Basic test to complete a payment on a small network of nodes.
Complete basic payment load generation on an asymmetric network topology.
Complete basic payment and Soroban load generation on a network with in-memory watcher nodes.
Complete extended payment load generation (sustained tx rate) on a small network of nodes.
Complete extended payment load generation (sustained tx rate with periodic spikes) on a small network of nodes.
Complete extended payment load generation while triggering surge pricing on a small network of nodes.
Complete extended payment load generation while triggering surge pricing with mixed version images on a small network of nodes. Tests both old image majority and new image majority.
Test catchup to generated ledger state for each protocol version.
Perform minimum catchup to Public Network. Runs core catchup current/0
command under the hood.
Perform recent catchup to Public Network. Runs core catchup current/1001
command under the hood.
Perform full catchup to Public Network. Runs core catchup current/max
command under the hood.
Perform full catchup to Public Network, but in parallel to improve performance. Runs batches of recent catchup commands under the hood.
Perform full parallel catchup to Public Network, but with increased parallelism.
Perform full catchup to Public Network in parallel, leverging Kubernetes for improved performance and robustness.
Perform recent catchup to a fixed ledger and time bucket application and ledger replay portions of catchup.
Perform minimum catchup to Test Network. Runs core catchup current/0
command under the hood.
Perform recent catchup to Test Network. Runs core catchup current/1001
command under the hood.
Perform full catchup to Test Network. Runs core catchup current/max
command under the hood.
Perform full catchup to Test Network, but in parallel to improve performance. Runs batches of recent catchup commands under the hood.
Perform recent catchup to a fixed ledger and time bucket application and ledger replay portions of catchup.
Complete basic payments load generation on a network with mixed version images, old and new images are started with an existing ledger state (as opposed to starting from genesis).
Complete catchup on new image to state generated by old image.
Complete catchup on old image to state generated by new image.
Test protocol upgrade on a fork of Test Network.
Test protocol upgrade on a fork of Public Network.
Test protocol upgrade on a small network of nodes with load generation to produce non-empty ledgers at upgrade time.
Upgrade core image with the existing state, perform any migrations.
Run stellar-core acceptance tests that take a long time.
Simulate Public Network topology and throughput based on user-supplied distributions derived from network stats.
Simulate Public Network topology and throughput based on user-supplied distributions derived from network stats under load with a mix of classic and soroban traffic.
Stress test a network of simulated Tier1 topology with classic traffic and report maximum achieved throughput.
Test heavy Soroban load on a large network of nodes. This mission mostly focuses on high-bandwidth traffic, and its impact on SCP and overlay. Apply time is simulated to avoid noise from database backends.
Test various upgrade scenarios for Soroban network configs (maximum transaction size, maximum transaction count, etc).
Test resource-intensive InvokeHostFunction operations on a small network of nodes.
Test catchup to ledger state that spans multiple protocols supporting Soroban.
Run a network survey with mixed version images on a small network of nodes.
Run a network with a mix of fast and slow nodes. This mission allows to test interesting flooding and load shedding scenarios when some nodes are lagging behind.
Stress test a network of simulated Tier1 topology with a mix of classic and soroban traffic and report maximum achieved throughput.