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576 lines (377 loc) · 24.1 KB

File metadata and controls

576 lines (377 loc) · 24.1 KB


For releases, please visit the project releases page.

The format is based on Keep a Changelog, and this project adheres to Semantic Versioning.


[0.8.18] - 2025-03-16

Updated crossnote to version 0.9.13.

Bug fixes

  • Fixed the build for vscode-web caused by prismjs.

[0.8.17] - 2025-03-16

Updated crossnote to version 0.9.13.

Bug fixes

  • Fixed a bug of bundling caused by importing the sharp package.

[0.8.16] - 2025-03-16

Updated crossnote to version 0.9.12.



  • Updated mermaid version to the latest 11.5.0.
  • Updated katex version to the latest 0.16.21.
  • Updated prismjs version to the latest 1.30.0.
  • Updated bit-field version to the latest 1.9.0.

Bug fixes

  • Fixed the import the crossnote as nodejs esm module. crossnote#357
  • Fixed a bug of using enableExtendedTableSyntax. crossnote#369

[0.8.15] - 2024-09-07

Updated crossnote to version 0.9.11.


  • Enabled the preview zen mode by default.


  • Updated mermaid version to the latest 11.4.0.

[0.8.14] - 2024-09-07

Updated crossnote to version 0.9.10.


  • Added .mdx to the default markdownFileExtensions.


  • Updated mermaid version to the latest 11.1.1.
  • Updated katex version to the latest v0.16.11.

Bug fixes

  • Fixed a scroll sync bug.

[0.8.13] - 2024-03-18

Updated crossnote to version 0.9.9.

Bug fixes


[0.8.12] - 2024-03-10

Updated crossnote to version 0.9.8.

New features

  • @moonlitusun sidebarToc supports local caching


  • @oneWaveAdrian updated the mermaid version to the latest 10.9.0.

Bug fixes

[0.8.11] - 2023-12-10

Updated crossnote to version 0.9.7.

New features

  • Added enablePreviewZenMode option and reorganized the right-click context menu.


Bug fixes

[0.8.10] - 2023-10-26

Updated crossnote to version 0.9.6.


  • Updated mermaid.js to the latest version 10.6.0.

Bug fixes

  • Fixed importing file with spaces in the path: #1857
  • Fixed a bug of updating the vscode workbench.editorAssociations: #1860

[0.8.9] - 2023-10-23

Updated crossnote to version 0.9.5.

Bug fixes

  • Fixed of bug of rendering the KaTeX math expression: #1853

[0.8.8] - 2023-10-22

Updated crossnote to version 0.9.4.

New features


  • Changed the markdown parser process to be like below. We removed the onWillTransformMarkdown and onDidTransformMarkdown hooks as these two caused the confusion.

    **crossnote markdown transformer**
    **markdown-it or pandoc renderer**
    html, and then rendered in the preview
  • (Beta) Supported to export the selected element in preview to .png file and copy the blob to the clipboard:


Bug fixes

  • Fixed a bug of importing files that contains empty heading: #1840
  • Fixed a bug of rendering inline math in image name: #1846
  • Fixed a bug of parsing inline code: #1848

[0.8.7] - 2023-10-15

Updated crossnote to version 0.9.2 and version 0.9.3.

New features

  • Added ID button to copy the element id to clipboard:

    Screenshot from 2023-10-15 15-34-27

  • Supported to import section of markdown by header id:

    @import ""

Bug fixes

  • URL fragments on image links do not load: #1837
  • Supported matplotlib-type preview for other Python tools like pipenv: shd101wyy/crossnote#332
  • Fixed jump to header from link like [link](
  • Better handling of source map for importing files.

[0.8.6] - 2023-10-14

This MPE version reduced the VS Code version requirement to 1.70.0 or above.

Updated crossnote to version 0.9.0 and 0.9.1.

New features

  • Added two more syntaxes to import files in addition to the @import syntax. Please note that these syntaxes only work on new lines. For example, they won't work within list items.
    • Use the image syntax but with other file extensions:
    • Use the wikilink syntax but with other file extensions:

Bug fixes

  • Fixed a header id generation bug #1833
  • Fixed parsing block attributes from curly bracket when enableTypographer is enabled #1823
  • Fixed the bug of not rendering the @import file:
  • Fixed rendering vega and vega-lite. Also fixed interactive=true attribute for vega.

[0.8.5] - 2023-10-10

Please note this version requires VS Code 1.82.0 or above.

Updated crossnote to version 0.8.24.

Bug fixes

  • Improved the handling of [toc]: #1825
  • Supported to set env variables in paths of configuration: #1826
  • Fixed the footer style: #1822
  • Fixed the bug of generating the header id: #1827
  • Fixed the bug of @import files that contains unicode characters: #1823
  • Now use node.js 18 for the project.

[0.8.4] - 2023-10-10

Updated crossnote to version 0.8.23.

Bug fixes

  • Fixed exporting reveal.js presentation.

[0.8.3] - 2023-10-10

Updated crossnote to version 0.8.22.

