issues Search Results · repo:scipopt/PySCIPOpt language:Cython
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(107 ms)21 results
inscipopt/PySCIPOpt (press backspace or delete to remove)Dear support team,
I hope you are doing well. I am interested in knowing how SCIP can deal with a convex quadratic constraint and how it
can be linearized internally by SCIP. The constraint is in the ...
- 10
- Opened 2 days ago
- #968
Describe the bug When running certain complex models using pySCIPOpt, the model appears to freeze and not adhere to the
time limit set.
An example piece of code is contained in the GitHub gist where, ...
- 7
- Opened 4 days ago
- #966
Describe the bug After calling Model.enableReoptimization(), Model.optimize(), and Model.freeReoptSolve(), it seems that
Model.chgLhs() has no effect in the model, since optimizing it again (in the attached ...
- 8
- Opened 10 days ago
- #964
Hi I currently have a simple problem in pysciopt that has no objective function, a mixture of linear and non linear
constraints and some continuous and binary variables.
It solves as expected, however, ...
- 3
- Opened 17 days ago
- #962
I just came into contact with the SCIP solver. I found that the SCIP solver may be blocking all processes
The proof is as follows:
1) I used the SCIP solver to solve the instance in the main thread, ...
- 6
- Opened on Feb 12
- #955
I have an integer programming instance with 540,000 binary variables and approximately 2 million constraints. I am
already aware that the optimal solution to this problem is extremely sparse. I would like ...
- 6
- Opened on Feb 11
- #954
Describe the bug
================================================================================================================================== FAILURES =================================================================================================================================== ...
- 7
- Opened on Feb 9
- #951
Dear PySCIPOpt Developers,
I am currently working on a heuristic that is applied at a node in a Branch Bound process. The goal of this heuristic is
to determine a lower bound for the node. If this lower ...
- 5
- Opened on Feb 7
- #949
I am using PySCIPOpt to program an integer programming model.
The model has been validated with small to moderately sized instances.
However, when dealing with large instances, the program terminates ...
- 2
- Opened on Jan 24
- #948
Describe the bug Since the last Scip update, PyScipOpt references the wrong libscip version. This results in an error
when importing pyscipopt. Currently conda automatically installs Scip 9.2 and PyScipOpt ...
- 23
- Opened on Jan 14
- #944

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