Server-side component of the Vault PKI certificate distribution system.
Run by the Salt master to communicate with Hashicorp Vault and issue certificates for minions. Enforces security on certificate signing requests submitted by minions and applies overrides to validity periods, and alternative names (SANs, IPSANs).
Must be used in tandem with the Vault PKI Formula.
This overview is of the entire server side operation of the Vault PKI system. The Vault PKI Formula provides crucial parts that must be present for certificates to be issued.
Events from the servers perspective in order:
- A Salt event is received from Vault PKI client on a minion requesting a certificate (with a CSR, and other data, embedded).
- Vault PKI Reactor catches the event and starts the orchestrator with the data passed as arguments.
- The orchestrator starts this Vault PKI runner to check the CSR, make changes to the CSR, and get it signed by Vault. This runner also writes the signed certificate back to the minion at a path specified in the initial event (see client documentation for directory structure).
- If the runner exited without error the orchestrator runs a small state on the minion to activate the new certificate via the Vault PKI client.
- Accept a CSR with a CN different from the minion ID. Beware, minion IDs and hostnames can vary.
- Accept SANs or IPSANs from a CSR.
- Accept validity periods from a CSR.
- Handle unaccepted minions aka the bootstrapping trust issue.
- Deal in anyway with public certificate authorities.
- Use Hashicorp Vault to automagically distribute certificates from a private CA.
- Automagically rotate said certificates. (initiated by the client)
- Set sensible (read 'short') default certificate validity periods and not worry about it.
- Configure SANs on a per host or hostname pattern basis.
- Enable IPSANs on a per host or hostname pattern basis (caveat: only the IP the minion id resolves to in DNS).
- Override validity periods on a per host or hostname pattern basis.
- Create scripts for your services to be kicked, informed, etc. When a new certificate is activated. (client side)
- Salt master (sorry salt-ssh is not really possible)
- Hashicorp Vault
- PKI backend enabled with your private CA loaded
- AppRole + Policy for Vault PKI operation
- Python packages:
Setting up a production, or even persistent, Vault is well beyond the scope of this document. Please see Hashicorp's Vault documentation: Getting Started.
Especially relevant sections of Vault documentation:
What follows is not even a temporary solution for running Vault all data will be lost when the development Vault server stops. Please consult the Vault documentation for how to setup a persistent Vault, this setup is for demonstration and early testing purposes only. You have been warned.
In a separate terminal run:
vault server -dev
Setup your terminal environment to configure Vault.
export VAULT_ADDR=http://localhost:8200
export VAULT_TOKEN=$(cat .vault-token)
# or set VAULT_TOKEN to the 'Root Token' output in the dev Vault
# terminal window
Enable AppRole authentication + the PKI backend.
vault auth-enable approle
vault mount -path=pki pki
# tune the PKI backend to a max certificate TTL of 10 years
vault mount-tune -max-lease-ttl=87600h pki
Generate a Vault internal CA for testing (normally you may load your private CA certificate, chain + key here).
vault write pki/root/generate/internal ttl=87600h
Create a PKI role to limit the kinds of CSRs signed/certificates issued.
vault write pki/roles/my-role allow_subdomains=true max_ttl=720h
Create a permissive policy for use by Vault PKI.
cat > vault-pki-policy.hcl << EOF
path "pki/*" {
policy = "write"
vault policy-write vault_pki vault-pki-policy.hcl
Create an AppRole for Vault PKI to authenticate to Vault as.
vault write auth/approle/role/test-pki policies=vault_pki
#'test-pki' is the *name* of the role-id *but is not* the role-id,
# fetch and save the role-id for use in configuring the Salt master.
vault read auth/approle/role/test-pki/role-id
read ROLE_ID
<paste role-id here>
# a secret-id must be pared with the role-id to authenticate to Vault,
# generate one and save it for configuring the Salt master.
vault write -f auth/approle/role/test-pki/secret-id
<paste secret-id here>
Now it's time to do a test to make sure everything is working before
adding the extra complexity of the Salt master + Vault PKI. Make sure
to set your ROLE_ID
variables as above.
