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Qibo provides models for both the circuit based and the adiabatic quantum computation paradigms. Circuit based models include :ref:`generalpurpose` which allow defining arbitrary circuits and :ref:`applicationspecific` such as the Quantum Fourier Transform (:class:`qibo.models.QFT`) and the Variational Quantum Eigensolver (:class:`qibo.models.VQE`). Adiabatic quantum computation is simulated using the :ref:`timeevolution` of state vectors.

In order to perform calculations and apply gates to a state vector a backend has to be used. The backends are defined in qibo/backends. Circuit and gate objects are backend independent and can be executed with any of the available backends.

Qibo uses big-endian byte order, which means that the most significant qubit is the one with index 0, while the least significant qubit is the one with the highest index.

Circuit models


.. autoclass:: qibo.models.circuit.Circuit
    :member-order: bysource

Circuit addition

:class:`qibo.models.circuit.Circuit` objects support addition. For example

.. testsetup::

    import qibo
    from qibo import models
    from qibo import gates

.. testcode::

    c1 = models.QFT(4)

    c2 = models.Circuit(4)
    c2.add(gates.RZ(0, 0.1234))
    c2.add(gates.RZ(1, 0.1234))
    c2.add(gates.RZ(2, 0.1234))
    c2.add(gates.RZ(3, 0.1234))

    c = c1 + c2

will create a circuit that performs the Quantum Fourier Transform on four qubits followed by Rotation-Z gates.

Circuit fusion

The gates contained in a circuit can be fused up to two-qubits using the :meth:`qibo.models.circuit.Circuit.fuse` method. This returns a new circuit for which the total number of gates is less than the gates in the original circuit as groups of gates have been fused to a single :class:`qibo.gates.special.FusedGate` gate. Simulating the new circuit is equivalent to simulating the original one but in most cases more efficient since less gates need to be applied to the state vector.

The fusion algorithm works as follows: First all gates in the circuit are transformed to unmarked :class:`qibo.gates.special.FusedGate`. The gates are then processed in the order they were added in the circuit. For each gate we identify the neighbors forth and back in time and attempt to fuse them to the gate. Two gates can be fused if their total number of target qubits is smaller than the fusion maximum qubits (specified by the user) and there are no other gates between acting on the same target qubits. Gates that are fused to others are marked. The new circuit queue contains the gates that remain unmarked after the above operations finish.

Gates are processed in the original order given by user. There are no additional simplifications performed such as commuting gates acting on the same qubit or canceling gates even when such simplifications are mathematically possible. The user can specify the maximum number of qubits in a fused gate using the max_qubits flag in :meth:`qibo.models.circuit.Circuit.fuse`.

For example the following:

.. testcode::

    from qibo import models, gates

    c = models.Circuit(2)
    c.add([gates.H(0), gates.H(1)])
    c.add(gates.CZ(0, 1))
    c.add([gates.X(0), gates.Y(1)])
    fused_c = c.fuse()

will create a new circuit with a single :class:`qibo.gates.special.FusedGate` acting on (0, 1), while the following:

.. testcode::

    from qibo import models, gates

    c = models.Circuit(3)
    c.add([gates.H(0), gates.H(1), gates.H(2)])
    c.add(gates.CZ(0, 1))
    c.add([gates.X(0), gates.Y(1), gates.Z(2)])
    c.add(gates.CNOT(1, 2))
    c.add([gates.H(0), gates.H(1), gates.H(2)])
    fused_c = c.fuse()

will give a circuit with two fused gates, the first of which will act on (0, 1) corresponding to

[H(0), H(1), CZ(0, 1), X(0), H(0)]

and the second will act to (1, 2) corresponding to

[Y(1), Z(2), CNOT(1, 2), H(1), H(2)]

Quantum Fourier Transform (QFT)

.. autoclass:: qibo.models.qft.QFT
    :member-order: bysource

Variational Quantum Eigensolver (VQE)

.. autoclass:: qibo.models.variational.VQE
    :member-order: bysource

Adiabatically Assisted Variational Quantum Eigensolver (AAVQE)

.. autoclass:: qibo.models.variational.AAVQE
    :member-order: bysource

Quantum Approximate Optimization Algorithm (QAOA)

.. autoclass:: qibo.models.variational.QAOA
    :member-order: bysource

Feedback-based Algorithm for Quantum Optimization (FALQON)

.. autoclass:: qibo.models.variational.FALQON
    :member-order: bysource

Grover's Algorithm

.. autoclass:: qibo.models.grover.Grover
    :member-order: bysource

Travelling Salesman Problem

.. automodule:: qibo.models.tsp
    :member-order: bysource

Iterative Quantum Amplitude Estimation (IQAE)

.. autoclass:: qibo.models.iqae.IQAE
    :member-order: bysource

.. autoclass:: qibo.models.iqae.IterativeAmplitudeEstimationResult
    :member-order: bysource

Double Bracket Iteration algorithm for Diagonalization

The Double Bracket Flow (DBF) has been presented here as a novel strategy for preparing eigenstates of a quantum system. We implement in Qibo a discretized version of the algorithm, which executes sequential Double Bracket Iterations.

.. autoclass:: qibo.models.dbi.double_bracket.DoubleBracketGeneratorType
    :member-order: bysource

.. autoclass:: qibo.models.dbi.double_bracket.DoubleBracketIteration
    :member-order: bysource

Time evolution

State evolution

.. autoclass:: qibo.models.evolution.StateEvolution
    :member-order: bysource

Adiabatic evolution

.. autoclass:: qibo.models.evolution.AdiabaticEvolution
    :member-order: bysource

Data Encoders

We provide a family of algorithms that encode classical data into quantum circuits.

Computational Basis Encoder

Given a bitstring b of length n, this encoder generates a layer of Pauli-X gates that creates the quantum state |\,b\,\rangle.

For instance, the following two circuit generations are equivalent:

.. testsetup::

    from qibo import Circuit, gates
    from qibo.models.encodings import comp_basis_encoder

.. testcode::

    b = "101"
    circuit_1 = comp_basis_encoder(b)

    circuit_2 = Circuit(3)


.. autofunction:: qibo.models.encodings.comp_basis_encoder

Phase Encoder

Encodes data of length n into the phases of n qubits.

For instance, the following two circuit generations are equivalent:

.. testsetup::

    import numpy as np

    from qibo import Circuit, gates
    from qibo.models.encodings import phase_encoder

.. testcode::

    nqubits = 3
    phases = np.random.rand(nqubits)

    circuit_1 = phase_encoder(phases, rotation="RX")

    circuit_2 = Circuit(3)
    circuit_2.add(gates.RX(qubit, phases[qubit]) for qubit in range(nqubits))


.. autofunction:: qibo.models.encodings.phase_encoder

Unary Encoder

Given a classical data array \mathbf{x} \in \mathbb{R}^{d} such that

\mathbf{x} = (x_{1}, x_{2}, \dots, x_{d}) \, ,

this function generate the circuit that prepares the following quantum state \ket{\psi} \in \mathcal{H}:

\ket{\psi} = \frac{1}{\|\mathbf{x}\|_{\textup{HS}}} \,
    \sum_{k=1}^{d} \, x_{k} \, \ket{k} \, ,

with \mathcal{H} \cong \mathbb{C}^{d} being a d-qubit Hilbert space, and \|\cdot\|_{\textup{HS}} being the Hilbert-Schmidt norm.

