Data Definition Language (DDL) - A set of statements that allow user to define or modify data structures and objects such as tables
* Create
* Alter
* Drop
* Rename
* Truncate
Data Manipulation Language (DML) - A set of statements that allow us to manipulate the data in the tables of a database.
* Select
* Insert
* Update
* Delete
Data Control Language (DCL) - A set of statements that allow userts to grant permisions to users.
* Grant
* Revoke
Transaction Control Languate (TCL) - A set of statements that allow users to save and restore the state of the database. It helps to provide updated information for everyone using the table.
* Commit
* Rollback
Key Words or Reserve words: They cannot be used to create tables.
Relational Schema
It is defined as an existing idea of how database can be designed.
Primary Key
A column or set of columns whose value exists and is unique for every record in the table is called Primary Key.
Each table has only one primary key. It cannot be a null value.
Foreign Key
A column or set of columns that helps to idefity the relationship between multiple tables.
Unique and Null Constraints
Unique Key constraint should contain values and they should be unique.
Null key constaint states the column can have null values.
Both constraints can be used on multiple columns.
Relationships - It tells how much of the data from a Foreign key field can be seen in the primary key column of the table the data is related to and vice versa.
* One to Many Relationship
* One to One Relationship
* Many to Many Relationship
Create Database - A new Database can be created using one of the two queries.
Create Database if not exists Sales;
Create Schema if not exists Sales;
Data Type - Each and every column in the database has specific datatype. Datatype and size of the field is defined using the following
- Length - It is a measure used to indicate how many symbols certain datatype has
- Size - It indicates the memory space used by a data type and is measured in bytes.
- Storage - It is the physical space in the computers drive memory where the data is being saved or stored.
Different data types
- Character - Char(10) - Datatype is fixed. For a name with 3 letters also takes 10 as the memory space. - Maximum memory - 255
- Variable Character - VarChar(10) - Datatype is variable. For a name with 3 characters it takes 3 bytes. - Maxiumum memory - 65535
- Enumerator - Enum - Takes the size based on the number of members of the set.
- Numeric Data Types - Integer, Fixed Point, Floating Point
- Fixed point data type
- They represent exact values
- Decimal(5, 3) - A decimal number with precision 5 and scale 3. Eg: 10.523. If only one digit is specified, it is treated as precision.
- Numeric
- Floating Point data type
- They are used for approximate values only
- Aims to balance between the range and precision
- Float
- Double
- Main difference between the fixed and floating point is in the way the value is represented in the memory of the computer.
- Date - Used to represent the date
- DateTime - Date combined with Time. Represents the date shown on the calendar and time shown on clock.
- Timestamp - Used for a well defined exact point in time. It provides easy access to find the difference between two timestamps.
- char, varchar, date, datetime and timestamp must be written within quotes.
- BLOB - Binary large object. Refers to a file of binary data. It gets involved when saving files to a record.
create table sales(
Date_of_purchase DATE NOT NULL,
customer_id INT,
item_code varchar(10) NOT NULL
Frees us from having to insert all purchase numbers manually through the insert command at a later stage.
Assigns 1 to the first record of the table and automatically increments by 1 for every subsequent row.
Constraints - Specific rules or limits that defined on the table. Role of constraints is to outline the existing relationships between different tables in the database.
Primary Key Constraint
Foreign Key Constraint
Unique Key Constraint
- Unique key in MySQL has same role to indexes.
- Index is an organizational unit that helps to retrieve data easily.
- To remove a unique key from the table
Alter table tablename drop INDEX unique_field_id; Alter table customers drop INDEX email_address;
Default Key Constraint
Not Null Constraint
IFNULL(Expression1, Expression2)
It returns the first of the two indicated values if the data value found in table is not null, and returns the second value if there is a null value. Prints the return value in the column of the output.
select dept_no, IFNULL(dept_name, 'Department name not provided') as dept_name FROM departments_dup;
COALESCE(Expression1, Expression2, ..., ExpressionN)
Its more like a IF NULL function with more than 2 parameters.
It can also have single arguemt.\
Both IF NULL and COALESCE do not change the database. They merely create an output where certain values appear in place of null values.
Used to combine multiple tables.
- Inner Join
- Left Join
- Right Join
- Cross Join
Union all is used to combine few select statements in a single output.
It is more like a tool that unifies multiple tables.
Select N columns from table 1 UNION ALL select N columns from table 2.
- In this same columns from each table must be selected.
- These columns should have same name, same order and should contain related data types.
Union and Union all has same usage but union displays only the distinct values from the tables.
Union uses more computational power and storage space.
If better results needed opt for union and if optimization needed opt for union all.
A view is a virtual table whose contents are obtained from an existing table.
create or replace view v_view_name as select columns from tablename.
An SQL statement or a set of SQL statements that can be stored on the database server.
Whenever a user needs to run the query, they can call, reference or invoke a routine.
Two types of stored routines
- Stored Procedures
- Functions
Instead of ";" a delimiter is used while creating stored procedures. Following is the syntax for creating a stored procedure.
Delimiter $$
create procedure procedure_name()
select * from table_name
end $$
It is exectured as follows
call databasename.stored_procedure();
call stored_procedures();
They can take input values and then use it in the query or queries written in the body of procedure.
This value is represented by the IN parameter.
Delimiter $$
create procedure procedure_name(in parameter)
select * from table_name
end $$
It takes input and output parameters and provides results.
Delimiter $$
create procedure procedure_name (in parameter, out parameter)
select * from table_name
end $$
In stored procedures input given is considered as a parameter and output is the variable.
It is created as follows.
set @avg_salary = 0;
Call the stored procedure with output parameter and pass the defined variable as output parameter.
In functions there are no output parameters and all are the input parameters. So, no need to include 'in' keyword.
Delimiter $$
Create Function Function_Name (parameter datatype) Returns datatype
Declare variable_name datatype
select ... => Same as select statement as of stored procedures
return variable_name
end $$
Functions cannot be called. Instead a select statement is used to select the function.