#include <stddef.h> // for NULL

#include "vrpn_BaseClass.h" // for vrpn_Callback_List, etc
#include "vrpn_Configure.h" // for VRPN_API, VRPN_CALLBACK
#include "vrpn_Shared.h"    // for timeval
#include "vrpn_Types.h"     // for vrpn_int32, vrpn_float64, etc

class VRPN_API vrpn_Connection;
struct vrpn_HANDLERPARAM;

const int vrpn_BUTTON_MAX_BUTTONS = 256;
const int VRPN_BUTTON_BUF_SIZE = 256;

// Base class for buttons.  Definition
// of remote button class for the user is at the end.

const int vrpn_BUTTON_MOMENTARY = 10;
const int vrpn_BUTTON_TOGGLE_OFF = 20;
const int vrpn_BUTTON_TOGGLE_ON = 21;
const int vrpn_BUTTON_LIGHT_OFF = 30;
const int vrpn_BUTTON_LIGHT_ON = 31;
const int vrpn_ALL_ID = -99;

/** This is the base class for both the client and server for a button
    device (a device with one or more boolean switches).  Any server
    should actually derive from the vrpn_Button_Filter class, described
    next, which enables toggling any of the buttons. **/

class VRPN_API vrpn_Button : public vrpn_BaseClass {
    vrpn_Button(const char *name, vrpn_Connection *c = NULL);
    virtual ~vrpn_Button(void);

    // Print the status of the button
    void print(void);

    virtual void set_momentary(vrpn_int32 which_button);
    virtual void set_toggle(vrpn_int32 which_button, vrpn_int32 current_state);
    virtual void set_all_momentary(void);
    virtual void set_all_toggle(vrpn_int32 default_state);

    unsigned char buttons[vrpn_BUTTON_MAX_BUTTONS];
    unsigned char lastbuttons[vrpn_BUTTON_MAX_BUTTONS];
    vrpn_int32 minrate[vrpn_BUTTON_MAX_BUTTONS];
    vrpn_int32 num_buttons;
    struct timeval timestamp;
    vrpn_int32 change_message_id; // ID of change button message to connection
    vrpn_int32 states_message_id; // ID of button-states message to connection
    vrpn_int32 admin_message_id;  // ID of admin button message to connection

    virtual int register_types(void);
    virtual void report_changes(void);
    virtual void report_states(void); // Calls Button or Button_Filter encode
    virtual vrpn_int32 encode_to(char *buf, vrpn_int32 button,
                                 vrpn_int32 state);
    virtual vrpn_int32 encode_states_to(char *buf);

/** All button servers should derive from this class, which provides
    the ability to turn any of the buttons into toggles (using messages
    from the remote button object). **/

class VRPN_API vrpn_Button_Filter : public vrpn_Button {
    vrpn_int32 buttonstate[vrpn_BUTTON_MAX_BUTTONS];
    virtual void set_momentary(vrpn_int32 which_button);
    virtual void set_toggle(vrpn_int32 which_button, vrpn_int32 current_state);
    virtual void set_all_momentary(void);
    virtual void set_all_toggle(vrpn_int32 default_state);
    void set_alerts(vrpn_int32);

    int send_alerts;
    vrpn_Button_Filter(const char *, vrpn_Connection *c = NULL);
        alert_message_id; // used to send back to alert button box for lights
    virtual vrpn_int32 encode_states_to(char *buf);
    virtual void report_changes(void);

    // This method makes sure we send a states message whenever we get a ping
    // from
    // a client object or a new connection.
    static int VRPN_CALLBACK
    handle_ping_message(void *userdata, vrpn_HANDLERPARAM p);


// Button server that lets you set the values for the buttons directly and
// then have it update if needed.  This class should be used by devices that
// can have several sets of buttons in them and don't want to derive from the
// Button class themselves.  An example is the InterSense 900 features found in
// the Fastrak server (which may have several button devices, one for each
// sensor).

class VRPN_API vrpn_Button_Server : public vrpn_Button_Filter {
    vrpn_Button_Server(const char *name, vrpn_Connection *c,
                       int numbuttons = 1);

    /// Tells how many buttons there are (may be clipped to MAX_BUTTONS)
    int number_of_buttons(void);

    /// Called once each time through the server program's mainloop to handle
    /// various functions (like setting toggles, reporting changes, etc).
    virtual void mainloop();

    /// Allows the server program to set current button states (to 0 or 1)
    int set_button(int button, int new_value);

// Example button server code. This button device causes its buttons to
// be pressed and released at the interval specified (default 1/sec). It
// has the specified number of buttons (default 1).
// This class is derived from the vrpn_Button_Filter class, so that it
// can be made to toggle its buttons using messages from the client.

class VRPN_API vrpn_Button_Example_Server : public vrpn_Button_Filter {
    vrpn_Button_Example_Server(const char *name, vrpn_Connection *c,
                               int numbuttons = 1, vrpn_float64 rate = 1.0);

    virtual void mainloop();

    vrpn_float64 _update_rate; // How often to toggle

// Button device that is connected to a parallel port and uses the
// status bits to read from the buttons.  There can be up to 5 buttons
// read this way.
class VRPN_API vrpn_Button_Parallel : public vrpn_Button_Filter {
    // Open a button connected to the local machine, talk to the
    // outside world through the connection.
    vrpn_Button_Parallel(const char *name, vrpn_Connection *connection,
                         int portno, unsigned porthex = 0);

    int port;
    int status;

    virtual void read(void) = 0;
#ifdef _WIN32
    int openGiveIO(void);
#endif // _WIN32

