A project in which an economic bot was developed specifically for your discord server. It contains various functions for building an economy on your server.
- [Python] (https://www.python.org): a simple syntactic programming language;
- [SQLite] (https://sqlite.org/index.html): SQLite is a software library that provides a relational database management system. It is a serverless, self-contained SQL database engine with zero configuration and transactions. SQLite is widely used in various applications due to its compact size, low maintenance costs and ease of use;
- [Discord Developer Portal] (https://discord.com/developers/applications): website for registering your application;
- [Discord.py ] (https://discord py.readthedocs.io/en/latest): library for integration with discord;
- To have Python version 3.11.3 installed (during development we started with version 3.11.3, so we cannot guarantee that earlier versions will work);
- Сreate a bot and take a token, along with the client's ID (https://discord.com/developers/applications)
- Clone repository
$ git clone https://github.com/akiroqw/DiscordBot.git
- Open a project in VS Code
- Open the terminal and install the necessary libraries using:
pip install -r requirements.txt
- Create a new file .env in the src folder where the token, client id will be located
TOKEN = "" Bot Token
NAME = "" Bot Name
ID = "" Client ID(App)
PREFIX = "!" Prefix (To call the command)
- or we can change the config file and enter this data here:
setting = {
'TOKEN' : "",
'NAME BOT' : "",
'ID' : "",
'PREFIX' : ""
The bot system is implemented using 2 types, experience and levels, experience is accrued weekly, or for chatting. The bot also has a system of economy, shop, jackets, salaries and profiles
bot.bot_ready_event() // Event triggered when the bot starts.
bot.member_join_event() // Event triggered when a new user joins the server.
bot.commands_error_event() // Event triggered when an error occurs in a command.
bot.on_message_event() // Event triggered when a message is received on the server.
To specify which roles will be served when using the bot.collect_event(collecting_roles, 0, 0):
method, you need to specify the name of the role here, and the amount how much users will receive from this role.
collecting_roles = {"Administrator" : 250000,
"Moderator" : 12323,
"G. Administrator": 123
To specify which words will be output when displaying the work message when we use the command not.work_event(70000, 100000, text_work, 0, 0):
, we need to replace the following elements:
text_work = {1: 'None', //1st option, other...
2: 'None2',
3: 'None3'}
Description of the methods themselves:
bot.collect_event(collecting_roles, 0, 0):
- 1 argument takes the mapping, 2 and 3 are the time interval
not.work_event(70000, 100000, text_work, 0, 0):
- 1 and 2 arguments take int values, this is the range of random salary for work. 3 argument accepts mappings for phrases, 4-5 time range
connection = sqlite3.connect('src\data\server.db') //path to the uploaded database file
cursor = connection.cursor()
A command is an instruction given to the bot to perform a certain function or action. The prefix for a command in this bot is '{setting['PREFIX']}'.
client = commands.Bot(command_prefix = setting['PREFIX'], intents = discord.Intents.all())
To use a command, enter a prefix followed by the name of the command. For example, to use the "info" command, type "{setup['PREFIX']}info" in the chat. However, it is also possible to create custom commands. To add a custom command, define the function that performs the desired action and use the decorator '@client.command()' over it. For example, to create a command that sends a welcome message, you can define a function as follows:
async def greet(ctx):
await ctx.send('Hello there!')
You can expand the functionality of the bot, add or remove new functions. But, you need to be careful. Some functions depend on others:)
Overall, an economic bot is a great way to add an extra level of engagement to your server. This is a fun way for participants to interact with each other and fosters a sense of community. If you are looking for a way to increase the engagement of your Discord server, then the Akira economic bot is definitely worth considering!!!