diff --git a/documents/customer.md b/documents/customer.md
index 87f0347..8b687ed 100644
--- a/documents/customer.md
+++ b/documents/customer.md
@@ -146,6 +146,250 @@ instance.customers.fetch(customerId)
+### Add Bank Account of Customer
+var customerId = "cust_N5mywh91sXB69O"
+instance.customers.addBankAccount(customerId, {
+ "ifsc_code" : "UTIB0000194",
+ "account_number" :"916010082985661",
+ "beneficiary_name" : "Pratheek",
+ "beneficiary_address1" : "address 1",
+ "beneficiary_address2" : "address 2",
+ "beneficiary_address3" : "address 3",
+ "beneficiary_address4" : "address 4",
+ "beneficiary_email" : "random@email.com",
+ "beneficiary_mobile" : "8762489310",
+ "beneficiary_city" :"Bangalore",
+ "beneficiary_state" : "KA",
+ "beneficiary_country" : "IN"
+| Name | Type | Description |
+| customerId* | string | Customer's bank account number |
+| account_number | integer | The id of the customer to be fetched |
+| account_number | string | The name of the beneficiary associated with the bank account. |
+| beneficiary_name | string | The virtual payment address. |
+| beneficiary_address1 | string | The id of the customer to be fetched |
+| beneficiary_email | string | Email address of the beneficiary. |
+| beneficiary_mobile | integer | Mobile number of the beneficiary. |
+| beneficiary_city | string | The name of the city of the beneficiary. |
+| beneficiary_state | string | The state of the beneficiary. |
+| beneficiary_pin | interger | The pin code of the beneficiary's address. |
+| ifsc_code | string | The IFSC code of the bank branch associated with the account. |
+ "id" : "cust_1Aa00000000001",
+ "entity": "customer",
+ "name" : "Saurav Kumar",
+ "email" : "Saurav.kumar@example.com",
+ "contact" : "+919000000000",
+ "gstin":"29XAbbA4369J1PA",
+ "notes" : [],
+ "created_at ": 1234567890
+### Delete Bank Account of Customer
+var customerId = "cust_N5mywh91sXB69O"
+var bankAccountId = "ba_N6aM8uo64IzxHu"
+instance.customers.deleteBankAccount(customerId, bankAccountId);
+| Name | Type | Description |
+| customerId* | string | Customer's bank account number |
+| bank_id | string | The bank_id that needs to be deleted. |
+ "id": "ba_Evg09Ll05SIPSD",
+ "ifsc": "ICIC0001207",
+ "bank_name": "ICICI Bank",
+ "name": "Test R4zorpay",
+ "account_number": "XXXXXXXXXXXXXXX0434",
+ "status": "deleted"
+### Eligibility Check API
+ "inquiry": "affordability",
+ "amount": 500000,
+ "currency": "INR",
+ "customer": {
+ "id": "cust_KhP5dO1dKmc0Rm",
+ "contact": "+918220276214",
+ "ip": "",
+ "referrer": "https://merchansite.com/example/paybill",
+ "user_agent": "Mozilla/5.0"
+ }
+| Name | Type | Description |
+| inquiry | string | List of methods or instruments on which eligibility check is required. Possible value is `affordability`. |
+| amount* | string | The amount for which the order was created, in currency subunits. For example, for an amount of ₹295, enter `29500`. |
+| currency* | string | Possible value is `INR`. |
+| customer | object | All keys listed [here](https://razorpay.com/docs/payments/payment-gateway/affordability/eligibility-check/#request-parameters) are supported |
+| instruments | object | All keys listed [here](https://razorpay.com/docs/payments/payment-gateway/affordability/eligibility-check/#request-parameters) are supported |
+ "amount": "500000",
+ "customer": {
+ "id": "KkBhM9EC1Y0HTm",
+ "contact": "+918220722114"
+ },
+ "instruments": [
+ {
+ "method": "emi",
+ "issuer": "HDFC",
+ "type": "debit",
+ "eligibility_req_id": "elig_KkCNLzlNeMYQyZ",
+ "eligibility": {
+ "status": "eligible"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "method": "paylater",
+ "provider": "getsimpl",
+ "eligibility_req_id": "elig_KkCNLzlNeMYQyZ",
+ "eligibility": {
+ "status": "eligible"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "method": "paylater",
+ "provider": "icic",
+ "eligibility_req_id": "elig_KkCNLzlNeMYQyZ",
+ "eligibility": {
+ "status": "eligible"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "method": "cardless_emi",
+ "provider": "walnut369",
+ "eligibility_req_id": "elig_KkCNLzlNeMYQyZ",
+ "eligibility": {
+ "status": "ineligible",
+ "error": {
+ "code": "GATEWAY_ERROR",
+ "description": "The customer has not been approved by the partner.",
+ "source": "business",
+ "step": "inquiry",
+ "reason": "user_not_approved"
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "method": "cardless_emi",
+ "provider": "zestmoney",
+ "eligibility_req_id": "elig_KkCNLzlNeMYQyZ",
+ "eligibility": {
+ "status": "ineligible",
+ "error": {
+ "code": "GATEWAY_ERROR",
+ "description": "The customer has exhausted their credit limit.",
+ "source": "business",
+ "step": "inquiry",
+ "reason": "credit_limit_exhausted"
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "method": "paylater",
+ "provider": "lazypay",
+ "eligibility_req_id": "elig_KkCNLzlNeMYQyZ",
+ "eligibility": {
+ "status": "ineligible",
+ "error": {
+ "code": "GATEWAY_ERROR",
+ "description": "The order amount is less than the minimum transaction amount.",
+ "source": "business",
+ "step": "inquiry",
+ "reason": "min_amt_required"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ ]
+### Fetch Eligibility by id
+var eligibilityId = 'elig_F1cxDoHWD4fkQt'
+| Name | Type | Description |
+| customerId* | string | Customer's bank account number |
+| bank_id | string | The bank_id that needs to be deleted. |
+ "instruments": [
+ {
+ "method": "paylater",
+ "provider": "lazypay",
+ "eligibility_req_id": "elig_LBwGKVvS2X48Lq",
+ "eligibility": {
+ "status": "eligible"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "method": "paylater",
+ "provider": "getsimpl",
