "defaultReportingPolicy": "mandatory",
     "ZCLDataTypes": ["ARRAY", "BITMAP", "ENUM", "NUMBER", "STRING", "STRUCT"],
diff --git a/src/app/zap-templates/zcl/zcl.json b/src/app/zap-templates/zcl/zcl.json
index 777847fb7f06ad..9aedc84a4646f2 100644
--- a/src/app/zap-templates/zcl/zcl.json
+++ b/src/app/zap-templates/zcl/zcl.json
@@ -668,7 +668,7 @@
-        "Service Area": ["CurrentLocation", "EstimatedEndTime", "FeatureMap"]
+        "Service Area": ["CurrentArea", "EstimatedEndTime", "FeatureMap"]
     "defaultReportingPolicy": "mandatory",
     "ZCLDataTypes": ["ARRAY", "BITMAP", "ENUM", "NUMBER", "STRING", "STRUCT"],
diff --git a/src/controller/data_model/controller-clusters.matter b/src/controller/data_model/controller-clusters.matter
index dc4de689bd8404..7f92ae1e49af53 100644
--- a/src/controller/data_model/controller-clusters.matter
+++ b/src/controller/data_model/controller-clusters.matter
@@ -6486,10 +6486,10 @@ provisional cluster ServiceArea = 336 {
     optional nullable elapsed_s estimatedTime = 3;
-  readonly attribute AreaStruct supportedLocations[] = 0;
+  readonly attribute AreaStruct supportedAreas[] = 0;
   readonly attribute nullable MapStruct supportedMaps[] = 1;
-  readonly attribute nullable int32u selectedLocations[] = 2;
-  readonly attribute optional nullable int32u currentLocation = 3;
+  readonly attribute nullable int32u selectedAreas[] = 2;
+  readonly attribute optional nullable int32u currentArea = 3;
   readonly attribute optional nullable epoch_s estimatedEndTime = 4;
   readonly attribute optional nullable ProgressStruct progress[] = 5;
   readonly attribute command_id generatedCommandList[] = 65528;
diff --git a/src/controller/java/generated/java/chip/devicecontroller/ b/src/controller/java/generated/java/chip/devicecontroller/
index d5e981492cf262..1a7c4cc657cc37 100644
--- a/src/controller/java/generated/java/chip/devicecontroller/
+++ b/src/controller/java/generated/java/chip/devicecontroller/
@@ -39023,10 +39023,10 @@ public void onSuccess(byte[] tlv) {
   public static class ServiceAreaCluster extends BaseChipCluster {
     public static final long CLUSTER_ID = 336L;
-    private static final long SUPPORTED_LOCATIONS_ATTRIBUTE_ID = 0L;
+    private static final long SUPPORTED_AREAS_ATTRIBUTE_ID = 0L;
     private static final long SUPPORTED_MAPS_ATTRIBUTE_ID = 1L;
-    private static final long SELECTED_LOCATIONS_ATTRIBUTE_ID = 2L;
-    private static final long CURRENT_LOCATION_ATTRIBUTE_ID = 3L;
+    private static final long SELECTED_AREAS_ATTRIBUTE_ID = 2L;
+    private static final long CURRENT_AREA_ATTRIBUTE_ID = 3L;
     private static final long ESTIMATED_END_TIME_ATTRIBUTE_ID = 4L;
     private static final long PROGRESS_ATTRIBUTE_ID = 5L;
     private static final long GENERATED_COMMAND_LIST_ATTRIBUTE_ID = 65528L;
@@ -39124,7 +39124,7 @@ public interface SkipCurrentLocationResponseCallback extends BaseClusterCallback
       void onSuccess(Integer status, Optional<String> statusText);
-    public interface SupportedLocationsAttributeCallback extends BaseAttributeCallback {
+    public interface SupportedAreasAttributeCallback extends BaseAttributeCallback {
       void onSuccess(List<ChipStructs.ServiceAreaClusterAreaStruct> value);
@@ -39132,11 +39132,11 @@ public interface SupportedMapsAttributeCallback extends BaseAttributeCallback {
       void onSuccess(@Nullable List<ChipStructs.ServiceAreaClusterMapStruct> value);
-    public interface SelectedLocationsAttributeCallback extends BaseAttributeCallback {
+    public interface SelectedAreasAttributeCallback extends BaseAttributeCallback {
       void onSuccess(@Nullable List<Long> value);
-    public interface CurrentLocationAttributeCallback extends BaseAttributeCallback {
+    public interface CurrentAreaAttributeCallback extends BaseAttributeCallback {
       void onSuccess(@Nullable Long value);
@@ -39164,9 +39164,9 @@ public interface AttributeListAttributeCallback extends BaseAttributeCallback {
       void onSuccess(List<Long> value);
-    public void readSupportedLocationsAttribute(
-        SupportedLocationsAttributeCallback callback) {
-      ChipAttributePath path = ChipAttributePath.newInstance(endpointId, clusterId, SUPPORTED_LOCATIONS_ATTRIBUTE_ID);
+    public void readSupportedAreasAttribute(
+        SupportedAreasAttributeCallback callback) {
+      ChipAttributePath path = ChipAttributePath.newInstance(endpointId, clusterId, SUPPORTED_AREAS_ATTRIBUTE_ID);
       readAttribute(new ReportCallbackImpl(callback, path) {
@@ -39174,12 +39174,12 @@ public void onSuccess(byte[] tlv) {
             List<ChipStructs.ServiceAreaClusterAreaStruct> value = ChipTLVValueDecoder.decodeAttributeValue(path, tlv);
-    public void subscribeSupportedLocationsAttribute(
-        SupportedLocationsAttributeCallback callback, int minInterval, int maxInterval) {
-      ChipAttributePath path = ChipAttributePath.newInstance(endpointId, clusterId, SUPPORTED_LOCATIONS_ATTRIBUTE_ID);
+    public void subscribeSupportedAreasAttribute(
+        SupportedAreasAttributeCallback callback, int minInterval, int maxInterval) {
+      ChipAttributePath path = ChipAttributePath.newInstance(endpointId, clusterId, SUPPORTED_AREAS_ATTRIBUTE_ID);
       subscribeAttribute(new ReportCallbackImpl(callback, path) {
@@ -39187,7 +39187,7 @@ public void onSuccess(byte[] tlv) {
             List<ChipStructs.ServiceAreaClusterAreaStruct> value = ChipTLVValueDecoder.decodeAttributeValue(path, tlv);
-        }, SUPPORTED_LOCATIONS_ATTRIBUTE_ID, minInterval, maxInterval);
+        }, SUPPORTED_AREAS_ATTRIBUTE_ID, minInterval, maxInterval);
     public void readSupportedMapsAttribute(
@@ -39216,9 +39216,9 @@ public void onSuccess(byte[] tlv) {
         }, SUPPORTED_MAPS_ATTRIBUTE_ID, minInterval, maxInterval);
-    public void readSelectedLocationsAttribute(
-        SelectedLocationsAttributeCallback callback) {
-      ChipAttributePath path = ChipAttributePath.newInstance(endpointId, clusterId, SELECTED_LOCATIONS_ATTRIBUTE_ID);
+    public void readSelectedAreasAttribute(
+        SelectedAreasAttributeCallback callback) {
+      ChipAttributePath path = ChipAttributePath.newInstance(endpointId, clusterId, SELECTED_AREAS_ATTRIBUTE_ID);
       readAttribute(new ReportCallbackImpl(callback, path) {
@@ -39226,12 +39226,12 @@ public void onSuccess(byte[] tlv) {
             @Nullable List<Long> value = ChipTLVValueDecoder.decodeAttributeValue(path, tlv);
-    public void subscribeSelectedLocationsAttribute(
-        SelectedLocationsAttributeCallback callback, int minInterval, int maxInterval) {
-      ChipAttributePath path = ChipAttributePath.newInstance(endpointId, clusterId, SELECTED_LOCATIONS_ATTRIBUTE_ID);
+    public void subscribeSelectedAreasAttribute(
+        SelectedAreasAttributeCallback callback, int minInterval, int maxInterval) {
+      ChipAttributePath path = ChipAttributePath.newInstance(endpointId, clusterId, SELECTED_AREAS_ATTRIBUTE_ID);
       subscribeAttribute(new ReportCallbackImpl(callback, path) {
@@ -39239,12 +39239,12 @@ public void onSuccess(byte[] tlv) {
             @Nullable List<Long> value = ChipTLVValueDecoder.decodeAttributeValue(path, tlv);
-        }, SELECTED_LOCATIONS_ATTRIBUTE_ID, minInterval, maxInterval);
+        }, SELECTED_AREAS_ATTRIBUTE_ID, minInterval, maxInterval);
-    public void readCurrentLocationAttribute(
-        CurrentLocationAttributeCallback callback) {
-      ChipAttributePath path = ChipAttributePath.newInstance(endpointId, clusterId, CURRENT_LOCATION_ATTRIBUTE_ID);
+    public void readCurrentAreaAttribute(
+        CurrentAreaAttributeCallback callback) {
+      ChipAttributePath path = ChipAttributePath.newInstance(endpointId, clusterId, CURRENT_AREA_ATTRIBUTE_ID);
       readAttribute(new ReportCallbackImpl(callback, path) {
@@ -39252,12 +39252,12 @@ public void onSuccess(byte[] tlv) {
             @Nullable Long value = ChipTLVValueDecoder.decodeAttributeValue(path, tlv);
+        }, CURRENT_AREA_ATTRIBUTE_ID, true);
-    public void subscribeCurrentLocationAttribute(
-        CurrentLocationAttributeCallback callback, int minInterval, int maxInterval) {
-      ChipAttributePath path = ChipAttributePath.newInstance(endpointId, clusterId, CURRENT_LOCATION_ATTRIBUTE_ID);
+    public void subscribeCurrentAreaAttribute(
+        CurrentAreaAttributeCallback callback, int minInterval, int maxInterval) {
+      ChipAttributePath path = ChipAttributePath.newInstance(endpointId, clusterId, CURRENT_AREA_ATTRIBUTE_ID);
       subscribeAttribute(new ReportCallbackImpl(callback, path) {
@@ -39265,7 +39265,7 @@ public void onSuccess(byte[] tlv) {
             @Nullable Long value = ChipTLVValueDecoder.decodeAttributeValue(path, tlv);
-        }, CURRENT_LOCATION_ATTRIBUTE_ID, minInterval, maxInterval);
+        }, CURRENT_AREA_ATTRIBUTE_ID, minInterval, maxInterval);
     public void readEstimatedEndTimeAttribute(
diff --git a/src/controller/java/generated/java/chip/devicecontroller/ b/src/controller/java/generated/java/chip/devicecontroller/
index 6c8fccf1cdeda1..094c51f282d2c9 100644
--- a/src/controller/java/generated/java/chip/devicecontroller/
+++ b/src/controller/java/generated/java/chip/devicecontroller/
@@ -11633,10 +11633,10 @@ public long getID() {
         public enum Attribute {
-            SupportedLocations(0L),
+            SupportedAreas(0L),
-            SelectedLocations(2L),
-            CurrentLocation(3L),
+            SelectedAreas(2L),
+            CurrentArea(3L),
diff --git a/src/controller/java/generated/java/chip/devicecontroller/ b/src/controller/java/generated/java/chip/devicecontroller/
index 049c7b77ee55db..9ec26d56487923 100644
--- a/src/controller/java/generated/java/chip/devicecontroller/
+++ b/src/controller/java/generated/java/chip/devicecontroller/
@@ -13164,7 +13164,7 @@ public void onError(Exception error) {
-  public static class DelegatedServiceAreaClusterSupportedLocationsAttributeCallback implements ChipClusters.ServiceAreaCluster.SupportedLocationsAttributeCallback, DelegatedClusterCallback {
+  public static class DelegatedServiceAreaClusterSupportedAreasAttributeCallback implements ChipClusters.ServiceAreaCluster.SupportedAreasAttributeCallback, DelegatedClusterCallback {
     private ClusterCommandCallback callback;
     public void setCallbackDelegate(ClusterCommandCallback callback) {
@@ -13206,7 +13206,7 @@ public void onError(Exception ex) {
-  public static class DelegatedServiceAreaClusterSelectedLocationsAttributeCallback implements ChipClusters.ServiceAreaCluster.SelectedLocationsAttributeCallback, DelegatedClusterCallback {
+  public static class DelegatedServiceAreaClusterSelectedAreasAttributeCallback implements ChipClusters.ServiceAreaCluster.SelectedAreasAttributeCallback, DelegatedClusterCallback {
     private ClusterCommandCallback callback;
     public void setCallbackDelegate(ClusterCommandCallback callback) {
@@ -13227,7 +13227,7 @@ public void onError(Exception ex) {
-  public static class DelegatedServiceAreaClusterCurrentLocationAttributeCallback implements ChipClusters.ServiceAreaCluster.CurrentLocationAttributeCallback, DelegatedClusterCallback {
+  public static class DelegatedServiceAreaClusterCurrentAreaAttributeCallback implements ChipClusters.ServiceAreaCluster.CurrentAreaAttributeCallback, DelegatedClusterCallback {
     private ClusterCommandCallback callback;
     public void setCallbackDelegate(ClusterCommandCallback callback) {
diff --git a/src/controller/java/generated/java/chip/devicecontroller/ b/src/controller/java/generated/java/chip/devicecontroller/
index c6a6f189ba36eb..58147cf173605c 100644
--- a/src/controller/java/generated/java/chip/devicecontroller/
+++ b/src/controller/java/generated/java/chip/devicecontroller/
@@ -11852,17 +11852,17 @@ private static Map<String, InteractionInfo> readBarrierControlInteractionInfo()
        return result;
     private static Map<String, InteractionInfo> readServiceAreaInteractionInfo() {
-       Map<String, InteractionInfo> result = new LinkedHashMap<>();Map<String, CommandParameterInfo> readServiceAreaSupportedLocationsCommandParams = new LinkedHashMap<String, CommandParameterInfo>();
-        InteractionInfo readServiceAreaSupportedLocationsAttributeInteractionInfo = new InteractionInfo(
+       Map<String, InteractionInfo> result = new LinkedHashMap<>();Map<String, CommandParameterInfo> readServiceAreaSupportedAreasCommandParams = new LinkedHashMap<String, CommandParameterInfo>();
+        InteractionInfo readServiceAreaSupportedAreasAttributeInteractionInfo = new InteractionInfo(
           (cluster, callback, commandArguments) -> {
-            ((ChipClusters.ServiceAreaCluster) cluster).readSupportedLocationsAttribute(
-              (ChipClusters.ServiceAreaCluster.SupportedLocationsAttributeCallback) callback
+            ((ChipClusters.ServiceAreaCluster) cluster).readSupportedAreasAttribute(
+              (ChipClusters.ServiceAreaCluster.SupportedAreasAttributeCallback) callback
-          () -> new ClusterInfoMapping.DelegatedServiceAreaClusterSupportedLocationsAttributeCallback(),
-          readServiceAreaSupportedLocationsCommandParams
+          () -> new ClusterInfoMapping.DelegatedServiceAreaClusterSupportedAreasAttributeCallback(),
+          readServiceAreaSupportedAreasCommandParams
-        result.put("readSupportedLocationsAttribute", readServiceAreaSupportedLocationsAttributeInteractionInfo);
+        result.put("readSupportedAreasAttribute", readServiceAreaSupportedAreasAttributeInteractionInfo);
      Map<String, CommandParameterInfo> readServiceAreaSupportedMapsCommandParams = new LinkedHashMap<String, CommandParameterInfo>();
         InteractionInfo readServiceAreaSupportedMapsAttributeInteractionInfo = new InteractionInfo(
           (cluster, callback, commandArguments) -> {
@@ -11874,28 +11874,28 @@ private static Map<String, InteractionInfo> readServiceAreaInteractionInfo() {
         result.put("readSupportedMapsAttribute", readServiceAreaSupportedMapsAttributeInteractionInfo);
-     Map<String, CommandParameterInfo> readServiceAreaSelectedLocationsCommandParams = new LinkedHashMap<String, CommandParameterInfo>();
-        InteractionInfo readServiceAreaSelectedLocationsAttributeInteractionInfo = new InteractionInfo(
+     Map<String, CommandParameterInfo> readServiceAreaSelectedAreasCommandParams = new LinkedHashMap<String, CommandParameterInfo>();
+        InteractionInfo readServiceAreaSelectedAreasAttributeInteractionInfo = new InteractionInfo(
           (cluster, callback, commandArguments) -> {
-            ((ChipClusters.ServiceAreaCluster) cluster).readSelectedLocationsAttribute(
-              (ChipClusters.ServiceAreaCluster.SelectedLocationsAttributeCallback) callback
+            ((ChipClusters.ServiceAreaCluster) cluster).readSelectedAreasAttribute(
+              (ChipClusters.ServiceAreaCluster.SelectedAreasAttributeCallback) callback
-          () -> new ClusterInfoMapping.DelegatedServiceAreaClusterSelectedLocationsAttributeCallback(),
-          readServiceAreaSelectedLocationsCommandParams
+          () -> new ClusterInfoMapping.DelegatedServiceAreaClusterSelectedAreasAttributeCallback(),
+          readServiceAreaSelectedAreasCommandParams
-        result.put("readSelectedLocationsAttribute", readServiceAreaSelectedLocationsAttributeInteractionInfo);
-     Map<String, CommandParameterInfo> readServiceAreaCurrentLocationCommandParams = new LinkedHashMap<String, CommandParameterInfo>();
-        InteractionInfo readServiceAreaCurrentLocationAttributeInteractionInfo = new InteractionInfo(
+        result.put("readSelectedAreasAttribute", readServiceAreaSelectedAreasAttributeInteractionInfo);
+     Map<String, CommandParameterInfo> readServiceAreaCurrentAreaCommandParams = new LinkedHashMap<String, CommandParameterInfo>();
+        InteractionInfo readServiceAreaCurrentAreaAttributeInteractionInfo = new InteractionInfo(
           (cluster, callback, commandArguments) -> {
-            ((ChipClusters.ServiceAreaCluster) cluster).readCurrentLocationAttribute(
-              (ChipClusters.ServiceAreaCluster.CurrentLocationAttributeCallback) callback
+            ((ChipClusters.ServiceAreaCluster) cluster).readCurrentAreaAttribute(
+              (ChipClusters.ServiceAreaCluster.CurrentAreaAttributeCallback) callback
-          () -> new ClusterInfoMapping.DelegatedServiceAreaClusterCurrentLocationAttributeCallback(),
-          readServiceAreaCurrentLocationCommandParams
+          () -> new ClusterInfoMapping.DelegatedServiceAreaClusterCurrentAreaAttributeCallback(),
+          readServiceAreaCurrentAreaCommandParams
-        result.put("readCurrentLocationAttribute", readServiceAreaCurrentLocationAttributeInteractionInfo);
+        result.put("readCurrentAreaAttribute", readServiceAreaCurrentAreaAttributeInteractionInfo);
      Map<String, CommandParameterInfo> readServiceAreaEstimatedEndTimeCommandParams = new LinkedHashMap<String, CommandParameterInfo>();
         InteractionInfo readServiceAreaEstimatedEndTimeAttributeInteractionInfo = new InteractionInfo(
           (cluster, callback, commandArguments) -> {
diff --git a/src/controller/java/generated/java/matter/controller/cluster/clusters/ServiceAreaCluster.kt b/src/controller/java/generated/java/matter/controller/cluster/clusters/ServiceAreaCluster.kt
index cbf704a9a24a1d..55a635a55f1a26 100644
--- a/src/controller/java/generated/java/matter/controller/cluster/clusters/ServiceAreaCluster.kt
+++ b/src/controller/java/generated/java/matter/controller/cluster/clusters/ServiceAreaCluster.kt
@@ -44,15 +44,15 @@ class ServiceAreaCluster(private val controller: MatterController, private val e
   class SkipCurrentLocationResponse(val status: UByte, val statusText: String?)
-  class SupportedLocationsAttribute(val value: List<ServiceAreaClusterAreaStruct>)
+  class SupportedAreasAttribute(val value: List<ServiceAreaClusterAreaStruct>)
-  sealed class SupportedLocationsAttributeSubscriptionState {
+  sealed class SupportedAreasAttributeSubscriptionState {
     data class Success(val value: List<ServiceAreaClusterAreaStruct>) :
-      SupportedLocationsAttributeSubscriptionState()
+      SupportedAreasAttributeSubscriptionState()
-    data class Error(val exception: Exception) : SupportedLocationsAttributeSubscriptionState()
+    data class Error(val exception: Exception) : SupportedAreasAttributeSubscriptionState()
-    object SubscriptionEstablished : SupportedLocationsAttributeSubscriptionState()
+    object SubscriptionEstablished : SupportedAreasAttributeSubscriptionState()
   class SupportedMapsAttribute(val value: List<ServiceAreaClusterMapStruct>?)
@@ -66,24 +66,24 @@ class ServiceAreaCluster(private val controller: MatterController, private val e
     object SubscriptionEstablished : SupportedMapsAttributeSubscriptionState()
-  class SelectedLocationsAttribute(val value: List<UInt>?)
+  class SelectedAreasAttribute(val value: List<UInt>?)
-  sealed class SelectedLocationsAttributeSubscriptionState {
-    data class Success(val value: List<UInt>?) : SelectedLocationsAttributeSubscriptionState()
+  sealed class SelectedAreasAttributeSubscriptionState {
+    data class Success(val value: List<UInt>?) : SelectedAreasAttributeSubscriptionState()
-    data class Error(val exception: Exception) : SelectedLocationsAttributeSubscriptionState()
+    data class Error(val exception: Exception) : SelectedAreasAttributeSubscriptionState()
-    object SubscriptionEstablished : SelectedLocationsAttributeSubscriptionState()
+    object SubscriptionEstablished : SelectedAreasAttributeSubscriptionState()
-  class CurrentLocationAttribute(val value: UInt?)
+  class CurrentAreaAttribute(val value: UInt?)
-  sealed class CurrentLocationAttributeSubscriptionState {
-    data class Success(val value: UInt?) : CurrentLocationAttributeSubscriptionState()
+  sealed class CurrentAreaAttributeSubscriptionState {
+    data class Success(val value: UInt?) : CurrentAreaAttributeSubscriptionState()
-    data class Error(val exception: Exception) : CurrentLocationAttributeSubscriptionState()
+    data class Error(val exception: Exception) : CurrentAreaAttributeSubscriptionState()
-    object SubscriptionEstablished : CurrentLocationAttributeSubscriptionState()
+    object SubscriptionEstablished : CurrentAreaAttributeSubscriptionState()
   class EstimatedEndTimeAttribute(val value: UInt?)
@@ -277,7 +277,7 @@ class ServiceAreaCluster(private val controller: MatterController, private val e
     return SkipCurrentLocationResponse(status_decoded, statusText_decoded)
-  suspend fun readSupportedLocationsAttribute(): SupportedLocationsAttribute {
+  suspend fun readSupportedAreasAttribute(): SupportedAreasAttribute {
     val ATTRIBUTE_ID: UInt = 0u
     val attributePath =
@@ -299,7 +299,7 @@ class ServiceAreaCluster(private val controller: MatterController, private val e
         it.path.attributeId == ATTRIBUTE_ID
-    requireNotNull(attributeData) { "Supportedlocations attribute not found in response" }
+    requireNotNull(attributeData) { "Supportedareas attribute not found in response" }
     // Decode the TLV data into the appropriate type
     val tlvReader = TlvReader(
@@ -312,13 +312,13 @@ class ServiceAreaCluster(private val controller: MatterController, private val e
-    return SupportedLocationsAttribute(decodedValue)
+    return SupportedAreasAttribute(decodedValue)
-  suspend fun subscribeSupportedLocationsAttribute(
+  suspend fun subscribeSupportedAreasAttribute(
     minInterval: Int,
     maxInterval: Int,
-  ): Flow<SupportedLocationsAttributeSubscriptionState> {
+  ): Flow<SupportedAreasAttributeSubscriptionState> {
     val ATTRIBUTE_ID: UInt = 0u
     val attributePaths =
@@ -337,7 +337,7 @@ class ServiceAreaCluster(private val controller: MatterController, private val e
       when (subscriptionState) {
         is SubscriptionState.SubscriptionErrorNotification -> {
-            SupportedLocationsAttributeSubscriptionState.Error(
+            SupportedAreasAttributeSubscriptionState.Error(
                 "Subscription terminated with error code: ${subscriptionState.terminationCause}"
@@ -351,7 +351,7 @@ class ServiceAreaCluster(private val controller: MatterController, private val e
               .firstOrNull { it.path.attributeId == ATTRIBUTE_ID }
           requireNotNull(attributeData) {
-            "Supportedlocations attribute not found in Node State update"
+            "Supportedareas attribute not found in Node State update"
           // Decode the TLV data into the appropriate type
@@ -365,10 +365,10 @@ class ServiceAreaCluster(private val controller: MatterController, private val e
-          emit(SupportedLocationsAttributeSubscriptionState.Success(decodedValue))
+          emit(SupportedAreasAttributeSubscriptionState.Success(decodedValue))
         SubscriptionState.SubscriptionEstablished -> {
-          emit(SupportedLocationsAttributeSubscriptionState.SubscriptionEstablished)
+          emit(SupportedAreasAttributeSubscriptionState.SubscriptionEstablished)
@@ -479,7 +479,7 @@ class ServiceAreaCluster(private val controller: MatterController, private val e
-  suspend fun readSelectedLocationsAttribute(): SelectedLocationsAttribute {
+  suspend fun readSelectedAreasAttribute(): SelectedAreasAttribute {
     val ATTRIBUTE_ID: UInt = 2u
     val attributePath =
@@ -501,7 +501,7 @@ class ServiceAreaCluster(private val controller: MatterController, private val e
         it.path.attributeId == ATTRIBUTE_ID
-    requireNotNull(attributeData) { "Selectedlocations attribute not found in response" }
+    requireNotNull(attributeData) { "Selectedareas attribute not found in response" }
     // Decode the TLV data into the appropriate type
     val tlvReader = TlvReader(
@@ -519,13 +519,13 @@ class ServiceAreaCluster(private val controller: MatterController, private val e
-    return SelectedLocationsAttribute(decodedValue)
+    return SelectedAreasAttribute(decodedValue)
-  suspend fun subscribeSelectedLocationsAttribute(
+  suspend fun subscribeSelectedAreasAttribute(
     minInterval: Int,
     maxInterval: Int,
-  ): Flow<SelectedLocationsAttributeSubscriptionState> {
+  ): Flow<SelectedAreasAttributeSubscriptionState> {
     val ATTRIBUTE_ID: UInt = 2u
     val attributePaths =
@@ -544,7 +544,7 @@ class ServiceAreaCluster(private val controller: MatterController, private val e
       when (subscriptionState) {
         is SubscriptionState.SubscriptionErrorNotification -> {
-            SelectedLocationsAttributeSubscriptionState.Error(
+            SelectedAreasAttributeSubscriptionState.Error(
                 "Subscription terminated with error code: ${subscriptionState.terminationCause}"
@@ -557,9 +557,7 @@ class ServiceAreaCluster(private val controller: MatterController, private val e
               .firstOrNull { it.path.attributeId == ATTRIBUTE_ID }
-          requireNotNull(attributeData) {
-            "Selectedlocations attribute not found in Node State update"
-          }
+          requireNotNull(attributeData) { "Selectedareas attribute not found in Node State update" }
           // Decode the TLV data into the appropriate type
           val tlvReader = TlvReader(
@@ -577,16 +575,16 @@ class ServiceAreaCluster(private val controller: MatterController, private val e
-          decodedValue?.let { emit(SelectedLocationsAttributeSubscriptionState.Success(it)) }
+          decodedValue?.let { emit(SelectedAreasAttributeSubscriptionState.Success(it)) }
         SubscriptionState.SubscriptionEstablished -> {
-          emit(SelectedLocationsAttributeSubscriptionState.SubscriptionEstablished)
+          emit(SelectedAreasAttributeSubscriptionState.SubscriptionEstablished)
-  suspend fun readCurrentLocationAttribute(): CurrentLocationAttribute {
+  suspend fun readCurrentAreaAttribute(): CurrentAreaAttribute {
     val ATTRIBUTE_ID: UInt = 3u
     val attributePath =
@@ -608,7 +606,7 @@ class ServiceAreaCluster(private val controller: MatterController, private val e
         it.path.attributeId == ATTRIBUTE_ID
-    requireNotNull(attributeData) { "Currentlocation attribute not found in response" }
+    requireNotNull(attributeData) { "Currentarea attribute not found in response" }
     // Decode the TLV data into the appropriate type
     val tlvReader = TlvReader(
@@ -624,13 +622,13 @@ class ServiceAreaCluster(private val controller: MatterController, private val e
-    return CurrentLocationAttribute(decodedValue)
+    return CurrentAreaAttribute(decodedValue)
-  suspend fun subscribeCurrentLocationAttribute(
+  suspend fun subscribeCurrentAreaAttribute(
     minInterval: Int,
     maxInterval: Int,
-  ): Flow<CurrentLocationAttributeSubscriptionState> {
+  ): Flow<CurrentAreaAttributeSubscriptionState> {
     val ATTRIBUTE_ID: UInt = 3u
     val attributePaths =
@@ -649,7 +647,7 @@ class ServiceAreaCluster(private val controller: MatterController, private val e
       when (subscriptionState) {
         is SubscriptionState.SubscriptionErrorNotification -> {
-            CurrentLocationAttributeSubscriptionState.Error(
+            CurrentAreaAttributeSubscriptionState.Error(
                 "Subscription terminated with error code: ${subscriptionState.terminationCause}"
@@ -662,9 +660,7 @@ class ServiceAreaCluster(private val controller: MatterController, private val e
               .firstOrNull { it.path.attributeId == ATTRIBUTE_ID }
-          requireNotNull(attributeData) {
-            "Currentlocation attribute not found in Node State update"
-          }
+          requireNotNull(attributeData) { "Currentarea attribute not found in Node State update" }
           // Decode the TLV data into the appropriate type
           val tlvReader = TlvReader(
@@ -680,10 +676,10 @@ class ServiceAreaCluster(private val controller: MatterController, private val e
-          decodedValue?.let { emit(CurrentLocationAttributeSubscriptionState.Success(it)) }
+          decodedValue?.let { emit(CurrentAreaAttributeSubscriptionState.Success(it)) }
         SubscriptionState.SubscriptionEstablished -> {
-          emit(CurrentLocationAttributeSubscriptionState.SubscriptionEstablished)
+          emit(CurrentAreaAttributeSubscriptionState.SubscriptionEstablished)
diff --git a/src/controller/java/zap-generated/CHIPAttributeTLVValueDecoder.cpp b/src/controller/java/zap-generated/CHIPAttributeTLVValueDecoder.cpp
index 95279c8f929035..3b70eb5b2e98bb 100644
--- a/src/controller/java/zap-generated/CHIPAttributeTLVValueDecoder.cpp
+++ b/src/controller/java/zap-generated/CHIPAttributeTLVValueDecoder.cpp
@@ -28594,8 +28594,8 @@ jobject DecodeAttributeValue(const app::ConcreteAttributePath & aPath, TLV::TLVR
         using namespace app::Clusters::ServiceArea;
         switch (aPath.mAttributeId)
-        case Attributes::SupportedLocations::Id: {
-            using TypeInfo = Attributes::SupportedLocations::TypeInfo;
+        case Attributes::SupportedAreas::Id: {
+            using TypeInfo = Attributes::SupportedAreas::TypeInfo;
             TypeInfo::DecodableType cppValue;
             *aError = app::DataModel::Decode(aReader, cppValue);
             if (*aError != CHIP_NO_ERROR)
@@ -28851,8 +28851,8 @@ jobject DecodeAttributeValue(const app::ConcreteAttributePath & aPath, TLV::TLVR
             return value;
-        case Attributes::SelectedLocations::Id: {
-            using TypeInfo = Attributes::SelectedLocations::TypeInfo;
+        case Attributes::SelectedAreas::Id: {
+            using TypeInfo = Attributes::SelectedAreas::TypeInfo;
             TypeInfo::DecodableType cppValue;
             *aError = app::DataModel::Decode(aReader, cppValue);
             if (*aError != CHIP_NO_ERROR)
@@ -28883,8 +28883,8 @@ jobject DecodeAttributeValue(const app::ConcreteAttributePath & aPath, TLV::TLVR
             return value;
-        case Attributes::CurrentLocation::Id: {
-            using TypeInfo = Attributes::CurrentLocation::TypeInfo;
+        case Attributes::CurrentArea::Id: {
+            using TypeInfo = Attributes::CurrentArea::TypeInfo;
             TypeInfo::DecodableType cppValue;
             *aError = app::DataModel::Decode(aReader, cppValue);
             if (*aError != CHIP_NO_ERROR)
diff --git a/src/controller/python/chip/clusters/ b/src/controller/python/chip/clusters/
index 275e2e6b63f099..b04e7e12af9063 100644
--- a/src/controller/python/chip/clusters/
+++ b/src/controller/python/chip/clusters/
@@ -8570,7 +8570,7 @@ class ChipClusters:
         "attributes": {
             0x00000000: {
-                "attributeName": "SupportedLocations",
+                "attributeName": "SupportedAreas",
                 "attributeId": 0x00000000,
                 "type": "",
                 "reportable": True,
@@ -8582,13 +8582,13 @@ class ChipClusters:
                 "reportable": True,
             0x00000002: {
-                "attributeName": "SelectedLocations",
+                "attributeName": "SelectedAreas",
                 "attributeId": 0x00000002,
                 "type": "int",
                 "reportable": True,
             0x00000003: {
-                "attributeName": "CurrentLocation",
+                "attributeName": "CurrentArea",
                 "attributeId": 0x00000003,
                 "type": "int",
                 "reportable": True,
diff --git a/src/controller/python/chip/clusters/ b/src/controller/python/chip/clusters/
index 05a8ea9dd29df9..acb75ccfaca46c 100644
--- a/src/controller/python/chip/clusters/
+++ b/src/controller/python/chip/clusters/
@@ -31095,10 +31095,10 @@ class ServiceArea(Cluster):
     def descriptor(cls) -> ClusterObjectDescriptor:
         return ClusterObjectDescriptor(
-                ClusterObjectFieldDescriptor(Label="supportedLocations", Tag=0x00000000, Type=typing.List[ServiceArea.Structs.AreaStruct]),
+                ClusterObjectFieldDescriptor(Label="supportedAreas", Tag=0x00000000, Type=typing.List[ServiceArea.Structs.AreaStruct]),
                 ClusterObjectFieldDescriptor(Label="supportedMaps", Tag=0x00000001, Type=typing.Union[Nullable, typing.List[ServiceArea.Structs.MapStruct]]),
-                ClusterObjectFieldDescriptor(Label="selectedLocations", Tag=0x00000002, Type=typing.Union[Nullable, typing.List[uint]]),
-                ClusterObjectFieldDescriptor(Label="currentLocation", Tag=0x00000003, Type=typing.Union[None, Nullable, uint]),
+                ClusterObjectFieldDescriptor(Label="selectedAreas", Tag=0x00000002, Type=typing.Union[Nullable, typing.List[uint]]),
+                ClusterObjectFieldDescriptor(Label="currentArea", Tag=0x00000003, Type=typing.Union[None, Nullable, uint]),
                 ClusterObjectFieldDescriptor(Label="estimatedEndTime", Tag=0x00000004, Type=typing.Union[None, Nullable, uint]),
                 ClusterObjectFieldDescriptor(Label="progress", Tag=0x00000005, Type=typing.Union[None, Nullable, typing.List[ServiceArea.Structs.ProgressStruct]]),
                 ClusterObjectFieldDescriptor(Label="generatedCommandList", Tag=0x0000FFF8, Type=typing.List[uint]),
@@ -31109,10 +31109,10 @@ def descriptor(cls) -> ClusterObjectDescriptor:
                 ClusterObjectFieldDescriptor(Label="clusterRevision", Tag=0x0000FFFD, Type=uint),
-    supportedLocations: 'typing.List[ServiceArea.Structs.AreaStruct]' = None
+    supportedAreas: 'typing.List[ServiceArea.Structs.AreaStruct]' = None
     supportedMaps: 'typing.Union[Nullable, typing.List[ServiceArea.Structs.MapStruct]]' = None
-    selectedLocations: 'typing.Union[Nullable, typing.List[uint]]' = None
-    currentLocation: 'typing.Union[None, Nullable, uint]' = None
+    selectedAreas: 'typing.Union[Nullable, typing.List[uint]]' = None
+    currentArea: 'typing.Union[None, Nullable, uint]' = None
     estimatedEndTime: 'typing.Union[None, Nullable, uint]' = None
     progress: 'typing.Union[None, Nullable, typing.List[ServiceArea.Structs.ProgressStruct]]' = None
     generatedCommandList: 'typing.List[uint]' = None
@@ -31292,7 +31292,7 @@ def descriptor(cls) -> ClusterObjectDescriptor:
     class Attributes:
-        class SupportedLocations(ClusterAttributeDescriptor):
+        class SupportedAreas(ClusterAttributeDescriptor):
             def cluster_id(cls) -> int:
                 return 0x00000150
@@ -31324,7 +31324,7 @@ def attribute_type(cls) -> ClusterObjectFieldDescriptor:
             value: 'typing.Union[Nullable, typing.List[ServiceArea.Structs.MapStruct]]' = NullValue
-        class SelectedLocations(ClusterAttributeDescriptor):
+        class SelectedAreas(ClusterAttributeDescriptor):
             def cluster_id(cls) -> int:
                 return 0x00000150
@@ -31340,7 +31340,7 @@ def attribute_type(cls) -> ClusterObjectFieldDescriptor:
             value: 'typing.Union[Nullable, typing.List[uint]]' = NullValue
-        class CurrentLocation(ClusterAttributeDescriptor):
+        class CurrentArea(ClusterAttributeDescriptor):
             def cluster_id(cls) -> int:
                 return 0x00000150
diff --git a/src/darwin/Framework/CHIP/zap-generated/ b/src/darwin/Framework/CHIP/zap-generated/
index 241c006a7074fd..39121bf11e7530 100644
--- a/src/darwin/Framework/CHIP/zap-generated/
+++ b/src/darwin/Framework/CHIP/zap-generated/
@@ -3858,16 +3858,16 @@ static BOOL AttributeIsSpecifiedInServiceAreaCluster(AttributeId aAttributeId)
     using namespace Clusters::ServiceArea;
     switch (aAttributeId) {
-    case Attributes::SupportedLocations::Id: {
+    case Attributes::SupportedAreas::Id: {
         return YES;
     case Attributes::SupportedMaps::Id: {
         return YES;
-    case Attributes::SelectedLocations::Id: {
+    case Attributes::SelectedAreas::Id: {
         return YES;
-    case Attributes::CurrentLocation::Id: {
+    case Attributes::CurrentArea::Id: {
         return YES;
     case Attributes::EstimatedEndTime::Id: {
diff --git a/src/darwin/Framework/CHIP/zap-generated/ b/src/darwin/Framework/CHIP/zap-generated/
index 5ed9c5ffb5db13..2e9c77272ec51b 100644
--- a/src/darwin/Framework/CHIP/zap-generated/
+++ b/src/darwin/Framework/CHIP/zap-generated/
@@ -11165,8 +11165,8 @@ static id _Nullable DecodeAttributeValueForServiceAreaCluster(AttributeId aAttri
     using namespace Clusters::ServiceArea;
     switch (aAttributeId) {
-    case Attributes::SupportedLocations::Id: {
-        using TypeInfo = Attributes::SupportedLocations::TypeInfo;
+    case Attributes::SupportedAreas::Id: {
+        using TypeInfo = Attributes::SupportedAreas::TypeInfo;
         TypeInfo::DecodableType cppValue;
         *aError = DataModel::Decode(aReader, cppValue);
         if (*aError != CHIP_NO_ERROR) {
@@ -11271,8 +11271,8 @@ static id _Nullable DecodeAttributeValueForServiceAreaCluster(AttributeId aAttri
         return value;
-    case Attributes::SelectedLocations::Id: {
-        using TypeInfo = Attributes::SelectedLocations::TypeInfo;
+    case Attributes::SelectedAreas::Id: {
+        using TypeInfo = Attributes::SelectedAreas::TypeInfo;
         TypeInfo::DecodableType cppValue;
         *aError = DataModel::Decode(aReader, cppValue);
         if (*aError != CHIP_NO_ERROR) {
@@ -11301,8 +11301,8 @@ static id _Nullable DecodeAttributeValueForServiceAreaCluster(AttributeId aAttri
         return value;
-    case Attributes::CurrentLocation::Id: {
-        using TypeInfo = Attributes::CurrentLocation::TypeInfo;
+    case Attributes::CurrentArea::Id: {
+        using TypeInfo = Attributes::CurrentArea::TypeInfo;
         TypeInfo::DecodableType cppValue;
         *aError = DataModel::Decode(aReader, cppValue);
         if (*aError != CHIP_NO_ERROR) {
diff --git a/src/darwin/Framework/CHIP/zap-generated/MTRBaseClusters.h b/src/darwin/Framework/CHIP/zap-generated/MTRBaseClusters.h
index af115925dfd79f..7461d2ea9bfc11 100644
--- a/src/darwin/Framework/CHIP/zap-generated/MTRBaseClusters.h
+++ b/src/darwin/Framework/CHIP/zap-generated/MTRBaseClusters.h
@@ -9704,11 +9704,11 @@ MTR_PROVISIONALLY_AVAILABLE
 - (void)skipCurrentLocationWithCompletion:(void (^)(MTRServiceAreaClusterSkipCurrentLocationResponseParams * _Nullable data, NSError * _Nullable error))completion
-- (void)readAttributeSupportedLocationsWithCompletion:(void (^)(NSArray * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable error))completion MTR_PROVISIONALLY_AVAILABLE;
-- (void)subscribeAttributeSupportedLocationsWithParams:(MTRSubscribeParams *)params
-                               subscriptionEstablished:(MTRSubscriptionEstablishedHandler _Nullable)subscriptionEstablished
-                                         reportHandler:(void (^)(NSArray * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable error))reportHandler MTR_PROVISIONALLY_AVAILABLE;
-+ (void)readAttributeSupportedLocationsWithClusterStateCache:(MTRClusterStateCacheContainer *)clusterStateCacheContainer endpoint:(NSNumber *)endpoint queue:(dispatch_queue_t)queue completion:(void (^)(NSArray * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable error))completion MTR_PROVISIONALLY_AVAILABLE;
+- (void)readAttributeSupportedAreasWithCompletion:(void (^)(NSArray * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable error))completion MTR_PROVISIONALLY_AVAILABLE;
+- (void)subscribeAttributeSupportedAreasWithParams:(MTRSubscribeParams *)params
+                           subscriptionEstablished:(MTRSubscriptionEstablishedHandler _Nullable)subscriptionEstablished
+                                     reportHandler:(void (^)(NSArray * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable error))reportHandler MTR_PROVISIONALLY_AVAILABLE;
++ (void)readAttributeSupportedAreasWithClusterStateCache:(MTRClusterStateCacheContainer *)clusterStateCacheContainer endpoint:(NSNumber *)endpoint queue:(dispatch_queue_t)queue completion:(void (^)(NSArray * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable error))completion MTR_PROVISIONALLY_AVAILABLE;
 - (void)readAttributeSupportedMapsWithCompletion:(void (^)(NSArray * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable error))completion MTR_PROVISIONALLY_AVAILABLE;
 - (void)subscribeAttributeSupportedMapsWithParams:(MTRSubscribeParams *)params
@@ -9716,17 +9716,17 @@ MTR_PROVISIONALLY_AVAILABLE
                                     reportHandler:(void (^)(NSArray * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable error))reportHandler MTR_PROVISIONALLY_AVAILABLE;
 + (void)readAttributeSupportedMapsWithClusterStateCache:(MTRClusterStateCacheContainer *)clusterStateCacheContainer endpoint:(NSNumber *)endpoint queue:(dispatch_queue_t)queue completion:(void (^)(NSArray * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable error))completion MTR_PROVISIONALLY_AVAILABLE;
-- (void)readAttributeSelectedLocationsWithCompletion:(void (^)(NSArray * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable error))completion MTR_PROVISIONALLY_AVAILABLE;
-- (void)subscribeAttributeSelectedLocationsWithParams:(MTRSubscribeParams *)params
-                              subscriptionEstablished:(MTRSubscriptionEstablishedHandler _Nullable)subscriptionEstablished
-                                        reportHandler:(void (^)(NSArray * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable error))reportHandler MTR_PROVISIONALLY_AVAILABLE;
-+ (void)readAttributeSelectedLocationsWithClusterStateCache:(MTRClusterStateCacheContainer *)clusterStateCacheContainer endpoint:(NSNumber *)endpoint queue:(dispatch_queue_t)queue completion:(void (^)(NSArray * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable error))completion MTR_PROVISIONALLY_AVAILABLE;
+- (void)readAttributeSelectedAreasWithCompletion:(void (^)(NSArray * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable error))completion MTR_PROVISIONALLY_AVAILABLE;
+- (void)subscribeAttributeSelectedAreasWithParams:(MTRSubscribeParams *)params
+                          subscriptionEstablished:(MTRSubscriptionEstablishedHandler _Nullable)subscriptionEstablished
+                                    reportHandler:(void (^)(NSArray * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable error))reportHandler MTR_PROVISIONALLY_AVAILABLE;
++ (void)readAttributeSelectedAreasWithClusterStateCache:(MTRClusterStateCacheContainer *)clusterStateCacheContainer endpoint:(NSNumber *)endpoint queue:(dispatch_queue_t)queue completion:(void (^)(NSArray * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable error))completion MTR_PROVISIONALLY_AVAILABLE;
-- (void)readAttributeCurrentLocationWithCompletion:(void (^)(NSNumber * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable error))completion MTR_PROVISIONALLY_AVAILABLE;
-- (void)subscribeAttributeCurrentLocationWithParams:(MTRSubscribeParams *)params
-                            subscriptionEstablished:(MTRSubscriptionEstablishedHandler _Nullable)subscriptionEstablished
-                                      reportHandler:(void (^)(NSNumber * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable error))reportHandler MTR_PROVISIONALLY_AVAILABLE;
-+ (void)readAttributeCurrentLocationWithClusterStateCache:(MTRClusterStateCacheContainer *)clusterStateCacheContainer endpoint:(NSNumber *)endpoint queue:(dispatch_queue_t)queue completion:(void (^)(NSNumber * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable error))completion MTR_PROVISIONALLY_AVAILABLE;
+- (void)readAttributeCurrentAreaWithCompletion:(void (^)(NSNumber * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable error))completion MTR_PROVISIONALLY_AVAILABLE;
+- (void)subscribeAttributeCurrentAreaWithParams:(MTRSubscribeParams *)params
+                        subscriptionEstablished:(MTRSubscriptionEstablishedHandler _Nullable)subscriptionEstablished
+                                  reportHandler:(void (^)(NSNumber * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable error))reportHandler MTR_PROVISIONALLY_AVAILABLE;
++ (void)readAttributeCurrentAreaWithClusterStateCache:(MTRClusterStateCacheContainer *)clusterStateCacheContainer endpoint:(NSNumber *)endpoint queue:(dispatch_queue_t)queue completion:(void (^)(NSNumber * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable error))completion MTR_PROVISIONALLY_AVAILABLE;
 - (void)readAttributeEstimatedEndTimeWithCompletion:(void (^)(NSNumber * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable error))completion MTR_PROVISIONALLY_AVAILABLE;
 - (void)subscribeAttributeEstimatedEndTimeWithParams:(MTRSubscribeParams *)params
diff --git a/src/darwin/Framework/CHIP/zap-generated/ b/src/darwin/Framework/CHIP/zap-generated/
index ddbcc431e5dd86..478980df272834 100644
--- a/src/darwin/Framework/CHIP/zap-generated/
+++ b/src/darwin/Framework/CHIP/zap-generated/
@@ -65381,9 +65381,9 @@ - (void)skipCurrentLocationWithParams:(MTRServiceAreaClusterSkipCurrentLocationP
-- (void)readAttributeSupportedLocationsWithCompletion:(void (^)(NSArray * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable error))completion
+- (void)readAttributeSupportedAreasWithCompletion:(void (^)(NSArray * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable error))completion
-    using TypeInfo = ServiceArea::Attributes::SupportedLocations::TypeInfo;
+    using TypeInfo = ServiceArea::Attributes::SupportedAreas::TypeInfo;
     [self.device _readKnownAttributeWithEndpointID:self.endpointID
@@ -65392,11 +65392,11 @@ - (void)readAttributeSupportedLocationsWithCompletion:(void (^)(NSArray * _Nulla
-- (void)subscribeAttributeSupportedLocationsWithParams:(MTRSubscribeParams * _Nonnull)params
-                               subscriptionEstablished:(MTRSubscriptionEstablishedHandler _Nullable)subscriptionEstablished
-                                         reportHandler:(void (^)(NSArray * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable error))reportHandler
+- (void)subscribeAttributeSupportedAreasWithParams:(MTRSubscribeParams * _Nonnull)params
+                           subscriptionEstablished:(MTRSubscriptionEstablishedHandler _Nullable)subscriptionEstablished
+                                     reportHandler:(void (^)(NSArray * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable error))reportHandler
-    using TypeInfo = ServiceArea::Attributes::SupportedLocations::TypeInfo;
+    using TypeInfo = ServiceArea::Attributes::SupportedAreas::TypeInfo;
     [self.device _subscribeToKnownAttributeWithEndpointID:self.endpointID
@@ -65406,9 +65406,9 @@ - (void)subscribeAttributeSupportedLocationsWithParams:(MTRSubscribeParams * _No
-+ (void)readAttributeSupportedLocationsWithClusterStateCache:(MTRClusterStateCacheContainer *)clusterStateCacheContainer endpoint:(NSNumber *)endpoint queue:(dispatch_queue_t)queue completion:(void (^)(NSArray * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable error))completion
++ (void)readAttributeSupportedAreasWithClusterStateCache:(MTRClusterStateCacheContainer *)clusterStateCacheContainer endpoint:(NSNumber *)endpoint queue:(dispatch_queue_t)queue completion:(void (^)(NSArray * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable error))completion
-    using TypeInfo = ServiceArea::Attributes::SupportedLocations::TypeInfo;
+    using TypeInfo = ServiceArea::Attributes::SupportedAreas::TypeInfo;
         _readKnownCachedAttributeWithEndpointID:static_cast<chip::EndpointId>([endpoint unsignedShortValue])
@@ -65453,9 +65453,9 @@ + (void)readAttributeSupportedMapsWithClusterStateCache:(MTRClusterStateCacheCon
-- (void)readAttributeSelectedLocationsWithCompletion:(void (^)(NSArray * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable error))completion
+- (void)readAttributeSelectedAreasWithCompletion:(void (^)(NSArray * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable error))completion
-    using TypeInfo = ServiceArea::Attributes::SelectedLocations::TypeInfo;
+    using TypeInfo = ServiceArea::Attributes::SelectedAreas::TypeInfo;
     [self.device _readKnownAttributeWithEndpointID:self.endpointID
@@ -65464,11 +65464,11 @@ - (void)readAttributeSelectedLocationsWithCompletion:(void (^)(NSArray * _Nullab
-- (void)subscribeAttributeSelectedLocationsWithParams:(MTRSubscribeParams * _Nonnull)params
-                              subscriptionEstablished:(MTRSubscriptionEstablishedHandler _Nullable)subscriptionEstablished
-                                        reportHandler:(void (^)(NSArray * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable error))reportHandler
+- (void)subscribeAttributeSelectedAreasWithParams:(MTRSubscribeParams * _Nonnull)params
+                          subscriptionEstablished:(MTRSubscriptionEstablishedHandler _Nullable)subscriptionEstablished
+                                    reportHandler:(void (^)(NSArray * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable error))reportHandler
-    using TypeInfo = ServiceArea::Attributes::SelectedLocations::TypeInfo;
+    using TypeInfo = ServiceArea::Attributes::SelectedAreas::TypeInfo;
     [self.device _subscribeToKnownAttributeWithEndpointID:self.endpointID
@@ -65478,9 +65478,9 @@ - (void)subscribeAttributeSelectedLocationsWithParams:(MTRSubscribeParams * _Non
-+ (void)readAttributeSelectedLocationsWithClusterStateCache:(MTRClusterStateCacheContainer *)clusterStateCacheContainer endpoint:(NSNumber *)endpoint queue:(dispatch_queue_t)queue completion:(void (^)(NSArray * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable error))completion
++ (void)readAttributeSelectedAreasWithClusterStateCache:(MTRClusterStateCacheContainer *)clusterStateCacheContainer endpoint:(NSNumber *)endpoint queue:(dispatch_queue_t)queue completion:(void (^)(NSArray * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable error))completion
-    using TypeInfo = ServiceArea::Attributes::SelectedLocations::TypeInfo;
+    using TypeInfo = ServiceArea::Attributes::SelectedAreas::TypeInfo;
         _readKnownCachedAttributeWithEndpointID:static_cast<chip::EndpointId>([endpoint unsignedShortValue])
@@ -65489,9 +65489,9 @@ + (void)readAttributeSelectedLocationsWithClusterStateCache:(MTRClusterStateCach
-- (void)readAttributeCurrentLocationWithCompletion:(void (^)(NSNumber * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable error))completion
+- (void)readAttributeCurrentAreaWithCompletion:(void (^)(NSNumber * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable error))completion
-    using TypeInfo = ServiceArea::Attributes::CurrentLocation::TypeInfo;
+    using TypeInfo = ServiceArea::Attributes::CurrentArea::TypeInfo;
     [self.device _readKnownAttributeWithEndpointID:self.endpointID
@@ -65500,11 +65500,11 @@ - (void)readAttributeCurrentLocationWithCompletion:(void (^)(NSNumber * _Nullabl
-- (void)subscribeAttributeCurrentLocationWithParams:(MTRSubscribeParams * _Nonnull)params
-                            subscriptionEstablished:(MTRSubscriptionEstablishedHandler _Nullable)subscriptionEstablished
-                                      reportHandler:(void (^)(NSNumber * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable error))reportHandler
+- (void)subscribeAttributeCurrentAreaWithParams:(MTRSubscribeParams * _Nonnull)params
+                        subscriptionEstablished:(MTRSubscriptionEstablishedHandler _Nullable)subscriptionEstablished
+                                  reportHandler:(void (^)(NSNumber * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable error))reportHandler
-    using TypeInfo = ServiceArea::Attributes::CurrentLocation::TypeInfo;
+    using TypeInfo = ServiceArea::Attributes::CurrentArea::TypeInfo;
     [self.device _subscribeToKnownAttributeWithEndpointID:self.endpointID
@@ -65514,9 +65514,9 @@ - (void)subscribeAttributeCurrentLocationWithParams:(MTRSubscribeParams * _Nonnu
-+ (void)readAttributeCurrentLocationWithClusterStateCache:(MTRClusterStateCacheContainer *)clusterStateCacheContainer endpoint:(NSNumber *)endpoint queue:(dispatch_queue_t)queue completion:(void (^)(NSNumber * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable error))completion
++ (void)readAttributeCurrentAreaWithClusterStateCache:(MTRClusterStateCacheContainer *)clusterStateCacheContainer endpoint:(NSNumber *)endpoint queue:(dispatch_queue_t)queue completion:(void (^)(NSNumber * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable error))completion
-    using TypeInfo = ServiceArea::Attributes::CurrentLocation::TypeInfo;
+    using TypeInfo = ServiceArea::Attributes::CurrentArea::TypeInfo;
         _readKnownCachedAttributeWithEndpointID:static_cast<chip::EndpointId>([endpoint unsignedShortValue])
diff --git a/src/darwin/Framework/CHIP/zap-generated/MTRClusterConstants.h b/src/darwin/Framework/CHIP/zap-generated/MTRClusterConstants.h
index caec13ea1b284f..d5661939516e42 100644
--- a/src/darwin/Framework/CHIP/zap-generated/MTRClusterConstants.h
+++ b/src/darwin/Framework/CHIP/zap-generated/MTRClusterConstants.h
@@ -3138,10 +3138,10 @@ typedef NS_ENUM(uint32_t, MTRAttributeIDType) {
     MTRAttributeIDTypeClusterBarrierControlAttributeClusterRevisionID MTR_AVAILABLE(ios(16.4), macos(13.3), watchos(9.4), tvos(16.4)) = MTRAttributeIDTypeGlobalAttributeClusterRevisionID,
     // Cluster ServiceArea attributes
-    MTRAttributeIDTypeClusterServiceAreaAttributeSupportedLocationsID MTR_PROVISIONALLY_AVAILABLE = 0x00000000,
+    MTRAttributeIDTypeClusterServiceAreaAttributeSupportedAreasID MTR_PROVISIONALLY_AVAILABLE = 0x00000000,
     MTRAttributeIDTypeClusterServiceAreaAttributeSupportedMapsID MTR_PROVISIONALLY_AVAILABLE = 0x00000001,
-    MTRAttributeIDTypeClusterServiceAreaAttributeSelectedLocationsID MTR_PROVISIONALLY_AVAILABLE = 0x00000002,
-    MTRAttributeIDTypeClusterServiceAreaAttributeCurrentLocationID MTR_PROVISIONALLY_AVAILABLE = 0x00000003,
+    MTRAttributeIDTypeClusterServiceAreaAttributeSelectedAreasID MTR_PROVISIONALLY_AVAILABLE = 0x00000002,
+    MTRAttributeIDTypeClusterServiceAreaAttributeCurrentAreaID MTR_PROVISIONALLY_AVAILABLE = 0x00000003,
     MTRAttributeIDTypeClusterServiceAreaAttributeEstimatedEndTimeID MTR_PROVISIONALLY_AVAILABLE = 0x00000004,
     MTRAttributeIDTypeClusterServiceAreaAttributeProgressID MTR_PROVISIONALLY_AVAILABLE = 0x00000005,
     MTRAttributeIDTypeClusterServiceAreaAttributeGeneratedCommandListID MTR_PROVISIONALLY_AVAILABLE = MTRAttributeIDTypeGlobalAttributeGeneratedCommandListID,
diff --git a/src/darwin/Framework/CHIP/zap-generated/ b/src/darwin/Framework/CHIP/zap-generated/
index 406d253ba5fb00..0c04f22ec4c42f 100644
--- a/src/darwin/Framework/CHIP/zap-generated/
+++ b/src/darwin/Framework/CHIP/zap-generated/
@@ -5369,20 +5369,20 @@
         switch (attributeID) {
             // Cluster ServiceArea attributes
-        case MTRAttributeIDTypeClusterServiceAreaAttributeSupportedLocationsID:
-            result = @"SupportedLocations";
+        case MTRAttributeIDTypeClusterServiceAreaAttributeSupportedAreasID:
+            result = @"SupportedAreas";
         case MTRAttributeIDTypeClusterServiceAreaAttributeSupportedMapsID:
             result = @"SupportedMaps";
-        case MTRAttributeIDTypeClusterServiceAreaAttributeSelectedLocationsID:
-            result = @"SelectedLocations";
+        case MTRAttributeIDTypeClusterServiceAreaAttributeSelectedAreasID:
+            result = @"SelectedAreas";
-        case MTRAttributeIDTypeClusterServiceAreaAttributeCurrentLocationID:
-            result = @"CurrentLocation";
+        case MTRAttributeIDTypeClusterServiceAreaAttributeCurrentAreaID:
+            result = @"CurrentArea";
         case MTRAttributeIDTypeClusterServiceAreaAttributeEstimatedEndTimeID:
diff --git a/src/darwin/Framework/CHIP/zap-generated/MTRClusters.h b/src/darwin/Framework/CHIP/zap-generated/MTRClusters.h
index eb27ead337eda9..46ca490c60f51d 100644
--- a/src/darwin/Framework/CHIP/zap-generated/MTRClusters.h
+++ b/src/darwin/Framework/CHIP/zap-generated/MTRClusters.h
@@ -4513,13 +4513,13 @@ MTR_PROVISIONALLY_AVAILABLE
 - (void)skipCurrentLocationWithExpectedValues:(NSArray<NSDictionary<NSString *, id> *> * _Nullable)expectedValues expectedValueInterval:(NSNumber * _Nullable)expectedValueIntervalMs completion:(void (^)(MTRServiceAreaClusterSkipCurrentLocationResponseParams * _Nullable data, NSError * _Nullable error))completion
-- (NSDictionary<NSString *, id> * _Nullable)readAttributeSupportedLocationsWithParams:(MTRReadParams * _Nullable)params MTR_PROVISIONALLY_AVAILABLE;
+- (NSDictionary<NSString *, id> * _Nullable)readAttributeSupportedAreasWithParams:(MTRReadParams * _Nullable)params MTR_PROVISIONALLY_AVAILABLE;
 - (NSDictionary<NSString *, id> * _Nullable)readAttributeSupportedMapsWithParams:(MTRReadParams * _Nullable)params MTR_PROVISIONALLY_AVAILABLE;
-- (NSDictionary<NSString *, id> * _Nullable)readAttributeSelectedLocationsWithParams:(MTRReadParams * _Nullable)params MTR_PROVISIONALLY_AVAILABLE;
+- (NSDictionary<NSString *, id> * _Nullable)readAttributeSelectedAreasWithParams:(MTRReadParams * _Nullable)params MTR_PROVISIONALLY_AVAILABLE;
-- (NSDictionary<NSString *, id> * _Nullable)readAttributeCurrentLocationWithParams:(MTRReadParams * _Nullable)params MTR_PROVISIONALLY_AVAILABLE;
+- (NSDictionary<NSString *, id> * _Nullable)readAttributeCurrentAreaWithParams:(MTRReadParams * _Nullable)params MTR_PROVISIONALLY_AVAILABLE;
 - (NSDictionary<NSString *, id> * _Nullable)readAttributeEstimatedEndTimeWithParams:(MTRReadParams * _Nullable)params MTR_PROVISIONALLY_AVAILABLE;
diff --git a/src/darwin/Framework/CHIP/zap-generated/ b/src/darwin/Framework/CHIP/zap-generated/
index fe261fb6825dc8..8e3b7a9687a889 100644
--- a/src/darwin/Framework/CHIP/zap-generated/
+++ b/src/darwin/Framework/CHIP/zap-generated/
@@ -12890,9 +12890,9 @@ - (void)skipCurrentLocationWithParams:(MTRServiceAreaClusterSkipCurrentLocationP
-- (NSDictionary<NSString *, id> * _Nullable)readAttributeSupportedLocationsWithParams:(MTRReadParams * _Nullable)params
+- (NSDictionary<NSString *, id> * _Nullable)readAttributeSupportedAreasWithParams:(MTRReadParams * _Nullable)params
-    return [self.device readAttributeWithEndpointID:self.endpointID clusterID:@(MTRClusterIDTypeServiceAreaID) attributeID:@(MTRAttributeIDTypeClusterServiceAreaAttributeSupportedLocationsID) params:params];
+    return [self.device readAttributeWithEndpointID:self.endpointID clusterID:@(MTRClusterIDTypeServiceAreaID) attributeID:@(MTRAttributeIDTypeClusterServiceAreaAttributeSupportedAreasID) params:params];
 - (NSDictionary<NSString *, id> * _Nullable)readAttributeSupportedMapsWithParams:(MTRReadParams * _Nullable)params
@@ -12900,14 +12900,14 @@ - (void)skipCurrentLocationWithParams:(MTRServiceAreaClusterSkipCurrentLocationP
     return [self.device readAttributeWithEndpointID:self.endpointID clusterID:@(MTRClusterIDTypeServiceAreaID) attributeID:@(MTRAttributeIDTypeClusterServiceAreaAttributeSupportedMapsID) params:params];
-- (NSDictionary<NSString *, id> * _Nullable)readAttributeSelectedLocationsWithParams:(MTRReadParams * _Nullable)params
+- (NSDictionary<NSString *, id> * _Nullable)readAttributeSelectedAreasWithParams:(MTRReadParams * _Nullable)params
-    return [self.device readAttributeWithEndpointID:self.endpointID clusterID:@(MTRClusterIDTypeServiceAreaID) attributeID:@(MTRAttributeIDTypeClusterServiceAreaAttributeSelectedLocationsID) params:params];
+    return [self.device readAttributeWithEndpointID:self.endpointID clusterID:@(MTRClusterIDTypeServiceAreaID) attributeID:@(MTRAttributeIDTypeClusterServiceAreaAttributeSelectedAreasID) params:params];
-- (NSDictionary<NSString *, id> * _Nullable)readAttributeCurrentLocationWithParams:(MTRReadParams * _Nullable)params
+- (NSDictionary<NSString *, id> * _Nullable)readAttributeCurrentAreaWithParams:(MTRReadParams * _Nullable)params
-    return [self.device readAttributeWithEndpointID:self.endpointID clusterID:@(MTRClusterIDTypeServiceAreaID) attributeID:@(MTRAttributeIDTypeClusterServiceAreaAttributeCurrentLocationID) params:params];
+    return [self.device readAttributeWithEndpointID:self.endpointID clusterID:@(MTRClusterIDTypeServiceAreaID) attributeID:@(MTRAttributeIDTypeClusterServiceAreaAttributeCurrentAreaID) params:params];
 - (NSDictionary<NSString *, id> * _Nullable)readAttributeEstimatedEndTimeWithParams:(MTRReadParams * _Nullable)params
diff --git a/zzz_generated/app-common/app-common/zap-generated/cluster-objects.cpp b/zzz_generated/app-common/app-common/zap-generated/cluster-objects.cpp
index e202ae5e50a5eb..90fa62236af130 100644
--- a/zzz_generated/app-common/app-common/zap-generated/cluster-objects.cpp
+++ b/zzz_generated/app-common/app-common/zap-generated/cluster-objects.cpp
@@ -20644,14 +20644,14 @@ CHIP_ERROR TypeInfo::DecodableType::Decode(TLV::TLVReader & reader, const Concre
     switch (path.mAttributeId)
-    case Attributes::SupportedLocations::TypeInfo::GetAttributeId():
-        return DataModel::Decode(reader, supportedLocations);
+    case Attributes::SupportedAreas::TypeInfo::GetAttributeId():
+        return DataModel::Decode(reader, supportedAreas);
     case Attributes::SupportedMaps::TypeInfo::GetAttributeId():
         return DataModel::Decode(reader, supportedMaps);
-    case Attributes::SelectedLocations::TypeInfo::GetAttributeId():
-        return DataModel::Decode(reader, selectedLocations);
-    case Attributes::CurrentLocation::TypeInfo::GetAttributeId():
-        return DataModel::Decode(reader, currentLocation);
+    case Attributes::SelectedAreas::TypeInfo::GetAttributeId():
+        return DataModel::Decode(reader, selectedAreas);
+    case Attributes::CurrentArea::TypeInfo::GetAttributeId():
+        return DataModel::Decode(reader, currentArea);
     case Attributes::EstimatedEndTime::TypeInfo::GetAttributeId():
         return DataModel::Decode(reader, estimatedEndTime);
     case Attributes::Progress::TypeInfo::GetAttributeId():
diff --git a/zzz_generated/app-common/app-common/zap-generated/cluster-objects.h b/zzz_generated/app-common/app-common/zap-generated/cluster-objects.h
index 0be37b967831c7..15f764abe3d019 100644
--- a/zzz_generated/app-common/app-common/zap-generated/cluster-objects.h
+++ b/zzz_generated/app-common/app-common/zap-generated/cluster-objects.h
@@ -28571,7 +28571,7 @@ struct DecodableType
 namespace Attributes {
-namespace SupportedLocations {
+namespace SupportedAreas {
 struct TypeInfo
     using Type          = chip::app::DataModel::List<const chip::app::Clusters::ServiceArea::Structs::AreaStruct::Type>;
@@ -28580,10 +28580,10 @@ struct TypeInfo
         const chip::app::DataModel::DecodableList<chip::app::Clusters::ServiceArea::Structs::AreaStruct::DecodableType> &;
     static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::ServiceArea::Id; }
-    static constexpr AttributeId GetAttributeId() { return Attributes::SupportedLocations::Id; }
+    static constexpr AttributeId GetAttributeId() { return Attributes::SupportedAreas::Id; }
     static constexpr bool MustUseTimedWrite() { return false; }
-} // namespace SupportedLocations
+} // namespace SupportedAreas
 namespace SupportedMaps {
 struct TypeInfo
@@ -28599,7 +28599,7 @@ struct TypeInfo
     static constexpr bool MustUseTimedWrite() { return false; }
 } // namespace SupportedMaps
-namespace SelectedLocations {
+namespace SelectedAreas {
 struct TypeInfo
     using Type             = chip::app::DataModel::Nullable<chip::app::DataModel::List<const uint32_t>>;
@@ -28607,11 +28607,11 @@ struct TypeInfo
     using DecodableArgType = const chip::app::DataModel::Nullable<chip::app::DataModel::DecodableList<uint32_t>> &;
     static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::ServiceArea::Id; }
-    static constexpr AttributeId GetAttributeId() { return Attributes::SelectedLocations::Id; }
+    static constexpr AttributeId GetAttributeId() { return Attributes::SelectedAreas::Id; }
     static constexpr bool MustUseTimedWrite() { return false; }
-} // namespace SelectedLocations
-namespace CurrentLocation {
+} // namespace SelectedAreas
+namespace CurrentArea {
 struct TypeInfo
     using Type             = chip::app::DataModel::Nullable<uint32_t>;
@@ -28619,10 +28619,10 @@ struct TypeInfo
     using DecodableArgType = const chip::app::DataModel::Nullable<uint32_t> &;
     static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::ServiceArea::Id; }
-    static constexpr AttributeId GetAttributeId() { return Attributes::CurrentLocation::Id; }
+    static constexpr AttributeId GetAttributeId() { return Attributes::CurrentArea::Id; }
     static constexpr bool MustUseTimedWrite() { return false; }
-} // namespace CurrentLocation
+} // namespace CurrentArea
 namespace EstimatedEndTime {
 struct TypeInfo
@@ -28695,10 +28695,10 @@ struct TypeInfo
         CHIP_ERROR Decode(TLV::TLVReader & reader, const ConcreteAttributePath & path);
-        Attributes::SupportedLocations::TypeInfo::DecodableType supportedLocations;
+        Attributes::SupportedAreas::TypeInfo::DecodableType supportedAreas;
         Attributes::SupportedMaps::TypeInfo::DecodableType supportedMaps;
-        Attributes::SelectedLocations::TypeInfo::DecodableType selectedLocations;
-        Attributes::CurrentLocation::TypeInfo::DecodableType currentLocation;
+        Attributes::SelectedAreas::TypeInfo::DecodableType selectedAreas;
+        Attributes::CurrentArea::TypeInfo::DecodableType currentArea;
         Attributes::EstimatedEndTime::TypeInfo::DecodableType estimatedEndTime;
         Attributes::Progress::TypeInfo::DecodableType progress;
         Attributes::GeneratedCommandList::TypeInfo::DecodableType generatedCommandList;
diff --git a/zzz_generated/app-common/app-common/zap-generated/ids/Attributes.h b/zzz_generated/app-common/app-common/zap-generated/ids/Attributes.h
index b6e3a64e1bcfc7..ccc6ef2187c849 100644
--- a/zzz_generated/app-common/app-common/zap-generated/ids/Attributes.h
+++ b/zzz_generated/app-common/app-common/zap-generated/ids/Attributes.h
@@ -4794,21 +4794,21 @@ static constexpr AttributeId Id = Globals::Attributes::ClusterRevision::Id;
 namespace ServiceArea {
 namespace Attributes {
-namespace SupportedLocations {
+namespace SupportedAreas {
 static constexpr AttributeId Id = 0x00000000;
-} // namespace SupportedLocations
+} // namespace SupportedAreas
 namespace SupportedMaps {
 static constexpr AttributeId Id = 0x00000001;
 } // namespace SupportedMaps
-namespace SelectedLocations {
+namespace SelectedAreas {
 static constexpr AttributeId Id = 0x00000002;
-} // namespace SelectedLocations
+} // namespace SelectedAreas
-namespace CurrentLocation {
+namespace CurrentArea {
 static constexpr AttributeId Id = 0x00000003;
-} // namespace CurrentLocation
+} // namespace CurrentArea
 namespace EstimatedEndTime {
 static constexpr AttributeId Id = 0x00000004;
diff --git a/zzz_generated/chip-tool/zap-generated/cluster/Commands.h b/zzz_generated/chip-tool/zap-generated/cluster/Commands.h
index 0d1bef48fe2428..59d2bd8249fc8b 100644
--- a/zzz_generated/chip-tool/zap-generated/cluster/Commands.h
+++ b/zzz_generated/chip-tool/zap-generated/cluster/Commands.h
@@ -9365,10 +9365,10 @@ class BarrierControlBarrierControlStop : public ClusterCommand
 | * SkipCurrentLocation                                               |   0x02 |
 | Attributes:                                                         |        |
-| * SupportedLocations                                                | 0x0000 |
+| * SupportedAreas                                                    | 0x0000 |
 | * SupportedMaps                                                     | 0x0001 |
-| * SelectedLocations                                                 | 0x0002 |
-| * CurrentLocation                                                   | 0x0003 |
+| * SelectedAreas                                                     | 0x0002 |
+| * CurrentArea                                                       | 0x0003 |
 | * EstimatedEndTime                                                  | 0x0004 |
 | * Progress                                                          | 0x0005 |
 | * GeneratedCommandList                                              | 0xFFF8 |
@@ -22803,10 +22803,10 @@ void registerClusterServiceArea(Commands & commands, CredentialIssuerCommands *
         // Attributes
         make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, credsIssuerConfig),                                                                 //
-        make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "supported-locations", Attributes::SupportedLocations::Id, credsIssuerConfig),      //
+        make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "supported-areas", Attributes::SupportedAreas::Id, credsIssuerConfig),              //
         make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "supported-maps", Attributes::SupportedMaps::Id, credsIssuerConfig),                //
-        make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "selected-locations", Attributes::SelectedLocations::Id, credsIssuerConfig),        //
-        make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "current-location", Attributes::CurrentLocation::Id, credsIssuerConfig),            //
+        make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "selected-areas", Attributes::SelectedAreas::Id, credsIssuerConfig),                //
+        make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "current-area", Attributes::CurrentArea::Id, credsIssuerConfig),                    //
         make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "estimated-end-time", Attributes::EstimatedEndTime::Id, credsIssuerConfig),         //
         make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "progress", Attributes::Progress::Id, credsIssuerConfig),                           //
         make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "generated-command-list", Attributes::GeneratedCommandList::Id, credsIssuerConfig), //
@@ -22818,15 +22818,14 @@ void registerClusterServiceArea(Commands & commands, CredentialIssuerCommands *
         make_unique<WriteAttribute<>>(Id, credsIssuerConfig),                                                              //
             WriteAttributeAsComplex<chip::app::DataModel::List<const chip::app::Clusters::ServiceArea::Structs::AreaStruct::Type>>>(
-            Id, "supported-locations", Attributes::SupportedLocations::Id, WriteCommandType::kForceWrite, credsIssuerConfig), //
+            Id, "supported-areas", Attributes::SupportedAreas::Id, WriteCommandType::kForceWrite, credsIssuerConfig), //
             chip::app::DataModel::List<const chip::app::Clusters::ServiceArea::Structs::MapStruct::Type>>>>(
             Id, "supported-maps", Attributes::SupportedMaps::Id, WriteCommandType::kForceWrite, credsIssuerConfig), //
         make_unique<WriteAttributeAsComplex<chip::app::DataModel::Nullable<chip::app::DataModel::List<const uint32_t>>>>(
-            Id, "selected-locations", Attributes::SelectedLocations::Id, WriteCommandType::kForceWrite, credsIssuerConfig), //
-        make_unique<WriteAttribute<chip::app::DataModel::Nullable<uint32_t>>>(Id, "current-location", 0, UINT32_MAX,
-                                                                              Attributes::CurrentLocation::Id,
-                                                                              WriteCommandType::kForceWrite, credsIssuerConfig), //
+            Id, "selected-areas", Attributes::SelectedAreas::Id, WriteCommandType::kForceWrite, credsIssuerConfig), //
+        make_unique<WriteAttribute<chip::app::DataModel::Nullable<uint32_t>>>(
+            Id, "current-area", 0, UINT32_MAX, Attributes::CurrentArea::Id, WriteCommandType::kForceWrite, credsIssuerConfig), //
         make_unique<WriteAttribute<chip::app::DataModel::Nullable<uint32_t>>>(Id, "estimated-end-time", 0, UINT32_MAX,
                                                                               WriteCommandType::kForceWrite, credsIssuerConfig), //
@@ -22847,10 +22846,10 @@ void registerClusterServiceArea(Commands & commands, CredentialIssuerCommands *
         make_unique<WriteAttribute<uint16_t>>(Id, "cluster-revision", 0, UINT16_MAX, Attributes::ClusterRevision::Id,
                                               WriteCommandType::kForceWrite, credsIssuerConfig),                                //
         make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, credsIssuerConfig),                                                                 //
-        make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "supported-locations", Attributes::SupportedLocations::Id, credsIssuerConfig),      //
+        make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "supported-areas", Attributes::SupportedAreas::Id, credsIssuerConfig),              //
         make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "supported-maps", Attributes::SupportedMaps::Id, credsIssuerConfig),                //
-        make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "selected-locations", Attributes::SelectedLocations::Id, credsIssuerConfig),        //
-        make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "current-location", Attributes::CurrentLocation::Id, credsIssuerConfig),            //
+        make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "selected-areas", Attributes::SelectedAreas::Id, credsIssuerConfig),                //
+        make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "current-area", Attributes::CurrentArea::Id, credsIssuerConfig),                    //
         make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "estimated-end-time", Attributes::EstimatedEndTime::Id, credsIssuerConfig),         //
         make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "progress", Attributes::Progress::Id, credsIssuerConfig),                           //
         make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "generated-command-list", Attributes::GeneratedCommandList::Id, credsIssuerConfig), //
diff --git a/zzz_generated/chip-tool/zap-generated/cluster/logging/DataModelLogger.cpp b/zzz_generated/chip-tool/zap-generated/cluster/logging/DataModelLogger.cpp
index 0a91299ba87f18..33f30c12b4f171 100644
--- a/zzz_generated/chip-tool/zap-generated/cluster/logging/DataModelLogger.cpp
+++ b/zzz_generated/chip-tool/zap-generated/cluster/logging/DataModelLogger.cpp
@@ -14667,10 +14667,10 @@ CHIP_ERROR DataModelLogger::LogAttribute(const chip::app::ConcreteDataAttributeP
     case ServiceArea::Id: {
         switch (path.mAttributeId)
-        case ServiceArea::Attributes::SupportedLocations::Id: {
+        case ServiceArea::Attributes::SupportedAreas::Id: {
             chip::app::DataModel::DecodableList<chip::app::Clusters::ServiceArea::Structs::AreaStruct::DecodableType> value;
             ReturnErrorOnFailure(chip::app::DataModel::Decode(*data, value));
-            return DataModelLogger::LogValue("SupportedLocations", 1, value);
+            return DataModelLogger::LogValue("SupportedAreas", 1, value);
         case ServiceArea::Attributes::SupportedMaps::Id: {
@@ -14679,15 +14679,15 @@ CHIP_ERROR DataModelLogger::LogAttribute(const chip::app::ConcreteDataAttributeP
             ReturnErrorOnFailure(chip::app::DataModel::Decode(*data, value));
             return DataModelLogger::LogValue("SupportedMaps", 1, value);
-        case ServiceArea::Attributes::SelectedLocations::Id: {
+        case ServiceArea::Attributes::SelectedAreas::Id: {
             chip::app::DataModel::Nullable<chip::app::DataModel::DecodableList<uint32_t>> value;
             ReturnErrorOnFailure(chip::app::DataModel::Decode(*data, value));
-            return DataModelLogger::LogValue("SelectedLocations", 1, value);
+            return DataModelLogger::LogValue("SelectedAreas", 1, value);
-        case ServiceArea::Attributes::CurrentLocation::Id: {
+        case ServiceArea::Attributes::CurrentArea::Id: {
             chip::app::DataModel::Nullable<uint32_t> value;
             ReturnErrorOnFailure(chip::app::DataModel::Decode(*data, value));
-            return DataModelLogger::LogValue("CurrentLocation", 1, value);
+            return DataModelLogger::LogValue("CurrentArea", 1, value);
         case ServiceArea::Attributes::EstimatedEndTime::Id: {
             chip::app::DataModel::Nullable<uint32_t> value;
diff --git a/zzz_generated/darwin-framework-tool/zap-generated/cluster/Commands.h b/zzz_generated/darwin-framework-tool/zap-generated/cluster/Commands.h
index 59410234dd7589..acadfc47cf3601 100644
--- a/zzz_generated/darwin-framework-tool/zap-generated/cluster/Commands.h
+++ b/zzz_generated/darwin-framework-tool/zap-generated/cluster/Commands.h
@@ -103769,10 +103769,10 @@ class SubscribeAttributeBarrierControlClusterRevision : public SubscribeAttribut
 | * SkipCurrentLocation                                               |   0x02 |
 | Attributes:                                                         |        |
-| * SupportedLocations                                                | 0x0000 |
+| * SupportedAreas                                                    | 0x0000 |
 | * SupportedMaps                                                     | 0x0001 |
-| * SelectedLocations                                                 | 0x0002 |
-| * CurrentLocation                                                   | 0x0003 |
+| * SelectedAreas                                                     | 0x0002 |
+| * CurrentArea                                                       | 0x0003 |
 | * EstimatedEndTime                                                  | 0x0004 |
 | * Progress                                                          | 0x0005 |
 | * GeneratedCommandList                                              | 0xFFF8 |
@@ -103914,34 +103914,34 @@ class ServiceAreaSkipCurrentLocation : public ClusterCommand {
- * Attribute SupportedLocations
+ * Attribute SupportedAreas
-class ReadServiceAreaSupportedLocations : public ReadAttribute {
+class ReadServiceAreaSupportedAreas : public ReadAttribute {
-    ReadServiceAreaSupportedLocations()
-        : ReadAttribute("supported-locations")
+    ReadServiceAreaSupportedAreas()
+        : ReadAttribute("supported-areas")
-    ~ReadServiceAreaSupportedLocations()
+    ~ReadServiceAreaSupportedAreas()
     CHIP_ERROR SendCommand(MTRBaseDevice * device, chip::EndpointId endpointId) override
         constexpr chip::ClusterId clusterId = chip::app::Clusters::ServiceArea::Id;
-        constexpr chip::AttributeId attributeId = chip::app::Clusters::ServiceArea::Attributes::SupportedLocations::Id;
+        constexpr chip::AttributeId attributeId = chip::app::Clusters::ServiceArea::Attributes::SupportedAreas::Id;
         ChipLogProgress(chipTool, "Sending cluster (0x%08" PRIX32 ") ReadAttribute (0x%08" PRIX32 ") on endpoint %u", endpointId, clusterId, attributeId);
         dispatch_queue_t callbackQueue = dispatch_queue_create("com.chip.command", DISPATCH_QUEUE_SERIAL);
         __auto_type * cluster = [[MTRBaseClusterServiceArea alloc] initWithDevice:device endpointID:@(endpointId) queue:callbackQueue];
-        [cluster readAttributeSupportedLocationsWithCompletion:^(NSArray * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable error) {
-            NSLog(@"ServiceArea.SupportedLocations response %@", [value description]);
+        [cluster readAttributeSupportedAreasWithCompletion:^(NSArray * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable error) {
+            NSLog(@"ServiceArea.SupportedAreas response %@", [value description]);
             if (error == nil) {
                 RemoteDataModelLogger::LogAttributeAsJSON(@(endpointId), @(clusterId), @(attributeId), value);
             } else {
-                LogNSError("ServiceArea SupportedLocations read Error", error);
+                LogNSError("ServiceArea SupportedAreas read Error", error);
                 RemoteDataModelLogger::LogAttributeErrorAsJSON(@(endpointId), @(clusterId), @(attributeId), error);
@@ -103950,21 +103950,21 @@ class ReadServiceAreaSupportedLocations : public ReadAttribute {
-class SubscribeAttributeServiceAreaSupportedLocations : public SubscribeAttribute {
+class SubscribeAttributeServiceAreaSupportedAreas : public SubscribeAttribute {
-    SubscribeAttributeServiceAreaSupportedLocations()
-        : SubscribeAttribute("supported-locations")
+    SubscribeAttributeServiceAreaSupportedAreas()
+        : SubscribeAttribute("supported-areas")
-    ~SubscribeAttributeServiceAreaSupportedLocations()
+    ~SubscribeAttributeServiceAreaSupportedAreas()
     CHIP_ERROR SendCommand(MTRBaseDevice * device, chip::EndpointId endpointId) override
         constexpr chip::ClusterId clusterId = chip::app::Clusters::ServiceArea::Id;
-        constexpr chip::CommandId attributeId = chip::app::Clusters::ServiceArea::Attributes::SupportedLocations::Id;
+        constexpr chip::CommandId attributeId = chip::app::Clusters::ServiceArea::Attributes::SupportedAreas::Id;
         ChipLogProgress(chipTool, "Sending cluster (0x%08" PRIX32 ") ReportAttribute (0x%08" PRIX32 ") on endpoint %u", clusterId, attributeId, endpointId);
         dispatch_queue_t callbackQueue = dispatch_queue_create("com.chip.command", DISPATCH_QUEUE_SERIAL);
@@ -103979,10 +103979,10 @@ class SubscribeAttributeServiceAreaSupportedLocations : public SubscribeAttribut
         if (mAutoResubscribe.HasValue()) {
             params.resubscribeAutomatically = mAutoResubscribe.Value();
-        [cluster subscribeAttributeSupportedLocationsWithParams:params
+        [cluster subscribeAttributeSupportedAreasWithParams:params
             subscriptionEstablished:^() { mSubscriptionEstablished = YES; }
             reportHandler:^(NSArray * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable error) {
-                NSLog(@"ServiceArea.SupportedLocations response %@", [value description]);
+                NSLog(@"ServiceArea.SupportedAreas response %@", [value description]);
                 if (error == nil) {
                     RemoteDataModelLogger::LogAttributeAsJSON(@(endpointId), @(clusterId), @(attributeId), value);
                 } else {
@@ -104084,34 +104084,34 @@ class SubscribeAttributeServiceAreaSupportedMaps : public SubscribeAttribute {
- * Attribute SelectedLocations
+ * Attribute SelectedAreas
-class ReadServiceAreaSelectedLocations : public ReadAttribute {
+class ReadServiceAreaSelectedAreas : public ReadAttribute {
-    ReadServiceAreaSelectedLocations()
-        : ReadAttribute("selected-locations")
+    ReadServiceAreaSelectedAreas()
+        : ReadAttribute("selected-areas")
-    ~ReadServiceAreaSelectedLocations()
+    ~ReadServiceAreaSelectedAreas()
     CHIP_ERROR SendCommand(MTRBaseDevice * device, chip::EndpointId endpointId) override
         constexpr chip::ClusterId clusterId = chip::app::Clusters::ServiceArea::Id;
-        constexpr chip::AttributeId attributeId = chip::app::Clusters::ServiceArea::Attributes::SelectedLocations::Id;
+        constexpr chip::AttributeId attributeId = chip::app::Clusters::ServiceArea::Attributes::SelectedAreas::Id;
         ChipLogProgress(chipTool, "Sending cluster (0x%08" PRIX32 ") ReadAttribute (0x%08" PRIX32 ") on endpoint %u", endpointId, clusterId, attributeId);
         dispatch_queue_t callbackQueue = dispatch_queue_create("com.chip.command", DISPATCH_QUEUE_SERIAL);
         __auto_type * cluster = [[MTRBaseClusterServiceArea alloc] initWithDevice:device endpointID:@(endpointId) queue:callbackQueue];
-        [cluster readAttributeSelectedLocationsWithCompletion:^(NSArray * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable error) {
-            NSLog(@"ServiceArea.SelectedLocations response %@", [value description]);
+        [cluster readAttributeSelectedAreasWithCompletion:^(NSArray * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable error) {
+            NSLog(@"ServiceArea.SelectedAreas response %@", [value description]);
             if (error == nil) {
                 RemoteDataModelLogger::LogAttributeAsJSON(@(endpointId), @(clusterId), @(attributeId), value);
             } else {
-                LogNSError("ServiceArea SelectedLocations read Error", error);
+                LogNSError("ServiceArea SelectedAreas read Error", error);
                 RemoteDataModelLogger::LogAttributeErrorAsJSON(@(endpointId), @(clusterId), @(attributeId), error);
@@ -104120,21 +104120,21 @@ class ReadServiceAreaSelectedLocations : public ReadAttribute {
-class SubscribeAttributeServiceAreaSelectedLocations : public SubscribeAttribute {
+class SubscribeAttributeServiceAreaSelectedAreas : public SubscribeAttribute {
-    SubscribeAttributeServiceAreaSelectedLocations()
-        : SubscribeAttribute("selected-locations")
+    SubscribeAttributeServiceAreaSelectedAreas()
+        : SubscribeAttribute("selected-areas")
-    ~SubscribeAttributeServiceAreaSelectedLocations()
+    ~SubscribeAttributeServiceAreaSelectedAreas()
     CHIP_ERROR SendCommand(MTRBaseDevice * device, chip::EndpointId endpointId) override
         constexpr chip::ClusterId clusterId = chip::app::Clusters::ServiceArea::Id;
-        constexpr chip::CommandId attributeId = chip::app::Clusters::ServiceArea::Attributes::SelectedLocations::Id;
+        constexpr chip::CommandId attributeId = chip::app::Clusters::ServiceArea::Attributes::SelectedAreas::Id;
         ChipLogProgress(chipTool, "Sending cluster (0x%08" PRIX32 ") ReportAttribute (0x%08" PRIX32 ") on endpoint %u", clusterId, attributeId, endpointId);
         dispatch_queue_t callbackQueue = dispatch_queue_create("com.chip.command", DISPATCH_QUEUE_SERIAL);
@@ -104149,10 +104149,10 @@ class SubscribeAttributeServiceAreaSelectedLocations : public SubscribeAttribute
         if (mAutoResubscribe.HasValue()) {
             params.resubscribeAutomatically = mAutoResubscribe.Value();
-        [cluster subscribeAttributeSelectedLocationsWithParams:params
+        [cluster subscribeAttributeSelectedAreasWithParams:params
             subscriptionEstablished:^() { mSubscriptionEstablished = YES; }
             reportHandler:^(NSArray * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable error) {
-                NSLog(@"ServiceArea.SelectedLocations response %@", [value description]);
+                NSLog(@"ServiceArea.SelectedAreas response %@", [value description]);
                 if (error == nil) {
                     RemoteDataModelLogger::LogAttributeAsJSON(@(endpointId), @(clusterId), @(attributeId), value);
                 } else {
@@ -104169,34 +104169,34 @@ class SubscribeAttributeServiceAreaSelectedLocations : public SubscribeAttribute
- * Attribute CurrentLocation
+ * Attribute CurrentArea
-class ReadServiceAreaCurrentLocation : public ReadAttribute {
+class ReadServiceAreaCurrentArea : public ReadAttribute {
-    ReadServiceAreaCurrentLocation()
-        : ReadAttribute("current-location")
+    ReadServiceAreaCurrentArea()
+        : ReadAttribute("current-area")
-    ~ReadServiceAreaCurrentLocation()
+    ~ReadServiceAreaCurrentArea()
     CHIP_ERROR SendCommand(MTRBaseDevice * device, chip::EndpointId endpointId) override
         constexpr chip::ClusterId clusterId = chip::app::Clusters::ServiceArea::Id;
-        constexpr chip::AttributeId attributeId = chip::app::Clusters::ServiceArea::Attributes::CurrentLocation::Id;
+        constexpr chip::AttributeId attributeId = chip::app::Clusters::ServiceArea::Attributes::CurrentArea::Id;
         ChipLogProgress(chipTool, "Sending cluster (0x%08" PRIX32 ") ReadAttribute (0x%08" PRIX32 ") on endpoint %u", endpointId, clusterId, attributeId);
         dispatch_queue_t callbackQueue = dispatch_queue_create("com.chip.command", DISPATCH_QUEUE_SERIAL);
         __auto_type * cluster = [[MTRBaseClusterServiceArea alloc] initWithDevice:device endpointID:@(endpointId) queue:callbackQueue];
-        [cluster readAttributeCurrentLocationWithCompletion:^(NSNumber * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable error) {
-            NSLog(@"ServiceArea.CurrentLocation response %@", [value description]);
+        [cluster readAttributeCurrentAreaWithCompletion:^(NSNumber * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable error) {
+            NSLog(@"ServiceArea.CurrentArea response %@", [value description]);
             if (error == nil) {
                 RemoteDataModelLogger::LogAttributeAsJSON(@(endpointId), @(clusterId), @(attributeId), value);
             } else {
-                LogNSError("ServiceArea CurrentLocation read Error", error);
+                LogNSError("ServiceArea CurrentArea read Error", error);
                 RemoteDataModelLogger::LogAttributeErrorAsJSON(@(endpointId), @(clusterId), @(attributeId), error);
@@ -104205,21 +104205,21 @@ class ReadServiceAreaCurrentLocation : public ReadAttribute {
-class SubscribeAttributeServiceAreaCurrentLocation : public SubscribeAttribute {
+class SubscribeAttributeServiceAreaCurrentArea : public SubscribeAttribute {
-    SubscribeAttributeServiceAreaCurrentLocation()
-        : SubscribeAttribute("current-location")
+    SubscribeAttributeServiceAreaCurrentArea()
+        : SubscribeAttribute("current-area")
-    ~SubscribeAttributeServiceAreaCurrentLocation()
+    ~SubscribeAttributeServiceAreaCurrentArea()
     CHIP_ERROR SendCommand(MTRBaseDevice * device, chip::EndpointId endpointId) override
         constexpr chip::ClusterId clusterId = chip::app::Clusters::ServiceArea::Id;
-        constexpr chip::CommandId attributeId = chip::app::Clusters::ServiceArea::Attributes::CurrentLocation::Id;
+        constexpr chip::CommandId attributeId = chip::app::Clusters::ServiceArea::Attributes::CurrentArea::Id;
         ChipLogProgress(chipTool, "Sending cluster (0x%08" PRIX32 ") ReportAttribute (0x%08" PRIX32 ") on endpoint %u", clusterId, attributeId, endpointId);
         dispatch_queue_t callbackQueue = dispatch_queue_create("com.chip.command", DISPATCH_QUEUE_SERIAL);
@@ -104234,10 +104234,10 @@ class SubscribeAttributeServiceAreaCurrentLocation : public SubscribeAttribute {
         if (mAutoResubscribe.HasValue()) {
             params.resubscribeAutomatically = mAutoResubscribe.Value();
-        [cluster subscribeAttributeCurrentLocationWithParams:params
+        [cluster subscribeAttributeCurrentAreaWithParams:params
             subscriptionEstablished:^() { mSubscriptionEstablished = YES; }
             reportHandler:^(NSNumber * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable error) {
-                NSLog(@"ServiceArea.CurrentLocation response %@", [value description]);
+                NSLog(@"ServiceArea.CurrentArea response %@", [value description]);
                 if (error == nil) {
                     RemoteDataModelLogger::LogAttributeAsJSON(@(endpointId), @(clusterId), @(attributeId), value);
                 } else {
@@ -195423,20 +195423,20 @@ void registerClusterServiceArea(Commands & commands)
         make_unique<WriteAttribute>(Id), //
         make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id), //
-        make_unique<ReadServiceAreaSupportedLocations>(), //
-        make_unique<SubscribeAttributeServiceAreaSupportedLocations>(), //
+        make_unique<ReadServiceAreaSupportedAreas>(), //
+        make_unique<SubscribeAttributeServiceAreaSupportedAreas>(), //
         make_unique<ReadServiceAreaSupportedMaps>(), //
         make_unique<SubscribeAttributeServiceAreaSupportedMaps>(), //
-        make_unique<ReadServiceAreaSelectedLocations>(), //
-        make_unique<SubscribeAttributeServiceAreaSelectedLocations>(), //
+        make_unique<ReadServiceAreaSelectedAreas>(), //
+        make_unique<SubscribeAttributeServiceAreaSelectedAreas>(), //
-        make_unique<ReadServiceAreaCurrentLocation>(), //
-        make_unique<SubscribeAttributeServiceAreaCurrentLocation>(), //
+        make_unique<ReadServiceAreaCurrentArea>(), //
+        make_unique<SubscribeAttributeServiceAreaCurrentArea>(), //
         make_unique<ReadServiceAreaEstimatedEndTime>(), //

