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Dopamine client specification

This document is a coding spec for dopamine CLI client dop. The status marks indicated along the document have the following meaning:

  • ❌ : Not coded
  • ✅ : Coded
  • ✔️ : Covered by tests

Basic usage

$ dop [global options] [command] [command options]

Global options

  • -C|--change-dir [directory]
    • Change to directory before executing the command
  • -v|--verbose
    • Enable verbose mode
  • -c|--no-color
    • Disable colored output
  • --version
    • Print client version and exit
  • --help
    • Print help and exit

Paths and Files

The following table contains paths, that may be referred to in the next sections.

Symbol Path Description
$DOP_HOME Linux: ~/.dopamine
Windows: %LOCALAPPDATA%\Dopamine
Local storage for Dopmaine
$DOP_HOME/profiles Local cache for profiles
$DOP_HOME/recipes Local cache for package recipes
$DOP_HOME/src Local cache for package sources
$DOP_HOME/cache Local built package cache
$DOP_HOME/dub/src Local cache for DUB packages
$DOP_HOME/dub/cache Local cache for DUB built packages
$PKG Refer to a package directory (aka. recipe directory)
$PKG/dopamine.lua Package recipe file.
$PKG/.dop Package working directory for dop
$PKG/dop.lock Dependency lock file
$PKG/.dop/[build-id] Working directory for a config

Recipe file

Each package is decribed by a recipe file, which is a Lua script named dopamine.lua located at the package root. There can be 3 sorts of recipe:

  • A dependencies recipe (aka. light recipes).
    • This kind of recipe is used to install dependencies locally.
    • It is not meant to package a piece of software.
    • Expresses dependencies through the dependencies global variable.
  • A package recipe.
    • Is a complete recipe that provide data and functions to build and package a piece of software.
    • Recipe is defined by global variables:
      • The following are mandatory for a package to be published:
        • name
        • version (Semver compliant)
        • license
        • build function
        • tools list the tools whose version impacts the build-id
          • e.g. cc, dc
      • Others are optional:
        • authors
        • copyright
        • dependencies
        • source
  • DUB recipes
    • DUB recipes are valid Dopamine recipes (although not fully supported at the moment)

When a recipe or one of its function is executed, the current directory is set as follow:

Execution context Current directory
Recipe evaluation $PKG
source function $PKG
build function $CONFIG

Package revision

Each Dopamine recipe has a revision, allowing more than one recipe for a package version. Indeed, the version of a recipe always refers to the packaged source code version, not to the recipe code version.

dop Lua library

In order to help packaging, a dop Lua library is provided by the client. It is implicitely imported and available in every recipe

local dop = require('dop')

Recipes may import other libraries, but the dop library is the only one that is guaranteed to be always available. It contains functions to run commands, concatenate paths, perform various file system operations, compute checksums...
Documentation TBD, see lib/src/dopamine/lua source folder.

Lock files

Lock files are used to ensure atomicity and exclusive access to a package and also to keep track of the state of the package between successive invocations of dop. dop uses their modification date and if required their content to check for the validity of a previous operation.

Commands summary

Command Description
search Search for packages on Dopamine's registry.
login Login with a token obtained on the registry.
profile Get, set or adjust the compilation profile.
options Get, set or adjust the package options.
resolve Resolve an and lock dependencies.
source Download package source.
build Build package with selected compilation profile.
stage Stage a package in a specified directory.
package Package binary for distribution.
revision Get the revision of a package.
publish Publish a package recipe on a repository.
upload Upload a built package to a repository.

Profile command

Set or get the compilation profile for the current package. The selected profile of a package is saved in $PACKDIR/.dop/profile.ini

  • dop profile ✔️
    • Print the name of the currently selected profile or (no profile selected)
  • dop profile --describe ✔️
    • Print a detailed description of the current profile.
  • dop profile default
    • Sets the default profile as current
    • Use only the languages of the current recipe
  • dop profile default-lang1[-lang2...]
    • Sets the default profile as current
    • Use the languages of the current recipe in addition to the one(s) specified
  • dop profile [name]
    • Sets the named profile as current
    • Use only the languages of the current recipe
  • dop profile --add-missing
    • Add missing languages to the compilation profile
  • dop profile --set-[tool] [tool_exe]
    • Change a tool executable
    • e.g. dop profile --set-dc dmd
    • [tool_exe] is optional and can be a command (e.g. dmd) or a path
    • If [tool_exe] is omitted, the default for [tool] is picked.
  • dop profile --release
    • Set profile in Release mode
  • dop profile --debug
    • Set profile in Debug mode
  • dop profile --save [name]
    • Saves the current profile to the user profile cache with name
    • Can be combined with other options that modify the profile.

For more sophisticated need, the profile INI files can be edited.