Here, \ket{k} is a unary representation of the number k. For instance, for d = 3, the final state would be

\ket{\psi} = \frac{1}{\|\mathbf{x}\|_{\textup{HS}}} \,
    \left( x_{1} \ket{001} + x_{2} \ket{010} + x_{3} \ket{100} \right) \, .

There are multiple circuit architechtures that lead to unary encoding of classical data. For example, to encode a 8-dimensional data, one could use the so-called tree architechture below:


where the first gate is the :class:`qibo.gates.X` and the parametrized gates are the :class:`qibo.gates.RBS`. To know how the angles \{\theta_{k}\}_{[k]} are calculated for this architecture, please refer to S. Johri et al., Nearest Centroid Classification on a Trapped Ion Quantum Computer, arXiv:2012.04145v2 [quant-ph].

On the other hand, the same encoding could be performed using the so-called diagonal (also known as ladder) architecture below:


This architecture leads to a choice of angles based on spherical coordinates in a d-dimensional hypersphere.

.. autofunction:: qibo.models.encodings.unary_encoder

Unary Encoder for Random Gaussian States

Performs the same unary encoder as :class:`qibo.models.encodings.unary_encoder` using the tree architecture , with the difference being that now each entry of the d-dimensional array is sampled from a Gaussian distribution \mathcal{N}(0, 1).

.. autofunction:: qibo.models.encodings.unary_encoder_random_gaussian

Entangling layer

Generates a layer of nearest-neighbour two-qubit gates, assuming 1-dimensional connectivity. With the exception of :class:`qibo.gates.gates.GeneralizedfSim`, any of the two-qubit gates implemented in qibo can be selected to customize the entangling layer. If the chosen gate is parametrized, all phases are set to 0.0. Note that these phases can be updated a posterior by using :meth:`qibo.models.Circuit.set_parameters`. There are four possible choices of layer architecture: diagonal, shifted, even-layer, and odd-layer. For instance, we show below an example of each architecture for nqubits = 6.


If closed_boundary is set to True, then an extra gate is added connecting the last and the first qubit, with the last qubit as the control qubit and the first qubit as a target qubit.

.. autofunction:: qibo.models.encodings.entangling_layer

Error Mitigation

Qibo allows for mitigating noise in circuits via error mitigation methods. Unlike error correction, error mitigation does not aim to correct qubit errors, but rather it provides the means to estimate the noise-free expected value of an observable measured at the end of a noisy circuit.

Readout Mitigation

A common kind of error happening in quantum circuits is readout error, i.e. the error in the measurement of the qubits at the end of the computation. In Qibo there are currently two methods implemented for mitigating readout errors, and both can be used as standalone functions or in combination with the other general mitigation methods by setting the paramter readout.

Response Matrix

Given n qubits, all the possible 2^n states are constructed via the application of the corresponding sequence of X gates X_0\otimes I_1\otimes\cdot\cdot\cdot\otimes X_{n-1}. In the presence of readout errors, we will measure for each state i some noisy frequencies F_i^{noisy} different from the ideal ones F_i^{ideal}=\delta_{i,j}.

The effect of the error is modeled by the response matrix composed of the noisy frequencies as columns M=\big(F_0^{noisy},...,F_{n-1}^{noisy}\big). We have indeed that:

F_i^{noisy} = M \cdot F_i^{ideal}

and, therefore, the calibration matrix obtained as M_{\text{cal}}=M^{-1} can be used to recover the noise-free frequencies.

The calibration matrix M_{\text{cal}} lacks stochasticity, resulting in a 'negative probability' issue. The distributions that arise after applying M_{\text{cal}} are quasiprobabilities; the individual elements can be negative surpass 1, provided they sum to 1. It is posible to use Iterative Bayesian Unfolding (IBU) to preserve non-negativity. See Nachman et al for more details.

.. autofunction:: qibo.models.error_mitigation.get_response_matrix

.. autofunction:: qibo.models.error_mitigation.iterative_bayesian_unfolding

.. autofunction:: qibo.models.error_mitigation.apply_resp_mat_readout_mitigation

.. autofunction:: qibo.models.error_mitigation.apply_randomized_readout_mitigation

.. autofunction:: qibo.models.error_mitigation.get_expectation_val_with_readout_mitigation

Randomized readout mitigation

This approach converts the effect of any noise map A into a single multiplication factor for each Pauli observable, that is, diagonalizes the measurement channel. The multiplication factor \lambda can be directly measured even without the quantum circuit. Dividing the measured value \langle O\rangle_{noisy} by these factor results in the mitigated Pauli expectation value \langle O\rangle_{ideal},

\langle O\rangle_{ideal} = \frac{\langle O\rangle_{noisy}}{\lambda}
.. autofunction:: qibo.models.error_mitigation.apply_randomized_readout_mitigation

Zero Noise Extrapolation (ZNE)

Given a noisy circuit C and an observable A, Zero Noise Extrapolation (ZNE) consists in running n+1 versions of the circuit with different noise levels \{c_j\}_{j=0..n} and, for each of them, measuring the expected value of the observable E_j=\langle A\rangle_j.

Then, an estimate for the expected value of the observable in the noise-free condition is obtained as:

\hat{E} = \sum_{j=0}^n \gamma_jE_j

with \gamma_j satisfying:

\sum_{j=0}^n \gamma_j = 1 \qquad \sum_{j=0}^n \gamma_j c_j^k = 0 \quad \text{for}\,\, k=1,..,n

This implementation of ZNE relies on the insertion of gate pairs (that resolve to the identity in the noise-free case) to realize the different noise levels \{c_j\}, see He et al for more details. Hence, the canonical levels are mapped to the number of inserted pairs as c_j\rightarrow 2 c_j + 1.

.. autofunction:: qibo.models.error_mitigation.ZNE

.. autofunction:: qibo.models.error_mitigation.get_gammas

.. autofunction:: qibo.models.error_mitigation.get_noisy_circuit

Clifford Data Regression (CDR)

In the Clifford Data Regression (CDR) method, a set of n circuits S_n=\{C_i\}_{i=1,..,n} is generated starting from the original circuit C_0 by replacing some of the non-Clifford gates with Clifford ones. Given an observable A, all the circuits of S_n are both simulated to obtain the correspondent expected values of A in noise-free condition \{a_i^{exact}\}_{i=1,..,n}, and run in noisy conditions to obtain the noisy expected values \{a_i^{noisy}\}_{i=1,..,n}.

Finally a model f is trained to minimize the mean squared error:

E = \sum_{i=1}^n \bigg(a_i^{exact}-f(a_i^{noisy})\bigg)^2

and learn the mapping a^{noisy}\rightarrow a^{exact}. The mitigated expected value of A at the end of C_0 is then obtained simply with f(a_0^{noisy}).