+ "eligibility_req_id": "elig_LBwGKVvS2X48Lq",
+ "eligibility": {
+ "status": "ineligible",
+ "error": {
+ "code": "GATEWAY_ERROR",
+ "description": "The customer has exhausted their credit limit",
+ "source": "gateway",
+ "step": "inquiry",
+ "reason": "credit_limit_exhausted"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ ]
**PN: * indicates mandatory fields**
diff --git a/documents/disputes.md b/documents/disputes.md
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a5ffff8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/documents/disputes.md
@@ -0,0 +1,241 @@
+## Disputes
+### Fetch All Disputes
+var options = {
+ count: 1
+| Name | Type | Description |
+| count | integer | number of dispute to fetch (default: 10) |
+| skip | integer | number of dispute to be skipped (default: 0) |
+ "entity": "collection",
+ "count": 1,
+ "items": [
+ {
+ "id": "disp_Esz7KAitoYM7PJ",
+ "entity": "dispute",
+ "payment_id": "pay_EsyWjHrfzb59eR",
+ "amount": 10000,
+ "currency": "INR",
+ "amount_deducted": 0,
+ "reason_code": "pre_arbitration",
+ "respond_by": 1590604200,
+ "status": "open",
+ "phase": "pre_arbitration",
+ "created_at": 1590059211,
+ "evidence": {
+ "amount": 10000,
+ "summary": null,
+ "shipping_proof": null,
+ "billing_proof": null,
+ "cancellation_proof": null,
+ "customer_communication": null,
+ "proof_of_service": null,
+ "explanation_letter": null,
+ "refund_confirmation": null,
+ "access_activity_log": null,
+ "refund_cancellation_policy": null,
+ "term_and_conditions": null,
+ "others": null,
+ "submitted_at": null
+ }
+ }
+ ]
+### Fetch a Dispute
+var disputeId = "disp_0000000000000";
+| Name | Type | Description |
+| id* | string | The unique identifier of the dispute. |
+ "id": "disp_AHfqOvkldwsbqt",
+ "entity": "dispute",
+ "payment_id": "pay_EsyWjHrfzb59eR",
+ "amount": 10000,
+ "currency": "INR",
+ "amount_deducted": 0,
+ "reason_code": "pre_arbitration",
+ "respond_by": 1590604200,
+ "status": "open",
+ "phase": "pre_arbitration",
+ "created_at": 1590059211,
+ "evidence": {
+ "amount": 10000,
+ "summary": "goods delivered",
+ "shipping_proof": null,
+ "billing_proof": null,
+ "cancellation_proof": null,
+ "customer_communication": null,
+ "proof_of_service": null,
+ "explanation_letter": null,
+ "refund_confirmation": null,
+ "access_activity_log": null,
+ "refund_cancellation_policy": null,
+ "term_and_conditions": null,
+ "others": null,
+ "submitted_at": null
+ }
+### Contest a Dispute
+//Use this API sample code for draft
+var disputeId = "disp_0000000000000";
+ "billing_proof": [
+ "doc_EFtmUsbwpXwBG9",
+ "doc_EFtmUsbwpXwBG8"
+ ],
+ "action": "submit"
+//Use this API sample code for submit
+instance.disputes.contest(disputeId, {
+ "amount": 5000,
+ "summary": "goods delivered",
+ "shipping_proof": [
+ "doc_EFtmUsbwpXwBH9",
+ "doc_EFtmUsbwpXwBH8"
+ ],
+ "others": [
+ {
+ "type": "receipt_signed_by_customer",
+ "document_ids": [
+ "doc_EFtmUsbwpXwBH1",
+ "doc_EFtmUsbwpXwBH7"
+ ]
+ }
+ ],
+ "action": "draft"
+// Draft
+ "id": "disp_AHfqOvkldwsbqt",
+ "entity": "dispute",
+ "payment_id": "pay_EsyWjHrfzb59eR",
+ "amount": 10000,
+ "currency": "INR",
+ "amount_deducted": 0,
+ "reason_code": "chargeback",
+ "respond_by": 1590604200,
+ "status": "open",
+ "phase": "chargeback",
+ "created_at": 1590059211,
+ "evidence": {
+ "amount": 5000,
+ "summary": "goods delivered",
+ "shipping_proof": [
+ "doc_EFtmUsbwpXwBH9",
+ "doc_EFtmUsbwpXwBH8"
+ ],
+ "billing_proof": null,
+ "cancellation_proof": null,
+ "customer_communication": null,
+ "proof_of_service": null,
+ "explanation_letter": null,
+ "refund_confirmation": null,
+ "access_activity_log": null,
+ "refund_cancellation_policy": null,
+ "term_and_conditions": null,
+ "others": [
+ {
+ "type": "receipt_signed_by_customer",
+ "document_ids": [
+ "doc_EFtmUsbwpXwBH1",
+ "doc_EFtmUsbwpXwBH7"
+ ]
+ }
+ ],
+ "submitted_at": null
+ }
+ "id": "disp_AHfqOvkldwsbqt",
+ "entity": "dispute",
+ "payment_id": "pay_EsyWjHrfzb59eR",
+ "amount": 10000,
+ "currency": "INR",
+ "amount_deducted": 0,
+ "reason_code": "chargeback",
+ "respond_by": 1590604200,
+ "status": "under_review",
+ "phase": "chargeback",
+ "created_at": 1590059211,
+ "evidence": {
+ "amount": 5000,
+ "summary": "goods delivered",
+ "shipping_proof": [
+ "doc_EFtmUsbwpXwBH9",
+ "doc_EFtmUsbwpXwBH8"
+ ],
+ "billing_proof": [
+ "doc_EFtmUsbwpXwBG9",
+ "doc_EFtmUsbwpXwBG8"
+ ],
+ "cancellation_proof": null,
+ "customer_communication": null,
+ "proof_of_service": null,
+ "explanation_letter": null,
+ "refund_confirmation": null,
+ "access_activity_log": null,
+ "refund_cancellation_policy": null,
+ "term_and_conditions": null,
+ "others": [
+ {
+ "type": "receipt_signed_by_customer",
+ "document_ids": [
+ "doc_EFtmUsbwpXwBH1",
+ "doc_EFtmUsbwpXwBH7"
+ ]
+ }
+ ],
+ "submitted_at": 1590603200
+ }
+**PN: * indicates mandatory fields**
+**For reference click [here](https://razorpay.com/docs/api/documents)**
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/documents/documents.md b/documents/documents.md
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c223db9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/documents/documents.md
@@ -0,0 +1,73 @@
+## Document
+### Create a Document
+var formData = {
+ 'file': {
+ 'value': fs.createReadStream('/Users/your_name/Downloads/sample_uploaded.pdf'),
+ 'options': {
+ 'filename': 'sample_uploaded.pdf',
+ 'contentType': null
+ }
+ },
+ 'purpose': 'dispute_evidence'
+| Name | Type | Description |
+| file* | string | The URL generated once the business proof document is uploaded. |
+| purpose | string | Possible value is `dispute_evidence` |
+ "id": "doc_EsyWjHrfzb59Re",
