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Node.js module that generates bitmap fonts (xml + png) from a Phaser 3 TextStyle json object


npm install -D @rtpa/phaser-bitmapfont-generator


yarn add @rtpa/phaser-bitmapfont-generator --dev 

generate an xml bitmap font from a Phaser3 TextStyle object

You can find the details of the Phaser TextStyle configuration object in the documentation:


The following basic example generates a bitmapfont (Arial20.xml and Arial20.png) from the default settings

const generator = require('@rtpa/phaser-bitmapfont-generator');

(async ()=>{

    //generate textures
    await generator.TextStyle2BitmapFont();

    //exit node
    return process.exit(1);


You are probably interested in generating a more exciting bitmap font. Here is an example with a nicer fontFamily and a border:

const generator = require('@rtpa/phaser-bitmapfont-generator');

(async () => {

    //generate textures
    await generator.TextStyle2BitmapFont(
            path: './mydir',
            fileName: 'myBitmapfont',
            textSet: 'abcde12345=x+',
            textStyle: {
                fontFamily: 'Impact',
                fontSize: '50px',
                color: '#ffffff',
                shadow: {
                    offsetX: 1,
                    offsetY: 1,
                    blur: 0,
                    fill: true,
                    stroke: true,
                    color: '#000000'

    //exit node
    return process.exit(1);



the TextStyle2BitmapFont function accepts a configuration object that has the following properties:

Property Type Description Default value
path string the file path that is used to write the .xml and .png files to './'
fileName string The file name of the .xml and .png file. <fontFamily> + <fontSize>
margin number Number of pixels that the chars will be separated in the .png file 2
textSet string A string that contains all characters that will be included in the bitmap font Phaser.GameObjects.RetroFont.TEXT_SET1
textStyle TextStyle object A valid Phaser 3 TextStyle configuration Object {fontFamily: 'Arial', fontSize: '20px'}
compression imagemin-pngquant options object (or NULL to disable compression) A valid imagemin-pngquant configuration Object {quality: [ .3, .5 ]}
antialias boolean This options is useful for generating bitmap fonts intended for pixel art games. When antialias is set to false, the semi-transparant border around the text characters is removed. (It converts all partial transparant bits to either fully transparant of otherwise a fully coloured bit). true
maxNumberOfColors number (or NULL to disable) maximum number of colors that is allowed in the final bitmap font .png file. This option is useful combined with the antialias=false option to generate multi-color bitmap fonts intended for pixel art games. PLEASE BE PATIENT! This option is a bit more time consuming. null (min: 2, max: 128)