In this implementation the initial circuit is expected to be decomposed in the three Clifford gates RX(\frac{\pi}{2}), CNOT, X and in RZ(\theta) (which is Clifford only for \theta=\frac{n\pi}{2}). By default the set of Clifford gates used for substitution is \{RZ(0),RZ(\frac{\pi}{2}),RZ(\pi),RZ(\frac{3}{2}\pi)\}. See Sopena et al for more details.

.. autofunction:: qibo.models.error_mitigation.CDR

.. autofunction:: qibo.models.error_mitigation.sample_training_circuit_cdr

Variable Noise CDR (vnCDR)

Variable Noise CDR (vnCDR) is an extension of the CDR method described above that factors in different noise levels as in ZNE. In detail, the set of circuits S_n=\{\mathbf{C}_i\}_{i=1,..,n} is still generated as in CDR, but for each \mathbf{C}_i we have k different versions of it with increased noise \mathbf{C}_i=C_i^0,C_i^1,...,C_i^{k-1}.

Therefore, in this case we have a k-dimensional predictor variable \mathbf{a}_i^{noisy}=\big(a_i^0, a_i^1,..,a_i^{k-1}\big)^{noisy} for the same noise-free targets a_i^{exact}, and we want to learn the mapping:

f:\mathbf{a}_i^{noisy}\rightarrow a_i^{exact}

via minimizing the same mean squared error:

E = \sum_{i=1}^n \bigg(a_i^{exact}-f(\mathbf{a}_i^{noisy})\bigg)^2

In particular, the default choice is to take f(\mathbf{x}):=\Gamma\cdot \mathbf{x}\;, with \Gamma=\text{diag}(\gamma_0,\gamma_1,...,\gamma_{k-1})\;, that corresponds to the ZNE calculation for the estimate of the expected value.

Here, as in the implementation of the CDR above, the circuit is supposed to be decomposed in the set of primitive gates {RX(\frac{\pi}{2}),CNOT,X,RZ(\theta)}. See Sopena et al for all the details.

.. autofunction:: qibo.models.error_mitigation.vnCDR

Importance Clifford Sampling (ICS)

In the Importance Clifford Sampling (ICS) method, a set of n circuits S_n=\{C_i\}_{i=1,..,n} that stabilizes a given Pauli observable is generated starting from the original circuit C_0 by replacing all the non-Clifford gates with Clifford ones. Given an observable A, all the circuits of S_n are both simulated to obtain the correspondent expected values of A in noise-free condition \{a_i^{exact}\}_{i=1,..,n}, and run in noisy conditions to obtain the noisy expected values \{a_i^{noisy}\}_{i=1,..,n}.

Finally, a theoretically inspired model f is learned using the training data.

The mitigated expected value of A at the end of C_0 is then obtained simply with f(a_0^{noisy}).

In this implementation the initial circuit is expected to be decomposed in the three Clifford gates RX(\frac{\pi}{2}), CNOT, X and in RZ(\theta) (which is Clifford only for \theta=\frac{n\pi}{2}). By default the set of Clifford gates used for substitution is \{RZ(0),RZ(\frac{\pi}{2}),RZ(\pi),RZ(\frac{3}{2}\pi)\}. See Sopena et al for more details.

.. autofunction:: qibo.models.error_mitigation.ICS

.. autofunction:: qibo.models.error_mitigation.sample_clifford_training_circuit


All supported gates can be accessed from the qibo.gates module. Read below for a complete list of supported gates.

All gates support the controlled_by method that allows to control the gate on an arbitrary number of qubits. For example

  • gates.X(0).controlled_by(1, 2) is equivalent to gates.TOFFOLI(1, 2, 0),
  • gates.RY(0, np.pi).controlled_by(1, 2, 3) applies the Y-rotation to qubit 0 when qubits 1, 2 and 3 are in the |111> state.
  • gates.SWAP(0, 1).controlled_by(3, 4) swaps qubits 0 and 1 when qubits 3 and 4 are in the |11> state.

Abstract gate

.. autoclass:: qibo.gates.abstract.Gate
    :member-order: bysource

Single qubit gates

Hadamard (H)

.. autoclass:: qibo.gates.H
   :member-order: bysource

Pauli X (X)

.. autoclass:: qibo.gates.X
   :member-order: bysource

Pauli Y (Y)

.. autoclass:: qibo.gates.Y
    :member-order: bysource

Pauli Z (Z)

.. autoclass:: qibo.gates.Z
    :member-order: bysource

Square-root of Pauli X (SX)

.. autoclass:: qibo.gates.SX
    :member-order: bysource

S gate (S)

.. autoclass:: qibo.gates.S
    :member-order: bysource

T gate (T)

.. autoclass:: qibo.gates.T
    :member-order: bysource

Identity (I)

.. autoclass:: qibo.gates.I
    :member-order: bysource

Align (A)

.. autoclass:: qibo.gates.Align
    :member-order: bysource

Measurement (M)

.. autoclass:: qibo.gates.M
    :member-order: bysource

Rotation X-axis (RX)

.. autoclass:: qibo.gates.RX
    :member-order: bysource

Rotation Y-axis (RY)

.. autoclass:: qibo.gates.RY
    :member-order: bysource

Rotation Z-axis (RZ)

.. autoclass:: qibo.gates.RZ
    :member-order: bysource

First general unitary (U1)

.. autoclass:: qibo.gates.U1
    :member-order: bysource

Second general unitary (U2)

.. autoclass:: qibo.gates.U2
    :member-order: bysource

Third general unitary (U3)

.. autoclass:: qibo.gates.U3
    :member-order: bysource

Two qubit gates

Controlled-NOT (CNOT)

.. autoclass:: qibo.gates.CNOT
    :member-order: bysource

Controlled-Y (CY)

.. autoclass:: qibo.gates.CY
    :member-order: bysource

Controlled-phase (CZ)

.. autoclass:: qibo.gates.CZ
    :member-order: bysource

Controlled-Square Root of X (CSX)

.. autoclass:: qibo.gates.CSX
    :member-order: bysource

Controlled-rotation X-axis (CRX)

.. autoclass:: qibo.gates.CRX
    :member-order: bysource

Controlled-rotation Y-axis (CRY)

.. autoclass:: qibo.gates.CRY
    :member-order: bysource

Controlled-rotation Z-axis (CRZ)

.. autoclass:: qibo.gates.CRZ
    :member-order: bysource

Controlled first general unitary (CU1)

.. autoclass:: qibo.gates.CU1
    :member-order: bysource

Controlled second general unitary (CU2)

.. autoclass:: qibo.gates.CU2
    :member-order: bysource

Controlled third general unitary (CU3)

.. autoclass:: qibo.gates.CU3
    :member-order: bysource

Swap (SWAP)

.. autoclass:: qibo.gates.SWAP
    :member-order: bysource

iSwap (iSWAP)

.. autoclass:: qibo.gates.iSWAP
    :member-order: bysource

Square root of iSwap (SiSWAP)

.. autoclass:: qibo.gates.SiSWAP
    :member-order: bysource

f-Swap (FSWAP)