+ "entity": "document",
+ "purpose": "dispute_evidence",
+ "name": "doc_19_12_2020.jpg",
+ "mime_type": "image/png",
+ "size": 2863,
+ "created_at": 1590604200
+### Fetch Document Information
+var documentId = "doc_EsyWjHrfzb59Re";
+| Name | Type | Description |
+| Id* | string | The unique identifier of the document. |
+ "entity": "document",
+ "id": "doc_00000000000000",
+ "purpose": "dispute_evidence",
+ "created_at": 1701701378,
+ "mime_type": "application/pdf",
+ "display_name": "ppm_00000000000000",
+ "size": 404678,
+ "url": ""
+**PN: * indicates mandatory fields**
+**For reference click [here](https://razorpay.com/docs/api/documents)**
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/documents/order.md b/documents/order.md
index 992b8ca..9f3d16d 100644
--- a/documents/order.md
+++ b/documents/order.md
@@ -261,6 +261,193 @@ instance.orders.edit(orderId,{
+### Create an order (Magic checkout)
+ "amount": 50000,
+ "currency": "INR",
+ "receipt": "receipt#22",
+ "notes": {
+ "key1": "value3",
+ "key2": "value2"
+ },
+ "rto_review": true,
+ "line_items": [
+ {
+ "type": "e-commerce",
+ "sku": "1g234",
+ "variant_id": "12r34",
+ "price": "3900",
+ "offer_price": "3800",
+ "tax_amount": 0,
+ "quantity": 1,
+ "name": "TEST",
+ "description": "TEST",
+ "weight": "1700",
+ "dimensions": {
+ "length": "1700",
+ "width": "1700",
+ "height": "1700"
+ },
+ "image_url": "https://unsplash.com/s/photos/new-wallpaper",
+ "product_url": "https://unsplash.com/s/photos/new-wallpaper",
+ "notes": {}
+ }
+ ],
+ "line_items_total": "1200",
+ "shipping_fee": 100,
+ "cod_fee": 100,
+ "customer_details": {
+ "name": "Gaurav Kumar",
+ "contact": "+919000090000",
+ "email": "gaurav.kumar@example.com",
+ "shipping_address": {
+ "name": "Gaurav Kumar",
+ "line1": "84th floor, Millennium Tower",
+ "line2": "2nd main",
+ "zipcode": "560000",
+ "contact": "+919000090000",
+ "city": "Bangalore",
+ "state": "Karnataka",
+ "country": "IND",
+ "tag": "home",
+ "landmark": "XYZ Hospital"
+ },
+ "billing_address": {
+ "name": "Gaurav Kumar",
+ "line1": "84th floor, Millennium Tower",
+ "line2": "2nd main",
+ "zipcode": "560000",
+ "contact": "+919000090000",
+ "city": "Bangalore",
+ "state": "Karnataka",
+ "country": "IND",
+ "tag": "home",
+ "landmark": "XYZ Hospital"
+ }
+ },
+ "promotions": [{
+ "reference_id": "reference",
+ "code": "code",
+ "type": "discount",
+ "value": 20,
+ "value_type": "flat",
+ "description": "description"
+ }],
+ "device_details": {
+ "ip": "",
+ "user_agent": "abc"
+ }
+| Name | Type | Description |
+| amount* | integer | The transaction amount, expressed in the currency subunit, such as paise (in case of INR). |
+| currency* | string | The currency in which the transaction should be made. default value is `INR`|
+| receipt | string | Your receipt id for this order should be passed here. Maximum length of 40 characters. |
+| notes | array | Key-value pair that can be used to store additional information about the entity.|
+| rto_review | boolean | Identifier to mark the order eligible for RTO risk prediction. Possible values is `0` or `1` |
+| line_items | array | All keys listed [here](https://razorpay.com/docs/payments/magic-checkout/rto-intelligence/#step-1-create-an-order) are supported |
+| line_items_total | integer | Sum of offer_price for all line items added in the cart in paise. |
+| shipping_fee | integer | Shipping fee charged on the line items in paisa. |
+| cod_fee | integer | COD fee charged on the line items in paisa. |
+| promotions | array | Used to pass all offer or discount related information including coupon code discount, method discount and so on. |
+| customer | array | All keys listed [here](https://razorpay.com/docs/payments/magic-checkout/rto-intelligence/#step-1-create-an-order) are supported |
+| device_details | array | All keys listed [here](https://razorpay.com/docs/payments/magic-checkout/rto-intelligence/#step-1-create-an-order) are supported |
+| shipping_details | array | All keys listed [here](https://razorpay.com/docs/payments/magic-checkout/rto-intelligence/#step-1-create-an-order) are supported |
+ "id": "order_MpyV7eOsTBn24z",
+ "entity": "order",
+ "amount": 50000,
+ "amount_paid": 0,
+ "amount_due": 50000,
+ "currency": "INR",
+ "receipt": "receipt#22",
+ "status": "created",
+ "attempts": 0,
+ "notes": {
+ "key1": "value3",
+ "key2": "value2"
+ },
+ "created_at": 1697698714
+### View RTO/Risk Reasons
+var orderId = "order_DaaS6LOUAASb7Y";
+| Name | Type | Description |
+| orderId* | string | The id of the order to be retrieve payment info |
+| notes* | array | A key-value pair |
+ "risk_tier": "high",
+ "rto_reasons": [
+ {
+ "reason": "short_shipping_address",
+ "description": "Short shipping address",
+ "bucket": "address"
+ },
+ {
+ "reason": "address_pincode_state_mismatch",
+ "description": "Incorrect pincode state entered",
+ "bucket": "address"
+ }
+ ]
+var orderId = "order_DaaS6LOUAASb7Y";
+instance.orders.editFulfillment(orderId, {
+ "payment_method": "upi",
+ "shipping": {
+ "waybill": "123456789",
+ "status": "rto",
+ "provider": "Bluedart"
+ }
+| Name | Type | Description |
+| payment_method | string | The id of the order to be retrieve payment info |
+| shipping | array | All keys listed [here](https://razorpay.com/docs/payments/magic-checkout/rto-intelligence/#step-3-update-the-fulfillment-details) are supported |
+ "entity": "order.fulfillment",
+ "order_id": "EKwxwAgItXXXX",
+ "payment_method": "upi",
+ "shipping": {
+ "waybill": "123456789",
+ "status": "rto",
+ "provider": "Bluedart"
+ }
**PN: * indicates mandatory fields**
diff --git a/lib/razorpay.d.ts b/lib/razorpay.d.ts