From 4c128e6ad5fc24ac712d7ac66ed6011bdedff782 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: William Hicklin <>
Date: Thu, 1 Aug 2024 16:05:14 +0100
Subject: [PATCH 18/28] Updated the changed names in the SDK.

 .../include/rvc-service-area-delegate.h       |  18 +--
 .../src/rvc-service-area-delegate.cpp         |  62 ++++----
 .../service-area-delegate.cpp                 |   6 +-
 .../service-area-delegate.h                   |  54 +++----
 .../service-area-server.cpp                   | 138 +++++++++---------
 .../service-area-server/service-area-server.h |  38 ++---
 6 files changed, 158 insertions(+), 158 deletions(-)

diff --git a/examples/rvc-app/rvc-common/include/rvc-service-area-delegate.h b/examples/rvc-app/rvc-common/include/rvc-service-area-delegate.h
index b4e80a62cbdaea..0e2f95514a9d0d 100644
--- a/examples/rvc-app/rvc-common/include/rvc-service-area-delegate.h
+++ b/examples/rvc-app/rvc-common/include/rvc-service-area-delegate.h
@@ -35,28 +35,28 @@ class RvcServiceAreaDelegate : public Delegate
     // containers for array attributes.
-    std::vector<ServiceArea::LocationStructureWrapper> mSupportedLocations;
+    std::vector<ServiceArea::LocationStructureWrapper> mSupportedAreas;
     std::vector<ServiceArea::MapStructureWrapper> mSupportedMaps;
-    std::vector<uint32_t> mSelectedLocations;
+    std::vector<uint32_t> mSelectedAreas;
     std::vector<ServiceArea::Structs::ProgressStruct::Type> mProgressList;
     CHIP_ERROR Init() override;
     // command support
-    bool IsSetSelectedLocationsAllowed(MutableCharSpan statusText) override;
+    bool IsSetSelectedAreasAllowed(MutableCharSpan statusText) override;
     bool IsValidSelectLocationsSet(const ServiceArea::Commands::SelectLocations::DecodableType & req,
                                    ServiceArea::SelectAreasStatus & locationStatus, MutableCharSpan statusText) override;
-    bool HandleSkipCurrentLocation(MutableCharSpan skipStatusText) override;
+    bool HandleSkipCurrentArea(MutableCharSpan skipStatusText) override;
     // Supported Locations accessors
-    bool IsSupportedLocationsChangeAllowed() override;
+    bool IsSupportedAreasChangeAllowed() override;
-    uint32_t GetNumberOfSupportedLocations() override;
+    uint32_t GetNumberOfSupportedAreas() override;
     bool GetSupportedLocationByIndex(uint32_t listIndex, ServiceArea::LocationStructureWrapper & supportedLocation) override;
@@ -67,7 +67,7 @@ class RvcServiceAreaDelegate : public Delegate
     bool ModifySupportedLocation(uint32_t listIndex, const ServiceArea::LocationStructureWrapper & modifiedLocation) override;
-    bool ClearSupportedLocations() override;
+    bool ClearSupportedAreas() override;
     // Supported Maps accessors
@@ -89,7 +89,7 @@ class RvcServiceAreaDelegate : public Delegate
     // Selected Locations accessors
-    uint32_t GetNumberOfSelectedLocations() override;
+    uint32_t GetNumberOfSelectedAreas() override;
     bool GetSelectedLocationByIndex(uint32_t listIndex, uint32_t & selectedLocation) override;
@@ -97,7 +97,7 @@ class RvcServiceAreaDelegate : public Delegate
     bool AddSelectedLocation(uint32_t aAreaId, uint32_t & listIndex) override;
-    bool ClearSelectedLocations() override;
+    bool ClearSelectedAreas() override;
     // Progress accessors
diff --git a/examples/rvc-app/rvc-common/src/rvc-service-area-delegate.cpp b/examples/rvc-app/rvc-common/src/rvc-service-area-delegate.cpp
index 3820e97b07e74d..03edb0480ec299 100644
--- a/examples/rvc-app/rvc-common/src/rvc-service-area-delegate.cpp
+++ b/examples/rvc-app/rvc-common/src/rvc-service-area-delegate.cpp
@@ -65,7 +65,7 @@ CHIP_ERROR RvcServiceAreaDelegate::Init()
-    GetInstance()->SetCurrentLocation(supportedAreaID_C);
+    GetInstance()->SetCurrentArea(supportedAreaID_C);
     return CHIP_NO_ERROR;
@@ -73,7 +73,7 @@ CHIP_ERROR RvcServiceAreaDelegate::Init()
 // command support
-bool RvcServiceAreaDelegate::IsSetSelectedLocationsAllowed(MutableCharSpan statusText)
+bool RvcServiceAreaDelegate::IsSetSelectedAreasAllowed(MutableCharSpan statusText)
     return true;
@@ -86,7 +86,7 @@ bool RvcServiceAreaDelegate::IsValidSelectLocationsSet(const Commands::SelectLoc
     return true;
-bool RvcServiceAreaDelegate::HandleSkipCurrentLocation(MutableCharSpan skipStatusText)
+bool RvcServiceAreaDelegate::HandleSkipCurrentArea(MutableCharSpan skipStatusText)
     return true;
@@ -95,22 +95,22 @@ bool RvcServiceAreaDelegate::HandleSkipCurrentLocation(MutableCharSpan skipStatu
 // Supported Locations accessors
-bool RvcServiceAreaDelegate::IsSupportedLocationsChangeAllowed()
+bool RvcServiceAreaDelegate::IsSupportedAreasChangeAllowed()
     return true;
-uint32_t RvcServiceAreaDelegate::GetNumberOfSupportedLocations()
+uint32_t RvcServiceAreaDelegate::GetNumberOfSupportedAreas()
-    return static_cast<uint32_t>(mSupportedLocations.size());
+    return static_cast<uint32_t>(mSupportedAreas.size());
 bool RvcServiceAreaDelegate::GetSupportedLocationByIndex(uint32_t listIndex, LocationStructureWrapper & aSupportedLocation)
-    if (listIndex < mSupportedLocations.size())
+    if (listIndex < mSupportedAreas.size())
-        aSupportedLocation = mSupportedLocations[listIndex];
+        aSupportedLocation = mSupportedAreas[listIndex];
         return true;
@@ -125,11 +125,11 @@ bool RvcServiceAreaDelegate::GetSupportedLocationById(uint32_t aAreaID, uint32_t
     // since we have direct access to the list.
     listIndex = 0;
-    while (listIndex < mSupportedLocations.size())
+    while (listIndex < mSupportedAreas.size())
-        if (mSupportedLocations[listIndex].areaID == aAreaID)
+        if (mSupportedAreas[listIndex].areaID == aAreaID)
-            aSupportedLocation = mSupportedLocations[listIndex];
+            aSupportedLocation = mSupportedAreas[listIndex];
             return true;
@@ -145,16 +145,16 @@ bool RvcServiceAreaDelegate::AddSupportedLocation(const LocationStructureWrapper
     // etc.
     // Double-check list size to ensure there no memory issues.
-    if (mSupportedLocations.size() < kMaxNumSupportedLocations)
+    if (mSupportedAreas.size() < kMaxNumSupportedAreas)
         // not sorting list, number of locations normally expected to be small, max 255
-        mSupportedLocations.push_back(newLocation);
+        mSupportedAreas.push_back(newLocation);
         listIndex = static_cast<uint32_t>(mSupportedMaps.size()) - 1; // new element is last in list
         return true;
     ChipLogError(Zcl, "AddSupportedLocation %u - supported locations list is already at maximum size %u", newLocation.areaID,
-                 static_cast<uint32_t>(kMaxNumSupportedLocations));
+                 static_cast<uint32_t>(kMaxNumSupportedAreas));
     return false;
@@ -165,23 +165,23 @@ bool RvcServiceAreaDelegate::ModifySupportedLocation(uint32_t listIndex, const L
     // etc.
     // Double-check that areaID's match.
-    if (modifiedLocation.areaID != mSupportedLocations[listIndex].areaID)
+    if (modifiedLocation.areaID != mSupportedAreas[listIndex].areaID)
         ChipLogError(Zcl, "ModifySupportedLocation - areaID's do not match, new areaID %u, existing areaID %u",
-                     modifiedLocation.areaID, mSupportedLocations[listIndex].areaID);
+                     modifiedLocation.areaID, mSupportedAreas[listIndex].areaID);
         return false;
     // checks passed, update the attribute
-    mSupportedLocations[listIndex] = modifiedLocation;
+    mSupportedAreas[listIndex] = modifiedLocation;
     return true;
-bool RvcServiceAreaDelegate::ClearSupportedLocations()
+bool RvcServiceAreaDelegate::ClearSupportedAreas()
-    if (!mSupportedLocations.empty())
+    if (!mSupportedAreas.empty())
-        mSupportedLocations.clear();
+        mSupportedAreas.clear();
         return true;
@@ -285,16 +285,16 @@ bool RvcServiceAreaDelegate::ClearSupportedMaps()
 // Selected Locations accessors
-uint32_t RvcServiceAreaDelegate::GetNumberOfSelectedLocations()
+uint32_t RvcServiceAreaDelegate::GetNumberOfSelectedAreas()
-    return static_cast<uint32_t>(mSelectedLocations.size());
+    return static_cast<uint32_t>(mSelectedAreas.size());
 bool RvcServiceAreaDelegate::GetSelectedLocationByIndex(uint32_t listIndex, uint32_t & aSelectedLocation)
-    if (listIndex < mSelectedLocations.size())
+    if (listIndex < mSelectedAreas.size())
-        aSelectedLocation = mSelectedLocations[listIndex];
+        aSelectedLocation = mSelectedAreas[listIndex];
         return true;
@@ -307,24 +307,24 @@ bool RvcServiceAreaDelegate::AddSelectedLocation(uint32_t aAreaID, uint32_t & li
     // etc.
     // Double-check list size to ensure there no memory issues.
-    if (mSelectedLocations.size() < kMaxNumSelectedLocations)
+    if (mSelectedAreas.size() < kMaxNumSelectedAreas)
         // not sorting list, number of locations normally expected to be small, max 255
-        mSelectedLocations.push_back(aAreaID);
-        listIndex = static_cast<uint32_t>(mSelectedLocations.size()) - 1; // new element is last in list
+        mSelectedAreas.push_back(aAreaID);
+        listIndex = static_cast<uint32_t>(mSelectedAreas.size()) - 1; // new element is last in list
         return true;
     ChipLogError(Zcl, "AddSelectedLocation %u - selected locations list is already at maximum size %u", aAreaID,
-                 static_cast<uint32_t>(kMaxNumSelectedLocations));
+                 static_cast<uint32_t>(kMaxNumSelectedAreas));
     return false;
-bool RvcServiceAreaDelegate::ClearSelectedLocations()
+bool RvcServiceAreaDelegate::ClearSelectedAreas()
-    if (!mSelectedLocations.empty())
+    if (!mSelectedAreas.empty())
-        mSelectedLocations.clear();
+        mSelectedAreas.clear();
         return true;
diff --git a/src/app/clusters/service-area-server/service-area-delegate.cpp b/src/app/clusters/service-area-server/service-area-delegate.cpp
index 472a9c1f2fb412..5b9444106fa370 100644
--- a/src/app/clusters/service-area-server/service-area-delegate.cpp
+++ b/src/app/clusters/service-area-server/service-area-delegate.cpp
@@ -21,10 +21,10 @@ bool Delegate::GetSupportedLocationById(uint32_t aAreaId, uint32_t & listIndex,
     return false;
-void Delegate::HandleSupportedLocationsUpdated()
+void Delegate::HandleSupportedAreasUpdated()
-    mInstance->ClearSelectedLocations();
-    mInstance->SetCurrentLocation(DataModel::NullNullable);
+    mInstance->ClearSelectedAreas();
+    mInstance->SetCurrentArea(DataModel::NullNullable);
diff --git a/src/app/clusters/service-area-server/service-area-delegate.h b/src/app/clusters/service-area-server/service-area-delegate.h
index 3e62f92c7424cc..9d1c0f98238949 100644
--- a/src/app/clusters/service-area-server/service-area-delegate.h
+++ b/src/app/clusters/service-area-server/service-area-delegate.h
@@ -31,9 +31,9 @@ class Instance;
 // *****************************************************************************
 // cluster constraints
-constexpr size_t kMaxNumSupportedLocations = 255;
+constexpr size_t kMaxNumSupportedAreas = 255;
 constexpr size_t kMaxNumSupportedMaps      = 255;
-constexpr size_t kMaxNumSelectedLocations  = 255;
+constexpr size_t kMaxNumSelectedAreas  = 255;
 constexpr size_t kMaxNumProgressElements   = 255;
 constexpr size_t kMaxSizeStatusText = 256;
@@ -71,10 +71,10 @@ class Delegate
      * @note The statusText field SHOULD indicate why the request is not allowed, given the current mode
      *       of the device, which may involve other clusters.
-    virtual bool IsSetSelectedLocationsAllowed(MutableCharSpan statusText) = 0;
+    virtual bool IsSetSelectedAreasAllowed(MutableCharSpan statusText) = 0;
-     * Given a set of locations to be set to the SelectedLocations attribute, this method should check that
+     * Given a set of locations to be set to the SelectedAreas attribute, this method should check that
      * the set of locations as a whole is valid and reachable by the device.
      * If the set of locations is invalid, the locationStatus should be set to InvalidSet and
      * the statusText SHALL include a vendor-defined error description.
@@ -94,7 +94,7 @@ class Delegate
                                            SelectAreasStatus & locationStatus, MutableCharSpan statusText) = 0;
-     * @brief The server instance ensures that the SelectedLocations and CurrentLocation attributes are not null before
+     * @brief The server instance ensures that the SelectedAreas and CurrentArea attributes are not null before
      * calling this method.
      * @param[out] skipStatusText text describing why current location cannot be skipped.
      * @return true if command is successful, false if the received skip request cannot be handled due to the current mode of the
@@ -104,13 +104,13 @@ class Delegate
      * @note If the device successfully accepts the request and the ListOrder feature is set to 1:
      *       The server SHALL stop operating at the current location.
-     *       The server SHALL attempt to operate at the remaining locations on the SelectedLocations attribute list, starting with
-     * the next entry. If the end of the SelectedLocations attribute list is reached, the server SHALL stop operating.
+     *       The server SHALL attempt to operate at the remaining locations on the SelectedAreas attribute list, starting with
+     * the next entry. If the end of the SelectedAreas attribute list is reached, the server SHALL stop operating.
      * @note If the device successfully accepts the request and the ListOrder feature is set to 0:
      *       The server SHALL stop operating at the current location.
-     *       The server SHALL attempt to operate at the locations on the SelectedLocations attribute list where operating has not
-     * been completed, using a vendor defined order. If the server has completed operating at all locations on the SelectedLocations
+     *       The server SHALL attempt to operate at the locations on the SelectedAreas attribute list where operating has not
+     * been completed, using a vendor defined order. If the server has completed operating at all locations on the SelectedAreas
      * attribute list, the server SHALL stop operating.
      * @note If the Status field is set to InvalidLocationList, the StatusText field SHALL be an empty string.
@@ -119,7 +119,7 @@ class Delegate
      * InvalidInMode, the StatusText field SHOULD indicate why the request is not allowed, given the current mode of the device,
      * which may involve other clusters.
-    virtual bool HandleSkipCurrentLocation(MutableCharSpan skipStatusText)
+    virtual bool HandleSkipCurrentArea(MutableCharSpan skipStatusText)
         // device support of this command is optional
         CopyCharSpanToMutableCharSpan("Skip Current Location command not supported by device"_span, skipStatusText);
@@ -130,20 +130,20 @@ class Delegate
     // Supported Areas accessors
-     * @return true if the current device state allows the SupportedLocations attribute to be updated.
+     * @return true if the current device state allows the SupportedAreas attribute to be updated.
-     * @note The SupportedLocations attribute list changes (adding or deleting entries,
+     * @note The SupportedAreas attribute list changes (adding or deleting entries,
      *       changing their MapID fields, changing the AreaID fields, or nulling the entire list)
      *       SHOULD NOT be allowed while the device is operating, to reduce the impact on the clients,
      *       and the potential confusion for the users.
      * @note The device implementation MAY allow supported location changes while operating if the device
-     *       repopulates the SupportedMaps, SupportedLocations, CurrentLocation, and Progress attributes with
+     *       repopulates the SupportedMaps, SupportedAreas, CurrentArea, and Progress attributes with
      *       data matching the constraints listed in the requirements for each attribute.
-    virtual bool IsSupportedLocationsChangeAllowed() = 0;
+    virtual bool IsSupportedAreasChangeAllowed() = 0;
-    virtual uint32_t GetNumberOfSupportedLocations() = 0;
+    virtual uint32_t GetNumberOfSupportedAreas() = 0;
      * @brief Get a supported location using the position in the list.
@@ -190,24 +190,24 @@ class Delegate
      * @return true if supported locations was not already null, false otherwise.
-    virtual bool ClearSupportedLocations() = 0;
+    virtual bool ClearSupportedAreas() = 0;
-     * @brief Ensure that when the Supported locations is modified, the required restrictions for the SelectedLocations,
-     * CurrentLocation, and Progress attributes are maintained.
+     * @brief Ensure that when the Supported locations is modified, the required restrictions for the SelectedAreas,
+     * CurrentArea, and Progress attributes are maintained.
      * This method will be called by the SDK whenever the adherence to the restrictions for these attributes cannot be guaranteed.
-     * For example, if there are deletions in the SupportedMops or SupportedLocations attributes, or if there are changes to their
-     * IDs. This method will no be called if the changes made to the SupportedMops or SupportedLocations attributes, ensure that the
+     * For example, if there are deletions in the SupportedMops or SupportedAreas attributes, or if there are changes to their
+     * IDs. This method will no be called if the changes made to the SupportedMops or SupportedAreas attributes, ensure that the
      * restrictions are adhered. For example, if there are additions or the modifications do not involve changing IDs in the
-     * SupportedMops or SupportedLocations attributes.
+     * SupportedMops or SupportedAreas attributes.
-     * The default implementation will set the SelectedLocations, CurrentLocation, and Progress attributes to null.
+     * The default implementation will set the SelectedAreas, CurrentArea, and Progress attributes to null.
      * The user is free the redefine this method as their device may have more information on what has changed and may be able to
      * maintain the restrictions on these attributes by selectively editing them.
-    virtual void HandleSupportedLocationsUpdated();
+    virtual void HandleSupportedAreasUpdated();
     // Supported Maps accessors
@@ -221,7 +221,7 @@ class Delegate
      *       and the potential confusion for the users.
      * @note The device implementation MAY allow supported maps changes while operating if the device
-     *       repopulates the SupportedLocations, CurrentLocation, and Progress attributes with
+     *       repopulates the SupportedAreas, CurrentArea, and Progress attributes with
      *       data matching the constraints listed in the requirements for each attribute.
     virtual bool IsSupportedMapChangeAllowed() = 0;
@@ -277,7 +277,7 @@ class Delegate
     // Selected Locations accessors
-    virtual uint32_t GetNumberOfSelectedLocations() = 0;
+    virtual uint32_t GetNumberOfSelectedAreas() = 0;
      * @brief Get a selected location using the position in the list.
@@ -288,7 +288,7 @@ class Delegate
     virtual bool GetSelectedLocationByIndex(uint32_t listIndex, uint32_t & selectedLocation) = 0;
-     * @return true if the aAreaId areaID is found in the SelectedLocations list, false otherwise.
+     * @return true if the aAreaId areaID is found in the SelectedAreas list, false otherwise.
      * @note may be overloaded in device implementation for optimization, if desired.
@@ -309,7 +309,7 @@ class Delegate
      * @return true if selected locations was not already null, false otherwise.
-    virtual bool ClearSelectedLocations() = 0;
+    virtual bool ClearSelectedAreas() = 0;
     // Progress accessors
diff --git a/src/app/clusters/service-area-server/service-area-server.cpp b/src/app/clusters/service-area-server/service-area-server.cpp
index 07c1289fa0401e..83ba0740fefcec 100644
--- a/src/app/clusters/service-area-server/service-area-server.cpp
+++ b/src/app/clusters/service-area-server/service-area-server.cpp
@@ -85,17 +85,17 @@ CHIP_ERROR Instance::Read(const ConcreteReadAttributePath & aPath, AttributeValu
     switch (aPath.mAttributeId)
-    case Attributes::SupportedLocations::Id:
-        return ReadSupportedLocations(aEncoder);
+    case Attributes::SupportedAreas::Id:
+        return ReadSupportedAreas(aEncoder);
     case Attributes::SupportedMaps::Id:
         return ReadSupportedMaps(aEncoder);
-    case Attributes::SelectedLocations::Id:
-        return ReadSelectedLocations(aEncoder);
+    case Attributes::SelectedAreas::Id:
+        return ReadSelectedAreas(aEncoder);
-    case Attributes::CurrentLocation::Id:
-        return aEncoder.Encode(GetCurrentLocation());
+    case Attributes::CurrentArea::Id:
+        return aEncoder.Encode(GetCurrentArea());
     case Attributes::EstimatedEndTime::Id:
         return aEncoder.Encode(GetEstimatedEndTime());
@@ -123,16 +123,16 @@ void Instance::InvokeCommand(HandlerContext & handlerContext)
     case Commands::SkipCurrentLocation::Id:
         return CommandHandlerInterface::HandleCommand<Commands::SkipCurrentLocation::DecodableType>(
-            handlerContext, [this](HandlerContext & ctx, const auto & req) { HandleSkipCurrentLocationCmd(ctx); });
+            handlerContext, [this](HandlerContext & ctx, const auto & req) { HandleSkipCurrentAreaCmd(ctx); });
 // attribute readers
-CHIP_ERROR Instance::ReadSupportedLocations(AttributeValueEncoder & aEncoder)
+CHIP_ERROR Instance::ReadSupportedAreas(AttributeValueEncoder & aEncoder)
-    if (mDelegate->GetNumberOfSupportedLocations() == 0)
+    if (mDelegate->GetNumberOfSupportedAreas() == 0)
         return aEncoder.EncodeNull();
@@ -168,9 +168,9 @@ CHIP_ERROR Instance::ReadSupportedMaps(AttributeValueEncoder & aEncoder)
-CHIP_ERROR Instance::ReadSelectedLocations(AttributeValueEncoder & aEncoder)
+CHIP_ERROR Instance::ReadSelectedAreas(AttributeValueEncoder & aEncoder)
-    if (mDelegate->GetNumberOfSelectedLocations() == 0)
+    if (mDelegate->GetNumberOfSelectedAreas() == 0)
         return aEncoder.EncodeNull();
@@ -234,7 +234,7 @@ void Instance::HandleSelectLocationsCmd(HandlerContext & ctx, const Commands::Se
         // If the device determines that it can't operate at all locations from the list,
         // the SelectLocationsResponse command's Status field SHALL indicate InvalidSet.
-        if (numberOfLocations > kMaxNumSelectedLocations)
+        if (numberOfLocations > kMaxNumSelectedAreas)
             exitResponse(SelectAreasStatus::kInvalidSet, "invalid number of locations"_span);
@@ -242,7 +242,7 @@ void Instance::HandleSelectLocationsCmd(HandlerContext & ctx, const Commands::Se
     // if number of selected locations in parameter matches number in attribute - the locations *might* be the same
-    bool matchesCurrentSelectedLocations = (numberOfLocations == mDelegate->GetNumberOfSelectedLocations());
+    bool matchesCurrentSelectedAreas = (numberOfLocations == mDelegate->GetNumberOfSelectedAreas());
     if (!req.newLocations.IsNull())
@@ -256,7 +256,7 @@ void Instance::HandleSelectLocationsCmd(HandlerContext & ctx, const Commands::Se
                 uint32_t aSelectedLocation = iLocationIter.GetValue();
-                // each item in this list SHALL match the AreaID field of an entry on the SupportedLocations attribute's list
+                // each item in this list SHALL match the AreaID field of an entry on the SupportedAreas attribute's list
                 // If the Status field is set to UnsupportedLocation, the StatusText field SHALL be an empty string.
                 if (!IsSupportedLocation(aSelectedLocation))
@@ -280,12 +280,12 @@ void Instance::HandleSelectLocationsCmd(HandlerContext & ctx, const Commands::Se
                 // check to see if parameter list and attribute still match
-                if (matchesCurrentSelectedLocations)
+                if (matchesCurrentSelectedAreas)
                     if (!mDelegate->GetSelectedLocationByIndex(ignoredIndex, oldSelectedLocation) ||
                         (aSelectedLocation != oldSelectedLocation))
-                        matchesCurrentSelectedLocations = false;
+                        matchesCurrentSelectedAreas = false;
@@ -301,10 +301,10 @@ void Instance::HandleSelectLocationsCmd(HandlerContext & ctx, const Commands::Se
-    // If the NewLocations field is the same as the value of the SelectedLocations attribute
+    // If the NewLocations field is the same as the value of the SelectedAreas attribute
     // the SelectLocationsResponse command SHALL have the Status field set to Success and
     // the StatusText field MAY be supplied with a human-readable string or include an empty string.
-    if (matchesCurrentSelectedLocations)
+    if (matchesCurrentSelectedAreas)
         exitResponse(SelectAreasStatus::kSuccess, ""_span);
@@ -318,7 +318,7 @@ void Instance::HandleSelectLocationsCmd(HandlerContext & ctx, const Commands::Se
     // if the Status field is set to InvalidInMode, the StatusText field SHOULD indicate why the request is not allowed,
     // given the current mode of the device, which may involve other clusters.
     // (note - locationStatusText to be filled out by delegated function for if return value is false)
-    if (!mDelegate->IsSetSelectedLocationsAllowed(delegateStatusText))
+    if (!mDelegate->IsSetSelectedAreasAllowed(delegateStatusText))
         exitResponse(SelectAreasStatus::kInvalidInMode, delegateStatusText);
@@ -340,8 +340,8 @@ void Instance::HandleSelectLocationsCmd(HandlerContext & ctx, const Commands::Se
         // If the device successfully accepts the request, the server will attempt to operate at the location(s)
         // indicated by the entries of the NewLocation field, when requested to operate,
         // the SelectLocationsResponse command SHALL have the Status field set to Success,
-        // and the SelectedLocations attribute SHALL be set to the value of the NewLocations field.
-        mDelegate->ClearSelectedLocations();
+        // and the SelectedAreas attribute SHALL be set to the value of the NewLocations field.
+        mDelegate->ClearSelectedAreas();
         if (!req.newLocations.IsNull())
@@ -353,17 +353,17 @@ void Instance::HandleSelectLocationsCmd(HandlerContext & ctx, const Commands::Se
-        NotifySelectedLocationsChanged();
+        NotifySelectedAreasChanged();
     exitResponse(SelectAreasStatus::kSuccess, ""_span);
-void Instance::HandleSkipCurrentLocationCmd(HandlerContext & ctx)
+void Instance::HandleSkipCurrentAreaCmd(HandlerContext & ctx)
-    ChipLogDetail(Zcl, "Service Area: HandleSkipCurrentLocation");
+    ChipLogDetail(Zcl, "Service Area: HandleSkipCurrentArea");
-    // On receipt of this command the device SHALL respond with a SkipCurrentLocationResponse command.
+    // On receipt of this command the device SHALL respond with a SkipCurrentAreaResponse command.
     auto exitResponse = [ctx](SkipAreaStatus status, CharSpan statusText) {
         Commands::SkipCurrentLocationResponse::Type response{
             .status     = status,
@@ -372,19 +372,19 @@ void Instance::HandleSkipCurrentLocationCmd(HandlerContext & ctx)
         ctx.mCommandHandler.AddResponse(ctx.mRequestPath, response);
-    // If the SelectedLocations attribute is null, the response status should be set to InvalidLocationList.
+    // If the SelectedAreas attribute is null, the response status should be set to InvalidLocationList.
     // If the Status field is set to InvalidLocationList, the StatusText field SHALL be an empty string.
-    if (mDelegate->GetNumberOfSelectedLocations() == 0)
+    if (mDelegate->GetNumberOfSelectedAreas() == 0)
         ChipLogError(Zcl, "Selected Locations attribute is null");
         exitResponse(SkipAreaStatus::kInvalidAreaList, ""_span);
-    // If the CurrentLocation attribute is null, the status should be set to InvalidInMode.
+    // If the CurrentArea attribute is null, the status should be set to InvalidInMode.
     // If the Status field is not set to Success, or InvalidLocationList, the StatusText field SHALL include a vendor defined error
     // description.
-    if (mCurrentLocation.IsNull())
+    if (mCurrentArea.IsNull())
         exitResponse(SkipAreaStatus::kInvalidInMode, "Current Location attribute is null"_span);
@@ -397,7 +397,7 @@ void Instance::HandleSkipCurrentLocationCmd(HandlerContext & ctx)
     char skipStatusBuffer[kMaxSizeStatusText];
     MutableCharSpan skipStatusText(skipStatusBuffer);
-    if (!mDelegate->HandleSkipCurrentLocation(skipStatusText))
+    if (!mDelegate->HandleSkipCurrentArea(skipStatusText))
         exitResponse(SkipAreaStatus::kInvalidInMode, skipStatusText);
@@ -407,9 +407,9 @@ void Instance::HandleSkipCurrentLocationCmd(HandlerContext & ctx)
 // attribute notifications
-void Instance::NotifySupportedLocationsChanged()
+void Instance::NotifySupportedAreasChanged()
-    MatterReportingAttributeChangeCallback(mEndpointId, mClusterId, Attributes::SupportedLocations::Id);
+    MatterReportingAttributeChangeCallback(mEndpointId, mClusterId, Attributes::SupportedAreas::Id);
 void Instance::NotifySupportedMapsChanged()
@@ -417,14 +417,14 @@ void Instance::NotifySupportedMapsChanged()
     MatterReportingAttributeChangeCallback(mEndpointId, mClusterId, Attributes::SupportedMaps::Id);
-void Instance::NotifySelectedLocationsChanged()
+void Instance::NotifySelectedAreasChanged()
-    MatterReportingAttributeChangeCallback(mEndpointId, mClusterId, Attributes::SelectedLocations::Id);
+    MatterReportingAttributeChangeCallback(mEndpointId, mClusterId, Attributes::SelectedAreas::Id);
-void Instance::NotifyCurrentLocationChanged()
+void Instance::NotifyCurrentAreaChanged()
-    MatterReportingAttributeChangeCallback(mEndpointId, mClusterId, Attributes::CurrentLocation::Id);
+    MatterReportingAttributeChangeCallback(mEndpointId, mClusterId, Attributes::CurrentArea::Id);
 void Instance::NotifyEstimatedEndTimeChanged()
@@ -583,13 +583,13 @@ bool Instance::AddSupportedLocation(uint32_t aAreaId, const DataModel::Nullable<
     // Does device mode allow this attribute to be updated?
-    if (!mDelegate->IsSupportedLocationsChangeAllowed())
+    if (!mDelegate->IsSupportedAreasChangeAllowed())
         return false;
     // Check there is space for the entry.
-    if (mDelegate->GetNumberOfSupportedLocations() >= kMaxNumSupportedLocations)
+    if (mDelegate->GetNumberOfSupportedAreas() >= kMaxNumSupportedAreas)
         ChipLogError(Zcl, "AddSupportedLocation %u - too many entries", aAreaId);
         return false;
@@ -612,14 +612,14 @@ bool Instance::AddSupportedLocation(uint32_t aAreaId, const DataModel::Nullable<
         return false;
-    // Add the SupportedLocation to the SupportedLocations attribute.
+    // Add the SupportedLocation to the SupportedAreas attribute.
     uint32_t ignoredIndex;
     if (!mDelegate->AddSupportedLocation(aNewLocation, ignoredIndex))
         return false;
-    NotifySupportedLocationsChanged();
+    NotifySupportedAreasChanged();
     return true;
@@ -647,7 +647,7 @@ bool Instance::ModifySupportedLocation(uint32_t aAreaId, const DataModel::Nullab
             (!aMapId.IsNull() && !supportedLocation.mapID.IsNull() && (aMapId.Value() != supportedLocation.mapID.Value())))
             // does device mode allow this attribute to be updated?
-            if (!mDelegate->IsSupportedLocationsChangeAllowed())
+            if (!mDelegate->IsSupportedAreasChangeAllowed())
                 return false;
@@ -682,25 +682,25 @@ bool Instance::ModifySupportedLocation(uint32_t aAreaId, const DataModel::Nullab
     if (mapIDChanged)
-        mDelegate->HandleSupportedLocationsUpdated();
+        mDelegate->HandleSupportedAreasUpdated();
-    NotifySupportedLocationsChanged();
+    NotifySupportedAreasChanged();
     return true;
-bool Instance::ClearSupportedLocations()
+bool Instance::ClearSupportedAreas()
     // does device mode allow this attribute to be updated?
-    if (!mDelegate->IsSupportedLocationsChangeAllowed())
+    if (!mDelegate->IsSupportedAreasChangeAllowed())
         return false;
-    if (mDelegate->ClearSupportedLocations())
+    if (mDelegate->ClearSupportedAreas())
-        mDelegate->HandleSupportedLocationsUpdated();
-        NotifySupportedLocationsChanged();
+        mDelegate->HandleSupportedAreasUpdated();
+        NotifySupportedAreasChanged();
         return true;
@@ -834,7 +834,7 @@ bool Instance::ClearSupportedMaps()
     if (mDelegate->ClearSupportedMaps())
-        ClearSupportedLocations();
+        ClearSupportedAreas();
         return true;
@@ -848,13 +848,13 @@ bool Instance::ClearSupportedMaps()
 bool Instance::AddSelectedLocation(uint32_t & aSelectedLocation)
     // check max# of list entries
-    if (mDelegate->GetNumberOfSelectedLocations() >= kMaxNumSelectedLocations)
+    if (mDelegate->GetNumberOfSelectedAreas() >= kMaxNumSelectedAreas)
         ChipLogError(Zcl, "AddSelectedLocation %u - maximum number of entries", aSelectedLocation);
         return false;
-    // each item in this list SHALL match the AreaID field of an entry on the SupportedLocations attribute's list
+    // each item in this list SHALL match the AreaID field of an entry on the SupportedAreas attribute's list
     if (!IsSupportedLocation(aSelectedLocation))
         ChipLogError(Zcl, "AddSelectedLocation %u - not a supported location", aSelectedLocation);
@@ -872,7 +872,7 @@ bool Instance::AddSelectedLocation(uint32_t & aSelectedLocation)
     char locationStatusBuffer[kMaxSizeStatusText];
     MutableCharSpan locationStatusText(locationStatusBuffer);
-    if (!mDelegate->IsSetSelectedLocationsAllowed(locationStatusText))
+    if (!mDelegate->IsSetSelectedAreasAllowed(locationStatusText))
         ChipLogError(Zcl, "AddSelectedLocation %u - %.*s", aSelectedLocation, static_cast<int>(locationStatusText.size()),
@@ -883,11 +883,11 @@ bool Instance::AddSelectedLocation(uint32_t & aSelectedLocation)
     return mDelegate->AddSelectedLocation(aSelectedLocation, ignoredIndex);
-bool Instance::ClearSelectedLocations()
+bool Instance::ClearSelectedAreas()
-    if (mDelegate->ClearSelectedLocations())
+    if (mDelegate->ClearSelectedAreas())
-        NotifySelectedLocationsChanged();
+        NotifySelectedAreasChanged();
         return true;
@@ -897,31 +897,31 @@ bool Instance::ClearSelectedLocations()
 // Current Location manipulators
-DataModel::Nullable<uint32_t> Instance::GetCurrentLocation()
+DataModel::Nullable<uint32_t> Instance::GetCurrentArea()
-    return mCurrentLocation;
+    return mCurrentArea;
-bool Instance::SetCurrentLocation(const DataModel::Nullable<uint32_t> & aCurrentLocation)
+bool Instance::SetCurrentArea(const DataModel::Nullable<uint32_t> & aCurrentArea)
-    // If not null, the value of this attribute SHALL match the AreaID field of an entry on the SupportedLocations attribute's
+    // If not null, the value of this attribute SHALL match the AreaID field of an entry on the SupportedAreas attribute's
     // list.
-    if ((!aCurrentLocation.IsNull()) && (!IsSupportedLocation(aCurrentLocation.Value())))
+    if ((!aCurrentArea.IsNull()) && (!IsSupportedLocation(aCurrentArea.Value())))
-        ChipLogError(Zcl, "SetCurrentLocation %u - location is not supported", aCurrentLocation.Value());
+        ChipLogError(Zcl, "SetCurrentArea %u - location is not supported", aCurrentArea.Value());
         return false;
-    bool notifyChange = mCurrentLocation != aCurrentLocation;
+    bool notifyChange = mCurrentArea != aCurrentArea;
-    mCurrentLocation = aCurrentLocation;
+    mCurrentArea = aCurrentArea;
     if (notifyChange)
-        NotifyCurrentLocationChanged();
+        NotifyCurrentAreaChanged();
-    // EstimatedEndTime SHALL be null if the CurrentLocation attribute is null.
-    if (mCurrentLocation.IsNull())
+    // EstimatedEndTime SHALL be null if the CurrentArea attribute is null.
+    if (mCurrentArea.IsNull())
@@ -939,8 +939,8 @@ DataModel::Nullable<uint32_t> Instance::GetEstimatedEndTime()
 bool Instance::SetEstimatedEndTime(const DataModel::Nullable<uint32_t> & aEstimatedEndTime)
-    // EstimatedEndTime SHALL be null if the CurrentLocation attribute is null.
-    if (mCurrentLocation.IsNull() && !aEstimatedEndTime.IsNull())
+    // EstimatedEndTime SHALL be null if the CurrentArea attribute is null.
+    if (mCurrentArea.IsNull() && !aEstimatedEndTime.IsNull())
         ChipLogError(Zcl, "SetEstimatedEndTime - must be null if Current Location is null");
         return false;
@@ -974,7 +974,7 @@ bool Instance::AddPendingProgressElement(uint32_t aAreaId)
         return false;
-    // For each entry in this list, the AreaID field SHALL match an entry on the SupportedLocations attribute's list.
+    // For each entry in this list, the AreaID field SHALL match an entry on the SupportedAreas attribute's list.
     if (!IsSupportedLocation(aAreaId))
         ChipLogError(Zcl, "AddPendingProgressElement - not a supported location %u", aAreaId);
diff --git a/src/app/clusters/service-area-server/service-area-server.h b/src/app/clusters/service-area-server/service-area-server.h
index b01198aa5b04be..6fa25a0cc25b14 100644
--- a/src/app/clusters/service-area-server/service-area-server.h
+++ b/src/app/clusters/service-area-server/service-area-server.h
@@ -79,7 +79,7 @@ class Instance : public AttributeAccessInterface, public CommandHandlerInterface
     ClusterId mClusterId;
     // Attribute Data Store
-    DataModel::Nullable<uint32_t> mCurrentLocation;
+    DataModel::Nullable<uint32_t> mCurrentArea;
     DataModel::Nullable<uint32_t> mEstimatedEndTime;
     BitMask<ServiceArea::Feature> mFeature;
@@ -101,11 +101,11 @@ class Instance : public AttributeAccessInterface, public CommandHandlerInterface
     // attribute readers
-    CHIP_ERROR ReadSupportedLocations(chip::app::AttributeValueEncoder & aEncoder);
+    CHIP_ERROR ReadSupportedAreas(chip::app::AttributeValueEncoder & aEncoder);
     CHIP_ERROR ReadSupportedMaps(chip::app::AttributeValueEncoder & aEncoder);
-    CHIP_ERROR ReadSelectedLocations(chip::app::AttributeValueEncoder & aEncoder);
+    CHIP_ERROR ReadSelectedAreas(chip::app::AttributeValueEncoder & aEncoder);
     CHIP_ERROR ReadProgress(chip::app::AttributeValueEncoder & aEncoder);
@@ -123,15 +123,15 @@ class Instance : public AttributeAccessInterface, public CommandHandlerInterface
      * @param[in, out] ctx Returns the Interaction Model status code which was user determined in the business logic.
      *                     If the input value is invalid, returns the Interaction Model status code of INVALID_COMMAND.
-    void HandleSkipCurrentLocationCmd(HandlerContext & ctx);
+    void HandleSkipCurrentAreaCmd(HandlerContext & ctx);
     // attribute notifications
-    void NotifySupportedLocationsChanged();
+    void NotifySupportedAreasChanged();
     void NotifySupportedMapsChanged();
-    void NotifySelectedLocationsChanged();
-    void NotifyCurrentLocationChanged();
+    void NotifySelectedAreasChanged();
+    void NotifyCurrentAreaChanged();
     void NotifyEstimatedEndTimeChanged();
     void NotifyProgressChanged();
@@ -204,7 +204,7 @@ class Instance : public AttributeAccessInterface, public CommandHandlerInterface
      * location was modified.
      * @note if aLocationName is larger than kLocationNameMaxSize, it will be truncated.
-     * @note if mapID is changed, the delegate's HandleSupportedLocationsUpdated method is called.
+     * @note if mapID is changed, the delegate's HandleSupportedAreasUpdated method is called.
     bool ModifySupportedLocation(uint32_t aAreaId, const DataModel::Nullable<uint8_t> & aMapId, const CharSpan & aLocationName,
                                  const DataModel::Nullable<int16_t> & aFloorNumber,
@@ -214,11 +214,11 @@ class Instance : public AttributeAccessInterface, public CommandHandlerInterface
                                  const DataModel::Nullable<Globals::FloorSurfaceTag> & aSurfaceTag);
-     * @return true if the SupportedLocations attribute was not already null.
+     * @return true if the SupportedAreas attribute was not already null.
-     * @note if SupportedLocations is cleared, the delegate's HandleSupportedLocationsUpdated method is called.
+     * @note if SupportedAreas is cleared, the delegate's HandleSupportedAreasUpdated method is called.
-    bool ClearSupportedLocations();
+    bool ClearSupportedAreas();
     // Supported Maps manipulators
@@ -249,7 +249,7 @@ class Instance : public AttributeAccessInterface, public CommandHandlerInterface
      * @return true if the SupportedMaps attribute was not already null.
-     * @note if SupportedMaps is cleared, the delegate's HandleSupportedLocationsUpdated method is called.
+     * @note if SupportedMaps is cleared, the delegate's HandleSupportedAreasUpdated method is called.
     bool ClearSupportedMaps();
@@ -264,36 +264,36 @@ class Instance : public AttributeAccessInterface, public CommandHandlerInterface
     bool AddSelectedLocation(uint32_t & aSelectedLocation);
-     * @return true if the SelectedLocations attribute was not already null.
+     * @return true if the SelectedAreas attribute was not already null.
-    bool ClearSelectedLocations();
+    bool ClearSelectedAreas();
     // Current Location manipulators
-    DataModel::Nullable<uint32_t> GetCurrentLocation();
+    DataModel::Nullable<uint32_t> GetCurrentArea();
-     * @param[in] aCurrentLocation The area ID that the CurrentLocation attribute should be set to. Must be a supported location
+     * @param[in] aCurrentArea The area ID that the CurrentArea attribute should be set to. Must be a supported location
      * or NULL.
      * @return true if the current location is set, false otherwise.
      * @note if current location is set to null, estimated end time will be set to null.
-    bool SetCurrentLocation(const DataModel::Nullable<uint32_t> & aCurrentLocation);
+    bool SetCurrentArea(const DataModel::Nullable<uint32_t> & aCurrentArea);
     // Estimated End Time manipulators
-     * @return The estimated epoch time in seconds when operation at the location indicated by the CurrentLocation attribute will be
+     * @return The estimated epoch time in seconds when operation at the location indicated by the CurrentArea attribute will be
      * completed.
     DataModel::Nullable<uint32_t> GetEstimatedEndTime();
      * @param[in] aEstimatedEndTime The estimated epoch time in seconds when operation at the location indicated by the
-     * CurrentLocation attribute will be completed.
+     * CurrentArea attribute will be completed.
      * @return true if attribute is set, false otherwise.
     bool SetEstimatedEndTime(const DataModel::Nullable<uint32_t> & aEstimatedEndTime);

From 088f01d287c613919aebd6b95c07fd654fe9f8b0 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: William Hicklin <>
Date: Thu, 1 Aug 2024 16:18:21 +0100
Subject: [PATCH 19/28] Updated the service area command names in XML.

 .../data-model/chip/service-area-cluster.xml   | 18 +++++++++---------
 1 file changed, 9 insertions(+), 9 deletions(-)

diff --git a/src/app/zap-templates/zcl/data-model/chip/service-area-cluster.xml b/src/app/zap-templates/zcl/data-model/chip/service-area-cluster.xml
index 248156f4f67d7e..f78e8966a11b94 100644
--- a/src/app/zap-templates/zcl/data-model/chip/service-area-cluster.xml
+++ b/src/app/zap-templates/zcl/data-model/chip/service-area-cluster.xml
@@ -96,30 +96,30 @@ limitations under the License.
     <attribute side="server" code="0x0005" define="Progress"            type="array"     entryType="ProgressStruct"  writable="false" isNullable="true"  optional="true" >Progress</attribute>
     <!-- Commands -->
-    <command source="client" code="0x00" name="SelectLocations" response="SelectLocationsResponse" optional="false">
+    <command source="client" code="0x00" name="SelectAreas" response="SelectAreasResponse" optional="false">
-        Command used to select a set of device locations, where the device is to operate
+        Command used to select a set of device areas, where the device is to operate.
-      <arg name="NewLocations" type="int32u" array="true" isNullable="true"/>
+      <arg name="NewAreas" type="int32u" array="true" isNullable="true"/>
-    <command source="server" code="0x01" name="SelectLocationsResponse" disableDefaultResponse="true" optional="false">
+    <command source="server" code="0x01" name="SelectAreasResponse" disableDefaultResponse="true" optional="false">
-        This command is sent by the device on receipt of the SelectLocations command.
+        This command is sent by the device on receipt of the SelectAreas command.
       <arg name="Status"     type="SelectAreasStatus"         optional="false"/>
       <arg name="StatusText" type="char_string"  length="256" optional="true"/>
-    <command source="client" code="0x02" name="SkipCurrentLocation" response="SkipCurrentLocationResponse" optional="true">
+    <command source="client" code="0x02" name="SkipArea" response="SkipAreaResponse" optional="true">
-        This command is used to skip the current location where the device operates.
+        This command is used to skip an area where the device operates.
-    <command source="server" code="0x03" name="SkipCurrentLocationResponse" disableDefaultResponse="true" optional="true">
+    <command source="server" code="0x03" name="SkipAreaResponse" disableDefaultResponse="true" optional="true">
-        This command is sent by the device on receipt of the SelectLocations command.
+        This command is sent by the device on receipt of the SkipArea command.
       <arg name="Status"     type="SkipAreaStatus"  optional="false"/>
       <arg name="StatusText" type="char_string"     length="256" optional="true"/>

From a6b8036b8d3a8fd251afef31bb08e01827ab7ca5 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: William Hicklin <>
Date: Thu, 1 Aug 2024 16:27:18 +0100
Subject: [PATCH 20/28] Zap generated after XML update.

 examples/rvc-app/rvc-common/rvc-app.matter    |  24 ++--
 .../data_model/controller-clusters.matter     |  16 +--
 .../chip/devicecontroller/   |  22 ++--
 .../devicecontroller/    |  12 +-
 .../devicecontroller/  |  34 ++---
 .../cluster/clusters/ServiceAreaCluster.kt    |  26 ++--
 .../python/chip/clusters/      |   6 +-
 .../python/chip/clusters/           |  16 +--
 .../CHIP/zap-generated/MTRBaseClusters.h      |  14 +-
 .../CHIP/zap-generated/     |  20 +--
 .../CHIP/zap-generated/MTRClusterConstants.h  |   8 +-
 .../CHIP/zap-generated/MTRClusters.h          |   6 +-
 .../CHIP/zap-generated/         |  20 +--
 .../zap-generated/MTRCommandPayloadsObjc.h    |  14 +-
 .../zap-generated/   |  60 ++++-----
 .../MTRCommandPayloads_Internal.h             |  12 +-
 .../zap-generated/cluster-objects.cpp         |  22 ++--
 .../zap-generated/cluster-objects.h           |  58 ++++-----
 .../app-common/zap-generated/ids/Commands.h   |  16 +--
 .../zap-generated/cluster/Commands.h          |  41 +++---
 .../cluster/logging/DataModelLogger.cpp       |  16 +--
 .../cluster/logging/DataModelLogger.h         |   4 +-
 .../zap-generated/cluster/Commands.h          | 120 +++++++++---------
 23 files changed, 292 insertions(+), 295 deletions(-)