.. autoclass:: qibo.gates.FSWAP
    :member-order: bysource


.. autoclass:: qibo.gates.fSim
    :member-order: bysource

Sycamore gate

.. autoclass:: qibo.gates.SYC
    :member-order: bysource

fSim with general rotation

.. autoclass:: qibo.gates.GeneralizedfSim
    :member-order: bysource

Parametric XX interaction (RXX)

.. autoclass:: qibo.gates.RXX
    :member-order: bysource

Parametric YY interaction (RYY)

.. autoclass:: qibo.gates.RYY
    :member-order: bysource

Parametric ZZ interaction (RZZ)

.. autoclass:: qibo.gates.RZZ
    :member-order: bysource

Parametric ZX interaction (RZX)

.. autoclass:: qibo.gates.RZX
    :member-order: bysource

Parametric XX-YY interaction (RXXYY)

.. autoclass:: qibo.gates.RXXYY
    :member-order: bysource

Givens gate

.. autoclass:: qibo.gates.GIVENS
    :member-order: bysource

Reconfigurable Beam Splitter gate (RBS)

.. autoclass:: qibo.gates.RBS
    :member-order: bysource

Echo Cross-Resonance gate (ECR)

.. autoclass:: qibo.gates.ECR
    :member-order: bysource

Special gates


.. autoclass:: qibo.gates.TOFFOLI
    :member-order: bysource


.. autoclass:: qibo.gates.CCZ
    :member-order: bysource


.. autoclass:: qibo.gates.DEUTSCH
    :member-order: bysource

Arbitrary unitary

.. autoclass:: qibo.gates.Unitary
    :member-order: bysource

Callback gate

.. autoclass:: qibo.gates.CallbackGate
    :member-order: bysource

Fusion gate

.. autoclass:: qibo.gates.FusedGate
    :member-order: bysource

IONQ Native gates


.. autoclass:: qibo.gates.GPI
    :member-order: bysource


.. autoclass:: qibo.gates.GPI2
    :member-order: bysource

Mølmer–Sørensen (MS)

.. autoclass:: qibo.gates.MS
    :member-order: bysource

Quantinuum native gates


.. autoclass:: qibo.gates.U1q
    :member-order: bysource


The other Quantinuum single-qubit and two-qubit native gates are implemented in Qibo as:


Channels are implemented in Qibo as additional gates and can be accessed from the qibo.gates module. Channels can be used on density matrices to perform noisy simulations. Channels that inherit :class:`qibo.gates.UnitaryChannel` can also be applied to state vectors using sampling and repeated execution. For more information on the use of channels to simulate noise we refer to :ref:`How to perform noisy simulation? <noisy-example>` The following channels are currently implemented:

Kraus channel

.. autoclass:: qibo.gates.KrausChannel
    :member-order: bysource

Unitary channel

.. autoclass:: qibo.gates.UnitaryChannel
    :member-order: bysource

Pauli noise channel

.. autoclass:: qibo.gates.PauliNoiseChannel
    :member-order: bysource

Depolarizing channel

.. autoclass:: qibo.gates.DepolarizingChannel
    :member-order: bysource

Thermal relaxation channel

.. autoclass:: qibo.gates.ThermalRelaxationChannel
    :member-order: bysource

Amplitude damping channel

.. autoclass:: qibo.gates.AmplitudeDampingChannel
    :member-order: bysource

Phase damping channel

.. autoclass:: qibo.gates.PhaseDampingChannel
    :member-order: bysource

Readout error channel

.. autoclass:: qibo.gates.ReadoutErrorChannel
    :member-order: bysource

Reset channel

.. autoclass:: qibo.gates.ResetChannel
    :member-order: bysource


In Qibo it is possible to create a custom noise model using the class :class:`qibo.noise.NoiseModel`. This enables the user to create circuits where the noise is gate and qubit dependent.

For more information on the use of :class:`qibo.noise.NoiseModel` see :ref:`How to perform noisy simulation? <noisemodel-example>`

.. autoclass:: qibo.noise.NoiseModel
    :member-order: bysource

Quantum errors

The quantum errors available to build a noise model are the following:

.. autoclass:: qibo.noise.KrausError
    :member-order: bysource

.. autoclass:: qibo.noise.UnitaryError
    :member-order: bysource

.. autoclass:: qibo.noise.PauliError
    :member-order: bysource

.. autoclass:: qibo.noise.DepolarizingError
    :member-order: bysource

.. autoclass:: qibo.noise.ThermalRelaxationError
    :member-order: bysource

.. autoclass:: qibo.noise.AmplitudeDampingError
    :member-order: bysource

.. autoclass:: qibo.noise.PhaseDampingError
    :member-order: bysource

.. autoclass:: qibo.noise.ReadoutError
    :member-order: bysource

.. autoclass:: qibo.noise.ResetError
    :member-order: bysource

.. autoclass:: qibo.noise.CustomError
    :member-order: bysource

IBMQ noise model

In Qibo, it is possible to build noisy circuits based on IBMQ's reported noise model of for its quantum computer by using the :class:`qibo.noise.IBMQNoiseModel` class. The noise model is built using a combination of the :class:`qibo.gates.ThermalRelaxationChannel` and :class:`qibo.gates.DepolarizingChannel` channels. . At the end of the circuit, if the qubit is measured, bitflips errors are set. Moreover, the model handles idle qubits by applying a thermal relaxation channel for the duration of the idle-time.

For more information on the :class:`qibo.noise.IBMQNoiseModel` class, see the example on :ref:`Simulating quantum hardware <noise-hardware-example>`.

.. autoclass:: qibo.noise.IBMQNoiseModel
    :member-order: bysource


The main abstract Hamiltonian object of Qibo is:

.. autoclass:: qibo.hamiltonians.abstract.AbstractHamiltonian
    :member-order: bysource

Matrix Hamiltonian

The first implementation of Hamiltonians uses the full matrix representation of the Hamiltonian operator in the computational basis. This matrix has size (2 ** nqubits, 2 ** nqubits) and therefore its construction is feasible only when number of qubits is small.

Alternatively, the user can construct this Hamiltonian using a sparse matrices. Sparse matrices from the scipy.sparse module are supported by the numpy and qibojit backends while the tensorflow.sparse can be used for tensorflow. Scipy sparse matrices support algebraic operations (addition, subtraction, scalar multiplication), linear algebra operations (eigenvalues, eigenvectors, matrix exponentiation) and multiplication to dense or other sparse matrices. All these properties are inherited by :class:`qibo.hamiltonians.Hamiltonian` objects created using sparse matrices. Tensorflow sparse matrices support only multiplication to dense matrices. Both backends support calculating Hamiltonian expectation values using a sparse Hamiltonian matrix.

.. autoclass:: qibo.hamiltonians.Hamiltonian
    :member-order: bysource

Symbolic Hamiltonian

Qibo allows the user to define Hamiltonians using sympy symbols. In this case the full Hamiltonian matrix is not constructed unless this is required. This makes the implementation more efficient for larger qubit numbers. For more information on constructing Hamiltonians using symbols we refer to the :ref:`How to define custom Hamiltonians using symbols? <symbolicham-example>` example.