index 83d0639..f0e5ed1 100644
--- a/lib/razorpay.d.ts
+++ b/lib/razorpay.d.ts
@@ -22,6 +22,8 @@ import webhooks from './types/webhooks'
import products from './types/products'
import tokens from './types/tokens'
import iins from './types/iins'
+import documents from './types/documents'
+import disputes from './types/disputes'
interface IRazorpayConfig {
key_id: string;
@@ -144,6 +146,16 @@ declare class Razorpay {
* @see https://razorpay.com/docs/api/payments/cards/iin-api/#iin-entity
iins: ReturnType
+ /**
+ * Documents Entity
+ * @see https://razorpay.com/docs/api/documents
+ */
+ documents: ReturnType
+ /**
+ * Dispute Entity
+ * @see https://razorpay.com/docs/api/disputes
+ */
+ disputes: ReturnType
export = Razorpay
diff --git a/lib/razorpay.js b/lib/razorpay.js
index dbbd1d8..ccfbca0 100644
--- a/lib/razorpay.js
+++ b/lib/razorpay.js
@@ -57,7 +57,9 @@ class Razorpay {
fundAccount : require('./resources/fundAccount')(this.api),
items : require('./resources/items')(this.api),
cards : require('./resources/cards')(this.api),
- webhooks : require('./resources/webhooks')(this.api)
+ webhooks : require('./resources/webhooks')(this.api),
+ documents : require('./resources/documents')(this.api),
+ disputes : require('./resources/disputes')(this.api)
diff --git a/lib/resources/customers.js b/lib/resources/customers.js
index 2ea7d24..4642cfe 100644
--- a/lib/resources/customers.js
+++ b/lib/resources/customers.js
@@ -53,6 +53,32 @@ module.exports = function (api) {
return api.delete({
url: `/customers/${customerId}/tokens/${tokenId}`
}, callback)
+ },
+ addBankAccount(customerId, params ,callback) {
+ return api.post({
+ url: `/customers/${customerId}/bank_account`,
+ data: params
+ }, callback)
+ },
+ deleteBankAccount(customerId, bankId ,callback) {
+ return api.delete({
+ url: `/customers/${customerId}/bank_account/${bankId}`
+ }, callback)
+ },
+ requestEligibilityCheck(params ,callback) {
+ return api.post({
+ url: `/customers/eligibility`,
+ data: params
+ }, callback)
+ },
+ fetchEligibility(eligibilityId, callback) {
+ return api.get({
+ url: `/customers/eligibility/${eligibilityId}`,
+ }, callback)
diff --git a/lib/resources/disputes.js b/lib/resources/disputes.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6c821aa
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/resources/disputes.js
@@ -0,0 +1,43 @@
+'use strict';
+module.exports = function (api) {
+ const BASE_URL = "/disputes";
+ return {
+ fetch(disputeId, callback) {
+ return api.get({
+ url: `${BASE_URL}/${disputeId}`,
+ }, callback);
+ },
+ all(params = {}, callback) {
+ let { count, skip } = params
+ count = Number(count) || 10
+ skip = Number(skip) || 0
+ return api.get({
+ url: `${BASE_URL}`,
+ data: {
+ count,
+ skip
+ }
+ }, callback)
+ },
+ accept(disputeId, callback) {
+ return api.post({
+ url: `${BASE_URL}/${disputeId}/accept`,
+ }, callback);
+ },
+ contest(disputeId, param, callback) {
+ return api.patch({
+ url: `${BASE_URL}/${disputeId}/contest`,
+ data: param
+ }, callback);
+ }
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/lib/resources/documents.js b/lib/resources/documents.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..efb93e1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/resources/documents.js
@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
+'use strict';
+module.exports = function (api) {
+ const BASE_URL = "/documents";
+ return {
+ create(params, callback) {
+ return api.postFormData({
+ url: `${BASE_URL}`,
+ formData: params
+ }, callback);
+ },
+ fetch(documentId, callback) {
+ return api.get({
+ url: `${BASE_URL}/${documentId}`,
+ }, callback);
+ },
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/lib/resources/orders.js b/lib/resources/orders.js
index b1bc20c..4911464 100644
--- a/lib/resources/orders.js
+++ b/lib/resources/orders.js
@@ -93,6 +93,19 @@ module.exports = function (api) {
return api.get({
url: `/orders/${orderId}/?expand[]=transfers&status`
}, callback)
+ },
+ viewRtoReview(orderId, callback) {
+ return api.post({
+ url: `/orders/${orderId}/rto_review`
+ }, callback)
+ },
+ editFulfillment(orderId, param = {}, callback) {
+ return api.post({
+ url: `/orders/${orderId}/fulfillment`,
+ data: param
+ })
diff --git a/lib/types/customers.d.ts b/lib/types/customers.d.ts
index b69ae97..c18d5c6 100644
--- a/lib/types/customers.d.ts
+++ b/lib/types/customers.d.ts
@@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
import { IMap, INormalizeError, RazorpayPaginationOptions } from "./api";
import { Invoices } from "./invoices";
import { Tokens } from "./tokens";
+import { VirtualAccounts } from "./virtualAccounts"
export declare namespace Customers {
interface RazorpayCustomerBaseRequestBody {
@@ -57,6 +58,87 @@ export declare namespace Customers {
shipping_address?: Invoices.RazorpayInvoiceAddress[];
+ interface RazorpayCustomerBankAccountRequestBody {
+ /**
+ * The IFSC code of the bank branch associated with the account.
+ */
+ ifsc_code: string;
+ /**
+ * Customer's bank account number.
+ */
+ account_number: string;
+ /**
+ * The name of the beneficiary associated with the bank account.
+ */
+ beneficiary_name?: string;
+ /**
+ * The virtual payment address.
+ */
+ beneficiary_address1?: string;
+ beneficiary_address2?: string;
+ beneficiary_address3?: string;
+ beneficiary_address4?: string;
+ /**
+ * Email address of the beneficiary. For example, `gaurav.kumar@example.com`.
+ */
+ beneficiary_email?: string;
+ /**
+ * Mobile number of the beneficiary.
+ */
+ beneficiary_mobile?: string;
+ /**
+ * The name of the city of the beneficiary.
+ */
+ beneficiary_city?: string;
+ /**
+ * The state of the beneficiary.