Here we'll be using curl rather than Vault to avoid use of VAULT_TOKEN
Plan of attack:
- Authenticate via the new AppRole
- Issue a new certificate
cat > auth.json << EOF
{"role_id": "$ROLE_ID", "secret_id": "$SECRET_ID"}
curl -XPOST -d@auth.json $VAULT_ADDR/v1/auth/approle/login
# the field you want is 'client_token'
# or if you have 'jq' installed
curl -XPOST -d@auth.json $VAULT_ADDR/v1/auth/approle/login | jq '.auth.client_token'
# Set MY_TOKEN to the client token received
<paste client_token here>
# Finally let's issue a certificate -- a shortcut operation where Vault
# creates the CSR + signs it in one go (Vault PKI won't do this though):
curl -XPOST -H"X-Vault-Token: $MY_TOKEN" $VAULT_ADDR/v1/pki/issue/my-role \
-d '{"common_name": ""}'
You should have received a JSON blob with a key, certificate and signing chain. If not please carefully review the steps above before proceeding.
This section assumes you already have a SaltStack installation in place and a functioning Salt master. Please see the SaltStack documentation for tips on setting up a production, or development Salt master.
Especially relevant sections of SaltStack documentation:
pip install PyYAML hvac
# Note: To install 'cryptography' you will need a full development environment,
# additional likely packages include: libffi-dev libssl-dev python-dev
# Or however those are named in your distribution.
pip install cryptography
git clone /srv/runners/salt-runner-vault-pki
git clone /srv/formulas/vault-pki-formula
While the role-id of the AppRole for Vault PKI is generally accepted as public -- and can be checked into source control. The secret-id is not and Vault PKI expects to find it in a file (hopefully somewhere safe).
For testing we can put it in a file in /etc production is up to your security policies.
echo $SECRET_ID > /etc/my-vault-pki-secret-id-file
chmod 600 /etc/my-vault-pki-secret-id-file
Certificates on every minion is good. But being able to vary certificate validity periods add add SANs is even better. Here is how to create an overrides file for those lucky minions.
Quick notes on the syntax:
- Standard YaML syntax
- Top level keys are patterns/hostnames
- Patterns are done using SaltStack compound matching
- Overrides available are 'ttl', 'alt_names' and 'ipsans'
- 'ttl' must be specified in GoLang Duration syntax (hours are the largest unit, so you should only need integer hours e.g. 72h, 24h, 720h, 8760h).
- 'alt_names' must be a list of fully qualified domains to be used as subject alternative names (SANs).
- 'ipsans' is a boolean, when set to true the minion's id is looked up in DNS and the resulting IP address is set in IPSANs.
cat > /srv/salt/vault_pki_overrides.yml << EOF
ttl: 8760h
ipsans: True
The overrides file is loaded fresh during every run. The Salt master does not need to be restarted to pick up changes.
These are the bits that specifically need to be in place for Salt master to work with Vault PKI. This is not a full salt master config and must be adapted to your particular situation.
# some stuff up here about listening ports, workers, logs, etc.
- roots
- /srv/pillar
- /srv/salt
- /srv/formulas/vault-pki-formula
- /srv/runners/salt-runner-vault-pki
vault_secret_id_file: /etc/my-vault-pki-secret-id-file
url: http://localhost:8200
pki_path: /v1/pki/sign/my-role
role_id: # PASTE $ROLE_ID HERE
vault_pki_overrides_file: salt://vault_pki_overrides.yml
validity_period: 720h
- request/sign:
- salt://reactor/vault_pki_reactor.sls
Always restart the Salt master after editing its config file to ensure
changes are picked up.
service salt-master restart
Setup a minion using the 'cert' state:
salt '' state.apply cert
Then check to see if the certificate arrived (it may take up to 10-15 seconds):
salt '' 'vault_pki list'
# or
salt '' 'ls -l /etc/vault_pki/live/$(hostname)/'
If the certificate hasn't arrived check the Salt master logs. The full CSR
PEM block should be logged, overrides mentioned and a runner return block
(or error) should be present as well.
less /var/log/salt/master
That's it! Your minion will check the certificate daily and request a new one when it's 50% through the validity period.
See the Vault PKI formula documentation for more details about client operation.