diff --git a/examples/rvc-app/rvc-common/rvc-app.matter b/examples/rvc-app/rvc-common/rvc-app.matter
index 45502cdf61a1f1..d9d8e8de5b84cb 100644
--- a/examples/rvc-app/rvc-common/rvc-app.matter
+++ b/examples/rvc-app/rvc-common/rvc-app.matter
@@ -1478,24 +1478,24 @@ provisional cluster ServiceArea = 336 {
   readonly attribute bitmap32 featureMap = 65532;
   readonly attribute int16u clusterRevision = 65533;
-  request struct SelectLocationsRequest {
-    nullable int32u newLocations[] = 0;
+  request struct SelectAreasRequest {
+    nullable int32u newAreas[] = 0;
-  response struct SelectLocationsResponse = 1 {
+  response struct SelectAreasResponse = 1 {
     SelectAreasStatus status = 0;
     optional char_string<256> statusText = 1;
-  response struct SkipCurrentLocationResponse = 3 {
+  response struct SkipAreaResponse = 3 {
     SkipAreaStatus status = 0;
     optional char_string<256> statusText = 1;
-  /** Command used to select a set of device locations, where the device is to operate */
-  command SelectLocations(SelectLocationsRequest): SelectLocationsResponse = 0;
-  /** This command is used to skip the current location where the device operates. */
-  command SkipCurrentLocation(): SkipCurrentLocationResponse = 2;
+  /** Command used to select a set of device areas, where the device is to operate. */
+  command SelectAreas(SelectAreasRequest): SelectAreasResponse = 0;
+  /** This command is used to skip an area where the device operates. */
+  command SkipArea(): SkipAreaResponse = 2;
 endpoint 0 {
@@ -1768,10 +1768,10 @@ endpoint 1 {
     callback attribute featureMap;
     ram      attribute clusterRevision default = 1;
-    handle command SelectLocations;
-    handle command SelectLocationsResponse;
-    handle command SkipCurrentLocation;
-    handle command SkipCurrentLocationResponse;
+    handle command SelectAreas;
+    handle command SelectAreasResponse;
+    handle command SkipArea;
+    handle command SkipAreaResponse;
diff --git a/src/controller/data_model/controller-clusters.matter b/src/controller/data_model/controller-clusters.matter
index 7f92ae1e49af53..a1acb192c1354c 100644
--- a/src/controller/data_model/controller-clusters.matter
+++ b/src/controller/data_model/controller-clusters.matter
@@ -6499,24 +6499,24 @@ provisional cluster ServiceArea = 336 {
   readonly attribute bitmap32 featureMap = 65532;
   readonly attribute int16u clusterRevision = 65533;
-  request struct SelectLocationsRequest {
-    nullable int32u newLocations[] = 0;
+  request struct SelectAreasRequest {
+    nullable int32u newAreas[] = 0;
-  response struct SelectLocationsResponse = 1 {
+  response struct SelectAreasResponse = 1 {
     SelectAreasStatus status = 0;
     optional char_string<256> statusText = 1;
-  response struct SkipCurrentLocationResponse = 3 {
+  response struct SkipAreaResponse = 3 {
     SkipAreaStatus status = 0;
     optional char_string<256> statusText = 1;
-  /** Command used to select a set of device locations, where the device is to operate */
-  command SelectLocations(SelectLocationsRequest): SelectLocationsResponse = 0;
-  /** This command is used to skip the current location where the device operates. */
-  command SkipCurrentLocation(): SkipCurrentLocationResponse = 2;
+  /** Command used to select a set of device areas, where the device is to operate. */
+  command SelectAreas(SelectAreasRequest): SelectAreasResponse = 0;
+  /** This command is used to skip an area where the device operates. */
+  command SkipArea(): SkipAreaResponse = 2;
 /** An interface for configuring and controlling pumps. */
diff --git a/src/controller/java/generated/java/chip/devicecontroller/ b/src/controller/java/generated/java/chip/devicecontroller/
index 1a7c4cc657cc37..47683c6f7715f3 100644
--- a/src/controller/java/generated/java/chip/devicecontroller/
+++ b/src/controller/java/generated/java/chip/devicecontroller/
@@ -39046,17 +39046,17 @@ public long initWithDevice(long devicePtr, int endpointId) {
       return 0L;
-    public void selectLocations(SelectLocationsResponseCallback callback, @Nullable ArrayList<Long> newLocations) {
-      selectLocations(callback, newLocations, 0);
+    public void selectAreas(SelectAreasResponseCallback callback, @Nullable ArrayList<Long> newAreas) {
+      selectAreas(callback, newAreas, 0);
-    public void selectLocations(SelectLocationsResponseCallback callback, @Nullable ArrayList<Long> newLocations, int timedInvokeTimeoutMs) {
+    public void selectAreas(SelectAreasResponseCallback callback, @Nullable ArrayList<Long> newAreas, int timedInvokeTimeoutMs) {
       final long commandId = 0L;
       ArrayList<StructElement> elements = new ArrayList<>();
-      final long newLocationsFieldID = 0L;
-      BaseTLVType newLocationstlvValue = newLocations != null ? ArrayType.generateArrayType(newLocations, (elementnewLocations) -> new UIntType(elementnewLocations)) : new NullType();
-      elements.add(new StructElement(newLocationsFieldID, newLocationstlvValue));
+      final long newAreasFieldID = 0L;
+      BaseTLVType newAreastlvValue = newAreas != null ? ArrayType.generateArrayType(newAreas, (elementnewAreas) -> new UIntType(elementnewAreas)) : new NullType();
+      elements.add(new StructElement(newAreasFieldID, newAreastlvValue));
       StructType commandArgs = new StructType(elements);
       invoke(new InvokeCallbackImpl(callback) {
@@ -39083,11 +39083,11 @@ public void onResponse(StructType invokeStructValue) {
         }}, commandId, commandArgs, timedInvokeTimeoutMs);
-    public void skipCurrentLocation(SkipCurrentLocationResponseCallback callback) {
-      skipCurrentLocation(callback, 0);
+    public void skipArea(SkipAreaResponseCallback callback) {
+      skipArea(callback, 0);
-    public void skipCurrentLocation(SkipCurrentLocationResponseCallback callback, int timedInvokeTimeoutMs) {
+    public void skipArea(SkipAreaResponseCallback callback, int timedInvokeTimeoutMs) {
       final long commandId = 2L;
       ArrayList<StructElement> elements = new ArrayList<>();
@@ -39116,11 +39116,11 @@ public void onResponse(StructType invokeStructValue) {
         }}, commandId, commandArgs, timedInvokeTimeoutMs);
-    public interface SelectLocationsResponseCallback extends BaseClusterCallback {
+    public interface SelectAreasResponseCallback extends BaseClusterCallback {
       void onSuccess(Integer status, Optional<String> statusText);
-    public interface SkipCurrentLocationResponseCallback extends BaseClusterCallback {
+    public interface SkipAreaResponseCallback extends BaseClusterCallback {
       void onSuccess(Integer status, Optional<String> statusText);
diff --git a/src/controller/java/generated/java/chip/devicecontroller/ b/src/controller/java/generated/java/chip/devicecontroller/
index 094c51f282d2c9..1287688c10cad4 100644
--- a/src/controller/java/generated/java/chip/devicecontroller/
+++ b/src/controller/java/generated/java/chip/devicecontroller/
@@ -11685,8 +11685,8 @@ public static Event value(long id) throws NoSuchFieldError {
         public enum Command {
-            SelectLocations(0L),
-            SkipCurrentLocation(2L),;
+            SelectAreas(0L),
+            SkipArea(2L),;
             private final long id;
             Command(long id) {
        = id;
@@ -11704,17 +11704,17 @@ public static Command value(long id) throws NoSuchFieldError {
                 throw new NoSuchFieldError();
-        }public enum SelectLocationsCommandField {NewLocations(0),;
+        }public enum SelectAreasCommandField {NewAreas(0),;
                     private final int id;
-                    SelectLocationsCommandField(int id) {
+                    SelectAreasCommandField(int id) {
                = id;
                     public int getID() {
                         return id;
-                    public static SelectLocationsCommandField value(int id) throws NoSuchFieldError {
-                        for (SelectLocationsCommandField field : SelectLocationsCommandField.values()) {
+                    public static SelectAreasCommandField value(int id) throws NoSuchFieldError {
+                        for (SelectAreasCommandField field : SelectAreasCommandField.values()) {
                         if (field.getID() == id) {
                             return field;
diff --git a/src/controller/java/generated/java/chip/devicecontroller/ b/src/controller/java/generated/java/chip/devicecontroller/
index 9ec26d56487923..94a34f7e23e0df 100644
--- a/src/controller/java/generated/java/chip/devicecontroller/
+++ b/src/controller/java/generated/java/chip/devicecontroller/
@@ -13117,7 +13117,7 @@ public void onError(Exception ex) {
-  public static class DelegatedServiceAreaClusterSelectLocationsResponseCallback implements ChipClusters.ServiceAreaCluster.SelectLocationsResponseCallback, DelegatedClusterCallback {
+  public static class DelegatedServiceAreaClusterSelectAreasResponseCallback implements ChipClusters.ServiceAreaCluster.SelectAreasResponseCallback, DelegatedClusterCallback {
     private ClusterCommandCallback callback;
     public void setCallbackDelegate(ClusterCommandCallback callback) {
@@ -13141,7 +13141,7 @@ public void onError(Exception error) {
-  public static class DelegatedServiceAreaClusterSkipCurrentLocationResponseCallback implements ChipClusters.ServiceAreaCluster.SkipCurrentLocationResponseCallback, DelegatedClusterCallback {
+  public static class DelegatedServiceAreaClusterSkipAreaResponseCallback implements ChipClusters.ServiceAreaCluster.SkipAreaResponseCallback, DelegatedClusterCallback {
     private ClusterCommandCallback callback;
     public void setCallbackDelegate(ClusterCommandCallback callback) {
@@ -26831,35 +26831,35 @@ public Map<String, Map<String, InteractionInfo>> getCommandMap() {
     Map<String, InteractionInfo> serviceAreaClusterInteractionInfoMap = new LinkedHashMap<>();
-    Map<String, CommandParameterInfo> serviceAreaselectLocationsCommandParams = new LinkedHashMap<String, CommandParameterInfo>();
+    Map<String, CommandParameterInfo> serviceAreaselectAreasCommandParams = new LinkedHashMap<String, CommandParameterInfo>();
-    CommandParameterInfo serviceAreaselectLocationsnewLocationsCommandParameterInfo = new CommandParameterInfo("newLocations", ArrayList.class, ArrayList.class);
-    serviceAreaselectLocationsCommandParams.put("newLocations",serviceAreaselectLocationsnewLocationsCommandParameterInfo);
-    InteractionInfo serviceAreaselectLocationsInteractionInfo = new InteractionInfo(
+    CommandParameterInfo serviceAreaselectAreasnewAreasCommandParameterInfo = new CommandParameterInfo("newAreas", ArrayList.class, ArrayList.class);
+    serviceAreaselectAreasCommandParams.put("newAreas",serviceAreaselectAreasnewAreasCommandParameterInfo);
+    InteractionInfo serviceAreaselectAreasInteractionInfo = new InteractionInfo(
       (cluster, callback, commandArguments) -> {
         ((ChipClusters.ServiceAreaCluster) cluster)
-          .selectLocations((ChipClusters.ServiceAreaCluster.SelectLocationsResponseCallback) callback
+          .selectAreas((ChipClusters.ServiceAreaCluster.SelectAreasResponseCallback) callback
            , (ArrayList<Long>)
-             commandArguments.get("newLocations")
+             commandArguments.get("newAreas")
-        () -> new DelegatedServiceAreaClusterSelectLocationsResponseCallback(),
-        serviceAreaselectLocationsCommandParams
+        () -> new DelegatedServiceAreaClusterSelectAreasResponseCallback(),
+        serviceAreaselectAreasCommandParams
-    serviceAreaClusterInteractionInfoMap.put("selectLocations", serviceAreaselectLocationsInteractionInfo);
+    serviceAreaClusterInteractionInfoMap.put("selectAreas", serviceAreaselectAreasInteractionInfo);
-    Map<String, CommandParameterInfo> serviceAreaskipCurrentLocationCommandParams = new LinkedHashMap<String, CommandParameterInfo>();
-    InteractionInfo serviceAreaskipCurrentLocationInteractionInfo = new InteractionInfo(
+    Map<String, CommandParameterInfo> serviceAreaskipAreaCommandParams = new LinkedHashMap<String, CommandParameterInfo>();
+    InteractionInfo serviceAreaskipAreaInteractionInfo = new InteractionInfo(
       (cluster, callback, commandArguments) -> {
         ((ChipClusters.ServiceAreaCluster) cluster)
-          .skipCurrentLocation((ChipClusters.ServiceAreaCluster.SkipCurrentLocationResponseCallback) callback
+          .skipArea((ChipClusters.ServiceAreaCluster.SkipAreaResponseCallback) callback
-        () -> new DelegatedServiceAreaClusterSkipCurrentLocationResponseCallback(),
-        serviceAreaskipCurrentLocationCommandParams
+        () -> new DelegatedServiceAreaClusterSkipAreaResponseCallback(),
+        serviceAreaskipAreaCommandParams
-    serviceAreaClusterInteractionInfoMap.put("skipCurrentLocation", serviceAreaskipCurrentLocationInteractionInfo);
+    serviceAreaClusterInteractionInfoMap.put("skipArea", serviceAreaskipAreaInteractionInfo);
     commandMap.put("serviceArea", serviceAreaClusterInteractionInfoMap);
diff --git a/src/controller/java/generated/java/matter/controller/cluster/clusters/ServiceAreaCluster.kt b/src/controller/java/generated/java/matter/controller/cluster/clusters/ServiceAreaCluster.kt
index 55a635a55f1a26..3f7aad29ed5a42 100644
--- a/src/controller/java/generated/java/matter/controller/cluster/clusters/ServiceAreaCluster.kt
+++ b/src/controller/java/generated/java/matter/controller/cluster/clusters/ServiceAreaCluster.kt
@@ -40,9 +40,9 @@ import matter.tlv.TlvReader
 import matter.tlv.TlvWriter
 class ServiceAreaCluster(private val controller: MatterController, private val endpointId: UShort) {
-  class SelectLocationsResponse(val status: UByte, val statusText: String?)
+  class SelectAreasResponse(val status: UByte, val statusText: String?)
-  class SkipCurrentLocationResponse(val status: UByte, val statusText: String?)
+  class SkipAreaResponse(val status: UByte, val statusText: String?)
   class SupportedAreasAttribute(val value: List<ServiceAreaClusterAreaStruct>)
@@ -147,19 +147,19 @@ class ServiceAreaCluster(private val controller: MatterController, private val e
     object SubscriptionEstablished : AttributeListAttributeSubscriptionState()
-  suspend fun selectLocations(
-    newLocations: List<UInt>?,
+  suspend fun selectAreas(
+    newAreas: List<UInt>?,
     timedInvokeTimeout: Duration? = null,
-  ): SelectLocationsResponse {
+  ): SelectAreasResponse {
     val commandId: UInt = 0u
     val tlvWriter = TlvWriter()
-    val TAG_NEW_LOCATIONS_REQ: Int = 0
-    newLocations?.let {
-      tlvWriter.startArray(ContextSpecificTag(TAG_NEW_LOCATIONS_REQ))
-      for (item in newLocations.iterator()) {
+    val TAG_NEW_AREAS_REQ: Int = 0
+    newAreas?.let {
+      tlvWriter.startArray(ContextSpecificTag(TAG_NEW_AREAS_REQ))
+      for (item in newAreas.iterator()) {
         tlvWriter.put(AnonymousTag, item)
@@ -214,12 +214,10 @@ class ServiceAreaCluster(private val controller: MatterController, private val e
-    return SelectLocationsResponse(status_decoded, statusText_decoded)
+    return SelectAreasResponse(status_decoded, statusText_decoded)
-  suspend fun skipCurrentLocation(
-    timedInvokeTimeout: Duration? = null
-  ): SkipCurrentLocationResponse {
+  suspend fun skipArea(timedInvokeTimeout: Duration? = null): SkipAreaResponse {
     val commandId: UInt = 2u
     val tlvWriter = TlvWriter()
@@ -274,7 +272,7 @@ class ServiceAreaCluster(private val controller: MatterController, private val e
-    return SkipCurrentLocationResponse(status_decoded, statusText_decoded)
+    return SkipAreaResponse(status_decoded, statusText_decoded)
   suspend fun readSupportedAreasAttribute(): SupportedAreasAttribute {
diff --git a/src/controller/python/chip/clusters/ b/src/controller/python/chip/clusters/
index b04e7e12af9063..a3bed3d39695cd 100644
--- a/src/controller/python/chip/clusters/
+++ b/src/controller/python/chip/clusters/
@@ -8556,14 +8556,14 @@ class ChipClusters:
         "commands": {
             0x00000000: {
                 "commandId": 0x00000000,
-                "commandName": "SelectLocations",
+                "commandName": "SelectAreas",
                 "args": {
-                    "newLocations": "int",
+                    "newAreas": "int",
             0x00000002: {
                 "commandId": 0x00000002,
-                "commandName": "SkipCurrentLocation",
+                "commandName": "SkipArea",
                 "args": {
diff --git a/src/controller/python/chip/clusters/ b/src/controller/python/chip/clusters/
index acb75ccfaca46c..745d27e6e32b60 100644
--- a/src/controller/python/chip/clusters/
+++ b/src/controller/python/chip/clusters/
@@ -31226,23 +31226,23 @@ def descriptor(cls) -> ClusterObjectDescriptor:
     class Commands:
-        class SelectLocations(ClusterCommand):
+        class SelectAreas(ClusterCommand):
             cluster_id: typing.ClassVar[int] = 0x00000150
             command_id: typing.ClassVar[int] = 0x00000000
             is_client: typing.ClassVar[bool] = True
-            response_type: typing.ClassVar[str] = 'SelectLocationsResponse'
+            response_type: typing.ClassVar[str] = 'SelectAreasResponse'
             def descriptor(cls) -> ClusterObjectDescriptor:
                 return ClusterObjectDescriptor(
-                        ClusterObjectFieldDescriptor(Label="newLocations", Tag=0, Type=typing.Union[Nullable, typing.List[uint]]),
+                        ClusterObjectFieldDescriptor(Label="newAreas", Tag=0, Type=typing.Union[Nullable, typing.List[uint]]),
-            newLocations: 'typing.Union[Nullable, typing.List[uint]]' = NullValue
+            newAreas: 'typing.Union[Nullable, typing.List[uint]]' = NullValue
-        class SelectLocationsResponse(ClusterCommand):
+        class SelectAreasResponse(ClusterCommand):
             cluster_id: typing.ClassVar[int] = 0x00000150
             command_id: typing.ClassVar[int] = 0x00000001
             is_client: typing.ClassVar[bool] = False
@@ -31260,11 +31260,11 @@ def descriptor(cls) -> ClusterObjectDescriptor:
             statusText: 'typing.Optional[str]' = None
-        class SkipCurrentLocation(ClusterCommand):
+        class SkipArea(ClusterCommand):
             cluster_id: typing.ClassVar[int] = 0x00000150
             command_id: typing.ClassVar[int] = 0x00000002
             is_client: typing.ClassVar[bool] = True
-            response_type: typing.ClassVar[str] = 'SkipCurrentLocationResponse'
+            response_type: typing.ClassVar[str] = 'SkipAreaResponse'
             def descriptor(cls) -> ClusterObjectDescriptor:
@@ -31273,7 +31273,7 @@ def descriptor(cls) -> ClusterObjectDescriptor:
-        class SkipCurrentLocationResponse(ClusterCommand):
+        class SkipAreaResponse(ClusterCommand):
             cluster_id: typing.ClassVar[int] = 0x00000150
             command_id: typing.ClassVar[int] = 0x00000003
             is_client: typing.ClassVar[bool] = False
diff --git a/src/darwin/Framework/CHIP/zap-generated/MTRBaseClusters.h b/src/darwin/Framework/CHIP/zap-generated/MTRBaseClusters.h
index 7461d2ea9bfc11..c30574e8fa4d33 100644
--- a/src/darwin/Framework/CHIP/zap-generated/MTRBaseClusters.h
+++ b/src/darwin/Framework/CHIP/zap-generated/MTRBaseClusters.h
@@ -9690,18 +9690,18 @@ MTR_PROVISIONALLY_AVAILABLE
 @interface MTRBaseClusterServiceArea : MTRGenericBaseCluster
- * Command SelectLocations
+ * Command SelectAreas
- * Command used to select a set of device locations, where the device is to operate
+ * Command used to select a set of device areas, where the device is to operate.
-- (void)selectLocationsWithParams:(MTRServiceAreaClusterSelectLocationsParams *)params completion:(void (^)(MTRServiceAreaClusterSelectLocationsResponseParams * _Nullable data, NSError * _Nullable error))completion MTR_PROVISIONALLY_AVAILABLE;
+- (void)selectAreasWithParams:(MTRServiceAreaClusterSelectAreasParams *)params completion:(void (^)(MTRServiceAreaClusterSelectAreasResponseParams * _Nullable data, NSError * _Nullable error))completion MTR_PROVISIONALLY_AVAILABLE;
- * Command SkipCurrentLocation
+ * Command SkipArea
- * This command is used to skip the current location where the device operates.
+ * This command is used to skip an area where the device operates.
-- (void)skipCurrentLocationWithParams:(MTRServiceAreaClusterSkipCurrentLocationParams * _Nullable)params completion:(void (^)(MTRServiceAreaClusterSkipCurrentLocationResponseParams * _Nullable data, NSError * _Nullable error))completion MTR_PROVISIONALLY_AVAILABLE;
-- (void)skipCurrentLocationWithCompletion:(void (^)(MTRServiceAreaClusterSkipCurrentLocationResponseParams * _Nullable data, NSError * _Nullable error))completion
+- (void)skipAreaWithParams:(MTRServiceAreaClusterSkipAreaParams * _Nullable)params completion:(void (^)(MTRServiceAreaClusterSkipAreaResponseParams * _Nullable data, NSError * _Nullable error))completion MTR_PROVISIONALLY_AVAILABLE;
+- (void)skipAreaWithCompletion:(void (^)(MTRServiceAreaClusterSkipAreaResponseParams * _Nullable data, NSError * _Nullable error))completion
 - (void)readAttributeSupportedAreasWithCompletion:(void (^)(NSArray * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable error))completion MTR_PROVISIONALLY_AVAILABLE;
diff --git a/src/darwin/Framework/CHIP/zap-generated/ b/src/darwin/Framework/CHIP/zap-generated/
index 478980df272834..98f919c8c86519 100644
--- a/src/darwin/Framework/CHIP/zap-generated/
+++ b/src/darwin/Framework/CHIP/zap-generated/
@@ -65328,10 +65328,10 @@ - (nullable instancetype)initWithDevice:(MTRBaseDevice *)device
 @implementation MTRBaseClusterServiceArea
-- (void)selectLocationsWithParams:(MTRServiceAreaClusterSelectLocationsParams *)params completion:(void (^)(MTRServiceAreaClusterSelectLocationsResponseParams * _Nullable data, NSError * _Nullable error))completion
+- (void)selectAreasWithParams:(MTRServiceAreaClusterSelectAreasParams *)params completion:(void (^)(MTRServiceAreaClusterSelectAreasResponseParams * _Nullable data, NSError * _Nullable error))completion
     if (params == nil) {
-        params = [[MTRServiceAreaClusterSelectLocationsParams
+        params = [[MTRServiceAreaClusterSelectAreasParams
             alloc] init];
@@ -65341,25 +65341,25 @@ - (void)selectLocationsWithParams:(MTRServiceAreaClusterSelectLocationsParams *)
     auto * timedInvokeTimeoutMs = params.timedInvokeTimeoutMs;
-    using RequestType = ServiceArea::Commands::SelectLocations::Type;
+    using RequestType = ServiceArea::Commands::SelectAreas::Type;
     [self.device _invokeKnownCommandWithEndpointID:self.endpointID
-                                     responseClass:MTRServiceAreaClusterSelectLocationsResponseParams.class
+                                     responseClass:MTRServiceAreaClusterSelectAreasResponseParams.class
-- (void)skipCurrentLocationWithCompletion:(void (^)(MTRServiceAreaClusterSkipCurrentLocationResponseParams * _Nullable data, NSError * _Nullable error))completion
+- (void)skipAreaWithCompletion:(void (^)(MTRServiceAreaClusterSkipAreaResponseParams * _Nullable data, NSError * _Nullable error))completion
-    [self skipCurrentLocationWithParams:nil completion:completion];
+    [self skipAreaWithParams:nil completion:completion];
-- (void)skipCurrentLocationWithParams:(MTRServiceAreaClusterSkipCurrentLocationParams * _Nullable)params completion:(void (^)(MTRServiceAreaClusterSkipCurrentLocationResponseParams * _Nullable data, NSError * _Nullable error))completion
+- (void)skipAreaWithParams:(MTRServiceAreaClusterSkipAreaParams * _Nullable)params completion:(void (^)(MTRServiceAreaClusterSkipAreaResponseParams * _Nullable data, NSError * _Nullable error))completion
     if (params == nil) {
-        params = [[MTRServiceAreaClusterSkipCurrentLocationParams
+        params = [[MTRServiceAreaClusterSkipAreaParams
             alloc] init];
@@ -65369,14 +65369,14 @@ - (void)skipCurrentLocationWithParams:(MTRServiceAreaClusterSkipCurrentLocationP
     auto * timedInvokeTimeoutMs = params.timedInvokeTimeoutMs;
-    using RequestType = ServiceArea::Commands::SkipCurrentLocation::Type;
+    using RequestType = ServiceArea::Commands::SkipArea::Type;
     [self.device _invokeKnownCommandWithEndpointID:self.endpointID
-                                     responseClass:MTRServiceAreaClusterSkipCurrentLocationResponseParams.class
+                                     responseClass:MTRServiceAreaClusterSkipAreaResponseParams.class
diff --git a/src/darwin/Framework/CHIP/zap-generated/MTRClusterConstants.h b/src/darwin/Framework/CHIP/zap-generated/MTRClusterConstants.h
index d5661939516e42..a34ba53f13fc55 100644
--- a/src/darwin/Framework/CHIP/zap-generated/MTRClusterConstants.h
+++ b/src/darwin/Framework/CHIP/zap-generated/MTRClusterConstants.h
@@ -6590,10 +6590,10 @@ typedef NS_ENUM(uint32_t, MTRCommandIDType) {
     MTRCommandIDTypeClusterBarrierControlCommandBarrierControlStopID MTR_AVAILABLE(ios(16.4), macos(13.3), watchos(9.4), tvos(16.4)) = 0x00000001,
     // Cluster ServiceArea commands
-    MTRCommandIDTypeClusterServiceAreaCommandSelectLocationsID MTR_PROVISIONALLY_AVAILABLE = 0x00000000,
-    MTRCommandIDTypeClusterServiceAreaCommandSelectLocationsResponseID MTR_PROVISIONALLY_AVAILABLE = 0x00000001,
-    MTRCommandIDTypeClusterServiceAreaCommandSkipCurrentLocationID MTR_PROVISIONALLY_AVAILABLE = 0x00000002,
-    MTRCommandIDTypeClusterServiceAreaCommandSkipCurrentLocationResponseID MTR_PROVISIONALLY_AVAILABLE = 0x00000003,
+    MTRCommandIDTypeClusterServiceAreaCommandSelectAreasID MTR_PROVISIONALLY_AVAILABLE = 0x00000000,
+    MTRCommandIDTypeClusterServiceAreaCommandSelectAreasResponseID MTR_PROVISIONALLY_AVAILABLE = 0x00000001,
+    MTRCommandIDTypeClusterServiceAreaCommandSkipAreaID MTR_PROVISIONALLY_AVAILABLE = 0x00000002,
+    MTRCommandIDTypeClusterServiceAreaCommandSkipAreaResponseID MTR_PROVISIONALLY_AVAILABLE = 0x00000003,
     // Cluster Thermostat deprecated command id names
diff --git a/src/darwin/Framework/CHIP/zap-generated/MTRClusters.h b/src/darwin/Framework/CHIP/zap-generated/MTRClusters.h
index 46ca490c60f51d..ca84bcfa196672 100644
--- a/src/darwin/Framework/CHIP/zap-generated/MTRClusters.h
+++ b/src/darwin/Framework/CHIP/zap-generated/MTRClusters.h
@@ -4508,9 +4508,9 @@ MTR_AVAILABLE(ios(16.1), macos(13.0), watchos(9.1), tvos(16.1))
 @interface MTRClusterServiceArea : MTRGenericCluster
-- (void)selectLocationsWithParams:(MTRServiceAreaClusterSelectLocationsParams *)params expectedValues:(NSArray<NSDictionary<NSString *, id> *> * _Nullable)expectedDataValueDictionaries expectedValueInterval:(NSNumber * _Nullable)expectedValueIntervalMs completion:(void (^)(MTRServiceAreaClusterSelectLocationsResponseParams * _Nullable data, NSError * _Nullable error))completion MTR_PROVISIONALLY_AVAILABLE;
-- (void)skipCurrentLocationWithParams:(MTRServiceAreaClusterSkipCurrentLocationParams * _Nullable)params expectedValues:(NSArray<NSDictionary<NSString *, id> *> * _Nullable)expectedDataValueDictionaries expectedValueInterval:(NSNumber * _Nullable)expectedValueIntervalMs completion:(void (^)(MTRServiceAreaClusterSkipCurrentLocationResponseParams * _Nullable data, NSError * _Nullable error))completion MTR_PROVISIONALLY_AVAILABLE;
-- (void)skipCurrentLocationWithExpectedValues:(NSArray<NSDictionary<NSString *, id> *> * _Nullable)expectedValues expectedValueInterval:(NSNumber * _Nullable)expectedValueIntervalMs completion:(void (^)(MTRServiceAreaClusterSkipCurrentLocationResponseParams * _Nullable data, NSError * _Nullable error))completion
+- (void)selectAreasWithParams:(MTRServiceAreaClusterSelectAreasParams *)params expectedValues:(NSArray<NSDictionary<NSString *, id> *> * _Nullable)expectedDataValueDictionaries expectedValueInterval:(NSNumber * _Nullable)expectedValueIntervalMs completion:(void (^)(MTRServiceAreaClusterSelectAreasResponseParams * _Nullable data, NSError * _Nullable error))completion MTR_PROVISIONALLY_AVAILABLE;
+- (void)skipAreaWithParams:(MTRServiceAreaClusterSkipAreaParams * _Nullable)params expectedValues:(NSArray<NSDictionary<NSString *, id> *> * _Nullable)expectedDataValueDictionaries expectedValueInterval:(NSNumber * _Nullable)expectedValueIntervalMs completion:(void (^)(MTRServiceAreaClusterSkipAreaResponseParams * _Nullable data, NSError * _Nullable error))completion MTR_PROVISIONALLY_AVAILABLE;
+- (void)skipAreaWithExpectedValues:(NSArray<NSDictionary<NSString *, id> *> * _Nullable)expectedValues expectedValueInterval:(NSNumber * _Nullable)expectedValueIntervalMs completion:(void (^)(MTRServiceAreaClusterSkipAreaResponseParams * _Nullable data, NSError * _Nullable error))completion
 - (NSDictionary<NSString *, id> * _Nullable)readAttributeSupportedAreasWithParams:(MTRReadParams * _Nullable)params MTR_PROVISIONALLY_AVAILABLE;
diff --git a/src/darwin/Framework/CHIP/zap-generated/ b/src/darwin/Framework/CHIP/zap-generated/
index 8e3b7a9687a889..7c660b75d53cd9 100644
--- a/src/darwin/Framework/CHIP/zap-generated/
+++ b/src/darwin/Framework/CHIP/zap-generated/
@@ -12832,10 +12832,10 @@ - (void)barrierControlStopWithExpectedValues:(NSArray<NSDictionary<NSString *, i
 @implementation MTRClusterServiceArea
-- (void)selectLocationsWithParams:(MTRServiceAreaClusterSelectLocationsParams *)params expectedValues:(NSArray<NSDictionary<NSString *, id> *> * _Nullable)expectedValues expectedValueInterval:(NSNumber * _Nullable)expectedValueIntervalMs completion:(void (^)(MTRServiceAreaClusterSelectLocationsResponseParams * _Nullable data, NSError * _Nullable error))completion
+- (void)selectAreasWithParams:(MTRServiceAreaClusterSelectAreasParams *)params expectedValues:(NSArray<NSDictionary<NSString *, id> *> * _Nullable)expectedValues expectedValueInterval:(NSNumber * _Nullable)expectedValueIntervalMs completion:(void (^)(MTRServiceAreaClusterSelectAreasResponseParams * _Nullable data, NSError * _Nullable error))completion
     if (params == nil) {
-        params = [[MTRServiceAreaClusterSelectLocationsParams
+        params = [[MTRServiceAreaClusterSelectAreasParams
             alloc] init];
@@ -12845,7 +12845,7 @@ - (void)selectLocationsWithParams:(MTRServiceAreaClusterSelectLocationsParams *)
     auto * timedInvokeTimeoutMs = params.timedInvokeTimeoutMs;
-    using RequestType = ServiceArea::Commands::SelectLocations::Type;
+    using RequestType = ServiceArea::Commands::SelectAreas::Type;
     [self.device _invokeKnownCommandWithEndpointID:self.endpointID
@@ -12854,19 +12854,19 @@ - (void)selectLocationsWithParams:(MTRServiceAreaClusterSelectLocationsParams *)
-                                     responseClass:MTRServiceAreaClusterSelectLocationsResponseParams.class
+                                     responseClass:MTRServiceAreaClusterSelectAreasResponseParams.class
-- (void)skipCurrentLocationWithExpectedValues:(NSArray<NSDictionary<NSString *, id> *> *)expectedValues expectedValueInterval:(NSNumber *)expectedValueIntervalMs completion:(void (^)(MTRServiceAreaClusterSkipCurrentLocationResponseParams * _Nullable data, NSError * _Nullable error))completion
+- (void)skipAreaWithExpectedValues:(NSArray<NSDictionary<NSString *, id> *> *)expectedValues expectedValueInterval:(NSNumber *)expectedValueIntervalMs completion:(void (^)(MTRServiceAreaClusterSkipAreaResponseParams * _Nullable data, NSError * _Nullable error))completion
-    [self skipCurrentLocationWithParams:nil expectedValues:expectedValues expectedValueInterval:expectedValueIntervalMs completion:completion];
+    [self skipAreaWithParams:nil expectedValues:expectedValues expectedValueInterval:expectedValueIntervalMs completion:completion];
-- (void)skipCurrentLocationWithParams:(MTRServiceAreaClusterSkipCurrentLocationParams * _Nullable)params expectedValues:(NSArray<NSDictionary<NSString *, id> *> * _Nullable)expectedValues expectedValueInterval:(NSNumber * _Nullable)expectedValueIntervalMs completion:(void (^)(MTRServiceAreaClusterSkipCurrentLocationResponseParams * _Nullable data, NSError * _Nullable error))completion
+- (void)skipAreaWithParams:(MTRServiceAreaClusterSkipAreaParams * _Nullable)params expectedValues:(NSArray<NSDictionary<NSString *, id> *> * _Nullable)expectedValues expectedValueInterval:(NSNumber * _Nullable)expectedValueIntervalMs completion:(void (^)(MTRServiceAreaClusterSkipAreaResponseParams * _Nullable data, NSError * _Nullable error))completion
     if (params == nil) {
-        params = [[MTRServiceAreaClusterSkipCurrentLocationParams
+        params = [[MTRServiceAreaClusterSkipAreaParams
             alloc] init];
@@ -12876,7 +12876,7 @@ - (void)skipCurrentLocationWithParams:(MTRServiceAreaClusterSkipCurrentLocationP
     auto * timedInvokeTimeoutMs = params.timedInvokeTimeoutMs;
-    using RequestType = ServiceArea::Commands::SkipCurrentLocation::Type;
+    using RequestType = ServiceArea::Commands::SkipArea::Type;
     [self.device _invokeKnownCommandWithEndpointID:self.endpointID
@@ -12885,7 +12885,7 @@ - (void)skipCurrentLocationWithParams:(MTRServiceAreaClusterSkipCurrentLocationP
-                                     responseClass:MTRServiceAreaClusterSkipCurrentLocationResponseParams.class
+                                     responseClass:MTRServiceAreaClusterSkipAreaResponseParams.class
diff --git a/src/darwin/Framework/CHIP/zap-generated/MTRCommandPayloadsObjc.h b/src/darwin/Framework/CHIP/zap-generated/MTRCommandPayloadsObjc.h
index 54073ac579e846..c9f438ab9ce844 100644
--- a/src/darwin/Framework/CHIP/zap-generated/MTRCommandPayloadsObjc.h
+++ b/src/darwin/Framework/CHIP/zap-generated/MTRCommandPayloadsObjc.h
@@ -7637,9 +7637,9 @@ MTR_AVAILABLE(ios(16.1), macos(13.0), watchos(9.1), tvos(16.1))
-@interface MTRServiceAreaClusterSelectLocationsParams : NSObject <NSCopying>
+@interface MTRServiceAreaClusterSelectAreasParams : NSObject <NSCopying>
-@property (nonatomic, copy, getter=getNewLocations) NSArray * _Nullable newLocations MTR_PROVISIONALLY_AVAILABLE;
+@property (nonatomic, copy, getter=getNewAreas) NSArray * _Nullable newAreas MTR_PROVISIONALLY_AVAILABLE;
  * Controls whether the command is a timed command (using Timed Invoke).
@@ -7667,14 +7667,14 @@ MTR_PROVISIONALLY_AVAILABLE
-@interface MTRServiceAreaClusterSelectLocationsResponseParams : NSObject <NSCopying>
+@interface MTRServiceAreaClusterSelectAreasResponseParams : NSObject <NSCopying>
 @property (nonatomic, copy) NSNumber * _Nonnull status MTR_PROVISIONALLY_AVAILABLE;
 @property (nonatomic, copy) NSString * _Nullable statusText MTR_PROVISIONALLY_AVAILABLE;
- * Initialize an MTRServiceAreaClusterSelectLocationsResponseParams with a response-value dictionary
+ * Initialize an MTRServiceAreaClusterSelectAreasResponseParams with a response-value dictionary
  * of the sort that MTRDeviceResponseHandler would receive.
  * Will return nil and hand out an error if the response-value dictionary is not
-@interface MTRServiceAreaClusterSkipCurrentLocationParams : NSObject <NSCopying>
+@interface MTRServiceAreaClusterSkipAreaParams : NSObject <NSCopying>
  * Controls whether the command is a timed command (using Timed Invoke).
@@ -7716,14 +7716,14 @@ MTR_PROVISIONALLY_AVAILABLE
-@interface MTRServiceAreaClusterSkipCurrentLocationResponseParams : NSObject <NSCopying>
+@interface MTRServiceAreaClusterSkipAreaResponseParams : NSObject <NSCopying>
 @property (nonatomic, copy) NSNumber * _Nonnull status MTR_PROVISIONALLY_AVAILABLE;
 @property (nonatomic, copy) NSString * _Nullable statusText MTR_PROVISIONALLY_AVAILABLE;
- * Initialize an MTRServiceAreaClusterSkipCurrentLocationResponseParams with a response-value dictionary
+ * Initialize an MTRServiceAreaClusterSkipAreaResponseParams with a response-value dictionary
  * of the sort that MTRDeviceResponseHandler would receive.
  * Will return nil and hand out an error if the response-value dictionary is not
diff --git a/src/darwin/Framework/CHIP/zap-generated/ b/src/darwin/Framework/CHIP/zap-generated/
index c49195ce1016eb..abcf4c4ad00aae 100644
--- a/src/darwin/Framework/CHIP/zap-generated/
+++ b/src/darwin/Framework/CHIP/zap-generated/
@@ -21784,12 +21784,12 @@ - (CHIP_ERROR)_encodeToTLVReader:(chip::System::PacketBufferTLVReader &)reader
-@implementation MTRServiceAreaClusterSelectLocationsParams
+@implementation MTRServiceAreaClusterSelectAreasParams
 - (instancetype)init
     if (self = [super init]) {
-        _newLocations = nil;
+        _newAreas = nil;
         _timedInvokeTimeoutMs = nil;
         _serverSideProcessingTimeout = nil;
@@ -21798,9 +21798,9 @@ - (instancetype)init
 - (id)copyWithZone:(NSZone * _Nullable)zone;
-    auto other = [[MTRServiceAreaClusterSelectLocationsParams alloc] init];
+    auto other = [[MTRServiceAreaClusterSelectAreasParams alloc] init];
-    other.newLocations = self.newLocations;
+    other.newAreas = self.newAreas;
     other.timedInvokeTimeoutMs = self.timedInvokeTimeoutMs;
     other.serverSideProcessingTimeout = self.serverSideProcessingTimeout;
@@ -21809,41 +21809,41 @@ - (id)copyWithZone:(NSZone * _Nullable)zone;
 - (NSString *)description
-    NSString * descriptionString = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"<%@: newLocations:%@; >", NSStringFromClass([self class]), _newLocations];
+    NSString * descriptionString = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"<%@: newAreas:%@; >", NSStringFromClass([self class]), _newAreas];
     return descriptionString;
-@implementation MTRServiceAreaClusterSelectLocationsParams (InternalMethods)
+@implementation MTRServiceAreaClusterSelectAreasParams (InternalMethods)
 - (CHIP_ERROR)_encodeToTLVReader:(chip::System::PacketBufferTLVReader &)reader
-    chip::app::Clusters::ServiceArea::Commands::SelectLocations::Type encodableStruct;
+    chip::app::Clusters::ServiceArea::Commands::SelectAreas::Type encodableStruct;
     ListFreer listFreer;
-        if (self.newLocations == nil) {
-            encodableStruct.newLocations.SetNull();
+        if (self.newAreas == nil) {
+            encodableStruct.newAreas.SetNull();
         } else {
-            auto & nonNullValue_0 = encodableStruct.newLocations.SetNonNull();
+            auto & nonNullValue_0 = encodableStruct.newAreas.SetNonNull();
                 using ListType_1 = std::remove_reference_t<decltype(nonNullValue_0)>;
                 using ListMemberType_1 = ListMemberTypeGetter<ListType_1>::Type;
-                if (self.newLocations.count != 0) {
-                    auto * listHolder_1 = new ListHolder<ListMemberType_1>(self.newLocations.count);
+                if (self.newAreas.count != 0) {
+                    auto * listHolder_1 = new ListHolder<ListMemberType_1>(self.newAreas.count);
                     if (listHolder_1 == nullptr || listHolder_1->mList == nullptr) {
                         return CHIP_ERROR_INVALID_ARGUMENT;
-                    for (size_t i_1 = 0; i_1 < self.newLocations.count; ++i_1) {
-                        if (![self.newLocations[i_1] isKindOfClass:[NSNumber class]]) {
+                    for (size_t i_1 = 0; i_1 < self.newAreas.count; ++i_1) {
+                        if (![self.newAreas[i_1] isKindOfClass:[NSNumber class]]) {
                             // Wrong kind of value.
                             return CHIP_ERROR_INVALID_ARGUMENT;
-                        auto element_1 = (NSNumber *) self.newLocations[i_1];
+                        auto element_1 = (NSNumber *) self.newAreas[i_1];
                         listHolder_1->mList[i_1] = element_1.unsignedIntValue;
-                    nonNullValue_0 = ListType_1(listHolder_1->mList, self.newLocations.count);
+                    nonNullValue_0 = ListType_1(listHolder_1->mList, self.newAreas.count);
                 } else {
                     nonNullValue_0 = ListType_1();
@@ -21889,7 +21889,7 @@ - (CHIP_ERROR)_encodeToTLVReader:(chip::System::PacketBufferTLVReader &)reader
-@implementation MTRServiceAreaClusterSelectLocationsResponseParams
+@implementation MTRServiceAreaClusterSelectAreasResponseParams
 - (instancetype)init
     if (self = [super init]) {
@@ -21903,7 +21903,7 @@ - (instancetype)init
 - (id)copyWithZone:(NSZone * _Nullable)zone;
-    auto other = [[MTRServiceAreaClusterSelectLocationsResponseParams alloc] init];
+    auto other = [[MTRServiceAreaClusterSelectAreasResponseParams alloc] init];
     other.status = self.status;
     other.statusText = self.statusText;
@@ -21924,7 +21924,7 @@ - (nullable instancetype)initWithResponseValue:(NSDictionary<NSString *, id> *)r
         return nil;
-    using DecodableType = chip::app::Clusters::ServiceArea::Commands::SelectLocationsResponse::DecodableType;
+    using DecodableType = chip::app::Clusters::ServiceArea::Commands::SelectAreasResponse::DecodableType;
     chip::System::PacketBufferHandle buffer = [MTRBaseDevice _responseDataForCommand:responseValue
@@ -21959,9 +21959,9 @@ - (nullable instancetype)initWithResponseValue:(NSDictionary<NSString *, id> *)r
-@implementation MTRServiceAreaClusterSelectLocationsResponseParams (InternalMethods)
+@implementation MTRServiceAreaClusterSelectAreasResponseParams (InternalMethods)
-- (CHIP_ERROR)_setFieldsFromDecodableStruct:(const chip::app::Clusters::ServiceArea::Commands::SelectLocationsResponse::DecodableType &)decodableStruct
+- (CHIP_ERROR)_setFieldsFromDecodableStruct:(const chip::app::Clusters::ServiceArea::Commands::SelectAreasResponse::DecodableType &)decodableStruct
         self.status = [NSNumber numberWithUnsignedChar:chip::to_underlying(decodableStruct.status)];
@@ -21982,7 +21982,7 @@ - (CHIP_ERROR)_setFieldsFromDecodableStruct:(const chip::app::Clusters::ServiceA
-@implementation MTRServiceAreaClusterSkipCurrentLocationParams
+@implementation MTRServiceAreaClusterSkipAreaParams
 - (instancetype)init
     if (self = [super init]) {
@@ -21994,7 +21994,7 @@ - (instancetype)init
 - (id)copyWithZone:(NSZone * _Nullable)zone;
-    auto other = [[MTRServiceAreaClusterSkipCurrentLocationParams alloc] init];
+    auto other = [[MTRServiceAreaClusterSkipAreaParams alloc] init];
     other.timedInvokeTimeoutMs = self.timedInvokeTimeoutMs;
     other.serverSideProcessingTimeout = self.serverSideProcessingTimeout;
@@ -22010,11 +22010,11 @@ - (NSString *)description
-@implementation MTRServiceAreaClusterSkipCurrentLocationParams (InternalMethods)
+@implementation MTRServiceAreaClusterSkipAreaParams (InternalMethods)
 - (CHIP_ERROR)_encodeToTLVReader:(chip::System::PacketBufferTLVReader &)reader
-    chip::app::Clusters::ServiceArea::Commands::SkipCurrentLocation::Type encodableStruct;
+    chip::app::Clusters::ServiceArea::Commands::SkipArea::Type encodableStruct;
     ListFreer listFreer;
     auto buffer = chip::System::PacketBufferHandle::New(chip::System::PacketBuffer::kMaxSizeWithoutReserve, 0);
@@ -22055,7 +22055,7 @@ - (CHIP_ERROR)_encodeToTLVReader:(chip::System::PacketBufferTLVReader &)reader
-@implementation MTRServiceAreaClusterSkipCurrentLocationResponseParams
+@implementation MTRServiceAreaClusterSkipAreaResponseParams
 - (instancetype)init
     if (self = [super init]) {
@@ -22069,7 +22069,7 @@ - (instancetype)init
 - (id)copyWithZone:(NSZone * _Nullable)zone;
-    auto other = [[MTRServiceAreaClusterSkipCurrentLocationResponseParams alloc] init];
+    auto other = [[MTRServiceAreaClusterSkipAreaResponseParams alloc] init];
     other.status = self.status;
     other.statusText = self.statusText;
@@ -22090,7 +22090,7 @@ - (nullable instancetype)initWithResponseValue:(NSDictionary<NSString *, id> *)r
         return nil;
-    using DecodableType = chip::app::Clusters::ServiceArea::Commands::SkipCurrentLocationResponse::DecodableType;
+    using DecodableType = chip::app::Clusters::ServiceArea::Commands::SkipAreaResponse::DecodableType;
     chip::System::PacketBufferHandle buffer = [MTRBaseDevice _responseDataForCommand:responseValue
@@ -22125,9 +22125,9 @@ - (nullable instancetype)initWithResponseValue:(NSDictionary<NSString *, id> *)r
-@implementation MTRServiceAreaClusterSkipCurrentLocationResponseParams (InternalMethods)
+@implementation MTRServiceAreaClusterSkipAreaResponseParams (InternalMethods)
-- (CHIP_ERROR)_setFieldsFromDecodableStruct:(const chip::app::Clusters::ServiceArea::Commands::SkipCurrentLocationResponse::DecodableType &)decodableStruct
+- (CHIP_ERROR)_setFieldsFromDecodableStruct:(const chip::app::Clusters::ServiceArea::Commands::SkipAreaResponse::DecodableType &)decodableStruct
         self.status = [NSNumber numberWithUnsignedChar:chip::to_underlying(decodableStruct.status)];
diff --git a/src/darwin/Framework/CHIP/zap-generated/MTRCommandPayloads_Internal.h b/src/darwin/Framework/CHIP/zap-generated/MTRCommandPayloads_Internal.h
index d3058d649ee710..ced82f62297bf4 100644
--- a/src/darwin/Framework/CHIP/zap-generated/MTRCommandPayloads_Internal.h
+++ b/src/darwin/Framework/CHIP/zap-generated/MTRCommandPayloads_Internal.h
@@ -1432,27 +1432,27 @@ NS_ASSUME_NONNULL_BEGIN
-@interface MTRServiceAreaClusterSelectLocationsParams (InternalMethods)
+@interface MTRServiceAreaClusterSelectAreasParams (InternalMethods)
 - (NSDictionary<NSString *, id> * _Nullable)_encodeAsDataValue:(NSError * __autoreleasing *)error;
-@interface MTRServiceAreaClusterSelectLocationsResponseParams (InternalMethods)
+@interface MTRServiceAreaClusterSelectAreasResponseParams (InternalMethods)
-- (CHIP_ERROR)_setFieldsFromDecodableStruct:(const chip::app::Clusters::ServiceArea::Commands::SelectLocationsResponse::DecodableType &)decodableStruct;
+- (CHIP_ERROR)_setFieldsFromDecodableStruct:(const chip::app::Clusters::ServiceArea::Commands::SelectAreasResponse::DecodableType &)decodableStruct;
-@interface MTRServiceAreaClusterSkipCurrentLocationParams (InternalMethods)
+@interface MTRServiceAreaClusterSkipAreaParams (InternalMethods)
 - (NSDictionary<NSString *, id> * _Nullable)_encodeAsDataValue:(NSError * __autoreleasing *)error;
-@interface MTRServiceAreaClusterSkipCurrentLocationResponseParams (InternalMethods)
+@interface MTRServiceAreaClusterSkipAreaResponseParams (InternalMethods)
-- (CHIP_ERROR)_setFieldsFromDecodableStruct:(const chip::app::Clusters::ServiceArea::Commands::SkipCurrentLocationResponse::DecodableType &)decodableStruct;
+- (CHIP_ERROR)_setFieldsFromDecodableStruct:(const chip::app::Clusters::ServiceArea::Commands::SkipAreaResponse::DecodableType &)decodableStruct;
diff --git a/zzz_generated/app-common/app-common/zap-generated/cluster-objects.cpp b/zzz_generated/app-common/app-common/zap-generated/cluster-objects.cpp
index 90fa62236af130..e2e01aed66d1b3 100644
--- a/zzz_generated/app-common/app-common/zap-generated/cluster-objects.cpp
+++ b/zzz_generated/app-common/app-common/zap-generated/cluster-objects.cpp
@@ -20505,11 +20505,11 @@ CHIP_ERROR DecodableType::Decode(TLV::TLVReader & reader)
 } // namespace Structs
 namespace Commands {
-namespace SelectLocations {
+namespace SelectAreas {
 CHIP_ERROR Type::Encode(TLV::TLVWriter & aWriter, TLV::Tag aTag) const
     DataModel::WrappedStructEncoder encoder{ aWriter, aTag };
-    encoder.Encode(to_underlying(Fields::kNewLocations), newLocations);
+    encoder.Encode(to_underlying(Fields::kNewAreas), newAreas);
     return encoder.Finalize();
@@ -20527,9 +20527,9 @@ CHIP_ERROR DecodableType::Decode(TLV::TLVReader & reader)
         CHIP_ERROR err              = CHIP_NO_ERROR;
         const uint8_t __context_tag = std::get<uint8_t>(__element);
-        if (__context_tag == to_underlying(Fields::kNewLocations))
+        if (__context_tag == to_underlying(Fields::kNewAreas))
-            err = DataModel::Decode(reader, newLocations);
+            err = DataModel::Decode(reader, newAreas);
@@ -20538,8 +20538,8 @@ CHIP_ERROR DecodableType::Decode(TLV::TLVReader & reader)
-} // namespace SelectLocations.
-namespace SelectLocationsResponse {
+} // namespace SelectAreas.
+namespace SelectAreasResponse {
 CHIP_ERROR Type::Encode(TLV::TLVWriter & aWriter, TLV::Tag aTag) const
     DataModel::WrappedStructEncoder encoder{ aWriter, aTag };
@@ -20577,8 +20577,8 @@ CHIP_ERROR DecodableType::Decode(TLV::TLVReader & reader)
-} // namespace SelectLocationsResponse.
-namespace SkipCurrentLocation {
+} // namespace SelectAreasResponse.
+namespace SkipArea {
 CHIP_ERROR Type::Encode(TLV::TLVWriter & aWriter, TLV::Tag aTag) const
     DataModel::WrappedStructEncoder encoder{ aWriter, aTag };
@@ -20597,8 +20597,8 @@ CHIP_ERROR DecodableType::Decode(TLV::TLVReader & reader)
-} // namespace SkipCurrentLocation.
-namespace SkipCurrentLocationResponse {
+} // namespace SkipArea.
+namespace SkipAreaResponse {
 CHIP_ERROR Type::Encode(TLV::TLVWriter & aWriter, TLV::Tag aTag) const
     DataModel::WrappedStructEncoder encoder{ aWriter, aTag };
@@ -20636,7 +20636,7 @@ CHIP_ERROR DecodableType::Decode(TLV::TLVReader & reader)
-} // namespace SkipCurrentLocationResponse.
+} // namespace SkipAreaResponse.
 } // namespace Commands
 namespace Attributes {
diff --git a/zzz_generated/app-common/app-common/zap-generated/cluster-objects.h b/zzz_generated/app-common/app-common/zap-generated/cluster-objects.h
index 15f764abe3d019..64da58fb814719 100644
--- a/zzz_generated/app-common/app-common/zap-generated/cluster-objects.h
+++ b/zzz_generated/app-common/app-common/zap-generated/cluster-objects.h
@@ -28414,47 +28414,47 @@ using DecodableType = Type;
 namespace Commands {
 // Forward-declarations so we can reference these later.
-namespace SelectLocations {
+namespace SelectAreas {
 struct Type;
 struct DecodableType;
-} // namespace SelectLocations
+} // namespace SelectAreas
-namespace SelectLocationsResponse {
+namespace SelectAreasResponse {
 struct Type;
 struct DecodableType;
-} // namespace SelectLocationsResponse
+} // namespace SelectAreasResponse
-namespace SkipCurrentLocation {
+namespace SkipArea {
 struct Type;
 struct DecodableType;
-} // namespace SkipCurrentLocation
+} // namespace SkipArea
-namespace SkipCurrentLocationResponse {
+namespace SkipAreaResponse {
 struct Type;
 struct DecodableType;
-} // namespace SkipCurrentLocationResponse
+} // namespace SkipAreaResponse
 } // namespace Commands
 namespace Commands {
-namespace SelectLocations {
+namespace SelectAreas {
 enum class Fields : uint8_t
-    kNewLocations = 0,
+    kNewAreas = 0,
 struct Type
     // Use GetCommandId instead of commandId directly to avoid naming conflict with CommandIdentification in ExecutionOfACommand
-    static constexpr CommandId GetCommandId() { return Commands::SelectLocations::Id; }
+    static constexpr CommandId GetCommandId() { return Commands::SelectAreas::Id; }
     static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::ServiceArea::Id; }
-    DataModel::Nullable<DataModel::List<const uint32_t>> newLocations;
+    DataModel::Nullable<DataModel::List<const uint32_t>> newAreas;
     CHIP_ERROR Encode(TLV::TLVWriter & aWriter, TLV::Tag aTag) const;
-    using ResponseType = Clusters::ServiceArea::Commands::SelectLocationsResponse::DecodableType;
+    using ResponseType = Clusters::ServiceArea::Commands::SelectAreasResponse::DecodableType;
     static constexpr bool MustUseTimedInvoke() { return false; }
@@ -28462,14 +28462,14 @@ struct Type
 struct DecodableType
-    static constexpr CommandId GetCommandId() { return Commands::SelectLocations::Id; }
+    static constexpr CommandId GetCommandId() { return Commands::SelectAreas::Id; }
     static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::ServiceArea::Id; }
-    DataModel::Nullable<DataModel::DecodableList<uint32_t>> newLocations;
+    DataModel::Nullable<DataModel::DecodableList<uint32_t>> newAreas;
     CHIP_ERROR Decode(TLV::TLVReader & reader);
-}; // namespace SelectLocations
-namespace SelectLocationsResponse {
+}; // namespace SelectAreas
+namespace SelectAreasResponse {
 enum class Fields : uint8_t
     kStatus     = 0,
@@ -28480,7 +28480,7 @@ struct Type
     // Use GetCommandId instead of commandId directly to avoid naming conflict with CommandIdentification in ExecutionOfACommand
-    static constexpr CommandId GetCommandId() { return Commands::SelectLocationsResponse::Id; }
+    static constexpr CommandId GetCommandId() { return Commands::SelectAreasResponse::Id; }
     static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::ServiceArea::Id; }
     SelectAreasStatus status = static_cast<SelectAreasStatus>(0);
@@ -28496,15 +28496,15 @@ struct Type
 struct DecodableType
-    static constexpr CommandId GetCommandId() { return Commands::SelectLocationsResponse::Id; }
+    static constexpr CommandId GetCommandId() { return Commands::SelectAreasResponse::Id; }
     static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::ServiceArea::Id; }
     SelectAreasStatus status = static_cast<SelectAreasStatus>(0);
     Optional<chip::CharSpan> statusText;
     CHIP_ERROR Decode(TLV::TLVReader & reader);
-}; // namespace SelectLocationsResponse
-namespace SkipCurrentLocation {
+}; // namespace SelectAreasResponse
+namespace SkipArea {
 enum class Fields : uint8_t
@@ -28513,12 +28513,12 @@ struct Type
     // Use GetCommandId instead of commandId directly to avoid naming conflict with CommandIdentification in ExecutionOfACommand
-    static constexpr CommandId GetCommandId() { return Commands::SkipCurrentLocation::Id; }
+    static constexpr CommandId GetCommandId() { return Commands::SkipArea::Id; }
     static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::ServiceArea::Id; }
     CHIP_ERROR Encode(TLV::TLVWriter & aWriter, TLV::Tag aTag) const;
-    using ResponseType = Clusters::ServiceArea::Commands::SkipCurrentLocationResponse::DecodableType;
+    using ResponseType = Clusters::ServiceArea::Commands::SkipAreaResponse::DecodableType;
     static constexpr bool MustUseTimedInvoke() { return false; }
@@ -28526,13 +28526,13 @@ struct Type
 struct DecodableType
-    static constexpr CommandId GetCommandId() { return Commands::SkipCurrentLocation::Id; }
+    static constexpr CommandId GetCommandId() { return Commands::SkipArea::Id; }
     static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::ServiceArea::Id; }
     CHIP_ERROR Decode(TLV::TLVReader & reader);
-}; // namespace SkipCurrentLocation
-namespace SkipCurrentLocationResponse {
+}; // namespace SkipArea
+namespace SkipAreaResponse {
 enum class Fields : uint8_t
     kStatus     = 0,
@@ -28543,7 +28543,7 @@ struct Type
     // Use GetCommandId instead of commandId directly to avoid naming conflict with CommandIdentification in ExecutionOfACommand
-    static constexpr CommandId GetCommandId() { return Commands::SkipCurrentLocationResponse::Id; }
+    static constexpr CommandId GetCommandId() { return Commands::SkipAreaResponse::Id; }
     static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::ServiceArea::Id; }
     SkipAreaStatus status = static_cast<SkipAreaStatus>(0);
@@ -28559,14 +28559,14 @@ struct Type
 struct DecodableType
-    static constexpr CommandId GetCommandId() { return Commands::SkipCurrentLocationResponse::Id; }
+    static constexpr CommandId GetCommandId() { return Commands::SkipAreaResponse::Id; }
     static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::ServiceArea::Id; }
     SkipAreaStatus status = static_cast<SkipAreaStatus>(0);
     Optional<chip::CharSpan> statusText;
     CHIP_ERROR Decode(TLV::TLVReader & reader);
-}; // namespace SkipCurrentLocationResponse
+}; // namespace SkipAreaResponse
 } // namespace Commands
 namespace Attributes {
diff --git a/zzz_generated/app-common/app-common/zap-generated/ids/Commands.h b/zzz_generated/app-common/app-common/zap-generated/ids/Commands.h
index 68b11f130dcb4c..bab9fce6540f4e 100644
--- a/zzz_generated/app-common/app-common/zap-generated/ids/Commands.h
+++ b/zzz_generated/app-common/app-common/zap-generated/ids/Commands.h
@@ -1298,21 +1298,21 @@ static constexpr CommandId Id = 0x00000001;
 namespace ServiceArea {
 namespace Commands {
-namespace SelectLocations {
+namespace SelectAreas {
 static constexpr CommandId Id = 0x00000000;
-} // namespace SelectLocations
+} // namespace SelectAreas
-namespace SelectLocationsResponse {
+namespace SelectAreasResponse {
 static constexpr CommandId Id = 0x00000001;
-} // namespace SelectLocationsResponse
+} // namespace SelectAreasResponse
-namespace SkipCurrentLocation {
+namespace SkipArea {
 static constexpr CommandId Id = 0x00000002;
-} // namespace SkipCurrentLocation
+} // namespace SkipArea
-namespace SkipCurrentLocationResponse {
+namespace SkipAreaResponse {
 static constexpr CommandId Id = 0x00000003;
-} // namespace SkipCurrentLocationResponse
+} // namespace SkipAreaResponse
 } // namespace Commands
 } // namespace ServiceArea
diff --git a/zzz_generated/chip-tool/zap-generated/cluster/Commands.h b/zzz_generated/chip-tool/zap-generated/cluster/Commands.h
index 59d2bd8249fc8b..c54e152b5fee22 100644
--- a/zzz_generated/chip-tool/zap-generated/cluster/Commands.h
+++ b/zzz_generated/chip-tool/zap-generated/cluster/Commands.h
@@ -9361,8 +9361,8 @@ class BarrierControlBarrierControlStop : public ClusterCommand
 | Cluster ServiceArea                                                 | 0x0150 |
 | Commands:                                                           |        |
-| * SelectLocations                                                   |   0x00 |
-| * SkipCurrentLocation                                               |   0x02 |
+| * SelectAreas                                                       |   0x00 |
+| * SkipArea                                                          |   0x02 |
 | Attributes:                                                         |        |
 | * SupportedAreas                                                    | 0x0000 |
@@ -9382,22 +9382,22 @@ class BarrierControlBarrierControlStop : public ClusterCommand
- * Command SelectLocations
+ * Command SelectAreas
-class ServiceAreaSelectLocations : public ClusterCommand
+class ServiceAreaSelectAreas : public ClusterCommand
-    ServiceAreaSelectLocations(CredentialIssuerCommands * credsIssuerConfig) :
-        ClusterCommand("select-locations", credsIssuerConfig), mComplex_NewLocations(&mRequest.newLocations)
+    ServiceAreaSelectAreas(CredentialIssuerCommands * credsIssuerConfig) :
+        ClusterCommand("select-areas", credsIssuerConfig), mComplex_NewAreas(&mRequest.newAreas)
-        AddArgument("NewLocations", &mComplex_NewLocations);
+        AddArgument("NewAreas", &mComplex_NewAreas);
     CHIP_ERROR SendCommand(chip::DeviceProxy * device, std::vector<chip::EndpointId> endpointIds) override
         constexpr chip::ClusterId clusterId = chip::app::Clusters::ServiceArea::Id;
-        constexpr chip::CommandId commandId = chip::app::Clusters::ServiceArea::Commands::SelectLocations::Id;
+        constexpr chip::CommandId commandId = chip::app::Clusters::ServiceArea::Commands::SelectAreas::Id;
         ChipLogProgress(chipTool, "Sending cluster (0x%08" PRIX32 ") command (0x%08" PRIX32 ") on endpoint %u", clusterId,
@@ -9407,7 +9407,7 @@ class ServiceAreaSelectLocations : public ClusterCommand
     CHIP_ERROR SendGroupCommand(chip::GroupId groupId, chip::FabricIndex fabricIndex) override
         constexpr chip::ClusterId clusterId = chip::app::Clusters::ServiceArea::Id;
-        constexpr chip::CommandId commandId = chip::app::Clusters::ServiceArea::Commands::SelectLocations::Id;
+        constexpr chip::CommandId commandId = chip::app::Clusters::ServiceArea::Commands::SelectAreas::Id;
         ChipLogProgress(chipTool, "Sending cluster (0x%08" PRIX32 ") command (0x%08" PRIX32 ") on Group %u", clusterId, commandId,
@@ -9416,18 +9416,17 @@ class ServiceAreaSelectLocations : public ClusterCommand
-    chip::app::Clusters::ServiceArea::Commands::SelectLocations::Type mRequest;
-    TypedComplexArgument<chip::app::DataModel::Nullable<chip::app::DataModel::List<const uint32_t>>> mComplex_NewLocations;
+    chip::app::Clusters::ServiceArea::Commands::SelectAreas::Type mRequest;
+    TypedComplexArgument<chip::app::DataModel::Nullable<chip::app::DataModel::List<const uint32_t>>> mComplex_NewAreas;
- * Command SkipCurrentLocation
+ * Command SkipArea
-class ServiceAreaSkipCurrentLocation : public ClusterCommand
+class ServiceAreaSkipArea : public ClusterCommand
-    ServiceAreaSkipCurrentLocation(CredentialIssuerCommands * credsIssuerConfig) :
-        ClusterCommand("skip-current-location", credsIssuerConfig)
+    ServiceAreaSkipArea(CredentialIssuerCommands * credsIssuerConfig) : ClusterCommand("skip-area", credsIssuerConfig)
@@ -9435,7 +9434,7 @@ class ServiceAreaSkipCurrentLocation : public ClusterCommand
     CHIP_ERROR SendCommand(chip::DeviceProxy * device, std::vector<chip::EndpointId> endpointIds) override
         constexpr chip::ClusterId clusterId = chip::app::Clusters::ServiceArea::Id;
-        constexpr chip::CommandId commandId = chip::app::Clusters::ServiceArea::Commands::SkipCurrentLocation::Id;
+        constexpr chip::CommandId commandId = chip::app::Clusters::ServiceArea::Commands::SkipArea::Id;
         ChipLogProgress(chipTool, "Sending cluster (0x%08" PRIX32 ") command (0x%08" PRIX32 ") on endpoint %u", clusterId,
@@ -9445,7 +9444,7 @@ class ServiceAreaSkipCurrentLocation : public ClusterCommand
     CHIP_ERROR SendGroupCommand(chip::GroupId groupId, chip::FabricIndex fabricIndex) override
         constexpr chip::ClusterId clusterId = chip::app::Clusters::ServiceArea::Id;
-        constexpr chip::CommandId commandId = chip::app::Clusters::ServiceArea::Commands::SkipCurrentLocation::Id;
+        constexpr chip::CommandId commandId = chip::app::Clusters::ServiceArea::Commands::SkipArea::Id;
         ChipLogProgress(chipTool, "Sending cluster (0x%08" PRIX32 ") command (0x%08" PRIX32 ") on Group %u", clusterId, commandId,
@@ -9454,7 +9453,7 @@ class ServiceAreaSkipCurrentLocation : public ClusterCommand
-    chip::app::Clusters::ServiceArea::Commands::SkipCurrentLocation::Type mRequest;
+    chip::app::Clusters::ServiceArea::Commands::SkipArea::Type mRequest;
@@ -22796,9 +22795,9 @@ void registerClusterServiceArea(Commands & commands, CredentialIssuerCommands *
         // Commands
-        make_unique<ClusterCommand>(Id, credsIssuerConfig),             //
-        make_unique<ServiceAreaSelectLocations>(credsIssuerConfig),     //
-        make_unique<ServiceAreaSkipCurrentLocation>(credsIssuerConfig), //
+        make_unique<ClusterCommand>(Id, credsIssuerConfig),     //
+        make_unique<ServiceAreaSelectAreas>(credsIssuerConfig), //
+        make_unique<ServiceAreaSkipArea>(credsIssuerConfig),    //
         // Attributes
diff --git a/zzz_generated/chip-tool/zap-generated/cluster/logging/DataModelLogger.cpp b/zzz_generated/chip-tool/zap-generated/cluster/logging/DataModelLogger.cpp
index 33f30c12b4f171..3015a0539db349 100644
--- a/zzz_generated/chip-tool/zap-generated/cluster/logging/DataModelLogger.cpp
+++ b/zzz_generated/chip-tool/zap-generated/cluster/logging/DataModelLogger.cpp
@@ -8426,7 +8426,7 @@ CHIP_ERROR DataModelLogger::LogValue(const char * label, size_t indent,
     return CHIP_NO_ERROR;
 CHIP_ERROR DataModelLogger::LogValue(const char * label, size_t indent,
-                                     const ServiceArea::Commands::SelectLocationsResponse::DecodableType & value)
+                                     const ServiceArea::Commands::SelectAreasResponse::DecodableType & value)
     DataModelLogger::LogString(label, indent, "{");
     ReturnErrorOnFailure(DataModelLogger::LogValue("status", indent + 1, value.status));
@@ -8435,7 +8435,7 @@ CHIP_ERROR DataModelLogger::LogValue(const char * label, size_t indent,
     return CHIP_NO_ERROR;
 CHIP_ERROR DataModelLogger::LogValue(const char * label, size_t indent,
-                                     const ServiceArea::Commands::SkipCurrentLocationResponse::DecodableType & value)
+                                     const ServiceArea::Commands::SkipAreaResponse::DecodableType & value)
     DataModelLogger::LogString(label, indent, "{");
     ReturnErrorOnFailure(DataModelLogger::LogValue("status", indent + 1, value.status));
@@ -19725,15 +19725,15 @@ CHIP_ERROR DataModelLogger::LogCommand(const chip::app::ConcreteCommandPath & pa
     case ServiceArea::Id: {
         switch (path.mCommandId)
-        case ServiceArea::Commands::SelectLocationsResponse::Id: {
-            ServiceArea::Commands::SelectLocationsResponse::DecodableType value;
+        case ServiceArea::Commands::SelectAreasResponse::Id: {
+            ServiceArea::Commands::SelectAreasResponse::DecodableType value;
             ReturnErrorOnFailure(chip::app::DataModel::Decode(*data, value));
-            return DataModelLogger::LogValue("SelectLocationsResponse", 1, value);
+            return DataModelLogger::LogValue("SelectAreasResponse", 1, value);
-        case ServiceArea::Commands::SkipCurrentLocationResponse::Id: {
-            ServiceArea::Commands::SkipCurrentLocationResponse::DecodableType value;
+        case ServiceArea::Commands::SkipAreaResponse::Id: {
+            ServiceArea::Commands::SkipAreaResponse::DecodableType value;
             ReturnErrorOnFailure(chip::app::DataModel::Decode(*data, value));
-            return DataModelLogger::LogValue("SkipCurrentLocationResponse", 1, value);
+            return DataModelLogger::LogValue("SkipAreaResponse", 1, value);
diff --git a/zzz_generated/chip-tool/zap-generated/cluster/logging/DataModelLogger.h b/zzz_generated/chip-tool/zap-generated/cluster/logging/DataModelLogger.h
index a358712023e6f7..86371e7e10dda2 100644
--- a/zzz_generated/chip-tool/zap-generated/cluster/logging/DataModelLogger.h
+++ b/zzz_generated/chip-tool/zap-generated/cluster/logging/DataModelLogger.h
@@ -793,9 +793,9 @@ static CHIP_ERROR LogValue(const char * label, size_t indent,
 static CHIP_ERROR LogValue(const char * label, size_t indent,
                            const chip::app::Clusters::DoorLock::Commands::GetCredentialStatusResponse::DecodableType & value);
 static CHIP_ERROR LogValue(const char * label, size_t indent,
-                           const chip::app::Clusters::ServiceArea::Commands::SelectLocationsResponse::DecodableType & value);
+                           const chip::app::Clusters::ServiceArea::Commands::SelectAreasResponse::DecodableType & value);
 static CHIP_ERROR LogValue(const char * label, size_t indent,
-                           const chip::app::Clusters::ServiceArea::Commands::SkipCurrentLocationResponse::DecodableType & value);
+                           const chip::app::Clusters::ServiceArea::Commands::SkipAreaResponse::DecodableType & value);
 static CHIP_ERROR LogValue(const char * label, size_t indent,
                            const chip::app::Clusters::Thermostat::Commands::GetWeeklyScheduleResponse::DecodableType & value);
 static CHIP_ERROR
diff --git a/zzz_generated/darwin-framework-tool/zap-generated/cluster/Commands.h b/zzz_generated/darwin-framework-tool/zap-generated/cluster/Commands.h
index acadfc47cf3601..2da398b781c330 100644
--- a/zzz_generated/darwin-framework-tool/zap-generated/cluster/Commands.h
+++ b/zzz_generated/darwin-framework-tool/zap-generated/cluster/Commands.h
@@ -103765,8 +103765,8 @@ class SubscribeAttributeBarrierControlClusterRevision : public SubscribeAttribut
 | Cluster ServiceArea                                                 | 0x0150 |
 | Commands:                                                           |        |
-| * SelectLocations                                                   |   0x00 |
-| * SkipCurrentLocation                                               |   0x02 |
+| * SelectAreas                                                       |   0x00 |
+| * SkipArea                                                          |   0x02 |
 | Attributes:                                                         |        |
 | * SupportedAreas                                                    | 0x0000 |
@@ -103787,16 +103787,16 @@ class SubscribeAttributeBarrierControlClusterRevision : public SubscribeAttribut
- * Command SelectLocations
+ * Command SelectAreas
-class ServiceAreaSelectLocations : public ClusterCommand {
+class ServiceAreaSelectAreas : public ClusterCommand {
-    ServiceAreaSelectLocations()
-        : ClusterCommand("select-locations")
-        , mComplex_NewLocations(&mRequest.newLocations)
+    ServiceAreaSelectAreas()
+        : ClusterCommand("select-areas")
+        , mComplex_NewAreas(&mRequest.newAreas)
-        AddArgument("NewLocations", &mComplex_NewLocations);
+        AddArgument("NewAreas", &mComplex_NewAreas);
@@ -103804,68 +103804,68 @@ class ServiceAreaSelectLocations : public ClusterCommand {
     CHIP_ERROR SendCommand(MTRBaseDevice * device, chip::EndpointId endpointId) override
         constexpr chip::ClusterId clusterId = chip::app::Clusters::ServiceArea::Id;
-        constexpr chip::CommandId commandId = chip::app::Clusters::ServiceArea::Commands::SelectLocations::Id;
+        constexpr chip::CommandId commandId = chip::app::Clusters::ServiceArea::Commands::SelectAreas::Id;
         ChipLogProgress(chipTool, "Sending cluster (0x%08" PRIX32 ") command (0x%08" PRIX32 ") on endpoint %u", clusterId, commandId, endpointId);
         dispatch_queue_t callbackQueue = dispatch_queue_create("com.chip.command", DISPATCH_QUEUE_SERIAL);
         __auto_type * cluster = [[MTRBaseClusterServiceArea alloc] initWithDevice:device endpointID:@(endpointId) queue:callbackQueue];
-        __auto_type * params = [[MTRServiceAreaClusterSelectLocationsParams alloc] init];
+        __auto_type * params = [[MTRServiceAreaClusterSelectAreasParams alloc] init];
         params.timedInvokeTimeoutMs = mTimedInteractionTimeoutMs.HasValue() ? [NSNumber numberWithUnsignedShort:mTimedInteractionTimeoutMs.Value()] : nil;
-        if (mRequest.newLocations.IsNull()) {
-            params.newLocations = nil;
+        if (mRequest.newAreas.IsNull()) {
+            params.newAreas = nil;
         } else {
             { // Scope for our temporary variables
                 auto * array_1 = [NSMutableArray new];
-                for (auto & entry_1 : mRequest.newLocations.Value()) {
+                for (auto & entry_1 : mRequest.newAreas.Value()) {
                     NSNumber * newElement_1;
                     newElement_1 = [NSNumber numberWithUnsignedInt:entry_1];
                     [array_1 addObject:newElement_1];
-                params.newLocations = array_1;
+                params.newAreas = array_1;
         uint16_t repeatCount = mRepeatCount.ValueOr(1);
         uint16_t __block responsesNeeded = repeatCount;
         while (repeatCount--) {
-            [cluster selectLocationsWithParams:params completion:
-                                                          ^(MTRServiceAreaClusterSelectLocationsResponseParams * _Nullable values, NSError * _Nullable error) {
-                                                              NSLog(@"Values: %@", values);
-                                                              if (error == nil) {
-                                                                  constexpr chip::CommandId responseId = chip::app::Clusters::ServiceArea::Commands::SelectLocationsResponse::Id;
-                                                                  RemoteDataModelLogger::LogCommandAsJSON(@(endpointId), @(clusterId), @(responseId), values);
-                                                              }
-                                                              responsesNeeded--;
-                                                              if (error != nil) {
-                                                                  mError = error;
-                                                                  LogNSError("Error", error);
-                                                                  constexpr chip::CommandId responseId = chip::app::Clusters::ServiceArea::Commands::SelectLocationsResponse::Id;
-                                                                  RemoteDataModelLogger::LogCommandErrorAsJSON(@(endpointId), @(clusterId), @(responseId), error);
-                                                              }
-                                                              if (responsesNeeded == 0) {
-                                                                  SetCommandExitStatus(mError);
-                                                              }
-                                                          }];
+            [cluster selectAreasWithParams:params completion:
+                                                      ^(MTRServiceAreaClusterSelectAreasResponseParams * _Nullable values, NSError * _Nullable error) {
+                                                          NSLog(@"Values: %@", values);
+                                                          if (error == nil) {
+                                                              constexpr chip::CommandId responseId = chip::app::Clusters::ServiceArea::Commands::SelectAreasResponse::Id;
+                                                              RemoteDataModelLogger::LogCommandAsJSON(@(endpointId), @(clusterId), @(responseId), values);
+                                                          }
+                                                          responsesNeeded--;
+                                                          if (error != nil) {
+                                                              mError = error;
+                                                              LogNSError("Error", error);
+                                                              constexpr chip::CommandId responseId = chip::app::Clusters::ServiceArea::Commands::SelectAreasResponse::Id;
+                                                              RemoteDataModelLogger::LogCommandErrorAsJSON(@(endpointId), @(clusterId), @(responseId), error);
+                                                          }
+                                                          if (responsesNeeded == 0) {
+                                                              SetCommandExitStatus(mError);
+                                                          }
+                                                      }];
         return CHIP_NO_ERROR;
-    chip::app::Clusters::ServiceArea::Commands::SelectLocations::Type mRequest;
-    TypedComplexArgument<chip::app::DataModel::Nullable<chip::app::DataModel::List<const uint32_t>>> mComplex_NewLocations;
+    chip::app::Clusters::ServiceArea::Commands::SelectAreas::Type mRequest;
+    TypedComplexArgument<chip::app::DataModel::Nullable<chip::app::DataModel::List<const uint32_t>>> mComplex_NewAreas;
- * Command SkipCurrentLocation
+ * Command SkipArea
-class ServiceAreaSkipCurrentLocation : public ClusterCommand {
+class ServiceAreaSkipArea : public ClusterCommand {
-    ServiceAreaSkipCurrentLocation()
-        : ClusterCommand("skip-current-location")
+    ServiceAreaSkipArea()
+        : ClusterCommand("skip-area")
@@ -103873,35 +103873,35 @@ class ServiceAreaSkipCurrentLocation : public ClusterCommand {
     CHIP_ERROR SendCommand(MTRBaseDevice * device, chip::EndpointId endpointId) override
         constexpr chip::ClusterId clusterId = chip::app::Clusters::ServiceArea::Id;
-        constexpr chip::CommandId commandId = chip::app::Clusters::ServiceArea::Commands::SkipCurrentLocation::Id;
+        constexpr chip::CommandId commandId = chip::app::Clusters::ServiceArea::Commands::SkipArea::Id;
         ChipLogProgress(chipTool, "Sending cluster (0x%08" PRIX32 ") command (0x%08" PRIX32 ") on endpoint %u", clusterId, commandId, endpointId);
         dispatch_queue_t callbackQueue = dispatch_queue_create("com.chip.command", DISPATCH_QUEUE_SERIAL);
         __auto_type * cluster = [[MTRBaseClusterServiceArea alloc] initWithDevice:device endpointID:@(endpointId) queue:callbackQueue];
-        __auto_type * params = [[MTRServiceAreaClusterSkipCurrentLocationParams alloc] init];
+        __auto_type * params = [[MTRServiceAreaClusterSkipAreaParams alloc] init];
         params.timedInvokeTimeoutMs = mTimedInteractionTimeoutMs.HasValue() ? [NSNumber numberWithUnsignedShort:mTimedInteractionTimeoutMs.Value()] : nil;
         uint16_t repeatCount = mRepeatCount.ValueOr(1);
         uint16_t __block responsesNeeded = repeatCount;
         while (repeatCount--) {
-            [cluster skipCurrentLocationWithParams:params completion:
-                                                              ^(MTRServiceAreaClusterSkipCurrentLocationResponseParams * _Nullable values, NSError * _Nullable error) {
-                                                                  NSLog(@"Values: %@", values);
-                                                                  if (error == nil) {
-                                                                      constexpr chip::CommandId responseId = chip::app::Clusters::ServiceArea::Commands::SkipCurrentLocationResponse::Id;
-                                                                      RemoteDataModelLogger::LogCommandAsJSON(@(endpointId), @(clusterId), @(responseId), values);
-                                                                  }
-                                                                  responsesNeeded--;
-                                                                  if (error != nil) {
-                                                                      mError = error;
-                                                                      LogNSError("Error", error);
-                                                                      constexpr chip::CommandId responseId = chip::app::Clusters::ServiceArea::Commands::SkipCurrentLocationResponse::Id;
-                                                                      RemoteDataModelLogger::LogCommandErrorAsJSON(@(endpointId), @(clusterId), @(responseId), error);
-                                                                  }
-                                                                  if (responsesNeeded == 0) {
-                                                                      SetCommandExitStatus(mError);
-                                                                  }
-                                                              }];
+            [cluster skipAreaWithParams:params completion:
+                                                   ^(MTRServiceAreaClusterSkipAreaResponseParams * _Nullable values, NSError * _Nullable error) {
+                                                       NSLog(@"Values: %@", values);
+                                                       if (error == nil) {
+                                                           constexpr chip::CommandId responseId = chip::app::Clusters::ServiceArea::Commands::SkipAreaResponse::Id;
+                                                           RemoteDataModelLogger::LogCommandAsJSON(@(endpointId), @(clusterId), @(responseId), values);
+                                                       }
+                                                       responsesNeeded--;
+                                                       if (error != nil) {
+                                                           mError = error;
+                                                           LogNSError("Error", error);
+                                                           constexpr chip::CommandId responseId = chip::app::Clusters::ServiceArea::Commands::SkipAreaResponse::Id;
+                                                           RemoteDataModelLogger::LogCommandErrorAsJSON(@(endpointId), @(clusterId), @(responseId), error);
+                                                       }
+                                                       if (responsesNeeded == 0) {
+                                                           SetCommandExitStatus(mError);
+                                                       }
+                                                   }];
         return CHIP_NO_ERROR;
@@ -195414,10 +195414,10 @@ void registerClusterServiceArea(Commands & commands)
     commands_list clusterCommands = {
         make_unique<ClusterCommand>(Id), //
-        make_unique<ServiceAreaSelectLocations>(), //
+        make_unique<ServiceAreaSelectAreas>(), //
-        make_unique<ServiceAreaSkipCurrentLocation>(), //
+        make_unique<ServiceAreaSkipArea>(), //
         make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id), //
         make_unique<WriteAttribute>(Id), //

