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Accelerated table data quality with constraint enforcement

This recipe demonstrates how to use Spice to enforce constraints on locally accelerated data. This can be especially useful when you have a refresh_mode: append accelerated dataset and the data can be updated in the datasource.

By specifying a time_column on the dataset with refresh_mode: append on the acceleration, Spice will automatically pull in all changes from the datasource that have occurred after the max timestamp in the accelerated dataset. This can present a problem if the datasource updates the data and it appears as a new row in the accelerated dataset, when it should have updated an existing row.

This sample will have a local Postgres database with a table users and a Spice runtime that accelerates the data from the users table. A Spicepod will enforce a constraint that the email column must be unique. The Spicepod will also specify a time_column of updated_at to ensure that the Spice runtime only pulls in changes from the datasource that have occurred after the max updated_at timestamp in the accelerated dataset. A worker service will update the users table in the Postgres database with changes to the users table every 5 seconds. This will cause the Spice runtime to pull in the changes and enforce the constraint.

Once you've verified that the constraints are being enforced, try modifying the Spicepod to remove the on_conflict clause and observe the behavior. An error should now be given by DuckDB that the constraint is being violated and the data update is rejected.

Another thing to try is to remove the primary_key constraint from the Spicepod and observe the behavior. Instead of the rows being updated in place, new rows will be added every time Spice refreshes the data.


This recipe requires Docker and Docker Compose to be installed.

How to run

Clone this cookbook repo locally:

git clone
cd cookbook/acceleration/constraints

Start the Docker Compose stack:


Then observe the logs of the Spice runtime and the worker service.

docker logs -f spiceai-constraint-demo

docker logs -f spiceai-constraint-demo-worker


In addition to viewing the logs, run queries using the Spice SQL REPL to explore the data and ensure the constraints are being kept.

docker exec -it spiceai-constraint-demo spiced --repl

Welcome to the interactive SQL Query Utility! Type 'help' for help.

show tables; -- list available tables
sql> show tables;
| table_catalog | table_schema | table_name   | table_type |
| spice         | public       | users        | BASE TABLE |
| spice         | runtime      | task_history | BASE TABLE |

Time: 0.031901631 seconds. 2 rows.
sql> select email, username, items_bought, last_login from users;
| email                   | username | items_bought | last_login          |
|        | alice    | 0            | 2023-11-21T19:23:34 |
|    | bob      | 0            | 2024-06-17T12:20:19 |
| | clint    | 0            | 2024-04-13T08:12:46 |
|   | dobbie   | 0            | 2024-03-04T03:13:04 |
|   | eddie    | 0            | 2024-02-29T23:59:59 |

Time: 0.045052253 seconds. 5 rows.

Clean up

To stop and remove the Docker containers/volumes that were created, run:

make clean