The newtype
idiom gives compile time guarantees that the right type of value is supplied
to a program.
For example, an age verification function that checks age in years, must be given
a value of type Years
struct Years(i64);
struct Days(i64);
impl Years {
pub fn to_days(&self) -> Days {
Days(self.0 * 365)
impl Days {
/// truncates partial years
pub fn to_years(&self) -> Years {
Years(self.0 / 365)
fn old_enough(age: &Years) -> bool {
age.0 >= 18
fn main() {
let age = Years(5);
let age_days = age.to_days();
println!("Old enough {}", old_enough(&age));
println!("Old enough {}", old_enough(&age_days.to_years()));
// println!("Old enough {}", old_enough(&age_days));
Uncomment the last print statement to observe that the type supplied must be Years
To obtain the newtype
's value as the base type, you may use tuple syntax like so:
struct Years(i64);
fn main() {
let years = Years(42);
let years_as_primitive: i64 = years.0;