From 69eb53f4c2069516417ef8c3f1c57960c7bd5514 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: William Hicklin <>
Date: Thu, 1 Aug 2024 16:42:21 +0100
Subject: [PATCH 21/28] Updated the service area command names in the SDK.

 .../include/rvc-service-area-delegate.h       |  4 +-
 .../src/rvc-service-area-delegate.cpp         |  8 +-
 .../service-area-delegate.h                   | 12 +--
 .../service-area-server.cpp                   | 76 +++++++++----------
 .../service-area-server/service-area-server.h |  2 +-
 5 files changed, 51 insertions(+), 51 deletions(-)

diff --git a/examples/rvc-app/rvc-common/include/rvc-service-area-delegate.h b/examples/rvc-app/rvc-common/include/rvc-service-area-delegate.h
index 0e2f95514a9d0d..9c4e7498cb38ae 100644
--- a/examples/rvc-app/rvc-common/include/rvc-service-area-delegate.h
+++ b/examples/rvc-app/rvc-common/include/rvc-service-area-delegate.h
@@ -46,7 +46,7 @@ class RvcServiceAreaDelegate : public Delegate
     // command support
     bool IsSetSelectedAreasAllowed(MutableCharSpan statusText) override;
-    bool IsValidSelectLocationsSet(const ServiceArea::Commands::SelectLocations::DecodableType & req,
+    bool IsValidSelectAreasSet(const ServiceArea::Commands::SelectAreas::DecodableType & req,
                                    ServiceArea::SelectAreasStatus & locationStatus, MutableCharSpan statusText) override;
     bool HandleSkipCurrentArea(MutableCharSpan skipStatusText) override;
@@ -63,7 +63,7 @@ class RvcServiceAreaDelegate : public Delegate
     bool GetSupportedLocationById(uint32_t aAreaId, uint32_t & listIndex,
                                   ServiceArea::LocationStructureWrapper & supportedLocation) override;
-    bool AddSupportedLocation(const ServiceArea::LocationStructureWrapper & newLocation, uint32_t & listIndex) override;
+    bool AddSupportedLocation(const ServiceArea::LocationStructureWrapper & newArea, uint32_t & listIndex) override;
     bool ModifySupportedLocation(uint32_t listIndex, const ServiceArea::LocationStructureWrapper & modifiedLocation) override;
diff --git a/examples/rvc-app/rvc-common/src/rvc-service-area-delegate.cpp b/examples/rvc-app/rvc-common/src/rvc-service-area-delegate.cpp
index 03edb0480ec299..c19186e489e3b2 100644
--- a/examples/rvc-app/rvc-common/src/rvc-service-area-delegate.cpp
+++ b/examples/rvc-app/rvc-common/src/rvc-service-area-delegate.cpp
@@ -79,7 +79,7 @@ bool RvcServiceAreaDelegate::IsSetSelectedAreasAllowed(MutableCharSpan statusTex
     return true;
-bool RvcServiceAreaDelegate::IsValidSelectLocationsSet(const Commands::SelectLocations::DecodableType & req,
+bool RvcServiceAreaDelegate::IsValidSelectAreasSet(const Commands::SelectAreas::DecodableType & req,
                                                        SelectAreasStatus & locationStatus, MutableCharSpan statusText)
@@ -139,7 +139,7 @@ bool RvcServiceAreaDelegate::GetSupportedLocationById(uint32_t aAreaID, uint32_t
     return false;
-bool RvcServiceAreaDelegate::AddSupportedLocation(const LocationStructureWrapper & newLocation, uint32_t & listIndex)
+bool RvcServiceAreaDelegate::AddSupportedLocation(const LocationStructureWrapper & newArea, uint32_t & listIndex)
     // The server instance (caller) is responsible for ensuring that there are no duplicate area IDs, list size not exceeded,
     // etc.
@@ -148,12 +148,12 @@ bool RvcServiceAreaDelegate::AddSupportedLocation(const LocationStructureWrapper
     if (mSupportedAreas.size() < kMaxNumSupportedAreas)
         // not sorting list, number of locations normally expected to be small, max 255
-        mSupportedAreas.push_back(newLocation);
+        mSupportedAreas.push_back(newArea);
         listIndex = static_cast<uint32_t>(mSupportedMaps.size()) - 1; // new element is last in list
         return true;
-    ChipLogError(Zcl, "AddSupportedLocation %u - supported locations list is already at maximum size %u", newLocation.areaID,
+    ChipLogError(Zcl, "AddSupportedLocation %u - supported locations list is already at maximum size %u", newArea.areaID,
     return false;
diff --git a/src/app/clusters/service-area-server/service-area-delegate.h b/src/app/clusters/service-area-server/service-area-delegate.h
index 9d1c0f98238949..543113369590f5 100644
--- a/src/app/clusters/service-area-server/service-area-delegate.h
+++ b/src/app/clusters/service-area-server/service-area-delegate.h
@@ -87,10 +87,10 @@ class Delegate
      * @param[out] statusText text describing failure (see description above), size kMaxSizeStatusText.
      * @return true if success.
-     * @note If the SelectLocations command is allowed when the device is operating and the selected locations change to none, the
+     * @note If the SelectAreas command is allowed when the device is operating and the selected locations change to none, the
      * device must stop.
-    virtual bool IsValidSelectLocationsSet(const Commands::SelectLocations::DecodableType & req,
+    virtual bool IsValidSelectAreasSet(const Commands::SelectAreas::DecodableType & req,
                                            SelectAreasStatus & locationStatus, MutableCharSpan statusText) = 0;
@@ -167,14 +167,14 @@ class Delegate
      * This method is called by the server instance to add a new location to the list.
-     * The server instance will ensure that the newLocation is a valid, unique location.
-     * @param [in] newLocation new location to add.
+     * The server instance will ensure that the newArea is a valid, unique location.
+     * @param [in] newArea new location to add.
      * @param [out] listIndex filled with the list index for the new location, if successful.
      * @return true if successful, false otherwise.
      * @note this function SHOULD double check that the added location won't exceed the maximum list size.
-    virtual bool AddSupportedLocation(const LocationStructureWrapper & newLocation, uint32_t & listIndex) = 0;
+    virtual bool AddSupportedLocation(const LocationStructureWrapper & newArea, uint32_t & listIndex) = 0;
      * This method is called by the server instance to modify an existing location in the list.
@@ -183,7 +183,7 @@ class Delegate
      * @param[in] modifiedLocation A location with the modified contents.
      * @return true if successful, false otherwise.
-     * @note this function SHOULD double check that newLocation's areaID matches the object at listIndex.
+     * @note this function SHOULD double check that newArea's areaID matches the object at listIndex.
     virtual bool ModifySupportedLocation(uint32_t listIndex, const LocationStructureWrapper & modifiedLocation) = 0;
diff --git a/src/app/clusters/service-area-server/service-area-server.cpp b/src/app/clusters/service-area-server/service-area-server.cpp
index 83ba0740fefcec..fdfa96f6109320 100644
--- a/src/app/clusters/service-area-server/service-area-server.cpp
+++ b/src/app/clusters/service-area-server/service-area-server.cpp
@@ -117,12 +117,12 @@ void Instance::InvokeCommand(HandlerContext & handlerContext)
     switch (handlerContext.mRequestPath.mCommandId)
-    case Commands::SelectLocations::Id:
-        return CommandHandlerInterface::HandleCommand<Commands::SelectLocations::DecodableType>(
-            handlerContext, [this](HandlerContext & ctx, const auto & req) { HandleSelectLocationsCmd(ctx, req); });
+    case Commands::SelectAreas::Id:
+        return CommandHandlerInterface::HandleCommand<Commands::SelectAreas::DecodableType>(
+            handlerContext, [this](HandlerContext & ctx, const auto & req) { HandleSelectAreasCmd(ctx, req); });
-    case Commands::SkipCurrentLocation::Id:
-        return CommandHandlerInterface::HandleCommand<Commands::SkipCurrentLocation::DecodableType>(
+    case Commands::SkipArea::Id:
+        return CommandHandlerInterface::HandleCommand<Commands::SkipArea::DecodableType>(
             handlerContext, [this](HandlerContext & ctx, const auto & req) { HandleSkipCurrentAreaCmd(ctx); });
@@ -209,13 +209,13 @@ CHIP_ERROR Instance::ReadProgress(AttributeValueEncoder & aEncoder)
 // command handlers
-void Instance::HandleSelectLocationsCmd(HandlerContext & ctx, const Commands::SelectLocations::DecodableType & req)
+void Instance::HandleSelectAreasCmd(HandlerContext & ctx, const Commands::SelectAreas::DecodableType & req)
-    ChipLogDetail(Zcl, "Service Area: HandleSelectLocationsCmd");
+    ChipLogDetail(Zcl, "Service Area: HandleSelectAreasCmd");
-    // On receipt of this command the device SHALL respond with a SelectLocationsResponse command.
+    // On receipt of this command the device SHALL respond with a SelectAreasResponse command.
     auto exitResponse = [ctx](SelectAreasStatus status, CharSpan statusText) {
-        Commands::SelectLocationsResponse::Type response{
+        Commands::SelectAreasResponse::Type response{
             .status     = status,
             .statusText = Optional(statusText),
@@ -224,16 +224,16 @@ void Instance::HandleSelectLocationsCmd(HandlerContext & ctx, const Commands::Se
     size_t numberOfLocations = 0;
     // Get the number of Selected Locations in the command parameter and check that it is valid.
-    if (!req.newLocations.IsNull())
+    if (!req.newAreas.IsNull())
-        if (CHIP_NO_ERROR != req.newLocations.Value().ComputeSize(&numberOfLocations))
+        if (CHIP_NO_ERROR != req.newAreas.Value().ComputeSize(&numberOfLocations))
             ctx.mCommandHandler.AddStatus(ctx.mRequestPath, Status::InvalidCommand);
         // If the device determines that it can't operate at all locations from the list,
-        // the SelectLocationsResponse command's Status field SHALL indicate InvalidSet.
+        // the SelectAreasResponse command's Status field SHALL indicate InvalidSet.
         if (numberOfLocations > kMaxNumSelectedAreas)
             exitResponse(SelectAreasStatus::kInvalidSet, "invalid number of locations"_span);
@@ -244,14 +244,14 @@ void Instance::HandleSelectLocationsCmd(HandlerContext & ctx, const Commands::Se
     // if number of selected locations in parameter matches number in attribute - the locations *might* be the same
     bool matchesCurrentSelectedAreas = (numberOfLocations == mDelegate->GetNumberOfSelectedAreas());
-    if (!req.newLocations.IsNull())
+    if (!req.newAreas.IsNull())
         // do as much parameter validation as we can
             uint32_t ignoredIndex = 0;
             uint32_t oldSelectedLocation;
             uint32_t i         = 0;
-            auto iLocationIter = req.newLocations.Value().begin();
+            auto iLocationIter = req.newAreas.Value().begin();
             while (iLocationIter.Next())
                 uint32_t aSelectedLocation = iLocationIter.GetValue();
@@ -266,7 +266,7 @@ void Instance::HandleSelectLocationsCmd(HandlerContext & ctx, const Commands::Se
                 // Checking for duplicate locations.
                 uint32_t j         = 0;
-                auto jLocationIter = req.newLocations.Value().begin();
+                auto jLocationIter = req.newAreas.Value().begin();
                 while (j < i)
@@ -301,8 +301,8 @@ void Instance::HandleSelectLocationsCmd(HandlerContext & ctx, const Commands::Se
-    // If the NewLocations field is the same as the value of the SelectedAreas attribute
-    // the SelectLocationsResponse command SHALL have the Status field set to Success and
+    // If the newAreas field is the same as the value of the SelectedAreas attribute
+    // the SelectAreasResponse command SHALL have the Status field set to Success and
     // the StatusText field MAY be supplied with a human-readable string or include an empty string.
     if (matchesCurrentSelectedAreas)
@@ -314,7 +314,7 @@ void Instance::HandleSelectLocationsCmd(HandlerContext & ctx, const Commands::Se
     MutableCharSpan delegateStatusText(delegateStatusBuffer);
     // If the current state of the device doesn't allow for the locations to be selected,
-    // the SelectLocationsResponse command SHALL have the Status field set to InvalidInMode.
+    // the SelectAreasResponse command SHALL have the Status field set to InvalidInMode.
     // if the Status field is set to InvalidInMode, the StatusText field SHOULD indicate why the request is not allowed,
     // given the current mode of the device, which may involve other clusters.
     // (note - locationStatusText to be filled out by delegated function for if return value is false)
@@ -327,10 +327,10 @@ void Instance::HandleSelectLocationsCmd(HandlerContext & ctx, const Commands::Se
     // Reset in case the delegate accidentally modified this string.
     delegateStatusText = MutableCharSpan(delegateStatusBuffer);
-    // ask the device to handle SelectLocations Command
+    // ask the device to handle SelectAreas Command
     // (note - locationStatusText to be filled out by delegated function for kInvalidInMode and InvalidSet)
     auto locationStatus = SelectAreasStatus::kSuccess;
-    if (!mDelegate->IsValidSelectLocationsSet(req, locationStatus, delegateStatusText))
+    if (!mDelegate->IsValidSelectAreasSet(req, locationStatus, delegateStatusText))
         exitResponse(locationStatus, delegateStatusText);
@@ -338,14 +338,14 @@ void Instance::HandleSelectLocationsCmd(HandlerContext & ctx, const Commands::Se
         // If the device successfully accepts the request, the server will attempt to operate at the location(s)
-        // indicated by the entries of the NewLocation field, when requested to operate,
-        // the SelectLocationsResponse command SHALL have the Status field set to Success,
-        // and the SelectedAreas attribute SHALL be set to the value of the NewLocations field.
+        // indicated by the entries of the newArea field, when requested to operate,
+        // the SelectAreasResponse command SHALL have the Status field set to Success,
+        // and the SelectedAreas attribute SHALL be set to the value of the newAreas field.
-        if (!req.newLocations.IsNull())
+        if (!req.newAreas.IsNull())
-            auto locationIter = req.newLocations.Value().begin();
+            auto locationIter = req.newAreas.Value().begin();
             uint32_t ignored;
             while (locationIter.Next())
@@ -365,7 +365,7 @@ void Instance::HandleSkipCurrentAreaCmd(HandlerContext & ctx)
     // On receipt of this command the device SHALL respond with a SkipCurrentAreaResponse command.
     auto exitResponse = [ctx](SkipAreaStatus status, CharSpan statusText) {
-        Commands::SkipCurrentLocationResponse::Type response{
+        Commands::SkipAreaResponse::Type response{
             .status     = status,
             .statusText = Optional(statusText),
@@ -579,7 +579,7 @@ bool Instance::AddSupportedLocation(uint32_t aAreaId, const DataModel::Nullable<
                                     const DataModel::Nullable<Globals::FloorSurfaceTag> & aSurfaceTag)
     // Create location object for validation.
-    LocationStructureWrapper aNewLocation(aAreaId, aMapId, aLocationName, aFloorNumber, aAreaType, aLandmarkTag, aPositionTag,
+    LocationStructureWrapper aNewArea(aAreaId, aMapId, aLocationName, aFloorNumber, aAreaType, aLandmarkTag, aPositionTag,
     // Does device mode allow this attribute to be updated?
@@ -596,9 +596,9 @@ bool Instance::AddSupportedLocation(uint32_t aAreaId, const DataModel::Nullable<
     // Verify cluster requirements concerning valid fields and field relationships.
-    if (!IsValidSupportedLocation(aNewLocation))
+    if (!IsValidSupportedLocation(aNewArea))
-        ChipLogError(Zcl, "AddSupportedLocation %u - not a valid location object", aNewLocation.areaID);
+        ChipLogError(Zcl, "AddSupportedLocation %u - not a valid location object", aNewArea.areaID);
         return false;
@@ -606,15 +606,15 @@ bool Instance::AddSupportedLocation(uint32_t aAreaId, const DataModel::Nullable<
     // If the SupportedMaps attribute is not null, each entry in this list SHALL have a unique value for the combination of the
     // MapID and LocationInfo fields. If the SupportedMaps attribute is null, each entry in this list SHALL have a unique value for
     // the LocationInfo field.
-    if (!IsUniqueSupportedLocation(aNewLocation, false))
+    if (!IsUniqueSupportedLocation(aNewArea, false))
-        ChipLogError(Zcl, "AddSupportedLocation %u - not a unique location object", aNewLocation.areaID);
+        ChipLogError(Zcl, "AddSupportedLocation %u - not a unique location object", aNewArea.areaID);
         return false;
     // Add the SupportedLocation to the SupportedAreas attribute.
     uint32_t ignoredIndex;
-    if (!mDelegate->AddSupportedLocation(aNewLocation, ignoredIndex))
+    if (!mDelegate->AddSupportedLocation(aNewArea, ignoredIndex))
         return false;
@@ -655,26 +655,26 @@ bool Instance::ModifySupportedLocation(uint32_t aAreaId, const DataModel::Nullab
         // create new location object for validation
-        LocationStructureWrapper aNewLocation(aAreaId, aMapId, aLocationName, aFloorNumber, aAreaType, aLandmarkTag,
+        LocationStructureWrapper aNewArea(aAreaId, aMapId, aLocationName, aFloorNumber, aAreaType, aLandmarkTag,
                                               aPositionTag, aSurfaceTag);
         // verify cluster requirements concerning valid fields and field relationships
-        if (!IsValidSupportedLocation(aNewLocation))
+        if (!IsValidSupportedLocation(aNewArea))
-            ChipLogError(Zcl, "ModifySupportedLocation %u - not a valid location object", aNewLocation.areaID);
+            ChipLogError(Zcl, "ModifySupportedLocation %u - not a valid location object", aNewArea.areaID);
             return false;
         // Updated location description must not match another existing location description.
         // We ignore comparing the area ID as one of the locations will match this one.
-        if (!IsUniqueSupportedLocation(aNewLocation, true))
+        if (!IsUniqueSupportedLocation(aNewArea, true))
-            ChipLogError(Zcl, "ModifySupportedLocation %u - not a unique location object", aNewLocation.areaID);
+            ChipLogError(Zcl, "ModifySupportedLocation %u - not a unique location object", aNewArea.areaID);
             return false;
         // Replace the supported location with the modified location.
-        if (!mDelegate->ModifySupportedLocation(listIndex, aNewLocation))
+        if (!mDelegate->ModifySupportedLocation(listIndex, aNewArea))
             return false;
diff --git a/src/app/clusters/service-area-server/service-area-server.h b/src/app/clusters/service-area-server/service-area-server.h
index 6fa25a0cc25b14..cd4579e41cecee 100644
--- a/src/app/clusters/service-area-server/service-area-server.h
+++ b/src/app/clusters/service-area-server/service-area-server.h
@@ -117,7 +117,7 @@ class Instance : public AttributeAccessInterface, public CommandHandlerInterface
      *                     If the input value is invalid, returns the Interaction Model status code of INVALID_COMMAND.
      * @param[in] req the command parameters
-    void HandleSelectLocationsCmd(HandlerContext & ctx, const Commands::SelectLocations::DecodableType & req);
+    void HandleSelectAreasCmd(HandlerContext & ctx, const Commands::SelectAreas::DecodableType & req);
      * @param[in, out] ctx Returns the Interaction Model status code which was user determined in the business logic.

From c6c36594534abaf0c2df040156ed97939d0ad80c Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: William Hicklin <>
Date: Thu, 1 Aug 2024 16:54:15 +0100
Subject: [PATCH 22/28] Updated the rvc-example zap file.

 examples/rvc-app/rvc-common/rvc-app.zap | 21 +++++++++++----------
 1 file changed, 11 insertions(+), 10 deletions(-)

diff --git a/examples/rvc-app/rvc-common/rvc-app.zap b/examples/rvc-app/rvc-common/rvc-app.zap
index cb3ea7cc0d24c4..89fe82c64f5c21 100644
--- a/examples/rvc-app/rvc-common/rvc-app.zap
+++ b/examples/rvc-app/rvc-common/rvc-app.zap
@@ -2885,9 +2885,10 @@
           "define": "SERVICE_AREA_CLUSTER",
           "side": "server",
           "enabled": 1,
+          "apiMaturity": "provisional",
           "commands": [
-              "name": "SelectLocations",
+              "name": "SelectAreas",
               "code": 0,
               "mfgCode": null,
               "source": "client",
@@ -2895,7 +2896,7 @@
               "isEnabled": 1
-              "name": "SelectLocationsResponse",
+              "name": "SelectAreasResponse",
               "code": 1,
               "mfgCode": null,
               "source": "server",
@@ -2903,7 +2904,7 @@
               "isEnabled": 1
-              "name": "SkipCurrent",
+              "name": "SkipArea",
               "code": 2,
               "mfgCode": null,
               "source": "client",
@@ -2911,7 +2912,7 @@
               "isEnabled": 1
-              "name": "SkipCurrentResponse",
+              "name": "SkipAreaResponse",
               "code": 3,
               "mfgCode": null,
               "source": "server",
@@ -2921,7 +2922,7 @@
           "attributes": [
-              "name": "SupportedLocations",
+              "name": "SupportedAreas",
               "code": 0,
               "mfgCode": null,
               "side": "server",
@@ -2953,7 +2954,7 @@
               "reportableChange": 0
-              "name": "SelectedLocations",
+              "name": "SelectedAreas",
               "code": 2,
               "mfgCode": null,
               "side": "server",
@@ -2969,7 +2970,7 @@
               "reportableChange": 0
-              "name": "CurrentLocation",
+              "name": "CurrentArea",
               "code": 3,
               "mfgCode": null,
               "side": "server",
@@ -2978,7 +2979,7 @@
               "storageOption": "External",
               "singleton": 0,
               "bounded": 0,
-              "defaultValue": "",
+              "defaultValue": null,
               "reportable": 1,
               "minInterval": 1,
               "maxInterval": 65534,
@@ -2994,7 +2995,7 @@
               "storageOption": "External",
               "singleton": 0,
               "bounded": 0,
-              "defaultValue": "",
+              "defaultValue": null,
               "reportable": 1,
               "minInterval": 1,
               "maxInterval": 65534,
@@ -3090,7 +3091,7 @@
               "storageOption": "External",
               "singleton": 0,
               "bounded": 0,
-              "defaultValue": "0",
+              "defaultValue": null,
               "reportable": 1,
               "minInterval": 1,
               "maxInterval": 65534,

From d378b4e556c34ac541c36e19ed9ef23301df87e8 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: William Hicklin <>
Date: Thu, 1 Aug 2024 17:06:11 +0100
Subject: [PATCH 23/28] Refactored LocationStructureWrapper to

