Great see that you are interested in contributing to 'damast'.
To make the process as smooth as possible for all involed parties, you will find some instructions below. In case there is some information missing, or you feel lost, do not hesitate to ask or open an issue on this project.
Follow the installation and setup instructions in the
In order to ensure correct format and linting, the repository uses a pre-commit hook. The 'pre-commit' package is installed as part of the 'dev' dependencies and the configuration of the package sits in .pre-commit-config.yaml. For supported hooks visit
To enable the pre-commit hooks execute the following command once:
pre-commit install
Afterwards run the following commands to find issue an fix them:
pre-commit run --all-files
Alternatively run:
tox -e validate
In general please adhere to the existing code style and folder structuring.
Have a look at the existing module structure and consider where to put your additions to the project. Are they domain specific, are there general changes? Will your change affect existing code.
In all cases add testcases under 'tests' in a module specific subfolder. This project uses 'pytest'. To get familiar with pytest (pytest --help or visit For a quick start, you can run:
to run all tests.
pytest tests/damast/core/ -k test_change -s
to run a particular test case (-k) and redirecting the output to stdout (-s).
Please fork the repository and push your code change into a branch. Then create a new merge request from this branch.
Generally, read through the documentation first to understand the main ideas and some underlying assumptions of this project. If you intend to change some of the behavior, please try to validate by reading the documentation or opening an issue whether there are reasons for a particular setup. Some change might have minor or major and sometimes unforeseen side-effects. So make sure, that in all cases you describe your intentions and arguments of a change in the merge request.
Otherwise, please ensure that:
- your fork and changes are based on damast's latest state of the 'main' branch.
pytest tests
runs without any errorstox -e lint
runs without any errors
Again, if you require help with any of the above. Please contact the developers.