Profile files

Profile files are INI files containing info about:

  • the host (OS, architecture)
  • build mode (Release or Debug)
  • The compiler (one per language):
    • name (Gcc, Dmd...)
    • version
    • ABI

Profile files can be cached in ~/.dopamine/profiles.
The filename for profiles is [basename]-[langlist].ini. For example:

  • ~/.dopamine/profiles/default-d-c.ini

Options command

Resolve command

Resolve and lock dependencies.
Prerequisite: A profile must be chosen (dependencies can depend on profile)

  • dop resolve ✔️
    • Resolve dependencies and creates a dependency lockfile for the current package.
    • If one exists already, exits without alteration.
  • dop resolve -f|--force
    • Resolve dependencies and overwrite the dependency lockfile
  • dop resolve --prefer-system
    • Creates/reset a dependency lockfile using the preferSystem heuristic mode.
    • This is the default heuristic and therefore equivalent to --force.
  • dop resolve --prefer-cached
    • Creates/reset a dependency lockfile using the preferCached heuristic mode.
  • dop resolve --prefer-local
    • Creates/reset a dependency lockfile using the preferLocal heuristic mode.
  • dop resolve --pick-highest
    • Creates/reset a dependency lockfile using the pickHighest heuristic mode.
  • dop resolve --no-network
    • Disable access to network for the resolution of dependencies
  • dop resolve --no-system
    • Disable access to system installation for the resolution of dependencies.
  • dop resolve --use [dependency] [version]
    • Use the specified version of dependency package in the lock file.
    • If lock file exists, alter it.
    • If lock file does not exist, create it with this version.
    • [dependency] must be one of the dependencies (direct or indirect) of the current package.
    • [version] must be an exact and existing version of [dependency] and must be compatible with the version specification in the dependency tree.

Dep-lock file

Dependency lock files are located in the package root in a file named dop.lock.

Depinstall command

Download and install dependencies of a package.

Prerequisite: The dependencies must be locked.


  • $PROF/.lock has a dep field to track where the dependencies were installed. If empty, deps were installed under $USR_DIR/packages, otherwise the content points to the dependencies prefix.

Command invocations:

  • dop depinstall
    • Download and install the dependencies
    • Dependencies that are not built for the chosen profile are built.
    • They are installed in a per-dependency and per-profile directory under the ~/.dopamine/packages directory.
  • dop depinstall --stage [prefix]
    • Same as dop depinstall except that dependencies are staged in the given prefix.
    • The build process will use the dependencies installed in [prefix] instead of the ones in the ~/.dopamine/packages directory.

Source command

Download package source code.


  • The source recipe function, if provided, must effectively download the package source code and return the path.
  • If the source function returns successfully, the return value is written to $SRC_FLG.
  • If the package embeds the source code, the source symbol may be a constant string, which is interpreted as a relative path from $PKG to the source directory.
  • If the source symbol is omitted, '.' is assumed.

Command options:

  • dop source ✔️
    • Execute the source function of the recipe file.
    • If source symbol is a string, the source code is expected local with the package, source being the relative path to the source directory.
  • ....

Build command

Build the current package

  • The profile must be chosen.
  • The dependencies must be locked.
  • The dependencies must be installed.
  • The source code must be available


  • The build function of the Lua recipe must effectively compile the package using the build system provided by the package source code.
  • The build must happen in a directory within the package that is unique for the build configuration. Such a directory is created and made current before the function is executed.
  • The build function accepts two arguments in addition to self (the recipe table):
    1. dirs: a table containing several paths:
      • dirs.root: path of package root directory containing the recipe file
      • dirs.src: the path to the source code
    2. config: the compilation config table:
      • config.profile: the compilation profile
      • config.options: the compilation options
      • config.hash: A unique hash for the configuration
      • config.short_hash: An abbreviation of the unique hash
    3. depinfos: a table containing one entry per dependency, each containing where it is installed.
  • The build function may use the install functionality of the build system. If it does, it must install to the dirs.install directory.
  • If the build is successful, $BLD_FLG is written.
  • If the build is successful, the build function must return true if the install functionality was used. If so, $INST must exist and is the path is written to $BLD_FLG.

Command options:

  • dop build
    • Execute the build function of the recipe file.
  • dop build --profile [profile]
    • Execute the build function of the recipe file using [profile] as compilation profile instead of the one currently selected.
  • dop build --debug
    • Execute the build function of the recipe file using a debug variant of the currently selected profile.
  • dop build --release
    • Execute the build function of the recipe file using a release variant of the currently selected profile.

Package command

Package the compiled package.


  • The profile must be chosen.
  • The dependencies must be locked.
  • The dependencies must be installed.
  • The source code must be available
  • The package must be built.
  • The recipe must have a package function, or have installed during the build command


  • If the recipe uses the install functionality of the build system, it may or may not declare a package function.
  • If the recipe does not use the install functionality of the build system, it must declare a package function.
  • If package function does not exist and $INST and $STAGE are different directories, the content of $INST is copied to $STAGE.
  • The package function takes three arguments in addition to self (the recipe table):
    1. dirs: a table containing paths:
      • dirs.src to the source directory
      • dirs.config is a working directory unique for the (profile + options) configuration
      • is a recommended location to build, it may or may not have been used
      • dirs.install is where to install (which is optional)
      • dirs.dest is where to create the package
    2. config: the same as for the build function
    3. depinfos: the same as for the build function
  • If the dirs.install and dirs.dest directories are identical and install functionality was used, the package function may only patch files in that directory.
  • If the dirs.install and dirs.dest directories are different, the package function must effectively copy the necessary files to the dirs.dest directory, either from dirs.install or directly from where the build occurred.
  • If the recipe declares a patch_install function, it is executed. The patch_install function has the same signature as the package function.

Command options:

  • dop package
    • Execute the package function of the recipe with the default destination.
    • If package symbol is nil and the package was installed, simply copy the installation to the destination directory.
  • dop package [dest]
    • Same as previous but package to [dest].

Cache command

Cache the built package to be reused in the current system as a pre-built dependency for other packages

Publish command

Publish a recipe to the registry

Upload command

Upload the built package to the registry to be reused as a pre-built dependency on other systems.