 .../include/rvc-service-area-delegate.h       | 10 ++++-----
 .../src/rvc-service-area-delegate.cpp         |  8 +++----
 .../service-area-cluster-objects.h            | 14 ++++++------
 .../service-area-delegate.cpp                 |  2 +-
 .../service-area-delegate.h                   |  8 +++----
 .../service-area-server.cpp                   | 22 +++++++++----------
 .../service-area-server/service-area-server.h |  4 ++--
 7 files changed, 34 insertions(+), 34 deletions(-)

diff --git a/examples/rvc-app/rvc-common/include/rvc-service-area-delegate.h b/examples/rvc-app/rvc-common/include/rvc-service-area-delegate.h
index 9c4e7498cb38ae..908d2a1ea75e2d 100644
--- a/examples/rvc-app/rvc-common/include/rvc-service-area-delegate.h
+++ b/examples/rvc-app/rvc-common/include/rvc-service-area-delegate.h
@@ -35,7 +35,7 @@ class RvcServiceAreaDelegate : public Delegate
     // containers for array attributes.
-    std::vector<ServiceArea::LocationStructureWrapper> mSupportedAreas;
+    std::vector<ServiceArea::AreaStructureWrapper> mSupportedAreas;
     std::vector<ServiceArea::MapStructureWrapper> mSupportedMaps;
     std::vector<uint32_t> mSelectedAreas;
     std::vector<ServiceArea::Structs::ProgressStruct::Type> mProgressList;
@@ -58,14 +58,14 @@ class RvcServiceAreaDelegate : public Delegate
     uint32_t GetNumberOfSupportedAreas() override;
-    bool GetSupportedLocationByIndex(uint32_t listIndex, ServiceArea::LocationStructureWrapper & supportedLocation) override;
+    bool GetSupportedLocationByIndex(uint32_t listIndex, ServiceArea::AreaStructureWrapper & supportedLocation) override;
     bool GetSupportedLocationById(uint32_t aAreaId, uint32_t & listIndex,
-                                  ServiceArea::LocationStructureWrapper & supportedLocation) override;
+                                  ServiceArea::AreaStructureWrapper & supportedLocation) override;
-    bool AddSupportedLocation(const ServiceArea::LocationStructureWrapper & newArea, uint32_t & listIndex) override;
+    bool AddSupportedLocation(const ServiceArea::AreaStructureWrapper & newArea, uint32_t & listIndex) override;
-    bool ModifySupportedLocation(uint32_t listIndex, const ServiceArea::LocationStructureWrapper & modifiedLocation) override;
+    bool ModifySupportedLocation(uint32_t listIndex, const ServiceArea::AreaStructureWrapper & modifiedLocation) override;
     bool ClearSupportedAreas() override;
diff --git a/examples/rvc-app/rvc-common/src/rvc-service-area-delegate.cpp b/examples/rvc-app/rvc-common/src/rvc-service-area-delegate.cpp
index c19186e489e3b2..d82ae6f752874e 100644
--- a/examples/rvc-app/rvc-common/src/rvc-service-area-delegate.cpp
+++ b/examples/rvc-app/rvc-common/src/rvc-service-area-delegate.cpp
@@ -106,7 +106,7 @@ uint32_t RvcServiceAreaDelegate::GetNumberOfSupportedAreas()
     return static_cast<uint32_t>(mSupportedAreas.size());
-bool RvcServiceAreaDelegate::GetSupportedLocationByIndex(uint32_t listIndex, LocationStructureWrapper & aSupportedLocation)
+bool RvcServiceAreaDelegate::GetSupportedLocationByIndex(uint32_t listIndex, AreaStructureWrapper & aSupportedLocation)
     if (listIndex < mSupportedAreas.size())
@@ -118,7 +118,7 @@ bool RvcServiceAreaDelegate::GetSupportedLocationByIndex(uint32_t listIndex, Loc
 bool RvcServiceAreaDelegate::GetSupportedLocationById(uint32_t aAreaID, uint32_t & listIndex,
-                                                      LocationStructureWrapper & aSupportedLocation)
+                                                      AreaStructureWrapper & aSupportedLocation)
     // We do not need to reimplement this method as it's already done by the SDK.
     // We are reimplementing this method, still using linear search, but with some optimization on the SDK implementation
@@ -139,7 +139,7 @@ bool RvcServiceAreaDelegate::GetSupportedLocationById(uint32_t aAreaID, uint32_t
     return false;
-bool RvcServiceAreaDelegate::AddSupportedLocation(const LocationStructureWrapper & newArea, uint32_t & listIndex)
+bool RvcServiceAreaDelegate::AddSupportedLocation(const AreaStructureWrapper & newArea, uint32_t & listIndex)
     // The server instance (caller) is responsible for ensuring that there are no duplicate area IDs, list size not exceeded,
     // etc.
@@ -159,7 +159,7 @@ bool RvcServiceAreaDelegate::AddSupportedLocation(const LocationStructureWrapper
     return false;
-bool RvcServiceAreaDelegate::ModifySupportedLocation(uint32_t listIndex, const LocationStructureWrapper & modifiedLocation)
+bool RvcServiceAreaDelegate::ModifySupportedLocation(uint32_t listIndex, const AreaStructureWrapper & modifiedLocation)
     // The server instance (caller) is responsible for ensuring that there are no duplicate area IDs, list size not exceeded,
     // etc.
diff --git a/src/app/clusters/service-area-server/service-area-cluster-objects.h b/src/app/clusters/service-area-server/service-area-cluster-objects.h
index 55c3e6b963c4b4..bd33ecef36dc93 100644
--- a/src/app/clusters/service-area-server/service-area-cluster-objects.h
+++ b/src/app/clusters/service-area-server/service-area-cluster-objects.h
@@ -34,9 +34,9 @@ inline constexpr size_t kMapNameMaxSize      = 64u;
  * This class is used to wrap the AreaStruct object and provide a more user-friendly interface for the data.
  * It provides a way to store the location name in a buffer, and provides a way to compare the location name with a given string.
-struct LocationStructureWrapper : public chip::app::Clusters::ServiceArea::Structs::AreaStruct::Type
+struct AreaStructureWrapper : public chip::app::Clusters::ServiceArea::Structs::AreaStruct::Type
-    LocationStructureWrapper()
+    AreaStructureWrapper()
         Set(0, 0, CharSpan(), DataModel::Nullable<int16_t>(), DataModel::Nullable<Globals::AreaTypeTag>(),
             DataModel::Nullable<Globals::LandmarkTag>(), DataModel::Nullable<Globals::PositionTag>(),
@@ -60,7 +60,7 @@ struct LocationStructureWrapper : public chip::app::Clusters::ServiceArea::Struc
      * @note If aLocationName is larger than kLocationNameMaxSize, it will be truncated.
      * @note If aLocationName is an empty string and aFloorNumber and aAreaTypeTag are null, locationInfo will be set to null.
-    LocationStructureWrapper(uint32_t aAreaID, const DataModel::Nullable<uint8_t> & aMapId, const CharSpan & aLocationName,
+    AreaStructureWrapper(uint32_t aAreaID, const DataModel::Nullable<uint8_t> & aMapId, const CharSpan & aLocationName,
                              const DataModel::Nullable<int16_t> & aFloorNumber,
                              const DataModel::Nullable<Globals::AreaTypeTag> & aAreaTypeTag,
                              const DataModel::Nullable<Globals::LandmarkTag> & aLandmarkTag,
@@ -77,7 +77,7 @@ struct LocationStructureWrapper : public chip::app::Clusters::ServiceArea::Struc
      * @note If the locationName is empty string and aFloorNumber and aAreaTypeTag are null, locationInfo will be set to null.
-    LocationStructureWrapper(const LocationStructureWrapper & aOther) { *this = aOther; }
+    AreaStructureWrapper(const AreaStructureWrapper & aOther) { *this = aOther; }
      * @brief This is an assignment operator that initializes the location object with the values from another location object. All
@@ -86,7 +86,7 @@ struct LocationStructureWrapper : public chip::app::Clusters::ServiceArea::Struc
      * @note If the locationName is empty string and aFloorNumber and aAreaTypeTag are null, locationInfo will be set to null.
-    LocationStructureWrapper & operator=(const LocationStructureWrapper & aOther)
+    AreaStructureWrapper & operator=(const AreaStructureWrapper & aOther)
         if (aOther.areaDesc.locationInfo.IsNull())
@@ -197,12 +197,12 @@ struct LocationStructureWrapper : public chip::app::Clusters::ServiceArea::Struc
-     * @brief Checks if the given LocationStructureWrapper is equal to this one.
+     * @brief Checks if the given AreaStructureWrapper is equal to this one.
      * @param aOther The location to compare with.
      * @param aConfig Set if the area IDs and/or the map IDs should be ignored when checking for equality.
      * @return True if both locations are equal. False otherwise.
-    bool IsEqual(const LocationStructureWrapper & aOther, BitMask<IsEqualConfig> aConfig) const
+    bool IsEqual(const AreaStructureWrapper & aOther, BitMask<IsEqualConfig> aConfig) const
         if (!aConfig.Has(IsEqualConfig::kIgnoreAreaID) && (areaID != aOther.areaID))
diff --git a/src/app/clusters/service-area-server/service-area-delegate.cpp b/src/app/clusters/service-area-server/service-area-delegate.cpp
index 5b9444106fa370..0d8c98a16f5d24 100644
--- a/src/app/clusters/service-area-server/service-area-delegate.cpp
+++ b/src/app/clusters/service-area-server/service-area-delegate.cpp
@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
 using namespace chip::app::Clusters::ServiceArea;
-bool Delegate::GetSupportedLocationById(uint32_t aAreaId, uint32_t & listIndex, LocationStructureWrapper & aSupportedLocation)
+bool Delegate::GetSupportedLocationById(uint32_t aAreaId, uint32_t & listIndex, AreaStructureWrapper & aSupportedLocation)
     listIndex = 0;
diff --git a/src/app/clusters/service-area-server/service-area-delegate.h b/src/app/clusters/service-area-server/service-area-delegate.h
index 543113369590f5..50a87e8bcd532a 100644
--- a/src/app/clusters/service-area-server/service-area-delegate.h
+++ b/src/app/clusters/service-area-server/service-area-delegate.h
@@ -151,7 +151,7 @@ class Delegate
      * @param[out] aSupportedLocation  copy of the location contents, if found.
      * @return true if location found, false otherwise.
-    virtual bool GetSupportedLocationByIndex(uint32_t listIndex, LocationStructureWrapper & aSupportedLocation) = 0;
+    virtual bool GetSupportedLocationByIndex(uint32_t listIndex, AreaStructureWrapper & aSupportedLocation) = 0;
      * @brief Get a supported location that matches a areaID.
@@ -163,7 +163,7 @@ class Delegate
      * @note may be overloaded in device implementation for optimization, if desired.
     virtual bool GetSupportedLocationById(uint32_t aAreaId, uint32_t & listIndex,
-                                          LocationStructureWrapper & aSupportedLocation);
+                                          AreaStructureWrapper & aSupportedLocation);
      * This method is called by the server instance to add a new location to the list.
@@ -174,7 +174,7 @@ class Delegate
      * @note this function SHOULD double check that the added location won't exceed the maximum list size.
-    virtual bool AddSupportedLocation(const LocationStructureWrapper & newArea, uint32_t & listIndex) = 0;
+    virtual bool AddSupportedLocation(const AreaStructureWrapper & newArea, uint32_t & listIndex) = 0;
      * This method is called by the server instance to modify an existing location in the list.
@@ -185,7 +185,7 @@ class Delegate
      * @note this function SHOULD double check that newArea's areaID matches the object at listIndex.
-    virtual bool ModifySupportedLocation(uint32_t listIndex, const LocationStructureWrapper & modifiedLocation) = 0;
+    virtual bool ModifySupportedLocation(uint32_t listIndex, const AreaStructureWrapper & modifiedLocation) = 0;
      * @return true if supported locations was not already null, false otherwise.
diff --git a/src/app/clusters/service-area-server/service-area-server.cpp b/src/app/clusters/service-area-server/service-area-server.cpp
index fdfa96f6109320..8b3d4f81380f36 100644
--- a/src/app/clusters/service-area-server/service-area-server.cpp
+++ b/src/app/clusters/service-area-server/service-area-server.cpp
@@ -139,7 +139,7 @@ CHIP_ERROR Instance::ReadSupportedAreas(AttributeValueEncoder & aEncoder)
     return aEncoder.EncodeList([this](const auto & encoder) -> CHIP_ERROR {
         uint8_t locationIndex = 0;
-        LocationStructureWrapper supportedLocation;
+        AreaStructureWrapper supportedLocation;
         while (mDelegate->GetSupportedLocationByIndex(locationIndex++, supportedLocation))
@@ -443,12 +443,12 @@ void Instance::NotifyProgressChanged()
 bool Instance::IsSupportedLocation(uint32_t aAreaId)
     uint32_t ignoredIndex;
-    LocationStructureWrapper ignoredLocation;
+    AreaStructureWrapper ignoredLocation;
     return mDelegate->GetSupportedLocationById(aAreaId, ignoredIndex, ignoredLocation);
-bool Instance::IsValidSupportedLocation(const LocationStructureWrapper & aLocation)
+bool Instance::IsValidSupportedLocation(const AreaStructureWrapper & aLocation)
     // If the HomeLocationInfo field is null, the LandmarkTag field SHALL NOT be null.
     // If the LandmarkTag field is null, the HomeLocationInfo field SHALL NOT be null.
@@ -504,13 +504,13 @@ bool Instance::IsValidSupportedLocation(const LocationStructureWrapper & aLocati
     return true;
-bool Instance::IsUniqueSupportedLocation(const LocationStructureWrapper & aLocation, bool ignoreAreaId)
+bool Instance::IsUniqueSupportedLocation(const AreaStructureWrapper & aLocation, bool ignoreAreaId)
-    BitMask<LocationStructureWrapper::IsEqualConfig> config;
+    BitMask<AreaStructureWrapper::IsEqualConfig> config;
     if (ignoreAreaId)
-        config.Set(LocationStructureWrapper::IsEqualConfig::kIgnoreAreaID);
+        config.Set(AreaStructureWrapper::IsEqualConfig::kIgnoreAreaID);
     // If the SupportedMaps attribute is not null, each entry in this list SHALL have a unique value for the combination of the
@@ -518,11 +518,11 @@ bool Instance::IsUniqueSupportedLocation(const LocationStructureWrapper & aLocat
     // the LocationInfo field.
     if (mDelegate->GetNumberOfSupportedMaps() == 0)
-        config.Set(LocationStructureWrapper::IsEqualConfig::kIgnoreMapId);
+        config.Set(AreaStructureWrapper::IsEqualConfig::kIgnoreMapId);
     uint8_t locationIndex = 0;
-    LocationStructureWrapper entry;
+    AreaStructureWrapper entry;
     while (mDelegate->GetSupportedLocationByIndex(locationIndex++, entry))
         if (aLocation.IsEqual(entry, config))
@@ -579,7 +579,7 @@ bool Instance::AddSupportedLocation(uint32_t aAreaId, const DataModel::Nullable<
                                     const DataModel::Nullable<Globals::FloorSurfaceTag> & aSurfaceTag)
     // Create location object for validation.
-    LocationStructureWrapper aNewArea(aAreaId, aMapId, aLocationName, aFloorNumber, aAreaType, aLandmarkTag, aPositionTag,
+    AreaStructureWrapper aNewArea(aAreaId, aMapId, aLocationName, aFloorNumber, aAreaType, aLandmarkTag, aPositionTag,
     // Does device mode allow this attribute to be updated?
@@ -634,7 +634,7 @@ bool Instance::ModifySupportedLocation(uint32_t aAreaId, const DataModel::Nullab
     uint32_t listIndex;
     // get existing supported location to modify
-    LocationStructureWrapper supportedLocation;
+    AreaStructureWrapper supportedLocation;
     if (!mDelegate->GetSupportedLocationById(aAreaId, listIndex, supportedLocation))
         ChipLogError(Zcl, "ModifySupportedLocation %u - not a supported areaID", aAreaId);
@@ -655,7 +655,7 @@ bool Instance::ModifySupportedLocation(uint32_t aAreaId, const DataModel::Nullab
         // create new location object for validation
-        LocationStructureWrapper aNewArea(aAreaId, aMapId, aLocationName, aFloorNumber, aAreaType, aLandmarkTag,
+        AreaStructureWrapper aNewArea(aAreaId, aMapId, aLocationName, aFloorNumber, aAreaType, aLandmarkTag,
                                               aPositionTag, aSurfaceTag);
         // verify cluster requirements concerning valid fields and field relationships
diff --git a/src/app/clusters/service-area-server/service-area-server.h b/src/app/clusters/service-area-server/service-area-server.h
index cd4579e41cecee..90cf4275cf3871 100644
--- a/src/app/clusters/service-area-server/service-area-server.h
+++ b/src/app/clusters/service-area-server/service-area-server.h
@@ -147,7 +147,7 @@ class Instance : public AttributeAccessInterface, public CommandHandlerInterface
      * @brief Check if the given location adheres to the restrictions required by the supported locations attribute.
      * @return true if the aLocation meets all checks.
-    bool IsValidSupportedLocation(const LocationStructureWrapper & aLocation);
+    bool IsValidSupportedLocation(const AreaStructureWrapper & aLocation);
      * @brief check if aLocation is unique with regard to supported locations.
@@ -157,7 +157,7 @@ class Instance : public AttributeAccessInterface, public CommandHandlerInterface
      * @note This method may ignore checking the MapId uniqueness. This depends on whether the SupportedMaps attribute is null.
-    bool IsUniqueSupportedLocation(const LocationStructureWrapper & aLocation, bool ignoreAreaId);
+    bool IsUniqueSupportedLocation(const AreaStructureWrapper & aLocation, bool ignoreAreaId);
      * @brief Check if changing the estimated end time attribute to aEstimatedEndTime requires the change to be reported.

From 86c38ed6d4d05606b6215fee8462bcdc5420534c Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: "" <>
Date: Thu, 1 Aug 2024 16:17:36 +0000
Subject: [PATCH 24/28] Restyled by clang-format

 .../include/rvc-service-area-delegate.h        |  2 +-
 .../src/rvc-service-area-delegate.cpp          |  2 +-
 .../service-area-cluster-objects.h             | 12 ++++++------
 .../service-area-delegate.h                    | 18 ++++++++----------
 .../service-area-server.cpp                    | 11 +++++------
 5 files changed, 21 insertions(+), 24 deletions(-)

diff --git a/examples/rvc-app/rvc-common/include/rvc-service-area-delegate.h b/examples/rvc-app/rvc-common/include/rvc-service-area-delegate.h
index 908d2a1ea75e2d..40f312ffb78c2f 100644
--- a/examples/rvc-app/rvc-common/include/rvc-service-area-delegate.h
+++ b/examples/rvc-app/rvc-common/include/rvc-service-area-delegate.h
@@ -47,7 +47,7 @@ class RvcServiceAreaDelegate : public Delegate
     bool IsSetSelectedAreasAllowed(MutableCharSpan statusText) override;
     bool IsValidSelectAreasSet(const ServiceArea::Commands::SelectAreas::DecodableType & req,
-                                   ServiceArea::SelectAreasStatus & locationStatus, MutableCharSpan statusText) override;
+                               ServiceArea::SelectAreasStatus & locationStatus, MutableCharSpan statusText) override;
     bool HandleSkipCurrentArea(MutableCharSpan skipStatusText) override;
diff --git a/examples/rvc-app/rvc-common/src/rvc-service-area-delegate.cpp b/examples/rvc-app/rvc-common/src/rvc-service-area-delegate.cpp
index d82ae6f752874e..977189032b3e27 100644
--- a/examples/rvc-app/rvc-common/src/rvc-service-area-delegate.cpp
+++ b/examples/rvc-app/rvc-common/src/rvc-service-area-delegate.cpp
@@ -80,7 +80,7 @@ bool RvcServiceAreaDelegate::IsSetSelectedAreasAllowed(MutableCharSpan statusTex
 bool RvcServiceAreaDelegate::IsValidSelectAreasSet(const Commands::SelectAreas::DecodableType & req,
-                                                       SelectAreasStatus & locationStatus, MutableCharSpan statusText)
+                                                   SelectAreasStatus & locationStatus, MutableCharSpan statusText)
     return true;
diff --git a/src/app/clusters/service-area-server/service-area-cluster-objects.h b/src/app/clusters/service-area-server/service-area-cluster-objects.h
index bd33ecef36dc93..4436a21e284a0f 100644
--- a/src/app/clusters/service-area-server/service-area-cluster-objects.h
+++ b/src/app/clusters/service-area-server/service-area-cluster-objects.h
@@ -61,11 +61,11 @@ struct AreaStructureWrapper : public chip::app::Clusters::ServiceArea::Structs::
      * @note If aLocationName is an empty string and aFloorNumber and aAreaTypeTag are null, locationInfo will be set to null.
     AreaStructureWrapper(uint32_t aAreaID, const DataModel::Nullable<uint8_t> & aMapId, const CharSpan & aLocationName,
-                             const DataModel::Nullable<int16_t> & aFloorNumber,
-                             const DataModel::Nullable<Globals::AreaTypeTag> & aAreaTypeTag,
-                             const DataModel::Nullable<Globals::LandmarkTag> & aLandmarkTag,
-                             const DataModel::Nullable<Globals::PositionTag> & aPositionTag,
-                             const DataModel::Nullable<Globals::FloorSurfaceTag> & aSurfaceTag)
+                         const DataModel::Nullable<int16_t> & aFloorNumber,
+                         const DataModel::Nullable<Globals::AreaTypeTag> & aAreaTypeTag,
+                         const DataModel::Nullable<Globals::LandmarkTag> & aLandmarkTag,
+                         const DataModel::Nullable<Globals::PositionTag> & aPositionTag,
+                         const DataModel::Nullable<Globals::FloorSurfaceTag> & aSurfaceTag)
         Set(aAreaID, aMapId, aLocationName, aFloorNumber, aAreaTypeTag, aLandmarkTag, aPositionTag, aSurfaceTag);
@@ -193,7 +193,7 @@ struct AreaStructureWrapper : public chip::app::Clusters::ServiceArea::Structs::
     enum class IsEqualConfig : uint8_t
         kIgnoreAreaID = 0x1,
-        kIgnoreMapId      = 0x2,
+        kIgnoreMapId  = 0x2,
diff --git a/src/app/clusters/service-area-server/service-area-delegate.h b/src/app/clusters/service-area-server/service-area-delegate.h
index 50a87e8bcd532a..1c324fe2c70bc7 100644
--- a/src/app/clusters/service-area-server/service-area-delegate.h
+++ b/src/app/clusters/service-area-server/service-area-delegate.h
@@ -31,10 +31,10 @@ class Instance;
 // *****************************************************************************
 // cluster constraints
-constexpr size_t kMaxNumSupportedAreas = 255;
-constexpr size_t kMaxNumSupportedMaps      = 255;
-constexpr size_t kMaxNumSelectedAreas  = 255;
-constexpr size_t kMaxNumProgressElements   = 255;
+constexpr size_t kMaxNumSupportedAreas   = 255;
+constexpr size_t kMaxNumSupportedMaps    = 255;
+constexpr size_t kMaxNumSelectedAreas    = 255;
+constexpr size_t kMaxNumProgressElements = 255;
 constexpr size_t kMaxSizeStatusText = 256;
@@ -90,8 +90,8 @@ class Delegate
      * @note If the SelectAreas command is allowed when the device is operating and the selected locations change to none, the
      * device must stop.
-    virtual bool IsValidSelectAreasSet(const Commands::SelectAreas::DecodableType & req,
-                                           SelectAreasStatus & locationStatus, MutableCharSpan statusText) = 0;
+    virtual bool IsValidSelectAreasSet(const Commands::SelectAreas::DecodableType & req, SelectAreasStatus & locationStatus,
+                                       MutableCharSpan statusText) = 0;
      * @brief The server instance ensures that the SelectedAreas and CurrentArea attributes are not null before
@@ -162,8 +162,7 @@ class Delegate
      * @note may be overloaded in device implementation for optimization, if desired.
-    virtual bool GetSupportedLocationById(uint32_t aAreaId, uint32_t & listIndex,
-                                          AreaStructureWrapper & aSupportedLocation);
+    virtual bool GetSupportedLocationById(uint32_t aAreaId, uint32_t & listIndex, AreaStructureWrapper & aSupportedLocation);
      * This method is called by the server instance to add a new location to the list.
@@ -333,8 +332,7 @@ class Delegate
      * @note may be overloaded in device implementation for optimization, if desired.
-    virtual bool GetProgressElementById(uint32_t aAreaId, uint32_t & listIndex,
-                                        Structs::ProgressStruct::Type & aProgressElement);
+    virtual bool GetProgressElementById(uint32_t aAreaId, uint32_t & listIndex, Structs::ProgressStruct::Type & aProgressElement);
      * @brief Is the progress element in the progress list?
diff --git a/src/app/clusters/service-area-server/service-area-server.cpp b/src/app/clusters/service-area-server/service-area-server.cpp
index 8b3d4f81380f36..66556acd03ea0b 100644
--- a/src/app/clusters/service-area-server/service-area-server.cpp
+++ b/src/app/clusters/service-area-server/service-area-server.cpp
@@ -571,16 +571,15 @@ bool Instance::ReportEstimatedEndTimeChange(const DataModel::Nullable<uint32_t>
     return (aEstimatedEndTime.Value() < mEstimatedEndTime.Value());
-bool Instance::AddSupportedLocation(uint32_t aAreaId, const DataModel::Nullable<uint8_t> & aMapId,
-                                    const CharSpan & aLocationName, const DataModel::Nullable<int16_t> & aFloorNumber,
+bool Instance::AddSupportedLocation(uint32_t aAreaId, const DataModel::Nullable<uint8_t> & aMapId, const CharSpan & aLocationName,
+                                    const DataModel::Nullable<int16_t> & aFloorNumber,
                                     const DataModel::Nullable<Globals::AreaTypeTag> & aAreaType,
                                     const DataModel::Nullable<Globals::LandmarkTag> & aLandmarkTag,
                                     const DataModel::Nullable<Globals::PositionTag> & aPositionTag,
                                     const DataModel::Nullable<Globals::FloorSurfaceTag> & aSurfaceTag)
     // Create location object for validation.
-    AreaStructureWrapper aNewArea(aAreaId, aMapId, aLocationName, aFloorNumber, aAreaType, aLandmarkTag, aPositionTag,
-                                          aSurfaceTag);
+    AreaStructureWrapper aNewArea(aAreaId, aMapId, aLocationName, aFloorNumber, aAreaType, aLandmarkTag, aPositionTag, aSurfaceTag);
     // Does device mode allow this attribute to be updated?
     if (!mDelegate->IsSupportedAreasChangeAllowed())
@@ -655,8 +654,8 @@ bool Instance::ModifySupportedLocation(uint32_t aAreaId, const DataModel::Nullab
         // create new location object for validation
-        AreaStructureWrapper aNewArea(aAreaId, aMapId, aLocationName, aFloorNumber, aAreaType, aLandmarkTag,
-                                              aPositionTag, aSurfaceTag);
+        AreaStructureWrapper aNewArea(aAreaId, aMapId, aLocationName, aFloorNumber, aAreaType, aLandmarkTag, aPositionTag,
+                                      aSurfaceTag);
         // verify cluster requirements concerning valid fields and field relationships
         if (!IsValidSupportedLocation(aNewArea))

From a611a5b5871988c8169b2d4858a4803fbf047998 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: William Hicklin <>
Date: Thu, 1 Aug 2024 17:49:35 +0100
Subject: [PATCH 25/28] Regenerated zap files due to changes upsteram.

 .../air-purifier-app.matter                   | 12 ++---
 .../air-quality-sensor-app.matter             | 12 ++---
 .../all-clusters-app.matter                   | 12 ++---
 .../all-clusters-minimal-app.matter           | 12 ++---
 .../bridge-common/bridge-app.matter           | 12 ++---
 ...p_rootnode_dimmablelight_bCwGYSDpoe.matter | 12 ++---
 .../rootnode_airpurifier_73a6fe2651.matter    | 12 ++---
 ...umiditysensor_thermostat_56de3d5f45.matter | 12 ++---
 ...ootnode_airqualitysensor_e63187f6c9.matter | 12 ++---
 ...ootnode_basicvideoplayer_0ff86e943b.matter | 12 ++---
 ...de_colortemperaturelight_hbUnzYVeyn.matter | 12 ++---
 .../rootnode_contactsensor_27f76aeaf5.matter  | 12 ++---
 .../rootnode_contactsensor_lFAGG1bfRO.matter  | 12 ++---
 .../rootnode_dimmablelight_bCwGYSDpoe.matter  | 12 ++---
 ...tnode_dimmablepluginunit_f8a9a0b9d4.matter | 12 ++---
 .../rootnode_dishwasher_cc105034fe.matter     | 12 ++---
 .../rootnode_doorlock_aNKYAreMXE.matter       | 12 ++---
 ...tnode_extendedcolorlight_8lcaaYJVAa.matter | 12 ++---
 .../devices/rootnode_fan_7N2TobIlOX.matter    | 12 ++---
 .../rootnode_flowsensor_1zVxHedlaV.matter     | 12 ++---
 .../rootnode_genericswitch_2dfff6e516.matter  | 12 ++---
 .../rootnode_genericswitch_9866e35d0b.matter  | 12 ++---
 ...tnode_heatingcoolingunit_ncdGai1E5a.matter | 12 ++---
 .../rootnode_humiditysensor_Xyj4gda6Hb.matter | 12 ++---
 .../rootnode_laundrywasher_fb10d238c8.matter  | 12 ++---
 .../rootnode_lightsensor_lZQycTFcJK.matter    | 12 ++---
 ...rootnode_occupancysensor_iHyVgifZuo.matter | 12 ++---
 .../rootnode_onofflight_bbs1b7IaOV.matter     | 12 ++---
 .../rootnode_onofflight_samplemei.matter      | 12 ++---
 ...ootnode_onofflightswitch_FsPlMr090Q.matter | 12 ++---
 ...rootnode_onoffpluginunit_Wtf8ss5EBY.matter | 12 ++---
 .../rootnode_pressuresensor_s0qC9wLH4k.matter | 12 ++---
 .../devices/rootnode_pump_5f904818cc.matter   | 12 ++---
 .../devices/rootnode_pump_a811bb33a0.matter   | 12 ++---
 ...eraturecontrolledcabinet_ffdb696680.matter | 12 ++---
 ...ode_roboticvacuumcleaner_1807ff0c49.matter | 12 ++---
 ...tnode_roomairconditioner_9cf3607804.matter | 12 ++---
 .../rootnode_smokecoalarm_686fe0dcb8.matter   | 12 ++---
 .../rootnode_speaker_RpzeXdimqA.matter        | 12 ++---
 ...otnode_temperaturesensor_Qy1zkNW7c3.matter | 12 ++---
 .../rootnode_thermostat_bm3fb8dhYi.matter     | 12 ++---
 .../rootnode_windowcovering_RLCxaGi9Yx.matter | 12 ++---
 .../contact-sensor-app.matter                 | 12 ++---
 .../nxp/zap-lit/contact-sensor-app.matter     | 12 ++---
 .../nxp/zap-sit/contact-sensor-app.matter     | 12 ++---
 .../dishwasher-common/dishwasher-app.matter   | 12 ++---
 .../energy-management-app.matter              | 12 ++---
 .../fabric-bridge-app.matter                  | 12 ++---
 .../nxp/zap/laundry-washer-app.matter         | 12 ++---
 .../light-switch-app.matter                   | 12 ++---
 .../light-switch-app/qpg/zap/switch.matter    | 12 ++---
 .../data_model/lighting-app-ethernet.matter   | 12 ++---
 .../data_model/lighting-app-thread.matter     | 12 ++---
 .../data_model/lighting-app-wifi.matter       | 12 ++---
 .../lighting-common/lighting-app.matter       | 12 ++---
 .../nxp/zap/lighting-on-off.matter            | 12 ++---
 examples/lighting-app/qpg/zap/light.matter    | 12 ++---
 .../data_model/lighting-thread-app.matter     | 12 ++---
 .../data_model/lighting-wifi-app.matter       | 12 ++---
 .../lit-icd-common/lit-icd-server-app.matter  | 12 ++---
 examples/lock-app/lock-common/lock-app.matter | 12 ++---
 examples/lock-app/nxp/zap/lock-app.matter     | 12 ++---
 examples/lock-app/qpg/zap/lock.matter         | 12 ++---
 .../log-source-common/log-source-app.matter   | 12 ++---
 .../microwave-oven-app.matter                 | 12 ++---
 .../network-manager-app.matter                | 12 ++---
 .../ota-provider-app.matter                   | 12 ++---
 .../ota-requestor-app.matter                  | 12 ++---
 .../placeholder/linux/apps/app1/config.matter | 12 ++---
 .../placeholder/linux/apps/app2/config.matter | 12 ++---
 examples/pump-app/pump-common/pump-app.matter | 12 ++---
 .../silabs/data_model/pump-thread-app.matter  | 12 ++---
 .../silabs/data_model/pump-wifi-app.matter    | 12 ++---
 .../pump-controller-app.matter                | 12 ++---
 .../refrigerator-app.matter                   | 12 ++---
 examples/rvc-app/rvc-common/rvc-app.matter    | 12 ++---
 .../smoke-co-alarm-app.matter                 | 12 ++---
 .../temperature-measurement.matter            | 12 ++---
 .../nxp/zap/thermostat_matter_thread.matter   | 12 ++---
 .../nxp/zap/thermostat_matter_wifi.matter     | 12 ++---
 .../qpg/zap/thermostaticRadiatorValve.matter  | 12 ++---
 .../thermostat-common/thermostat.matter       | 12 ++---
 examples/tv-app/tv-common/tv-app.matter       | 12 ++---
 .../tv-casting-common/tv-casting-app.matter   | 12 ++---
 .../virtual-device-app.matter                 | 12 ++---
 examples/window-app/common/window-app.matter  | 12 ++---
 .../data_model/controller-clusters.matter     | 12 ++---
 .../python/chip/clusters/           | 28 ++++++------
 .../CHIP/zap-generated/MTRStructsObjc.h       | 14 +++---
 .../CHIP/zap-generated/      | 36 +++++++--------
 .../zap-generated/cluster-objects.cpp         | 44 +++++++++----------
 .../zap-generated/cluster-objects.h           | 32 +++++++-------
 92 files changed, 599 insertions(+), 599 deletions(-)