Bug fixes

  • Fixed a bug of loading image #1819
  • Fixed a bug of parsing slides #1818

[0.8.2] - 2023-10-09

Special Thanks to @mavaddat for creating the awesome extension logo for MPE in this pull request 🎉 We finally have a beautiful logo for MPE.

Updated crossnote to version 0.8.20 and 0.8.21.

New features

  • Supported prefix in front of Kroki diagram types #1785.
    So now all diagrams below will get rendered using Kroki:

    A -> B
    ```plantuml {kroki=true}
    A -> B
  • Improved the source map handling for @import "..." syntax.

Bug fixes

  • Exporting files no longer includes the source map.
  • Fixed some Reveal.js presentation related bugs:
  • Both the style.less from Markdown Preview Enhanced: Customize Css (Global) and the style.less from Markdown Preview Enhanced: Customize Css (Workspace) will now be loaded. The style.less from Markdown Preview Enhanced: Customize Css (Workspace) will have higher priority.
  • Fixed the bug where deleting config files from workspace did not update the preview.

[0.8.1] - 2023-10-06

Updated crossnote to version 0.8.19.


  • Deprecated the processWikiLink in parser.js. Now crossnote handles how we process the wiki link.
    We also added two more options:
    • wikiLinkTargetFileExtension: The file extension of the target file. Default is md. For example:
      • [[test]] will be transformed to [test](
      • [[]] will be transformed to [test](
      • [[test.pdf]] will be transformed to [test](test.pdf) because it has a file extension.
    • wikiLinkTargetFileNameChangeCase: How we transform the file name. Default is none so we won't change the file name.
      A list of available options can be found at:

Bug fixes

  • Reverted the markdown transformer and deleted the logic of inserting anchor elements as it's causing a lot of problems.
    The in-preview editor is not working as expected. So we now hide its highlight lines and elements feature if the markdown file failed to generate the correct source map.
  • Fixed the bug that global custom CSS is not working.

[0.8.0] - 2023-10-05

Updated crossnote to version 0.8.17 then version 0.8.18.

New features

  • 📝 Supported in-preview editor that allows you to edit the markdown file directly in the preview 🎉.
    This feature is currently in beta.
    When the editor is open, you can press ctrl+s or cmd+s to save the markdown file. You can also press esc to close the editor.

  • Deprecated the VS Code setting markdown-preview-enhanced.singlePreview.
    Now replaced by markdown-preview-enhanced.previewMode:

    • Single Preview (default)
      Only one preview will be shown for all editors.

    • Multiple Previews
      Multiple previews will be shown. Each editor has its own preview.

    • Previews Only 🆕
      No editor will be shown. Only previews will be shown. You can use the in-preview editor to edit the markdown.

      🔔 Please note that enable this option will automatically modify the workbench.editorAssociations setting to make sure the markdown files are opened in the custom editor for preview.

  • Added two new VS Code commands Markdown Preview Enhanced: Customize Preview Html Head (Workspace) and Markdown Preview Enhanced: Customize Preview Html Head (Global), which will open the head.html file for you to customize the <head> of the preview.

  • Supported to set attribute to image and link, e.g.:

    ![](path/to/image.png){width=100 height=100}
  • Improved the markdown transformer to better insert anchors for scroll sync and highlight lines and elements.
    Added more tests for the markdown transformer to make sure it works as expected.

  • Added the reading time estimation in the preview footer ⏲️.

  • Added Edit Markdown menu item to the context menu of the preview, which offers two options:

    • Open VS Code Editor Open the markdown file in VS Code editor.
    • Open In-preview Editor Open the markdown file in the in-preview editor.
  • Updated the mermaid version to the latest 10.5.0

  • Updated the katex version to 0.16.9.

  • Added the API website:

Bug fixes

  • Fixed the font size of the github-dark.css code block theme.
  • Fixed the anchor jump bugs: #1790
  • Fixed list item style bug: #1789
  • Fixed a data race bug that caused the preview to hang.

[0.7.10] - 2023-09-24

Updated crossnote to version 0.8.16

New features

  • Added head.html config file to allow you to include custom HTML in the <head> of the preview. This could be useful for adding custom CSS or JavaScript to the preview.

Bug fixes

  • Fixed the none.css preview theme bug #1778.
  • Fixed the bug of copying texts in preview #1775.
  • Added <code> in <pre> while rendering code blocks in preview.

[0.7.9] - 2023-09-17

Updated crossnote to version 0.8.15

New features

  • Added the includeInHeader option, which allows you to include custom HTML in the <head> of the preview. This could be useful for adding custom CSS or JavaScript to the preview.

Bug fixes

  • Fixed the bug of missing the backlinks on the vue.css theme.
  • Fixed the back to top button. #1769

[0.7.8] - 2023-09-15

Updated crossnote to version 0.8.14

New features

  • (Beta) Added the bitfield diagram support. Supported both bitfield and bit-field code fences. #1749
    ```bitfield {vspace=100}
      {name: 'IPO',   bits: 8},
      {               bits: 7},
      {name: 'BRK',   bits: 5, type: 4},
      {name: 'CPK',   bits: 1},
      {name: 'Clear', bits: 3, type: 5},
      {               bits: 8}

Bug fixes

  • Fixed the vue.css theme bug that caused the missing scroll bar in the preview. Also fixed a context menu bug for selecting the vue.css theme.