.. autoclass:: qibo.hamiltonians.SymbolicHamiltonian
    :member-order: bysource

When a :class:`qibo.hamiltonians.SymbolicHamiltonian` is used for time evolution then Qibo will automatically perform this evolution using the Trotter of the evolution operator. This is done by automatically splitting the Hamiltonian to sums of commuting terms, following the description of Sec. 4.1 of arXiv:1901.05824. For more information on time evolution we refer to the :ref:`How to simulate time evolution? <timeevol-example>` example.

In addition to the abstract Hamiltonian models, Qibo provides the following pre-coded Hamiltonians:

Heisenberg XXZ

.. autoclass:: qibo.hamiltonians.XXZ
    :member-order: bysource

Non-interacting Pauli-X

.. autoclass:: qibo.hamiltonians.X
    :member-order: bysource

Non-interacting Pauli-Y

.. autoclass:: qibo.hamiltonians.Y
    :member-order: bysource

Non-interacting Pauli-Z

.. autoclass:: qibo.hamiltonians.Z
    :member-order: bysource

Transverse field Ising model

.. autoclass:: qibo.hamiltonians.TFIM
    :member-order: bysource

Max Cut

.. autoclass:: qibo.hamiltonians.MaxCut
    :member-order: bysource


All pre-coded Hamiltonians can be created as :class:`qibo.hamiltonians.Hamiltonian` using dense=True or :class:`qibo.hamiltonians.SymbolicHamiltonian` using the dense=False. In the first case the Hamiltonian is created using its full matrix representation of size (2 ** n, 2 ** n) where n is the number of qubits that the Hamiltonian acts on. This matrix is used to calculate expectation values by direct matrix multiplication to the state and for time evolution by exact exponentiation. In contrast, when dense=False the Hamiltonian contains a more compact representation as a sum of local terms. This compact representation can be used to calculate expectation values via a sum of the local term expectations and time evolution via the Trotter decomposition of the evolution operator. This is useful for systems that contain many qubits for which constructing the full matrix is intractable.


Qibo provides a basic set of symbols which inherit the sympy.Symbol object and can be used to construct :class:`qibo.hamiltonians.SymbolicHamiltonian` objects as described in the previous section.

.. autoclass:: qibo.symbols.Symbol
    :member-order: bysource

.. autoclass:: qibo.symbols.I
    :member-order: bysource

.. autoclass:: qibo.symbols.X
    :member-order: bysource

.. autoclass:: qibo.symbols.Y
    :member-order: bysource

.. autoclass:: qibo.symbols.Z
    :member-order: bysource

Execution Outcomes

Qibo circuits return different objects when executed depending on what the circuit contains and on the settings of the simulation. The following table summarizes which outcomes to expect depending on whether:

  • the circuit contains noise channels
  • the qubits are measured at the end of the execution
  • some collapse measurement is present in the circuit
  • density_matrix is set to True in simulation
Noise Measurements Collapse Density Matrix Outcome
❌ / ✅ :class:`qibo.result.QuantumState`
❌ / ✅ :class:`qibo.result.CircuitResult`
❌ / ✅ ❌ / ✅ :class:`qibo.result.QuantumState`
❌ / ✅ ❌ / ✅ :class:`qibo.result.MeasurementOutcomes`
❌ / ✅ ❌ / ✅ :class:`qibo.result.CircuitResult`

Therefore, one of the three objects :class:`qibo.result.QuantumState`, :class:`qibo.result.MeasurementOutcomes` or :class:`qibo.result.CircuitResult` is going to be returned by the circuit execution. The first gives acces to the final state and probabilities via the :meth:`qibo.result.QuantumState.state` and :meth:`qibo.result.QuantumState.probabilities` methods, whereas the second allows to retrieve the final samples, the frequencies and the probabilities (calculated as frequencies/nshots) with the :meth:`qibo.result.MeasurementOutcomes.samples`, :meth:`qibo.result.MeasurementOutcomes.frequencies` and :meth:`qibo.result.MeasurementOutcomes.probabilities` methods respectively. The :class:`qibo.result.CircuitResult` object includes all the above instead.

Every time some measurement is performed at the end of the execution, the result will be a CircuitResult unless the final state could not be represented with the current simulation settings, i.e. if some stochasticity is present in the ciruit (via noise channels or collapse measurements) and density_matrix=False. In that case a simple MeasurementOutcomes object is returned.

If no measurement is appended at the end of the circuit, the final QuantumState is going to be provided as output. However, if the circuit is stochastic, density_matrix should be set to True in order to recover the final state, otherwise an error is raised.

The final result of the circuit execution can also be saved to disk and loaded back:

.. testsetup::

   from qibo import gates, Circuit

.. testcode::

   c = Circuit(2)
   # this will be a CircuitResult object
   result = c()
   # save it to final_result.npy
   # can be loaded back
   from qibo.result import load_result

   loaded_result = load_result('final_result.npy')

.. autoclass:: qibo.result.QuantumState
    :member-order: bysource

.. autoclass:: qibo.result.MeasurementOutcomes
    :member-order: bysource

.. autoclass:: qibo.result.CircuitResult
    :member-order: bysource


Callbacks provide a way to calculate quantities on the state vector as it propagates through the circuit. Example of such quantity is the entanglement entropy, which is currently the only callback implemented in :class:`qibo.callbacks.EntanglementEntropy`. The user can create custom callbacks by inheriting the :class:`qibo.callbacks.Callback` class. The point each callback is calculated inside the circuit is defined by adding a :class:`qibo.gates.CallbackGate`. This can be added similarly to a standard gate and does not affect the state vector.

.. autoclass:: qibo.callbacks.Callback
   :member-order: bysource

Entanglement entropy

.. autoclass:: qibo.callbacks.EntanglementEntropy
   :member-order: bysource


.. autoclass:: qibo.callbacks.Norm
   :member-order: bysource


.. autoclass:: qibo.callbacks.Overlap
    :member-order: bysource


.. autoclass:: qibo.callbacks.Energy
    :member-order: bysource


.. autoclass:: qibo.callbacks.Gap
    :member-order: bysource


Solvers are used to numerically calculate the time evolution of state vectors. They perform steps in time by integrating the time-dependent Schrodinger equation.

.. automodule:: qibo.solvers
   :member-order: bysource


Optimizers are used automatically by the minimize methods of :class:`qibo.models.VQE` and :class:`qibo.evolution.AdiabaticEvolution` models. The user does not have to use any of the optimizer methods included in the current section, however the required options of each optimization method can be passed when calling the minimize method of the respective Qibo variational model.

.. automodule:: qibo.optimizers
   :member-order: bysource
   :exclude-members: ParallelBFGS


It can be useful to define custom parameters in an optimization context. For example, the rotational angles which encodes information in a Quantum Neural Network are usually built as a combination of features and trainable parameters. For doing this, the :class:`qibo.parameter.Parameter` class can be used. It allows to define custom parameters which can be inserted into a :class:`qibo.models.circuit.Circuit`. Moreover, it automatically precomputes the analytical derivative of the parameter function, which can be used to calculate the derivatives of a variational model with respect to its parameters.