diff --git a/examples/air-purifier-app/air-purifier-common/air-purifier-app.matter b/examples/air-purifier-app/air-purifier-common/air-purifier-app.matter
index 6afbc96ec4e430..51a9dc6a155f1b 100644
--- a/examples/air-purifier-app/air-purifier-common/air-purifier-app.matter
+++ b/examples/air-purifier-app/air-purifier-common/air-purifier-app.matter
@@ -208,18 +208,18 @@ bitmap TestGlobalBitmap : bitmap32 {
   kSecondBit = 0x2;
-struct LocationDescriptorStruct {
-  char_string<128> locationName = 0;
-  nullable int16s floorNumber = 1;
-  nullable AreaTypeTag areaType = 2;
 struct TestGlobalStruct {
   char_string<128> name = 0;
   nullable TestGlobalBitmap myBitmap = 1;
   optional nullable TestGlobalEnum myEnum = 2;
+struct LocationDescriptorStruct {
+  char_string<128> locationName = 0;
+  nullable int16s floorNumber = 1;
+  nullable AreaTypeTag areaType = 2;
 /** Attributes and commands for putting a device into Identification mode (e.g. flashing a light). */
 cluster Identify = 3 {
   revision 4;
diff --git a/examples/air-quality-sensor-app/air-quality-sensor-common/air-quality-sensor-app.matter b/examples/air-quality-sensor-app/air-quality-sensor-common/air-quality-sensor-app.matter
index 80a93e41155b95..443a5d95056da8 100644
--- a/examples/air-quality-sensor-app/air-quality-sensor-common/air-quality-sensor-app.matter
+++ b/examples/air-quality-sensor-app/air-quality-sensor-common/air-quality-sensor-app.matter
@@ -208,18 +208,18 @@ bitmap TestGlobalBitmap : bitmap32 {
   kSecondBit = 0x2;
-struct LocationDescriptorStruct {
-  char_string<128> locationName = 0;
-  nullable int16s floorNumber = 1;
-  nullable AreaTypeTag areaType = 2;
 struct TestGlobalStruct {
   char_string<128> name = 0;
   nullable TestGlobalBitmap myBitmap = 1;
   optional nullable TestGlobalEnum myEnum = 2;
+struct LocationDescriptorStruct {
+  char_string<128> locationName = 0;
+  nullable int16s floorNumber = 1;
+  nullable AreaTypeTag areaType = 2;
 /** Attributes and commands for putting a device into Identification mode (e.g. flashing a light). */
 cluster Identify = 3 {
   revision 4;
diff --git a/examples/all-clusters-app/all-clusters-common/all-clusters-app.matter b/examples/all-clusters-app/all-clusters-common/all-clusters-app.matter
index 17b956d1cbd1c5..9e6af85138553f 100644
--- a/examples/all-clusters-app/all-clusters-common/all-clusters-app.matter
+++ b/examples/all-clusters-app/all-clusters-common/all-clusters-app.matter
@@ -208,18 +208,18 @@ bitmap TestGlobalBitmap : bitmap32 {
   kSecondBit = 0x2;
-struct LocationDescriptorStruct {
-  char_string<128> locationName = 0;
-  nullable int16s floorNumber = 1;
-  nullable AreaTypeTag areaType = 2;
 struct TestGlobalStruct {
   char_string<128> name = 0;
   nullable TestGlobalBitmap myBitmap = 1;
   optional nullable TestGlobalEnum myEnum = 2;
+struct LocationDescriptorStruct {
+  char_string<128> locationName = 0;
+  nullable int16s floorNumber = 1;
+  nullable AreaTypeTag areaType = 2;
 /** Attributes and commands for putting a device into Identification mode (e.g. flashing a light). */
 cluster Identify = 3 {
   revision 4;
diff --git a/examples/all-clusters-minimal-app/all-clusters-common/all-clusters-minimal-app.matter b/examples/all-clusters-minimal-app/all-clusters-common/all-clusters-minimal-app.matter
index 1f56b0d6f7f746..86f4335fe6c883 100644
--- a/examples/all-clusters-minimal-app/all-clusters-common/all-clusters-minimal-app.matter
+++ b/examples/all-clusters-minimal-app/all-clusters-common/all-clusters-minimal-app.matter
@@ -208,18 +208,18 @@ bitmap TestGlobalBitmap : bitmap32 {
   kSecondBit = 0x2;
-struct LocationDescriptorStruct {
-  char_string<128> locationName = 0;
-  nullable int16s floorNumber = 1;
-  nullable AreaTypeTag areaType = 2;
 struct TestGlobalStruct {
   char_string<128> name = 0;
   nullable TestGlobalBitmap myBitmap = 1;
   optional nullable TestGlobalEnum myEnum = 2;
+struct LocationDescriptorStruct {
+  char_string<128> locationName = 0;
+  nullable int16s floorNumber = 1;
+  nullable AreaTypeTag areaType = 2;
 /** Attributes and commands for putting a device into Identification mode (e.g. flashing a light). */
 cluster Identify = 3 {
   revision 4;
diff --git a/examples/bridge-app/bridge-common/bridge-app.matter b/examples/bridge-app/bridge-common/bridge-app.matter
index 62fa99efa49f6f..ef70beb4fa8001 100644
--- a/examples/bridge-app/bridge-common/bridge-app.matter
+++ b/examples/bridge-app/bridge-common/bridge-app.matter
@@ -208,18 +208,18 @@ bitmap TestGlobalBitmap : bitmap32 {
   kSecondBit = 0x2;
-struct LocationDescriptorStruct {
-  char_string<128> locationName = 0;
-  nullable int16s floorNumber = 1;
-  nullable AreaTypeTag areaType = 2;
 struct TestGlobalStruct {
   char_string<128> name = 0;
   nullable TestGlobalBitmap myBitmap = 1;
   optional nullable TestGlobalEnum myEnum = 2;
+struct LocationDescriptorStruct {
+  char_string<128> locationName = 0;
+  nullable int16s floorNumber = 1;
+  nullable AreaTypeTag areaType = 2;
 /** Attributes and commands for putting a device into Identification mode (e.g. flashing a light). */
 cluster Identify = 3 {
   revision 4;
diff --git a/examples/chef/devices/noip_rootnode_dimmablelight_bCwGYSDpoe.matter b/examples/chef/devices/noip_rootnode_dimmablelight_bCwGYSDpoe.matter
index c2fdc613ff9eee..865ab9946a28d8 100644
--- a/examples/chef/devices/noip_rootnode_dimmablelight_bCwGYSDpoe.matter
+++ b/examples/chef/devices/noip_rootnode_dimmablelight_bCwGYSDpoe.matter
@@ -208,18 +208,18 @@ bitmap TestGlobalBitmap : bitmap32 {
   kSecondBit = 0x2;
-struct LocationDescriptorStruct {
-  char_string<128> locationName = 0;
-  nullable int16s floorNumber = 1;
-  nullable AreaTypeTag areaType = 2;
 struct TestGlobalStruct {
   char_string<128> name = 0;
   nullable TestGlobalBitmap myBitmap = 1;
   optional nullable TestGlobalEnum myEnum = 2;
+struct LocationDescriptorStruct {
+  char_string<128> locationName = 0;
+  nullable int16s floorNumber = 1;
+  nullable AreaTypeTag areaType = 2;
 /** Attributes and commands for putting a device into Identification mode (e.g. flashing a light). */
 cluster Identify = 3 {
   revision 4;
diff --git a/examples/chef/devices/rootnode_airpurifier_73a6fe2651.matter b/examples/chef/devices/rootnode_airpurifier_73a6fe2651.matter
index 6b6d2a9133839e..c9620818b035e2 100644
--- a/examples/chef/devices/rootnode_airpurifier_73a6fe2651.matter
+++ b/examples/chef/devices/rootnode_airpurifier_73a6fe2651.matter
@@ -208,18 +208,18 @@ bitmap TestGlobalBitmap : bitmap32 {
   kSecondBit = 0x2;
-struct LocationDescriptorStruct {
-  char_string<128> locationName = 0;
-  nullable int16s floorNumber = 1;
-  nullable AreaTypeTag areaType = 2;
 struct TestGlobalStruct {
   char_string<128> name = 0;
   nullable TestGlobalBitmap myBitmap = 1;
   optional nullable TestGlobalEnum myEnum = 2;
+struct LocationDescriptorStruct {
+  char_string<128> locationName = 0;
+  nullable int16s floorNumber = 1;
+  nullable AreaTypeTag areaType = 2;
 /** Attributes and commands for putting a device into Identification mode (e.g. flashing a light). */
 cluster Identify = 3 {
   revision 4;
diff --git a/examples/chef/devices/rootnode_airpurifier_airqualitysensor_temperaturesensor_humiditysensor_thermostat_56de3d5f45.matter b/examples/chef/devices/rootnode_airpurifier_airqualitysensor_temperaturesensor_humiditysensor_thermostat_56de3d5f45.matter
index 4e21ce7185ece0..7c84e33077f67a 100644
--- a/examples/chef/devices/rootnode_airpurifier_airqualitysensor_temperaturesensor_humiditysensor_thermostat_56de3d5f45.matter
+++ b/examples/chef/devices/rootnode_airpurifier_airqualitysensor_temperaturesensor_humiditysensor_thermostat_56de3d5f45.matter
@@ -208,18 +208,18 @@ bitmap TestGlobalBitmap : bitmap32 {
   kSecondBit = 0x2;
-struct LocationDescriptorStruct {
-  char_string<128> locationName = 0;
-  nullable int16s floorNumber = 1;
-  nullable AreaTypeTag areaType = 2;
 struct TestGlobalStruct {
   char_string<128> name = 0;
   nullable TestGlobalBitmap myBitmap = 1;
   optional nullable TestGlobalEnum myEnum = 2;
+struct LocationDescriptorStruct {
+  char_string<128> locationName = 0;
+  nullable int16s floorNumber = 1;
+  nullable AreaTypeTag areaType = 2;
 /** Attributes and commands for putting a device into Identification mode (e.g. flashing a light). */
 cluster Identify = 3 {
   revision 4;
diff --git a/examples/chef/devices/rootnode_airqualitysensor_e63187f6c9.matter b/examples/chef/devices/rootnode_airqualitysensor_e63187f6c9.matter
index fb5fd600d280a5..d5cd9f968e9cae 100644
--- a/examples/chef/devices/rootnode_airqualitysensor_e63187f6c9.matter
+++ b/examples/chef/devices/rootnode_airqualitysensor_e63187f6c9.matter
@@ -208,18 +208,18 @@ bitmap TestGlobalBitmap : bitmap32 {
   kSecondBit = 0x2;
-struct LocationDescriptorStruct {
-  char_string<128> locationName = 0;
-  nullable int16s floorNumber = 1;
-  nullable AreaTypeTag areaType = 2;
 struct TestGlobalStruct {
   char_string<128> name = 0;
   nullable TestGlobalBitmap myBitmap = 1;
   optional nullable TestGlobalEnum myEnum = 2;
+struct LocationDescriptorStruct {
+  char_string<128> locationName = 0;
+  nullable int16s floorNumber = 1;
+  nullable AreaTypeTag areaType = 2;
 /** Attributes and commands for putting a device into Identification mode (e.g. flashing a light). */
 cluster Identify = 3 {
   revision 4;
diff --git a/examples/chef/devices/rootnode_basicvideoplayer_0ff86e943b.matter b/examples/chef/devices/rootnode_basicvideoplayer_0ff86e943b.matter
index e93e6a668dbd62..b0e6cb0dcb99f5 100644
--- a/examples/chef/devices/rootnode_basicvideoplayer_0ff86e943b.matter
+++ b/examples/chef/devices/rootnode_basicvideoplayer_0ff86e943b.matter
@@ -208,18 +208,18 @@ bitmap TestGlobalBitmap : bitmap32 {
   kSecondBit = 0x2;
-struct LocationDescriptorStruct {
-  char_string<128> locationName = 0;
-  nullable int16s floorNumber = 1;
-  nullable AreaTypeTag areaType = 2;
 struct TestGlobalStruct {
   char_string<128> name = 0;
   nullable TestGlobalBitmap myBitmap = 1;
   optional nullable TestGlobalEnum myEnum = 2;
+struct LocationDescriptorStruct {
+  char_string<128> locationName = 0;
+  nullable int16s floorNumber = 1;
+  nullable AreaTypeTag areaType = 2;
 /** Attributes and commands for putting a device into Identification mode (e.g. flashing a light). */
 cluster Identify = 3 {
   revision 4;
diff --git a/examples/chef/devices/rootnode_colortemperaturelight_hbUnzYVeyn.matter b/examples/chef/devices/rootnode_colortemperaturelight_hbUnzYVeyn.matter
index 8da8f1d4472762..c09d170fcfb211 100644
--- a/examples/chef/devices/rootnode_colortemperaturelight_hbUnzYVeyn.matter
+++ b/examples/chef/devices/rootnode_colortemperaturelight_hbUnzYVeyn.matter
@@ -208,18 +208,18 @@ bitmap TestGlobalBitmap : bitmap32 {
   kSecondBit = 0x2;
-struct LocationDescriptorStruct {
-  char_string<128> locationName = 0;
-  nullable int16s floorNumber = 1;
-  nullable AreaTypeTag areaType = 2;
 struct TestGlobalStruct {
   char_string<128> name = 0;
   nullable TestGlobalBitmap myBitmap = 1;
   optional nullable TestGlobalEnum myEnum = 2;
+struct LocationDescriptorStruct {
+  char_string<128> locationName = 0;
+  nullable int16s floorNumber = 1;
+  nullable AreaTypeTag areaType = 2;
 /** Attributes and commands for putting a device into Identification mode (e.g. flashing a light). */
 cluster Identify = 3 {
   revision 4;
diff --git a/examples/chef/devices/rootnode_contactsensor_27f76aeaf5.matter b/examples/chef/devices/rootnode_contactsensor_27f76aeaf5.matter
index 4a2f72084620e4..752331d2934dde 100644
--- a/examples/chef/devices/rootnode_contactsensor_27f76aeaf5.matter
+++ b/examples/chef/devices/rootnode_contactsensor_27f76aeaf5.matter
@@ -208,18 +208,18 @@ bitmap TestGlobalBitmap : bitmap32 {
   kSecondBit = 0x2;
-struct LocationDescriptorStruct {
-  char_string<128> locationName = 0;
-  nullable int16s floorNumber = 1;
-  nullable AreaTypeTag areaType = 2;
 struct TestGlobalStruct {
   char_string<128> name = 0;
   nullable TestGlobalBitmap myBitmap = 1;
   optional nullable TestGlobalEnum myEnum = 2;
+struct LocationDescriptorStruct {
+  char_string<128> locationName = 0;
+  nullable int16s floorNumber = 1;
+  nullable AreaTypeTag areaType = 2;
 /** Attributes and commands for putting a device into Identification mode (e.g. flashing a light). */
 cluster Identify = 3 {
   revision 4;
diff --git a/examples/chef/devices/rootnode_contactsensor_lFAGG1bfRO.matter b/examples/chef/devices/rootnode_contactsensor_lFAGG1bfRO.matter
index 23672407e7c886..bd37aa7ee5435e 100644
--- a/examples/chef/devices/rootnode_contactsensor_lFAGG1bfRO.matter
+++ b/examples/chef/devices/rootnode_contactsensor_lFAGG1bfRO.matter
@@ -208,18 +208,18 @@ bitmap TestGlobalBitmap : bitmap32 {
   kSecondBit = 0x2;
-struct LocationDescriptorStruct {
-  char_string<128> locationName = 0;
-  nullable int16s floorNumber = 1;
-  nullable AreaTypeTag areaType = 2;
 struct TestGlobalStruct {
   char_string<128> name = 0;
   nullable TestGlobalBitmap myBitmap = 1;
   optional nullable TestGlobalEnum myEnum = 2;
+struct LocationDescriptorStruct {
+  char_string<128> locationName = 0;
+  nullable int16s floorNumber = 1;
+  nullable AreaTypeTag areaType = 2;
 /** Attributes and commands for putting a device into Identification mode (e.g. flashing a light). */
 cluster Identify = 3 {
   revision 4;
diff --git a/examples/chef/devices/rootnode_dimmablelight_bCwGYSDpoe.matter b/examples/chef/devices/rootnode_dimmablelight_bCwGYSDpoe.matter
index a32b134d6383c0..0c139383678084 100644
--- a/examples/chef/devices/rootnode_dimmablelight_bCwGYSDpoe.matter
+++ b/examples/chef/devices/rootnode_dimmablelight_bCwGYSDpoe.matter
@@ -208,18 +208,18 @@ bitmap TestGlobalBitmap : bitmap32 {
   kSecondBit = 0x2;
-struct LocationDescriptorStruct {
-  char_string<128> locationName = 0;
-  nullable int16s floorNumber = 1;
-  nullable AreaTypeTag areaType = 2;
 struct TestGlobalStruct {
   char_string<128> name = 0;
   nullable TestGlobalBitmap myBitmap = 1;
   optional nullable TestGlobalEnum myEnum = 2;
+struct LocationDescriptorStruct {
+  char_string<128> locationName = 0;
+  nullable int16s floorNumber = 1;
+  nullable AreaTypeTag areaType = 2;
 /** Attributes and commands for putting a device into Identification mode (e.g. flashing a light). */
 cluster Identify = 3 {
   revision 4;
diff --git a/examples/chef/devices/rootnode_dimmablepluginunit_f8a9a0b9d4.matter b/examples/chef/devices/rootnode_dimmablepluginunit_f8a9a0b9d4.matter
index 64dd2192d29af0..7c1c3356948605 100644
--- a/examples/chef/devices/rootnode_dimmablepluginunit_f8a9a0b9d4.matter
+++ b/examples/chef/devices/rootnode_dimmablepluginunit_f8a9a0b9d4.matter
@@ -208,18 +208,18 @@ bitmap TestGlobalBitmap : bitmap32 {
   kSecondBit = 0x2;
-struct LocationDescriptorStruct {
-  char_string<128> locationName = 0;
-  nullable int16s floorNumber = 1;
-  nullable AreaTypeTag areaType = 2;
 struct TestGlobalStruct {
   char_string<128> name = 0;
   nullable TestGlobalBitmap myBitmap = 1;
   optional nullable TestGlobalEnum myEnum = 2;
+struct LocationDescriptorStruct {
+  char_string<128> locationName = 0;
+  nullable int16s floorNumber = 1;
+  nullable AreaTypeTag areaType = 2;
 /** Attributes and commands for putting a device into Identification mode (e.g. flashing a light). */
 cluster Identify = 3 {
   revision 4;
diff --git a/examples/chef/devices/rootnode_dishwasher_cc105034fe.matter b/examples/chef/devices/rootnode_dishwasher_cc105034fe.matter
index 95af5647dd9d27..be4001d1e49b03 100644
--- a/examples/chef/devices/rootnode_dishwasher_cc105034fe.matter
+++ b/examples/chef/devices/rootnode_dishwasher_cc105034fe.matter
@@ -208,18 +208,18 @@ bitmap TestGlobalBitmap : bitmap32 {
   kSecondBit = 0x2;
-struct LocationDescriptorStruct {
-  char_string<128> locationName = 0;
-  nullable int16s floorNumber = 1;
-  nullable AreaTypeTag areaType = 2;
 struct TestGlobalStruct {
   char_string<128> name = 0;
   nullable TestGlobalBitmap myBitmap = 1;
   optional nullable TestGlobalEnum myEnum = 2;
+struct LocationDescriptorStruct {
+  char_string<128> locationName = 0;
+  nullable int16s floorNumber = 1;
+  nullable AreaTypeTag areaType = 2;
 /** Attributes and commands for putting a device into Identification mode (e.g. flashing a light). */
 cluster Identify = 3 {
   revision 4;
diff --git a/examples/chef/devices/rootnode_doorlock_aNKYAreMXE.matter b/examples/chef/devices/rootnode_doorlock_aNKYAreMXE.matter
index 219f899194ff5b..a8233afe90b6c4 100644
--- a/examples/chef/devices/rootnode_doorlock_aNKYAreMXE.matter
+++ b/examples/chef/devices/rootnode_doorlock_aNKYAreMXE.matter
@@ -208,18 +208,18 @@ bitmap TestGlobalBitmap : bitmap32 {
   kSecondBit = 0x2;
-struct LocationDescriptorStruct {
-  char_string<128> locationName = 0;
-  nullable int16s floorNumber = 1;
-  nullable AreaTypeTag areaType = 2;
 struct TestGlobalStruct {
   char_string<128> name = 0;
   nullable TestGlobalBitmap myBitmap = 1;
   optional nullable TestGlobalEnum myEnum = 2;
+struct LocationDescriptorStruct {
+  char_string<128> locationName = 0;
+  nullable int16s floorNumber = 1;
+  nullable AreaTypeTag areaType = 2;
 /** Attributes and commands for putting a device into Identification mode (e.g. flashing a light). */
 cluster Identify = 3 {
   revision 4;
diff --git a/examples/chef/devices/rootnode_extendedcolorlight_8lcaaYJVAa.matter b/examples/chef/devices/rootnode_extendedcolorlight_8lcaaYJVAa.matter
index d846e358a907f9..27473072e657c0 100644
--- a/examples/chef/devices/rootnode_extendedcolorlight_8lcaaYJVAa.matter
+++ b/examples/chef/devices/rootnode_extendedcolorlight_8lcaaYJVAa.matter
@@ -208,18 +208,18 @@ bitmap TestGlobalBitmap : bitmap32 {
   kSecondBit = 0x2;
-struct LocationDescriptorStruct {
-  char_string<128> locationName = 0;
-  nullable int16s floorNumber = 1;
-  nullable AreaTypeTag areaType = 2;
 struct TestGlobalStruct {
   char_string<128> name = 0;
   nullable TestGlobalBitmap myBitmap = 1;
   optional nullable TestGlobalEnum myEnum = 2;
+struct LocationDescriptorStruct {
+  char_string<128> locationName = 0;
+  nullable int16s floorNumber = 1;
+  nullable AreaTypeTag areaType = 2;
 /** Attributes and commands for putting a device into Identification mode (e.g. flashing a light). */
 cluster Identify = 3 {
   revision 4;
diff --git a/examples/chef/devices/rootnode_fan_7N2TobIlOX.matter b/examples/chef/devices/rootnode_fan_7N2TobIlOX.matter
index 493b69632f19ec..1cb3ba2c5a63a8 100644
--- a/examples/chef/devices/rootnode_fan_7N2TobIlOX.matter
+++ b/examples/chef/devices/rootnode_fan_7N2TobIlOX.matter
@@ -208,18 +208,18 @@ bitmap TestGlobalBitmap : bitmap32 {
   kSecondBit = 0x2;
-struct LocationDescriptorStruct {
-  char_string<128> locationName = 0;
-  nullable int16s floorNumber = 1;
-  nullable AreaTypeTag areaType = 2;
 struct TestGlobalStruct {
   char_string<128> name = 0;
   nullable TestGlobalBitmap myBitmap = 1;
   optional nullable TestGlobalEnum myEnum = 2;
+struct LocationDescriptorStruct {
+  char_string<128> locationName = 0;
+  nullable int16s floorNumber = 1;
+  nullable AreaTypeTag areaType = 2;
 /** Attributes and commands for putting a device into Identification mode (e.g. flashing a light). */
 cluster Identify = 3 {
   revision 4;
diff --git a/examples/chef/devices/rootnode_flowsensor_1zVxHedlaV.matter b/examples/chef/devices/rootnode_flowsensor_1zVxHedlaV.matter
index 3df145b311d69a..8b4d4046f3b36f 100644
--- a/examples/chef/devices/rootnode_flowsensor_1zVxHedlaV.matter
+++ b/examples/chef/devices/rootnode_flowsensor_1zVxHedlaV.matter
@@ -208,18 +208,18 @@ bitmap TestGlobalBitmap : bitmap32 {
   kSecondBit = 0x2;
-struct LocationDescriptorStruct {
-  char_string<128> locationName = 0;
-  nullable int16s floorNumber = 1;
-  nullable AreaTypeTag areaType = 2;
 struct TestGlobalStruct {
   char_string<128> name = 0;
   nullable TestGlobalBitmap myBitmap = 1;
   optional nullable TestGlobalEnum myEnum = 2;
+struct LocationDescriptorStruct {
+  char_string<128> locationName = 0;
+  nullable int16s floorNumber = 1;
+  nullable AreaTypeTag areaType = 2;
 /** Attributes and commands for putting a device into Identification mode (e.g. flashing a light). */
 cluster Identify = 3 {
   revision 4;
diff --git a/examples/chef/devices/rootnode_genericswitch_2dfff6e516.matter b/examples/chef/devices/rootnode_genericswitch_2dfff6e516.matter
index 7f7fecc0fad4fc..07a8e8ee7de63b 100644
--- a/examples/chef/devices/rootnode_genericswitch_2dfff6e516.matter
+++ b/examples/chef/devices/rootnode_genericswitch_2dfff6e516.matter
@@ -208,18 +208,18 @@ bitmap TestGlobalBitmap : bitmap32 {
   kSecondBit = 0x2;
-struct LocationDescriptorStruct {
-  char_string<128> locationName = 0;
-  nullable int16s floorNumber = 1;
-  nullable AreaTypeTag areaType = 2;
 struct TestGlobalStruct {
   char_string<128> name = 0;
   nullable TestGlobalBitmap myBitmap = 1;
   optional nullable TestGlobalEnum myEnum = 2;
+struct LocationDescriptorStruct {
+  char_string<128> locationName = 0;
+  nullable int16s floorNumber = 1;
+  nullable AreaTypeTag areaType = 2;
 /** Attributes and commands for putting a device into Identification mode (e.g. flashing a light). */
 cluster Identify = 3 {
   revision 4;
diff --git a/examples/chef/devices/rootnode_genericswitch_9866e35d0b.matter b/examples/chef/devices/rootnode_genericswitch_9866e35d0b.matter
index 25c5cb83071c67..204c7b2d7abf43 100644
--- a/examples/chef/devices/rootnode_genericswitch_9866e35d0b.matter
+++ b/examples/chef/devices/rootnode_genericswitch_9866e35d0b.matter
@@ -208,18 +208,18 @@ bitmap TestGlobalBitmap : bitmap32 {
   kSecondBit = 0x2;
-struct LocationDescriptorStruct {
-  char_string<128> locationName = 0;
-  nullable int16s floorNumber = 1;
-  nullable AreaTypeTag areaType = 2;
 struct TestGlobalStruct {
   char_string<128> name = 0;
   nullable TestGlobalBitmap myBitmap = 1;
   optional nullable TestGlobalEnum myEnum = 2;
+struct LocationDescriptorStruct {
+  char_string<128> locationName = 0;
+  nullable int16s floorNumber = 1;
+  nullable AreaTypeTag areaType = 2;
 /** Attributes and commands for putting a device into Identification mode (e.g. flashing a light). */
 cluster Identify = 3 {
   revision 4;
diff --git a/examples/chef/devices/rootnode_heatingcoolingunit_ncdGai1E5a.matter b/examples/chef/devices/rootnode_heatingcoolingunit_ncdGai1E5a.matter
index 5bff3298a54008..208ddcea79b1bf 100644
--- a/examples/chef/devices/rootnode_heatingcoolingunit_ncdGai1E5a.matter
+++ b/examples/chef/devices/rootnode_heatingcoolingunit_ncdGai1E5a.matter
@@ -208,18 +208,18 @@ bitmap TestGlobalBitmap : bitmap32 {
   kSecondBit = 0x2;
-struct LocationDescriptorStruct {
-  char_string<128> locationName = 0;
-  nullable int16s floorNumber = 1;
-  nullable AreaTypeTag areaType = 2;
 struct TestGlobalStruct {
   char_string<128> name = 0;
   nullable TestGlobalBitmap myBitmap = 1;
   optional nullable TestGlobalEnum myEnum = 2;
+struct LocationDescriptorStruct {
+  char_string<128> locationName = 0;
+  nullable int16s floorNumber = 1;
+  nullable AreaTypeTag areaType = 2;
 /** Attributes and commands for putting a device into Identification mode (e.g. flashing a light). */
 cluster Identify = 3 {
   revision 4;
diff --git a/examples/chef/devices/rootnode_humiditysensor_Xyj4gda6Hb.matter b/examples/chef/devices/rootnode_humiditysensor_Xyj4gda6Hb.matter
index 3a533a80b03adc..1aca96ae1e7824 100644
--- a/examples/chef/devices/rootnode_humiditysensor_Xyj4gda6Hb.matter
+++ b/examples/chef/devices/rootnode_humiditysensor_Xyj4gda6Hb.matter
@@ -208,18 +208,18 @@ bitmap TestGlobalBitmap : bitmap32 {
   kSecondBit = 0x2;
-struct LocationDescriptorStruct {
-  char_string<128> locationName = 0;
-  nullable int16s floorNumber = 1;
-  nullable AreaTypeTag areaType = 2;
 struct TestGlobalStruct {
   char_string<128> name = 0;
   nullable TestGlobalBitmap myBitmap = 1;
   optional nullable TestGlobalEnum myEnum = 2;
+struct LocationDescriptorStruct {
+  char_string<128> locationName = 0;
+  nullable int16s floorNumber = 1;
+  nullable AreaTypeTag areaType = 2;
 /** Attributes and commands for putting a device into Identification mode (e.g. flashing a light). */
 cluster Identify = 3 {
   revision 4;
diff --git a/examples/chef/devices/rootnode_laundrywasher_fb10d238c8.matter b/examples/chef/devices/rootnode_laundrywasher_fb10d238c8.matter
index 85e0b196fdda71..5be2b0c409d982 100644
--- a/examples/chef/devices/rootnode_laundrywasher_fb10d238c8.matter
+++ b/examples/chef/devices/rootnode_laundrywasher_fb10d238c8.matter
@@ -208,18 +208,18 @@ bitmap TestGlobalBitmap : bitmap32 {
   kSecondBit = 0x2;
-struct LocationDescriptorStruct {
-  char_string<128> locationName = 0;
-  nullable int16s floorNumber = 1;
-  nullable AreaTypeTag areaType = 2;
 struct TestGlobalStruct {
   char_string<128> name = 0;
   nullable TestGlobalBitmap myBitmap = 1;
   optional nullable TestGlobalEnum myEnum = 2;
+struct LocationDescriptorStruct {
+  char_string<128> locationName = 0;
+  nullable int16s floorNumber = 1;
+  nullable AreaTypeTag areaType = 2;
 /** Attributes and commands for putting a device into Identification mode (e.g. flashing a light). */
 cluster Identify = 3 {
   revision 4;
diff --git a/examples/chef/devices/rootnode_lightsensor_lZQycTFcJK.matter b/examples/chef/devices/rootnode_lightsensor_lZQycTFcJK.matter
index 02be0be6f65ad5..aab7ae74ee127b 100644
--- a/examples/chef/devices/rootnode_lightsensor_lZQycTFcJK.matter
+++ b/examples/chef/devices/rootnode_lightsensor_lZQycTFcJK.matter
@@ -208,18 +208,18 @@ bitmap TestGlobalBitmap : bitmap32 {
   kSecondBit = 0x2;
-struct LocationDescriptorStruct {
-  char_string<128> locationName = 0;
-  nullable int16s floorNumber = 1;
-  nullable AreaTypeTag areaType = 2;
 struct TestGlobalStruct {
   char_string<128> name = 0;
   nullable TestGlobalBitmap myBitmap = 1;
   optional nullable TestGlobalEnum myEnum = 2;
+struct LocationDescriptorStruct {
+  char_string<128> locationName = 0;
+  nullable int16s floorNumber = 1;
+  nullable AreaTypeTag areaType = 2;
 /** Attributes and commands for putting a device into Identification mode (e.g. flashing a light). */
 cluster Identify = 3 {
   revision 4;
diff --git a/examples/chef/devices/rootnode_occupancysensor_iHyVgifZuo.matter b/examples/chef/devices/rootnode_occupancysensor_iHyVgifZuo.matter
index 40a115b86c3be8..6dc939d3aa2592 100644
--- a/examples/chef/devices/rootnode_occupancysensor_iHyVgifZuo.matter
+++ b/examples/chef/devices/rootnode_occupancysensor_iHyVgifZuo.matter
@@ -208,18 +208,18 @@ bitmap TestGlobalBitmap : bitmap32 {
   kSecondBit = 0x2;
-struct LocationDescriptorStruct {
-  char_string<128> locationName = 0;
-  nullable int16s floorNumber = 1;
-  nullable AreaTypeTag areaType = 2;
 struct TestGlobalStruct {
   char_string<128> name = 0;
   nullable TestGlobalBitmap myBitmap = 1;
   optional nullable TestGlobalEnum myEnum = 2;
+struct LocationDescriptorStruct {
+  char_string<128> locationName = 0;
+  nullable int16s floorNumber = 1;
+  nullable AreaTypeTag areaType = 2;
 /** Attributes and commands for putting a device into Identification mode (e.g. flashing a light). */
 cluster Identify = 3 {
   revision 4;
diff --git a/examples/chef/devices/rootnode_onofflight_bbs1b7IaOV.matter b/examples/chef/devices/rootnode_onofflight_bbs1b7IaOV.matter
index 6906c4f30ebbae..e58601388e94bd 100644
--- a/examples/chef/devices/rootnode_onofflight_bbs1b7IaOV.matter
+++ b/examples/chef/devices/rootnode_onofflight_bbs1b7IaOV.matter
@@ -208,18 +208,18 @@ bitmap TestGlobalBitmap : bitmap32 {
   kSecondBit = 0x2;
-struct LocationDescriptorStruct {
-  char_string<128> locationName = 0;
-  nullable int16s floorNumber = 1;
-  nullable AreaTypeTag areaType = 2;
 struct TestGlobalStruct {
   char_string<128> name = 0;
   nullable TestGlobalBitmap myBitmap = 1;
   optional nullable TestGlobalEnum myEnum = 2;
+struct LocationDescriptorStruct {
+  char_string<128> locationName = 0;
+  nullable int16s floorNumber = 1;
+  nullable AreaTypeTag areaType = 2;
 /** Attributes and commands for putting a device into Identification mode (e.g. flashing a light). */
 cluster Identify = 3 {
   revision 4;
diff --git a/examples/chef/devices/rootnode_onofflight_samplemei.matter b/examples/chef/devices/rootnode_onofflight_samplemei.matter
index e374d50abab6e9..65a0c490f23a0d 100644
--- a/examples/chef/devices/rootnode_onofflight_samplemei.matter
+++ b/examples/chef/devices/rootnode_onofflight_samplemei.matter
@@ -208,18 +208,18 @@ bitmap TestGlobalBitmap : bitmap32 {
   kSecondBit = 0x2;
-struct LocationDescriptorStruct {
-  char_string<128> locationName = 0;
-  nullable int16s floorNumber = 1;
-  nullable AreaTypeTag areaType = 2;
 struct TestGlobalStruct {
   char_string<128> name = 0;
   nullable TestGlobalBitmap myBitmap = 1;
   optional nullable TestGlobalEnum myEnum = 2;
+struct LocationDescriptorStruct {
+  char_string<128> locationName = 0;
+  nullable int16s floorNumber = 1;
+  nullable AreaTypeTag areaType = 2;
 /** Attributes and commands for putting a device into Identification mode (e.g. flashing a light). */
 cluster Identify = 3 {
   revision 4;
diff --git a/examples/chef/devices/rootnode_onofflightswitch_FsPlMr090Q.matter b/examples/chef/devices/rootnode_onofflightswitch_FsPlMr090Q.matter
index 4ece174e50db4c..88462157a1c691 100644
--- a/examples/chef/devices/rootnode_onofflightswitch_FsPlMr090Q.matter
+++ b/examples/chef/devices/rootnode_onofflightswitch_FsPlMr090Q.matter
@@ -208,18 +208,18 @@ bitmap TestGlobalBitmap : bitmap32 {
   kSecondBit = 0x2;
-struct LocationDescriptorStruct {
-  char_string<128> locationName = 0;
-  nullable int16s floorNumber = 1;
-  nullable AreaTypeTag areaType = 2;
 struct TestGlobalStruct {
   char_string<128> name = 0;
   nullable TestGlobalBitmap myBitmap = 1;
   optional nullable TestGlobalEnum myEnum = 2;
+struct LocationDescriptorStruct {
+  char_string<128> locationName = 0;
+  nullable int16s floorNumber = 1;
+  nullable AreaTypeTag areaType = 2;
 /** Attributes and commands for putting a device into Identification mode (e.g. flashing a light). */
 cluster Identify = 3 {
   revision 4;
diff --git a/examples/chef/devices/rootnode_onoffpluginunit_Wtf8ss5EBY.matter b/examples/chef/devices/rootnode_onoffpluginunit_Wtf8ss5EBY.matter
index a5e61ac7fe7406..7f7d67cedfdf1c 100644
--- a/examples/chef/devices/rootnode_onoffpluginunit_Wtf8ss5EBY.matter
+++ b/examples/chef/devices/rootnode_onoffpluginunit_Wtf8ss5EBY.matter
@@ -208,18 +208,18 @@ bitmap TestGlobalBitmap : bitmap32 {
   kSecondBit = 0x2;
-struct LocationDescriptorStruct {
-  char_string<128> locationName = 0;
-  nullable int16s floorNumber = 1;
-  nullable AreaTypeTag areaType = 2;
 struct TestGlobalStruct {
   char_string<128> name = 0;
   nullable TestGlobalBitmap myBitmap = 1;
   optional nullable TestGlobalEnum myEnum = 2;
+struct LocationDescriptorStruct {
+  char_string<128> locationName = 0;
+  nullable int16s floorNumber = 1;
+  nullable AreaTypeTag areaType = 2;
 /** Attributes and commands for putting a device into Identification mode (e.g. flashing a light). */
 cluster Identify = 3 {
   revision 4;
diff --git a/examples/chef/devices/rootnode_pressuresensor_s0qC9wLH4k.matter b/examples/chef/devices/rootnode_pressuresensor_s0qC9wLH4k.matter
index 327132ea97cf51..92f14706269c2d 100644
--- a/examples/chef/devices/rootnode_pressuresensor_s0qC9wLH4k.matter
+++ b/examples/chef/devices/rootnode_pressuresensor_s0qC9wLH4k.matter
@@ -208,18 +208,18 @@ bitmap TestGlobalBitmap : bitmap32 {
   kSecondBit = 0x2;
-struct LocationDescriptorStruct {
-  char_string<128> locationName = 0;
-  nullable int16s floorNumber = 1;
-  nullable AreaTypeTag areaType = 2;
 struct TestGlobalStruct {
   char_string<128> name = 0;
   nullable TestGlobalBitmap myBitmap = 1;
   optional nullable TestGlobalEnum myEnum = 2;
+struct LocationDescriptorStruct {
+  char_string<128> locationName = 0;
+  nullable int16s floorNumber = 1;
+  nullable AreaTypeTag areaType = 2;
 /** Attributes and commands for putting a device into Identification mode (e.g. flashing a light). */
 cluster Identify = 3 {
   revision 4;
diff --git a/examples/chef/devices/rootnode_pump_5f904818cc.matter b/examples/chef/devices/rootnode_pump_5f904818cc.matter
index 6c7e8d6ad9f128..bd34fc60d32c57 100644
--- a/examples/chef/devices/rootnode_pump_5f904818cc.matter
+++ b/examples/chef/devices/rootnode_pump_5f904818cc.matter
@@ -208,18 +208,18 @@ bitmap TestGlobalBitmap : bitmap32 {
   kSecondBit = 0x2;
-struct LocationDescriptorStruct {
-  char_string<128> locationName = 0;
-  nullable int16s floorNumber = 1;
-  nullable AreaTypeTag areaType = 2;
 struct TestGlobalStruct {
   char_string<128> name = 0;
   nullable TestGlobalBitmap myBitmap = 1;
   optional nullable TestGlobalEnum myEnum = 2;
+struct LocationDescriptorStruct {
+  char_string<128> locationName = 0;
+  nullable int16s floorNumber = 1;
+  nullable AreaTypeTag areaType = 2;
 /** Attributes and commands for putting a device into Identification mode (e.g. flashing a light). */
 cluster Identify = 3 {
   revision 4;
diff --git a/examples/chef/devices/rootnode_pump_a811bb33a0.matter b/examples/chef/devices/rootnode_pump_a811bb33a0.matter
index 9fb13cb006fd90..bc1c5228dade49 100644
--- a/examples/chef/devices/rootnode_pump_a811bb33a0.matter
+++ b/examples/chef/devices/rootnode_pump_a811bb33a0.matter
@@ -208,18 +208,18 @@ bitmap TestGlobalBitmap : bitmap32 {
   kSecondBit = 0x2;
-struct LocationDescriptorStruct {
-  char_string<128> locationName = 0;
-  nullable int16s floorNumber = 1;
-  nullable AreaTypeTag areaType = 2;
 struct TestGlobalStruct {
   char_string<128> name = 0;
   nullable TestGlobalBitmap myBitmap = 1;
   optional nullable TestGlobalEnum myEnum = 2;
+struct LocationDescriptorStruct {
+  char_string<128> locationName = 0;
+  nullable int16s floorNumber = 1;
+  nullable AreaTypeTag areaType = 2;
 /** Attributes and commands for putting a device into Identification mode (e.g. flashing a light). */
 cluster Identify = 3 {
   revision 4;
diff --git a/examples/chef/devices/rootnode_refrigerator_temperaturecontrolledcabinet_temperaturecontrolledcabinet_ffdb696680.matter b/examples/chef/devices/rootnode_refrigerator_temperaturecontrolledcabinet_temperaturecontrolledcabinet_ffdb696680.matter
index 5743a39e49847a..f68d7bf2aaefb0 100644
--- a/examples/chef/devices/rootnode_refrigerator_temperaturecontrolledcabinet_temperaturecontrolledcabinet_ffdb696680.matter
+++ b/examples/chef/devices/rootnode_refrigerator_temperaturecontrolledcabinet_temperaturecontrolledcabinet_ffdb696680.matter
@@ -208,18 +208,18 @@ bitmap TestGlobalBitmap : bitmap32 {
   kSecondBit = 0x2;
-struct LocationDescriptorStruct {
-  char_string<128> locationName = 0;
-  nullable int16s floorNumber = 1;
-  nullable AreaTypeTag areaType = 2;
 struct TestGlobalStruct {
   char_string<128> name = 0;
   nullable TestGlobalBitmap myBitmap = 1;
   optional nullable TestGlobalEnum myEnum = 2;
+struct LocationDescriptorStruct {
+  char_string<128> locationName = 0;
+  nullable int16s floorNumber = 1;
+  nullable AreaTypeTag areaType = 2;
 /** Attributes and commands for putting a device into Identification mode (e.g. flashing a light). */
 cluster Identify = 3 {
   revision 4;
diff --git a/examples/chef/devices/rootnode_roboticvacuumcleaner_1807ff0c49.matter b/examples/chef/devices/rootnode_roboticvacuumcleaner_1807ff0c49.matter
index dd9fe887bef6a4..6f88dc303da772 100644
--- a/examples/chef/devices/rootnode_roboticvacuumcleaner_1807ff0c49.matter
+++ b/examples/chef/devices/rootnode_roboticvacuumcleaner_1807ff0c49.matter
@@ -208,18 +208,18 @@ bitmap TestGlobalBitmap : bitmap32 {
   kSecondBit = 0x2;
-struct LocationDescriptorStruct {
-  char_string<128> locationName = 0;
-  nullable int16s floorNumber = 1;
-  nullable AreaTypeTag areaType = 2;
 struct TestGlobalStruct {
   char_string<128> name = 0;
   nullable TestGlobalBitmap myBitmap = 1;
   optional nullable TestGlobalEnum myEnum = 2;
+struct LocationDescriptorStruct {
+  char_string<128> locationName = 0;
+  nullable int16s floorNumber = 1;
+  nullable AreaTypeTag areaType = 2;
 /** Attributes and commands for putting a device into Identification mode (e.g. flashing a light). */
 cluster Identify = 3 {
   revision 4;
diff --git a/examples/chef/devices/rootnode_roomairconditioner_9cf3607804.matter b/examples/chef/devices/rootnode_roomairconditioner_9cf3607804.matter
index c3ef68e5e97da5..d6e843c5937189 100644
--- a/examples/chef/devices/rootnode_roomairconditioner_9cf3607804.matter
+++ b/examples/chef/devices/rootnode_roomairconditioner_9cf3607804.matter
@@ -208,18 +208,18 @@ bitmap TestGlobalBitmap : bitmap32 {
   kSecondBit = 0x2;
-struct LocationDescriptorStruct {
-  char_string<128> locationName = 0;
-  nullable int16s floorNumber = 1;
-  nullable AreaTypeTag areaType = 2;
 struct TestGlobalStruct {
   char_string<128> name = 0;
   nullable TestGlobalBitmap myBitmap = 1;
   optional nullable TestGlobalEnum myEnum = 2;
+struct LocationDescriptorStruct {
+  char_string<128> locationName = 0;
+  nullable int16s floorNumber = 1;
+  nullable AreaTypeTag areaType = 2;
 /** Attributes and commands for putting a device into Identification mode (e.g. flashing a light). */
 cluster Identify = 3 {
   revision 4;
diff --git a/examples/chef/devices/rootnode_smokecoalarm_686fe0dcb8.matter b/examples/chef/devices/rootnode_smokecoalarm_686fe0dcb8.matter
index 671339d987c1a0..9354126302295d 100644
--- a/examples/chef/devices/rootnode_smokecoalarm_686fe0dcb8.matter
+++ b/examples/chef/devices/rootnode_smokecoalarm_686fe0dcb8.matter
@@ -208,18 +208,18 @@ bitmap TestGlobalBitmap : bitmap32 {
   kSecondBit = 0x2;
-struct LocationDescriptorStruct {
-  char_string<128> locationName = 0;
-  nullable int16s floorNumber = 1;
-  nullable AreaTypeTag areaType = 2;
 struct TestGlobalStruct {
   char_string<128> name = 0;
   nullable TestGlobalBitmap myBitmap = 1;
   optional nullable TestGlobalEnum myEnum = 2;
+struct LocationDescriptorStruct {
+  char_string<128> locationName = 0;
+  nullable int16s floorNumber = 1;
+  nullable AreaTypeTag areaType = 2;
 /** Attributes and commands for putting a device into Identification mode (e.g. flashing a light). */
 cluster Identify = 3 {
   revision 4;
diff --git a/examples/chef/devices/rootnode_speaker_RpzeXdimqA.matter b/examples/chef/devices/rootnode_speaker_RpzeXdimqA.matter
index 148afd99364923..bdad38f829a821 100644
--- a/examples/chef/devices/rootnode_speaker_RpzeXdimqA.matter
+++ b/examples/chef/devices/rootnode_speaker_RpzeXdimqA.matter
@@ -208,18 +208,18 @@ bitmap TestGlobalBitmap : bitmap32 {
   kSecondBit = 0x2;
-struct LocationDescriptorStruct {
-  char_string<128> locationName = 0;
-  nullable int16s floorNumber = 1;
-  nullable AreaTypeTag areaType = 2;
 struct TestGlobalStruct {
   char_string<128> name = 0;
   nullable TestGlobalBitmap myBitmap = 1;
   optional nullable TestGlobalEnum myEnum = 2;
+struct LocationDescriptorStruct {
+  char_string<128> locationName = 0;
+  nullable int16s floorNumber = 1;
+  nullable AreaTypeTag areaType = 2;
 /** Attributes and commands for putting a device into Identification mode (e.g. flashing a light). */
 cluster Identify = 3 {
   revision 4;
diff --git a/examples/chef/devices/rootnode_temperaturesensor_Qy1zkNW7c3.matter b/examples/chef/devices/rootnode_temperaturesensor_Qy1zkNW7c3.matter
index bcb7f16079e3e2..cb7eaa21e153a2 100644
--- a/examples/chef/devices/rootnode_temperaturesensor_Qy1zkNW7c3.matter
+++ b/examples/chef/devices/rootnode_temperaturesensor_Qy1zkNW7c3.matter
@@ -208,18 +208,18 @@ bitmap TestGlobalBitmap : bitmap32 {
   kSecondBit = 0x2;
-struct LocationDescriptorStruct {
-  char_string<128> locationName = 0;
-  nullable int16s floorNumber = 1;
-  nullable AreaTypeTag areaType = 2;
 struct TestGlobalStruct {
   char_string<128> name = 0;
   nullable TestGlobalBitmap myBitmap = 1;
   optional nullable TestGlobalEnum myEnum = 2;
+struct LocationDescriptorStruct {
+  char_string<128> locationName = 0;
+  nullable int16s floorNumber = 1;
+  nullable AreaTypeTag areaType = 2;
 /** Attributes and commands for putting a device into Identification mode (e.g. flashing a light). */
 cluster Identify = 3 {
   revision 4;
diff --git a/examples/chef/devices/rootnode_thermostat_bm3fb8dhYi.matter b/examples/chef/devices/rootnode_thermostat_bm3fb8dhYi.matter
index 43f4bc7dace6bd..c65191a9e0b508 100644
--- a/examples/chef/devices/rootnode_thermostat_bm3fb8dhYi.matter
+++ b/examples/chef/devices/rootnode_thermostat_bm3fb8dhYi.matter
@@ -208,18 +208,18 @@ bitmap TestGlobalBitmap : bitmap32 {
   kSecondBit = 0x2;
-struct LocationDescriptorStruct {
-  char_string<128> locationName = 0;
-  nullable int16s floorNumber = 1;
-  nullable AreaTypeTag areaType = 2;
 struct TestGlobalStruct {
   char_string<128> name = 0;
   nullable TestGlobalBitmap myBitmap = 1;
   optional nullable TestGlobalEnum myEnum = 2;
+struct LocationDescriptorStruct {
+  char_string<128> locationName = 0;
+  nullable int16s floorNumber = 1;
+  nullable AreaTypeTag areaType = 2;
 /** Attributes and commands for putting a device into Identification mode (e.g. flashing a light). */
 cluster Identify = 3 {
   revision 4;
diff --git a/examples/chef/devices/rootnode_windowcovering_RLCxaGi9Yx.matter b/examples/chef/devices/rootnode_windowcovering_RLCxaGi9Yx.matter
index 4dfbfbc41b8d9f..737c351984bb64 100644
--- a/examples/chef/devices/rootnode_windowcovering_RLCxaGi9Yx.matter
+++ b/examples/chef/devices/rootnode_windowcovering_RLCxaGi9Yx.matter
@@ -208,18 +208,18 @@ bitmap TestGlobalBitmap : bitmap32 {
   kSecondBit = 0x2;
-struct LocationDescriptorStruct {
-  char_string<128> locationName = 0;
-  nullable int16s floorNumber = 1;
-  nullable AreaTypeTag areaType = 2;
 struct TestGlobalStruct {
   char_string<128> name = 0;
   nullable TestGlobalBitmap myBitmap = 1;
   optional nullable TestGlobalEnum myEnum = 2;
+struct LocationDescriptorStruct {
+  char_string<128> locationName = 0;
+  nullable int16s floorNumber = 1;
+  nullable AreaTypeTag areaType = 2;
 /** Attributes and commands for putting a device into Identification mode (e.g. flashing a light). */
 cluster Identify = 3 {
   revision 4;
diff --git a/examples/contact-sensor-app/contact-sensor-common/contact-sensor-app.matter b/examples/contact-sensor-app/contact-sensor-common/contact-sensor-app.matter
index c25e9c9f5b8757..f721aa58e0fe15 100644
--- a/examples/contact-sensor-app/contact-sensor-common/contact-sensor-app.matter
+++ b/examples/contact-sensor-app/contact-sensor-common/contact-sensor-app.matter
@@ -208,18 +208,18 @@ bitmap TestGlobalBitmap : bitmap32 {
   kSecondBit = 0x2;
-struct LocationDescriptorStruct {
-  char_string<128> locationName = 0;
-  nullable int16s floorNumber = 1;
-  nullable AreaTypeTag areaType = 2;
 struct TestGlobalStruct {
   char_string<128> name = 0;
   nullable TestGlobalBitmap myBitmap = 1;
   optional nullable TestGlobalEnum myEnum = 2;
+struct LocationDescriptorStruct {
+  char_string<128> locationName = 0;
+  nullable int16s floorNumber = 1;
+  nullable AreaTypeTag areaType = 2;
 /** Attributes and commands for putting a device into Identification mode (e.g. flashing a light). */
 cluster Identify = 3 {
   revision 4;
diff --git a/examples/contact-sensor-app/nxp/zap-lit/contact-sensor-app.matter b/examples/contact-sensor-app/nxp/zap-lit/contact-sensor-app.matter
index efad0754f083a8..fb2cf8f8289734 100644
--- a/examples/contact-sensor-app/nxp/zap-lit/contact-sensor-app.matter
+++ b/examples/contact-sensor-app/nxp/zap-lit/contact-sensor-app.matter
@@ -208,18 +208,18 @@ bitmap TestGlobalBitmap : bitmap32 {
   kSecondBit = 0x2;
-struct LocationDescriptorStruct {
-  char_string<128> locationName = 0;
-  nullable int16s floorNumber = 1;
-  nullable AreaTypeTag areaType = 2;
 struct TestGlobalStruct {
   char_string<128> name = 0;
   nullable TestGlobalBitmap myBitmap = 1;
   optional nullable TestGlobalEnum myEnum = 2;
+struct LocationDescriptorStruct {
+  char_string<128> locationName = 0;
+  nullable int16s floorNumber = 1;
+  nullable AreaTypeTag areaType = 2;
 /** Attributes and commands for putting a device into Identification mode (e.g. flashing a light). */
 cluster Identify = 3 {
   revision 4;
diff --git a/examples/contact-sensor-app/nxp/zap-sit/contact-sensor-app.matter b/examples/contact-sensor-app/nxp/zap-sit/contact-sensor-app.matter
index 9afa33bd3ea3d8..21f793caedee04 100644
--- a/examples/contact-sensor-app/nxp/zap-sit/contact-sensor-app.matter
+++ b/examples/contact-sensor-app/nxp/zap-sit/contact-sensor-app.matter
@@ -208,18 +208,18 @@ bitmap TestGlobalBitmap : bitmap32 {
   kSecondBit = 0x2;
-struct LocationDescriptorStruct {
-  char_string<128> locationName = 0;
-  nullable int16s floorNumber = 1;
-  nullable AreaTypeTag areaType = 2;
 struct TestGlobalStruct {
   char_string<128> name = 0;
   nullable TestGlobalBitmap myBitmap = 1;
   optional nullable TestGlobalEnum myEnum = 2;
+struct LocationDescriptorStruct {
+  char_string<128> locationName = 0;
+  nullable int16s floorNumber = 1;
+  nullable AreaTypeTag areaType = 2;
 /** Attributes and commands for putting a device into Identification mode (e.g. flashing a light). */
 cluster Identify = 3 {
   revision 4;
diff --git a/examples/dishwasher-app/dishwasher-common/dishwasher-app.matter b/examples/dishwasher-app/dishwasher-common/dishwasher-app.matter
index cb9872e9e66045..e5027342d1edb2 100644
--- a/examples/dishwasher-app/dishwasher-common/dishwasher-app.matter
+++ b/examples/dishwasher-app/dishwasher-common/dishwasher-app.matter
@@ -208,18 +208,18 @@ bitmap TestGlobalBitmap : bitmap32 {
   kSecondBit = 0x2;
-struct LocationDescriptorStruct {
-  char_string<128> locationName = 0;
-  nullable int16s floorNumber = 1;
-  nullable AreaTypeTag areaType = 2;
 struct TestGlobalStruct {
   char_string<128> name = 0;
   nullable TestGlobalBitmap myBitmap = 1;
   optional nullable TestGlobalEnum myEnum = 2;
+struct LocationDescriptorStruct {
+  char_string<128> locationName = 0;
+  nullable int16s floorNumber = 1;
+  nullable AreaTypeTag areaType = 2;
 /** Attributes and commands for putting a device into Identification mode (e.g. flashing a light). */
 cluster Identify = 3 {
   revision 4;
diff --git a/examples/energy-management-app/energy-management-common/energy-management-app.matter b/examples/energy-management-app/energy-management-common/energy-management-app.matter
index e9b0971aff8299..2b081f13a3827e 100644
--- a/examples/energy-management-app/energy-management-common/energy-management-app.matter
+++ b/examples/energy-management-app/energy-management-common/energy-management-app.matter
@@ -208,18 +208,18 @@ bitmap TestGlobalBitmap : bitmap32 {
   kSecondBit = 0x2;
-struct LocationDescriptorStruct {
-  char_string<128> locationName = 0;
-  nullable int16s floorNumber = 1;
-  nullable AreaTypeTag areaType = 2;
 struct TestGlobalStruct {
   char_string<128> name = 0;
   nullable TestGlobalBitmap myBitmap = 1;
   optional nullable TestGlobalEnum myEnum = 2;
+struct LocationDescriptorStruct {
+  char_string<128> locationName = 0;
+  nullable int16s floorNumber = 1;
+  nullable AreaTypeTag areaType = 2;
 /** Attributes and commands for putting a device into Identification mode (e.g. flashing a light). */
 cluster Identify = 3 {
   revision 4;
diff --git a/examples/fabric-bridge-app/fabric-bridge-common/fabric-bridge-app.matter b/examples/fabric-bridge-app/fabric-bridge-common/fabric-bridge-app.matter
index db107fcf5bac43..33e1d992b677b1 100644
--- a/examples/fabric-bridge-app/fabric-bridge-common/fabric-bridge-app.matter
+++ b/examples/fabric-bridge-app/fabric-bridge-common/fabric-bridge-app.matter
@@ -208,18 +208,18 @@ bitmap TestGlobalBitmap : bitmap32 {
   kSecondBit = 0x2;
-struct LocationDescriptorStruct {
-  char_string<128> locationName = 0;
-  nullable int16s floorNumber = 1;
-  nullable AreaTypeTag areaType = 2;
 struct TestGlobalStruct {
   char_string<128> name = 0;
   nullable TestGlobalBitmap myBitmap = 1;
   optional nullable TestGlobalEnum myEnum = 2;
+struct LocationDescriptorStruct {
+  char_string<128> locationName = 0;
+  nullable int16s floorNumber = 1;
+  nullable AreaTypeTag areaType = 2;
 /** Attributes and commands for putting a device into Identification mode (e.g. flashing a light). */
 cluster Identify = 3 {
   revision 4;
diff --git a/examples/laundry-washer-app/nxp/zap/laundry-washer-app.matter b/examples/laundry-washer-app/nxp/zap/laundry-washer-app.matter
index fd62482a477bcc..b204bae6345a2d 100644
--- a/examples/laundry-washer-app/nxp/zap/laundry-washer-app.matter
+++ b/examples/laundry-washer-app/nxp/zap/laundry-washer-app.matter
@@ -208,18 +208,18 @@ bitmap TestGlobalBitmap : bitmap32 {
   kSecondBit = 0x2;
-struct LocationDescriptorStruct {
-  char_string<128> locationName = 0;
-  nullable int16s floorNumber = 1;
-  nullable AreaTypeTag areaType = 2;
 struct TestGlobalStruct {
   char_string<128> name = 0;
   nullable TestGlobalBitmap myBitmap = 1;
   optional nullable TestGlobalEnum myEnum = 2;
+struct LocationDescriptorStruct {
+  char_string<128> locationName = 0;
+  nullable int16s floorNumber = 1;
+  nullable AreaTypeTag areaType = 2;
 /** Attributes and commands for putting a device into Identification mode (e.g. flashing a light). */
 cluster Identify = 3 {
   revision 4;
diff --git a/examples/light-switch-app/light-switch-common/light-switch-app.matter b/examples/light-switch-app/light-switch-common/light-switch-app.matter
index 3dbb78723e7e09..1f2c3728b3098d 100644
--- a/examples/light-switch-app/light-switch-common/light-switch-app.matter
+++ b/examples/light-switch-app/light-switch-common/light-switch-app.matter
@@ -208,18 +208,18 @@ bitmap TestGlobalBitmap : bitmap32 {
   kSecondBit = 0x2;
-struct LocationDescriptorStruct {
-  char_string<128> locationName = 0;
