- fixed pkg name for launch file
- added check for testing to remove builder warning
- added auto generated wiki page for documentation
- Contributors: Geoff Viola, geoffviola
- relaxed errors as warnings
- Contributors: Geoff Viola
- added installation path for library
- quiting starting warning
- unit tested driver
- roslinted all files
- clang format
- Merge pull request #2 from geoffviola/master Removed bad cereal API call bug
- fixed author tag
- change the maintainer and author
- CMake cleanup and reverted back to kvh package
- Update README.md
- fixes for kinetic
- added invert option and changed topic name
- tested on real dsp3000
- added configuration modes via parameters
- formatted file
- added a larger buffer for a slower processor
- consistently reading
- debugging some changes
- Initial untested Indigo release
- the port defined in the launch file now passes properly.
- Expanded cereal_port README file
- Removed a bunch of old .svn directories
- Added header info to dsp3000.cpp
- Output changed from degrees to radians.
- Add the needed add_boost_directories macro.
- Fixed _pub name and TIMEOUT definition
- Merge branch 'master' of https://bitbucket.org/clearpathrobotics/kvh
- Make package build against local copy of cereal_port.
- Remove unneeded stuff from cereal_port.
- removed the scripts directory
- Initial "write" to device made more efficient, exception has a better description.
- Added ROS_DEBUG output
- Changed TIMEOUT from define to const
- Deleted some temp files
- Added .gitignore
- Renamed "flavour" directory to "scripts"
- deleted build files
- Initial push containing entire DSP-3000 ROS node.
- Initial commit
- Contributors: Geoff Viola, Jeff Schmidt, Mike Purvis, geoffviola, jeff-o, sbir