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MiniRust Abstract Machine

This defines the state that makes up the MiniRust Abstract Machine: which components together make up the state of a MiniRust program during its execution? This key data structure says a lot about how the Abstract Machine is structured.

The "reduction relation" aka operational semantics is defined by the step function below, which is defined in terms of many evaluation functions for our various syntactic categories.

/// This type contains everything that needs to be tracked during the execution
/// of a MiniRust program.
pub struct Machine<M: Memory> {
    /// The program we are executing.
    prog: Program,

    /// The contents of memory.
    mem: ConcurrentMemory<M>,

    /// The state of the integer-pointer cast subsystem.
    intptrcast: IntPtrCast<M::Provenance>,

    /// The threads (in particular, their stacks).
    threads: List<Thread<M>>,

    /// The currently / most recently active thread.
    active_thread: ThreadId,

    /// A set of threads that have been synchronized.
    /// A thread being added here in a given step means that if the very next step is
    /// by that thread, we do *not* do data race detection: there was synchronization
    /// between these two steps, so any potential accesses are not racing.
    synchronized_threads: Set<ThreadId>,

    /// The Locks
    locks: List<LockState>,

    /// Stores a pointer to each of the global allocations, which are all `Sized`.
    global_ptrs: Map<GlobalName, ThinPointer<M::Provenance>>,

    /// Stores a pointer for each function name.
    fn_ptrs: Map<FnName, ThinPointer<M::Provenance>>,

    /// Stores a pointer for each vtable.
    vtable_ptrs: Map<VTableName, ThinPointer<M::Provenance>>,

    /// This is where the `PrintStdout` intrinsic writes to.
    stdout: DynWrite,
    /// This is where the `PrintStderr` intrinsic writes to.
    stderr: DynWrite,

/// The data that makes up a stack frame.
struct StackFrame<M: Memory> {
    /// The function this stack frame belongs to.
    func: Function,

    /// For each live local, the location in memory where its value is stored.
    locals: Map<LocalName, ThinPointer<M::Provenance>>,

    /// Expresses what happens after the callee (this function) returns.
    return_action: ReturnAction<M>,

    /// `next_block` and `next_stmt` describe the next statement/terminator to execute (the "program counter").
    /// `next_block` identifies the basic block,
    next_block: BbName,

    /// If `next_stmt` is equal to the number of statements in this block (an
    /// out-of-bounds index in the statement list), it refers to the terminator.
    next_stmt: Int,

    /// The memory model is given the ability to track some extra per-frame data.
    extra: M::FrameExtra,

enum ReturnAction<M: Memory> {
    /// This is the bottom of the stack, there is nothing left to do in this thread.
    /// Return to the caller.
    ReturnToCaller {
        /// The basic block to jump to when the callee returns.
        /// If `None`, UB will be raised when the callee returns.
        next_block: Option<BbName>,
        /// The location where the caller wants to see the return value.
        /// The caller type already been checked to be suitably compatible with the callee return type.
        ret_val_ptr: ThinPointer<M::Provenance>,

This defines the internal representation of a thread of execution.

pub struct Thread<M: Memory> {
    /// The stack. This is only the "control" part of the stack; the "data" part
    /// lives in memory (and stack and memory are completely disjoint concepts
    /// in the Abstract Machine).
    stack: List<StackFrame<M>>,

    /// Stores whether the thread is ready to run, blocked, or terminated.
    state: ThreadState,

pub enum ThreadState {
    /// The thread is enabled and can get executed.
    /// The thread is trying to join another thread and is blocked until that thread finishes.
    /// The thread is waiting to acquire a lock.
    /// The thread has terminated.