-  nullable int16s floorNumber = 1;
-  nullable AreaTypeTag areaType = 2;
 struct TestGlobalStruct {
   char_string<128> name = 0;
   nullable TestGlobalBitmap myBitmap = 1;
   optional nullable TestGlobalEnum myEnum = 2;
+struct LocationDescriptorStruct {
+  char_string<128> locationName = 0;
+  nullable int16s floorNumber = 1;
+  nullable AreaTypeTag areaType = 2;
 /** Attributes and commands for putting a device into Identification mode (e.g. flashing a light). */
 cluster Identify = 3 {
   revision 4;
diff --git a/examples/light-switch-app/qpg/zap/switch.matter b/examples/light-switch-app/qpg/zap/switch.matter
index 3b4bce66e4e99d..a8a28edb2fbcf0 100644
--- a/examples/light-switch-app/qpg/zap/switch.matter
+++ b/examples/light-switch-app/qpg/zap/switch.matter
@@ -208,18 +208,18 @@ bitmap TestGlobalBitmap : bitmap32 {
   kSecondBit = 0x2;
-struct LocationDescriptorStruct {
-  char_string<128> locationName = 0;
-  nullable int16s floorNumber = 1;
-  nullable AreaTypeTag areaType = 2;
 struct TestGlobalStruct {
   char_string<128> name = 0;
   nullable TestGlobalBitmap myBitmap = 1;
   optional nullable TestGlobalEnum myEnum = 2;
+struct LocationDescriptorStruct {
+  char_string<128> locationName = 0;
+  nullable int16s floorNumber = 1;
+  nullable AreaTypeTag areaType = 2;
 /** Attributes and commands for putting a device into Identification mode (e.g. flashing a light). */
 cluster Identify = 3 {
   revision 4;
diff --git a/examples/lighting-app/bouffalolab/data_model/lighting-app-ethernet.matter b/examples/lighting-app/bouffalolab/data_model/lighting-app-ethernet.matter
index 95ec4192b1d0eb..f60a0c186bda97 100644
--- a/examples/lighting-app/bouffalolab/data_model/lighting-app-ethernet.matter
+++ b/examples/lighting-app/bouffalolab/data_model/lighting-app-ethernet.matter
@@ -208,18 +208,18 @@ bitmap TestGlobalBitmap : bitmap32 {
   kSecondBit = 0x2;
-struct LocationDescriptorStruct {
-  char_string<128> locationName = 0;
-  nullable int16s floorNumber = 1;
-  nullable AreaTypeTag areaType = 2;
 struct TestGlobalStruct {
   char_string<128> name = 0;
   nullable TestGlobalBitmap myBitmap = 1;
   optional nullable TestGlobalEnum myEnum = 2;
+struct LocationDescriptorStruct {
+  char_string<128> locationName = 0;
+  nullable int16s floorNumber = 1;
+  nullable AreaTypeTag areaType = 2;
 /** Attributes and commands for putting a device into Identification mode (e.g. flashing a light). */
 cluster Identify = 3 {
   revision 4;
diff --git a/examples/lighting-app/bouffalolab/data_model/lighting-app-thread.matter b/examples/lighting-app/bouffalolab/data_model/lighting-app-thread.matter
index aaf03062417f4e..eddf3d467b282c 100644
--- a/examples/lighting-app/bouffalolab/data_model/lighting-app-thread.matter
+++ b/examples/lighting-app/bouffalolab/data_model/lighting-app-thread.matter
@@ -208,18 +208,18 @@ bitmap TestGlobalBitmap : bitmap32 {
   kSecondBit = 0x2;
-struct LocationDescriptorStruct {
-  char_string<128> locationName = 0;
-  nullable int16s floorNumber = 1;
-  nullable AreaTypeTag areaType = 2;
 struct TestGlobalStruct {
   char_string<128> name = 0;
   nullable TestGlobalBitmap myBitmap = 1;
   optional nullable TestGlobalEnum myEnum = 2;
+struct LocationDescriptorStruct {
+  char_string<128> locationName = 0;
+  nullable int16s floorNumber = 1;
+  nullable AreaTypeTag areaType = 2;
 /** Attributes and commands for putting a device into Identification mode (e.g. flashing a light). */
 cluster Identify = 3 {
   revision 4;
diff --git a/examples/lighting-app/bouffalolab/data_model/lighting-app-wifi.matter b/examples/lighting-app/bouffalolab/data_model/lighting-app-wifi.matter
index c2e58783befefb..b65db2f043639c 100644
--- a/examples/lighting-app/bouffalolab/data_model/lighting-app-wifi.matter
+++ b/examples/lighting-app/bouffalolab/data_model/lighting-app-wifi.matter
@@ -208,18 +208,18 @@ bitmap TestGlobalBitmap : bitmap32 {
   kSecondBit = 0x2;
-struct LocationDescriptorStruct {
-  char_string<128> locationName = 0;
-  nullable int16s floorNumber = 1;
-  nullable AreaTypeTag areaType = 2;
 struct TestGlobalStruct {
   char_string<128> name = 0;
   nullable TestGlobalBitmap myBitmap = 1;
   optional nullable TestGlobalEnum myEnum = 2;
+struct LocationDescriptorStruct {
+  char_string<128> locationName = 0;
+  nullable int16s floorNumber = 1;
+  nullable AreaTypeTag areaType = 2;
 /** Attributes and commands for putting a device into Identification mode (e.g. flashing a light). */
 cluster Identify = 3 {
   revision 4;
diff --git a/examples/lighting-app/lighting-common/lighting-app.matter b/examples/lighting-app/lighting-common/lighting-app.matter
index 9f1ed514fcd5ca..13c3138eb22676 100644
--- a/examples/lighting-app/lighting-common/lighting-app.matter
+++ b/examples/lighting-app/lighting-common/lighting-app.matter
@@ -208,18 +208,18 @@ bitmap TestGlobalBitmap : bitmap32 {
   kSecondBit = 0x2;
-struct LocationDescriptorStruct {
-  char_string<128> locationName = 0;
-  nullable int16s floorNumber = 1;
-  nullable AreaTypeTag areaType = 2;
 struct TestGlobalStruct {
   char_string<128> name = 0;
   nullable TestGlobalBitmap myBitmap = 1;
   optional nullable TestGlobalEnum myEnum = 2;
+struct LocationDescriptorStruct {
+  char_string<128> locationName = 0;
+  nullable int16s floorNumber = 1;
+  nullable AreaTypeTag areaType = 2;
 /** Attributes and commands for putting a device into Identification mode (e.g. flashing a light). */
 cluster Identify = 3 {
   revision 4;
diff --git a/examples/lighting-app/nxp/zap/lighting-on-off.matter b/examples/lighting-app/nxp/zap/lighting-on-off.matter
index 4fb8cc0cb2effc..d4e0e18bc3e985 100644
--- a/examples/lighting-app/nxp/zap/lighting-on-off.matter
+++ b/examples/lighting-app/nxp/zap/lighting-on-off.matter
@@ -208,18 +208,18 @@ bitmap TestGlobalBitmap : bitmap32 {
   kSecondBit = 0x2;
-struct LocationDescriptorStruct {
-  char_string<128> locationName = 0;
-  nullable int16s floorNumber = 1;
-  nullable AreaTypeTag areaType = 2;
 struct TestGlobalStruct {
   char_string<128> name = 0;
   nullable TestGlobalBitmap myBitmap = 1;
   optional nullable TestGlobalEnum myEnum = 2;
+struct LocationDescriptorStruct {
+  char_string<128> locationName = 0;
+  nullable int16s floorNumber = 1;
+  nullable AreaTypeTag areaType = 2;
 /** Attributes and commands for putting a device into Identification mode (e.g. flashing a light). */
 cluster Identify = 3 {
   revision 4;
diff --git a/examples/lighting-app/qpg/zap/light.matter b/examples/lighting-app/qpg/zap/light.matter
index 9897f1b594cf81..652c45f6d83c71 100644
--- a/examples/lighting-app/qpg/zap/light.matter
+++ b/examples/lighting-app/qpg/zap/light.matter
@@ -208,18 +208,18 @@ bitmap TestGlobalBitmap : bitmap32 {
   kSecondBit = 0x2;
-struct LocationDescriptorStruct {
-  char_string<128> locationName = 0;
-  nullable int16s floorNumber = 1;
-  nullable AreaTypeTag areaType = 2;
 struct TestGlobalStruct {
   char_string<128> name = 0;
   nullable TestGlobalBitmap myBitmap = 1;
   optional nullable TestGlobalEnum myEnum = 2;
+struct LocationDescriptorStruct {
+  char_string<128> locationName = 0;
+  nullable int16s floorNumber = 1;
+  nullable AreaTypeTag areaType = 2;
 /** Attributes and commands for putting a device into Identification mode (e.g. flashing a light). */
 cluster Identify = 3 {
   revision 4;
diff --git a/examples/lighting-app/silabs/data_model/lighting-thread-app.matter b/examples/lighting-app/silabs/data_model/lighting-thread-app.matter
index 2fcf8a6f8c714d..b7d967d3c5ef0e 100644
--- a/examples/lighting-app/silabs/data_model/lighting-thread-app.matter
+++ b/examples/lighting-app/silabs/data_model/lighting-thread-app.matter
@@ -208,18 +208,18 @@ bitmap TestGlobalBitmap : bitmap32 {
   kSecondBit = 0x2;
-struct LocationDescriptorStruct {
-  char_string<128> locationName = 0;
-  nullable int16s floorNumber = 1;
-  nullable AreaTypeTag areaType = 2;
 struct TestGlobalStruct {
   char_string<128> name = 0;
   nullable TestGlobalBitmap myBitmap = 1;
   optional nullable TestGlobalEnum myEnum = 2;
+struct LocationDescriptorStruct {
+  char_string<128> locationName = 0;
+  nullable int16s floorNumber = 1;
+  nullable AreaTypeTag areaType = 2;
 /** Attributes and commands for putting a device into Identification mode (e.g. flashing a light). */
 cluster Identify = 3 {
   revision 4;
diff --git a/examples/lighting-app/silabs/data_model/lighting-wifi-app.matter b/examples/lighting-app/silabs/data_model/lighting-wifi-app.matter
index 0b6601b5fdb135..b1cd1c94be474a 100644
--- a/examples/lighting-app/silabs/data_model/lighting-wifi-app.matter
+++ b/examples/lighting-app/silabs/data_model/lighting-wifi-app.matter
@@ -208,18 +208,18 @@ bitmap TestGlobalBitmap : bitmap32 {
   kSecondBit = 0x2;
-struct LocationDescriptorStruct {
-  char_string<128> locationName = 0;
-  nullable int16s floorNumber = 1;
-  nullable AreaTypeTag areaType = 2;
 struct TestGlobalStruct {
   char_string<128> name = 0;
   nullable TestGlobalBitmap myBitmap = 1;
   optional nullable TestGlobalEnum myEnum = 2;
+struct LocationDescriptorStruct {
+  char_string<128> locationName = 0;
+  nullable int16s floorNumber = 1;
+  nullable AreaTypeTag areaType = 2;
 /** Attributes and commands for putting a device into Identification mode (e.g. flashing a light). */
 cluster Identify = 3 {
   revision 4;
diff --git a/examples/lit-icd-app/lit-icd-common/lit-icd-server-app.matter b/examples/lit-icd-app/lit-icd-common/lit-icd-server-app.matter
index a2f535b3a30a8f..f4c9fa01731c7c 100644
--- a/examples/lit-icd-app/lit-icd-common/lit-icd-server-app.matter
+++ b/examples/lit-icd-app/lit-icd-common/lit-icd-server-app.matter
@@ -208,18 +208,18 @@ bitmap TestGlobalBitmap : bitmap32 {
   kSecondBit = 0x2;
-struct LocationDescriptorStruct {
-  char_string<128> locationName = 0;
-  nullable int16s floorNumber = 1;
-  nullable AreaTypeTag areaType = 2;
 struct TestGlobalStruct {
   char_string<128> name = 0;
   nullable TestGlobalBitmap myBitmap = 1;
   optional nullable TestGlobalEnum myEnum = 2;
+struct LocationDescriptorStruct {
+  char_string<128> locationName = 0;
+  nullable int16s floorNumber = 1;
+  nullable AreaTypeTag areaType = 2;
 /** Attributes and commands for putting a device into Identification mode (e.g. flashing a light). */
 cluster Identify = 3 {
   revision 4;
diff --git a/examples/lock-app/lock-common/lock-app.matter b/examples/lock-app/lock-common/lock-app.matter
index 55ecfb07a5c42e..344fd5a5f0d1ea 100644
--- a/examples/lock-app/lock-common/lock-app.matter
+++ b/examples/lock-app/lock-common/lock-app.matter
@@ -208,18 +208,18 @@ bitmap TestGlobalBitmap : bitmap32 {
   kSecondBit = 0x2;
-struct LocationDescriptorStruct {
-  char_string<128> locationName = 0;
-  nullable int16s floorNumber = 1;
-  nullable AreaTypeTag areaType = 2;
 struct TestGlobalStruct {
   char_string<128> name = 0;
   nullable TestGlobalBitmap myBitmap = 1;
   optional nullable TestGlobalEnum myEnum = 2;
+struct LocationDescriptorStruct {
+  char_string<128> locationName = 0;
+  nullable int16s floorNumber = 1;
+  nullable AreaTypeTag areaType = 2;
 /** Attributes and commands for putting a device into Identification mode (e.g. flashing a light). */
 cluster Identify = 3 {
   revision 4;
diff --git a/examples/lock-app/nxp/zap/lock-app.matter b/examples/lock-app/nxp/zap/lock-app.matter
index 97d6e3ae443c38..a8d2d9fd5eb230 100644
--- a/examples/lock-app/nxp/zap/lock-app.matter
+++ b/examples/lock-app/nxp/zap/lock-app.matter
@@ -208,18 +208,18 @@ bitmap TestGlobalBitmap : bitmap32 {
   kSecondBit = 0x2;
-struct LocationDescriptorStruct {
-  char_string<128> locationName = 0;
-  nullable int16s floorNumber = 1;
-  nullable AreaTypeTag areaType = 2;
 struct TestGlobalStruct {
   char_string<128> name = 0;
   nullable TestGlobalBitmap myBitmap = 1;
   optional nullable TestGlobalEnum myEnum = 2;
+struct LocationDescriptorStruct {
+  char_string<128> locationName = 0;
+  nullable int16s floorNumber = 1;
+  nullable AreaTypeTag areaType = 2;
 /** Attributes and commands for putting a device into Identification mode (e.g. flashing a light). */
 cluster Identify = 3 {
   revision 4;
diff --git a/examples/lock-app/qpg/zap/lock.matter b/examples/lock-app/qpg/zap/lock.matter
index 4bc5c6657d6574..d3f76e4f719b5e 100644
--- a/examples/lock-app/qpg/zap/lock.matter
+++ b/examples/lock-app/qpg/zap/lock.matter
@@ -208,18 +208,18 @@ bitmap TestGlobalBitmap : bitmap32 {
   kSecondBit = 0x2;
-struct LocationDescriptorStruct {
-  char_string<128> locationName = 0;
-  nullable int16s floorNumber = 1;
-  nullable AreaTypeTag areaType = 2;
 struct TestGlobalStruct {
   char_string<128> name = 0;
   nullable TestGlobalBitmap myBitmap = 1;
   optional nullable TestGlobalEnum myEnum = 2;
+struct LocationDescriptorStruct {
+  char_string<128> locationName = 0;
+  nullable int16s floorNumber = 1;
+  nullable AreaTypeTag areaType = 2;
 /** Attributes and commands for putting a device into Identification mode (e.g. flashing a light). */
 cluster Identify = 3 {
   revision 4;
diff --git a/examples/log-source-app/log-source-common/log-source-app.matter b/examples/log-source-app/log-source-common/log-source-app.matter
index 7633792300c4dd..38e6f51ee4d1de 100644
--- a/examples/log-source-app/log-source-common/log-source-app.matter
+++ b/examples/log-source-app/log-source-common/log-source-app.matter
@@ -208,18 +208,18 @@ bitmap TestGlobalBitmap : bitmap32 {
   kSecondBit = 0x2;
-struct LocationDescriptorStruct {
-  char_string<128> locationName = 0;
-  nullable int16s floorNumber = 1;
-  nullable AreaTypeTag areaType = 2;
 struct TestGlobalStruct {
   char_string<128> name = 0;
   nullable TestGlobalBitmap myBitmap = 1;
   optional nullable TestGlobalEnum myEnum = 2;
+struct LocationDescriptorStruct {
+  char_string<128> locationName = 0;
+  nullable int16s floorNumber = 1;
+  nullable AreaTypeTag areaType = 2;
 /** The Access Control Cluster exposes a data model view of a
       Node's Access Control List (ACL), which codifies the rules used to manage
       and enforce Access Control for the Node's endpoints and their associated
diff --git a/examples/microwave-oven-app/microwave-oven-common/microwave-oven-app.matter b/examples/microwave-oven-app/microwave-oven-common/microwave-oven-app.matter
index 10eec889dee3bd..36df5a7a835c5f 100644
--- a/examples/microwave-oven-app/microwave-oven-common/microwave-oven-app.matter
+++ b/examples/microwave-oven-app/microwave-oven-common/microwave-oven-app.matter
@@ -208,18 +208,18 @@ bitmap TestGlobalBitmap : bitmap32 {
   kSecondBit = 0x2;
-struct LocationDescriptorStruct {
-  char_string<128> locationName = 0;
-  nullable int16s floorNumber = 1;
-  nullable AreaTypeTag areaType = 2;
 struct TestGlobalStruct {
   char_string<128> name = 0;
   nullable TestGlobalBitmap myBitmap = 1;
   optional nullable TestGlobalEnum myEnum = 2;
+struct LocationDescriptorStruct {
+  char_string<128> locationName = 0;
+  nullable int16s floorNumber = 1;
+  nullable AreaTypeTag areaType = 2;
 /** Attributes and commands for putting a device into Identification mode (e.g. flashing a light). */
 cluster Identify = 3 {
   revision 4;
diff --git a/examples/network-manager-app/network-manager-common/network-manager-app.matter b/examples/network-manager-app/network-manager-common/network-manager-app.matter
index 152f81961ba5f6..d3a951ddc9f624 100644
--- a/examples/network-manager-app/network-manager-common/network-manager-app.matter
+++ b/examples/network-manager-app/network-manager-common/network-manager-app.matter
@@ -208,18 +208,18 @@ bitmap TestGlobalBitmap : bitmap32 {
   kSecondBit = 0x2;
-struct LocationDescriptorStruct {
-  char_string<128> locationName = 0;
-  nullable int16s floorNumber = 1;
-  nullable AreaTypeTag areaType = 2;
 struct TestGlobalStruct {
   char_string<128> name = 0;
   nullable TestGlobalBitmap myBitmap = 1;
   optional nullable TestGlobalEnum myEnum = 2;
+struct LocationDescriptorStruct {
+  char_string<128> locationName = 0;
+  nullable int16s floorNumber = 1;
+  nullable AreaTypeTag areaType = 2;
 /** Attributes and commands for putting a device into Identification mode (e.g. flashing a light). */
 cluster Identify = 3 {
   revision 4;
diff --git a/examples/ota-provider-app/ota-provider-common/ota-provider-app.matter b/examples/ota-provider-app/ota-provider-common/ota-provider-app.matter
index e030d276cf954c..8b290cc5796e1a 100644
--- a/examples/ota-provider-app/ota-provider-common/ota-provider-app.matter
+++ b/examples/ota-provider-app/ota-provider-common/ota-provider-app.matter
@@ -208,18 +208,18 @@ bitmap TestGlobalBitmap : bitmap32 {
   kSecondBit = 0x2;
-struct LocationDescriptorStruct {
-  char_string<128> locationName = 0;
-  nullable int16s floorNumber = 1;
-  nullable AreaTypeTag areaType = 2;
 struct TestGlobalStruct {
   char_string<128> name = 0;
   nullable TestGlobalBitmap myBitmap = 1;
   optional nullable TestGlobalEnum myEnum = 2;
+struct LocationDescriptorStruct {
+  char_string<128> locationName = 0;
+  nullable int16s floorNumber = 1;
+  nullable AreaTypeTag areaType = 2;
 /** The Descriptor Cluster is meant to replace the support from the Zigbee Device Object (ZDO) for describing a node, its endpoints and clusters. */
 cluster Descriptor = 29 {
   revision 2;
diff --git a/examples/ota-requestor-app/ota-requestor-common/ota-requestor-app.matter b/examples/ota-requestor-app/ota-requestor-common/ota-requestor-app.matter
index 4d46808ccc9756..eb1703c55b85b1 100644
--- a/examples/ota-requestor-app/ota-requestor-common/ota-requestor-app.matter
+++ b/examples/ota-requestor-app/ota-requestor-common/ota-requestor-app.matter
@@ -208,18 +208,18 @@ bitmap TestGlobalBitmap : bitmap32 {
   kSecondBit = 0x2;
-struct LocationDescriptorStruct {
-  char_string<128> locationName = 0;
-  nullable int16s floorNumber = 1;
-  nullable AreaTypeTag areaType = 2;
 struct TestGlobalStruct {
   char_string<128> name = 0;
   nullable TestGlobalBitmap myBitmap = 1;
   optional nullable TestGlobalEnum myEnum = 2;
+struct LocationDescriptorStruct {
+  char_string<128> locationName = 0;
+  nullable int16s floorNumber = 1;
+  nullable AreaTypeTag areaType = 2;
 /** Attributes and commands for putting a device into Identification mode (e.g. flashing a light). */
 cluster Identify = 3 {
   revision 4;
diff --git a/examples/placeholder/linux/apps/app1/config.matter b/examples/placeholder/linux/apps/app1/config.matter
index 0592ef4e90ff49..44c2750954c902 100644
--- a/examples/placeholder/linux/apps/app1/config.matter
+++ b/examples/placeholder/linux/apps/app1/config.matter
@@ -208,18 +208,18 @@ bitmap TestGlobalBitmap : bitmap32 {
   kSecondBit = 0x2;
-struct LocationDescriptorStruct {
-  char_string<128> locationName = 0;
-  nullable int16s floorNumber = 1;
-  nullable AreaTypeTag areaType = 2;
 struct TestGlobalStruct {
   char_string<128> name = 0;
   nullable TestGlobalBitmap myBitmap = 1;
   optional nullable TestGlobalEnum myEnum = 2;
+struct LocationDescriptorStruct {
+  char_string<128> locationName = 0;
+  nullable int16s floorNumber = 1;
+  nullable AreaTypeTag areaType = 2;
 /** Attributes and commands for putting a device into Identification mode (e.g. flashing a light). */
 cluster Identify = 3 {
   revision 4;
diff --git a/examples/placeholder/linux/apps/app2/config.matter b/examples/placeholder/linux/apps/app2/config.matter
index 807c80a0099157..2d1d39836a51c7 100644
--- a/examples/placeholder/linux/apps/app2/config.matter
+++ b/examples/placeholder/linux/apps/app2/config.matter
@@ -208,18 +208,18 @@ bitmap TestGlobalBitmap : bitmap32 {
   kSecondBit = 0x2;
-struct LocationDescriptorStruct {
-  char_string<128> locationName = 0;
-  nullable int16s floorNumber = 1;
-  nullable AreaTypeTag areaType = 2;
 struct TestGlobalStruct {
   char_string<128> name = 0;
   nullable TestGlobalBitmap myBitmap = 1;
   optional nullable TestGlobalEnum myEnum = 2;
+struct LocationDescriptorStruct {
+  char_string<128> locationName = 0;
+  nullable int16s floorNumber = 1;
+  nullable AreaTypeTag areaType = 2;
 /** Attributes and commands for putting a device into Identification mode (e.g. flashing a light). */
 cluster Identify = 3 {
   revision 4;
diff --git a/examples/pump-app/pump-common/pump-app.matter b/examples/pump-app/pump-common/pump-app.matter
index d6a3bd98a27dcb..172582ef4d1234 100644
--- a/examples/pump-app/pump-common/pump-app.matter
+++ b/examples/pump-app/pump-common/pump-app.matter
@@ -208,18 +208,18 @@ bitmap TestGlobalBitmap : bitmap32 {
   kSecondBit = 0x2;
-struct LocationDescriptorStruct {
-  char_string<128> locationName = 0;
-  nullable int16s floorNumber = 1;
-  nullable AreaTypeTag areaType = 2;
 struct TestGlobalStruct {
   char_string<128> name = 0;
   nullable TestGlobalBitmap myBitmap = 1;
   optional nullable TestGlobalEnum myEnum = 2;
+struct LocationDescriptorStruct {
+  char_string<128> locationName = 0;
+  nullable int16s floorNumber = 1;
+  nullable AreaTypeTag areaType = 2;
 /** Attributes and commands for putting a device into Identification mode (e.g. flashing a light). */
 cluster Identify = 3 {
   revision 4;
diff --git a/examples/pump-app/silabs/data_model/pump-thread-app.matter b/examples/pump-app/silabs/data_model/pump-thread-app.matter
index d933e5fed1bca3..dae1ee04e0f3ac 100644
--- a/examples/pump-app/silabs/data_model/pump-thread-app.matter
+++ b/examples/pump-app/silabs/data_model/pump-thread-app.matter
@@ -208,18 +208,18 @@ bitmap TestGlobalBitmap : bitmap32 {
   kSecondBit = 0x2;
-struct LocationDescriptorStruct {
-  char_string<128> locationName = 0;
-  nullable int16s floorNumber = 1;
-  nullable AreaTypeTag areaType = 2;
 struct TestGlobalStruct {
   char_string<128> name = 0;
   nullable TestGlobalBitmap myBitmap = 1;
   optional nullable TestGlobalEnum myEnum = 2;
+struct LocationDescriptorStruct {
+  char_string<128> locationName = 0;
+  nullable int16s floorNumber = 1;
+  nullable AreaTypeTag areaType = 2;
 /** Attributes and commands for putting a device into Identification mode (e.g. flashing a light). */
 cluster Identify = 3 {
   revision 4;
diff --git a/examples/pump-app/silabs/data_model/pump-wifi-app.matter b/examples/pump-app/silabs/data_model/pump-wifi-app.matter
index d933e5fed1bca3..dae1ee04e0f3ac 100644
--- a/examples/pump-app/silabs/data_model/pump-wifi-app.matter
+++ b/examples/pump-app/silabs/data_model/pump-wifi-app.matter
@@ -208,18 +208,18 @@ bitmap TestGlobalBitmap : bitmap32 {
   kSecondBit = 0x2;
-struct LocationDescriptorStruct {
-  char_string<128> locationName = 0;
-  nullable int16s floorNumber = 1;
-  nullable AreaTypeTag areaType = 2;
 struct TestGlobalStruct {
   char_string<128> name = 0;
   nullable TestGlobalBitmap myBitmap = 1;
   optional nullable TestGlobalEnum myEnum = 2;
+struct LocationDescriptorStruct {
+  char_string<128> locationName = 0;
+  nullable int16s floorNumber = 1;
+  nullable AreaTypeTag areaType = 2;
 /** Attributes and commands for putting a device into Identification mode (e.g. flashing a light). */
 cluster Identify = 3 {
   revision 4;
diff --git a/examples/pump-controller-app/pump-controller-common/pump-controller-app.matter b/examples/pump-controller-app/pump-controller-common/pump-controller-app.matter
index b65fb7a3151a26..8f5ae594b044f4 100644
--- a/examples/pump-controller-app/pump-controller-common/pump-controller-app.matter
+++ b/examples/pump-controller-app/pump-controller-common/pump-controller-app.matter
@@ -208,18 +208,18 @@ bitmap TestGlobalBitmap : bitmap32 {
   kSecondBit = 0x2;
-struct LocationDescriptorStruct {
-  char_string<128> locationName = 0;
-  nullable int16s floorNumber = 1;
-  nullable AreaTypeTag areaType = 2;
 struct TestGlobalStruct {
   char_string<128> name = 0;
   nullable TestGlobalBitmap myBitmap = 1;
   optional nullable TestGlobalEnum myEnum = 2;
+struct LocationDescriptorStruct {
+  char_string<128> locationName = 0;
+  nullable int16s floorNumber = 1;
+  nullable AreaTypeTag areaType = 2;
 /** Attributes and commands for putting a device into Identification mode (e.g. flashing a light). */
 cluster Identify = 3 {
   revision 4;
diff --git a/examples/refrigerator-app/refrigerator-common/refrigerator-app.matter b/examples/refrigerator-app/refrigerator-common/refrigerator-app.matter
index 3b6ed201671901..3208239c974fa1 100644
--- a/examples/refrigerator-app/refrigerator-common/refrigerator-app.matter
+++ b/examples/refrigerator-app/refrigerator-common/refrigerator-app.matter
@@ -208,18 +208,18 @@ bitmap TestGlobalBitmap : bitmap32 {
   kSecondBit = 0x2;
-struct LocationDescriptorStruct {
-  char_string<128> locationName = 0;
-  nullable int16s floorNumber = 1;
-  nullable AreaTypeTag areaType = 2;
 struct TestGlobalStruct {
   char_string<128> name = 0;
   nullable TestGlobalBitmap myBitmap = 1;
   optional nullable TestGlobalEnum myEnum = 2;
+struct LocationDescriptorStruct {
+  char_string<128> locationName = 0;
+  nullable int16s floorNumber = 1;
+  nullable AreaTypeTag areaType = 2;
 /** The Descriptor Cluster is meant to replace the support from the Zigbee Device Object (ZDO) for describing a node, its endpoints and clusters. */
 cluster Descriptor = 29 {
   revision 2;
diff --git a/examples/rvc-app/rvc-common/rvc-app.matter b/examples/rvc-app/rvc-common/rvc-app.matter
index d9d8e8de5b84cb..7983c155e279e6 100644
--- a/examples/rvc-app/rvc-common/rvc-app.matter
+++ b/examples/rvc-app/rvc-common/rvc-app.matter
@@ -208,18 +208,18 @@ bitmap TestGlobalBitmap : bitmap32 {
   kSecondBit = 0x2;
-struct LocationDescriptorStruct {
-  char_string<128> locationName = 0;
-  nullable int16s floorNumber = 1;
-  nullable AreaTypeTag areaType = 2;
 struct TestGlobalStruct {
   char_string<128> name = 0;
   nullable TestGlobalBitmap myBitmap = 1;
   optional nullable TestGlobalEnum myEnum = 2;
+struct LocationDescriptorStruct {
+  char_string<128> locationName = 0;
+  nullable int16s floorNumber = 1;
+  nullable AreaTypeTag areaType = 2;
 /** Attributes and commands for putting a device into Identification mode (e.g. flashing a light). */
 cluster Identify = 3 {
   revision 4;
diff --git a/examples/smoke-co-alarm-app/smoke-co-alarm-common/smoke-co-alarm-app.matter b/examples/smoke-co-alarm-app/smoke-co-alarm-common/smoke-co-alarm-app.matter
index cc9ddb1cce00cb..cb192d1fa9ff1c 100644
--- a/examples/smoke-co-alarm-app/smoke-co-alarm-common/smoke-co-alarm-app.matter
+++ b/examples/smoke-co-alarm-app/smoke-co-alarm-common/smoke-co-alarm-app.matter
@@ -208,18 +208,18 @@ bitmap TestGlobalBitmap : bitmap32 {
   kSecondBit = 0x2;
-struct LocationDescriptorStruct {
-  char_string<128> locationName = 0;
-  nullable int16s floorNumber = 1;
-  nullable AreaTypeTag areaType = 2;
 struct TestGlobalStruct {
   char_string<128> name = 0;
   nullable TestGlobalBitmap myBitmap = 1;
   optional nullable TestGlobalEnum myEnum = 2;
+struct LocationDescriptorStruct {
+  char_string<128> locationName = 0;
+  nullable int16s floorNumber = 1;
+  nullable AreaTypeTag areaType = 2;
 /** Attributes and commands for putting a device into Identification mode (e.g. flashing a light). */
 cluster Identify = 3 {
   revision 4;
diff --git a/examples/temperature-measurement-app/temperature-measurement-common/temperature-measurement.matter b/examples/temperature-measurement-app/temperature-measurement-common/temperature-measurement.matter
index 409b11d68bcd9c..c755a48de0f189 100644
--- a/examples/temperature-measurement-app/temperature-measurement-common/temperature-measurement.matter
+++ b/examples/temperature-measurement-app/temperature-measurement-common/temperature-measurement.matter
@@ -208,18 +208,18 @@ bitmap TestGlobalBitmap : bitmap32 {
   kSecondBit = 0x2;
-struct LocationDescriptorStruct {
-  char_string<128> locationName = 0;
-  nullable int16s floorNumber = 1;
-  nullable AreaTypeTag areaType = 2;
 struct TestGlobalStruct {
   char_string<128> name = 0;
   nullable TestGlobalBitmap myBitmap = 1;
   optional nullable TestGlobalEnum myEnum = 2;
+struct LocationDescriptorStruct {
+  char_string<128> locationName = 0;
+  nullable int16s floorNumber = 1;
+  nullable AreaTypeTag areaType = 2;
 /** The Descriptor Cluster is meant to replace the support from the Zigbee Device Object (ZDO) for describing a node, its endpoints and clusters. */
 cluster Descriptor = 29 {
   revision 2;
diff --git a/examples/thermostat/nxp/zap/thermostat_matter_thread.matter b/examples/thermostat/nxp/zap/thermostat_matter_thread.matter
index 1a3c1a76fa99ee..7b115dff3c7889 100644
--- a/examples/thermostat/nxp/zap/thermostat_matter_thread.matter
+++ b/examples/thermostat/nxp/zap/thermostat_matter_thread.matter
@@ -208,18 +208,18 @@ bitmap TestGlobalBitmap : bitmap32 {
   kSecondBit = 0x2;
-struct LocationDescriptorStruct {
-  char_string<128> locationName = 0;
-  nullable int16s floorNumber = 1;
-  nullable AreaTypeTag areaType = 2;
 struct TestGlobalStruct {
   char_string<128> name = 0;
   nullable TestGlobalBitmap myBitmap = 1;
   optional nullable TestGlobalEnum myEnum = 2;
+struct LocationDescriptorStruct {
+  char_string<128> locationName = 0;
+  nullable int16s floorNumber = 1;
+  nullable AreaTypeTag areaType = 2;
 /** Attributes and commands for putting a device into Identification mode (e.g. flashing a light). */
 cluster Identify = 3 {
   revision 4;
diff --git a/examples/thermostat/nxp/zap/thermostat_matter_wifi.matter b/examples/thermostat/nxp/zap/thermostat_matter_wifi.matter
index 1c787b7cc99803..2c4aaa2b37cd0a 100644
--- a/examples/thermostat/nxp/zap/thermostat_matter_wifi.matter
+++ b/examples/thermostat/nxp/zap/thermostat_matter_wifi.matter
@@ -208,18 +208,18 @@ bitmap TestGlobalBitmap : bitmap32 {
   kSecondBit = 0x2;
-struct LocationDescriptorStruct {
-  char_string<128> locationName = 0;
-  nullable int16s floorNumber = 1;
-  nullable AreaTypeTag areaType = 2;
 struct TestGlobalStruct {
   char_string<128> name = 0;
   nullable TestGlobalBitmap myBitmap = 1;
   optional nullable TestGlobalEnum myEnum = 2;
+struct LocationDescriptorStruct {
+  char_string<128> locationName = 0;
+  nullable int16s floorNumber = 1;
+  nullable AreaTypeTag areaType = 2;
 /** Attributes and commands for putting a device into Identification mode (e.g. flashing a light). */
 cluster Identify = 3 {
   revision 4;
diff --git a/examples/thermostat/qpg/zap/thermostaticRadiatorValve.matter b/examples/thermostat/qpg/zap/thermostaticRadiatorValve.matter
index ad0b9a109cad4f..9b7760d25744d2 100644
--- a/examples/thermostat/qpg/zap/thermostaticRadiatorValve.matter
+++ b/examples/thermostat/qpg/zap/thermostaticRadiatorValve.matter
@@ -208,18 +208,18 @@ bitmap TestGlobalBitmap : bitmap32 {
   kSecondBit = 0x2;
-struct LocationDescriptorStruct {
-  char_string<128> locationName = 0;
-  nullable int16s floorNumber = 1;
-  nullable AreaTypeTag areaType = 2;
 struct TestGlobalStruct {
   char_string<128> name = 0;
   nullable TestGlobalBitmap myBitmap = 1;
   optional nullable TestGlobalEnum myEnum = 2;
+struct LocationDescriptorStruct {
+  char_string<128> locationName = 0;
+  nullable int16s floorNumber = 1;
+  nullable AreaTypeTag areaType = 2;
 /** Attributes and commands for putting a device into Identification mode (e.g. flashing a light). */
 cluster Identify = 3 {
   revision 4;
diff --git a/examples/thermostat/thermostat-common/thermostat.matter b/examples/thermostat/thermostat-common/thermostat.matter
index abf0b4419ec713..1b8698f61b894b 100644
--- a/examples/thermostat/thermostat-common/thermostat.matter
+++ b/examples/thermostat/thermostat-common/thermostat.matter
@@ -208,18 +208,18 @@ bitmap TestGlobalBitmap : bitmap32 {
   kSecondBit = 0x2;
-struct LocationDescriptorStruct {
-  char_string<128> locationName = 0;
-  nullable int16s floorNumber = 1;
-  nullable AreaTypeTag areaType = 2;
 struct TestGlobalStruct {
   char_string<128> name = 0;
   nullable TestGlobalBitmap myBitmap = 1;
   optional nullable TestGlobalEnum myEnum = 2;
+struct LocationDescriptorStruct {
+  char_string<128> locationName = 0;
+  nullable int16s floorNumber = 1;
+  nullable AreaTypeTag areaType = 2;
 /** Attributes and commands for putting a device into Identification mode (e.g. flashing a light). */
 cluster Identify = 3 {
   revision 4;
diff --git a/examples/tv-app/tv-common/tv-app.matter b/examples/tv-app/tv-common/tv-app.matter
index 71f8dd019590ad..02ef8118fa74df 100644
--- a/examples/tv-app/tv-common/tv-app.matter
+++ b/examples/tv-app/tv-common/tv-app.matter
@@ -208,18 +208,18 @@ bitmap TestGlobalBitmap : bitmap32 {
   kSecondBit = 0x2;
-struct LocationDescriptorStruct {
-  char_string<128> locationName = 0;
-  nullable int16s floorNumber = 1;
-  nullable AreaTypeTag areaType = 2;
 struct TestGlobalStruct {
   char_string<128> name = 0;
   nullable TestGlobalBitmap myBitmap = 1;
   optional nullable TestGlobalEnum myEnum = 2;
+struct LocationDescriptorStruct {
+  char_string<128> locationName = 0;
+  nullable int16s floorNumber = 1;
+  nullable AreaTypeTag areaType = 2;
 /** Attributes and commands for switching devices between 'On' and 'Off' states. */
 cluster OnOff = 6 {
   revision 6;
diff --git a/examples/tv-casting-app/tv-casting-common/tv-casting-app.matter b/examples/tv-casting-app/tv-casting-common/tv-casting-app.matter
index bae4ecfd37ea49..0f42ef74d2fb94 100644
--- a/examples/tv-casting-app/tv-casting-common/tv-casting-app.matter
+++ b/examples/tv-casting-app/tv-casting-common/tv-casting-app.matter
@@ -208,18 +208,18 @@ bitmap TestGlobalBitmap : bitmap32 {
   kSecondBit = 0x2;
-struct LocationDescriptorStruct {
-  char_string<128> locationName = 0;
-  nullable int16s floorNumber = 1;
-  nullable AreaTypeTag areaType = 2;
 struct TestGlobalStruct {
   char_string<128> name = 0;
   nullable TestGlobalBitmap myBitmap = 1;
   optional nullable TestGlobalEnum myEnum = 2;
+struct LocationDescriptorStruct {
+  char_string<128> locationName = 0;
+  nullable int16s floorNumber = 1;
+  nullable AreaTypeTag areaType = 2;
 /** Attributes and commands for putting a device into Identification mode (e.g. flashing a light). */
 cluster Identify = 3 {
   revision 4;
diff --git a/examples/virtual-device-app/virtual-device-common/virtual-device-app.matter b/examples/virtual-device-app/virtual-device-common/virtual-device-app.matter
index fc651825cce654..7cc780ba68436e 100644
--- a/examples/virtual-device-app/virtual-device-common/virtual-device-app.matter
+++ b/examples/virtual-device-app/virtual-device-common/virtual-device-app.matter
@@ -208,18 +208,18 @@ bitmap TestGlobalBitmap : bitmap32 {
   kSecondBit = 0x2;
-struct LocationDescriptorStruct {
-  char_string<128> locationName = 0;
-  nullable int16s floorNumber = 1;
-  nullable AreaTypeTag areaType = 2;
 struct TestGlobalStruct {
   char_string<128> name = 0;
   nullable TestGlobalBitmap myBitmap = 1;
   optional nullable TestGlobalEnum myEnum = 2;
+struct LocationDescriptorStruct {
+  char_string<128> locationName = 0;
+  nullable int16s floorNumber = 1;
+  nullable AreaTypeTag areaType = 2;
 /** Attributes and commands for putting a device into Identification mode (e.g. flashing a light). */
 cluster Identify = 3 {
   revision 4;
diff --git a/examples/window-app/common/window-app.matter b/examples/window-app/common/window-app.matter
index 7037e2ed4540e8..446a3fb3f64e80 100644
--- a/examples/window-app/common/window-app.matter
+++ b/examples/window-app/common/window-app.matter
@@ -208,18 +208,18 @@ bitmap TestGlobalBitmap : bitmap32 {
   kSecondBit = 0x2;
-struct LocationDescriptorStruct {
-  char_string<128> locationName = 0;
-  nullable int16s floorNumber = 1;
-  nullable AreaTypeTag areaType = 2;
 struct TestGlobalStruct {
   char_string<128> name = 0;
   nullable TestGlobalBitmap myBitmap = 1;
   optional nullable TestGlobalEnum myEnum = 2;
+struct LocationDescriptorStruct {
+  char_string<128> locationName = 0;
+  nullable int16s floorNumber = 1;
+  nullable AreaTypeTag areaType = 2;
 /** Attributes and commands for putting a device into Identification mode (e.g. flashing a light). */
 cluster Identify = 3 {
   revision 4;
diff --git a/src/controller/data_model/controller-clusters.matter b/src/controller/data_model/controller-clusters.matter
index ffab2591e4535b..ff08efc760aaea 100644
--- a/src/controller/data_model/controller-clusters.matter
+++ b/src/controller/data_model/controller-clusters.matter
@@ -208,18 +208,18 @@ bitmap TestGlobalBitmap : bitmap32 {
   kSecondBit = 0x2;
-struct LocationDescriptorStruct {
-  char_string<128> locationName = 0;
-  nullable int16s floorNumber = 1;
-  nullable AreaTypeTag areaType = 2;
 struct TestGlobalStruct {
   char_string<128> name = 0;
   nullable TestGlobalBitmap myBitmap = 1;
   optional nullable TestGlobalEnum myEnum = 2;
+struct LocationDescriptorStruct {
+  char_string<128> locationName = 0;
+  nullable int16s floorNumber = 1;
+  nullable AreaTypeTag areaType = 2;
 /** Attributes and commands for putting a device into Identification mode (e.g. flashing a light). */
 cluster Identify = 3 {
   revision 4;
diff --git a/src/controller/python/chip/clusters/ b/src/controller/python/chip/clusters/
index a704f3dfed71ce..72364de4be6410 100644
--- a/src/controller/python/chip/clusters/
+++ b/src/controller/python/chip/clusters/
@@ -267,34 +267,34 @@ class TestGlobalBitmap(IntFlag):
     class Structs:
-        class LocationDescriptorStruct(ClusterObject):
+        class TestGlobalStruct(ClusterObject):
             def descriptor(cls) -> ClusterObjectDescriptor:
                 return ClusterObjectDescriptor(
-                        ClusterObjectFieldDescriptor(Label="locationName", Tag=0, Type=str),
-                        ClusterObjectFieldDescriptor(Label="floorNumber", Tag=1, Type=typing.Union[Nullable, int]),
-                        ClusterObjectFieldDescriptor(Label="areaType", Tag=2, Type=typing.Union[Nullable, Globals.Enums.AreaTypeTag]),
+                        ClusterObjectFieldDescriptor(Label="name", Tag=0, Type=str),
+                        ClusterObjectFieldDescriptor(Label="myBitmap", Tag=1, Type=typing.Union[Nullable, uint]),
+                        ClusterObjectFieldDescriptor(Label="myEnum", Tag=2, Type=typing.Union[None, Nullable, Globals.Enums.TestGlobalEnum]),
-            locationName: 'str' = ""
-            floorNumber: 'typing.Union[Nullable, int]' = NullValue
-            areaType: 'typing.Union[Nullable, Globals.Enums.AreaTypeTag]' = NullValue
+            name: 'str' = ""
+            myBitmap: 'typing.Union[Nullable, uint]' = NullValue
+            myEnum: 'typing.Union[None, Nullable, Globals.Enums.TestGlobalEnum]' = None
-        class TestGlobalStruct(ClusterObject):
+        class LocationDescriptorStruct(ClusterObject):
             def descriptor(cls) -> ClusterObjectDescriptor:
                 return ClusterObjectDescriptor(
-                        ClusterObjectFieldDescriptor(Label="name", Tag=0, Type=str),
-                        ClusterObjectFieldDescriptor(Label="myBitmap", Tag=1, Type=typing.Union[Nullable, uint]),
-                        ClusterObjectFieldDescriptor(Label="myEnum", Tag=2, Type=typing.Union[None, Nullable, Globals.Enums.TestGlobalEnum]),
+                        ClusterObjectFieldDescriptor(Label="locationName", Tag=0, Type=str),
+                        ClusterObjectFieldDescriptor(Label="floorNumber", Tag=1, Type=typing.Union[Nullable, int]),
+                        ClusterObjectFieldDescriptor(Label="areaType", Tag=2, Type=typing.Union[Nullable, Globals.Enums.AreaTypeTag]),
-            name: 'str' = ""
-            myBitmap: 'typing.Union[Nullable, uint]' = NullValue
-            myEnum: 'typing.Union[None, Nullable, Globals.Enums.TestGlobalEnum]' = None
+            locationName: 'str' = ""
+            floorNumber: 'typing.Union[Nullable, int]' = NullValue
+            areaType: 'typing.Union[Nullable, Globals.Enums.AreaTypeTag]' = NullValue
diff --git a/src/darwin/Framework/CHIP/zap-generated/MTRStructsObjc.h b/src/darwin/Framework/CHIP/zap-generated/MTRStructsObjc.h
index 5048d66d7c018f..27d774ef5cc31d 100644
--- a/src/darwin/Framework/CHIP/zap-generated/MTRStructsObjc.h
+++ b/src/darwin/Framework/CHIP/zap-generated/MTRStructsObjc.h
@@ -19,13 +19,6 @@
-@interface MTRDataTypeLocationDescriptorStruct : NSObject <NSCopying>
-@property (nonatomic, copy) NSString * _Nonnull locationName MTR_PROVISIONALLY_AVAILABLE;
-@property (nonatomic, copy) NSNumber * _Nullable floorNumber MTR_PROVISIONALLY_AVAILABLE;
-@property (nonatomic, copy) NSNumber * _Nullable areaType MTR_PROVISIONALLY_AVAILABLE;
 @interface MTRDataTypeTestGlobalStruct : NSObject <NSCopying>
 @property (nonatomic, copy) NSString * _Nonnull name MTR_PROVISIONALLY_AVAILABLE;
 @property (nonatomic, copy) NSNumber * _Nullable myEnum MTR_PROVISIONALLY_AVAILABLE;
+@interface MTRDataTypeLocationDescriptorStruct : NSObject <NSCopying>
+@property (nonatomic, copy) NSString * _Nonnull locationName MTR_PROVISIONALLY_AVAILABLE;
+@property (nonatomic, copy) NSNumber * _Nullable floorNumber MTR_PROVISIONALLY_AVAILABLE;
+@property (nonatomic, copy) NSNumber * _Nullable areaType MTR_PROVISIONALLY_AVAILABLE;
 MTR_AVAILABLE(ios(16.2), macos(13.1), watchos(9.2), tvos(16.2))
 @interface MTRDescriptorClusterDeviceTypeStruct : NSObject <NSCopying>
 @property (nonatomic, copy) NSNumber * _Nonnull deviceType MTR_AVAILABLE(ios(16.4), macos(13.3), watchos(9.4), tvos(16.4));
diff --git a/src/darwin/Framework/CHIP/zap-generated/ b/src/darwin/Framework/CHIP/zap-generated/
index 95ff780c845f16..5821b104376d5a 100644
--- a/src/darwin/Framework/CHIP/zap-generated/
+++ b/src/darwin/Framework/CHIP/zap-generated/
@@ -19,67 +19,67 @@
-@implementation MTRDataTypeLocationDescriptorStruct
+@implementation MTRDataTypeTestGlobalStruct
 - (instancetype)init
     if (self = [super init]) {
-        _locationName = @"";
+        _name = @"";
-        _floorNumber = nil;
+        _myBitmap = nil;
-        _areaType = nil;
+        _myEnum = nil;
     return self;
 - (id)copyWithZone:(NSZone * _Nullable)zone
-    auto other = [[MTRDataTypeLocationDescriptorStruct alloc] init];
+    auto other = [[MTRDataTypeTestGlobalStruct alloc] init];
-    other.locationName = self.locationName;
-    other.floorNumber = self.floorNumber;
-    other.areaType = self.areaType;
+ =;
+    other.myBitmap = self.myBitmap;
+    other.myEnum = self.myEnum;
     return other;
 - (NSString *)description
-    NSString * descriptionString = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"<%@: locationName:%@; floorNumber:%@; areaType:%@; >", NSStringFromClass([self class]), _locationName, _floorNumber, _areaType];
+    NSString * descriptionString = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"<%@: name:%@; myBitmap:%@; myEnum:%@; >", NSStringFromClass([self class]), _name, _myBitmap, _myEnum];
     return descriptionString;
-@implementation MTRDataTypeTestGlobalStruct
+@implementation MTRDataTypeLocationDescriptorStruct
 - (instancetype)init
     if (self = [super init]) {
-        _name = @"";
+        _locationName = @"";
-        _myBitmap = nil;
+        _floorNumber = nil;
-        _myEnum = nil;
+        _areaType = nil;
     return self;
 - (id)copyWithZone:(NSZone * _Nullable)zone
-    auto other = [[MTRDataTypeTestGlobalStruct alloc] init];
+    auto other = [[MTRDataTypeLocationDescriptorStruct alloc] init];
- =;
-    other.myBitmap = self.myBitmap;
-    other.myEnum = self.myEnum;
+    other.locationName = self.locationName;
+    other.floorNumber = self.floorNumber;
+    other.areaType = self.areaType;
     return other;
 - (NSString *)description
-    NSString * descriptionString = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"<%@: name:%@; myBitmap:%@; myEnum:%@; >", NSStringFromClass([self class]), _name, _myBitmap, _myEnum];
+    NSString * descriptionString = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"<%@: locationName:%@; floorNumber:%@; areaType:%@; >", NSStringFromClass([self class]), _locationName, _floorNumber, _areaType];
     return descriptionString;
diff --git a/zzz_generated/app-common/app-common/zap-generated/cluster-objects.cpp b/zzz_generated/app-common/app-common/zap-generated/cluster-objects.cpp
index 2f3b87c141fca5..916d5ed27457ab 100644
--- a/zzz_generated/app-common/app-common/zap-generated/cluster-objects.cpp
+++ b/zzz_generated/app-common/app-common/zap-generated/cluster-objects.cpp
@@ -510,13 +510,13 @@ namespace Globals {
 // Global structs
 namespace Structs {
-namespace LocationDescriptorStruct {
+namespace TestGlobalStruct {
 CHIP_ERROR Type::Encode(TLV::TLVWriter & aWriter, TLV::Tag aTag) const
     DataModel::WrappedStructEncoder encoder{ aWriter, aTag };
-    encoder.Encode(to_underlying(Fields::kLocationName), locationName);
-    encoder.Encode(to_underlying(Fields::kFloorNumber), floorNumber);
-    encoder.Encode(to_underlying(Fields::kAreaType), areaType);
+    encoder.Encode(to_underlying(Fields::kName), name);
+    encoder.Encode(to_underlying(Fields::kMyBitmap), myBitmap);
+    encoder.Encode(to_underlying(Fields::kMyEnum), myEnum);
     return encoder.Finalize();
@@ -534,17 +534,17 @@ CHIP_ERROR DecodableType::Decode(TLV::TLVReader & reader)
         CHIP_ERROR err              = CHIP_NO_ERROR;
         const uint8_t __context_tag = std::get<uint8_t>(__element);
-        if (__context_tag == to_underlying(Fields::kLocationName))
+        if (__context_tag == to_underlying(Fields::kName))
-            err = DataModel::Decode(reader, locationName);
+            err = DataModel::Decode(reader, name);
-        else if (__context_tag == to_underlying(Fields::kFloorNumber))
+        else if (__context_tag == to_underlying(Fields::kMyBitmap))
-            err = DataModel::Decode(reader, floorNumber);
+            err = DataModel::Decode(reader, myBitmap);
-        else if (__context_tag == to_underlying(Fields::kAreaType))
+        else if (__context_tag == to_underlying(Fields::kMyEnum))
-            err = DataModel::Decode(reader, areaType);
+            err = DataModel::Decode(reader, myEnum);
@@ -554,15 +554,15 @@ CHIP_ERROR DecodableType::Decode(TLV::TLVReader & reader)
-} // namespace LocationDescriptorStruct
+} // namespace TestGlobalStruct
-namespace TestGlobalStruct {
+namespace LocationDescriptorStruct {
 CHIP_ERROR Type::Encode(TLV::TLVWriter & aWriter, TLV::Tag aTag) const
     DataModel::WrappedStructEncoder encoder{ aWriter, aTag };
-    encoder.Encode(to_underlying(Fields::kName), name);
-    encoder.Encode(to_underlying(Fields::kMyBitmap), myBitmap);
-    encoder.Encode(to_underlying(Fields::kMyEnum), myEnum);
+    encoder.Encode(to_underlying(Fields::kLocationName), locationName);
+    encoder.Encode(to_underlying(Fields::kFloorNumber), floorNumber);
+    encoder.Encode(to_underlying(Fields::kAreaType), areaType);
     return encoder.Finalize();
@@ -580,17 +580,17 @@ CHIP_ERROR DecodableType::Decode(TLV::TLVReader & reader)
         CHIP_ERROR err              = CHIP_NO_ERROR;
         const uint8_t __context_tag = std::get<uint8_t>(__element);
-        if (__context_tag == to_underlying(Fields::kName))
+        if (__context_tag == to_underlying(Fields::kLocationName))
-            err = DataModel::Decode(reader, name);
+            err = DataModel::Decode(reader, locationName);
-        else if (__context_tag == to_underlying(Fields::kMyBitmap))
+        else if (__context_tag == to_underlying(Fields::kFloorNumber))
-            err = DataModel::Decode(reader, myBitmap);
+            err = DataModel::Decode(reader, floorNumber);
-        else if (__context_tag == to_underlying(Fields::kMyEnum))
+        else if (__context_tag == to_underlying(Fields::kAreaType))
-            err = DataModel::Decode(reader, myEnum);
+            err = DataModel::Decode(reader, areaType);
@@ -600,7 +600,7 @@ CHIP_ERROR DecodableType::Decode(TLV::TLVReader & reader)
-} // namespace TestGlobalStruct
+} // namespace LocationDescriptorStruct
 } // namespace Structs
 } // namespace Globals
diff --git a/zzz_generated/app-common/app-common/zap-generated/cluster-objects.h b/zzz_generated/app-common/app-common/zap-generated/cluster-objects.h
index 42d63efb5db8db..a32e7aed4a13de 100644
--- a/zzz_generated/app-common/app-common/zap-generated/cluster-objects.h
+++ b/zzz_generated/app-common/app-common/zap-generated/cluster-objects.h
@@ -298,20 +298,20 @@ namespace Globals {
 // Global structs.
 namespace Structs {
-namespace LocationDescriptorStruct {
+namespace TestGlobalStruct {
 enum class Fields : uint8_t
-    kLocationName = 0,
-    kFloorNumber  = 1,
-    kAreaType     = 2,
+    kName     = 0,
+    kMyBitmap = 1,
+    kMyEnum   = 2,
 struct Type
-    chip::CharSpan locationName;
-    DataModel::Nullable<int16_t> floorNumber;
-    DataModel::Nullable<Globals::AreaTypeTag> areaType;
+    chip::CharSpan name;
+    DataModel::Nullable<chip::BitMask<Globals::TestGlobalBitmap>> myBitmap;
+    Optional<DataModel::Nullable<Globals::TestGlobalEnum>> myEnum;
     CHIP_ERROR Decode(TLV::TLVReader & reader);
@@ -322,22 +322,22 @@ struct Type
 using DecodableType = Type;
-} // namespace LocationDescriptorStruct
+} // namespace TestGlobalStruct
-namespace TestGlobalStruct {
+namespace LocationDescriptorStruct {
 enum class Fields : uint8_t
-    kName     = 0,
-    kMyBitmap = 1,
-    kMyEnum   = 2,
+    kLocationName = 0,
+    kFloorNumber  = 1,
+    kAreaType     = 2,
 struct Type
-    chip::CharSpan name;
-    DataModel::Nullable<chip::BitMask<Globals::TestGlobalBitmap>> myBitmap;
-    Optional<DataModel::Nullable<Globals::TestGlobalEnum>> myEnum;
+    chip::CharSpan locationName;
+    DataModel::Nullable<int16_t> floorNumber;
+    DataModel::Nullable<Globals::AreaTypeTag> areaType;
     CHIP_ERROR Decode(TLV::TLVReader & reader);
@@ -348,7 +348,7 @@ struct Type
 using DecodableType = Type;
-} // namespace TestGlobalStruct
+} // namespace LocationDescriptorStruct
 } // namespace Structs