.. automodule:: qibo.parameter
    :member-order: bysource


In the context of optimization, particularly when dealing with Quantum Machine Learning problems, it is often necessary to calculate the gradients of functions that are to be minimized (or maximized). Hybrid methods, which are based on the use of classical techniques for the optimization of quantum computation procedures, have been presented in the previous section. This approach is very useful in simulation, but some classical methods cannot be used when using real circuits: for example, in the context of neural networks, the Back-Propagation algorithm is used, where it is necessary to know the value of a target function during the propagation of information within the network. Using a real circuit, we would not be able to access this information without taking a measurement, causing the state of the system to collapse and losing the information accumulated up to that moment. For this reason, in qibo we have also implemented methods for calculating the gradients which can be performed directly on the hardware, such as the Parameter Shift Rule.

.. automodule:: qibo.derivative
   :member-order: bysource

Quantum Information

This module provides tools for generation and analysis of quantum (and classical) information.


Set of functions related to basis and basis transformations.

Pauli basis

.. autofunction:: qibo.quantum_info.pauli_basis

Computational basis to Pauli basis

.. autofunction:: qibo.quantum_info.comp_basis_to_pauli

Pauli basis to computational basis

.. autofunction:: qibo.quantum_info.pauli_to_comp_basis

Phase-space Representation of Stabilizer States

A stabilizer state \ketbra{\psi}{\psi} can be uniquely defined by the set of its stabilizers, i.e. those unitary operators U that have \psi as an eigenstate with eigenvalue 1. In general, n-qubit stabilizer states are stabilized by d = 2^n Pauli operators on said n qubits. However, it is known that the set of d Paulis can be generated by only n unique members of the set. In that case, indeed, the number of operators needed to represent a stabilizer state reduces to n. Each one of these n Pauli generators takes 2n + 1 bits to specify, yielding a n(2n+1) total number of bits needed. In particular, Aaronson and Gottesman (2004) demonstrated that the application of Clifford gates on stabilizer states can be efficiently simulated in this representation at the cost of storing the generators of the destabilizers, in addition to the stabilizers.

A n-qubit stabilizer state is uniquely defined by a symplectic matrix of the form


where (x_{kl},z_{kl}) are the bits encoding the n-qubits Pauli generator as

P_{k} = \bigotimes_{l=1}^{n} \, i^{x_{kl} \, \oplus \, z_{kl}} \, X_{l}^{x_{kl}} \, Z_{l}^{z_{kl}}.

The :class:`qibo.quantum_info.clifford.Clifford` object is in charge of storing the phase-space representation of a stabilizer state. This object is automatically created after the execution of a Clifford circuit through the :class:`qibo.backends.clifford.CliffordBackend`, but it can also be created by directly passing a symplectic matrix to the constructor.

.. testsetup::

   from qibo.quantum_info import Clifford
   from qibo.backends import CliffordBackend

   # construct the |00...0> state
   backend = CliffordBackend("numpy")
   symplectic_matrix = backend.zero_state(nqubits=3)
   clifford = Clifford(symplectic_matrix, engine="numpy")

The generators of the stabilizers can be extracted with the :meth:`qibo.quantum_info.clifford.Clifford.generators` method, or the complete set of d = 2^{n} stabilizers operators can be extracted through the :meth:`qibo.quantum_info.clifford.Clifford.stabilizers` method.

.. testcode::

   generators, phases = clifford.generators()
   stabilizers = clifford.stabilizers()

The destabilizers can be extracted analogously with :meth:`qibo.quantum_info.clifford.Clifford.destabilizers`.

We provide integration with the stim package. It is possible to run Clifford circuits using stim as an engine:

from qibo.backends import CliffordBackend
from qibo.quantum_info import Clifford, random_clifford

clifford_backend = CliffordBackend(engine="stim")

circuit = random_clifford(nqubits)
result = clifford_backend.execute_circuit(circuit)

## Note that the execution above is equivalent to the one below

result = Clifford.from_circuit(circuit, engine="stim")
.. autoclass:: qibo.quantum_info.clifford.Clifford
    :member-order: bysource

Entanglement measures

Set of functions to calculate entanglement measures.


.. autofunction:: qibo.quantum_info.concurrence

Entanglement of formation

.. autofunction:: qibo.quantum_info.entanglement_of_formation

Entanglement fidelity

.. autofunction:: qibo.quantum_info.entanglement_fidelity

Meyer-Wallach entanglement

.. autofunction:: qibo.quantum_info.meyer_wallach_entanglement

Entanglement capability

.. autofunction:: qibo.quantum_info.entangling_capability

Entropy measures

Set of functions to calculate entropy measures.

Shannon entropy

.. autofunction:: qibo.quantum_info.shannon_entropy

Classical relative entropy

.. autofunction:: qibo.quantum_info.classical_relative_entropy

Classical Rényi entropy

.. autofunction:: qibo.quantum_info.classical_renyi_entropy

Classical Rényi relative entropy

.. autofunction:: qibo.quantum_info.classical_relative_renyi_entropy

Classical Tsallis entropy

.. autofunction:: qibo.quantum_info.classical_tsallis_entropy

von Neumann entropy

.. autofunction:: qibo.quantum_info.von_neumann_entropy


check_hermitian flag allows the user to choose if the function will check if input state is Hermitian or not. Default option is check_hermitian=False, i.e. the assumption of Hermiticity. This is faster and, more importantly, this function are intended to be used on Hermitian inputs. When check_hermitian=True and state is non-Hermitian, an error will be raised when using cupy backend.

Relative von Neumann entropy

.. autofunction:: qibo.quantum_info.relative_von_neumann_entropy


check_hermitian flag allows the user to choose if the function will check if input state is Hermitian or not. Default option is check_hermitian=False, i.e. the assumption of Hermiticity. This is faster and, more importantly, this function are intended to be used on Hermitian inputs. When check_hermitian=True and either state or target is non-Hermitian, an error will be raised when using cupy backend.

Rényi entropy

.. autofunction:: qibo.quantum_info.renyi_entropy

Relative Rényi entropy

.. autofunction:: qibo.quantum_info.relative_renyi_entropy

Tsallis entropy

.. autofunction:: qibo.quantum_info.tsallis_entropy

Entanglement entropy

.. autofunction:: qibo.quantum_info.entanglement_entropy


check_hermitian flag allows the user to choose if the function will check if the reduced density matrix resulting from tracing out bipartition from input state is Hermitian or not. Default option is check_hermitian=False, i.e. the assumption of Hermiticity. This is faster and, more importantly, this function are intended to be used on Hermitian inputs. When check_hermitian=True and the reduced density matrix is non-Hermitian, an error will be raised when using cupy backend.


Set of functions that are used to calculate metrics of states, (pseudo-)distance measures between states, and distance measures between quantum channels.


.. autofunction:: qibo.quantum_info.purity


.. autofunction:: qibo.quantum_info.impurity

Trace distance

.. autofunction:: qibo.quantum_info.trace_distance


check_hermitian flag allows the user to choose if the function will check if difference between inputs, state - target, is Hermitian or not. Default option is check_hermitian=False, i.e. the assumption of Hermiticity, because it is faster and, more importantly, the functions are intended to be used on Hermitian inputs. When check_hermitian=True and state - target is non-Hermitian, an error will be raised when using cupy backend.

