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Releases: pySTEPS/pysteps

pysteps 0.2

08 Jan 07:14
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Change log since the previous release:

  • Bug fixes.
  • Performance and syntax improvements.
  • Improve documentation to several modules and methods.
  • Add the Variational Echo Tracking (VET) method from MAPLE to the motion module.
  • Replace the config module with a JSON pystepsrc configuration file.
  • More efficient computation of the FFT in the cascade decomposition and noise generation by using the real FFT instead of the complex FFT, i.e. rfft2/irfft2 instead of fft2/ifft2.
  • More sensible naming of several main modules: optflow -> motion, advection -> extrapolation and postproc -> postprocessing.
  • New utility methods to clip the domain by geographical coordinates.
  • New data transformation methods: normal quantile, square-root and logarithmic transformations.
  • New importer for MeteoSwiss' metranet data format.
  • New "shift and scale" post-processing method.
  • Implement the S-PROG method with probability matching.
  • New intensity-scale verification method.
  • New visualization methods: cartopy backend, exceedance probabilities and plotting motion fields on a map.
  • Support for Swiss projection when using cartopy.
  • New interface module for different FFT methods and allow the user to choose the method.
  • Fix incorrect separation into components when using the bps method for adding perturbations to the advection field.
  • Two different methods for adjusting the temporal autocorrelation coefficients in order to guarantee stationarity of the resulting AR(2) models.
  • Modify the STEPS method to have the same number of positional arguments as the other methods in the nowcasts module and reorganize the keyword arguments.
  • Move the deterministic S-PROG mask computation outside the stochastic part of the STEPS method to avoid repeated computations.

pysteps 0.1

17 Aug 08:04
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pysteps 0.1 Pre-release

pysteps 0.1 is our first stable release. This beta version is being verified using radar data from the Finnish Meteorological Institute and MeteoSwiss.

Features included in pysteps 0.1:

  • Support for reading various composite radar image formats (netCDF, OPERA HDF, GIF, PGM).
  • Writing of the nowcast to netCDF following CF 1.7 conventions.
  • Optical flow methods to compute the radar echo motion fields (local and spectral approaches are available).
  • A semi-Lagrangian advection scheme to extrapolate the radar fields.
  • Spatial random field generators to create realistic correlated perturbation fields.
  • Autoregressive models to impose temporal auto-correlations.
  • Methods to generate deterministic and ensemble precipitation nowcasts.
  • Support for parallelization using Dask.
  • Scale-decomposition of precipitation fields based on the STEPS framework.
  • Verification of deterministic and spatial forecasts: RMSE, MAE, correlation, CSI, ETS, HSS, Fractions Skill Score, etc.
  • Verification of ensemble and probabilistic forecasts: reliability diagram, rank histograms, ROC curves, CRPS, ensemble spread-skill.
  • Utilities to convert, transform and aggregate precipitation fields.
  • Visualization methods to plot and animate radar rainfall fields, motion fields and ensemble nowcasts. Support for Basemap.
  • Example scripts to quickly introduce the users to the working of various modules.