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67 lines (52 loc) · 3.63 KB

File metadata and controls

67 lines (52 loc) · 3.63 KB


Demon (deme-based oncology model) is a flexible framework for modelling intra-tumour population genetics with varied spatial structures and modes of cell dispersal.


The program is written in C++ (mostly plain C); it requires gnuplot and the Boost Property Tree C++ library.

Running a simulation

Copy the following three files into a new folder:

  • src/demon.cpp (model code);
  • src/demon.h (header file);
  • resources/configfile-example.dat (configuration file);

In a terminal window, navigate to your folder and type the following commands:

# 1) Compilation
g++ -o demon demon.cpp -I/usr/local/include/boost/ -lm

# 2) Execution
./demon  ./ configfile-example.dat

Configuration file

The configuration file sets the following model parameters:

Spatial structure

  • int log2_deme_carrying_capacity: log2 of deme carrying capacity


  • float migration_type: type of cell dispersal (0 = invasion; 2 = deme fission)
  • float init_migration_rate: initial invasion rate or deme fission rate (-1 = set automatically)
  • int migration_edge_only: whether dispersal is limited to the tumour boundary (0 = no; 1 = yes)
  • int migration_rate_scales_with_K: whether to divide dispersal rates by the square root of the deme carrying capacity (0 = no; 1= yes)

Mutation rates

  • float mu_driver_birth: driver mutation rate per cell division (for drivers affecting division rate)
  • float mu_passenger: passenger mutation rate per cell division
  • float mu_driver_migration: driver mutation rate per cell division (for drivers affecting dispersal rate)
  • int passenger_pop_threshold: population size at which passenger mutations stop occurring (-1 = no threshold)

Fitness effects

  • float normal_birth_rate: normal cell division rate, relative to tumour cell division rate (-1 = no normal cells)
  • float baseline_death_rate: baseline death rate, independent of deme population size
  • float s_passenger: deleterious effect on division rate per passenger mutation
  • float s_driver_birth: beneficial effect on division rate per driver mutation (for drivers affecting division rate)
  • float s_driver_migration: beneficial effect on dispersal rate per driver mutation (for drivers affecting dispersal rate)
  • float max_relative_birth_rate: maximum division rate, relative to initial division rate
  • float max_relative_migration_rate: maximum dispersal rate, relative to initial dispersal rate

Non-biological parameters

  • int seed: seed for pseudo-random number generator
  • int init_pop: initial tumour cell population
  • int max_time: max elapsed time before program halts, in seconds
  • int max_pop: max tumour cell population before program halts
  • int max_generations: max cell generations before program halts
  • int matrix_max: max number of genotypes before program halts (larger value => more allocated memory)
  • int write_grid: whether to generate plots of grid states during execution (can significantly increase running time)
  • int write_clones_file: whether to write contents of all clones (can be a very large file; typically unnecessary)
  • int write_demes_file: whether to write contents of all demes (can be a very large file; typically unnecessary)
  • int record_matrix: whether to record genetic distance matrix for all genotypes (can be a very large file; typically unnecessary)
  • int write_phylo: whether to write phylogeny for all genotypes (can be a very large file; typically unnecessary)
  • int calculate_total_diversity: whether to calculate diversity across all genotypes (can be computationally expensive)
  • int biopsy_size_per_sample: max number of cells per biopsy sample (reserved for future applications)