#AdminLTE template Laravel 5 package
A Laravel 5 package that switch default Laravel scaffolding / boilerplate to AdminLTE template with Bootstrap 3.0 and Pratt Landing Page

See demo here:


If you are looking for the Laravel 4 version, use 0.1.5 version/tag and see [OLD-README.md](OLD-README.md)

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# Installation & use

**So easy to install!** Install globally with composer:

composer global require "acacha/adminlte-laravel-installer=~2.0"

And convert any Laravel ~~fresh~~ (no need of fresh installation now thanks to [Acacha/llum](https://github.com/acacha/llum)) installation to AdminLTE/Pratt with:

laravel new laravel-with-admin-lte
cd laravel-with-admin-lte
adminlte-laravel install

Enjoy! If you wish you can use llum:

llum boot

To start using you Laravel with AdminLTE project. Llum will configure database (sqlite),execute migrations, install devtools and serve for you.

More info about llum commands in Github [Acacha/llum](https://github.com/acacha/llum).


This packages use (no need to install):

* [Composer](https://getcomposer.org/)
* [Laravel](http://laravel.com/)
* [AdminLTE](https://github.com/almasaeed2010/AdminLTE). You can see and AdminLTE theme preview at: http://almsaeedstudio.com/preview/
* [Pratt](http://blacktie.co/demo/pratt/). Pratt Landing Page
* [Acacha/llum](https://github.com/acacha/llum). Easy Laravel packages installation (and other tasks). Used to modify config/app.php file without using stubs (so you changes to this file would be respected)

This package assumes that you have in path your composer bin folder:

For example adding this line:

export PATH=${PATH}:~/.composer/vendor/bin

to your ~/.bashrc file

## Llum package

This package now uses [Acacha/llum](https://github.com/acacha/llum) to install packages, providers, aliases, etc in a current existing Laravel project.

Thanks to llum we can install adminlte-laravel package in any Laravel project no need of fresh installation.

However acacha/llum use bash scripts and commands like sed thta maybe are no compatible or not available in all platforms. No problem! You can use a backwards compatible version with:

 laravel new laravel-with-admin-lte
 cd laravel-with-admin-lte
 adminlte-laravel --no-llum install
Or you can use version 1.0 of installer with:
composer global require "acacha/adminlte-laravel-installer=~1.0"

## Laravel 5.2

Laravel 5.2 is the default Laravel version supported. See section Installation & use for more info. See below for info about how to install this package in older Laravel versions

### Laravel 5.2 manual installation

Follow the typical Laravel package installation steps:

 laravel new laravel-with-admin-lte
 cd laravel-with-admin-lte

Add admin-lte Laravel package with:

 composer require "acacha/admin-lte-template-laravel:2.*"
To register the Service Provider edit **config/app.php** file and add to providers array:

* Acacha AdminLTE template provider

To Register Alias edit **config/app.php** file and add to alias array:

* Acacha AdminLTE template alias
'AdminLTE' => Acacha\AdminLTETemplateLaravel\Facades\AdminLTE::class,

Publish files with:

php artisan vendor:publish --tag=adminlte --force
Use force to overwrite Laravel Scaffolding packages. That's all! Open the Laravel project in your browser or homestead machine and enjoy! 

## Laravel 5.1 notes

By default Laravel 5.1 does not include default auth routes. Versions > 1.0 < 2.0 of this package add the necessary routes for you

See  [old README file](OLD-README.md) file for notes of which routes are registered.


First install Laravel (http://laravel.com/docs/5.0/installation) and then Create a new Laravel project:

 laravel new laravel-with-admin-lte
 cd laravel-with-admin-lte

Add admin-lte Laravel package with:

 composer require "acacha/admin-lte-template-laravel:1.*"
Register ServiceProvider editing **config/app.php** file and adding to providers array:

// AdminLTE template provider         

Publish files with:

 php artisan vendor:publish --force --provider="Acacha\AdminLTETemplateLaravel\app\Providers\AdminLTETemplateServiceProvider"
Use force to overwrite Laravel Scaffolding packages. That's all! Open the Laravel project in your browser or homestead machine and enjoy! 

Note: use the following for Laravel <5.1 versions:

 // AdminLTE template provider

##Laravel Routes

This package add Laravel routes that you will not find them at routes.php file. The routes installed by package would be find at file:

File included by AdminLTETemplateServiceProvider:

See issue https://github.com/acacha/adminlte-laravel/issues/47 if you want to change default welcome/landing page route.

##First steps, database creation, migrations and login

Once package installed you have to follow the usual steps of any laravel project to Login to the admin interface:

- Create a database. I recommend the use of laravel Homestead ()
- Create/check .env file and configure database acces (database name, password, etc)
- Run migrations with command $ php artisan migrate
- Registera a first user and Login with it


AdminLTE is a Free Premium Admin control Panel Theme That Is Based On Bootstrap 3.x created by Abdullah Almsaeed. See:


# Roadmap

- Implement Facebook, Google and maybe twitter and github Login with Socialite
- Add email html templates

## Documentation TODO

- Gulp file provided to compile Boostrap and AdminLTE less files
- Partial views (html header, content header, footer, etc.) to easily reuse code
- Add breadcrumps with: https://github.com/davejamesmiller/laravel-breadcrumbs

## Packagist


## More info


## Tests



In new created laravel project with acacha-admintle.laravel installed to test package is installed correctly.

## Social Login


How can I remove social login links in register and login pages?

Remove line @include('auth.partials.social_login') in files resources/views/auth/login.blade.php and register.blade.php

Social login links in login/register pages returns 404 not found

TODO: See package https://github.com/acacha/acacha-socialite

## See also