// Open a Python (or Hiball Button) that is connected to a parallel port.
// See www.vrpn.org/UNC_python.html for a description of how to make
// a connector that uses the parallel port this way.  Note that this
// use of a parallel port can result in damage to the motherboard if
// voltage spikes (static) are passed through if care is not taken.
// This interface is intended for use at UNC.  No warranty is expressed
// or implied for use elsewhere (use at your own risk).
class VRPN_API vrpn_Button_Python : public vrpn_Button_Parallel {
    vrpn_Button_Python(const char *name, vrpn_Connection *c, int p);
    vrpn_Button_Python(const char *name, vrpn_Connection *c, int p,
                       unsigned ph);

    virtual void mainloop();

    virtual void read(void);
    bool d_first_fail;

// Button device that is connected to the serial port.
class VRPN_API vrpn_Button_Serial : public vrpn_Button_Filter {
    vrpn_Button_Serial(const char *name, vrpn_Connection *c,
                       const char *port = "/dev/ttyS1/", long baud = 38400);
    virtual ~vrpn_Button_Serial();

    char portname[VRPN_BUTTON_BUF_SIZE];
    long baudrate;
    int serial_fd;
    int status;

    unsigned char
        buffer[VRPN_BUTTON_BUF_SIZE]; // char read from the button so far
    vrpn_uint32 bufcount;             // number of char in the buffer

    virtual void read() = 0;

// Open a Fakespace Pinch Glove System that is connected to a serial port. There
// are total of 10 buttons. Buttons 0-4 are fingers for the right hand-thumb
// first and pinkie last-while buttons 5-9 are for the left hand-thumb first.
// The report you get back is the finger is touching. So you will not have a
// state where only one button is ON.
class VRPN_API vrpn_Button_PinchGlove : public vrpn_Button_Serial {
    vrpn_Button_PinchGlove(const char *name, vrpn_Connection *c,
                           const char *port = "/dev/ttyS1/", long baud = 38400);

    virtual void mainloop();

    bool reported_failure;
    virtual void read();
    report_no_timestamp(); // set the glove to report data without timestamp


//************** Users deal with the following *************

// User routine to handle a change in button state.  This is called when
// the button callback is called (when a message from its counterpart
// across the connection arrives). The pinch glove has 5 different states of on
// since it knows which fingers are touching.  This pinch glove behavior is
// non-standard and will be removed in a future version.  Button states should
// be considered like booleans.
#define VRPN_BUTTON_OFF (0)
#define VRPN_BUTTON_ON (1)

typedef struct _vrpn_BUTTONCB {
    struct timeval msg_time; // Time of button press/release
    vrpn_int32 button;       // Which button (numbered from zero)
    vrpn_int32 state;        // button state (0 = off, 1 = on)
} vrpn_BUTTONCB;
typedef void(VRPN_CALLBACK *vrpn_BUTTONCHANGEHANDLER)(void *userdata,
                                                      const vrpn_BUTTONCB info);

// This is a new button callback type that was added in VRPN 7.31.  It
// tells the current state of all of the buttons on the device.  It is
// called whenever a button server receives a new connection request.  It
// is intended to deal with the issue of not knowing what state toggled
// buttons are in when a client connects.
typedef struct _vrpn_BUTTONSTATECB {
    struct timeval msg_time;                    // Timestamp of analog data
    vrpn_int32 num_buttons;                     // how many buttons
    vrpn_int32 states[vrpn_BUTTON_MAX_BUTTONS]; // button state values
    void *userdata, const vrpn_BUTTONSTATESCB info);

// Open a button that is on the other end of a connection
// and handle updates from it.  This is the type of button that user code will
// deal with.

class VRPN_API vrpn_Button_Remote : public vrpn_Button {
    // The name of the button device to connect to. Optional second
    // argument is used when you already have an open connection you
    // want it to listen on.
    vrpn_Button_Remote(const char *name, vrpn_Connection *cn = NULL);
    virtual ~vrpn_Button_Remote(void);

    // This routine calls the mainloop of the connection it's on
    virtual void mainloop();

    // (un)Register a callback handler to handle a button state change
    virtual int register_change_handler(void *userdata,
                                        vrpn_BUTTONCHANGEHANDLER handler)
        return d_callback_list.register_handler(userdata, handler);
    virtual int unregister_change_handler(void *userdata,
                                          vrpn_BUTTONCHANGEHANDLER handler)
        return d_callback_list.unregister_handler(userdata, handler);

    // (un)Register a callback handler to handle buttons states reports
    virtual int register_states_handler(void *userdata,
                                        vrpn_BUTTONSTATESHANDLER handler)
        return d_states_callback_list.register_handler(userdata, handler);
    virtual int unregister_states_handler(void *userdata,
                                          vrpn_BUTTONSTATESHANDLER handler)
        return d_states_callback_list.unregister_handler(userdata, handler);

    vrpn_Callback_List<vrpn_BUTTONCB> d_callback_list;
    static int VRPN_CALLBACK
    handle_change_message(void *userdata, vrpn_HANDLERPARAM p);

    vrpn_Callback_List<vrpn_BUTTONSTATESCB> d_states_callback_list;
    static int VRPN_CALLBACK
    handle_states_message(void *userdata, vrpn_HANDLERPARAM p);