Next, we define the core operations of every (state) machine: the initial state, and the transition function. The transition function simply dispatches to evaluating the next statement/terminator.

impl<M: Memory> Machine<M> {
    pub fn new(prog: Program, stdout: DynWrite, stderr: DynWrite) -> NdResult<Machine<M>> {

        let mut mem = ConcurrentMemory::<M>::new();
        let mut global_ptrs = Map::new();
        let mut fn_ptrs = Map::new();
        let mut vtable_ptrs = Map::new();

        // Allocate every global.
        for (global_name, global) in prog.globals {
            let size = Size::from_bytes(global.bytes.len()).unwrap();
            let alloc = mem.allocate(AllocationKind::Global, size, global.align)?;
            global_ptrs.insert(global_name, alloc);

        // Fill the allocations.
        for (global_name, global) in prog.globals {
            let mut bytes =|b|
                match b {
                    Some(x) => AbstractByte::Init(x, None),
                    None => AbstractByte::Uninit
            for (i, relocation) in global.relocations {
                let ptr = global_ptrs[].wrapping_offset::<M::T>(relocation.offset.bytes());
                let encoded_ptr = encode_ptr::<M>(ptr);
                bytes.write_subslice_at_index(i.bytes(), encoded_ptr);
            // This cannot fail, we just allocated that memory above.
  [global_name], bytes, global.align, Atomicity::None).unwrap();

        // Allocate functions.
        for (fn_name, _function) in prog.functions {
            let alloc = mem.allocate(AllocationKind::Function, Size::ZERO, Align::ONE)?;
            fn_ptrs.insert(fn_name, alloc);

        // Allocate vtables.
        for (vtable_name, _vtable) in prog.vtables {
            let alloc = mem.allocate(AllocationKind::VTable, Size::ZERO, Align::ONE)?;
            vtable_ptrs.insert(vtable_name, alloc);

        // Create machine, without a thread yet.
        let mut machine = Machine {
            intptrcast: IntPtrCast::new(),
            threads: list![],
            locks: List::new(),
            active_thread: ThreadId::ZERO,
            synchronized_threads: Set::new(),

        // Create initial thread.
        let start_fn = prog.functions[prog.start];
        machine.new_thread(start_fn, list![])?;


    /// To run a MiniRust program, call this in a loop until it throws an `Err` (UB or termination).
    pub fn step(&mut self) -> NdResult {
        if !self.threads.any( |thread| thread.state == ThreadState::Enabled ) {

        // Reset the data race tracking *before* we change `active_thread`.
        let prev_step_information = self.reset_data_race_tracking();

        // Update current thread.
        let distr = libspecr::IntDistribution {
            start: Int::ZERO,
            end: Int::from(self.threads.len()),
            divisor: Int::ONE,
        self.active_thread = pick(distr, |id: ThreadId| {
            let Some(thread) = self.threads.get(id) else {
                return false;

            thread.state == ThreadState::Enabled

        // Execute this step.
        let frame = self.cur_frame();
        let block = &frame.func.blocks[frame.next_block];
        if frame.next_stmt == block.statements.len() {
            // It is the terminator. Evaluating it will update `frame.next_block` and `frame.next_stmt`.
        } else {
            // Bump up PC, evaluate this statement.
            let stmt = block.statements[frame.next_stmt];
            self.try_mutate_cur_frame(|frame, _mem| {
                frame.next_stmt += 1;

        // Check for data races with the previous step.
        self.mem.check_data_races(self.active_thread, prev_step_information)?;


We also define some general helper functions for working with threads and stack frames.

impl<M: Memory> Machine<M> {
    fn active_thread(&self) -> Thread<M> {

    fn cur_frame(&self) -> StackFrame<M> {

    fn mutate_cur_frame<O>(&mut self, f: impl FnOnce(&mut StackFrame<M>, &mut ConcurrentMemory<M>) -> O) -> O {
        self.threads.mutate_at(self.active_thread, |thread| thread.mutate_cur_frame(|frame| f(frame, &mut self.mem)))

    fn try_mutate_cur_frame<O>(&mut self, f: impl FnOnce(&mut StackFrame<M>, &mut ConcurrentMemory<M>) -> NdResult<O>) -> NdResult<O> {
        self.threads.try_mutate_at(self.active_thread, |thread| thread.try_mutate_cur_frame(|frame| f(frame, &mut self.mem)))

    fn mutate_cur_stack<O>(&mut self, f: impl FnOnce(&mut List<StackFrame<M>>) -> O) -> O {
        self.threads.mutate_at(self.active_thread, |thread| f(&mut thread.stack))