From b3abfbd6e6a38d52e39a03b6d51d95ca39604052 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: William Hicklin <>
Date: Fri, 2 Aug 2024 09:58:55 +0100
Subject: [PATCH 26/28] Removed unused generated file.

 .../ServiceAreaClusterLocationStruct.kt       | 75 -------------------
 1 file changed, 75 deletions(-)
 delete mode 100644 src/controller/java/generated/java/matter/controller/cluster/structs/ServiceAreaClusterLocationStruct.kt

diff --git a/src/controller/java/generated/java/matter/controller/cluster/structs/ServiceAreaClusterLocationStruct.kt b/src/controller/java/generated/java/matter/controller/cluster/structs/ServiceAreaClusterLocationStruct.kt
deleted file mode 100644
index 9ea104f0e24f15..00000000000000
--- a/src/controller/java/generated/java/matter/controller/cluster/structs/ServiceAreaClusterLocationStruct.kt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,75 +0,0 @@
- *
- *    Copyright (c) 2023 Project CHIP Authors
- *
- *    Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
- *    you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
- *    You may obtain a copy of the License at
- *
- *
- *
- *    Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
- *    distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
- *    WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
- *    See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
- *    limitations under the License.
- */
-package matter.controller.cluster.structs
-import matter.controller.cluster.*
-import matter.tlv.ContextSpecificTag
-import matter.tlv.Tag
-import matter.tlv.TlvReader
-import matter.tlv.TlvWriter
-class ServiceAreaClusterLocationStruct(
-  val locationID: UInt,
-  val mapID: UByte?,
-  val locationInfo: ServiceAreaClusterAreaInfoStruct,
-) {
-  override fun toString(): String = buildString {
-    append("ServiceAreaClusterLocationStruct {\n")
-    append("\tlocationID : $locationID\n")
-    append("\tmapID : $mapID\n")
-    append("\tlocationInfo : $locationInfo\n")
-    append("}\n")
-  }
-  fun toTlv(tlvTag: Tag, tlvWriter: TlvWriter) {
-    tlvWriter.apply {
-      startStructure(tlvTag)
-      put(ContextSpecificTag(TAG_LOCATION_I_D), locationID)
-      if (mapID != null) {
-        put(ContextSpecificTag(TAG_MAP_I_D), mapID)
-      } else {
-        putNull(ContextSpecificTag(TAG_MAP_I_D))
-      }
-      locationInfo.toTlv(ContextSpecificTag(TAG_LOCATION_INFO), this)
-      endStructure()
-    }
-  }
-  companion object {
-    private const val TAG_LOCATION_I_D = 0
-    private const val TAG_MAP_I_D = 1
-    private const val TAG_LOCATION_INFO = 2
-    fun fromTlv(tlvTag: Tag, tlvReader: TlvReader): ServiceAreaClusterLocationStruct {
-      tlvReader.enterStructure(tlvTag)
-      val locationID = tlvReader.getUInt(ContextSpecificTag(TAG_LOCATION_I_D))
-      val mapID =
-        if (!tlvReader.isNull()) {
-          tlvReader.getUByte(ContextSpecificTag(TAG_MAP_I_D))
-        } else {
-          tlvReader.getNull(ContextSpecificTag(TAG_MAP_I_D))
-          null
-        }
-      val locationInfo =
-        ServiceAreaClusterAreaInfoStruct.fromTlv(ContextSpecificTag(TAG_LOCATION_INFO), tlvReader)
-      tlvReader.exitContainer()
-      return ServiceAreaClusterLocationStruct(locationID, mapID, locationInfo)
-    }
-  }

From ba2489774f2fb880742f75db8de4768c0e7b2b2b Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: William Hicklin <>
Date: Mon, 5 Aug 2024 10:01:22 +0100
Subject: [PATCH 27/28] spacing changes form zap regen.

 examples/rvc-app/rvc-common/rvc-app.matter           | 2 ++
 src/controller/data_model/controller-clusters.matter | 1 +
 src/controller/python/chip/clusters/       | 1 +
 3 files changed, 4 insertions(+)

diff --git a/examples/rvc-app/rvc-common/rvc-app.matter b/examples/rvc-app/rvc-common/rvc-app.matter
index e94694a76b8f8f..7983c155e279e6 100644
--- a/examples/rvc-app/rvc-common/rvc-app.matter
+++ b/examples/rvc-app/rvc-common/rvc-app.matter
@@ -1774,3 +1774,5 @@ endpoint 1 {
     handle command SkipAreaResponse;
diff --git a/src/controller/data_model/controller-clusters.matter b/src/controller/data_model/controller-clusters.matter
index 6e5d8d330ef1f9..c32f6412acdee0 100644
--- a/src/controller/data_model/controller-clusters.matter
+++ b/src/controller/data_model/controller-clusters.matter
@@ -10175,3 +10175,4 @@ cluster SampleMei = 4294048800 {
   /** Command that takes two uint8 arguments and returns their sum. */
   command AddArguments(AddArgumentsRequest): AddArgumentsResponse = 2;
diff --git a/src/controller/python/chip/clusters/ b/src/controller/python/chip/clusters/
index 7c00c8bacb41b1..72364de4be6410 100644
--- a/src/controller/python/chip/clusters/
+++ b/src/controller/python/chip/clusters/
@@ -53069,3 +53069,4 @@ def descriptor(cls) -> ClusterObjectDescriptor:
             count: 'uint' = 0
             fabricIndex: 'uint' = 0

From 4f61bf3028c0e803d5a362db1cc68568e5c8bda3 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: William Hicklin <>
Date: Mon, 5 Aug 2024 10:17:28 +0100
Subject: [PATCH 28/28] Fixed minor mistake during merge.

 examples/rvc-app/rvc-common/src/rvc-service-area-delegate.cpp | 1 -
 1 file changed, 1 deletion(-)

diff --git a/examples/rvc-app/rvc-common/src/rvc-service-area-delegate.cpp b/examples/rvc-app/rvc-common/src/rvc-service-area-delegate.cpp
index d648b32d7ed137..977189032b3e27 100644
--- a/examples/rvc-app/rvc-common/src/rvc-service-area-delegate.cpp
+++ b/examples/rvc-app/rvc-common/src/rvc-service-area-delegate.cpp
@@ -40,7 +40,6 @@ CHIP_ERROR RvcServiceAreaDelegate::Init()
     // Location A has name, floor number, uses map XX
         supportedAreaID_A, DataModel::Nullable<uint_fast8_t>(supportedMapId_XX), "My Location A"_span,
-        supportedLocationId_A, DataModel::Nullable<uint_fast8_t>(supportedMapId_XX), "My Location A"_span,
         DataModel::Nullable<int16_t>(4), DataModel::Nullable<Globals::AreaTypeTag>(), DataModel::Nullable<Globals::LandmarkTag>(),
         DataModel::Nullable<Globals::PositionTag>(), DataModel::Nullable<Globals::FloorSurfaceTag>());