+ */
+ beneficiary_state?: string;
+ /**
+ * The country of the beneficiary.
+ */
+ beneficiary_country?: string;
+ /**
+ * The pin code of the beneficiary's address.
+ */
+ beneficiary_pin?: string;
+ }
+ interface RazorpayCustomerBankAccount extends Partial{
+ success?: string;
+ }
+ interface CustomersEligibility {
+ id: string;
+ contact: string;
+ ip: string;
+ referrer: string;
+ user_agent: string;
+ }
+ interface RazorpayCustomerEligibilityRequestBody {
+ inquiry?: string;
+ amount: number | string;
+ currency: string;
+ customer: Partial;
+ }
+ interface Instruments {
+ method: string;
+ issuer: string;
+ type: string;
+ provider: string;
+ eligibility_req_id: string;
+ eligibility: {
+ status: string;
+ error: Omit
+ }
+ }
+ interface RazorpayCustomerEligibility extends RazorpayCustomerEligibilityRequestBody {
+ instruments? : Array
+ }
declare function customers(api: any): {
@@ -135,6 +217,32 @@ declare function customers(api: any): {
deleteToken(customerId: string, tokenId: string): Promise<{ deleted: boolean }>
deleteToken(customerId: string, tokenId: string, callback: (err: INormalizeError | null, data: { deleted: boolean }) => void): void;
+ /**
+ * Add Bank Account of Customer
+ *
+ * @param customerId - The unique identifier of the customer.
+ * @param param - Check [doc](https://razorpay.com/docs/api/customers/bank-accounts/#1-add-bank-account-of-customer) for required params
+ */
+ addBankAccount(customerId: string, params: Customers.RazorpayCustomerBankAccountRequestBody): Promise
+ /**
+ * Delete Bank Account of Customer
+ *
+ * @param customerId - The unique identifier of the customer.
+ * @param bankAccountId - The bank_id that needs to be deleted.
+ */
+ deleteBankAccount(customerId: string, bankAccountId: string): Promise
+ /**
+ * Eligibility Check API
+ *
+ * @param param - Check [doc](https://razorpay.com/docs/payments/payment-gateway/affordability/eligibility-check/#eligibility-check-api) for required params
+ */
+ requestEligibilityCheck(param: Customers.RazorpayCustomerEligibilityRequestBody): Promise>
+ /**
+ * Fetch Eligibility by id
+ *
+ * @param eligibilityId - The unique identifier of the eligibility request to be retrieved.
+ */
+ fetchEligibility(eligibilityId: string): Promise>
export default customers
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/lib/types/disputes.d.ts b/lib/types/disputes.d.ts
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..28b92cb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/types/disputes.d.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,185 @@
+import { IMap, INormalizeError, PartialOptional, RazorpayPaginationOptions } from "./api";
+export declare namespace Disputes {
+ interface RazorpayDisputesBaseRequestBody {
+ }
+ interface RazorpayDisputesContestBaseRequestBody {
+ /**
+ * The contested amount in currency subunits
+ */
+ amount: number;
+ /**
+ * The explanation provided by you for contesting the dispute. max length 1000 char
+ */
+ summary: string;
+ /**
+ * List of document ids which serves as proof that the product was shipped to the
+ * customer at their provided address.
+ */
+ shipping_proof: string[];
+ /**
+ * List of document ids which serves as proof of order confirmation, such as a receipt.
+ */
+ billing_proof: string[];
+ /**
+ * List of document ids that serves as proof that this product/service was cancelled.
+ */
+ cancellation_proof: string[];
+ /**
+ * List of document ids listing any written/email communication from the customer
+ * confirming that the customer received the product/service or is satisfied with the
+ * product/service.
+ */
+ customer_communication: string[];
+ /***
+ * List of document ids showing proof of service provided to the customer.
+ */
+ proof_of_service: string[];
+ explanation_letter: string[];
+ /**
+ * List of document ids showing proof that the refund had been provided to the customer.
+ */
+ refund_confirmation: string[];
+ /**
+ * List of document ids of any server or activity logs which prove that the customer accessed
+ * or downloaded the purchased digital product.
+ */
+ access_activity_log: string[];
+ /**
+ * List of document ids listing your refund and/or cancellation policy, as shown to the customer.
+ */
+ refund_cancellation_policy: string[];
+ /**
+ * List of document ids listing your sales terms and conditions, as shown to the customer.
+ */
+ term_and_conditions: string[];
+ /**
+ * Specifies the evidence documents to be uploaded as a part of contesting a dispute.
+ */
+ others: {
+ /**
+ * Describes the custom type of evidence document(s) provided.
+ */
+ type: string
+ /**
+ * List of document ids corresponding to the customer evidence type.
+ */
+ document_ids: string[]
+ }[]
+ /**
+ * The action to be taken for this contest. Possible value is `draft` or `submit`.
+ */
+ action: string;
+ /**
+ * Unix timestamp when the dispute was last submitted by you to Razorpay. The default value is `null`.
+ */
+ submitted_at: any;
+ }
+ interface RazorpayDisputesContest {
+ }
+ interface RazorpayDisputeEvidence extends RazorpayDisputesContestBaseRequestBody{}
+ interface RazorpayDispute {
+ /**
+ * The unique identifier of the dispute generated by Razorpay
+ */
+ id: string;
+ /**
+ * Indicates the type of entity.
+ */
+ entity: string;
+ /**
+ * The unique identifier of the payment against which the dispute was created.
+ */
+ payment_id: string;
+ /**
+ * Amount, in currency subunits, for which the dispute was created.
+ */
+ amount: number;
+ /**
+ * 3-letter ISO currency code associated with the amount.
+ */
+ currency: string;
+ /**
+ * The amount, in currency subunits, deducted from your Razorpay current
+ * balance when the dispute is `lost`.
+ */
+ amount_deducted: number;
+ /**
+ * Code associated with the reason for the dispute.
+ */
+ reason_code: string;
+ /**
+ * Unix timestamp by which a response should be sent to the customer.
+ */
+ respond_by: number;
+ /**
+ * The status of the dispute.
+ */
+ status: string;
+ /**
+ * Phase associated with the dispute
+ */
+ phase: string;
+ /**
+ * Unix timestamp when the dispute was created.
+ */
+ created_at: number;
+ /**
+ * Provides details of the evidence submitted/saved for contesting a
+ * dispute.
+ */
+ evidence: RazorpayDisputeEvidence;
+ }
+declare function disputes(api: any): {
+ /**
+ * Fetches a dispute given Dispute ID
+ *
+ * @param disputeId - The unique identifier of the dispute.