impl<M: Memory> Thread<M> {
    fn cur_frame(&self) -> StackFrame<M> {

    fn mutate_cur_frame<O>(&mut self, f: impl FnOnce(&mut StackFrame<M>) -> O) -> O {
        if self.stack.is_empty() {
            panic!("`mutate_cur_frame` called on empty stack!");

        let last_idx = self.stack.len() - 1;
        self.stack.mutate_at(last_idx, f)

    fn try_mutate_cur_frame<O>(&mut self, f: impl FnOnce(&mut StackFrame<M>) -> NdResult<O>) -> NdResult<O> {
        if self.stack.is_empty() {
            panic!("`try_mutate_cur_frame` called on empty stack!");

        let last_idx = self.stack.len() - 1;
        self.stack.try_mutate_at(last_idx, f)

impl<M: Memory> StackFrame<M> {
    /// jump to the beginning of the given block.
    fn jump_to_block(&mut self, b: BbName) {
        self.next_block = b;
        self.next_stmt = Int::ZERO;

Some higher-level helper functions that do not have a better location.

impl<M: Memory> Machine<M> {
    /// Create a new thread where the first frame calls the given function with the given arguments.
    fn new_thread(&mut self, func: Function, args: List<(Value<M>, Type)>) -> NdResult<ThreadId> {
        // The bottom of a stack must have a 1-ZST return type.
        // This way it cannot assume there is actually a return place to write anything to.
        let init_frame = self.create_frame(
        // Push the new thread, return the index.
        let thread = Thread {
            state: ThreadState::Enabled,
            stack: list![init_frame],
        let thread_id = ThreadId::from(self.threads.len());

    /// Look up a function given a pointer.
    fn fn_from_ptr(&self, ptr: ThinPointer<M::Provenance>) -> Result<Function> {
        let Some((func_name, _)) = self.fn_ptrs.iter().find(|(_, fn_ptr)| *fn_ptr == ptr) else {
            throw_ub!("invalid pointer for function lookup");

    /// Look up a vtable given a pointer.
    fn vtable_from_ptr(&self, ptr: ThinPointer<M::Provenance>) -> Result<VTable> {
        let Some((vtable_name, _)) = self.vtable_ptrs.iter().find(|(_, vtable_ptr)| *vtable_ptr == ptr) else {
            throw_ub!("invalid pointer for vtable lookup");

    /// Reset the data race tracking for the next step, and return the information from the previous step.
    /// The first component of the return value is the set of threads that were synchronized by the previous step,
    /// the second is the list of accesses in the previous step.
    fn reset_data_race_tracking(&mut self) -> (Set<ThreadId>, List<Access>) {
        // Remember threads synchronized by the previous step for data race detection
        // after this step.
        let mut prev_sync = self.synchronized_threads;
        // Every thread is always synchronized with itself.

        // Reset access tracking list.
        let prev_accesses = self.mem.reset_accesses();

        (prev_sync, prev_accesses)

    /// All vtable lookups must have well-defined pointers. If this panics it is a spec bug.
    fn vtable_lookup(&self) -> impl Fn(ThinPointer<M::Provenance>) -> VTable + 'static {
        // This copies the data to return a static closure, as it is used in mutate functions, which mutably borrow self.
        let ptrs = self.vtable_ptrs;
        let vtables = self.prog.vtables;
        move |ptr| {
            let (name, _) = ptrs.iter().find(|(_, vtable_ptr)| *vtable_ptr == ptr).unwrap();
            let vtable = vtables[name];

    /// Helper function to compute the size with the allocated vtables in `self`.
    fn compute_size(&self, layout: LayoutStrategy, meta: Option<PointerMeta<M::Provenance>>) -> Size {
        let (size, _) = layout.compute_size_and_align(meta, self.vtable_lookup());

    /// Helper function to compute the alignment with the allocated vtables in `self`.
    fn compute_align(&self, layout: LayoutStrategy, meta: Option<PointerMeta<M::Provenance>>) -> Align {
        let (_, align) = layout.compute_size_and_align(meta, self.vtable_lookup());