🎉 Thanks for your interest in contributing to this project. In this document we outline a few guidelines to ease the way your contributions flow into this project.
Please see CONTRIBUTING and GOVERNANCE from the SPIFFE project.
In addition to those guidelines we also have a couple guidelines specifically tailored to make your contributions as smooth as possible to contribute Helm charts.
- Helm 3 or higher (https://helm.sh/docs/intro/install/)
Ensure you have clear and concise commits, written in the present tense. See Kubernetes commit message guidelines for a more detailed explanation of our approach.
+ git commit -m "Bump spire appVersion 1.4.4"
- git commit -m "Bumped spire appVersion 1.4.4"
Stick with one feature/chart per branch. This allows us to make small controlled releases of the charts without blocking other chart releases in case of issues releasing a chart.
Ensure your branch is rebased on top of main before issuing your PR. This to keep a clean Git history and to ensure your changes are working with the latest main branch changes.
git checkout main
git pull
git checkout «your-branch»
git rebase main
Our CI pipeline takes care of the majority of the testing of this Chart. Other ways for you to test are by running make test
locally using:
Ensure to run the test on a dedicated k8s cluster that does not have Spire installed yet.
make test
Another approach to testing the chart is by installing one of the examples in your own cluster to verify your contributed changes work before issueing your PR.
Any changes to Chart.yaml or values.yaml require an update of the README.md. This update can easily be generated using readme-generator.
In contrary to many other Helm repositories we do NOT require contributors to increate the Chart version. We have customized our release pipeline so we can bundle various PRs in a single release. Maintainers of the helm-charts in this repo will take care of the semantic versioning.
We have a usable devcontainer with all the dev tools preinstalled to make contributions easier. You should be able to use it via Codespaces (https://github.com/codespaces/), Visual Studio Code (https://code.visualstudio.com/), DevPod (https://devpod.sh), etc. Please consult the documentation for those tools for how to use them.