+ *
+ */
+ fetch(disputeId: string): Promise
+ fetch(disputeId: string, callback: (err: INormalizeError | null, data: Disputes.RazorpayDispute) => void): void;
+ /**
+ * Get all disputes
+ *
+ * @param params - Check [doc](https://razorpay.com/docs/api/disputes/fetch-all) for required params
+ *
+ */
+ all(params?: RazorpayPaginationOptions): Promise<{
+ entity: string,
+ count: number,
+ items: Array
+ }>
+ all(params: RazorpayPaginationOptions, callback: (err: INormalizeError | null, data: {
+ entity: string,
+ count: number,
+ items: Array
+ }) => void): void;
+ /**
+ * Update an account
+ *
+ * @param disputeId - The unique identifier of the dispute.
+ *
+ */
+ accept(disputeId: string): Promise
+ accept(disputeId: string, callback: (err: INormalizeError | null, data: Disputes.RazorpayDispute) => void): void;
+ /**
+ * Contest a dispute
+ *
+ * @param disputeId - The unique identifier of the dispute.
+ * @param params - Check [doc](https://razorpay.com/docs/api/disputes/contest) for required params
+ *
+ */
+ contest(accountId: string, param: Partial): Promise
+ contest(accountId: string, param: Partial, callback: (err: INormalizeError | null, data: Promise) => void): void;
+export default disputes
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/lib/types/documents.d.ts b/lib/types/documents.d.ts
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..83d6a50
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/types/documents.d.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,67 @@
+import { INormalizeError } from "./api";
+import * as fs from "fs"
+export declare namespace Documents {
+ interface FileCreateParams {
+ file: {
+ value: fs.ReadStream;
+ options?: {
+ filename?: string;
+ contentType?: string | null;
+ };
+ };
+ purpose: string;
+ }
+ interface RazorpayDocument {
+ /**
+ * The unique identifier of the document.
+ */
+ id: string
+ /**
+ * Indicates the type of entity.
+ */
+ entity: string
+ /**
+ * The reason you are uploading this document. possible value is `dispute_evidence`.
+ */
+ purpose: string
+ name: string
+ /**
+ * Indicates the nature and format in which the document is uploaded.
+ * possible value is `image/jpg`, `image/jpeg`, `image/png`, `application/pdf`
+ *
+ */
+ mime_type: string
+ /**
+ * Indicates the size of the document in bytes.
+ */
+ size: number
+ /**
+ * Unix timestamp at which the document was uploaded.
+ */
+ created_at: number
+ }
+declare function documents(api: any): {
+ /**
+ * Create a Document
+ *
+ * @param params - Check [doc](https://razorpay.com/docs/api/documents/create/) for required params
+ *
+ */
+ create(params: Documents.FileCreateParams): Promise
+ create(params: Documents.FileCreateParams, callback: (err: INormalizeError | null, data: Documents.RazorpayDocument) => void): void;
+ /**
+ * Fetch document by id
+ *
+ * @param documentId - The unique identifier of the document
+ *
+ */
+ fetch(documentId: string): Promise
+export default documents
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/lib/types/orders.d.ts b/lib/types/orders.d.ts
index ed46f16..21b6c2e 100644
--- a/lib/types/orders.d.ts
+++ b/lib/types/orders.d.ts
@@ -1,3 +1,4 @@
+import { Invoices } from './invoices'
import { IMap, RazorpayPaginationOptions, INormalizeError } from './api'
import { FundAccounts } from './fundAccount'
import { Payments } from './payments'
@@ -79,6 +80,33 @@ export declare namespace Orders {
* level [auto-capture settings]( https://razorpay.com/docs/payments/payments/capture-settings) configured using the Dashboard.
payment?: RazorpayCapturePayment;
+ /**
+ * Identifier to mark the order eligible for RTO risk prediction.
+ */
+ rto_review?: boolean;
+ /**
+ * This will have the details about the specific items added to the cart.
+ */
+ line_items?: LineItems[];
+ /**
+ * Sum of `offer_price` for all line items added in the cart in paise.
+ */
+ line_items_total?: number | string;
+ shipping_fee?: number;
+ cod_fee?: number;
+ /**
+ * Details of the customer.
+ */
+ customer_details?: CustomerDetails;
+ /**
+ * Details of the customer's billing address.
+ */
+ promotions?: Promotion[];
+ /**
+ * Details of the customer.
+ */
+ device_details?: DeviceDetails;
+ phonepe_switch_context? :string;
interface RazorpayOrderCreateRequestBody extends RazorpayOrderBaseRequestBody { }
@@ -222,6 +250,174 @@ export declare namespace Orders {
refund_speed: 'optimum' | 'normal';
+ interface LineItems {
+ /**
+ * Defines the category type. Possible values is `mutual_funds` or `e-commerce`
+ */
+ type: string;
+ /**
+ * Unique product id defined by you.
+ */
+ sku: string;
+ /**
+ * Unique variant_id defined by you.
+ */
+ variant_id: string;
+ /**
+ * Price of the product in paise.
+ */
+ price: string;
+ /**
+ * Price charged to the customer in paise.
+ */
+ offer_price: string;
+ /**
+ * The tax levied on the product.
+ */
+ tax_amount: number;
+ /**
+ * Number of units added in the cart.
+ */
+ quantity: number;
+ /**
+ * Name of the product.
+ */
+ name: string;
+ /**
+ * Description of the product.
+ */
+ description: string;
+ /**
+ * Weight of the product in grams.
+ */
+ weight: string;
+ /**
+ * The dimensions of the product.
+ */
+ dimensions: Dimensions;
+ /**
+ * URL of the product image.
+ */
+ image_url: string;
+ /**
+ * URL of the product's listing page.
+ */
+ product_url: string;
+ notes?: IMap;
+ }
+ interface Dimensions {
+ length: string;
+ width: string;
+ height: string;
+ }
+ interface Reason {
+ /**
+ * Id of the Offer.
+ */
+ reason: string;
+ /**
+ * unique identifier for the RTO reason
+ */
+ description: string;
+ /**
+ * Categorises the reason into a specific group.
+ */
+ bucket: string;
+ }
+ interface CustomerDetails {
+ /**
+ * Customer's name.
+ */
+ name: string;
+ /**
+ * The customer's phone number.
+ */
+ contact: string;
+ /**
+ * The customer's email address.
+ */
+ email: string;
+ /**
+ * Details of the customer's shipping address.
