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File metadata and controls

217 lines (159 loc) · 6.43 KB

Kadi events maintenance

See #34 for canonical example of file updates.

See also (how-to-add-a-new-field-to-a-model-with-new-django-migrations)

Copy the current flight events into the local dir and set up kadi to use it:

cd ~/git/kadi

export KADI=$PWD
cp $SKA/kadi/events3.db3 ./

If necessary switch to master or the latest flight release that DOES NOT HAVE the new model. We need this for the migrations step to get django to set up the events3.db3 database file properly.

Updating existing event

To update the format of an existing event type, drop table(s):

sqlite3 events3.db3
.tables  # to get table names
drop table events_<model_class_name> ;
# Note possibility of coupled tables like (manvr, manvrseq),
# (orbit, orbitpoint), (darkcal, darkcalreplica).  In these cases
# drop both.
select * from events_update;
delete from events_update where name='Manvr'  # for example
delete from events_update where name='ManvrSeq'  # if needed

Remake initial migrations

Remove any existing migrations and remake from the CURRENT RELEASE version of code.

git checkout <current_release>
rm -rf kadi/events/migrations
./ makemigrations events
./ migrate --fake events

Switch to a new branch and edit or add new model in kadi/events/

Updating existing event

For an existing event you need to remove the migration that says to create the model. Otherwise Django wants to update the table in place instead of creating it fresh. For kadi events it is just easier to delete the old one and create a new table.

Now edit kadi/events/migrations/ to remove the model class definition for the model being updated. Look for something like below and delete it:


Make a new migration

With the new or updated model class definition, apply the migration process. This should indicate adding the new/updated event type:

git switch <new_branch>
./ makemigrations events
./ migrate events

Now add the new event data to the database:

export ModelClassName=<model_class_name>
python -m kadi.scripts.update_events --start=1999:200 --stop=2001:001 --model=${ModelClassName}

Update early events first and look for warnings. Also confirm that the first event matches what is in the current database unless a change is intended. Some events may need a later start data to be fully sampled. Manvr, for example, should use a start of "1999:251" (1999:230 + 21 days lookback). Probably not needed for events that rely on only one event MSID.

Now populate the rest of the table events:

python -m kadi.scripts.update_events --start=2001:001 --model=${ModelClassName}
>>> from kadi import events
>>> evts = events.<model_class_name>.filter()
>>> evts
cd docs
>>> import

>>> run make_field_tables

>>> update_models_docstrings(outfile='')
>>> exit()

diff ../kadi/events/
mv ../kadi/events/

>>> run make_field_tables

# Update event_descriptions.rst in place
>>> make_event_descriptions_section('event_descriptions.rst')
>>> make_events_tables()

Copy the three tables there to the appropriate sections in index.rst and kadi/events/

Use the current flight kadi code and the test database and check that kadi tests pass. This should still be from the docs directory with KADI set to the local dir.

>>> import kadi
>>> from kadi import paths
>>> kadi.__version__  # Flight
>>> paths.EVENTS_DB_PATH()  # Local
>>> kadi.test('-v', '-k', 'test_events')

The new local database events3.db3 should be generated within two weeks of the expected release (the minimum model lookback is 21 days).

  • Copy local database to /proj/sot/ska/data/kadi/rc/events3.db3 as aca on HEAD.
  • Add a note put into the release PR that this file needs to be moved to /proj/sot/ska/data/kadi/events3.db3 post-install of the new release.

If the kadi events.db3 database gets corrupted (e.g. problems related to the 2017:020 clock correlation issue), then simply reprocess as follows:

cd ~/git/kadi
# Possibly check out current flight release if needed, else master

cp $SKA/data/kadi/events.db3 ./

# Update from 2017:017 (for example) to present
python -m kadi.update_events --start=2017:017 --delete-from-start

cp events.db3 /proj/sot/ska/data/kadi/
cd ~/git/kadi
export KADI=$PWD
rm -f events3.db3
rm -rf kadi/events/migrations
./ makemigrations events
./ migrate

# First line is just to see that every model works.  One can just drop the
# --stop=2000:001 if you are sure it will work.
# Note: use kadi_update_events for the installed version.
python -m kadi.scripts.update_events --start=1999:001 --stop=2000:001
python -m kadi.scripts.update_events --start=2000:001

Search slack 'momentum "dump" on DOY 2020:145 that is an artifact':

cd $SKA/data/kadi  # As needed
sqlite3 events3.db3
sqlite> delete from events_dump where start='2020:145:14:17:22.641';
cd ~/git/kadi
export KADI=$PWD
cp /proj/sot/ska/data/kadi/events.db3 ./
python -m kadi.scripts.update_events --start=1999:001 --model=CAP --delete-from-start