- swiperia-react: lets fix minor issue with the react package (35940c9)
- swiperia-react: 🎨 fix the issue (811e3df)
- Ehsan Samavati
- docs: 📝 docs setup added (d7a3b70)
- swiperia-react: 🐛 correct versioning (27c1dff)
- swiperia-react: 🐛 automatic package versioning (a2af35d)
- Ehsan Samavati
- core: initialize swiperia-core package with NX setup (236e337)
- core: add Vector2 type for 2D vector representation (7f55615)
- core: add Point type and distance calculation function (5d90ede)
- core: add Velocity type and functions to calculate velocities (5e76a64)
- core: introduce Direction type and directional computation function (ad06a8d)
- core: define SwipeCallback and SwipeConfig types (8c37af5)
- core: add MovementEvent type and movement computation function (deb980a)
- core: introduce SwipeEvent type extending MovementEvent (d865e4b)
- core-js: refine swipe event handling and update SwipeEvent type (fe2deff)
- examples: add Vanilla JavaScript example for Swiperia usage (dffe4d2)
- js: implement AbstractSwipeDetector base class (72e958c)
- js: add MouseSwipeDetector and TouchSwipeDetector classes (c06c780)
- js: introduce SwipeDetector class to manage multiple detectors (db80471)
- swiperia-react: ✨ the swiperia-react package with its examples created (623681c)
- Ehsan Samavati