+ */
+ shipping_address: Partial;
+ /**
+ * Details of the customer's billing address.
+ */
+ billing_address: Partial;
+ }
+ interface Promotion {
+ /**
+ * Id of the Offer.
+ */
+ reference_id: string;
+ /**
+ * Coupon code used to avail discount.
+ */
+ code: string;
+ /**
+ * Type of Offer. Possible value is `coupon` or `offer`
+ */
+ type: string;
+ /**
+ * The offer value that needs to be applied.
+ */
+ value: number;
+ /**
+ * The type of value. Possible value is `fixed_amount` or `percentage`
+ */
+ value_type: string;
+ /**
+ * Description of the promotion applied.
+ */
+ description?: string;
+ }
+ interface DeviceDetails {
+ /**
+ * Public IP Address of the device used to place the order.
+ */
+ ip: string;
+ /**
+ * The user-agent header of the customer's browser.
+ */
+ user_agent: string;
+ }
+ interface RazorpayRtoReview {
+ /**
+ * Determines how risky the order is. Possible is `high`, `medium` or `low`
+ */
+ risk_tier: string;
+ rto_reasons: Reason[];
+ }
+ interface RazorpayShipping {
+ waybill: string;
+ status?: string;
+ provider?: string;
+ }
+ interface RazorpayFulFillmentBaseRequestBody {
+ /**
+ * Payment Method opted by the customer to complete the payment.
+ */
+ payment_method?: string;
+ /**
+ * Contains the shipping data.
+ */
+ shipping?: RazorpayShipping;
+ }
+ interface RazorpayFulFillment extends RazorpayFulFillmentBaseRequestBody {
+ entity: string;
+ order_id: string;
+ }
declare function orders(api: any): {
@@ -290,6 +486,25 @@ declare function orders(api: any): {
fetchTransferOrder(orderId: string): Promise
fetchTransferOrder(orderId: string, callback: (err: INormalizeError | null, data: Orders.RazorpayOrder) => void): void
+ /**
+ * View RTO/Risk Reasons
+ *
+ * @param orderId - The unique identifier of the order
+ *
+ */
+ viewRtoReview(orderId: string): Promise
+ viewRtoReview(orderId: string, callback: (err: INormalizeError | null, data: Orders.RazorpayRtoReview) => void): void
+ /**
+ * Update the Fulfillment Details
+ *
+ * @param orderId - The unique identifier of the order
+ * @param params - Check [doc](https://razorpay.com/docs/payments/magic-checkout/rto-intelligence/#step-3-update-the-fulfillment-details) for required params
+ *
+ */
+ editFulfillment(orderId: string, param: Orders.RazorpayFulFillmentBaseRequestBody): Promise
+ editFulfillment(orderId: string, param: Orders.RazorpayFulFillmentBaseRequestBody, callback: (err: INormalizeError | null, data: any) => void): void
export default orders
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/test/resources/customers.spec.js b/test/resources/customers.spec.js
index c7a9bad..97cc2c9 100644
--- a/test/resources/customers.spec.js
+++ b/test/resources/customers.spec.js
@@ -184,4 +184,104 @@ describe('CUSTOMERS', () => {
+ it('Add bank account of customer', (done) => {
+ const TEST_CUSTOMER_ID = 'cust_6fqBqgrfTSuj5v'
+ const param = {
+ "ifsc_code" : "UTIB0000194",
+ "account_number" :"916010082985661",
+ "beneficiary_name" : "Pratheek",
+ "beneficiary_address1" : "address 1",
+ "beneficiary_address2" : "address 2",
+ "beneficiary_address3" : "address 3",
+ "beneficiary_address4" : "address 4",
+ "beneficiary_email" : "random@email.com",
+ "beneficiary_mobile" : "8762489310",
+ "beneficiary_city" :"Bangalore",
+ "beneficiary_state" : "KA",
+ "beneficiary_country" : "IN"
+ }
+ mocker.mock({
+ url: `/customers/${TEST_CUSTOMER_ID}/bank_account`,
+ method: 'POST'
+ })
+ rzpInstance.customers.addBankAccount(TEST_CUSTOMER_ID, param).then((response) => {
+ assert.equal(
+ response.__JUST_FOR_TESTS__.url,
+ `/v1/customers/${TEST_CUSTOMER_ID}/bank_account`,
+ 'Add bank account of customer url formed correctly'
+ )
+ done()
+ })
+ })
+ it('delete bank account of customer', (done) => {
+ const TEST_CUSTOMER_ID = 'cust_6fqBqgrfTSuj5v'
+ const TEST_BANK_ID = 'ba_NEWc5RgwY8AAUC'
+ mocker.mock({
+ url: `/customers/${TEST_CUSTOMER_ID}/bank_account/${TEST_BANK_ID}`,
+ method: 'DELETE'
+ })
+ rzpInstance.customers.deleteBankAccount(TEST_CUSTOMER_ID, TEST_BANK_ID).then((response) => {
+ assert.equal(
+ response.__JUST_FOR_TESTS__.url,
+ `/v1/customers/${TEST_CUSTOMER_ID}/bank_account/${TEST_BANK_ID}`,
+ 'delete bank account of customer url formed correctly'
+ )
+ done()
+ })
+ })
+ it('Fetch eligibility id', (done) => {
+ const TEST_ELIGIBILITY_ID = 'elig_F1cxDoHWD4fkQt'
+ mocker.mock({
+ url: `/customers/eligibility/${TEST_ELIGIBILITY_ID}`,
+ method: 'GET'
+ })
+ rzpInstance.customers.fetchEligibility(TEST_ELIGIBILITY_ID).then((response) => {
+ assert.equal(
+ response.__JUST_FOR_TESTS__.url,
+ `/v1/customers/eligibility/${TEST_ELIGIBILITY_ID}`,
+ 'fetch eligibility request url formed correctly'
+ )
+ done()
+ })
+ })
+ it('Request for an eligibility check', (done) => {
+ const param = {
+ "inquiry": "affordability",
+ "amount": 500000,
+ "currency": "INR",
+ "customer": {
+ "id": "cust_KhP5dO1dKmc0Rm",
+ "contact": "+918220276214",
+ "ip": "",
+ "referrer": "https://merchansite.com/example/paybill",
+ "user_agent": "Mozilla/5.0"
+ }
+ }
+ mocker.mock({
+ url: `/customers/eligibility`,