[0.7.7] - 2023-09-15

Updated to crossnote 0.8.13

Bug fixes

[0.7.6] - 2023-09-14

Fixed the extension for Will migrate vsce publish to GitHub action.

[0.7.5] - 2023-09-14

Fixed reading file as base64

[0.7.4] - 2023-09-14

New features 🆕

  1. Complete rewrite of the webview, and improved the UI. 🌐💅

  2. Backlinks supported in the preview. Clicking the bottom right link icon will display the backlinks. This feature is currently in beta and might not be stable yet.
    If you want the backlinks to be always on in the preview, you can enable the setting:

    "markdown-preview-enhanced.alwaysShowBacklinksInPreview": true,
  3. Updated reveal.js to the latest 4.6.0.

Bug fixes 🐛

  1. 🐞 Issue 1752

Future plan 📋

We will further improve the markdown-it parser and we might remove the pandoc parser support. You can still use the pandoc export. This will not be affected. 📝✂️

We will add in-preview editing capability in the future. 🖋️

We will also add the backlinks graph view. 📈

[0.7.3] - 2023-09-06

New features 🆕

  • ⭐ Added markdown-preview-enhanced.markdownFileExtensions config that allows users to specify the file extensions for preview.

  • 🌟 Supported pandoc-like code blocks, for example:

    ``` {.python}
    def add(x, y):
      return x + y
    ``` {.mermaid}
    graph LR
    A --> B

    The first class in the {...} will be regarded as the language.

Bug fixes 🐞


[0.7.2] - 2023-09-05

0.7.2 is a breaking update! And yes, it might break many things and introduce more bugs. But don't worry, we'll fix them! 😅

What's new? 🚀

  • MPE is now available on VSCode for the Web 🥇 Yes, you can now use MPE in your browser. But some features are limited, like exporting files and code chunks, which are disabled in the browser environment. I am writing this CHANGELOG right now in using the MPE extension 😃.


  • The mume library, which powers MPE, is now renamed as crossnote. This is a complete refactor of the project. We will support more features like backlinks and in-preview editor in the future.

    • Now you can have a .crossnote directory for configuring the MPE extension for your workspace. In VSCode, running the command Markdown Preview Enhanced: Customize CSS (Workspace) will automatically generate several configuration files for you. There is also a global .crossnote directory located at ~/.crossnote if you are using Windows, or $XDG_CONFIG_HOME/.crossnote or ~/.local/state/crossnote if you are using *nix. The global configuration has lower priority than the workspace one. 🛠️

Bug Fixes 🐛

[0.7.1] - 2023-09-02

[0.7.0] - 2023-09-01

  • 🆕 Added editor-light, editor-dark, system-light, system-dark class names to the preview panel.

  • ✨ Reduced the size of the bundled vscode MPE extension from 40mb to 8mb.

  • ➕ Supported to configure: markdown-preview-enhanced.mathjaxV3ScriptSrc, markdown-preview-enhanced.plantumlJarPath, and markdown-preview-enhanced.krokiServer.

  • 🔰 Updated @shd101wyy/mume to version 0.7.8.

    • 🤖 Completely refactored the mume project. It's not done yet, but it's a good start. The next release will be a major release.

      • 🎉 Now use the esbuild to bundle the project.
      • 🎉 Better support of both commonjs and esm.
      • 🔧 Replaced tslint with eslint.
    • 📰 Removed the plantuml.jar file from the mume project. Now you need to download the plantuml.jar file manually from here.

      • If you are using mume, you will need to pass plantumlJarPath to the mume.init({}).
      • If you are using VSCode, you can set the markdown-preview-enhanced.plantumlJarPath option in the VSCode settings.
    • 🗑 Removed ditaa.jar file from the mume project. Also removed the native support of rendering ditaa diagrams. But you can now use Kroki to render the ditaa diagrams.

    • 🗑 Removed rendering the js-sequence-diagram and flowchart.js charts.

    • 🎉 Updated MathJax to V3. MathJax V2 is no longer supported.

    • 🎉 Added Kroki support to render diagrams. This is a beta feature. For example:

      ```ditaa {kroki=true}
      +--------+   +-------+    +-------+
      |        | --+ ditaa +--> |       |
      |  Text  |   +-------+    |diagram|
      |Document|   |!magic!|    |       |
      |     {d}|   |       |    |       |
      +---+----+   +-------+    +-------+
          :                         ^
          |       Lots of work      |
    • 🎉 Updated mermaid to version 10.4.0, and supported rendering zenuml chart using mermaid.

    • 🎉 Updated vega to the latest version 5.25.0.

    • 🎉 Updated vega-lite to the latest version 5.14.1.

    • 🎉 Updated cheerio to the latest version 1.0.0-rc.12.

    • 🎉 Updated prismjs to the latest version 0.12.9.

    • 🎉 Updated viz.js to the latest version 3.1.0.