This GIT respository contains code to go along with the blog post "Build your own Low-Code Business Applications with SpiffWorkflow"
To interact with and extend this documentation you need:
As of writing, this documentation has not been tried on Windows
- this repository
- a supported version of Python 3 (as of the writing, that means >= 3.5) - Python 2 is not supported
- a virtual environment
Just use git clone to clone this repository
git clone
Python now includes virtualenv in the standard library.
cd SpiffyDucks
python3 -m venv venv
This will setup a Python3 virtual environment.
Enable the virualenv we just created.
my-prompt$ source ./venv/bin/activate
(venv) my-prompt$
Now that we have the Python virtual environment set up, let's get our requirements installed.
pip3 install spiffworkflow
This should get us all of the tools we will need to run the examples - Any of the .py files should be able to be run in the SpiffyDuck main directory
(venv) my-prompt$ python