usage: [-h] [-c COUNT] [-m {f,i,a,r}] [-s START] [-l LENGTH] [-v]
input_file output_file
Make a corrupt copy of a file. The addresses to corrupt will be randomly
picked from the specified range (by default, from the entire file).
positional arguments:
input_file The file to read.
output_file The file to write.
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-c COUNT, --count COUNT
Number of bytes to corrupt (default=1).
-m {f,i,a,r}, --method {f,i,a,r}
How to corrupt a byte: f = flip 1 bit (default), i =
invert all bits, a = add or subtract 1 (255 <-> 0), r
= randomize (any value but original).
-s START, --start START
Start of range to pick addresses from (0 or greater,
-l LENGTH, --length LENGTH
Length of range to pick addresses from (0 = to end of
file, default=0).
-v, --verbose Print changes.