Interested in contributing to Spinnaker? Please review the contribution documentation.
Clone the repository to a directory outside of your GOPATH:
$ git clone
Afterward, use go build
to build the program. This will automatically fetch dependencies.
$ go build
Upon first build, you may see output while the go
tool fetches dependencies.
To verify dependencies match checksums under go.sum, run go mod verify
To clean up any old, unused go.mod or go.sum lines, run go mod tidy
Run using
./spin <cmds> <flags>
Test using
go test -v ./...
from the root spin/
Spin CLI uses Swagger to generate the API client library for Gate. To update the client library:
- From the root of the Gate directory, execute
to create theswagger.json
API spec. - Get the Swagger Codegen CLI. Use the version specified here.
- Remove the existing generated code from the spin directory
rm -r ~/spin/gateapi
- Use the Swagger Codegen CLI to generate the new library and drop it into the spin project
java -jar ~/swagger-codegen-cli.jar generate -i ~/gate/swagger/swagger.json -l go -o ~/spin/gateapi
- Commit the changes and open a PR.