Bootstrap GitOps CI/CD with a starter configuration
Bootstrap GitOps CI/CD Manifests
kam bootstrap [flags]
# Bootstrap OpenShift pipelines.
kam bootstrap --service-repo-url<your organization>/taxi.git --gitops-repo-url<your organization>/gitops.git --image-repo<username>/<image-repo> --dockercfgjson ~/Downloads/<username>-robot-auth.json --git-host-access-token <your git access token> --output <path to write GitOps resources> --push-to-git=true
kam bootstrap
--dockercfgjson string Filepath to config.json which authenticates the image push to the desired image registry (default "~/.docker/config.json")
--git-host-access-token string Used to authenticate repository clones. Access token is encrypted and stored on local file system by keyring, will be updated/reused.
--gitops-repo-url string Provide the URL for your GitOps repository e.g.
--gitops-webhook-secret string Provide a secret that we can use to authenticate incoming hooks from your Git hosting service for the GitOps repository. (if not provided, it will be auto-generated)
-h, --help help for bootstrap
--image-repo string Image repository of the form <registry>/<username>/<repository> or <project>/<app> which is used to push newly built images
--interactive If true, enable prompting for most options if not already specified on the command line
--output string Path to write GitOps resources (default "./gitops")
--overwrite Overwrites previously existing GitOps configuration (if any) on the local filesystem
-p, --prefix string Add a prefix to the environment names(Dev, stage,prod,cicd etc.) to distinguish and identify individual environments
--private-repo-driver string If your Git repositories are on a custom domain, please indicate which driver to use github or gitlab
--push-to-git If true, automatically creates and populates the gitops-repo-url with the generated resources
--save-token-keyring Explicitly pass this flag to update the git-host-access-token in the keyring on your local machine
--service-repo-url string Provide the URL for your Service repository e.g.
--service-webhook-secret string Provide a secret that we can use to authenticate incoming hooks from your Git hosting service for the Service repository. (if not provided, it will be auto-generated)
- kam - kam