Hilbert-Schmidt distance

.. autofunction:: qibo.quantum_info.hilbert_schmidt_distance


.. autofunction::


.. autofunction:: qibo.quantum_info.infidelity

Bures angle

.. autofunction:: qibo.quantum_info.bures_angle

Bures distance

.. autofunction:: qibo.quantum_info.bures_distance

Process fidelity

.. autofunction:: qibo.quantum_info.process_fidelity

Process infidelity

.. autofunction:: qibo.quantum_info.process_infidelity

Average gate fidelity

.. autofunction:: qibo.quantum_info.average_gate_fidelity

Gate error

.. autofunction:: qibo.quantum_info.gate_error

Diamond Norm

.. autofunction:: qibo.quantum_info.diamond_norm

Expressibility of parameterized quantum circuits

.. autofunction:: qibo.quantum_info.expressibility

Frame Potential

.. autofunction:: qibo.quantum_info.frame_potential

Quantum Networks

Quantum network is an object that unifies the representation of quantum states, channels, observables, and higher-order quantum operators.

For more details, see G. Chiribella et al., Theoretical framework for quantum networks, Physical Review A 80.2 (2009): 022339.

.. autoclass:: qibo.quantum_info.quantum_networks.QuantumNetwork
    :member-order: bysource

Random Ensembles

Functions that can generate random quantum objects.

Haar-random U_{3}

.. autofunction:: qibo.quantum_info.uniform_sampling_U3

Random Gaussian matrix

.. autofunction:: qibo.quantum_info.random_gaussian_matrix

Random Hermitian matrix

.. autofunction:: qibo.quantum_info.random_hermitian

Random unitary matrix

.. autofunction:: qibo.quantum_info.random_unitary

Random quantum channel

.. autofunction:: qibo.quantum_info.random_quantum_channel

Random statevector

.. autofunction:: qibo.quantum_info.random_statevector

Random density matrix

.. autofunction:: qibo.quantum_info.random_density_matrix

Random Clifford

.. autofunction:: qibo.quantum_info.random_clifford

Random Pauli

.. autofunction:: qibo.quantum_info.random_pauli

Random Pauli Hamiltonian

.. autofunction:: qibo.quantum_info.random_pauli_hamiltonian

Random stochastic matrix

.. autofunction:: qibo.quantum_info.random_stochastic_matrix

Superoperator Transformations

Functions used to convert superoperators among their possible representations. For more in-depth theoretical description of the representations and transformations, we direct the reader to Wood, Biamonte, and Cory, Quant. Inf. Comp. 15, 0579-0811 (2015).


.. autofunction:: qibo.quantum_info.vectorization


Due to numpy limitations on handling transposition of tensors, this function will not work when the number of qubits n is such that n > 16.


.. autofunction:: qibo.quantum_info.unvectorization


Due to numpy limitations on handling transposition of tensors, this function will not work when the number of qubits n is such that n > 16.

To Choi

.. autofunction:: qibo.quantum_info.to_choi

To Liouville

.. autofunction:: qibo.quantum_info.to_liouville

To Pauli-Liouville

.. autofunction:: qibo.quantum_info.to_pauli_liouville

To Chi

.. autofunction:: qibo.quantum_info.to_chi

Choi to Liouville

.. autofunction:: qibo.quantum_info.choi_to_liouville

Choi to Pauli-Liouville

.. autofunction:: qibo.quantum_info.choi_to_pauli

Choi to Kraus

.. autofunction:: qibo.quantum_info.superoperator_transformations.choi_to_kraus


Due to the spectral decomposition subroutine in this function, the resulting Kraus operators \{K_{\alpha}\}_{\alpha} might contain global phases. That implies these operators are not exactly equal to the "true" Kraus operators \{K_{\alpha}^{(\text{ideal})}\}_{\alpha}. However, since these are global phases, the operators' actions are the same, i.e.

K_{\alpha} \, \rho \, K_{\alpha}^{\dagger} = K_{\alpha}^{\text{(ideal)}} \, \rho \,\,
    (K_{\alpha}^{\text{(ideal)}})^{\dagger} \,\,\,\,\, , \,\, \forall \, \alpha


User can set validate_cp=False in order to speed up execution by not checking if input map choi_super_op is completely positive (CP) and Hermitian. However, that may lead to erroneous outputs if choi_super_op is not guaranteed to be CP. We advise users to either set this flag carefully or leave it in its default setting (validate_cp=True).

Choi to Chi-matrix

.. autofunction:: qibo.quantum_info.choi_to_chi

Choi to Stinespring

.. autofunction:: qibo.quantum_info.choi_to_stinespring

Kraus to Choi

.. autofunction:: qibo.quantum_info.kraus_to_choi

Kraus to Liouville

.. autofunction:: qibo.quantum_info.kraus_to_liouville

Kraus to Pauli-Liouville

.. autofunction:: qibo.quantum_info.kraus_to_pauli

Kraus to Chi-matrix

.. autofunction:: qibo.quantum_info.kraus_to_chi

Kraus to Stinespring

.. autofunction:: qibo.quantum_info.kraus_to_stinespring

Liouville to Choi

.. autofunction:: qibo.quantum_info.liouville_to_choi

Liouville to Pauli-Liouville

.. autofunction:: qibo.quantum_info.liouville_to_pauli

Liouville to Kraus

.. autofunction:: qibo.quantum_info.liouville_to_kraus


Due to the spectral decomposition subroutine in this function, the resulting Kraus operators \{K_{\alpha}\}_{\alpha} might contain global phases. That implies these operators are not exactly equal to the "true" Kraus operators \{K_{\alpha}^{(\text{ideal})}\}_{\alpha}. However, since these are global phases, the operators' actions are the same, i.e.

K_{\alpha} \, \rho \, K_{\alpha}^{\dagger} = K_{\alpha}^{\text{(ideal)}} \, \rho \,\,
    (K_{\alpha}^{\text{(ideal)}})^{\dagger} \,\,\,\,\, , \,\, \forall \, \alpha

Liouville to Chi-matrix

.. autofunction:: qibo.quantum_info.liouville_to_chi

Liouville to Stinespring

.. autofunction:: qibo.quantum_info.liouville_to_stinespring

Pauli-Liouville to Liouville

.. autofunction:: qibo.quantum_info.pauli_to_liouville

Pauli-Liouville to Choi

.. autofunction:: qibo.quantum_info.pauli_to_choi

Pauli-Liouville to Kraus

.. autofunction:: qibo.quantum_info.pauli_to_kraus

Pauli-Liouville to Chi-matrix

.. autofunction:: qibo.quantum_info.pauli_to_chi

Pauli-Liouville to Stinespring

.. autofunction:: qibo.quantum_info.pauli_to_stinespring

Chi-matrix to Choi

.. autofunction:: qibo.quantum_info.chi_to_choi

Chi-matrix to Liouville

.. autofunction:: qibo.quantum_info.chi_to_liouville

Chi-matrix to Pauli-Liouville

.. autofunction:: qibo.quantum_info.chi_to_pauli

Chi-matrix to Kraus

.. autofunction:: qibo.quantum_info.chi_to_kraus


Due to the spectral decomposition subroutine in this function, the resulting Kraus operators \{K_{\alpha}\}_{\alpha} might contain global phases. That implies these operators are not exactly equal to the "true" Kraus operators \{K_{\alpha}^{(\text{ideal})}\}_{\alpha}. However, since these are global phases, the operators' actions are the same, i.e.