+ method: 'POST'
+ })
+ rzpInstance.customers.requestEligibilityCheck(param).then((response) => {
+ assert.equal(
+ response.__JUST_FOR_TESTS__.url,
+ `/v1/customers/eligibility`,
+ 'Request for an eligibility check url formed correctly'
+ )
+ done()
+ })
+ })
diff --git a/test/resources/disputes.spec.js b/test/resources/disputes.spec.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..614384d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/resources/disputes.spec.js
@@ -0,0 +1,96 @@
+'use strict'
+const chai = require('chai')
+const { assert } = chai
+const rzpInstance = require('../razorpay')
+const mocker = require('../mocker')
+const equal = require('deep-equal')
+let mockRequest = {
+ "amount": 5000,
+ "summary": "goods delivered",
+ "shipping_proof": [
+ "doc_EFtmUsbwpXwBH9",
+ "doc_EFtmUsbwpXwBH8"
+ ],
+ "others": [
+ {
+ "type": "receipt_signed_by_customer",
+ "document_ids": [
+ "doc_EFtmUsbwpXwBH1",
+ "doc_EFtmUsbwpXwBH7"
+ ]
+ }
+ ],
+ "action": "draft"
+const BASE_URL = '/disputes',
+ TEST_DISPUTE_ID = 'disp_AHfqOvkldwsbqt';
+describe('DISPUTE', () => {
+ it('Dispute fetch', (done) => {
+ mocker.mock({
+ url: `/${BASE_URL}/${TEST_DISPUTE_ID}`
+ })
+ rzpInstance.disputes.fetch(TEST_DISPUTE_ID).then((response) => {
+ assert.equal(
+ response.__JUST_FOR_TESTS__.url,
+ `/v1/disputes/${TEST_DISPUTE_ID}`,
+ 'Fetch dispute url formed correctly'
+ )
+ done()
+ })
+ })
+ it('Fetch all dispute', (done) => {
+ mocker.mock({
+ url: `/${BASE_URL}`,
+ })
+ rzpInstance.disputes.all({count:10, skip: 0}).then((response) => {
+ console.log(response.__JUST_FOR_TESTS__)
+ assert.equal(
+ response.__JUST_FOR_TESTS__.url,
+ `/v1/disputes?count=10&skip=0`,
+ 'fetch all disputes url formed correctly'
+ )
+ done()
+ })
+ })
+ it('Accept a dispute ', (done) => {
+ mocker.mock({
+ url: `/${BASE_URL}/${TEST_DISPUTE_ID}/accept`,
+ method: "POST"
+ })
+ rzpInstance.disputes.accept(TEST_DISPUTE_ID).then((response) => {
+ assert.equal(
+ response.__JUST_FOR_TESTS__.url,
+ `/v1/disputes/${TEST_DISPUTE_ID}/accept`,
+ 'accept a dispute url formed correctly'
+ )
+ done()
+ })
+ })
+ it('contest a dispute ', (done) => {
+ mocker.mock({
+ url: `/${BASE_URL}/${TEST_DISPUTE_ID}/contest`,
+ method: "PATCH"
+ })
+ rzpInstance.disputes.contest(TEST_DISPUTE_ID, mockRequest).then((response) => {
+ assert.equal(
+ response.__JUST_FOR_TESTS__.url,
+ `/v1/disputes/${TEST_DISPUTE_ID}/contest`,
+ 'accept a dispute url formed correctly'
+ )
+ done()
+ })
+ })
diff --git a/test/resources/documents.spec.js b/test/resources/documents.spec.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a00804f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/resources/documents.spec.js
@@ -0,0 +1,56 @@
+'use strict'
+const chai = require('chai')
+const { assert } = chai
+const rzpInstance = require('../razorpay')
+const mocker = require('../mocker')
+const equal = require('deep-equal')
+const BASE_URL = '/documents',
+ TEST_DOCUMENT_ID = 'disp_AHfqOvkldwsbqt';
+describe('DOCUMENTS', () => {
+ it('Create an document', (done) => {
+ var formData = {
+ 'file': {
+ 'value': '/Users/your_name/Downloads/sample_uploaded.pdf',
+ 'options': {
+ 'filename': 'README.md',
+ 'contentType': null
+ }
+ },
+ 'purpose': 'dispute_evidence'
+ };
+ mocker.mock({
+ url: `${BASE_URL}`,
+ method: 'POST'
+ })
+ rzpInstance.documents.create(formData).then((response) => {
+ assert.equal(
+ response.__JUST_FOR_TESTS__.url,
+ `/v1/documents`,
+ 'Create document request url formed'
+ )
+ done()
+ })
+ })
+ it('Fetch document detail', (done) => {
+ mocker.mock({
+ url: `/${BASE_URL}/${TEST_DOCUMENT_ID}`,
+ method: 'GET'
+ })
+ rzpInstance.documents.fetch(TEST_DOCUMENT_ID).then((response) => {
+ assert.equal(
+ response.__JUST_FOR_TESTS__.url,
+ `/v1/documents/${TEST_DOCUMENT_ID}`,
+ 'fetch document detail request url formed'
+ )
+ done()
+ })
+ })
diff --git a/test/resources/orders.spec.js b/test/resources/orders.spec.js
index 1f242de..fb85fa1 100644
--- a/test/resources/orders.spec.js
+++ b/test/resources/orders.spec.js
@@ -142,6 +142,33 @@ describe('ORDERS', () => {
+ it('Update the fulfillment details', (done) => {
+ let orderId = 'order_sometestId'
+ let param = {
+ "payment_method": "upi",
+ "shipping": {
+ "waybill": "123456789",
+ "status": "rto",
+ "provider": "Bluedart"
+ }
+ }
+ mocker.mock({
+ url: `/orders/${orderId}/fulfillment`,
+ method: 'POST'
+ })
+ rzpInstance.orders.editFulfillment(orderId, param).then((response) => {
+ assert.equal(
+ response.__JUST_FOR_TESTS__.url,
+ `/v1/orders/${orderId}/fulfillment`,
+ 'Request url formed correctly'
+ )
+ done()
+ })
+ })
describe('Fetch order\'s payments', () => {
@@ -196,5 +223,23 @@ describe('ORDERS', () => {
+ it('view RTO/Risk reasons', (done) => {
+ let orderId = 'order_sometestId'
+ mocker.mock({
+ url: `/orders/${orderId}/rto_review`,
+ method: 'POST'
+ })
+ rzpInstance.orders.viewRtoReview(orderId).then((response) => {
+ assert.equal(
+ response.__JUST_FOR_TESTS__.url,
+ `/v1/orders/${orderId}/rto_review`,
+ 'Request url formed correctly'
+ )
+ done()
+ })
+ })