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207 lines (165 loc) · 9.66 KB

File metadata and controls

207 lines (165 loc) · 9.66 KB

Running in Kubernetes

Step 1. (Optional) Start a local kind cluster:

go install
kind create cluster

See kind installation for other installation options.

Step 2. Install Spice in your Kubernetes cluster using Helm:

helm repo add spiceai
helm install spiceai-dev spiceai/spiceai


NAME: spiceai-dev
LAST DEPLOYED: Thu Feb  6 16:18:14 2025
NAMESPACE: default
STATUS: deployed

Step 3. Verify that the Spice pods are running:

kubectl get pods


NAME                       READY   STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
spiceai-dev-5dbb7b77bb-9p8p6   1/1     Running   0          22s
kubectl logs spiceai-dev-5dbb7b77bb-9p8p6
# or just
kubectl logs deploy/spiceai-dev


2024-11-27T21:55:48.116059Z  INFO runtime::metrics_server: Spice Runtime Metrics listening on
2024-11-27T21:55:48.116119Z  INFO runtime::flight: Spice Runtime Flight listening on
2024-11-27T21:55:48.116053Z  INFO runtime::opentelemetry: Spice Runtime OpenTelemetry listening on
2024-11-27T21:55:48.116548Z  INFO runtime::http: Spice Runtime HTTP listening on
2024-11-27T21:55:48.116578Z  INFO runtime: Initialized results cache; max size: 128.00 MiB, item ttl: 1s

Step 4. Run the Spice SQL REPL inside the running pod:

kubectl exec -it deploy/spiceai-dev -- spiced --repl

Step 5. Run these queries in the Spice SQL REPL:

show tables;
| table_catalog | table_schema | table_name    | table_type |
| spice         | runtime      | metrics       | BASE TABLE |
| spice         | runtime      | task_history  | BASE TABLE |

Step 6. Create a values.yaml file to configure the Spice deployment. See Spice Helm Values for more deails.

cat <<EOF > values.yaml
  name: app
  version: v1
  kind: Spicepod

    - from: s3://spiceai-demo-datasets/taxi_trips/2024/
      name: taxi_trips_customized
      description: Demo taxi trips in s3
        file_format: parquet
        enabled: true

Step 7. Update the Spice deployment with the new configuration:

helm upgrade spiceai-dev spiceai/spiceai -f values.yaml


Release "spiceai-dev" has been upgraded. Happy Helming!
NAME: spiceai-dev
LAST DEPLOYED: Thu Feb  6 16:23:20 2025
NAMESPACE: default
STATUS: deployed

Step 8. Rerun the Spice SQL REPL

kubectl exec -it deploy/spiceai-dev -- spiced --repl

Step 9. Run these queries in the Spice SQL REPL:

show tables;
| table_catalog | table_schema | table_name            | table_type |
| spice         | public       | taxi_trips_customized | BASE TABLE |
| spice         | runtime      | task_history          | BASE TABLE |
| spice         | runtime      | metrics               | BASE TABLE |
describe taxi_trips_customized;
| column_name           | data_type                    | is_nullable |
| VendorID              | Int32                        | YES         |
| tpep_pickup_datetime  | Timestamp(Microsecond, None) | YES         |
| tpep_dropoff_datetime | Timestamp(Microsecond, None) | YES         |
| passenger_count       | Int64                        | YES         |
| trip_distance         | Float64                      | YES         |
| RatecodeID            | Int64                        | YES         |
| store_and_fwd_flag    | Utf8                         | YES         |
| PULocationID          | Int32                        | YES         |
| DOLocationID          | Int32                        | YES         |
| payment_type          | Int64                        | YES         |
| fare_amount           | Float64                      | YES         |
| extra                 | Float64                      | YES         |
| mta_tax               | Float64                      | YES         |
| tip_amount            | Float64                      | YES         |
| tolls_amount          | Float64                      | YES         |
| improvement_surcharge | Float64                      | YES         |
| total_amount          | Float64                      | YES         |
| congestion_surcharge  | Float64                      | YES         |
| Airport_fee           | Float64                      | YES         |

Time: 0.006071083 seconds. 19 rows.
select * from taxi_trips_customized limit 10;
| VendorID | tpep_pickup_datetime | tpep_dropoff_datetime | passenger_count | trip_distance | RatecodeID | store_and_fwd_flag | PULocationID | DOLocationID | payment_type | fare_amount | extra | mta_tax | tip_amount | tolls_amount | improvement_surcharge | total_amount | congestion_surcharge | Airport_fee |
| 1        | 2024-01-24T20:40:32  | 2024-01-24T20:53:05   |                 | 2.3           |            |                    | 236          | 230          | 0            | 14.9        | 1.0   | 0.5     | 3.98       | 0.0          | 1.0                   | 23.88        |                      |             |
| 2        | 2024-01-24T20:35:35  | 2024-01-24T20:55:24   |                 | 2.37          |            |                    | 162          | 68           | 0            | 16.88       | 0.0   | 0.5     | 0.0        | 0.0          | 1.0                   | 20.88        |                      |             |
| 1        | 2024-01-24T20:28:26  | 2024-01-24T20:40:36   |                 | 0.0           |            |                    | 229          | 186          | 0            | 13.8        | 0.0   | 0.5     | 0.0        | 0.0          | 1.0                   | 17.8         |                      |             |
| 1        | 2024-01-24T20:10:04  | 2024-01-24T20:21:48   |                 | 0.0           |            |                    | 161          | 141          | 0            | 10.04       | 0.0   | 0.5     | 0.0        | 0.0          | 1.0                   | 14.04        |                      |             |
| 2        | 2024-01-24T20:11:41  | 2024-01-24T20:20:52   |                 | 1.25          |            |                    | 162          | 186          | 0            | 13.69       | 0.0   | 0.5     | 0.0        | 0.0          | 1.0                   | 17.69        |                      |             |
| 2        | 2024-01-24T20:03:00  | 2024-01-24T20:32:00   |                 | 9.95          |            |                    | 263          | 97           | 0            | 44.8        | 0.0   | 0.5     | 4.88       | 0.0          | 1.0                   | 53.68        |                      |             |
| 1        | 2024-01-24T20:22:08  | 2024-01-24T20:25:22   |                 | 0.4           |            |                    | 239          | 142          | 0            | 5.1         | 1.0   | 0.5     | 1.01       | 0.0          | 1.0                   | 11.11        |                      |             |
| 2        | 2024-01-24T20:36:08  | 2024-01-24T20:49:33   |                 | 2.51          |            |                    | 161          | 262          | 0            | 13.9        | 0.0   | 0.5     | 0.0        | 0.0          | 1.0                   | 17.9         |                      |             |
| 2        | 2024-01-24T20:06:35  | 2024-01-24T20:21:08   |                 | 3.94          |            |                    | 236          | 137          | 0            | 19.08       | 0.0   | 0.5     | 0.0        | 0.0          | 1.0                   | 23.08        |                      |             |
| 2        | 2024-01-24T20:24:33  | 2024-01-24T20:42:50   |                 | 2.88          |            |                    | 231          | 107          | 0            | 16.92       | 0.0   | 0.5     | 0.0        | 0.0          | 1.0                   | 20.92        |                      |             |

Time: 0.01968175 seconds. 10 rows.

Clean up

Uninstall the Spice Helm chart:

helm uninstall spiceai

Delete the Kind cluster:

kind delete cluster