K_{\alpha} \, \rho \, K_{\alpha}^{\dagger} = K_{\alpha}^{\text{(ideal)}} \, \rho \,\,
    (K_{\alpha}^{\text{(ideal)}})^{\dagger} \,\,\,\,\, , \,\, \forall \, \alpha


User can set validate_cp=False in order to speed up execution by not checking if the Choi representation obtained from the input chi_matrix is completely positive (CP) and Hermitian. However, that may lead to erroneous outputs if choi_super_op is not guaranteed to be CP. We advise users to either set this flag carefully or leave it in its default setting (validate_cp=True).

Chi-matrix to Stinespring

.. autofunction:: qibo.quantum_info.chi_to_stinespring

Stinespring to Choi

.. autofunction:: qibo.quantum_info.stinespring_to_choi

Stinespring to Liouville

.. autofunction:: qibo.quantum_info.stinespring_to_liouville

Stinespring to Pauli-Liouville

.. autofunction:: qibo.quantum_info.stinespring_to_pauli

Stinespring to Kraus

.. autofunction:: qibo.quantum_info.stinespring_to_kraus

Stinespring to Chi-matrix

.. autofunction:: qibo.quantum_info.stinespring_to_chi

Kraus operators as probabilistic sum of unitaries

.. autofunction:: qibo.quantum_info.kraus_to_unitaries


It is not guaranteed that a good approximation will be found or that any approximation will be found at all. This functions will find good solutions for a limited set of operators. We leave to the user to decide how to best use this function.

Utility Functions

Functions that can be used to calculate metrics and distance measures on classical probability arrays.

Hamming weight

.. autofunction:: qibo.quantum_info.hamming_weight

Hamming distance

.. autofunction:: qibo.quantum_info.hamming_distance

Hadamard Transform

.. autofunction:: qibo.quantum_info.hadamard_transform

Hellinger distance

.. autofunction:: qibo.quantum_info.hellinger_distance

Hellinger fidelity

.. autofunction:: qibo.quantum_info.hellinger_fidelity

Hellinger shot error

.. autofunction:: qibo.quantum_info.hellinger_fidelity

Haar integral

.. autofunction:: qibo.quantum_info.haar_integral

Parameterized quantum circuit integral

.. autofunction:: qibo.quantum_info.pqc_integral


We provide CPU multi-processing methods for circuit evaluation for multiple input states and multiple parameters for fixed input state.

When using the methods below the processes option controls the number of processes used by the parallel algorithms through the multiprocessing library. By default processes=None, in this case the total number of logical cores are used. Make sure to select the appropriate number of processes for your computer specification, taking in consideration memory and physical cores. In order to obtain optimal results you can control the number of threads used by each process with the qibo.set_threads method. For example, for small-medium size circuits you may benefit from single thread per process, thus set qibo.set_threads(1) before running the optimization.

.. automodule:: qibo.parallel
   :member-order: bysource
   :exclude-members: ParallelResources


The main calculation engine is defined in the abstract backend object :class:`qibo.backends.abstract.Backend`. This object defines the methods required by all Qibo models to perform simulation.

Qibo currently provides two different calculation backends, one based on numpy and one based on Tensorflow. It is possible to define new backends by inheriting :class:`qibo.backends.abstract.Backend` and implementing its abstract methods.

An additional backend is shipped as the separate library qibojit. This backend is supplemented by custom operators defined under which can be used to efficiently apply gates to state vectors or density matrices.

We refer to :ref:`Packages <packages>` section for a complete list of the available computation backends and instructions on how to install each of these libraries on top of qibo.

Custom operators are much faster than implementations based on numpy or Tensorflow primitives, such as einsum, but do not support some features, such as automatic differentiation for backpropagation of variational circuits which is only supported by the native tensorflow backend.

The user can switch backends using

import qibo

before creating any circuits or gates. The default backend is the first available from qibojit, pytorch, tensorflow, numpy.

Some backends support different platforms. For example, the qibojit backend provides two platforms (cupy and cuquantum) when used on GPU. The active platform can be switched using

import qibo
qibo.set_backend("qibojit", platform="cuquantum")
qibo.set_backend("qibojit", platform="cupy")

The default backend order is qibojit (if available), tensorflow (if available), numpy. The default backend can be changed using the QIBO_BACKEND environment variable.

Qibo optionally provides an interface to qulacs through the :class:`qibo.backends.qulacs.QulacsBackend`. To use qulacs for simulating a quantum circuit you can globally set the backend as in the other cases

.. testcode:: python

   import qibo


GPU simulation through qulacs is not supported yet.

.. autoclass:: qibo.backends.abstract.Backend
    :member-order: bysource

Clifford Simulation

A special backend in qibo supports the simulation of Clifford circuits. This :class:`qibo.backends.clifford.CliffordBackend` backend implements the phase-space formalism introduced in to efficiently simulate gate application and measurements sampling in the stabilizers state representation. The execution of a circuit through this backend creates a :class:`qibo.quantum_info.clifford.Clifford` object that gives access to the final measured samples through the :meth:`qibo.quantum_info.clifford.Clifford.samples` method, similarly to :class:`qibo.result.CircuitResult`. The probabilities and frequencies are computed starting from the samples by the :meth:`qibo.quantum_info.clifford.Clifford.frequencies` and :meth:`qibo.quantum_info.clifford.Clifford.probabilities` methods.

It is also possible to recover the standard state representation with the :meth:`qibo.quantum_info.clifford.Clifford.state` method. Note, however, that this process is inefficient as it involves the construction of all the stabilizers starting from the generators encoded inside the symplectic matrix.

As for the other backends, the Clifford backend can be set with

.. testcode::  python

    import qibo
    qibo.set_backend("clifford", platform="numpy")

by specifying the engine used for calculation, if not provided the current :class:`qibo.backends.GlobalBackend` is used

.. testcode::  python

    import qibo

    # setting numpy as the global backend
    # the clifford backend will use the numpy backend as engine
    backend = qibo.backends.CliffordBackend()

Alternatively, a Clifford circuit can also be executed starting from the :class:`qibo.quantum_info.clifford.Clifford` object

from qibo.quantum_info import Clifford, random_clifford

nqubits = 2
circuit = random_clifford(nqubits)
result = Clifford.from_circuit(circuit)
.. autoclass:: qibo.backends.clifford.CliffordBackend
    :member-order: bysource

Cloud Backends

Additional backends that support the remote execution of quantum circuits through cloud service providers, such as IBM and QRC-TII, are provided by the optional qibo plugin qibo-cloud-backends. For more information please refer to the official documentation.