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Spectacles Utils (moved)

Various utilities for interacting with Discord and using Spectacles.


encode and decode convenience functions for JSON de/serializing arbitrary data.


A Permissions class with methods for dealing with Discord permissions.

  • static FLAGS: each individual Discord permission flag.
  • static ALL: every permission flag OR'd together
  • static NONE: 0
  • constructor(bitfield: number = Permissions.NONE)
  • add(perms: number): this: adds a bitfield to the permissions
  • remove(perms: number): this: removes permissions
  • has(perms: number): this: checks if permissions exist
  • apply(data: { guild: AvailableGuild, channel?: Channel, member?: GuildMember }): this: applies guild and optionally channel and member permissions to the bitfield. After this method, the bitfield will represent the final permissions for the given guild & channel and/or member with appropriate overrides. Operates in accordance with Discord recommendations.
  • readonly isAdmin: boolean: whether this bitfield contains the administrator flag
  • clone(): Permissions: create a new permissions instance from this bitfield
  • valueOf(): number: the bitfield
  • toJSON(): string[]: an array of readable strings representing the permissions in this bitfield


A Snowflake class with methods for creating/inspecting Discord snowflakes. Requires BigInt support.

  • static EPOCH: number: the epoch to use for snowflakes (defaults to Discord's)
  • constructor(bin: bigint | string = 0n)
  • createdAt: Date: get/set when the snowflake was created
  • workerID: number: get/set the worker ID
  • processID: number: get/set the process ID
  • increment: number: get/set the increment
  • valueOf(): bigint: the raw snowflake


Utility methods for Spectacles.






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